algemeiner JOURNAL

$1.00 - PRINTED IN NEW YORK FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2018 | 1 KISLEV 5779 VOL. XLVI NO. 2379 Control of Congress, Notorious Antisemite Louis and Verdict on Farrakhan Leads Trump, at Stake in ‘Death to America’ US Elections Chant


Nation of Islam leader and prominent antisemite Louis Farrakhan led chants of “Death to America” and claimed that “America has never been a democracy” on Sunday during a solidarity trip to Iran, ahead of the re-implementation of US sanctions on the country this week. According to Iran’s semi-offi cial state news agency Mehr, Farrakhan said at a meeting with the Secretary of

People vote during the midterm election at P.S. 140 in Manhattan, , Nov. 6, 2018. Photo: Reuters / Andrew Kelly.

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan speaking in Detroit, Mi. in February 2017. Photo: Reuters/Rebecca Cook. BY REUTERS Th e fi rst national elections since rallies he held to stoke turnout on Trump captured the White House in the last day before the election. Iran’s Expediency Council Mohsen Rezaei that America is & ALGEMEINER STAFF a stunning 2016 upset will be a refer- All 435 seats in the US House conspiring against Iran. “I understand how the enemies have plotted against Democrats are favored by endum on the polarizing Republican of Representatives, 35 US Senate the Iranian people and I would like to stay alongside you to elect After a divisive campaign president and his hardline policies, seats and 36 governorships are up stop their plots,” he said. marked by fi erce clashes over race, and a test of whether Democrats can for grabs on Tuesday in elections He also blasted American support for Saudi Arabia, immigration and other cultural turn the energy of the liberal anti- focused on dozens of competitive Iran’s arch-rival in the region, and added, “Satan seeks to issues, Americans began casting Trump resistance into victories at the races from coast to coast that opinion divide Muslims and wants them to kill each other, while God votes early on Tuesday to deter- ballot box. polls show could go either way. tells us in the Quran to be united.” mine the balance of power in the “Everything we have achieved Democrats are favored by Farrakhan has referred to Jews as the “synagogue of US Congress and shape the future is at stake tomorrow,” Trump told elec ion forecasters to pick up the Continued on Page A3 of Donald Trump’s presidency. supporters on Monday night in minimum of 23 House seats they Fort Wayne, Indiana, at one of three Continued on Page A3

Dershowitz ShabbatCalendar Parshat TOLDOT Times for New York City, Friday Candle Lighting Shabbat Begins: 4:26pm | Shabbat Ends: 5:25pm פרשת תולדות on Trump and P.O.B. 208 East 51st St, Suite 185 New York, NY 10022 page A8 Tel: (718) 771.0400 | Fax: (718) 771.0308 Email: [email protected]

© Copyright 2018 e Algemeiner Journal - All Rights Reserved. A2 | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2018 Opinion. Did Trump Blink on Iran Sanctions?

countries, allowing them to continue to do limited to a six-month period. business with Iran. One is believed to be India, According to Pompeo, two of these JONATHAN S. TOBIN a major trading partner of Tehran. nations have promised to end imports of JNS.ORG Also notably absent from the announce- Iranian oil within weeks. Th e administration ment was any mention of America’s clearly hopes to persuade the others to do the determination to ensure that any nation same. But if they don’t, that will set up another or entity that conducts business with Iran crucial moment in six months when the same When Donald Trump pulled the United will be cut off from the US-based Society for people who were able to convince Trump US President Donald Trump speaks to States out of the Iran nuclear deal in May Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecom- and Pompeo to back off this time will have reporters before heading to an event in India- of this year, he vowed that America would munication or SWIFT, which facilitates another opportunity to further delay Iran’s napolis regarding the shooting at the Tree of re-impose all the sanctions on Tehran that international transactions. If it had been total isolation by asking for an extension on Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pa., calling it an had been lifted by the pact championed by included in the sanctions, that would essen- their exemptions. “antisemitic crime.” Photo: Screenshot. President Barack Obama. tially compel anyone interested in commerce Th e decision about SWIFT is even more the United States and its banks was enough Th at promise will be kept on November 5, with Iran to choose between money to be problematic. to scare foreign investors away. Th e expected as a deadline is reached for nations that need to made with Iran or being able to do business Th e arguments against cutting off Iran’s post-Iran deal gold rush never really materi- cease importing Iranian goods or face serious in the United States, as well as any other entity trading partners from SWIFT were based alized. Protests about both the sinking fi nancial penalties. It will impose sanctions that has interactions with US banks. Th at on the idea that it might lead the Europeans Iranian economy and the repressive nature on more than 700 businesses, government would have imposed a blanket of complete to try to create a rival banking system. Th at of the regime have weakened the hold of the agencies, and individuals in Iran involved in isolation on Iran. would potentially damage the dollar and cost theocrats and their terrorist allies. oil, banking, shipping, shipbuilding, and insur- What happened? American institutions a lot of money. Th at weakness gives the lie to the predic- ance. Th at will tighten the noose that has been Has Trump gone soft? Did the foreign- But that was an empty threat. Th e notion tions that more sanctions and pressure will gradually choking the Iranian economy since policy establishment that the president so that Europe, for all of its wealth, could aff ord induce the ayatollahs to attempt to break out Trump took offi ce and began the process of despises — and whose advice he spurned when to try to compete with the US system is from any nuclear restrictions and quickly build dismantling his predecessor’s pact. it came to moving the US embassy to Jerusalem ludicrous. It would cost them far more than it a bomb. Trump understood that the Iranian But there are two key elements of the or ending the Iran deal — persuade him or would the United States. Th e Europeans know regime is a paper tiger that bluff ed its way into announcement made by Secretary of State Pompeo to back down? Will these loopholes that Trump values the nation’s economic massive concessions from Obama that not Mike Pompeo that are troubling to those give Iran and its European enablers the leeway gains achieved on his watch. Th ose arguments only didn’t end its nuclear program, but also who have been applauding the president’s to wait out Trump in the hope — as former apparently worked and convinced the presi- included sunset provisions that will allow Iran intentions to scrap a deal that enriched Secretary of State John Kerry has advised them dent to back away from his promise to move to build a weapon once the deal expires. and empowered an enemy nation bent on — that the Democrats will win the 2020 presi- quickly to bring Iran to its knees. Th at’s why Trump’s move to scrap the hegemony in the Middle East, and failed to dential election and save the pact before the Yet there’s little doubt that what Trump deal was something that had to be done end the threat of an Iranian nuclear weapon. president can fi nish scrapping it? is doing is still going to have a devastating eventually if the West was to avoid standing Far from being a sweeping ban on trade with Th e answer to all these questions is maybe. impact on Tehran. Since Trump’s Iran deal by as Iran built a weapon. Iran, the new sanctions keep open some In Trump’s defense, the exemptions that announcement, the rial, Iran’s currency, has Some Republicans, led by Sen. Ted Cruz signifi cant loopholes. he granted are far fewer than the ones Obama lost two-thirds of its value. Its oil exports have of Texas, hope to rectify this situation by One is that the administration has gave out. Obama exempted 20 nations rather also declined by 40 percent. introducing legislation that will mandate the granted an exemption to eight unidentifi ed than just eight, and Trump’s exemptions are Moreover, the fear of being shut out of Continued on Page A3 What Americans Must Do After Pittsburgh to Thwart Antisemitism

points to ponder after the Pittsburgh massacre Labour Party is awash with Jew-hatred, but he the recedes from the headlines. We off er them could be the UK’s next leader. Algemeiner Journal ABRAHAM COOPER & as professionals who have struggled with An unholy alliance of terrorist groups like YITZCHOK ADLERSTEIN antisemitism worldwide for decades. Hamas and Hezbollah, funded by Iran, uses (USPS 927800) is published weekly Social media outlets like Gab market hate. antisemitism as a tool to turn the world against (except for the week of Passover Hiding behind a freedom of speech mantra, they Israel. Th eir propaganda has found enthusiastic and Succos) deny any moral responsibility for the platform support in academia and even churches, so Subscription rate $40 per year they off er to the worst misusers of the privilege that today over 150 million Europeans believe of that freedom, eerily similar to ISIS, whose Israelis treat Palestinians the way Nazis treated Algemeiner Journal “Some people don’t like other people just because they’re Jews,” declared a online marketing campaigns spawn lone wolf Jews. Young Americans hear much of the same 508 Montgomery Street main character in the 1947 Oscar-winning terrorist attacks on both sides of the Atlantic. on campuses dominated by progressives who , N.Y. 11225-3023 American classic, “A Gentleman’s Agreement.” Good people used to drive the haters detest power and “privilege,” especially of Israel underground. No longer. In major capitals and the United States. Periodicals Postage Th e crematoria at Auschwitz had not yet cooled down, but there were Americans who — London, Paris, Brussels, Copenhagen, Stock- Anti-Zionism has fl ourished as a tool for Paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. holm — it is dangerous for Jews to wear the Star gutless Jew haters: “We don’t hate Jews. Only and at additional mailing offi ces couldn’t abide the thought of Jews sharing their country clubs, neighborhoods, or college of David or a kippah in public. Police and politi- Zionists.” Now, there is lots of room to criti- cians look the other way as (mainly) Islamist cize Israel without being antisemitic in the POSTMASTER: classrooms. Th ose were the challenges for extremists bully and pummel Jews on the streets slightest. But when that criticism demonizes Send address changes to back then, but today we no longer worry about “gentlemen.” After Pitts- of Europe. Important institutions are rife with or subjects Israel to a double standard, the Algemeiner Journal burgh, we’re on guard against the next lone winking at antisemitism, or even worse. road to antisemitism has been crossed. P.O. Box 250746 wolf psychopath, armed with hate and bullets, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Syria, Iran, Nigeria, Myanmar, China Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225 -3023 empowered and validated by his invisible Mohamad calls Jews “hooked-nosed,” and — millions are dying, or living in exile, or social media bigoted “friends.” boasts that he is “glad to be labelled antisemitic.” incarcerated in internment camps for their For us Jews it’s (still) the best of times On a recent visit to the UK, Mohamad was religious beliefs, but the lion’s share of UN Let your voice be heard! — and, as we bury our dead in Pittsburgh, welcomed to Imperial College and Oxford by resolutions contemptuously pile on the [email protected] the worst of times. According to Pew, we are the heads of these institutions. Jeremy Corbyn’s Jewish state. Th e Jewish people’s historic links the single most admired religious group in to their key religious sites have been denied. America. On the other hand, the FBI confi rms For close to two thousand years, the To advertise in that we are the #1 target of religion-based hate Church (followed by various churches) the new Algemeiner in the United States. taught and encouraged antisemitism. Th at Simon Wiesenthal said that “hope lives has changed for the better in some denomi- e-mail: [email protected] when people remember.” Let us remember who nations, and in some areas. But old attitudes is responsible for keeping antisemitism alive in die hard. Rather than show special sensitivity or call our time, lest we be powerless to resist it. to Jew-hatred, some churches still feed into it. Th e over-the-top hostility of some church 718-771-0400 Th e Pittsburgh gunman is responsible Th e funeral of brothers Cecil and David Rosen- for his heinous deeds. Yet such extremism thal took place at Pittsburgh’s Rodef Shalom groups to Israel is a case in point. does not operate in a vacuum. Here are some Temple. Photo: Shiri Moshe / Th e Algemeiner. Continued on Page A5 | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2018 A3 World News. French Police Investigating Saudi Arabia Announces Violent Assaults on Two Plan to Build Nuclear Young Jews in Paris in Reactors Single Week

