$1.00 - PRINTED IN NEW YORK FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 | 14 TISHREI 5781 VOL. XLVII NO. 2474 Israel Surpasses US Passage of ‘One- Sided’ Pro-BDS in Daily COVID Resolution at Mortality Relative Columbia Decried

to Population BY JORDAN ESRIG

Undergraduate students at Columbia University in have voted in favor of a referendum calling on their school to “divest its stocks, funds, and endowment from companies that profit from the State of Israel’s apart- heid system and military occupation” in the Palestinian territories. According to the Columbia College’s student govern- ment, “the number of votes in favor of resolution (61.04%) exceeded both the number of votes against and in abstention.”

Hospital staff , at Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov), Tel Aviv, Israel, Sept. 21, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Ronen Zvulun.

Columbia University. Photo: Students Supporting Israel at Columbia University. The referendum was an initiative of the “Columbia BY ISRAEL HAYOM/ test positive for coronavirus on a have seen morbidity and mortality University Apartheid Divest” (CUAD) student group — a daily basis is currently the highest spike, requiring the government “joint campaign launched by Columbia Students for Justice in the world. to impose a second nationwide in Palestine and Columbia/Barnard .” The daily deaths per capita lockdown in an effort to curb the Voting began last Tuesday and ran through Friday — Israel’s daily tally of corona- are calculated by the task force spread of the virus. during the Jewish High Holy Days. Shortly before the start virus deaths per million people as an average over the past week. As of Tuesday, there were of the vote, Columbia’s student newspaper issued a state- surpassed that of the United States According to the data, Israel’s daily 66,566 active COVID-19 cases in ment apologizing for a pro-Israel ad it had run opposing the on Tuesday for the first time since death rate over the last week has Israel, 772 of them serious, with 209 measure that it called “deeply inappropriate.” the onset of the global pandemic. been 3.5 per million people, while people on ventilators, according Celebrating the referendum’s passage, CUAD posted According to a report by a task the US rate was some 2.2 per million. to the Israeli Health Ministry. The the election results and congratulated itself on “[p]assing force formed by the Israel Defense While Israel was praised for death toll since the onset of the Forces’ Military Intelligence Direc- quelling the outbreak success- pandemic stood at 1,507. Continued on Page A3 torate, the number of Israelis who fully when it first hit, recent weeks Continued on Page A3

Shabbat & Yom Tov Calendar. Succot Times for New York City, Succot Candle Lighting. Yom Tov Begins Friday: 6:18pm סוכות Do Arabs Shabbos Light Candles After: 7:14pm | Sunday; Yom Tov Ends: 7:13pm | Friday 10/9 Light Candles: 6:06pm | Shabbat Light Candles After: 7:03pm | Support Sunday Simchas Torah Ends: 7:02pm | Palestinians? P.O.B. 208 East 51st St, Suite 185 New York, NY 10022 page A8 Tel: (718) 771.0400 | Fax: (718) 771.0308 Email: [email protected]

© Copyright 2020 The Algemeiner Journal - All Rights Reserved. A2 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 Opinion. New York Times Tilts Toward One-State Solution on Israel-Palestine

press for equal rights. … Mr. Abbas and other number of Palestinians in the West Bank and accept Israel’s existence and as Israel’s Jewish Palestinian leaders should aim to provide a Gaza by about half a million. population grows. The Times editorial doesn’t IRA STOLL workable strategy for achieving our rights Next is the claim that these people “have express a preference against “a single country rather than working to appease Israel, and the been denied a homeland for more than in which Jews are a minority,” it just describes BOSTON international donor community, by adopting seven decades.” Well, that is odd. What is the it as a possible alternative. an anti-apartheid strategy.” Palestinian Authority if not a homeland for One interesting question is whether The Buttu article follows the Beinart- the people who live there? Between 1948 this point of view is confined to the editorial The New York Times offered readers a Strasser line, that Zionism is South Africa-style and 1967, Gaza was under Egyptian control and op-ed pages or whether it spills over to signal of what the post-James Bennet, post-Bari racist apartheid and a one-state solution is and the West Bank and East Jerusalem were the news columns. Buttu is increasingly and Weiss opinion and editorial pages would look preferable to a Jewish state and a Palestinian- under Jordanian control. Who was doing frequently quoted in Times news articles. like with an op-ed and podcast by Arab state. the “denying” then? The “more than seven She turned up in a page one news article proposing the elimination of the Jewish state More provocatively, this approach is decades” phrase makes it clear the Times’ in December 2017, in Times news articles of Israel and its replacement with a country subtly spreading beyond the op-ed page and issue is not so much 1967 and the “occupa- in November 2017 and September 2017, in Beinart calls “Israel-Palestine,” “a Jewish home into the staff editorials that represent the tion” that followed but rather the creation of July 2014, and in multiple other instances. that is also, equally, a Palestinian home,” “a Times’ official, institutional point of view. A the modern state of Israel in 1948. She’s hardly ever identified as Canadian- Jewish home that is not a Jewish state.” recent Times editorial concluded: The Times claims that the plight of the born, though the Times frequently dwells With its reaction to the peace agreements A true Middle East peace deal will require Palestinians “will continue to draw sympathy on the supposed European origins of Israel’s between Israel and the United Arab Emirates an accommodation with the 4.75 million and censure from around the world” but what founding generation. and Bahrain, the Times is doubling down on Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, a the UAE and Bahrain deals show is that this It’s a pretty good sign of how far out on the anti-Zionism of Beinart and his internal people who have been denied a homeland “sympathy” is just so much lip service. The the ideological margins the New York Times champion at the Times, senior opinion editor for more than seven decades. Their plight Palestinians will draw sympathy from editors is. Arab muslim leaders like those of the UAE Max Strasser. will continue to draw sympathy and censure at the New York Times but not so much and Bahrain turn out to be more willing to The Times published an op-ed piece by from around the world, and their frustration elsewhere. Similarly, it isn’t the “frustration” accept the reality of modern Israel than are Diana Buttu, a Canadian-born champion of will continue to fuel violence. The two-state of the Palestinians that is fueling violence the editors at the New York Times. Perhaps it the Orwellian-named “One Democratic State solution remains the only viable alternative but rather various dictators and demagogues would be a step up to replace Strasser, Beinart Campaign.” As recently as May, Buttu compared to either the current state of affairs, or a single exploiting the situation for their own and co. with some up-and-coming journalists Israel to the Ku Klux Klan, “Just as we would country in which Jews are a minority. purposes. There are plenty of ways to react to from the UAE or Bahrain. It would help the think it unfathomable to dialogue with the KKK, This is wrong on so many levels it is hard frustration other than violence that are more Times meet its oft-stated goal of diversifying or to accommodate the KKK, so too we must to know where to begin, but start with the productive. TheTimes claims “The two-state its editorial workforce, and it might just make stop coddling Israeli settler-colonialism.” number 4.75 million. The CIA World Factbook solution remains the only viable alterna- the newspaper more pro-Israel. Under the Times headline, “The U.A.E- lists the population of Gaza at 1.9 million and tive to either the current state of affairs, or a Ira Stoll was managing editor of The Israel Flight Is Nothing To Celebrate,” Buttu the population of the West Bank at 2.9 million, single country in which Jews are a minority.” Forward and North American editor of The wrote, “Rather than continuing to press for a of whom about 630,000 are Israeli settlers. By But “the current state of affairs” is changing Jerusalem Post. two-state solution, the P.L.O. should instead that reckoning, the Times is overcounting the as more countries like the UAE and Bahrain Beware of Israel’s Critics

Iran nuclear deal and “launched a campaign Herf, “a whiff of fascism” hovers over Trump. of maximum pressure” against its nuclear To date, however, this “fickle and unreliable JEROLD AUERBACH program. Trump, not Obama, relocated the ally” has done far more to Israel’s benefit in American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, four years than his predecessor did in eight. the BOSTON recognizing the ancient holy Jewish city as Professor Herf might benefit from reading Algemeiner Journal the true capital of Israel. Trump, not Obama, a Jerusalem Post article (August 17) by Eytan (USPS 927800) is published weekly extended Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Gilboa, an Israeli professor with a Harvard At his Times of Israel blog on September (except for the week of Passover Heights, vital to its security. Ph.D. whose outstanding academic career — 24, University of Maryland Distinguished and Succos) But Obama, as Caroline Glick has to say nothing of his work as a consultant to Professor Jeffrey Herf cites “the great Subscription rate $40 per year written in Israel Hayom (September 25), the Prime Minister’s Office and the Ministries American weakening, which has been the “made supporting the Palestinians and their of Defense and Foreign Affairs — eviscerates Algemeiner Journal hallmark of the Trump era.” He eviscerates unrelenting war against Israel his highest goal. Herf’s presumptions and conclusions. 208 E 51st Street, Suite 185 “Trumpism,” defined as “isolationist and His method for advancing it was applying Writing in The Jerusalem Post (August nationalist sentiments and appeals to white New York, N.Y. 10022 unrelenting pressure on Israel and showering 18) Professor Gilboa cites the extreme impor- grievance.” Indeed, Trump’s “authoritari- it with abuse, threats and condemnations.” For tance of the recent Israel-UAE agreement. He Periodicals Postage anism,” according to Herf, displays “the whiff good reason Prime Minister Benjamin Netan- anticipates that the third Israeli peace treaty Paid at , N.Y. of fascism.” His defeat in the forthcoming yahu has described Trump as “the best friend with an Arab nation (preceded by agreements and at additional mailing offices election “would pave the way for a restoration Israel has ever had in the White House.” Only with Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994) “will of American moral stature.” Harry S. Truman, who instantly recognized increase the prospects for peace, stability and POSTMASTER: Professor Herf is, of course, entitled to his Israel upon its Declaration of Independence, prosperity in the Middle East” and “increase Send address changes to opinions. But for a historian, as he surely knows, comes close. Professor Herf seems obsessed the legitimacy of Israel’s existence as a Jewish Algemeiner Journal facts trump rants. Herf cites Trump’s “record of with the need to lacerate his White House state” in the region. lies and unfounded insinuations” that render nemesis. Trump’s reelection, Herf imagines, It is hardly coincidental that this P.O. Box 250746 him “a fickle and unreliable ally for the Jewish Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225 -3023 would not only “signal the practical end of the breakthrough occurred during the term state.” If reelected, it would mean “the practical US as a significant actor on the world stage” of a supportive American president who, end of the US as a significant actor on the world but (in ways unidentified because they are a unlike his predecessor, seems to recognize Let your voice be heard! stage, and with that … its capacity to support fantasy) also “its capacity to support the State the pivotal role that Israel plays in securing the State of Israel against its adversaries.” Israelis of Israel against its enemies.” That, as lawyers Middle East peace. [email protected] who — for good reason — applaud Trump as are fond of saying, is a non sequitur. But for There are, to be sure, ample reasons for “good for Israel” and “the greatest friend of the criticizing President Trump. But his strong To advertise in Jewish state” among his presidential predeces- support for Israel and encouragement of Arab sors, are supposedly misguided. But perhaps it acceptance of its presence as a valuable ally the new Algemeiner is Professor Herf who is misguided. compare more than favorably with his liberal e-mail: [email protected] It is worth remembering — as even predecessor, who never missed an opportunity Professor Herf does — what President Trump to increase Israel’s vulnerability and criticize its or call has done to Israel’s benefit. He recognizes policies — whether by ignoring Iran’s nuclear 718-771-0400 that Trump — contrary to his predecessor development, denouncing Jewish settlements, Barack Obama, the most hostile to Israel of or favoring a Palestinian state in the Biblical any American president — withdrew from the US President Donald Trump. Photo: REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst. homeland of the Jewish people. Continued on Page A3 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 A3 World News. UAE Plans to Launch German Biker Gang Unmanned Spacecraft Stages Vigil to Protect to Moon by 2024 Munich Synagogue During Yom Kippur Services BY

