g>ti|)plement U3o. 2 to Clje Palestine mtzttt Bo. wis• of irti) JFebruarp, 1944.

DEFENCE (FINANCE) REGULATIONS, 1941. ORDER BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER REGULATION 2. THE DEFENCE (FINANCE) (DEFINITION OF STERLING AREA) ORDER, 1944. ׳,WHEREAS by Regulation 2 of the Defence (Finance) Regulations, 1941, Gaz: 6.11.41 the expression "sterling area" is denned as meaning the United p. 1647. Kingdom, the Isle of Man, Palestine and such other territories as may be declared by order of the High Commissioner to be included in the sterling area; Now, THEREFORE, the High Commissioner, in pursuance of his powers under the said Regulation 2 and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes the following Order :•— 1. This Order may be cited as the Defence (Finance) (Definition of Sterling Area) Order, 1944, and shall be deemed to have come into force on the eighth day of February, 1944. 2. The territories which in addition to the United Kingdom, the Isle of Man and Palestine are included in the sterling area are any of the following territories excluding Canada and Newfoundland, that is to say— (a) any Dominion; (6) any other part of His Majesty's dominions outside the British Islands; , (c) any territory in respect of which a mandate on behalf of the League of Nations has been accepted by His Majesty and is being exercised by His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom or in any Dominion; , (d) any British protectorate or protected State; (e) Egypt, the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan and Iraq; (/) the Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi; (gr) Iceland and the Faroe Islands. 3. The undermentioned Orders are hereby revoked: — (o) The Defence (Finance) (Definition of Sterling Area) Order, 1941; Gaz: 8.5.41, p. 729. (b) The Defence (Finance) (Definition of Sterling Area) (Amend- Gaz: 14.8.41, ment) Order (No. 2), 1941; p. 1339. (c) The Defence (Finance) (Definition of Sterling Area) (Amend- Gaz: 18.9.41, ment) Order (No. 3), 1941; p. 1521. (d) The Defence (Finance) (Definition of Sterling Area) (Amend- Gaz: 4.12.41, ment) Order (No. 4), 1941; p. 1842. (*s) The Defence (Finance) (Definition of Sterling Area) (Amend- Gaz: 4.2.43,: ment) Order, 1943. p. 114. By His Excellency's Command, 14th February, 1944. J. V. W. SHAW (F/EW/13/44) Chiisf Secretary.: — 143 — 144 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1318—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 17th February, 1944.

EXPLANATORY NOTE. The foregoing Order excludes, as from 8th February, 1944, the following territories ׳ — :from the Sterling Area Syria and the Lebanon Madagascar and its dependencies French Equatorial Africa Cameroons under French Mandate French Oceania French Establishments in India. One of the principal effects of the Order is that, in future, no person, firm or company may make a payment to or to the account of any resident of any of the abovementioned territories unless permission has been obtained from the Palestine Exchange Control. All applications to effect such payments must he. made through a bank on the appropriate Exchange Control form.

LAND (ACQUISITION FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES) ORDINANCE, 1943. NOTICE. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him No. 21 of 1943. by sections 2 and 26 of the Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance, 1943, and all other powers enabling him in that behalf, the High Commissioner has — (a) certified that the construction of a Police Sports Ground at , , on the land known as Karm el Muda- wara, having an area of 36.156 metric dunums, is a public purpose, and (b) revoked the certificate issued by him in respect of the said construction in exercise of the powers vested in him by section 2 Cap. 77. of the Land (Expropriation) Ordinance, notice of the isue of which certificate was published in the Gazette No. 1234 of the 19th November, 1942, at page 1753. A copy of the plan of the land required for the said public purpose is deposited at the office of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem, and at the offices of the Director of Land Registration, Jerusalem, and may be inspected there during the usual office hours by any person interested. 9th February, 1944. J. Y. W. SHAW (L/191/40) Chief Secretary.

DEFENCE REGULATIONS, 1939. RULES MADE BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER REGULATION 31. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by Regulation 31 of the Gaz: 26.8.39, Defence Regulations, 1939, the High Commissioner has made the fol- p. 659. lowing Rules: — Citation. 1. These Rules may be cited as the Defence (Control of User of Land) (Gaza District•) (Amendment) Rules, 1944, and shall be read as one Gaz: 19.8.43, with,,the Defence (Control of User of Land) (Gaza District) Rules, p. 765. 1943, hereinafter referred to as "the principal Rules". Eevocation and 2. The Schedule to the principal Rules shall be revoked and the fol- replacement of lowing Schedule shall be substituted therefor :— • the Schedule to the principal Rules. 17th February, 1914 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1318—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 145 "SCHEDULE. The place known as Al Mushabba and situated in the Beersheba Sub-District about 8 kilometres due south of Gaza Town. The place comprises the area bounded by ten straight lines drawn so as to form an irregular decagon of which the corner points are cairns of whitewashed stones, respec­ tively numbered 1 to 10 inclusive, each of which straight lines is roughly parallel to and at a distance of approximately 1800 metres from the perimeter fence of the Military or Air Force establishment which lies within the said area. The place is indicated by a blue line on the plan No. HS—G/319A, a copy of which may be inspected at the office of the District Commissioner, Gaza." By His Excellency's Command, J. V. W. SHAW (CS/668) Chief Secretary. DEFENCE^EGULATIONS, 1939^ ~~ ' NOTICE OF REQUISITION BY A COMPETENT AUTHORITY UNDER REGULATION 48. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by Regulation 48 of the Defence Regulations, 1939, I, ROBERT NEWTON, Acting District Commis- Gaz: 26.8.39, sioner, Jerusalem District, being a Competent Authority for the said P• 659- Regulation, do hereby take possession of a plot of land of an area of 791 square metres, contained in parcel 24 of Jerusalem Urban Block No. 30114 and owned by Mrs. Betty Horowitz Durczin, with effect from the first day of December, 1943. 2. And that I have authorised the Assistant Director of Hirings, Headquarters, Palestine, to enter into possession of the said property -my behalf as from the first day of December, 1943, and until further׳on notice. 3. And I do hereby further order that no person shall exercise any right over the said property, whether by virtue of an interest in the property or otherwise, save with the prior permission of the Assistant