BY ALGEMEINER STAFF After they spotted the young man’s yarmulke, the youths shouted antisemitic insults and pushed him to the ground, punching and Two separate assaults on Jewish teenagers kicking him as he fell. in the Paris area during the last week are being Meanwhile, doctors, nurses, patients and investigated by police as hate crimes, French other visitors to the Rothschild Hospital in news outlets reported on Monday. Paris — named for the illustrious French-Jewish The first incident occurred last Tuesday in family — were greeted on Sunday morning with Sarcelles — about ten miles north of the capital. a lengthy antisemitic screed scrawled on one of According to news magazine Le Point, a young the entrance walls. schoolgirl wearing the uniform of the Jewish Accusing the family of having spent World school that she attends was approached by an War II in the UK under the protection of then- older man who spoke to her in Arabic before Prime Minister Winston Churchill — who was punching her hard in the back. The girl told denounced as an “Israeli” — the graffiti accused police that her assailant had also mimed the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman arrives at Lambeth Palace, London, Britain, the Rothschilds’ of seeking to privatize French action of shooting a gun at her with his fingers. March 8, 2018. Photo: Reuters / Yui Mok / Pool. public housing. Traditionally the home of a large North “Six million gassed is on your head,” the enemies of Iran and allies of the United States, African Jewish community, tensions have BY JNS.ORG message continued, in an apparent reference Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu increased markedly in Sarcelles over the last to the Nazi Holocaust. “The whole world is requested that US President Donald Trump decade between Jews and a growing Muslim Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin watching you now.” commit to stopping a deal to sell nuclear reactors population. The neighborhood was the site of Salman launched the building of his country’s to Saudi Arabia. Trump reportedly refused, telling a full scale antisemitic riot in July 2014, when first nuclear reactor on Monday during a visit Netanyahu that if the United States refused to 300 mainly Muslims youths looted Jewish- to Riyadh’s King Abdulaziz City for Science owned shops and attacked a synagogue and Technology, according to a report by the make the sale, the Saudis would acquire the same during a solidarity protest with Palestinians in Saudi Press Agency. materials from Russia or China. the Gaza Strip. Saudi Arabia is currently the world’s top Netanyahu subsequently requested that A separate incident the following day was crude exporter, and uses oil and natural gas if the sale went through, it should include a reported in the 19th arrondissement in north- for power and water desalination. stipulation that Saudi Arabia not be permitted eastern Paris. A young man wearing a yarmulke But now the country is slated to build 16 to enrich its own uranium, which is a critical ingredient in the creation of nuclear weapons. was assaulted by three youths at a bus stop Protestors rally in Paris against antisemitism in nuclear reactors in the next 20 years for $80 billion. after he noticed that one of them was trying to France in March 2018. Photo: Reuters/Gonzalo Though Saudi Arabia and Israel are both pickpocket a laptop computer from his bag. Fuentes. seats, which would let them retain the power to rhetoric encouraged extremists erupted in Continued from Page A1 history of antisemitic statements. Most approve US Supreme Court and other judicial the campaign’s final weeks after pipe bombs Chant recently, he referred to Jews as “termites.” nominations on straight party-line votes. were mailed to his top political rivals allegedly Satan.” Several prominent American activists But at least 64 House races remain by a Trump supporter who was arrested and In his remarks, he condemned the and politicians have been linked to Farra- competitive, according to a Reuters analysis charged, and 11 people were fatally shot at a new American sanctions on Iran that will khan in recent years. Tamika Mallory, a of the three top nonpartisan forecasters, and Pittsburgh synagogue. take effect on Monday. “Today, I warn the leader of the Women’s March, praised him as Senate control was expected to come down to But on the eve of the election, the American government that sanctioning Iran “GOAT” or “Greatest of All Time,” and served a half dozen close contests in Arizona, Nevada, president said in an interview with Sinclair is a big mistake,” he said. as a national organizer of his 2015 “Justice or Missouri, North Dakota, Indiana and Florida. Broadcasting that he wished he had a softer In addition, he stated that African-Ameri- Else” rally. Linda Sarsour, another leader of Democrats also threaten to recapture tone during his first two years in office — even cans are part of Iran’s Islamic revolution. the March who participated in the “Justice or governor’s offices in several battleground as he continued his relentless attacks on According to Iranian news outlets, Else” rally, has likewise praised Farrakhan and states such as Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio, political rivals. including Tasnim News Agency and Islamic repeatedly refused to condemn him. a potential help for the party in those states in Trump blamed the political vitriol on Republic of Iran News Network (IRINN), he Illinois Democratic Representative the 2020 presidential race. election season. also spoke to students at the University of Danny K. Davis said of Farrakhan, “I don’t In a last-minute controversy, NBC, Fox “I’d love to get along and I think after the Tehran law school and fulminated against regard Louis Farrakhan as an aberration or News and Facebook on Monday pulled an election a lot of things can happen,” Trump Israel, praised women’s rights in Iran and anything, I regard him as an outstanding ad by Trump’s campaign that critics have said. “But right now they’re in their mode and the Islamic laws demanding they cover human being who commands a following labeled racist. The 30-second spot featured we’re in our mode.” themselves. He claimed, “America has never of individuals who are learned and articu- courtroom video of an illegal immigrant from White House spokeswoman Sarah been a democracy and has always leaned late and he plays a big role in the lives of Mexico convicted in the 2014 killings of two Sanders said Trump planned to spend towards the wealthy and powerful class.” thousands and thousands and thousands and police officers, juxtaposed with scenes of Election Day making phone calls and At the end of his talk, Farrakhan led the thousands of people.” migrants headed through Mexico. monitoring the races from the White House. chanting of the common Iranian refrains Recently, a photograph surfaced of Critics, including members of Trump’s In the evening, he will watch election results “Death to Israel” and “Death to America,” and former President Barack Obama meeting with own party, have condemned the commercial with family and friends. was joined by members of the audience. Farrakhan in 2005 while he was a senator. as racially divisive. CNN already had refused Many Democratic candidates in tight Farrakhan, perhaps the most notorious to run the ad, saying it was “racist.” races shied away from harsh criticism of black supremacist in America, has a long Voter turnout could be the highest Trump, focusing instead on bread-and-butter for a midterm election in 50 years, experts issues like maintaining insurance protec- Continued from Page A2 happen, but by leaving Iran hope that it can predicted. About 40 million early votes tions for people with pre-existing medical Blink avoid having to renegotiate the weak deal that were likely cast, said Michael McDonald, a conditions and safeguarding the Social imposition of SWIFT sanctions on Iran and Obama gave them, the president has made professor at the University of Florida who Security retirement and Medicare healthcare its partners. But the chances of passing such his goal that much harder to achieve. Instead tracks the figures. In the last such congres- programs for senior citizens. a bill overriding Trump’s decision aren’t great. of calling Iran’s bluff, he’s enabled them to sional elections in 2014, there were 27.5 But Democratic former President Barack By giving Iran and its economic partners think they can still beat him. million early votes. Obama hit the campaign trail in the election’s some wiggle room, Trump may have encour- Jonathan S. Tobin is editor in chief of Fears of immigrants final days to challenge Trump, questioning his aged them to think that they can survive until JNS — Jewish News Syndicate. Follow him During a whirlwind six-day blitz to policies and character. he is replaced in 2021. That may or may not on Twitter @jonathans_tobin. wrap up the campaign, Trump repeat- “How we conduct ourselves in public edly raised fears about immigrants, issuing life is on the ballot,” Obama told Democratic harsh warnings about a caravan of Central volunteers in suburban Virginia who were Continued from Page A1 investigate his administration. American migrants moving through Mexico working for Senator Tim Kaine and House Control Republicans are expected to retain their toward the US border. candidate Jennifer Wexton, who is challenging need for a majority, which would enable them slight majority in the US Senate, currently at two to stymie Trump’s legislative agenda and A debate about whether Trump’s biting incumbent Republican Barbara Comstock. A4 | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2018 World News.

As a leading advocate and spokesman for all of Israel, he was and is responsible for heralding the Israeli Government positions to the world. One of his top priorities is improving Israel’s image abroad and fighting global anti- Semitism! Which is rearing its ugly head again. He is a tough, compassionate, brilliant leader and his words are electrifying. Don’t miss this opportunity if you can help it. THE BET EL STORY IS A MODERN DAY Yair and Chana Matan MIRACLE So you see, Bet El isn’t just a settlement. If Eugen Gluck is the patriarch of Bet El than It is a microcosm of the very essence of Israel Jean Gluck is definitely the matriarch of Bet El. and all we love. The entire world lost a great woman this year on How was this spiritual oasis created? What makes it thrive? We have to go back over thirty six years ago when Yom Kippur War hero Yaakov “Ketzaleh” Katz, along with a few families and Austin entrepreneur Scotty Grossbard’s “Jew Hungry?” food truck was vandalized just days after the students, had a vision of what Bet El could be. Pittsburgh synagogue massacre. Photo: Twitter / @dailysoundnfury. With three decades of tireless help from Jean and Eugen Gluck and the American Friends of Bet El, the town is now a vibrant center of Jewish Deli Truck in Texas Capital Jewish life that nurtures all of Israel in a way that Thomas and Debbie Herman no other center of learning matches. Because Bet Badly Vandalized in Suspected El is not just a learning center, it is a way of life. the passing of Jean Gluck. Many of the great Bet The story of Bet El is the story of the heart Antisemitic Hate Crime El institutions were funded by Jean and Eugen. In of Israel. It is where Abraham first proclaimed effect, transforming a small settlement into a town the Oneness of G-d, and it is where Abraham’s of Jewish neighborhoods that are home to 10,000! children now nurture the passion of Israeli life. Jean and Eugen Gluck have brought vision and When you look at the people of Bet El today, you warmth to the world, promoting social justice and see the people of four thousand years ago in spirit, War II — had been placed on the seat, along- BY ALGEMEINER STAFF compassionate values that we can all be proud of. and all the generations in between with glow of side a handful of 25-cent coins, invoking the Bet El’s extraordinary story began 4,000 years ago, when the patriarch Abraham estab- A kosher-style food truck that introduced ugly caricature of Jews as congenitally tight- lished it as camp along his divinely inspired trek residents of Austin, Texas, to the delights of fisted with their money. through the land of Canaan. Two generations pastrami sandwiches, potato latkes and matzo “For them to leave that, to me it’s just later, Bet El became the site of Jacob’s famous ball soup has been badly vandalized, in what saying that Jewish people are all about money and that’s all we think about,” Grossbard said. dream and dramatic wrestling match with an its Jewish owner adamantly insisted was an angel – the site where the name “Israel” was antisemitic hate crime. According to data gathered by the Anti- Defamation League, Austin — traditionally coined. “It was ransacked, glass everywhere,” Today Beth El has transformed from a tiny owner Scotty Grossbard said on Monday, a liberal stronghold — has seen at least 32 reported antisemitic or white supremacist community of eight families in 1977 to a vibrant recalling the discovery late last week of his Jewish center which now houses an ethni- Daniel and Razie Benedict incidents since January 2017. Yet entrepre- smashed-up food truck, “Jew Hungry?” The cally diverse Jewish population of over 10,000. neur Grossbard remained firm that he would G-d around them. You see people smiling with truck began serving its New York deli-influ- Bet El is home to the world-renowned Bet El stay in the city. “I’m not going to leave Austin knowledge of the meaning of existence: To help enced menu just eight months ago. Yeshiva Center, which provides a comprehensive because I was threatened or vandalized or one another, to further the teachings of Torah, to “I got upset,” Grossbard told local media education to students from pre-school through help Israel live and be the foundation of Jewish outlets. “I started crying. I cried most of the persecuted against,” he said. “I’m not going to post-college. let it get to me.” life in the entire world. The establishment and day yesterday.” Their graduates have become the leading flourishing of this community is a tremendous Grossbard concluded that the attack was A GoFundMe page set up by Grossbard teachers in and High Schools across to raise $2,000 for repair costs had exceeded accomplishment for the entire Jewish people. All motivated by antisemitism after he discovered Israel, bringing the spirit of Torah to all. who support Israel should support the heart of its goal by almost fivefold as of Tuesday anti-Jewish symbols left on the drivers’ seat as The Raaya Girls High School Academy is Israel - Bet El. an apparent warning. An Iron Cross medal — a morning. Grossbard intends to donate the celebrated as one of the premier learning centers German army honor that was eagerly adopted balance to the families of the victims of the in all of Israel and can’t accommodate all the girls by the Nazis and then abandoned after World antisemitic massacre at Pittsburgh’s Tree of who want to attend. Life Synagogue on Oct. 27. YOU CAN BE PART OF THE PILLAR THAT ADVERTORIAL INSURES ISRAEL’S FUTURE! On December 2rd, at the Marriot Marquis Ballroom in Manhattan, American Friends of There Are Dinners You Can Go To, Bet El will honor the residents and supporters of the northern Samarian town who have toiled Events You Can Go To. But Few selflessly for the survival and growth of their community and the State of Israel. Now in its Juli Yoel Edelstein Will Shape The Future Of Our 36th year, the American Friends of Bet El dinner has become one of New York City’s largest and The National Media Network Arutz Sheva most prestigious Jewish events, with last year’s Beloved Israel Like The 36th Annual with parallel websites in Hebrew, English and dinner attracting an astounding 1500 attendees. Russian brings a message of optimism and In addition to Hear the Guest Speakers, Bet Beth El Dinner On December 2nd. hope to supporters of Israel worldwide. It is a El will honor these well-deserved supporters. major force in the media today combating the The Shomer Eretz Yisrael Awardees are de-legitimatization of the State of Israel. Which is Thomas and Debbie Herman. The Keter Torah so terribly important to our way of life and in fact Awardees are Yair and Chana Matan. Building our existence. In past years, those who attended this great of Eretz Yisrael Awardees are Daniel and BeSheva Newspaper: The third largest circula- dinner were privileged to be along side impres- Razie Benedict. tion newspaper in all of Israel with engaging articles sive honorees and dynamic speakers. Dignitaries The event will begin with a 6 PM buffet dinner. and focus on accomplishments of outstanding that became honored, historical leaders and Tickets are $500 per couple. To make your reserva- individuals and institutions throughout Israel. It celebrities. Many are great leaders today. As Bet tion, call 718-268-8291 or encourages all Israelis to be better citizens and live El’s beloved Chairman Eugen Gluck says, “We Bet El today is living up to its legacy their lives the way we all should. are honored to have so many future, world established thousands of years ago, a Divine The People of Bet El are also blazing a trail leaders as our guest speakers over the years… home, where G-dly lives are being built and for the military struggle for the defense of the Maybe appearing at this event is a prerequi- flourishing. Beth El today serves as a reminder land and people of Israel. The Israeli Defense site for greatness.” of Jewish pride and perseverance -- prevailing Forces Gluck Preparatory Academy did what This year, a true Jewish hero is Bet El’s guest Jean and Eugen Gluck over all our current enemies. many thought was impossible…Their mission is speaker, MK Yuli Yoel Edelstein, the esteemed Israel will survive, prosper and grow a phony case and sentenced him to three years in to strengthen the adolescent spirit and character Speaker of the Knesset. Here is a man who stood up because of the brave souls that inhabit it and its prison…That was his start, not his finish. After being before young adults enter the Israeli Army. There to a modern day evil, the Soviet Union. He did more friends and supporters all over the world that released, he immigrated to Israel. Over the years, are hundreds of students who changed their lives than survive, he triumphed. They did not. Because he will never turn their backs on it. Speaker Edelstein is responsible for integrating over for the better at Bet El and go on to serve Israel was proud to be a Jew he had a mission to teach others Come join building Bet El today, and one million immigrants into Israel life. Thus making filled with spiritual strength and their desire to to be proud and learned about being Jewish. When he continue the tradition established by Abraham them part of our life’s blood. serve in elite units and as officers. secretly taught Hebrew in Moscow, the KGB created and Jacob over 35 centuries ago. | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2018 A5 U.S. News.

