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$1.00 - PRINTED IN NEW YORK FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020 | 2 NISSAN 5780 VOL. XLVII NO. 2449 US Has Potential of Coronavirus Takes Heavy Toll Becoming Coronavirus on Prominent Epicenter, Says WHO Jewish Leaders in US, Israel, Europe


The coronavirus pandemic is taking a heavy toll on prominent Jewish leaders, with several dying of the disease and others seriously ill. The head of Israel’s United emergency service, Eli Beer, was placed on a ventilator and sedated on Friday. The group said in a statement that he’s expected to make a

A deserted Times Square , New York, March 23, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Carlo Allegri.

A medical worker wearing a protective mask and suit treats patients suffering from coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in an intensive care unit at the Oglio Po hospital in Cremona, Italy, March 19, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Flavio Lo Scalzo.

BY REUTERS Europe and the United States, have a very large outbreak and slow but full recovery, though he will continue to be sedated & ALGEMEINER STAFF WHO spokeswoman Margaret an outbreak that is increasing in for up to two weeks. Harris told reporters. Of those, intensity,” Harris added. In a video message issued just before his intuba- The World Health Organiza- 40 percent were from the United Overall, the global outbreak tion, Beer said, “I need you to keep davening, keep doing tion (WHO) said on Tuesday it States. was accelerating very rapidly and mitzvahs, it’s very important.” was seeing a “very large accelera- Asked whether the United she expected large increases in He urged those watching to “make sure that people’s tion” in coronavirus infections in States could become the new case numbers and deaths from the lives are saved and all their needs will be met through your the United States which had the epicenter, Harris said: “We are now 334,981 cases and 14,510 deaths support.” potential of becoming the new seeing a very large acceleration reported. The South Florida NBC affiliate Channel 6 reported epicenter. in cases in the US. So it does have Over the past 24 hours, 85 that potential. Continued on Page A3 percent of new cases were from “…They (the United States)

Silver ShabbatCalendar Parshat VAYIKRA Times for New York City, Friday Candle Lighting Shabbat Begins: 6:58pm | Shabbat Ends: 7:58pm פרשת ויקרא Lining in COVID-19 P.O.B. 208 East 51st St, Suite 185 New York, NY 10022 page A8 Tel: (718) 771.0400 | Fax: (718) 771.0308 Email: [email protected] www.algemeiner.com

© Copyright 2020 The Algemeiner Journal - All Rights Reserved. A2 | FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020 Opinion. Israel’s Critics Distort the Country’s Coronavirus Response

Taking a conspiratorial tone, he claims worst, but which others, including some of his that “the coronavirus arrived at just the political opponents, believe to be legitimate. SEAN DURNS right moment to provide pretexts for seizing Suffice it to say, these are not ideal WASHINGTON authoritarian powers.” Elsewhere, he adds that circumstances for a tiny nation with a signifi- the “exponentially rising number of confirmed cant elderly population to be handling a global coronavirus infections” gives “Netanyahu new pandemic. Indeed, it could be reasonably opportunities.” argued that these circumstances, including At a time of a global pandemic, Israel is Gorenberg protests: “I don’t use the word political gridlock, make decisive action more taking drastic measures to prevent COVID-19 ‘coup’ lightly.” But unfortunately — given the imperative. Health Ministry inspectors speak with a from potentially killing thousands of its rapidly developing crisis and the need for Israel itself is in a very unique predica- woman in self-quarantine as a precaution citizens. But while the world is changing — calm and reasoned thinking — he does. ment when it comes to confronting the against coronavirus spread in Hadera, Israel, and changing fast — Israel’s critics aren’t. At a It is perfectly reasonable — indeed it virus. In a March 10, 2020 interview with Dr. March 16, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Ronen Zvulun. time of crisis, the usual suspects are seeing an is imperative — for all citizens to continue Tomer Hertz, an immune system researcher There is reason then for a small country opportunity to single out the Jewish state for to question their government’s actions and and head of microbiology, immunology and the size of New Jersey to take decisive action. opprobrium. to continue to voice their criticisms and genetics at Ben-Gurion University, The Times From the beginning, Israel has reacted Take, for example, the Global Opinion concerns. A global pandemic mustn’t stop of Israel highlighted the dangers. Reporter more forcefully than many other countries, page in The Washington Post, and a March 19 that. And it’s perfectly reasonable to ask if the Nathan Jeffay noted that “If not controlled, quickly initiating border controls and quaran- op-ed by Gershom Gorenberg, entitled “With actions of the Israeli government, or any other coronavirus could paralyze Israel’s health tines. As Gilead Ini, a senior research analyst a pandemic as cover, Netanyahu is carrying government, are for the best. That is part of a system in a way that didn’t happen as a result for the Committee for Accuracy in Middle out a coup in Israel.” And the inflammatory well-functioning and healthy society. of swine flu or any other health crisis.” East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA), has and sensationalized headline is only the But Gorenberg omits essential context. As Hertz told the Times: “Even with 10% of documented, these moves enabled some, such beginning. The chief problem with Gorenberg’s the people with corona needing medical treat- as New York Times Jerusalem bureau chief Gorenberg charges that Israeli Prime argument, aside from his reckless and hyper- ment,” an occurrence that he said was quite David Halbinger, to showcase their anti-Israel Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is “carrying out bolic language, is that he fails to place Israel’s possible, “there might not be enough beds. … biases. But although Israel was among the first a palace coup. Under the cover of a pandemic, actions in either global or local perspective. Hospital wards in Israel right now are at about to take drastic steps, it is far from alone. he is transforming himself from lame-duck To be sure, Israel’s political circumstances 80% capacity and there are not a lot of free Gorenberg cites Netanyahu’s use of prime minister to unelected strongman. He are unique: the Jewish state has held three beds.” Also of note: “One in four households in broad executive powers and orders, as well and his henchmen have shut down parlia- democratic elections in the last year, each the country included an elderly person age 65 as the temporary closing of the courts and ment, enacted extreme ‘security’ measures with inconclusive results. It has been unable or more,” according to a 2015 study. Given the Knesset, to buttress his argument. But this without legislative oversight and shelved the to form a government. And Netanyahu is virus’ high transmission rate, and its proclivity singles out Israel, treating the Jewish state as courts just as Netanyahu was about to go on facing corruption charges — charges that the to lead to more problematic and lethal if it were the exception. It is not. trial for corruption.” Israeli premier and his supporters argue are outcomes for senior citizens, this statistic also flimsy at best, and politically motivated at provides cause for increased concern. Continued on Page A9 Calling for a Unity Government in Israel

urgency of the situation that they do not see But his bitter hatred has blinded him. Does what everyone else sees? he really believe Gantz is capable of leading ISI LEIBLER It is beyond belief when one reads Israel in this crisis? And even if we set aside the JERUSALEM columnists in pontificating that all reservations about him, is now the time Algemeiner Journal Bibi is a far greater threat than the corona- to replace a leader who has demonstrated virus. Netanyahu appeared on the main TV that he was ahead of the rest of the world in (USPS 927800) is published weekly channels on Saturday night and set out the tackling this crisis? (except for the week of Passover We are experiencing a global nightmare terms of his offer for a national unity govern- Gantz has been offered the opportunity and Succos) that could result in many deaths. No one could ment. He offered the Blue and White Party to become prime minister in 18 months, when Subscription rate $40 per year have anticipated the extent of the coronavirus equal government representation with the hopefully the coronavirus will be behind us. Algemeiner Journal impact. The tragic images emerging from Italy right-wing bloc, with the key ministries of For the sake of the country, we urge opposi- are now also occurring across the globe. We defense and foreign affairs, and undertook tion leaders to set aside their hatred and focus 208 E 51st Street, Suite 185 that he would resign as prime minister after solely on the welfare of this nation. There is New York, N.Y. 10022 are still trying to comprehend and learn how to navigate through this nightmare. 18 months. no alternative but to form a national unity Periodicals Postage In this context, the efforts of Prime But within minutes, Lapid tweeted that government at this time of emergency. Those Paid at , N.Y. Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Health Bibi is a liar and can’t be trusted, and Ya’alon who oppose this are literally putting our lives and at additional mailing offices Ministry officials deserve the highest praise. proclaimed on TV that it really doesn’t matter at risk. History will not forgive them. While it is unfortunately unlikely that Israel what Netanyahu says or offers — he cannot be Isi Leibler is an Israeli columnist. His POSTMASTER: will be able to prevent the spread of the virus, trusted and he must resign. website can be viewed at www.wordfrom- Send address changes to the Netanyahu government has nevertheless I have always respected Ya’alon as a man jerusalem.com. He may be contacted at of integrity who placed the nation above all. [email protected]. Algemeiner Journal been leading the Western world in imposing P.O. Box 250746 strict measures to slow the pace. As of now, many Israelis, possibly Brooklyn, N.Y. 11225 -3023 including some who voted against him, are relieved that Netanyahu is currently in control. Let your voice be heard! They might be concerned at the thought of opposition leaders like Benny Gantz, Moshe [email protected] Ya’alon, or Yair Lapid governing the nation and making life-and-death decisions. To advertise in One would assume that in face of such an unprecedented global health crisis, it would the new Algemeiner be obvious that a national unity government e-mail: [email protected] would be formed. But not so in this country. If ever there was a time for a national unity or call government, it is now. There is a consensus 718-771-0400 across the entire population that it is impera- Israeli President Reuven Rivlin opens the first session of Israel’s new parliament, in an unprec- tive, so why can’t our politicians get their edentedly toned-down ceremony carried out amid the global coronavirus scare. Photo: Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH, Reuters Marketplace – DPA Multimedia Wire via Reuters. act together? Are they so detached from the www.algemeiner.com | FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020 A3 World News. Coronavirus ‘Fabrications’ Israel Chemicals Pushed by Iranian Donates Money, Swabs Regime ‘Put World at to Bolster Battle Against Risk,’ Says US Secretary Covid-19 in Israel of State Pompeo