Director of: Hirings, Headquarters, Palestine, or his authorised re­ presentative. 9th February, 1944. BOBEKT NEWTON (Gaz/22/40) Acting District Commissioner, Jerusalem District.

DEFENCE REGULATIONS, 1939. NOTICE OF REQUISITION BY A COMPETENT AUTHORITY UNDER REGULATION 48. IN EXEBCISE of the powers vested in me by Regulation 48 of the Defence Regulations, 1939, I, ROBERT NEWTON, Acting District Com­ Gaz: 26.8.39, missioner, Jerusalem District, being a Competent Authority for the ?).659. purpose of the said Regulation, in the interests of defence and efficient prosecution of the war, do hereby take possession of the lands described in the Schedule hereto and situated in the Jerusalem Urban Area, with effect from the first day of September, 1943. 2. AND I DO HEREBY authorise the Assistant Director of Hirings, Headquarters, Palestine, to enter into possession of the said lands on my behalf as from the first day of September, 1943, until further notice. 3. AND I DO HEREBY FURTHER order that no person shall exercise any rights over the said lands, whether by virtue of an interest in the prop­ erty or otherwise, save With the prior permission of the Assistant Director of Hirings, Headquarters; Palestine, or his authorised re­ presentative. 146 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1318—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 17th February, 1944 4. A plan of the lands hereby requisitioned is deposited in my office (Room 22) for inspection by the interested persons. SCHEDULE. Area of Block Parcel Area of Parcel in Name of Reputed Owner Share No. No'. share dunums

30116 69 0.949 Anglo Palestine Bank In whole 71 0.660 ' Yosef Hassun In whole 72 0.621 David Sandler In whole 73 0.350 Zion David Sasson & Co. In whole 75A 0.445 0.148 Zion David Sasson Rajian 1/3 0.148 Abdallah Shaul Rajian 1/3 0.149 Georgi Shaul Rajian 1/3 75B 1.355 0.452 Zion David Sasson Rajian 1/3 0.452 Abdallah Shaul Rajian 1/3 0.451 Georgi Shaul Rajian 1/3 30128 1 3.420 Hanna Anton Sabat (for himself and on behalf of his brothers: In whole (Isa, Ibrahim, Salim and Francis'־ 2 3.460 Anton Abu Khalil In whole 3 1.455 0.728 Musa Hussein 1/2 0.727 Ahmad Ali Doleh & Bros. 1/2 4 3.960 Anton Abu Khalil and Partners 0.206 Olga Mikhail Tleel 360/6912 0.206 Aughustine Mikhail Tleel 360/6912 0.495 Costandi Khalil Mitri Salameh 36/288 1/2 0.495 Hanna Khalil Mitri Salameh 36/288 0.495 Badi'a Khalil Mitri Salameh 36/288 0.083 Nur Khalil Mitri Salameh 6/288 6 2.500 Anton Abu Khalil In whole 8 1.600 Anton Abu Khalil In whole 28 7.982 1.995 Hashim Amin Taba'a 1/4 1.996 Yassin Amin Taba'a 1/4 3.991 Omar Abdul Razzaq Barakat 1/2 31 0.839 0.419 Agub Arsinian 1/2 0.420 Heruth Agub Arsinian 1/2 32 0.849 Basil Saba Fattäleh In whole 34 0.949 Hussein Ahmad Ali Doleh In whole 35 0.316 Khalil Anton Dahüd Abu Khalil In whole 30129 1 4.05o Unknown 5 3.200 Bishara Yusef Sabat In whole Hanna Anton Sabat (for himself and 6 3.250 j In whole on behalf of his brothers) 7.150 1.787 Hanna Anton Sabat (for himself and on behalf of his brothers) j84/336 1.788 Bishara Yusef Sabat 84/336 1.191 Azizeh Daud Ya'qub 4/24 0.596 Isa Daud Ya'qub 2/24 Ö.596 Fuad Jalil Irani 2/24 0.596 Shukri Ibrahim Saleh 2/24 0.596 Faricl Ibrahim Saleh 2/24 6.400 1.600 Hanna Anton Sabat (for himself and on behalf of his brothers) j84/336 1.600 Bishara Yusef Sabat 84/336 17th February, 1944 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1318—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 147

A rea of Area of Block Parcel Parcel in Name of Reputed Owner Share share No. No. dunums

