algemeiner JOURNAL

$1.00 - PRINTED IN NEW YORK FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2018 | 28 NISSAN 5778 VOL. XLVI NO. 2351 Absurd: Syrian As Trump Meets With Emir, Jewish Regime to Chair UN Groups Emphasize Conference on Qatar’s Support Disarmament for Hamas


As US President Donald Trump hosted Qatar’s Emir Tamim Bin Hamad Al Th ani at the White House on Tuesday, American Jewish leaders cautioned that any warming of relations between Washington, DC and Doha should not overlook the emirate’s ongoing fi nancial support for Pales- tinian terrorism, along with its promotion of virulently anti-Israel and antisemitic propaganda. “Th e President should hold Qatar accountable for the destabilizing role it is currently playing in the Middle East,”

Children in the Syrian town of Douma, following a toxic gas attack, April 7, 2018. Photo: White Helmets via Reuters.

A Hamas military drill in the Gaza Strip in March 2018. Photo: Reuters/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa. BY BEN COHEN breathe and foaming at the mouth. global chemical and nuclear Th e Geneva-based NGO UN weapons disarmament will be like Betty Ehrenberg, the Executive Director of World Jewish Th e Syrian regime is to Watch said on Monday that it was putting a serial rapist in charge of Congress’s North American section, told Th e Algemeiner. preside over a UN conference on calling on ambassadors from the a women’s shelter,” Hillel Neuer Ehrenberg highlighted the role played by the Qatari disarmament next month, despite US, the EU and other democracies — executive director of UN Watch broadcaster, Al Jazeera, in “providing platforms to those its consistent use of chemical to walk out of the UN’s Confer- — declared in a statement. who justify terrorist attacks against Israelis and American weapons during a seven-year- ence on Disarmament in Geneva Neuer said his organization soldiers.” A similar concern was expressed by David old civil war — most recently on during the four weeks when the was urging the UN “to understand Weinberg – the Anti-Defamation League’s Washington Saturday, when at least 42 people, Syrian regime’s envoy, Hussam that at a time when Syria is gassing Representative for International Aff airs – who pointed out including many children, were Edin Aala, serves as president of its own men, women, and children that Qatar’s “state TV and state-controlled Grand Mosque killed in a suspected toxic gas the conference. to death, to see Syria heading the attack on the town of Douma that “Having the Syrian regime world body that is supposed to Continued on Page A3 left many victims struggling to of Bashar al-Assad preside over Continued on Page A3

Seventy ShabbatCalendar Parshat SHEMINI Times for , Friday Candle Lighting Shabbat Begins: 7:15pm | Shabbat Ends: 8:16pm פרשת שמיני Years of Sacrifi ce P.O.B. 250746, , NY 11225-3203 Tel: (718) 771.0400 | Fax: (718) 771.0308 page A8 Email: [email protected]

© Copyright 2018 Th e Algemeiner Journal - All Rights Reserved. A2 | FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2018 Opinion. The Lie of Palestinian ‘Refugees’

The underlying narrative for this unprec- formed into all the news edented generosity is clearly articulated by that fit theTimes ‘ narra- JEROLD AUERBACH The Palestinian Right to Return Coalition: tive of Israeli blame for BOSTON “Zionist policy sought to create an exclu- Palestinian suffering. sive homeland for Jews in Palestine,” already Long opposed to the very inhabited by “an indigenous population idea of Jewish statehood, with a history stretching back thousands the Times had — and As Israel approaches its 70th anniversary of years”[sic]. Jewish “terrorist groups … occasionally still has — of independence, the time has come to finally destroyed villages and slaughtered entire trouble coping with the resolve the Palestinian refugee problem. By Palestinian families” in pursuit of their reality of Israel as the only that, I mean the real one — and not the fake aim “to annihilate the Palestinian popula- flourishing democracy in news incessantly circulated by Palestin- tion.” Committed to a “systematic policy of the Middle East. ians, their left-wing allies and UNRWA (the ethnic dispossession and elimination,” Israel As for the actual organization that nourishes itself on the ever- “forcibly evicted 737,166 Palestinians from number of Palestinian Palestinian students raise their hands in an UNRWA-run school. growing population of invented refugees.) their homes and land.” refugees from the war Photo: UN / Shareef Sarhan. UNRWA — the United Nations Relief and Consequently — and preposterously forced on Israel by its Works Administration — was established in — the Coalition claims that there are “about Arab neighbors, the most Both states can live in peace with one another 1949 for the worthy cause of assisting Pales- 7.2 million Palestinian refugees worldwide.” reliable source is historian Efraim Karsh’s and cooperate for the welfare of their inhabit- tinian refugees dislocated due to a war that As they inevitably grow in number with the Palestine Betrayed (2010). Extensively ants.” Instead, the Arab High Committee, led was initiated by Arab states against Israel. birth of (non-refugee) babies to (non-refugee) researched in British and Israeli archives, by Haj Amin al-Husseini, chose war. Pales- UNRWA’s dependents were defined as families, their inflated numbers can only Karsh concluded that actual Palestinian tinian displacement was the consequence. “persons whose regular place of residence increase over time. refugees numbered between 583,000-609,000. Fast forward seven decades. It is estimated was Palestine during the period from 1 June The problem with this plaintive narrative Anyone can trace the sorrowful town-by-town that 99% of UNRWA’s currently designated 1946 to 15 May 1948, and who lost both home of perpetual suffering (based on inexorable Palestinian exodus of 1947-48 that he meticu- Palestinian “refugees” are, in fact, only descen- and means of livelihood as a result of the 1948 refugee inflation) is that it is blatant falsity. lously documented. dants of actual refugees. That leaves some conflict” waged by Arab states to annihilate Yet, this myth has managed to attract devoted Had Palestinian leaders been willing to 30,000 as bona-fide refugees — the same Israel. The largest UN agency, UNRWA is adherents. accept the November 1947 United Nations number of people that UNRWA employs. It is now an employment organization for a staff Take, for example, The New York Times. resolution calling for the partition of Palestine well past time for the United States (and even of 30,000 — the overwhelming majority of Its first editorial on the plight of Palestinian into two independent states — one Jewish and The New York Times) to dissociate itself from whom are Palestinians. Between 2010-2016, refugees (11/9/52) cited 850,000. Two one Arab — Palestinian refugees could have the world’s longest swindle. the United States was the organization’s most years later, Cyrus Sulzberger, the publisher’s returned to their own sovereign state — in Jerold S. Auerbach is author of the generous benefactor, providing upwards of $3 nephew, referred to 900,000 (1/31/55).The Palestine. It would have ended the conflict. forthcoming “Print to Fit: The New York million annually — before finally recognizing number subsequently peaked at 925,000 As future Israeli Prime Minister Golda Times, Zionism and Israel (1896-2016),” the scam and cutting its monthly contribu- (4/2/57). Along the way, the Times‘ mantra Meyerson (Meir) told Israeli celebrants: “Our to be published this summer by Academic tions in half. of “All the News That’s Fit to Print,” was trans- hands are extended in peace to our neighbors. Studies Press. On Zionism, Progressives Take a Page Out of the Socialist Playbook

tive obsession with a caricature of Zionism, or Party — across Russia, as well as in Czechoslo- the whether you believe that this same caricature vakia, East Germany, Poland and other Warsaw Algemeiner Journal BEN COHEN/JNS.ORG is hard-wired into the left’s worldview. Pact countries. NEW YORK At the heart of the spectacle in Stalin’s In the West, while many centrist social (USPS 927800) is published weekly dacha was contempt — not just for Zinoviev democrats have been among the greatest (except for the week of Passover as a supposed “traitor,” but also as the embodi- friends of Israel and the Jewish people, the and Succos) ment of the feeble, ingratiating Jew who will remainder of the left largely incorporated Subscription rate $40 per year There is a tragic account of the last say or do anything to preserve himself. This ideological hostilities reminiscent of the Algemeiner Journal moments of Grigori Zinoviev, the veteran antisemitic stereotype long predated the Soviet regime. When the “New Left” emerged period of Communist rule, of course, but its in the 1960s, its libertarian suspicions of the 508 Montgomery Street Russian Bolshevik leader of Jewish descent persistence was entirely in keeping with a repressive Soviet society didn’t prevent the Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225-3023 who was executed by Stalin in 1936. According to the historian Donald Rayfield, on the journey revolutionary program that regarded any adoption of a demonized view of Zionism Periodicals Postage from his prison cell to the execution cellar, expression of Jewish identity — whether straight out of the Soviet playbook; some Paid at Brooklyn, N.Y. the broken Zinoviev “clung to the boots of his religious, secular, cultural or national — as of the movement’s graduates (in Germany, and at additional mailing offices guards and was taken down by stretcher.” “counter-revolutionary.” ironically) were even recruited by Palestinian “This scene,” Rayfield continues in his That is essentially why the Jewish terrorist groups to organize attacks on Jewish POSTMASTER: book on Stalin’s crimes, “was re-enacted encounter with socialism in most of its forms and Israeli targets. Meanwhile, in this century, Send address changes to several times at supper at Stalin’s dacha, the has been a disaster. In Russia and Eastern the moderate centrist left, with some honor- Algemeiner Journal bodyguard Karl Pauker playing the part of Europe more widely, this was true under Lenin, able exceptions, has been at best passive in Zinoviev — begging for Stalin to be fetched when a special Jewish section of the Commu- the face of a virulent, Soviet-style campaign P.O. Box 250746 nist Party was created for the express purpose against “Zionism” that has involved boycotts, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225 -3023 and then crying out, ‘Hear, O Israel’ — until even Stalin found the charade distasteful.” of shutting down separate Jewish institutions; harassment and occasional violence not The image of a Jew desperately mumbling and it was true under Stalin and his successors, against the Israeli military or government, but Let your voice be heard! the Shema as he prepares to meet his execu- whose discriminatory campaigns in the name directed at ordinary Jews in Western Europe, of “anti-Zionism” terrorized Jews — whether South Africa and North America. [email protected] tioner certainly inspires pity, even a Jew like Zinoviev, who spent his entire career building or not they were members of the Communist This recent past matters because the a totalitarian state apparatus that crushed the present figureheads of the left are either in denial To advertise in Soviet Jewish community while at the same about it or, in some cases, actually complicit time proclaiming to be the in it. In the United States, Vermont Sen. Bernie the new Algemeiner enemy of the workers. Sanders has spoken out against the boycott, e-mail: [email protected] But more than any of this, embedded divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign, in this story are deeper lessons about the but he has never questioned whether a political or call relationship between Jews and the left that movement whose core goal is to return Jews 718-771-0400 warrant closer attention –irrespective of to the situation they faced in 1945 should be whether you are someone convinced that the considered “progressive” in the first place. In The Israeli flag at Jerusalem’s Western Wall.Photo: France, the leader of the populist left, Jean-Luc left can be rescued from its present, destruc- Hynek Moravec via Wikimedia Commons. Continued on Page A3 | FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2018 A3 World News. Hamas Reportedly Poland’s Deputy PM Training Fighters to Calls for Prosecution of Kidnap IDF Soldiers Former Political Ally