The United Arab Emirates on Tuesday announced plans to send an unmanned rover on the moon by 2024. Dubai’s ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum tweeted: “The rover will be 100% manufactured and developed in the UAE by Emirati Engineers. The UAE will be the Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab fourth country in the world to send a mission to Emirates. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. explore the moon. We will continue our contri- with global research centers & institutions.” bution to the global pursuit of knowledge for The UAE launched its “Hope” (Al Amal) the benefit of humanity.” mission to Mars in July, and the probe is slated The rover would send back data and to reach the planet in February. images from regions of the moon unexplored If the UAE successfully puts a spacecraft by previous lunar missions, said Al Maktoum, on the moon, it will be only the fourth nation to adding that “the gathered data will be shared do so after the US, the Soviet Union and China. Members of the ‘Kuhle Wampe’ bikers club take part in a Yom Kippur solidarity vigil, Sept. 28, 2020. Photo: Thomas Vonier via / Reuters. BY ALGEMEINER STAFF white banner bearing the words “Together for Israeli Health Minister: Our Synagogue” in Hebrew. Members of a German bikers club staged Other speakers at the event included a vigil outside the main synagogue in Munich Charlotte Knobloch — the head of the Munich Lockdown Will Not Be on Monday pledging to protect the city’s Jewish community — who recalled her enthu- Jewish community as it held services for Yom siasm when Westermann suggested the vigil a Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. few weeks ago. Lifted ‘Unequivocally’ About 70 people — including 20 Praising the bikers’ for their commitment, leather and denim-clad bikers from the Knobloch said that “the name ‘Yom Kippur’ “Kuhle Wampe” club — gathered outside has sat heavily in our hearts since Halle.” After October 10 More than 50 worshippers who attended the synagogue on Jakobsplatz to mark the first anniversary of the attack by a neo-Nazi the Halle synagogue on Yom Kippur in 2019 gunman on a synagogue in the city of Halle in would have faced a certain massacre at the BY i24 News which two people were murdered. hands of the gunman, neo-Nazi Stephan The club, which actively campaigns Balliet, had the synagogue’s security doors not Israel Health Minister Yuli Edelstein against racism and , was first prevented his entry. said on Tuesday morning that individuals launched in the 1970s by bikers who opposed Another speaker at the vigil, Susanne and businesses should expect the country’s the nationalist and right-wing tendencies that Breit-Kessler, chairwoman of the Bavarian current lockdown to be extended past its dominated the scene at the time. Ethics Council, released two white balloons current expiration date of October 10. Oliver Westermann, a biker who initiated in memory of the two people murdered by Israeli Health Minister Yuli Edelstein. Balliet after he fled the synagogue. While speaking with Israeli public Photo: Edelstein’s Twitter account. the vigil, told the assembled crowd, “We’re broadcaster Kan, Edelstein made it clear that here to protect the synagogue.” “We give antisemitism, racism and The premier added that a lockdown exit Israel’s second national lockdown, said to be Other members of the club held up a neo-fascism a clear rejection,” she declared, much more prohibitive than the first in March strategy was also being devised to prevent the adding, “L’Chaim! To life in diversity.” and April, would be lifted gradually over an country from relapsing into another national extended period of time. quarantine. Continued from Page A1 Speaking with Israel Radio, Edelstein “The closure will not be lifted — unequiv- According to Israel Health Ministry data COVID Mortality also made it clear that this time, lockdown Of the 6,795 COVID-19 tests adminis- ocally. There is no scenario that in 10 days we released on Tuesday, some 1,121 new cases measures would be lifted much more gradu- tered on Monday, 14.3 percent were positive, will lift everything and say, ‘everything is over, of COVID-19 were discovered over the Yom ally than in May. according to Health Ministry data. While the everything is fine,’” Edelstein told the Hebrew- Kippur holiday, with only 8,105 people being “The lockdown will not be lifted unequiv- number of tests carried out on Monday was language outlet. tested on Monday. ocally. There is no scenario that in 10 days we especially low due to the Yom Kippur holiday, Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister So far, 1,507 Israelis have died from will lift all of them [the restrictions] and say, Sunday’s figures were nearly identical, with Benjamin Netanyahu said Tuesday morning the coronavirus since the outbreak of the ‘everything is over, everything is fine,”‘ he said. 14.2 percent of 24, 120 COVID-19 tests being that the government was preparing the pandemic in March, with the ministry Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin positive. country’s health system to accommodate recording another 65,025 active cases. Netanyahu said Monday evening that the Israeli Health Minister Yuli Edelstein some 1,500 seriously ill coronavirus patients Among the 755 patients considered to government was preparing the country’s said on Tuesday that it was highly likely that in the coming days. be in serious condition, 207 are currently on healthcare system to accommodate some ventilators. the nationwide lockdown imposed before 1,500 seriously ill coronavirus patients in the the High Holidays will be extended past its coming days. Continued from Page A2 serving as its constant critics. current Oct. 10 deadline. Israel’s Critics Jerold S. Auerbach is the author of How ironic, but revealing, that Israel’s Print to Fit: The New York Times, Zionism saddening realization that antisemitism on Zionism is antisemitism; Jew’s have a right to a best presidential friend since 1948 should be and Israel, 1896-2016, selected for Mosaic our campus is not only a forgivable offense homeland of their own indigenous rights, and the target of unrelenting criticism from those by Ruth Wisse and Martin Kramer as a Best but an acceptable, celebratory alternative Israel does have a right to exist. Going into the who profess support for the Jewish state while Book for 2019. view to hold. It is an extremely saddening New Year, we’re looking forward to fighting realization that that our fellow students — of back, speaking up louder, and advocating for Continued from Page A1 “At a University committed ‘to advanc[ing] ivy league level — do not understand why Israel,” SSI concluded. Columbia knowledge and learning at the highest level’ boycotting Israel, but not any other country is Columbia’s President Lee Bolinger divestment by an incredible margin.” this referendum does the opposite,” he added. a blatant double standard. More so than ever, commented that while he was an “unflinching It then published a photo of students The Students Supporting Israel (SSI) we are worried about the future — we know proponent of robust debate over contested covering a sculpture in the middle of Columbia’s branch at Columbia said, “It is with a heavy that antisemitic attacks increase by x percent issues” such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict campus with keffiyehs and Palestinian flags. heart that we have learned of Columbia after BDS resolutions pass.” between Israelis and Palestinians,” changing In response to the vote, Columbia Hillel’s College’s decision to divest from compa- “But, this is not the end. We, Students Columbia’s endowment “in order to advance Executive Director Brian Cohen stated, “The nies who do business in Israel. The news is Supporting Israel will continue to do what the interests of one side is not among the process and language of this referendum was extremely saddening, as this is not the decision we do best; support, celebrate, and advocate paths we will take.” one-sided. Its reference to an inapplicable UN that we wanted nor that we worked so hard for.” for our homeland. We will, more so than CUAD did not immediately respond to a apartheid resolution was deeply irresponsible.” SSI continued, “It is an extremely ever, continue to get the message out: Anti- request for a comment from The Algemeiner. A4 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 World News. Uruguay Foreign Ministry Official Booted From Post Following ‘Erroneous’ Anti-Israel Vote at UN