carried out joint drills over an area of approxi- enjoys state-of-the-art technologies suitable As Renewed US Sanctions Hit, mately 194,000 square miles in the central for electronic warfare. It can intercept 4 targets and western parts of the Islamic Republic. and fi re 8 missiles simultaneously within a Iranian Regime Test-Fires “During the ‘Velayat’ air defense drill, the range of 50 km.” Army fi red three ‘Sayyad-2’ missiles paired Tasnim asserted that the purpose of with the ‘Talash’ homegrown missile system,” the exercise was purely defensive, with the Missiles in Major Military Tasnim reported. primary aim of improving Iran’s “command “Th e homegrown Talash air defense and control systems to detect, track and inter- Exercise Led by IRGC system can hit medium and high-altitude cept hostile targets.” targets,” Tasnim boasted. “Capable of First unveiled in November 2013, the intercepting targets within a range of 150 Sayyad-2 is an adaptation of the SM-1 missile kilometers and in high altitudes, Talash has used by the Iranian navy. A correspondent BY ALGEMEINER STAFF been equipped with a locally-manufactured for specialist defense outlet Janes‘ noted at fi re control radar, dubbed Ofoq.” Th e agency the time of the missile’s unveiling in Tehran Th e Iranian regime responded to the tough new sanctions reinstated by the Trump adminis- added that in another operation during the that the Sayyad-2 was “fi red from individual tration on Monday by reportedly test-fi ring three to surface-to-air missiles as part of a large-scale same joint exercise, “IRGC Aerospace Force canisters that are similar to those used by the military exercise. units employed ‘Khordad 3rd’ air defense MIM-104 Patriot air defense system” — an On Monday, the regime’s mouthpiece Tasnim News Agency carried a series of undated missile system to shoot down dummy hostile anti-ballistic missile currently used by the photographs of missiles being fi red, along with the news that troops from Iran’s regular forces aircraft over the sky of the drill zone.” United States and several of its allies. and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) — Iran’s powerful elite military unit — had It further claimed that “Khordad 3rd

Continued from Page A2 Thwart Th e Quakers, who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust, are today no friends of Jews. Mennonites in South America actively aided Hitler in his campaign to demonstrate pure Aryan superiority. (Th eir contempt for Israel translates in the popular mind into a rejection of Jews and Judaism. Many other church groups aid and abet the virulent Jew-hatred of Palestinian groups by standing by them as allies, without calling them out for the antisemitism constantly spewed in their mosques and textbooks. And, of course, there is the right-wing antisemitism of the Pittsburgh murderer, encouraged and similar to what we saw in Charlottesville. Tragically, the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre is not — cannot — be a one-off , any more than 9/11 was, even if never repeated. It will change the way Jews live for the foreseeable future. Houses of worship, citadels of peace, will look more like TSA portals to airports. So things are bad and could get even worse. What can we do to try to stem the tide? Don’t underestimate the sheer volume of age-old Jew-hatred. It did not disappear after the Holocaust. It never disappeared from polite society. When William Buckley, Jr. wrote his series on antisemitism (“In Search of Anti-Semitism,” National Review, Dec. 30, 1991) he quoted McGeorge Bundy, an adviser to two presidents, and a former dean of Harvard, in explaining that lots of people still hate Jews just because they are there. Many don’t even understand their own bias. People must stop pretending that Jews do not need a country of their own — that they are perfectly safe in the world’s democracies. Th ey are not. Untold millions of Jews would have survived the Nazi Holocaust had a Jewish state existed then. Today, fl ourishing Israel is hope to more that six million Jews, including thousands who have recently fl ed France and England. When you deny the legitimacy of the Jewish state, you are denying the right of Jewish survival. Don’t believe the bald-faced lies, like Israel is an apart- heid state, or that the hordes violently attacking Gaza’s border fence are “peaceful demonstrators.” Do your own independent search for truth that extends beyond Twitter and YouTube. Don’t believe BDS boycotters of Israel when they claim that they are peace-seekers. Th ey aren’t. Th eir goal is to demonize and ultimately get rid of the Jewish state. We must also understand what constitutes antisemitism. Many governments have adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance defi nition of this hatred, which has eleven components: particularly noteworthy are ones against claiming that the existence of a state of Israel is a racist endeavor; requiring of it [Israel] a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation; using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis; and drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis. Finally, go to a Shabbat service in your neighborhood. Get to know us beyond the bagels-and- lox level. Th e greatest disin- fectant to negative stereotypes is to meet the other. Simon Wiesenthal was once asked: “Were you surprised by how many Nazis there were,” he answered that he was surprised “only by how few anti-Nazis there were.” We need healing and we need friends. And we need America and Americans to be those friends. Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean and director of global social action for the Simon Wiesenthal Center. Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein is the Center’s director of interfaith a ff a i r .s A version of this article appeared in Th e Christian Post. A6 | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2018 Opinion.

words with a massive banner directly behind him reading the name of his sponsor: the Will Clinton, Schumer, and Booker “Conflict Resolution Center.”) In 1984, he referred to the world’s only Finally Condemn Farrakhan? Jewish State as one “structured on injustice, thievery, lying and deceit.” He accused the Jews of “using the name of God to shield [their] dirty religion…” has shown unprecedented support for Israel of the Nation of Islam. Both religion and Like all haters of Israel, Farrakhan’s and friendship to the Jewish community, we social movement, the Nation was born from anti-Semitism has nothing to do with a belief a combination of elements of traditional SHMULEY BOTEACH should instead implore him to give a prime- in Palestinian rights. On the contrary, it’s Islam with black-nationalism. Added to the ENGELWOOD time address categorically and unequivocally because Israel is filled with Jews. condemning white supremacist ascendancy. mix was a healthy infusion of race-based And Louis Farrakhan hates Jews, pure But what I did not hear at all last week theology, with the group claiming that up and simple. was that radical anti-Semites from the left, until just a few thousand years ago there were Most often, Farrakhan parrots the oldest like Louis Farrakhan, had contributed to a no white people. It took an evil black scientist anti-Semitic tropes. Taking verbiage right We’ve spent the best part of a week culture of hatred of the Jewish people, with to develop such beings in a lab before setting out of the Nazi playbook, Farrakhan has on in grief for 11 martyred Jews in Pittsburgh Democrats refusing to condemn his recent them loose and allowing them to take over the a number of occasions referred to Jews as and largely hearing that they died because and vile comparison of Jews to termites. world — a development which they believe “bloodsuckers” for having worked as landlords of Donald Trump. My good friend Bret It is right to demand that President needs to be corrected. in black communities. Stephens, The New York Times Pulitzer-Prize Trump condemn neo-Nazis. But why should The Nation of Islam is also one of the most He’s also taken time to point out the winning columnist, wrote that “The blood that Democrats give Farrakhan a pass? And I powerful black organizations in the United severely unoriginal idea that the Jews control flowed in Pittsburgh is on [Trump’s] hands ask this more than ever of Senate Minority States, with up to 50,000 members and a formi- Hollywood. He added to the conspiracy the also.” Bret joined me in a public discussion Leader Chuck Schumer, a proud supporter dable list of powerful allies and celebrity patrons. even older idea that Jews use their influence on the subject, along with Elisha Wiesel, son of Israel who has committed the Democratic Martin Luther King famously called the to bring people all over the world “down in of Nobel laureate , at our World party to fighting anti-Semitism, and my close Nation of Islam a “hate group.” The Southern moral strength” by spreading “filth and degen- Values Network headquarters. I challenged friend Cory Booker, who has received more Poverty Law Center did the same, adding on erative behavior.” In this particular instance, Bret, pointing out not only that Trump had pro-Israel financial support than almost their website that the Nation has earned itself a he was referring to Hollywood’s belief that it’s protected Israel against Iran’s genocidal anyone in American political life and enjoys "prominent position in the ranks of organized OK to be gay. “It's the wicked Jews, the false threats and ferociously defended Israel at a unique friendship with the Jewish commu- hate.” Under Farrakhan the Nation of Islam Jews, that are promoting lesbianism [and] the UN, but that it would be seen as extreme nity, ever since he served as my student has emerged as one of our country’s leading homosexuality.” He didn’t say this decades to accuse President Obama of having Israeli President at Oxford University. springs of hatred against not only whites, but ago. These quotes all come from speeches blood on his hands because he legitimized A week before the Pittsburgh massacre, against homosexuals and, of course, Jews. given in 2006 and 2018. Iranian genocidal language with his nuclear a man got up on a stage in the United States About white people, Farrakhan insists Where he went further than almost any deal. The audience was divided, with some of America, called the Jews termites, and that they have only the “potential” to be human of his Jew-hating peers, however, was in his agreeing with Bret’s argument, that Trump received a standing ovation. since they “haven’t evolved yet.” “Murder and accusation that the Jews "have been conclu- had stoked the fires of immigrant-hatred That man was Louis Farrakhan. lying come easy for white people,” he said on sively linked to the greatest criminal endeavor which expressed itself in the murder of The civil-rights activist turned religious another occasion, eventually topping off the ever undertaken against an entire race of innocent Jews, and some agreeing with me leader turned racist, sexist, homophobic, accusation with the judgment that “white people … the black African Holocaust.” Unlike that, rather than condemning a President who anti-Semitic incendiary is the official leader people deserve to die.” (He actually said these Continued on Page A7

Published in Jewish Press ‘84

These are some of the FREE programs Beth Shifra ran for the Poor and Russian Families. March 20th, 2017 Separate Orthodox Boy Scout & Girl Scout Club • Matchmaking For almost 50 years,July the 17, 2018 Beth Shifra organization, located in Brooklyn,Trips and Rallies NY, • hasFree Legalprovided Advice year round daily free meals to those who are most needy in the New York For almost 50 years, the Beth Shifra organization, located in Brooklyn, NY, has Jewish Films Jewish History Classes Jewish community. provided I am year personally round daily free meals familiar to those who are with most need they in the outstanding New work that they do under the leadership of Rabbi Chaim Prussman, and urge you to help Beth Shifra in York Jewish community. I am personally familiar with the outstanding work that Job Placement • Karate • CSW on Premesis any manner possible,they includingdo under the leadership publicizing of Rabbi Chaim Prussman, their and workurge you to inhelp yourBusiness shul orSchool organization. • Brisim Performed Speak- Beth Shifra in any manner possible, including publicizing their work in your shul ers Bureau • Free Hebrew School During the Pesach holiday,or organization. the organization sponsors Kosher for Passover sedorim, food packages, lectures and programs to hundreds of people who would otherwise be unable to celebrate theDuring holiday.the Pesach holiday, the organization sponsors Kosher for Passover Free Summer Camps • Nursery schools sedorim, food packages, lectures and programs to hundreds of people who would Jewish Services • Boxing otherwise be unable to celebrate the holiday. In the merit of helpingIn 2019, the they willhungry be sponsoring and free kosher poor, for Passover may Seder yous and daily only meals receiveHigh Schoolthe choicest Programs In blessings Public Schools from Heaven. from Friday, April 19 through Saturday, April 27th at the White Shul located at Chess Tournament • Free Bar Mitzvahs 2102 Avenue T (East 21st Street) in Brooklyn. Pesach food packages will be Several English Classes (Green Cards) distiruted on Thursday, April 18 ath the synagogue between the hours of 12:00- Dov Hikind | Member of Assembly Work Release Programs • Release Hours 2:00 PM. In the merit of helping the hungry and poor, may you only receive the choicest blessings from Heaven. Dov Hikind Member of Assembly

February 16, 2018 Reprinted from • Friday, March 20, 1987 Bogus Purim Service Broken Up In years past, Beth Shifra maintained a Free Soup Kitchen all year round, open seven days a week, serving free meals three times a day, without charge. During A group of missionaries in Brighton Beach who staff of the Beth Shifra Institutions break up the rally. the week of Pesach, Beth Shifra sponsored free Kosher for Pesach Sedorim and rented Public School 225 on the premise they were Since many of the protesters missed the Megil- three meals a day, around the city, for thousands of people. We are personally holding a social,” attempted to hold a bogus “Purim la reading, the staff of Beth Shifra held to Megilla Megilla” reading. The missionaries widely advertised readings, so those who were instrumental in break- familiar with their important work. their program in Russian as well as English throughout ing up the rally could observe the Mitzva properly. Beth Shifra is doing an outstanding job helping the unfortunate. You, too, can the Manhattan Beach and Brighton Beach area in an The Beth Shifra rally, held at the Jewish Center of be a part of this great Mitzvah of charity and Maos Chittim. May all those that effort to entice young people to their service. Ocean Parkway, was termed a huge success by the chil- participate in this holy effort be blessed from Heaven. However, when the real purpose of the “service” was dren and parents who attended. There was a live band discovered, groups from Boro Park, Flatbush, Crown and a puppet show to entertain the children. With every blessing, Heights and Monsey descended on the area to help the Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik | Executive Vice President Rabbinacal Alliance of America

Reprinted from the Jewish Press • Friday, March 20, 1987 Bogus Purim Service Broken Up

A group of missionaries in Brighton Beach Heights and Monsey descended on the area to help the who rented Public School 225 on the premise they staff of the Beth Shifra Institutions break up the rally. were holding a social,” attempted to hold a bogus Since many of the protesters missed the Megilla “Purim Megilla” reading. The missionaries widely reading, the staff of Beth Shifra held to Megilla read- advertised their program in Russian as well as En- ings, so those who were instrumental in breaking up glish throughout the Manhattan Beach and Brigh- the rally could observe the Mitzva properly. ton Beach area in an effort to entice young peo- The Beth Shifra rally, held at the Jewish Center ple to their service. However, of Ocean Parkway, was termed a huge success by the when the real purpose of the “service” was discov- children and parents who attended. There was a live ered, groups from Boro Park, Flatbush, Crown band and a puppet show to entertain the children. | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2018 A7 Opinion.