BY ALGEMEINER STAFF Hamas, the IDF believes, could use such clashes as cover to launch cross-border attacks. Many of the several dozen rioters killed Amid heightened tensions on the Israel- in recent weeks were members of terrorist Gaza border, the Hamas terrorist group is organizations. openly training its fighters to take over Israeli Based on social media monitoring, the military posts, infiltrate border communities IDF believes the main focus of rioters this and kidnap IDF soldiers, the Hebrew news Friday will be to hurl Molotov cocktails into site Walla reported on Tuesday. Israeli territory. This has raised the concern The IDF, according toWalla , is busily that wheat fields on the Israeli side of the preparing for further Hamas-organized border fence could be set ablaze. disturbances on the border in coming weeks, To prevent this, the IDF plans to use force including this Friday. The past two Fridays to keep rioters out of throwing range of the have seen violent encounters on the border border fence. between Israeli troops and Palestinian rioters. Syrian Businessman: Polish businessman and former ‘Poland Together’ leader Kazimierz Plotkowski. Photo: File. Help From Israel Drops It BY BEN COHEN party two years ago. On his personal website, Plotkowski says that from March 2015, he The deputy prime minister of Poland, worked under Gowin’s supervision on mining to Nation’s No. 10 Enemy Jarosław Gowin, has called for the prosecu- and energy issues, adding that there was a tion of a former political ally whose viciously subsequent “falling out” that resulted in his antisemitic tweet was exposed by The resignation in 2016. Algemeiner on Sunday. Plotkowski issued his tweet — since for the people of southern Syria. BY Gowin called for criminal proceedings to deleted — in response to an announcement “I have seen more compassion in [my be launched against Kazimierz Plotkowski — a Jewish neighbors in Antwerp] than in many from the museum at the Auschwitz concen- Syrian businessman Ghassan Aboud, former regional leader of the Poland Together tration camp that it was replacing a small founder of the Syrian opposition Orient TV Syrians we used to consider our brothers, and Party launched by the deputy prime minister in exhibition about a group of Poles executed channel and the Orient for Human Relief who are now bombing us with planes, missiles 2013 — over a tweet last Wednesday that declared by the Nazis in 1943 with another about the Organization, said his organization had held and tanks,” said Aboud. “The Jews are not humans, they are animals!” resistance movement in the camp. A spokes- discussions with Israeli government officials, “Israel is still on the list” of enemies, but has “Plotkowski’s comments about Jews person for the museum told the PAP Polish as well as with Israelis working for humani- “dropped to number 10,” he said in the interview, deserve not only the highest moral condem- news agency that the new exhibit would show tarian organizations in an effort to provide aid which aired on Orient TV on March 18. nation,” Gowin said on Twitter. “I am counting the central role played by Polish inmates in on the prosecutor’s office to launch criminal building the resistance inside the main slave Continued from Page A1 tion City,” a development funded by the proceedings.” labor and extermination center built by the Emphasize government’s semi-official Qatar Founda- Gowin cited Article 257 of the Polish Nazis during the German occupation of have broadcast Friday sermons this past year tion housing the six American universities Constitution as the basis for a potential prose- Poland in World War II. telling Muslims that Jews are ‘your deceitful, – Virginia Commonwealth, Cornell, George- cution. Adopted in 1997, the article states The scandal over Plotkowski’s tweet lying, treacherous, fornicating, intransigent town, Northwestern, Carnegie Mellon, and that any person who “publicly insults a group comes amid renewed concern among Jewish enemy,’ and claiming that Jews are ‘dangerous,’ Texas A&M – with campuses in the emirate. within the population or a particular person organizations about rising in antisemitism in ‘defiling’ the Temple Mount, and aided by Satan.” Among the group was Saudi preacher because of his (sic) national, ethnic, race or Poland. Antisemitic outbursts in the media Weinberg also noted that several Sunni Tareq al-Hawas, who implored God in one religious affiliation” faces a maximum prison and among politicians have significantly extremist preachers continue to deliver sermon to “kill the Zionists completely,” as sentence of three years. increased since the passage in February of the sermons at the mosque in Qatar’s “Educa- Continued on Page A5 In the same tweet, Gowin said that had widely-criticized IPN Act, which criminalizes been “informed” that Plotkowski — a former public discussion of Polish collaboration with Continued from Page A2 are, sadly, the price of being accepted as a Jew chairman of Poland Together in the southern the Nazi authorities. Progressives on the far left. But as relevant history demon- region of Silesia — was expelled from the Melenchon, is an enthusiastic advocate of strates, that’s not an aberration of our own boycotting Israel, declaring last week that time, but entirely consistent with the estab- tions. Currently, 65 states are full members of other UN elections, to legitimize [President the French Jewish leadership is composed of lished patterns of the past. the conference, including the US and Israel. Bashar] al-Assad’s cruel regime.” unpatriotic “communalists.” In Britain, Labour As comforting as it may be for many Jews Syria is scheduled to preside over the The controversy over Syria’s role comes Party leader Jeremy Corbyn on one day offers to observe the rhetorical and thematic overlaps conference during its second session, from amid expressions of strong concern from senior an assurance that antisemitism has no place in a between biblical prophets and modern-day May 28 until June 24. UN officials at the conference’s general lack of party that has recorded more than 300 internal socialists, the bald truth is that the revolution- Syria’s regional rival, Turkey, will achievement since a landmark treaty in 1996. antisemitic incidents since 2015; the next, he aries themselves never saw it that way. Nor, it meanwhile preside over the final session of “The Conference on Disarmament has attends a Passover Seder organized by a radical would seem, do their inheritors. the conference beginning in August — despite been deadlocked since the agreement on the Jewish group that proudly excludes any Jews Ben Cohen writes a weekly column for accusations from human rights groups and Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, more than with basic sympathies for Israel (i.e., most of JNS on Jewish affairs and Middle Eastern others of war crimes, including the use of two decades ago,” Miroslav Lajcák, the Presi- them) from its events. politics. His writings have been published in chemical weapons, committed by Turkish dent of the UN General Assembly, remarked At that same Seder, a modifiedHaggadah Commentary, the New York Post, Haaretz, forces during their recent assault on the in February. “We have to address this reality.” invited guests to pause and “consider how s**t The Wall Street Journal and many other Kurdish-held Afrin district in northern Syria. Away from the UN’s deliberations, a the State of Israel is.” Such puerile obscenities publications. While the Syrian presidency of the prominent Israeli military analyst said on conference is due to the automatic rotation Monday that Israel’s reported strike on an Continued from Page A1 the post of secretary-general is held by a of member states, Neuer argued that UN Assad regime air base in central Syria early Chemical Weapons senior UN official– currently Michael Møller, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres was Monday had sent “a moral message that using protect these victims will simply shock the a veteran Danish diplomat. nonetheless obliged to speak out “when a UN chemical weapons is not acceptable.” conscience of humanity.” Key treaties regarding the use of weapons committee makes obscene decisions which Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Yadlin — a former Established in 1979, the Conference on of mass destruction (WMDs) — including the only cast a shadow on the reputation of the IDF intelligence chief who now serves as Disarmament meets annually in Geneva for Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the UN as a whole.” executive director of the Institute for National three separate sessions that each last several prohibitions on the use of chemical and biolog- Neuer said that Syria’s presidency of Security Studies (INSS) — added that it was weeks. While the conference is not formally ical weapons — have been negotiated through the conference would likely be “exploited by important “that Israel make its voice heard” in a part of the UN’s institutional architecture, the conference and its predecessor organiza- Syrian propaganda, as they have done after opposing the use of chemical weapons. A4 | FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2018 World News. ADVERTORIAL