Conspiracy theories pushed by the leader of the Iranian regime about alleged American responsibility for the coronavirus pandemic provoked a flurry of corrective tweets from US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei — the highest authority in the Islamic Republic who is Ayatollah Ali Khamenei delivers a televised known as the “supreme leader” — had earlier speech, in Tehran, Iran, March 20, 2020. Photo: Official Khamenei website / Handout via Reuters. scorned US offers of assistance in fighting the virus by claiming, “you’re accused of having The secretary of state also pointed out created #coronavirus.” that the Iranian regime “ignored repeated Continued Khamenei on Twitter: “I don’t warnings from its own health officials, and know how true it is. But when there’s such denied its first death from the #WuhanVirus A medical worker wearing a protective mask and suit treats patients suffering from coronavirus an allegation, can a wise man trust you? You for at least nine days.” disease (COVID-19) in an intensive care unit at the Oglio Po hospital in Cremona, Italy, March 19, could be giving medicines that spread the In another tweet, Pompeo contrasted 2020. Photo: Reuters / Flavio Lo Scalzo. virus or cause it to remain. Experience shows Iran’s current pleas for aid with its profligate you can’t be trusted & you do such things.” spending on behalf of its terrorist allies in the BY ADI PICK/CTech The swabs, for which the company Pompeo promptly replied that Khame- region. reported costs of NIS 200,000 (approximately nei’s “fabrications that the U.S. is responsible “As Iran asks for more money, remember: -headquartered Israel Chemicals $50,000), were pre-approved by Israel’s for the #WuhanVirus put Iranians, Americans, since 2012, the regime sent $16B+ to its (ICL), with the help of the regional managers Ministry of Health. and the rest of the world at risk. Facts matter.” terrorist proxies in the Middle East. Officials of its factories in China, is importing 20,000 Dual-listed on the NYSE and the Tel Aviv Among the facts rolled out by Pompeo stole 1B+ Euros intended for medical supplies, swabs for the diagnosis of coronavirus Stock Exchange, ICL is an industrial company was that “Iran’s chief terror airline, Mahan and continue to hoard desperately needed (Covid-19) cases in Israel, the company focusing on agriculture, food, and engineered Air, continued to fly at least 55 times between masks, gloves, and equipment for sale on the announced Sunday. ICL also donated NIS materials. The company is controlled by its Tehran and China in February,” thereby black market,” Pompeo wrote. 900,000 (approximately $247,000) to Israeli largest shareholder, Tel Aviv-listed Israel spreading the virus. hospitals Soroka University Medical Center Corporation. ICL employs more than 11,000 in Israel’s south and Chaim Sheba Medical people, and its 2019 revenue totaled approxi- Center in the Tel Aviv area. mately $5.3 billion.

One Million Israelis Continued from Page A1 being stricken with the virus, the UK’s Jewish Heavy Toll Chronicle reported. Could Be Unemployed that Rabbi Sholom Lipskar of the Shul of Bal Due to Health Ministry directives, Harbour, one of Florida’s largest synagogues Touboul was buried without proper Jewish and founder of the Aleph Institute, which funerary rituals. by End of Passover Due serves prisoners, US military personnel, and His family released a statement to the other isolated communities, tested presump- French-Chasidic publication Hassidout, tive positive for the virus, according to a asking mourners to stay in isolation and to Coronavirus statement issued Sunday. “preserve the health of everyone.” His symptoms are considered mild and “We understand that his former students, he is expected to make a full recovery. his friends … would like to honor him, but it is Shutdown In a video message on Instagram Friday, now essential to comply with the directives,” Rabbi Lipskar thanked people for their they added. messages of support, as well as the hospital Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo commented, staff. “It is with great sadness that I learn of the death BY BENJAMIN KERSTEIN “Almighty God will definitely have a of André Touboul. I think of his kindness and positive response to our prayers and good his professionalism. All my support and my The number of unemployed in Israel wishes,” he said, and asked supporters to affection to his family, to his friends and to the has reached 600,000, the Israeli Employment recite Psalms. school community.” Service announced Tuesday, with thousands According to Israeli daily Yediot On Feb. 15, the former leader of the losing their jobs as businesses close due to the Ahronot, leading Satmar Rabbi Aharon Teitel- Jewish community of Milan, Michele Sciama, coronavirus pandemic. baum, head of the Kiryas Joel community in died of coronavirus. The Israeli news site Walla reported that New York, was diagnosed with coronavirus on The Italian-Jewish website Moked wrote the unemployment rate now stood at 18.6% Friday. He is believed to have been infected that Sciama was born in Cairo, and studied People walk past closed stores inside a shopping by an assistant. and the Employment Service estimated that center in Tel Aviv, Israel, March 15, 2020. Photo: in London and Milan, where he eventually there would be one million unemployed by Reuters / Nir Elias. He is currently in good condition with settled. He was heavily involved in collecting mild symptoms of the disease. the end of the Passover holiday in mid-April. He said the Employment Service was testimonies from forced out of the Arab Over the weekend, André Touboul, one The number of those registering as working with the National Insurance Institute world following World War II and remained of France’s leading Chabad figures, died after unemployed is skyrocketing, with 127,464 to get unemployment benefits to citizens as close to the Egyptian Jewish community. signing up on last Thursday, 67,115 on Friday quickly as possible. and 54,305 on Sunday. Regarding the overall economic situation, Rami Garor — CEO of the Employment increase the economic damage to NIS 100 businesses and get through the crisis as easily Amir Yaron — governor of the Bank of Israel — billion ($27.75 billion) and GDP could fall by as possible,” but extending credit to failing Service — said, “There was another slowdown in warned on Tuesday that the damage would be new registrants yesterday. However, we estimate 2.5%, while putting enormous pressure on businesses could be difficult. difficult to fix once the crisis was over. government expenditures. “You can’t do it automatically,” she said. that by Passover we will reach about one million “The longer the scenario takes, the exit new job-seekers due to the corona crisis.” “The government deficit will rise, and is “You have to check the risks, you have to check will be deeper and more difficult,” he said. expected to reach about 7% of GDP,” he said. that those you give credit can repay it after the “This is partly due to announcements Michel Strawczynski — director of the from leading companies in Israel about the Hedva Ber — supervisor of banks at crisis.” Research Department at the Bank of Israel the Bank of Israel — said banks must “help closure of branches and centers,” he added. — said that additional restrictions could A4 | FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020 World News.

Israel, especially from Latin America, Eastern in the world,” she wrote. “There is no entry Europe and Asia. We are talking about 8,000 of aircraft from any other country—only the Israelis who are abroad and whom we are State of Israel, only El Al. We [passed] through trying to bring back.” six checkpoints of soldiers with weapons and He warned that “most of the places are masks only because of our Foreign Ministry either closed or closing. A lot of flights are document—our country is simply as powerful being cancelled or are full. The ticket prices as it is impossible to describe. There is no are very high.” country that extracts its civilians like us. … I Haiat said the ministry is trying to find am proud to be Israeli. Europeans who saw the Israeli travelers “the best and fastest way what the State of Israel did for us were simply to return home.” in shock.” Israeli travelers are famous for visiting El Al is reportedly preparing flights to far-flung places worldwide, skipping tourist four more destinations, including Australia, magnets such as London and Paris, and Brazil, Costa Rica and another one to India, to choosing instead to see the farther reaches of bring more Israeli travelers home. El Al may the planet. also send an aircraft to Thailand to bring back In times of crisis, Israelis end up far from some 150 nationals that have been stuck in home and faced with extreme difficulties in the country since the health crisis began. Israelis arrive at Ben-Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv from South America, where they were temporarily stranded as a result of the coronavirus epidemic, on March 20, 2020. Photo: Tomer returning; this is one of those moments when Israel’s Ambassador to India told JNS in a Neuberg/Flash90. being a citizen of the only Jewish country in written message that “the embassy team here the world really makes a difference. in New Delhi is working around the clock to Recently, the dramatic evacuation of ensure that Israelis in India trying to get home Israelis in Peru drew headlines. The 1,100 are able to do so safely. We have aided in the Israel Works to Fly Thousands of Israelis were literally airlifted out after four return of about 1,000 Israelis to date, and we specially organized El Al flights flew over to are working tirelessly to ensure the return of Israelis Home During retrieve them. An additional 23 Israelis were about 1,000 more, relying on strong relation- left behind, forced to wait for the next oppor- ships with the Indian government, which Shutdowns tunity to fly home due to lack of room on the we have nurtured over the years. We are planes. constantly in touch with Israelis across India, While the El Al planes that evacuated and urge all travelers and family members to Israelis from Peru were privately funded, Haiat stay up to date through our Facebook page BY ISRAEL KASNETT/ began to close their borders and ground all said that no other planes were being paid for. and website.” flights. India was no exception. Earlier this “The Peru situation was unique,” he said. “We “We call on every Israeli to take the first JNS.org week, some 550 Israelis left for Israel before are not planning any more free flights. The flight possible to Israel,” said Haiat. “You do the country was set to close its airspace in the flights we are working on with El Al, Arkia and not want to be stuck abroad. Please do your The 3,000 Israelis who had traveled to coming days. Israir will be paid for by the passengers.” best and come back. Do not wait until the last India to take a temporary break from the Lior Haiat, Israel’s Ministry of Foreign ‘I am proud to be Israeli’ minute. This is the last minute.” whirlwind of life found themselves dealing Affairs Spokesman, told JNS, “We are helping One traveler rescued from Peru described very much with the reality of it as the corona- Israelis from all over the world get back to her deep appreciation for Israel. virus spread around the world and countries “There is nothing like this in any country


