Directories, Lists, Necrology (1982)

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Directories, Lists, Necrology (1982) Directories Lists Necrology National Jewish Organizations1 UNITED STATES Organizations are listed according to functions as follows: Religious, Educational 303 Cultural 297 Community Relations 293 Overseas Aid 301 Social Welfare 321 Social, Mutual Benefit 319 Zionist and Pro-Israel 325 Note also cross-references under these headings: Professional Associations 332 Women's Organizations 333 Youth and Student Organizations 334 COMMUNITY RELATIONS Gutman. Applies Jewish values of justice and humanity to the Arab-Israel conflict in AMERICAN COUNCIL FOR JUDAISM (1943). the Middle East; rejects nationality attach- 307 Fifth Ave., Suite 1006, N.Y.C., 10016. ment of Jews, particularly American Jews, (212)889-1313. Pres. Clarence L. Cole- to the State of Israel as self-segregating, man, Jr.; Sec. Alan V. Stone. Seeks to ad- inconsistent with American constitutional vance the universal principles of a Judaism concepts of individual citizenship and sep- free of nationalism, and the national, civic, aration of church and state, and as being a cultural, and social integration into Amen- principal obstacle to Middle East peace, can institutions of Americans of Jewish Report. faith. Issues of the American Council for Judaism; Special Interest Report. AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE (1906). In- stitute of Human Relations, 165 E. 56 St., AMERICAN JEWISH ALTERNATIVES TO N.Y.C., 10022. (212)751-4000. Pres. May- ZIONISM, INC. (1968). 133 E. 73 St., nard I. Wishner; Exec. V. Pres. Bertram H. N.Y.C., 10021. (212)628-2727. Pres. Gold. Seeks to prevent infraction of civil Elmer Berger; V. Pres. Mrs. Arthur and religious rights of Jews in any part of 'The information in this directory is based on replies to questionnaires circulated by the editors. Inclusion does not necessarily imply approval of the organizations by the publishers; nor can they assume responsibility for the accuracy of the data. 293 294 / AMERICAN JEWISH YEAR BOOK, 1982 the world; to advance the cause of human enhance and improve the standards, tech- rights for people of all races, creeds, and niques, practices, scope, and public under- nationalities; to interpret the position of standing of Jewish community center and Israel to the American public; and to help kindred work. The Kesher; Viewpoints. American Jews maintain and enrich their Jewish identity and, at the same time, ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH COMMUNITY RE- achieve full integration in American life; LATIONS WORKERS (1950). 823 UN Plaza, includes Jacob and Hilda Blaustein Center N.Y.C., 10017. (212)490-2525. Pres. Har- for Human Relations, William E. Wiener old L. Alder. Aims to stimulate higher Oral History Library, Leonard and Rose standards of professional practice in Jew- Sperry International Center for the Reso- ish community relations; encourages re- lution of Group Conflict. AMERICAN JEW- search and training toward that end; con- ISH YEAR BOOK (with Jewish Publication ducts educational programs and seminars; Society of America); Commentary; Present aims to encourage cooperation between Tense; What's Doing at the Committee. community relations workers and those working in other areas of Jewish commu- AMERICAN JEWISH CONGRESS (1918). Ste- nal service. phen Wise Congress House, 15 E. 84 St., N.Y.C., 10028. (212)879-4500. Pres. How- CENTER FOR JEWISH COMMUNITY STUDIES ard M. Squadron; Exec. Dir. Henry Sieg- (1970). 555 Gladfelter Hall, Temple Uni- man. Works to foster the creative religious versity, Philadelphia, Pa., 19122. (215)787- and cultural survival of the Jewish people; 1459. Chmn. Daniel J. Elazar; V. Chmn. to help Israel develop in peace, freedom, Charles S. Liebman. Worldwide consor- and security; to eliminate all forms of ra- tium of scholars devoted to the study of cial and religious bigotry; to advance civil Jewish community organization, political rights, protect civil liberties, defend reli- thought and public affairs, past and pre- gious freedom, and safeguard the separa- sent, in Israel and throughout the world. tion of church and state. Congress Publishes original articles, essays, and Monthly; Judaism. monographs; maintains library, archives, and reprint series. , WOMEN'S DIVISION OF (1933). Ste- phen Wise Congress House, 15 E. 84 St., COMMISSION ON SOCIAL ACTION OF RE- N.Y.C., 10028. (212)879-4500. Co-pres. FORM JUDAISM (1953) (under the auspices Chiae Herzig and Marion Wilen. Exec. of the Union of American Hebrew Congre- Dir. Esther H. Kolatch. Committed to the gations). 838 Fifth Ave., N.Y.C., 10021. achievement of social justice through its (212)249-0100. Chmn. Alex Ross; Dir. Al- international and domestic programs; bert Vorspan; Assoc. Dir. David Saper- works for a free and secure Israel, world stein. Develops materials to assist Reform peace, human dignity, and the creative synagogues in setting up social-action pro- continuity of the Jewish people; supports grams relating the principles of Judaism to Louise Waterman Wise Youth Hostel in contemporary social problems; assists con- Jerusalem. gregations in studying the moral and reli- gious implications in social issues such as ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE OF B'NAI civil rights, civil liberties, church-state re- B'RITH (1913). 