PASSOVER 2018 AT BETH SHIFRA: We hosted a special children's program, A Festival to Remember enlightening shiurim and a Jewish singles We have celebrated the festival of matzos program. The participants came from near once again and, thanks to Beth Shifra, and its and far and enjoyed a welcoming meal and generous contributors and dedicated staff, music, and were given boxes of matzah, grape The Sea of Galilee. Photo: Staselnik via Wikimedia Commons. hundreds of people, who otherwise would juice, macaroons, vegetables, pesach toys and have had no Seder and no holiday, have great other treats for the holiday. Israel to Offset Five-Year Drought Pesach memories – some for the first time in While the kitchen at the White Shul was their lives. Since 1970, Beth Shifra, a Brooklyn- being kashered and food and wine were being based organization, has made it its mission to brought in to prepare for the holiday, other With Two New Desalination Plants help those of the New York Jewish community preparations were under way as well. A major who need help the most: poor people (and task was getting the word out to New York’s there are many), new immigrants, elderly large, diverse Jewish communitythat there BY JNS.ORG mately $400 million. people, shut-ins and just plain, ordinary was a place where they could come and eat The plan will include the expansion people who otherwise might have little or no during the holiday – and it wouldn’t cost them Israel’s Ministry of Energy and Water of pipelines for use in agriculture, and is connection toYiddishkeit. a dime. Rabbi Prussman sent out notices and announced Monday that two new desalina- intended to help Israel to rehabilitate dried-up “It was absolutely unbelievable,” marveled paid advertisements about the upcoming tion plants will be built to offset the deficits rivers. The plans may include pumping fresh Rabbi ChaimPrussman, who founded the Seders and food distribution in Russian, of an extended five-year drought that has left water into Israel’s primary source for drinking organization over 45 years ago and who has and English newspapers. Editor Ari Israel’s sensitive water sources at their lowest water, the Kinneret—also known as the Sea led it ever since. “We were able to serve hot Kagan from the Russian-language newspaper levels in nearly a hundred years. of Galilee—which has continued to suffer meals and give food packages to every person covered the Russian front and had it sent to Currently Israel has five active desalina- receding levels. that came. Everyone was served with a smile, a number of other Russian papers. The four tion plants, built over the last 13 years, to extract The Kinneret is also the primary feeder and at no cost to them. We turned away no Yiddish newspapers that sent out advertise- water suitable for drinking from the Mediterra- of Israel’s Jordan River, which runs south to one!” A great many people showed up for ments were: Rabbi and Rebbitzen Friedman’s nean Sea, and distribute the desalinated water the Dead Sea and is another body of water the Seders each night at Beth Shifra’sPesach paper, The Tzeitung, , The Blatt and the through Israel’s national water carrier. suffering severe ecological damage due to headquarters, 2102 Ave T, Brooklyn. Algeimeiner Journal. The five English newspa- Each facility is expected to cost approxi- receding water levels. Rabbi Prussman said a long list of people pers that got the word out were:TVVues (Mr. deserve a lot of recognition for making Beth Allen Hirsch a long- time friend),The Connec- Shifra’s Pesach 2018 as successful as it was. tions, Jewish Press, Twenties and Thirties and Certainly, right near the top of the list is the . The printing companies that helped Irish Students, Teachers Endorse management of the White Shul. “Rabbi Sroya- us get the word out are Expressway Printing, Sorscher and Rabbi MordechaiSorscher and Colonial Records,Kuppy and staff, Star Direct Boycott Campaign Against Israelis his congregants get a big yasherkoach,” said mailing helped us publicize. Zev Brenner’s Rabbi Prussman. We also thank the lecturers: radio show made announcements. RavBerkstein, Rabbi SroyaSorscher and Please DO YOUR PART to help Beth Rabbi MordechaiSorscherwho enlightened Shifra pay for Passover and continue to BY SHIRI MOSHE Students’ Union voted to adopt a long-term our participants with their inspiring insights. serve our community year-round. Make a policy endorsing the BDS campaign. At the We are grateful to , Faigyat tax-deductible contribution to: Beth Shifra, The Union of Students in Ireland voted time, a student at the school who opposed the Algemeiner, Zev Brenner for helping to P.O. Box 700, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11229. last Thursday to join the boycott, divestment, the motion shared pictures of anti-Jewish publicize our work. We also want to thank FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel, and anti-Israeli graffiti he found on campus, those who helped package and distribute CONTACT US AT BETH SHIFRA, tel. (718) shortly after the country’s largest teachers’ some of which included Holocaust denial and packages. The Sorscher family helped 449-1397, or visit our website: www.bethshifra. union expressed support for the movement. targeted an Israeli professor by name. tremendously in making it the best Pesach org. We are pleased to announce that this year “Pro-Palestine sentiment is extremely The student body — which represents 374,000 ever! They were there for us from the begin- we had 6,845 visits for pesach!Beth Shifra's common among the Socialist far-left in members in universities in Ireland and Northern ning. Shai Auerbach was our right-hand-man activities on behalf of New York's Jewish Ireland,” the student told The Algemeiner. Ireland — passed the motion at its annual congress from beginning to end and most importantly community have been endorsed by many in Galway, with some 250 students voting. “These movements see a resemblance his advice gave us the tools to make Pesach gedolim, prominent rabbis and numerous The measure called on USI to support an between an occupation of Ireland under 5778 a success. Thank you toAssemblyman- community leaders. academic boycott of Israeli higher education Britain with what they perceive as an occupa- DovHikind and his office staff as well as the All these good times, kindness and institutions, mark Palestine Solidarity Day, tion of Palestine by an [alien government].” Rabbinical Alliance of America under the mitzvos don’t happen by themselves. In and teach its members about “the background In January, the Irish Senate postponed voting auspices of RabbiMircozcnik. We also want addition to the inspiring donations of supplies to the situation in Israel/Palestine.” on a bill that seeks to criminalize trade with Israeli It also urged the termination of university settlements, following opposition from Israeli to thank our suppliers: Manischewitz,Kedem and manpower, many expenses accrue. We contracts with, and divestment of funds from, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel said it Wines, Kerekes/Bakedeco, Tumid Express, cannot continue our indispensable services companies accused of complicity in “the occupa- considered the legislation a BDS initiative, which Streit’sMatzah Co, The Brandsdorfer Family, without your generous contribution. tion of the Palestinian territories and violation of Ireland’s ambassador to Israel denied. Rabbi Goldstein, BaTempte, Redi Record, Please contact us now with your support Palestinian human rights more widely.” The BDS campaign wants to isolate Israel RiteLite Toys, Shuey's Take Out Grill -3006 and in these merits may we be blessed with a “The students of Ireland have today made until it accedes to a number of Palestinian Ave K (718-513-6565), Quality Frozen Foods, year of health, happiness, and nachas. the historic decision to support the people of demands. Supporters say their activism seeks to Paperific on 38th, and Met Council. Palestine,” USI President Michael Kerrigan said. pressure Israel to comply with international law, The preparations were complicated, A day earlier, the Irish National Teachers’ while opponents argue it aims to destroy the but with everyone pulling together, the job Organisation (INTO) unanimously passed a Jewish state. BDS co-founder Omar Barghouti got done. With Rabbis Sroya and Mordechai resolution at its own annual congress, which has in the past acknowledged that by supporting Sorscher, everything was so clean, and every noted “with concern the reported human the Palestinian “right of return,” the movement inch of the refrigerator and the ovens were rights abuses perpetrated on a daily basis seeks to “end Israel’s existence as a Jewish state.” immaculate. against Palestinian school children.” Once the kitchen was prepared, the The motion — the only one of its kind fridges and freezer delivered, silverware, focused on international affairs — committed prizes and pallets of food in place, the process the INTO to “fully support and promote” the started taking shape. The cook started and “position on Palestine” advocated by the Irish worked until he finished the amount needed. Congress of Trade Unions, which has explic- The bagging of the food parcels took from itly backed BDS. It also called for the group to morningtill night. Many people came to the “explore ways to further develop solidarity with Members of the Union of Students in Ireland vote sedarim, which were standing room only. The Palestinian schools, teachers and trade unions.” to support BDS campaign against Israel. week of cholhamoed also saw a huge turnout, Late last month, Trinity College Dublin’s Photo: USI. with activities for children, adults and singles. The week of chol hamoed Pesach | FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2018 A5 U.S. News.

The resolutions referred to by Samuels “perhaps a flicker of light in the darkness, With Anti-Israel Resolutions, are agenda items 25 and 26 — titled “Occupied those frustrated diplomats, predominantly Palestine” and “Educational and Cultural Insti- from Latin America and the very few WEOG UNESCO ‘Fiddling in the Chamber tutions in the Occupied Arab Territories.” (Western European and Others Group) states, Last week, Israel’s UNESCO ambassador, who, in the corridors, cajole their peers, their Carmel Shama Hacohen, lambasted agenda capitals and the UNESCO Secretariat to simply While the Middle East Burns,” item 25 — submitted by Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, place the ‘Occupied Palestine’ resolutions at Morocco, Oman, Qatar and Sudan — as “the most the bottom of the pile, thereby postponing the extreme and problematic text” ever considered by debate until the next session in October.” BY ALGEMEINER STAFF the body. “Annoyance at Palestinian fast-track[ing], “Article 2 [of the resolution] brings monopolization and time-wasting, may one An official with a prominent US-based Jewish human rights group has criticized UNESCO through the backdoor all conceivable anti- day — irregardless of Israel — bring back over two anti-Israel resolutions set to be discussed on Wednesday by the global cultural body’s Israel prior resolutions,” Samuels explained UNESCO to the important agenda for which it Executive Board. on Tuesday. “Article 4 on ‘Occupied Palestine’ was created,” Samuels noted. “While ignoring the current poison gas attacks and constant massacres in neighboring endorses within this construct the Palestiniza- Last year, the US and Israel announced Syria, the Turkish flagrant aggression on Syrian Kurds, Russian murderous attacks on Syrian tion of Jerusalem, THE TWO PALESTINIAN they would withdraw from UNESCO over its civilians and the terror-training of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah threatened SITES IN AL-KHALIL/Hebron and Bethlehem longstanding bias against the Jewish state. Those upon Israel, UNESCO serves as an alternative reality — fiddling in the chamber while the Middle — an oblique de-judaization of the Cave of the decisions will not take effect until later this year. East burns,” Dr. Shimon Samuels, director of international relations for the Simon Wiesenthal Patriarchs and Rachel’s Tomb.” Center (SWC), said on Tuesday. Samuels added, however, that there was

Continued from Page A3 Emphasize well as Omar Abdelkafi, an Egyptian who described the January 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris as “the sequel to the comedy film of 9/11,” and Mohammed al-Arefe – another Saudi – who explained that the “will to shed blood, smash skulls, and chop off body parts…constitute an honor for the believer.” The rabbi who delivered the blessing at Trump’s inaugu- ration in January 2017 called on the President to remember that “Qatar has supported and hosted Hamas and its leaders, whose raison d’être is nothing less than the destruction of Israel and western civilization.” Trump “should reject the Qatari argument that they are supporting the Palestinians, when in fact their assistance enables Hamas leaders to dig tunnels, stockpile rockets, and place millions of women and children in harm’s way,” Rabbi Marvin Hier – the Dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center – told The Algemeiner. “The time has come for Qatar to end its dance on both sides of the aisle and to make a decision,” Hier continued. “Schools and hospitals or tunnels and rockets.” The ADL’s Weinberg criticized Qatar’s broader record of support for terrorist groups alongside Hamas. “Qatar’s newly updated public list of banned terrorist entities is so inadequate that it doesn’t even include al-Qaeda or most of ISIS,” he observed. Over the last decade, these groups – as well as others including the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban and Jabhat al-Nusra – have received billions of dollars in funding from Qatari sources. Weinberg argued that Qatar should “face consequences for its continued championing of Hamas, whose genocidal intentions are all too clear.” “There’s no excuse for a US-allied government like Qatar sponsoring Jew-hatred,” Weinberg emphasized. The WJC’s Ehrenberg added that the US should insist that Qatar use its influence with Hamas to secure the return of Israeli hostages currently held captive by the terrorist group in Gaza – a prospect dangled in September 2017 by US-based lobbyists for Qatar, tasked with improving the emirate’s image among , that remains unfulfilled. “President Trump should demand that Qatar prevail upon Hamas to return the Israeli MIA’s they are holding hostage,” Ehrenberg said. “Namely Avera Mengistu, a disabled Ethiopian Israeli they have been holding for three years with no word to Israel or to his parents, and the bodies of Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul, who were kidnapped and brutally murdered by Hamas during a declared ceasefire in the 2014 war with Gaza.” One of the handful of American Jewish leaders to have traveled to Qatar as part of the emirate’s outreach effort agreed that Qatar needed to “do much more” to end its support for terrorism and antisemitic incitement. Morton Klein – President of the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA – nonetheless praised the emirate for having “taken some important steps in the right direction.” Specifi- cally, Klein cited the removal of antisemitic titles from the Doha Book Fair and the apparent cancellation by Al Jazeera of a purported TV exposé of the “American Jewish lobby” that was due to have been shown in April. In a statement on Tuesday, Klein additionally spoke of “an encouraging step this week,” in the form of ex-Qatari Prime Minister Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani’s tweet that “Israelis have a right to live in their land in peace and safety.​” “Former PM Hamad Al Thani wrote this in Arabic, which added to its significance,” Klein said. “ZOA hopes the Emir and other Qatari officials will​also ​ acknowledge and publicly Continued on Page A8 A6 | FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2018 Opinion. The Labour Party’s Antisemitism Didn’t Arise Out of the Blue