30129 8 1.066 Azizeh Daud Ya'qub 4/24 0.533 Isa Daud Ya'qub 2/24 0.534 Fuad Jalil Irani 2/24 0.533 Shukri Ibrahim Saleh 2/24 0.534 Farid Ibrahim Saleh 2/24 9 8.520 4.260 Hanna Anton Sabat (for himself and on behalf of his brothers) ¡1/2 1.065 Nakhleh Suleiman Jiryes Handal 7/56 1.065 Jiryes Suleiman Jiryes Handal 7/56 1.065 Ibrahim Suleiman Jiryes Handal ' 7/56 1.065 l^usef Suleiman Jiryes Handal 7/56 10 8.520 4.260 Hanna Anton Sabat (for himself }l/2 and on behalf of his brothers) 1.065 Nakhleh fciuieiman Jiryes Handal 7/56 1.065 Jiryes Suleiman Jiryes Handal 7/56 1.065 Ibrahim Suleiman Jiryes Handal 7/56 1.065 Yusef Suleiman Jiryes Handal 7/56 11 29.840 Haj Othman (), 'Abd, Raha, Na'man, Rashid 'Abdallah Barkhun, Haj Hasan, 'Isa Yusuf, Hussein Yusuf, Ahmad, Muhammad and Ya'qub Khalil 30139 28 12.437 0.926 Costandi Salameh & Brothers 926/12437 0.109 Olga and Aughustine Tleel 109/12437 2.880 Judeh Abdul Mu'ti Danaf el Ansari 2880/12437 4.261 'Isa Ibrahim Deeby 4261/12437 4.261 Tadros Costandi Da'dush 4261/12437 29 20.099 Heirs of Jiryes Daud Abu Khalil, Heirs of Elias Salman, Yusuf j Abdallah Murra and Heirs of Khalil Zablah. 30140 1 16.965 4.242 Salim M. M. Benin 256/1024 8.482 Sisters of St. Rosary Convent 516/1024 0.265 Hanna Anton Qattan 16/1024 0.099 Emile Anton Qattan 6/1024 2.120 'Abdul Ahad Izhaq Qattan 128/1024 0.331 Hanna Izhaq Qattan 20/1024 0.713 Habib Ya'qub Qattan 43/1024 0.713 Saleh Ya'qub Qattan 43/1024 8 12.000 5.000 Jiryes Dahud Abu Khalil 3360/8064 0.500 Anglo-Palestine Co. Ltd. 336/8064 1.375 Muhammad Othman 'Adi 924/8064 0.196 Othman Khalil 'Adi 132/8064 0.197 Ahmad Khalil 'Adi 132/8064 0.196 Sheikha Khalil 'Adi 132/8064 0.197 Shabha Khalil ,Adi 132/8064 0.196 Ya'qub Khalil 'Adi 132/8064 0.197 Muhammad Khalil 'Adi 132/8064 0.196 Ali Khalil 'Adi 132/8064 0.344 Hassan Yusuf 'Adi 231/8064 0.344 Isa Yusuf 'Adi 231/8064 0.344 Hussein Yusuf 'Adi 231/8064 0.343 Yusuf Yusuf'Adi 231/8064 !48 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1318—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 17th February, 1944

Area of . ,

Bloch Parcel p t . Area oj Namß ^ Reputed 0wner Share No• No• dunums Share 30140 8 0.229 Othman Barhum 'Adi 154/8064 0.229 Rashid Barhum ,Adi 154/8064 0.230 Abdallah Barhum ,Adi 154/8064 0.229 ,Abd Barhum ,Adi 154/8064 0.229 Taha Barhum ,Adi 154/8064 0.229 Na'man Barhum ,Adi 154/8064 1.000 Heirs of Daud and Hanna Qattan 672/8064 11 7.150 2.979 Jiryes Daud Abu Khalil 3360/8064 0.298 Anglo-Palestine Co. Ltd. 336/8064 0.819 Muhammad Othman 'Adi 924/8064 0.117 Othman Khalil 'Adi 132/8064 0.117 Ahmad Khalil ,Adi 132/8064 0.117 Sheikha Khalil ,Adi 132/8064 0.117 Sabha Khalil 'Adi 132/8064 0.117 Ya'qub Khalil 'Adi 132/8064 0.117 Muhammad Khalil 'Adi 132/8064 0.117 Ali Khalil 'Adi 132/8064 0.205 Hassan Yusuf'Adi 231/8064 0.205 Isa Yusuf'Adi 231/8064 0.205 Hussein Yusuf'Adi 231/8064 0.205 Yusuf Yusuf'Adi 231/8064 0.136 Othman Barhum'Adi 154/8064 0.137 Rashid Barhum 'Adi 154/8064 0.136 Abdallah Barhum 'Adi 154/8064 0.137 'Abd Barhum 'Adi 154/8064 0.136 Taha Barhum 'Adi 154/8064 0.137 Na'aman Barhum 'Adi 154/8064 0.596 Heirs of Daud & Hanna Qattan 672/8064 13 24.000 Barhum Khalil Isa Hussein, Muhammad Khalil Isa Hussein, Mahmud Isa Hussein, Abdallah Musa, Ahmad Ali 'Awad 20 0.734 Khader 'Odeh Khader In whole 24 0.619 Aughustine El A'ama In whole 27 0.727 Rahmeh Mubarak Id'aik Li whole 30 3.274 0.819 Pauline Yusuf Rabioly 2/8 0.409 Yusuf Jiryes Daud Abu Khalil 1/8 0.409 Raoul Jiryes Daud Abu Khalil 1/8 0.409 Salim Jiryes Daud Abu Khalil 1/8 0.409 Mikhail Jiryes Daud Abu Khalil 1/8 0.409 Daud Jiryes Daud Abu Khalil 1/8 0.410 Emile Jiryes Daud Abu Khalil 1/8 31 0.792 Yusuf Abdallah Murra In whole 32 0.729 - Yusuf Abdallah Murra In whole 34 1.912 Bishara Habib & Co. In whole 35 0.627 Mariam Mubarak Suleiman In whole 36 0.623 Najib 'Id Mubarak In whole 37 0.620 Lutfi Jiryes Bulus Atallah In whole 39 49.115 Musa Carasso In whole 40 0.689 0.345 Shlomo Yusef Barazani 2/4 0.172 Moshe Basrawi 1/4 0.172 Eliahu Basrawi 1/4 17th February, 1944 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1318—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 149