The director-general of Uruguay’s Foreign Ministry was replaced in his post on Tuesday after the country’s Foreign Minister acknowl- edged that the Uruguayan delegate to the UN erroneously voted in favor of an anti-Israel resolution two weeks ago. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Photo: Wikimedia Commons/David Saranga, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Francisco Bustillo — the foreign minister of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs building in Uruguay — said that he had replaced Director- Montevideo, Uruguay. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. General Pablo Sader in the post with his former outlet, about the reasons for his departure. Researchers at Ben-Gurion chief of staff, Fernando López Fabregat. The Uruguayan vote caused a minor polit- At a meeting of the UN’s Economic and ical storm two weeks ago, with the country’s University Develop a Device Social Council on Sept. 14, Uruguay was Jewish community issuing a statement of among the 43 member states who voted in condemnation and Israel’s ambassador in That Predicts Epileptic Seizures favor of a resolution that accused Israel of Montevideo, Yoed Magen, meeting immedi- violating the human rights of Palestinian ately afterward with President Luis Lacalle Pou. women. The resolution condemned the The UN vote also attracted stinging criti- Jewish state for alleged “systematic violations cism for focusing on Israel while ignoring BY JAMES SPIRO/CTech for upcoming seizures. We are therefore very of the human rights of the Palestinian people serious violations against women in other excited that the machine-learning algorithms and their effects on women and girls,” claiming countries. Researchers at Israel’s Ben-Gurion Univer- that we developed enable accurate prediction as well that “the Israeli occupation remains “At a time when Iran is imprisoning sity of the Negev (BGU) have developed a new of impending seizures up to one hour prior to a serious obstacle to Palestinian women and women’s rights activists like Nasrin Sotudeh wearable device that can predict the onset of their occurrence.” girls in realizing their rights.” and Narges Mohammedi, Saudi Arabia is upcoming seizures. The device will be licensed According to Dr. Shriki, NeuroHelp is Eight countries abstained on the vote, imprisoning and torturing numerous women’s for further development by NeuroHelp, a already developing a prototype that will be while three — the US, Canada and Australia — rights activists, Pakistan has the highest startup founded by BGN Technologies, which assessed in clinical trials later this year. The voted against. number of documented and estimated honor serves as the tech transfer company of BGU. algorithm has reached a 97% accuracy rate and Bustillo described Uruguay’s vote in killings per capita of any country in the world, The device, called Epiness, uses machine is expected to help meet some of the unmet favor as a “circumstantial error,” pledging that and Belarus is beating women protesters in the learning algorithms to detect and predict medical needs in identifying upcoming onsets. future policy decisions would “maintain the streets, it is the theater of the absurd for these upcoming seizures, sending a warning Epilepsy is a chronic non-communicable historical position of upholding the rights of misogynistic regimes to be singling out Israel message directly to the user’s smartphone. disease that affects more than 65 million people that State [Israel].” — alone in the world — as an alleged violator It does this by monitoring EEG-based brain around the world. It is mostly characterized by Following his removal from the Foreign of women’s rights,” the Geneva-based NGO UN activity which causes epileptic fits, while seizures that can lead to loss of consciousness. Ministry, Pablo Sader declined to answer a Watch declared in a statement at the time. filtering noise that is not related to such a risk. They vary in frequency and can occur up to query from El Observador, a Uruguyan news “Epileptic seizures expose epilepsy several times a day in severe cases. patients to various preventable hazards, BGN Technologies is the technology including falls, burns and other injuries,” said transfer company of Ben-Gurion University. To Top Canadian Jewish Group Calls Dr. Oren Shriki, the Department of Cognitive date, it has established more than 100 startups and Brain Sciences at BGU and NeuroHelp’s pertaining to biotech, hi-tech, and cleantech. on University of Toronto to Defy scientific founder. “Unfortunately, currently Over the last 10 years, BNG Technologie has there are no seizure-predicting devices that created long term partnerships with such can alert patients and allow them to prepare companies as PayPal, Deutsche Telekom, and Pressure to Hire Israel-Hating Dell-EMC. Academic Calls Increase for Ban on Scandinavian Neo-Nazi Group BY ALGEMEINER STAFF A top Canadian Jewish group is calling on After Synagogues Targeted by the University of Toronto to defy a campaign to install a violently anti-Israel academic at the Hateful Propaganda on Yom Kippur head of one of its major programs. The university was considering placing Valentina Azarova at the head of the Interna- The University of Toronto’s St. George campus. tional Human Rights Program (IHRP) at its Photo: The City of Toronto. BY BEN COHEN law school. The apparent decision not to hire A Jewish leader in Sweden has called for Continued on Page A5 decisive action against a neo-Nazi movement that is growing across Scandinavia after its Continued from Page A4 In a statement condemning the NRM’s supporters distributed viciously antisemitic Synagogues Targeted agitation across Scandinavia on Yom Kippur, posters and stickers at several synagogues on A Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR) march in morning services on Monday. He said that the World Jewish Congress (WJC) called for Yom Kippur, Judaism’s holiest day, on Monday. Sweden, May 1, 2019. Photo: Screenshot. police officers classified the leafleting not as a a comprehensive ban on the group in all the Aron Verständig — chairman of the NRM’s Finnish branch. hate crime, but as criticism of religion that was countries where it has a presence. Central Council of Jews in Sweden — said The NRM said it had targeted the protected by free speech. “The Nordic Resistance Movement repre- he had never seen “an action like this before, synagogues to “make the Nordic people aware “The NRM one of the biggest threats to sents a violent, racist, antisemitic ideology, coordinated across the Nordic countries.” of foreign customs and Zionist ruling plans Jews in the Nordic countries,” Verständig told and should be outlawed,” a WJC statement Members of the Nordic Resistance throughout the Nordic region.” Its posters the news outlet Världen on Tuesday. “But when said. “Perpetrators of this type of incitement Movement (NRM) targeted synagogues in included attacks on circumcision, kosher the action at the synagogue in Norrköping was against Jews, horrifically disseminated on the Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland slaughter and the custom of kaparot carried reported to the police, the police could not do most solemn day of the Jewish year, must be over Yom Kippur, in some cases confronting out by Orthodox Jews prior to Yom Kippur. anything, because it was not described as a prosecuted to the full extent of the law.” worshippers as they arrived for Yom Kippur Verständig expressed frustration that crime but as a critique of religion.” The WJC said it was calling “on all Nordic services. police in the Swedish city of Norrköping Verständig disputed the police decision, governments to follow Finland’s example and Observers pointed out that no such refused to take action after antisemitic posters saying that Swedish law did not extend move swiftly to ban the Nordic Resistance outrages were recorded in Finland, where the were left outside the building just prior to freedom of association to groups that Movement and rid its violent propaganda Supreme Court last week upheld a ban on the promoted racism and antisemitism. from our streets.’’ | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 A5 U.S. News.

Jeremy Ben-Ami, head of the far-left lobby Liberal Israel Supporters , said that as a supporter of Peace Now, he was “hurt and troubled” by AOC’s decision. Exasperated Over AOC Dumping “There are many important lessons that AOC could have imparted by speaking,” he added. “To choose not to speak teaches the of Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Event wrong lesson. It empowers those who shut down rather than engage in dialogue. On Oct. 20, let’s honor Rabin’s memory and vow to Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D- complete his unfinished work.” NY), July 10, 2019. Photo: Reuters / Erin Scott. BY ALGEMEINER STAFF UCLA professor and Jewish activist Judea Pearl, founder of the Daniel Pearl Foundation, tive Director of the anti-Zionist group Jewish Liberal Jews and Israel-supporters expressed exasperation and anger over the weekend after told The Algemeiner, “This ‘reconsideration’ Voice for Peace until 2019, hailed Ocasio- far-left Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announced she would not attend a memorial reflects on the mentality of the organizers, Cortez’s move, saying, “She paused, listened event marking the 25th anniversary of the murder of late Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin. Peace Now, who still operate under the to Palestinians and their allies (including The event, to be hosted by , will honor Rabin’s forging of the Oslo fantasy that Squad members have any interest many Jewish supporters) and withdrew from Accords and mourn his assassination by a right-wing extremist in 1995. in peace or coexistence, or any inkling about an event honoring Rabin, at no little cost, I’m Ocasio-Cortez, who has openly defended and supported antisemitic members of her “Squad” the Middle East conflict, barring populist sure. This is true leadership and consistent of far-left congresswomen, was set to attend the event, but after being questioned on Twitter by Israel-maligning slogans.” principles. Thank you!” anti-Israel journalist, Alex Kane, she said, “This event and my involvement was presented to my Rebecca Vilkomerson, who was Execu- team differently from how it’s now being promoted. Thanks for pointing it out. Taking a look into this now.” She confirmed later on Friday that she would not attend. In his tweet, Kane had highlighted Rabin’s role as Israel’s defense minister during the First Intifada in the late 1980s, claiming Palestinians remembered him “as someone who reportedly ordered the breaking of Palestinian bones.” Americans for Peace Now responded with measured criticism, saying, “We are sorry to hear that Rep. Ocasio- Cortez will no longer be speaking at our Oct. 20th Yitzhak Rabin memorial. Her participation would have added to the event. We are certain that the event will be a success and invite the public to register and attend.” Dan Shapiro, the former US ambassador to Israel under Barack Obama, called it a “very disappointing decision.” It was, he said, “A mistake to give in to pressure, a missed opportunity to speak constructively to both sides of this conflict, honoring a peacemaker while acknowledging complexity. Hope she will try again and do better.” The progressive Zionist group Zioness released a state- ment saying it was “deeply troubled” by Ocasio-Cortez’s decision, saying Rabin “paid the ultimate price for his commitment to peace and justice.” “Many Jews have reached out to try to express our commitment to Zionism as an inalienable human right, but you seem unwilling to hear/appreciate our humanity,” the group said directly to Ocasio-Cortez. “Your decision is painful to us for so many reasons,” they added. “It will advance the feeling of despair held by so many progressive Jews who feel abandoned by fellow justice seekers. And it will dehumanize Israelis and signal to others that there are no Israelis worthy of celebration — not even a Nobel Prize winner who literally gave his life for peace.”

Continued from Page A4 - Defy Pressure Azarova has prompted howls of outrage from anti-Israel activists, who are putting immense pressure on the univer- sity to reverse its stance and hire her. B’nai Brith Canada urged the university over the weekend not to cave to the pressure. CEO Michael Mostyn said, “Ms. Azarova is seeking a position that requires fairness, honesty, and academic integrity. But her uncompromising activism, in our opinion, would be a defeat for academic freedom on campus.” “Public opinion is changing now that we are presenting the other side of this story for the first time,” he asserted. “We expect that this will continue, and that U of T will stand firm against the current lobbying campaign.” Azarova has claimed she does not intend to do “Pales- tine work” in her new position, but critics claim that this is highly unlikely given her background. They note that 90% of her academic work is on the Palestinian issue, with a stridently anti-Israel bias. She has also participated in platforms with aggressively pro-Pales- tinian positions, such as the hate site Electronic Intifada. In addition, critics charge that Azarova has terrorist connections, having worked for the organization al-Haq, which has extensive ties to the terrorist group the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), blacklisted as a terrorist organization by the Canadian government. The University of Toronto recently took action against antisemitism after a representative of the student union said kosher food should be banned on campus because Jews support Israel. University President Marc Gertler committed to oppose antisemitism, and met with a committee of university profes- sors outraged by the incident, pledging to improve the situation. A6 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 Opinion.