been poisoning left-wing discourse for at least Holocaust denial, explicitly venerates the UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn out- three decades. Yet still, they don’t get it. Still, wartime Palestinian Nazi-ally Haj Amin side his London home. Photo: Reuters/Toby Melville. they won’t ask the key question: What in left- al Husseini, and uses his media outlets to MELANIE PHILLIPS wing thinking has given rise to this obscenity? transmit Nazi-style demonization of the Jews. Israel Jewish group Jewdas. The Times more / They are behaving as if this antisemitism In my view, supporting Palestinianism, accurately referred to this event as a “far-left has arrived like a thunderbolt out of a clear the default position on the left, is inescap- Passover satire.” blue sky. They just cannot understand how ably to be anti-Jew. This has been amplified Jewdas had previously tweeted: “Israel thousands of supposedly anti-racist Labour by the extent to which anti-Western views is itself a steaming pile of sewage which It’s been more than two weeks into the supporters are embracing deranged Jewish have spread from the far-left to the political needs to be properly disposed of.” At its seder, great controversy in Britain over Labour Party conspiracy theories. And that’s because they mainstream. It is now generally agreed by Corbyn read a short prayer titled “Elijah’s Cup,” leader Jeremy Corbyn and antisemitism, and cannot admit that this derangement arises the entire political class that the young have which ended, “Fill this cup with the hope that one thing is becoming clear: Everyone is directly from the left’s attitude toward Israel a point in their rage against capitalism. But socialism and revolution will be upon us soon.” ignoring the elephant in the room. — an attitude shared by Labour moderates as some of these young protesters talk in terms Charlotte Nichols, Young Labour’s The revelations of widespread antisemi- well as the hard left. They can’t see that their of a global conspiracy by powerful bankers. Women’s Officer and a member of a Reform tism in the party have plunged it into an “criticism” of Israel is in fact an obsessional And these are code words for Jews. synagogue, who took part in the seder, says existential crisis. And moderate Labour repudiation of reason and an embrace of There has been horror at a recent opinion that Jewdas has been “steadfast in addressing members opposed to Corbyn — a hard-left murderous, colonialist propaganda. poll that showed most Labour members antisemitism on the left” and “all of us are friend to Hamas and essentially all left-wing The view of Israel predominant among remain solidly behind Corbyn and think proud of our Judaism, whatever we under- revolutionary causes — are aghast. “progressives” is based largely on libelous false- the antisemitism crisis has been exagger- stand that to mean.” Yet few grasp the real nature of this hoods used against no other people, country, ated. What on earth did anyone expect after Alas, such Jews on the left understand crisis, which extends far beyond the British or cause. They turn the Israeli victim into the decades of indoctrination by an education Judaism to mean hatred of Israel. Given this Labour Party. And that’s because few on the aggressor and vice versa. They hold Israel to system pumping out a Marxist view of the twisted attitude, they cannot begin to under- left are prepared to acknowledge the principal standards expected of no one else. They deny world, which tells the young that the West is stand the part they themselves are playing motivation behind today’s antisemitism. or ignore evidence that it actually meets those mired in racism and oppression? in fomenting the antisemitism they tell The bare details are bad enough: Corbyn standards — as in the Israel Defense Forces’ The left believes it embodies virtue and themselves they are addressing. And that is a has been exposed as belonging to at least five unmatched record in safeguarding civilian thus simply cannot be antisemitic. It thinks tragic and terrible threat to the Jewish people. Facebook groups that are cesspools of antisem- lives — and accuse it instead of being a serial antisemitism, however, is directed only at Labour will never rid itself of antisemi- itism. Members of those groups have claimed violator of human rights. Jews as people. Hence its shock at the Labour tism while it supports Palestinianism. The that the Jews were behind ISIS and 9/11, the Above all, they support Palestinianism supporters’ tropes. What the left cannot grasp is choice it faces is said to be between Corbyn Rothschilds control the world’s finances, and on the basis of the big lie that the “Palestin- that the new antisemitism uses almost identical and the Jews. In fact, in my view, the choice is various other such paranoid theories. ians” were dispossessed by the Jews. So these tropes against Israel, the collective Jew. between Palestinianism and the Jews. In response to these revelations, two “progressives” relentlessly make the unhinged British Jews themselves are unfortu- That’s a choice facing not just the British Jewish Labour members of a north London claim that the Jewish state is a uniquely nately far too nervous to make this link with Labour Party, but Western progressives, borough council resigned, saying that malign global actor and then are shocked that anti-Israelism. At the demonstration against including progressive Jews, everywhere. overwhelming antisemitic abuse has made it some of them make the unhinged claim that antisemitism held last month outside Parlia- Melanie Phillips, a British journalist, broad- impossible to be a Jewish Labour councilor. the Jews are uniquely malign global actors. ment, for example, the organizers didn’t allow caster, and author, writes a column for JNS every Horrified Labour moderates say that the They demand that those who support any Israeli flags. Failure to make this crucial two weeks. Currently a columnist for The Times, party should expel antisemites and embark Holocaust denial be expelled. Yet these link is providing Corbyn and other facilitators her personal and political memoir Guardian on an education program, but none of this shocked souls themselves support as a of antisemitism with a human shield. Angel has been published by Bombardier, which would address the problem. These moderates “moderate” Palestinian Authority leader Last Monday, Corbyn attended a is also publishing her first novel, The Legacy, on have only just woken up to something that’s Mahmoud Abbas, who has a doctorate in Passover seder held by the virulently anti- April 10. Her work can be found at her website

violations and only complied when caught. during September and October 2017. The According to then-National Security Advisor report stated that the Iranians used front- Why the Iran Nuclear Deal H.R. McMaster, “The IAEA has identified and companies based in the UAE, Turkey, and we’ve identified some of these breaches that China to try and purchase the materials from Is a Sham Iran has then corrected. But what does that individuals in the German state of North tell you about Iranian behavior? They’re not Rhine-Westphalia. just walking up to the line on the agreement. The head of Iran’s nuclear program, They’re crossing the line at times.” Ali Akbar Salehi, has said that Iran has the IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano capability to build advanced centrifuges on labs, so no one can assure us that nuclear revealed in September 2017 that Russia short notice. research and development is not currently opposed the agency’s enforcement of the Furthermore, according to the Institute MITCHELL BARD being conducted. section of the nuclear deal that bans “activities for Science and International Security: NEW YORK According to Israeli sources, within a few which could contribute to the development The mass production of these centrifuges months of signing the nuclear deal, the Inter- of a nuclear explosive device,” such as using (or their components) would greatly expand national Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was computer models that simulate a nuclear Iran’s ability to sneak-out or breakout to given information regarding sites that Iran had bomb or designing multi-point, explosive nuclear weapons capability, or surge the size President Donald Trump is considering not reported as part of its nuclear program and detonation systems. of its centrifuge program if the deal fails, or whether to pull out of the nuclear deal signed where it was believed that forbidden nuclear David Albright, President of the Institute after key nuclear limitations end. If Salehi’s with Iran by his predecessor Barack Obama. The military research and development activity for Science and International Security, testified statement is true, Iran could have already agreement’s supporters are painting apocalyptic was being conducted. Few of the suspected last year in Congress that his institute found stockpiled many advanced centrifuge scenarios of Iran resuming its nuclear program sites were inspected because of Iran’s refusal several Iranian violations of the agreement, as components, associated raw materials, and and the US going to war to stop this. Simultane- to allow access and the IAEA’s unwillingness to well as cases where Tehran exploited loopholes the equipment necessary to operate a large ously, they claim that the deal cut off all avenues confront Iran on the issue. in the deal to weaken its effectiveness. number of advanced centrifuges. to an Iranian bomb and that the Iranians are Assuming we know about all of Iran’s For example: Behrouz Kamalvandi, spokesman for the complying with their obligations. facilities, the deal still has a gaping loophole • Iran has twice had more than its heavy Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, said on But those insisting that Trump adhere to created by Iran’s refusal to allow inspectors water limit of 130 metric tons. March 5 that Iran could ramp up enrichment what the president has called the “worst deal to enter Iranian military sites in violation of • Iran is likely operating advanced IR-6 of uranium to the pre-agreement level of 20% ever” are lying. the agreement. This is quite different from centrifuges in excess of the limit allowed. within 48 hours. How would this be possible if And how do we know the deal’s Obama’s promise of “unprecedented” inspec- • The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran the agreement cut off all pathways to a bomb, supporters are lying when they claim that tions. It is also proof that no one can verify that has sought sensitive nuclear-related as then-president Obama claimed? Iran is complying with the agreement and has Iran is not developing nuclear weapons. materials and facilities beyond what it Critics of the deal have also pointed abandoned its nuclear program? To answer Not surprisingly, the head of the Mossad, needs or should get. out that, at best, the agreement only buys a that question, ask yourself this: If Iran was Yossi Cohen, said that he is “100 percent • Iran is seeking to exploit a loophole in few years before Iran can resume its nuclear working on a bomb, where would the project certain” that Iran remains committed to reactor restrictions, including work on program. Even Obama acknowledged that, by be undertaken? developing a nuclear bomb. naval propulsion reactors. the end of the deal, the breakout time for Iran The answer is in a secret location and/or We don’t need secret intelligence to know Last October, German intelligence to build a bomb would shrink “almost down a military installation. By definition, inspec- that Cohen is the one telling the truth. The IAEA reported that the Iranian regime made 32 to zero” (emphasis added). tors do not know if Iran has any clandestine has found that Iran has committed several attempts to purchase illicit nuclear materials Continued on Page A7 | FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2018 A7 Opinion.