823 United Nations Plaza, lations; guides congregational social-action N.Y.C., 10017. (212)490-2525. Nat. committees. Issues of Conscience; Newslet- Chmn. Maxwell E. Greenberg; Nat. Dir. ter. Nathan Perlmutter. Seeks to combat an- tisemitism and to secure justice and fair COMMITTEE TO BRING NAZI WAR CRIMI- treatment for all citizens through law, edu- NALS TO JUSTICE IN U.S.A., INC. 210 West cation and community relations. ADL Bul- 101 St., N.Y.C., 10025. (212)866-2214. letin: Face to Face; Fact Finding Report; Pres. Charles H. Kremer; Sec. Martin Israel Backgrounder; Law Notes; Rights; Fialkoff. Compiles and publicizes records Law; Research and Evaluation Report; Dis- of Nazi atrocities and labors to bring to criminations Report. justice the perpetrators of those crimes. Active in Archbishop Valerian Trifa case. ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH CENTER WORK- Remains committed to preserving the ERS (1918). 15 E. 26 St., N.Y.C., 10010. memory of all victims of the Holocaust, (212)532-4949. Pres. Bernard T. Rosen; and actively opposes antisemitism wher- Exec. Dir. Debbie Schwartz. Seeks to ever and however it is found. NATIONAL JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS / 295 CONFERENCE OF PRESIDENTS OF MAJOR Metropolitan Coordinating Council on AMERICAN JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS Jewish Poverty. CJO Digest. (1955). 515 Park Ave., N.Y.C., 10022. (212)752-1616. Chmn. Howard M. Squad- INSTITUTE FOR JEWISH POLICY PLANNING ron; Exec. V. Chmn. Yehuda Hellman. AND RESEARCH (see Synagogue Council of Coordinates the activities of 34 major America, p. 312). American Jewish organizations as they re- INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF JEWISH late to American-Israeli affairs and prob- COMMUNAL SERVICE (1966). 15 E. 26 St., lems affecting Jews in other lands. Annual N.Y.C., 10010. (212)683-8056. Pres. Her- Report; Middle East Memo. bert Millman; Sec-Gen. Miriam R. CONSULTATIVE COUNCIL OF JEWISH OR- Ephraim. Established by Jewish commu- GANIZATIONS-CCJO (1946). 61 Broad- nal workers to strengthen their under- way, N.Y.C., 10006. (212)425-5170. Co- standing of each other's programs and to Chmn. Jules Braunschvig (Alliance communicate with colleagues in order to Israelite Universelle), Harry Batshaw (Ca- enrich quality of their work. Conducts nadian Friends of Alliance Israelite Uni- quadrennial international conferences in verselle), Basil Bard; V. Chmn. Marcel Jerusalem and periodic regional meetings. Franco (American Friends of Alliance Is- Proceedings of International Conferences; raelite Universelle); Sec.-Gen. Moses Mos- Newsletter. kowitz. A nongovernmental organization JEWISH LABOR COMMITTEE (1934). Atran in consultative status with the UN, Center for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 78 St., UNESCO, International Labor Organiza- N.Y.C., 10021. (212)535-3700. Pres. Don- tion, UNICEF, and the Council of Europe; ald Slaiman; Exec. Dir. Emanuel Murav- cooperates and consults with, advises and chik. Serves as a link between the Jewish renders assistance to the Economic and So- community and the trade union move- cial Council of the United Nations on all ment; works with the AFL-CIO and others problems relating to human rights and eco- to combat all forms of racial and religious nomic, social, cultural, educational, and discrimination in the United States and related matters pertaining to Jews. abroad; furthers labor support for Israel's COORDINATING BOARD OF JEWISH ORGAN- security and Soviet Jewry, and Jewish com- IZATIONS (1947). 1640 Rhode Island Ave., munal support for labor's social and eco- N.W., Washington, D.C., 20036. (202)857- nomic programs; supports Yiddish cul- 6545. Pres. Jack J. Spitzer (B'nai B'rith), tural institutions. JLC News. Greville Janner (Board of Deputies of Brit- , NATIONAL TRADE UNION COUNCIL ish Jews), David K. Mann (South African FOR HUMAN RIGHTS (1956). Atran Center Jewish Board of Deputies); Exec. V. Pres. for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 78 St., N.Y.C., Daniel Thursz (U.S.). As an organization 10021. (212)535-3700. Chmn. Wilbur in consultative status with the Economic Daniels; Exec. Sec. Betty Kaye Taylor. and Social Council of the United Nations, Works with trade unions on programs and represents the three constituents (B'nai issues affecting both labor and the Jewish B'rith, the Board of Deputies of British community. Jews, and the South African Jewish Board of Deputies) in the appropriate United Na- , WOMEN'S DIVISION OF (1947). tions bodies for the purpose of promoting Atran Center for Jewish Culture, 25 E. 78 human rights, with special attention to St., N.Y.C., 10021. (212)535-3700. Nat. combatting persecution or discrimination Chmn. Eleanor Schachner. Supports the on grounds of race, religion, or origin. general activities of the Jewish Labor Com- mittee; provides secondary school and col- COUNCIL OF JEWISH ORGANIZATIONS IN lege scholarships for needy Israeli stu- CIVIL SERVICE, INC. (1948). 45 E. 33 St., dents; participates in educational and N.Y.C.,,10016. (212)689-2015. Pres. Louis cultural activities.
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