$1.00 - PRINTED IN NEW YORK FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2019 | 5 TISHREI 5780 VOL. XLV NO. 2425 Israeli Unity Argentina: 107% Increase in Government Talks Incidents Targeting Falter After Netanyahu Jews Over Rival Rejects Meeting Last Year


A decline in historical awareness alongside rising hate speech posted online were the two key factors behind an astonishing 107-percent rise in antisemitic off enses in Argentina during 2018, a top community offi cial said on Wednesday. “Th e main causes of these antisemitic reactions we believe have to do with the loss of collective memory, due

Benny Gantz, leader of Blue and White party, Sept. 16, 2019. Photo: Reuters / Amir Cohen.

People hold images of the victims of the 1994 bombing attack on the Argentine Israeli Mutual Association (AMIA) community center, in Buenos Aires. Photo: Reuters / Agustin BY REUTERS likely meet with his challenger Benny created a political deadlock and Marcarian. & ALGEMEINER STAFF Gantz on Wednesday after further left Israel’s longest-serving prime negotiations between their parties. minister weakened. to the increase in hate speech and anonymity in social Talks to form a national unity On Sunday, Blue and White Netanyahu, facing a looming networks,” Jorge Knoblovits — the president of DAIA, the government in Israel hit a further said it would “hold any meeting indictment on corruption allega- umbrella group representing Argentina’s 180,000-strong snag on Tuesday after Prime and spare no eff ort” to form a tions he denies, has failed to secure Jewish community — remarked at a press conference in Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s broad unity government. But on a clear election victory twice in six Buenos Aires. centrist election rival called off a Tuesday the party said conditions months. His right-wing Likud party Knoblovits was speaking at the unveiling of DAIA’s meeting with the embattled leader. were not ripe yet to hold eff ective came second with 32 seats in the annual report on in Argentina. Data collected Netanyahu said on Sunday he negotiations between the parties 120-member parliament, against in 2018 revealed a total of 834 incidents targeting Jews — an would make a fi nal eff ort this week and their leaders. 33 for former military chief Gantz’s increase of 107 percent on the 404 incidents registered the to reach an agreement and would An inconclusive ballot on centrist Blue and White party. Continued on Page A3 Sept. 17, the second this year, has Continued on Page A4 ShabbatCalendar Parshat VAYELECH Times for , Friday Candle Lighting Shabbat Begins: 6:15pm | Shabbat Ends: 7:12pm פרשת וילך Christians Flee Times for New York City, Yom Kippur Candle Lighting יום כיפור Yom Tov Begins Tuesday: Light Candles at 6:09pm Fast Begins: 6:23pm | Gaza Due pm Fast Ends: Wednesday 6:57 to Hamas P.O.B. 250746, , NY 11225-3203 Tel: (718) 771.0400 | Fax: (718) 771.0308 page A8 Email: [email protected]

© Copyright 2016 e Algemeiner Journal - All Rights Reserved. A2 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2019 Opinion. Can You Forgive Your Political Foes? And Can Th ey Forgive You?

sincerity of these avowals remains very much Th is has particular relevance at a time of in question. such intense political polarization. Commu- JONATHAN S. TOBIN Th e same is true of some of our rabbis, nities, friendships, and families have been who will be regaling their congregations with fractured by the debate about Trump and our politicized sermons that may please partisans culture — debate that seems to revolve around but do nothing to advance the work of healing the expression of contempt for opposing the nation. views and the individuals that espouse them. As the year 5780 begins, political division Some see it is a moral imperative to Unlike the sort of ordinary bad behavior is the predominant theme in both Israel and mobilize their members to oppose Trump. that decent people recognize, the contempt the United States. Such rabbis are merely following the lead of for our political foes and the deep anger In Israel, two attempts to elect a Knesset their congregants, who want their spiritual behind it is something many of us are only in one year may not have been enough. Th e leaders to affi rm their beliefs rather than too eager to parade before the world. A great US President Donald Trump speaks at the stalemate that has prevented the formation of challenge their assumptions. For those who number of Americans have come to believe third annual “Made in America Product a new government is not so much about Prime Showcase” on the South Lawn of the see their faith as indistinguishable from their that attacking or shaming those who disagree White House in Washington, US, July 15, Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s policies as partisan loyalties, it’s easy to blur the distinc- is evidence of virtue. Rather than apologize 2019. Photo: REUTERS/Leah Millis. it is about him. Th at has been complicated tion between religion and politics. It’s hard to for demeaning those with whom we disagree, by the reemergence of the ongoing confl ict see how the rage that animates so much of our all too many of us pat ourselves on the back all present publicly confess their sins and between secular and religious Jews. politics is compatible with the imperative to for excoriating those who disagree with us in ask God for forgiveness, this would be a good But that may not be as bad as what’s use this time of year to turn inward. the most uncivil terms imaginable. And we year to read the text and think seriously about happening in the United States. Americans For Jews, the 10 days that encompass count on our “friends” — both virtual and real, how much of our public discourse in the age seem to be divided into two warring camps Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are a period assuming we still have some of those — to of 24/7 cable news and nonstop social-media that don’t merely disagree about whether of introspection, during which each of us must cheer us on. And with a presidential election exchanges falls into some of the categories President Donald Trump should remain in conduct a cheshbon nefesh or an “accounting coming up in which both sides are unlikely of conduct for which repentance is required. offi ce as much as they simply cannot tolerate of our souls.” Th at means not just deciding to regard any outcome other than victory as Behaving with contempt, off ensive speech, each other’s existence. Th e rancor is fueled by whether we’ve lived up to the highest ethical legitimate, it will only get worse. scoffi ng, slander, passing judgment, and competing narratives put forth by diff erent and moral standards, but also whether we’ve You can blame this on the rise of social groundless hatred are just some of the sins sets of politicized media, whose purpose done harm to others. media, which has made it so easy to insult that are staples of debate. seems mainly in reassuring each side that Th e concept of teshuvah (“repentance”) people you don’t even know by writing things Th e answer from some of us will be that they are on the side of the angels and that their rests at the heart of this process. If you’ve you won’t dare utter to their faces. But we the awfulness of the objects of our anger justi- opponents are the spawn of the devil. wronged someone over the course of the year, can’t just blame this on Facebook and Twitter. fi es such tactics. Th at’s an excuse used both It is in this atmosphere that Jews will head then this is the moment to sincerely ask for Th e fault is ours. by opponents of Trump and those who justify to synagogues in the next week and speak of forgiveness and, in turn, to forgive others who If you attend synagogue this year on Yom his conduct, as they think it’s the only way to renewal, repentance, and forgiveness. But the might have wronged you. Kippur and recite the Al Chet prayer, when Continued on Page A3 Unity, a New Election, or a Last-Minute Surprise?

necessarily mean a new election. No. 2 in line. Gantz believes that if the threat the Th e election results show us that the only of a third election looms, the Likud will begin Algemeiner Journal MATI TUCHFELD option on the table is a unity government led to revolt against Netanyahu, allowing Gantz / by the Likud and Blue and White. Th e political to lead a government with a Netanyahu- (USPS 927800) is published weekly realities since the election make it a necessity less Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu. What Gantz (except for the week of Passover for the entire right-wing bloc to sit together on failed to take into account was that even if and Succos) one side of a coalition, whereas Blue and White the second candidate to try fails, it doesn’t Subscription rate $40 per year In an intense political arena such as can bring in parties form the Left that will mean there is automatically another election. Israel, politicians’ biggest enemy is a deadline. Algemeiner Journal contribute to a broad, inclusive government. Th e law allows another 21 days for any of the If the law didn’t stipulate how long a prime Th e only way this will happen is if all candidates, even the ones who failed to do so, 208 E. 51st Street, Suite 185 minister’s mandate lasted, we’d be stuck with sides shed the delusions they held until Sept. to put together a coalition of at least 61 MKs New York, N.Y. 10022 transitional governments that never transi- 17. Netanyahu will have to share power in a and swear in a new government. tioned, and endless negotiations. But if time Periodicals Postage rotating premiership. Gantz will have to join Th e most favorable scenario, therefore, presents limitations, it also heals — election Paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. a government that includes Netanyahu, even would be if Gantz climbed down and agreed promises, for example. Th e more time passes, and at additional mailing o ces though he promised not to do so, and even to talk with Netanyahu about unity. Th at could the bombastic campaign declarations and accept Netanyahu’s natural partners. But if he happen during the fi rst try, the second try, or at POSTMASTER: billboards are forgotten, and elected offi cials does that, he will be rewarded with the prime the latest during the last 21-day grace period. Send address changes to can slowly maneuver themselves out of the ministership two years from now. When it would happen matters less than the corners into which they backed themselves in Th e reason for the battle over who would result: a unity government comprising the Algemeiner Journal the campaign. be second (rather than fi rst) to attempt a Likud, Blue and White, the right-wing parties P.O. Box 250746 Th e next government, if one is assembled coalition government has to do with the and the haredim, and possibly some left-wing Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225 -3023 before yet another election is held, won’t start second candidate supposedly having more parties like Labor. operating for another two and a half months, leverage. If the fi rst fails, it still doesn’t mean Th e second scenario is that Gantz doesn’t at the earliest. Th at’s an eternity. By then, Let your voice be heard! a repeat election, because now it’s the turn of manage to hold on to his allies, either from anything could happen, and if experience is Blue and White or the other left-wing parties [email protected] any indication, will happen. Everything politi- like Labor-Gesher, and Netanyahu becomes cians promised this past month will very soon prime minister with a coalition that rests on be irrelevant. right-wing and haredi parties, with some To advertise in Blue and White leader Benny Gantz’s elements from the left. the new Algemeiner decision to be second, after Israeli Prime Th e third scenario is that Yisrael Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to try to e-mail: [email protected] Beiteinu leader Avigdor Lieberman breaks assemble a government stems from a mistake. and becomes the one who is forced to join or call If he thought that the threat of a third election a Netanyahu government and give him would get things moving in his favor, he should Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, power along with his “messianic haredi” 718-771-0400 take a look at the Basic Law: the Government. President Reuven Rivlin and Blue and White political partners. A government that appears He would fi nd that the end of the time allowed leader Benny Gantz meet in Jerusalem, Sept. 23, for a candidate to form a government does not 2019. Photo: Haim Zach / GPO. Continued on Page A4 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2019 A3 World News. Tel Aviv Included on British Teenager Goes Investment Bank’s List Public About Months of of Real Estate Bubbles Antisemitic Abuse