Area of A rea of Block Parcel Parcel in Name of Reputed Owner Share share No. No. dunums

30140 41 0.688 0.344 Shlomo Yusef Barazan i 2/4 0.172 Moshe Basrawi 1/4 0.172 Eliahu Basrawi 1/4 Shlomo Yusef Barazani 2/4 0.311 0.623 42־ 0.156 Moshe Basrawi 1/4 0.156 Eliahu Basrawi 1/4 43 0.720 0.360 Shlomo Yusef Barazani 2/4 0.180 Moshe Basrawi 1/4 0.180 Eliahu Basrawi 1/4 44 0.740 0.370 Shlomo Yusef Barazani 2/4 0.185 Moshe Basrawi 1/4 0.185 Eliahu Basrawi 1/4 45 0.734 0.367 Shlomo Yusef Barazani 2/4 0.183 Moshe Basrawi 1/4 0.184 Eliahu Basrawi 1/4 46 0.717 0.359 Shlomo Yusef Barazani 2/4 0.179 Moshe Basrawi 1/4 0.179 Eliahu Basrawi 1/4 48 2.126 Abraham Yehudayoff and Elia Astruc. (on behalf of Ezra Astruc) j In whole 49 2.126 Heirs of Albert ben Yusuf Antebi J In whole 50 2.488 0.622 Ezra Astruc 6/24 0.622 Heirs of Albert ben Y'usuf Antebi 6/24 0.622 J. H. D. Sahhar 6/24 0.622 I. Zacharia 6/24 10th February, 1944. KOBEET NEWTON (Gaz/22/40) Acting District Commissioner, Jerusalem District. ADMINISTRATION OF RUSSIAN PROPERTIES ORDINANCE, 1926. APPOINTMENT OF ACTING ADMINISTRATOR UNDER SECTION 2(1). IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 2(1) of the Administration of Russian Properties Ordinance, 1926, the High No. 31 of 1926. Commissioner has appointed and hereby appoints ROBERT NEWTON, ESQUIRE, Acting District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to act as Administrator of all the properties which are in the possession of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission and the Palestine Orthodox Society in Palestine, in whatever name the said may be registered, with effect from the 19th November, 1943, until further notice. The notice of appointment of MORRIS BAILEY, ESQUIRE, O.B.E., published in Palestine Gazette No. 1263 dated the 29th April, 1943, page 423, is hereby revoked. 14th February, 1944. J. V. W. SHAW (B/19/31) Chief Secretary. _ .. ~ DEFENCEREGULATIONS, 19397 ~~ ORDER BY A COMPETENT AUTHORITY UNDER REGULATION 46. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by Regulation 46 of the Defence Regulations, 1939, I, GEOFFREY WALSH, C.M.G., C.B.E., Food Gaz: 26.8.39, Controller, being a Competent Authority for the purposes of the said V• 659. Regulation, do hereby order as follows: — 150 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1318—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 17th February, 194-1

Citation. 1. This Order may be cited as the Defence (Oils and Fats) (Limita­ tion of Prices) (Amendment) Order, 1944, and shall be read as one Gaz: 6.8.42, *with the Defence (Oils and Fats) (Limitation of Prices) Order, 1942, p. 1281. hereinafter referred to as "the principal Order". Amendment of 2. The Schedule of Maximum Prices attached to the principal the Schedule to Order (as enacted by the Defence (Oils and Fats) (Limitation of the principal Prices) (Amendment) Order (No. 4), 1943) shall be amended— Order. (a) by the deletion of the particulars appearing in Columns III and Gaz: 3.6.43, . IV opposite the item A 1(b) (Sesame Oil, crude); p. 519. (b) by the deletion of the item B3 (Tahina) and all particulars re­ lating thereto. Commencement. 3. This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in the Gazette. G. WALSH 14th February, 1944 Food Controller. Competent Authority. EXPLANATORY NOTE. The effect of the above Order is the revocation of the wholesale and retail maximum prices for crude sesame oil and for tahina, which were prescribed under the principal Order. The maximum price in respect of the sale of crude sesame oil by manufacturers or traders to manufacturers (i.e. to manufacturers of soap) remains unchanged, i.e. £P.113 per 1000 kgs. net. •1942־ ״ ,FOOD CONTROL ORDINANCE " ~~ ORDER BY THE CONTROLLER UNDER SECTION 4. No. 4 of 1942. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by section 4 of the Food Control Ordinance, 1942, I, GEOFFREY WALSH, C.M.G., C.B.E., Food Controller, do hereby order as follows : — Citation. 1. This Order may be cited as the Food Control (Restriction of Movement) Order, 1944. Eestriction of 2. —(1) Save under the authority of and in accordance with the movement. terms of a written permit issued by the Controller or by a person authorised by him in that behalf, no person shall move any of the articles set out in Column I of the Schedule to this Order into, out of or outside any village, tribal unit, settlement, municipal or local council area. (2) The provisions of sub-paragraph (1) shall not apply to the move­ ment of any article destined for domestic consumption by the person moving it, provided that the quantity of any such article moved at any one time shall not exceed the quantity set out opposite such article in Column II of the Schedule to this Order. Special direc­ 3. —(1) The provisions of this Order are subject to any directions, tions, etc. authorisations, permits, licences or exemptions which at any time reserved. may be given or granted by the Controller or by any person autho­ rised by him in that regard. (2) Every person holding an authorisation, permit, licence or ex­ emption granted under this Order shall comply with every condition imposed by such authorisation, permit, licence or exemption.