בס" ד


Presidium: Rabbi Hanania Elbaz Rabbi Yehoshua S. Hecht Rabbi Yaakov Klass 1 Adar, 5780 Rabbi Yaakov Spivak

Honorary President February 26, 2020 Rabbi Shamaryahu Shulman Dear Friend: Av Beth Din: Rabbi Herschel Kurzrock In years past, Beth Shifra maintained a Free Soup Kitchen all year round, Rosh Beth Din: open seven days a week, serving free meals three times a day, without Rabbi Dov Aaron Brisman charge. During the week of Pesach, Beth Shifra sponsored free Kosher for Pesach Sedorim and daily meals around the city. We are personally familiar Sgan Av Beth Din: Rabbi Peretz Steinberg with their significant work and urge you to help Beth Shifra with any support that you can, including publicizing their inspiring work in your Moreh Tzedek: Shul or organization. Rabbi Leibel Wulliger This year, Beth Shifra is sponsoring free Kosher for Pesach Seders and Menahel of Beth Din: Rabbi Yaakov Shulman meals daily from Wednesday, April 8th, through Thursday, April 16th, at The White Shul, 2102 Avenue T & East 21st in Brooklyn. Free Kosher for Rav UMachshir, Passover food packages will be offered on Wednesday, April 8th, at the Kashrus Alliance, Aleph K: White Shul, 2102 Avenue T & East 21st in Brooklyn from 12:00 pm to Rabbi Moshe Weiner 2:00 pm. Executive Vice President: Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik We proudly invite you to join us in making this year a memory of a lifetime for those in need. Take the time now to have the merit and joy of helping a Director: Rabbi Moish Schmerler hungry family celebrate Passover. Please help Beth Shifra with any assistance that you can, including publicizing their good work in your Shul Director of Development/ or organization. Menahel: Rabbi Duvid Katz May all those that participate in this holy effort be blessed from Heaven.

Direct of Igud Israel: On behalf of the Igud/RAA Presidium and of the Beth Din, I extend Rabbi Avraham Amar greetings of Torah. 2102 Ave. T

Director of Halacha Sincerely, Commission: Rabbi Gil Student

Director of Chaplaincy Commission and External Affairs: Mendy Mirocznik Rabbi Leonard (Yehuda) Rabbi Mendy Mirocznik Blank, MS BCC Executive Vice-President, Rabbinical Alliance of America

Director of Medical Halacha Commission: Rabbi Aaron Glatt, MD

Vice Presidents: Rabbi Avraham Amar Rabbi Noach Bernstein Rabbi Eli Hecht Rabbi Joseph Salamon Rabbi Abraham Stone

Reprinted from • Friday, March 20, 1987 Bogus Purim Service Broken Up

Office: A group 305 Church of Avenue, missionaries Mail: PO Box 190234,in Brighton Brooklyn, New Beach York 11219 who U.S.A. Tel.staff 718 -of532 -8720the Email:Beth Shifra Institutions break up the rally. [email protected] lecture Oral vs. Written Torah rented Public School 225 on the premise they were Since many of the protesters missed the Megil- holding a social,” attempted to hold a bogus “Purim la reading, the staff of Beth Shifra held to Megilla Megilla” reading. The missionaries widely advertised readings, so those who were instrumental in break- their program in Russian as well as English throughout ing up the rally could observe the Mitzva properly. the Manhattan Beach and Brighton Beach area in an The Beth Shifra rally, held at the Jewish Center of effort to entice young people to their service. Ocean Parkway, was termed a huge success by the chil- However, when the real purpose of the “service” was dren and parents who attended. There was a live band discovered, groups from Boro Park, Flatbush, Crown and a puppet show to entertain the children. Heights and Monsey descended on the area to help the

These are some of the FREE programs Beth Shifra 12 - 2 PM 2102 AVE T Ran for the Poor and Russian Families. - Catered Meals - Free food packages Wed. APRIL 8, Separate Orthodox Boy Scout & Girl Scout Club • Matchmaking Trips and Rallies • Free Legal Advice • Jewish Films Jewish History Classes Job Placement • Frum Separate Men and Women Karate • CSW on Premesis FREE FOOD PACKAGES Business School • Brisim Performed • Speakers Bureau • Free Hebrew School Have a happy and healthy Pesach.... Chag Kasher Vesameach...... Free Summer Camps • Nursery schools • Jewish Services • Boxing • Chess Tournament High School Programs In Public SchoolsFree Bar Mitzvahs • Tefillin and Mezuzas by Rabbi Zalmen Several English Classes (Green Cards) • Work Release Programs • Release Hours

Free Flee Market • Homeless Shelter www.algemeiner.com | FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020 A5 U.S. News.

Soros — a favorite target of far-right groups Neo-Nazis Urge Supporters to and governments — is behind the spread of coronavirus. Target Jews for Coronavirus Islamist organizations have adopted a similarly aggressive perspective on the crisis, meanwhile. Spread The Washington, DC-based think tank Middle East Media and Research Institute (MEMRI) revealed that a leader of the Muslim A propaganda image shared online by Brotherhood in the US had called on his neo-Nazis alleging that Jews are profiting BY ALGEMEINER STAFF comrades to infect Egyptian diplomats with financially from the coronavirus pandemic. Photo: ADL.org. the coronavirus. Neo-Nazi and Islamist extremists have found another common cause: encouraging their The current Egyptian regime headed by organization who lives in New York. supporters to deliberately spread the coronavirus to Jews, police officers and other “enemies.” President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi overthrew the “If you have contracted coronavirus, you An FBI alert issued last Thursday warned that “members of extremist groups are encour- country’s Muslim Brotherhood government should exact revenge! Avenge yourself, avenge aging one another to spread the virus, if contracted, through bodily fluids and personal in 2013. the honor of your women, avenge the people interactions.”According to ABC News, which obtained a copy of the alert on Monday, the “Whoever has flu-like symptoms — cold, who are in prison, and avenge the oppressed extremist groups include neo-Nazis and white supremacists. fever, sneezing — should pay a visit to his ‘friends’ people. Go there. Why die alone? When you According to a recent report from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a research and who work for Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi’s government,” die, why die alone?” Saber exhorted. advocacy group, far-right groups are increasingly embracing “accelerationism” — a fringe philos- said Baghat Saber — a supporter of the Islamist ophy that promotes mass violence to fuel society’s collapse. “From pushing the idea that Jews created the corona- virus virus to sell vaccines to encouraging infected followers to try to spread the illness to the Jewish community and law enforcement, as the coronavirus has spread, we have observed how white-supremacists, neo-Nazis and others have used this to drive their own conspiracy theories, spread disinformation and incite violence on their online platforms,” Michael Masters — the head of the Secure Communities Network (SCN), an umbrella group that coordinates security for Jewish groups and synagogues around the country — told ABC News on Monday. A separate analysis published by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) demonstrated that the pandemic has provided a ready platform for antisemitic conspiracy theories. Scare- mongering tropes monitored by ADL researchers have included the claim that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) “is controlled by the Chabad Lubavitch movement,” and that the Hungarian-Jewish financier George Orthodox Groups Make Gain in Record-Setting Votes for World Zionist Congress


The World Zionist Congress, which allocates funding for the Jewish Agency for Israel, will convene this October in Jerusalem. A total of 152 seats will be allocated for the American delegates. Participants voted for one of 15 different slates, repre- senting a cross-section of Jewish life and communal groups. Voting began in January and ended on March 11. At stake, said participants, was having a say in how the World Zionist Congress will allocate its funding for Jewish communal endeavors. “The numbers speak for themselves,” said Herbert Block, executive director of the American Zionist Movement. “This election garnered more than twice as many votes as the election in 2015 and the highest since the election opened up to the entire American Jewish community 30 years ago. We are thrilled that so many people participated and look forward to seeing those voices represented at the 38th World Zionist Congress.” Rabbi Josh Weinberg, vice president for Israel and Reform Zionism for the , while pleased with the results, was somewhat disappointed by how things turned out. “I think we did really well—we got 10,000 more votes than last time; a 15 percent increase. We’re still the largest Zionist organization in the United States, and I’m happy about that,” he said, acknowledging that he was “surprised” and “a bit saddened” by the gains of the Orthodox slates because he felt that at least one group focused their campaign on being anti-Reform Judaism. Continued on Page A10 A6 | FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020 Opinion. Inspiring American Youth When Coronavirus Demands Altruism