BY ISRAEL HAYOM/ which caused the market to enter a “bubble price range.” The real estate market in Tel Aviv is However, the report said, the growing expected to cool off, but home prices are still difficulty of purchasing an apartment and the high, according to a report by UBS Global rise in mortgage prices led to an actual price Wealth Management published before Rosh drop of almost 10 percent. Hashanah, which for the first time included “The party is over,” the UBS report the first Hebrew city on its list of global real declared, explaining that housing prices in Tel estate bubbles. Aviv were “approaching normal.” The Swiss bank’s “Global Real Estate Middle- and upper-class Israelis need Bubble Index 2019” measures housing prices to work for 11 years to be able to afford a 650 in 24 large cities worldwide. This year’s index square foot apartment in central Tel Aviv, included, for the first time, Madrid, Moscow which is similar to the years required to buy and Tel Aviv, listed as cities with high housing a home in Tokyo or New York, but less than prices, as well as Dubai, where prices are in Hong Kong and more than are needed to listed as “balanced.” buy a home in Munich, Moscow, Frankfurt, or According to UBS, among the cities plenty of other major cities. British teenager Charlotte Nathan, who recently went public about her experience of antisemitic Tel Aviv is ranked 13th on the list of covered by the index, Tel Aviv has seen the abuse. Photo: Facebook screenshot. largest housing price increases in the past the world’s “bubble cities,” meaning cities in 30 years. which housing prices are outrageous and BY ALGEMEINER STAFF communities, exacerbating ignorance.” The report found that home prices in Tel have the most chance of seeing their real “I am no stranger to antisemitic abuse,” estate bubbles burst. Aviv rose almost consistently from 2003-2017, A British teenager has gone public about she added, “and for the last six years, being in a torrent of antisemitic invective she has faced secular education and interacting with other in recent months, including taunts about the cultures, I have encountered a fair share of Continued from Page A1 June, when he was brutally assaulted by three Holocaust. comments and remarks.” Argentina youths who showered him with antisemitic Charlotte Nathan, 17, who attends school “This is evidence of inherited, underlying previous year in the Latin American nation. abuse. The Buenos Aires attack took place a in Northwich, England, was moved to speak racism we see daily,” she said. An accompanying report on attitudes month earlier, when 34-year-old Eli Chamen about her experiences after she received a “The antisemitism I have encountered was badly beaten up and insulted as a “f___ toward Jews in Argentina — compiled by the derogatory message on her Snapchat account has been from someone with so-called ‘white Gino Germani Institute of the University of Jew” by his assailants as he left Friday night that said, “I wanna fart in your face to remind privilege’ — a member of our white British Buenos Aires — meanwhile demonstrated the services at the Mikdash Yosef synagogue you of how your grandparents died.” middle-class,” Nathan explained. “But I am not endurance of antisemitic stereotypes about in Buenos Aires. A group of passersby who The Manchester-based Jewish Telegraph insinuating that racial ignorance is a feature in Jewish wealth and influence. witnessed the attack on Chamen in the quoted her as saying, “Casual racism is a all of our white middle-class.” In a survey of 1500 people between middle-class Palermo neighborhood were common feature of daily life, especially “The most worrying thing about casual the ages of 18-65, the institute found that 61 reported to have laughed at the spectacle. among the millennial generation, who racism is that these so-called jokes are based percent agreed with the assertion that Jews The DAIA report also included a break- around horrifying historical occurrences,” she had “too much power in financial markets,” down of antisemitic incidents by type. perceive racism as a form of humor and so-called ‘banter.’” said. “Jokes are being made with an under- while 47 percent concurred with the state- “Xenophobic expressions” made up 27 standing and education of events.” ment “Jews are the first to turn their backs on percent of the overall total, with Middle East- “Catalysts, such as memes used on social media, seem to justify and sugarcoat the under- “People will joke about the Holocaust people in need.” related antisemitism and the invocation of with reference to the murder of six million Nazi imagery or language accounting for 18 lying racial tensions that as a society we fail to A full 87 percent of respondents “do Jewish people, and they will joke about not know or have a misconception of what percent and 17 percent respectively. Other address,” she stated. “This can be exemplified concepts such as slavery, with no restrictions Zionism is,” the institute noted. When asked categories included “nationalist antisemi- through the lack of education supplied about on using the N- word,” she continued. “This is if they thought Jews in Argentina faced tism” and the various antisemitic conspiracy different cultural groups to schools and other the unfortunate world we live in.” discrimination, 53 percent responded in the theories that circulate on the internet. affirmative. Most of the online antisemitism reported The vast majority of 2018’s offenses — to the DAIA took place on Facebook, which 90 percent — occurred on social media, but was home to 72 percent of the incidents. Knoblovits emphasized that violent attacks Twitter came next with 16 percent, followed Israeli Documentary were increasingly part of the picture. by Instagram on 8 percent. “A new element was observed in the last A brief preface to the DAIA report on About Wildlife year — of attacks on members of the Jewish antisemitism was contributed by the presi- community such as the rabbi in Rosario, or dent of the Argentine Episcopal Conference of the attack in Buenos Aires on a man wearing the Catholic Church, Monsignor Oscar Ojea. Conservation Wins Emmy a kippah, something we’ve seen in Europe but “Our society needs to renew its commitment not in Argentina,” Knoblovits said. to work to avoid all types of racial, social, religious, The attack on Rabbi Shlomo Tawil — and cultural discrimination, which denigrates the director of the Chabad-Lubavitch center in dignity of the human person and makes healthy BY YES previously won Emmy documentary the provincial city of Rosario — occurred in coexistence impossible,” Ojea wrote. awards for “Google Baby” in the Outstanding An Israeli documentary won an Emmy Science and Technology Programming Continued from Page A2 possess Divine insight, and that acknowledging for Outstanding Nature Documentary at the category in 2011 and “Forever Pure,” about Forgive doubt and what we don’t know is the real begin- 2019 News and Documentary Emmys, which the Beitar Jerusalem soccer team’s extremist respond. To some extent, the same is true in ning of wisdom. Let us say sorry for offending were announced in New York earlier this week. fans, for Outstanding Politics and Govern- Israel with respect to Netanyahu. So deep is others, forgiving those who have done the same “Trophy” examines the controversial ment Documentary in 2018. each side’s conviction that they are right and to us and resolving to conduct ourselves, even sport of animal hunting, breeding and wildlife the other is wrong that every exchange is on points where our feelings are strongest, with conservation industries in the United States invariably filled with self-righteous contempt. more restraint, civility, and dignity. and Africa, and discusses whether the industry So rather than think back on these That doesn’t mean we should stop can ensure the survival of endangered species, debates with embarrassment, we arrive at the voicing our opinions — or our complaints — according to The Jerusalem Post. Al Chet convinced that it is only for others to about critical issues. But it should motivate us The documentary was produced apologize — and not us. to recognize that “no-holds-barred” contem- by Israeli cable network, YES Docu, in That’s a terrible mistake. The Days of Awe porary political combat is not only coarsening association with other companies, and was represent a moment in time when we should and corrupting our country, but also our souls. distributed by CNN. focus on finding the courage and the moral Jonathan S. Tobin is editor in chief of It was co-produced by Alon Schwarz, the strength to forgive, as well as apologize for our JNS — Jewish News Syndicate. Follow him A scene from the trailer for “Trophy.” brother of the film’s Israeli co-director, Shaul Photo: Screenshot. faults. We should remember that none of us on Twitter @jonathans_tobin. Schwarz, and edited by Halil Efrat. A4 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2019 World News. Continued from Page A1 Netanyahu, also has no clear path to power. Talks Falter Gantz has pledged not to serve in a The parties’ negotiators had met on government under a premier facing criminal Sunday without success, with each side charges. His party has accused Likud of blaming the other for the stalemate. stalling in the talks in the hope of triggering With neither party leader appearing yet another election. able to put together a coalition with a ruling Israel’s attorney-general is due to hold a majority on his own, Israel’s president last pre-trial hearing this week on his announced week tasked Netanyahu with forming the next intention to indict Netanyahu on fraud and government in the hope of securing a power- bribery charges in three corruption cases. sharing deal between the Blue and White Netanyahu, who says he is a victim of a party and Likud. political witchhunt, can argue at the session If Netanyahu fails to clinch a deal, Presi- against prosecution. A final decision by the dent Reuven Rivlin is then likely to ask Gantz attorney-general on an indictment is expected Malka Leifer, a former Australian school principal wanted in Australia on suspicion of sexually to try to form a government, though he, like by the end of 2019. abusing students, at the Jerusalem District Court, in Jerusalem, Feb. 14, 2018. Photo: Reuters / Ronen Zvulun / File. Continued from Page A2 that rather than the small right-wing parties and Unity the haredim breaking away, something similar Israeli Court Orders House Arrest unlikely could turn out to be stable, because happens with Likud members. This is what Lieberman would rejoin the right, which was Gantz is counting on. (Spoiler: It won’t happen.) in Australia Extradition Case his natural place until he decided to leave in And, of course, there is a sixth scenario, the last election. one that is more plausible than it seems, even A fourth scenario is that a Netanyahu- though it is no less bizarre: the country holds led coalition could fall apart. Time and weak a third election. BY REUTERS argument that the evidence is not there,” one nerves on the part of people in the right-wing Last time, we all hoped that a Knesset & ALGEMEINER STAFF of Leifer’s attorneys, Tal Gabai, told reporters. camp are having an effect, and two or three member would get up and join the govern- Leifer is the former principal of Adass months from now we could see players from ment, saving us all from a repeat election. An Israeli court on Wednesday ordered a Israel School, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish the right — like the haredi parties or the New That didn’t happen. Now, one MK wouldn’t be former Australian school principal suspected of girls’ school in Melbourne. She is wanted by Right — break away and seek new horizons in enough to save us, but the hope we can avoid sexual assault, and who Australia is seeking to Australian police on 74 sexual assault charges, a left-wing government under Gantz. a third election remains. extradite, released from prison to house arrest. including rape, involving girls at the institution. A fifth possibility, similar to the fourth, is Mati Tuchfeld writes for Israel Hayom. Implementation of the Jerusalem District The Israeli court ruled in 2016 that Leifer, Court’s decision was delayed until Friday to who has denied the charges, was mentally and receiving the medical care she deserves.” indicting Israel’s deputy health minister give the prosecution time to appeal. unfit to face extradition and trial. Last month, the district court, in consid- on suspicion he tried to pressure court- Australia has been pressing Israel to She was re-arrested in 2018 after a police ering extradition, said more psychiatric appointed psychiatrists to support Leifer’s extradite Malka Leifer, who fled from Australia investigation raised questions about the state evidence was needed before it could decide mental illness claims. in 2008, with what Australian authorities of her health and has been in prison in Israel the issue, and ordered a new panel of experts It will be up to state prosecutors to decide believe was the assistance of the insular Adass awaiting an extradition ruling. to assess Leifer’s mental condition and deliver whether to accept the police findings and Jewish community, after accusations against Yehuda Fried, another lawyer for Leifer, a report in December. charge the politician, Yaakov Litzman, who her surfaced. said he hoped that house arrest would lead In August, Israeli police recommended has denied any wrongdoing. “The (court’s) decision strengthens our to his client “returning to her home (in Israel)

Published in Jewish Press ‘84

These are some of the FREE programs TheseBeth Shifra are some ran of for the the FREE Poor and programsRussian Beth Shifra Families. ran for the Poor and Russian Families. Separate Orthodox Boy Scout & Girl March 20th, 2017 SeparateScout Club Orthodox • Matchmaking Boy Scout & Girl 20 Adar I, 5779/ February 25, 2019 Trips andScout Rallies Club •• FreeMatchmaking Legal Advice h t eB , t sap s r aey nI aey r s sap t , eB t h S ih arf deniatniam a F eer S puo iK t nehc a l l aey r r dnuo , nepo For almost 50 years,neves July thesyad 17,a 2018 Beth keew , es vr i gn Shifra f r ee aem l s t rh organization,ee t semi a yad , iw t uoh t ahc located egr . ruD i gn in Brooklyn, JewishTrips and Films Rallies NY, Jewish • hasFree History Legalprovided Classes Advice year round daily free meals to those who are most needy in the New York the weekFor ofalmost Pesach, 50 years, Beth theShifra Beth sponsored Shifra organization, free Kosher located for Pesach in Brooklyn, Sedorim NY, has Job PlacementJewish Films • Karate Jewish • CSHistoryW on Classes Premesis Jewish community. provided I am year personally round daily free meals familiar to those who are with most need they in the outstanding New work that they do under the leadership of Rabbi Chaim Prussman, and urge you to help Beth Shifra in and daily meals around the city for thousands of people. We are personally JobBusiness Placement School • Karate • Brisim • CSW Performed on Premesis any manner possible,familiarYork with including Jewish the outstanding community. work publicizing I am thatpersonally they do familiar under their thewith leadership the outstandingwork of Rabbi workin yourthat shul or organization. Chaimthey Prussman, do under and the urgeleadership you to of help Rabbi Beth Chaim Shifra Prussman, with any and support urge youthat toyou help BusinessSpeakers School Bureau • •Brisim Free Hebrew Performed School Speak - Beth Shifra in any manner possible, including publicizing their work in your shul can, including publicizing their inspiring work in your Shul or organization. ers Bureau • Free Hebrew School During the Pesach holiday,or organization. the organization sponsors Kosher forFree PassoverSummer Camps sedorim, • Nursery schoolsfood packages, lectures and programs to hundreds of people who would otherwise be 12 ,ray hT i s aey r , 9102 5/ 977 , eB t h S ih f ar i s rosnops gni f eer rehsoK rof hcaseP S ede r s During the Pesach holiday, the organization sponsors Kosher for Passover Free SummerJewish ServicesCamps • •Nursery Boxing schools and meals daily from Friday, April 19, through Saturday (Shabbat), April 27, unable to celebrate thesedorim, holiday. food packages, lectures and programs to hundreds of people who would et ihW ehT ta ehT ihW et S uh l , 2012 eunevA T & aE s t 12 i n rB koo l ny . F eer rehsoK rof High SchoolJewish Programs Services In • Public Boxing Schools otherwise be unable to celebrate the holiday. In the merit of helping saP In evos r 2019, doof the they willhungrysegakcap be sponsoring iw l l eb fo f e and r freede kosherno poor, ruhT for yads Passover , may rpA i l Seder 81 , a you t s t andeh daily hW only i t e meals receiveChessHigh Tournament Schoolthe choicest Programs • Free InBar blessings Public Mitzvahs Schools and from Heaven. Shul, 2102from AvenueFriday, April T & 19East through 21 in BrooklynSaturday, Aprilfrom 27th12:00 at pmthe Whiteto 2:00 Shul pm. located We at Chess Tournament • Free Bar Mitzvahs rof emitef i l a fo yromem a raey siht gnikam ni su nioj ot uoy et ivni ylduorp ivni et uoy ot nioj su ni gnikam siht raey a yromem fo a l i emitef rof Mezuzas by Rabbi Zalmen 2102 Avenue T (East 21st Street) in Brooklyn. Pesach food packages will be SeveralSeveral English English Classes Classes (Green (Green Cards) Cards) Dov Hikind | Memberthose indistiruted need. of onAssembly Thursday, April 18 ath the synagogue between the hours of 12:00- Take the2:00 time PM. now to have the merit and joy of helping a hungry family WorkWork Release Release Programs Programs • • Release Release Hours Hours celebrate Passover. Please help Beth Shifra with any assistance that you can, In the merit of helping the hungry and poor, may you only receive the choicest Free Flee Market • Homeless Shelter includingblessings publicizing from Heaven. their good work in your Shul or organization. May all those that participate in this holy effort be blessed from Heaven. dugI eht fo f l aheb nO Dov aheb l f Hfo ikind eht dugI / AAR muidiserP dna fo eht hteB ,niD I e x t dne g r ee t i sgn Member of Assembly of Torah.