Saving. 4. The provisions of this Order are in addition to and not in de­ Gaz: 28.1.43, rogation of the provisions of the Defence (Movement of Goods) (Re­ p. 99. striction) Regulations, 1943, or of any other law by which the move­ ment of any of the articles set out in Column I of the Schedule to this Order is or may be restricted. 17th February, 1944. THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1318—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 151

5. Any person who either himself or by his servant, employee or Penalty. agent acts in contravention of this Order is guilty of an offence and, on conviction, is liable to the penalties provided in the Food Control No. 4 of 1942. Ordinance, 1942. 6. This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication Commencement. in the Gazette. SCHEDULE.


Maximum quantity tohich at any one time may be moved without permit, if the Commodity article is destined for domestic consumption by the person ,moving it

Flour of every kind 50 kilogrammes Burghol 10 kilogrammes

G. WALSH 10th February, 1944. Food Controller. EXPLANATORY NOTE. It has been found that the abolition of movement restrictions by the Food Control (Bevocation of Movement Restrictions) Order, 1943, Gaz: 21.10.43, has had an adverse effect on the control of certain essential commod­ p. 967. ities. The above Order is, therefore, devised to re-introduce move­ ment restrictions in respect of the commodities, specified in Column I of the Schedule to the Order. .FOOD CONTROLTORDINANCE, 1942 ־~ ORDER BY THE CONTROLLER UNDER SECTION 4. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by section 4 of the Food No. 4 of 1942. Control Ordinance, 1942, I, GEOFFREY WALSH, C.M.G., C.B.E., Food Controller, do hereby order as follows : — 1. This Order may be cited as the Food Control (Olive Oil) (Move­ Citation. ment Restriction) (Amendment) Order, 1944, and shall be read as one with the Food Control (Olive Oil) (Movement Restriction) Order, Gaz: 23.12.43, 1943, hereinafter referred to as "the principal Order". p. 1133.

2. The principal Order shall be amended by the insertion imme­ Insertion of diately after paragraph 2 of the following paragraph: — new paragraph "Saving. 2A. The provisions of this Order are in addition 2A in the prin­ to and not in derogation of the provisions of the cipal Order. Gaz: 28.1.43, Defence (Movement of Goods) (Restriction) Regula- p. 99. tions, 1943, or of any other law by which the move­ ment of olive oil is or may be restricted." 3. This Order shall be deemed to have come into force on the 23rd Commencement. December, 1943. G. WALSH 10th February, 1944. Food Controller. EXPLANATORY NOTE. For the avoidance of any doubt, the above amendment Order is devised to make it expressly clear that the principal Order does not affect the application of the Defence Regulations restricting the movement of goods in. the northern frontier area. 152 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1318—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 17th February, 1941 DEFENCE (APPLICATION OF FOOD CONTROL ORDINANCE, 1942) REGULATIONS, 1942. FOOD CONTROL ORDINANCE, 1942. ORDER BY THE CONTROLLER UNDER SECTION 4 OF THE FOOD CONTROL ORDINANCE, 1942. No. 4 of 1942. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by section 4 of the Food Control Ordinance, 1942, and of all other powers enabling me in that behalf, I, GEOFFREY WALSH, C.M.G., C.B.E., Food Controller, do hereby order as follows : — Citation. 1. This Order may be cited as the Food Control (Soap) (Movement Restriction) Order, 1944. Movement restric- 2.—(1) No person shall move any soap, exceeding in quantity five kilo- tion. grammes at any one time, into or out of or within the area comprised within the frontier of Palestine and the line described in the Schedule to this Order, save under the authority of and in accordance with the terms of a written permit issued by or on behalf of the District Con• troller of the District in which the movement is intended to originate. (2) The provisions of sub-paragraph (1) shall not apply to the move• ment of any consignment of soap made under the authority of and in accordance with the terms of an export licence issued by the Con• troller. Special direc• 3. —(1) The provisions of this Order are subject to any directions, tions, etc. re• authorisations, permits, licences or exemptions which at any time may served. be given or granted by the Controller or by any person authorised by him in that regard. (2) Every person holding an authorisation, permit, licence or exemption granted under this Order shall comply with every condition imposed by such authorisation, permit, licence or exemption. Saving. 4. The provisions of this Order are in addition to and not in deroga• Gaz: 28.1.43, tion of the provisions of the Defence (Movement of Goods) (Restric• p. 99. tion) Regulations, 1943, or of any other law by which the movement of soap is or may be restricted. Penalty. 5. Any person who either himself or by his servant, employee or agent acts in contravention of any of the provisions of this Order, is guilty of an offence and, on conviction, is liable to the penalties pro• No. 4 of 1942. vided in the Food Control Ordinance, 1942. Commencement. 6. This Order shall come into force on the date of •its publication in the Gazette.

