Palestine (3a3ette publtsbeb b^ Butborit\>

No. 359 THURSDAY, 4TH MAY, 1933 485


ORDINANCES CONFIRMED ^^^^^ Confirmation of Ordinances^•-' ^^^^^^Ht" id 50 of J932, and Nos. 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7

GOVERNMENT NOTICES Certificate under the Expropriation of Land Ordinances, 1926-1932, regarding the Construction ׳... - - of an Electric Transformer Station at ..•-486 Notice under the Collective Punishments Ordinance, 1926, adding, certain Villages to the First ־ - - - Schedule - - 487 Notice of Declaration of Closed Forest Areas under the Forests Ordinance, 1926 - 489 Notices under the Press Ordinance, 1933, regarding Permits to publish Newspapers - 490 Notices under the Press Ordinance, 1933, regarding Permits to keep Printing Presses - 494 Posting of Schedules of Rights in certain Villages - 506 ־ - - - - Claim lor destroyed Currency Note 507 Court of Discipline on an Advocate - 507 Tenders and Adjudication of Contracts .... 507 Citation Orders ------508

RETURNS ־ Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary 508 Advocates' Licences ------509


CORRIGENDA - - - - - . 512

SUPPLEMENT ־ - ־ - Registration of Patents 513

PRICE 30 MILS. 486 THE GAZETTE 4th May, 4933



The Secretary of State for the Colonies has notified His Excellency the High Commissioner that His Majesty will not be advised to exercise his power of disallowance in respect of the following Ordinances:—

No. 42 of 4932, entitled: "An Ordinance farther to amend the Customs House Agents Ordinance, 4925".

No. 44 of 4932, entitled: "An Ordinance concerning certain Acts and Decisions of the Jerusalem Municipal Council".

No. 45 of 4932, entitled: "An Ordinance to amend the Companies Ordin­ ance, 4929".

No. 47 of 1932, entitled: "An Ordinance further to amend the Matches Excise Ordinance, 4927".

No. 50 of 4932, entitled: "An Ordinance temporarily to vary the Rate of Duty in respect of certain Commodities".

No. 2 of 4933, entitled: "An Ordinance temporarily to vary the Rate of Duty in respect of certain Commodities".

No. 4 of 4933, entitled: "An Ordinal! o!|^^^^Pid the Interpretation Ordin­ ance, 4929."

No. 5 of 4933, entitled: "An Ordinance temporarily to vary the Rate of Duty in respect of certain Commodities".

No. 6 of 4933, entitled: "An Ordinance to vary the Rate of Duty in respect of certain Commodities".

No. 7 of 4933, entitled: "An Ordinance to amend the Plant Protection Ordinances, 4924-4934".

E. MILLS 3rd May, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (C/89/31) (C/l 58/32) (J/104/32) (C/4/31) (L/75/31) (283/31׳ C) (0/234/32)



GENERAL SIR ARTHUR GRENFELL WAUCHOPE, High Commissioner־I, LIEUTENANT for Palestine, hereby certify that the construction of an Electric Transformer Station situated on the south side of and fronting to the Beit Hakerem- Jerusalem Road, in the Montefiore Quarter of the City of Jerusalem, is an undertaking of a public nature within the meaning of the Expropriation of Land Ordinances, 4926-1932. 4lh May, 1933 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 487

The plan of the land affected, comprising an area of 370 square metres or thereabouts, may be inspected at any of the following places, viz:—

The office of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem.

The offices of the Jerusalem Electric and Public Service Corporation Limited, Julian's Way, Jerusalem.

The offices of Messrs. Richardson, Turtledove and Company, King George Avenue, , Solicitors to the said Corporation.

A. G. WAUCHOPE 21st April, 1933. High Commissioner (Q/39/31)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in the High Commissioner by sub-section (1) of section 3 of the Collective Punishments Ordinance, 1926 (as enacted in section 2 of the Collective Punishments (Amendment) Ordinance, 1928), the Officer Administering the Government has declared that the following villages shall be added to the First Schedule to the Ordinance:—


Tayassir Kafr Bar a Kabalan Nablus ^ Burin Hawwara Nakura Iraq Burin Telfit Rah'dia Deir Istia Kafr Haris 'Aqrabaniya Bazeiria Jitt Jammin Zawiya Seifit Beit Dajan Marda 'Ein Abus Azmut Sawiya Zeita Beit Furik Salim Kafr Tult Sabastia 'Aqaba Yasid Baqa Osarin Hajja Beit Iba Farata Küssen Saniriya Karyut Deir el Hatab Kafr Kassim Farkha Amuriya Rujib Bedia Til Sir Kusra El Mughair Beit Wazan Kafr Kaddum Raficliya Beit Dajan Kafr Lakif Khirbet Beit Hassan Balata Jenesnia Ard el Hamra Khirbet Qeis Awarta Z'arta Baqa el Hatab Jalud Yatma Karrawa Ma'dama Odala Jurish Iraq el Taya Fandukumiya Jiftlik 488 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 4th May, 1933

Jenin Sub-District Fandukumiya Sandala Kafr Dan 'Anza Umm el Fahim Jal bun Qaffrn Raba Rummana Salim Seina Deir Abu D'if 'Enin Deir Ghazali Sanur Kafr Ra'i Jalama Fakkua Burqim Kfeiret Yabad 'Ajja Fahma T'inik Arabbuna Nures El Araqa Nazla Sharqiya Silet al Hartiya El Bared Beit Qad Jalqamus Mqeibla Zawiya Zbuba Umm Tut Nazla Gharbiya. Sub-District 'Ara Jaba Sabbarin 'Arara Kafr Qara' Umm ez Zeinat Bureika Sindiana Umm esh Shof Daliyat el Carmel Qannir El Kafrein Isfia Mazar l'bellin. Rihaniya Acre Sub-District Abu Sinan Damun Arraba Deit el Asad Beit Jann Kuweikat Umm el Fa raj Bi'na Majdel Kurum Kabul Birwa El Bassa. Safad Sub-District Sufsaf Qadditha Ja'una Tai taba Zuq Tahtani Sammu'iya Zowiya Kafr Bir'm Hur fei sh Na'ma Sa'sa 'Ein Zeitun

Tiberias Sub-District Obeidiya Tribal Area: Olma Sh ajara 'Arab er Ruqeibat Yaquq (lands of Nuqeib village) Bcisan Sub-District Sirin Murassas Kokab el Hawa Sub-District Yafa Tulkarm Sub-District El Attara Miska Berman's Grove 'Azzun Nazi at, Msa Tel Mond Baqa Ash Sharqiya Natania Dannaba Ramin Khirbet Deir el Ghusun Kafr Rumman Litvinsky's Grove Falam Seida Khirbet Bir Sikka Far'un Shufa Pardess Hagedud Habla Shuweika Gan Haiyim Jaiyus Kafr Sur Khirbet 'Azzun Kafr Jamal Tira, Et 'Ein Hakrish Jatta Tulkarm Giv'at Haiyim Kur Zeita Kefar Saba. Manshiya, El Kafr Zibad By His Excellency's Command, E. MILLS 2nd May, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (Y/2/32) 4th May, 1933 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 489



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 13 of the Forests Ordinance, 1926, the High Commissioner has declared that the Forest Reserves described in the schedule to this notice shall be Closed Forest Areas.


