香港藝術節舉辦至今,已踏入第 44年。 For 44 years now, the Hong Kong Arts Festival has 這項盛事盡顯魅力,深深吸引本地以至 captivated audiences from Hong Kong and from all 來自世界各地的觀眾,有助提升香港作 over the world, boosting Hong Kong's stature as a major cultural and creative hub. 為重要文化及創意中心的地位。 This year's Festival will surely continue that 今年藝術節定必秉承這個優良傳統,再 inspiring tradition. The 2016 programme presents 次綻放異彩。在整整一個月裏,超過 more than 1400 local and international artists in 1400位本地和國際藝術家為觀眾呈獻逾 more than a hundred performances running a 百場表演,節目豐富,多姿多彩。在特區 brim-full month. Jointly supported by the HKSAR 政府、贊助商和各界善長協力支持下,今 Government, corporate sponsors and donors, the 年藝術節展現一個璀璨的藝術世界,娛樂 Festival showcases a wondrous world of creativity and entertainment, a welcome stage for local talent 與創意兼備,是本地藝術家、區內及國際 alongside illustrious regional and international stars. 藝壇精英同台獻藝的好機會。 There is also, I am pleased to note, an impressive 我亦欣悉,今年藝術節會繼續推出多項 range of outreach and extension activities. Thanks to 外展及延伸活動,包括「香港藝術節青 the Young Friends of the Hong Kong Arts Festival, a 少年之友」和「加料節目」。「香港藝 year-long initiative designed to enrich local secondary 術節青少年之友」是一項全年計劃,旨 and tertiary students' appreciation of the arts, and 在提高本地中學生和大專生對藝術的欣 the Festival PLUS programmes, which gives Festival 賞能力;「加料節目」則透過「藝人 audiences entrée to the world beyond the stage, through meet-the-artist sessions, backstage tours, 談」、「後台解碼」、「大師班」及其 masterclasses and other insider events. 他活動,帶領觀眾進入後台世界。 My congratulations to the organisers for this year's 今年藝術節陣容鼎盛,精采紛呈,謹此 superb line-up. I have no doubt that the 2016 向主辦單位衷心致賀。我深信各項節目 Hong Kong Arts Festival will prove memorable for 定會令參加者和觀眾同感興奮難忘,希 participants and audiences alike. Enjoy! 望大家盡情享受這次藝術之旅。

C Y Leung 梁振英 Chief Executive, 香港特別行政區行政長官 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 2 3

歡迎各位蒞臨第 44 屆香港藝術節。 I am very pleased to welcome you to this performance 歡迎閣下蒞臨第 44屆香港藝術節。大家 It is a pleasure and privilege to welcome you to the in the 44th Hong Kong Arts Festival, and thank you for 不妨細味台上的演出和創作者的心思,從 44th Hong Kong Arts Festival, in which the idea of ‘what 在此,我衷心感謝香港特別行政區政府 making the time to be here. 中體會本屆主題「其後」背後的意義。 comes after’ provides a context for considering action 透過康樂及文化事務署每年提供撥款、 on stage and artistic decisions of the creators whose 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金一直以來的支 I wish to thank the HKSAR Government, acting through 許多史詩作品,往往以個人抉擇及後果 work we present. 持與鼓勵,以及眾多贊助企業、機構及 the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, for its 為主線,帶出宏大而深遠的主題,例如 annual subvention; and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Personal choice and its consequences drive the 個人捐助者的慷慨支持。全賴各界的 抱負、偏見、矛盾、自我實現和救贖。 Charities Trust for their long standing support and narrative in many epic works containing big ideas: 鼎力襄助,藝術節才能不斷發展,並每 encouragement. I also wish to thank the many sponsors, 本屆藝術節的藝術家,為我們帶來精采 ambition, prejudice, conflict, actualisation and salvation. 年為觀眾呈獻多元化和高質素的演藝節 donors, institutions and individuals whose support is 而激勵人心的跨界演出,傳統創新兼 Creative choices of participating artists give us genre- 目,讓藝術節成為香港的文化標誌。 so critical in making it possible for the Festival to serve 具,引發無限的思想空間。 bending tours de force, performances that go to the the community and the city which is its home. It is only heart of cherished works, and renewal of artistic 最後,感謝您撥冗前來欣賞本節目,希 with this support that we are able to present the quality 我由衷感謝所有參演藝術家,他們的才 heritage and its infinite possibilities. 望您樂在其中。 and diversity of artists and performances which have 華與熱誠,為演出注入活力與靈魂,此 become hallmarks of our programming and established 外還要感謝協助藝術節順利舉辦的眾多 I am very grateful to all artists who have chosen to be in this Festival, bringing it to life with their talent and the Festival as an icon in and for Hong Kong. 機構及各界人士。更感謝您撥冗欣賞演 commitment. Sincere thanks also go to all who have Last, but by no means least, I would like to thank you 出,希望您會喜歡您的選擇。 chosen to help and support the Festival, and most of very warmly for your presence, and I wish you a very all, I thank you for choosing to be here to complete enjoyable experience at this performance. the cycle of communication which is at the heart of all performance. I hope you will enjoy all your choices!

Victor Cha Tisa Ho 查懋成 Chairman, 何嘉坤 Executive Director, 香港藝術節主席 Hong Kong Arts Festival 香港藝術節行政總監 Hong Kong Arts Festival hkaf44-hp-hkjc-message-op.pdf 1 22/1/16 4:43 pm








K 香港藝術節 Hong Kong Arts Festival (HKAF)

香港藝術節於1973年正式揭幕,是國際藝壇中重要的 HKAF, launched in 1973, is a major international arts festival 文化盛事,於每年2、3月期間呈獻眾多優秀的本地及 committed to enriching the cultural life of the city by presenting 國際藝術家的演出,以及舉辦多元化的「加料」和教 annually in February and March leading local and international 育活動,致力豐富香港的文化生活。 artists in all genres of the performing arts as well as a diverse range of “PLUS” and educational events. 香港藝術節是一所非牟利機構,2016年藝術節的年度 HKAF is a non-profit organisation. The estimated budget 預算約港幣1億1千萬,當中約30%來自香港特區政府 for the 2016 Festival is around HK$110 million. About 30% 的撥款,約37%來自票房收入,而超過32%則有賴各 of its annual income comes from government funding, about 大企業、熱心人士和慈善基金會的贊助和捐款。 37% from the box office, and over 32% from sponsorships and donations from corporations, individuals, and charitable 香港藝術節每年呈獻眾多國際演藝名家的演出,例 foundations. 如:塞西莉亞.芭托莉、馬友友、菲力普.格拉斯、 HKAF presents top international artists and ensembles, 譚盾、列卡杜.沙爾、克里斯蒂安.泰利曼、古斯 such as Cecilia Bartoli, Yo-Yo Ma, Philip Glass, Tan Dun, 塔沃.杜達美、米高.巴里殊尼哥夫、蕭菲.紀蓮、 Riccardo Chailly, Christian Thielemann, Gustavo Dudamel, 奇雲.史柏西、羅柏特.威爾遜、彼得.布祿克、皇 Mikhail Baryshnikov, Sylvie Guillem, Kevin Spacey, Robert 家阿姆斯特丹音樂廳樂團、聖彼得堡馬林斯基劇院、 Wilson, Peter Brook, the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, 巴伐利亞國立歌劇院、莫斯科大劇院、紐約市芭蕾舞 the Mariinsky Theatre, Bavarian State Opera, the Bolshoi 團、巴黎歌劇院芭蕾舞團、翩娜.包殊烏珀塔爾舞蹈 Theatre, New York City Ballet, Paris Opera Ballet, Tanztheater 劇場、雲門舞集、星躍馬術奇藝坊、皇家莎士比亞劇 Wuppertal Pina Bausch, Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, Zingaro, Royal Shakespeare Company, Berliner Ensemble and National 團、柏林劇團及中國國家話劇院等。 Theatre of China.

香港藝術節積極與本地演藝人才和新晉藝術家合作, HKAF actively promotes Hong Kong’s own creative talents 過去十年共委約及製作逾100套本地全新創作,包括 and emerging artists, and has commissioned and produced 戲劇、室內歌劇、音樂和舞蹈作品,並同步出版新作 over 100 new local productions in the past decade, including 劇本,不少作品更已在香港及海外多度重演。 theatre, chamber opera, music and contemporary dance, many with successful subsequent runs in Hong Kong and overseas. 香港藝術節大力投資下一代的藝術教育。「青少年之 HKAF invests in arts education for young people. In the 友」成立24年來,已為逾700,000位本地中學生及大 past 24 years, our “Young Friends” has reached over 700,000 專生提供藝術體驗活動。藝術節近年亦開展多項針對 secondary and tertiary school students in Hong Kong. A variety 大、中、小學學生的藝術教育活動,並通過「學生票 of arts education projects targeted at primary, secondary, and 捐助計劃」每年提供約8,000張半價學生票。 tertiary school students has been launched in recent years. Donations to the “Student Ticket Scheme” also make available 香港藝術節每年主辦一系列多元化並深入社區的「加 about 8,000 half-price student tickets each year. 料節目」,例如示範講座、大師班、工作坊、座談 會、後台參觀、展覽、藝人談、導賞團等,鼓勵觀眾 HKAF organises a diverse range of “Festival PLUS” activities in community locations each year to enhance the 與藝術家互動接觸。 engagement between artists and audiences. These include lecture demonstrations, masterclasses, workshops, symposia, 第44屆香港藝術節預計收入來源 backstage visits, exhibitions, meet-the-artist sessions, and Projected 44th HKAF Income Sources guided tours.

票房 政府資助 Box Office Government Funding 37%

30% 誠邀贊助或捐助香港藝術節;詳情請與藝術節發展部聯絡。 其他 Others 1% For sponsorship opportunities and donation details of the Hong Kong Arts Festival, please contact 32% the Development Department. 電郵Email | [email protected] 直綫Direct Lines | (852) 2828 4910/11/12 贊助及捐款 網頁Website | www.hk.artsfestival.org/en/support-us Sponsorships and Donations

HK ArtsFestival_2016_(ENG) H234xW167_HR.pdf 1 17/12/15 1:44 pm


Thomanerchor & Gewandhausorchester Leipzig 萊比錫聖多馬合唱團 與 萊比錫布業大廳樂團

C St Matthew Passion M 聖馬太受難曲 Y

CM MY 5/3/2016 香港文化中心音樂廳 CY Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre

CMY 演出長約 3 小時,包括一節中場休息 Running time: approximately 3 hours including one interval K

封面照片 Cover photograph © Matthias Knoch

敬請關掉所有響鬧及發光裝置。 Please switch off all sound-making and light-emitting devices.

請勿擅自攝影、錄音或錄影。 Unauthorised photography or recording of any kind is strictly prohibited.

網上追蹤香港藝術節 Follow the HKArtsFestival on www.hk.artsfestival.org

本場刊採用環保紙張印刷。This programme is printed on environmentally friendly paper. 13

萊比錫聖多馬合唱團與萊比錫布業大廳樂團 Leipzig & Gewandhausorchester Leipzig 巴赫 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) 《聖馬太受難曲》,BMV 244 St Matthew Passion, BWV 244

指揮 Conductor 戈特霍德.施瓦茨

獨唱 Soloists

女高音 Soprano 西貝娜.魯賓斯 Sibylla Rubens

女低音 Alto 瑪麗 - 克勞德.賈普依 Marie-Claude Chappuis

男高音(傳道者) Tenor (Evangelist) 本傑明.布隆斯 Benjamin Bruns

男高音 Tenor 馬田.匹玆奧德 Martin Petzold

男低音(耶穌) Bass (Jesus) 克勞斯.哈格 Klaus Häger

男低音 Bass 弗羅利恩.布殊 Florian Boesch

管風琴 Organ 烏爾里克.波米 Ullrich Böhme


管風琴大師班 Organ Masterclass 5.3 (六Sat ) 10:00am-12:40pm 烏爾里克•波米教授是萊比錫 Professor Ullrich Böhme is Thomasorganist 香港浸信教會 聖多馬教堂的管風琴師,經常 of St Thomas Church Leipzig. He frequently Hong Kong Baptist Church 出任國際管風琴比賽的評審。 judges major international organ competitions. 是次大師班中,他將向本地管 Come and observe the master coach local (節目已舉行 Past event) 風琴手傾囊相授。 organists. 英語主講 In English

更多加料節目詳情及網上報名 More Festival PLUS and online registration:www.hk.artsfestivalplus.org

14 15

萊比錫聖多馬合唱團 Thomanerchor Leipzig (St Thomas Choir Leipzig)

直至 1750 年逝世。合唱團音樂重心以 introduced as on 1 June 1723 and who 其曲目為主。合唱團由二十世紀開始定 stayed in that position for 27 years until his death in 1750 期於德國及世界各地演出。他們演唱的 – form the musical centre of the choir. In the 20th century the choir began to perform across the country and abroad 曲目觸及音樂史上所有時期,涵蓋了格 regularly. The choir’s programmes contain choir works 雷果聖詠到現代合唱音樂。聖多馬合唱 of all ages of musical history – from Gregorian chants to 團現已在德國及歐洲音樂圈裏穩佔一席 modern choir music. Nowadays St Thomas Choir is an 位,並成為世界廣受歡迎的文化大使。 established name of the German and European music 近年聖多馬合唱團巡迴演出足跡遍及美 scene, and furthermore a popular cultural ambassador 國、加拿大、中國、日本、澳洲、巴西 worldwide. Regular concert tours take the St Thomas Choir to countries such as the US, Canada, China, Japan, 和阿根廷。2011 年,合唱團曾與萊比錫 Australia, Brazil and Argentina. In 2011, they performed 布業大廳樂團於第 39 屆香港藝術節演 with Gewandhausorchester at the 39th Hong Kong Arts 出。 Festival .

2015 年是聖多馬合唱團的重要轉捩點。 2015 began with an immense turning point for the St 生於 1955 年的喬治.克利斯多夫.比勒 Thomas Choir. Prof. Georg Christoph Biller (born 1955) 教授因健康理由請辭。比勒教授自 1992 resigned from his post for health reasons. In 1992 he took the position as the 16th Thomaskantor since J S Bach and 年起擔任繼巴赫以來第十六任多馬領唱 shaped St Thomas Choir significantly over the past 22 者,並在過去 22 年帶領聖多馬合唱團更 years. 進一步。

© Matthias Knoch For the longer duration of finding the following 遴選下任多馬領唱者期間,合唱團音樂 Thomaskantor all duties as musical head of the choir have 總監的職責將由戈特霍德.施瓦茨履行。 been assigned to Gotthold Schwarz. Throughout the past 萊比錫聖多馬合唱團有八百年的悠久歷 The St Thomas Choir’s history reaches back more than 施瓦茨過去曾多次暫任多馬領唱者一 years Schwarz has deputised for the Thomaskantor for short and longer periods. He accepted the conduct of St 史,是萊比錫市內歷史最悠久的文化機 800 years and is the oldest cultural institution of the City 職,也指揮過聖多馬合唱團演唱不同經 of Leipzig. In 1212 Emperor Otto IV acknowledged the Thomas Choir for the regular motets, cantatas, liturgical 構。1212 年,邁森侯爵(「受壓迫的」 文歌、清唱劇、禮儀音樂、神劇和國內 founding of the Augustinian monastery of St Thomas, services, oratorios as well as concert tours nationwide 迪特里希)獲得奧托四世允許,牽頭成 which was initiated by margrave Dietrich the Oppressed 及世界巡迴演出。 and abroad. 立聖多馬修道院(聖奧古斯丁派系)。 of Meissen. The monastery contained a convent school 近年擔任「多馬領唱者」的音樂家包括 In recent decades, the cantors of St Thomas have included 聖多馬修道院附設學校,最初以訓練男 to educate clerical successors, but soon the school (1961–1972), Hans-Joachim Rotzsch 童成為修士為宗旨,但不久便開放給修 was made accessible for boys who did not live in the 埃哈德 ‧ 毛恩斯博格(1961 - 1972 年) (1972–1991) and Georg Christoph Biller (1992– 2015). 道院以外的男童。一直以來,男童須在 monastery. Liturgical singing has been part of the 漢斯─約希姆 ‧ 羅茨殊(1972 - 1992 課業中學習演唱禮儀音樂,以在每週禮 education from the beginning in order to have the boys 年)及喬治.克利斯多夫.比勒(1992 - sing in the many weekly church services. In the course of 拜中獻唱。1539 年宗教改革期間,萊比 2015 年)。 the reformation in 1539 Leipzig acquired a reputation for 錫市在音樂和文化地位上躍升,聖多馬 being a musical and cultural centre, not least because of 合唱團的「多馬領唱者」功不可沒。 the significant St Thomas cantors.

聖多馬合唱團以守護聖樂傳統為己任。 The St Thomas Choir’s main focus lies in the maintenance 巴赫於 1723 年 6 月 1 日上任多馬領唱者, of the “Musica Sacra”. The works of J S Bach – who was 16 17

萊比錫布業大廳樂團 Gewandhausorchester Leipzig

貝多芬在生時演出其交響曲全集(1825 Throughout its history, the orchestra has collaborated / 26 年),以及其後的布魯赫克納交響 with the world's most eminent composers, conductors 曲全集(1919 / 20 年)。由樂團首演曲 and soloists. The Gewandhausorchester performed a complete cycle of the symphonies of Beethoven during 目包括:華格納《紐倫堡的名歌手》、 his lifetime (1825/26), as well as the first ever cycle of 貝多芬第五號鋼琴協奏曲《帝皇》 、布 Bruckner's symphonies to be mounted (1919/20). Wagner's 拉姆斯《小提琴協奏曲》及《德意志安 Prelude to Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, Beethoven's 魂曲》和布魯赫克納第七交響樂。樂團 Piano Concerto No 5 Emperor, Brahms's Violin 至今每季仍委約及首演全新作品。 Concerto and Ein Deutsches Requiem and Bruckner's Symphony No 7 are some of the works premiered by the 1843 年,在孟德爾頌倡議下,德國在萊 Gewandhausorchester. The orchestra commissions and 比錫成立了全國首間音樂學院──現稱 premieres new works each season to this day. 萊比錫孟德爾頌音樂戲劇學院。樂團遵 On Mendelssohn's initiative, Germany's first conservatoire 循孟德爾頌所定立之原則,以孟德爾頌 was founded, in Leipzig, in 1843 - the modern day 管弦樂團學校與學院合作,致力為世界 University of Music and Theatre "Felix Mendelssohn 頂尖樂團培訓優秀的年輕樂手。該管弦 Bartholdy". Following the principles established by 樂團學校畢業生可獲學院碩士學位。 Mendelssohn himself, the Gewandhausorchester and University collaborate in the form of the Mendelssohn 樂團灌錄專輯包括舒曼、布拉姆斯和貝 Orchestra Academy, training the most talented young 多芬交響曲全集、與史蒂芬勞.布蘭尼 musicians for the world's elite orchestras. Graduates of the Orchesterakademie receive a master's degree from the 合作的蓋希文專輯。最近推出了布拉姆 University. 斯《小夜曲》(2015 年)和與尼爾遜. 弗萊瑞合奏貝多芬第五號鋼琴協奏曲 The Gewandhausorchester’s CD recordings include the 萊比錫布業大廳樂團於 年創立,是 Founded in 1743, Gewandhausorchester is the 1743 complete cycles of the symphonies of Schumann, Brahms oldest civic symphony orchestra in the world. Many 《帝皇》(2014 年)。 世上歷史最悠久的民間管弦樂團。多位 and Beethoven, a Gershwin album with Stefano Bollani, celebrated musicians have been appointed to the office 著名音樂家曾出任樂團音樂總監及首席 年,樂團與萊比錫歌劇院及萊比錫 and others. Latest releases comprise Brahms´s Serenades of Gewandhauskapellmeister (Music Director and 2011 指揮一職,當中包括:約翰.亞當.席勒、 (2015) and Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No 5 Emperor Principal Conductor), including Johann Adam Hiller, Felix 聖多馬合唱團於第 39 屆香港藝術節演 with Nelson Freire (2014). 孟德爾頌、尼基什及馬素爾。列卡度. Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Arthur Nikisch and Kurt Masur. 出。 沙爾由 2005 年起出任第 19 任音樂總監。 Riccardo Chailly's tenure as Gewandhauskapellmeister The Orchestra performed at the 39th Hong Kong Arts began in 2005. Festival in 2011, along with the Leipzig Opera and St 萊比錫布業大廳樂團每年演出超過二百 Thomas Choir Leipzig. 場,包括於布業大廳舉行音樂會、為萊 Gewandhausorchester performs over 200 performances 比錫歌劇院伴奏及與聖多馬合唱團在聖 each year in the orchestra's three homes: as concert orchestra in the Gewandhaus, orchestra of the Leipzig 多馬大教堂每週演出巴赫頌讚曲。樂團 Opera and orchestra for the weekly performances of 自 1916 年開始定期在海外巡迴演出。 the cantatas of J S Bach with the Thomanerchor in St Thomas Church. The Gewandhausorchester has toured 萊比錫布業大廳樂團歷來與傑出作曲 the globe on a regular basis since 1916. 家、指揮和獨奏及獨唱家合作。樂團於 18 19