practicable” is a further element that could imply confusion as to when such a central What’s Actually in the component of the agreement will indeed be implemented. Abraham Accords? The provisions regarding the prevention of terror (Article 4) and normalization (Article 5) are drafted as intentions to further develop and negotiate future arrangements in these Considerable discussion has been gener- General Assembly. Abraham, and the concomitant need “to foster spheres — again, as soon as practicable. The ated in the international and local media, as These resolutions constitute a compi- in the Middle East a reality in which Muslims, normalization spheres include finance and well as in political circles, since the September lation of basic and universally accepted Jews, Christians and peoples of all faiths, investment, civil aviation, visas and consular 15 signing of the normalization documents humanitarian hopes, modes of behavior, and denominations, beliefs and nationalities live between Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and aims for inter-religious, political, and cultural in, and are committed Bahrain at the White House. dialogue and cooperation between states and to a spirit of coexistence, The following analysis attempts to peoples. mutual understanding, clarify some misconceptions and misunder- They include, inter alia, elimination and respect.” standings regarding the nature of the new of racism and intolerance against women, Preambular relationships that are being forged between advancing understanding, tolerance and paragraphs nine and 10 the three countries. solidarity among all civilizations, peoples and refer to efforts to achieve “Declaration of Peace, Cooperation, cultures, recognizing rights of peoples under a “just, comprehensive, and Constructive Diplomatic and Friendly colonial domination or occupation, and the realistic, and enduring Relations Between the State of Israel and the rights of indigenous peoples, etc. solution” to the Israeli- Kingdom of Bahrain”: In the third paragraph of the declara- Palestinian conflict that “meets the legitimate As its title and content imply, this tion, the parties agree to open negotiations Israeli model May Tager, holding an Israeli flag, poses with Dubai- document is a bilateral declaration between between them to seek agreements regarding needs and aspirations resident model Anastasia Bandarenka, holding an Emirati flag, two sovereign and independent states, 12 fields of normalization, including invest- of both peoples, and to during a photo shoot for FIX’s Princess Collection, in Dubai, United expressing their intention to open an era of ments, flights, tourism, security, energy, advance comprehen- Arab Emirates, Sept. 8, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Christopher Pike. “friendship and cooperation” and commence technology, and the opening of embassies. sive Middle East peace, “a new chapter of peace.” It is clear from the text of the declara- stability, and prosperity.” services, innovation, trade and economic As a declaration, and similar to other tion and its provisional nature that it is a The use of the term “realistic” in this relations, healthcare, science, technology and such political declarations of intent such as non-binding, independent, bilateral, and context is indicative of an acknowledgment peaceful uses of outer space, water, energy, the Israeli-Palestinian “Declaration of Princi- bona fide expression of intent to enter into by both parties of the need for practical and maritime arrangements, telecommunica- ples” of Sept. 13, 1993, and the “Israel-Jordan definitive agreements in the near future. pragmatic ideas to solve the conflict with the tions and post, agriculture, legal cooperation, Common Agenda” of Sept. 14, 1993, it is “Treaty of Peace, Diplomatic Relations Palestinians, rather than unrealistic claims, tourism, culture, sport, and more. non-binding and declaratory, expressing the and Full Normalization between the United empty clichés, and buzzwords. These spheres are detailed in the Annex joint, bona fide intentions of the two parties to Arab Emirates and the State of Israel”: The establishment of peace, diplomatic to the agreement and are similar to the list enter into negotiations on a series of bilateral The choice of the term “peace agree- relations, and full normalization in Article 1 of of civil affairs spheres detailed in the Third normalization agreements. ment” is significant and unique. the agreement is phrased in similar language Annex to the 1995 Israeli-Palestinian Interim The expression “constructive diplomatic Generally, and as was the case with to the 1994 Israel-Jordan peace treaty. Agreement. and friendly relations” is unclear and does Israel’s peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan, Despite the fact that this article refers Article 6 entails a reciprocal commit- not appear to add substantively to the idea of states that have been in armed conflict and to full diplomatic relations as being “hereby ment to respect and foster mutual diplomatic and friendly relations that speak have chosen to terminate the state of war established,” this is nevertheless subject to the understanding, respect, coexistence, for themselves. between them do so through a peace treaty. respective national procedures for ratification encourage people-to-people programs, However, in light of experience over the The treaty formally terminates the relationship and the entry into force of the agreement “as interfaith dialogue, prevent incitement, years in the bilateral relationships between of armed conflict from the legal, political, and soon as practicable,” as set out in Article 10 of and observe a “culture of peace.” Article 9 Israel, Egypt, and Jordan, the addition of the security points of view and opens up a formal the Agreement. is important in that the parties represent term “constructive” would appear to convey a relationship of peace, with all that that implies The question of how to define “practi- that there exist no inconsistencies between message to those and other states of an inten- regarding reciprocal recognition of sover- cable” is clearly subjective and not definitive their obligations in this agreement and their tion that such relationships will be fuller and eignty, territorial integrity, and independence. and could imply possible delays and other other treaty obligations. This is especially more open and active. In the context of Israel’s relationships with problems prior to the entry into force of the significant in light of the UAE’s relationship The declaration constitutes an indepen- the UAE and Bahrain, there has never existed agreement. with the Arab League and its member states. dent, sovereign, and reciprocal expression a state of war or armed conflict. The UAE and Critics of the agreement point to the An identical provision appears in the peace of intent by the parties to open up relations Bahrain evolved as independent sovereign fact that it contains no reference to those UN treaties with Egypt and Jordan. Article 12 between them. It is not pursuant to and states in 1971. As such, neither were parties to resolutions dealing with the Middle East peace regarding registration of the agreement with does not emanate from, nor is it dependent the 1948 Arab League collective declaration process, such as Security Council resolutions the UN Secretary-General pursuant to article on, any United Nations resolution or other of war on the new State of Israel. However, in 242 (1967) or 338 (1973), which served as the 102 of the UN Charter is a vital legal provision documentation regarding the Middle East light of the formal absence of normal relations basis for the peace treaties with Egypt and that enhances the formal nature of the agree- peace process. between Israel and other Arab countries, Jordan, as well as for the 1978 Camp David ment as an international treaty between two Since a state of war or armed conflict including the UAE and Bahrain since their agreements and 1993-5 Oslo Accords with the independent sovereign states. never existed between the parties (the establishment, it was evidently considered Palestinians. Conclusion Kingdom of Bahrain evolved as an indepen- important and significant, as well as symbolic, Such criticism is misplaced and The instruments signed in Washington dent sovereign entity in 1971), no UN to describe the new situation as the creation ill-advised. represent a significant symbolic and substan- ceasefire, armistice, or conflict-solving resolu- of a state of peace, with all that that implies. The reason and logic behind the lack of tive breakthrough in the relationships tion or requirement has ever been relevant or While diplomatic relations and normal- reference to such resolutions rest in the fact between Israel and the Arab world. This will applicable to the relationship between Israel ization constitute, by definition, integral and that, unlike with Egypt and Jordan, Bahrain undoubtedly be further developed as the and Bahrain. There was no need to place the obvious components of any peace relation- and the UAE have never been in a state of relationships strengthen, and mutual confi- bilateral declaration in any context of such ship, their specific inclusion in the title of armed conflict with Israel. Hence, there exists dence and good faith are enhanced. UN resolutions. the agreement evidently emanates from the no need to move from a legal state of armed It is regretted that critics of this devel- However, the declaration does make difficulties experienced over the years in the conflict and war to a legal state of peace. Since opment and the documents signed in reference in its second paragraph to the peace relationships with Egypt and Jordan, there was no conflict, there was no need to Washington prefer to allow partisan views and parties’ shared commitment to advance especially in the fields of normalization and rely on any UN conflict-resolving resolution. personal antagonism to color their reasoning, peace and security in the Middle East and to diplomatic relations. Legally speaking, this Since there exists no common border, there rather than to acknowledge this development the need to continue efforts “to achieve a just, may not, in and of itself, have any legal signifi- is no need for provisions on withdrawal from on its merits. comprehensive, and enduring resolution of cance, but it represents a symbolic message to territory, agreed border arrangements, and Alan Baker is director of the Institute the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” Egypt and Jordan, as well to other Arab states security provisions of the type detailed in the for Contemporary Affairs at the Jerusalem The declaration’s third paragraph considering establishing peaceful relations peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan. Center and the head of the Global Law includes agreement by the parties “to estab- with Israel. Therefore, the parties sufficed, in Forum. He participated in the negotia- lish diplomatic relations and to promote The preambular paragraphs of the peace Article 2, titled “General Principles,” with the tion and drafting of the Oslo Accords with lasting security, to eschew threats and use agreement voice familiar, accepted, and standard references to those provisions of the Palestinians, as well as agreements of force, and to advance coexistence and a standard platitudes regarding the common the UN Charter and principles of interna- and peace treaties with Egypt, Jordan, and culture of peace.” desire for regional peace, prosperity, tional law governing relations among states, Lebanon. He served as legal adviser and The expression “culture of peace” (which economic development, and diplomatic including recognition of sovereignty, the deputy director-general of Israel’s Foreign also appears in the Israel-UAE agreement) relations. However, they also include in right to live in peace and security, friendly Ministry and as Israel’s ambassador to would appear to be based on the internation- the ninth preambular paragraph a specific relations of cooperation, and peaceful settle- Canada. ally accepted concept of a “culture of peace” and unique reference to the Arab and ment of disputes. The commitment in Article This article was first published by the as defined in various resolutions of the UN Jewish common heritage as descendants of 3 to exchange ambassadors “as soon as Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 A7 Opinion. Let’s Look at the The Abraham Accords: Palestinian-Israeli The Reconciliation of Conflict With Fresh Eyes Arabs and Jews