Serial Name of Position Boundaries. Reserve No.

Jebel Kubrah 153 Hebron Sub-District within As defined in the schedule the village boundaries of to the Proclamation under Tarkumiya. the Ordinance published in Official Gazette, No. 176, of the 1st December, 1926. Jebel Khalet 187 Hebron Sub-District within As defined in the schedule Ismail the village boundaries of to the Proclamtion under the Deir Nakhas. Ordinance published in Official Gazette, No. 196, of the 1st October, 1927. Baharan 132 Nazareth Sub-District with• As defined in the Schedule in the village boundaries to the Proclamation under of Ailut. the Ordinance published in Official Gazette, No. 175, of the 16th November, 4926. Madad South 200 Sub-District with• As defined in the schedule in the municipal boun• to the Proclamation under daries of Tiberias town. the Ordinance published in Official Gazette, No. 245, of the 16th October, 1929. Ard El Jardon 201 Tiberias Sub-District out• As defined in the schedule side the boundaries of to the Proclamation under Tiberias town. the Ordinance published in Official Gazette, No. 245, of the 16th October, 1929. Jebel Htirsis 202 Jerusalem Sub-District with• As defined in the schedule in the village boundaries to the Proclamation under of Deir Eyub. the Ordinance published in Official Gazette, No. 268, of the 1st October, 1930. Jebel Aqaby 215 Nazareth Sub-District out• As defined in the schedule side the municipal boun• to the Proclamation under daries of Nazareth town. the Ordinance published in Palestine Gazette, No. 329, of the 1st December, 1932. Ras Amer West 216 Tulkarm Sub-District with• As defined in the schedule in the village boundaries to the Proclamation under of Kafr Jammal. the Ordinance published in Palestine Gazette, No. 348, of the 9th March, 1933. Qaqun 188 Tulkarm Sub-District with• As defined in the schedule in the boundaries of Qaqun to the Proclamation under village. the Ordinance published in Official Gazette, No. 203, of the 1st January, 1928.

By His Excellency's Command, E. MILLS 19th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (A/253/31) 490 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 4th May, 1933




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit;, No. J.2, has been granted on the 8th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, , to REV. PASCHAL KINSEI O.F.M., residing at Jerusalem, to publish four times a year at the printing )!•ess situated at the Convent of Terra Santa, Jerusalem, a newspaper in the Enerlish and languages entitled "Terra Santa College Review", treating of literary, scientific, social andliistorical subjects and under the editorship of MR. JABRA EL ANCAR, Jerusalem.

E. MILLS 29th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/65/31)

(456) II.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 3, has been granted on the 8th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. EISA BANDAR, residing at Bethlehem, to publish once a week at the printing press situated at Bethlehem, a newspaper in the Arabic language entitled "Sawt Ash-Shaab", treating of political, social, cultural and economic subjects and under the editorship of MR. EISA BANDAK.

E. MILLS 5J7th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/94/32)

(457) III.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 4, has been granted on the 8th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to HIS BEATITUDE THE LATIN PATRIARCH, residing at Jerusalem, to publish once a month at the printing press situated at Rafat, a newspaper in the Arabic language entitled "Raqib Sahyun' treating of educational and literary subjects and under the editorship of REV. SHUKRI SURUR, of the Latin Patriarchate, Jerusalem.

E. MILLS 29lh April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/75/32) 4th May, 1933 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 491

(458) IV.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit. No. J. 5, has been granted on the 8th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MRS. ESCHA SCHOLEM, residing at Jerusalem, to publish once a month at the printing press situated at Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem, a newspaper in the entitled "Sheifotenu", treating of the Jewish-Arab problem, and of political and religious subjects and under the editorship of MRS. ESCHA SCHOLEM.

E. MILLS 29th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/52/33)

(459) V.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 6, has been granted on the 8th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. DAOUD COURDY, residing at Jerusalem, to publish once a week at the printing press situated at New Gate, Jerusalem, a newspaper in the Arabic language entitled "Al Akhlag", treating of political and social subjects and under the editorship of MR. DAOUD COURDY.

E. MILLS Acting Chief Secretary .1933׳ ,27th April (K/l 50/31)

(460) v VI.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 7, has been granted on the 11th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. ARI IBN-SAHAV, residing at Jerusalem, to publish four times a year at the printing press situated at Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem, a news­ paper in the Hebrew language entitled "Kiryat Sepher", treating of biographical subjects and under the editorship of DR. BERNARD JOEL of Jerusalem.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/56/33)

(461) VII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 8, has been granted on the 12th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. HAYIM D. WILHELM, residing at Jerusalem, to publish once a week at the printing press situated at Zikhron Moshe, Jerusalem, a newspaper in the Hebrew language entitled "Hacaspan", treating of financial and economic subjects, and under the editorship of MR. HAYIM D. WILHELM.

E. MILLS 28th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33) 492 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 4th May, 1933

(4G2) VIII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 9, has been granted on the 13th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to VEN. ARCHDEACON W. H. STEWART, residing at Jerusalem, to publish once a month at the printing press situated at Schneller Quarter, Jerusalem, a newspaper in the English language entitled "Lines of Communica­ tion", treating of Anglican Church news and under the editorship of VEN. ARCHDEACON W. H. STEWART.

E. MILLS 28th April, lU33. Acting Chief Secretary (K/61/33)

(463) IX.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit. No. J. 10, has been granted on the 14th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to His BEATITUDE THE LATIN PATRIARCH, residing at Jerusalem, to publish once a month at the printing press situated at the Convent of Terra Santa, Jerusalem, a newspaper in the French language entitled "La Palestine", treating of missionary subjects and under the editorship of REV. ADOLPHE PERRIN, of the Latin Patriarchate, Jerusalem.