able people are elderly, and that if young though how it must look to people in, say, people do get the disease, it’s not much worse Italy, where the pandemic is taking thousands SHMULEY BOTEACH than the flu. Well, now we’re getting more infor- of lives, to see pictures of young Americans Police and medical officials are seen at the -en ENGELWOOD mation and it turns out that new CDC data partying on the beach. They must be appalled trance to the Dan Panorama Hotel in Tel Aviv, indicates nearly 40% of patients sick enough to by the insensitivity and indifference to the which is being converted into a coronavirus clinic. Photo: screenshot. be hospitalized were age 20 to 54. A lot of you people around them, as well as their own folks on the beach fall into that range. health. They probably are wondering how I grew up in Miami but never partici- women for two. Adults in charge of our health bear many of the beachgoers may go to visit their pated in the spring break ritual, because I was Our teens don’t have to make many responsibility as well. While most large cities grandparents and bring the virus with them. studying in a . So no doubt there is a sacrifices for this country. Is it too much to ask are shutting everything down outside of I understand that confining hundreds tinge of jealousy in seeing thousands of young every high school graduate to commit a year grocery stores, pharmacies, and hospitals, of thousand of teenagers to their rooms is men and women partying on the beaches of to helping their fellow Americans? officials in Texas and Florida apparently were impractical. Believe me, my family and I are Texas and Florida while I’m cooped up in the One of the great things about young less concerned with the spread of the virus going a bit stir crazy. But they also have a freezing cold of New Jersey and New York. people today is that many are enthusiastic than the potential damage to their economy if future to consider. My overwhelming feeling, however, about public service. We see this when they shut down the beaches. This is irrespon- Of course, not every teenager is partying is confusion at seeing this spectacle juxta- students volunteer to help communities sible and sends the message to young people at the beach. This is a generation that has posed with the stories of the COVID-19 virus after national disasters. It should not be that that what they are doing is just fine, damn the demonstrated the potential to teach their stacking up bodies around the world. onerous to ask every student to participate in consequences. elders lessons about what it takes to save the These young people are aware of the a project that will truly make America greater. We’re fortunate that the youth of today world. They are fighting for social justice and global crisis. They know that people are dying, If college is only three years, they will have not been forced to learn the meaning of the need to address things like unnecessarily that tens of thousands are infected, and that be finished with school at the same time as if sacrifice. When I was in yeshiva in New York harming the environment. Now is the time to our country is on the verge of paralysis as they’d gone straight to a four-year school. An a rabbi told us that during the Holocaust, harness that positive energy for the benefit of we are asked to stay in our homes to prevent added benefit is that students and their parents American Jewry knew Jews were being America. the spread of the disease. Yet, we see them would save a fortune in tuition and loans. annihilated and they’d tell kids in yeshiva to They are less susceptible to the disease frolicking in the sea, potential carriers of the We need a year of national service to do something to show they cared, to sacrifice and, if they’re careful and follow the health disease who are putting other people at risk make our youth more sensitive, generous, something, even if it was as trivial as giving up guidelines, they can be helping people who and endangering themselves. and happy. President Trump can encourage a eating candy to demonstrate empathy for the are suffering and desperately need help. I saw But even if those who say we’re overre- new moral regeneration by leading the call for suffering of Jews elsewhere. Obviously, this a clip on the news of two people who played acting are right, shouldn’t those taking part in a year of national service and offering incen- was not going to save anyone in Europe. But their instruments on the porch of an elderly the partying scene feel that it’s unseemly at a tives for participation. the point was to teach children that when the woman living alone. There are other ways to time when so many are suffering? The current crisis will not be our last. We world is on fire and people are suffering, you help people confined to their homes feel less But a lot of people just don’t seem to give will be far better prepared for the next one should minimize your pleasure activities. isolated. This is the time for young people to a damn. I saw one spring breaker interviewed if we have an army of people dedicated to This isn’t the Holocaust or World War prove they can be the next great generation. on TV. When he was asked whether he was serving the needs of their fellow Americans. II. God willing, we will take the necessary We’re dealing with an emergency now, worried about the virus, he said something Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, “America’s measures and our medical researchers will but we should already start planning for along the lines of, “Whether I get the virus or Rabbi,” whom The Washington Post calls discover a vaccine to flatten the curve and the future so our youth can develop greater not, I’m going to keep partying.” “the most famous Rabbi in America,” is minimize the sickness, death, and economic sensitivity, a sense of pride, and a realization OK. I’m not entirely surprised. Young the author of Judaism for Everyone and pain caused by the virus. that they have an obligation to their country. people are often narcissistic and believe they Renewal: The Seven Central Values of the Right now, virtually the entire world is Israelis learn these attributes serving in the are invincible. They’ve also been lulled into Jewish Faith. Follow him on Twitter and suffering. People are really scared. Imagine military — men for nearly three years and complacency by reports that the most vulner- Instagram @RabbiShmuley.