For decades, a herd of experts, diplo- Saudi Arabia and nearby countries praising mats, academics, journalists, and politicians the Abraham Accords frequently repeat the CLIFFORD D. MAY/ insisted that a deal such as Trump and NATALIE HILDER words: “salaam,” “shalom,” and “peace.” Online Kushner facilitated was out of the question. Philadelphia videos showing Emiratis (and others) wishing In 2016, John Kerry, glasses perched haugh- Israelis well often featured newly created tily on the tip of his nose, both index fingers filters of the Israeli, UAE, and Bahraini flags, jabbing the air for emphasis, pontificated to Hope — long deferred — materialized while others depict both adults and children Before there was a Palestinian-Israeli an elite audience: “There will be no separate on the South Lawn of the White House on singing and dancing to Jewish songs. Gulf- conflict, there was an Arab-Israeli conflict. peace between Israel and the Arab world. I September 15, when leaders from the UAE, accented greetings of “Shana Tova” and “Chag Last week, on the White House lawn, that want to make that very clear to all of you. No. Bahrain, and Israel officially normalized Sameach” are flooding Facebook timelines older conflict was put to rest. No, no and no. There will be no advance and relations. The Arab nations publicly recog- during the Jewish holidays. Some have even In normal times, we’d agree that the separate peace with the Arab world without nized Israel’s right to exist, and all concerned gone as far as to ask for forgiveness. president deserves a Nobel peace prize, and the Palestinian process and Palestinian peace. parties affirmed their joint plans to work The idea that Arabs and Jews are inher- that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict should be Everybody needs to understand that. That is a together for peace and prosperity from that ently enemies is false. In fact, nothing could next up on Washington’s diplomatic to-do list. hard reality.” point forward. But these are not normal times. Prior to Actually, Kerry deserves credit for The rapt applause of the the ceremony, I received an email announcing: contributing to this outcome, albeit uninten- hundreds of attendees echoed “Over 50 Organizations/Groups to protest the tionally. His negotiations with Javad Zarif, that of the millions more UAE and Bahrain Normalization with Israel the shrewd foreign minister of the Islamic supporters worldwide. This During Deal Signing at the White House.” Republic, ended with the Obama administra- historic treaties established Would I and others exiting the White tion sending billions of dollars to Iran’s rulers, unprecedented economic House grounds and emerging on the mean funds that have helped them more effectively and diplomatic ties that will streets of Washington, DC be harassed or even threaten Arab states that refuse to kowtow. include opening embassies, attacked by members of the anti-peace wing Secretary Kerry and President Obama commencing commercial air of the peace movement? As it turned out, the also convinced Arab leaders that Washington travel and tourism and insti- protestors awaiting us were more Code Pink can be fickle. Israel, by contrast, is the one tuting mutual economic and than Antifa, more annoying than threatening. nation with the motivation and the means other cooperation. Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, Many in the media have been reluctant to frustrate the Islamic Republic’s imperialist Aptly named the Abraham Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and United Arab ambitions. Accords, this is not merely a Emirates Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Why couldn’t the UAE and Nahyan display their copies of signed agreements while US truce between warring nations; President Donald Trump looks on, at the signing ceremony of Bahrain have just continued rather, it is the longed-for recon- the Abraham Accords, at the White House in Washington, DC, to develop amicable relations ciliation between estranged Sept. 15, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Tom Brenner. with Israel discreetly? Why go members of the same family. formal and public, and why A 4,000-year-old sibling rivalry originated be farther from the truth. They are a family. now? in the tents of Abraham, when a rift over inheri- Imperfect and dysfunctional? Yes. But then, Because the Israelis were tance divided two sons of the same father. who isn’t? planning, with the Trump Since then, Ishmael and Isaac have lived at Arabs and Jews are soul mates in the administration’s blessing, enmity — a historic animosity that made the sense that they have a shared past and an to extend sovereignty, call it fact that Arabs and Jews have more common- inextricably linked destiny. Fated to live side annexation if you like, over a alities than differences seem ironic to many. by side, it is impossible to ever divorce the two. Palestinian men spray water on children to cool them down large swath of the West Bank. Besides their genetic ties, Arabs and Jews The Bible, the Koran, and historical before prayers on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan That would have been a serious have similarities in language (sharing many of evidence affirm that Arabs and Jews have near the Dome of the Rock, in the compound known to Muslims setback for the “Palestinian the same words), culture, and faith. Themes of dwelled together for millennia. Moving as Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as Temple Mount, in Jerusalem’s cause” (more on that in a peace — though often more elusive than actual- forward, it will be incumbent on these Old City, May 31, 2019. Photo: Reuters / Ammar Awad. moment) and embarrassing ized — are woven throughout the blueprints of cousins to further solidify peace by protecting for Israel’s Arab friends. The Jewish and Islamic consciousness. and celebrating overlapping Arab and to acknowledge the significance of what Israelis had a chance to change facts on the During the signing ceremony, Prime Jewish heritage — particularly through President Trump, assisted by Jared Kushner, ground. They needed a good reason not to. Minister Netanyahu quoted the Psalms, greater acknowledgement of and devotion his adviser and son-in-law, have achieved. The The Emiratis offered one. saying, “May God give strength to His people; of resources to preserving and showcasing ho-hum headline in the Washington Post was Palestinian leaders ought to be grateful. May God bless His people with peace,” while important historical sites and artifacts in their “Israel signs deal establishing formal ties with They aren’t, which only demonstrates that, Sheikh Abdullah of the UAE quoted the respective countries. two Arab states at the White House.” while times have changed, Palestinian leaders Hadith, saying, “O God, you are Peace and Despite ongoing challenges, rejection, What really happened: The United Arab have not. from you comes peace.” resentment, and rage are being replaced with a Emirates and Bahrain normalized relations They continue to tell credulous Consider: despite their fractured reunion — which is truly better late than never. with Israel, accepting Israel as their neighbor, audiences that the “Palestinian cause” is to relationship, Ishmael and Isaac reunited after And as for our beloved father Abraham? implicitly acknowledging that the Jewish establish a Palestinian state in the West Bank Abraham’s death to bury their father together. It is perhaps his prayers more than anyone people have a right to a nation-state in part of and Gaza. More sophisticated audiences Their story is one of loss but also of restoration else’s that are being answered today. their ancient homeland. understand the goal is for a Palestinian state — and of unique and shared blessing — an Natalie Hilder is an editor-at-large for Neither would have taken this step to replace the Jewish state. That’s what is enigmatic bond that continues today. the J’accuse Coalition for Justice and has without the tacit approval of Saudi Arabia. meant by the chant: “Palestine will be free, Recently, Arab voices have begun to say written for publications like The George- Other Arab nations could soon be exchanging from the river to the sea!” out loud that they were wrong about Israel and town Journal of International Affairs, The ambassadors with Israel as well. Hamas, Hezbollah and Tehran vow Jews being their enemy. Media headlines from Jerusalem Post, , and more. Most telling: The Palestinian Authority to achieve that goal through terrorism and asked the 22-member Arab League to condemn warfare. The Palestinian Authority prefers taught to despise them. not embracing Jews as neighbors? We don’t the deal. The Arab League declined. This is the ambiguity, in particular the demand that As Kushner looked at the Pales- know who will follow Abbas. Establishing the same Arab League that after the second Arab Palestinian “refugees” be granted a “right of tinian-Israeli conflict with fresh eyes, he institutions necessary for a functioning state, war against Israel, in 1967, issued the “three return” to Israel. As many as 800,000 Arabs undoubtedly came to realize that Palestinian including a reliable mechanism for succes- nos”: “No peace with Israel, no recognition of fled during the Arab-Israeli war of 1948-9. Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, pushing sion, is one of many missions Abbas never Israel, no negotiations with Israel.” Perhaps 30,000 are still alive. But the demand 85, would never make peace. Abbas wants regarded as essential to the Palestinian cause. Until now, the only Arab nations that is for all those claiming to be their descendants to be remembered as a lifelong leader of the Clifford D. May is the founder and had made peace with Israel were Egypt and — about five million people — to “return.” resistance, like his predecessor, Yasser Arafat, president of the Foundation for Defense of Jordan, and only after losing three wars. That Israeli Jews, a majority of whom are from not as an Arab Zionist who, in his final days, Democracies (FDD), and a columnist for the led them to conclude that another war against families driven out of such formerly diverse shook hands with Benjamin Netanyahu on Washington Times. Israel would be disastrous, whereas peace cities as Baghdad, Cairo and Damascus, know the White House lawn. This article was first published by the would mean the return of the Sinai to Egypt only too well what would happen were they to Could Abbas’ successor decide to Washington Times. and essential security assistance for Jordan. become a minority in Israel, ruled by people pursue peace and prosperity, accepting if A8 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 Impressions.

Do Arab States Really Support the Palestinians?