戈特霍德.施瓦茨 指揮 Gotthold Schwarz Conductor

施瓦茨生於薩克森自由邦茨維考,在德累斯頓教會 Schwarz was born in 1952 in Zwickau, Schwarz has worked frequently as a conductor. 音樂學院及萊比錫孟德爾頌音樂及戲劇學院修讀音 and was educated at the Church Music School in Currently since January 2015 he has been acting 樂。他分別隨格爾達.施里弗學習聲樂、隨沃爾夫 Dresden and also at the High School for Music and as Thomaskantor until the longer finding and Theater “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” in Leipzig. appointment of a succeeding Thomaskantor. He 岡.史特里克和前聖多馬大教堂管風琴師漢斯.卡 He studied singing with Gerda Schriever, the organ leads the motets, performances of cantatas and 斯特納學習管風琴、隨馬克斯.保默和漢斯—約希 with Wolfgang Schetelich and former St. Thomas oratorios as well as church music at St Thomas 姆.羅茨殊學習指揮。 Organist Hannes Kästner and conducting with Max Church Leipzig. Furthermore he conducted Pommer and Hans-Joachim Rotzsch. concerts of the Thomanerchor together with 近年,施瓦茨不時在歐洲重要音樂場合亮相,包括 Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, the Akademie für 維也納金色大廳和薩爾斯堡藝術節,另外於日本、 In recent years he has appeared at Europe’s most alte Musik Berlin and other ensembles and during 以色列、巴西及阿根廷巡迴演出。他在美國舉行的 important music-making centres, including the some concert tours of the Thomaner. Musikverein in Vienna and the Salzburg Festival, 巴赫獨唱會和大師班亦備受好評。施瓦茨曾與下列 and as well in Japan, Israel, Brazil, Argentina. In 著名歐洲音樂家和團體合作: 弗利德.貝爾紐斯、 the US, he has won widespread acclaim for both 彼得.施賴埃爾、邁克爾.施耐德、馬丁.哈瑟布克、 his recitals and his masterclasses devoted to the 彼得.諾伊曼、 菲利普.赫瑞維赫、 約翰.艾略特. works of J S Bach. He collaborates regularly 加德納爵士、克里斯多夫.高恆、古斯塔保.萊昂 with many prominent artists and ensembles all 哈特、邁克爾.勛海特、漢斯.克里斯多夫.貝克- over Europe including Frieder Bernius, Peter Schreier, Michael Schneider, Martin Haselböck, 科斯,以及和諧花園古樂團、聖多馬合唱團、萊比 Peter Neumann, Philippe Herreweghe, John Eliot 錫布業大廳樂團、德累斯頓十字合唱團、德累斯頓 Gardiner, Christophe Coin, Gustav Leonhardt, 聖母教堂室樂合唱團、馬蒂亞斯.格倫奈特、約克. Michael Schönheit and Hans Christoph Becker- © Matthias Knoch 史羅比、路德維希.居特勒、維爾茨堡巴赫合唱團 Foss, also Il Giardino Armonico, St Thomas’ 及其指揮克里斯蒂安.卡彼茨、美茵茨巴赫合唱團 Choir Leipzig, Gewandhausorchester Leipzig, 及其指揮拉夫.奧托,還有弗萊堡巴羅克樂團等。 the Dresden Kreuzchor, Chamber Choir of the Frauenkirche Dresden, Matthias Grünert, Jörg 除樂團音樂會及歌劇演出外,施瓦茨熱衷舉辦獨唱 Straube, Ludwig Güttler, the Würzburger Bachchor 會,演唱曲目涵蓋巴羅克時期至現代音樂。他曾與 and Christian Kabitz, the Mainzer Bachchor and Ralf Otto, the Freiburger Barockorchester and 多位著名指揮家和樂團灌錄唱片,亦參與電台製作。 many more. 施瓦茨並在 2004 年萊比錫國際巴赫大賽(聲樂組) 中擔任評判。 Apart from concert and opera roles he devotes himself to recitals with his repertoire ranging from 施瓦茨經常擔任指揮。自 2015 年 1 月起直到聖多馬 baroque to contemporary music. He has recorded 合唱團聘任新領唱者前,他將一直擔任聖多馬合唱 numerous CDs with many notable conductors and 團領唱者一職。他於萊比錫聖多馬大教堂領唱經文 ensembles, and worked on many radio productions. Schwarz was a juror at the International Johann 歌、清唱劇、神劇和聖樂。施瓦茨多次率領聖多馬 Sebastian Bach Competition Leipzig in 2004 合唱團夥拍萊比錫布業大廳樂團、柏林古樂學會樂 (category singing). 團等團體於萊比錫及海外演出。 21

巴赫 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Many of Johann Sebastian Bach’s family, before and after him, including his children, were famous composers. He is considered by many to be the greatest composer of all time.

Born in the spring of 1685 in Eisenach, Germany, Bach was an acclaimed organist, harpsichord player and string player. He worked as a church organist, a court organist in Weimar (1708-17) and a music director in Köthen. In 1723 Bach was appointed to serve as church music director in the larger Saxon city of Leipzig, where he worked until his 巴赫出生在音樂世家,家族中無論前人 death in 1750. 還是後輩,都是名家輩出,包括他的子 女。世人推崇他為自古以來最偉大的作 Bach had an extraordinary workload in Leipzig including 曲家,他同時是出色的管風琴、古鍵琴 rehearsing for musicians, teaching and composing for the city’s yearly cycle of liturgical services. Yet he somehow 以及弦樂演奏家。他於 年春天生於 1685 managed to compose an unimaginable amount of music, 德國艾森納赫;1708 至 1717 年間在魏瑪 including the great Passions, the Mass in B minor, and 擔任教堂和宮廷管風琴手,並於克滕擔 the cantata cycles, as well as instrumental works as the 任音樂總監;1723 年接任萊比錫教堂音 Goldberg Variations. 樂總監,餘生一直擔任此職,直至 1750 A relentless need to set himself challenges led Bach to 年逝世。 synthesise the accumulated musical wisdom of his era into timeless complex masterpieces. The breathtaking 巴赫在萊比錫的工作十分繁重,不僅為 architecture and emotional depth of his most powerful 樂手排練,還負責訓練每年的禮拜儀式 works were inspired by his religious beliefs. 樂隊並為其作曲。儘管如此,他依然創 作了為數驚人的樂曲,包括偉大的《受 難曲》、《B 小調彌撒曲》、多套清唱 劇以及一些器樂作品如《哥德堡變奏 曲》。

巴赫勇於挑戰自我的精神,使他能夠融 會整個時代的音樂智慧,集大成於一身, 譜寫出跨越時代的經典之作。他作品中 那令人歎為觀止的形式美,以及深邃如 海的情感美,乃源自於他虔誠的宗教信 仰。 22 23

巴赫《聖馬太受難曲》的理性與感性 部分。這兩部分從總體特徵上來看大不 dramatic 相同,巴赫佈置耶穌被捕的場景預示了 Head and Heart in Bach’s St Matthew Passion perspective. Bach’s setting of the moment when Jesus is 來日的暴行,樂曲亦從哲理轉向戲劇角 arrested foreshadows the violence to come. 度。 巴赫在寫《聖馬太受難曲》之時,顯然 With the St Matthew Passion, Bach himself clearly aimed The additional layers supplied by Picander’s poetry and the 旨在創作一首不止是平常受難節禮拜儀 to create something beyond the “occasion” of liturgical 彼康德的詩歌及聖詠樂段連接了當前的 chorale verses connect these past events with the present, music intended for afternoon service on Good Friday. 式的樂曲。雖然本曲跟從特定的路德教 場景與過去的事件,敘事同時輔以讓人 supplementing the narrative “action” with contemplative Although he was writing within a particular Lutheran 派寫作傳統,然而規模卻是空前的盛大; 深思的評論。巴赫利用這種雙重性,令 commentary. Bach exploits this duality so that we are tradition, Bach planned this Passion on an unprecedented drawn deeply into the story and invited to reflect on 樂曲相信在 1727 年 4 月 11 日於萊比錫聖 故事更引人入勝,並引領聽眾琢磨箇中 scale. After its first performance — most likely, 11 April its significance. The massive opening double chorus, 多馬大教堂首演,此後,巴赫多次改動 1727, at the Thomaskirche in Leipzig — he revived the 的意義。例如開場時大規模的雙重合唱 for example, represents one of the most remarkable 和增編,才完成 年的版本。 1736 work several times, expanding it further in revisions he 便是各種樂曲開端的表表者。翻騰的聲 beginnings in all music. Bach unleashes a churning made in 1736. 音和無休止的旋律描繪了當時悲慘的局 river of sound and endless melody to depict the tragic 《聖馬太受難曲》有大量獨唱,有些是 勢,貫徹整個受難曲,巴赫不斷地轉移 gravity of the situation. Here and throughout the Passion, 以宣敘調及獨唱反映出故事發展。樂譜 The St Matthew Passion requires a large complement of soloists. They either enact the Passion story in recitative 角度:在過去與現在之間,在於事件與 he continually shifts the perspective: between past and 要求二重管弦樂及二重合唱,有時是合 present, event and reflection, the crowd and the individual. or reflect on what is happening; in addition, the score 反思之間,在群眾與個人之間。這不斷 唱合奏,有時是輪唱輪奏;建構第一部 This shifting intensifies the sense of immediacy. calls for double orchestra and double chorus, which 的轉移緊緊 扣着聽眾的心弦。 分的兩個歌詠樂章,還需要一組副合唱。 Bach sometimes combines and sometimes contrasts in Take the moment when Peter is forced to recognise the antiphonal style. Yet another subchoir is needed for 就以彼得被迫承認他拒認耶穌這一事實 劇本部分來自聖經有關耶穌受難的章 fact of his denial of Jesus (in Part Two). At this point we the two choral movements which frame Part One. 的時候為例(在第二部分),在這刻我 encounter one of the most memorable arias of the entire 節,採選路德的德語版本, 部分則選自 們遇到整首《受難曲》其中一個最令人 Passion, Erbarme mich. This serves both as a reflection 為人熟悉的德國聖詩,以及萊比錫詩人 The libretto interweaves the sacred scriptural narrative of the Passion (in Luther’s German translation) with texts 難忘的唱段〈憐憫我〉。這唱段一方面 on Peter’s state of mind and as the voice of humanity in 亨里奇(筆名彼康德)的詩詞,讓人們 the present, shattered by the experience of guilt. Bach from familiar hymns (the chorales) and poetry by fellow 反映了彼得的思考狀態,一方面代表了 對耶穌受難虔誠反思。 carefully uses his music to paint each situation and Leipziger Christian Friedrich Henrici, who went by the pen 當前人性被內疚感搗毀的呼聲。巴赫小 name Picander. This poetry offers devotional reflections to mirror the poetic imagery or to suggest a symbolic 巴赫精心地規劃表達《受難曲》68 個獨 心使用他的音樂去繪畫每一種情況,映 on the events of the Passion. meaning. A striking example occurs when Jesus cries out, 立樂章的結構,他的設計常讓人以建築 照詩般意象。一個顯著的例子是當耶穌 “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Here Bach 作比喻:四個主要的合唱樂章就像柱石, Bach uses a carefully planned structure to articulate 大聲呼喊「我的上帝,我的上帝,你為 emphasises the moment of Jesus’ despair by removing 構成第一及第二部分。《受難曲》的記 the Passion’s 68 separate movements. His design 甚麼離棄我?」巴赫在這裏減去所有在 the “halo” of string harmonies which accompany all of his frequently evokes analogies with architecture: thus, the other words. 敘原文主要由一位男高音傳道者用宣敘 耶穌說話時都出現的象徵光環的和奏弦 four great choral movements serve as “pillars” framing the 樂器,以強調耶穌絕望的時刻。 調唱出來,其他歌唱者扮演個別的福音 first and second parts. The Passion narrative itself unfolds For the St Matthew Passion, Bach brought together 人物,而合唱部分擔當不同的人群─從 chiefly as recitative presided over by a tenor evangelist. everything he knew, from popular dance idioms of the 在《聖馬太受難曲》中,巴赫結合了當 耶穌的十二門徒,到耶穌被釘十字架時 Other singers assume the roles of particular gospel day to esoteric numerological symbolism. The result is an 時流行的舞蹈習語和深奧的命理象徵意 awe-inspiring musical edifice that is not only a summation 叫喊的群眾。 “characters”, while the chorus functions as various larger groups in the narrative, from the disciples to the crowd 義。《聖馬太受難曲》是一部使人敬畏 of Bach’s art but one of the few truly inexhaustible 對比敘述手法,巴赫精心擬定一系列詠 calling for Jesus’ crucifixion. 的音樂巨構,不僅是巴赫的藝術總結, masterworks of all music. And in no other work of Bach’s are head and heart so inextricably woven together, so 嘆調及 15 個合唱段。其中 12 個合唱段 還是少數真正不朽音樂傑作之一。再沒 In counterpoint to the narrative, Bach elaborates a series that this music remains the ultimate musical enactment of 有其他巴赫作品是這樣密不可分地交織 是由短而獨立的詩歌組成四部和聲,其 of arias and 15 chorales. 12 of these chorales are brief, compassion. 中三部被併入複雜的大型樂章。 self-contained hymns in four-part harmony; three are 着理性與感性的了,所以這樂曲仍然是 Programme notes by Thomas May incorporated into complex large-scale movements. 演繹情感的絕唱。 樂曲有 15 個環繞六件重要事件的場景; 「最後的晚餐」和「耶穌在客西瑪尼園」 There are 15 scenes which pivot around six major events. 樂曲介紹 湯馬士.梅 樂曲介紹中譯 黃寶慧 構成第一部分;兩個階段的「審訊」、「耶 “The Last Supper” and “Jesus in Gethsemane” constitute Part One; the two stages of the “Trial”, the “Crucifixion”, 穌被釘十字架」及「被埋葬」構成第二 and the “Burial” make up Part Two. The two parts vary in overall character, shifting from a philosophical to a 25

St Matthew Passion, St Matthew Passion, 《聖馬太受難曲》, BMV 244 BMV 244 BMV 244

Erster Teil The First Part 第一部分 1. Chorus with Chorale 1. Chorus with Chorale 1. 合唱與聖詠 Kommt, ihr Töchter, Come, you daughters, help me to 來吧,兒女們, helft mir klagen, lament, 分擔我的悲慟, Sehet - Wen? - den Bräutigam, See – Whom? – the bridegroom, 看─誰?─ Seht ihn - Wie? – See him – How? – like a lamb! 這新郎, als wie ein Lamm! See – What? – see his patience, 看他─怎麼樣?─ Sehet, - Was? – See – Where? – our guilt; 如一頭羔羊! seht die Geduld, See how from love and grace 看─甚麼?─他在忍耐, Seht - Wohin? – He bears the wood of the cross 看─哪裏?─我們的罪; auf unsre Schuld; himself! 看他怎樣 Sehet ihn aus Lieb und Huld 懷着愛和仁慈, Holz zum Kreuze selber tragen! O Lamb of God, 承擔着十字架和苦難! Innocent Slaughtered on the beam O Lamm Gottes, unschuldig of the cross, 啊,上帝的羔羊, Am Stamm des Kreuzes geschlachtet, Always found to be patient 純潔無瑕, Allzeit erfunden geduldig, No matter how much you were 在十字架上被屠宰, Wiewohl du warest verachtet. despised. 他恆久忍耐, All Sünd hast du getragen, All our sins you have borne 忍受輕蔑與殘酷的折磨。 Sonst müßten wir verzagen. Otherwise we would have to 若不是你為我們 Erbarm dich unser, o Jesu ! despair. 承擔了所有罪, Have mercy on us, O Jesus! 我們也會絕望。 求你垂憐,啊,耶穌!

2. Recitative 2. Recitative 2. 宣敍調 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Da Jesus diese Rede vollendet hatte, When Jesus had finished this 當耶穌講完這些話, sprach er zu seinen Jüngern: speech, he said to his disciples: 就對門徒說:

Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Ihr wisset, dass nach zweien Tagen You know that after two days it will 你們知道兩天後 Ostern wird, be Passover, 便是逾越節; und des Menschen Sohn wird and the son of man will be handed 人子將被祭獻, überantwortet werden, over 被釘在十字架上。 dass er gekreuziget werde. so that he may be crucified.

St Matthew 26:1-2 Matthew 26:1-2 馬太福音 26:1-2 26 27

3. Chorale 3. Chorale 3. 聖詠 4d. Chorus 4d. Chorus 4d. 合唱 Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du Jesus, most dear to my heart, what 親愛的耶穌,你 Wozu dienet dieser Unrat? What is the purpose of such a 為甚麼這樣浪費? verbrochen, have you done wrong, 犯了甚麼錯, Dieses Wasser hie mögen teuer waste? 這香膏可以賣許多錢, Dass man ein solch scharf Urteil hat so that such a harsh judgement is 會得到這麼重的懲罰? verkauft This ointment could have been sold 周濟窮人。 gesprochen? pronounced? 你的罪過是甚麼? und den Armen gegeben werden. at a high price Was ist die Schuld, in was für What is your guilt, in what sort of 你承擔的罪行是甚麼? and given to the poor. Missetaten wrongdoing Bist du geraten? have you been caught? 4e. Recitative 4e. Recitative 4e. 宣敍調 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 4a. Recitative 4a. Recitative 4a. 宣敍調 Da das Jesus merkete, sprach er zu When Jesus noticed that, he said to 耶穌知道了,對他們說: Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 ihnen: them: Da versammleten sich die Then the chief priests gathered 那時候, Hohenpriester together 大祭司和民間的長老 Jesus Jesus 耶穌 und Schriftgelehrten und die Ältesten and the scribes and the elders 在大祭司該亞法的 Was bekümmert ihr das Weib? Why do you trouble the woman? 你們何必為難這位婦人? im Volk among the people 宅邸裏聚會, Sie hat ein gut Werk an mir getan. She has done a good deed for me. 她為我做了一件好事。 in dem Palast des Hohenpriesters, der in the Palace of the high priest, 商議怎樣秘密抓捕耶穌, Ihr habet allezeit Arme bei euch, You have the poor with you always, 因為常有窮人和你們同在, da hieß Kaiphas, who was called Caiaphas 把他殺死。 mich aber habt ihr nicht allezeit. but you will not always have me. 卻不能常常和我在一起。 und hielten Rat, wie sie Jesum mit and they held a Council, Dass sie dies Wasser hat auf meinen The reason why she poured 她把香膏澆在我身上, Listen griffen und töteten. how with cunning they might seize 可是他們說: Leib gegossen, ointment on my body 因為我要被埋葬了。 Sie sprachen aber: Jesus and put him to death. hat sie getan, dass man mich is that she did this because I'm 我實在告訴你們, But they said: begraben wird. going to be buried. 這福音無論傳到在哪裏, Wahrlich, ich sage euch Truly, I say to you 人人都要述說她 Wo dies Evangelium geprediget wird wherever the gospel is preached in 所做的事,來紀念她。 4b. Chorus 4b. Chorus 4b. 合唱 in der ganzen Welt, the whole world, Ja nicht auf das Fest, auf dass nicht Certainly not during the festival, 當節的日子不可, da wird man auch sagen zu ihrem people will also in her memory talk 馬太福音 26:3-13 ein Aufruhr werde im Volk. so that there is not a riot among the 以免民間生亂。 Gedächtnis, was sie getan hat. about what she has done. people. St Matthew 26:3-13 Matthew 26:3-13

4c. Recitative 4c. Recitative 4c. 宣敍調 5. Recitative 5. Rectitative 5. 宣敍調 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Da nun Jesus war zu Bethanien, im Now when Jesus was at Bethany, 耶穌在伯大尼 Alto Alto 女低音 Hause Simonis des Aussätzigen, in the house of Simon the leper, 那患痲瘋病的西門家裏, Du lieber Heiland du, You, dear saviour, you 你,我敬愛的救世主, trat zu ihm ein Weib, die hatte ein Glas there came to him a woman who 有一個女人 Wenn deine Jünger töricht streiten, When your disciples foolishly 當你的門徒在愚蠢地爭吵, mit köstlichem Wasser had a jar with precious ointment 帶來一隻 Dass dieses fromme Weib quarrel 因為這位忠誠的婦人, und goss es auf sein Haupt, da er zu and she poured it on his head, 盛滿珍貴香膏的玉瓶, Mit Salben deinen Leib Because this good woman 用香膏澆在你的身體, Tische saß. while he sat at the table. 耶穌坐席的時候, Zum Grabe will bereiten, With salve your body 為安葬做好準備, Da das seine Jünger sahen, wurden When his disciples saw this, they 澆在他的頭上。 So lasse mir inzwischen zu, Wants to prepare for the tomb, 啊,此時此刻請允許我 sie unwillig und sprachen: became indignant and said: 門徒看見, Von meiner Augen Tränenflüssen Then let me meanwhile 眼裏流淌的淚水 氣憤地說: Ein Wasser auf dein Haupt zu gießen! With floods of tears from my eyes 如同香膏一樣 Pour water on your head! 傾灑在你的頭上! 28 29

6. Aria 6. Aria 6. 詠嘆調 9b. Chorus 9b. Chorus 9b. 合唱 Alto Alto 女低音 Wo willst du, dass wir dir bereiten, Where do you want us to make 你希望我們在哪裏 Buß und Reu Penance and remorse 懺悔與自責 das Osterlamm zu essen? preparations 為你準備 Knirscht das Sündenherz entzwei, Grind my sinful heart in two, 撕碎有罪的心, for you to eat the Passover lamb? 吃逾越節的晚餐? Dass die Tropfen meiner Zähren So the drops of my tears 願我滾落的淚水, Angenehme Spezerei, May produce pleasing spices for you, 作為撫慰人心的香膏, Treuer Jesu, dir gebären. faithful Jesus. 奉獻給你, 9c. Recitative 9c. Recitative 9c. 宣敍調 忠誠的耶穌。 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Er sprach: He said: 他說:

7. Recitative 7. Recitative 7. 宣敍調 Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Gehet hin in die Stadt zu einem und Go into the city to a certain man and say 你們進城去,對那 Da ging hin der Zwölfen einer, mit Then one of the twelve, who was called 然後,那十二門徒之一的 sprecht zu ihm: to him: 裏的一個人說: Namen Judas Ischarioth, Judas Iscariot, 猶大去見大祭司,說: Der Meister lasst dir sagen: The master wants us to tell you: 「老師說: zu den Hohenpriestern und sprach: went to the chief priests and said: Meine Zeit ist hier, ich will bei dir My time has come, I shall with you 我的時候到了, die Ostern halten mit meinen keep the Passover with my disciples. 我與門徒要在你家裏 Judas Judas 猶大 Jüngern. 守逾越節。 」 Was wollt ihr mir geben? Ich will ihn What are you willing to give me? 如果我把他交給你們, euch verraten. I shall betray him to you. 你們會給我甚麼? Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Und die Jünger täten, wie ihnen And the disciples did what Jesus had 門徒遵照耶穌的吩咐準 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Jesus befohlen hatte, ordered them, 備了逾越節的羔羊。 Und sie boten ihm dreißig Silberlinge. And they offered him 30 pieces of silver 他們給了他三十塊銀幣。 und bereiteten das Osterlamm. and they prepared the Passover lamb. 到了晚上,耶穌與 Und von dem an suchte er And from then on he sought an 從那時候起,他便 Und am Abend satzte er sich zu And in the evening he sat at table with 十二門徒坐席。 Gelegenheit, dass er ihn verriete. opportunity, 找機會出賣耶穌。 Tische mit den Zwölfen. the twelve, 當他們進餐時,耶穌說: so that he might betray him. Und da sie aßen, sprach er: and as they ate, he said: Matthew 26:14-16 馬太福音 26:14-16 Matthew 26:14-16 Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Wahrli, ich sage euch: Einer unter Truly I say to you: 我實在告訴你們: euch wird mich verraten. one among you will betray me. 你們當中有一人將出賣我。 8. Aria 8. Aria 8. 詠嘆調 Soprano Soprano 女高音 Blute nur, du liebes Herz! Bleed now, loving heart! 流血吧,這顆愛心! 9d. Recitative 9d. Recitative 9d. 宣敍調 Ach! ein Kind, das du erzogen, Ah! A child, 啊,你養育的孩子, Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Das an deiner Brust gesogen, whom you reared, 你用乳汁哺養的孩子, Und sie wurden sehr betrübt und And they were very distressed and 他們非常憂愁, Droht den Pfleger zu ermorden, That sucked at your breast, 竟策劃謀害自己的看守者, huben an, began 一個一個地問他: Denn es ist zur Schlange worden. Is threatening to murder its guardian 因這孩子已變成一條毒蛇。 ein jeglicher unter ihnen, und each one among them to say to him: For that child has become a serpent. sagten zu ihm:

9a. Recitative 9a. Recitative 9a. 宣敍調 9e. Chorus 9e. Chorus 9e. 合唱 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Herr, bin ich's? Lord, is it I? 主,是我嗎? Aber am ersten Tage der süßen Brot On the first day of unleavened bread 除酵節的第一天, traten die Jünger zu Jesu und the disciples came to Jesus said to him: 門徒來問耶穌 St Matthew 26:17-22 Matthew 26:17-22 馬太福音 26:17-22 sprachen zu ihm: 30 31

10. Chorale 10. Chorale 10. 聖詠 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Ich bin's, ich sollte büßen, I am the one, I should pay for this, 就是我,我應該贖罪, Und er nahm den Kelch und dankte, And he took the cup and gave thanks, 耶穌拿起杯子,向上帝 An Händen und an Füßen With hands and feet 我的手與腳 gab ihnen den und sprach: gave it to them and said: 感謝後,遞給他們,說: Gebunden in der Höll. Bound in hell. 已被捆綁於地獄。 Die Geißeln und die Banden The scourges and the bonds 就讓我的靈魂承受 Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Und was du ausgestanden, And what you endured - 鞭打和鐐銬, Trinket alle daraus; das ist mein Blut Drink all of you from this, this is my 你們都喝吧,這是 Das hat verdienet meine Seel. My soul has deserved that. 以及你所遭受的一切。 des neuen Testaments, blood of the new Testament, 我立約的血, welches vergossen wird für viele zur which will be shed for many for the 為赦免眾人的罪孽 Vergebung der Sünden. forgiveness of sins. 而流淌的血。 11. Recitative 11. Recitative 11. 宣敍調 Ich sage euch: Ich werde von nun an I say to you: from now on I will no more 我告訴你們:從此刻起, 'nicht mehr drink from this fruit of the vine 我不再喝這葡萄汁了, Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 von diesem Gewächs des Weinstocks until that day, when I shall drink it anew 直到那一天在我父的國度裏, Er antwortete und sprach: He answered and said: 他這樣回答說: trinken with you in my father's kingdom. 與你們共飲新的汁。 bis an den Tag, da ich's neu trinken Jesus Jesus 耶穌 werde mit euch in meines Vaters Matthew 26:23-29 馬太福音 26:23-29 Der mit der Hand mit mir in die The one who dips his hand with me in 那跟我一起在盤子裏 Reich. Schüssel tauchet, the dish 蘸食的人要出賣我。 der wird mich verraten. it is he who will betray me. 正如聖經所說, St Matthew 26:23-29 Des Menschen Sohn gehet zwar The son of man indeed goes on his way, 人子要受害, dahin, as it is written of him; 可是 wie von ihm geschrieben stehet; But woe to the man, 那出賣人子的人有禍了! 12. Recitative 12. Recitative 12. 宣敍調 doch wehe dem Menschen, Through whom the son of man will be 這個人沒有出生倒好。 durch welchen des Menschen Sohn betrayed! Soprano Soprano 女高音 verraten wird! It would be better for that same man if Wiewohl mein Herz in Tränen Although my heart swims in tears, 我的心 Es wäre ihm besser, dass derselbige he had never been born. schwimmt, Since Jesus takes his leave from me, 淚如泉湧, Mensch noch nie geboren wäre. Dass Jesus von mir Abschied nimmt, Yet his Testament makes me rejoice: 因為耶穌 So macht mich doch sein Testament His own flesh and blood—what 要離我而去了, Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 erfreut: expense—He bequeaths to me in my 然而他的新約 Da antwortete Judas, der ihn verriet, Then Judas, who betrayed him, 出賣他的猶大問: Sein Fleisch und Blut, o Kostbarkeit, hands 安慰着我: und sprach: answered and said: Vermacht er mir in meine Hände. Just as in the world towards those who 他珍貴的肉身和寶血, Wie er es auf der Welt mit denen are his own 已送到我手中。 Judas Judas 猶大 Seinen He can intend no evil, 他在人世上 Bin ich's, Rabbi? Is it I, Rabbi? 老師,是我嗎? Nicht böse können meinen, So he loves them to the end. 對他的子民 So liebt er sie bis an das Ende. 從未懷有惡意和怨恨, Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 直到離去 Er sprach zu ihm: He said to him: 耶穌對他說: 都愛護他們。

Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Du sagest's. You are saying it. 你說的是。 13. Aria 13. Aria 13. 詠嘆調 Soprano Soprano 女高音 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Ich will dir mein Herze schenken, I shall give my heart to you, 我要把我的心 Da sie aber aßen, nahm Jesus das As they were eating, Jesus took the 他們吃的時候, Senke dich, mein Heil, hinein! Come down, my salvation, 奉獻給你, Brot, bread 耶穌拿起餅, Ich will mich in dir versenken; and bury yourself within it! 把我的全部奉獻給你。 dankete und brach's und gab's den gave thanks and broke it and gave it to 先獻上感謝的禱告, Ist dir gleich die Welt zu klein, I shall bury myself in you; 我要與你同在一起; Jüngern und sprach: his disciples and said: 然後擘開,分給門徒, Ei, so sollst du mir allein If the world is too small for you 這世界對於你是多麼渺小, 說: Mehr als Welt und Himmel sein. ah, then you alone to me shall 啊,你我在一起 Be more than the world and heaven. 將比這天地更加廣闊。 Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Nehmet, esset, das ist mein Leib. Take, eat, this is my body. 拿去吃吧,這是我的身體。 32 33

14. Recitative 14. Recitative 14. 宣敍調 Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Wahrlich, ich sage dir: In dieser Nacht, Truly, I say to you: this night, 我實在告訴你,今天晚上, Und da sie den Lobgesang gesprochen And when they had said the song of 他們唱完聖詠後, ehe der Hahn krähet, wirst du mich before the cock crows, you will deny me 雞叫之前,你會 hatten, praise, 出發去橄欖山。 dreimal verleugnen. three times. 三次不認我。 gingen sie hinaus an den Ölberg. they went from there to the Mount of 在那裏 Da sprach Jesus zu ihnen: Olives. 耶穌對他們說: Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Then Jesus said to them: Petrus sprach zu ihm: Peter said to him: 彼得對他說:

Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Peter Peter 彼得 In dieser Nacht werdet ihr euch alle ärgern This night you will all be offended 今夜你們 Und wenn ich mit dir sterben müßte, Even if I had to die with you, 即使我必須與你同死, an mir. because of me. 都為我的緣故離棄我。 so will ich dich nicht verleugnen. I shall not deny you. 我也絕不會不認你。 Denn es stehet geschrieben: For it is written: 因為經上寫着: Ich werde den Hirten schlagen, I shall strike the shepherd 我將打倒牧人, Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 und die Schafe der Herde werden sich and the sheep of the flock will be 羊群將會四散。 Desgleichen sagten auch alle Jünger. The same said all his disciples. 其他門徒都這樣說。 zerstreuen. scattered 但是, Wenn ich aber auferstehe, But when I rise again, 當我復活, St Matthew 26:33-35 Matthew 26:33-35 馬太福音 26:33-35 will ich vor euch hingehen in Galiläam. I shall go from here before you into 要比你們 Galilee. 先到加利利去。 St Matthew 26:30-32 17. Chorale 17. Chorale 17. 聖詠 Matthew 26:30-32 馬太福音 26:30-32 Ich will hier bei dir stehen; I shall stand here beside you; 我會站在你的身旁; Verachte mich doch nicht! But do not despise me! 不要輕視我! Von dir will ich nicht gehen, I shall not go from you, 你破碎時, 15. Chorale 15. Chorale 15. 聖詠 Wenn dir dein Herze bricht. When your heart breaks. 我不會離開你。 Erkenne mich, mein Hüter, Recognise me, my guardian, 接受我吧,我的守護者, Wenn dein Herz wird erblassen When your heart becomes pale 假若你心開始褪色, Mein Hirte, nimm mich an! My Shepherd, accept me! 我的牧人,令我歸屬你! Im letzten Todesstoß, In the last death blow 慢慢地步近死亡, Von dir, Quell aller Güter, From you, source of all goodness 你是所有福祉的源泉, Alsdenn will ich dich fassen Then I shall embrace you 我將把你擁抱在 Ist mir viel Guts getan. Much good has been done for me. 美滿的我都已擁有。 In meinen Arm und Schoß. In my arms and bosom. 我的胸懷裏。 Dein Mund hat mich gelabet Your mouth has refreshed me 主的話語提點我, Mit Milch und süßer Kost, With milk and sweet food, 像流奶與蜜; Dein Geist hat mich begabet Your spirit has endowed me 你的聖靈賦予我 18. Recitative 18. Recitative 18. 宣敍調 Mit mancher Himmelslust. With many heavenly delights. 天堂般的喜樂。 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Da kam Jesus mit ihnen zu einem Then Jesus came with them to a place 然後,耶穌與門徒來到 Hofe, der hieß Gethsemane, called Gethsemane, 一個叫客西馬尼的地方, 16. Recitative 16. Recitative 16. 宣敍調 und sprach zu seinen Jüngern: and said to his disciples: 他對門徒說: Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Petrus aber antwortete und sprach zu ihm: But Peter answered and said to him: 但是,彼得卻回答耶穌 Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Setzet euch hie, bis dass ich dort Sit here, while I go over there and pray. 你們坐在這裏, Peter Peter 彼得 hingehe und bete. 我去那邊禱告。 Wenn sie auch alle sich an dir ärgerten, Even if everybody else is offended 即使其他人都離棄你, so will ich doch mich nimmermehr ärgern. because of you, 我決不離棄你。 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 yet I shall never be offended. Und nahm zu sich Petrum und die And he took with him Peter and the two 耶穌帶着彼得 zween Söhne Zebedäi sons of Zebedee 和西庇太的 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 und fing an zu trauern und zu zagen. and he began to grieve and be 兩個兒子同去, Jesus sprach zu ihm: Jesus said to him: 耶穌對他說: Da sprach Jesus zu ihnen: disheartened. 他開始憂愁難過。 Then Jesus said to them: 耶穌對他們說: 34 35

Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Chorus Chorus 合唱 Meine Seele ist betrübt bis an den My soul is distressed even to death, 現在我心裏悲哀, So schlafen unsre Sünden ein. Then our sins go to sleep. 我們的罪都會沉入睡眠。 Tod, stay here and keep watch with me. 痛不欲生; Drum muss uns sein verdienstlich For this reason to us his suffering which 為了我們, bleibet hie und wachet mit mir. 你們留在這裏和我 Leiden. benefits us 他所受的苦難 一起警醒吧。 Recht bitter und doch süße sein. Must be truly bitter and yet sweet. 最為苦澀,最為甘甜。

St Matthew 26:36-38 Matthew 26:36-38 馬太福音 26:36-38 21. Recitative 21. Recitative 21. 宣敍調 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 19. Recitative and Chorus 19. Recitative and Chorus 19. 宣敍調與合唱 Und ging hin ein wenig, fiel nieder auf And he went forward a little, 他稍往前行, Tenor Tenor 男高音 sein Angesicht und betete und sprach: fell down on his face and prayed and 俯伏在地, O Schmerz! O sorrow! 啊,悲傷! said: 禱告說: Hier zittert das gequälte Herz; Here trembles his afflicted heart; 受折磨的心在顫慄; Wie sinkt es hin, wie bleicht sein How it sinks down, how pale his face! 他多麼衰弱, Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Angesicht! The judge leads him to judgement. 面容蒼白! Mein Vater, ist's möglich, so gehe My father, if it is possible, let this cup 我父,若是可以, Der Richter führt ihn vor Gericht. There is no comfort, no help at all. 他被帶到 dieser Kelch von mir; pass from me; 求祢不要讓我喝這苦杯; Da ist kein Trost, kein Helfer nicht. He suffers all the torments of hell, 審判的大堂, doch nicht wie ich will, sondern wie yet not as I will, but rather as you will. 但是,不要照我的意願, Er leidet alle Höllenqualen, He must pay for the robbery of others. 那裏沒有希望, du willt. 要照祢的旨意。 Er soll vor fremden Raub bezahlen. Ah, if only for you my love could, 亦無安慰。 Ach, könnte meine Liebe dir, My salvation, lessen your trembling and 他受盡一切不仁的折磨, St Matthew 26:39 Matthew 26:39 馬太福音 26:39 Mein Heil, dein Zittern und dein Zagen your discouragement 他替別人的罪受刑。 Vermindern oder helfen tragen, Or help you to bear them, 啊,假如我的愛 Wie gerne blieb ich hier! How willingly I would remain here! 能減少或分擔 22. Recitative 22. Recitative 22. 宣敍調 你的顫抖和恐懼, Bass Bass 男低音 我多麼願意 Der Heiland fällt vor seinem Vater The saviour falls down before his father; 救世主在聖父跟前倒下; 為你留下。 nieder; Thereby he lifts me and everyone 從而令我與群眾得救 Dadurch erhebt er mich und alle From our fall 從我們的墮落中救出, Chorus Chorus 合唱 Von unserm Falle Up to God's grace again. 我們倒下時, Was ist die Ursach aller solcher What is the cause of such torments? 為何所有不幸事 Hinauf zu Gottes Gnade wieder. He is ready 可重新嘗到上帝的恩典。 Plagen? Ah! my sins have struck you; 都落在你身上? Er ist bereit, To drink the cup, 他已準備好, Ach! meine Sünden haben dich I, ah Lord Jesus, have deserved this 我的罪呀! Den Kelch, des Todes Bitterkeit the bitterness of death, 喝下死亡的苦酒, geschlagen; What you are suffering. 他們帶給你煎熬; Zu trinken, The cup in which 雖然杯中注滿 Ich, ach Herr Jesu, habe dies 耶穌基督, In welchen Sünden dieser Welt the sins of this world 這世上的罪孽, verschuldet 我該承受這一切 Gegossen sind und hässlich stinken, are poured and stink hatefully, 散發惡臭, du erduldet. 你所受的苦。 Weil es dem lieben Gott gefällt. Because it pleases dear God. 因為上帝的意願如此。

20. Aria 20. Aria and Chorus 20. 詠嘆調 23. Aria 23. Aria 23. 詠嘆調 Tenor Tenor 男高音 Bass Bass 男低音 Ich will bei meinem Jesu wachen, I shall keep watch by my Jesus. 我會在旁仰望我的耶穌。 Gerne will ich mich bequemen, Willingly I shall bring myself 我甘願 Meinen Tod For my death 我會得救, Kreuz und Becher anzunehmen, To accept the cross and cup, 接受十字架和苦杯, Büßet seine Seelennot; Atonement is made by his soul's 因他的靈魂為我贖罪; Trink ich doch dem Heiland nach. I drink as my saviour did 如耶穌一樣 Sein Trauren machet mich voll distress; 主的哀傷帶給我歡欣。 Denn sein Mund, For his mouth, 飲下杯中之物。 Freuden. His grieving makes me full of joy. Der mit Milch und Honig fließet, Which flows with milk and honey 他的口中 Hat den Grund Has made the cause 有流奶與蜜, Und des Leidens herbe Schmach And bitter taste of suffering 正是這原因, Durch den ersten Trunk versüßet. Become sweet through first drinking 那受苦的痛楚, himself. 頃刻化為甘甜。 36 37

24. Recitative 24. Recitative 24. 宣敍調 Und er ließ sie und ging abermal hin And prayed for a third time and said the 於是,他第三次 離開他們去禱告, Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 und betete zum drittenmal und redete same words. Und er kam zu seinen Jüngern und And he came to his disciples 耶穌回到門徒那裏, dieselbigen Worte. Then he came to his disciples and said 說了同樣的話。 fand sie schlafend und sprach zu and found them sleeping and said to 見他們睡着了, Da kam er zu seinen Jüngern und to them: 然後,他回來對門徒說: ihnen: them: 就說: sprach zu ihnen:

Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Könnet ihr denn nicht eine Stunde mit Could you not keep watch an hour with 你們不能和我 Ach! wollt ihr nun schlafen und Ah! Do you want now to sleep and rest? 啊,你們還在睡覺, mir wachen? me? 警醒一個鐘頭嗎? ruhen? See, the hour is here, 還在休息嗎? Wachet und betet, dass ihr nicht in Keep watch and pray, so that you do not 醒來祈禱吧, Siehe, die Stunde ist hie, When the son of man will be given over 看,時候到了, Anfechtung fallet! fall into temptation! 免得陷入誘惑! dass des Menschen Sohn in der into the hands of sinners. 人子就要 Der Geist ist willig, aber das Fleisch The spirit is willing, but the flesh is 你們的心靈固然願意, Sünder Hände überantwortet wird. Arise, let us go; 被出賣在罪人手中。 ist schwach. weak. 肉體卻是軟弱的。 Stehet auf, lasset uns gehen; See, here he is, the man who betrays 起來, siehe, er ist da, der mich verrät. me. 我們走吧, Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 出賣我的人來了。 Zum andernmal ging er hin, betete A second time he went away, prayed 耶穌第二次走開, und sprach: and said: 禱告說: Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Und als er noch redete, siehe, da kam And as he was still speaking, see, there 當他還在說話的時候, Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Judas, came Judas, 十二門徒之一的猶大來了, Mein Vater, ist's nicht möglich, dass My father, if it is not possible that this 我父, der Zwölfen einer, und mit ihm eine one of the Twelve and with whom a 有一大群人 dieser Kelch von mir gehe, cup should pass from me, 若我不能免除這杯, große Schar great crowd 帶着刀劍棍棒 ich trinke ihn denn, so geschehe dein unless I drink it, then your will be done. 必要我喝, mit Schwerten und mit Stangen with swords and with clubs 跟他一起, Wille. 就願祢的旨意成全。 von den Hohenpriestern und Altesten from the chief priests and elders of the 他們是大祭司 Matthew 26:40-42 des Volks. people. 和民間的長老派來的。 St Matthew 26:40-42 馬太福音 26:40-42 Und der Verräter hatte ihnen ein And the traitor gave them a sign and 那出賣耶穌的人 Zeichen gegeben und gesagt: said: 先給過他們一個暗號,說: »Welchen ich küssen werde, der ist's, “The man I shall kiss, that's him, seize 「我將吻的人, 便是他,捉住他!」 25. Chorale 25. Chorale 25. 聖詠 den greifet! « him!” Und alsbald trat er zu Jesu und And at once he went up to Jesus and 猶大走到耶穌面前, Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh allzeit, May what my God wills happen always 願上帝的旨意成全, sprach: said: 說: Sein Will, der ist der beste, His will is what is best, 祂的旨意是完美的; Zu helfen den'n er ist bereit, For he is ready to help those 祂已經作好準備 Judas Judas 猶大 Die an ihn gläuben feste. Who believe firmly in him. 去幫助信仰祂的人。 Gegrüßet seist du, Rabbi! Greetings to you, Rabbi! 老師,你好! Er hilft aus Not, der fromme Gott, He helps them in their distress, the 公正的上帝, Und züchtiget mit Maßen. righteous God, 解除危難, Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Wer Gott vertraut, fest auf ihn baut, And chastises in measure. 懲罰不義: Und küssete ihn. Jesus aber sprach And he kissed him. Jesus said to him: 猶大吻了他。耶穌對他說: Den will er nicht verlassen. The person who trusts God, builds firmly 祂不會拋棄 zu ihm: on him 信仰上帝、 He will not abandon. 依靠上帝的人。 Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Mein Freund, warum bist du kommen? My friend, why have you come? 朋友,你來做甚麼?

