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* NO. 1463 THURSDAY, 27TH DECEMBER, 1945 1471

CONTENTS Page ••••;.׳ ^"GOVERNMENT NOTICES ־''־'• .־ ־ - - Official Communique 1473 Magistrate and Registrars appointed to act as Judges of the District Courts. - 1473 ־ - - - Sessions of Court of Criminal Assize 1473 ־ - : - - - Appointments, etc. 1474 Land Valuers' Licences, renewed - - - - 1474 ־ .-.־־'־ - - State Domain to be let by Auction 1475 Acceptance of Telegrams to Kedah and Perlis, Malaya - - - 1475 Acceptance of Telegrams to Personnel of the British Army of the Rhine .- • - 1475 Acceptance of Telegrams to Nether land East Indies - . - - 1475 ־ - - Restoration of Postal Service with Albania - 1475 Claims for Mutilated Currency Notes - - - - 1475 ־־ - ־ ־ Adjudication of Contracts 1475 Citation Orders ------1476 ־ - Notices of the Execution Office of Tel Aviv - - - ! 1482 ׳'.׳•.'-.'..־• RETURN Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - - - 1483 NOTICES REGARDING COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES, BANKRUPTCIES, REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS, ־ - . - ' . - - ETC. - - 1483 CORRIGENDA - • ------1488

SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette: — Department of Labour (Addition to Schedule) Order, 1945, under the Department of Labour Ordinance, 1943 - - - - - 1537 Companies (Insurance Companies Deposits) (Amendment) Order, 1945, under" the Companies Ordinance •• - - - - 1537 Restriction of Importation of Swine (Trans-Jordan) Rules (No. 2), 1945, under the Animal Diseases Ordinance, 1945 - - _ 1533 Notice under the Immigration Ordinance, 1941, appointing certain Officers to be Im­ migration Officers for the Purpose of the Ordinance. - - - 1538 Notice under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, 1940, appointing a Person to be an Inspector of Valuation for the Purpose of the Ordinance - - - 1538 Petah Tiqva (Municipal Business Tax) By-laws, 1945, under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, and the Local Authorities (Business Tax) Ordinance, 1945 - 1539 Rehovot (Local Business Tax) By-laws, 1945, under the Local Councils Ordinance, 1941, and the Local Authorities (Business Tax) Ordinance, 1945 - - ! - 1546 ־ Notices under the Press Ordinance, granting Permits to publish'Newspapers 1551 Notices of Requisition of Lands by Competent Authorities, under the Defence Regula­ tions, 1939, and the Defence (Emergency) Regulations, 1945, respectively- - 1552 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, regarding the Deposit of Detailed Schemes within the Natanya Town Planning Area and the Samaria District Regional > Planning Area ------1553 Notice under the Import, Export and Customs Powers (Defence) Ordinance, 1939, regarding the Seizure and Forfeiture to the Government of Palestine of Goods imported contrary to the Licensing of Imports Order, 1939 - - - 1557 Defence (Control of Engineering, Building and Hardware Material) (Maximum Prices of Imported Timber) Notice, 1945, under the Defence (Control of Engineering, Building and Hardware Material) Order, 1944 - - - - 1557 Defence (Cpntrol of Yarn) (Extension of Validity of Dealer's Licences) General Licence, 1945, under the Defence (Control of Yarn) Order, 1942 - - - 1558

(Continued) PRICE: 65 MILS. CONTENTS. Page (Continued)

Defence (Control of Yarn) (Extension of Validity of Certain Permits) General Permit, 1945, under the Defence (Control of Yarn) (Prohibition of Manufacturing Processes) Direction, 1943 - -. - - v - ; | - 1559 Defence (Control of Cloth) (Extension of Validity of Dealer's Licences) General Licence, 1945, under the Defence (Control of Cloth) Order, 1942 - - j - 1559 Defence (Control of Cloth) (Extension of Validity of Certain Permits) General Permit, 1945, under the Defence (Control of Cloth) (Prohibition of Manufacturing Processes) ־ - - ־ . - - Direction, 1943 1560 Defence (Control of Establishments) (Amendment No. 3) Regulations, 1945, under the Emergency Powers (Defence) Acts, 1939 and 1940 - - j- 1561 Notices under the Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance, 1943, regarding the Acquisition of certain Lands by the Municipal Corporations of Tulkarm and •• Tel Aviv, respectively, for Public Purposes - - - !-1561 Notice of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Land in En Nabi Yusha', Harrawi and Qadas Villages, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance , - - - 1562 Order under the Animal Diseases Ordinance, 1945, declaring certain Localities in the Sub- District of Haifa to be Infected Areas on account of the Existence of Foot-and-Mouth ־ - - . - Disease in Kefar 'Atta and Hadera - 1563 Notice under the Rabies Ordinance, 1934, declaring certain Localities to be Infected with Rabies - - - • ' ' - — ' - 1563 27th December, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. J463. 1473 »— — OFFICIAL COMMUNIQUE No. 31.

It is now possible, to publish the membership pf 3 out of the 4 committees of enquiry men­ tioned in paragraph 3 of Official Communique No. 31, in accordance with the undertaking given in paragraph 4 of that communique. (i) The membership of the committee to enquire into the various elements which constitute the present high cost of housebuilding in the Arab areas of Palestine is: Chairman-. C, Wilson Brown Esq., C.B.E., M.C., Controller of Heavy Industries Members: Mustapha Eff. Abouzeid nominated by Riad Building Co. Ltd., Jaffa. Selim Eff. Abu Souan nominated by Arab Master Builders' Associ- ׳' . •' .ation . Sadiq Eff. As'ad nominated by National Chamber of Commerce, •, . ' Jaffa. , ' . •. Muti Eff. Dajani nominated by Arab Engineers and Surveyors Association, Jaffa. Ahmad Eff. Fares nominated by Palestine Arab Workers' Society Haifa. Jawad Eff, Abul-Huda El-Faruki Private architect. Emile Eff. Ferjan nominated by Arab Chamber of Commerce, . , Haifa. Nicola Eff. Halaby Public Works Department. Daoud Eff. Fitiani nominated by Umma Bank, . Jawdat Eff. Habib nominated by The Arab Bank Ltd. Tewfiq Eff. Manassah nominated by Arab Architects and Engineers Association, Haifa. Ahmad Eff. Murad nominated by Arab Trade Union Congress, . , Jaffa. Ali Eff. Mustakim nominated by Arab Landlords Society, Jaffa, Fuad Eff. Muhyiddin El Nasha- nominated by Arab Chamber of Commerce, shibi Jerusalem. Raja Eff. Rais - nominated by Arab Landlords / Association, ,•)׳.. .Haifa. ' .•׳.׳.- • Suleiman Eff. Tannous nominated by Arab Landlords Association, , Jerusalem. Daoud Eff. Tleel nominated by Association of Arab Engineers and Architects, Jerusalem. - v (ii) The membership of the committee to examine the reasons for the reluctance of private enterprise to build houses is: Chairman: R. E. H. Crosbie Esq.,CM.G., O.B:E., Chairman, War.Economic Advisory Council. Members: Basim Eff. Faris Muhammad Eff. Yunis Al Hussein! Dr. S. Lustig .. Mr. J. M. Tocatly. (iii) The membership of the committee to examine the types, sizes and sites of a specimen selection of dwelling houses erected since the 1st January, 1945 is: Chairman: Mr. H. Kendall, Town Planning Adviser Members: Mr. W. H. Chinn, Director of Social Welfare . Mr. A. H. Couzens, Deputy Director, Department of Labour Mr. Ben Dor . Jalil Eff. Ijha. 2. The• membership of the committee to enquire into the various elements which constitute the present high cost of housebuilding in the Jewish areas of Palestine is not yet complete, but will be published as soon as all replies have been received. . * ־ .׳־...'״ .19th December, 1945 (SF/213/45)

y : ׳- ־ , .NOTICE ~~ IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIEI). FOR GENERAL INFORMATION that His< Honour the Chief Justice, in exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 14(4)(6) of the Courts Ordinance, 1940, has appointed the following Magistrate and Registrars to act as Judges of the District Courts:— Hassan Eff. Katib, Magistrate, 19th.20th December, 1945. Elias Eff. Khoury, Registrar, 19th.20th December, 1945. , Wadi' Eff. Salameh, Registrar, 2nd-31st January, 1946. 21st December, 1945. ' MERVYN J. B. MOEGAN .Acting Chief Registrar < ׳ (Gaz/5/40)


IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED for thé information of the public that the Court of Criminal Assize will during the year 1946 open its sessions in the following towns oti the dates shown below: — Jaffa and Haifa — 7th January 1 Jerusalem and Nablus — 21st January Jaffa and Haifa — 1st April ' Jerusalem and Nablus— 15th April 1474 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1463. 27th December, 1945

Jaffa and Haifa — 1st July Jerusalem and Nablus — 15th July Jaffa and Haifa — 7th October Jerusalem and Nablus — 14th October.

MEEVYN J. E. MOEGAN (Gaz/5/40) Acting Chief Registrar.

APPOINTMENTS, ETC. Gazette No. 1439 of the 13th September, 1£45, APPOINTMENTS. ceased with effect from the 20th December, 1945.

The High Commissioner has appointed: — The acting appointment of MR. A. Y. GOOR, M.B.E., Assistant Conservator of Forests, as MR. R. STUBBS, to be Senior Assistant Pub­ Conservator of Forests, published in Palestine lic' Information Officer, with effect from the Gazette No. 1437 of the 6th September, 1845, 23rd October, 1945. ceased with effect from the 19th November, 1945.

MR. C. E. COUSINS, Inspector, Department The acting appointment of MR. J. GAVISON, of Labour, to be Chief Inspector, with effect Deputy Administrator General, as Administra­ from the 1st April, 1945. tor General, published in Palestine Gazette No. 1456 of the 22nd November, 1945, ceased, with MR. J. B. BAGNALL, Deputy Chief Censor, effect from the 24th December, 1945. Palestine Censorship, to be Assistant Con­ troller of Heavy Industries, with effect from The acting appointment of DR. K. S. KRIKO- the 20fch December, 1945. RIAN, Senior Medical Officer (Endemic Dis­ eases), Department of Health, a Deputy Di­ MR. J. PINHASSOWITZ, to be Temporary As­ s rector of Medical Services (Laboratories), pub­ sistant Government Advocate, Legal Depart­ lished in Palestine Gazette No. 1446 of the 18th ment, with effect from the 1st December, 1945. October, 1945, ceased with effect from the 20th December, 1945.

MR. R. C. H. GREIG, Deputy District Com­ The acting appointment of MR. G. R. P. missioner, ' District Administration, Lydda WITTS, Assistant Sanitary Engineer, Depart­ District, to act as District Commissioner, with ment of Health, as Sanitary Engineer, pub­ effect from the 20th December, 1945, until fur­ lished in Palestine Gazette No. 1425 of the 19fch ther order. July, 1945, ceased with effect from the 19th December, 1945. MR. R. STUBBS, Senior Assistant Public In­ formation Officer, to act as Public Information Officer, with effect from the 22nd December, 1945, until further order. TERMINATION OF SECONDMENT.

MR. P. H. JOLLES, Senior Plant Protection The secondment of MR. H. KANTROVITCH, Ad­ Officer, Department of Agriculture and Fish- ministrator General, to the Legal Department, erits, to act as Chief Plant Protection Officer, published in Palestine Gazette No. 14:6 of the in addition to his substantive duties, with 22 nd November, 1945, ceased with effect from effect from the 18th December, 1945, until fur­ the 24th December, 1945. ther order^ -

MR. G. N. KAWAR, Manager, Purchase and TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENT. Distribution Section, Office of the Controller of Medical Supplies, to act as Controller of The appointment of MR. A. B. WATSON, As­ Medical Supplies, with effect from the 19th sistant Director of War Production, terminated December, 1945, until further order. with effect from the 19th March, 1945.