BY MORDECHAI KEDAR Residents in the refugee camps do not pay the world, so that the yearly per capita income in the municipal taxes. This tax exemption has led a signifi- PA is several times greater than that of the Egyptian, In Israel and in much of the Western world, we cant number of “refugees” to rent out their homes and Sudanese, or Algerian man or woman in the street. tend to think the Arab world is united in its support for collect exorbitant sums in comparison with those Their lives are many times better than that of Arabs the Palestinians — that it wants nothing more than to renting apartments in nearby cities. In other words, the living in Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Yemen, certainly over solve the Palestinian problem by giving them a state, world subsidizes the refugees’ taxes, and the refugees the past seven years. and that all Arabs and Muslims love the Palestinians line their own pockets. On a political level, the Palestinians have managed and hate Israel. This is a simplistic and incomplete In Lebanon, several refugee camps were built near to arouse the hatred of many of their Arab brethren. view. While it is true that many, perhaps even the Beirut, but they were incorporated into the expanding In 1990, Arafat supported Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi majority, of Arabs and Muslims hate Israel, there are city and then turned into high-class neighborhoods invasion of Kuwait. In revenge, Kuwait, once it was freed a good many who hate the Palestinians just as much. with imposing high-rise apartment buildings. Someone of the Iraqi conquest, expelled some 400,000 Palestin- Their hatred of Israel stems from its success at profited from this change, and it was not the man in the ians, most of whom had been living in the emirate for surviving despite wars, terror, boycotts, and constant street. He has every reason to feel cheated. decades, leaving them destitute overnight. This led to an enmity. It stems from the fact that a Jewish state The Palestinian “refugee” camps in Lebanon were economic crisis for their families in the West Bank and exists even though Judaism, in the Muslim view, was superseded by Islam, the “true religion.” This hatred is exacerbated by other stark disparities: Israel is a democracy while many Arabs and Muslims live under dictatorships; Israel is rich while many Arabs and Muslims are poor; Israel is a paradise compared to some Arab countries. In short, they despise Israel because it has succeeded in areas where they have failed. But why should they hate the Palestinian Arabs? After all, the Arab narrative says the Palestinian Arabs’ land was stolen and they were forced to become refugees. Surely they are deserving of unreserved support? The answer to this question is complex. It is a function of Middle Eastern culture that neither Israelis nor most Westerners fully understand or recognize. One of the worst things to experience, in Arab eyes, is to be cheated, fooled, or taken advantage of. When someone attempts to cheat an Arab — and even more Israeli soldiers run near the scene of an incident near Ramallah in the West Bank, May 29, 2020. Photo: so, if that person succeeds — the victim is overcome by REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman. furious anger, even if the person who did the cheating was his own cousin. He will call on his brother to take taken over by armed organizations, from the PLO to ISIS, Gaza, who had been receiving regular stipends from revenge on that cousin, in line with the Arab adage: including Hamas, the Popular Front, the Democratic their relatives in Kuwait. “My brother and I against my cousin — and my brother, Front, and Salafist jihadi organizations. These groups Today, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad my cousin, and I against a stranger.” acted viciously toward the surrounding Lebanese are supported by Iran, a country abhorred by many Regarding the Palestinian Arabs, the first point to citizens, and in 1975 brought on a civil war that lasted Arabs who remember that airplane hijackings and the make is that many of them are not originally Palestin- for 14 long years of bloodshed and destruction. The war ensuing blackmail were invented by the Palestinian ians at all. They are immigrants who came to the Land saw hundreds of thousands of Lebanese forced to leave Arabs. It was they who hijacked an El Al plane to Algiers of Israel from all over the Arab world during the British their villages only to enter into lives of horrible suffering in 1968, 52 years ago, beginning a period of travail still Mandate in order to find employment in the cities and in tent camps all over the country. Many took refuge in being endured by the entire world. on the farms the Jews had built. These immigrants Palestinian “refugee” camps, but the Lebanese refugees Despite the 1989 Taif agreement, which ended still have names like Hourani (from Houran in received less than 10% of what Palestinian Arabs received. the civil war in Lebanon and was supposed to lead to southern Syria), Tzurani (from Tyre in southern This too caused much internecine jealousy and hatred. the disarmament and dissolution of all the Lebanese Lebanon), Zrakawi (from Mazraka in Jordan), Masri In 1970 in Jordan, the Palestinian terror organiza- militias, Syria allowed Hezbollah to keep its arms and (the Egyptian), Hijazi (from the Hijaz province of the tions, led by PLO head Yasser Arafat, attempted to take develop its military power unrestrainedly. The repeated Arabian peninsula), Mughrabi (from the Maghreb), and over the country by establishing autonomous regions excuse was that the weapons were meant to “liberate many other names that point to their true geographical of their own in the north, complete with roadblocks Palestine” and would not be aimed at the Lebanese. To origins. Why, ask the other Arabs, should they get and armed Palestinian Arabs who challenged the anyone with a modicum of brains, it was clear that the preferential treatment over those who remained in monarchy. In September 1970, known as “Black Palestine story was a fig leaf covering the sad truth that their original countries? September,” King Hussein decided he had had enough the weapons were going to be aimed at Hezbollah’s Starting with the end of the 1948 Israeli War of and would show them who was boss in Jordan. The Syrian and Lebanese enemies. “Palestine” was simply Independence, politics in the Arab world began to war he declared against them cost thousands of lives an excuse for the Shiite takeover of Lebanon. center on Israel and the “Palestinian problem,” the on both sides. Worst of all is the Palestinian demand that Arab solution to which was to be achieved by eliminating Meanwhile, in Israel, 20% of the citizenry within the states refrain from any relations with Israel until the Israel. In order to succeed in that mission, the Arab pre-1967 borders is made up of “Palestinian” Arabs who Palestinian problem is solved to the satisfaction of “refugees” were kept in camps, with explicit instruc- do not rebel or fight against the state. In other words, the the PLO and Hamas leaders. A good portion of the tions from the Arab League that they be kept there and “Palestinians” living in pre-1967 Israel enjoy life in the only Arab world cannot find any commonalities that could not absorbed into other Arab countries. democracy in the Middle East, while the Arab countries unite the PLO and Hamas. As they watched the two The UN agency UNRWA ensured that they were sacrifice their soldiers’ blood to liberate “Palestine.” Many sides’ endless squabbles ruin any chances of progress provided with food, education, and medical care an Arab soldier has been exploited by having his life put at regarding Israel, they gave up on the belief that an without charge — that is to say, the nations of the risk for the sake of this meaningless cause. internal Palestinian reconciliation can be achieved. world paid the bill, even as the Arab neighbors of these Worse still is what every Arab knows: Palestinian To sum up the situation, the Arab world — that eternal “refugees” had to work to provide food, educa- Arabs have been selling land to Jews for at least a part of it that sees Israel as the only hope in dealing with tion, and medical care for their own families by the century, profiting immensely from the deals, and then Iran — does not appreciate the expectation that it must sweat of their brow. “Refugees” who were supplied with wailing to their Arab brethren to come and free “Pales- mortgage its future and its very existence to the internal free foodstuffs, such as rice, flour, sugar, and oil, for the tine” from the “Zionist occupation.” fighting between the PLO and Hamas. And let us not use of their families, would often sell some of it to their Over the years, the Palestinian Arabs were given forget that Egypt and Jordan have signed peace agree- non-refugee neighbors and make a tidy profit. many billions of euros and dollars by the nations of Continued on Page A10 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 A9 Legals. Opinion. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Honoring Generations Notice of formation of limited liability company(LLC) Name: 63 SIMMONS of Sound Investment LOOP LLC Articles of organization filed with the Secretary of State of New York(SSNY) on 09/11/2020 Office David Ben-Gurion declares Israel’s location: Richmond County. SSNY has independence, May 14, 1948. built upon, he adds. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. been designated as the agent of the BY DEBORAH By 1950, two years after its LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy FINEBLUM/ birth, Israel was still hobbled by as “a deserved endorsement of a Notice of formation of limited the aftereffects of its long and of process to: LLC c/o Nacim Kassa If anyone in your family remarkable country.” liability company(LLC) Name: 63 Simmons Loop, Staten Island NY painful War of Independence and celebrated a bar or bat mitzvah, “Golda [Meir] liked to use the BAKRS HOLDINGS LLC . Articles 10314. Purpose: all lawful activity deflecting ongoing Arab attacks. a wedding, or the birth of a baby line, ‘The day should come when of organization filed with the AJ; 9/18/25;10/2/9/16/23 Add to the costs of self-defense the Israel doesn’t need a handout, but Secretary of State of New York(SSNY) after September 3, 1950, then the influx of needy refugees — many the day should never come when on 08/24/2020. Office location: PLEASE ME LLC. App. for Auth. filed chances are good at least one Israel of them Holocaust survivors — a Israel is not a good investment.’” So Richmond county. SSNY has been with the SSNY on 09/11/20. Originally bond was received as a gift. scarcity of food and subpar health designated as the agent of the LLC says longtime Bonds activist Susan filed with Secretary of State of Maine It’s been exactly 70 years this conditions, and the infant state’s upon whom process against it may on 03/07/2017. Office: Kings County. Weikers, who was the first female month since Israeli Prime Minister economy was seriously stymied. be served. SSNY shall mail copy of SSNY designated as agent of the LLC David Ben-Gurion announced national chair and currently serves process to: BAKRS Holdings LLC 6 Ben-Gurion knew that. And upon whom process against it may the concept of Israel Bonds to a on Israel Bonds’ National Campaign Cranford St. staten Island, NY 10308. though he met with some initial be served. SSNY shall mail copy of group of leaders at the King David Advisory Council and as treasurer of Purpose: all lawful activity process to the LLC, c/o La Reddola, resistance — there were those who its international board of directors. AJ; 9/4/11/18/25;10/2/9 Lester & Associates, LLP, 600 Old Hotel in Jerusalem. The following worried that the bonds wouldn’t year (in 1951), he launched the US So how does one keep the Jewish Country Road, Suite 230, Garden be worth the paper they were passion for Israel alive for the next Notice of formation of limited liability campaign from the stage of New City, NY 11530. Purpose: Any lawful written on — the leadership took an generation? One of Weikers’ favorite company(LLC) Name: 171 MELVIN purpose. York’s Madison Square Garden. aggressive approach of canvassing MK LLC. Articles of organization filed tactics is approaching young adults at AJ; 9/18/25;10/2/9/16/23 Since that time, more than $45 Diaspora communities to sell them, with the secretary of state of New events to share stories of Jews, Israel, billion has been invested in the State making every purchaser a partner York(SSNY) on 07/30/2020. Office Notice of formation of limited liability and survival. “I want them to begin to of Israel from the sale of Israel Bonds, in the growth of the state. location: Richmond county. SSNY has company(LLC) Name: REGINA’S a flow of support in good times and feel they own this story and this place been designated as the agent of the But as visionary as Ben-Gurion GROUP DAYCARE LLC. Articles of bad. The organization continues to — that Israelis are our brothers. And, LLC upon whom process against it organization filed with the Secretary proved to be, 70 years later Israeli invite Diaspora Jewry, speaking with if anyone says anything derogatory, may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of State of New York(SSNY) on Prime Minister Benjamin Netan- their investment dollars, to be a key that we need to tell them you don’t of process to: The Limited Liability 02/01/2011 Office location: Kings yahu told Bonds supporters at last insult my brother.” Company 171 Melvin Avenue staten partner in the blossoming of what County. SSNY has been designated month’s virtual celebration that “even Indeed, Maimon reports the Island, NY 10314 purpose: All lawful as the agent of the LLC upon whom was once a tiny beleaguered land he, Israel’s founding prime minister, organization is grooming its next activity process against it may be served. SSNY into one of the world’s flourishing could not have foreseen the extraor- AJ; 9/4/11/18/25;10/2/9 generation of leaders through shall mail copy of process to:S Guney First World economies. dinary success of Israel Bonds.” 164 President St. Brooklyn, NY 11231. mentoring, leadership-training But how many of the millions on And Ben-Gurion was not alone Notice of formation of limited liability Purpose: all lawful activity the receiving end of these bonds — and programs, Israel trips, social-media company(LLC) Name: PUBLIC in championing the idea of a bonds AJ; 9/25;10/2/9/16/23/30 how many of those loving grand- campaigns, and events that cater to DRIP,LLC . Articles of organization campaign, says Ilan Troen, the Karl, parents, aunts and uncles, second the young. Other attractors include filed with the Secretary of State of Notice of formation of limited liability Harry and Helen Stoll Professor of cousins (some once removed), and the affordability (bonds start at $36). New York(SSNY) on 09/03/2020. company(LLC) Name: 89 B&D LLC . Israel Studies Emeritus at Brandeis Moreover, whereas other Office location: Kings county. SSNY friends who purchased them could Articles of organization filed with the University. organizations are dealing with has been designated as the agent of have known the miracles each bond Secretary of State of New York(SSNY) In a little-known piece of shortfalls in the wake of COVID- the LLC upon whom process against it on 02/28/2020. Office location: Kings performed? And the miracles they history, says Troen, “the person may be served. SSNY shall mail copy 19, Israel’s Finance Ministry agreed County. SSNY has been designated continue to perform. who imagined and should be of process to:Neil Tan 185 Putnam to the request of Israel Bonds to as the agent of the LLC upon whom There is basically no area of credited with the concept of Israel Ave.#4 Brooklyn, NY 11216.purpose: process against it may be served.SSNY extend its 2020 goal to $1.7 billion, Israel’s seismic growth and devel- Bonds is Henry Morgenthau Jr., all lawful activity shall mail copy of process to: 89 B&D opment that hasn’t benefited which would be a record high. AJ; 9/11/18/25;10/2/9/16 the long-serving secretary of the LLC 89 Bergen St., Brooklyn NY 11201 directly from bonds, the vast The big difference? “We’re purpose: all lawful activity treasury under [President] Franklin majority of them bought by Jews an investment,” states Maimon. Notice of formation of limited liability AJ; 9/25;10/2/9/16/23/30 D. Roosevelt and head of the United in the Diaspora over the last seven “The economic forecast, despite company(LLC) Name: OTTIMO LLC Jewish Appeal after the war.” temporary setbacks, is that Israel Articles of organization filed with the decades — a modern highway RT Trucking & Transportation LLC Having had experience will rebound more quickly and secretary of state of New York(SSNY) Art. Of Org. Filed Sec. of State of NY system, utilities that serve every part launching America’s “war bonds” stronger than other countries, so on : 09/08/2020. Office location: Kings 9/16/2020. Off. Loc.: Richmond Co. of the country, a network of excel- (now known as savings bonds) just County. SSNY has been designated that although the debt is rising due SSNY designated as agent upon lent (and affordable) colleges and a few years earlier, Morgenthau as the agent of the LLC upon whom whom process against it may be to the pandemic, the ability of the universities, Israel’s ever-expanding “brought this option to Ben-Gurion’s process against it may be served. served. SSNY to mail copy of process top-notch public-transportation country to repay it is better. And the SSNY shall mail copy of process to: attention even before the estab- to The LLC, 7 post lane Staten Island, system, including the fast rail that’s will of the Jewish people to support Leonardo Bellusci 940 54 ST APT IF lishment of Israel in May 1948. NY 10303. Purpose: Any lawful act or cut travel time from Jerusalem to Tel Israel is strong, so it’s considered a Brooklyn, NY 11219 purpose:all lawful activity Ben-Gurion ultimately adopted the Aviv in half and light-rail extensions good investment no matter what.” activity AJ; 9/25;10/2/9/16/23/30 idea and launched the first Israel One point of particular pride: AJ; 9/18/25;10/2/9/16/23 currently underway in Jerusalem. Bonds campaign in 1951.” Growing up in the Jewish state, Never once, even in times of war Notice of formation of limited liability Though the prime minister was or recession or intifada, has Israel Notice of formation of limited liability company(LLC) Name: MARY LOU’S Israel Maimon was surrounded at first resistant to the idea — his company(LLC) Name: MOSS & FERN defaulted on its bonds. “After PLACE LLC. Articles of organization with this very infrastructure — only concern, explains Troen, was that LLC .Articles of organization filed 70 years, everyone knows we filed with the Secretary of State of New years later did he realize how much making Israel an investment might with the Secretary of State of New York(SSNY) on 09/28/2020. Office will always stand behind them,” of it was funded by Diaspora Jews’ water down the philanthropic York(SSNY) on : 07/14/2020. Office location: Kings County. SSNY has been purchases of bonds. says Maimon. “And there’s no location: Kings County. SSNY has momentum driving financial designated as the agent of the LLC “In the beginning, Israel was an commission, so every penny is an been designated as the agent of the upon whom process against it may support by Diaspora Jewry; “it was isolated island,” he says. “Unlike other investment in Israel’s strong future.” LLC upon whom processed against it be served. SSNY shall mail copy of only the dire needs of the new state countries, where they have markets In fact, bonds strengthen the may be served. SSNY shall mail copy process to: Herbert C Williams PO Box with enormous demands on its bonds between Israel and Diaspora of process to: James T. Castle ESQ 123 in their neighboring countries, we 24476, Brooklyn, NY 11236. Purpose: inadequate resources for meeting Jews, he notes. “These invisible but Melrose St., Apt. 251 Brooklyn NY all lawful activity were surrounded by enemies who development, immigration, and powerful ties go both ways. When 11206 purpose: all lawful activity AJ; 10/2/9/16/23/30; 11/6 would not be trading partners.” defense needs that persuaded AJ; 9/18/25;10/2/9/16/23 you invest in something, you always In the 1950s-1970s, Israel Ben-Gurion to accept Morgenthau’s Notice of formation of limited liability check to see what’s going on with it; it’s Bonds were “a key resource in the repeated attempts at persuasion.” Notice of formation of limited liability company(LLC) Name: ARDOISE LLC. building of roads, bridges, and important to you. And Israelis know company(LLC) Name: VERONIKA Once launched, early Bonds Articles of organization filed with the tunnels needed for industries to that much of what they have now has OSSI LLC. Articles of organization enthusiasts included American Secretary of State of New York(SSNY) grow, for neighborhoods to grow, as been made possible by Jews living filed with the secretary of state of on 07/29/2020 .Office location: Kings labor unions, most notably during well as the development of Israel’s very different lives many miles away.” New York(SSNY) on 09/11/2020 County. SSNY has been designated the Yom Kippur War in 1973, along So, when an Israeli bond is Office location: Kings County. SSNY entire economy,” says Maimon, who as the agent of the LLC upon whom with state and municipal public- given for a wedding or new baby has been designated as the agent of served as government secretary for process against it may be served. employee pension and treasury or bar or bat mitzvah, “it’s a double the LLC upon whom process again it SSNY shall mail copy of process to: prime ministers Ariel Sharon and funds that have bought up billions of may be served. SSNY shall mail copy mitzvah,” emphasizes Maimon. Registered agents inc. 90 State St. STE Ehud Olmert before moving to New dollars’ worth over the years. And no of process to: Veronika Ossiptchouk “You’re buying into the Jewish 700 Office Albany New York 12207 York four years ago to take the job of less than investment maven billion- 70 Commercial St. Suite 202 Brooklyn purpose: all lawful activity homeland and giving it as a gift to president and CEO of Israel Bonds. aire and philanthropist Warren NY 11222 -6126 purpose: All lawful AJ; 10/2/9/16/23/30; 11/6 It was that initial infra- the next generation.” activity Buffett has purchased $5 million Deborah Fineblum is a AJ; 9/18/25;10/2/9/16/23 structure that the country’s worth of the bonds, describing them phenomenal economic growth is contributing writer at JNS. A10 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 Tradition.