E. MILLS Acting Chief Secretary .1933־ ,27th April (K/58/33)

(464) X.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 11, has been granted on the 14th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. AVIEZER YELLIN, residing at Jerusalem, to publish fortnightly at the printing press situated at King George Avenue, Jerusalem, a newspaper in the Hebrew language entitled "Hed Hahinukh", treating of pedagogy and professional matters of teachers and under the editorship of MR. AVIEZER YELLIN.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K 54/33) TRADE MARKS ADVERTISEMENTS 513

PATENTS AND DESIGNS ORDINANCES, Title of Invention: "Improvements in and 1924-1930. relating to septic tanks for domestic sewage".

NOTICE is hereby given that persons interested Filed the 15th day of September, 1932. in opposing the granting of patents on the applications referred to below may, at any time within two months from the date of this Gazette, give notice to the Registrar of Patents Patent Applicaton No. 258. Isaac Bavly of 33, Rothschild's Avenue, Tel-Aviv, Palestine. and Designs, Department of Customs, Excise and Trade, P. 0. Box 541, Haifa, in the prescribed manner of such opposition. Title of Invention: "A machine for the grading, stamping and sizing of fruit". Filed the 16th day of September, 1932.

Patent Application No. 204. Emanuel Theiner of Rehovot, Palestine.

Title of Invention : "A shutter fastener". NOTICE

Filed the 18tli day of December, 1931. PATENTS SEALED

Patent Application No. 247. Abraham Aba Hirsh- Number berg of 9, Sirkin Street, Tel-Aviv, Palestine. Date of • of Name of Patentee Advertise• Patent ment Title of Invention : "Process of manufacturing starch soluble in cold water". 211 Dr. Leopold Zwillinger 1.7.32 Filed the 23rd day of June, 1932. 239 Joseph Fetter 22.9.32

251 Zvi Haimi (Paul Heimann) and Dr. A. L. Zwillinger 22.12.32 Patent Application No. 256. J. Mouchly of Mount Carmel, Haifa, Palestine.


SUPPLEMENT TO PALESTINE GAZETTE, NO. 359, of the 4th May, 1933.


(465) XI.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 12, has been granted on the 15th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to REV. VINCENT MESTRE, residing at Jerusalem, to publish four times a year at the printing press situated at Ratisbonne Convent, Jerusalem, a newspaper in the French language entitled "Notre Dame de Sion en Terre Sainte", treating of religious subjects and under the editorship of REV. PAUL AWEIS, of Ratisbonne Convent, Jerusalem.


(466) XII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 13, has been granted on the 16th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. ABRAHAM ROSENSTEIN, residing at Jerusalem, to publish once a week at the printing press situated at Betsalel Street, Jerusalem, a newspaper in the Hebrew language entitled "Itonenu", treating of popular science, entertainments and literary subjects and under the editorship of MR. ABRAHAM ROSENSTEIN.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/l38/31)

(467) XIII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 15, has been granted on the 21st day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to His GRACE THE LOCUM TENENS OF THE ORTHODOX PATRIARCHATE, residing at Jerusalem, to publish once a month at the printing press situated at Christian Street, Jerusalem, a newspaper in the Greek Language entitled "Nea Sion", treating• of religious, ecclesiastical and archaeological subjects and under the editorship of REV. ARCHIMANDRITE KALISTOS MILIARAS.

E. MILLS 1st May, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/60/33) 494 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 4th May, 1983

(468) XIV.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. N. 3, has been granted on the 15lh day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Northern District, to SHEIKH KHALIL ZAKKUT AL MAJDALI, residing at Acre, to publish once a week at the printing press situated at Acre, a newspaper in the Arabic Zamr", treating of political, critical and humorous subjects־language entitled "Az and under the editorship of SFIEIKH KHALIL ZAKKUT AL-MAJDALI.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/52/33)

(469]) PRESS ORDINANCE, 1933



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 4, has been granted on the 21st day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to the CHURCH OF NAZARENE, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at West Nikophoria, Jerusalem, and known as the Nazarene Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Actir.g Chief Secretary (K/'45/33)

(470) II.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 5, has been granted on the 22nd day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to the SYRIAN ORTHODOX CONVENT, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at St. Mark's Convent, Jerusalem, and known as the St. Mark's Syrian Orthodox Convent Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33)

(471) III.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 6, has been granted on the 23rd day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MESSRS. NISSIM AND JOSEPH AZRIEL, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem, and known as the Azriel Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33) 4th May, 1933 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 495

(472) IV.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit. No. J.7, has been granted on the 23rd day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. ELIEZER GROUBAR, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at Feingold's Building, Jerusalem, and known as the Sinai Printing Press.

E. MILLS '25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33)

(473) V.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J.8, has been granted on the 23rd day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. SHLOMO ZALMAN SALOMON, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at Salomon's Building, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem, and known as the Salomon's Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33)

(474) VI.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J.9, has been granted on the 23rd day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. BOULOS SHIHADEH, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem, and known as the Miraat al Sharq Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33)

(475) VII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J.10, has been granted on the 24th day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. PESAH TIETZ, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at Betsalel Quarter, Jerusalem, and known as the Graphic Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33) 1933׳ ,THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 4th May 496

(476) VIII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY'GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 11, has been granted on the 24th day of March, 1933, under the haud of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. SHMUEL WEIXGARTEN, residing at Jerusalem, to keep r?.r:er. Jerusalem, and known asjh^sf.־a printing press situated at Ruhain?. Q Weingarten Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33)

(477) IX.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 12, has been granted on the 27th day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. YEHIEL VERKER, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at Nahalat Sheva Quarter, Jerusalem, and known as the Ha'ivri Printing Press.


25t|h April, 1933. : Acting Chief Secretary (:i/45/33)

׳4) X.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J.13, has been granted on the 27th day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. YUDA A. WEISS, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at Ben Yahuda Street, Jerusalem, and known as the Weiss Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33)

(479) XI.

granted on the ״NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J.14, has been 27th day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. SHMUEL Z. KALISHER, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at No. 180, Jerusalem, and known as the Kalisher Printing Press. :

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. ' Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33) 4th May, 1933 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 497

(480) XII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 15, has been granted on the 27th day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. HAIM ZUKERMAN, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at Quarter, Jerusalem, and known as the Zukerman Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33)

(481) XIII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 16, has been granted on the 27th day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. JAMES WILFRED CLAPHAM, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at St. Paul's Road, Jerusalem, and known as the Near East Scripture Testimony Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33)

(482) XIV.

NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 17, has been granted on the 27th day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. SHLOMO I. SHIRIALI, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at Ohel Moshe, Jerusalem, and known as the Shaiah Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33)

(483) XV.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 18, has been granted on the 24th day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. M.S. ETZ-HADAR, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at St. Paul's Road, Jerusalem, and known as the Moriah Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33) 498 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 4th May, 1933

(484) XVI.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 19, has been granted on the 21st day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. MENAHEM HALEVI, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at Mea Shearim, Jerusalem, and known as the Eretz Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33)

(485) XVII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 20, has been granted on the 28th day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. EISA BANDAR, residing at Bethlehem, to keep a printing press situated at Bethlehem, and known as the Sawt Ash Shaab Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33)

(486) XVIII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 21, has been granted on the 28th day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. E. LEIB CAHANA, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at Jaffa Road, Jerusalem, and known as the Cahana Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33)

(487) XIX.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 22, has been granted on the 28th day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. NATHAN ROHALD, residing at Mea Shearim, Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at Hassolel Building, Jerusalem, and known as the Rohald Zion Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33) 4th May, 1933 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 499

(488) XX.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 23, has been granted on the 28th day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to the SUPERIOR, RATISBONNE CONVENT, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at Ratisbonne Convent, Jerusalem, and known as the Ratisbonne Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33)

(489) XXI.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 24, has been granted on the 28th day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MESSRS. EL. SHEKHTER and L. FE!NBERG, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at Betsalel Street, Jerusalem, and known as the Hasefer Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33)

(490) XXII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 25, has been granted on the 28th day of March, 1933, under the hand ot the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MRS. SARA GREENFELD, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at Mea Shearim, Jerusalem, and known as the Greenfeld Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33)

(491) XXIII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 26, has been granted on the 28th day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. JACOB BEN-ZVI, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at Zikhron Moshe, Jerusalem, and known as the Central Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33) 500 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 4th May, 1933

(492) XXIV.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 27, has been granted on the 28th day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. NAHUM LIPHSHITZ, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at King George Avenue, Jerusalem, and known as the Hamadpis Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33)

(493) XXV.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 28, has been granted on the 28th day of March, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. AJAJ NOVEIHID, residing at Jerusalem, to keep a printing press situated at New Gate, Jerusalem, and known as the El-Arab Printing Press.

E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/45/33)

(494) XXVI.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 15, has been granted on the 18th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to M. MENDEL KROPNIK, residing at Tel-Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at 78, Jaffa-Tel-Aviv Road, Tel-Aviv, and known as the Davar Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33)

(495) XXVII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 16, has been granted tin the 18th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. MENAHEM NEIZLER, residing at Tel-Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at 8, Sirkin Street, Tel-Aviv, and known as the Or Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33) 4th May, 1933 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 501

(496) . • : ; XXVIII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 17, has been granted on the 18th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MRS. DEVORAH CALANTER, residing at Tel-Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at 33, Lilienblum Street, , and known as the Hatehiya Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33)

(497) XXIX.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 18, has been granted on the 18th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District, Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. REUVEN KRITISMAN, residing at Petah-Tiqva, to keep a printing press situated at Rothschild Street, Petah-Tiqva, and known as the Hatehiya Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33)

(498) XXX.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 19, has been granted on the 18th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to M. JACOB SMILANSKY, residing at Tel-Aviv, to keep a printing

press situated at Sheinkin Street, Tel-Aviv, and known as ; :the Omanut Eretz- Israel Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33)

(499) XXXI.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 20, has been granted on the 18th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. JACOB PEVSNER, residing at Tel-Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at 33, Yehuda Halevi Street, Tel-Aviv, and known as the Eretz Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33) 502 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 4th May, 4933

(500) XXXII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 21, has been granted on the 18th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MESSRS. M. GETSOVITZ and D. KRETZMAN, residing at Tel-Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at 12, Ferdinand Lassal Street, Tel-Aviv, and known as the Masada Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/04/33)

(501) XXXIII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 22, has been granted on the 18tn day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MESSRS. KHALIL AND TAWFIC SLIM, residing at Ajami Quarter, Jaffa, to keep a printing press situated at Ajami Road, Jaffa, and known as the Commercial Printing Press. E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33)

(502) XXXIV.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 23, has been granted on the 18th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. ABDALLA QALQILI, residing at Jaffa, to keep a printing press situated at Abu Khadra Lane, Jaffa, and known as the As-Sarat El Mustaqim Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33)

(503) XXXV.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 24, has been granted on the 18th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. ALEXANDER MOSES, residing at Tel-Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at 56, Herzl Street, Tel-Aviv, and known as the Alexander Moses Printing Press. E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33) 4th May, 1933 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 503

(504) XXXVI.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 25, has been granted on the 18th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MESSRS. ZVI HOHLOVKIN and SONS, residing at Tel-Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at 9, Ra'anan Street, Tel-Aviv, and known as the Zvi Hohlovkin and Sons Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33)

(505) XXXVII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 26, has been granted on the 18th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. BINYAMIN GIL'ADI, residing at Tel-Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at 27, Ahad Ha'am Street, Tel-Aviv, and known as the Hapo'el Hatsa'ir Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33)

(506) XXXVIII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 27, has been granted on the 18th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. ZISEL ZALTSMAN, residing at Tel-Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at 16, Levinsky Street, Tel-Aviv, and known as the Zaltsman Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33)

(507) XXXIX.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 28, has been granted on the 18th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. MOSHE OBLUDZINER, residing at Tel-Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at 3, Oil Factory Lane, Tel-Aviv, and known as the Graphica Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33) 504 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 4th May, 4933

(508) XL.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a,permit, No. S. 29, has been granted on the 48th day of April, 4933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. SABA MALAK, residing at Ajami Quarter, Jaffa, to keep a printing press situated at Birket-Qamar Road, Jaffa, and known as the Jaffa Press Co. Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33)

(509) XLI.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 30, has been granted on the 48th day of April, 4933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. PINHAS SHUKHMAN, residing at Tel-Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at 5, Kefar Gil'adi Street, Tel-Aviv, and known as the Ahduth Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33)

(540) XLII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 34, has been granted on the 48th day of April, 4933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. TSA DAUD EL-'ISA, residing at Ajami Road, Jaffa, to keep a printing press situated at Ajami Road, Jaffa, and known as the Palestine Newspaper Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33)

(544) XLIII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY HIVEN that a permit, No. S, 32, has been granted on the 48th day of April, 4933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. TSA DAUD EL-'ISA, residing at Ajami Road Jaffa, to keep a printing press situated at Ajami Road, Jaffa, and known as the New Falastin Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33) 4th May, 1933 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 505

(512) XLIV.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 33, has been granted on the 18th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. MOSHE SHOHAM, residing at Tel-Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at Mustaqim Building, Jaffa Road, and known as the Shoham Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33)

(513) XLV.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 34, has been granted on the 18th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. YAHUDA BEHAM, residing at Tel-Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at 27, Montefiore Street, Tel-Aviv, and known as the Haaretz Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33)

(514) XLVI.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that permit, No. S. 35, has been granted on the 18th day of April, 1933, under the. hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. MICHAEL OSTKOVSKY, residing at Tel-Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at 28, Ivefar Gil'adi Street, Tel-Aviv, and known as the Po'ale-Zion Printing Press.