these cases on the merits — to prove to the how and why our government would act in American people that they did not provide ways that support terrorists, not American Trump Administration material support for terrorism. terror victims. The Solicitor General, the State That, of course, was a lie, as the jury in Department, the Justice Department, and Supports Terrorists, Not Sokolow resoundingly determined. After others should have to answer for making losing at trial and facing the prospect of paying terrorists less concerned about facing legal millions in damages to the terror victims, the consequences for their hideous actions. Victims, in Lawsuit PLO and PA tried a new ploy: reneging on their In addition, we urge Congress to withhold sworn commitments by challenging the court’s funds earmarked for the PA until the victims jurisdiction over them. Instead of calling them receive the compensation they are due. There out for this sleazy maneuver, our government is no question that the PLO and PA orchestrated that it would violate the Fifth Amendment’s unconscionably filed a brief supporting them. the horrific terror attacks that killed and injured MORTON A. KLEIN, Due Process Clause to exercise jurisdiction over Congress should be as appalled as we our citizens. This is now the only way to make SUSAN B. TUCHMAN, the PLO and PA. The court’s reasoning? The are by the Solicitor General’s actions on the them pay for their crimes — and pay they must. AND DAVID I. SCHOEN plaintiffs had failed to show that the PLO and government’s behalf. The House of Representa- Susan Tuchman is the director of the NEW YORK PA “specifically targeted” US citizens or had the tives unanimously submitted a brief urging the Zionist Organization of America’s Center for “specific aim” of targeting the United States. Supreme Court to review the Second Circuit’s Law and Justice. David Schoen is a member That is a difficult, if not impossible, decision, as did many members of the Senate on of the Zionist Organization of America’s Victims of international terrorism requirement for any terror victim to satisfy both sides of the aisle. Lawmakers understood National Board of Directors who regularly suffered a terrible blow last week when the — and it appears nowhere in the ATA itself. that the decision undermined our country’s fight represents American victims of terror, and United States Supreme Court declined to hear Terrorists are rarely available to testify in US against international terrorism, and nullified the represented the plaintiffs in the Sokolow case Sokolow v. Palestine Liberation Organization, lawsuits to describe their targets or aims. The rights and remedies that Congress afforded to at the pretrial stage of the litigation. Morton a case brought by American citizens killed or goal of terrorists is to kill as many people as American terror victims under the ATA. Klein is the national president of the Zionist injured in terrorist attacks committed in the possible, including Americans. We urge Congress to hold hearings about Organization of America. early 2000s in Israel by the Palestine Libera- In March 2017, the victims petitioned the tion Organization (PLO) and the Palestinian Supreme Court to review the Second Circuit’s Continued from Page A10 Authority (PA). decision. The Supreme Court issued an order Strength inviting the Solicitor General to express the This was the last in a series of betrayals you were chosen. You know what sin is like. views of the United States regarding the by the US government, which shamefully You know what it is to feel guilt. You more than victims’ petition. took positions in the case that supported the anyone else understand the need for repen- Again, the US government, now under terrorists, not the American victims. tance and atonement. You have felt the cry of President Trump, betrayed the terror victims. The terror victims in Sokolow sued the PLO your soul to be cleansed, purified and wiped It took the Solicitor General eight months to and the PA in 2004 under the Anti-Terrorism free of the stain of transgression. What you think finally file his brief in February 2018. When he Act, or ATA, a Federal law that affords a crucial of as your greatest weakness will become, in did — together with the legal adviser for the legal right and remedy to American victims of this role you are about to assume, your greatest State Department and attorneys at the Depart- international terrorism. After waiting 10 years strength.” struggle. Moses and Aaron in their different ment of Justice — he failed to stand up for the for their day in court, the victims prevailed at a How did Moses know this? Because he ways had to wrestle with themselves. Moses victims and their right to recover damages trial in February 2015. The jury awarded them had experienced something similar himself. was not a natural leader. Aaron was not a under the ATA. Instead, the Solicitor General $655.5 million in damages. When God told him to confront Pharaoh and natural priest. Moses had to accept that one encouraged the Supreme Court to leave the The victims suffered their first betrayal lead the Israelites to freedom, he repeatedly of his most important qualifications was Second Circuit’s dismissal decision as is. by the US government when the PLO and PA insisted that he could not do so. Reread his what nowadays we would call his low self The Solicitor General and the State appealed the jury’s verdict. These terrorism response to God’s call to lead the Israelites out image, but what, operating from a completely Department knew or should have known that perpetrators disingenuously claimed they of Egypt (Ex. chapters 3-4), and they sound like different mindset, the Torah calls his humility. they had a legal and moral obligation to file a could not afford to post a bond as security someone radically convinced of his inadequa- Aaron had to understand that his own experi- different brief — one that supported jurisdic- while their appeal was pending — and the cies. “Who am I?” “They won’t believe in me.” ence of sin and failure made him the ideal tion over the PLO and PA under the ATA, and Obama administration’s Department of Above all, he kept repeating that he could not representative of a people conscious of their the victims’ right to compensation under the Justice supported this ridiculous claim. In speak before a crowd, something absolutely own sin and failure. Feelings of inadequacy law. As the Solicitor General and the State August 2015, the Justice Department filed necessary in a leader. He was not an orator. He – the imposter syndrome – can be bad news Department knew or should have known, a statement of interest, urging the court to did not have the voice of command: or good news depending on what you do with in 2007, that the PLO and PA unequivocally consider the harmful impact that a bond Then Moses said to the Lord, “Please, my them. Do they lead you to depression and consented to the jurisdiction of US courts in would have on the PLO and PA. The trial Lord, I am not a man of words, not yesterday, despair? Or do they lead you to work at your all cases brought against them under the ATA, judge listened, reducing the bond to be paid not the day before and not since You have weaknesses and turn them into strengths? and to defend all ATA cases on the merits. by terrorist murderers of US citizens. spoken to Your servant. I am slow of speech The key, according to Rashi in this week’s In fact, in documents submitted to a Then came another blow: In October and tongue.” (Ex. 4:10) Moses said to the Lord, parsha, is the role Moses played at this critical US court, including sworn statements by the 2016, the United States Court of Appeals for “Look, the Israelites do not listen to me. How juncture in Aaron’s life. He had faith in Aaron PA’s own leadership, the PLO and PA repre- the Second Circuit vacated the jury verdict and then will Pharaoh listen to me? Besides, I have even when Aaron lacked faith in himself. That is sented that their officials had met with the dismissed the victims’ case. Even though the uncircumcised lips.” (Ex. 6:12). the role God Himself played, more than once, in State Department and concluded that it was victims proved at trial that the PLO and PA were Moses had a speech defect. To him that Moses’ life. And that is the role God plays in all in their own best interests, and in the inter- responsible for executing the terrorist crimes was a supreme disqualification from being our lives if we are truly open to Him. I have often ests of the United States, for them to defend against them, the Second Circuit concluded a mouthpiece for the Divine word. What he said that the mystery at the heart of Judaism is did not yet understand is that this was one not our faith in God. It is God’s faith in us. of the reasons God chose him. When Moses This then is the life-changing idea: what Continued from Page A6 military facilities and to force the permanent spoke the words of God, people knew he was we think of as our greatest weakness can Sham closure of Iran’s nuclear installations and not speaking his own words in his own voice. become, if we wrestle with it, our greatest Meanwhile, Iran has violated agree- destruction of all centrifuges. Someone else was speaking through him. strength. Think of those who have suffered ments related to the deal, notably by its It would be preferable to have the support This seems to have been the case for Isaiah tragedy and then devote their lives to allevi- noncompliance with UNSC resolution 2231’s of our allies, as well as the Chinese and and Jeremiah, both of whom were doubtful of ating the suffering of others. Think of those prohibition on conventional weapons sales Russians, but if they refuse to cooperate, we their ability to speak and who became among who, conscious of their failings, use that and transfers, and its prohibition on ballistic should use banking sanctions to hamstring the most eloquent of prophets.[2] consciousness to help others overcome their missile testing. their ability to do business with Iran. Sanctions The people who can sway crowds with own sense of failure. When the US had some leverage with placed on Iranian air travel, oil sales, and their oratory are generally speaking not What makes Tanakh so special is its total sanctions in place, we had the opportunity to shipping can further choke the regime. prophets. Often they are, or become, dictators candour about humanity. Its heroes –Moses, pressure Iran to cease sponsoring terror, end Our focus should not only be on elimi- and tyrants. They use their power of speech Aaron, Isaiah, Jeremiah – all knew times when its missile research, and curtail its interference nating Iran’s nuclear threat; we must roll back to acquire more dangerous forms of power. they felt like failures, “imposters.” They had in other countries — but Obama was too afraid Iranian gains in the region and the destabili- God does not choose people who speak with their moments of dark despair. But they kept of losing the agreement on nukes to insist on zation it has caused. We need to work, ideally their own voice, telling the crowds what they going. They refused to be defeated. They knew those measures. Thanks in part to the windfall with our allies, to expel Iranian troops from want to hear. He chooses people who are fully that a sense of inadequacy can bring us closer in assets unfrozen by the nuclear deal, Iran has Syria and Yemen, disarm Hezbollah, stop aware of their inadequacies, who stammer to God, as King David said: “My sacrifice [i.e. increased each of those activities. Iran’s support of terror, halt its development of literally or metaphorically, who speak not what I bring as an offering to You] O God, is a As current National Security Adviser ballistic missiles, prevent an Iranian takeover because they want to but because they have broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, John Bolton has suggested in the past, it of Iraq, and support internal opponents of the to, and who tell people what they do not want God, will not despise” (Ps. 51:19). may yet be necessary to use military force regime. Fixing or nixing the nuclear deal is a to hear, but what they must hear if they are Better by far to know you are imper- to destroy Iran’s facilities. At the very least, a pivotal first step in what must be a compre- to save themselves from catastrophe. What fect than to believe you are perfect. God credible threat must be put on the table. The hensive strategy to confront Iran. Moses thought was his greatest weakness loves us and believes in us despite, and Iranians knew that Obama would never use Dr. Mitchell Bard is Executive Director was, in fact, one of his greatest strengths. sometimes because of, our imperfections. force, and that allowed the Iranians to take of the American-Israeli Cooperative The point here is not a simple “I’m OK, Our weaknesses make us human; wrestling him to the cleaners in negotiations. Before Enterprise and author/editor of 23 books You’re OK” acceptance of weakness. That is with them makes us strong. including The Arab Lobby and the novel force is used, however, draconian sanctions not what Judaism is about. The point is the should be applied to ensure inspection of After Anatevka: Tevye in Palestine. A8 | FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2018 Impressions.

Seventy Years of Sacrifice: A Global Salute to Israel’s Fallen Soldiers

BY DEBORAH FINEBLUM/ alive with positive actions done in their memory,” says ties, but old enough to appreciate the impact that Karen Hochberg, who runs community programming their sacrifice has on contemporary Jewry. If you’ve ever been in Israel for Yom Hazikaron for Afikim. “I’m so impressed with the creative and And, like other Olami partnership programs — — the Memorial Day for those who made the ultimate caring actions people have already performed.” which connect 25,000 students and young adults to sacrifice for the Jewish homeland –chances are you When they’re posted on the website, bereaved Jewish engagement, learning and practice each week will never forget it. families can read about these acts done in their loved — the Yizkereim campaign is also active on college Even if you somehow miss the official ceremonies one’s name. And hundreds of the family members, campuses. “When we get to know about our fallen honoring the fallen, there’s no way to sleep through the Hochberg reports, have asked to be connected with the soldier’s life and then we grow ourselves in some way siren sounding across the Jewish state at 8 p.m. and Diaspora Jews who are honoring their fallen soldier. Jewishly to honor him, it pulls Diaspora Jews and then again at 11 a.m. the next morning. At that moment, Though many of these good deeds are planned, Israelis together,” says Markowitz. “It reminds us that Israelis everywhere freeze in mid-air — mid-bank Steven Grutman’s tribute to Shlomo Ashkenazi was we’re one people.” deposit, mid-math lesson, mid-email or mid-carpool — a spontaneous one. Strolling through the streets of To maximize participation, the website has been while traffic screeches to a halt, and folks climb out of Washington, D.C., the University their cars and stand completely silent. of Maryland junior spied a man Both instances represent a long minute of still- who appeared to be homeless ness in a country not known for its reticence. At that and hungry. “I told him I was moment, the entire nation of Israel stops to remember going to get some dinner and did the 23,632 soldiers and security forces who have he want to come with me.” The given their lives to defend the state of Israel. man quickly accepted, adding Unless you are Israeli or related to someone that he’d never eaten Mexican who gave their life for their country, you might not food before, but was willing to try. see the bereaved parents, brothers, sisters, widows Over dinner, the man said and orphans who gather every year at Mount Herzl that he’d been out of work for a few on this day to mourn and reflect at the gravesites of years. “And he loved the Mexican loved ones. food,” adds Grutman. “Feeding For example, the Mizlavi family is among the him felt like the right thing to do throngs who congregate there every year to pay their in this soldier’s memory.” respects to brother-uncle-cousin Tzadok Mizlavi, a To date, some 190 schools, 28-year-old graphics artist at The Jerusalem Post who congregations and groups have was killed in the Yom Kippur War in 1973. signed on to the project, and Graves of fallen IDF soldiers at the Mount Herzl military cemetery in “Most Israelis have lost someone,” says his more than 21,000 positive actions Jerusalem. Photo: IDF via Wikimedia Commons. younger sister, Tzadika Mizlavi. So when asked to have been performed or pledged in participate in a new project to honor the 23,632 for soldiers’ memories. Hochberg’s goal: “To use each act translated into Russian, Spanish and French, along Israel’s 70th anniversary this spring, Mizlavi — a of goodness to keep their memories alive.” with Hebrew and English. teacher at the Shulamith School for Girls in Brooklyn In addition, each act of chesed leaves a “lit” virtual This project is a rare opportunity for Diaspora — was quick to say “yes.” candle “burning” on the website. A culminating event Jews to honor Israelis who’ve made the greatest sacri- “Not only is it special for me, but we really want for “Yizkereim: Honor Israel’s Fallen” is scheduled for fice, stresses Michal Nordmann, a Tel Aviv mother our girls to understand the sacrifices made so we Yom Hazikaron, on April 17 at the Queens Museum of three who moved to Israel five years ago and now could have Israel,” says Mizlavi, who was 24 when her in Queens, New York — the same building where the directs communications for Olami. “When we lived in brother was killed. “I’ll never forget my father saying at United Nations voted to approve Israeli indepen- America, there was no siren on this day, no ceremony the shiva: ‘May he be the last to die.’ ” dence back in 1947. where we could sing ‘Hatikvah’ with a thousand other This year, in addition to established traditions, Rabbi Joel Landau of San Francisco’s Adath Jews,” she says. “These soldiers gave up their lives not a new way exists for Jews around the globe to honor Israel Congregation had an extra motivation for so we’d have a nice place to vacation, but so we would these fallen heroes. pledging his congregants to honor 100 fallen have our ancient homeland back — a place that all Launched in February, “Yizkereim: Honor Israel’s soldiers: He served in the Israel Defense Forces in Jews around the world can call home.” Fallen” (Yizkereim is Hebrew for “remember them”) the 1980s, and saw friends die for the cause. “But Educator Mizlavi of New York says that “to have has already collected more than 21,000 acts of chesed besides my personal connection, I believe Israel is a Jewish teen in America doing something in the (“kindness”) — be it public service, prayer, Torah the land of all Jews, and these are our boys who died name of our brother so many years later, it means so learning or tzedakah (“charity”) by a Jew somewhere for our homeland. They paid the price for all of us, so much. None of us ever dreamed something like this in the world in memory of the fallen. we owe them a huge debt of gratitude.” would happen.” A project of the international Jewish outreach It’s especially powerful, adds the rabbi, when To sign up your family, school, club or congre- organization Olami — in partnership with the Afikim families take on the project together. gation for Yizkereim, visit: Foundation and Israel’s Ministry of Diaspora Affairs — At 37, Olami CEO David Markowitz is too young Yizkereim is designed to “keep each soldier’s memory to recall most of the wars that resulted in these casual-