leave his land, his birthplace, and his we have free will. Even we ourselves Continued from Page A8 - father’s house and go “to the land I do not know how we will respond to Support End Without will show you” (Gen. 12:1). Abraham crisis until it happens. Only in retro- ments with Israel, moved outside does so, and by verse 5, he has spect do we discover ourselves. We the circle of war for the “liberation an Ending arrived. This sounds like the end of face an open future. Only God, who of Palestine,” and forsaken their the story, but it turns out to be hardly is beyond time, can transcend time. Palestinian Arab “brothers,” leaving the beginning. Almost immediately, Biblical narrative has no sense of them to deal with the problem on there is a famine in the land and he an ending because it constantly their own. way by a Pharaoh and an Egypt has to leave. The same thing happens seeks to tell us that we have not yet Much of the Arab and Muslim ravaged by plagues. Within days, JONATHAN SACKS to Isaac, and eventually to Jacob and completed the task. That remains to world is convinced that the “Pales- they hit an obstacle. Ahead of them LONDON his children. The story that began be achieved in a future we believe in tinians” do not in fact want a state is the Red Sea. Behind them are with a journey to the land ends with but will not live to see. We glimpse of their own. After all, if that state the rapidly approaching chariots of the main characters outside the it from afar, the way Moses saw the were established, the world would Pharaoh’s army. A miracle happens. land, with both Jacob (49:29) and holy land from the far side of the cease its steady donations of What an extraordinary way to The sea divides. They pass over on Joseph (50:25) asking their descen- Jordan, but like him, we know we enormous sums. There would be end a book: not just any book but the dry land. Pharaoh’s troops, their dants to bring them back to the land have not yet arrived. Judaism is the no more “refugees,” and Palestinian Book of books – with Moses seeing chariot wheels caught in the mud, to be buried. supreme expression of faith as the Arabs would have to work just like the Promised Land from Mount drown. Now all that stands between Seven times, God promises future tense. everyone else. How can they, when Nebo, tantalisingly near, yet so far them and their destination is the Abraham the land – “Look around The nineteenth-century Jewish they are addicted to handouts that away that he knows he will never wilderness. Every problem they from where you are, to the north philosopher Hermann Cohen put it come with no strings attached? reach it in his lifetime. This is an face – a lack of food, water, direc- and south, to the east and west. this way: One can say with assurance ending to defy all narrative expecta- tion, protection – is solved by divine All the land that you see I will give What Greek intellectu- that 70 years after the creation of tions. A story about a journey should intervention mediated by Moses. to you and your offspring forever” alism could not create, prophetic the “Palestinian problem,” the Arab end at journey’s end, with arrival What is left to tell, if not their arrival? (Gen. 13:14–15). Yet when Sarah monotheism succeeded in world has realized that no solution Yet it does not happen. Spies dies, he has not a single plot of land creating…. For the Greek, history is will satisfy those who have turned in which to bury her, and has to buy oriented solely toward the past. The “refugee-ism” into a profession. The one at an inflated price. Something prophet, however, is a seer, not a “Palestinian problem” has become similar happens to Isaac and Jacob. scholar…. The prophets are the ideal- an emotional and financial scam Genesis ends as Deuteronomy ists of history. Their seerdom created that only serves to enrich the corrupt ends – with the promise but not yet the concept of history as the being of leaders of Ramallah and Gaza. the fulfilment, the hope but not yet the future. (Emphasis added.) Lt. Col. (res.) Dr. Mordechai the realisation. Harold Fisch, the literary Kedar is a senior research associate So does Tanach as a whole. scholar, summarised this in a at the Begin-Sadat Center for The second book of Chronicles hauntingly beautiful phrase: “the Strategic Studies. He served for 25 ends with the Israelites in exile. unappeased memory of a future still years in IDF military intelligence In its closing verse, the last line of to be fulfilled.” specializing in Syria, Arab polit- Tanach, Cyrus king of Persia gives Judaism is the only civilisa- ical discourse, Arab mass media, permission for the exiles to return tion to have set its golden age not in Islamic groups, and Israeli Arabs, to their land: “Anyone of His people the past but in the future. We hear and is an expert on the Muslim at the destination. But the Torah are sent to determine the best way among you – may the Lord his God this at the beginning of the Moses Brotherhood and other Islamist terminates before the terminus. It of entering and conquering the be with him, and let him go up” (II story, although not until the end do groups. concludes in medias res. It ends in land, a relatively straightforward Chr. 36:23). Again, anticipation but we realise its significance. Moses A version of this article was the middle. It is constructed as an task. They come back, unexpect- not yet reality. asks God: What is Your name? God originally published by Arutz unfinished symphony. edly, with a demoralising report. There is something significant replies: Ehyeh asher Ehyeh, literally, Sheva and the BESA Center. We, the readers and listeners, The people lose heart and say they here – though it lies so deep it is “I will be what I will be” (Ex. 3:14). want to go back to Egypt. The result feel Moses’ personal sense of incom- hard to explain. The Bible is a battle We assume this means something and child, teacher and disciple, is that God decrees that they will pletion. He had dedicated a lifetime against myth. In myth, time is as like “I am what I am – unlimited, leader and follower. The task is bigger have to wait a full generation, forty to leading the people out of Egypt to it is in nature. It is cyclical. It goes indescribable, beyond the reach than us, but it will live on after us, as years, before entering the land. It is the Promised Land. Yet he was not through phases – spring, summer, of a name.” That may be part of something of us will live on in those not only Moses who does not cross granted his request to complete the autumn, winter; birth, growth, the meaning. But the fundamental we have influenced. the Jordan. The entire people have task and reach the place to which he decline, death – but it always point is: My name is the future. “I The greatest mistake we can not done so by the time the Torah had spent his life as a leader leading returns to where it began. The am what will be.” God is in the call make is to do nothing because we ends. That must await the book of the people. When he prayed, “Let standard plot of myth is that order is from the future to the present, from cannot do everything. Even Moses Joshua, not itself part of the Torah me…cross over and see the good land threatened by the forces of chaos. In the destination to us who are still discovered that it was not for him to but rather of the Nevi’im, the later on the other side of the Jordan,” God ancient times these were depicted on the journey. What distinguishes complete the task. That would only prophetic and historical texts. replied, “Enough! Never speak to Me by Greek gods of destruction. In Judaism from Christianity is that be achieved by Joshua, and even This, from a literary point of of this matter again” (Deut. 3:25–26). more recent times we have seen the in answer to the question “Has the then the story of the Israelites was view, is odd. But it is not accidental. Moses – the man who stood dark forces battled dramatically in Messiah come?” the Jewish answer only just beginning. Moses’ death In the Torah, style mirrors before Pharaoh demanding his Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. is always: Not yet. Moses’ death, his tells us something fundamental substance. The text is telling us people’s freedom, who was unafraid The hero challenges them. He slips, unfinished life, his glimpse of the about mortality. Life is not robbed something profound. The Jewish even to challenge God Himself, who falls, almost dies, but ultimately land of the future, is the supreme of meaning because one day it story ends without an ending. It when he came down the mountain succeeds. Order is restored. The symbol of the not-yet. will end. For in truth – even in this closes without closure. There is in and saw the people dancing around world is once again as it was. Hence “It is not for you to complete world, before we turn our thoughts Judaism no equivalent of “and they the Golden Calf smashed the the “happily ever after.” The future is the task, but neither are you free to to eternal life in the World to Come all lived happily ever after” (the Divinely-hewn tablets, the holiest the restoration of the past. There is desist from it” (Mishnah Avot 2:16). – we become part of eternity when closest the Bible comes to this is the object ever to be held by human a return to order, to the way things The challenges we face as human we write our chapter in the book of book of Esther). Biblical narrative hands – pleaded for the one small were before the threat, but there is beings are never resolved simply, the story of our people and hand lacks what Frank Kermode called mercy that would give completion no history, no progress, no develop- quickly, completely. The task takes it on to those who will come after “the sense of an ending.”Jewish time to his life’s work, but it was not to ment, no unanticipated outcome. many lifetimes. It is beyond the us. The task – building a society of is open time – open to a denoue- be. When he prayed for others, he Judaism is a radical break with reach of a single individual, even justice and compassion, an oasis in ment not yet realised, a destination succeeded. When he prayed for this way of seeing things. Instead, the greatest; it is beyond the scope a desert of violence and corruption not yet reached. himself, he failed. That in itself is time becomes the arena of human of a single generation, even the most – is greater than any one lifetime. This is not simply because strange. growth. The future is not like the epic. Deuteronomy ends by telling The Jewish people have returned the Torah records history, and Yet the sense of incomplete- past. Nor can it be predicted, us: “Never again has there arisen in to the land, but the vision is not history has no end. The Torah is ness is not merely personal, not foreseen, the way the end of any Israel a prophet like Moses” (Deut. yet complete. This is still a violent, telling us something quite different just a detail in the life of Moses. It myth can be foreseen. Jacob, at the 34:10). But even his life was, neces- aggressive world. Peace still eludes from history in the way the Greeks, applies to the entire narrative as it end of his life, told his children, sarily, incomplete. us, as does much else. We have not Herodotus and Thucydides, wrote has unfolded from the beginning of “Gather round, and I will tell you As we see him, on Mount Nebo, yet reached the destination, though it. Secular history has no meaning. the book of Exodus. The Israelites what will happen to you at the end looking across the Jordan to Israel we see it in the distance, as did It simply tells us what happened. are in exile. God charges Moses with of days” (Gen. 49:1). Rashi, quoting in the distance, we sense the vast, Moses. The Torah ends without an Biblical history, by contrast, is the task of leading the people out the Talmud, says: “Jacob sought challenging truth that confronts us ending to tell us that we too are part saturated with meaning. Nothing of Egypt and bringing them to the to reveal the end, but the Divine all. Each person has a promised land of the story; we too are still on the merely happens bemikreh, by land flowing with milk and honey, Presence departed from him.” We he or she will not reach, a horizon journey. And as we reach the Torah’s chance. the country He had promised to cannot foretell the future, because beyond the limits of his or her vision. closing lines we know, as did Robert This becomes clearer and Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. It seems it depends on us – how we act, how What makes this bearable is our Frost in his famous poem, that clearer as we look, for example, at simple enough. Already in Exodus we choose, how we respond. The intense existential bond between I have promises to keep, Genesis. God summons Abraham to 13, the people have left, sent on their future cannot be predicted, because the generations – between parent And miles to go before I sleep. | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2020 A11 Social.