26. Recitative 26. Recitative 26. 宣敍調 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 傳道者 Evangelist Evangelist Da traten sie hinzu und legten die Then they came to him and laid hands 其他人上前, 耶穌回到門徒那裏, Und er kam und fand sie aber And he came and found them sleeping Hände an Jesum und griffen ihn. on Jesus and seized him. 抓住耶穌,把他捉住。 schlafend, And their eyes were full of sleep. 發現他們又睡着了, 睡眼沉重。 und ihre Augen waren voll Schlafs. And he left them and went away again St Matthew 26:43-50 Matthew 26:43-50 馬太福音 26:43:50 38 39

27a. Aria (Duet) and Chorus 27a. Aria (Duet) and Chorus 27a. 詠嘆調(二重唱)與合唱 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Soprano and Alto Soprano and Alto 女高音與女低音 Zu der Stund sprach Jesus zu den At that hour Jesus said to the crowds: 此時耶穌對眾人說: So ist mein Jesus nun gefangen. So my Jesus is now captured. 我的耶穌已被帶走。 Scharen: Mond und Licht Moon and light 月光暗淡淒涼, Ist vor Schmerzen untergangen, have set in sorrow, 因為我的耶穌已被帶走。 Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Weil mein Jesus ist gefangen. Since my Jesus is captured. 他們從此帶走他, Ihr seid ausgegangen als zu einem You have come out as if I were a 你們帶着刀劍棍棒來捉我, Sie führen ihn, er ist gebunden. They lead him away, he is bound. 用繩索綁住他。 Mörder, murderer 把我當成兇手; mit Schwerten und mit Stangen, mich with swords and clubs to seize me; 但是我曾天天 Chorus Chorus 合唱 zu fahen; Yet sat daily among you 和你們一起 Laßt ihn, haltet, bindet nicht! Let him go, stop, do not bind him! 放開他,離開他, bin ich doch täglich bei euch gesessen and have taught in the temple 坐在聖殿裏, 不要綁住他! und habe gelehret im Tempel, and you did not seize me. 在那裏佈道, und ihr habt mich nicht gegriffen. But all this has happened 你們卻不曾捉我。 Aber das ist alles geschehen, so the writings of the prophets may be 現在這一切都發生了, 27b. Chorus 27b. Chorus 27b. 合唱 dass erfüllet würden die Schriften der fulfilled. 應驗了經上 Sind Blitze, sind Donner in Wolken Have lightnings, has thunder 雲中的雷霆和閃電 Propheten. 先知們的預言。 verschwunden? vanished in the clouds? 都消失了嗎? Eröffne den feurigen Abgrund, o Open your fiery abyss, O Hell, 地獄呀, Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Hölle, Smash, destroy, swallow up, dashed 張開你烈焰熊熊的大口, Da verließen ihn alle Jünger und Then all his disciples abandoned him 於是所有門徒都離棄他, Zertrümmre, verderbe, to pieces 以最迅猛的力量 flohen. and fled. 逃跑了。 verschlinge, zerschelle With sudden fury 打倒、粉碎、吞噬、消滅 Mit plötzlicher Wut The false betrayer, the murderous 那背信棄義的叛徒, St Matthew 26:51-56 Matthew 26:51-56 馬太福音 26:51-56 Den falschen Verräter, das blood! 兇狠的生靈! mördrische Blut! 29. Chorale 29. Chorale 29. 聖詠 O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß, Oh man, bewail your great sin, 人啊, 28. Recitative 28. Recitative 28. 宣敍調 Darum Christus seins Vaters Schoß For this Christ from his father's bosom 為你們深重的罪孽哀泣吧, Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Äußert und kam auf Erden; Went forth and came to earth 基督為了你們 Und siehe, einer aus denen, die And see, one of those who were 就在那時, Von einer Jungfrau rein und zart Of a virgin pure and gentle 離開天父的膝下 mit Jesu waren, with Jesus, 跟耶穌在一起的人當中, Für uns er hie geboren ward, He was born here for us, 來到塵寰; reckete die Hand aus und schlug stretched out his hand and struck a 有一個伸手拔刀, Er wollt der Mittler werden, He was willing to become the mediator 由一位純潔溫順的處女 des Hohenpriesters Knecht servant of the high priest 向大祭司的僕人砍去, Den Toten er das Leben gab To the dead he gave life 為我們所生, und hieb ihm ein Ohr ab. and cut off one of his ears. 削掉了他一隻耳朵。 Und legt darbei all Krankheit ab, And in this way put aside all illness 他願意作和平的使者。 Da sprach Jesus zu ihm: Then Jesus said to him: 耶穌對他說: Bis sich die Zeit herdrange, Until it came to the time 他賜予死者生命, Dass er für uns geopfert würd, That he would be sacrificed for us, 為病者帶來生機。 Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Trüg unsrer Sünden schwere Bürd bear the heavy burden of our sins 直到他的時日到了, Stecke dein Schwert an seinen Put up your sword in its place; 把刀收起來; Wohl an dem Kreuze lange. For a long time indeed on the cross. 他會為我們犧牲; Ort; for whoever takes up the sword 因為凡動刀的, 為我們的罪孽 denn wer das Schwert nimmt, will perish by the sword. 必死於刀下。 在十字架上 der soll durchs Schwert Or do you think that I could not ask 難道你不知道 忍受最深重的苦難。 umkommen. my father 我可以要求我父派遣 Oder meinest du, dass ich nicht to send me more than 12 legions of 十二營多的天使嗎? könnte meinen Vater bitten, Angels? 但若是那樣, dass er mir zuschickte mehr denn But how would the Scripture be 怎能實現 zwölf Legion Engel? fulfilled? It must go in this way. 經上所寫的? Wie würde aber die Schrift 事情必須如此。 erfüllet? Es muss also gehen. 41

Zweiter Teil The Second Part 第二部分 30. Aria and Chorus 30. Aria and Chorus 30. 詠嘆調與合唱 Alto Alto 女低音 Ach! nun ist mein Jesus hin! Ah! Now has my Jesus gone! 啊,我的耶穌已經離開了! Ist es möglich, kann ich schauen? Is it possible, can I behold it? 還能不能讓我見到他? Ach! mein Lamm in Tigerklauen, Ah! my lamb in tiger's claws, 啊!我的羔羊在虎爪下, Ach! wo ist mein Jesus hin? Ah! where has my Jesus gone? 啊!我的耶穌到哪裏去了? Ach! was soll ich der Seele Ah! what shall I say to my soul, 啊!當我的心靈 sagen, When it shall ask me anxiously? 焦慮地詢問, Wenn sie mich wird ängstlich Ah! where has my Jesus gone? 我將怎樣回答? fragen? 啊,我的耶穌 Ach! wo ist mein Jesus hin? 到哪裏去了?

Chorus Chorus 合唱 Wo ist denn dein Freund Where then is your friend gone, 你的朋友到哪裏去, hingegangen, O you most beautiful among 天下最美的那位女子? O du Schönste unter den women? 你那朋友 Weibern? Where is your friend turned to? 消失到何處? Wo hat sich dein Freund Then we shall seek him with you. 我們應當 hingewandt? 一起去找他。 So wollen wir mit dir ihn suchen.

31. Recitative 31. Recitative 31. 宣敍調 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Die aber Jesum gegriffen hatten, But those who had seized Jesus 那些捉住耶穌的人 führeten ihn zu dem led him to the high priest Caiaphas 將他帶到 Hohenpriester Kaiphas, where the scribes and elders had 大祭司該亞法那裏, dahin die Schriftgelehrten und gathered together. 文士和長老正在聚會。 Ältesten sich versammlet hatten. But Peter followed him at a distance 彼得遠遠跟着耶穌, Petrus aber folgete ihm nach von up to the palace of the high priest 走進大祭司的院子, ferne and went inside and sat with the 跟僕人坐在一起, bis in den Palast des servants, 要看這事 Hohenpriesters so that he might see how things 怎樣了結。 und ging hinein und satzte sich would turn out. 祭司長、長老們、 bei die Knechte, The chief priests and the elders and 所有那一夥的人, auf dass er sähe, wo es hinaus the whole council 為了處死耶穌, wollte. sought false witness against Jesus 尋找假見證 Die Hohenpriester aber und to put him to death, and they found 控告耶穌, Ältesten und der ganze Rat none. 卻找不到。 suchten falsche Zeugnis wider Jesum, Matthew 26:57-60 馬太福音 26:57:60 auf dass sie ihn töteten, und funden keines.

St Matthew 26L57-60

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32. Chorale 32. Chorale 32. 聖詠 35. Aria 35. Aria 35. 詠嘆調 Mir hat die Welt trüglich gericht' I have been judged deceitfully by the 這個世界在審判我, Tenor Tenor 男高音 Mit Lügen und mit falschem G'dicht, world 用謊言,用偽證, Geduld! Patience! 忍耐, Viel Netz und heimlich Stricke. With lies and with false statements, 用陰暗的圈套和陷阱。 Wenn mich falsche Zungen Even if false tongues stab me. 儘管假證據在攻擊我。 Herr, nimm mein wahr in dieser With nets and secret snares. 主,請把我帶離這險境, stechen. If I should suffer contrary to my guilt 我罪不至此卻遭受 G'fahr, Lord, guard me in this danger, 保護我免遭奸計迫害。 Leid ich wider meine Schuld Abuse and mockery 斥責和譏笑, B'hüt mich für falschen Tücken! Protect me from false deceit! Schimpf und Spott, oh then may dear God 啊, Ei, so mag der liebe Gott avenge the innocence of my heart. 摯愛的上帝, Meines Herzens Unschuld 請替我無罪的心復仇。 33. Recitative 33. Recitative 33. 宣敍調 rächen. Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Und wiewohl viel falsche Zeugen And although many false witnesses 儘管來了 herzutraten, came forward, 許多假證人, 36a. Recitative 36a. Recitative 36a. 宣敍調 funden sie doch keins. Zuletzt traten they still found nothing.Finally two false 他們仍得不着實據。 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 herzu zween witnesses came forward and said: 最後, Und der Hohepriester antwortete And the high priest answered and 於是大祭司對他說: falsche Zeugen und sprachen: 有兩個假證人上前說: und sprach zu ihm: said to him:

Witnesses Witnesses 證人 High Priest High Priest 大祭司 Er hat gesagt: Ich kann den Tempel He has said: I can break down God's 他曾經宣稱: Ich beschwöre dich bei dem I adjure you by the living God, 我以永生上帝的名義 Gottes abbrechen und in dreien Tagen temple and in three days build it again. 「我能拆毀上帝的聖殿, lebendigen Gott, to tell us whether you are Christ, 命令你, denselben bauen. 三天內 dass du uns sagest, ob du seiest the son of God? 告訴我們,你是不是 又把它重建起來。」 Christus, der Sohn Gottes? 上帝之子基督?

Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Und der Hohepriester stund auf und And the high priest stood up and said to 大祭司站起來 Jesus sprach zu ihm: Jesus said to him: 耶穌對他說: sprach zu ihm: him: 對耶穌說: Jesus Jesus 耶穌 High Priest High Priest 大祭司 Du sagest's. Doch sage ich euch: You have said it. But I say to you: 你說的是。 Antwortest du nichts zu dem, das Do you answer nothing to what these 他們指證你, Von nun an wird's geschehen, From now on it will happen 我還要告訴你們: diese wider dich zeugen? men testify against you? 你甚麼也不回答嗎? dass ihr sehen werdet des that you will see the son of man 今後你們將會看到, Menschen Sohn sitting on the right hand of the 人子坐在全能者的右邊, Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 sitzen zur Rechten der Kraft power 駕着天國的雲降臨。 Aber Jesus schwieg stille. But Jesus remained silent. 耶穌卻不言語。 und kommen in den Wolken des and coming on at the clouds of Himmels. heaven. Matthew 26:60-63 Matthew 26:60-63 馬太福音 26:60-63 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Da zerriss der Hohepriester seine Then the high priest tore his 大祭司聽後,撕開 34. Recitative 34. Recitative 34. 宣敍調 Kleider und sprach: garments and said: 自己的衣服,說: Tenor Tenor 男高音 Mein Jesus schweigt My Jesus is silent 我的耶穌無言地 High Priest High Priest 大祭司 Zu falschen Lügen stille, At false lies 面對謊言, Er hat Gott gelästert; was dürfen He has blasphemed God. What need 他褻瀆了上帝; Um uns damit zu zeigen, To show us in this way 為的是使我們明白 wir weiter Zeugnis? have we for further witness? 我們還需要甚麼證人呢? Dass sein Erbarmens voller Wille That his merciful will 他憐憫的旨意。 Siehe, itzt habt ihr seine See, you have heard his blasphemy 你們都聽到他褻瀆上帝的話。 Vor uns zum Leiden sei geneigt, Is inclined to suffering for our sake 為了我們,他正在受苦; Gotteslästerung gehöret. against God. 你們的意見如何? Und dass wir in dergleichen Pein And that we in such pain 在這樣的痛苦中 Was dünket euch? What do you think? Ihm sollen ähnlich sein Should be like him 我們應當效仿他, Und in Verfolgung stille schweigen. And in persecution 面對迫害時保持沉默。 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 remain silent. Sie antworteten und sprachen: They answered and said: 他們回答: 46 47

36b. Chorus 36b. Chorus 36b. 合唱 Peter Peter 彼得 Er ist des Todes schuldig! He is guilty of death! 他該死! Ich weiß nicht, was du sagest. I don't know what you're saying. 我不知道你說的是甚麼。

Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 當他走到門口, 36c. Recitative 36c. Recitative 36c. 宣敍調 Als er aber zur Tür hinausging, But when he went to the door, sahe ihn eine andere und sprach another maid saw himand said to 另一個使女 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 zu denen, die da waren: those who were there: 看見他, Da speieten sie aus in sein Angesicht Then they spat in his face 他們向他臉上吐唾沫, 對在場的人說: und schlugen ihn mit Fäusten. and struck him with their fists. 用拳頭打他。 Etliche aber schlugen ihn ins But some struck him in the face and 有人打他耳光, Second Maid Second Maid 使女 Angesicht und sprachen: said: 說: Dieser war auch mit dem Jesu This man was also with Jesus of 這個人也和拿撒勒的耶穌一夥。 von Nazareth. Nazareth. 36d. Chorus 36d. Chorus 36d. 合唱 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Weissage uns, Christe, wer ist's, der Prophesy to us, Christ, who is it who 基督啊,你是先知, Und er leugnete abermal und But he denied it again and swore an 彼得再次否認,發誓說: dich schlug? has struck you? 告訴我們,是誰打你? schwur dazu: oath to it: Matthew 26:63-68 Matthew 26:63-68 馬太福音 26:63-68 Peter Peter 彼得 Ich kenne des Menschen nicht. I do not know the man. 我不認識那個人。 37. Chorale 37. Chorale 37. 聖詠 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 誰曾攻擊你? Wer hat dich so geschlagen, Who has struck you in this way, Und über eine kleine Weile And after a short while those who 過了片刻,在場的人走上前 我的救主, Mein Heil, und dich mit Plagen My saviour, and with torments traten hinzu, die da stunden, und are standing there came up to him 來對彼得說: 是誰對你施加 So übel zugericht'? Treated you so badly? sprachen zu Petro: and said to Peter: Du bist ja nicht ein Sünder You are certainly not a sinner 折磨虐待? 你當然不是罪人, . 合唱 Wie wir und unsre Kinder; Like us and our children; 38b. Chorus 38b. Chorus 38b 不像我們和我們的子女; Von Missetaten weißt du nicht. Of wrongdoing you know nothing. You really are one of them; your 你跟他們確是一夥的, 你的心是純潔的。 Wahrlich, du bist auch einer von denen; denn deine Sprache verrät speech gives you away. 你的口音把你出賣了。 dich. 38a. Recitative 38a. Recitative 38a. 宣敍調 傳道者 Evangelist Evangelist 38c. Recitative 38c. Recitative 38c. 宣敍調 Petrus aber saß draußen im Palast; But Peter sat outside in the Palace; and 彼得在外面院子裏坐着; Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 und es trat zu ihm eine Magd und a maid came up to him and said: 一個使女來到他面前,說: Da hub er an, sich zu verfluchen Then he began to curse and swear 彼得咒罵並發誓說: sprach: und zu schwören: an oath: First Maid First Maid 使女 Peter Peter 彼得 Und du warest auch mit dem Jesu And you also were with Jesus from 你也是跟那加利利 Ich kenne des Menschen nicht. I do not know the man. 我不認識這個人。 aus Galiläa. Galilee. 的耶穌一夥的。

Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Und alsbald krähete der Hahn. And at once the cock crew. 這時雞叫了。 Er leugnete aber vor ihnen allen und But he denied it before them all and 他當着眾人否認說: Da dachte Petrus an die Worte Then Peter thought of Jesus's 彼得想起 sprach: said: Jesu, da er zu ihm sagte: words, when he said to him: 耶穌的話: Ehe der Hahn krähen wird, wirst Before the cock crows, you will deny 「雞叫之前, du mich dreimal verleugnen. me three times. 你會三次不認我。」 Und ging heraus und weinete And he went out and wept bitterly. 他走到外面,傷心痛哭。 bitterlich.

Matthew 26:69-75 Matthew 26:69-75 馬太福音 26:69-75 48 49

39. Aria 39. Aria 39. 詠嘆調 41b. Chorus 41b. Chorus 41b. 合唱 Alto Alto 女低音 Was gehet uns das an? Da siehe What's that to do with us? See to it 這與我們何干? Erbarme dich, Have mercy, 憐憫我, du zu! yourself! 是你自己的事情! Mein Gott, um meiner Zähren willen! My God, for the sake of my tears! 上帝, Schaue hier, Look here, 我為此哭泣! Herz und Auge weint vor dir My heart and eyes weep before you 看着我, 41c. Recitative 41c. Recitative 41c. 宣敍調 Bitterlich. bitterly. 我的心和眼在祢跟前 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 痛楚地哭泣。 Und er warf die Silberlinge in den And he threw the silver pieces into 猶大把錢 Tempel, the temple 扔在聖殿裏, hub sich davon, ging hin und Departed, went away and hanged 走出去, . 聖詠 40. Chorale 40. Chorale 40 erhängete sich selbst. himself. 上吊自殺。 Bin ich gleich von dir gewichen, Although I have strayed from you, 雖然我曾離開了祢, Aber die Hohenpriester nahmen But the high priest took the silver 大祭司拾起銀錢, Stell ich mich doch wieder ein; Yet I turn back once again; 但我已回來; die Silberlinge und sprachen: pieces and said: 說: Hat uns doch dein Sohn verglichen Your son has settled the account for us 祢的兒子 Durch sein' Angst und Todespein. Through his anguish and death agony. 以他的苦難和死亡 High Priest High Priest 大祭司 Ich verleugne nicht die Schuld; I do not deny my guilt; 使我們歸順於祢。 Es taugt nicht, dass wir sie in den It is not proper to put the money in 這是血錢, Aber deine Gnad und Huld But your grace and favour 我承認我有罪; Gotteskasten legen, denn es ist the holy Treasury, 不能把它放進奉獻箱裏。 Ist viel größer als die Sünde, is much greater than the sins 但是祢的慈愛 Blutgeld. since it is blood money. Die ich stets in mir befinde. I find constantly in myself. 比我的罪為大 馬太福音 27:1-6 為此我感羞愧。 Matthew 27:1-6 Matthew 27:1-6

42. Aria 42. Aria 42. 詠嘆調 41a. Recitative 41a. Recitative 41a. 宣敍調 Bass Bass 男低音 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Gebt mir meinen Jesum wieder! Give me back my Jesus! 還我耶穌! Des Morgens aber hielten alle In the morning all the chief priests 到了早晨, Seht, das Geld, den Mörderlohn, See, the money, the wages of 看這銀錢, Hohepriester And the elders of the people held a 祭司長和長老商議, Wirft euch der verlorne Sohn murder, 謀殺的報酬, und die Ältesten des Volks einen Rat council about Jesus, 要處死耶穌。 Zu den Füßen nieder! Is thrown by the lost son 迷失的兒子把錢 über Jesum, so that they might put him to death. 他們把耶穌綁起來, Down at your feet! 扔到你腳下! dass sie ihn töteten. And they bound him, let him out 押走, Und bunden ihn, führeten ihn hin And handed him over to the governor 將他交 und überantworteten ihn dem Pontius Pilate 給總督彼拉多。 43. Recitative 43. Recitative 43. 宣敍調 Landpfleger Pontio Pilato. When Judas, who had betrayed him, 當出賣耶穌的猶大 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Da das sahe Judas, der ihn verraten saw this, 看見他被定罪, Sie hielten aber einen Rat But they held a Council 他們商議後, hatte, that he was condemned to death, 後悔了, und kauften einen Töpfersacker And bought a potter's Field 用那銀錢 dass er verdammt war zum Tode, he felt remorse and brought back 把那三十塊銀錢 darum zum Begräbnis der Pilger. for the burial of pilgrims. 買了陶匠的一塊地, gereuete es ihn und brachte the 30 pieces of silver to the chief 還給祭司長和長老, Daher ist derselbige Acker For this reason the same field 用來埋葬外鄉人。 herwieder priests and the elders and said: 說: genennet der Blutacker bis auf is called the field of blood until this 所以至今這塊地 die dreißig Silberlinge den den heutigen Tag. day. 還被稱為「血田」。 Hohenpriestern und Ältesten und Da ist erfüllet, das gesagt ist In this way is fulfilled what was said 這應驗了先知耶利米的話: sprach: durch den Propheten Jeremias, by the prophet Jeremiah when he 「他們拿了 da er spricht: says: 三十塊銀錢, Judas Judas 猶大 »Sie haben genommen dreißig “They have taken 30 pieces of silver, 就是 Ich habe übel getan, dass ich I have done evil, in that I have betrayed 我賣了無辜之人的血、 Silberlinge, with which the one who was sold 被賣的人的價錢, unschuldig Blut verraten habe. innocent blood. 是有罪了。 damit bezahlet ward der was paid for, 是以色列 人同意的價錢, Verkaufte, the man whom they bought from the 他們用這筆錢 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 welchen sie kauften von den children of Israel, 買了陶匠的地, Sie sprachen: They said: 他們說: 50 51