most philosemitic tracts written by a gentile lines it gives us for home, business, and in modern history. relationships — and judge for yourselves. A Jew’s Home Is His or Her In the words of the late interfaith philan- Perhaps the most radical idea in a time thropist Herman Blumenthal, this remarkable of confusion and the loss of all values would Temple speech — which Vance gave many hundreds be the provisional closing of all Synagogues! of times across the country — was “a master- Let such an idea not frighten the reader. The piece,” charting the contributions of the closing of all Synagogues would not affect Jewish people to the world, and ending with or alter the precepts of the Divine Law one an impassioned plea for an end to antisemi- iota… The closing of all Synagogues through his family to escape the approaching Union tism, and for Jews be treated well. Jewish hands would constitute the loudest forces. But within a short period of time, the It was one of the first times in American protest against the denial of Divine Law in PINI DUNNER unionists had arrived there too, and Vance history that a high-profile Christian both life and home; it would give the most drastic LOS ANGELES was unceremoniously arrested. publicly and impactfully advocated on behalf emphasis to the truth that Divine Judaism The Union troops that were sent to take of Jews to fellow Christians, and it was likely, embraces and dominates the totality of him to Washington, DC had only packhorses in part, inspired by one small act of kindness Jewish life and does not find its fulfillment to transport him, so Wittkowsky, who had done for him by a long-forgotten Jew from in the halls of prayer and worship. God’s befriended Vance during this period, volun- Last week, I was meant to have been in North Carolina. Temple and His Law must rule and shape teered to drive the governor in his personal Fort Lee, New Jersey for a rabbinical seminar, In any event, despite the superlative love our daily lives — this would affect the lasting carriage to Salisbury, from where he took a train but it was obviously canceled, although part for Jews by Zebulon Vance, Jewish life in North cure for all our ailments.” (Collected Writings to the capital. Vance never forgot this kindness, of the conference was shared via a Zoom Carolina never amounted to much, neither of Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, Vol. 1, pp. and the friendship continued until Vance died conference. We are all having to become then nor since, and of the just over 3,000 Jews 390-391). almost 30 years later, with Wittkowsky deliv- experts at Zoom conferencing as we remain who live in Charlotte, only a few dozen or so Rav Hirsch’s words are so powerful, but ering the lead eulogy at his funeral. housebound over the coming period. are members of Rabbi Oppenheim’s Orthodox they are especially powerful when shared In and of itself, this is a remarkable One of the rabbis who was to attend the outpost, which makes the piece he sent out to by someone like Rabbi Oppenheim in his anecdote. But this one act of kindness seminar was a friend of mine, Rabbi Chanoch fellow rabbis earlier this week all the more inaugural address for whom every single resulted in much more than a warm friend- Oppenheim, who for the past 12 years has extraordinary. person in his shul matters — perhaps the ship between such an unlikely pair. Vance, been the rabbi at the Charlotte Torah Center Here it is, in full: difference between having a minyan or who was soon released from jail without being in North Carolina. Charlotte is hardly known My first Rosh Hashanah sermon in not, and certainly between presiding over a charged, went on to become governor again, for its rich and varied Jewish history — Charlotte was based on the following quote, successful community and a struggling group and later on, the US senator for his state. although one of its earliest Jewish residents, written in Frankfurt, Germany in the 19th of stragglers. Both a mesmerizing orator and a Samuel Wittkowsky, has an interesting and century by Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch. But even in those first moments as the prolific writer, Vance was widely known much overlooked place in the history of Jews Rav Hirsch bemoaned the fact that in his rabbi in Charlotte, he pressed home the point and respected in his day. In 1870, he began in the United States. time, as in our time, the synagogue had that shul must never become the only focus of a national speaking tour using the text of In early 1865, as the American Civil War become the main focus for most Jews. But one’s Jewish life. Indeed, if we are to succeed a monograph he had written titled “The was winding down, Wittkowsky was living in is that really so bad? I urge you to consider as Jews, it must be our homes that become our Scattered Nation” as the basis of his oration. Statesville North Carolina. At some point, the what he wrote more than 180 years ago — spiritual sanctuaries, brimming with Judaism Without any question whatsoever, and though pro-Confederate state governor Zebulon B. that our Jewish identity should permeate all and Jewish life. And now Rav Hirsch’s fateful Vance’s historical actions on race are debated Vance was forced to move to Statesville with aspects of our life in the values and guide- today, “The Scattered Nation” is one of the Continued on Page A7 www.algemeiner.com | FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020 A7 Opinion. The Truth About New York Times Backs Coronavirus and Gaza Cellphones to Fight Virus Everywhere Except Israel lives were saved as a result. Fails to mention that Hamas (the group DANIEL POMERANTZ- that rules Gaza) is officially designated as of everyone who was nearby. Anyone even PHILADELPHIA a terror organization by Australia, Canada, potentially exposed is quarantined at home; Egypt, the EU, Israel, the UK, and the United IRA STOLL a GPS app tells the police if that person goes States. BOSTON outside. The fine for doing so is $8,000. British Fails to mention that the Hamas founding researchers are trying to develop a similar In a stunning display of anti-Israel charter commits the terror group to the total tracking app, albeit one more palatable to demonization, Reuters promotes the myth destruction of all of Israel. citizens in Western democracies.” that restrictions on Gaza are somehow Does not even mention the significant A New York Times news article from The sameTimes article reports, “China’s comparable to global quarantines defending cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian Israel is faulting Prime Minister Netanyahu strategy is quite intrusive: To use the subway against the COVID-19 coronavirus. health officials. for combating the coronavirus with measures in some cities, citizens must download an In the article, Reuters shares a number of For a quick peek into some of Israel’s similar to those the Times itself, in a different app that rates how great a health risk they are. tweets from Gaza residents such as this one: containment measures and general updates, article published the same day, says experts South Korean apps tell users exactly where We in Gaza have been living this for 14 below is a recording of a “livestream” we recommend. infected people have traveled.” years. broadcast last week. Though the situation is Here’s the side-by-side comparison. The So when it’s South Korea, Britain, and Reuters did not commit an ethical continuing to change, this gives at least a bit Times article about Israel reports, “Mr. Netan- China using cellphones to fight Covid-19, the breach by sharing tweets from Gaza residents: of an insight into the evolving nature of daily yahu has resorted to emergency regulations to Times basically cheers them on, describing Gaza is a part of our world and is deemed life in Israel. usher in increasingly draconian measures to them as expert-recommended. Yet when newsworthy. There are many international stories combat the spread of the virus. Those included the Israeli prime minister, Netanyahu, does However, as a body of professional relevant to COVID-19: Italy’s desperate authorizing the Shin Bet internal security a version of the same thing, the Times casts journalists, Reuters has a duty to also share measures, South Korea’s massive testing, the agency to use cellphone data to track citizens, shade. It’s a classic Times double standard. context and balance. For example, Reuters — UK and its backtracking from a unique “herd without any parliamentary oversight.” The The only thing missing is for the disease to Makes no mention of the 11,560 rockets immunity” approach — even Israel with its language­ — “resorted,” “draconian,” “without spread to Palestinian-controlled Gaza or areas fired from Gaza into Israel that necessitated a aggressive containment strategy and furious any parliamentary oversight” — makes it clear of the West Bank, or for that matter, in Israel blockade in the first place. work toward a vaccine. enough that the Times disapproves. Draco, a itself, and the Times then to blame Netanyahu Shares no balancing tweets from the However, this Reuters article is not 7th century BCE Athenian lawgiver, favored the for failing to use cellphone data to prevent the Israelis who have lived (and died) under that relevant to COVID-19 nor is it newsworthy death penalty for anyone who stole a cabbage spread. It’s a safe bet that whatever Netanyahu rocket fire. in that context. Instead, this article reads like or an apple, according to Plutarch. does with the coronavirus and cellphones, the Makes no mention of the massive arms like a transparent excuse to say something And here’s the front-page New York Times will find a way to criticize him. shipments from Iran that the Gaza blockade negative about Israel at any cost: even at the Times news article from the same day’s Defenders of the Times may point out has prevented, nor how many innocent Israeli cost of basic journalistic ethics. newspaper, under the introductory language, that, in this instance, the newspaper is just “There is a chance to stop the coronavirus … reporting on complaints made by Israel’s doing so takes intelligent, rapidly adaptive democratic opposition and civil society, Continued from Page A6 your spouse, your children, or just enjoy it work by health officials. … What follows are Temple rather than generating the complaints. Fair yourself. Say the blessings in Hebrew out the recommendations offered by the experts words have come to pass, in a way no one loud, and pray the prayers using the tunes we enough, but somehow such complaints about interviewed by the Times.” would have ever anticipated. use in shul. Netanyahu get a lot more traction with the TheTimes says, “Everyone who is infected Dearest friends — now more than ever And when we eventually reconvene at Times than do opposition complaints in in South Korea goes into isolation in govern- before, as we are all forced to abandon our our shul, let us bring the fervor and spiritu- South Korea, Britain, or China. ment shelters, and phones and credit card synagogues and schools, and are confined ality of our homes back to the shul with us. Ira Stoll was managing editor of The data are used to trace their prior movements to our homes with our families — or alone — Let the shul be the cream on the cake, while Forward and North American editor of The until this crisis is behind us, as it surely will be, our homes become the staple of our Jewish and find their contacts. Where they walked Jerusalem Post. we must find the strength to turn our homes identity going forward. Our survival as Jews before they fell ill is broadcast to the cellphones into temples of faith. could depend on it. Sing zemirot at the Shabbat table, even Rabbi Pini Dunner is the senior spiri- Scholars (IUM) released a religious edict has many soldiers, including both angels and if you never sing them normally. Read the tual leader of the Beverly Hills Synagogue. forbidding Muslims from praying at mosques viruses. He said that just as Allah drowned parsha and share what you have read with and calling on them to protect themselves Pharaoh’s soldiers in the sea, he is similarly from infection. The IUM urged Muslims to granting victory to the Uighurs. pray at home and stay away from holy sites. Kuwaiti cleric Othman Khamis stated in On social media, it appears that many are a sermon on his YouTube channel that this is Coronavirus and Muslim placing their hope on Israel and the Jews to not the first time Allah has visited his wrath find a cure or develop a vaccine for the virus. upon the world: he also sent a mosquito to Clerics A survey was distributed among Arabs asking kill Nimrod and unleashed the 10 plagues to whether they would purchase a vaccine punish the Egyptians. The coronavirus is thus developed in Israel. Placing their health first, another warning to humanity from Allah. The the majority answered in the affirmative. only solution is to return to him and follow his Iran’s Ayatollah Nasir Makarim Shirazi ways; only then will the virus disappear. and Syria. released a surprising statement on this matter. There is no doubt that coronavirus is a When the coronavirus first began infil- EDY COHEN He said there is no prohibition in Islamic law matter of serious concern not just to the West, trating the wider Middle East after its initial against purchasing medicine or a vaccine but to the Arab world as well. Unfortunately, JERUSALEM outbreak in Iran, many in the Arab world from Israel, provided there is no other country Muslim clerics are exploiting the precarious thought it might be an Iranian conspiracy. from which to acquire it. In other words, the situation and inciting their constituencies Arab populations succumbed to widespread prohibition against doing business with the throughout the region. They have millions of On hearing initial reports of the deadly panic and fear. Governments throughout the Zionist entity has exceptions. followers on their social media channels and spread of coronavirus in China, many in region, scrambling to contain the virus, closed In an unusual sermon, Jordanian MP, can spread their messages to huge numbers the Arab world rejoiced. Arab social media mosques and shut down most of society. former minister, and lecturer at the University of people very quickly. The clerics’ sermons threads called the virus Allah’s will to punish Even Islam’s holy cities of Mecca and Medina of Amman Muhammad Abdulhamid Qudah have the ultimate purpose of instilling fear the Chinese for their cruel treatment of the closed their sacred sites — the first time called the coronavirus a “soldier of Allah,” and in their listeners to convince them to adopt a Uighur Muslims of western China. public prayer has ceased in those cities since said it had been sent to punish both the West religious way of life. When the virus broke through China’s the time of Muhammad. and Muslims. He claimed Allah is angry with Dr. Edy Cohen is a researcher at the borders and landed in Iran, the Arab world It’s hard to discern the current extent of the world, especially Muslims, because they BESA Center and author of the book The was even happier. Images of Iran’s suffering coronavirus infection in these countries due have failed to obey him. Holocaust in the Eyes of Mahmoud Abbas as a result of coronavirus, and discussion of to a lack of governmental transparency. Egypt Bashir bin Hassan, a controversial Salafist (Hebrew). its rapid spread throughout the country, went and Jordan remain in complete denial about cleric in Tunisia, posted on his Facebook A version of this article was originally viral on social media. the threat of the virus, falsely telling their account, which has 500,000 followers, that the published by Israel Today and The BESA Again, many Arabs claimed this was people and the world that they have yet to Chinese are being punished by Allah because Center. Allah’s wrath, this time over Iran’s heinous identify a single case. of the siege they have set against the Uighur treatment of Sunni Muslims in Iraq, Yemen, The International Union for Muslim Muslims. According to the radical cleric, Allah A8 | FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020 Impressions.

Finding the Silver New Jersey Middle School Lining in COVID-19 Students Keep Holocaust Memories Alive With BY TARA MIZRACHI Documentaries on Survivors It is often the challenging times that we remember the best — and learn from the most. They are also our proudest moments, if we rose to the occasion, and our most shameful moments, if we failed the test before us. For our kids, who now have lots of time with mom BY GARY SHAPIRO this year at Kellman Brown Academy had never and dad, they may remember this time as the most spoken before publicly about their ordeal. memorable of their lives, the most fun. The time they Rosenberg said she hoped the project would “Kids can change the world,” said Tova Fish- were able to be with their family. have an effect on countering . “It’s a Rosenberg, founder of Names, Not Numbers As parents, we may learn that the most valuable teaching tool that shows that if you are not tolerant, — a national non-profit that is an intergenerational gift we can give our kids is not a new iPad or a cell this is where it can lead,” she noted. Holocaust oral history film documentary project. phone, but rather an hour of undivided attention, an Rosenberg pointed out, “These students will She was speaking of students from Kellman hour of fun adventure taking a walk or having a picnic, an hour of listening to what is truly important — what is on their mind and in their heart at this moment. Children also rise to the occasion. During the Holocaust, it was the children who crawled through the sewers and the small cracks in the walls to escape the ghettos, and bring food back to their families. During the pogroms, it was the 13-year-old kids who made their way to America and worked in sweat shops to earn money to bring their families to America. During war time, it has been the 18-year olds who saved the world from tyranny. King David was a boy when he defeated Goliath. Looking back, we may find that our kids are more resilient than we would have ever thought. As we “teach our children diligently,” as the Torah commands, and they rise to the occasion as they often do, we may ask ourselves: Are we giving them the message that they need — or are we entrusting that to a school system to feed them, educate them, and teach them their values? Students from Kellman Brown Academy and KIPP Lanning Square Middle School pose with Holocaust survivor Jack Beer (seated in front). Photo: Kellman Brown Academy.