SCHEDULE. From Jisr Banat Ya'qub following, but excluding, the road to Rosh Pinna; thence in a southerly direction following, but excluding, the road to Beisan via Tiberias and Samakh; thence a straight line from Beisan to Nablus; thence following, but excluding, the main road from Nablus to Jerusalem; thence following, but excluding, the main road from Jerusalem to Beersheba via Hebron as far as the juncture of the southern boundary of the Hebron Sub-District with the northern boundary of the Beersheba Sub- District; thence in a north-western direction along the northern boundary of the Beer• sheba Sub-District up to its juncture with the eastern boundary of the Gaza Sub-Dis• trict ; thence northwards and westwards, respectively, along the eastern and northern boundaries of the Gaza Sub-District till the Mediterranean Sea. G. WALSH 10th February, 1944. Food Controller. 17th February, 1944 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1318—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 153

EXPLANATORY NOTE. Government has reason to believe that soap is being smuggled out of Palestine in considerable quantities, and the above Order is enacted with a view to combatting the illegal export of soap. The movement of soap in the northern frontier area is covered by the Defence (Movement of Goods) (Restriction) Regulations, 1943, and Gaz: 28.1.43, the above Order requires all persons moving soap, exceeding a certain p. 99. small quantity, into or out of or within the eastern or southern frontier area to hold a permit authorising such movement.


IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by section 4 of the Food Con­ No. 4 of 1942. trol Ordinance, 1942, and of all other powers enabling me in that behalf, I, GEOFFREY WALSH, C.M.G., C.B.E., Food Controller, do hereby order as follows: — 1. This Order may be cited as the Food Control (Olive Oil Soap) Citation. (Movement Restriction) Order, 1944. 2. In this Order, unless the context otherwise requires— Interpretation. "olive oil soap" means any soap the main ingredient of which is olive oil. 3. Without prejudice to the provisions of the Food Control (Soap) !Restriction. (Movement Restriction) Order, 1944, or any other law by which the Gaz: 17.2.44, movement of soap is or may be restricted, no person shall move any p. 152. olive oil soap exceeding in quantity fifty kilogrammes at any one time, out of or within the Nablus Sub-District of the Samaria District, save under the authority of and in accordance with the terms of a written permit issued by or on behalf of the District Controller of the Samaria District. 4. Any person who either himself or by his servant, employee or Penalty. agent acts in contravention of this Order is guilty of an offence and, on conviction, is liable to the penalties provided in the Food Control No. 4 of 1942. Ordinance, 1942. 5. This Order shall come into force on the date of its publication in Commencemen t. the Gazette.

G. WALSH 10jbh February, 1944. Food Controller.

FOOD CONTROL ORDINANCE, 1942. .GENERAL LICENCE GRANTED BY THE CONTROLLER UNDER SECTION 9 ''׳'׳• IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by section 9 of the Food Con- No. 4 of 1942. trol Ordinance, 1942, and of all other powers enabling me in that behalf, I, GEOFFREY WALSH, C.M.G., C.B.E., Food Controller, do hereby grant the following General Licence : — 1. This General Licence may be cited as the Food Control (Extension Citation, of Validity of Wholesalers' and Retailers' Licences) General Licence (No. 2), 1944. 154 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1318—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 17th February, 1944

Further extension 2. The Food Control (Extension of Validity of Wholesalers' and of wholesalers' Retailers' Licences) General Licence, 1944, shall be amended by the and retailers' substitution of the date'. "31st March, 1944" for the date "29th Feb- ¿?2^6 144 ruary, 1944" appearing therein. /). 14. ' : . •'. •• . G. WALSH 15th February, 1944. Food Controller.


The validity of wholesalers' and retailers' Food Control licences which expired on the 31st December, 1943, was extended till the 29th

URBAN PROPERTY TAX ORDINANCE, 1940. RATE OF TAX PAYABLE IN URBAN AREAS IN 1944-45. ORDER, NO. 8 OF 1944, BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER IN COUNCIL UNDER SECTION 5(1). IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 5(1) of the No. 42 of 1940. Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940, the High Commissioner-in- Council has ordered and it is hereby ordered that the following rates of tax shall be paid for the year 1st April, 1944, to 31st March, 1945, in all urban areas within which a tax is payable by virtue of an order made by the High Commissioner under section Cap 147 3(1) of the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, or under section 3(1) No. 42 of 1940. of the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940: — On house property, including the site except house property constructed and used solely for the purpose of an industrial undertaking in which mechanically- driven machinery is used: 10%. On house property, including the site, constructed and used solely for the purpose of an industrial under• taking in which mechanically-driven machinery is used: 15%. On land which is not the site of house property: 10%.

2nd February, 1944. EOWAN BEEVES (F/Tax/32/37) Cleric to the Executive Council.