Kindern Israel, and they have given the money for a 這是依照主所吩咐我的。」 45a. Recitative 45a. Recitative and Chorus 45a. 宣敍調與合唱 und haben sie gegeben um einen potter's field, 這時耶穌 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Töpfersacker, as the Lord has ordered me.” 站在總督面前, Auf das Fest aber hatte der At the festival the governor had a 每逢逾越節, als mir der Herr befohlen hat.« But Jesus stood before the governor; 總督問他: Landpfleger Gewohnheit, custom 總督按慣例釋放一個 Jesus aber stund vor dem and the governor questioned him and dem Volk einen Gefangenen of releasing to the people a prisoner, 由眾人選擇的囚犯。 Landpfleger; said: loszugeben, welchen sie wollten. whomever they wished. 當時 und der Landpfleger fragte ihn und Er hatte aber zu der Zeit einen At that time he, had a prisoner, 有個臭名昭著的犯人 sprach: Gefangenen, one who stood out among the rest 叫巴拉巴。 einen sonderlichen vor andern, and was called Barabbas. 當群眾聚集時, Pilate Pilate 彼拉多 der hieß Barrabas. And when they were gathered 彼拉多問他們: Bist du der Jüden König? Are you the king of the Jews? 你是猶太人的王嗎? Und da sie versammlet waren, together, Pilate said to them: sprach Pilatus zu ihnen: Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Jesus aber sprach zu ihm: But Jesus said to him: 耶穌回答: Pilate Pilate 彼拉多 Welchen wollet ihr, dass ich euch Which one do you want me to 你們要我 Jesus Jesus 耶穌 losgebe? release for you? 為你們釋放哪個人? Du sagest's. You are saying this. 這是你說的。 Barrabam oder Jesum, von dem Barabbas or Jesus, of whom it is 巴拉巴, gesaget wird, er sei Christus? said, he is Christ? 還是那稱為基督的耶穌? Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Und da er verklagt war von den And when he was accused by the chief 當祭司長和長老 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Hohenpriestern und Ältesten, priests and elders, 指控他, Denn er wusste wohl, dass sie For he knew well that they had 彼拉多明明知道, antwortete er nichts. Da sprach He answered nothing. Then Pilate said 他一言不發。 ihn aus Neid überantwortet handed him over through envy. 他們是出於嫉妒 Pilatus zu ihm: to him: 彼拉多又問道: hatten. And as he was sitting of the 才把耶穌交給他的。 Und da er auf dem Richtstuhl saß, judgement seat, his wife sent word 當他在審判席坐下, Pilate Pilate 彼拉多 schickete sein Weib zu ihm und to him and said: 他的妻子差人送來口信: Hörest du nicht, wie hart sie dich Do you not hear what harsh accusations 你沒聽見他們對你 ließ ihm sagen: verklagen? they make against you? 的嚴厲指控嗎? Pilate's Wife Pilate's Wife 彼拉多的妻子 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Habe du nichts zu schaffen mit Have nothing to do with this just that 你不要管那義人的事, Und er antwortete ihm nicht auf ein And he answered him not one word 耶穌不答一詞, diesem Gerechten; man; 因為今天我在夢中 Wort, So the governor also was greatly 總督非常詫異。 ich habe heute viel erlitten im I have today suffered much in a 為他吃盡苦頭! also, dass sich auch der Landpfleger amazed at him. Traum von seinetwegen! dream for his sake! sehr verwunderte. Matthew 27:7-14 馬太福音 27:7-14 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Matthew 27:7-14 Aber die Hohenpriester und die But the chief priests and the elders 祭司長和長老 Ältesten überredeten das Volk, persuaded the people 說服眾人, dass sie um Barrabam bitten That they should ask for Barabbas 叫他們要求 44. Chorale 44. Chorale 44. 聖詠 sollten und Jesum umbrächten. and destroy Jesus. 釋放巴拉巴, Befiehl du deine Wege Commend your way 把你的未來, Da antwortete nun der Then the governor answered and 處死耶穌。 Und was dein Herze kränkt And what troubles your heart 以及心中的悲傷 Landpfleger und sprach zu ihnen: said to them: 總督問他們: Der allertreusten Pflege To the most trustworthy care 託付給天國的主宰, Des, der den Himmel lenkt. Of him who guides the heavens. 祂必把你細心照顧。 Pilate Pilate 彼拉多 Der Wolken, Luft und Winden He who to the clouds, air and winds 雲、大氣和微風 Welchen wollt ihr unter diesen Which of these two do you want me 這兩個人, Gibt Wege, Lauf und Bahn, Gives their way, course and track, 在祂的指引下飄流, zweien, den ich euch soll to release to you? 你們要我釋放哪一個? Der wird auch Wege finden, Will also find a way 祂也會尋找道路 losgeben? Da dein Fuß gehen kann. By which your feet can go. 讓你踏足行走。 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Sie sprachen: They said: 他們回答: 52 53

Chorus Chorus 合唱 Betrübte hat er aufgericht', He raised up those who are 他安慰哀傷的人, Barrabam! Barabbas! 巴拉巴! Er nahm die Sünder auf und an. distressed, 他接納罪人。 Sonst hat mein Jesus nichts He received and accepted sinners 除此之外, Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 getan. Nothing else has my Jesus done. 我的耶穌無作別事。 Pilatus sprach zu ihnen: Pilate said to them: 彼拉多對他們說:

Pilate Pilate 彼拉多 49. Aria 49. Aria 49. 詠嘆調 Was soll ich denn machen mit Jesu, What shall I then do with Jesus of whom 我將怎樣處置那稱為 Soprano Soprano 女高音 von dem gesagt wird, er sei Christus? it is said he is Christ? 基督的耶穌呢? Aus Liebe, Out of love, 為了愛, Aus Liebe will mein Heiland Out of love my saviour is willing to 為了愛 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 sterben, die, 我的救世主願意死去, Sie sprachen alle: They all said: 他們都說: Von einer Sünde weiß er nichts. Of any sin he knows nothing. 雖然他沒有任何罪過。 Dass das ewige Verderben So that eternal ruin 免得受審判的罪責 Und die Strafe des Gerichts And the punishment of judgement 永恆摧毀我的靈魂。 45b. Chorus 45b. Chorus 45b. 合唱 Nicht auf meiner Seele bliebe. May not remain upon my soul. Laß ihn kreuzigen! Let him be crucified! 把他釘十字架!

Matthew 27 :15-22 Matthew 27:15-22 馬太福音 27:15-22 50a. Recitative 50a. Recitative 50a. 宣敍調 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Sie schrieen aber noch mehr und But they cried all the more and said: 眾人越發高喊: 46. Chorale 46. Chorale 46. 聖詠 sprachen: Wie wunderbarlich ist doch diese How amazing is this punishment! 多令人驚詫的刑罰! Strafe! The good Shepherd suffers for his 那仁慈的牧者 Der gute Hirte leidet für die Schafe, sheep, 為羊群受苦; 50b. Chorus 50b. Chorus 50b. 合唱 Die Schuld bezahlt der Herre, der The Lord, the one who is just, pays the 主人, Laß ihn kreuzigen! Let him be crucified! 把他釘十字架! Gerechte, penalty 那正義的人, Für seine Knechte. For his servants. 為他的僕人償債。 50c. Recitative 50c. Recitative 50c. 宣敍調 47. Recitative 47. Recitative 47. 宣敍調 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Da aber Pilatus sahe, dass er But when Pilate saw that he was 彼拉多見自己再說 Der Landpfleger sagte: The governor said: 於是總督說: nichts schaffete, achieving nothing, 也沒有用, sondern dass ein viel großer But instead the commotion was 反而會引起更大騷亂, Pilate Pilate 彼拉多 Getümmel ward, becoming greater, 就拿水 Was hat er denn Übels getan? What evil has he done? 他做了甚麼壞事呢? nahm er Wasser und wusch die He took water and washed his 在群眾面前洗手,說: Hände vor dem Volk und sprach: hands in front of the people and Matthew 27:23 Matthew 27:23 馬太福音 27:23 said:

Pilate Pilate 彼拉多 48. Recitative 48. Recitative 48. 宣敍調 Ich bin unschuldig an dem Blut I am innocent of the blood of this 流這義人的血, Soprano Soprano 女高音 dieses Gerechten, sehet ihr zu. just man. 罪不在我, Er hat uns allen wohlgetan, He has done good to all of us come 他眷顧我們各人, See to it yourselves. 你們自己承擔吧。 Den Blinden gab er das Gesicht, To the blind he gave sight 讓瞎子重見光明, Die Lahmen macht er gehend, The lame he made able to walk 讓瘸子恢復走路, Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Er sagt uns seines Vaters Wort, He told to us his father's word 他把他父的話告訴我們, Da antwortete das ganze Volk Then the whole people answered 眾人回答: Er trieb die Teufel fort, He drove out the devils, 他驅走魔鬼, und sprach: and said: 54 55

50d. Chorus 50d. Chorus 50d. 合唱 53a. Recitative 53a. Recitative 53a. 宣敍調 Sein Blut komme über uns und unsre His blood be upon us and our children. 他的血債 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Kinder. 由我們和我們的子孫承擔。 Da nahmen die Kriegsknechte Then the soldiers of the governor 總督的士兵 des Landpflegers took Jesus into the hall 把耶穌帶到總督府, Jesum zu sich in das Richthaus and gathered the whole band around 全隊集合在他周圍。 50e. Recitative 50e. Recitative 50e. 宣敍調 und sammleten über ihn die him 他們脫下 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 ganze Schar and they stripped him 耶穌的衣服, Da gab er ihnen Barrabam los; Then he released 於是彼拉多釋放巴拉巴了, und zogen ihn aus and put on him a purple cloak 給他披上紫紅袍子, aber Jesum ließ er geißeln und Barabbas for them; 把耶穌鞭笞折磨後, und legeten ihm einen and plaited a crown of thorns 把一頂荊棘編的冠冕 überantwortete ihn, But Jesus he had scourged and handed 把他押送去釘十字架。 Purpurmantel an and set it on his head 戴在他頭上, dass er gekreuziget würde. him over und flochten eine dornene Krone and a reed in his right hand 拿一根葦子 to be crucified. 馬太福音 27:23-26 und satzten sie auf sein Haupt and bowed their knees before him 塞進他的右手, Matthew 27:23-26 und ein Rohr in seine rechte and mocked him and said: 他們在他面前跪下, Matthew 27:23-26 Hand 戲弄他說: und beugeten die Knie vor ihm und spotteten ihn und sprachen: 51. Recitative 51. Recitative 51. 宣敍調 Alto Alto 女低音 53b. Chorus 53b. Chorus 53b. 合唱 Erbarm es Gott! Have mercy, God! 憐憫啊,上帝! Hier steht der Heiland angebunden. Here stands the saviour, bound, 救世主被束縛, Gegrüßet seist du, Jüdenkönig! Hail to you, King of the Jews! 萬歲,猶太人的王! O Geißelung, o Schläg, o Wunden! O scourging, o blows, o wounds! 受鞭笞,受拷打, Ihr Henker, haltet ein! You executioners, stop! 受傷害! Erweichet euch Are you not softened by 住手吧,劊子手! 53c. Recitative 53c. Recitative 53c. 宣敍調 Der Seelen Schmerz, The soul's agony, 靈魂的痛苦和哀傷情景 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Der Anblick solches Jammers nicht? The sight of such misery? 還不能感動你們麼? Und speieten ihn an und nahmen And they spat on him and took the 他們向他臉上吐唾沫, Ach ja! ihr habt ein Herz, Ah yes! You have a heart 啊!你們的心 das Rohr und schlugen damit sein reed and with it struck him on the 拿葦子 Das muss der Martersäule gleich That must be like the post used for 一定像那施刑的柱子, Haupt. head. 打他的頭。 Und noch viel härter sein. torture 甚至更加堅硬。 Erbarmt euch, haltet ein! And even far harder still. 憐憫啊, St Matthew 27:27-30 Matthew 27:27-30 馬太福音 27:27-30 Have mercy, stop! 住手吧!

54. Chorale 54. Chorale 54. 聖詠 . 詠嘆調 52. Aria 52. Aria 52 O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden, O head full of blood and wounds, 啊,佈滿血跡和傷痕的頭顱, Alto Alto 女低音 Voll Schmerz und voller Hohn, Full of sorrow and full of scorn, 滿是哀傷和嘲諷; Können Tränen meiner Wangen If the tears on my cheeks can 如果我滿面的淚水 O Haupt, zu Spott gebunden O head bound in mockery 啊,戴上荊棘冠冕被嘲謔的頭顱; Nichts erlangen, Achieve nothing, 不能讓你們住手, Mit einer Dornenkron, With a crown of thorns, 啊,那曾被仰望、 O, so nehmt mein Herz hinein! O then take my heart! 啊,就拿去我的心吧! O Haupt, sonst schön gezieret O head once beautifully adorned 崇拜和讚美的頭顱, Aber lasst es bei den Fluten, But let it for the streams, 願那長流 Mit höchster Ehr und Zier, With greatest honour and 但是現在被摧殘, Wenn die Wunden milde bluten, As the wounds gently bleed 源於傷口的血 Jetzt aber hoch schimpfieret, adornment, 由我來迎接! Auch die Opferschale sein! Also be the sacrificial cup! 流入那獻祭的杯盞! Gegrüßet seist du mir! But now most shamefully 你尊貴的面容, Du edles Angesichte, mistreated, 整個世界在你面前 Dafür sonst schrickt und scheut Let me greet you! Das große Weltgewichte, You noble face Before which at other times shrinks and shies away 56 57

Wie bist du so bespeit; The great weight of the world, 應當退縮膽怯, 58a. Recitative 58a. Recitative 58a. 宣敍調 Wie bist du so erbleichet! How are you spat upon, 怎能唾罵你? Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Wer hat dein Augenlicht, How pale you are! 你面容多麼蒼白! Und da sie an die Stätte kamen And when they came to a place named 他們來到一個地方, Dem sonst kein Licht nicht gleichet, By whom has the light of your eyes mit Namen Golgatha, Golgotha, 叫各各他, So schändlich zugericht'? To which at other times no light can be 你的明朗目光誰人能及, das ist verdeutschet Schädelstätt, which translated is “Place of Skulls”, 意思是「骷髏地」, compared, 世上不曾有過這樣的光芒, gaben sie ihm Essig zu trinken they gave him vinegar to drink mixed with 他們拿 Been so shamefully treated? 怎能這樣 mit Gallen vermischet; gall; 摻和苦膽的酒給耶穌喝; 不留情面地褻瀆? und da er's schmeckete, wollte and when he tasted it, he would not drink. 他嘗了,卻不肯喝。 er's nicht trinken. Then they crucified him, 他們就把他 Da sie ihn aber gekreuziget and divided up his clothing and drew lots 釘在十字架上, 55. Recitative 55. Recitative 55. 宣敍調 hatten, for it, 抽籤分了他的衣服。 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 teilten sie seine Kleider und so that what is said by the prophets would 這也應驗了 Und da sie ihn verspottet hatten, And when they had mocked him, 他們戲弄完了, wurfen das Los darum, be filled: 先知的預言: zogen sie ihm den Mantel aus they took off the cloak 脫掉耶穌 auf dass erfüllet würde, das “They have divided by close amongst 「他們抽籤, und zogen ihm seine Kleider an and put his own clothes on him 身上的袍子, gesagt ist durch den Propheten: themselves 分了我所有衣服。」 und führeten ihn hin, dass sie ihn and led him out to be crucified. 給他穿上 »Sie haben meine Kleider unter and for my garment they have cast lots.” 他們坐在那裏 kreuzigten. And as they went along 自己的衣服, sich geteilet, And they sat there and kept guard. 看守他, Und indem sie hinausgingen, they found a man 帶他去釘十字架。 und über mein Gewand haben sie And over his head they fixed 在耶穌的頭上 funden sie einen Menschen von from Cyrene who was called Simon, 他們出來的時候, das Los geworfen.« the reason for his death written out, 安了一面罪狀牌, Kyrene mit Namen Simon; whom they compelled 遇見一個 Und sie saßen allda und hüteten namely: 上面寫着: den zwungen sie, dass er ihm sein to carry his cross. 叫西門的古利奈人, sein. “This is Jesus, King of the Jews.” 「這是耶穌, Kreuz trug. 就強迫他 Und oben zu seinen Häupten And two murderers were crucified with 猶太人的王。」 Matthew 27:31-32 背上耶穌的十字架。 hefteten sie him, 兩個殺人犯 Matthew 27:31-32 die Ursach seines Todes one on his right and one on his left 也同時被釘十字架, 馬太福音 27:31-32 beschrieben, nämlich: But those who passed by reviled him 一個在右邊, »Dies ist Jesus, der Jüden and shook their heads and said: 一個在左邊。 König.« 經過的人 56. Recitative 56. Recitative 56. 宣敍調 Und da wurden zween Mörder 侮辱耶穌, Bass Bass 男低音 mit ihm gekreuziget, 搖着頭說: Ja freilich will in uns das Fleisch und Certainly indeed in us our flesh and 就是我們的肉體和鮮血 einer zur Rechten und einer zur Blut blood 我們才要 Linken. Zum Kreuz gezwungen sein; Has to be compelled to the cross; 被驅往十字架上; Die aber vorübergingen, lästerten Je mehr es unsrer Seele gut, The better it is for our soul, 我們的靈魂愈加美好, ihn Je herber geht es ein. The more bitter it is for us. 我們愈多苦難。 und schüttelten ihre Köpfe und sprachen:

57. Aria 57. Aria 57. 詠嘆調 58b. Chorus 58b. Chorus 58b. 合唱 Bass Bass 男低音 Der du den Tempel Gottes You who destroy God's temple 你這拆毀聖殿、 Komm, süßes Kreuz, so will ich sagen, Come sweet cross, this is what I will 來,神聖的十架, zerbrichst And build it in three days, help yourself! 三天內把它重建的人, Mein Jesu, gib es immer her! say, 我說: und bauest ihn in dreien Tagen, If you are God's son, then come down 救救你自己吧! Wird mir mein Leiden einst zu schwer, My Jesus , give it always to me! 我的耶穌, hilf dir selber! from the cross! 如果你是上帝之子, So hilfst du mir es selber tragen. If my suffering at any time becomes too 隨時把它給我! Bist du Gottes Sohn, so steig 就從十字架上下來吧! heavy, 假如那痛楚 herab vom Kreuz! Then you yourself helped me to bear it. 變得太沉重, 請幫助我去承受。

58 59

58c. Recitative 58c. Recitative 58c. 宣敍調 60. Aria and Chorus 60. Aria and Chorus 60. 詠嘆調 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Alto and Chorus Alto and Chorus 女低音與合唱 Desgleichen auch die Hohenpriester In the same way 祭司長、 Sehet, Jesus hat die Hand, See Jesus had stretched out his hands 看,耶穌伸開雙手 spotteten sein the chief priests also derided him 文士和長老 Uns zu fassen, ausgespannt, To embrace us, 要擁抱我們。 samt den Schriftgelehrten und together with the scribes and elders 也同樣取笑他: Kommt! - Wohin? - in Jesu Come! - where? 來!去哪裏? Ältesten und sprachen: and said: Armen in Jesus's arms 到耶穌的懷內, Sucht Erlösung, nehmt Erbarmen, Seek redemption, 尋找贖救, Suchet! - Wo? - in Jesu Armen. receive mercy, 得到他的慈愛, 58d. Chorus 58d. Chorus 58d. 合唱 Lebet, sterbet, ruhet hier, Seek! where? 尋找!去哪裏? Andern hat er geholfen und kann sich He helped others and he cannot help 他救得了別人, Ihr verlass'nen Küchlein ihr, in Jesus's arms. 到耶穌的懷內。 selber nicht helfen. himself. 卻不能自救。 Bleibet - Wo? - in Jesu Armen Live, die, rest here, 生存,死亡,歇息, Ist er der König Israel, so steige er If he is the king of Israel, then let him 如果他是以色列的王, You forsaken chicks, 都在此, nun vom Kreuz, now come down from the cross 現在就從十字架上下來, Remain where? 你們這些被遺棄的孩子, so wollen wir ihm glauben. And we will believe in him. 我們就相信他。 in Jesus's arms. 留下在哪裏? Er hat Gott vertrauet, der erlöse ihn He trusted in God, 他信靠上帝, 到耶穌的懷內。 nun, lüstet's ihn; let him deliver him, 假如上帝願意, denn er hat gesagt: Ich bin Gottes if he delights in him; 現在就去救他, Sohn. For he said: 因為他說過: 61a. Recitative 61a. Recitative 61a. 宣敍調 I am God's son. 「我是上帝之子。」 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Und von der sechsten Stunde an And from the sixth hour there was 中午的時候, war eine Finsternis darkness 黑暗籠罩大地, 58e. Recitative 58e. Recitative 58e. 宣敍調 über das ganze Land bis zu der Over the whole land until the ninth hour. 約有正午之久。 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 neunten Stunde. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried aloud 到了申初鐘, Desgleichen schmäheten ihn auch die In the same way also the murderers, 那和耶穌一起 Und um die neunte Stunde and said: 耶穌大聲呼喊: Mörder, who crucified with him, reviled him. 釘十字架的殺人犯, schriee Jesus laut und sprach: die mit ihm gekreuziget waren. 也這樣嘲笑他。 Matthew 27:33-44 Jesus Jesus 耶穌 Matthew 27:33-44 馬太福音 27:33-44 Eli, Eli, lama asabthani? Eli, Eli, lama asabthani? 以利,以利,拉馬撒巴各大尼?

Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 59. Recitative 59. Recitative 59. 宣敍調 Das ist: Mein Gott, mein Gott, That is: 意思是: warum hast du mich verlassen? my God, my God, 「我的上帝,我的上帝, Alto Alto 女低音 Etliche aber, die da stunden, da why have you forsaken me? 祢為甚麼離棄我?」 Ach Golgatha, unselges Golgatha! Ah Golgotha, accursed Golgotha! 啊,各各他, But some, 一些旁觀者聽到後 Der Herr der Herrlichkeit muss The Lord of glory must shamefully 被咒的各各他! sie das höreten, sprachen sie: who were standing there, 這樣說: schimpflich hier verderben perish here, 耶穌必在此離去, when they heard this said: Der Segen und das Heil der Welt The blessing and salvation of the world 世界的祝福和救恩, Wird als ein Fluch ans Kreuz gestellt. Is put on the cross as a curse. 被釘在十字架上受咒罵。 Der Schöpfer Himmels und der Erden. From the creator of the heaven and the 那造天造地的, 61b. Chorus 61b. Chorus 61b. 合唱 Soll Erd und Luft entzogen werden. earth 將奪走大地和天空。 Die Unschuld muss hier schuldig The Earth and the air will be taken 無辜者在這裏死去, Der rufet dem Elias! He is calling on Elias! 他呼喚以利亞呢! sterben,| away. 與有罪的一樣, Das gehet meiner Seele nah; The innocent must here die as guilty, 這深深刺痛我的靈魂。 Ach Golgatha, unselges Golgatha! That touches my soul deeply; 啊,各各他, Ah Golgotha, accursed Golgotha! 被咒的各各他! 60 61

61c. Recitative 61c. Recitative 61c. 宣敍調 in die heilige Stadt city 出現在眾人面前。 看守耶穌的 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 und erschienen vielen. and appeared to many. 軍官和士兵, Und bald lief einer unter ihnen, And one of them quickly ran, 一個旁觀者立刻跑過去, Aber der Hauptmann und die bei But the captain and those who were with 看到了地震 nahm einen Schwamm und füllete ihn took a sponge and dipped it in vinegar 拿一塊海綿, ihm waren him 和發生的一切, mit Essig And put it on a reed and gave it to him 蘸滿了醋, und bewahreten Jesum, da sie And were guarding Jesus, when they saw 極為害怕,說: und steckete ihn auf ein Rohr und to drink. 放在葦子上, sahen the earthquake and what had happened, tränkete ihn. But the others said: 遞給耶穌喝。 das Erdbeben und was da they were very afraid and said: Die andern aber sprachen: 可是其他人說: geschah, erschraken sie sehr und sprachen: 61d. Chorus 61d. Chorus 61d. 合唱 Halt! lass sehen, ob Elias komme und Wait! Let's see if Elias comes and helps 等着! 63b. Chorus 63b. Chorus 63b. 合唱 ihm helfe? him? 我們看以利亞會 不會來救他。 Wahrlich, dieser ist Gottes Sohn This man really was the son of God. 他真的是上帝的兒子。 gewesen.

61e. Recitative 61e. Recitative 61e. 宣敍調 63c. Recitative 63c. Recitative 63c. 宣敍調 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Aber Jesus schriee abermal laut und But Jesus again gave a loud cry and 耶穌又大喊一聲, Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 verschied. left this life. 氣就斷了。 Und es waren viel Weiber da, die And there were many women who looked 許多婦人 von ferne zusahen, on from a distance, 在遠處觀看, Matthew 27:45-50 Matthew 27:45-50 馬太福音 27:45-50 die da waren nachgefolget aus who had followed him from Galilee 她們是從加利利 Galiläa and had served him, 跟着耶穌 und hatten ihm gedienet, among whom were Mary Magdalene 來服侍他的。 62. Chorale 62. Chorale 62. 聖詠 unter welchen war Maria and Mary, 其中有抹大拉的馬利亞, Magdalena und Maria, the mother of James and Joses, 雅各和約瑟的母親馬利亞, Wenn ich einmal soll scheiden, When I one day must depart from here 有天當我要離去, die Mutter Jacobi und Joses, and the mother of the children of Zebedee 和西比太的孩子的母親。 So scheide nicht von mir, Then do not depart from me, 不要離開我; und die Mutter der Kinder But in the evening came a rich man from 晚上, Wenn ich den Tod soll leiden, When I must suffer death 當我到死亡時, Zebedäi. Arimathea, 從亞利馬太 So tritt du denn herfür! Then step forward next to me! 上前來到我身旁! Am Abend aber kam ein reicher who was called Joseph and who also 來了一個富人, Wenn mir am allerbängsten When most full of fear 當我的心靈忍受 Mann von Arimathia, was a disciple of Jesus. 名叫約瑟, Wird um das Herze sein, I am in my heart, 最痛楚的折磨時, der hieß Joseph, welcher auch He went to Pilate and asked him for 也是耶穌的門徒, So reiß mich aus den Ängsten Then snatch me from my fears 你在苦難中的力量 ein Jünger Jesu war, Jesus's corpse. 他去見彼拉多, Kraft deiner Angst und Pein! By the strength of your agony and pain! 會帶我離開恐懼! der ging zu Pilato und bat ihn um Then Pilate gave orders that should be 要求收殮 den Leichnam Jesu. given to him. 耶穌的遺體。 63a. Recitative 63a. Recitative 63a. 宣敍調 Da befahl Pilatus, man sollte ihm 彼拉多就吩咐給他。 傳道者 Evangelist Evangelist ihn geben. Matthew 27:51-58 Und siehe da, der Vorhang im Tempel And see, the veil in the temple 看啊, 馬太福音 27:51-58 聖殿的簾幕 zerriss in zwei Stück von oben an bis was torn into two pieces from the top Matthew 27:51-58 unten aus. to the bottom 從上至下 Und die Erde erbebete, und die Felsen and the earth quaked and the rocks 裂成兩半。 大地震動, zerrissen, split, 64. Recitative 64. Recitative 64. 宣敍調 und die Gräber täten sich auf, and the graves were opened 岩石崩裂, Bass Bass 男低音 und stunden auf viel Leiber der and there rose up many bodies of holy 墓穴打開, Am Abend, da es kühle war, In the evening, when it was cool, 在黃昏清涼的時份, Heiligen, people 長眠的聖徒 Ward Adams Fallen offenbar; The fall of Adam was manifest 亞當嚐禁果墮落, die da schliefen, und gingen aus den who were sleeping there and they went 都復活起來。 Am Abend drücket ihn der In the evening the saviour presses down 在黃昏時份, Gräbern from the graves 他們離開墳墓, Heiland nieder.; on him; 救世主遭罪孽壓住。 nach seiner Auferstehung und kamen after their rising and came into the holy 進入聖城, 62 63

Am Abend kam die Taube wieder In the evening the dove returned 在黃昏, 66b. Chorus 66b. Chorus 66b. 合唱 Und trug ein Ölblatt in dem Munde. And carried an olive branch in its 鴿子回巢, Herr, wir haben gedacht, dass Lord, we have remembered that this 大人,我們記得 O schöne Zeit! O Abendstunde! mouth. 嘴裏銜着橄欖枝。 dieser Verführer sprach, deceiver said, 那個騙子 Der Friedensschluss ist nun mit Gott O beautiful time! O evening hour! 啊,美麗的時刻! da er noch lebete: Ich will nach while he was still alive: I shall rise again 活着的時候說過: gemacht, The peace treaty with God is now made 啊,黃昏時份! dreien Tagen wieder auferstehen. after three days. 「三日後我要復活。」 Denn Jesus hat sein Kreuz vollbracht. For Jesus has brought to fulfilment his 上帝已賜平安, Darum befiehl, dass man das Therefore give orders that the tomb 所以, Sein Leichnam kömmt zur Ruh, cross. 因耶穌完成了 Grab verwahre bis an den dritten should be guarded until the third day 請下令把守墳墓, Ach! liebe Seele, bitte du, His corpse comes to rest, 在十字架上的使命, Tag, so that his disciples do not come 直到第三日, Geh, lasse dir den toten Jesum Ah! Dear soul, pray, 他的身體得到了安息。 auf dass nicht seine Jünger and steal his body and say to the people: 他的門徒 schenken, Go, let them give you the dead Jesus, 啊,親愛的靈魂,禱告吧, kommen “He has risen from the dead” 就不能把屍體偷走, O heilsames, o köstlichs Angedenken! O salutary, o precious remembrance! 去,讓他們給你耶穌的遺體, und stehlen ihn und sagen zu And the last deception would be worse 然後向眾人宣稱: 啊,慰藉的、珍貴的紀念! dem Volk: than the first! 「他死而復活了」, Er ist auferstanden von den 這最後的謊言 Toten, 比先前的更糟! 65. Aria 65. Aria 65. 詠嘆調 und werde der letzte Betrug Bass Bass 男低音 ärger denn der erste! Mache dich, mein Herze, rein, Make yourself pure, my heart 我的心你要潔淨, Ich will Jesum selbst begraben, I want to bury Jesus himself within me, 我要讓耶穌安息。 Denn er soll nunmehr in mir For he now within me 讓他在我內, 66c. Recitative 66c. Recitative 66c. 宣敍調 Für und für Forever 永遠酣睡。 Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Seine süße Ruhe haben. Shall have his sweet rest. 世界,離去吧, Pilatus sprach zu ihnen: Pilate said to them: 彼拉多對他們說: Welt, geh aus, lass Jesum ein! World, depart from my heart, 讓耶穌進來! let Jesus enter! Pilate Pilate 彼拉多 Da habt ihr die Hüter; gehet hin You have guards of your own; go away 你們有自己的守衛, und verwahret's, wie ihr's wisset! and keep watch as best you can! 去吧, 66a. Recitative 66a. Recitative 66a. 宣敍調 盡你們所能把守墳墓! Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 Und Joseph nahm den Leib And Joseph took the body 約瑟領到遺體, Evangelist Evangelist 傳道者 und wickelte ihn in ein rein Leinwand and wrapped it in a clean linen cloth 用乾淨的麻布 Sie gingen hin und verwahreten They went away and kept watch over the 於是, und legte ihn in sein eigen neu Grab, and laid it in his own new grave 包裹起來, das Grab mit Hütern und grave with guards and sealed the stone. 他們帶守衛去嚴守墓地, welches er hatte lassen in einen Fels which had been carved for him in a 安放在他自己的 versiegelten den Stein. 封緊石頭。 hauen, rock, 新墓穴裏, Matthew 27:59-66 und wälzete einen großen Stein vor and he rolled a great stone in front of 這墓穴是他在岩石鑿成的。 Matthew 27:59-66 馬太福音 27:59-66 die Tür des Grabes und ging davon. the door of the grave and went away. 他把一塊大石頭滾過來, Es war aber allda Maria Magdalena But Mary Magdalen and the other Mary 堵住墓口,然後離開。 und die andere Maria, were there 抹大拉的馬利亞 67. Recitative and Chorus 67. Recitative and Chorus 67. 宣敍調 die satzten sich gegen das Grab. and they sat opposite the grave 和另一位馬利亞 Bass Bass 男低音 Des andern Tages, der da folget nach On the next day, the one that followed 對着墳墓而坐。 Nun ist der Herr zur Ruh Now is the Lord brought to peace. 主終於安息了。 dem Rüsttage, the day of rest, 次日, gebracht. kamen die Hohenpriester und the chief priests and Pharisees came 就是預備日的第二天, Pharisäer sämtlich zu Pilato und together to Pilate and said: 祭司長和法利賽人 Tenor Tenor 男高音 sprachen: 同去見彼拉多, Die Müh ist aus, die unsre Sünden The trouble is over, which our sins 他的辛勞已完結, 說: ihm gemacht. caused for him. 因主已補償了我們的罪孽。 65

Alto Alto 女低音 O selige Gebeine, O sacred bones, 啊,神聖的軀體, Seht, wie ich euch mit Buß und Reu See how I weep for you with penance 我們滿懷悲傷 beweine, and remorse 為你哭泣, Dass euch mein Fall in solche Not That my fall has brought you into such 是我們的墮落 gebracht! distress! 為你帶來深重的苦難!

Soprano Soprano 女高音 Habt lebenslang As long as life lasts 我們永生永世 Vor euer Leiden tausend Dank, Have a thousand thanks for your 為你的受難 Dass ihr mein Seelenheil so wert sufferings 萬分感激, geacht'. For having valued so highly the 因你將世人的救恩奉為至高。 salvation of my soul.

Chorus Chorus 合唱 Mein Jesu, gute Nacht! My Jesus, goodnight! 我的耶穌,晚安!

68. Chorus 68. Chorus 68. 合唱 Wir setzen uns mit Tränen nieder My Jesus, goodnight! 我們坐下,流淚, Und rufen dir im Grabe zu: We sit down with tears 向着你的墳墓呼喚你: Ruhe sanfte, sanfte ruh! And call to you in your grave: 請你安息吧, Ruht, ihr ausgesognen Glieder! Rest gently, gently rest! 安息吧! Euer Grab und Leichenstein Rest, you exhausted limbs! 安息吧, Soll dem ängstlichen Gewissen Your grave and tombstone 精疲力竭的軀體! Ein bequemes Ruhekissen For our anguished conscience shall be 這墳墓和墓碑。 Und der Seelen Ruhstatt sein. A pillow that gives peace and comfort 為着我們受痛苦折磨的良知 Höchst vergnügt schlummern da die And the place where our souls find 要成為一個舒適的墊子, Augen ein. rest. 和靈魂安息之處, With the greatest content there our 我們合上雙眼休息, eyes will close in sleep. 深感滿足。

Text: Picander (1700-1764) 66 67

西貝娜.魯賓斯 女高音 本傑明.布隆斯 男高音(傳道者) Sibylla Rubens Soprano Benjamin Bruns Tenor (Evangelist)

女高音魯賓斯在德國和海外備受追捧。近年值得一提的演出合作對象包括:菲利 布隆斯曾與市立不來梅劇團、科隆歌劇院、德累斯頓國家歌劇院合作,現為維也 普.賀力韋格指揮荷蘭皇家音樂廳管弦樂團、克里斯蒂安.泰利曼指揮慕尼黑愛 納國家歌劇院成員。布隆斯在維也納國家歌劇院 2015 / 16 樂季將參與演出《灰姑 樂管弦樂團及伊凡.費沙爾指揮的布達佩斯節日樂團(歐洲巡演)。2015 / 16 樂 娘》(王子)、《女人心》(費蘭多)、《魔笛》(塔米諾)及《泰特斯》(泰特斯)。 季焦點是與萊比錫聖多馬合唱團與布業大廳樂團在戈特霍德.施瓦茨指揮下的巴 他曾在下列團體擔任客席演唱:慕尼黑園丁廣場國家劇院、紐倫堡國家劇院、林 赫《聖馬太受難曲》亞洲巡演。魯賓斯尤其熱衷演唱藝術歌曲。她不僅在路德維 登大道歌劇院及柏林德意志歌劇院等。神劇和藝術歌曲均為布隆斯演唱曲目重 希堡城堡節和海德堡春天藝術節作客演唱,並曾到訪巴塞隆拿、阿姆斯特丹、紐 心,當中包括巴赫、韓德爾、海頓、莫扎特、舒伯特和孟德爾頌的作品。他亦曾 倫堡、史特加及科隆演出。 © Gudrun de Maddalena © Sara Schöngen 跟不來梅德意志室內愛樂管弦樂團、捷克愛樂樂團、班堡交響樂團等團體合作。 魯賓斯參與錄製逾八十張唱片,最新推出的一張與克勞斯.梅坦斯合作演繹勞倫 布隆斯曾贏得下列獎項:不來梅劇團頒贈庫爾特.胡布納獎(2008 年)及什列斯 斯.克里斯托夫.密滋樂的《道德的奧登》。魯賓斯在奧格斯堡大學利奧波德- 威 - 好斯敦音樂節年輕音樂家獎(2009 年)。 莫扎特中心領導聲樂團、舉行大師班及任教神劇課程。 Bruns has worked with Theater Bremen, Cologne Opera, Dresden State Opera and Vienna Rubens is a sought-after artist in Germany and abroad. Particular highlights from recent State Opera where he is still a member. In the season 2015/16 Bruns performs at the years have included her performances with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra under Vienna State Opera Don Ramiro in Cenerentola, Ferrando in Così fan tutte, Tamino in Die Philippe Herreweghe, with the Munich Philharmonic under Christian Thielemann and Zauberflöte and Titus in Titus. a European tour with the Budapest Festival Orchestra under Iván Fischer. Highlight He has appeared as a guest performer at the Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz in Munich, of the 2015/16 season is the Asian tour with Gewandhausorchester Leipzig and the Staatstheater in Nuremberg, at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden and the Deutsche Thomanerchor Leipzig performing Bach’s St Matthew Passion under Gotthold Schwarz. Oper Berlin, among others. Oratorio and lieder form an important part of his concert Rubens particularly enjoys lieder recitals. She has been a guest performer not only at the repertoire including the great sacred works by Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Schubert and Ludwigsburger Schlossfestspiele and the Heidelberger Frühling, but also in Barcelona, Mendelssohn. He has sung with ensembles like Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, Amsterdam, Nuremberg, Stuttgart and Cologne. Czech Philharmonic, Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, and others. Bruns's various accolades She has appeared on over 80 recordings and her latest releases include Lorenz Christoph include the 2008 Kurt Hübner Prize awarded by the Theater Bremen and the 2009 Young Mizler’s Die moralischen Oden together with Klaus Mertens. Rubens gives mastercclasses Musicians’ Prize awarded by the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival. and leads the vocal ensemble and oratorio class at the Leopold-Mozart-Zentrum of the University of Augsburg. 馬田.匹玆奧德 男高音 瑪麗 - 克勞德.賈普依 女低音 Martin Petzold Tenor

Marie-Claude Chappuis Alto 匹玆奧德自 1986 年成為萊比錫歌劇團常駐成員。他亦與聖多馬合唱團與布業大廳 樂團緊密合作。 賈普依定期在歐洲著名歌劇場合演唱,當中包括:柏林國家歌劇院、薩爾斯堡藝 術節及日內瓦大劇院。她曾與喬凡尼.安東尼尼、列卡度.沙爾、列卡度.慕迪 匹玆奧德巡迴演出到訪過歐洲各地、美國、以色列、日本、韓國、中國、及中南 等多位指揮家合作。她演出的歌劇角色包括:《狄托的仁慈》的塞斯托 、《女人 美洲,並曾在巴塞爾歌劇院、維也納音樂協會大樓金色大廳及愛丁堡節日劇院等 心》的朵拉貝拉及比才筆下的《卡門》。 場地演唱。他曾為下列唱片品牌灌錄唱片:Philips Classics、DECCA、Ram Records 等。 賈普依的獨唱音樂會亦廣受歡迎。最近分別與萊比錫布業大廳樂團在特雷弗.平 © Gert Mothes 諾克指揮下演出《拿梭的亞里安納》和薩爾斯堡室內樂團在安德拉斯·席夫指揮 匹玆奧德音樂生涯中主要詮繹巴赫作品,並曾與史蒂芬.卻力三重奏合作灌錄 ©Jo Simoes 下演出《所以我就忘記你?》。其他演出包括:與和諧花園古樂團在維洛提斯拉 《Bach in Jazz》專輯。另外,匹玆奧德熱心保育德國民俗音樂。他在 2009 年推 維亞合唱藝術節演出韋華第和巴赫的《尊主頌》,以及和德累斯頓國家管弦樂團 出了《月亮悄然上升》,又在 2014 年推出德國聖誕民謠合輯《家裏的聖誕》。 一同演出舒伯特《降 E 大調彌撒曲》。賈普依灌錄唱片曲目廣泛,最近推出專輯 包括安德烈·卡普萊《耶穌之鏡》(Mirare)及莫扎特《安魂曲》(Sony)。 Since 1986 Petzold has been a regular member of the ensemble of the Leipzig Opera. He also maintains a close working relationship with the St Thomas Choir and the Gewandhaus Chappuis regularly performs on Europe’s most prestigious operatic stages including Orchestra. Berlin State Opera, Salzburg Festival, and Grand Théâtre de Genève under the baton of conductors such as Giovanni Antonini, Riccardo Chailly, Riccardo Muti, and others. Her Numerous concert performances have led him throughout Europe, the US, to Israel, Japan, roles include Sesto in La Clemenza Di Tito, Dorabella in Così fan tutte and the title role in Korea, China and Central and South America, appearing in such venues as Opera Theatre Bizet’s Carmen among others. in Basel, Vienna Musikverein and Edinburgh Festival Theatre, among others. He has recorded CDs for Philips Classics, DECCA, Ram Records, and many other labels. She is also a much sought after concert soloist. Recent appearances include Arianna a Naxos under Trevor Pinnock at the Gewandhaus Leipzig, and Ch’io mi scordi di te with His interpretations of the works of J S Bach have been the focal point of his music making, the Camerata Salzburg under the baton of András Schiff. Other highlights from recent and he collaborated with the improvisation group Stephan-König-Trio on the album Bach seasons include an appearance at Wratislavia Cantans festival for Vivaldi’s and Bach’s in Jazz. Petzold is also devoted to the preservation of German folk music. In 2009 he Magnificat with Il Giardino Armonico and Schubert’s Mass in E-flat major with the Dresden released the album Verstohlen geht der Mond auf, and a collection of German Christmas Staatskapelle in Dresden. Chappuis has an extensive discography, and her most recent carols Weihnachten zu Hause in 2014. releases include Le Miroir de Jésus by André Caplet for Mirare, and Mozart’s Requiem for Sony. 69

克勞斯.哈格 男低音(耶穌) Klaus Häger Bass (Jesus)

哈格生於德國烏伯塔爾,並在科隆和佛萊堡兩地音樂學院隨法蘭茲.米勒豪瑟、 鍈格葆.莫斯和于爾根.高婁斯學習聲樂。他曾參加塞娜.朱力納琪、厄恩斯特. 漢弗里格和迪特里希.費雪 - 迪斯考的大師班。哈格奪得威尼斯國際莫扎特比賽 等國際聲樂比賽獎項。 哈格是下列音樂節常客:薩爾斯堡藝術節、施韋青根、路德維希堡城堡節、及什 列斯威 - 好斯敦音樂節、荷蘭、安斯巴赫及西維爾。他曾與歐洲不同著名樂團和 指揮合作,後者包括:蓋爾德.阿布雷希特、丹尼爾.巴倫波因、列卡度.沙爾 及克里斯蒂安•泰利曼。在美國,哈格曾與夏洛特交響樂團演出,並於 2007 年 首次在卡內基音樂廳登台。在亞洲相當活躍,除了隨同漢堡歌劇院巡演到日本, 亦參與了 2012 台北巴赫音樂節。他曾經是柏林德意志歌劇院全職團員,自 2004 年起於羅斯托克音樂及戲劇學院擔任教授。

Born in Wuppertal, Germany, Häger did voice training with Franz Müller-Heuser, Ingeborg Most and Jürgen Glauss at the Music Colleges of Cologne and Freiburg. He attended masterclasses with Sena Jurinac, Ernst Haefliger and Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. Häger has won several prizes and awards at international singing competitions such as International Mozart Competition Venice.