E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33)

(515) XLVII.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 36, has been granted on the 28th day of April, 1933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. NATHAN GRYNBERG, residing at Tel Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at 50, Herzl Street, Tel Aviv, and known as the Yetsira Printing Press. E. MILLS 27th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33) 506 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 4th May, 4933

(546) XLVIII. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 37, has been granted on the 48th day of Apri], 4933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MR. MORDECHAI LINKOW, residing at Tel Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at No. 6, Kefar Gil'adi Street, Tel Aviv, and known as the Linkow Printing Press. E. MILLS 27th April, 4933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/64/33)

(517) XLIX. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. N. 16, has been granted on the 48th day of April, 4933, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Northern District, to MR. HALM MAISLER, residing at Haifa, to keep a printing press situated at Frères Street, Haifa, and known as the Haim Maisler Printing Press. E. MILLS 25th April, 1933. Acting Chief Secretary (K/31/33)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Schedules of Rights to land in the villages and settlement areas scheduled hereunder, and for the registration blocks mentioned, have been posted at the offices of the Settlement Officers concerned and at the District Offices of the Sub-Districts in which the villages are situated in accordance with section 32 (4) of the Ordinances :—

Offices of Settlement Nos. of Villages Sub-Districts Settlement Areas Registration Blocks Officers

Herzliya Jaffa Jaffa Jaffa 1, 2, 47, 18 and 49.

Kefar Sava Jaffa Jaffa Jaffa 4.

El Haram Jaffa Jaffa Jaffa 1.

Ramie Jaffa Jaffa Jaffa 8.

Rafah Gaza Gaza Gaza 91,22, 16,33,45, 6, 5, 21, 7, 32, 27, 3, 44, 23, 30 and 42.

Ram at Hasharon Jaffa Jaffa Jaffa 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Muzeiri'a Ramie Ramie Jaffa 4 and 12.

Lydda Ramie Ramie Jaffa 38, 77 and 78.

' Ramie Ramie Jaffa 8 and 44.

Quia Ramie Ramie Jaffa 4, 3, 5 and 7.

A. ABRAMSON 28th April, 1933. Commissioner of Lands (L/13/32) '4 th May, 1933 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 507

(519) II. PALESTINE CURRENCY NOTES Sale of Unserviceable Stores

The following Currency Note is stated to have been destroyed, and payment of its value has An unserviceable Ford van, which may be been claimed by the person whose name is viewed at the Posts and Telegraphs Stores, near placed against the number. Any other person the Railway Station at Haifa, between the hours claiming a right to it should communicate of 0700 and 1400, will be sold by tender. at once with the undersigned :—

Number Tenders must be enclosed in sealed covers, Value Name of Claimant of Note superscribed "Tender for Unserviceable Stores", and must be posted in time to reach the office of the Postmaster-General, General Post Office, A. 357135 LP. 1 Ezra Bechar, Petah Tiqva Jerusalem, by noon on the 10th May, 1933.

The Postmaster-General does not bind himself to accept the highest or any tender. W. J. JOHNSON 27th April, 1933. Currency Officer Tenders by telegraph will not be accepted. (F/100/31)

W. HUDSON 28th April, 1933. Postmaster-General (520) (P/25/33) COURT OF DISCIPLINE (522) ADJUDICATION OF CONTRACTS His Honour the Chief Justice has confirmed the finding of the Court of Discipline constituted by him under sections 15(1) and 16(1) of the Advocates Ordinance to enquire into and report 1. The contract for supplying and stacking of upon certain charges brought against the screened metal at roadside of sections from Km. advocate IBRAHIM EFF. SA'ADEH, and has sus­ 149.560 io Km. 149.91U and from Km. 157.750 pended the said IBRAHIM EFF. SA'ADEH from to Km. 158.000 of the Nazareth-Tiberias road practice for a period of six months as from the has been awarded to MR. KHALID OBEID of 1st of May, 1933, for having been found guilty Nazareth at 22°/0 below P.W.D. estimate rates. of disgraceful and unprofessional conduct. Period of contract is 32 days. (J/166/33) 2. The contract for supplying and stacking of screened metal at roadside of section from. Km. 158 to Km. 164 of the Nazareth-Tiberias road has been awarded to MR. AHMAD SHAMUT of Nazareth at 25Vs°/o below P.W D. estimate rates. Period of. contract is 70 days. (521) TENDERS 3. The contract for supplying and slacking of screened metal at roadside of section from Km. 171.000 to Km. 171 500 of the Nazareth-Tiberias I. road has been awarded to MR. AHMAD SHAMUT

of Nazareth at 25°/0 below P.W.D estimate rates. Period of contract is 25 days. Tenders are invited for the purchase of a quantity of scrap metal located at Railway Stores Yard, Haifa. 4. The contract for supplying and stacking of screened metal at roadside of section Irom Km. 191.720 to Km. 192.590 of the Tiherias-Rosh Form of tender may be had on application to Pinna road, has been awarded to MR. 'ABDULLA the Stores Superintendent, Palestine Railways, FAUR of Safad at 25°/ below t\W.D. estimate Haifa. 0 rates. Period of contract is 40 days.

Tenders in sealed envelopes marked "Tender ,The contract for setting back retaining walls 5־ for purchase of scrap metal" should be addressed widening berms and making drains on section to the Tenders Board, General Manager's Office, fiom Km. 32 to Km. 33 of Hebron road, has Palestine Railways, Haifa, to arrive not later been awarded to MR. MUHAMMAD SHAHIN at 9°/0 than 8 a.m. on Monday the 22nd May, 1933. above P.W.D. estimate rates. Period of contract is 90 days.

C. R. WEBB 6. The contract for setting back retaining walls, General Manager, Palestine Railways widening berms and making drains on section 26th April, 1933. Irom Km. 33 to Km. 34 of Hebron road, has been awarded to MR. MUHAMMAD SHAHIN at 9°/ (R/54/31) 0 above P.W.D. estimate rates. Period of contract is 90 days. 508 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 4th May, 1933