URBAN PROPERTY TAX ORDINANCE, 1940. ORDER, NO. 9 OF 1944, BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 8(1)(«). IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 8(1)(«) of the No. 42 of 1940. Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940, the High Commissioner has ordered and it is hereby ordered that in the undermentioned urban areas house property which is used as a dwelling house and is inhabited by the registered owner of which the annual value is less than the sums specified below, shall be exempt from payment of the tax for the period 1st April, 1944, to the 31st March, 1945, inclusive, provided that application for exemption is submitted to the District Officer of the Sub-District in which the urban area is situated on Form OL/30.A. before the 31st July, 1944: — 17th February, 1944 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1318—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 15& Net Annual Value. £P. £P. Jerusalem 20 Nazareth 7 Haifa 20 Gaza 7 Jaffa 20 Safad 7 Tel Aviv 20 Ramie 7 Tiberias 13 Lydda 7 Rehovot 10 Jenin 7 Petah Tiqva 10 Tulkarm 7 Ramat Gan 10 Beisan 7 Acre 10 Bethlehem 4 Natanya 10 Ramallah 4 'Afula 10 Beersheba 4 Nablus 10 Hebron . 4 Hadera 7 Beit Jala 4 Rishon le Zion 7 Khan Yunis 3 Benei Beraq 7 Majdal 2 Herzliya 7 Shafa 'Amr 2 Ra'anana 7 Beit Sahur '2 Kefar Sava 7 By His Excellency's Command, 14th February, 1944. J. V. W. SHAW (F/Tax/32/37) Chief Secretary. URBAN PROPERTY TAX ORDINANCE, 1940. URBAN AREA OF JERUSALEM—QUINQUENNIAL REVALUATION. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION OF VALUATION LISTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Assessment Committees having duly recorded their valuation of the properties in the Blocks detailed herebelow in the Urban Area of Jerusalem, the valuation lists have been deposited for inspection at the office of the District Commissioner: — Block Quarter Block Quarter No. No.

30009 Namamerah 30054 II 30010 Dajanieh 30055 Bab el-Amoud 30011 German Colony I 30056 Bab Ez Zahireh 30012 German Colony II 30057 Wad El-Joz I 30017 Railway Station 30058 American Colony 30018 I 30059 Sa'adWa-Said 30019 Abu Tor II 30060 Batei Hungarim 30020 Shamma'a 30061 Abyssinian I 30030 Montefiore () 30062 Abyssinian II 30031 Joret el Unab 30063 30032 Nabi Daoud 30064 Batei Warsaw 30033 Joret En-Nusnas 30065 Sheikh Okasheh 30034 St. Louis Way I 30066 30035 St. Louis Way II 30067 Ahva 30036 I 30068 Yegia Kapaim 30042 Ratisbonne 30069 Kerem 30046 30070 Ruhama 30050 Jaffa Road 30071 Mahaneh Yehuda 30051 I 30072 Sha'arei Hessed 30052 Russian Compound II 30073 Beit Ya'aqov 30053 Musrara I 30074 Agrippas.Way 156 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1318—SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 17th February, 1944

Block Quarter Block Quarter No. No.

30075 Ilomema 30096 III 30076 Abu El-Bassal 30097 Jabal el-Mudawara I 30077 Khallat El-Maghar 30098 Jabal el-Mudawara II 30078 Schneller I 30099 Karm el Qirami 30079 Schneller II 30100 Joret El-Ghazaleh I 30080 Schneller III 30101 Joret El- Ghazaleh II 30081 I 30102 El Emeineyeh 30082 Kerem Abraham 30103 El Karamin 30083 Geula II 30104 Mahanayim 30084 Bukharieh I 30105 I 30085 Bukharieh II 30106 Sanhedria II 30086 Beit Israel I 30110 Wad el Joz II 30087 Beit Israel II 30111 Wad el Joz III 30088 Batei Milner 30124 Bab el-Magharbeh 30089 St. George's 30125 30090 Ziebenburgen I 30126 Jabal Sahyon 30091 Ziebenburgen II 30127 Wad En-Nabbala 30092 Nahalat Shim'on I 30132 Karm el Mufti 30093 Nahalat Shim'on II 30134 Er-Rihaniyeh 30094 Sheikh Jarrah I 30160 Giv'at Shaul 30095 Sheikh Jarrah II 2. Objections may be lodged in writing (on forms obtainable from District Offices) with the Assessment Committee within a period of thirty days from the date of this publication. Dated this 17th day of February, 1944. ROBERT NEWTON (Gaz/22/40) Acting District Commissioner, Jerusalem District. URBAN PROPERTY TAX ORDINANCE, 1940. URBAN AREA OF BENEI BERAQ. NOTICE OF POSTING OF THE VALUATION LIST. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Revision Assessment Committee having duly recorded their valuation of properties in Blocks Nos. 6122, 6123 and 6124, situated in the Urban Area of Benei Beraq, the valuation list has been deposited for inspection at the offices of the District Officer, Settlements, Tel Aviv, and the offices of the Local Council of Benei Beraq. Objections may be lodged in writing (on the form obtainable from the District Offices, Settlements, Tel Aviv), with the Assessment Committee at the District Offices, Settle• ments, Tel Aviv, within a period of thirty days from the date of publication of this notice in the Gazette. 7th February, 1944. R. MUSGRAVE (Gaz/43/40) : Assistant District Commissioner, Settlements, Tel Aviv.

x~^^^ROpE^^ TAX ORDINANCE, 1940. ^™"^ URBAN AREA OF PETAH TIQVA. . . NOTICE OF POSTING OF THE VALUATION LIST. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Revision Assessment Committee having duly recorded their valuation of properties in Blocks Nos. 6355, 6361, 6373 to 6387, 6389, 6394 to 6397, €400 and 6402 to 6406, situated in the Urban Area of Petah Tiqva,- the valuation list has been deposited for inspection at the offices of the District Officer, Settlements; Tel Aviv, and the offices of the Municipality of Petah Tiqva. 17th February, 1944 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1318—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 157