Singer to Help Raise Awareness of COVID-19 in Religious Communities


The Trump administration has recruited a Chassidic singer to help raise awareness about the coronavirus in Orthodox Jewish communities in New Ben Lesser, right, recording vocals for the “Choose Love” EP. Photo: BMG. York City and its surrounding areas amid a rise in the number of COVID-19 cases. In a tweet on Wednesday, Shulem Lemmer, 30, A-List Songwriters Collaborate said he was “approached” by the US Department of Health and Human Services to “to help bring aware- ness of anything COVID-19-related to the Orthodox With Holocaust Survivor for New Jewish community & beyond.” He also noted that he will be interviewing US EP ‘Choose Love,’ Based on His Assistant Secretary for Health Brett Giroir, presum- Experiences

BY SHIRYN GHERMEZIAN Zedd) and Emily Vaughn (Netta), among others. The four-song EP features the tracks “Zachor Intro” Top songwriters in the music industry have joined — a Jewish prayer performed by Lesser — “Change Somebody,” “Letter to the World” and “Zachor.” forces with Holocaust survivor and educator Ben Lesser Ultra-Orthodox Jews. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. to release an EP called “Choose Love” that was inspired “My story surviving the atrocities of the Holocaust by Lesser’s life experiences. and my mission to ensure we NEVER FORGET is just as ably to gain more information about the situation and The EP was published as part of the online and important today, if not more, than it ever has been for what specific measures can be instituted to contain educational campaign The Global Classroom, a collabo- students and artists to hear and understand,” said Lesser, it over and above the general guidelines of hand- ration with the United Nations World Health Organization founder of The ZACHOR Holocaust Remembrance washing, social distancing and wearing a face mask. in partnership with the music company BMG. Foundation and ZACHOR Holocaust Curriculum. “The In 2018, Lemmer, a native of Brooklyn, NY, became “Choose Love” was launched on all major streaming opportunity to partner with BMG, WHO, UN, UNICEF, the first Chassidic singer to sign with a major US record platforms last Wednesday and by Lesser in a Global Microsoft and so many incredible artists to create label, Decca Gold, a division of Universal Music. Classroom webcast a day earlier to an audience of an unique music based off of my life story and then to bring estimated 1.8 million schoolchildren worldwide, BMG this to students worldwide through the Global Class- said in a press release. room has been truly humbling….I hope the students Over the span of five days at a BMG Soundlab worldwide feel the same way about the lessons we learned together.” songwriting camp in Los Angeles, Lesser worked with 14 in November 2019. According to news channel “Choose Love” is the first in a series of special songwriters, producers and artists from the US and Europe News24, the song, which was recorded in the Zulu projects to be released from the partnership between including Toby Gad (John Legend, Beyonce, Fergie), Lindy language, went viral earlier this year after the #Jerusale- The Global Classroom and BMG SoundLabs. All Robbins (Jason Derulo, David Guetta), Edd Holloway maDanceChallenge started trending on social media. proceeds will go to benefit global humanitarian efforts. (Lewis Capaldi, Martin Garrix), Georgia Ku (Dua Lipa, On Heritage Day, September 24, President Cyril Ramaphosa urged South Africans to do the “Jerusa- lema” dance challenge to celebrate the “diverse heritage of our nation.” The song was also performed by American singer Janet Jackson and Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo. So far, the music video for the song has been viewed more than 157 million times. South African Song Paying Fans in countries around the world – including Spain, Italy, France, Jamaica and Canada – filmed themselves doing pre-set dance moves to the song Tribute to Jerusalem Sparks and uploaded the clips onto social media platforms such as TikTok, Twitter and Instagram. On September 8, the music app Shazam Viral Dance Challenge announced on Instagram that “Jerusalema” was the most “Shazamed” song in the world. “It is so wonderful to see the love from all over the world,” said Master KG.“I used to dream of such a viral dance challenge has now been endorsed by the BY SHIRYN GHERMEZIAN moments when I was still underground and starting country’s president. to make music.” An upbeat gospel-inspired tune from South Africa “Jerusalema,” by local musician Master KG, features that pays tribute to the city of Jerusalem and inspired singer Nomcebo Zikode, and was released on YouTube Attention Not-For-Profit Organizations

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