C Häger is a frequent guest at the music festivals in Salzburg, Schwetzingen, Ludwigsburg,

M Schleswig-Holstein, Holland, Ansbach, and Sevilla. In Europe he has appeared with several leading orchestras, performing under famous conductors such as Gerd Albrecht, Daniel Y Barenboim, Riccardo Chailly and Christian Thielemann. In the US he made his Carnegie

CM Hall debut in 2007. In Asia he has performed tour with Staatsoper Hamburg in Japan as well as joining the Taipei-Bach-Festival 2012. He previously worked as a full-time member MY of Deutsche Oper Berlin. Häger has been a professor at the Hochschule für Musik und

CY Theater in Rostock since 2004.


K 弗羅利恩.布殊 男低音 Florian Boesch Bass

布殊主要演唱藝術歌曲,曾在英國威格摩音樂廳、維也納金色大廳及維也納音樂 廳以及美、加演出。他最近亦與馬蒂斯樂團及尚-克利斯多夫.史賓諾西演出貝 多芬《莊嚴彌撒曲》,以及在皇家阿姆斯特丹音樂廳演唱貝爾格的《伍采克》。 布殊作為歌唱舞台常客,合作對象包括維也納和柏林愛樂樂團,及指揮家如西 蒙.歷圖爵士和伊凡.費沙爾。他亦與尼古勞斯·哈農庫特合作演出海頓的《四 季》。歌劇方面,布殊曾到薩爾斯堡藝術節、漢堡歌劇院及莫斯科大劇院等場合 演唱。2016 年 1 月,他在維也納劇院上演的庫特·威爾所寫的《三毛錢歌劇》中 © Lukas Beck 飾演強納森.皮契爾一角。他所灌錄卡爾·勒韋的藝術歌曲和歌謠作品贏得愛迪 生古典音樂獎。

Boesch is a foremost lieder interpreter with appearances at such venues as Wigmore Hall, Musikverein and Konzerthaus Vienna, as well as throughout the US and Canada. Recent concert highlights include Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis with the Ensemble Matheus and Jean-Christophe Spinosi and Berg’s Wozzeck at the Concertgebouw Amsterdam. As a frequent guest on the concert platform Boesch has worked with leading orchestras and conductors like Wiener and Berliner Philharmoniker, Sir Simon Rattle and Iván Fischer. He works closely with Nikolaus Harnoncourt on such projects as Haydn’s Die Jahreszeiten. Operatic engagements have taken him to various festivals and venues including the Salzburg Festival, Staatsoper Hamburg, and the Bolshoi Theatre. In January 2016 he appeared as Jonathan Peachum in Kurt Weill’s The Threepenny Opera at the Theater an der Wien. His recording of lieder and ballads by Carl Loewe received the Edison Klassiek Award. 71

烏爾里克.波米 管風琴 Ullrich Böhme Organ

波米生於德國薩克森自由邦的霍蘭區。1972 至 1979 年,他在德累斯頓教堂音樂學 院隨漢斯.奧托以及在萊比錫音樂學院隨沃爾夫岡.史特里克修讀音樂。波米完 成州際大學考試後在凱姆尼茲十字教堂擔任領唱者和管風琴師至 1986 年。 波米於 1985 年獲委任為聖多馬大教堂管風琴師。自此負責為聖多馬合唱團每週禮 拜獻唱、音樂會和經文歌伴奏,並為清唱劇、神劇和受難曲演奏通奏低音。除此 之外,波米亦在歐洲和北美洲國家以及日本演出。德國當地和國際電台和電視台 均有與波米錄音。 波米經常獲邀在重要國際管風琴比賽擔任評判。他在萊比錫孟德爾頌音樂及戲劇 學院任教音樂詮釋,並於 1994 年獲教授銜稱。

Böhme was born in the Vogtland region (Saxony) of Germany. From 1972 to 1979, he studied at the Music School for Church Music in Dresden with Hans Otto and at the Music Conservatory in Leipzig with Wolfgang Schetelich. After completing his state exams, he worked as the Cantor and organist in the Kreuz Church in Chemnitz until 1986. In 1985, Böhme was appointed to be the St. Thomas Church organist in Leipzig. Since then, his most important tasks have been playing soloist organ music for church services, concerts, and motets with the St. Thomas Boys Choir, as well as playing the basso C continuo to cantatas, oratorios and passions. In addition, he has performed concerts in

M different European countries, North America, and Japan. Radio and TV broadcasters, both German and international, have produced many recordings with him. Y Böhme has often been requested to be the member of the jury of many important CM international organ competitions. He teaches at the University of Leipzig for Music and

MY Theater and gives classes in music interpretation. He was appointed to professorship in 1994. CY


K 72 73

萊比錫聖多馬合唱團 萊比錫布業大廳樂團 Thomanerchor Leipzig Gewandhausorchester Leipzig

1st soprano 2nd alto 2nd bass First Violin Double Bass Harpsichord Max Gläser Richard Führer Max Padubrin Sebastian Breuninger* Christian Ockert† Stefan Altner Lukas Kummer Justus Renner Claudio Gemsa Yun-Jin Cho** Bernd Meier†† Constantin Haufe Joseph Georgi Luis Fischer Veronika Starke Gewandhausdirektor Jan Bucher Angelo Grobe Ludwig Rucker Tristan Thery Flute Andreas Schulz Pascal Leonhardt Maximilian Beige Konstantin Schmidt Jürgen Dase Sébastian Jacot†† Darius Herrmann Elias La Rosèe Leon Taege Liane Unger Anna Garzuly-Wahlgren††† Orchestra Management Anton Kups Vincent Berger Dorothea Vogel Manfred Ludwig Nele Kemmerich Kilian Schäfer 1st tenor Louis Weise Stefanie Cribb Tünde Molnár-Grepling Jonas Rössel Paul Vogel Jonas Michaelsen Annemarie Gäbler^ Stage Manager Julius Forster Jacob Wetzig Arthur Kinder Camille Vasseur^ Oboe David Geis Emil Toschev Maximilian Müller Theodor Waldenburger Henrik Wahlgren†† Tobias Posselt Alexander Arkona Second Violin Domenico Orlando†† Jonah Renner Thomaskantor David Wedel* Uwe Kleinsorge * 1st Concertmaster ** Concertmaster 2nd soprano Henrik Weimann Gotthold Schwarz Miho Tomiyasu-Palma Marques** † 1st Solo Adam Wahlgren Sebastian Ude English Horn †† Solo Ludwig Führer 2nd tenor General Manager Andrea Pleß Simon Sommerhalder†† ††† Assistant Solo ^ Mendelssohn-Orchesterakademie †† ^^ Nathanael Vorwergk Johann Winter Stefan Altner Katharina Schumann Stefano Rava ^^ As guest Victor Reiser Johann Beyer Karl Heinrich Niebuhr Jan Lutz Tim Rassow Manager of Thomasalumnat Nemanja Bugarcic Bassoon Theodor Ulbricht Vincenz Klose Thoralf Schulze Kana Akasaka David Petersen†† Felix Cantzler Lutz Klepel Johannes Liebeskind 1st bass Director of Education Viola Cornelius Hildebrandt Paul Bernewitz Roland Weise Yu Sun† Recorder Jannes Arndt Benedikt Pilz Olaf Hallmann†† Robert Ehrlich Oskar Krieger Artistic Planning Peter Borck Anna Januj 1st alto Franz Gischke Maria Funke Konrad Lepetit Friedemann Meinhardt Daniel Schwiertz Anne Wiechmann-Milatz Lute Tobias Gründel Sebastian Heindl Chaperon Anton Jivaev Lee Santana-Perl Zacharias Krämer Konrad Schöbel Ingo Berger Henning Gründler Jacob Renner Eike Zerson Cello Viola da Gamba Raphael Domke Anton Hartmann Christian Giger† Thomas Bräuer-Fritzsch Nicolas Spierling Daniel Pfister†† Uwe Stahlbaum Thomasorganist Hartmut Brauer Ullrich Böhme

Support and Co-operation 支持及協助

•Acorn Design •法蘭西斯卡福斯卡里尼女士 Ms Francesca Foscanini •呂沅蔚女士 Ms Evains Lui •Alliance Française •亞洲鋼琴城 Fuji Asia Piano Services Co Ltd •馬師雅女士 Ms Alice Ma •香港專業戲劇人同盟 •馮漢紀先生 Mr Joseph Fung •澳門文化中心 Macau Cultural Centre The Alliance of Theatre Professionals of Hong Kong •鳳溪廖萬石堂中學 •馬哥孛羅香港酒店 Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel •香港聖公會諸聖座堂 All Saints' Cathedral Fung Kai Liu Man Shek Tong Secondary School •安琪拉•麥奇女士 Ms Angela Mackay •Alfie Leung Design •港威酒店 Gateway Hotel •毛維先生 Mr Mao Wei •AMC Pacific Place •德國駐香港總領事館 German Consulate General Hong Kong •外交部駐港特派公署 MEC Interaction •Anastassia's Art House •六國酒店 Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong •外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs in HKSAR •巴塞爾藝術展 Art Basel •香港歌德學院 Goethe-Institut Hong Kong •MOViEMOViE •藝林文具印刷有限公司 The Artland Co Ltd •運通製版印刷 ( 國際 ) 有限公司 •美心食品有限公司 Maxim's Caterers Ltd G.L. Graphics & Printing Limited •澳洲駐港總領事館 Australian Consulate-General Hong Kong •流行舞蹈學院 Neverland Dance House •The Grand Cinema •區伯平牧師 Rev Au Pak-ping •新西蘭駐香港總領事館 •樺利廣告有限公司 Avanny Advertising Co Ltd •香港君悅酒店 Grand Hyatt Hong Kong New Zealand Consulate-General Hong Kong •香港華大盛品酒店 •青苗琴行音樂中心 Greenery music •前進進戲劇工作坊 On & On Theatre Workshop BEST WESTERN PLUS Hotel Hong Kong •恒生管理學院 Hang Seng Management College •One Tapas Minden Kitchen •Brick Lane 英文學系 Department of English •Orange Peel Music Lounge •安娜.布拉加尼奧洛女士 •港島海逸君綽酒店 Harbour Grand Hong Kong •PALACE ifc Ms Anna Bragagnolo •灣景國際 The Harbourview •鮑皓昕先生 Mr Basil Pao •英國駐香港總領事館 British Consulate-General Hong Kong •白沙灣遊艇會 Hebe Haven Yacht Club •柏斯琴行 Parsons Music Limited •英國文化協會 British Council •快達票香港有限公司 HK Ticketing •新約舞流 Passoverdance •香港英商會 The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong •香港兆基創意書院 HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity •卓滙達有限公司 Patsville Company Ltd •百老匯院線 Broadway Circuit •香港演藝學院 The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts •半島酒店 The Peninsula Hong Kong •黑麥 Café Pumpernickel 中國戲曲學院 School of Chinese Opera •Ping Pong 129 •佳能香港有限公司 Canon Hong Kong Ltd. 戲劇學院 School of Drama •戲子館 Ply Dreamers •明愛白英奇賓館 Caritas Bianchi Lodge 音樂學院 School of Music •中環石板街酒店 The Pottinger Hong Kong •盛邦興業有限公司 C’est Bon Projects Corporation Limited •香港藝術行政人員協會 •電訊盈科 PCCW Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association •陳伯顯先生 Mr Rain Chan •香港太子酒店 Prince Hotel, Hong Kong •香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre •香港嘉昱有限公司 Cheer Shine Enterprise Co Ltd •皇家太平洋酒店 The Royal Pacific Hotel and Towers •香港浸信會 Hong Kong Baptish Church •陳贊雲先生 Mr Michael Chen •帝都酒店 Royal Park Hotel •香港浸會大學 Hong Kong Baptist University •程偉彬先生 Mr Rex Cheng •香港帝景酒店 Royal View Hotel 音樂系 Department of Music •中華基督教會公理堂 China Congregational Church •聖心教堂 Sacred Heart Chapel 電影學院 Academy of Film •香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong •阿歷山度.沙朗尼先生 Mr Alessandro Sciarroni 英文系 Department of English 戲曲資料中心 Chinese Opera Information Centre •SDM 爵士芭蕾舞學院 SDM Jazz and Ballet Academie 人文及創作系 Humanities and Creative Writing Department 敬文書院 C W Chu College •沙田大會堂 Sha Tin Town Hall •香港中樂團 Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra 音樂系 Department of Music •上環文娛中心 Sheung Wan Civic Centre •香港城市室樂團 Hong Kong City Chamber Orchestra 文化及宗教研究系Department of Cultural and Religious Studies •先鋒廣告製作有限公司 •香港大會堂 Hong Kong City Hall 和聲書院 Lee Woo Sing College Sin Fung Advertising Production Co., Ltd. •香港鄉村俱樂部 The Hong Kong Country Club 專業進修學院 School of Continuing and Professional Studies •事必達推廣有限公司 Speedy Promotion Limited •香港木球會 The Hong Kong Cricket Club •周可允女士 Ms Howan Chow •Steam Studio •香港文化中心 Hong Kong Cultural Centre •毛妹芭蕾舞學校 Christine Liao School of Ballet •標準陳氏制作公司 Standard (Chan's) Corp. Ltd. •香港各界婦女聯合協進會 Hong Kong Federation of Women •基督君王小堂 Christ the King Chapel •聖約翰座堂 St John's Cathedral •香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups •珠海學院 Chu Hai College for Higher Education •聖若瑟堂 St Joseph's Church •香港教育學院 The Hong Kong Institute of Education •中華基督教會合一堂 •聖瑪加利大堂 St Margaret's Church The Church of Christ in China Hop Yat Church (Hong Kong Church) 文化與創意藝術學系 •香港聖公會聖馬利亞堂 St Mary's Church Department of Cultural and Creative Arts •城市當代舞蹈團 City Contemporary Dance Company •孫楠先生 Mr Jimmy Suen •香港黃金海岸酒店 Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel •城市花園酒店 City Garden Hotel •Sunny@TotheFunk •香港管弦樂團 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra •香港城市大學 The City University of Hong Kong •辰衝圖書有限公司 Swindon Book Co. Ltd. •香港理工大學 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 英文系 Department of English •The School of Opportunity 賽馬會綜藝文化設施及推廣處 •Classical in Cinema •台北經濟文化辦事處 Taipei Economic & Cultural Office Culture Promotion and Events Office (CPEO) •比利時駐港總領事館 •通利琴行 Tom Lee Music Company Ltd •香港小交響樂團 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Consulate General of Belgium in Hong Kong and Macau •三角關係 Trinity Theatre •香港旅遊發展局 Hong Kong Tourism Board •加拿大駐港澳總領事館 •謝明莊先生 Mr Ming Chong Tse •香港科技大學 Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macau The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology •荃灣大會堂 Tsuen Wan Town Hall •芬蘭駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of Finland, Hong Kong 藝術中心 Center for the Arts •基督教香港崇真會救恩堂 Tsung Tsin •法國駐港澳總領事館 Mission of Hong Kong Kau Yan Church •香港青唱 Hong Kong Young People's Chorus Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau •香港大學 The University of Hong Kong •何駿賢先生 Mr Sunny Ho •希臘駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of Greece in Hong Kong 音樂系 Department of Music •香港今旅酒店 Hotel Jen Hong Kong •印度駐香港總領事館 Consulate General of India, Hong Kong 藝術學系 Department of Fine Arts •香港海景嘉福洲際酒店 •意大利駐香港領事館 Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong Intercontinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong 文學院 Faculty of Arts •韓國駐港總領事館 •香港洲際酒店 InterContinental Hong Kong •不加鎖舞踊館 Unlock Dancing Plaza Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong •Isla School of Dance •城市售票網 URBTIX •馬里駐港領事館 Consulate General of Mali in Hong Kong •港島太平洋酒店 Island Pacific Hotel Hong Kong •法蘭西斯科.威基先生 Mr Francesco Vecchi •羅馬尼亞駐港澳總領事館 Consulate General of •王仁曼芭蕾舞學校 Jean M. Wong School Of Ballet •進富印刷公司 Wealthy Step Printing Co. Romania in Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR •JellyBin Limited •同流 We Draman Group •瑞士駐香港總領事館 •黃銘熙先生 Mr Ronny Wong Consulate General of Switzerland in Hong Kong •高山劇場 Ko Shan Theatre •黃翠絲女士 Ms Tracy Wong •俄羅斯駐香港總領事館 •九龍木球會 Kowloon Cricket Club Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Hong Kong SAR, PRC •九龍酒店 The Kowloon Hotel •X Social Group •美國駐港澳總領事館 •Kubrick •奚家麟先生 Mr Edward Yee Consulate General of the United States, Hong Kong & Macao •葵青劇院 Kwai Tsing Theatre •鹽田梓村鹽光保育中心 Yim Tin Tsai Village Salt & Light Preservation Centre •丹麥王國駐廣州總領事館 •光華新聞文化中心 Kwang Hwa Information & Culture Centre Royal Danish Consulate General in Guangzhou •香港基督教青年會(港青)YMCA of Hong Kong •賴建群先生 Mr Calvin Lai •古巴駐香港領事館 Consulate of Cuba in Hong Kong •錢佑先生 Mr Eddy Zee •劉清平先生 Mr Ching Ping Lau •香港沙田萬怡酒店 Courtyard by Marriott Hong Kong Sha Tin •Zenith Designing & Printing Services Ltd. •劉天麟先生 Mr Lau Tin Lun Dick •Dada BAR + LOUNGE •赤豚事務所 Zhu Graphizs •數碼港艾美酒店 Le Meridien Cyberport •Dante Alighieri Society •四度舞蹈劇場 4 Degrees Dance Laboratory •李偉安先生 Mr Warren Lee •德勤企業管理咨詢 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 •梁儉豐先生 Mr Kenny Leung Deloitte Consulting (Hong Kong) Limited •李鏡輝先生 Mr Alpha Li •Die Konzertisten •中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室 •劇場工作室 Drama Gallery Liaison Office of the CPG in HKSAR •dreamoffish Limited •羅朱玲玲女士 Mrs Loletta Chu Lo •wine etc •嶺南大學 Lingnan University •基督教香港信義會金齡薈 ELCHK Essence Hub 文化研究系 Department of Cultural Studies •風采中學 Elegantia College •羅乃新女士 Ms Nancy Loo •粉嶺禮賢會中學 Fanling Rhenish Church Secondary School •德國漢莎航空 Lufthansa German Airlines