February 16, 2018 Reprinted from • FridaFriday,y, March 20, 1987 Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik Executive Vice - President , Rabbinical Alliance of America Bogus Purim Service Broken Up July In17, years 2018 past, Beth Shifra maintained a Free Soup Kitchen all year round, open For almostseven days50 years, a week, the Bethserving Shifra free o mealsrganization, three timeslocated a day,in Brooklyn, without charge.NY, has During A group of missionaries in Brighton Beach who staff of the Beth Shifra Institutions break up the rally. providedthe week year roundof Pesach, daily Beth free mealsShifra to sponsored those who free are Koshermost needy for Pesach in the New Sedorim and rented Public School 225 on the premise they were Since many of the protesters missed the Megil-Megil- Yorkthree Jewish meals community. a day, around I am personally the city, forfamiliar thousands with theof outstandingpeople. We workare personally that holding a social,” attempted to hold a bogus “Purim la reading, the staff of Beth Shifra held to Megilla Megilla” reading. The missionaries widely advertised readings, so those who were instrumental in breakbreak-- they familiardo under with the leadership their important of Rabbi work. Chaim Prussman, and urge you to help their program in Russian as well as English throughout ing up the rally could observe the Mitzva properly. Beth BethShifra Shifra in any is manner doing anpossible, outstanding including job publicizinghelping the their unfortunate. work in your You, shul too, can or organization. the Manhattan Beach and Brighton Beach area in an TheehT Beth eB t h ShifraS ih arf rally, lar ,yl helddleh at ta theeht JewishhsiweJ Center retneC of fo be a part of this great Mitzvah of charity and Maos Chittim. May all those that effort to entice young people to their service. Ocean Parkway, was termed a huge success by the chilchil-- During the Pesach holiday, the organization sponsors Kosher for Passover participate in this holy effort be blessed from Heaven. However, when the real purpose of the “service” was dren and parents who attended. There was a live band sedorim, food packages, lectures and programs to hundreds of people who would discovered, groups from Boro Park, Flatbush, Crown and a puppet show to entertain the children. otherwise be unable to celebrate the holiday. With every blessing, Heights and Monsey descended on the area to help the In 2019,Rabbi they Mendy will be Mirocznik sponsoring | Executive free kosher Vice for PassoverPresident Seders and daily meals fromRabbinacal Friday. Pesach Alliance food packagesof America will be distiruted on Thursday, April 18 ath the synagogue between the hours of 12:00-2:00 PM. In the merit of helping the hungry and poor, may you only receive the choicest blessings from Heaven. DovReprinted Hikind from the Jewish Press • FridaFriday,y, March 20, 1987 Member of Assembly Bogus Purim Service Broken Up A group of missionaries in Brighton Beach Heights and Monsey descended on the area to help the who rented Public School 225 on the premise they staff of the Beth Shifra Institutions break up the rally. were holding a social,” attempted to hold a bogus Since many of the protesters missed the Megilla “Purim Megilla” reading. The missionaries widely reading, the staff of Beth Shifra held to Megilla read- advertised their program in Russian as well as En- ings, so those who were instrumental in breaking up glish throughout the Manhattan Beach and Brigh- the rally could observe the Mitzva properly. ton Beach area in an effort to entice young peo- The Beth Shifra rally, held at the Jewish Center ple to their service. However, of Ocean Parkway, was termed a huge success by the when the real purpose of the “service” was discov- children and parents who attended. There was a live ered, groups from Boro Park, Flatbush, Crown band and a puppet show to entertain the children. | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2019 A5 World News.

Nachman,” he told JNS. 50,000-Plus Worshippers Travel Originally from New York, this is Feuer’s sixth time in Uman for Rosh Hashanah and to Uman for Rosh Hashanah second time working as an EMT during the mass pilgrimage. Compared to other holidays in which he goes to Uman, such as Sukkot, Feuer posed that Rosh Hashanah is “amazing” and markedly different, with “the music, the BY thousands and thousands of people in the cold weather, everybody dancing, singing and Tens of thousands of Jews from around the world have arrived in Uman, Ukraine, to spend Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men pray in a syna- working together.” gogue in the town of Uman before the start of Rosh Hashanah near the tomb of spiritual leader Rabbi Nachman of Breslov. The two-day holiday Providing health care to the tens of the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah, Sept. 16, begins on the evening of Sept. 29 and ends after sundown on Oct. 1. thousands of people is the biggest challenge 2012. Photo: Yaakov Naumi/Flash90. The mass pilgrimage is an annual tradition that began after the rabbi’s death and burial in 1810. of Rosh Hashanah in Uman, said Feuer. Following a fire that destroyed his home in Bratslav (60 miles west of Uman), the 38-year- In addition to the 85 Israeli volunteers Among the medical volunteers in Uman that United brings, said Feuer, he was old rabbi moved to Uman for the last year of his life, invited by a Jewish community there who are non-Jewish Israeli Arab medics who, in provided him with housing and care as he suffered from tuberculosis. As many made the journey tasked this year with arranging an American unit addition to their life-saving efforts, will perform of 35 medics, EMTs and paramedics who came to hear the rabbi’s sermons on the major Jewish holidays, and as his illness progressed, Rabbi tasks during the holiday to provide comfort Nachman asked his followers that year to be with him for Rosh Hashanah in particular. from abroad, supplying them with medical and care at the medical clinic operated by equipment bags, radios and vests to provide Following the rabbi’s death just weeks Rosh Hashanah, an annual pilgrimage was instituted Oxford Medical and United Hatzalah. to his gravesite every Rosh Hashanah, which continued even during Communist rule. medical care to those in Uman for the holiday. Until today, Jews from all walks of life—the majority Chassidic Jews from Israel and elsewhere—travel on major Jewish holidays and Rosh Hashanah in particular to Uman, a small town of 83,000 in the Cherkasy region of central Ukraine. Each Rosh Hashanah, the number of visitors to the gravesite increases, with various Jewish organizations coming together to provide meals and medical care for the visitors. This year, organizers expect more than 50,000 visitors. According to the National Police of Ukraine’s press service, in light of the massive pilgrimage, several dozen Israeli police officers will be helping Ukrainian law enforce- ment to keep order during the holiday. Ahead of the holiday, Israel’s Foreign Ministry organized a meeting of the major organizations involved in running and securing the event, including Israeli Ambassador to the Ukraine Joel Lion, a representative of Israel’s police force, local health agencies and law enforcement, and chief opera- tions director for United Hatzalah David Krispel. According to United Hatzalah, the organizations presented a summary of the previous year’s operation and this year’s operational plan for the health management of the pilgrimage. Included in the plan was the oversight and operation of the local medical clinic operated and run by United Hatzalah volunteers, as well as how the organization plans to equip and dispatch volunteer first responders and ambulance teams throughout the town over the holiday. “Working here with 50,000 to 70,000 people—seeing them pray, dance and being happy—is so exciting,” said United Hatzalah EMT and full-time logistics coordinator Moshe Feuer. “There is an amazing feeling in the air [centered around] Rabbi Salesforce Acquires Israeli Clicksoftware for $1.35 Billion

BY MEIR ORBACH/CTech has completed its $1.35 billion acquisi- tion of Israeli workforce management software company Clicksoftware Technologies, the former announced Wednesday. The company first announced the acquisition in August. Founded in 1979 by Israeli entrepreneur Moshe BenBassat, Massachusetts-headquartered Clicksoftware develops and sells enterprise software, offering task sched- uling, resource management, and customer service tools. In 2014, Clicksoftware was acquired by San Francisco-based private equity firm Francisco Partners Management in a deal valued at approximately $438 million. Out of Clicksoftware’s 700 employees, approximately 200 are based in Israel. Following the acquisition, they are expected to join Salesforce’s local research and develop- ment center. Salesforce’s Israeli operation currently has around 500 employees, boosted by the 400 people it gained following its 2018 acquisition of Israel-based marketing analytics company Datorama, which was valued at more than $800 million. In May, Salesforce acquired Tel Aviv-based conver- sational AI startup Bonobo, incorporated as Bonobot Technologies, in a deal estimated at $50 million. A6 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2019 Opinion. ‘Smokescreening’ — Anti-Israel Sentiment Expressed Through False Friendship Former US President Barack Obama. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

of Israel warrants a full article of its own. In Europe, German politicians are instructions to the German UN ambassador Another major smokescreener toward among the foremost smokescreeners in are not those of a friend of a Jewish state.” MANFRED GERSTENFELD Israel is Barack Obama. While president of the regard to friendship with Israel. In view of the The “mirror” or “reverse” phenomenon JERUSALEM US, he visited Israel in March 2013. He said genocide of six million Jews in the grandfather also exists. Some Israeli leaders make the huge at the Jerusalem Convention Center, “I bring generation, some leading Germans feel they mistake of calling people who are smoke- with me the support of the American people, cannot easily express negative opinions about screeners “friends.” President Reuven Rivlin and the friendship that binds us together.” Israel. A fully researched article about smoke- called German socialist president Frank-Walter Smokescreening, the false pretense He added, “As the president of a country that screening by Germans, including leading Steinmeier “a true friend of Israel” during his of friendship toward Israel, is a common you can count on as your greatest friend, I individuals, is needed. visit to the Jewish state in 2017. While FM, practice. Practitioners include US Democratic am confident that you can help us find the German politicians often appear to feel Steinmeier was responsible for a flood of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, promise in the days that lie ahead.” the need to pretend that their country is an German condemnations of Israel at the UN. former US president Barack Obama, and In that same Jerusalem speech, Obama almost unconditional friend of Israel. German More recently, Steinmeier “congratu- German Chancellor Angela Merkel. There is openly bent the truth. He said, “But while Chancellor Angela Merkel, a Christian lated the Iranian government cordially on the also a mirror phenomenon in which Israeli I know you have had differences with the Democrat, has said Israel’s security is part of occasion of the 40th anniversary of the revolu- leaders identify smokescreeners as friends, as Palestinian Authority, I believe that you Germany’s national ethos. tion, also in the name of my fellow country when Israeli president Reuven Rivlin called do have a true partner in President Abbas The reality is far from that. As head of the citizens.” The daily Tagesspiegel wondered German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier a and Prime Minister Fayyad. Over the last German government, Merkel leads German whether one had to remind Steinmeier that “Iran “true friend of Israel.” few years, they have built institutions and policymaking. The German daily Bild pointed is a sponsor of international terrorism, threatens Smokescreening is a widespread maintained security on the West Bank in out that Berlin regularly sides with Israel’s Israel with destruction, denies the Holocaust, activity in both politics and society, yet it ways that few would have imagined a decade enemies at the UN. In November 2018, of 21 oppresses women, executes homosexuals, and is mainly looked at as an individual hypoc- ago. So many Palestinians — including young UN General Assembly resolutions against punishes religious conversions with death.” risy rather than analyzed as a systematic people — have rejected violence as a means Israel, 16 were supported by Germany; it The paper concluded: “The moral phenomenon. Israel is regularly subjected to of achieving their aspirations.” A few months abstained on four. compass that should guide the words of a smokescreening. later, Abbas would push Fayyad out. Merkel is also a smokescreener as far as president of the German republic has in this Sanders is a super-smokescreener. He In 2008, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud the fight against antisemitism is concerned. case greatly failed.” To put the congratula- claims he is 100 percent pro-Israel and says Olmert and Abbas discussed a peace agree- Despite significant German right- and left- tion of the Iranian government in even more Israel has every right in the world to exist in ment. Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb wing antisemitism, she has welcomed far perspective: When Donald Trump was peace and security and not be subjected to Erekat, who was present at the negotiations, more than a million refugees since 2015 — elected US president in November 2016, terrorist attacks. He also says the US must be told PA TV that Olmert accepted all the PA’s many from the Arab world. The percentage of Steinmeier, then FM, explicitly said he would more “evenhanded” in how it approaches the demands. He even offered Abbas a little more antisemites among these immigrants is much not congratulate him. Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He implies, but than the full area of the West Bank. Erekat higher than that of the indigenous population. Israeli leaders have found many ways does not state outright, that the US should said he told Abbas to accept the extremely There are probably more prominent to express gushing praise for people who are avert its eyes from genocide-promoting generous proposal, but Abbas rejected it. smokescreeners of friendship toward Israel in far from friendly toward Israel. When Shimon Hamas, the largest Palestinian Islamist In December 2016, in one of his last acts the other German government party, the social- Peres, then Israel’s president, visited Norway movement, and from Palestinian terror as president, Obama had the US abstain from ists (SPD). A current example is Foreign Minster in 2014, he stated nonsensically, “Norway is attacks supported by financial rewards from voting on a major anti-Israel UN Security Heiko Maas. He has often said Auschwitz the pearl of humanity, built on human values, the Palestinian Authority. Council motion. The proposal demanded an inspired him to go into politics, yet many and seeks to keep people equal and free.” Sanders has said, “It’s not antisemitic immediate halt to all settlement construction German votes against Israel in the UN General A report, published in 2012 by the Norwe- to criticize Israel for electing a right-winger in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Through Assembly have taken place under his authority. gian Center for Studies of the Holocaust like Netanyahu,” and has called Netanyahu’s the abstention, Obama enabled the measure Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the Associate and Religious Minorities and paid for by the government “racist.” Yet he does not address to pass. Donald Trump had already been Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, has government, found that 38 percent of Norwe- the racism in large parts of Palestinian society. elected president and would be installed a attacked Maas’ behavior frontally: “Before he gians believe Israel acts toward the Palestinians Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian few weeks later. Trump had made it clear that invokes Auschwitz again, he should go back as the Nazis behaved toward the Jews. The tiny Authority (PA), is an extreme racist. He has he opposed the resolution and notified the and reread history. We expected much more Norwegian Jewish community has suffered pledged that there will be no Israelis in the White House, to no avail. from Foreign Minister Maas. Unfortunately, we from substantial antisemitism in the country prospective Palestinian state, saying, “In a final American law expert find him on the wrong side of the tracks of the supposedly “built on human values.” resolution, we would not see the presence of said the former president told him he would existential threats that Israel is facing every day. “ Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ is a Senior a single Israeli — civilian or soldier — on our always protect Israel, yet he believes Obama Cooper added, “With all due respect, Research Associate at the BESA Center and a lands.” Sanders is silent on this. hurt the Jewish state with the abstention. He it is time for the German foreign minister to former chairman of the Steering Committee Sanders has said that the Palestin- said, “President Obama’s decision on the way drop his assertion that it was the lessons of of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. ians deserve to be treated with “dignity and out to allow the United Nations to condemn Auschwitz that propelled him into public life. He specializes in Israeli–Western European respect.” He does not explain how people who Israel for occupying the Western Wall, the He clearly has not applied any of the lessons relations, antisemitism, and anti-Zionism, are 93 percent antisemitic, according to a 2014 holiest place in Judaism, the Jewish Quarter, to the current situation. Instead of weakening and is the author of The War of a Million Cuts. global study conducted by the ADL, merit that Hebrew University, the Hadassah Hospital the tyrannical, genocidal regime in Tehran, A version of this article was originally dignity and respect. Sanders’ smokescreening bypass road, was abominable.” he is doing everything to strengthen Iran. His published by The BESA Center.