The High Commissioner has approved the appointment of : — NOTICE.

SHEIKH MOHAMMAD TEWFIQ EFF. AL TIBI, RENEWAL OF LAND VALUERS' LICENCES. Member, Sharia Court of Appeal, Sharia The undermentioned licences to practise as Courts, to be President, Sharia Court of Ap­ land valuers in Palestine under the Land peal, with effect from the 1st January, 1946. Valuers Ordinance are hereby renewed for a — : DI, Sha­ further period of five years״SHEIKH ABDULLAH EFF. GHOSHEH, Q ria Courts, to be Member, Sharia Court of Renewed ׳ • T Licence . ,, r • Appeal, with effect from the 1st January, 1946, 1^ Name mTown Licence expires on SHEIKH ABDUL HAMTD EFF. ES SAYEH, QADI, Sharia Courts, to be Member, Sharia Court of 69 Mr. Husam Mus- Jerusalem 22.12.1950 Appeal, .with effect from the 1st January, 1946. tafa El-Kheiry

70 ' Mr. Raafat El Gaza 26.12.1950 TERMINATION OF ACTING APPOINTMENTS. Borno 18th December, 1945. E. F. JAEDINE •'. The acting appointment of MR. I. Ll. PHIL­ Acting Director, Department of Land Settlement. LIPS, Acting Deputy District Commissioner, (Gaz/1/40) District Administration, Lvdda- District, a3 District Commissioner, published in Palestine 27th December, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1463. 1475


Govern• No. of Description Block l'à reel Area Term Location ment Property of Property No. No. D*. Mi share From

Sheikh Muwannis Land In whole 6640 22 26.750 1.2.46 31.1.47 ׳ GP/1/13 village and 23 (Part of)

The outbidding list will be open at the District Offices, Lydda, from 9 a.m. on Thursday, the 27th December, 1945, to 12 noon on Saturday, the 26th January, 1946, unless extended. ^ Particulars of the conditions of the tenancy can be obtained on application from the Dist­ rict Offices, Lydda Sub-District,

22nd December, 1945. ' E! P. JAEDINE (Gaz/1/40) Acting Director, Department of Land Settlement.

NOTICES. PALESTINE CUEEENCY BOAED. . DEPARTMENT OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS. Payment of the value of the following mutilated

.the persons named ־ currency notes has been !claimed by : : : .I • •׳ •' ־.-.־:' Any other person wishing to submit a claim in respect TELEGRAPH SERVICE WITH MALAYA. of these notes should communicate with the Currency Telegrams are now accepted to Kedah and Officer, Jerusalem. Perlis, Malaya, under the same conditions. as Number of Value telegrams addressed to Malaya. Note Name of Claimant 2. Further particulars may be obtained on application at all Post Offices which transact C109882 LP.l Officer i/c Accounts, E.F.I., E.352422/ Middle East Area (North• telegraph business. 500 Mils E. 987568 ern), Jerusalem. 19th December, 1945. F. 384474 LP.l Tawfiq Eff. Said Najjar, Nablus. II. ' Gerald Frank, 1st Lt., TELEGRAPH SERVICE TO PERSONNEL SERVING WITH P.324081 LP.l F.D., U.S. Army Fin• THE BRITISH ARMY OF THE RHINE (B.A.O.R.). E.471837 LP.l ance Officer, 1 Sharia el Wakla, Cairo. Telegrams of all classes are now accepted S.084504 LP.l Abu El-Nasr Bey: El-Mufty, addressed to personnel of the British Army of Treasurer, T.J. Govt., the Rhine (B.A.O.R.). on behalf of Mohamed 2. Particulars of the charges can be obtained Mahmud Abu el-Thiban, Jarash. on application at any Post Office which trans­ G.724730 LP.l Abdel Kadçr Eff. Abu Znl- acts telegraph business. icha, 'Ein Ghazal, Haifa 21st December, 1945. District. F.425688 LP.l Mr. Joseph Pinhas, c/o III. Barclays Bank (D. C. PRESS TELEGRAMS TO THE NETHERLAND & O.), Tel Aviv. / F.523876/ EAST INDIES. F.383416 500 Mils Mr. M. Malkieli, Eambam Press Telegrams are now accepted to the F.311678/ 500 Mils Street, Ea'anana. Netherland East Indies. F.512003 F.435223 500 Mils Miss Nehama Blass, Jem- 2. The rate per word is 91 mils. salpm. 21st December, 1945. H.215511 LP.l Mr. Asher Stern, Tel Aviv. 500 Mils Mahmoud j£fr. : El Sab- IV. D. 110408 bagh, Jerusalem. POSTAL SERVICE WITH ALBANIA. LP.l Mr. Albert Choumla, Tel T.141585 Aviv. It is notified for information that the Postal LP.5 Mrs. Chaya Langer, Tel Service with Albania has been restored. B.843655 Aviv. B.171146 LP.5 2. The service is restricted to ordinary and ] Sitt Sarah El Ilussein, K.925039 LP.l registered letters, letter packets, printed and r Maidal Village, Tiberiap P.9;î9186 commercial papers and samples up to a weight LP.l . Sub-District. E. 160126 of 2 kilogrammes. 500 Mils - 3. Letter packets containing dutiable articles 6th November, 1945. A. L. PETEES (Green Label system) are also admissible. (Gaz/14/40) Currency Officer. 4. Commercial and financial correspondence ADJUDICATION OF CONTRACT. must, at present, be limited to communications The contract for the supply of 1,400 blankets' ascertaining facts and exchanging information. to the Chairman, Resettlement Advisory Com• 5. The current rates of postage to foreign mittee, Jerusalem, has been awarded to Messrs. countries are applicable, viz:... 20 mils for art­ H. Spiegel Ltd., Tel Aviv, at £P. 1.598 per icles not exceeding 20 grammes and 13 mils for blanket. .grammes or part thereof. Period of contract is 4 weeks 20׳ each additional 21st December. 1945. V H. C. BIGGS (Gaz/64/42) Controller of Light Industries.: 27th December, 1945

ADJUDICATION OF CONTRACT. District Court of Haifa for an order declaring The contract for the supply of coal and wood the succession to Alteh widow of Nissan Shif ­said ap ׳ fuel during the period 1st January, 1946—30th of Tiberias, deceased, and that the June, 1946 has been awarded to Mr. M. Hou- { plication will be heard at Haifa on the 8th miner, Jerusalem, at the undermentioned clay of January, 1946, at 9 a.m. rates :,— . • | All. persons claiming any interest must ap­ £P.Mils j pear at the said place and time, otherwise .Coal per ton of 1000 kgs. 9.830 j such order will be made as to the Court seems • Wood per ton of 1000 kgs. 5.350 right.

District Court of Tel Aviv on the 7th day of All persons claiming any interest must ap­ pear at the said place and time, otherwise such ־ .January, ]946, at 9 a.m All persons claiming any interest must ap­ order will be made as to the Court seems right. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such Dated this 20th day of. December, 1945. order will be made as to the Court seems right. Z. HAEAKABI Dated this 20th day of December, 1945. j (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court. Tel Aviv. Z. HARAKABI ־

־Gaz/18/4()) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. X,) I IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. VII. I Probate No. .513/45. I In the matter of Shlomo (Solomon Sabetay) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. i Castro of Tel Aviv, deceased. Probate Case No. 509/45. I Petitioners: Sarra (Sarina) Castro, and In the matter of the succession to Mrs. Rahel ! Sabetay Solomon Castro, both of Tel Aviv, re- Gordon-Mevorakh of Tel Aviv, deceased. j presented by Dr. S. Koenigsberger, advocate, Petitioner: Moshe Mevorakh (Ostrovsky), I of 39, Ahad-Haam Street, Tel Aviv.: through his attorney I. Korn, advocate, of 15, Lilienblum Street, Tel Aviv. j Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Sarra (Sarina) Castro and Mr. Sabetay Solomon Let all persons take notice that Mr. "Moshe Castro have applied to the District Court of Mevorakh (Ostrovsky), through his attorney Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession I. Korn, advocate, has applied to the District to miri immovable property of Shlomo (Solo: Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the mon Sabetay) Castro of Tel Aviv* deceased, succession to Mrs. Rahel Gordon-Mevorakh of and that the said application will be heard on Tel Aviv, deceased, and that the said applica­ the 8th day of January, 1946, at 9 a.m. tion will be heard at the above Court on the All persons claiming any interest must ap­ 7th day of January, 1946, at 9 a.m. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such* All persons claiming any interest must ap­ order will be made as to the Court seems right. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such Dated this 21st day of December, 1945. order will be made as to the Court seems right. Z. HAEAKABI Dated this 20th day of December, 1945. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court,'• Tel Aviv, Z. HAEAKABI , (Gaz/18/40) :Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. XI. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV.• ;Succession File No. 514/45 .־ '•. .VIII -.־' •'־•;־••' : ' IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. In the matter of the succession to Mr. Abram Probate File No. 511/45. Sidranski of Tel Aviv, deceased. , In the matter of the succession to Walter Petitioner: Mrs. Chana Sidranski of Tel Israel of Tel Aviv, deceased. Aviv, represented by Mr. J. Reindorf, advocate, Petitioner: Dr. Max Israel of Tel Aviv, of 4, Beth Hashoeva Läne, Tel Aviv. through his attorney Dr. Y. Rosenberger, 103, Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Chana Allenby Road, Tel Aviv. Sidranski of Tel Aviv has applied to the Dis• Let "all persons take notice that Dr. Max trict Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring Israel of Tel Aviv has applied to the District the" succession to Abram Sidranski, daceased, Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the and that the said application will be heard at succession to Walter Israel, deceased, and that the District Court of Tel Aviv on the 7th day of January, 1946, at 9 a.m. the said application .will be heard at the Dis­ t trict Court of Tel Aviv on the 7th day of Jan­ All persons claiming any interest-must ap• uary, 1946, at 9 a.m. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such• . All persons claiming any interest must ap­ order will be made as to the Court seems right. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will.be made as to the Court seems right. Dated this 21st day of December, 1945. Dated this 20th day of December, 1945. Z. HAEAKABI ' > .Gaz/18/40) Registrar, •District Court, Tel Aviv) .־ Z. HAEAKABI (Gaz/18/40) , Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. XII. j IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. IX. I : Probate Case No. 516/45. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. j In the matter of the succession to leek Dawid Probate No. 512/45. ! Klajman of Tel Aviv, deceased. "In the matter of the succession to Eliezer i Petitioner: Abram Klajman of Tel Aviv, -late of Tel Aviv. through his attorney Mr, Akiva Persitz, Bar׳,Chapiro .at-Law, 103, Allenby Road, Tel Aviv־Petitioner: Yehuda Shapira of Tel Aviv, rister represented by I. Adereth, advocate of 26, Let all persons take notice that Abram Klaj­ Lilienblum Street, Tel Aviv. man of Tel Aviv has applied to the District Let all persons take notice that Yehuda Sha­ Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the pira has applied to the District Court of Tel succession to leek Dawid Klajman, deceased, Aviv for an order declaring the succession to and that the said application will be heard Eliezer Chapiro, late of Tel Aviv, deceased, at the District Court of Tel Aviv on the 7th and that the said application will be heard at day of January, 1946, at 9 a.m. the District Court of Tel Aviv on the 7th day All persons claiming any interest must ap>