* 合約職員 Contract Staff + 榮譽節目顧問 Honorary Programme Advisors 職員 STAFF 行政總監 Executive Director 何嘉坤 Tisa Ho 節目 Programme 節目總監 Programme Director 梁掌瑋 Grace Lang 副節目總監 Associate Programme Director 蘇國雲 So Kwok-wan 贊助人 PATRON 梁振英先生 The Honourable C Y Leung 節目經理 Programme Managers 葉健鈴、陳韻妍 Linda Yip, Vanessa Chan 助理節目經理 Assistant Programme Managers 鍾維新 *、林淦鈞 * Chung Wai-sun*, Lam Kam-kwan* 永遠名譽會長 HONORARY LIFE PRESIDENT 邵逸夫爵士 Sir Run Run Shaw, CBE(1907-2014) 節目統籌 Programme Coordinators 李家穎、黎曉君 * Becky Lee, Tina Lai* 執行委員會 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 節目主任 Programme Officers 林晨 *、李欣璞 * Mimi Lam*, Stella Li* 主席 Chairman 查懋成先生 Mr Victor Cha 物流及接待經理 Logistics Manager 金學忠 * Elvis King* 副主席 Vice Chairman 詹偉理先生 Mr James Riley 藝術家統籌經理 Head Artist Coordinator 鄭瑋菁 * Virginia Cheng* 義務司庫 Honorary Treasurer 李錦榮先生 Mr William Li 節目見習員 Programme Trainee 羅倫素 * Lorenzo Alberti* 委員 Members 劉鎮漢先生 Mr Anthony Lau .技術 Technical 梁靳羽珊女士 Mrs Yu-san Leong 技術經理 Technical Manager 溫大為 * David Wan* 廖長江先生 The Hon Martin Liao, SBS JP 助理製作經理 Assistant Production Manager 蘇雪凌 Shirley So 黃敏華女士 Ms Nikki Ng 技術統籌 Technical Coordinators 陳寶愉 *、陳詠杰 * Bobo Chan*, Chan Wing-kit* 李義法官 The Hon Mr Justice Ribeiro 陳佩儀 *、陳家彤 * Claudia Chan*, Doris Chen* 任志剛先生 Mr Joseph Yam, GBM GBS JP 林環 *、歐慧瑜 *、梁雅芝 * Nancy Lam*, Rachel Au*, Shirley Leung* 梁卓偉教授 Professor Gabriel Leung, GBS, JP 技術主任 Technical Officer 陳鈞至 * Samuel Chan* 節目委員會 PROGRAMME COMMITTEE .外展 Outreach 主席 Chairman 李義法官 The Hon Mr Justice Ribeiro 外展經理 Outreach Manager 李冠輝 Kenneth Lee 委員 Members 紀大衛教授 Professor David Gwilt, MBE 外展統籌 Outreach Coordinators 陳慧晶 *、 Ainslee Chan*, 盧景文教授 Professor King-man Lo, MBE JP 張鼎丞 *、李宛虹 * Bell Cheung*, Lei Yuen-hung* 毛俊輝先生 Mr Fredric Mao, BBS 外展主任 Outreach Officers 黃傲軒 *、林芷瑩 * Joseph Wong*, Cordelier Lam* 外展助理 Outreach Assistant 譚曉峯 * Mitch Tam* 譚榮邦先生 Mr Wing-pong Tam, SBS JP 姚珏女士 Ms Jue Yao, JP .出版 Publication 羅志力先生 Mr Peter C L Lo 編輯 Editor 周宛媚 * Jamie Chow* 白諾信先生 Mr Giorgio Biancorosso 英文編輯 English Editor 黃進之 * Nicolette Wong* 高德禮先生 + Mr Douglas Gautier+ 助理編輯 Assistant Editors 林尚諾 *、林凱敏 * Sherlock Lam*, Evangeline Lam* 約瑟 ‧ 施力先生 + Mr Joseph Seelig+ 財務委員會 FINANCE COMMITTEE 市場推廣 Marketing 主席 Chairman 李錦榮先生 Mr William Li 市場總監 Marketing Director 鄭尚榮 Katy Cheng 委員 Members 梁國輝先生 Mr Nelson Leong 市場經理 Marketing Managers 周怡、鍾穎茵、盧志邦 * Alexia Chow, Wendy Chung, Bonny Loo* 市場經理(票務) ( ) 梁彩雲 詹偉理先生 Mr James Riley Marketing Manager Ticketing Eppie Leung 助理市場經理 Assistant Marketing Managers 梁愷樺、楊璞 * Anthea Leung, Michelle Yeung* 鄭惠貞女士 Ms Margaret Cheng 市場見習員 Marketing Trainee 胡盈弢 * Vanessa Woo* 發展委員會 DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 票務主任 Ticketing Officer 李蓁蓁 * Daphne Lee* 主席 Chairman 查懋成先生 Mr Victor Cha 藝術行政見習員 Arts Administrator Trainee 莫文軒 * Tony Mok* 副主席 Vice Chairman 梁靳羽珊女士 Mrs Yu-san Leong 客戶服務主任 Customer Service Officer 楊美儀 *、洪瑋亭 * Wendy Yeung*, Vicky Hung* 委員 Members 廖碧欣女士 Ms Peggy Liao 徐詩翎 *、陳靄彤 * Chui Sze Ling*, Kerry Chen* 龐建貽先生 Mr Paulo Kin-yee Pong 發展 Development 郭明鑑先生 Mr Andrew Kuo 發展總監 Development Director 余潔儀 Flora Yu 雍景欣女士 Ms Jane Yong 發展經理 Development Manager 蘇啟泰 Alex So 顧問 ADVISORS 李業廣先生 Mr Charles Y K Lee, GBM GBS JP 助理發展經理 Assistant Development Managers 張慧芝 *、陳艷馨 Anna Cheung*, Eunice Chan 李國寶博士 Dr The Hon David K P Li, GBM GBS JP 發展統籌 Development Coordinator 譚樂瑤 * Lorna Tam* 鮑磊先生 Mr Martin Barrow, GBS CBE JP 發展主任 Development Officer 李海盈 * Jane Li* 梁紹榮夫人 Mrs Mona Leong, SBS BBS MBE JP 藝術行政見習員 Arts Administrator Trainee 湯培 * Tong Pui* 發展助理 Development Assistant 葉礎蔚 * Daisy Ip* 名譽法律顧問 HONORARY SOLICITOR 史蒂文生黃律師事務所 會計 Stevenson, Wong & Co Accounts 會計經理 Accounting Manager 陳綺敏 Katharine Chan 核數師 AUDITOR 羅兵咸永道會計師事務所 行政 Administration PricewaterhouseCoopers 人力資源及行政經理 HR and Administration Manager 馮紹昌 Calvin Fung 香港藝術節基金會 HONG KONG ARTS FESTIVAL TRUST 行政秘書 Executive Secretary 謝凱婷 Heidi Tse 主席 Chairman 霍璽先生 Mr Angus H Forsyth 接待員 / 初級秘書 Receptionist / Junior Secretary 李美娟 Virginia Li 管理人 Trustees 陳達文先生 Mr Darwin Chen, SBS ISO 助理 General Assistant 黃國愛 Bonia Wong 梁紹榮夫人 Mrs Mona Leong, SBS BBS MBE JP 地址 香港灣仔港灣道 號 樓 室 出版:香港藝術節協會有限公司 陳祖澤博士 Dr John C C Chan, GBS JP Address: 2 12 1205 Room 1205, 12th Floor, 2 Harbour Road, 承印:香港嘉昱有限公司 Wanchai, Hong Kong 本刊內容,未經許可,不得轉載。 電話 Tel: 傳真 Fax: 電子郵箱 Email: Published by: Hong Kong Arts Festival Society Limited 2824 3555 2824 3798, 2824 3722 [email protected] Printed by Cheer Shine Enterprise Co., Ltd 節目查詢熱線 Programme Enquiry Hotline: 2824 2430 Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited.

◤ 香港賽馬會藝粹系列 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series Programme Calendar ◤ 信和集團藝萃系列 Sino Group Arts Celebration Series 節目時間表 ◤ BvLGAri 意國創意系列 BvLGAri italian Creativity Series 韓國國家劇團:韓國國家舞蹈團《墨香》 National Theater of Korea - ◤ 銀聯國際繽紛舞台 UnionPay international Stage of Colours 編舞:尹星珠 National Dance Company of Korea Scent of Ink APAL 26-27/2 ◤ 8:00pm Choreographer: Yun Sung-joo 111 藝團《舞轉人生》 Compagnie 111 - What’s Become of You? 歌劇 / 戲曲 OPERA / CHINESE OPERA 26/2 8:00pm 概念、舞美及導演:奧雷里恩.博里 (Questcequetudeviens?) CHT 27/2 8:00pm 都靈皇家劇院《父女情深》 舞者及編舞:史蒂芬尼.庫斯特 Conception, scenography and direction: Aurélien Bory Teatro Regio Torino - Simon Boccanegra 26/2 ◤ 7:30pm 28/2 3:00pm 作曲:威爾第 Composer: Giuseppe verdi Dance and Choreography: Stéphanie Fuster CCGT 28/2 2:30pm 指揮:羅拔圖.阿巴度 Conductor: roberto Abbado 1/3 7:30pm 香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Contemporary Dance Series 導演、佈景與服裝:西爾瓦諾.布索堤 Direction, Sets and Costumes: Sylvano Bussotti 節目一編舞:林波、黃銘熙 Programme 1 by Lam Po, ronny Wong CCST 10/3; 12/3 8:15pm; 3:00pm 北京京劇院 CHCH 24-25/2 7:30pm Jingju Theater Company of Beijing - 節目二編舞:蔡穎、黃翠絲及毛維、楊浩 Programme 2 by Cai Ying, Tracy Wong & Mao Wei, Yang Hao CCST 11/3; 13/3 8:15pm CHCH 26/2 2:30pm 張君秋青衣名劇選 The Artistry of Zhang Junqiu 節目三編舞:藍嘉穎、陳曉玲、梁儉豐、 Programme 3 by Blue Ka-wing, Gabbie Chan, Kenny Leung, CCST 12/3; 13/3 8:15pm; 3:00pm 主演:王蓉蓉 Featuring: Wang rong rong STTH 27/2 7:30pm 徐奕婕、黃美玉、丘展誠 ivy Tsui, rebecca Wong Mei-yuk, James Yau STTH 28/2 2:30pm 俄羅斯聖彼得堡米克洛夫斯基芭蕾舞團 粵劇《李太白》 Cantonese Opera Li Bai: The Immortal Poet Mikhailovsky Ballet - CHCH 10-11/3 7:30pm The Sleeping Beauty 17/3 7:30pm 藝術總監 / 主演:尤聲普 Artistic Director and Leading Performer: Yau Sing-po 《睡美人》 CCGT 18/3 7:30pm Artistic Director/ Choreographer: Nacho Duato 藝術總監 / 編舞:納曹.杜亞陶 19/3 7:30pm 音樂 MUSIC 音樂:柴可夫斯基 Music: Pyotr ilyick Tchaikovsky 都靈皇家劇院 威爾第與華格納歌劇盛宴 Teatro Regio Torino Verdi and Wagner Opera Gala CCCH 27/2 ◤ 8:00pm 戲劇 THEATRE 指揮:羅拔圖.阿巴度 Conductor: roberto Abbado 新銳舞台系列 :《論語》 New Stage Series: Chinese Lesson CHCH 27/2 8:00pm 25-28/2 8:15pm 樂旅中國 X 中樂無疆界 Music About China X Chinese Music without Bounds 導演 / 編劇:鄧智堅 Director/ Playwright: Tang Chi-kin CCST 27-28/2 3:00pm 魯弗斯.溫萊特 - Rufus Wainwright - 助理編劇:陳冠而 Assitant Playwright: Chan Kwun-fee 《首席女聲》交響樂視聽音樂會 Prima Donna A Symphonic Visual Concert 《大嘴巴》 1-3/3 8:15pm CCCH 1/3 8:00pm BigMouth CCST 指揮:祖安娜.卡麗朵 Conductor: Joana Carneiro 導演及演出:華倫天.達恩斯 Direction & Performance: valentijn Dhaenens 5/3 6:00pm 與香港管弦樂團聯合演出 With the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra 《小戰爭》 4/3 8:15pm SmallWaR CCST 都靈皇家劇院 諾斯達的威爾第、 Teatro Regio Torino Noseda conducts 導演及演出:華倫天.達恩斯 Direction & Performance: valentijn Dhaenens 5/3 2:30pm 3/3 ◤ 8:00pm CCCH 蕭斯達高維契及普羅科菲夫 Verdi, Shostakovich and Prokofiev 4/3 8:00pm 北方布夫劇場 彼得.布祿克的《戰場》 Théâtre des Bouffes du Nord - 16-19/3 8:15pm 音樂總監:詹安德列亞.諾斯達 Conductor: Gianandrea Noseda 導演及改編:彼得.布祿克、 Peter Brook’s Battlefield CCST 19-20/3 3:00pm 萊比錫聖多馬合唱團與萊比錫布業 Thomanerchor Leipzig & Gewandhausorchester 瑪麗 - 伊蓮.艾斯蒂安 Directed and adapted by Peter Brook and Marie-Hélène Estienne 大廳樂團《聖馬太受難曲》 Leipzig - St Matthew Passion CCCH 5/3 ◤ 7:00pm 鄧樹榮戲劇工作室《馬克白》 Tang Shu-Wing Theatre Studio Macbeth 16-20/3 8:00pm 指揮:戈特霍德.施瓦茨 Conductor: Gotthold Schwarz 原著:莎士比亞 Written by William Shakespeare CHT 19-20/3 3:00pm 創意間的親暱 2016 The Intimacy of Creativity 2016 導演及改編:鄧樹榮 Directed and adapted by Tang Shu-wing CHT 6/3 4:00pm 五週年精選回顧音樂會 Five Year Retrospective Concert 皇家莎士比亞劇團 The Royal Shakespeare Company - 4-6/3 7:30pm 安娜.涅翠柯與尤西夫.伊瓦佐夫演唱會 Anna Netrebko and Yusif Eyvazov in Concert 莎士比亞的「王與國」系列 King and Country APAL 8-13/3 7:30pm 指揮:雅達.比雅米尼 Conductor: Jader Bignamini CCCH 8/3 8:00pm 導演:格雷格里.多蘭 Directed by Gregory Doran 12-13/3 2:00pm 與香港管弦樂團聯合演出 With the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra 布里斯托爾老域劇團及英國國家劇院 A Bristol Old Vic and National Theatre of 18-20/2 7:30pm 林志映與金多率小提琴與鋼琴音樂會 - 《簡愛》 - 20-21/2 2:00pm Ji young Lim and Dasol Kim Violin and Piano Recital CHCH 12/3 8:00pm Great Britain co production Jane Eyre APAL 小提琴:林志映 鋼琴:金多率 violin: Ji-young Lim Piano: Dasol Kim 原著:夏洛蒂.勃朗特 Based on the novel by Charlotte Brontë 導演:莎莉.庫克森 Director: Sally Cookson 德布西弦樂四重奏-法式美饌 Debussy String Quartet French Music CHCH 14/3 8:00pm 舞蹈 / 劇場 DANCE / THEATRE 哥本哈根協奏團《水之樂章》 - Concerto Copenhagen Watermusic CHCH 17/3 8:15pm 藝術總監:拉斯.尤歷.摩頓臣 Artistic Director: Lars Ulrik Mortensen 賽馬會本地菁英創作系列《炫舞場》 Jockey Club Local Creative Talents Series Danz Up 5-7, 9-12/3 8:00pm 拉斯.尤歷.摩頓臣古鍵琴獨奏會 導演:鄧偉傑 編劇: 鄭國偉 Director: Tang Wai-kit Playwright: Matthew Cheng KTT-AUD Lars Ulrik Mortensen Harpsichord Recital APAC 18/3 8:00pm 6, 12-13/3 3:00pm 藝術總監:拉斯.尤歷.摩頓臣 Artistic Director: Lars Ulrik Mortensen 編舞:麥秋成 音樂:戴偉 Choreographer: Shing Mak Music: Day Tai 梅尼可夫的蕭斯達高維契鋼琴獨奏會 Alexander Melnikov plays Shostakovich CHCH 19/3 7:30pm 音樂劇場 MUSIC THEATRE 柏林廣播電台合唱團 Rundfunkchor Berlin human requiem HKU-LYH 2-3/3 8:00pm 優人神鼓與柏林廣播電台合唱團《愛人》 U-Theatre & Rundfunkchor Berlin LOVER 5/3 8:15pm 音樂總監 / 作曲 / 指揮:克利斯提安.佑斯特 Music Director/Composer/Conductor: Christian Jost CCGT 爵士樂 / 世界音樂 Jazz / World Music 6/3 8:15pm 導演:劉若瑀 Director: Liu ruo-yu 雲雀大樂隊 Fanfare Ciocarlia CCCH 20/2 ◤ 8:00pm 雜技 CIRCUS Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club ® - Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club ® - 10/3 “ADIÓS TOUR” “ADIÓS TOUR” CCCH 11/3 8:00pm 芬茲.帕斯卡劇團《真相奇幻坊》 Compagnia Finzi Pasca La Verità (The Truth) 19/2 ◤ 7:30pm 12/3 ◤ 20/2 7:30pm 編導:丹尼爾.芬茲.帕斯卡 Written and directed by Daniele Finzi Pasca CCGT 20-21/2 2:30pm 法圖瑪他.迪亞華拉與羅伯特.豐塞卡 Fatoumata Diawara and Roberto Fonseca CCCH 26/2 8:00pm 德布西弦樂四重奏-巴赫至爵士 Debussy String Quartet Bach to Jazz 無界限雜技團《大動作》 Circa Opus 11/3 7:30pm 鋼琴:尚 - 菲臘.柯拉德 - 尼芬 Piano: Jean-Philippe Collard-Neven CHCH 15/3 8:00pm 導演:亞朗.列夫席茲 Director: Yaron Lifschitz CCGT 12/3 7:30pm 低音大提琴:尚 - 路易.雷森福 Double Bass: Jean-Louis rassinfosse 音樂總監及演奏:德布西弦樂四重奏 Musical Director and Performed by: Debussy String Quartet 12/3 2:30pm 麗莎.費雪與大指揮棒樂隊 Ms. Lisa Fischer & Grand Baton CCCH 19/3 ◤ 8:00pm 飛機馬戲團《鋼琴傻俠》 Circo Aereo & Thomas Monckton - The Pianist 11/3 8:15pm 由托馬斯.蒙克頓及桑諾.西爾文諾伊寧創作 Created by Thomas Monckon and Sanna Silvennoinen CHT 12/3 3:00pm 世界音樂週末營 World Music Weekend 12/3 8:15pm

弦琴東西風—小提琴與維那琴 Strings Attached – Violin & Veena CHT 4/3 8:00pm 南北印度弦琴二重奏—維那琴與西塔琴 Jugalbandhi – Veena & Sitar 5/3 3:00pm 莎維娜.欣娜圖與薩洛尼卡春天樂隊 Savina Yannatou & Primavera en Salonico 5/3 8:00pm CCGT 香港文化中心大劇院 Grand Theatre, HK Cultural Centre APAC 香港演藝學院音樂廳 Concert Hall, HKAPA CCCH 香港文化中心音樂廳 Concert Hall, HK Cultural Centre APAD 香港演藝學院戲劇院 Drama Theatre, HKAPA 舞蹈 DANCE CCST 香港文化中心劇場 Studio Theatre, HK Cultural Centre YMTT 油麻地戲院 Yau Ma Tei Theatre CHCH 香港大會堂音樂廳 Concert Hall, HK City Hall STA 沙田大會堂演奏廳 Auditorium, Sha Tin Town Hall 亞太舞蹈平台 ( 第八屆 ) Asia Pacific Dance Platform VIII 4/3 8:15pm CHT 香港大會堂劇院 Theatre, HK City Hall STCA 沙田大會堂文娛廳 Cultural Activities Hall, Sha Tin Town Hall 古佳妮《右一左一》; Gu Jiani: Right & Left; KTT-BBT 5/3 3:00pm APAL 香港演藝學院歌劇院 Lyric Theatre, HKAPA YLTA 元朗劇院演藝廳 Auditorium, Yuen Long Theatre nformation as of: 25.1.2016 i nformation 羅斯.麥克科馬克《力的重量》 ross McCormack: The Weight of Force 5/3 8:15pm APAA 香港演藝學院香港賽馬會演藝劇院 KTT-BBT 葵青劇院黑盒劇場 Black Box Theatre, Kwai Tsing Theatre 《FOLK-S,明天你還愛我嗎?》 FOLK-S, will you still love me tomorrow? The Hong Kong Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HKAPA KTT-AUD 葵青劇院演藝廳 Auditorium, Kwai Tsing Theatre APAA 25-26/2 ◤ 8:00pm 創作及編排:阿歷山度.沙朗尼 Creation and Dramaturgy: Alessandro Sciarroni HKU-LYH 香港大學陸佑堂 Loke Yew Hall, The University of Hong Kong 資料截至 藝術節加料節目 Festival 節目詳情及網上報名 For more details and online registration: www.hk.artsfestivalplus.org

特備節目 SpecialS 戲劇 THeaTRe 9, 16, 23/01 音樂與教堂之旅 Music & Church Tour 26/02 今日教育 Education Today 30/01 諸聖堂古蹟導賞遊 2, 4/03 華倫天.達恩斯:千面一人 Guided Tour of All Saints' Cathedral Valentijn Dhaenens: Man of Many Faces 13/02 鹽田梓文化遊 Yim Tin Tsai Heritage Walk 5/03 文化對話的意念 The Idea of Cultural Dialogue 9, 16, 23, 本地聖樂作品欣賞 5/03 跟劇場大師踩鋼線 Walking the Tightrope 30/01 Local Church Music Encounter 6/03 冥想.禪意 The Zen of Meditation 14/12/2015 「創造中…」攝影活動 11/03 解讀莎士比亞 - “Creativity In Action…” Photography Campaign Interpreting Shakespeare for Contemporary Audiences 19/03/2016 13/03 成王之路 From Prince to King 皇家莎士比亞劇團藝術總監 ─ 格雷格里•多蘭:莎士比亞四百年 17/03 形體《馬克白》Staging Macbeth 11/03 Gregory Doran – Artistic Director of 18/03 生之問 Profound Questions about Life RSC: Shakespeare 400 Years 雜技 ciRcUS 歌劇 / 戲曲 OpeRa 18/02 雜技樂園 Circus Wonderland 《父女情深》演前必修課 22/01 20, 21/02 達利之夢 Dalí’s Dreamscapes Simon Boccanegra “Know Before You go” 09/03 小丑世界 Clowning Around C 21/02 淺談京劇張派《望江亭》 Decoding Zhang Junqiu’s Riverside Pavilion 12/03 蕭斯達高維契緣起 Why Shostakovich? M 27/02 都靈皇家劇院:歷史與建築 12/03 無界限健身體驗 Circa Fit

Y Teatro Regio Torino: History and Architecture 舞蹈 DaNce 28/02 北京京劇院後台解碼 Beijing Opera Close-up CM 25/01 韓國傳統舞蹈的美學規範 28/02 《父女情深》-布索堤的藝術 The Aesthetics of Korean Dance MY Simon Boccanegra – the Art of Sylvano Bussotti 27/01 韓國傳統舞蹈的體驗:工作坊 1 CY 音樂 MUSic Basic Steps to Korean Dance: Class 1 韓國傳統舞蹈的體驗:工作坊 CMY 15/02 《我就嚟是歌手》20 Feet from Stardom 28/01 2 Basic Steps to Korean Dance: Class 2 17/02 《首席女聲》- 一部歌劇的故事 K Prima Donna - The Story of an Opera 25/02 重塑擊鞋舞 Schuhplattler Renewed 20/02 繽紛銅管樂派對 Discovering the Brass Beast 26/02 《墨香》-舞衣背後 Costuming Scent of Ink 28/02 - 國際作曲家高峰會 27/02 史蒂芬尼的《舞轉人生》 1/03 International Composers' Summit What’s Become of Stéphanie? 29/02 安魂曲再生 Reviving Requiem 5/03 聚焦舞者 - 編舞 Focus on Dancer - Choreographers 2/03 舞台上的安魂曲 Requiem on Stage 07, 11/03 對談街舞 Get talkin’ 3/03 談威爾第《安魂彌撒曲》 Verdi's Requiem: A Masterpiece 12, 13/03 香港賽馬會當代舞蹈平台 The Hong Kong Jockey Club 張均量敲擊樂大師班 4/03 Contemporary Dance Series Pius Cheung Percussion Masterclass 20/03 美的國度 A Kingdom of Beauty 4/03 印度音樂大千世界 The Infinite World of Indian Music 電影 FilM 5/03 管風琴大師班 Organ Masterclass 10/01, 22/05 《曼儂》Manon 6/03 指揮合唱團 Conducting Choirs 17/01 《茶花女》La Traviata 13/03 與鋼琴家金多率見面 Meet Pianist Dasol Kim 24/01 《遊吟詩人》Il Trovatore 14/03 德布西弦樂四重奏大師班 《理察二世》 Debussy String Quartet Masterclass 28/02, 19/03 Richard II 《安娜.波萊娜》 16/03 醉人爵士樂 Gin & Jazz 10/04 Anna Bolena 16/04, 18/03 彼得.斯比斯基大師班 《威尼斯商人》The Merchant of Venice Peter Spissky Chamber Music Masterclass 23/04, 15/05 《波希米亞生涯》 18/03 梅尼可夫鋼琴大師班 17/04 La Boheme Alexander Melnikov Piano Masterclass 24/04, 15/05 《浮士德》Faust

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