integrate into Iraq’s security forces, or disarm and integrate into Iraq’s sociopolitical system. The Popular Mobilization Both were anathema to Tehran. Elections for the 329-member Iraqi parliament were held in May 2018. The Forces at a Crossroads election campaign was a golden opportunity for Iran to implement its plan to turn the militias operating under its umbrella into an influential political axis in Iraq. To this end, These militias were founded in response Members of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces a new political mechanism was established, to the crisis in the Iraqi army that followed the (PMF) take part in a military parade in the called the Fatah Coalition. Led by Hadi conquest of Mosul by Islamic State in June town of Taza, south of the northern oil city of DORON ITZCHAKOV Ameri, the coalition included representatives 2014. The catalyst for their formation was an Kirkuk, June 28, 2019. Photo: Reuters / Ako Rasheed TEL AVIV / File. of the Iranian Shi’ite militias, including the advisory opinion (al-wajib al-kifai) issued Badr organization, Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, Kata’ib by Ayatollah Ali Sistani, a senior Iraqi Shi’ite political party, but this order was ignored. The Hezbollah, and Kata’ib al-Imam Ali. cleric. His fatwa called for the establishment war against ISIS led to a triangular collaboration Once the votes were counted, the Fatah of popular mobilization forces to protect Iraq, among the Iraqi army, the Kurdish Peshmerga Coalition stood in second place with 48 seats and its Shi’ite community in particular. The al-Hashd al-Sha’abi (Popular Mobili- forces, and the PMF militias, which remained in the new parliament. The Saairun Alliance, In February 2016, the Iraqi parliament zation Forces, or PMF) militia bases in Iraq, under independent Iranian command. led by Muqtada al-Sadr, came in first with 54 approved a decree ordering the PMF to which are largely supported by Iran, operate When the fighting came to an end, the seats. In third stood the Al-Nasr Coalition, led integrate into Iraq’s armed forces, with its separately from the Iraqi army. PMF militias were faced with two alternatives: members instructed to disengage from any Continued on Page A7 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2019 A7 Opinion.

Continued from Page A6 The attacks on the bases are seen as Crossroads an attempt to disrupt Iran’s grip on Iraqi (as by Haider Abadi, with 42. well as Syrian and Lebanese) territory, which Losing Bolton Increases In July of this year, Iraqi Prime Minister Tehran needs to establish its long-sought Adel Abdul-Mahdi issued an ultimatum — ground corridor from the Iranian border to against Iranian resistance — demanding that the Mediterranean basin. the Chance of War the PMF finally integrate into Iraq’s security In a move widely interpreted as a signal forces. The Shi’ite militia commanders do not that Muqtada al-Sadr is under Iran’s influence, appear to intend to implement this directive. Tehran recently distributed an image of that The Liwa al-Muntadhar militia (operating influential cleric sitting between the supreme in the Kurdish region) made headlines with leader and the Quds Force commander at its refusal to be evacuated from that battle- a ceremony marking the Islamic holiday of KEN ABRAMOWITZ stricken area, despite American pressure on Ashura. The spectacle of Sadr in Iran fanned / President Barham Saleh and Prime Minister the flames of the internal argument in Iraq Abdul-Mahdi. between supporters of the Iranian presence From Iran’s point of view, turning Iraq and those in opposition to it. into a client state is a vital step in imple- Some argue that Sadr’s presence in Iran After US National Security Advisor John menting the “axis of resistance” conceived by will strengthen its sphere of influence and Bolton resigned (or was fired, depending on the leader of the revolution. This conceptual jeopardize Iraq’s independence. But others US National Security Advisor John Bolton. Photo: Michael Vadon via Flickr. pattern rests on four dimensions: praise it, stating that it is natural for a Shi’ite who you ask), Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said that • Penetrating through soft power; i.e., estab- leader to be present at ceremonies marking Bolton was “naive” and his departure would and kill everyone in the United States. Recall lishing cultural centers, providing welfare and the holiday, which is of special significance to “decrease the chance of war.” Sen. Paul is that Iran’s “supreme leader” led public chants Islamic guidance with the aim of recruitment Shi’ite Muslims. They stress that Sadr enjoys wrong. Bolton is realistic, not “naive.” Indeed, of “Death to America!” as his agents were and creating sympathy for Ayatollah Khomei- good relations with all neighboring countries this was among the reasons cited by President “negotiating” the nuclear “deal” with the ni’s “Vilayat-e Faqih” (Governance of the and claim that leaders throughout the region Donald Trump for why he hired Bolton. Obama administration. Jurist) concept. value his views. Without Bolton’s sage advice, Trump is Most recently, Iran or its terrorist proxies • Establishing militias functioning under It is worth noting that Sadr recently likely to find himself at a distinct disadvantage in Yemen launched a massive strike on Saudi the guidance of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary announced that he would implement the in understanding how our enemies behave. Guard Corps, with the object of setting up a integration of the Sarayat al-Salam militia into Arabian oil facilities, which caused fuel costs For example, meeting or negotiating with to soar by 10 percent worldwide. The United hybrid mechanism operating parallel to the the Iraqi military apparatus, in accordance evil regimes is understood by them as a sign Iraqi army. with the ultimatum issued by the Iraqi prime States must severely punish Iran’s military, of weakness, potentially prolonging a war or • Investing great resources in post-war minister. This stood in sharp contradiction and unmercifully bankrupt the country leading to an appeasement strategy to end restoration, with an emphasis on telecommu- to the position of Shi’ite militia commanders over the next 12 months. There is no middle nications infrastructure, and industrial and operating under Iranian auspices, who a war quickly (as sometimes happens in the ground. In any case, no negotiations. urban reconstruction. oppose the move. lead-up to a domestic election). • China: For now, China is more of a compet- • Turning the militias into a powerful Ever since the establishment of the Recall that World War II could have been itor than an enemy, run by very rational and political force that is actively involved in Islamic Republic in 1979, the regime has avoided had England and its European allies determined leaders. A trade deal is quite formulating foreign and domestic policy in worked tirelessly to promote its revolutionary heeded the warnings of Winston Churchill doable, but cannot be consummated quickly, line with Iran’s interests. ideology throughout the Muslim world. The and dealt decisively with Germany as it was as there are numerous issues that must This conceptual pattern is intended to disintegration of Iraq following the removal building a massive war machine in violation of be addressed. A good chance exists that a combine the military, political, economic, and of Saddam Hussein, in combination with the Versailles Treaty. Had they done so, some reasonable deal can be negotiated. (This may — no less importantly – cultural dimensions. Iraq’s demographic structure, provides fertile 60 million lives could have been saved. well change, as China continues building its Tehran’s inroads into Lebanon (through ground for advancing this worldview. Let’s look at four of the most complicated its Hezbollah proxy) have served as a spring- massive war-fighting capability, including a The Iraqi prime minister, who faces a national security and foreign policy dilemmas board from which to implement the same great challenge in integrating the militias, blue-water navy, capable of challenging the facing America right now: model in Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. Yet despite stands between the hammer and the anvil. On United States on every front.) Iraq’s economic dependence on its neighbor one side is Iran, which strives to exploit Iraq’s • The Taliban: America should treat the With savvy strategists like Bolton, the bad to the east, the presence of Shi’ite militias structural weaknesses to boost its leverage. Taliban in Afghanistan as the enemy it is. The guys are more likely to give up or surrender. under Iranian rule has been met with both On the other are the United States and, to Taliban must be bankrupted or destroyed. No Perhaps this is why Iran’s leaders praised and domestic and foreign opposition. The recent some extent, Saudi Arabia and Israel, which negotiations. mocked John Bolton’s departure from the round of attacks on the organization’s bases hope to counter Tehran’s efforts to transform • Islamic State and Al Qaeda: Similarly, White House, echoing the US mainstream and warehouses has created a renewed debate Iraq into a client state. we should be fighting these and all Islamist “news” media and “social justice” groups. about the presence of PMF militias on Iraqi Dr. Doron Itzchakov is a research terrorist gangs militarily, not engaging in Without advisers like Bolton, the United soil, with voices objecting to their activities associate at the Begin-Sadat Center for pointless negotiations. This does not neces- States is likely to choose inaction, and wars and expressing concern about the possible Strategic Studies and at the Alliance Center sarily mean that America should engage in outcome of Iran’s violation of Iraqi sovereignty. for Iranian Studies at Tel Aviv University. will drag on forever. We certainly hope the this war alone; ideally we should be working remaining national security advisers quickly with 20-30 local allies to wipe out these fill the void created by Bolton’s departure. non-state terrorist organizations. Right now, the threat of war is rising rapidly, What the Golan Heights • Iran: The world’s #1 Islamist terror- whether our political leaders like it or not. sponsoring nation should be treated like ISIS, Inaction is not in America’s best interest. not like China. We have nothing in common Ken Abramowitz is the president and Can Teach Us About Peace with the Iran’s theocratic totalitarian rulers, founder of SaveTheWest. for Israel who have promised to take over the world come as much of a surprise to most in the IDF began advancing up the steep slopes of Middle East, considering that the ruling Assad the Golan. The Syrians fled and Israel put the family belongs to Syria’s tiny Alawite minority, Golan under military administration, but it had and being able to point to an external threat no intention of treating the plateau as anything like the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights but a big army base, as the Syrians had done. RAMI DABBAS helped them maintain control over the But in the decade following the war, no fewer TEL AVIV country’s Sunni majority. than 30 Jewish settlements were established Known in ancient times as the Bashan in the Golan Heights, transforming it into an region (see Deuteronomy 43:4 and Joshua 20:8), agricultural and industrial success story. the Golan is a relatively small, but very strategic With the unilateral annexation and intro- Israeli wine has taken the world by storm. bit of real estate. Recognizing its importance to duction of Israeli civil law in 1981, the Golan any future Jewish settlement, Baron Edmond further flourished. And some of the very best comes from the An Israeli soldier rides an armored vehicle during Golan Heights. an army drill after the visit of Defense Minister de Rothschild in 1894 purchased a large plot of In the subsequent decades, there have Similarly, the Gaza Strip during the Avigdor Lieberman in the Golan Heights, Aug. 7, land in the Golan. Other wealthy Jews from the been several attempts to negotiate an Israeli pre-Islamic era, when it was still mostly 2018. Photo: Reuters / Amir Cohen. US, Russia, Canada, and Europe similarly bought surrender of the Golan in exchange for peace populated by Jews, produced wines to compete tured parts of the strategic plateau), either up portions of the Golan. Such land sales were with Syria. But they have all come to naught with the finest in the Byzantine Empire. But in exchange for a large sum of money, or for prohibited by the Ottoman authorities of the (perhaps, as noted above, because the Assad where is Gaza today? Sadly, it has become a Israel’s assistance in keeping the Assad regime time, but, just as today, money has the final word. regime didn’t really want to regain the Golan). place of squalor, unemployment, and a haven in power. After the collapse of the Ottoman Empire And that’s probably for the best. Because not for terrorists, while the Golan has transformed This alleged exchange was the subject in World War I, Syria and the Golan fell under only has this border been far quieter with the into a place of life and productivity. of a recent Al Jazeera documentary, as it has the French Mandate. Following the 1948 Golan under Israeli rule, but most of the Muslims Across the Arab world, it is widely been — over the past several decades — of Arab-Israeli war, Syria built fortifications in the and Druze living there have quietly confirmed to believed that former Syrian President Hafez numerous reports and surveys that cite Syrian western Golan Heights overlooking the Sea of regional media outlets over the years that they al-Assad secretly bartered the Golan Heights officers who served in the 1967 and 1973 wars Galilee, but did little else to develop the region. prefer to remain part of the Jewish state. to Israel in the years following the 1973 Yom and were privy to Assad’s decisions. In the final days of the Six-Day War in A version of this article appeared in Kippur War (in which Syria briefly recap- Nor does the idea of such a covert deal 1967, after having defeated Egypt and Jordan, Israel Today magazine. Israel turned its attention to Syria, and the A8 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2019 Impressions.