of Januaryr 1946, at 9 a.m. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such 1478 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1463. 27th December, 1945

order will be made as to the Court seems right. CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF ADMINISTRATION. Dated this 21st day of December, 1945. I. ' ; IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HAIFA... Z. HARAKABI P.P. 152/45. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. -Zajtman (Seid ׳In the matter of Nahman XIII. man) of Kefar 'Atta, deceased. . IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Petitioner: Chaja Gitla Zajtman (Seid- .Proha'.e Case No. 520/45. man) of Kefar 'Atta, represented by Dr. A . '•־ Gross, advocate of Haifa, whose address for In the matter of the succession to Hirsh Gut- service is: 47, Kingsway, Haifa. mah Zacks and Fradel Zacks, late of Tashkent, U.S.S.R., deceased. In virtue of an order of the District Court of Haifa, bearing date this day, I do hereby Petitioner : Moshe Zacks of Tel Aviv. % cite all and all manner of persons to appear Let all persons take notice that Moshe Zacks in the said Court in ten days from the date has applied to the District Court of Tel Aviv of publication hereof, and show cause, if any for an order declaring the succsssion to Hirsh they have, why an order of administration of Gutman Zacks and Fradel Zacks, late of Tash­ all and singular the movable property, rights, kent, TJ.S.S.R., deceased, and that the said ap­ credits and mulk immovable property and miri plication will be heard at the above Court on immovable property of Nahman Zajtman the 7th day of January, 1946, at 9 a.m. (Seidman), deceased, should not be granted All persons claiming any interest must ap­ unto Mrs. Chaja Gitla Zajtman (Seidman), pear at the said place and time, otherwise such as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed order will be made as to the Court seems right. to grant the same accordingly. Dated this 21st day of December, 1945. Dated this 17th day of December, 1945. Z. HARAKABI D. H. YOUSEF .Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, District Court, Haifa ־ (Gaz/18/40) II. ־ .XIV IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HAIFA, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. A dm. No. 162/45. File No. 523/45. In the matter of Elijahu (Aholiav) Elisha In the matter of Ruda Pioterkowski, deceased. of Kefar Tabor, deceased. Petitioner : Pinkas Pioterkowski, through In virtue of an order of the District Court his attorney A. Lin, advocate, whose address of Haifa, bearing date this day, I do hereby for service is: 12, Rothschild Boulevard, Tel cite all and all manner of persons to appear Aviv. ' in the said Court in ten days from the date Let all persons take notice that the above of publication hereof, and show cause, if any petitioner has applied to thé District Court they have, why an order of administration of of Tel Aviv for. an order declaring the succes• all and singular the movable property, rights sion to Mrs. Ruda Pioterkowski, deceased, and and credits of Elijahu (Aholiav) Elisha should that the said application .will be heard at the not be granted unto Emma Elisha,, as, in de­ District Court of Tel Aviv on the 7th day of fault thereof, the Court will proceed to grant J an nary, 19.6, at 9 a.m. the same accordingly. All persons claiming any interest must ap• Dated this 17th day of December, 1945: pear at the said place and time, otherwise such . D. H. YOUSEF order will be made as to the Court seems right. (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, District Court, Haifa. Dated this 21st day of December, 1945. III. .Z. HARAKABI IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV • ־. • (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Probate File No. 485/45. In the matter of Malka Yerushevsky of Nes- : : • .XV. ' Ziona, deceased .• • ־ ׳ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JAFFA. In virtue of an.order of the District Court Estate Case No. 31 /'45. of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby In the matter of the succession to the late cite all manner of persons to appear in the Henri Baldensperger of Artasse, deceased. said Court in ten days from the date of public­ Petitioner : Emile Frederic Baldensperger ation hereof, and show cause, if any they have, of Jaffa. why an order of administration of all and singular the movable property, rights, credits Let. all persons take notice that Emile Fre­ and miri immovable property of Malka Yeru­ deric Baldensperger of Jaffa, son of the above shevsky should not be granted unto Mr. Abra­ deceased, has applied to the District Court of ham Lefkovitz, as, in default thereof, the Court Jaffa for an order declaring the succession to will proceed to grant the same accordingly. the late Henri Baldensperger, late of Artasse village, and that the said application will be Dated this 13th day of December, 1945.. heard at the District Court of Jaffa On Thurs­ Z. HARAKABI day, the 31st day of January, 1946, at 9 a.m. (Gaz/18/40) ' Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv.

All persons claiming any interest must ap­ IV. pear at the said place and time, otherwise IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. such order will be made as to the Court seems Probate No. 486/45. right. In the matter of Mordechy Goldshmidt, ,׳'.•׳ . i׳ .Dated this 15th day of December, 1945. deceased , W. SALAMEH In virtue of an order of the District Court (Gaz/32/40) Registrar, District Court, Jaffa. of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby 27th December, J945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1,463. 1479

cite all and all manner of persons to appear cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court in ten days from the *date of in the said Court in ten days from 1the date of publication hereof, and show cause, if any they publication hereof, and show cause, if any thay: have, why an order-of administration of all have, why an order of administration of all and singular the movable property, rights and and singular miri immovable property, mov­ credits of the late Mordechy Goldshmidt should able property, rights and credits of Mrs. Zi­ not be granted unto Mrs. Yehudit Goldshmidt, pora Guinsburg, deceased, should not be gran­ as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed ted unto Mr. Meidad Schiff, as, in default to grant the same accordingly. thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly. .Dated this 5th day of December, 1945 ^ ׳ Z. HAEAKABI Dated this 13th day of December, 1945. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Z. HAEAKABI (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Apiv. ' 'V.. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. VIII. . Probate File 487/45, , IN THE DISTRICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. .Estate 506/1945 ־ . In the matter of Yehoshua^ known also as Owsha Yampolsky of Rishon le Zion, deceased, In the matter of Chaia (Clara) Lapko of and Petah Tiqva, deceased. In the matter of the application submitted Petitioners: Pesia Rosenberg and Malka by Mrs. Pnina Yampolsky through her attor­ Shapiro, represented by P. Dikshtein and Issac ney Y. Korn, advocate, of 15, Lilienblum I. Orren, advocates, Tel Aviv. ,Street, Tel Aviv. . • In virtue of an order of the District• Court • In virtue of an order of the District Court of Tel Aviv, bearing this day, I do hereby of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do here­ cite all and all manner, of pensions to appear by cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the said Court of Tel Aviv in ten days from in the said Court in ten days from the date the date of publication hereof, and show cause, of publication hereof, and show cause, if any if any they have, why an order of administra­ they have, why an order, of administration of tion of all and singular the movable property, all and singular the movable property, rights rights, credit, and mulk immovable property jtnd credits of Yehoshua known also as Owsha and miri immovable property of Chaia (Clara) Yampolsky should not be granted unto Mrs. Lapko, deceased, should not be granted unto Phina* Yampolsky, as, in default thereof, the Pesja Rosenberg and Malka Shapiro, as, in Court will proceed to grant the same accord. default thereof, the .Court will proceed to ingly% . grant the same accordingly. Dated this 13th day of December, 1945. Dated this 20th day of December, 1945. Z. HAEAKABI , ־!.'•: Z. HARAKABI (Gaz/18/40) Registrar; District Court, Tel Aviv. (Gaz/18/40) . Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv.' . .IX ־ ־'•: • .VI . IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. IN THE DISTRICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. • Prob. case No. 497/45. Prob. File No. 515/45. In the matter of Philip Latzky of Soli­ In the matter of Simha Barashevsky of Ri­ kamsk, Russia, deceased. shon le Zion, deceased. , Petitioner: Alexander Latzky of Kefar Net- .Petitioner: Mrs. Zipora Barashevsky' of ter, represented by I. Gornitzky, A. Polonsky, Rishon le Zion. R. Nohimovsky, E. J. Gornitzky and U. Gor­ nitzky, advocates, of 13, Ahad-Haam Street, * In virtue of an order of the District Court Bank Chambers, Tel Aviv. of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear In virtue of an order of the District Court in the said Court in ten days from the date of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby of publication hereof, and show cause, if any cite all and all manner of persons to appear they have, why an order of administration of in the said Court in ten days from-the date of all and singular rights and credits of Simha publication hereof, and show cause, if any they , have, why an order of administration of the Barashevsky, deceased, should not be granted rights and credits of Philip Latzky,. deceased, unto Mrs. Zipora Barashevsky, as, !in default should not be granted unto Alexander Latzky, thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the ׳ .as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed same accordingly to grant the same accordingly. Dated this 21st day of December, 1945. Z. HARAKABI ־ • .Dated this 13th day of December, 1945 (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Z. HARAKABI (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. . • • X. VII. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JAFFA. . ." IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Estate No. 30/45. Probate File No. 500/45. In the matter of Shimon Meir Lazarovitz, ־•־•־." ׳ • .In the matter of Zipora Guinsburg alias deceased Tsippa Ginzburg, deceased. Petitioners: Rabbi Abraham H. Zwebner and Petitioner: Mrs. Hassia Schiff, represented Eugen Mayer, represented by Messrs.'I. Nishry by H. Makoff, advocate, 18, Rothschild Boule­ and L. Feller, advocates, "Zion" Hall Build­ vard, Tel Aviv. * ing, Jerusalem. In virtue of an order of the District Court In virtue of an order of the District Court of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby of Jaffa,, bearing date this day, I do. hereby. 1480 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1463. 27th December, 1945 cite all and all manner of persons to appear of the minors Brakha and Dina, children of in the said Court in ten days from the date the late Moshe Shif of Tiberias, deceased. "of: publication hereof, and show cause, if any Petitioner: Mordehay Weinberg and Genia they have, why an order of administration of Shif, married Weinberg, both of Tiberias. all and singular the movable property, rights, credits and mulk immovable property and miri In virtue of an order of the District Court of Haifa, bearing date this day, I do hereby immovable property of Shimon Meir Lazaro- cite all and all manner of persons to appear vitz should not be granted unto Rabbi Abra• in the said Court on the 6th day of January, ham H. Zwebner and Dr. Eugen Mayer, as, in 1946, at 9 a.m., and show cause, if any they default thereof, the Court will proceed to have, why an order appointing Mordehay grant the same accordingly. Weinberg of Tiberias as guardian over the Dated this 10th day of December, 1945. persons and property of the minors Brakha W. SALAMEH and Dina, children of the late Moshe Shif, (Gaz/32/40) Registrar, District Court, Jaffa. of Tiberias, deceased, should not be made, as, in default thereof, such order will be made as CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. to the Court seems right. I. Dated this 11th day of December, 1945. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JERUSALEM. D. H. YOUSEF Guardianship (Appl.) No. 231/45. (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, District Court, Haifa. In the matter of the appointment of a guard• ian over Shoshana, Esther, Zviah, David, IV. Ziona, Naomi and Benjamin Gamliel, minor children of Abraham Gamliel (also known as IN THE "DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Abraham Haim Gamliel) of New-Beth-Israel File No. 422/45. Quarter, Jerusalem, deceased. In the matter of appointment of a guard• Petitioner : Rahel Gamliel, née Maabari, ian over the minor Moshe Yehudah Weintraub through Dr. Joseph Lipkin, advocate, 1, Ben- of Tel Aviv. Yehuda Street, Jerusalem. Petitioner: Shlomoh Weintraub of 44, Bal• four Street, Tel Aviv, through his attorney; In virtue of an order of the District Court S. M. Kowler, advocate, 25, Yavneh Street, of Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do here• Tel Aviv. by cite all and all manner of persons to ap• pear in the said Court in ten days from the In virtue of an order of the District Court date of publication hereof, and show cause, if of Tel Aviv, bearing the date of to day, I do any they have, why an order appointing Mrs. hereby cite all and all manner of persons to Rahel Gamliel, née Maabari, guardian over appear in the District Court of Tel Aviv the persons and property of Shoshana, Esther, within ten days from the date of publication Zviah, David, Ziona, Naomi and Benjamin hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why Gamliel, minor children of Mr. Abraham an order should not be issued appointing Gamliel, deceased, should not be made, as, in Shlomoh Weintraub of Tel Aviv guardian over default thereof, such order will be made as the abovementioned minor, as, in default to the Court seems right. thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the Dated this 21st day of December, 1945. same accordingly. E. S. KHOURY Dated this 14th day of December, 1945. (Gaz/39/40) Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. Z. HARAKABI II. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JERUSALEM. Guard. (Appl.) No. 235/45. V. In the matter of the appointment of a guard• IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. ian over Shulamith Herlinger,' minor. Prob. Case No. 490/45. Petitioner : Sara Herlinger, mother of the In the matter of the appointment of guard• above minor, of 40, Josephus Street, Kerem ians over the minor Penina Goldenberg. Quarter, Jerusalem. Petitioner: Chaim Katznelson, advocate, In virtue of an order of the District through his representatives E. Olshansky, M. Court of Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I Egulsky and M. Handelsman, advocates, whose do hereby cite all and all manner of persons address for service is: Municipal Offices, Tel to appear in the said Court within ten days Aviv. from the date of publication hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why an order appoint• In virtue of an order of the District Court ing Mrs. Sara Herlinger as guardian over the of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby minor Shulamith Herlinger should not be cite all and all manner of persons to appear given, as, in default thereof, the Court will in the said Court within ten days from the proceed to grant the same accordingly. date of publication hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why an order should not be Dated this 21st day of December, 1945. issued appointing Mr. Hertz Goldenberg and E. S. KHOURY Mrs. Shoshana Taitel guardians over the above- (Gaz/39/40) Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. mentioned minor, as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accord• III. ingly. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HAIFA. Dated this 13th day of December, 1945. Civil Case 230/45. In the matter of the appointment of a guard• Z. HARAKABI ian over the person and the property of each (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. 27th December, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1463.