Arabs somewhere trying to shoot, burn, stab, or stone Jews to death. Recent Israeli govern- The Palestinian Response ment statistics reported 60 firebomb attacks against Israeli Jews last month alone. to Pittsburgh: A Contrast Think about that: Twice a day, every day, Palestinian Arabs tried to burn Israeli Jews to death. Imagine if, following the Bowers in Societies massacre, other neo-Nazis in Pittsburgh attempted to murder local Jews twice a day, United volunteers at the scene of the every single day. How would American Har Nof synagogue terror attack. Photo: United society at large and the American Jewish Abu Jamal (who were killed in the attack) are Hatzalah community respond to that? regarded as “heroes” and “martyrs” by the Pales- We have seen, in America this week, tinian Authority and Palestinian society at large. media, there have been and will be countless STEPHEN M.FLATOW/ how a decent, civilized society responds to a The families of the two Palestinian killers expressions of grief, discussions of the lessons to massacre. And we see every day how the cruel, JNS.ORG each receive a payment of approximately be learned, and appeals to our political leaders violent society over which the PA presides $1,000 every month from the Palestinian to do more to combat the sources of hatred. responds to the murderers in its midst. Authority (PA). In the PA-ruled territories, the reaction to Stephen M. Flatow, an attorney in New Despite a wave of international criticism, massacres of Jews is exactly the opposite. The Jersey, is the father of Alisa Flatow, who was For friends of Israel, the scenes from PA leader Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly killers are hailed, celebrated, and rewarded. murdered in an Iranian-sponsored Palestinian Pittsburgh were all too familiar. Terrorist vowed to continue paying terrorists and their Their bloody deeds are praised, defended, and terrorist attack in 1995. His book, A Father’s attacks on Israeli synagogues, yeshivahs, families. The PA’s 2018 budget provides $355 rationalized. Story: My Fight for Justice Against Iranian Terror, Passover seders, and other religious sites and million for such payments — a whopping And most of all, they are mimicked. A day was published by Devon Square Press. events have been a tragically frequent feature seven percent of the PA’s total budget, and 46 does not go by in Israel without Palestinian of the Arab war against the Jewish state. percent of the foreign aid that the entity will This month marks the fourth anniversary receive this year. Continued from Page A12 How fitting it is that the town that today of one of the most notorious attacks in Israel The Har Nof killers were members of the Persistence carries the name Isaac gave the site of this in the past few years. On November 18, 2014, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine without fear. third well, is the home of the Weizmann Insti- Palestinian terrorists burst into the Kehilat Bnei (PFLP), the second-largest faction in the PLO, It would seem that no one could be tute of Science, the Faculty of Agriculture Torah synagogue in Jerusalem’s Har Nof neigh- which Abbas also chairs. To this day, Abbas so irrational as to believe both of these of the Hebrew University, and the Kaplan borhood, and shot or axed to death five rabbis still refuses to expel the PFLP from the PLO. things simultaneously. But emotions are not hospital, allied to the Medical School of the (four of them American citizens) at prayer, in The American equivalent would be if rational, despite the fact that they are often Hebrew University. Israel Belkind, one of the addition to an Israeli Druze policeman. some neo-Nazi gang to which Robert Bowers rationalised, for there is a world of differ- founders of the settlement in 1890, called it One cannot help but note the striking belonged was permitted to serve as an official ence between rationality and rationalisation Rechovot precisely because of the verse in difference between how American society affiliate of the Democratic or Republican (the attempt to give rational justification for our parsha: “He named it Rechovot, saying, and its leaders responded to the Pittsburgh parties. To Americans, this would be inconceiv- irrational beliefs). Now the Lord has given us room and we will massacre, and how Palestinian Arab society and able. To Palestinians, it makes perfect sense. So, for example, in the twenty-first flourish in the land.” its leaders responded to the Har Nof massacre. Here in the United States, the Pitts- century we can find that (a) Western media Isaac is the least original of the three Robert Bowers, the terrorist in Pittsburgh, burgh massacre has resulted in a tremendous are almost universally hostile to Israel, and patriarchs. His life lacks the drama of is regarded with revulsion by virtually all Ameri- outpouring of opposition to antisemitism and (b) otherwise intelligent people claim that Abraham or the struggles of Jacob. We see in cans, and prosecutors have already announced other forms of bigotry. While I am sure that the media are controlled by Jews who support this passage that Isaac himself did not strive to that they will seek the death penalty. there are American racists smirking behind Israel: the same inner contradiction of be original. The text is unusually emphatic on By contrast, the terrorists in Jerusalem, their hands over the murders, in classrooms, perceived powerlessness and ascribed power. the point: Isaac “reopened the wells that had Uday Abu Jamal and Ghassan Muhammed on op-ed pages, and throughout the popular Arendt summarises her thesis in a single, been dug in the time of his father Abraham, telling phrase which links her analysis to that which the Philistines had stopped up after of Amy Chua. What gives rise to antisemi- Abraham died, and he gave them the same Continued from Page A6 forget, when it's God who puts you in the tism is, she says, the phenomenon of “wealth names his father had given them.” Normally Condemn ovens, it's forever!” without power.” That was precisely the we strive to individuate ourselves by differ- the earlier examples, these words were not The only question that remains is this: how position of Isaac among the Philistines. entiating ourselves from our parents. We spoken in the heat of a speech or in the casual could leading political figures like Bill Clinton There is a second aspect of our passage do things differently, or even if we don’t, we environment of a radio interview. These have agreed to legitimize such genocidal hate that has had reverberations through the give them different names. Isaac was not like words came right out Farrakhan’s book, The by recently appearing on the same stage as centuries: the self-destructive nature of hate. this. He was content to be a link in the chain Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews. Farrakhan at Aretha Franklin’s funeral? And The Philistines did not ask Isaac to share his of generations, faithful to what his father had Two weeks ago Farrakhan managed given the unfortunate association, why didn’t water with them. They did not ask him to teach started. Isaac represents the faith of persis- to surmount every one of those poisonous Clinton immediately condemn Farrakhan’s them how he (and his father) had discovered tence, the courage of continuity. He was the words, tweeting out a clip of a recent speech genocidal Jewish reference? a source of water that they – residents of the first Jewish child, and he represents the single in which he declared "I'm not an anti-Semite. Just days before his “termites” slur, Farra- place – had not. They did not even simply ask greatest challenge of being a Jewish child: to I'm anti-Termite." In Farrakhan’s universe, khan announced the release of a new music him to move on. They “stopped up” the wells, continue the journey our ancestors began, Jews were no longer just bad people. Now, album made in collaboration with some of “filling them with earth.” This act harmed rather than drifting from it, thereby bringing there were no people at all. They were vermin. the most powerful men in music, including them more than it harmed Isaac. It robbed the journey to an end before it has reached its Cockroaches. Termites. Stevie Wonder, Rick Ross, Snoop Dogg, and them of a resource that would, in any case, destination. And Isaac, because of that faith, And we all know what you do with Common. At least seven members of Congress have become theirs, once the famine had was able to achieve the most elusive of goals, termites. You exterminate them. — including Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee, ended and Isaac had returned home. namely peace – because he never gave up. Throughout history, anti-Semites of Danny Davis, Andre Carson, Gregory Meeks, More than hate destroys the hated, it When one effort failed, he began again. So it all stripes have sought to cast the Jews as Al Green, and most famously, DNC whip destroys the hater. In this case too, Isaac and is with all great achievements: one part origi- nality, nine parts persistence. something utterly worthless yet massively Keith Ellison, have all sat down for personal the Philistines were a portent of what would I find it moving that Isaac, who under- destructive. It was a way of making the act meetings with Farrakhan while representing eventually happen to the Israelites in Egypt. By the time of the plague of locusts, we read: went so many trials, from the binding when of killing a Jew something that was not only the American people in Congress. Farrakhan Pharaoh’s officials said to him, “How long he was young, to the rivalry between his sons necessary but meaningless. Hitler’s SS troops, even attended a 2005 meeting of the Black will this man be a snare to us? Let the people when he was old and blind, carries a name therefore, were able to exterminate tens of Congressional Caucus. And, at that meeting, go, so that they may worship the Lord their that means, “He will laugh.” Perhaps the name thousands of Jews in a day. You see, they were former President Barack Obama even smiled God. Do you not yet realise that Egypt is – given to him by God Himself before Isaac killing an infestation, not people. for a photograph with Farrakhan just three ruined?” (Exodus 10:7) was born – means what the Psalm means It may be extreme to compare Farra- years before becoming President. In effect they said to Pharaoh: you may when it says, “Those who sow in tears will reap khan to Hitler. But he did it himself. During American Jews need to draw a line. think you are harming the Israelites. In fact with joy” (Ps. 126:5). Faith means the courage a radio interview, Farrakhan acknowledged It is not only neo-Nazis that need to be you are harming us. to persist through all the setbacks, all the grief, the fact that "[T]he Jews don't like Farrakhan, condemned by Republicans. It is Farrakhan Both love and hate, said Rabbi Shimon never giving up, never accepting defeat. For at so they call me Hitler.” Instead of rebuffing and his ilk who should be repudiated utterly bar Yochai, “upset the natural order” the end, despite the opposition, the envy and the comparison, he embraced it. “That's a by Democrats. (mekalkelet et hashurah).⁷ They are irrational. the hate, lie the broad spaces, Rechovot, and good name,” he said, “Hitler was a very great Never again must mean exactly that: They make us do things we would not do the laughter, Isaac: the serenity of the destina- man.” He then reinforced it. “[Hitler] raised Never Again. otherwise. In today’s Middle East, as so tion after the storms along the way. Germany up from nothing,” he explained, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, “America’s often before, those intent on destroying their adding that “in a sense, you could say there's a Rabbi,” whom The Washington Post calls enemies end by doing great harm to their own HOUSE FOR SALE - BROOKLYN similarity in that we are raising our people up “the most famous Rabbi in America,” is interests, their own people. Open House, Nov 11th, 2:30-3:30, from nothing.” He’s also used the Holocaust as founder of the World Values Network, a Third, Isaac’s response remains the Webster Ave., Brick, 1 family, a metaphor to describe what awaited the Jews leading organization defending Israel and correct one today. Defeated once, he tries great location, beautiful block. in hell. My late friend Christopher Hitchens the Jewish people in global media. His most again. He digs another well; this too yields Needs TLC, potential to expand, $899K personally heard Farrakhan punctuate a recent book is The Israel Warrior. Follow him opposition. So he moves on and tries again, Agent: (516) 512-9626 tirade against Jews with this: "And don't you on Twitter @RabbiShmuley and eventually finds peace. A8 | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2018 Impressions.