7. The contract for setting back retaining walls, II. widening berms and making drains on section from Km. 34 to Km. 35 of Hebron road, has IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JERUSALEM

been awarded to MR. MUHAMMAD SHAHIN at 9°/Q above P. W.D. estimate rates. Period of contract In the matter of YOHANAN MOSHE COHEN (also is 90 days. known as YOHANAN COHEN MOSHEYOFF) of Jerusalem, deceased. 8. The contract for supplying and stacking of screened metal at roadside of section from Km. Petitioner: SHEMUEL COHEN YOHANANOFF, of 237.360 to Km. 237 815 of the - Tel Aviv. Metulla road has been awarded to MR. HARON Let all persons take notice that SHEMUEL COHEN KHOURIAN of Haifa at 13°/e below P.WD. esti• YOHANANOFF has applied to the District Court mate rates. Period of contract is 23 days. of Jerusalem for an Order declaring the succes• sion to YOHANAN MOSHE COHEN (also known as 9. The contract for erecting a boys' school and YOHANAN COHEN MOSHEYOFFJ, of Jerusalem, latrines at Tulkarm has been awarded to MR. deceased, and that the said application will be heard at Jerusalem on the 19th day of May, FAWZI AGHBAR of Nablus at 26°/0 below P.W.D. estimate lates. Period of contract is 4 months. 1933, at 9 a.m. All persons claiming any intererest must appear 10. The contract for resurfacing and asphalting at the said place and time, otherwise such order 7000 metres run of section from Km. 120 to will be made as to the Court seems right. Km. 127 of the Jenin-'Affula load has been awarded to MR. FAHMI 'ABDULLA of Burqa, Dated this 26th day of April, 1933.

Nablus, at 44°/0 below P. W.D. estimate rates. Period of contract is 4 months. SA'D EDDIN ABU S'OUD Acting Chief Clerk, District Court, Jerusalem 11. The contract for supplying 503 m3 of soling and 400 m3 of metal for section from Km. 80 to Km. 82 of the Jenin road has been awarded CITATION FOR ORDER OF ADMINISTRATION to MR. HAMAD MUHD. SALAH of Burqa, Nablus,

at 32°/0 below P.W.D. estimate rates. Period of contract is 4 weeks. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JERUSALEM In the matter of SHIMON COHEN YOHANANOFF, 12. The contract for resurfacing and asphalting absentee section from Km. 93 to Km. 95 of the Nablus Jenin road has been awarded to MR. SALIM In virtue of an Order of the District Court of Jerusalem, bearing date this day, 1 do hereby cite IBRAHIM EL KASSEM of Fandakumiya, Nablus. all and all manner of persons to appear in the at 40°/ below P.W.D. estimate rates. Period o said Court in ten days from the date hereof, and of contract is 10 weeks. show cause, if any they have, why an Order of (S/2/31) Administration of all and singular the movable property, rights, credits and mulk and miri immovable property of SHIMON COHEN YOHANA• NOFF should not be granted unto SHEMUEL t OHEN YOHANANOFF, as, in default thereof, tha Court (523) will proceed to grant the same accordingly. CITATIONS Dated this 24th day of April, 1933.

SA'D EDDIN ABU S'OUD I. Acting Chief Clerk, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JERUSALEM District Court, Jerusalem (J/17/33) In the matter of PROF. J. DOLJANSKY, of Jerusalem, deceased. (524) Petitioner: The Anglo-Palestine Bank, Ltd., of Quarantine and Infectious Jerusalem. Diseases Summary Let all persons take notice that the Anglo- Palestine Bank, Ltd., of Jerusalem, has applied For week ending midnight of 29.4.33. to the District Court of Jerusalem for an Order declaring the succession to PROF. J. DOLJANSKY, 1. Quarantine Restrictions. of Jerusalem, deceased, and that the said ap• No changes have occurred since 22.4.33. plication will be heard at Jerusalem on the 19th day of May, 1933, at 9 a.m. No restrictions are at present ID force.

All persons claiming any interest must appear 2. Weekly Report of Infectious Diseases at the said place and time, otherwise such order in Palestine will be made as to the Court seems right. Date Dated this 26th day of April, 1933. Place Typhus notified - SA'D EDD1N ABU S'OUD Acting Chief Clerk, Benyamina, District Court, Jerusalem Haifa 1 27.4.33. 4th May, J 933 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 509



The following persons have been granted licences to practise before the Civil Courts of Palestine.

JÂcence Courts Name Place of Date of No. Business c.c. M.C. Admission

419 Mr. Zeev Argaman Haifa C.C. 24.4.33 420 Mr. Zeev Godard Tel-Aviv C.C. — 24.4.33 421 Mr. Shneior Aharonov Tel-Aviv C.C. — 24.4.33 422 Mr. Aaron Brevdo Tel-Aviv C.C. — 24.4.33 423 Mr. Israel Diskin Jerusalem C.C. — 24.4.33

A. JARJURA 26th April, 1933. Officer i/c o/ the Roll of Advocates (J/323/32)


The following person has been granted a licence to practise before the Moslem Religious Courts in Palestine.

Licence Place of Courts Name Date of No. Business C.C. M.C. Admission

413 Abdel Qader Ismail Hamdi Jaffa — M.C. 3.1.33

A. JARJURA 26th April, 1933. Officer i\c of the Roll of Advocates (J/332/32)


NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF A 4. LP.10,000, divided into 10,000 shares of LP.l each. COMPANY UNDER THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE, 1929 (S/26/32)

NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF A COOPERATIVE SOCIETY UNDER THE The particidars given below correspond with COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ORDINANCE, 1920 the folloiving headings:— 1. Name of Company. The particulars given below correspond 2. Date of Incorporation. with the following headings:— 3. Objects of Company.' 4. Share Capital. 1. Name o/ Society. Date of Registration. 3. Objects of Society.

1. The Arab Industries Co. Ltd. 2. 24.433. 1. Tel Benyamin Garden City Co-operative 3. To purchase from Haj Taher Karaman the Society Ltd. nail and haberdashery factory with all its 2. 1.5.1H33. contents movable and immovable situated 3. Foundation of a Garden Suburb. at Haifa and including its name and good• will as a running concern. 510 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 4th May, 1933

NOTICES IV. Palestine Bulletin, Ltd. The following notices are published at the (Publishers of the Palestine Post) risk of the advertisers and their publication does not imply any certificate as to correctness or authority. Notice is hereby given that the following persons are the members of the Board of I. Directors:— The Cooperative Society of the workers of '4Haaretz" have decided to wind up voluntarily MR. G. AGRONSKY, Managing Director; MR. and have appointed MESSRS. J. BEHAM AND K. A. GOLD WATER; MR. K. FRIEDENBERG; DR. E. FRIEDENBERG, Advocates, as Liquidators. JOSEPH; DR. A. KASTELIAN-KASTELIANSKY; DR. A. KATZENELSON ; COLONEL F. H. KISCH; MR. All the cieditors of the said Society are hereby MARK SCHWARTZ and Miss H. SZOLD. requested to submit their claims to the Liquid­ ators, 40, Yehuda Halevy Street, Tel Aviv At a meeting of the Board of Directors held (P.O.B. 232), within one month from the date on the 14th April, 1933, it was resolved that of pul lication hereof. Any claim which will not the joint signatures of MR. AGRONSKY and of be submitted within that period will not be any one of the other members of the Board by entertained by the Liquidators. the side of the Seal of the Company shall bind the Company and that the Palestine Corporation, Ltd., Jerusalem, shall be the Secretaries of the II. Company. Halvaa Vehisachon Jerusalem Cooperative Society, Ltd. V.

