ALGEMEINER Opinion. Tradition. HOSTS 6TH FORGIVING THE TORAH ANNUAL POLITICAL AS GD'S 'J100' FOES SONG GALA A2. A9. A11. THE A GOOD YEAR algemeiner JOURNAL & AN EASY FAST $1.00 - PRINTED IN NEW YORK FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2019 | 5 TISHREI 5780 VOL. XLV NO. 2425 Israeli Unity Argentina: 107% Increase in Government Talks Incidents Targeting Falter After Netanyahu Jews Over Rival Rejects Meeting Last Year BY BEN COHEN A decline in historical awareness alongside rising hate speech posted online were the two key factors behind an astonishing 107-percent rise in antisemitic off enses in Argentina during 2018, a top community offi cial said on Wednesday. “Th e main causes of these antisemitic reactions we believe have to do with the loss of collective memory, due Benny Gantz, leader of Blue and White party, Sept. 16, 2019. Photo: Reuters / Amir Cohen. People hold images of the victims of the 1994 bombing attack on the Argentine Israeli Mutual Association (AMIA) community center, in Buenos Aires. Photo: Reuters / Agustin BY REUTERS likely meet with his challenger Benny created a political deadlock and Marcarian. & ALGEMEINER STAFF Gantz on Wednesday after further left Israel’s longest-serving prime negotiations between their parties. minister weakened. to the increase in hate speech and anonymity in social Talks to form a national unity On Sunday, Blue and White Netanyahu, facing a looming networks,” Jorge Knoblovits — the president of DAIA, the government in Israel hit a further said it would “hold any meeting indictment on corruption allega- umbrella group representing Argentina’s 180,000-strong snag on Tuesday after Prime and spare no eff ort” to form a tions he denies, has failed to secure Jewish community — remarked at a press conference in Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s broad unity government. But on a clear election victory twice in six Buenos Aires. centrist election rival called off a Tuesday the party said conditions months. His right-wing Likud party Knoblovits was speaking at the unveiling of DAIA’s meeting with the embattled leader. were not ripe yet to hold eff ective came second with 32 seats in the annual report on antisemitism in Argentina. Data collected Netanyahu said on Sunday he negotiations between the parties 120-member parliament, against in 2018 revealed a total of 834 incidents targeting Jews — an would make a fi nal eff ort this week and their leaders. 33 for former military chief Gantz’s increase of 107 percent on the 404 incidents registered the to reach an agreement and would An inconclusive ballot on centrist Blue and White party. Continued on Page A3 Sept. 17, the second this year, has Continued on Page A4 ShabbatCalendar Parshat VAYELECH Times for New York City, Friday Candle Lighting Shabbat Begins: 6:15pm | Shabbat Ends: 7:12pm פרשת וילך Christians Flee Times for New York City, Yom Kippur Candle Lighting יום כיפור Yom Tov Begins Tuesday: Light Candles at 6:09pm Fast Begins: 6:23pm | Gaza Due pm Fast Ends: Wednesday 6:57 to Hamas P.O.B. 250746, Brooklyn, NY 11225-3203 Tel: (718) 771.0400 | Fax: (718) 771.0308 page A8 Email: [email protected] www.algemeiner.com © Copyright 2016 e Algemeiner Journal - All Rights Reserved. A2 | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2019 Opinion. Can You Forgive Your Political Foes? And Can Th ey Forgive You? sincerity of these avowals remains very much Th is has particular relevance at a time of in question. such intense political polarization. Commu- JONATHAN S. TOBIN Th e same is true of some of our rabbis, nities, friendships, and families have been JNS.org who will be regaling their congregations with fractured by the debate about Trump and our politicized sermons that may please partisans culture — debate that seems to revolve around but do nothing to advance the work of healing the expression of contempt for opposing the nation. views and the individuals that espouse them. As the year 5780 begins, political division Some see it is a moral imperative to Unlike the sort of ordinary bad behavior is the predominant theme in both Israel and mobilize their members to oppose Trump. that decent people recognize, the contempt the United States. Such rabbis are merely following the lead of for our political foes and the deep anger In Israel, two attempts to elect a Knesset their congregants, who want their spiritual behind it is something many of us are only in one year may not have been enough. Th e leaders to affi rm their beliefs rather than too eager to parade before the world. A great US President Donald Trump speaks at the stalemate that has prevented the formation of challenge their