22KS"™? Fraternal Orders and Mutual 16 2378 16 559,411 Benefit Associations
JEWISH NATIONAL OEGANIZATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES In the following list information is given respecting those Jewish organ- izations which have a national scope as distinguished from societies of a local character which are listed in the Directory of Local Jewish Organizations, volume 21, pp. 330-583, and in the Supplementary Directory in this volume, pp. 322-339. Eighty-two hodies are listed below. During the past year, the Eastern Council of Reform Rabbis disbanded, and the three organizations of Roumanian Jews were amalgamated. Over against this decrease are nine new national bodies, namely, the Aid Association for ex-Patients of Tubercular Sanatoriums, the Federation of Hungarian Jews, the Federation of Ukrainian Jews, the Hebrew Veterans of the Wars of the Republic, the Jewish Sabbath Alliance of America, The Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital Association, Sigma Epsilon Delta Fraternity, the Union of Orthodox Women's Organization of America, and Young Israel of Amer- ica. There has therefore been a net increase of six in the number of organizations. No material change has occurred in the statistics of these organizations as given in volume 21. The classification used there is repeated below with the addition of the Landsmanpschaften—organizations of natives of various sections of Europe—and a miscellaneous group comprising the Jewish Sab- bath Alliance of American and the Hebrew Veterans of the Wars of the Republic. In the international group are the Alliance Israelite Unlverselle, the American Jewish Committee, and the American Jewish Congress ; the Zionist organizations have been grouped separately. In the educational class are the Council of Young Men's Hebrew and Kindred Associations, the Intercollegiate Menorah Association, the Jewish Chautauqua Society, and others of a similar character.
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