Ir Ganim Talpioth Cooperative Society, Ltd. Notice is hereby given that at the last General Meeting of the above Society held on the the Committee of Manage­ Notice is hereby given that at the meeting of ,1933׳ ,25th February ment consisting of the following persons, was the founders of the above Society held on the elected :— 29th March, 1933, the following were elected to the Committee:— 1. MORDEKHAI BEN HILRL HACOHEN 2. RABBIYESHAYAHU SHAPIRO MR. M. CASPI, Chairman, MR. A. ELIACHAR, 3. BENYAMIN BERLIN Deputy Chairman, MR. A. SACHS, Treasurer, 4. MIKHAL RABINOVITZ and MR. S. BEN-ZION, Secretary. 5. SIMHA ISSEROV. The signatures of MESSRS. M. CASPI and S. At a meeting held by the Committee of BEN-ZION shall be binding upon the Society. it was ,!־;Management on the 15th March, 193 (S/23/32) decided that the signatures of two members of the Committee of Management or the signature of one of the members of the said Committee together with the signature of the Secretary, REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS MR. J. SHAHOR, shall be binding on the Society, provided that for the purpose of registering a mortgage in the name of the Society the signature The particulars given beloiu correspond with of one of the above members or of the Secretary the folloiving headings :— shall be deemed sufficient. 1. Names and addresses of partners. J. SHAHOR 2. Firm name of partnership. Secretary 3. Names of partners authorised to administer the partnership and to sign for it. III. 4. Date of commencement and determination. Resolution of the Board of Directors of the 5. Object. Pardess Cooperative Society of Orange Growers, Ltd., Tel Aviv, at the meeting held on the 13th April, 1933, 1. Ariadne Cristoforos, Jerusalem. Michel Christoforos, Jernsclem. Christofore Christoforos, Jerusalem. Whereas MR. ISAAC ROKACH and DR. ALFRED ARNSDORF have quitted the services of our Society 2. Mme. Vve. P. Christoforos & Fils. as from the 11th instant, it is resolved that 3. Mr. Michel Christoforos henceforth the three undermentioned gentlemen 4. 3 4.33 for an unlimited period. are authorised to sign all kinds of legal documents, 5. Merchants in articles of grocery, spirituous bills and cheques on behalf of the Pardess Co­ liquors and confectionery, and also having operative Society of Orange Growers, Ltd., Tel a Bar. Aviv:—

MR. NATHAN ELMAN, Manager 1. Haiyim David Wilhelm, Jerusalem, MR. HILEL KARASSIK, Chief Accountant Yits'haq Reichman, Jerusalem. M. ISRAEL KAPLAN, Chief Clerk. 2. ' Hakaspan. The signature of the Manager jointly with the 3. Both partners jointly. signature of the Chief Accountant or Chief Clerk 4. 8.2.33 for an unlimited period. will bind our Society. 5. Banking business, discount, purchase and sale of securities. N. ELMAN I. KAPLAN (J/18/33) Manager Secretary 4th. May, 1033 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 511

1. David Bogatinsky, Ra'anana. 2. Iron works "Pa'amon", Benzinberg Bros. & Aryeh Berlind, Ra'anana. Lewy. Beit Haroshet Le'avodot Barzel Joseph Goldstein, Ra'anana. "Pa'amon", Ha-ahim Benzinberg et Lewy, 2. Ma'ayan. 3. Messrs. Eliezer Lewy and Jacob Benzinberg. 3. Mr. David Bogatinsky and either Mr. Aryeh 4. 1.3.33-1.3.35. Berlind or Mr. Joseph Goldstein jointly. 5. Iron works, machinery and metal foundry. 4. 20.4.33-2U.4.35. 5. Manufacture of cement pipes and of all 1. Yehoshua Hourvitz, ,Ein-gannim. other cement products. Yehudith Efrati, Rehovot. 2. Derekh Hayim. 1. Dr. Harari Pahter, Tel Aviv. 3. Mr. Yehoshua Hourvitz alone. Its'haq Spector, Tel Aviv. 4. 20.4.33 for an unlimited period. 2. P. et S. Companie - Shutafut P. v'S. 5. Publishers. 3. Both partners jointly. 4. 5 3.33-4.3.35. 1. Aryeh Grodnik, Kadima, near Tel Mond. 5. Wholesale of medicaments, acceptance of Joseph Krapovitch, Kadima, near Tel Mond. agency for all kinds of goods. Baruch Lichthaus, Kadima, near Tel Mond. Shelomo Huberman, Kadima, near Tel Mond. 1. Yecheskel Rabinson, Petah-Tiqva. Yehuda Shlomovitch, Kadima near Tel Mond. Zorach Barnbaum, Petah-Tiqva. Dov Koblentz, Kadima. near Tel Mond. Lipa Vinetzki, Petah-Tiqva. 2. Hatnu'a—Shutafut Lehovalat Anashim Jacob Levin, Petah-Tiqva. (Jmasaot, Vele'avodot Harisha Betractorim. 2. Sohnut Petah-Tiqva. 3. Contracts for the acceptance of work will 3. Ordinary letters by each of the partners; be signed by Messrs. Baruch Lichthaus however, bills, undertakings, guarantees, and Yehuda Shlomovitch jointly; bills contracts and powers of attorney must be will be signed by any four partners out signed by all partners jointly. of the six partners. 4. 19.4.33 for an unlimited period. 4. 14.4 33 for an unlimited period. At the 5. Brokers and intermediaries. end of every year from date of com• mencement of the partnership each partner has the right to leave the part• 1. Shelomo Cohen. Tel Aviv. nership by giving one month's notice in Moshe Bikh, Tel Aviv. beforehand. Yeshayahu Cohen, Tel Aviv. 5. Transport of goods and freight from and 2. Ritz—Shlomo Cohen, Yeshayahu Cohen to Kadima and execution of ploughing Vemoshe Bikh. works by means of tractors. 3. All three partners jointly. 4. 12.4.33 for an unlimited period. 5. To arrange and manage in all cities and colonies of Palestine hotels, bars, cafés 1. Simon Tysser, Tel Aviv. and dancings. Pinkas Silberstein, Tel Aviv. 2. Industrial Supplies Company. 3. Mr. Simon Tysser solely or Messrs. Simon 1. Ahmad Wajeeh El Dajani, Jaffa. Tysser and Pinkas Silberstein jointly. Zafer Ragheb El Dajani, Jaffa. 4 23.4.33 for an unlimited period. (Determi• 2. Dajani lkhwan Yafa (Mahal El Kahraba el nable at will). Fanni). 5. Merchantsand manufacturers' representatives. 3. Both partners severally. 4. 20.4.33 for an unlimited period. 5. Sale and repair of all electrical and 1. Aryeh L. Blum, Tel Aviv. mechanical implements. Joseph Rozenman, New York (U.S.A.). 2. Hashotel. 1. Zvi Gefen, Ramat Gan. 3. Mr. Aryeh L. Blum. Eliezer Gefen, Ramat Gan. 4. 15.4.33-14 4.40. Mark Gefen, Tel Aviv. 5. The planting of citrus trees. 2. Hevra Lehaklaut Veta'asiya, Ahva. 3. Any two partners jointly; the receipt of monies can be acknowledged by any one 1. Jacob Slonim, Tel Aviv. of the partners alone. Joshua Rosen, Tel Aviv. 4. 1.4.33 for an unlimited period. .2. Jacob Slonim & Joshua Rosen. 5. Makers, commission agents and merchants 3. Both partners jointly. of agricultural and industrial requisites. 4. 27.4.33-26.4.36. 5. Timber merchants and general dealers in all kinds of building materials. 1. Yeruham Liberman, Rishon Le Tsiyon. Sender Glaiberman, Rishon Le Tsiyon. Shim'on Vilkonsky, Rishon Le Tsiyon. Heinrich Wolfman, Rishon Le Tsiyon. 1. David llgovsky, Tel Aviv. 2. Nagariya Meshutefet, Rishon Le Tsiyon. Gdalya llgovsky, Tel Aviv. 3. Any two of the partners jointly. Moshe David Hayman, Tel Aviv. 4. 25.3.33 for an unlimited period. 2. Ha-ahim llgovsky et M. D. Hayman. 5. Mechanical carpentry. 3. All three partners provided that only MESSRS. David llgovsky and Moshe David Hayman jointly are authorised to sign jointly all 1. Eliezer Lewy, Tel Aviv. documents and only documents signed by Jacob Benzinbprg, Tel Aviv. these two partners will be binding upon Moshe Benzinberg, Tel Aviv. the partnership. 512 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 4th May, 1933