Christians Flee High Holiday Challenge Gaza Due to for College Students: Hamas — and No One Cares Finding a (Spiritual) Home Away From Home


BY DEBORAH FINEBLUM/ Glazer is in her fourth year as chaplain for the Jewish Mako (Hebrew) has an interview with a Gazan community and a Hillel adviser, is “a very demanding who recently escaped from the Hamas-run enclave: school where missing even one class can be a Since Hamas’ rise to power in the Gaza Strip, problem, so even though university policy insists Spending the High Holidays away from home Christians living in the sector have become the scape- the professors be willing to make accommodations, can be a lonely experience. goats and a target for harm from both Hamas and I’m hearing more and more students who genuinely And, sadly, without the family around, many a extremist Salafis. Due to their predicament, most of want to observe the holidays, but are concerned that Jewish college student simply ignores the call of the them fled; out of a community of 4,200 people twelve missing material will affect their grades.” shofar — even the apples and honey — and attends years ago, there are now several hundred left. The result: Many come only to evening meals class as usual. Until recently, Kamal Teresi was there too, and services. “But whenever they come,” she notes, But for countless others, the pull of these but managed to escape 4 months ago: “The Hamas “we work at making it a welcoming, special, and special days, fueled by people took over my house and turned it into a war memories of childhood Rosh room,” he says. Hashanah and Yom Kippur Teresi provides a rare glimpse into the unbear- holiday services and festive able reality he and his community have had to face meals, is too strong to ignore. every day. “I was put in a number of prisons, and the Even when they can’t get home Hamas prison is nothing but beating and psycholog- to celebrate, they take a break ical torture,” he recalls. According to him, the attacks from schoolwork long enough on Christians in Gaza [have] become routine, and it to celebrate in new ways with their campus “family.” “I loved the holidays with my family, and I was pretty active at my temple,” says Melissa Denish, who left Phila- delphia behind to attend Elon University in North Carolina. “But it’s too far to go home just for a couple of days, so I stay at school.” The University of California-Los Angeles campus. Photo: Photo: Pixabay. Palestinian police officers loyal to Hamas march Fortunately for Denish during a graduation ceremony in Gaza City, April and other Jewish college students, most schools 29, 2019. Photo: Reuters / Ibraheem Abu Mustafa. nurturing experience for them.” offer opportunities for these young adults to be, if Tobin Gevelber would certainly understand not exactly home for the holidays, at least able to does not stop even in times of war. how the students at Bucknell feel about missing celebrate these days together and, when it works, “We Christians are not bystanders in Pales- class. His engineering curriculum at Case Western begin to find a spiritual home of their own. tine, we have been in Palestine for two thousand Reserve University in Cleveland is also demanding. And those who provide these services tend years, we are not guests,” says Kamal painfully. “They “But there’s no way I’m not going to go to Rosh not to take the responsibility lightly. At a time are harassing and hurting the Christian public and Hashanah and Yom Kippur services,” he says. when other Jews are getting a break from their jobs, Christian institutions, churches and associations.” “That’s not really an option for me.” rabbi Zalman Deitsch says what he does during … One difference Gevelber notices from the the holidays, including the 600 meals that he and One thing is certain for Kamal: he no longer holidays back at home in Boston: “There everyone his wife Sarah serve, may be the most important has a way back: “I can’t go back to Gaza; returning you see is pretty much doing the holiday, too, but moments of his entire year. would be a death sentence.” on campus for most people, it’s just another day, “Much is at stake here,” says the rabbi, now in So why haven’t there been any reports by and that feels kind of strange.” his 23rd year of leading High Holidays for Chabad Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, or Still, there is an advantage to being cast adrift at Ohio State University in the state’s capital Oxfam about the plight of Christians in Gaza? from the comforts of home, he points out. “There of Columbus. “It’s an opportunity to reach our Because those groups go out of their way to make it’s a more straightforward way of celebrating the students with a deep experience of Rosh Hashanah Israeli Jews look bad, and to make Palestinians look holidays; there’s no question as to exactly what and Yom Kippur, to create a home away from home good. For Israel, any tiny problem gets highlighted; you’re doing, whereas at school it’s actually fun to for the holidays.” for Palestinians, only undeniable abuses like torture make these decisions, to have that new indepen- As he relates, “When they’re away from their or suicide bombs are grudgingly mentioned — and dence in this area, to navigate the holidays yourself families and on their own for the first time, they even then, they are semi-excused by also talking about with a new awareness.” ask themselves, ‘Who am I?’ If they have the right things like the “occupation.” Involving the students is key to the way experience, they can take this into themselves for According to these reports, over 80% of Christians Betsy Polk at Elon University in North Carolina the rest of their lives, so it’s an amazing opportunity have fled Gaza under Hamas rule. Things are better constructs the services for those among the school’s and also an awesome responsibility.” under the Palestinian Authority, but not that much. 600 Jewish students who opt to stay on campus for “Each one of them who stays here on campus Bethlehem used to be 70% Christian, and is now less the holidays. for the chagim [‘holidays’] is precious to us,” says than 15%, as many have been intimidated into leaving. “We have a fairly small population,” says Polk, rabbi Chana Leslie Glazer. “For those who don’t go It is rare for a Christian to complain on the record who directs the Hillel for the university. “So we need home, we know it’s a time of year when they need to about Palestinian officials, because they know what to make sure our services are pluralistic and inclu- feel part of something, a sense of community, and the consequences could be. So most articles have sive for our Reform, Conservative, unaffiliated, and when we can help students feel empowered to take them dutifully toeing the line that everything can be more observant students. Our challenge is creating the reins of their Jewish lives.” blamed on Israel. Only a few reporters bother to look a High Holiday experience where everybody feels But the competition is stiff. under the surface — and human rights groups are comfortable.” Bucknell University in Pennsylvania, where simply not interested. Continued on Page A10 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2019 A9 Legal Notice.