Continued from Page A5 military airplanes, missiles – lots of different things.” funding of Shia and Sunni terrorist organizations. Emphasize Trump referred to Arab Gulf countries that “are For his part, the Emir assured Trump that “we state this simple but long Arab-avoided truth.” stopping the funding of terrorism, and that includes do not and we will not tolerate with people who fund In his public appearance with Emir Al Thani UAE, it includes Saudi Arabia, it includes Qatar and terrorism.” on Wednesday, Trump acclaimed his guest as “a others.” Since June 2017, Qatar has been the target of “We’ve been cooperating with the United States gentleman…who buys a lot of equipment from us, an embargo imposed by Saudi Arabia and its allies in of America to stop funding terrorism around the a lot of purchases in the United States, and a lot of retaliation for the emirate’s alignment with Iran and its region,” Emir Al Thani said. | FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2018 A9 Legal Notice.


MERGER TO WACHOVIA BANK, N.A. Office location: Kings county. SSNY certain plot piece or parcel of land, plot, piece or parcel of land, with the Plaintiff, vs. MERLENE A. CAMPBELL has been designated as the agent of with the buildings and improvements buildings and improvements thereon A/K/A MERLENE CAMPBELL, et the LLC upon whom process against it erected, situate, lying and being in erected, situate, lying and being in the al., Defendants NOTICE OF SALE may be served. SSNY shall mail copy the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, IN FORECLOSURE PLEASE TAKE of the process to: Legalinc Corporate Kings, City and State of NY, Block City and State of New York, Block 4658 NOTICE THAT In pursuance of a Service Inc 1967 wehrle drive Suite 1 4670 Lot 156. Approximate amount and Lot 40. Approximate amount of Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale #086 Buffalo, NY 14221. Purpose: all of judgment $206,897.96 plus interest judgment is $441,593.93 plus interest entered in the office of the County lawful activity and costs. Premises will be sold and costs. Premises will be sold Clerk of Kings County on January AJ; 3/23/30; 4/6/13 subject to provisions of filed Judgment subject to provisions of filed Judgment 31, 2018, I, Richard A. Klass, Esq., the Index# 502684/2015. Jeffrey R Miller, Index # 510070/2014. Shmuel D. Taub, Notice of formation of limited liability Referee named in said Judgment, will SUPREME COURT – COUNTY OF Esq., Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, Esq., Referee Knuckles, Komosinski company (LLC) Name: Bronx Soul sell in one parcel at public auction KINGS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, LLC Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 & Manfro, LLP, 565 Taxter Road, Ste. Food Restaurant, LLC.Articles of on April 26, 2018 at the Kings County NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, S/B/M Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, 590, Elmsford, NY 10523, Attorneys for organization filed with the Secre- Supreme Court, Room 224, 360 CHASE HOME LOAN FINANCE LLC, New York 14624 (877) 759-1835 Plaintiff Cash will not be accepted. tary of State of New York(SSNY)on Adams Street, Brooklyn, County of S/B/M TO CHASE MANHATTAN Dated: March 7, 2018 52428 AJ; 3/23/30; 4/6/13 10/23/2017, Office location Bronx Kings, State of New York, at 2:30 P.M., MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Plain- AJ; 3/23/30; 4/6/13 County SSNY has been designated the premises described as follows: tiff against COLVILLE BARRETT, NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME as the agent of the LLC upon whom 624 E 89th Street Brooklyn, NY 11236 SANDRA BARRETT, AFRICA NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF KINGS Bank of process against it may be served. SBL No.: 7993-43 ALL THAT TRACT BARRETT, et al Defendant(s). COURT COUNTY OF KINGS U.S. America, National Association, Plain- SSNY shall mail copy of the process OF PARCEL OF LAND situate in Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclo- BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, tiff AGAINST Henry Bell; Valencia E. to: Bronx Soul food restaurant,LLC the Borough of Brooklyn, County of sure and Sale entered on December AS TRUSTEE FOR CITIGROUP Bell; et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to c/o Mabel Duncan 82 Seymour Street Kings, City and State of New York 26, 2017. I, the undersigned Referee MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, INC. a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale Windsor CT 06095 purpose: all lawful The premises are sold subject to the will sell at public auction in Room 2006-NC2, ASSET BACKED PASS duly dated January 17, 2018 I, the activity provisions of the filed judgment, Index 224 of the Kings County Courthouse, THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES undersigned Referee will sell at public AJ; 3/2/9/16/23/30; 4/6/13 No. 500170/2014 in the amount of 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. on 2006-NC2, Plaintiff AGAINST OMARI auction at the Kings County Supreme $365,255.21 plus interest and costs. the 26th day of April, 2018 at 2:30 JOHNSON, et al., Defendant(s) Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, Notice of formation of limited liability Brittany J. Maxon, Esq. Woods Oviatt p.m. premises described as follows: Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure Brooklyn, NY 11201 on May 3, 2018 company(LLC).Name: COSMO AND Gilman LLP Plaintiff's Attorney All that certain plot, piece or parcel and Sale duly dated December 13, at 2:30PM, premises known as 1604 VALENTIN LLC Articles of organiza- 700 Crossroads Building, 2 State of land, situate, lying and being in 2017 I, the undersigned Referee will East 94th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11236. tion filed with the secretary of state St. Rochester, New York 14614 Tel.: the Borough of Brooklyn, County of sell at public auction at the Room 224 All that certain plot piece or parcel of of New York(SSNY) on 10/20/2017 855-227-5072 Kings, City and State of New York. of Kings County Supreme Court, 360 land, with the buildings and improve- Office location: Bronx County . SSNY AJ; 3/23/30; 4/6/13 Said premises known as 348 Warwick Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York ments erected, situate, lying and being has been designated as the agent of Street, Brooklyn. N.Y. 11207. (Block: 11201, on April 26, 2018 at 2:30PM, in the Borough of Brooklyn, County the LLC upon whom process against it NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME 3982, Lot: 24). Approximate amount premises known as 1043 JEFFERSON of Kings, City and State of New York, may be served. SSNY shall Mail copy COURT COUNTY OF KINGS of lien $ 115,322.40 plus interest and AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY 11221. Block 8296 Lot 52. Approximate of the process to: Jose Cosme 1916 WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., Plaintiff costs. Premises will be sold subject to All that certain plot piece or parcel of amount of judgment $443,152.18 Edison Ave., Apt. 2R Bronx, NY 10461. AGAINST EDWARD BATISTA, et al., provisions of filed judgment and terms land, with the buildings and improve- plus interest and costs. Premises Purpose: all lawful activity Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of sale. Index No. 511722/15. Philip L. ments erected, situate, lying and being will be sold subject to provisions of AJ; 3/9/16/23/30; 4/6/13 of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated Kamaras, Esq., Referee. Fein, Such & in the Borough of Brooklyn, County filed Judgment Index# 1691/2013. September 15, 2016 I, the undersigned Crane, LLP Attorneys for Plaintiff 28 of Kings, City and State of New York, Philip Kamaras, Esq., Referee Shapiro, Real Cool LLC Arts of Org filed with NY Referee will sell at public auction East Main Street, Suite 1800 Rochester, Block 3380, Lot 54. Approximate DiCaro & Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for Sec of State (SSNY) on 2/23/18. Office: at the Room 224 of Kings County N.Y. 14614 (585) 232-7400 amount of judgment $829,830.71 the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boule- Kings County. SSNY designated as Supreme Court, 360 Adams Street, AJ; 3/23/30; 4/6/13 plus interest and costs. Premises will vard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) agent of LLC upon whom process may Brooklyn, New York 11201, on April be sold subject to provisions of filed 759-1835 Dated: February 28, 2018 be served. SSNY shall mail process 26, 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known SUPREME COURT – COUNTY OF Judgment for Index #12164-13. Aaron 52337 to: 110 Broadway, #206, Brooklyn, NY as 224 MOFFAT STREET, BROOKLYN, KINGS WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL Maslow, Esq., Referee Gross Polowy, AJ; 3/30; 4/6/13/20/ 11249. General Purposes. NY 11207. All that certain plot piece CREDIT SERVICES NEW YORK, INC., LLC Attorney for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle AJ; 3/9/16/23/30; 4/6/13 or parcel of land, with the buildings Plaintiff against MARCO FUENTES Drive, Suite 100 Williamsville, NY Notice of formation of limited liability and improvements erected, situate, A/K/A MARCOS FUENTES; 14221 52603 company(LLC) Name: ASJ HOME Notice of formation of limited liability lying and being in the Borough of WILFREDO A. FUENTES; JANE AJ; 3/23/30; 4/6/13 IMPROVEMENTS LLC.Articles of company(LLC) Name: KULTURED Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and FUENTES (REFUSED FIRST NAME), organization filed with the Secre- KIDZ INTERNATIONAL,LLC Articles State of New York, BLOCK 3447, LOT et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME tary of State of New York (SSNY) of organization filed with the Secre- 30. Approximate amount of judgment Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale COURT COUNTY OF KINGS PNC on 08/11/2015. Office location: tary of State of New York (SSNY) on $901,751.09 plus interest and costs. entered on February 28, 2018. I, the Bank, National Association, Plaintiff Richmond County. SSNY has been 02/22/2018 Office location: Kings Premises will be sold subject to provi- undersigned Referee will sell at public AGAINST Renata Ramdass; et al., designated as the agent of the LLC county SSNY has been designated sions of filed Judgment for Index# auction in Room 224 of the Kings Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment upon whom process against it may as the agent of the LLC upon Whom 16667/13. Charles F. Otey, Esq., County Courthouse, 360 Adams Street, of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated be served. SSNY shall Mail copy of the process against it may be served. Referee Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney Brooklyn, N.Y. on the 26th day of April, September 14, 2016 I, the under- process to: Anthony Salimeni JR 478 SSNY shall Mail copy of the process to: for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite 2018 at 2:30 p.m. premises described signed Referee will sell at public Philip Ave. staten Island, NY 10312 . Ruth Buntin 1232 E. 99th St., Brooklyn, 100 Williamsville, NY 14221 52076 as follows: All that certain plot, piece auction at the Kings County Supreme Purpose: all lawful activity NY 11236. Purpose: all lawful activity AJ; 3/23/30; 4/6/13 or parcel of land, situated, lying and Court, 360 Adams Street, Room AJ; 3/30; 4/6/13/20/27; 5/6 AJ; 3/9/16/23/30; 4/6/13 being in the Borough of Brooklyn, 224, Brooklyn, NY 11201 on April 26, NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME County of Kings, City and State of New 2018 at 2:30PM, premises known as NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Notice of formation of PLLC Name: COURT COUNTY OF KINGS 21ST York. Said premises known as 205 29th 964 East 43rd Street, Brooklyn, NY KINGS COUNTY Pennymac Corp., CARL FORBES JR.LAW FIRM PLLC MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Plain- Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232. (Block: 11210. All that certain plot piece or Plaintiff against Izabella Azaeva, et al Articles of organization filed with the tiff AGAINST Andrew Grant, et al., 665, Lot: 52). Approximate amount parcel of land, with the buildings and Defendants Attorney (s) for Plaintiff secretary of state of New York(SSNY) Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment of lien $ 893,360.06 plus interest and improvements erected, situate, lying (s) Fein, Such & Crane, LLP 28 East on 02/20/2018. Office location: Kings of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated costs. Premises will be sold subject and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, Main Street, Suite 1800, Rochester, County SSNY has been designated 1-10-2018 I, the undersigned Referee to provisions of filed judgment and County of Kings, City and State of New NY 14614 Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s). as the agent of the PLLC upon whom will sell at public auction at the Room terms of sale. Index No. 505007-15. York, Section 23 Block 7746 Lot 59. Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclo- process against it may be served. 224 of the Kings County Supreme Bruno Codispoti, Esq., Referee. Stern Approximate amount of judgment sure and Sale Entered February 28th, SSNY shall Mail copy of the process Court, 360 Adams St., Brooklyn, NY on & Eisenberg, PC Attorney(s) for Plain- $384,277.96 plus interest and costs. 2018 I will sell at Public Auction to to: The LLC 137 Montague St. Suite 4-26-2018 at 2:30PM, premises known tiff Woodbridge Corporate Plaza 485 Premises will be sold subject to the highest bidder at the Room 224 136 Brooklyn, NY 11201 purpose: all as 433 Jerome Street, Brooklyn, NY B Route 1 South – Suite 330 Iselin, NJ provisions of filed Judgment Index# of Kings County Supreme Court, 360 lawful activity 11207. All that certain plot piece or 08830 (732) 582-6344 *For sale infor- 502013/2014. Steven H. Richman, Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 on AJ; 3/16/23/30; 4/6/13/20 parcel of land, with the buildings and mation, please visit Esq., Referee Shapiro, DiCaro & Barak, May 3rd, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. Premises improvements erected, situate, lying or call (800) 280-2832* LLC Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff 175 known as 2504 East 14th Street, Unit Notice of formation of limited liability and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, AJ; 3/23/30; 4/6/13 Mile Crossing Boulevard Rochester, 2B, Brooklyn, NY 11235. Sec N/A company (LLC ) Name: V&E Cleaning County of Kings, City and State of New York 14624 (877) 759-1835 Block 7434 Lot 1104. All that certain Services, LLC Articles of organization New York, SBL: 4030/39. Approximate NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT Dated: March 16, 2018 52792 Plot, Piece or Parcel of Land with the filed with the Secretary of State of amount of judgment $753,960.02 COUNTY OF KINGS Wilmington AJ; 3/23/30; 4/6/13 buildings and improvements thereon New York (SSNY) on. 6/19/17. Office plus interest and costs. Premises Savings Fund Society, FSB, d/b/a erected, situate, lying and being a part location: Kings county. SSNY has been will be sold subject to provisions of Christiana Trust, Trustee of the NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT of a condominium in the County of designated as the agent of the LLC filed Judgment Index #503926/2014. SRP 2013-9 Funding Trust, Plain- COUNTY OF KINGS, MTGLQ INVES- Kings, State of New York Approximate upon whom process against it may Bruno Codispoti, Esq., Referee Carter tiff AGAINST Jason Dorset a/k/a TORS, L. P, Plaintiff, vs. ROGELIO Amount of Judgment is $666,027.16 be served. SSNY shall mail copy of the Conboy Case Blackmore Maloney & Jason H. Dorset; Louisa Dorset; et al., CLARK, ET AL., Defendant(s). plus interest and costs. Premises will process to: UNITED STATES CORPO- Laird, PC 20 Corporate Woods Blvd. Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure be sold subject to provisions of filed RATION AGENTS, INC 7014 13TH Albany, NY 12211 26743 52035 of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated and Sale and Order to Amend Caption Judgment Index No 015714/2013. AVENUE SUITE 202 BROOKLYN, NY AJ; 3/23/30; 4/6/13 January 25, 2018 I, the undersigned duly filed on October 25, 2017, I, the Cash will not be accepted at the sale. 11228.purpose: all lawful activity Referee will sell at public auction at undersigned Referee will sell at public Doron Leiby, Esq., Referee AJ; 3/16/23/30; 4/6/13/20 Notice of formation of limited liability the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 auction at the Kings County Supreme AJ; 3/30; 4/6/13/20/ company(LLC) Name: MAZE Adams Street, Room 224, Brooklyn, Court, Room 224, 360 Adams Street, STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME SOLUTIONS LLC. Articles of organi- NY 11201 on April 26, 2018 at 2:30PM, Brooklyn, NY on April 26, 2018 at 2:30 NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT COURT: COUNTY OF KINGS WELLS zation filed with the secretary of state premises known as 374 East 96th p.m., premises known as 269 East 52nd KINGS COUNTY JPMorgan Chase FARGO BANK, N.A., SUCCESSOR BY of New York(SSNY)on 11/03/2017. Street, Brooklyn, NY 11212. All that Street, Brooklyn, NY. All that certain Continued on Page A10 A10 | FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2018 Tradition. Legal Notice. When Weakness LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE county. SSNY has been designated ft. x 100 ft. Approx. amt. of judgment Craig Nordby 1229 N Dutton Avenue is $465,695.27 plus costs and interest. Santa Rosa, CA 95401 . Purpose: any Becomes Strength as the agent of the LLC upon whom Sold subject to terms and conditions lawful activity process against it may be served. of filed judgment and terms of sale. AJ; 4/6/13/20/27; 5/4/11 SSNY shall Mail copy of the process For sale information, please visit to: The LLC 2020 West 13th Street at or NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT happen. It was he who suggested Apt. #2R Brooklyn, NY 11223. call (800) 280-2832. HELENE BLANK, COUNTY OF KINGS Nationstar that the people give him their gold Purpose: all awful activity Referee. DRUCKMAN LAW GROUP, Mortgage, LLC, Plaintiff AGAINST PLLC, Attys. For Pltf., 242 Drexel Ave., Taryn Miller a/k/a Taryn C. Miller; JONATHAN SACKS ornaments, he who fashioned them AJ; 3/30; 4/6/13/20/27; 5/4 into a calf, and he who built an altar Westbury, NY. File No. 37418 - #94516 et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant to a LONDON AJ; 4/6/13/20/27; Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale before it (Ex. 32:1-6). When Moses CITATION File No. 2017-4792 SURROGATE'S COURT, QUEENS duly dated February 4, 2017 I, the saw the Golden Calf and challenged NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT undersigned Referee will sell at public Aaron –“What did these people do COUNTY THE PEOPLE OF THE COUNTY OF KINGS DEUTSCHE auction at the Kings County Supreme Have you ever felt inadequate to you, that you brought upon them STATE OF NEW YORK, By the BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, to a task you have been assigned or this great sin?”– he replied, evasively, Grace of God Free and Indepen- AS TRUSTEE FOR HSI ASSET Brooklyn, NY 11201 on May 10, 2018 a job you have been given? Do you “They gave me the gold, and I threw it dent TO: The maternal heirs at SECURITIZATION CORPORATION at 2:30PM, premises known as 1113 sometimes feel that other people into the fire, and out came this calf!” law, next of kin, and distributees MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH East 93rd Street Apt 500, Brooklyn, NY CERTIFICATES 2006-HE1, Plaintiff 11236. All that certain plot piece or have too high an estimate of your This was a man profoundly of Elsie Kovner, deceased, if living, (and rightly) uncomfortable with and if any of them be dead to their AGAINST BARBARA HUGHES AS parcel of land, with the buildings and abilities? Has there been a moment HEIR TO THE ESTATE OF ARENZO improvements erected, situate, lying his role in one of the most disastrous when you felt like a faker, a fraud, and heirs at law, next of kin, distributees, HUGHES, SEREATHA HUGHES AS and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, that at some time you would be found episodes in the Torah, and now he legatees, executors, administra- HEIR TO THE ESTATE OF ARENZO County of Kings, City and State of New out and discovered to be the weak, was being called to atone not only tors, assignees and successors in HUGHES, SHAKEYIA HUGHES AS York, Block 8181 Lot 1009. Approxi- fallible, imperfect human being you for himself but for the entire people. interest whose names are unknown HEIR TO THE ESTATE OF ARENZO mate amount of judgment $161,886.48 know in your heart you are? Was this not hypocrisy? Was he not and cannot be ascertained after HUGHES, SHAMMEL HUGHES AS plus interest and costs. Premises If so, according to Rashi on himself a sinner? How could he due diligence. • Queens County HEIR TO THE ESTATE OF ARENZO will be sold subject to provisions of this week’s parsha, you are in very stand before God and the people Public Administrator • Alan Kovner, HUGHES, et al., Defendant(s) filed Judgment Index# 501348/2014. Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclo- Steven Naimen, Referee Shapiro, good company indeed. Here is the and assume the role of the holiest A petition having been duly filed sure and Sale duly dated February 21, DiCaro & Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for setting: The Mishkan, the Sanctuary, of men? No wonder he felt like an by Michael Liff who is domiciled imposter and was ashamed and 2017 I, the undersigned Referee will the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boule- was finally complete. For seven days at 1299 Corporate Drive, Apt. 604 sell at public auction at the Room 224 vard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) Moses had consecrated Aaron and fearful of approaching the altar. Westbury, New York 11590 YOU of Kings County Supreme Court, 360 759-1835 Dated: March 23, 2018 his sons to serve as priests. Now the Moses, however, did not ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York AJ; 4/6/13/20/27; time had come for them to begin simply say something that would CAUSE before the Surrogate's 11201, on May 10, 2018 at 2:30PM, their service. Moses gives them boost his self-confidence. He said Court, Queens County at 88-11 premises known as 144 CHESTNUT NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT various instructions. Then he says something much more radical and Sutphin Boulevard, Rm 62 , Jamaica, STREET, BROOKLYN, NY 11208. All COUNTY OF KINGS WELLS FARGO life-changing: “It was for this that that certain plot piece or parcel of BANK, N.A., Plaintiff AGAINST the following words to Aaron: New York, on May 24, 2018, at 9:30 you were chosen.” The task of a land, with the buildings and improve- PETERSON REGISTRE, et al., “Come near to the altar and o'clock in the Fore noon of that day, High Priest is to atone for people’s ments erected, situate, lying and being Defendant(s) Pursuant to a Judgment offer your sin offering and your why a decree should not be made sins. It was his role, on Yom Kippur, in the Borough of Brooklyn, County of Foreclosure and Sale duly dated burnt offering and make atonement in the estate of Elsie Kovner lately of Kings, City and State of New York, January 25, 2018 I, the undersigned to confess his wrongs and failings, for yourself and the people; sacrifice domiciled at 6384 Saunders Street, BLOCK 4127, LOT 32. Approximate Referee will sell at public auction at the the offering that is for the people and then those of his household, then amount of judgment $737,451.76 Room 224 of Kings County Supreme those of the people as a whole (Lev. 4T, Rego Park, New York 11374, make atonement for them, as the United States admitting to probate plus interest and costs. Premises will Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, Lord has commanded.” (Lev. 9:7) 16:11-17). It was his responsibility be sold subject to provisions of filed New York 11201, on May 17, 2018 a Will dated July 9, 2014 (and The sages were puzzled by to plead for forgiveness. Judgment for Index# 8644/2013. at 2:30PM, premises known as 7903 Codicil(s), if any, dated ), a copy the instruction, “Come near.” This “That,” implied Moses, “is why LENORE KRAMER, ESQ., Referee SEAVIEW AVENUE UNIT 1-E, A/K/A of which is attached, as the Will of seems to imply that Aaron had until Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney for 7903 SEAVIEW AVENUE UNIT E-1, Continued on Page A7 Elsie Kovner deceased, relating to then kept a distance from the altar. Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite 100 BROOKLYN, NY 11236. All that certain real and personal property, and Williamsville, NY 14221 51095 plot piece or parcel of land, with the Why so? Rashi gives the following AJ; 4/6/13/20/27; buildings and improvements erected, explanation: directing that: Letters Testamentary LEGAL NOTICE issue to Michael Liff Dated, Attested situate, lying and being in the Borough Aaron was ashamed and NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and Sealed, March 23, 2018 HON. fearful of approaching the altar. COUNTY OF KINGS BAYVIEW LOAN and State of New York, BLOCK 8089, Moses said to him: “Why are you Continued from Page A9 Peter J. Kelly, Surrogate, James Lim SERVICING, LLC, Plaintiff AGAINST LOT 1001. Approximate amount of Becker Chief Clerk, Adam Katz, Esq. ashamed? It was for this that you Bank, National Association, Successor MARCUS SMITH, et al., Defendant(s) judgment $461,717.63 plus interest were chosen.” in Interest by purchase from the , Katz Law Firm, PLLC, 77 Spruce Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclo- and costs. Premises will be sold There is a name for this Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- Street, Suite 201, Cedarhurst, New sure and Sale duly dated December subject to provisions of filed Judgment syndrome, coined in 1978 by two tion as Receiver of Washington Mutual York 11516, Telephone 516-500- 15, 2016 I, the undersigned Referee for Index# 507056/2014. Gregory T. will sell at public auction at the Cerchione, Esq., Referee Gross Polowy, clinical psychologists, Pauline Bank F/K/A Washington Mutual Bank, 8111. NOTE: This citation is served Room 224 of Kings County Supreme LLC Attorney for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Clance and Suzanne Imes. They FA, Plaintiff against Jessie Lozada, et al upon you as required by law. You Defendants Attorney (s) for Plaintiff Court, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, Drive, Suite 100 Williamsville, NY called it the imposter syndrome. are not required to appear. If you New York 11201, on May 10, 2018 14221 52864 (s) Fein, Such & Crane, LLP 28 East fail to appear it will be assumed you People who suffer from it feel that Main Street, Suite 1800, Rochester, at 2:30PM, premises known as 570 AJ; 4/13/20/27; 5/4 they do not deserve the success they NY 14614 Attorney (s) for Plaintiff (s). do not object to the relief requested. RALPH AVENUE, BROOKLYN, NY have achieved. They attribute it not Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclo- You have a right to have an attorney 11233. All that certain plot piece or NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT to their effort and ability but to luck, sure and Sale Entered March 27th, appear for you. parcel of land, with the buildings and COUNTY OF KINGS JPMorgan Chase or timing, or to the fact that they have 2017 I will sell at Public Auction to AJ; 4/6/13/20/27 improvements erected, situate, lying Bank, N.A., Plaintiff AGAINST Roger deceived others into thinking that the highest bidder at the Room 224 and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, Wagner; et al., Defendant(s) Pursuant they are better than they actually of Kings County Supreme Court, 360 NOTICE OF SALE and County of Kings, City and State to a Judgment of Foreclosure and of New York, BLOCK 1387, LOT 47. Sale duly dated January 19, 2017 I, the are. It turns out to be surprisingly Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 on SUPREME COURT: KINGS COUNTY. THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON Approximate amount of judgment undersigned Referee will sell at public widespread, and particularly so May 3rd, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. Premises known as 167 Euclid Avenue, FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK, $571,443.47 plus interest and costs. auction at the Kings County Supreme among high achievers. Research Brooklyn, NY 11208. Sec N/A Block AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFI- Premises will be sold subject to provi- Court, 360 Adams Street, Room 224, has shown that around 40 per cent 4129 Lot 23. All that certain Plot, Piece CATEHOLDERS OF CWALT, INC., sions of filed Judgment for Index# Brooklyn, NY 11201 on May 17, 2018 of successful people do not believe or Parcel of Land, with the buildings ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 4836/2014. Lisa Breier Urban, Esq., at 2:30PM, premises known as 442 they deserve their success, and that and improvements thereon erected, 2005-50CB, MORTGAGE PASS- Referee Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney Amber Street, Brooklyn, NY 11208. as many as 70 per cent have felt this situate, lying and being in the Borough THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES for Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite All that certain plot piece or parcel of way at some time or other. of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City 2005-50CB, Pltf. vs. ROGER DELONEY, 100 Williamsville, NY 14221 52621 land, with the buildings and improve- However, as one might imagine, and State of New York Approximate et al, Defts. Index #504313/2013. AJ; 4/6/13/20/27; ments erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, County Rashi is telling us something deeper. Amount of Judgment is $328,267.43 Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale dated Feb. 13, 2018, I will Notice of qualification of Lownet , of Kings, City and State of New York, Aaron was not simply someone lacking plus interest and costs. Premises will sell at public auction in Room 224 LLC.Appl. For Auth. Filed with secre- Block: 4518 Lot: 121. Approximate in self-confidence. There was something be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index No 506966/2014. Zvi of the Kings County Supreme Court, tary of state of New York (SSNY) on amount of judgment $1,028,687.30 specific that he must have had in mind Storch, Esq., Referee 360 Adams St., Brooklyn, NY on May 03/27/2018. Office of LLC Craig plus interest and costs. Premises will on that day that he was inducted into AJ; 3/30; 4/6/13/20/ 10, 2018 at 2:30 p.m. prem. k/a 1067 Nordby 1229 N Dutton Avenue, suite c be sold subject to provisions of filed the role of High Priest. For Aaron had Bushwick Avenue, Brooklyn, NY a/k/a Santa Rosa CA 95401 Office location: Judgment Index# 19707/2012. Henry been left in charge of the people while Notice of formation of limited Block 3340, Lot 51. Said property Kings county. LLC formed in the state J. Achiron, Esq., Referee Shapiro, of California on 04//25/2013 ALEX DiCaro & Barak, LLC Attorney(s) for Moses was up the mountain receiving liability company(LLC) Name: beginning at a point on the Northerly side of Wheatly Ave., distant 68.87 ft. Padilla secretary of State 1500 11th the Plaintiff 175 Mile Crossing Boule- the Torah. That was when the sin of the WHISPERING WINGS LLC. Articles Golden Calf took place. westerly from the corner formed by St., Sacramento, CA 95814. SSNY has vard Rochester, New York 14624 (877) of organization filed with the secre- been designated as an agent of LLC 759-1835 Dated: March 7, 2018 52493 Reading that narrative, it is hard the intersection of the Northerly side tary of state of New York(SSNY) on of Wheatly Ave. and the New Westerly upon whom process against it may AJ; 4/13/20/27; 5/4 to avoid the conclusion that it was 03/13/2018. Office location: Kings side of Manhasset Ave., being a plot 75 be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Aaron’s weakness that allowed it to | FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 2018 A11 Social.