An International on Trump, View of the Pittsburgh Murders Israel, and Antisemitism

BY HANNAH GROSSMAN I disagreed with a great deal of what President BY MANFRED GERSTENFELD Obama did and if Hillary Clinton had been elected, I recently spoke with Alan Dershowitz at the ZOA I’m sure I would’ve disagreed with a lot of what she Gala at the Marriott Marquis in Manhattan, where he would do. But you don’t demonize, and he’s still the Th e killing of 11 Jews at an American synagogue was set to make a prominent speech. president, and you respect the offi ce of the president. has now inserted itself into a sequence of other murders Below is an edited transcript of our conversation. I was appalled at the so-called leaders in Pittsburgh targeting Jews and their institutions in past decades. Hannah Grossman: Mr. Dershowitz, can you who refused to welcome the president. I think every- Among the list of murders of Jews outside of give us a little preview of what you will be talking about body should welcome the president when there’s a Israel, the most lethal tragedy took place in South tonight? tragedy and allow him to serve in his role as a mourner America in 1984. In the bombing of the AMIA building Alan Dershowitz: I’m talking about how impor- or bereaver-in-chief. in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 85 people were killed. Th e tant it is to have dialogue among people who may not largest terrorist murder aimed at Jews in Africa was agree. Mort Klein and I don’t agree about a great many the 2002 bombing of the Israeli-owned Paradise Hotel things. He’s way to the right of me, but we talk to each in Mombassa, Kenya, where 13 people were killed. In other. We dialogue with each other. And I’m here to Europe, two of the most deadly attacks against a Jewish promote dialogue between the right, the left, [and] the target took place at the Goldenberg restaurant in Paris, center — not only within the Jewish community, but where six people were murdered in 1982 — and in a the more general political community. It’s a tragedy 2012 terrorist attack on a bus transporting Israelis that we now shout at each other, demonize each near the Burgas airport in Bulgaria, where another six other, [and] yell slogans instead of having reasoned people were killed. discourse. We can learn from each other, and I think Th ere is one major diff erence between the murders we ought to. of Jews in the US and the three other continents. In HG: Where do you think that changed, between Pittsburgh, the murderer was a white supremacist. the right and left, where the divide became so extreme US President Donald Trump on 2018 midterm In the other attacks, the perpetrators were Muslims. that it seems that it is impossible to have some dialogue elections campaign trail. Photo: Reuters. Even a superfi cial look at mega-antisemitism in the or commonality? world shows that antisemitism coming out of parts of AD: Well, I think there a lot of contributing factors. HG: Can you describe the antisemitism that comes the Muslim world is currently the greatest threat to the I think the movement of the left to the hard left in the from the left and the right, and the diff erences? Jewish people. Only there does one fi nd heads of state Democratic Party. I think the movement of the right AD: Oh, they’re very diff erent. Th e antisemitism to the hard right within the Republican Party. I don’t from the right is the typical fascist antisemitism that think President Trump has helped with his choice of we remember from the bad and dark old days. Th e language, and I don’t think that some of the Democrats antisemitism of the left is quite diff erent; it disguises have helped with their choice of language. I crave the itself as anti-Zionism, but it quickly morphs into old days when my friends Ted Kennedy and Orrin antisemitism. When students yell there’s no room for Hatch could sit together, and when Senator McCain Zionists at Hunter College, they don’t mean Zionists. could sit and work together with Joe Biden. Th ose days Th ey mean Jews. When they attack the Zionist presi- seem long gone, and I want to do everything in my dent of Hunter, they attack the woman who happens to power to bring them back. be Jewish. I don’t even know what her views on Israel HG: Bret Stephens said today at a panel that are. So, it’s a new form of antisemitism disguised as Donald Trump’s rhetoric has an eff ect on the culture. anti-Zionism. We have to fi ght it hard. A makeshift memorial in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Can you describe that; what you think that is? HG: Can you give me a key indicator of when Oct. 29, 2018. Photo: Nechama Itkin AD: I think that’s right. Look, I think President you can distinguish between antisemitism and anti- Trump has a mixed record. I think he’s done some Zionism? who promote extreme hatred not only against Israel, but very good things. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem AD: Look, I think disagreeing with Israel’s policies also against Jews. Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir was a terrifi c thing. I think his tough negotiating stance is completely legitimate, but demonizing Israel, Mohamed, for instance, has a long record of verbally toward Iran has been very good. I don’t approve of his applying a double standard, and trying to delegiti- attacking all Jews. Th ere is nothing similar among heads policies toward immigration. I certainly don’t approve mate the nation state of the Jewish people is a form of of state in much of the Western world. of separating families the way he did early on, but you antisemitism. Liberalism and democracy by necessity overlap know, I’ve never agreed with anything any president Hannah Grossman is a writer living in New York. to a substantial extent. But they are not identical. did 100 percent. France and Germany have learned from their pasts. Both limit hate speech. In Germany, one can spend a number of years in jail for insulting a part of the popula- tion. Many Europeans understand that the principle of free speech doesn’t mean that hate speech should work, Jews became “bacteria,” “vermin,” “parasites,” and to Israel than the United States. Th e BDS campaigns at also be tolerated. When speaking with Americans over so on. Farrakhan’s “termites” belong in this category, universities exceed those of almost any other place in a number of years, they were usually shocked when I which prepared the German people for genocide. world academia. Th e number of reported antisemitic expressed my view that the First Amendment of the One of the key characteristics of American Jewry incidents in the US surged by 57 percent in 2017, to US Constitution is setting democracy back rather than has been the perception of an exceptionalism due reach 1,986 according to the ADL. Yet in 1994, the promoting it. I explained that enabling extreme hate to the country in which they live. Th ey did not see fi gure was larger, at 2,066. With so many incidents, the speech is a defi ciency in any society. I usually felt in themselves like Jews in other exiles. American Jews threat of violence has been there for a long time. Th is these conversations that I had said the unspeakable by could feel at home more than other Jews abroad, in is one more question mark next to the concept of the touching on this taboo. view of the way that the country’s democracy is struc- exceptionalism of Jews in America. Louis Farrakhan can call Jews “termites” without tured. Th e Pittsburgh killings make a strong case for American Jews should reach the obvious conclu- his words being punishable. Even if Facebook and responsible leaders of all Jewish institutions in the US sion: Jews in the world, including in the US and Israel, Twitter remove Farrakhan’s words, his hate speech is to see to it that major security measures are installed. are a community whose fate is one and the same. Th ey still available on the Nation of Islam website. If he were As far as security is concerned, American Jewry should are subject to similar threats, which may diff er only in an extreme white rightist he would not be welcomed not act diff erently from Western European Jews. the way and the time frame in which they occur. in decent company. Yet Farrakhan is from time to time A survey by the ADL in 2013 reported that 26 Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld is the emeritus seen in the company of prominent Americans. percent of Americans believe that Jews killed Jesus. 30 chairman of the Jerusalem Center for Public Aff airs Th e Nazis biologized language. In that frame- percent of Americans think that US Jews are more loyal think tank. | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2018 A9 Legal Notice.