VI. ., • • ' IX. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Probate No. 496/45. Pr. 507/45. In the matter of the appointment of a guard­ In the matter of Rafael Lerer, minor. ian over Miriam Meira Belkind, minor. Petitioner: Berta Lerer, represented by E. Petitioner: Mrs. Sara Laja (alias Sarah Lea) Livay, G. Minkowitch and B. Rapoport, ad­ Belkind of Rishon le Zidn. vocates of Tel Aviv. -' In virtue of an order of the District Court ^;r\In virtue of an order of the District Court of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby k •\Tcl Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear j h all and all manner of persons to appear׳ $ iu this Court within ten days from the date i%fc,fee District Court of Tel Aviv within ten'׳| of publication hereof, and show cause, if any *5"fc '1 }-from publication hereof, and show cause, they have, why Mrs. Berta Lerer of Tel Aviv fffj^^fei they have, why an order appointing should not be appointed guardian oyer the I t^fehai Eelkind and Miss Meira Belkind above minor, as,, in default thereof, the Court jl*•JLitioner joint guardians over the persons will proceed to grant the same accordingly. * i!li^'^M^per.ty of the said minor Miriam Meira I'ljlfcind, daughter of the late Meir Belkind, Dated this £0th day of December, 1945. p<>iould not be given, as, in default thereof, the Z. HARAKABI r .t will proceed to grant the same accord- (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv ' .~^־"-7

־ • ,^^V^OTII ingly. a CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF ADOPTION. ׳ .Dated^1*13 •13^ y of December, 1945.' ." I < Z. HARAKABI IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JERUSALEM. Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. (Gaz/18/40), Adoption (A-ppl.) No. 230/45. In the matter of the application for adop­ \ VII. tion of the minor Joav Fan, submitted by Rosa STRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Giazberg and Rachel Ossorguine, advocates, IN THE DTN Probate No. 498/45. Jerusalem, attorneys for applicants.

f the minors Zeav an Shula In virtue of .an order of the District Court ־ *> ^In the matter of Jerusalem, b :aring date this day* I do hereby mij£.Jj©i£er7 ~^ cite all and all manner of persons to appear In virtue of an\order of the District Court in the said Court in fifteen days from the date of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby of publication hereof, and show cause, -if any cite all and all màniler of persons-to appear they have, why an order approving the adop­ in the said Court & ten days from the date tion of the minor Joav Fan, as asked therein, of publication hereof and show cause, if any should not be granted by the Court, as, 'n der of guardianship over default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant־they have, ^hy an or .׳•••־׳' .the person and property of the said minors the same accordingly should not be granted unto Mrs. Rivka Loifer Dated this 14th day of December, 1945. and Mr. Zvy BregmànKas^.^default thereof, . . ־ 'thé Court will proceed to granite same ac• E. S. KHOURY cordingly. \ (Gaz/39/40) Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. Dated this 13th day of December, 1^,45. II. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Z. HARAKABI \ A doption (Appliedtion) No. 481 /45. (Gaz/18/10) 1+ Registrar, District Court, Tel 4*^• In the matter of the application for adop­ tion of the minor Simä Kaller, submitted by VIII. Harry B. Laüner, advocate, Tel Aviv, attorney for the applicants. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Prcbate File No. 503/45. S£rr virtue of an order of the District Court In the matter of the appointment of a guard• of TeP^viv, dated this day,. I do hereby, cite all ian of the minors Yiga'al Kolbovsky, Sara and all vthanner of persons to appear in the Kolbovsky and Yael Kolbovsky. said Court in ten days frcm the_ djite..oj'the ' caüser'if any׳^publication hereof, and shj ^[PetitiQjjer: Mrs. Yona (Yenta) Kolbovsky, wh an ­appr0ving the adop׳-^they have, Y orde ^presented by Messrs. O. Rotenstreich and H. tion of the minor Skna Kaller, as asked there­ in, should nPjWäe granted by the'Court, as, in - ־ .V'prin, advocates, Tel Aviv

J default ther&pf, the Court will proceed to ,the District ,Court־ in virtuo of an order of <־־ grant, the samb accordingly. - ny they (Gaz/18/40 have, why an order appointing Mrs. Yona (Yenta) Kolbovsky as guardian over the person CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF ' PROBAT?!. and property of the minors Yicra'al Kolbovskv, I. - Sara Kolbovsky and Yael Kolbovsky should IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JERUSALEM. not be made, as, in default thereof, such order Probate (Appl.) No. 233/45. will be made as to the Court seems right. In the matter of the will of Mordechai alias Dated this 14th day of December, 1945. Marcus Palant, alias Polant, deceased. Z. HARAKABI In virtue of an order of the District Court (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. of Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do here- .1482' THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1463. 27th December, i;*4f>

by cite all and all manner of persons to ap• Nasri Samara of Jaffa, named therein,'as in pear in the said Court in ten days from the default thereof, the Court will proceed to'grant• date of publication hereof, and show cause, if the same accordingly. any they have, why the last will and codicil of Dated this 14th day of December, 1945. Mordcchai alias Marcus Palant, alias Polant, deceased, should not be proved, approved and W. SALAÀI-EII registered, and probate thereof granted to (Gaz/32/40) Registrar, District Court. Jaffa. Malka Troche née Palant, as, in default there• of, the Court will proceed to grant the same CITATION FOR AN ORDER OF PROBATE AND accordingly. - ADMINISTRATION WITH' THE WILL AysmxKir Dated this 21st day of December, 1945. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV; B. S. KHOURY Probate No. 48f (Gaz/39/40) Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. In the matter of the will of Georg if land, late of Berlin, deceased. ,J II. Petitioner: Dr. Fritz Schindler of T{ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JERUSALEM. represented by his attorneys Dr. M. ft . Probate (Appl.) No. 234/45. F. Rosenblueth, II.. Krongold, I. Ear\'^ In the matter of the will of Frideh Palant E. Elhanani. Dr. W. Goldberg and M. G\ alias Polant, deceased. advocates of 14, Rothschild Boulevard, 'JX In virtue of an order of the-District Court Aviv. - _ " v of Jerusalem, bearing date this "day, I do here• In virtue of an order of the Distrk• by cite all and all manner of persons to ap• of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I £0 ,JCS pear in the said Court in ten days from*the cite all arid all manner of persons * 1 date of publication hereof, and show cause, if PP e r in the said Court in ten days f rotf, °t* j * • any they have, why the last will of Frideh x e of publication hereof, and •show cam ? Palant alias Polant, deceased, should not be f they have, why the last will of G g proved, approved and registered, and probate ^J land, deceased should not be P^ed, approved thereof granted to Malka Troche née Palant, and registered, and letters of ^ } ^ as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed m ni ation with will annexed of all the rigjfc edit to grant the same accordingly. fl and er s m Palestine of Georg HaberJ^j deceasedi ־Scriind־'*Dated this 21st day of December, 1945. should not be granted unto -Fjd.tz

as, in־־־^E. S/KHOURY ler and Mr. Conrad Waltej. GcrsteT -:

(Gaz/39/40) ' . Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. default thereof, such order be made as to . the Court seems right. , III. Dated this 21st day of December, 1945. " IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Probate Case No. 502/45. 2•HARAKABI (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, %trici Court, Tel At>w. In the matter of the will of Louis Reingen- heim of Tel Aviv, deceased. EXECUTION NOTICES. ^ Petitioner:. Alfred Oster, advocate, of 20, Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv. V: THE J>rgTRICTrCOURT OF TEL AVTV. : In virtue of an order of the District Court .Execution File No. 1936/44 "׳׳• of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to appear Tipim NOTIFICATION OF SALE OF IMMOVABLE in this Court within ten days from the date "PROPERTY. of publication hereof, and show cause, if any Th/e property described hereto Ben-Ziyon they have, why the last will of Mr. Louis Rein_ I^chimovitz,the mortgagor, is offered for sale genheim, deceased, should not be proved, ap• }-ft satisfaction of a mortgage-debt of £P.1,200.— proved and registered, and Mr. A. Oster, ad• .together with interest and costs owing to Mr. vocate, appointed sole executor of the will of Zvi Bitan, the mortgagee, through his attor­ the deceased, as, in default thereof, the Coupf neys B. Goldman and L. Z. Youdelevitz, ad­ will proceed to grant the same accordingly^" vocates. The sale Willbe held at the Execu­ Dated this 14th day of December, 19,45, tion Office, Tel Aviv, during 30 days from the- ­jr date of publication hereof. Bids will be ac־x , Z.HARAKA־j• ׳ . (Gaz/18/40) ^Registrar, District Cot!:^ ; ; cepted on every Tuesday, between the- hour 7V Aviv 10 a.m. and 12 noon after payment of 10% ivN~,.. the value of the property. IN THE DISTRICT COURT S-)V JAFFA. THE PROPERTY. Probate Cjâ No. 29/45. Se 1. Locality: Sarafand Al Charab in truXV. PROBATE JURISDICTION. neighbourhood of' Rishon le Zion. In the matter of the Succession Ordinance, 2. Class of property: Miri. and ; . ^ 3. Shares: In whole. > In the• matter of probate of ;the will of the 4. Particulars of registration: Parcel No. 47 .Shaàëa of Jaffa. in Block 3631־-׳^late ZakiJFAi 5. Area: 13.800 dunums. In virtue of an order of the District Court 6. Description: A citrus grove in' good con­ of Jaffa, bearing date this day, I hereby cite dition, about 10-12 years old, planted with, all manner of. persons to appear in the said oranges, 2/3 of which are grafted on sweet Court in twenty days from the date of public, lemon. Trees are planted at distances of-4x4 ation hereof, and show cause, if any they have, metres. Irrigation from a neighbouring well why the last will of Zaki Elias Saadeh, de• through an iron pipe of 6" diametres, ap­ ceased, should not be proved, approved and proximately 50 metres long and a packing registered, and probate thereof granted to Mr. house of concrete of 8x5 metres. 27th December, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1463. 1483

!.Boundaries: Settled area. 2. Weekly Report of Infectious Diseases in Palestine; 8. Value assessed: £P.1,500..—. reported in accordance with the International Sanitary .Convention, Article 1 .־-.Price offered: ,£P.1,380 .9׳ Z, HARAKABI NIL Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv.