4. 29.5.33 for an unlimited period, provided Half-yearly Yearly that after the expiration of two years Palestine 700 mils LP.1.300miIs each partner will he entitled to cancel the agreement of the partnership three Abroad 800 mils LP.1.5()0miis months before the expiry of every year Applications accompanied by remittances (Gash, after the expiration of the said two years Postal or Money Orders only) should be made to by giving notice in writing to that effect. the Superintendent of Printing and Stationery. 5. Manufacturers and vendors of products made of concrete and of armoured concrete. ADVERTISEMENTS

1. David Groner, Tel Aviv. The following are the authorised publication Hananya Groner, Tel Aviv. rates for notices and advertisements in the Hayim Sheynkman, Tel Aviv. Palestine Gazette:— 2. Sohnut Lehityashvut Hadarom Erelz Israel. 3. The signature of Mr. Hananya Groner alone For every 1/4 of a column will bind the partnership. or part thereof !500 mils 4. 24 4 33-23.4.35. 5. Purchase and sale of immovables, etc. Exceeding 1/4 and not exceeding 1/2 column -• LP.1.000 mils

1. Hermona Simon, Jerusalem. Exceeding 1/2 and not LP.1.500 mils ־ Lifsha Segal, Tel Aviv. exceeding 3/4 column 2. Maya. Exceeding 3/4 and not 3. Both partners jointly, provided that for LP.2.000 mils ־ exceeding 1 columD contract or other obligations for sums not exceeding LP.20 the signature of either All Notices and Advertisements must be partner may bind the partnership. prepaid. 4. 15.4.33 for an unlimited period. 5. Handicrafts, dressmaking and hosiery, Notices of registration of Companies, Co­ operative Societies, Trade Marks and Patents (J/38/33) will not be accepted for publication unless NOTICE submitted through the appropriate Registrar.

RAGI & MAILA, a general partnership registered Orders with regard to the administration of in the Disirict Court, Jaffa. the estates of deceased persons or probate of Notice is hereby given that the partnership wills, and any orders issued under the Companies which has hitherto existed between EMILE RAGI Ordinance, 1929, or in accordance with any and YUSEF MAILA was dissolved with effect other Ordinance or Order of the Court, and from the 31st of December, 1932, and that notices of registration and dissolution of MR. EMILE SAGI has taken over all the assets partnerships will not be inserted unless passed of the partnership and that he is responsible for publication by the Court. for all obligations thereof such as debts and the like and that the said MR. EMILE RAGI will Notices of dissolution of partnerships will continue to transact commercial business as not be accepted unless signed by the partners in the past and wll trade under the firm name named therein or by their legal representatives. The signature or representative character of RAGI & MAILA. a signatory must be verified by a declaration (J/38/33) made by an advocate.

(527) A notice of dissolution of partnership not CORRIGENDA signed by all the partners or by their legal representatives must be accompanied by a sworn Palestine Gazette, No. 353, of 13.4.33. declaration made by an advocate to the effect that the notice is given in pursuance of the List of Change of Names, Page 397, column terms of the partnership to which it relates. "New Name, Surname,'" lines 4— 2 from the bottom : for "Michelsky" read "Mishelsky". The following Notices and Advertisements Page h98, column 1'Old Name", line 25: for may be submitted for publication to the Chief "Roudin-Solodar, Ysrael", read "Roudin- Secretary, Government Offices, direct, but their Solodar, Ysr ail"; line 40: for"Gotlib, Owazej" publication in the Gazette will be at the risk read "Gotlib, Owszej". of the advertisers and will not imply any :for "•Shitpony, certificate as to correctness or authority 19׳ Column 'New Name", line Moshe" read "Shitfony, Moshe", Notices from Liquidators of Companies, etc. Notices concerning meetings, appointments NOTICE of Directors, redemption of bonds and kindred matters from Companies or SUBSCRIPTION RATES Co-operative Societies. No Notice or Advertisement concerning a Com­ The Palestine Gazette may be purchased, price pany or Co-operative Society, other than a notice 30 mils per copy, at all booksellers and news­ published by order of the Court or of the agents in Palestine, or from the Superintendent Registrar, will be inserted unless it is accompanied• of Printing and Stationery, Russian Buildings, by a declaration of an advocate that to the best Jerusalem. The subscription rates are as of his knowledge the statement made in the follows:— Notice or Advertisement is true.