MASTER PARTICIPATION TRUST, SSNY shall mail copy of process the time of death was a resident of mail process to: The LLC 29 Highland Pltf. vs. JUDY BRATHWAITE, et al, to:Roger Girard 1405 Prospect Place 94-21 208th Street, Queens Village, Drive Manalapan NJ 07726 Purpose: Defts. Index #502954/2013. Pursuant A3 Brooklyn, NY 11213 purpose: all NY 11428, in the County of Queens, all lawful activity to judgment of foreclosure and sale lawful activity State of New York. SEND GREETING: AJ; 9/20/27; 10/4/11/18/25 entered Dec. 20, 2018 and order AJ; 9/13/20/27; 10/4/11/18 Upon the petition of LOIS M. ROSEN- entered June 10, 2019, I will sell at BLATT, Public Administrator of Notice of formation of limited liability public auction in Room 224 of the NOTICE OF SALE Supreme Court Queens County, who maintains her company(LLC) Name: B MOORE Kings County Supreme Court, 360 County Of Kings CitiMortgage, office at 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, SERVICES LLC. Articles of organiza- Adams St., Brooklyn, NY on October Inc., Plaintiff AGAINST Amarnauth Jamaica, Queens County, New York tion filed with the secretary of state 17, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. prem. k/a 211A Ramotar; et al, Defendant Pursuant 11435, as Temporary Administrator of New York(SSNY) on 09/05/2019. Notice of formation of limited liability Lewis Avenue, Brooklyn, NY a/k/a to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale of the Estate of Elizabeth Funk, Office location: Kings county. SSNY company (LLC) Name: BUS BABY Block 1625, Lot 8. Said property begin- duly dated 5/11/2018 and entered on deceased, you and each of you are has been designated as the agent of LLC Articles of organization filed ning at a point on the Easterly side of 6/11/2018, I, the undersigned Referee, hereby cited to show cause before LLC upon whom process against it with the secretary of state of New Lewis Avenue, distant 40 ft. South- will sell at public auction at the Kings the Surrogate at the Surrogate’s Court may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of York (SSNY) on 07/23/2019. Office erly from the Southeasterly corner of County Supreme Court, 360 Adams of the County of Queens, to be held process to: The LLC 180 Bethel Loop of location: Kings county. SSNY has Lewis Avenue and Lexington Avenue; Street, Brooklyn, NY on October 24, at the Queens General Courthouse, 14C Brooklyn, NY 11239. Purpose: all been designated as the agent of the being a plot 20 ft. x 80 ft. Approx. amt. 2019 at 02:30 PM premises known 6th Floor, 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, lawful activity LLC upon whom process against it of judgment is $709,220.23 plus costs as 97-24 Drew Street a/k/a 442 Drew Jamaica, City and State of New York, AJ; 9/20/27; 10/4/11/18/25 may be served. SSNY shall mail copy and interest. Sold subject to terms Street, Brooklyn, NY 11208. All that on the 14th day of November, 2019 at of process to: Victor Zaraya 311A 15th and conditions of filed judgment and certain plot piece or parcel of land, 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon, why the NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Street Brooklyn, NY 11215. Purpose: terms of sale. For sale information, with the buildings and improvements Account of Proceedings of the Public KINGS COUNTY MTGLQ INVES- all lawful activity please visit at www. erected, situate, lying and being in Administrator of Queens County, as TORS, L.P., Plaintiff against RODNEY AJ; 8/30; 9/6/13/20/27;10/4 or call (800) 280-2832. the County of Kings, City and State Temporary Administrator of the Estate LIVINGSTONE A/K/A RODNEY BRUNO CODISPOTI, Referee. COHN of New York, BLOCK: 4185, LOT: 43. of said deceased, a copy of which is LIVINGSTON A/K/A LIVINGSTONE Notice of formation of limited liability & ROTH, Attys. for Pltf., 100 East Old Approximate amount of judgment attached, should not be judicially RODNEY A/K/A LIVINGSTONE A/ company(LLC). Name: HOTSPOT Country Rd., Mineola, NY. #97516 is $405,883.49 plus interests and settled, and why the Surrogate RODNEY, et al Defendants Attorney STATION LLC.Articles of organization AJ; 9/13/20/27; 10/4 costs. Premises will be sold subject should not fix and allow a reason- for Plaintiff(s) Fein, Such & Crane, filed with the secretary of state of New to provisions of filed Judgment Index able amount of compensation to LLP, 28 East Main Street Suite 1800, York (SSNY) on 08/21/2019. Office Notice of formation of limited liability # 504301/2014. For sale information, GERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ., for legal Rochester, NY 14614 Attorney (s) for of location: Kings county. SSNY has company(LLC) Name: MAGS77 LLC. please visit at www. services rendered to petitioner herein Plaintiff (s). Pursuant to a Judgment been designated as the agent of the Articles of organization filed with the or call (800) 280-2832. in the amount of $19,448.70 and that of Foreclosure and Sale entered May LLC upon whom process against it Secretary of State of New York(SSNY) Betty Lugo, Referee FRENKEL the Court fix the fair and reasonable 9, 2018, I will sell at public auction may be served. SSNY shall mail copy on 06/03/2019. Office location: Kings LAMBERT WEISS WEISMAN & additional fee for any services to be to the highest bidder at Room 224 of of process to: Legalinc Corporate county . SSNY has been designated GORDON LLP 53 Gibson Street Bay rendered by GERARD J. SWEENEY, Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Services inc. 1967 Wehrle Drive suite as agent of LLC upon whom process Shore, NY 11706 ESQ., hereafter in connection with Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York, 1 #086 Buffalo ,NY 14221. Purpose: all against it may be served. SSNY shall AJ; 9/20/27; 10/4/11 proceedings on kinship, claims etc., 11201 on October 31, 2019 at 2:30 lawful activity Mail process to: MAGS77 LLC 25 prior to entry of a final Decree on this PM. Premises known as 1092 East AJ; 8/30; 9/6/13/20/27; 10/4 Washington st. #8A Brooklyn ,NY NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT accounting in the amount of 6% of 54th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11234. Block 11201 . Purpose: all lawful activity KINGS COUNTY MTGLQ INVES- assets or income collected after the 7757 Lot 72. All that certain plot, piece 1694CARROLLST JIANG LLC Art. Of AJ; 9/13/20/27; 10/4/11/18 TORS, L.P., Plaintiff against BERISH date of the within accounting; and or parcel of land, with all the buildings Org. Filed Sec. of State of NY 8/13/19. ROTTENBERG, et al Defendants why the Surrogate should not fix and and improvements thereon erected, Off. Loc. : Kings Co. SSNY designated NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Attorney for Plaintiff(s) Fein, Such allow an amount equal to one percent situate, lying and being in the Borough as agent upon whom process may be COUNTY OF KINGS DEUTSCHE & Crane, LLP, 28 East Main Street on said Schedules of the total assets of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City served & shall mail proc.: c/o Yan Jiang, BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Suite 1800, Rochester, NY 14614 on Schedules A, A1, and A2 plus any and State of New York. Approximate 1694 Carroll St., Brooklyn, NY 11213. AS TRUSTEE FOR FREMONT HOME Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s). Pursuant additional monies received subse- Amount of Judgment is $725,267.19 Purpose: Any lawful act or activity. LOAN TRUST SERIES 2006-3, Plain- to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale quent to the date of this account, plus interest and costs. Premises will AJ; 9/6/13/20/27; 10/4/11 tiff AGAINST PAUL ZAGARI, et al., entered December 14, 2018, I will sell as the fair and reasonable amount be sold subject to provisions of filed Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment at public auction to the highest bidder payable to the Office of the Public Judgment Index No 21583/10. Shmuel SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated at Room 224 of Kings County Supreme Administrator for the expenses of said Taub, Esq., Referee RSHC106 OF NEW YORK - COUNTY OF KINGS October 03, 2018 I, the undersigned Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, office pursuant to S.C.P.A. §1106(3); AJ; 9/27; 10/4/11/18 WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL Referee will sell at public auction at the New York, 11201 on October 24, 2019 and why the Last Will and Testament ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR Room 224 of Kings County Supreme at 2:30 PM. Premises known as 4412 dated May 23, 1995, a copy of which NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT CARRINGTON MORTGAGE LOAN Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, 10th Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11219. is attached, should not be admitted KINGS COUNTY MTGLQ INVES- TRUST, SERIES 2006-OPT1, ASSET New York 11201, on October 17, 2019 Block 5607 Lot 40. All that certain to Probate; and why the Letters of TORS, L.P., Plaintiff against ANNETTE BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFI- at 2:30PM, premises known as 114 lot, piece or parcel of land, with the Temporary Administration issued to HURLEY A/K/A ANNETTE CATES, SERIES 2006-OPT1, V. BESSIE BAY 32ND STREET, BROOKLYN, buildings and improvements thereon the Public Administrator should not CONLIFFE, et al Defendants Attorney C. LEE; ET AL. NOTICE OF SALE NY 11214. All that certain plot piece erected, situate, lying and being in be revoked; and why Letters of Admin- for Plaintiff(s) Knuckles, Komosinski NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant or parcel of land, with the buildings the Borough of Brooklyn, County of istration CTA should not be issued to & Manfro, LLP, 565 Taxter Road, Suite to a Final Judgment of Foreclosure and improvements erected, situate, Kings, City and State of New York. the Public Administrator; and why 590, Elmsford, NY 10523 Attorney dated March 27, 2019, and entered in lying and being in the Borough of Approximate Amount of Judgment is the net residuary estate should not (s) for Plaintiff (s). Pursuant to a the Office of the Clerk of the County Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and $956,249.26 plus interest and costs. be paid pursuant to the Last Will and Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale of Kings, wherein WELLS FARGO State of New York, BLOCK 6416, LOT Premises will be sold subject to provi- Testament as follows: STATEMENT entered January 28, 2019, I will sell at BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, 56. Approximate amount of judgment sions of filed Judgment Index No OF PROPOSED DISTRIBUTION 1/3 public auction to the highest bidder at AS TRUSTEE FOR CARRINGTON $1,256,098.02 plus interest and costs. 506418/ 2014. Bruno Codispoti, Esq., to the Bushwick Center for Rehabilita- Room 224 of Kings County Supreme MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, SERIES Premises will be sold subject to provi- Referee RRJC004 tion and Health care f/k/a Wartburg Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, 2006-OPT1, ASSET BACKED PASS- sions of filed Judgment for Index# AJ; 9/20/27; 10/4/11/18/25 Lutheran Home for the Aged 1/3 New York, 11201 on October 31, 2019 THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 31789/09. HELENE E. BLANK, ESQ., to the American Cancer Society, at 2:30 PM. Premises known as 159 E. 2006-OPT1 is the Plaintiff and BESSIE Referee Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney File No.: 2017-1052/C CITATION Queens Division 1/3 to the Mental 40th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11203. Block C. LEE; ET AL. are the Defendant(s). for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF Illness Foundation Dated, Attested 4877 Lot 46. All that certain plot, piece I, the undersigned Referee will sell at 100 Williamsville, NY 14221 65235 NEW YORK BY THE GRACE OF and Sealed 16th day of September, or parcel of land, with the buildings public auction at the KINGS COUNTY AJ; 9/13/20/27; 10/4 GOD, FREE AND INDEPENDENT To: 2019 HON. PETER J. KELLY Surro- and improvements thereon erected, COURTHOUSE 360 ADAMS STREET, Robert H. Barry, Robert G. Tetmeyer, gate, Queens County James Lim situate, lying and being in the Borough ROOM 224, BROOKLYN, NY 11201, Esq., Wartburg Lutheran Home for Becker Clerk of the Surrogate’s Court of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City on October 17, 2019 at 2:30PM, Notice of formation of limited liability the Aged, now known as Bushwick GERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ. (718) and State of New York. Approximate premises known as 1247 E 86TH ST, company(LLC) Name: XIN YUE Center for Rehabilitation and Health 459-9000 1981 Marcus Avenue, Suite Amount of Judgment is $536,235.03 BROOKLYN, NY 11236: Block 8065, PROPERTY LLC.Articles of organiza- American Cancer Society, Queens 200 Lake Success, New York 11042 plus interest and costs. Premises will Lot 21: ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, tion filed with the secretary of state Division Mental Illness Founda- This citation is served upon you as be sold subject to provisions of filed PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, WITH of New York (SSNY ) on 08/19/2019 tion, Attorney General of the State of required by law. You are not obliged to Judgment Index No 510311/2017. THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVE- . Office location: Kings county. SSNY New York The unknown distributees, appear in person. If you fail to appear it Cash will not be accepted at the MENTS THEREON ERECTED, has been designated as the agent of legatees, devisees, heirs at law and will be assumed that you do not object sale. Joel Abramson, Esq., Referee SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE the LLC upon whom process against assignees of Elizabeth Funk, deceased, to the relief requested unless you file 2267-001342 BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, COUNTY it may be served. SSNY shall mail or their estates, if any there be, whose formal legal, verified objections. You AJ; 9/27; 10/4/11/18 OF KINGS, CITY AND STATE OF copy of process to: XIN YUE Property names, places of residence and post have a right to have an attorney-at-law NEW YORK, Premises will be sold LLC 611 57th St., Brooklyn, NY 11220. office addresses are unknown to appear for you. Accounting Citation Notice of formation of 2325 Astoria subject to provisions of filed Judgment Purpose: all lawful activity the petitioner and cannot with due AJ; 9/20/27; 10/4/11/ Blvd LLC, Art. of Org. filed with the Index # 514557/2015. Bruno Codis- AJ; 9/13/20/27; 10/4/11/18 diligence be ascertained. Being the SSNY on 9/13/2019. Office located in poti, Esq. - Referee. RAS Boriskin, LLC persons interested, a copy of this Notice of formation of limited liability Kings County. SSNY has been desig- 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, Notice of formation of Limited liability citation and the account as well as all company(LLC) Name: MIKE’S nated for service of process. SSNY Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys company(LLC) Name: ROJAH LLC. amendments to it, if any, and a copy SEWER AND DRAIN LLC. Articles shall mail process to 2325 Astoria Blvd for Plaintiff. Articles of organization filed with the of the purported Last Will and Testa- of organization filed with the secre- LLC, 1202 Halsey Street Brooklyn NY AJ; 9/13/20/27; 10/4 Secretary of State of New York(SSNY) ment dated 5/23/1995 shall be served tary of state of New York (SSNY) on 11207. Purpose: any lawful purpose. on 08/05/2019. Office location: Kings on the Guardian ad Litem, Jeanne 05/16/2019. Office location: Kings AJ; 9/27; 10/4/11/18/25; 11/1 NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT. county. SSNY has been designated Forster, Esq.,as creditors, legatees, county. SSNY has been designated COUNTY OF KINGS. U.S. BANK as the agent of the LLC upon whom distributees or otherwise in the Estate as agent of LLC upon whom process TRUST, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR LSF9 process against it may be served. of Elizabeth Funk, deceased, who at against it may be served. SSNY shall Continued on Page A10 A10 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2019 Tradition. Legal Notice.