Objections may be lodged in writing (on the form obtainable from the District Offices, Settlements, Tel Aviv), with the Assessment Committee at the District Offices, Settle• ments, Tel Aviv, within a period of thirty days from the date of publication of this notice in the Gazette. 12th February, 1944. E. MUSGEAVE (Gaz/43/40) Assistant District Commissioner, Settlements, Tel Aviv,

URBAN PROPERTY TAX ORDINANCE, 1940. URBAN AREA OF NAZARETH. NOTICE OF POSTING OF THE VALUATION LISTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Assessment Committee having duly recorded their valuation of property in Blocks Nos. 16501 to 16525, 16529, 16530, 16532, 16534 to 16536, 16542 and 16543, the valuation lists have been deposited for inspection at the offices of the District Officer, Nazareth, on the 9th February, 1944. Objections may be lodged in writing (on form obtainable from the District Offices) with the Assessment Committee within a period of 30 days from the date of publication of this notice in the Gazette. 9th February, 1944., D. HEADLY (Gaz/25/40) Deputy District Commissioner, Southern Galilee.

IMPORT, EXPORT AND CUSTOMS POWERS (DEFENCE) ORDINANCE, 1939. NOTICE UNDER SECTION 6. Jerusalem Seizure Note No. 692/43. WHEREAS the goods listed hereunder have been imported contrary to the Licensing of Imports Order, 1939, that is without a licence granted by the Director of Customs, Excise and Trade, or any Competent Authority : 2 bags of wheat, weighing 202 kgs. gross, imported on 23rd August, 1943, by Amin Ahmad of village I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE under section 6 of the Import, Export and Customs Powers (Defence) Ordinance, 1939, that the above goods have been forfeited to the Government of Palestine under section 5(1) of the said Ordinance. E. W. E. BELT (Gaz/48/40) ' Director, Customs, Excise and Trade.

IMPORT, EXPORT AND CUSTOMS POWERS (DEFENCE) ORDINANCE, 1939. NOTICE UNDER SECTION 6. Jerusalem Seizure Note No. 621/43. WHEREAS the goods listed hereunder have been brought to El Mindasseh Ford for the purpose of being exported to Trans-Jordan contrary to section 2 of the Licensing of Exports Order, 1940, that is without an export licence granted by the Director of Customs, Excise and Trade or any Competent Authority: 63 kilogrammes olive oil seized at El Mindasseh Ford on 24th August, 1943, from Salim Abdallah Ishtayan of Ma'daba, Trans-Jordan I HEREBY GIVE NOTICE under section 6 of the Import, Export and Customs Powers (Defence) Ordinance, 1939, that the above goods have been forfeited to the Government of Palestine under section 5(1) of the said Ordinance.

E. Wf B. BELT (Gaz/48/40) Director, Customs, Excise and Trade. 158 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1318—SUPPLEMENT NO. 2. 17th February, 1944 LAND (SETTLEMENT OF TITLE) ORDINANCE. NOTICB-OTTOSTING OF SCHEDULES OF RIGHTS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the schedules of rights to land in the villages and settlement areas scheduled hereunder, and for the registration blocks mentioned, have been posted at the offices of the Area Settlement Officer concerned and at the District Offices of the Sub-District in which the villages are situated, in accordance with section 33(2) of the Ordinance.

Settlement Nos . of Registration Village Sub-District Settlement Area Office at Blochs

Deir el Ghusun Tulkarm Tulkarm Tiberias 8643, 8644, 8654, 8656, 8657, 8659 and 8682. 'Anabta Tulkarm Tulkarm Tiberias 8510, 8537, 8538 and 8539. 10th February, 1944. M. C. BENNETT (Gaz/1/40) Director of Land Settlement. ANIMAL DISEASES ORDINANCE. ORDER, NO. 10 OF 1944, BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER SECTION 16. ' Cap. 3. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 16 of the Animal! Diseases Ordinance, the High Commissioner has declared the Sub-Dis-. tricts of Ramie and Gaza to be, and they are hereby declared to be, as regards poultry, infected areas for the purposes of the said Ordin• ance, on account of the existence of fowl plague in the undermentioned localities: — RAMLE •SUB-DISTRICT. GAZA SUB-DISTRICT. Beit Nabala Khan Yunis Jimzu. Rafah. By His Excellency's Command, 16th February, 1944. J. V. W. SHAW (A/46/31) Chief Secretary. RABIES ORDINANCE, 1934. NOTICE BY THE CHIEF VETERINARY OFFICER UNDER SECTION 9. - No. 39 of 1934. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in me by section 9 of the Rabies Ordinance, 1934, I hereby declare the undermentioned localities and the lands belonging thereto to be areas infected with rabies: — GAZA SUB-DISTRICT. Gaza Municipal Area Deir Suneid Jabaliya El Jiya Nazla Sumsum Beit Lahiya Najd Wadi Ghazza Beit Jirja Beit Hanun Hirbiya Nuseirat Bureir Dimra Barbara. HAIFA SUB-DISTRICT. Haifa Municipal Area Balad esh Sheikh Kababir Yajur. Et Tira JAFFA SUB-DISTRICT. The whole of the Sub-District. 16th February, 1944. G. B. SIMMINS (Gaz/7/40) Chief Veterinary Officer.