The property described below of Rivka Ben Date of Arieh, the mortgage-debtor^ is offered for bale Name of Society Winding Up in satisfaction of a mortgage-debt of £P.2,000.— Order together with interest, costs and advocate's fees to Mr. Ben Manfield represented by Dr. 1. "Avihayir Aguda Haklait Kla. 0. Rotenstreich, advocate, of 13a, Ahad Ha. lit Shetufit Limited 3.7.1936 am Street, Tel Aviv. 2. Rifta Maafiya Cooperative shel Poalim Datiyim be Tel Aviv Lim­ The sale will be held at the Execution Office, ited 21.11.1940 Tel Aviv, during 30 days from the date of publication thereof. Bids will be accepted on 3. Kupat Milve Vehisachon Shetu­ every Tuesday, between the hours of 10 a.m. fit shel Haovdim be Kfar Avi- and 12 noon, after depositing 10% of the value Hayil Limited 19.12.1940 ­Beer Haklait" Aguda Shetu" .4 -,._׳־׳־ .of the property fit Limited 22. 5.194J ׳ SCHEDULE. 5. Kupat Milve Vehisachon Amamit ׳ ,•״'.'.; 1. Locality: 7, Shapiro Street, Petah Tiqva. Aguda Shetufit Limited 21. 4.1944 2. Class of Property: Miri, building site. 6. Hadarei Hashomron Aguda She­ 3. Particulars of registration: Block 6382, tufit Leshivuk Pri Hadar Ba "parcel 65. ArezUva-Arazot Hashkhenot Lim­ 4. Area : 636 square metres. ited 6. 3.1945;" ?*,Boundaries: Settled area. And whereas the winding up of the said so­ 6. Shares: In whole. cieties has been completed; 7. .Description: A plot of land and thereon Notice is hereby given that the registration a building comprising three rooms, corridor, of the societies is cancelled. kitchen, bathroom and water closst. Around the building, there are several ornamental and 3rd December, 1945. %W. L. RICKETTS fruit trees and three banana trees and a wire (Gaz/2/40) Registrar of Cooperative Societies. ־ .net fence 8. Value assessed : £P.2,000.—. COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ORDINANCE. Z. HARAKABI ORDER OF LIQUIDATION AND NOTICE Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. TO CREDITORS.• QUARANTINE AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES In accordance with the powers vested in me SUMMARY. under sections 46 and 48 of the above Ordin­ • Summary for week ending 22nd December, 1945. ance, I hereby order that Consumers Coope­ 1. Quarantine Restrictions. rative Society of the Jaffa Tel Aviv Censor The following restrictions are at present in force: — ship Limited shall be wound-up. and appoint Jakob Tenenbaum of 3, Idelson Street, Tel Date Against Port restrictions Aviv, as liquidator. enforced Pursuant to paragraph 11(a) of the Coope­ rative Societies Regulations, 1934, notice is Plague Arrivals from Suez by air, hereby given that all claims against the so­ land anil sea routes 17.2.45 ciety must be submitted to the liquidator Plague Arrivals from Port Said by air, sea and land routes 18.2.45 within one month of the publication of this Plague Arrivals from I&'inailia by notice. air, sea arid land routes 4.5.45 16th December, 1945. W.' L. RICKETTS Plague Arrivals from Malta by air (Gaz/2/40) Registrar of Cooperative Societies. and sea routes 9.7.45 (Arrivals fromTarento (Italy ׳ Plague by sea arid air routes 24.9.45 COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ORDINANCE. Arrivals from Algiers by Plague ORDER OF LIQUIDATION AND NOTICE land, sea and air routes 9.8.45 TO CREDITORS. Cholera Arrivals from Calcutta by air routes 9.9.36 In accordance with the powers vested in me Cholera Arrivals from Cawnpore by under sections 46 and 48 of the above Ordin­ air routes 16.7.45 ance, I hereby order that Jamiyyat Sayd AI Cholera Arrivals from Delhi by air routes 30.7.45 Asmak At-Ta'awuniyya Al 'Arabiyya bi Yafa ­Mas'ouliyya shall be wound־Al-Mahdoudat Al Cholera Arrivals from Trincomalee (Ceylon) by sea and air up and appoint Saleh Tawfic Hussayni, Gov­ routes 22.10.45 ernment Officer, of the Department of Cooper­ Smallpox Arrivals from Calcutta by ative Societies, Jerusalem, as liquidator. air routes 19.2.38 Pursiiant to. paragraph 11(«). of the Cooper­ Smallpox Arrivals from Bombay by air routes 9.9.40 ative , Societies Regulations, 1934, notice is hereby given that all claims against the society 1484 GAZETTE No. • 1463,, 27th December, 1945

must be submitted to the liquidator within one 3. Names of partners authorised to administer month of the publication of this notice. the partnership and to sign for it. 16th December, 1945. W. L. RICKETTS 4. Date of commencement and termination., 5. Object. (Gaz/2/10) Registrar of Cooperative Societies. 1. Isidor Haim Friedman, 22, Dov Hoz Street, BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. Tel Aviv. Suzana Isidor Friedman, 22, Dov ORDER OF APPROVAL OF COMPOSITION AND Hoz Street, T.l Aviv. . ••[>.'-' ׳ .APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE., 2. "Atlantic" !:Friedman and Co 3. Both partners jointly and severally. Debtor's Name: Zvi Persitz. 4 From the 30th September, 1945, for an un­ -Address: 26, Hisin Street, Tel Aviv. limited period; any partner may demand the ׳ ' .Description: Merchant dissolution of the partnership by a six months' Court: District Court of Tel Aviv. notice in writing addressed to the other Number of Matter: 196/45. ׳ . , .partner Date of Order approving Composition: 22nd , 5. Trade and industry, import and export, November, 1945. commission and commercial representation . of Nature of Composition sanctioned: 47«*-% of any kind. . (File No. 7183). allprovable debts excluding interest promis­ ed, as follows: 27J% in cash within 30 days, 1. Abraham Hankine, Hadera. Shr'aga Frank, . 10% within six months and 10% within 12 Hadera. months from the approval of the composition 2. Abraham Hankine and Shraga Frank. by the Court. 3 Both partners jointly. Trustee's Name, Description and Address: 4. From the 1st November, 1945, for a period Mr. Benzion Barkai, Advocate, 73, Nahalat of nine years. Biiiyamin Street, Tel Aviv. 5. Pisciculture. (File No. 7184). Date of Certificate of Appointment: 18th December, 1945. J. G AVI BON 1. S'hmucl Hasid, 51, Hagidem Street, Haifa. ; Deputy Adminisiratcr General, Louzer Grober, 22, Massada Street, Haifa. (Gaz/33/40) Official Receiver: 2. S. Hasid and L. Grober. 3 Each partner severally. COMPANIES ORDINANCE. 4. From the 1st November, 1945, for an unlim­ ited period. WINDING-UP ORDER AND FIRST MEETINGS OF 5. Trade in timber arid building materials. CREDITORS AND CONTRIBTJTORIES. (File No. 7185). Nome of Company: Zaaz Company, The Pal­ estine Woodwork Industry Ltd. 1. Josef Greif, 16, Shlomo Hamelech Street, Address of Registered"Office :Bet Yetomim Tel Aviv. Samuel Greif, 12, Spinoza Street, Diskin, Jerusalem. Tel Aviv. Court: District Court of Jerusalem. 2. Josef and Samuel Greif. Number of Matter: 99/45. 3. Both partners jointly. Date of Presentation of Petition: 31st July, 4. From the 12th November, 1945, for a period 1945. of one year; if not dissolved by a three months' Date of Order : 26th October, 1945. notice in writing the period of existence of Date and Place of First Meeting: 3rd Jan­ the firm shall be extended from year to year. uary, 1946, office of the Administrator Gen­ 5. Trade, industry, agencies, import and ex­ eral, Mizpah Building, Jerusalem. port. (File No. 7186). Hour : Creditors—-10 a m. Contributories—10.15 a.m. 1. Ralph Kaplan, 255, Dizengoff Street, Tel J. GAVISON Aviv. Dr. Sami Silbermann, 162, Hayarkon 1 ־ .Gaz/33/40) Acting Administrator General. Street, Tel Aviv) 2. Universal Language Institute (Languages Branch). COMPANIES ORDINANCE. 3. Both partners jointly.- NOTICE OF DIVIDEND. 4. From the 15th November, 1915, till the 31s't Name of Company: Amiel Bros. Ltd. in December, 1949; if no three months' notice is liquidation. given b fore the end cf the period the partner­

Address of Registered Office: Levant Fair ship will be renewed for a period.of one year G ounth, Tel Aviv. , , from time to time. Court: District Court of Jaffa. 5. Teaching. (File No. 7187). Number of Matter : 169/43 Amount, pir LP. : 1000 mils. 1. Mohd. AI! Abou Rous, Manshieh Quarter, First, Final or Otherwise: First and final. Jaffa. Kamel Abou Rous, Manshieh Quarter, When Payable: As from 6th January, 1946, Jaffa. between the hours of 9 12 and 4-6 p.m. 2. Manshieh Bakery Ab^u Rous Bros. Wh>re Payable: At the liquidator's office, 39, 3. Both partners jointly. Yehuda Halevi Street, Tel Aviv. 4. From the 1st October, 1945, for an unlim­ ';.''־ .Dr. W. SOMERFELD ited period .(Liquidator. 5. Bakery. (File No. 7189 :*־"•

REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS. 1. Joseph Ibrahim Ayoub, Green Street, Haifa. Elias Salim Jabagi, 1, Vine Street, Haifa. The particulars given below correspond with 2. Joseph Ibrahim Ayoub and Co. the following headings :—- 3. Each partner severally. ­From the 1st Novsmber, 1945, for an un .4 \ ׳ .Names and addresses of partners .1 2. Firm name of partnership. limited period; to be dissolved by a three 27th December, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1463. 1485

months' notice served upon either of the part­ 1. Eliezer Teitelbaum, 17, Levontin Street, ,Bezalel Btreet ,21־ ,ners by registered letter. Haila. Aharon Hendel -5. Customs clearing, forwarding and transport. Haifa. (File No. 7190). 2. "Hadar" Bakery, Haifa. 3. Bo;h.•partners jointly. 1. Farid Moufleh Abdul Rahman, Kingsway, 4. From the 1st November, 1945,• for a period Haifa. Gamal Moufleh Abdul Rahman, Kings- of three years, provided that if three months way, Haifa. Anwar Moufleh Abdul Rahman, before the expiration of the said period no Kingsway, Haifa. Ofchman Fadeil Shatila, partner gives notice of his intention to dis­ Kingsway, Haifa. 'Ali Mohd. Ahmed Saleh, solve the partnership, the partnership will be Kingsway, Haifa. Tawfiq 'Abed Abu El Wafa, continued for another three years on the same Kingsway, Haifa. terms. 2. The Hijaz Transport Partnership. 5. Bakery. (File No. 7196). 3. Farid Moufleh and, in his absence, Othman Fadeil Snatila. 1. Fehmi Said Abu Zahra, Nablus. Tawfik 4. From the 28th October, 1945, for a period of Mohd. Abu Zahra, Nablus. v .־"־.. .three years. 2. Fehmi and Tawfik Abu Zahra 5. Transport of goods. (File No. 7191). 3. Poth partners jointly and severally.• 4. From the 1st October, 1945, for an unlimifc- 1. Bader Anani, Halhul, Hebron Sub-District. ed period. Muhammad Nairn, Halhul, Hebron Sub-Dis­ 5. Grocery. (File No. 7197). • \ • ״ .trict 2. Anani and Nairn Transport Co.' 1. Bernard Bercovsky, 14, David Alroi Street, 3. Both partners jointly and severally. Tel Aviv. David Bercovsky, 14, David Alroi 4. From the 22nd November, 1945, for an un­ Street, Tel Aviv. limited period, but the partnership may be dis­ 2. B. Bercovsky and Co. solved with the agreement of both partners. 3. Bernard Bercovsky alone. 5: Transport of vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc. 4. From the 10th November, 1945, for an un­ (File No. 7192). limited period; the partnership will cea?e to exist after a three months' notice served by 1. Aboussouan and• Nassar, Jerusalem. Hanna one of the partners by registered mail. Jiries Safieh, Bethlehem. Saleh Jiries Zar- 5. Agency a.nd commission of pharmaceutical, rouk, Bethlehem. Hanna Abdallah El Masou, chemical and cosmetical products. Bethlehem. George Sansour, Bethlehem. (File No. 7198). 2. Quarries and Constructions Co. Street ׳ Eeither partner of the partnership Abou­ 1. Moshe Kastelanetz, 62, Pevzner .3' ssouan and Nasser jointly with Hanna Jiries Haifa. Joseph Majran, 6, Chlenov Street, Tel Safieh or Saleh Jiries Zarrouk. Aviv. David Grinfeld, 50, Ben Yehuda Street, 4. From the 7th November, 1945, for a period Tel Aviv. of five years. 2. Moshe Kastelanetz and Co., Tel Aviv. - 5. All kinds of quarry works, crushers, manu­ 3. Moshe Kastelanetz (or his representative) facture of blocks and lime in any part of the together with one of the other partners, but Jerusalem District. (File No. 7J93). on an undertaking for an amount exceeding £P400.- the signatures of. Moshe Kastelanetz 1. Zeev Kowalski, House Zabakh, Zikhron Ahim (or his representative) together with those of Quarter, Jerusalem. Israel Segal, 38, Mea She- the other two partners are necessary. arim Street, Jerusalem. 4. From the 1st November, 1945, for a period 2. Kowalski and Segal. of one year, provided that the period will be 3. Both partners jointly. automatically prolonged for a further year 4. From the 19th November, 1945, for an un­ and so on unless one of the partners informs limited period; termination by a three months' the others, at least 3 months before the end of notice. the year, of his desire to terminate the partner„ 5. Fitting workshop. (File No. 7194). ship. • 5. Sale by wholesale of fresh and dried fruit, 1. Haj Daoud Abou Nijmeh, Deir Abou Tour, vegetables, seeds and agricultural produce of Jerusalem. Mohd. Eid El Joulani, Bab Hutta, all kHds, and production of all the pbove goods Jerusalem. Moshe Benyamin, , to collecting shops, settlements and factories,' Jerusalem. Musbah El Haj Abdul Hafez El (File No. 7199). Shweiki, Deir .Abou Tour, Jerusalem. Kamel Ahmad 'Ali El Je|ulani, Bab Hutta, Jerusalem. 1. Eliahu Berlinski, 31, Mercaz Baalei Mela- 'Ali Jad El Rab El Kadi, Haret Al Maghar- Cha Street, Tel Aviv. Tova Perlinski, 31» bsh, Jerusalem. Ibrahim Daoud Kirresh, Mercaz Baalei Mela?ha Street, Tel Aviv. Bab Hutta, Jerusalem. Isma'eel 'Uthma.n 2. Dyeing of Furs "Taga". , I'layyan, Peit Nacoba, Jerusalem Sub-District. 3. Eliahu Berlinski alone. Py. Kapellos, Al Qatemoh, Jerusalem. 4 From the 2nd November, 1945, for an un­ 2. The Transport and Tee Distribution Co. limited period. * 3. Haj Daoud Abou Nijmeh, Mohd. Eid and 5. Dyeing of furs. (File No. 7200). Py. Kapellos for the managing of the firm, and Haj Daoud Nijmeh and Py. Kapellos jointly 1. Nairn Y. Beam, 14, Ma'amun Street, Haifa. for the signature. David J. Akiva, 21, Al *Ghazali Stairs, Haifa. 4. From the 1st November, 1945, for an un­ 2. N. Beam and D. Akiva. limited period. 3. Both partners jointly. 5. Transport of goods and passengers, and 4 From the 1st November, 1945, for an un­ distribution of .iced drinks and refreshments. limited period. .(File No. 7201) ׳ .File No. 7195). 5. Commission agents) I486 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1463. 27th December, 1945

1. Sara Paicovitz, 12, Pevzner Street, Haifa. madch Ali El Nabulsi, MahmoUd Ali El Nab• Moshe Biger, 9, Sidon Lane, Haifa. Naftali ulsi, Abd Es Salam Ali El Nabulsi—all of Blau, Prophets Street, Haifa. Princess Mary Street, Jerusalem. : 2. Hadar Citrus Forwarding Office. C. Change of person or persons authorised to '3. All partners jointly. . I sign on behalf of the partnership: Rafik Ali 4 From the 1st November, ;1945, for a period El Nabulsi with either Said Ali El Nabulsi of eight months; to be prolonged with the con• or Anton David jointly. sent in writing of all partners. 5. Citrus fruit forwarding. (Filé No. 7202). (File No. 3694). Date of Change: 3.12.1045

1. Moshe Haim Rosenbaum; 40, Allenby Street, STATEMENT OP NATURE : OF CHANGES WHICH OC• TeLAviv. Leo Rosenbaum, 40, Allenby Street, CUR RED IN THE. PARTICULARS OF THE PARTNER• ."SHIP:—"CAFE SAVOY : ' .־• ־ .Tel Aviv. 2. Naaley Rosenbaum—Moshe and Leo Rosen- A. Change of person or persons authorised to •.:;׳ .baum :3. Each partner severally i sign on behalf of the partnership: Any two ׳ .From the 13th November, 1945, for an un­ partners jointly .4 limited period, provided that the partnership B. Change in the partners or in the name or shall be dissolved on the occurrence of any of surname of any partner: Sigmund Gutfreund the following happenings, namely: (a) Upon left the, partnership, and Yehuda Aneisz of 4, the death of any partner(b) at the end of Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem, joined it. three months from the date upon which any (File No. 3901). Date of Change: 1.12.1945 partner has notified the other partner by writ­ ing under his hand of his wish to dissolve the partnership. . STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES WHICH OC­ 5. Trade in shoes. , (File No. 7203). CURRED IN ;THE PARTICULARS OF THE PARTNER­ SHIP:— "VIDIA MECHANICAL WORKSHOP CO."; 1. Joseph Bonstein, 111, Hayarkon Street, Tel A. Change in the term or character of the part­ Aviv. Ritz Hotel, 111, Hayarkon Street, Tel nership : Previous, term': From the 8th Octo­ ber, 1944, for a period of one yar, provided • • :•׳ -;,,...׳׳־ .Aviv 2. Cafe Ritz. that if two months before the expiration of the 3. Joseph Bonstein and Ritz Hotel jointly (for year no notice is given by one of the partners Ritz Hotel Sam Azgour and Haya Feinstein about dissolution of the partnership/the part­ jointly). ; nership will be extended on the same con­ 4. From the 1st November, 1945, till the 25th ditions. New term: For an unlimited period; June, 1948. each partner may retire after giving a six 5. Running a café, restaurant, bar, refresh• months' notice in writing to the other partners. ment house and everything connected there• with. (File No. 7204). B. Change iri the partners or in the name or v surname of any partner: Hans-Epstein of 6, 1. Arnold Friedman, 5, Pinsker Street, Tel Hess Street, Haifa, joined the partnership. Aviv. Joseph Margulies, 5, Pinsker Street, C. Change of person or persons authorised to Tel Aviv. sign on behalf of the partnership: Any two out 2. G. I. A. General Importers and Agents of of the following persons jointly: Moshe Kush- Foreign Products. nir, George Bakos and Hans .Epstein; .but 3. Both partners jointly. . receipts up to LP.50.- may be signed by anyone 4. From the 15th October, 1945, for an unlimit• of the partners. ed period; the partnership may be dissolved (File No. 5885). Date of Change: 1.9.45 after a previous written notice of 3 months has been sent by one partner to the other. ־Import and export of goods. (File No. 7205). STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES WHICH oc .5 CURRED IN THE PARTICULARS OF THE PARTNER­ 1. Lionidas K..Pendehis, King George Avenue, SHIP:—- "OPHIR" HOTEL AND PENSION. Jaffa. George K. Pendehis, Halaby Building, A. Change in the partners or in the name or New Business Centre, Jaffa. surname of any partner: Zaki Abadi and 2. Pendehis Grocery. Shlomo Abadi left the partnership, and Rachel 3. Poth partners jointly and severally. Tenenwurzel of 82, Herzl Street, Tel Aviv, and 4. From the 1st November, 1945, for an un• Leon Weinreb of 10, Basel Street, Tel Aviv, limited period ; to be dissolved by a six months' joined the partnership. notice in writing by the outgoing partner. 5. Wholesale and retail grocers, provision B. Change in the term or character of the part­ merchants, contractors, exporters and import• nership : Previous term: From the 1st May, ers. (File No. 7206). 1944, for an unlimited period; every partner is entitled to dissolve the ,partnership by a three months' notice in,writing, but not before STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES WHICH OC• 1st February, 1945. New term:, From the 8th CURRED IN THE PARTICULARS OF THE PARTNER• November, 1945, for a period of one year; after SHIP:— A. DAVID AND CO. , this period every partner is entitled to ter­ A. Change in the.firm name: Previous name: minate the partnership by a previous notice A. David and Co. New name: Metropol Taxi of three months. Company. " C. Change of person or persons authorised to B. Change in the partners or in the name or sign on behalf of the partnership: Tenen­ .,׳.•• .surname of any partner: Lousazin Artin Da• wurzel and Weinreb jointly vid" lift the partnership, and the following persons joined it: Rafik Ali El Nabulsi, Said (File No. 6230). Date of Change: 8.1L1945 Ali El Nabulsi, Hashem Ali El Nabulsi, Ha- 27th December, 1945 _. THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1463. 1487

STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES WHICH OC• NOTICES. CURRED IN THE PARTICULARS OF THE PARTNER• 1• SHIP:— KWILECKI, SOGLOWEK.AND CO. BEN-ISRAEDL AND PELKINSON. A. Change in the' firm name: Previous name: Kwilecki,• Soglowek and Co. New name: Notice is hereby given that the; above parti, Nahariyah Sausages Factory. nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1156 of the 25th De• B. Change in the partners or in the name or cember, 1941, has been dissolved as from the surname of any partner: Samuel Kwilecki left 24th November, 1945. (File No. 4158); the partnership. 1 C. Change of person or persons authorised to II. sign on behalf of the partnership: Julian j PENSION BETH HAQEREM. / Kwilecki and Reinhold Soglowek jointly. j Notice is hereby given that the above part• (File No. 3172). Date of Change: 10.11.1945 nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1417 of the 14th June, STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGE WHICH OC• 1945, has been dissolved as from the 30th Nov• CURRED IN THE PARTICULARS OF THE PARTNER- ember, 1945, and that all assets arid liabilities SKIP:—TACHANAT KEMAH EIN HAJ. I of the firm have been taken over by Moritz Change in the partners or in the name or ! Geiger. (File No. 6847). surname of any partner: Jacob Joseph Kshe- pitzky left the partnership. III. (File No. 5293). Date of Change: 1.11.1945 AL-KANA'A. - Notice is hereby given that the above part• STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGE WHICH OC• nership, notice of which was published in the CURRED IN THE PARTICULARS OF THE PARTNER• Palestine Gazette No. 1320 of the 2nd March, SHIP:— TULKARM NATIONAL BUS CO. 1944, has been dissolved as from the 17th Sept• Change in the firm name: Previous name: ember, 1945, by mutual consent of all partners. Tulkarm National Bus Co. New name: Tulkarm (File No. 5980). 'National Transport Co. (File No. 7142) Date of Change: 26.11.1945 IV. ARGOS, ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CO. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES WHICH OC• Notice is hereby given that the above part• CURRED IN THE PARTICULARS OF THE PARTNER• nership, notice of which was published in the SHIP:—"EDWARD I. HADDAD AND CO.". Palestine Gazette No. 1401 of the 5th April, : Change in the general nature of the business: 1945, has been dissolved as from the 29th Oct• General nature of business as previously car• ober, 1945, and that all assets and liabilities ried on: Salvage and general contracting work. as well as the business name thereof have been Gen'eral nature of business as now carried on: taken over by Theodor Mouchly. (a) General contractors and suppliers, (b) Sal• (File• No. 6704). vage contractors and diving, engineers, (c) Agents and general commission, (d) Trad• NOTICES. ers in general material, (e) Movie film distri• The following notices are published at the risk of the butors. . advertisers and their publication does not imply any (File No. 3807). Date of Change: 1.11.1945 certificate as to :;orrectness or authority. 'I. ' STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES WHICH OC• PALESTINE SILICATE COMPANY LIMITED. CURRED IN THE PARTICULARS OF THE PARTNER• (In Voluntary Liquidation). SHIP:— "MARGARINE FACTORY RAANAN". NOTICE OF ADJOURNED FINAL MEETING UNDER A. Change in the partners or in the name or SECTION 206 OF THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE. surname of any partner : Dov Stazewski and Itzhak Joseph Sajaczkowski left the partner• Notice is hereby given that the adjourned ship and their interests have been taken over final general meeting of the members of the by: 1. Factory of Margarine and Foodstuffs abovementioned company will be held at the "Mata", Sherpsky and Kopilevitz. 2. Elka office of Messrs. Russell & Co., 13, Ahad Haam Brikenstein on behalf of Factory David Street, Tel Aviv, on the 28th January, 1945, Brikenstein. at 11 a.m. for the purpose of laying • before it the last account of thé liquidator showing B. Change of person or persons authorised to the manner in which the winding up of the sign on behalf of the partnership : Factory of company has been conducted and the property Margarine and Foodstuffs "Mata" Sherpsky of the company disposed of, and hearing ad• and Kopilevitz and Elka Brikenstein jointly. ditional explanations that may be given by (File No. 4343). Date of Change : 22.11.1945 the liquidator and also determining the man• ner in which the accounts and documents of STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES WHICH OC• the company, and of the liquidator, shall be CURRED IN THE PARTICULARS OF THE PARTNER• disposed of. SHIP:— "SALVA". •••• A. N. YOUNG A. Change in the partners or in the name or • Liquidator. surname of any partner: Yitzhaq Gerlitz left II. the partnership. "SHAAL" COMPANY LTD. B, Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership: Terezia (In voluntary liquidation). Halpern and Moshe Hadar jointly. Notice is hereby given in pursuance of sec• (File No. 5171). Date of Change: 1.11.1945 tion 206 of the Companies Ordinance, that a general meeting of the share-holders of "Sha- 1488 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1463. 27th December, 1945•

al" Company Ltd. in voluntary liquidation Jaffa (Construction of Streets) By-laws, 1945. will be held on the second floor of house No. The sixth word in the second line of para­ 24, Sirkin Street, Tel Aviv, on the 17th of graph (d) of by-law 2 should read "railings". January, 1946, at 7 p.m., for the purpose of laying before it the accounts of the liquidator, IV. ' showing the manner in which the winding-up Palestine Gazette No. 1461 of the 20th De­ of the company has been conducted and the cember, 1945, Supplement No. 2, page 1489. property of the company disposed of, and The Order under the Animal Diseases Ordin­ ."of 1945 1״ hearing additional explanations that may be ance, 1945, should be renumbered as given by the liquidator, and also determining by extraordinary resolution the manner in •NOTICE. which the books and documents of the com­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES. pany arid the liquidator should be disposed of. The Palestine Gazette may be purchased, at current III. prices, through all booksellers and newsagents in Palestine or from the Government Printing and Sta- ERWIN TYRAS LTD. I tionery Office, P.O.B. 293, Jerusalem. The subscription NOTICE UNDER SECTION 216 OF THE COMPANIES rates arc as follows: — ORDINANCE. Half-yearly Yearly At an extraordinary general meeting of the £P.Mils £P.Mils abovenamed company, duly convened and held Palestine 1.800 3.000 at Tel Aviv on the 19th December, 1945, the Abroad 2.625 4.500 following resoluion was duly passed as a spe­ Applications accompanied by remittance (Cash, Postal ­or Money Orders cnly) should be made to the Govern ./•־—: cial resolution ment Printer, P.O.B. 293, Jerusalem. "Resolved that the Company be wound-up voluntarily and that Mr.. Erwin Tyras of ADVERTISEMENTS. 39, Ben Yehuda Street, Tel Aviv, be ap­ The following are the authorised publication rates for pointed liquidator for the purpose of such notiees and advertisements in the Palestine Gazette: — winding up." £P.MiU For every \ of a column or part thereof 938 Dated this 19th day of December, 1945. Exceeding \ and not exceeding \ column . 1.875 ERWIN TYRAS Exceeding \ and not exceeding f column 2.813 Liquidator. Exceeding f and not exceeding 1 column 3.750 IV. All notices and advertisements must be prepaid. It is notified for general information that notices PALESTINE FRUIT GROWERS LTD. intended for publication in the Palestine Gazette should All the creditors of the company are hereby be addressed, together with the appropriate publication invited to a meeting which will be held on the fees, direct to the Government Printer, P.O.B. 293, 10th of January, 1946, at 12.30 p.m., in the Jerusalem. office of Dr. W. Salomon, advocate, 22, Allenby Notices of registration of Companies, Cooperative Road, Tel Aviv, for the purpose of receiving Societies, Trade Marks and Patents will not be accepted a statement of the position of the company for publication unless submitted through the appropriate Registrar. and for the nomination of a liquidator. Orders with regard to the administration of the estate V. of deceased persons or probate of wills, and any orders issued under the Companies Ordinance, or in accordance PALESTINE COATS AND SUITS LTD. with any other Ordinance or Order of the Court, and Notice is hereby given that, as from 17th notices of registration and dissolution of partnerships December, 1945, Messrs. Leon Garfunkel and will not be inserted unless passed for publication by Isak Schneider are the sole directors of the the Court or Registrar. company. Both of them jointly are entitled to Notices of dissolution of partnerships will not be sign on its behalf. accepted unless signed by the partners riamed therein

or by their legal representativesl , CORRIGENDA. The signature or representative character of a signa­ tory must be verified by a declaration made by an I. advocate. Palestine Gazette No. 1456 of the 22nd Nov­ A notice of dissolution of partnership not signed by ember, 1945, page 1373, notice with regard to all the partners or by their legal representatives .must the registration of the partnership:— Electro- be accompanied by. a sworn declaration made by an House Kalinhcff and Leuchter. For "Karl advocate to the effect that the notice is given in pur­ Druikmann" appearing in paragraph 1 of the suance of the terms of the partnership to which it relates. notice read "Karl Druckmann". File No. 7157). The following notices and advertisements will be) ..; ־ published in the Gazette at the risk of the advertisers and will not imply any certificate as to correctness or IL \ '' authority: Palestine Gazette No. 1456 of the 22nd Nov­ Notices from Liquidators of Companies etc. ember, 1945, page 1373, notice with regard to the registration of the foreign partnership :-- Notices concerning meetings, appointments of Di­ S. Tsaoussi and Co. For "Brois Waisbourd" rectors, redemption of bonds and kindred matters from Companies or Cooperative Societies. appearing in paragraph 6 of the notice read "Boris Waisbourd". (File No. F/43). No notice or advertisement concerning a Company or Cooperative Society, other than a notice published by III. Order of the Court or of the Registrar, will be inserted unless it is accompanied by a declaration of an advocate Palestine Gazette No. 1456 of the 22nd No­ that to the best of his knowledge the statement made vember, 1945, Supplement No. 2, page 1356, in the notice or advertisement is true.

PRÎNTED AT THK GOVERNMENT PRINTING !,BESS, JERUSALEM. amplement Bo. a to C|)e !Palestine ®alette Bo. UM of 5tf) Julp, 1945.


of ׳ TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE. West 14th Street, New York, United States America, manufacturers. The following applications for the registra­ The mark for which registration is sought is tion of the trade marks referred to therein are restricted to the colours red and white as shown hereby advertised in accordance with the in the representation ^affixed to the application provisions of the Trade Marks Ordinance. form. Any person may, within three months from Filed the 28th day of July, 1944. the date of this Gazette, file with the Registrar of Trade Marks, Office of the Administrator General, P.O. Box 1254, Jerusalem, a notice of opposition to the registration of any trade mark referred to in any application hereunder. Such notice shall be given in writing in the prescribed manner and shall include a state­ ment of the grounds of opposition. A copy of such notice of opposition shall be served upon the applicant for registration. Formal opposition should npt be lodged until after notice has been given by letter to the applicant for registration, so as to afford him an opportunity of withdrawing his mark The address for service in Palestine of Trade before the expense of preparing the notice of Mark Application No. 6671 is c/o Reinhold opposition is incurred. Failing such notice to Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv.'*. the applicant, an opponent may be disallowed III. his costs. No. 6682 in Class 5, in respect of analgesic tablets, in the name of Camden Chemical Com­ APPLICATIONS ACCORDING TO THE FOURTH pany, Limited, a British Company of North- SCHEDULE TO THE TRADE MARKS RULES, 1940. ington House, Northington Street^ London, W. C. England, manufacturing chemists. Filed the 9th day of August, 1944. No. 6670 in Class 30, in respect of biscuits, bran, bread, buns, cakes, cookies, corn flakes, crackers, cracker meal, dog biscuits, doughnuts, TREUTABS fig bars, whole wheat and graham flours, hard The address for service in Palestine of Trade bread, ice cream cones, pies, pretzels, pretzel Mark Application No. 6682 is c/o Messrs. Rich­ Sticks, rolls, rusks, cookie and cracker sand­ ardson and Co., P.O.Box 300, Jaffa. wiches, short bread, shredded wheat, snaps, •'• IV. / . y sugar wafers, wheat flakes, whole-wheat cereal, in the name of National Biscuit Company, a No. 6690 in Class 7, in respect of power tools for boring, sawing, shaping, and surface finish­ corporation of the State of New Jersey, of 449 ing wood, metal and other materials, in the West 14th Street, New York, United States of name of The Delta Manufacturing Company," a America, manufacturers. partnership registered in , Milwaukee, Wis­ Filed the 28th day of July, 1944. consin of 600-634 East Vienna Avenue, Milwau­ kee, Wisconsin, United States of America, man­ NABISCO ufacturers. Registration of this trade mark shall give The address for service in Palestine of Trade no right to the exclusive use of the word "MIL­ ׳ . ."Mark Application No. 6670 is c/o Reinhold WAUKEE Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. Filedthe 13th day of August, 1944. • II. V No. 6671 in Class 30, in respect of biscuits, bran, bread, buns, cakes, cookies, corn flakes, crackers, cracker meal, dog biscuits, doughnuts, ELTA fig bars, whole wheat and graham flours, hard bread, ice cream cones, pies, pretzels, pretzel sticks, rolls,, rusks, cookie and cracker sand­ MILWAUKEE wiches, short bread, shredded wheat, snaps, T sugar wafers, w heat flakes, wholewheat cereal, The address for service in Palestine of Trade in the name of National Biscuit Company, a Mark Application No. 6690 is c/o Mr. A. E. corporation of the State of New.Jersey, of 449 Mulford, P.O. Box 544, Jerusalem.