so that each scene is set out picto- Continued from Page A8 The Torah as rially as if bathed in sunlight. By Challenge LEGAL NOTICE contrast, biblical narrative is spare One approach Polk has found and understated. In the example successful in her two years-plus Continued from Page A9 God’s Song Auerbach cites – the story of the on the job: “Th ey need to know it’s SUPREME COURT – COUNTY OF binding of Isaac – we do not know going to be diff erent from being at KINGS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, what the main characters look like, home, but when they say, ‘Th at’s not NA, Plaintiff against ZISEL BRIEGER: what they are feeling, what they are the melody we use,’ I answer, ‘Great. LARRY BRIEGER, et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure a physical entity with sanctity. wearing, what landscapes they are Let’s hear your melody. Maybe we My earliest memories are of passing through. and Sale entered on December 2, 2016. can sing it together.’” I, the undersigned Referee will sell Th e decisive points of the JONATHAN SACKS going to my late grandfather’s little Unlike smaller schools where at public auction in Room 224 of the LONDON beit midrash in North London and narrative alone are emphasised, Jewish students attending services Kings County Courthouse, 360 Adams being given the privilege, as a two what lies between is non-existent; on campus need to fi nd common Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. on the 31st day or three-year-old child, of putting time and place are undefi ned and ground, the larger ones can aff ord of October, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. premises the bells on the Torah scroll after it call for interpretation; thoughts to off er more choices. Over at the described as follows: All that certain At the end of his life, having had been lifted, rolled, and rebound and feelings remain unexpressed, Kraft Center for Jewish Student Life plot, piece or parcel of land, with given the Israelites at God’s behest in its velvet cover. Even then, I had a only suggested by the silence and the building improvements thereon at Columbia/Barnard Hillel, Lavine erected, situate, lying and being in 612 commands, Moses gave them sense of the awe in which the scroll the fragmentary speeches; the Family executive director Brian the Borough of Brooklyn, County of the fi nal mitzvah: “Now therefore was held by the worshippers in that whole, permeated with the most Cohen says students can select Kings, City and State of New York. write down for yourselves this song little house of study and prayer. unrelieved suspense and directed which service they feel comfort- Said premises known as 1252 58th and teach it to the people of Israel. Many of them were refugees. Th ey towards a single goal, remains able with (“And if one doesn’t feel Street Brooklyn, N.Y. 11219. (Block: Put it in their mouths, that this song spoke with heavy accents redolent mysterious and “fraught with right to them, they can try the next 5704, Lot: 28) Approximate amount may be My witness against the of worlds they had left, worlds background.” one,” he adds.) “My primary goal is of lien $ 622,641.64 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to people of Israel” (Deut. 31:19). that I later discovered had been A completely diff erent aspect to provide our Jewish students with According to the plain sense destroyed in the Holocaust. Th ere is alluded to by Rabbi Yechiel Michel provisions of fi led judgment and terms a meaningful High Holiday experi- of sale. Index No. 16371-11. Bruno of the verse, God was speaking to was an air of ineff able sadness Epstein, author of the halachic code ence, including services, meals, etc.” Codispoti, Esq., Referee. Fein, Such Moses and Joshua and was refer- about the tunes they sang – always Aruch HaShulchan. Epstein points To build momentum, Cohen’s & Crane, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff 28 ring to the song in the following in a minor key. But their love for the out that the rabbinic literature is team presents holiday program- East Main Street, Suite 1800 Rochester, chapter, “Listen, O heavens, and I parchment scroll was palpable. I full of arguments, about which the ming not only in the Hillel building, N.Y. 14614 (585) 232-7400 will speak; hear, O earth, the words later defi ned it as their equivalent Sages said: “Th ese and those are the but in dorms and other campus AJ; 9/27; 10/4/11/18 of my mouth” (Deut. 32:1). However, of the rabbinic tradition about the words of the living God.” Th is, says locales. “We want to reach the Oral Tradition gave it a diff erent and Ark in the wilderness: it carried Epstein, is one of the reasons the SUPREME COURT – COUNTY OF Jewish students, of course, but we KINGS HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL much wider interpretation, under- Torah is called “a song” – because a those who carried it (Rashi to I Chr. also want the broader campus ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, FOR standing it as a command for every 15:26). It was my fi rst intimation song becomes more beautiful when community to be aware that this THE HOLDERS OF THE J.P. MORGAN Jew to write, or at least take some that Judaism is the story of a love scored for many voices interwoven is an important time for Jewish ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2006-A5 part in writing, a Sefer Torah: aff air between a people and a book, in complex harmonies. students and professors.” MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH Said Rabbah: Even though the Book of books. I would suggest a third dimen- A key ingredient: food. Th ey CERTIFICATES, Plaintiff against our ancestors have left us a scroll What, though – if we take the sion. Th e 613th command is not serve hundreds of meals over these ISAAC SHOUELA, A/K/A ISAAC of the Torah, it is our religious duty command to refer to the whole simply about the Torah, but about SHOELA, ELI SHOUELA A/K/A 10 days, including nearly 500 bagels ELI SHOUELA, et al Defendant(s). to write one for ourselves, as it is Torah and not just one chapter – is the duty to make the Torah new in at the Yom Kippur break-fast. Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclo- said: “Now therefore write down the signifi cance of the word “song” each generation. To make the Torah Nor does he think that the sure and Sale entered on September for yourselves this song and teach (shira): “Now therefore write down live anew, it is not enough to hand presence of anti-Israel forces on 25, 2018. I, the undersigned Referee it to the people of Israel. Put it in for yourselves this song”? Th e word it on cognitively – as mere history his campus puts a damper on will sell at public auction in Room their mouths, that this song may shira appears fi ve times in this and law. It must speak to us aff ec- holiday celebration. “I think they 224 of the Kings County Courthouse, be My witness against the people of tively, emotionally. feel safe expressing their Jewish- 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. on the 31st day of October, 2019 at 2:30 Judaism is a religion of words, ness,” he adds. “It’s a beautiful sight, and yet whenever the language of p.m. premises described as follows: hundreds of students walking up All that certain lot, piece or parcel of Judaism aspires to the spiritual it to the Kraft Center at sundown on land, with the buildings and improve- breaks into song, as if the words Rosh Hashanah.” ments thereon erected, situate, lying themselves sought escape from the In fact, says OSU Chabad’s and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, gravitational pull of fi nite meanings. rabbi Deitsch, “holidays away from County of Kings, City and State of Th ere is something about melody home in a community that feels like New York, known and designated as Lots Numbers 63 and 64, Block that intimates a reality beyond our family can give students an oppor- grasp, what William Wordsworth 6826, on a certain plan of lots called tunity they never had before: to be “Brooklyn Harlem” (temporary Name) called the sense sublime/Of open to the experience and bring surveyed for Wood Harmon & Co., something far more deeply inter- themselves to the table, to begin to March 1902 by Samuel H. McElroy, Israel.” (Sanhedrin 21b) passage. It is clearly a key word. fused/Whose dwelling is the light decide the kind of person they want C.E. and C.S. and fi led in Kings County Th e logic of the interpretation Why? On this, two nineteenth- of setting suns/And the round to be beginning right now at the Register’s Offi ce, March 23, 1902, and seems to be, fi rst, that the phrase century scholars off ered striking ocean and the living air. Words are beginning of this new year.” bounded and described as follows, “write down for yourselves” could explanations. the language of the mind. Music is Now the religious and educa- to wit: Easterly at East 21st Street, 40 be construed as referring to every Th e Netziv (Rabbi Naftali Zvi the language of the soul. feet as shown on said plan; Southerly tional chair at the Elon Hillel, by Lot 62 in Block 100 feet as shown Israelite (Ibn Ezra), not just Moses Yehuda Berlin, 1816–1893, one Th e 613th command, to make Denish is already reaching out to on said plan; Westerly by lots 26 and and Joshua. Second, the passage of the great heads of the the Torah new in every generation, her fellow students to lead a prayer 25 in said Block 40 feet as shown on goes on to say (Deut. 31:24): “Moses nineteenth century) interprets it to symbolises the fact that though or a song or a reading from the said plan; Northerly by Lot 65 in said fi nished writing in the book the mean that the whole Torah should the Torah was given once, it must Torah. “We’re at a stage in our lives Block 100 feet as shown on said plan. words of this law from beginning be read as poetry, not prose; the be received many times, as each of when we’re no longer forced to Said premises known as 1946 E. 21st to end.” Th e Talmud off ers a third word shira in Hebrew means both a us, through our study and practice, come, so we need another reason Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11229. (Block: 6826, Lot: 27). Approximate amount reason. Th e verse goes on to say: song and a poem. To be sure, most strives to recapture the pristine — to see it as an opportunity to “Th at this song may be My witness of the Torah is written in prose, but voice heard at Mount Sinai. Th at of lien $ 1,153,565.15 plus interest and really learn about ourselves and costs. Premises will be sold subject to against the people” – implying the the Netziv argued that it has two requires emotion, not just intellect. our community, about diff erent provisions of fi led judgment and terms Torah as a whole, not just the song characteristics of poetry. First, it is It means treating Torah not just as traditions than what we may have of sale. Index No. 20507-13. Steven J. in chapter 32 (Nedarim 38a). allusive rather than explicit. It leaves words read, but also as a melody grown up with.” Baker, Esq., Referee. Eckert Seamans Th us understood, Moses’ fi nal unsaid more than is said. Secondly, sung. Th e Torah is God’s libretto, When everyone comes willing Cherin & Mellott, LLC Attorney(s) message to the Israelites was: “It is like poetry, it hints at deeper reser- and we, the Jewish people, are His to ask and answer questions, for Plaintiff 10 Bank Street - Suite 700 White Plains, New York 10606 (914) not enough that you have received voirs of meaning, sometimes by the choir, the performers of His choral she adds, “the holidays can be a the Torah from me. You must make use of an unusual word or sentence symphony. And though when 949-2574 powerful learning experience and AJ; 9/27; 10/4/11/18 it new again in every generation.” construction. Descriptive prose Jews speak they often argue, when can have more of an impact than Th e covenant was not to grow old. It carries its meaning on the surface. they sing, they sing in harmony, as they did at home.” NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT had to be periodically renewed. Th e Torah, like poetry, does not.[1] the Israelites did at the Red Sea, “With no tickets or dress code COUNTY OF KINGS, U.S. BANK So it is to this day that Torah In this brilliant insight, the because music is the language of required, we want our students TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, scrolls are still written as in ancient Netziv anticipates one of the great the soul, and at the level of the soul to feel completely welcome,” says NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY times, by hand, on parchment, using twentieth-century essays on biblical Jews enter the unity of the Divine Columbia/Barnard Hillel’s Cohen. BUT SOLELY AS OWNER TRUSTEE a quill – as were the Dead Sea Scrolls prose, Erich Auerbach’s “Odysseus’ which transcends the oppositions FOR VRMTG ASSET TRUST, Plain- “Even the students who never got it tiff , vs. KAIUM AKANDA, ET AL., two thousand years ago. In a religion Scar.”[2] Auerbach contrasts of lower worlds. or who were turned off as kids, we’re Defendant(s). Pursuant to an Order almost devoid of sacred objects the narrative style of Genesis Th e Torah is God’s song, and hoping they give it another shot.” Pursuant to CPLR 2004 Extending (icons, relics), the Torah scroll is the with that of Homer. Homer uses we collectively are its singers. nearest Judaism comes to endowing dazzlingly detailed descriptions Shabbat Shalom Continued on Page A12 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2019 A11 Social.

Sir Ben Kingsley speaks at the 6th annual Algemeiner gala in Algemeiner Publisher , UK TV star Rachel New York City, Sept. 27, 2019. Riley, Dr. Sonat Birnecker Hart and Algemeiner Editor-in-Chief Photo: PMC / Sean Zanni for The Algemeiner. Dovid Efune. Photo: PMC / Sean Zanni for The Algemeiner.

New York University student leader Ben Newhouse. Entrepreneur and philanthropist Michael David Heller. Photo: PMC / Sean Zanni for The Algemeiner. Photo: PMC / Sean Zanni for The Algemeiner. Algemeiner Unveils 6th Annual ‘J100’ List at Gala Featuring Sir Ben Kingsley and Rachel Riley

BY ALGEMEINER STAFF the red carpet. entertainer Joan Rivers, former British Justice Secre- Other high-profile attendees at the event tary Michael Gove, Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein The Algemeiner unveiled its 6th annual “J100” included artist Ron Agam, journalist James Taranto, and actress Sharon Stone, among others. list of the top 100 people “positively influencing designer Rickie Freeman, radio host Buck Sexton, The crowd was roused by the speech of New Jewish life” on Thursday night, at a lavish gala in New Consul General of Israel in New York Dani Dayan, York University student leader Ben Newhouse, York City. Honorees in attendance included famed activist George Farmer, writer and musician Dominic who recalled his efforts to fight the Israel boycott actor Sir Ben Kingsley and TV star Rachel Riley. Green, publisher Marty Peretz, journalist Jere Van movement on campus. The event, held at Gotham Hall, was attended Dyk, publicist Stu Loeser, Carnegie Hall Executive In his address on Thursday,Algemeiner Editor- by some 500 people, who gathered in support of The and Artistic Director Sir Clive Gillinson, author Tuvia in-Chief Dovid Efune remarked, “How does the tragic Algemeiner. Tenenbom, journalist Tunku Varadarajan and jeweler story of antisemitism end? Who can say? What we do Both Kingsley and Riley received The Algemein- Erwin Pearl, among many other notable community know is that we are called on today to write our chapter er’s prestigious “Warrior for Truth” award, and the and industry leaders. in the story. And we are determined that it shall never 2019 Algemeiner Honoree was entrepreneur and US President Donald Trump, Israeli Prime be said that under our watch the beast of antisemi- philanthropist Michael David Heller. Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli President tism reawakened and that it did so unopposed, or that The evening’s Master of Ceremonies was CNN Reuven Rivlin — all of whom were included on this it was only met with mild resistance.” journalist Bianna Golodryga, and the Event Chairs year’s “J100” list — sent greeting messages. Founded in 1972 as a broadsheet by were Robert H. and Amy Book, and Neil and Sharon Past honorees and participants in the yearly the late veteran journalist Gershon Jacobson, The Book. Bernard-Henri Lévy served as Honorary event have included media mogul , Algemeiner today prints this weekly newspaper in Chairman, and News 12 anchor Emily Lorsch hosted the late Nobel Peace Prize laureate , Czech English and runs a website. President Miloš Zeman, artist Yaacov Agam, the late

Legal Notice.