Brown Academy, a in Voorhees, never be antisemitic, because they see the end New Jersey, and KIPP Lanning Square Middle result of that.” School, based in Camden, New Jersey, who divided The oral histories will be added to the collec- into small groups and interviewed Holocaust survi- tions of the National Library of Israel, Yad Vashem vors on film. and Yeshiva University’s Gottesman Library. The students took turns at every step in Ellen Barmach, the middle school social creating an oral history documentary. The project studies teacher at Kellman Brown Academy, said provides hands-on experience in researching a one student invited the Holocaust survivor, whom Holocaust survivor’s history, preparing questions, he had interviewed, to his bar mitzvah. A medical worker wearing a protective mask and filming an interview and editing it using broadcast- Another student dedicated a candle in suit treats patients suffering from coronavirus quality equipment. disease (COVID-19) in an intensive care unit at the honor of his interviewee at the school’s Hanukkah “These students are witnesses to the witnesses,” Oglio Po hospital in Cremona, Italy, March 19, 2020. menorah-lighting ceremony. “It was a memorable Photo: Reuters / Flavio Lo Scalzo. said Rosenberg, who is both director of the Hebrew moment,” she said. Language Department and director of special Are we teaching our children by example that Kellman Brown Academy Principal Rachel programs at Yeshiva University High Schools. in their over-scheduled lives, they are being robbed Zivic said that alumni have said the project was the As part of the program, a journalist comes into of their time to enjoy the present moment? We have most life-changing, inspirational experience they the school to give tips on how to conduct an inter- to ask ourselves: Why is depression and loneliness so had at school. view for an oral history. prevalent in this time when there is so much to do? Zivic sees the students imbued with a sense “Yes or no questions don’t work,” said Rosenberg. Perhaps with our manufactured recreations tempo- of responsibility of carrying on the legacy of the One regular question for the Holocaust survivor rarily suspended, we will find that going for a walk or survivors. is, “What is your message to our generation?” having a conversation is not overrated after all. “It’s something that they’ll always remember,” The students form personal connections During this time of COVID-19, we are losing jobs, said Sarah Watson, who teaches at KIPP in Camden. with the elderly interviewees, who have witnessed investments, and lives. For those of us who do not “It really was priceless.” harrowing history firsthand. The oral histories can work in health care, public safety, or trucking, we are Zivic said, “Names, Not Numbers exemplifies have a long-lasting impact on its makers. gaining time — time to be with our loved ones. And we Jewish values we’re trying to instill in our students: Rosenberg recalls a student once saying, “I have may learn that time is the most precious thing of all. tikkun olam (healing the world), responsibility, every word of my survivor embedded in my mind.” Tara Mizrachi is a former US Army wife and the empathy, respect, and transmitting our tradition. She said the project is all the more important author of Software for the Soul: Psalms for Everyone It speaks to every core value we have as a Jewish as the number of living survivors continues to — discovering the inner meanings. She hosts www. people and certainly as a Jewish day school.” dwindle. psalmsonline.org. Two of the six Holocaust survivors interviewed Continued on Page A9 www.algemeiner.com | FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020 A9 Legal Notice. Opinion.

calling South Korea a “coronavirus supplies, including coronavirus LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE dictatorship.” tests, as well as protective gear, to the Canada, Scotland, South Africa, Palestinian Authority (PA), which NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT situate, lying and being in the Borough and local governments within rules the West Bank (Judea and COUNTY OF KINGS, HIC ACQUISI- of Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and Australia and the US, are just some Samaria). Indeed, the PA and Israel TIONS I, INC., Plaintiff, vs. NELSON State of New York, Block 8275 and Lot examples of democratic entities have established a “joint operations RODRIGUEZ, ET AL., Defendant(s). 9. Approximate amount of judgment that have temporarily suspended, room to combat the virus,” as The Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure is $365,355.18 plus interest and in some form, activities of parlia- Jerusalem Post reported on March and Sale with Bill of Cost duly filed costs. Premises will be sold subject on August 22, 2016, and an Order for to provisions of filed Judgment Index ment and/or postponed upcoming 18 — days before The Washington Extension of Time to Conduct Foreclo- # 510655/2015. Jageshwar Sharma, elections. Several governments, Post’s report. sure filed January 22, 2020, I, the Esq., Referee Knuckles, Komosinski including Israel, have had legisla- During the time of a global undersigned Referee will sell at public & Manfro, LLP, 565 Taxter Road, Suite tors test positive for the coronavirus. pandemic, Israel, like other Notice of formation of limited liability auction at the Kings County Supreme 590, Elmsford, NY 10523, Attorneys for Gorenberg omits this context. countries, is taking drastic action. company(LLC) Name: THE FIX LLC. Court, Room 224, 360 Adams Street, Plaintiff Cash will not be accepted. Gorenberg also cites as The world is changing — fast. Articles of Organization filed with the Brooklyn, NY on April 16, 2020 at 2:30 AJ; 3/20/27; 4/3/10 evidence the Israeli government’s Regrettably those who seek to single p.m., premises known as 42 Eldert Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) use of advanced technology, used out the Jewish state aren’t. on 02/07/2020. Office location: Kings Lane, Brooklyn, NY. All that certain PROBATE CITATION – File No. to counter terrorists, to monitor Sean Durns is a Senior county. SSNY has been designated plot, piece or parcel of land, with the 2019-1296 - SURROGATE'S COURT - as the agent of the LLC upon whom buildings and improvements thereon QUEENS COUNTY THE PEOPLE OF outbreaks of COVID-19. Goren- Research Analyst for CAMERA, process against it may be served.SSNY erected, situate, lying and being in the THE STATE OF NEW YORK, By the berg is not alone in expressing the 65,000-member, Boston-based shall mail copy of process to: The LLC Borough of Brooklyn, County of Kings, Grace of God Free and Independent these concerns. But as the Times‘ Committee for Accuracy in Middle 315 3RD Avenue,2ND floor Brooklyn, City and State of New York, Block 4112 TO: Public Administrator of Queens editor in chief, David Horovitz, East Reporting and Analysis. NY 11215. Purpose: all lawful activity and Lot 67. Approximate amount of County, Adele Ledas the heirs at law, noted, “Furious rights groups AJ; 2/28; 3/6/13/20/27; 4/3 judgment is $691,093.16 plus interest next of kin and distributees of Mirga and costs. Premises will be sold Viciulis, decreased, if living, and if and political activists, profoundly worried about the possible abuse of Notice of formation of limited liability subject to provisions of filed Judgment any of them be dead, to their heirs at company(LLC) Name: MKE BY Index # 876/2014. Scott Harris Klein, law, next of kin, distributees, legatees, the monitoring capabilities, not to Continued from Page A8 DEE,LLC. Articles of organization filed Esq., Referee Greenspoon Marder executors, administrators, assignees mention data falling into dangerous Documentaries with the Secretary of State of New York LLP, 590 Madison Avenue, Suite 1800, and successors in interest whose hands, immediately petitioned the on 01/07/2020. Office location: Kings New York, NY 10022, Attorneys for names and places of residence are Supreme Court, which on Thursday “We hope it will propel them county. SSNY has been designated Plaintiff unknown and cannot be ascertained ruled that the potentially life- to continue the work of tikkun olam AJ; 3/13/20/27; 4/3/ after due diligence A petition having as the agent of the LLC upon whom saving surveillance would have to (healing the world) for the rest of been duly filed by Laima Sileikis- process against it may be served. SSNY stop if appropriate parliamentary their lives,” she added. shall mail copy of process to:Diana Notice of formation of limited liability Hood who is/are domiciled at 40 Fifth “I’m humbled by the maturity company(LLC) Name: PEACHES Ave, Apt. 13B, New York, NY 10011 oversight is not introduced by this Perez 226 97th St.Apt. C3 Brooklyn, in which they approach this,” Zivic PRIME LLC. Articles of Organiza- YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW coming Tuesday.” NY 11209. Purpose: all lawful activity said, “It teaches them at a formative AJ; 3/6/13/20/27; 4/3/10 tion filed with the secretary of state CAUSE before the Surrogate's Court, Gorenberg omits this last and of New York(SSNY) on 02/04/2020. Queens County, at 88-11 Sutphin crucial detail about the Court’s age that they can really contribute NOTICE OF SALE Supreme Court Office location: Kings county. SSNY Blvd., Jamaica RM 62, New York, on ruling; instead he ominously writes to the world and make a meaningful has been designated as the agent of June 25th, 2020, at 9:30 o'clock in the County Of Kings The Bank of New that “Netanyahu enacted it under difference.” the LLC upon whom process against it forenoon of that day, why a decree York as Trustee for the Certificate- emergency regulations.” Well, yes. Brett Mellul, who graduated holders of the CWABS 2005-06, may be served. SSNY shall mail copy should not be made in the estate of That can — and perhaps must — from Kellman Brown Academy two Plaintiff AGAINST Woodrow Lynch, of process to : peaches prime LLC 590 Mirga Viciulis lately domiciled at years ago and is now a sophomore Fulton Street Brooklyn, NY 11217. 86-11 Whitney Ave, 6D, Elmhurst, New happen in a fast-moving pandemic Albi B. Etoh, et al, Defendant Pursuant at Cherry Hill High School East, to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale Purpose: all lawful activity York 11373, United States admitting to unfolding in a country with political said the program was one of the duly dated 8/16/2018 and entered on AJ; 2/21/28; 3/6/13/20/27 probate a Will dated January 18, 2018, gridlock. But it seems clear that 9/12/2018, I, the undersigned Referee, a copy of which is attached, as the Will Israel’s parliamentary oversight most meaningful experiences he will sell at public auction at the Kings SUPREME COURT – COUNTY OF of Mirga Viciulis deceased, relating and courts are working to, as much has had. KINGS JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, to real and personal property, and County Supreme Court, 360 Adams as possible, ensure public safety He said it made one come Street, Brooklyn, NY on April 09, 2020 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION S/B/M directing that: Letters Testamentary while being mindful of civil liberties. to see the power of both love and at 02:30 PM premises known as 883 CHASE HOME FINANCE LLC, Plain- issue to Laima Sileikis-Hood Dated, hatred. “It also opened my eyes and Herkimer Street, Brooklyn, NY 11233. tiff against CAROLINE THUNDER, Attested and Sealed, March 19, 2020 - This is not evidence, as Gorenberg Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment HON. Peter J. Kelly, Surrogate – James would have it, of a “coup.” made me appreciate everything I All that certain plot piece or parcel of have,” he stated. land, with the buildings and improve- of Foreclosure and Sale entered on Lim Becker, Chief Clerk Attorney for That hyperbole serves no ments erected, situate, lying and being January 28, 2020. I, the undersigned Petitioner: Michael D. Lissner, Esq. one. It is, however, an example of One thing that many survi- in the County of Kings, City and State Referee will sell at public auction in Firm: Lissner & Lissner LLP Address how welded to a narrative many vors emphasize is the importance of New York, BLOCK: 1704, LOT: 67. Room 224 of the Kings County Court- of Attorney: 162 W. 56th Street, Suite of tolerance. and standing up right house, 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, 506, New York, NY 10019 Telephone reporters and pundits are. Goren- Approximate amount of judgment berg, for example, has spent years away in the face of intolerance. is $497,543.45 plus interests and N.Y. on the 16th day of April, 2020 Number (212) 307-1499 [NOTE: The Names, Not Numbers at 2:30 p.m. premises described as This citation is served upon you as casting many Israeli politicians as costs. Premises will be sold subject project was born 16 years ago when follows: All that certain plot, piece required by law. You are not required authoritarian. A front-page March to provisions of filed Judgment Index Rosenberg, who was then a day # 509810/2015. Jageshwar Sharma, or parcel of land, with the buildings to appear. If you fail to appear it will be 21 Washington Post report on the Referee FRENKEL LAMBERT WEISS and improvements thereon erected, assumed you do not object to the relief impact of the coronavirus on the school principal in Pennsylvania, WEISMAN & GORDON LLP 53 situate, lying and being in the County requested. You have a right to have an Middle East offers other examples. received a letter from the state of Kings, City and State of New York. attorney appear for you.] Gibson Street Bay Shore, NY 11706 The Post correctly notes that saying that she was eligible to apply AJ; 3/6/13/20/27; Said premises known as 711 Schenck AJ; 3/27; 4/3/10/17 for an intergenerational grant. Avenue, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11207. (Block: the Middle East is particularly vulnerable to bad outcomes from She said the project seeks to Notice of formation of limited liability 4308, Lot: 32). Approximate amount reverse what the Nazis did. of lien $ 938,870.75 plus interest and the coronavirus, citing Libya, Syria, company (LLC) Name: TRILLIAN “They were taking away VFX LLC. Articles of Organization costs. Premises will be sold subject to Yemen, and the Gaza Strip, among people’s identity and made them filed with the secretary of state of New provisions of filed judgment and terms other countries. But, when it comes York(SSNY) on 12/23/2019. Office of sale. Index No. 14657-13. Bruno to Gaza, the newspaper fails to an object with a number. The location: Kings county. SSNY has Codispoti, Esq., Referee. FEIN SUCH explore why. The Post omits that films restore the identity of each & CRANE, LLP Attorney(s) for Plain- been designated as the agent of the the enclave is ruled by Hamas, a survivor,” said Rosenberg. LLC upon whom process against it tiff 28 East Main Street, Suite 1800 US-designated terror group which Since its inception approxi- may be served. SSNY shall mail copy Rochester, N.Y. 14614 (585) 232-7400 mately 6,000 students and 2,500 AJ; 3/13/20/27; 4/3/ has a long and documented history of process to: Victoria Osborn 836 survivors have participated in the Bergen St., Apt. 402, Brooklyn, NY of investing in rockets, missiles, NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME and terror instead of healthcare, project. This year, there have been 11238. Purpose: all lawful activity Continued from Page A2 AJ; 3/13/20/27; 4/3/10/17 COURT COUNTY OF KINGS, films from dozens of schools in US, Israel’s Critics education, and infrastructure for its MTGLQ INVESTORS, L.P., Plaintiff, vs. people. If, as the Post writes, Gazans Canada, and Israel. MERLEY ALLEYNE A/K/A MERLEY Notice of formation of limited liability South Korea, a fellow democ- are “packed within a quarter- Linda Sarlui who is the grand- company(LLC).Name: JK SYCAMORE C. ALLEYNE, ET AL., Defendant(s). racy, and one that has won some daughter of two Holocaust survivors Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure square-mile of density and despair LLC.Articles of organization filed plaudits for its handling of the and a parent of two students at and Sale duly filed on June 1, 2017 ready made for a coronavirus with the secretary of state of New Kellman Brown Academy, said and an Order Pursuant to CPLR 2004 coronavirus, closed both its legis- explosion” and are “ill-equipped to York(SSNY)on 12/17/2019. Office that getting non-Jewish students location: Kings county. SSNY has Extending the Time to Set Sale and to lature and its courts as early as respond,” the role of Hamas, which been designated as the agent of the Ratify Sale Nunc Pro Tunc filed June February 25. Unlike Israel, South has misused aid money and used involved in the project was really LLC upon whom process against it 14, 2019, I, the undersigned Referee Korea wasn’t always a democ- concrete meant for buildings to worthwhile. will sell at public auction at the Kings may be served.SSNY shall mail copy racy. Indeed, the country has been construct terror tunnels, should be She added that this was partic- County Supreme Court, Room 224, of process to: The limited liability a democracy for less than four detailed. ularly so, since what happened to company 316 10th Street. Apt. #1 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY on decades, having had periods of both the Jews must never again happen April 23, 2020 at 2:30 p.m., premises Regrettably, the newspaper Brooklyn, NY 11215 purpose: all lawful coups and military rule, and the to anybody. activity known as 9101 Avenue N, Brooklyn, also omitted the steps that Israel reign of strongman Syngman Rhee AJ; 3/13/20/27; 4/3/10/17 NY. All that certain plot, piece or has taken to help Palestinians and parcel of land, with the buildings among others. Yet, one doesn’t see others. To date, Israel has deliv- and improvements thereon erected, pundits taking to news pages and ered hundreds of medical kits and A10 | FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020 Tradition.