YVEROSE LAMOUR SEVERE and improvements thereon erected, Attorneys for Plaintiff 10 Bank Street, State of New York known as Block: INDIVIDUALLY AND AS ADMINIS- situate, lying and being in the Borough Suite – 700 White Plains, N.Y. 10606 2134; Lot: 1272 will be sold subject to TRATRIX TO THE ESTATE OF JEAN of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City (914) 949-2574 the provisions of filed Judgment, Index SEVERE, MITCHELL SEVERE, HEIR and State of New York. Approximate AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16 No. 20760/2013. The approximate TO THE ESTATE OF JEAN SEVERE, Amount of Judgment is $725,267.19 amount of judgment is $999,811.56 SHEILA SEVERE AS HEIR TO THE plus interest and costs. Premises NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT plus interest and costs. FRIEDMAN ESTATE OF JEAN SEVERE, WANDA will be sold subject to provisions of KINGS COUNTY PNC BANK, N.A., VARTOLO LLP 85 Broad Street, Suite SEVERE AS HEIR TO THE ESTATE filed Judgment Index No 21583/10. SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO 501, New York, New York 10004, Attor- OF JEAN SEVERE, et al., Defendant(s) Shmuel Taub, Esq., Referee RSHC106 NATIONAL CITY BANK, Plaintiff neys for Plaintiff. Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclo- AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16 against FIVEL SOFER, et al Defen- AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16 Notice of Formation of EJ 18th Avenue sure and Sale duly dated September dants Attorney for Plaintiff(s) Fein, LLC. Art. of Org. filed Secy. of State 04, 2018 I, the undersigned Referee NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME Such & Crane, LLP 28 East Main HANDY GIRL PROPERTIES,LLC of NY (SSNY) on 9/6/2018. Office will sell at public auction at the Kings COURT COUNTY OF KINGS, Street Suite 1800, Rochester, NY 14614 Authority filed with secretary of state location: Kings County. SSNY Desig- County Supreme Court, Room 224, FEDERAL NATIONAL MORTGAGE Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s). Pursuant of New York(SSNY ) on 10/05/2018. nated as agent of LLC upon whom 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, a Judgment of Foreclosure and Office location: Kings county. LLC process against it may be served. SSNY York 11201, on November 29, 2018 at GLEN R. EDMONDS, ROCHELLE Sale Entered June 8, 2018 I will sell at formed in Nevada on 09/17/2018. shall mail copy of process to: The LLC, 2:30PM, premises known as 804 EAST JOHN-EDMONDS, ET AL., Public Auction to the highest bidder at SSNY has been designated as the 7302 18th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11204. 40TH, BROOKLYN, NY 11210. All that Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 agent of the LLC upon whom process Purpose: any lawful activity. certain plot piece or parcel of land, of Foreclosure and Sale duly filed on Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, may be served SSNY shall Mail copy AJ; 10/5/12/19/26; 11/2/9 with the buildings and improvements August 21, 2018, I, the undersigned NY 11201 on November 29, 2018 at of process to: Registered Agents inc. erected, situate, lying and being in the Referee will sell at public auction at the 2:30 PM. Premises known as 715 East 90 State St. STE 700 office 40 Albany, Notice of formation of limited liability Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, Kings County Supreme Court, Room 5th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11218. Block NY 12207. Address of the LLC 515 E. company(LLC) Name: Enjoy My City and State of New York, BLOCK 224, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY 5399 Lot 72. All that certain plot, piece 7th St., Apt. 2 K Brooklyn, NY 11218. Kakes & Katering,LLC . Articles of 5014, LOT 62. Approximate amount on November 29, 2018 at 2:30 p.m., or parcel of land, with the buildings Certificates of form on file with organization filed with the secre- of judgment $786,570.66 plus interest premises known as 429 Decatur and improvements thereon erected, Nevada secretary of state 101 North tary of state of New York(SSNY) on and costs. Premises will be sold Street, Brooklyn, NY. All that certain situate, lying and being in the Borough Carson St. suite #3 Carson City, NV 04/25/2018. Office location: Bronx subject to provisions of filed Judgment plot, piece or parcel of land, with the of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City 89701. Purpose: all lawful activity County. SSNY has been designated for Index# 500864/2015. STEVEN buildings and improvements thereon and State of New York. Approximate AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16/23/30 as the agent of the LLC upon whom NAIMAN, ESQ., Referee Gross Polowy, erected, situate, lying and being in the Amount of Judgment is $428,191.23 process against it maybe Served. SSNY LLC Attorney for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, plus interest and costs. Premises will NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME shall Mail copy of the process to : The Drive, Suite 100 Williamsville, NY City and State of New York, Block be sold subject to provisions of filed COURT COUNTY OF KINGS U.S. LLC 106 marcy place apartment 2C 14221 58003 1677 and Lot 48. Premises will be sold Judgment Index No 6496/13. Joel Eliot BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, bronx, NY 10452. Purpose: all lawful AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16 subject to provisions of filed Judgment Abramson, Esq., Referee PNNC039 AS TRUSTEE, SUCCESSOR IN activity Index # 1597/15. Philip L. Kamaras, AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16 INTEREST TO WACHOVIA BANK, AJ; 10/12/19/26; 11/2/9/16 NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Esq., Referee Berkman, Henoch, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS COUNTY OF KINGS WELLS FARGO Peterson, Peddy & Fenchel, P.C., 100 Notice of formation of limited liability TRUSTEE FOR GSR MORTGAGE Notice of formation of 101 Mersereau BANK, N.A., Plaintiff AGAINST Garden City Plaza, Garden City, NY company (LLC). Name: LEMON LOAN TRUST 2005-8F, MORTGAGE LLC. Articles of Organization filed JOSEPH CAMPISI, RYAN SARACO, 11530, Attorneys for Plaintiff NAILS & SPA,LLC . Articles of organi- PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, with the Secretary of State of NY, et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16 zation filed with the secretary of state SERIES 2005 8F, Plaintiff AGAINST SSNY on 09/19/2018. Office located Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly of New York (SSNY) on 08/23/20018. ETTY SALAMON, YEHUDA in Richmond County. SSNY has been dated June 06, 2016 I, the undersigned SUPREME COURT – COUNTY Office location: Kings county. SSNY SALAMON, et al., Defendant(s) designated for service of process. Referee will sell at public auction at the OF KINGS U.S. BANK NATIONAL has been designated as the agent of Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclo- SSNY shall mail copy of process to: Kings County Supreme Court, Room ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE, the LLC upon whom process against it sure and Sale duly dated March 14, 101 Mersereau LLC, 421 Home Ave, 224, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDERS may be served. SSNY shall Mail copy 2018 I, the undersigned Referee will Staten Island, NY 10305. Purpose: Any York 11201, on November 29, 2018 OF CSAB MORTGAGE-BACKED of the process to: Jessica C Alulema sell at public auction at the Kings lawful purpose. at 2:30PM, premises known as 1934 PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, 90-23 149th St., Apt. 5 K Jamaica, NY County Supreme Court, Room 224, AJ; 10/12/19/26; 11/2/9/16 PROSPECT PLACE, BROOKLYN, SERIES 2007-1, Plaintiff against 11435. Purpose: all lawful activity 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New NY 11233. All that certain plot piece WILLIAM A. STALLONE, et al., AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16/23/30 York 11201, on December 06, 2018 Notice of formation of limited liability or parcel of land, with the buildings Defendants. Pursuant to a Judgment at 2:30PM, premises known as 1152 company(LLC) Name: SUPERNAL and improvements erected, situate, of Foreclosure and Sale entered on STATEWIDE FUNERAL SERVICE 53RD STREET, BROOKLYN, NY LLC. Articles of organization filed lying and being in the Borough of November 29, 2017. I, the undersigned LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY 11219. All that certain plot piece or with the secretary of state of New Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and Referee will sell at public auction on 10/05/18. Office: Kings County. parcel of land, with the buildings York(SSNY) on 09/18/2018. Office State of New York, BLOCK 1465, LOT in Room 224 of the Kings County SSNY designated as agent of the LLC and improvements erected, situate, location: Kings county. SSNY has 30. Approximate amount of judgment Courthouse, 360 Adams Street, upon whom process against it may lying and being in the Borough of been designated as the agent of the $524,555.47 plus interest and costs. Brooklyn, N.Y. on the 29th day of be served. SSNY shall mail copy of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and LLC upon whom process against it Premises will be sold subject to November, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. premises process to the LLC, 1814 East 22nd State of New York, BLOCK 5668, LOT may be served. SSNY Shall mail copy provisions of filed Judgment for described as follows: All that certain Street, Brooklyn, NY 11229. Purpose: 26. Approximate amount of judgment of the process to: The LLC 22 N6th Index# 5843/13. EDWARD MARK piece or parcel of land, together with Any lawful purpose. $996,479.39 plus interest and costs. Street,APT 4I Brooklyn, NY 11249. RAPPAPORT, ESQ., Referee Gross any improvements thereon erected, AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16/23/30 Premises will be sold subject to provi- Purpose: all lawful activity Polowy, LLC Attorney for Plaintiff 1775 situate, lying and being in the Borough sions of filed Judgment for Index# AJ; 10/19/26; 11/2/9/16/23 Wehrle Drive, Suite 100 Williamsville, of Brooklyn, City and State of New NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC AUCTION 514510/2015. AARON TYK, ESQ., NY 14221 57876 York, designated on the Tax Map of Supreme Court of New York, KINGS Referee Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney MANHATTAN AVENUE VENTURES, AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16 the City of New York, for the Borough County. WILMINGTON TRUST, for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY of Brooklyn, as said Tax Map was on NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT 100 Williamsville, NY 14221 58403 on 10/02/18. Office: Kings County. BERGER FINK LLP filed Cert. of May 27, 1981, for Block 7949, Lot 235, IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, AJ; 11/2/9/16/23/ SSNY designated as agent of the LLC Registration with the SSNY on 8/14/18. being more particularly bounded and BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR upon whom process against it may Office location: Kings County. SSNY described as follows: BEGINNING at a MFRA TRUST 2014-2, Plaintiff, NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT be served. SSNY shall mail copy of has been designated as agent of the point on the northerly side of Preston -against- ELIECER TORRES; ARTURO COUNTY OF KINGS DEUTSCHE process to the LLC, 132 Greenpoint LLC upon whom process against it Court distant 527.85 feet Westerly TORRES; NEW YORK CITY PARKING BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY Avenue, Suite B-1, Brooklyn, NY 11222. may be served and shall mail process from the corner formed by the VIOLATIONS BUREAU; BOARD OF AS TRUSTEE FOR GSSAA HOME Purpose: Any lawful purpose. to: The LLP, 26 Court St., Penthouse, intersection of the Northerly side of MANAGERS OF THE SCHAEFFER EQUITY TRUST 2006-8 ASSET- AJ; 10/19/26; 11/2/9/16/23 Brooklyn, NY 11242. Purpose: Law. Preston Court with the Westerly side LANDING NORTH CONDOMINIUM; BACKED CERTIFICATES SERIES AJ; 10/26; 11/2/9/16/23/30 of East 56th Street; RUNNING thence CRIMINAL COURT OF THE CITY 2006-8, Plaintiff AGAINST HAZEL- Notice of formation of limited liability Northerly at right angles to Preston OF NEW YORK; KINGS SUPREME ANN RODERIQUE, et al., Defendant(s) company(LLC).NAME: REQUIRED NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME Court and part of the distance through COURT; NEW YORK CITY TRANSIT Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclo- SAFETY LLC .Articles of organization COURT KINGS COUNTY MTGLQ a party wall 165.73 to land now or ADJUDICATION BUREAU; NEW sure and Sale duly dated August 16, filed with the secretary of state of New INVESTORS, LP, Plaintiff against formerly of the right of way of the Long YORK CITY ENVIRONMENTAL 2018 I, the undersigned Referee will York(SSNY) on 10/09/2018. Office RODNEY LIVINGSTONE A/K/A Island Railroad Company; THENCE CONTROL BOARD; MIKE BLACK; sell at public auction at the Room location: Richmond County. SSNY has RODNEY LIVINGSTON A/K/A Westerly along said land of the Long MRS. BLACK (FIRST NAME 224 of Kings County Supreme Court, been designated as the agent of the LIVINGSTONE RODNEY A/K/A Island Rail Road Company 20.01 feet REFUSED), Index No. 20760/2013. 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New LLC upon whom process against it LIVINGSTONE A/ RODNEY, et al to a point; THENCE Southerly at right Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclo- York 11201, on December 06, 2018 may be served. SSNY shall Mail copy Defendants Attorney for Plaintiff(s) angles to Preston Court 165.34 feet to sure and Sale duly dated, September at 2:30PM, premises known as 1384 of the process to: Required Safety LLC Fein, Such & Crane, LLP 28 East Main the Northerly side of Preston Court; 20, 2018 and entered with the Kings EAST 55TH STREET, BROOKLYN, 229 Colony Ave., Staten Island, NY Street Suite 1800, Rochester, NY 14614 THENCE Easterly to the Northerly County Clerk on September 26, 2018, NY 11234. All that certain plot piece 10306. Purpose: all lawful activity Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s). Pursuant side of Preston Court 20 feet to the Jeffrey R. Miller, Esq., the Appointed or parcel of land, with the buildings AJ; 10/19/26; 11/2/9/16/23 to a Judgment of Foreclosure and point or place of BEGINNING. Said Referee, will sell the premises known and improvements erected, situate, Sale Entered May 9, 2018 I will sell at premises known as 21 Preston Court, as 440 Kent Avenue, Unit 14A, lying and being in the Borough of NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Public Auction to the highest bidder at Brooklyn, N.Y. 11234. (Block: 7949, Brooklyn, New York 11211 A/K/A Two Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and COUNTY OF KINGS DEUTSCHE the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 Lot: 235). Approximate amount of Schaefer Landing, Brooklyn, New York State of New York, BLOCK 7852, LOT BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, lien $ 303,103.81 plus interest and 11211 at public auction at 360 Adams 65. Approximate amount of judgment AS TRUSTEE FOR SH1 ASSET NY 11201 on November 29, 2018 at costs. Premises will be sold subject Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, on $298,030.13 plus interest and costs. SECUITIZATION CORPORATION 2:30 PM. Premises known as 1092 East to provisions of filed judgment and November 29, 2018 at 2:30 P.M. All that Premises will be sold subject to provi- TRUST 2006-HE2, MORTGAGE 54th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11234. Block terms of sale. Index No. 500904-14. certain plot, piece or parcel of land, sions of filed Judgment for Index# PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, 7757 Lot 72. All that certain plot, piece Steven Z. Naiman, Esq., Referee. situate, lying and being in the Borough 505116/2017. AARON TYK, ESQ., SERIES 2006-HE2, Plaintiff AGAINST or parcel of land, with the buildings Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and Continued on Page A10 A10 | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2018 Tradition. Legal Notice. The Courage of LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NY 11201 on December 6, 2018 at able amount of compensation to duly dated 9/12/2018 and entered Persistence 2:30 PM. Premises known as 863 GERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ., for legal on 9/20/2018, I, the undersigned Dumont Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11207. services rendered to petitioner herein Referee, will sell at public auction at Block 4060 Lot 41. All that certain plot, in the amount of $38,763.37 and that the Kings County Supreme Court, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying the Court fix the fair and reasonable 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, additional fee for any services to be on December 13, 2018 at 02:30 PM moment passes. Genesis 26 reads County of Kings, City and State of rendered by GERARD J. SWEENEY, premises known as 1112 40th Street, almost like a replay of Genesis 20, a New York. Approximate Amount of ESQ., hereafter in connection with Brooklyn, NY 11218. All that certain generation later. Judgment is $713,136.24 plus interest proceedings on kinship, claims etc., plot piece or parcel of land, with the JONATHAN SACKS prior to entry of a final Decree on this buildings and improvements erected, In both cases Avimelekh and costs. Premises will be sold LONDON subject to provisions of filed Judgment accounting in the amount of 6% of situate, lying and being in the County promises the patriarchs security. To assets or income collected after the of Kings, City and State of New York, Abraham he said, “My land is before Index No 507895/2013. Jaime Lathrop, Esq, Referee XCHJC005 date of the within accounting; and BLOCK: 5588, LOT: 12. Approximate you; live wherever you like” (Gen. AJ; 11/2/9/16/23 why the Surrogate should not fix and amount of judgment is $1,321,559.13 There is a strange passage in 20:15). About Isaac, he commands, allow an amount equal to one percent plus interests and costs. Premises will the life of Isaac, ominous in its fore- “Anyone who molests this man or NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT on said Schedules of the total assets be sold subject to provisions of filed shadowing of much of later Jewish his wife shall surely be put to death” COUNTY OF KINGS WILMINGTON on Schedules A, A1, and A2 plus any Judgment Index # 502336/2014. Jack history. Like Abraham, Isaac finds (Gen. 26:11). Yet in both cases, there SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, additional monies received subse- Segal, Referee FRENKEL LAMBERT quent to the date of this account, as the WEISS WEISMAN & GORDON LLP himself forced by famine to go to is a troubled aftermath. In Genesis D/B/A CHRISTIANA TRUST, NOT fair and reasonable amount payable to 53 Gibson Street Bay Shore, NY 11706 21 we read about an argument that INDIVIDUALLY BUT AS TRUSTEE Gerar, in the land of the Philistines. the Office of the Public Administrator AJ; 11/9/16/23/30; There, like Abraham, he senses that arose over a well that Abraham had FOR VENTURES TRUST 2013-I-H-R, Plaintiff AGAINST Kirk Gibson, et al., for the expenses of said office pursuant his life may be in danger because dug: “Then Abraham complained to to S.C.P.A. §1106(3); and why the claim NOTICE OF SALE Supreme Court Avimelekh about a well of water that Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment he is married to a beautiful woman. of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated from NYC Human Resources Admin- County Of Kings CitiMortgage, Inc., He fears that he will be killed so Avimelekh’s servants had seized” August 06, 2018 I, the undersigned istration in the amount of $455,086.22 Plaintiff AGAINST Kepler Balde, et al, that Rebecca can be taken into (Gen. 21:25). The two men make a Referee will sell at public auction at the should not be paid; and why each of Defendant Pursuant to a Judgment the harem of king Avimelekh. The treaty. Yet, as we now discover, this Room 224 of Kings County Supreme you claiming to be a distributee of of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated couple pass themselves off as was not suffcient to prevent further Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, the decedent should not establish 10/10/18 and entered on 10/18/18, brother and sister. The deception is diffculties in the days of Isaac: New York 11201, on December 06, proof of your kinship; and why the I, the undersigned Referee, will sell at Isaac planted crops in that 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known as balance of said funds should not be public auction at the Kings County discovered, Avimelekh is indignant, paid to said alleged distributees upon Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, explanations are made, and the 729 MACON STREET, BROOKLYN, Continued on Page A12 NY 11233. All that certain plot piece or proof of kinship, or deposited with the Brooklyn, NY on December 13, 2018 parcel of land, with the buildings and Commissioner of Finance of the City of at 02:30 PM premises known as 12421 improvements erected, situate, lying New York should said alleged distribu- Flatlands Avenue Unit 6B, Brooklyn, LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, tees default herein, or fail to establish NY 11208. All that certain plot piece County of Kings, City and State of proof of kinship. Dated, Attested and or parcel of land, with the buildings New York, BLOCK 66, LOT 1493. Sealed 29th day of October, 2018 HON. and improvements erected, situate, PETER J. KELLY Surrogate, Queens lying and being in the County of Kings, Continued from Page A9 ADJUSTABLE RATE MORTGAGE Approximate amount of judgment $1,065,650.42 plus interest and costs. County JAMES LIM BECKER Clerk City and State of New York, BLOCK: Referee Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney TRUST 2005-8, ADJUSTABLE RATE Premises will be sold subject to provi- of the Surrogate’s Court GERARD 4423, LOT: 1412. Approximate for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite MORTGAGE- BACKED PASS- sions of filed Judgment for Index# J. SWEENEY, ESQ. (718) 459-9000 amount of judgment is $280,351.29 100 Williamsville, NY 14221 57563 THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2427/2008. Aaron Tyk, Esq., Referee 1981 Marcus Avenue, Suite 200 Lake plus interests and costs. Premises will AJ; 11/2/9/16/23 2005-8 is the Plaintiff and JOSEPH C. Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney for Success, New York 11042 This citation be sold subject to provisions of filed FERRIS; ET AL. are the Defendant(s). Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite 100 is served upon you as required by Judgment Index # 504331/2014. For SUPREME COURT – COUNTY I, the undersigned Referee will sell at Williamsville, NY 14221 57696 law. You are not obliged to appear in sale information, please visit Auction. OF KINGS U.S. BANK TRUST, N.A., public auction at the KINGS COUNTY AJ; 11/2/9/16/23 person. If you fail to appear it will be com at or call AS TRUSTEE FOR LSF9 MASTER COURTHOUSE, 360 ADAMS assumed that you do not object to the (800) 280-2832. Leonard Spector, PARTICIPATION TRUST, Plaintiff STREET, ROOM 224, BROOKLYN, File No.: 2016-4626/A CITATION relief requested unless you file formal Esq., Referee FRENKEL LAMBERT against MARIE C. JEAN-LOUIS, NY 11201, on December 6, 2018 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF legal, verified objections. You have a WEISS WEISMAN & GORDON LLP et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a at 2:30PM, premises known as 94 NEW YORK BY THE GRACE OF right to have an attorney-at-law appear 53 Gibson Street Bay Shore, NY 11706 Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale CELESTE COURT, BROOKLYN, NY GOD, FREE AND INDEPENDENT for you. Accounting Citation AJ; 11/9/16/23/30; entered on September 12, 2018. I, 11229: Block 8946, Lot 922: ALL THAT To: Peggi Cohen, Avraham Cohen, AJ; 11/2/9/16/23 the undersigned Referee will sell at CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL Rena Cohen, Albert Pokras, Beatrice SUPREME COURT – COUNTY public auction in Room 224 of the OF LAND WITH THE BUILDINGS Brown, Peter David Halper, Barbara NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT OF KINGS GRAND BANK, N.A., Kings County Courthouse, 360 Adams AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON Shroyer, Fern Collier, Sherry Collier, COUNTY OF KINGS US Bank National Plaintiff against MARIE GLEASON, Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. on the 6th day of ERECTED, SITUATE LYING AND Estate of Seymour Collier, HRA-OLA- Association, as Trustee for Adjustable Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment December, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. premises BEING IN THE BOROUGH OF LRLU, Attorney General of the State Rate Mortgage Trust 2006-2, Adjust- of Foreclosure and Sale entered on described as follows: All that certain BROOKLYN, COUNTY OF KINGS, of New York The unknown distribu- able Rate Mortgage Backed Pass March 24, 2017. I, the undersigned plot, piece or parcel of land with the CITY AND STATE OF NEW YORK tees, legatees, devisees, heirs at law Through Certificates, Series 2006-2, Referee will sell at public auction in buildings and improvements thereon Premises will be sold subject to and assignees of ALAN HALPER, Plaintiff AGAINST Edward Vaysman; Room 224 of the Kings County Court- erected, situate, lying and being in provisions of filed Judgment Index # deceased, or their estates, if any Malka Lowensohn a/k/a Malka house, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, the Borough of Brooklyn, County of 504524/2014. Philip Kamaras, Esq. there be, whose names, places of Vaysman; et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant N.Y. on the 13th day of December, Kings, City and State of New York. Said - Referee. RAS Boriskin, LLC 900 residence and post office addresses to a Judgment of Foreclosure and 2018 at 2:30 p.m. premises described premises known as 1120 Clarkson Merchants Concourse, Suite 310, are unknown to the petitioner and Sale duly dated October 4, 2018 I, the as follows: All that certain plot, piece Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11212. (Block: Westbury, New York 11590, Attorneys cannot with due diligence be ascer- undersigned Referee will sell at public or parcel of land, with the buildings 4650, Lot: 10). Approximate amount for Plaintiff. tained. Being the persons interested auction at the Kings County Supreme and improvements thereon erected, of lien $ 932,105.81 plus interest and AJ; 11/2/9/16/23/ as creditors, legatees, distributees Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, situate, lying and being in the Borough costs. Premises will be sold subject or otherwise in the Estate of ALAN Brooklyn, NY 11201 on December of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City to provisions of filed judgment and Notice of formation of limited liability HALPER, deceased, who at the time 13, 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known and State of New York. Said premises terms of sale. Index No. 511267-15. company(LLC) Name: SAMPA of death was a resident of 63-47 76th as 1137 East 5th Street, Brooklyn, NY known as 2850 Gerritsen Avenue, Philip L. Kamaras, Esq., Referee. Stern RESTAURANT LLC.Articles of organi- Street, Middle Village, NY 11379, in 11230. All that certain plot piece or Brooklyn, N.Y. 11229. (Block: 8914, & Eisenberg, PC Attorney(s) for Plain- zation filed with the secretary of state the County of Queens, State of New parcel of land, with the buildings and Lot: 279). Approximate amount of tiff Woodbridge Corporate Plaza 485 of New York(SSNY) on 09/18/2018. York. SEND GREETING: Upon the improvements erected, situate, lying lien $ 445,747.49 plus interest and B Route 1 South – Suite 330 Iselin, NJ Office location: Kings county. SSNY petition of LOIS M. ROSENBLATT, and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, costs. Premises will be sold subject 08830 (732) 582-6344 has been designated as the agent of Public Administrator of Queens County of Kings, City and State of to provisions of filed judgment and AJ; 11/2/9/16/23/ the LLC upon whom process against County, who maintains her office at NY, Block 5495 Lot 883. Approximate terms of sale. Index No. 501000-14. it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, amount of judgment $1,175,926.50 Mark A. Longo, Esq., Referee. Stern & SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF of the process to:Henrique Stangorlini Queens County, New York 11435, as plus interest and costs. Premises Eisenberg, PC Attorney(s) for Plaintiff NEW YORK - COUNTY OF KINGS U.S. 226 montrose Ave Apt 1A # 1A Kings Administrator of the Estate of ALAN will be sold subject to provisions of Woodbridge Corporate Plaza 485 B BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, #047 Brooklyn,NY 11206 . Purpose all HALPER, deceased, you and each of filed Judgment Index# 511754/2014. Route 1 South – Suite 330 Iselin, NJ AS TRUSTEE FOR THE HOLDERS lawful activity you are hereby cited to show cause Aaron Maslow, Esq., Referee Shapiro, 08830 (732) 582-6344 OF THE CSFB MORTGAGE SECURI- AJ; 11/2/9/16/23/30; 12/7 before the Surrogate at the Surro- DiCaro & Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for AJ; 11/9/16/23/30; TIES CORP., ADJUSTABLE RATE gate’s Court of the County of Queens, the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boule- MORTGAGE TRUST 2005-8, ADJUST- NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT to be held at the Queens General vard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) NOTICE OF SALE Supreme Court ABLE RATE MORTGAGE- BACKED KINGS COUNTY JPMORGAN CHASE Courthouse, 6th Floor, 88-11 Sutphin 430-4792 Dated: October 18, 2018 County Of Kings U.S. Bank NA, PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Boulevard, Jamaica, City and State of 58354 successor trustee to Bank of America, SERIES 2005-8, V. JOSEPH C. FERRIS; Plaintiff against MARLAN ALLEN, et New York, on the 6th day of December, AJ; 11/9/16/23/30; NA, successor in interest to LaSalle ET. AL. NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE al Defendants Attorney for Plaintiff(s) 2018 at 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon, Bank NA, as trustee, on behalf of the IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to a Fein, Such & Crane, LLP 28 East Main why the Account of Proceedings of NOTICE OF SALE Supreme Court holders of the Washington Mutual Final Judgment of Foreclosure dated Street Suite 1800, Rochester, NY 14614 the Public Administrator of Queens County Of Kings 399 Broadway Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, August 17, 2018, and entered in the Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s). Pursuant County, as Administrator of the Estate Holdings LLC, Plaintiff AGAINST WMALT Series 2006-8, Plaintiff Office of the Clerk of the County of to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale of said deceased, a copy of which is Constance Anastasio, Saverio AGAINST Eric D. Garnes, individually Kings, wherein U.S. BANK, NATIONAL Entered May 23, 2017 I will sell at attached, should not be judicially Anastasio, Peter Anastasio, Anthony and as surviving joint tenant of Delia ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR Public Auction to the highest bidder at settled, and why the Surrogate Anastasio, et al, Defendant Pursuant Curtis, et al, Defendant Pursuant to THE HOLDERS OF THE CSFB the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 should not fix and allow a reason- to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale MORTGAGE SECURITIES CORP., Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2018 A11 Social.