Continued from Page A10 11, 1988, a copy of which is attached, Referee will sell at public auction at the Notice of formation of limited liability Sanabria Chief Clerk. Wimpfheimer the Time to Set Sale and to Ratify as the Will of Lino Bordas Roqueni, Kings County Supreme Court, Room company(LLC) Name: THE BOYS & Wimpfheimer, Esq. Attorney for Sale Nunc Pro Tunc and Judgment of deceased, relating to real and personal 224, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, ‘ROOM LLC Articles of organiza- Petitioner Telephone number: (212) Foreclosure and Sale duly filed on May property, and directing that Letters of New York 11201, on November 07, tion filed with the secretary of state 247-8448 Address of Attorney: 330 2019 at 2:30PM, premises known as of New York (SSNY) on 07/18/2019 20, 2019, I, the undersigned Referee Administration c.t.a. issue to Gerardo West 58th Street, Suite 308, New will sell at public auction at the Kings Modesto Perez Velasco (State any 205 HALE AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY Office location: Kings county. SSNY further relief requested) And that a 11208. All that certain plot piece or has been designated as the agent of York, New York 10019 County Supreme Court, Room 224, AJ; 10/4/11/18/25 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY certified copy of the last Will and Testa- parcel of land, with the buildings and the LLC upon whom process against on October 31, 2019 at 2:30 p.m., ment of the deceased be admitted to improvements erected, situate, lying it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy probate as an ancient document, and and being in the Borough and County of process to: the LLC 382 Lefferts COLIN KING STUDIO LLC, Arts. premises known as 922 Herkimer of Org. filed with the SSNY on Street, Brooklyn, NY. All that certain that the filing of a bond is dispensed of Kings, City and State of New York, Avenue #7E Brooklyn,New York 11225. with Dated, Attested and Sealed BLOCK 3960, LOT 6. Approximate Purpose: all lawful activity 09/17/2019. Office loc: Kings County. plot, piece or parcel of land, with the SSNY has been designated as agent buildings and improvements thereon September 20th, 2019 Hon. Peter J. amount of judgment $651,242.34 AJ; 10/4/11/18/25; 11/1/8 Kelly Surrogate, James Lim Becker plus interest and costs. Premises will upon whom process against the erected, situate, lying and being in the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, Chief Clerk, David Schachter. Esq. be sold subject to provisions of filed REFEREE'S NOTICE OF SALE 37-06 77th Street. Jackson Heights. Judgment for Index# 512152/2015. IN FORECLOSURE SUPREME process to: The LLC, 60 Clark St., Apt City and State of New York, Block 1713 2F, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Purpose: Any and Lot 22. Approximate amount of NY 11372 (718) 505-4556 [NOTE: LEONARD C. SPECTOR, ESQ., COURT - COUNTY OF KINGS This citation is served upon you as Referee Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney CITIMORTGAGE, INC., Plaintiff - Lawful Purpose. judgment is $608,434.66 plus interest AJ; 10/4/11/18/25; 11/1/8 and costs. Premises will be sold required by law. You are not required for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite against - ALEXANDER LEWIS, et al subject to provisions of filed Judgment to appear. If you fail to appear it will be 100 Williamsville, NY 14221 65662 Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment assumed you do not object to the relief AJ; 10/4/11/18/25 of Foreclosure and Sale entered on NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Index # 4719/13. Kecia Juanita Weaver, COUNTY OF KINGS, TD BANK, Esq., Referee Knuckles, Komosinski & requested. You have a right to have an March 18, 2019. I, the undersigned attorney appear for you.] NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Referee will sell at public auction at N.A. SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO Manfro, LLP, 565 Taxter Road, Suite TD BANKNORTH, N.A., Plaintiff, vs. 590, Elmsford, NY 10523, Attorneys for AJ; 9/27; 10/4/11/18 COUNTY OF KINGS U.S. Bank Room 224, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, National Association, as Trustee for Kings County, New York on the 7th ARON SCHARF, RAIZY SCHARF, Plaintiff Cash will not be accepted. ET AL., Defendant(s). Pursuant to AJ; 9/27; 10/4/11/18 NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Lehman Mortgage Trust Mortgage day of November, 2019 at 2:30 p.m. COUNTY OF KINGS JPMorgan Pass Through Certificates Series All that certain plot, piece or parcel of a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale Chase Bank, National Association, 2007-10, Plaintiff AGAINST Shamika land, with the buildings and improve- duly filed on September 13, 2019, I, the NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT undersigned Referee will sell at public COUNTY OF KINGS Citibank, N.A., as Plaintiff AGAINST Troy James; et al., Dowell; et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant ments thereon erected, situate, lying Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment to a Judgment of Foreclosure and and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, auction at the Kings County Supreme trustee for CMLTI Asset Trust, Plaintiff Court, Room 224, 360 Adams Street, AGAINST Tyrone Lewis a/k/a Tyrone of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated Sale duly dated June 18, 2018 I, the County of Kings, City and State of March 28, 2019 I, the undersigned undersigned Referee will sell at public New York. Premises known as 411 Brooklyn, NY on November 7, 2019 G. Lewis; et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant at 2:30 p.m., premises known as 1331 to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale Referee will sell at public auction at auction at the Kings County Supreme Madison Street, Brooklyn, (Borough the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, of Brooklyn) NY 11221. (Block: 1820, 58th Street, Unit 3, Brooklyn, NY. All duly dated September 10, 2019 I, the that certain plot, piece or parcel of undersigned Referee will sell at public Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY 11201 on November Lot: 51) Approximate amount of lien NY 11201 on November 7, 2019 at 7, 2019 at 2:30PM, premises known $1,097,918.43 plus interest and costs. land, with the buildings and improve- auction at the Kings County Supreme ments thereon erected, situate, lying Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, 2:30PM, premises known as 1125 as 648 Marcy Avenue, Brooklyn, NY Premises will be sold subject to provi- East 55th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11234. 11206. All that certain plot piece or sions of filed judgment and terms and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, NY 11201 on October 31, County of Kings, City and State of 2019 at 2:30PM, premises known as All that certain plot piece or parcel of parcel of land, with the buildings and of sale. Index No. 12788-13. Steven land, with the buildings and improve- improvements erected, situate, lying Naiman, Esq., Referee. Davidson Fink New York, Block 5698 and Lot 1104. 102-02 Farragut Road, Brooklyn, NY Approximate amount of judgment is 11236. All that certain plot piece or ments erected, situate, lying and being and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, LLP Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 28 East in the Borough of Brooklyn, County County of Kings, City and State of Main Street, Suite 1700 Rochester, NY $355,325.04 plus interest and costs. parcel of land, with the buildings and Premises will be sold subject to improvements erected, situate, lying of Kings, City and State of NY, Block NY, Block 1774 Lot 47. Approximate 14614-1990 Tel. 585/760-8218 For 7781 Lot 34. Approximate amount of amount of judgment $1,087,478.61 sale information, please visit Auction. provisions of filed Judgment Index # and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, 012276/2014. Gregory M. Laspina, County of Kings, City and State of judgment $553,632.80 plus interest plus interest and costs. Premises com at or call (800) and costs. Premises will be sold will be sold subject to provisions of 280-2832 Dated: August 15, 2019 Esq., Referee Duane Morris, LLP, 1540 NY, Block 8171 Lot 33. Approximate Broadway, New York, New York 10036, amount of judgment $853,969.62 subject to provisions of filed Judgment filed Judgment Index# 512093/2015. AJ; 10/4/11/18/25 Index# 517212/2017. Charlane Leonard C. Spector, Esq., Referee Attorneys for Plaintiff plus interest and costs. Premises AJ; 10/4/11/18/25; will be sold subject to provisions of Odetta Brown, Esq., Referee Shapiro, Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, LLC PROBATE CITATION File No. DiCaro & Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 Mile filed Judgment Index# 514002/2015. 3064/A-2019 SURROGATE'S Notice of formation of limited liability Shmuel Taub, Esq., Referee Shapiro, the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boule- Crossing Boulevard Rochester, New COURT-NEW YORK COUNTY vard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) York 14624 (877) 430-4792 Dated: company(LLC) Name: PEGASUS DiCaro & Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for CITATION THE PEOPLE OF THE COACH LINE LLC. Articles of organi- the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boule- 430-4792 Dated: September 17, 2019 August 19, 2019 65214 For sale information, please visit www. AJ; 10/4/11/18/25 STATE OF NEW YORK By the Grace zation filed with the Secretary of State vard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) of God Free and Independent TO- of New York(SSNY) on 09/03/2019 430-4792 Dated: September 20, 2019 or call (800) 280-2832 Edward Stern Public Administrator Office location: Richmond County 65711 AJ; 10/4/11/18/25 NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF KINGS U.S. of the County of New York Attorney SSNY has been designated as the AJ; 9/27; 10/4/11/18 agent of the LLC upon whom process SUPREME COURT – COUNTY OF BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, General of the state of New York against it may be served. SSNY shall File No.: 2019-1499 PROBATE KINGS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE TO BANK To the heirs at law, next of kin and OF AMERICA, N.A. AS SUCCESSOR mail copy of process to: Pegasus CITATION SURROGATE'S COURT- NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Plain- distributees of MARGOT HERSCH, tiff against ROSA ELISA PEREZ TO LASALLE BANK, N.A. AS Coach Line LLC 388 Mcclean Ave. QUEENS COUNTY CITATION THE deceased, if living, and if any of them Staten Island,NY 10305. Purpose: all PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW A/K/A ROSA E. PEREZ A/K/A ROSA TRUSTEE FOR MERRILL LYNCH PEREZ, et al Defendant(s). Pursuant FIRST FRANKLIN MORTGAGE be dead, to their heirs at law, next lawful activity YORK By the Grace of God Free of kin, distributes, legatees, execu- AJ; 10/4/11/18/25; 11/1/8 and Independent TO: Teresa Diaz, to a Judgment of Foreclosure and LOAN TRUST, MORTGAGE LOAN Sale entered on July 25, 2016. I, ASSET- BACKED CERTIFICATES, tors, administrators, assignees, Azucena Diaz, and Guadalupe Bordas Notice of formation of limited liability Blanco if living and if dead to her heirs the undersigned Referee will sell SERIES 2007-2, Plaintiff AGAINST and successors in interest, whose at public auction in Room 224 of ANNISA DANCE, RUSSELL DANCE, company(LLC) Name: PLEASANT at law, next of kin and distributees names are unknown and cannot 30 LLC. Articles of Organization filed whose names and places of residence the Kings County Courthouse, 360 et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a be ascertained after due diligence. Adams Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. on the Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale with the secretary of state of New are unknown and if she died subse- A petition having been duly filed York(SSNY) on 08/09/2019. Office quent to the decedent herein, to her 7th day of November, 2019 at 2:30 duly dated February 01, 2017 I, the p.m. premises described as follows: undersigned Referee will sell at public by RONALD G. HERSCHE who is location: Richmond County . SSNY executors, administrators, legatees, domiciled at 1220 Friendly Way, has been designated as the agent of devisees, assignees and successors All that certain plot, piece or parcel auction at the Room 224 of Kings of land, situate, lying and being in County Supreme Court, 360 Adams St. Petersburg, Florida 33705. YOU the LLC upon whom process against it in interest whose names and places may be served. SSNY shall Mail copy of residence are unknown and to all the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW Kings, City and State of New York. on November 07, 2019 at 02:30PM, of process to: Yan Xing 85 Tompkins other heirs at law, next of kin and CAUSE before the Surrogate's Court Circle, Staten Island, NY 10301. distributees Said premises known as 239 Cooper premises known as 686 WORTMAN New York County at 31 Chambers Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11207. (Block: AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY 11208. All Purpose: all lawful activity of Lino Bordas Rogueni; the decedent Street, Room 509, New York, New AJ; 10/4/11/18/25; 11/1/8 herein, whose names and places of 3436, Lot: 40). Approximate amount that certain plot piece or parcel of of lien $ 205,480.95 plus interest and land, with the buildings and improve- York on November 19th 2019, at 9: residence are unknown and cannot 30 o’ clock in the fore noon of that after diligent inquiry be ascertained costs. Premises will be sold subject to ments erected, situate, lying and day, why a decree should not be A petition having been duly filed by provisions of filed judgment and terms being in the Borough and County Gerardo Modesto Perez Velasco, who of sale. Index No. 512109-14. Julie Ann of Kings, City and State of New York, made in the estate of MARGOT is domiciled at 35-20 Leverich Street, Clark, Esq., Referee. FEIN SUCH & BLOCK 4546, LOT 100. Approximate HERSCH, lately domiciled at 4523 Apt. C-449, Jackson Heights, NY 11372. CRANE, LLP Attorney(s) for Plain- amount of judgment $844,763.15 Broadway, Apt. 4G, New York, New plus interest and costs. Premises will YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW tiff 28 East Main Street, Suite 1800 York 10040 admitting to probate a Rochester, N.Y. 14614 (585) 232-7400 be sold subject to provisions of filed CAUSE before the Surrogate's Court, Will dated July 15th, 2019, a copy AJ; 10/4/11/18/25 Judgment for Index# 511425/2014. Queens County, at 88-11 Sutphin of which is attached, as the Will Blvd., Jamaica, New York, 11435, on DAVID J. HERNANDEZ, ESQ., Referee of MARGOT HERSCH, deceased, November 7th, 2019 at 9:30 o'clock in NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney for the forenoon of that day, why a decree COUNTY OF KINGS NATION- Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite 100 relating to real and personal should not be made in the estate of STAR MORTGAGE LLC, Plaintiff Williamsville, NY 14221 65483 property, and directing that Letters Lino Bordas Roqueni, lately domiciled AGAINST THAKOR MADHOO, et al., AJ; 10/4/11/18/25 Testamentary issue to: RONALD at Residcncia De Ancianos San Jose, Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment G. HERSCH. Dated, Attested and Torrelavega, Cantabria, Spain, admit- of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated Sealed September 25th , 2019 Hon. November 27, 2017 I, the undersigned ting to probate a Will dated March Nora S. Anderson Surrogate - Diana