Prophets incandescent with indig- into a way of easing the conscience for Jewish Values and the leader of nation. If you think that, they seem of those who practice the wrong and the Eretz HaKodesh slate, said in a The Prophetic View of to say, then you haven’t understood the bad. release. either God or Torah. To serve God is to serve Rabbi Moshe Parnes, dean of Sacrifice The first thing the Torah tells us humanity. That was the point made the Hollywood Community Kollel about humanity is that we are each in memorably by Micah: “He has in Hollywood, Fla., added that “it’s the image and likeness of God Himself. told you, O man, what is good, and so rewarding to see how many Therefore if you wrong a human being, what the Lord requires of you: To Jews, especially younger voters, are offerings or sacrifice. But this is you are abusing the only creation in do justice, to love goodness, and to invested in preserving the Jewish what I commanded them: Do My walk humbly with your God.”(Micah JONATHAN SACKS the universe on which God has set His character of the State of Israel. This bidding, that I may be your God image. A sin against any person is a sin 6:6-8). Jeremiah said of King Josiah: vote will help solidify the future of LONDON and you may be My people; walk against God. “He judged the cause of the poor the Jewish people and unify the only in the way that I enjoin upon In the first mission statement and needy; then it was well with Jewish nation around its eternal, you, that it may go well with you” of the Jewish people, God said about him: was not this to know Me? says unchanging principles.” Sacrifices, the subject of this (Jer. 7:22-23). Avraham, “For I have chosen him the Lord” (Jer. 22:16). Knowing God, Said Rabbi Doron Perez, chief week’s parsha, were central to the Strongest of all is the passage at that he may instruct his children said Jeremiah, means caring for executive of the Mizrachi worldwide religious life of biblical Israel. We the beginning of the book of Isaiah and his posterity to keep the way of those in need. movement, said, “These results show see this not only by the sheer space that we read on Shabbat Chazon the Lord by doing what is just and Maimonides said essentially the dedication and commitment devoted to them in the Torah, but (before Tisha b’Av): “‘What need right” (Gen. 18:19). The way of the the same at the end of The Guide for of religious Zionists to safeguard also by the fact that they occupy its have I of all your sacrifices?’ says Lord is to act justly and righteously the Perplexed (III, 54). He quotes nearly $1 billion going to programs central book, Vayikra. the Lord. ‘I have more than enough toward your fellow human beings. Jeremiah: “Only in this should one and services that help our commu- We have not had the sacrificial of burnt offerings, of rams and the In context, this meant that God glory: that they have the under- nity and world Jewry.” service since the destruction of the fat of fattened animals; I have no was inviting Avraham to pray on standing to know Me, that I am Rounding out the top four slates second Temple almost 2000 years pleasure in the blood of bulls and behalf of the people of Sodom, even the Lord, who exercises kindness, was Mercaz USA, which represents lambs and goats. When you come though he knew that they were justice and righteousness on earth, the interests of Conservative Jewry, wicked and sinners. for in these I delight,’ says the Lord” with more than 14,600 votes. It is specifically in the book (Jer. 9:23). To know God is to know About who shows up at the of sacrifices, Vayikra, that we find what it is to act with kindness, polls … the twin commands to love your justice and righteousness. Though the slate they ran neighbour as yourself, and love The danger of the sacrificial on came in seventh, the National the stranger (Lev. 19:18, 33-34). system, said the Prophets, is that Council of Jewish Women were The sacrifices that express our love it can lead people to think that satisfied with the results. In a tweet, and awe of God should lead to love there are two domains, the Temple they wrote, “ … it’s official, NCJW of the neighbour and the stranger. and the world, serving God and is going to Congress! The World There should be a seamless transi- caring for one’s fellow humans, and Zionist Congress that is. Thank tion from commands between us they are disconnected. Judaism you to everyone who voted in this and God to commands between us rejects the concept of two discon- historic election.” and our fellow humans. nected domains. Halachically they The women’s group was part Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah are distinct, but psychologically, of the Hatkivah Progressive Israel and Jeremiah all witnessed societies ethically and spiritually they are slate, which also included left-wing in which people were punctilious in part of a single indivisible system. groups , bringing their offerings to the Temple, I believe that to love God is to and the . but in which there was bribery, love our fellow humans. To honour While some had expected the ago. What is deeply relevant today, to appear before Me, who has asked corruption, perversion of justice, God is to honour our fellow humans. slate, which ran on a platform that however, is the critique of sacrifices this of you, this trampling of My abuse of power and the exploitation We may not ask God to listen to us if included opposition to the “current we find among the Prophets of courts? Stop bringing meaningless of the powerless by the powerful. The we are unwilling to listen to others. policy of permanent occupa- the first Temple. That critique was offerings! Your incense is detestable Prophets saw in this a profound and We may not ask God to forgive us if tion and annexation,” to do better, sharp and deep and formed many to Me’” (Is. 1:11-13). dangerous contradiction. we are unwilling to forgive others. To Hatkivah pointed out online that it of their most powerful addresses. This entire line of thought, The very act of bringing a sacri- know God is to seek to imitate Him, received 250 percent more votes in One of the earliest was delivered sounded by many voices and fice was fraught with ambiguity. Jews which means, said Jeremiah and this current elections than last time: by the Prophet Samuel: “Does the sustained across centuries, is were not the only people in ancient Maimonides, to exercise kindness, 7,932 votes vs. 3,148. Lord delight in burnt offerings and extraordinary. The people were times to have temples, priests and justice and righteousness on earth. Surging ahead of the progres- sacrifices as much as in obedience being criticised not for disobeying sacrifices. Almost everyone did. It Shabbat Shalom sive left slate was the ZOA Coalition, to the Lord’s command? Surely, God’s law but for obeying it. Sacri- was precisely here that the religion led by the Zionist Organization of obedience is better than sacrifice, fices were commanded. Their of ancient Israel came closest, America, which received more than compliance than the fat of rams” (1 offering was a sacred act performed outwardly, to the practices of their Continued from Page A5 10,000 votes. Sam. 15:22). in a holy place. What then aroused pagan neighbours. But the sacrifi- World Zionist Congress “The Zionist Organization of Amos said in the name of the Prophets’ anger and rebuke? cial systems of other cultures were “While we are trying to America is thrilled to announce that God: “If you offer Me burnt offer- It was not that they were based on totally different beliefs. In promote pluralism and equality, a clear majority of the American ings—or your meal offerings— I will opposed to sacrifice as such. many religions sacrifices were seen they were busy saying they were delegates elected to the World not accept them; I will pay no heed Jeremiah foresaw the day when as a way of placating or appeasing running squarely against us,” said Zionist Congress are devoted right- to your gifts of fatlings … But let “People shall come from the towns the gods. The Aztecs believed that Weinberg. “I think [the results] will of-center, clear thinking, proud justice well up like water, righteous- of Judah and from the environs of sacrificial offerings fed the gods be impactful, and we have our work Zionists,” the group said in a state- ness like a never-ending stream” Jerusalem … bringing burnt offer- who sustained the universe. Walter cut out for us. I think that means ment. “Our fabulous partners in (Amos 5:21-24). Likewise Hosea: ings and sacrifices, meal offerings Burkert speculated that the ancient really also love and Israel are also excited by these “For I desire goodness, not sacrifice; and frankincense, and bringing Greeks experienced guilt when are connected to Israel, and want to positive election results. … [T]he obedience to God, rather than burnt offerings of thanksgiving to the they killed animals for food, so see our values reflected in Israel.” ZOA Coalition received almost offerings” (Hosea 6:6). House of the Lord” (Jer. 17:26). they offered sacrifices as a way of The Orthodox Israel Coali- four times the number of votes in We find a similar critique in Likewise Isaiah: “I will bring appeasing their consciences. tion‒Mizrachi slate, representing received in the previous election.” several Psalms. “Were I hungry, I them to My sacred mount and let All these ideas are alien to the Modern Orthodox and At the end of the day, the results would not tell you, for Mine is the them rejoice in My house of prayer. Judaism. God cannot be bribed or Religious Zionist movements, end a clear message, said Sarna. world and all it holds. Do I eat the Their burnt offerings and sacrifices appeased. Nor can we bring Him won nearly 21,700 votes. The new “I think that with all that’s going flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of shall be welcome on My altar, for anything that is not His. God sustains Eretz HaKodesh slate, backed on—meaning the national elections goats?” (Ps. 50:8-15). “Lord, open My house shall be called a house of the universe: the universe does not by the Young Israel movement, in the United States and the corona- my lips, and let my mouth declare prayer for all peoples” (Is. 56:7). sustain Him. And wrongs righted accounted for about 20,000 votes. virus—it was just harder for the Your praise. You do not want me to They were not criticising the by sacrifice do not excuse other Both groups pushed their commu- non-Orthodox movements to make bring sacrifices; You do not desire institution of sacrifices. They were wrongs. So intention and mindset nities extensively to vote in the this a priority for their members, burnt offerings. True sacrifice to criticising something as real now as were essential in the sacrificial hopes of ensuring that Israel follow and they didn’t show up at the polls. God is a contrite spirit; God, You will it was in their time. What distressed system. The thought that “If I bring a Orthodox standards for issues like As result of that, the other side has not despise a contrite and crushed them to the core of their being was sacrifice to God, He will overlook my prayer at the Western Wall and more power,” he explained. “The heart” (Ps. 51:17-19). the idea that you could serve God other faults” – in effect, the idea that conversation, and continue to fund great lesson is if you don’t show up, Jeremiah seems to suggest and at the same time act disdain- I can bribe the Judge of all the earth religious institutions. you may not get the kind of results that the sacrificial order was not fully, cruelly, unjustly, insensitively – turns a sacred act into a pagan one, “Our motivation was to protect that you would like. I think that will God’s initial intention: “For when I or callously toward other people. and produces precisely the opposite the holiness of the Land of Israel, be the lesson for those unhappy freed your fathers from the land of “So long as I am in God’s good result than the one intended by the and cultivate traditional Jewish with these results.” Egypt, I did not speak with them or graces, that is all that matters.” Torah. It turns religious worship practices and beliefs,” Rabbi Pesach command them concerning burnt That is the thought that made the from a way to the right and the good, Lerner, president of the Coalition www.algemeiner.com | FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 2020 A11 Social.