assumptions. For those who number of Americans have come to believe third annual “Made in America Product a new government is not so much about Prime Showcase” on the South Lawn of the see their faith as indistinguishable from their that attacking or shaming those who disagree White House in Washington, US, July 15, Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s policies as partisan loyalties, it’s easy to blur the distinc- is evidence of virtue. Rather than apologize 2019. Photo: REUTERS/Leah Millis. it is about him. Th at has been complicated tion between religion and politics. It’s hard to for demeaning those with whom we disagree, by the reemergence of the ongoing confl ict see how the rage that animates so much of our all too many of us pat ourselves on the back all present publicly confess their sins and between secular and religious Jews. politics is compatible with the imperative to for excoriating those who disagree with us in ask God for forgiveness, this would be a good But that may not be as bad as what’s use this time of year to turn inward. the most uncivil terms imaginable. And we year to read the text and think seriously about happening in the United States. Americans For Jews, the 10 days that encompass count on our “friends” — both virtual and real, how much of our public discourse in the age seem to be divided into two warring camps Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are a period assuming we still have some of those — to of 24/7 cable news and nonstop social-media that don’t merely disagree about whether of introspection, during which each of us must cheer us on. And with a presidential election exchanges falls into some of the categories President Donald Trump should remain in conduct a cheshbon nefesh or an “accounting coming up in which both sides are unlikely of conduct for which repentance is required. offi ce as much as they simply cannot tolerate of our souls.” Th at means not just deciding to regard any outcome other than victory as Behaving with contempt, off ensive speech, each other’s existence. Th e rancor is fueled by whether we’ve lived up to the highest ethical legitimate, it will only get worse. scoffi ng, slander, passing judgment, and competing narratives put forth by diff erent and moral standards, but also whether we’ve You can blame this on the rise of social groundless hatred are just some of the sins sets of politicized media, whose purpose done harm to others. media, which has made it so easy to insult that are staples of debate. seems mainly in reassuring each side that Th e concept of teshuvah (“repentance”) people you don’t even know by writing things Th e answer from some of us will be that they are on the side of the angels and that their rests at the heart of this process. If you’ve you won’t dare utter to their faces. But we the awfulness of the objects of our anger justi- opponents are the spawn of the devil. wronged someone over the course of the year, can’t just blame this on Facebook and Twitter. fi es such tactics. Th at’s an excuse used both It is in this atmosphere that Jews will head then this is the moment to sincerely ask for Th e fault is ours. by opponents of Trump and those who justify to synagogues in the next week and speak of forgiveness and, in turn, to forgive others who If you attend synagogue this year on Yom his conduct, as they think it’s the only way to renewal, repentance, and forgiveness. But the might have wronged you. Kippur and recite the Al Chet prayer, when Continued on Page A3 Unity, a New Election, or a Last-Minute Surprise? necessarily mean a new election. No. 2 in line. Gantz believes that if the threat the Th e election results show us that the only of a third election looms, the Likud will begin Algemeiner Journal MATI TUCHFELD option on the table is a unity government led to revolt against Netanyahu, allowing Gantz /JNS.org by the Likud and Blue and White. Th e political to lead a government with a Netanyahu- (USPS 927800) is published weekly realities since the election make it a necessity less Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu. What Gantz (except for the week of Passover for the entire right-wing bloc to sit together on failed to take into account was that even if and Succos) one side of a coalition, whereas Blue and White the second candidate to try fails, it doesn’t Subscription rate $40 per year In an intense political arena such as can bring in parties form the Left that will mean there is automatically another election. Israel, politicians’ biggest enemy is a deadline. Algemeiner Journal contribute to a broad, inclusive government.
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