Internet of Things Security Firm Armis Raises $30 Million


US-Israeli Armis, a provider of Internet of A promotional photo of the Netflix series “Fauda.”Photo: Instagram. Things (IoT) enterprise security, said on Monday it raised $30 million in financing, bringing the total it has raised to $47 million. Top Entertainment Industry Red Dot Capital Partners, a Temasek-backed venture capital fund based in Israel, led the round Execs Condemn BDS Threats to Sue with Bain Capital Ventures joining. Sequoia Capital Netflix Over Israeli Series ‘Fauda’

BY SHIRYN SOLNY tinians of any and all responsibility or agency.” In a letter sent last week to Netflix, supporters of Fifty-six high-level executives in the entertainment the BDS movement made demands for Netflix to “stop industry signed an open letter to Netflix on Tuesday broadcasting and not to produce the third season of the denouncing threats by boycott, divestment, and series,” and threatened legal action against the company sanctions (BDS) activists to pursue legal action against if it does not remove the first season of “Fauda” from the company if it continued to stream the hit Israeli its platform. They claimed the show serves as “racist The Armis logo. Photo: Screenshot / Facebook. television series “Fauda.” propaganda for the Israeli occupying army…encour- The letter — addressed to Netflix’s Chief Content ages violating international law and human rights…and and Tenaya Capital also participated as return Creator Ted Sarandos and VP of Original Series Peter gives legitimization to war criminals.” The letter also investors. Friedlander — was issued by Creative Community for attacked the show’s co-creators Avi Issacharoff and Lior Armis said it will use the investment to meet Peace (CCFP), an entertainment industry advocacy Raz, both former soldiers in the Israel Defense Forces. demand for advanced security technologies, group. The executives told Sarandos and Friedlander in In their own letter, the entertainment industry expand sales and marketing and further develop its the letter, “we stand behind you and Netflix in the face of executives told Netflix that Issacharoff and Raz “go out security platform. this blatant attempt at artistic censorship.” of their way to show the conflict — and the individuals Global spending on IoT security is expected to They added, “The BDS movement seeks to isolate caught up in the conflict — in all its complexity.” They reach $3 billion in 2021, according to data released Israel in the cultural, academic, economic, and diplo- also mentioned Raz’s comments in a previous interview by Gartner. matic arenas. Its myopic and simplistic anti-Israel where he said he worked with his Arab actors to rewrite “Last year, IoT played a role in driving enter- worldview is threatened by the worldwide exposure scenes if they felt their characters were portrayed incor- prise cyber threats up by almost 300 percent,” Netflix has generated for [the show’s] nuanced portrayal rectly. Armis CEO Yevgeny Dibrov said. of issues related to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. This The executives ended by saying that the BDS Founded in 2015, Armis is headquartered in worldview was evident in the letter BDS wrote to Netflix, movement was attempting to “block true understanding California with a development center in Israel. in which they continued their habit of using inaccurate and instead force a black and white, good versus evil view and inflammatory language, such as ‘colonialist’ and of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict upon the world. In threat- ‘apartheid,’ to describe Israel. As always, they assign ening to sue Netflix for distributing a television series with every evil imaginable to Israel, while absolving the Pales- which they disagree, they have simply taken those attempts to the next level of absurdity.” Attention Not-For-Profit Organizations

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