Caving to BDS, Spanish City Cancels Water Polo Match Against Israel


A city in Spain has caved to pressure from the Dr. Yitschak Biton. boycott, divestment and sanctions movement and has announced it will not host a women’s water polo match between Spain and Israel. The Man Who Chose Israel The Israel-Spain match had been scheduled to be held on Tuesday afternoon in the Catalonian municipality of Molins de Rei, as part of a European championship that serves as a preliminary to the BY DMITRIY SHIMELFARB $550,000 a year. He turned them both down. Yitschak did so in order to work at his alma mater, I am the CEO of the Israel Scholarship Education Hadassah and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He Foundation. This organization, founded in 1977, helps did this because he felt a very strong need to give back to young people in Israel’s periphery and development his country, and he knew that there are very few in Israel towns to excel in their education and future careers, who specialize in his vital, life-saving field. providing them with scholarships from their BA studies In the end, Yitschak consulted his mentor, Nina to a potential Ph.D. Recently, I have had the pleasure Weiner, the president of ISEF for 40 years and now its of knowing someone who exemplifies everything ISEF chairwoman emerita, to ask her opinion. Her reply was seeks to embrace and encourage. in accord with his own instincts and was a major deter- Dr. Yitschak Biton today holds a medical degree minant in his decision to go back to Israel. and is considered a leader in his field. He was an ISEF Yitschak’s entire family lives in Israel, and his desire scholar from his first day in medical school and was also to be close to them was another important part of his Molins de Rei station. involved in volunteering with underprivileged children. decision. As a Jew, he values family. And, of course, Yitschak Photo: Pere prlpz via Wikimedia Commons. He feels very lucky in his life and has enjoyed is a Zionist and has strong feelings of commitment and success in the military, academic, and medical fields. belonging to Israel. Finally, he believes that it is important world water polo league tournament. He has won several major awards and has also been the to keep Israel at the frontier of medicine and science, a goal Israeli Water Polo Association President Revital recipient of generous professional and financial offers to which he can make a major contribution. Cohen Gluska said she was informed of the city’s from prestigious institutions in the United States. Today, Yitschak is a cardiologist specializing in decision on Monday morning. According to Gluska, But he feels luckiest of all to have been born an Israeli, interventional electrophysiology, which is the current while match organizers had offered to hold the match and thus has decided to return to Israel and give back to the cutting edge in the field. He is going to work at one of the at Barcelona’s Palau Sant Jordi arena, they had said country that has given him, and all of us, so much. best hospitals in Israel, Jerusalem’s Hadassah Medical Yitschak was born in the city of Lod in central Israel. Center, and the Hebrew University. He believes it is a that “there would be protests.” His grandparents were part of the mass aliyah of Sephardic great privilege and a mitzvah to work in the holy city. Gluska said she made it clear to the Spanish Jews from Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria. Like their fellow His hope is to advance the field of electrophysiology officials that “protests are your problem and a problem olim, they left all their wealth behind for the opportunity together with his highly-trained colleagues. for our security. If an Israeli team can perform in Abu to live in Israel. They truly believed that, in doing so, they I strongly believe that Israel is a place of innova- Dhabi with the Israeli flag and anthem, we should also were playing a part in the Geulah, the redemption of tion and hope, a home to many, many good people. be able to play” in Spain. Israel. In this cause, his family has sacrificed a great deal. However, Israel must work to keep those people and not Culture and Sport Minister Miri Regev was said Indeed, his father was severely injured in a terror attack allow them to drift away into high-prestige, high-paying to be in contact with her Spanish counterpart Jose while serving in the Israeli security services. jobs overseas. Many people in Yitschak’s position go to Girao and was demanding that he find an immediate Because of all this, Yitschak’s connection to Israel is the US and are made offers even more lucrative than he solution to the problem. very deep: a combination of religion, ideology, and family. received. The professional and financial rewards make it BDS activists in Catalonia hung posters ahead of He served as an officer in the IDF and graduated very difficult for them to return. the scheduled match saying “We do not welcome the from the officer’s training course with honors. After It is my hope that Israel will be able to bring more Israeli water polo team,” and announced they would his service, with ISEF’s help, he studied at the Hebrew of its talented sons and daughters back to work in the hold a protest outside the event. University’s Hadassah Medical School. Eventually, he homeland. In particular, this will help continue Israel’s They claimed the Molins de Rei Municipality had became a cardiologist specializing in electrophysiology. proud history of innovation. The stent and the implant- signed onto a boycott of Israel in 2013. This involves medical intervention in dangerously irreg- able defibrillator were both originally developed in They said the aim of their campaign was to ular heart rhythms through techniques such as ablation, Israel, and who knows what accomplishments Israel “obligate Israel to respect human rights and interna- medications, pacemakers, and implantable defibrillators. could attain if it works to retain people like Yitschak. tional law in three steps: allowing Palestinian refugees Following his studies in Jerusalem, Yitschak was Ultimately, all Israelis must make individual choices to return to their land, ending the occupation and invited to New York to work on the problem of sudden whether to stay in Israel or seek success overseas. recognizing the International Criminal Court in The cardiac death. He published scholarly articles and won Yitschak has made his choice, and he is proud of it. an award in his field. He was then invited to a two-year ISEF continues to embrace and encourage all Israelis to Hague as the institution with jurisdiction over the fellowship at Harvard’s Mass General Hospital in the develop their talents to the highest degree, and is doing Palestinian problem.” field of cardiac electrophysiology. its utmost to ensure that the Jewish State continues to Eventually, he was offered a position at Harvard benefit from those talents for decades to come. University, as well as private employment at a salary of Tradition. Legal Notice.