Israeli Opera Singer Serenades Quarantined Father Outside His Tel Aviv Apartment


An Israeli opera singer put a smile on her quaran- tined father’s face by serenading him as she stood Emmy Rossum in “Shameless.” Photo: Screenshot. outside his apartment in Tel Aviv on Sunday. Irit Stark sang an improvised performance of “Habanera” from Georges Bizet’s opera “Carmen” Amid Coronavirus Crisis, Jewish while her father watched from his second-story balcony. “I was driving by with my son on the bicycle, and Actress Emmy Rossum Shares then I said to him, ‘Let’s say hello to grandma and grandpa who are in quarantine.’ And then I said, ‘Why Plans to Focus on Shabbat don’t we just sing a serenade to them just like grandpa sang to grandma when they were young,'” Stark

BY SHIRYN GHERMEZIAN Rossum, 33, who has said that she is “Jewish and proud,” previously mentioned that her mother of Jewish actress Emmy Rossum told her Twitter Jewish-Russian descent taught her the “Jewish code of followers on Friday about her plans to take Shabbat ethics and morals.” The actress is married to Egyptian- seriously this weekend, seemingly in light of the corona- American director Sam Esmail. virus pandemic. Rossum’s Twitter post comes after fellow actress The former star of Showtime’s “Shameless” tweeted Julia Roberts shared on Instagram a poem about quaran- to her 873,000 followers, “I don’t usually pray but I’m tining and social distancing that starts off by discussing Irit Stark serenading her quarantined father in Tel gonna Shabbat it UPPPPP on this Friday night.” Shabbat. Aviv. Photo: Screenshot.

recalled, according to an Associated Press report. “And then, of course he needed some persuasion, because he always shouts when I sing but eventually he allowed it, and then I just sang, that was it.” Stark’s father, Michael, has been in quarantine since returning from a trip to Europe. “It’s absolutely refreshing, You know, being at 400,000 People Worldwide Tune home alone for 14 days is extremely difficult, and knowing that next morning your daughter will come and sing for you makes my day,” Michael said. in for Livestreamed Concert by Israel’s Health Ministry confirmed on Monday that the number of confirmed cases of coronavirus infections in the country had reached 1,238, with 24 Idan Raichel people being in serious condition.

BY JNS.org wherever they may be. At a time when there are no social gatherings, we sought to bring a message of hope More than 400,000 people from around the world from Israel into the hearts and homes of people across between people of different backgrounds and tuned in to watch renowned Israeli musician Idan the globe,” said Jewish Agency Chairman Isaac Herzog. beliefs. Over the years, Raichel has collaborated with Raichel’s livestreamed concert from his Tel Aviv living Hundreds of Jewish Agency shlichim (“emissaries”) musicians such as India.Arie, Dave Matthews and room on Sunday evening. who are volunteering in communities throughout . Earlier this year, he co-wrote the song As part of the special event hosted by the Jewish the Jewish world joined in, as well as individuals and “Feker Libi” by , which will represent Israel Agency for Israel on its Facebook page, Raichel families from dozens of countries. in the Eurovision Song Contest 2020. performed some of his most popular and uplifting songs, Raichel is considered to be one of the most “I want to thank all our great friends from the including his hit breakthrough song “Bo’ee” (“Come With prominent and successful musicians in Israel, who has Jewish Agency’s communities all over the world,” said Me”), while sending a message of hope and togetherness brought his soul-stirring music to some of the world’s Raichel during the performance. “The Tel Aviv streets as the world grapples with the coronavirus pandemic. biggest stages. are very, very quiet and very, very silent, but we’re “This is a time of solidarity around the world and As the leader of The Idan Raichel Project, he acts going to make some noise all over the world. … To feel of shared responsibility among Jewish communities, as a musical ambassador representing a hopeful world today that we are all as one.” in which artistic collaborations break down barriers www.algemeiner.com Attention Not-For-Profit Organizations

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