Continued from Page A10 All three conditions were LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Persistence present in the case of Isaac. He land and the same year reaped was conspicuous: he was not a a hundredfold, because the Lord Philistine, he was different from the WEISMAN & GORDON LLP 53 AJ; 11/9/16/23/30; blessed him. The man became rich, local population as an outsider, a Gibson Street Bay Shore, NY 11706 NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT and his wealth continued to grow stranger, someone with a different AJ; 11/9/16/23/30; SUPREME COURT - COUNTY COUNTY OF KINGS WELLS FARGO until he became very wealthy. faith. He was successful: his crops OF KINGS JAMES B. NUTTER & BANK, NA, Plaintiff AGAINST He had so many flocks and herds had succeeded a hundredfold, his NOTICE OF SALE Supreme Court COMPANY, Plaintiff -against- GISELE RICARDO JACKSON, ASTRID and servants that the Philistines flocks and herds were large, and County Of Kings CitiMortgage, Inc. CADET AKA GISELE NICHOLAS ARMORER, et al., Defendant(s) envied him. So all the wells that the people envied him. And he was sbm ABN AMRO Mortgage Group, ADA GISELE NICOLAS CADET AS Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure Inc., Plaintiff AGAINST Carmelle HEIR AT LAW AND NEXT OF KIN OF and Sale duly dated June 26, 2018 I, his father’s servants had dug in a minority: a single family in the Telemaque, et al, Defendant Pursuant THE ESTATE OF GERARD CADET; the undersigned Referee will sell at the time of his father Abraham, midst of the local population. All to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale ETC..., et al Defendant(s). Pursuant public auction at the Kings County the Philistines stopped up, filling the ingredients were present for the duly dated 10/10/18 and entered on to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Supreme Court, Room 224, 360 Adams them with earth. distillation of hostility and hate. 10/22/18, I, the undersigned Referee, Sale dated September 11, 2017 and Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201, Then Avimelekh said to Isaac, There is more. Another will sell at public auction at the Kings entered on September 26, 2017, I, the on December 13, 2018 at 2:30PM, “Move away from us; you have profound insight into the conditions County Supreme Court, 360 Adams undersigned Referee will sell at public premises known as 530 JEFFERSON become too powerful for us.” that give rise to antisemitism was Street, Brooklyn, NY on December 13, auction at the Kings County Court- AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY 11221. So Isaac moved away from given by Hannah Arendt in her book 2018 at 02:30 PM premises known as house 360 Adams Street, Room 224, All that certain plot piece or parcel of there and encamped in the Valley The Origins of Totalitarianism 1220 East 102nd Street, Brooklyn, NY Brooklyn, NY on December 13, 2018 land, with the buildings and improve- 11236. All that certain plot piece or at 2:30 p.m. premises situate, lying ments erected, situate, lying and of Gerar and settled there. Isaac (the section has been published parcel of land, with the buildings and and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, being in the City of Brooklyn, County reopened the wells that had separately as Anti-Semitism).³ improvements erected, situate, lying County of Kings, City and State of of Kings, City and State of New York, been dug in the time of his father Hostility to Jews becomes dangerous, and being in the County of Kings, New York, bounded and described BLOCK 1654, LOT 22. Approximate Abraham, which the Philistines had she argued, not when Jews are strong, City and State of New York, BLOCK: as follows: BEGINNING at a point on amount of judgment $922,617.75 plus stopped up after Abraham died, but when they are weak. 8266, LOT: 54. Approximate amount the westerly side of East 57th Street, interest and costs. Premises will be sold and he gave them the same names This is deeply paradoxical of judgment is $385,921.01 plus inter- distant 300 feet southerly from the subject to provisions of filed Judgment his father had given them. because, on the face of it, the opposite ests and costs. Premises will be sold corner formed by the intersection of for Index# 2924/2013. LEONARD Isaac’s servants dug in the is true. A single thread runs from the subject to provisions of filed Judgment the westerly side of East 57th Street C. SPECTOR, ESQ., Referee Gross valley and discovered a well of Philistines’ reaction to Isaac and Index # 508306/2013. Randolph with the southerly side of Linden Polowy, LLC Attorney for Plaintiff 1775 fresh water there. But the herdsmen Pharaoh’s to the Israelites, to the myth Jackson, Referee FRENKEL LAMBERT Avenue; being a plot 100 feet by 30 Wehrle Drive, Suite 100 Williamsville, WEISS WEISMAN & GORDON LLP feet by 100 feet by 30 feet. Block: 4682 NY 14221 58508 of Gerar quarrelled with Isaac’s concocted in the late nineteenth 53 Gibson Street Bay Shore, NY 11706 Lot: 22 Said premises known as 116 AJ; 11/9/16/23/30; herdsmen and said, “The water is century, known as The Protocols AJ; 11/9/16/23/30; EAST 57TH STREET, BROOKLYN, ours!” So he named the well Esek, of the Elders of Zion.⁴ It says that NY Approximate amount of lien SUPREME COURT – COUNTY OF because they disputed with him. Jews are powerful, too powerful. They SUPREME COURT – COUNTY OF $621,435.76 plus interest & costs. KINGS THE BANK OF NEW YORK Then they dug another well, but control resources. They are a threat. KINGS BAYVIEW LOAN SERVICING, Premises will be sold subject to provi- MELLON AS TRUSTEE FOR CIT they quarrelled over that one also; They must be removed. LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED sions of filed Judgment and Terms MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST 2007-1, so he named it Sitnah. He moved Yet, says Arendt, antisemitism LIABILITY COMPANY, Plaintiff of Sale. Index Number 7244/2011. Plaintiff against RUBY STRACHAN; on from there and dug another well, did not become dangerous until against LOUIS L. FESTAGALLO AARON D. MASLOW, ESQ., Referee VERONICA STRACHAN; SAPPHIRE and no one quarrelled over it. He they had lost the power they had A/K/A LOUIS FESTAGALLO AND Westerman Ball Ederer Miller Zucker STRACHAN, et al Defendant(s). CATHERINE FESTAGALLO, et al & Sharfstein, LLP Attorney(s) for Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure named it Rechovot, saying, “Now once had: Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment Plaintiff 1201 RXR Plaza, Uniondale, and Sale entered on October 29, 2018. the Lord has given us room and we When Hitler came to power, of Foreclosure and Sale entered on NY 11556 I, the undersigned Referee will sell will flourish in the land.” (26:12–22) the German banks were already October 18, 2018. I, the undersigned AJ; 11/9/16/23/30; at public auction in Room 224 of the There are three aspects of this almost Judenrein (and it was here Referee will sell at public auction in Kings County Courthouse, 360 Adams passage worthy of careful attention. that Jews had held key positions for Room 224 of the Kings County Court- Notice of formation of a limited Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. on the 13th day of The first is the intimation it gives more than a hundred years) and house, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, liability company(LLC).Name: December, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. premises us of what will later be the turning German Jewry as a whole, after a N.Y. on the 13th day of December, 2018 MINDSPRING YOGA LLC.Articles of described as follows: All that certain point of the fate of the Israelites long steady growth in social status at 2:30 p.m. premises described as organization filed with the secretary plot, piece or parcel of land, with the in Egypt. Avimelekh says, “you and numbers, was declining so follows: All that certain plot, piece or of state of New York on: 10/03/2018. buildings and improvements thereon have become too powerful for us.” rapidly that statisticians predicted parcel of land, situate, lying and being Office location: Kings county. SSNY erected, situate, lying and being in the in the Borough of Brooklyn, County has been designated as the agent of Borough of Brooklyn, City New York, Centuries later, Pharaoh says, at the its disappearance in a few decades.⁵ of Kings, City and State of New York, the LLC upon whom process against it County of Kings and State of New York. beginning of the book of Exodus, The same was true in France: bounded and described as follows: may be served. SSNY Shall mail copy Said premises known as 462 East 40th “Behold, the people of the children The Dreyfus affair exploded BEGINNING at a point on the north- of the process to:Mindspring Yoga LLC Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11203. (Block: of Israel are greater in number and not under the Second Empire, erly side of Avenue M, distant eighty 404 Kosciuszko Street Brooklyn, NY 4939, Lot: 9). Approximate amount power than we are. Come on, let when French Jewry was at the feet from the corner formed by the 11221. Purpose: All lawful activity of lien $ 622,145.45 plus interest and us deal wisely with them, lest they height of its prosperity and influ- intersection of the westerly side of AJ; 11/9/16/23/30; 12/7/14 costs. Premises will be sold subject multiply and it come to pass, when ence, but under the Third Republic Troy Avenue with the northerly side of to provisions of filed judgment and there befall any war, that they join when Jews had all but vanished Avenue M; RUNNING THENCE north- NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME terms of sale. Index No. 506263-13. also with our enemies and fight from important positions.⁶ erly and parallel with Troy Avenue 100 COURT COUNTY OF KINGS U.S. Philip L. Kamaras, Esq., Referee. Stern feet; THENCE westerly and parallel BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, & Eisenberg, PC Attorney(s) for Plain- against us, and so get them up out of Antisemitism is a complex, with Avenue M, 20 feet; THENCE AS TRUSTEE, SUCCESSOR IN tiff Woodbridge Corporate Plaza 485 the land” (1:9–10). The same word, protean phenomenon because southerly and again parallel with Troy INTEREST TO BANK OF AMERICA, B Route 1 South – Suite 330 Iselin, NJ atzum, “power/ powerful,” appears antisemites must be able to hold Avenue, and part distance through a NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS 08830 (732) 582-6344 in both cases. Our passage signals together two beliefs that seem to party wall 100 feet to the northerly side TRUSTEE, SUCCESSOR BY MERGER AJ; 11/9/16/23/30; the birth of one of the deadliest of contradict one another: Jews are of Avenue M; THENCE easterly along TO LASALLE BANK, NATIONAL human phenomena, antisemitism. so powerful that they should be the northerly side of Avenue M, 20 ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Antisemitism is in some feared, and at the same time so feet to a point or place of the BEGIN- MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE COUNTY OF KINGS, SELENE respects unique. It is, in Robert powerless that they can be attacked NING. TOGETHER with the easement INVESTORS TRUST, MORTGAGE FINANCE, LP, Plaintiff, vs. DEBORAH and right of way for the purpose of LOAN ASSET-BACKED CERTIFI- ALONZIA A/K/A DEBORAH R. Wistrich’s phrase, the world’s Continued on Page A7 longest hatred.¹ No other preju- a driveway in, to and over a strip of CATES, SERIES 2006-FM1, Plaintiff ALONZIA, ET AL., Defendant(s). land 3 feet 6 inches in width fronting AGAINST SHERYLL MIZELL, et al., Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure dice has lasted so long, mutated on Avenue M immediately adjoining Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment and Sale duly filed on February 28, so persistently, attracted such LEGAL NOTICE the premises herein described on of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated 2018, I, the undersigned Referee will sell demonic myths, or had such devas- the easterly side thereof, and running June 26, 2018 I, the undersigned at public auction at the Kings County tating effects. But in other respects northerly to garage, erected or to Referee will sell at public auction at the Supreme Court, Room 224, 360 Adams it is not unique, and we must try to be erected. SUBJECT, however, to a Room 224 of Kings County Supreme Street, Brooklyn, NY on December 13, Continued from Page A10 understand it as best we can. similar easement and right of way for Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, 2018 at 2:30 p.m., premises known as One of the best books about duly dated 10/10/18 and entered on the purpose of a driveway, in and to New York 11201, on December 13, 931 East 88th Street, Brooklyn, NY. antisemitism, is in fact not about 10/18/18, I, the undersigned Referee, and over a strip of land 3 feet 6 inches 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known as All that certain plot, piece or parcel of will sell at public auction at the Kings antisemitism at all, but about in width fronting on the northerly side 287 EMPIRE BLVD, BROOKLYN, NY land, with the buildings and improve- County Supreme Court, 360 Adams similar phenomena in other of Avenue M, being the easterly 3 feet 11225. All that certain plot piece or ments thereon erected, situate, lying Street, Brooklyn, NY on December 13, 6 inches in width on the premises parcel of land, with the buildings and and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, contexts, Amy Chua’s World on 2018 at 02:30 PM premises known as herein described, as running northerly improvements erected, situate, lying County of Kings, City and State of New Fire.² Her thesis is that any conspic- 245 E 46th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11203. to the garage, erected or to be erected. and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, York, Block 8025 and Lot 28. Premises uously successful minority will All that certain plot piece or parcel of Said premises known as 4311 Avenue County of Kings, City and State of New will be sold subject to provisions of attract envy that may deepen into land, with the buildings and improve- M, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11234. (Block: 7841, York, BLOCK 1308, LOT 61. Approxi- filed Judgment Index # 1365/2014. hate and provoke violence. All three ments erected, situate, lying and being Lot: 5). Approximate amount of lien mate amount of judgment $830,653.03 Jeffrey Robert Miller, Esq., Referee conditions are essential. The hated in the County of Kings, City and State $ 299,408.58 plus interest and costs. plus interest and costs. Premises will Berkman, Henoch, Peterson, Peddy & group must be conspicuous, for of New York, BLOCK: 4851, LOT: 40. Premises will be sold subject to provi- be sold subject to provisions of filed Fenchel, P.C., 100 Garden City Plaza, otherwise it would not be singled Approximate amount of judgment sions of filed judgment and terms Judgment for Index# 508980/2015. Garden City, NY 11530, Attorneys for is $780,358.49 plus interests and out. It must be successful, for other- of sale. Index No. 510166-17. Bruno Jack Segal, Esq., Referee Gross Polowy, Plaintiff costs. Premises will be sold subject Codispoti, Esq., Referee. DeRose & LLC Attorney for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle AJ; 11/9/16/23/30; wise it would not be envied. And it to provisions of filed Judgment Index Surico Attorney(s) for Plaintiff 213-44 Drive, Suite 100 Williamsville, NY must be a minority, for otherwise it # 505910/2015. Steven Z. Naiman, 38th Avenue Bayside, N.Y. 11361 14221 57311 would not be attacked. Referee FRENKEL LAMBERT WEISS AJ; 11/9/16/23/30;