V. . ..' No. 6711 in Class 3, in respect of a chemical preparation for laundry use, in the name of Neca The Near East Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., of 154, Hayarkon Street, Tel- Aviv, manufacturers and dealers.

— 61• — 52 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1422—SUPPLEMENT NO. 3. 5th July, 1945

Registration of this Trade Mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words .״שמפו״ and ״טקסטיל״ and Filed the 23rd day of August, 1944. \

״ _ .VI No. 6714 in Glass 3, in respect of a chemical preparation for laundry use, in the name of Neca The Near East Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., of 154, Hayarkon Street, Tel Aviv, manufacturers and dealers. -Registration of this Trade Mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "Textile" and "Shampoo". Filed the 23rd day of August, 1944.

! . ״ No. 6729 in Class 32, in respect of beer, ale and porter; mineral and aerated waters, malt beer; beverages of various kinds containing a small percentage of alcohol, in the name of Pal- \ estine Brewery Ltd., of Rishon Lezion, brewers.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a device of mug of a foaming beverage.

In use upon goods covered by the specification other than beer, the mark will be varied by the substitution of the name of such goods for the word "beer".

The mark for which registration is sought is' restricted to the colours, green, black, white and yellow as shown in the representation affixed to the application form. BREWED AND BOTTLED BY Filed the 13th day of September, 1944. j PALESTINE BREWERYL™ RISHON, LE210N, PALESTINE 5th July, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1422—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 53

; VIII. ' -.XL •'• No. 6731 in Class 32, in respect of beer, ale No. 6747 in Class 5, in respect of vitamin pro­ and porter; mineral and aerated waters; malt duct, (calcium pantathonate), in the name of beer; beverages of various kinds containing a Winthrop Products .Inc., a corporation of the small percentage of alcohol, in the name of State of Delaware, of 350, Hudson Street, New Palestine Brewery Ltd., of Rishon ' Lezion, York, United States of America, manufac­ brewers. , > turers. Registration of this trade mark shall give no Filed the 14th day of September, 1944. right to the exclusive use of the words "De Luxe", PANTOTONE In'use upon goods covered by the spécification other than beer, the mark will be varied by the The address for service in Palestine of Trade substitution of the name of such goods for the Mark Application No. 6747 is c/o S. Horowitz word "beer". and Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. Filed the 13th day of September, 1944. XII. No. 6772 in Class 5, in respect of mono-iodo- methane sylphonate of sodium "for intravenous CONTENTS:66CLS :tP DXJ urography and retrograde pyelography in diag­ nosis of lesions of kidney, urether and bladder, in the name of Winthrop Products Inc., a cor­ poration of the State of Delaware, of 350, Hud­ son Street, New York, United States of America, manufacturers. Filed the 10th day of October, 1944. ALDONINA The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6772 is c/o S. Horowitz and Co., Mizpah House; Jaffa Road, Jerusalem.

XIII. I DE LUXE BEER j No. 6774 in Class 5, in respect of biliary anti­ septic, antispasmodic and cholagogue, in the name of Winthrop Products Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware, of 350, Hudson BREWED AND BOTTLED BY Street, New York, United States of America, ; manufacturers. , T PALESTINE BREWERYL E Filed the 10th day of October, 1944: RISHON LEZION PALESTINE ARDEVILLA . . .; ׳.. ׳ .ix ־. ׳ / .־• •־•־•• No. 6735, in Class 5, in respect of pharmaceut­ The address for service in Palestine of Trade ical, veterinary and sanitary substances, in the Mark Application No. 6774 is c/o S. Horowitz name of Ward, Blenkinsop and Company Lim­ and Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. ited, a British company of "Brooklands", Wood 'xiv. Road, Halewood, Liverpool, England, manu­ No. 6775 in Class 5, in respect of a product facturers. for the treatment of acquired and congenital. Filed the 13th day of September, 1944. syphilis, in the name' of Winthrop Products Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware, of 350, Hudson Street, New York, United States of America, manufacturers. Filed the 10th day of October, 1944. ARRODIN The address for service in Palestine of Trade The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6735 is c/o Messrs. Mark Applicatidn No. 6775 is c/o S. Horowitz Richardson and Co., P.O. Box 300, Jaffa. and Co., MizpahjHouse, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. . .;. ;׳•׳ \ ׳ .x ׳ . : 1 XV. No. 6744 in Class 5, in respect of vitamin No. 6779 in Class 5, in respect of an anti­ product, (vitamin A & D.) in the name of septic for infected wounds, empyema, gonorrhea Winthrop Products Inc., a corporation of the and the like, in the name of Winthrop Products State of Delaware, of 350, Hudson Street, New Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware, of York, United States of America, manufac­ 350, Hudson Street, New York City, United turers. States of America, manufacturers. ׳, .Filed the 1.4th day of September, 1944, Filed the 10th day of October, 1944 DI ATONE DINACRIN 4The address for service in Palestine of Trade The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6744, is c/o S. Horowitz Mark Application No. 6779 is c/o S.'Horowitz and Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. and Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. THE PALESTINE GAZKTTK No. 1-122—SUPPLEMENT NO. 5th ,Inly, 194:

XVI. Hudson Street, New York City, United States No. 6781 in Class 5, in respect of an analgesic- of America, manufacturers. sedative preparation, in the name of Winthrop Filed the 10th day of October, 1944. Products Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware, of 350, Hudson Street,1 New York City, United States of America, manufacturers. ROCLINA The address for service in Palestine of Trade Filed the 10th day of October, 1944. Mark Application No. 6792 is c/o S. Horowitz DORICYL and Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. XXII. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6781 is c/o S. Horowitz No.. 6793 in Class 5, in respect of a pharma• and Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, «Jerusalem. ceutical preparation for the treatment of kala- azar, in the name of Winthrop Products Inc.," XVII. a corporation of the State of Delaware, of 350, No. 6783 in Class 5, in respect of a S3Tnthetic Hudson Street, New York City, United State's estrogen, in the name of Winthrop Products of America, manufacturers. Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware, of Filed the 10th day of October, 1944. 350, Hudson Street, New York City, United States of America, manufacturers. Filed the 10th day of October, 1944. SOLIBIN The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6793 is c/o S, Horowitz FONATOL and Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6783 is c/o S. Horowitz XXIII. and Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. No. 6815 in Class 26, in respect of adhesive tape composed wholly or principally of cellu• XVIII. lose or of cellulose derivatives not being station• No. 6786 in Class 5, in respect of a phar• ery and not for insulating or hermetically seal• maceutical preparation for the treatment of ing, in the name of Durex Abrasives Limited, kala-azar, in the name of Winthrop Products a British Company, of Arden Road, Adderley Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware, Park, Birmingham 8, England, manufacturers. of 350, Hudson Street, New York City, United Filed the 19th day of October, 1944. States of America, manufacturers. Filed the 10th day of October, 1944. DUREX The address for service in Palestine of Trade GRANASIL Mark Application No. 6815 is c/o Cohen Zedek The address for service in Palestine of Trade and Spisbach, P.O.Box 1169, Tel Aviv. Mark Application No. 6786 is c/o S. Horowitz XXIV. and Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. No. 6821 in Class 26, in respect of eyelets for XIX. boots and shoes and for other articles of cloth• No. 6789 in Class 5, in respect of an anthel• ing, lacing hooks for boots and shoes, in the mintic for the treatment of ankylostomyasis name of George Tucker Eyelet Company Li• and ascariasis, in the name of Winthrop pro• mited, a British Company, of Walsall Road, ducts Inc., a corporation of the State of Dela• Birmingham, England, manufacturers. ware, of 350, Hudson Street, New York City, Filed the 25th day of October, 1944. United States of America, manufacturers. Filed the 10th day of October, 1944. LANTURIL The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6789 is c/o S. Horowitz The address for service in Palestine of Trade and Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. Mark Application No. 6821 is c/o Dr. Reinhold Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. ! XX. No. 6790 in Class 5, in respect of a medicated XXV. substitute for table salt, in the name of Win• No. 6823 in Class 6, in respect of tacks, in the throp Products Inc., a corporation of the State name of the British United Shoe Machinery of Delaware, of 350, Hudson Street, New York Company Limited, a British Company, of City, United States of America, manufacturers. Union Works, Belgrave Road, Leicester, Eng• Filed the 10th day of October, 1944. land, manufacturers. MORSETAL Filed the 25th day of October, 1944. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 5790 is c/o S. Horowitz and Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. XXI. No. 6792 in Class 5, in respect of an anti• The address for service in Palestine of Trade septic, in the name of Winthrop Products Inc., Mark Application No. 6823 is c/o Dr. Reinhold a corporation of the State of Delaware, of 350, Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. 5th'July, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1422—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 55


No. 6825 in Class 3,, in respect of cleaning No. 6846 in Class 9, in respect of cinemato• preparations; polishing preparations; preser• graphic films, films for use in connection with vatives for leather included in this class, in the synchronized apparatus for simultaneously re• name of B.B. Chemical Company Limited, a producing co-ordinated light and sound effect, British Company, of Ulverscroft Works, Ulvers- cinematographic apparatus and talking ma• croft Road,-Leicester, England, manufacturers. chines and apparatus for synchronizing their movements, in the name of Movietonews, Inc., Registration of this Trade Mark shall give a corporation organized under the laws of the no right to the exclusive use of the word State of New.York, of 444 West 56th Street, "Boston" and the letters and abbreviation "B", New York City, N.Y., U.S.A., manufacturers "B", and "Co." both together and separately. j and traders.

Filed the 25th dav of October, 1944. I Filed the 14th day of November, 1944,


The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6846 is c/o Reinhold Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. B •B • CHEMICAL CD. LTD.


No. 6847 in Class 9, in respect of cinema• tographic films, films for use in connection with synchronized apparatus for simultaneously re• The address for service in Palestine of Trade producing co-ordinated light and sound effect, Mark Application No. 6825 is c/o Dr. Reinhold cinematographic apparatus and talking ma• Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. chines and apparatus for synchronizing their j movements, in thé name of Movietonews, Inc., j a corporation organized• under the laws of the XXVII. I State of New York,, of 444 West 56th Street, j New York City, N.Y., U.S.A., manufacturers No. 6833 in Class 23, in respect of rayon yarn, and traders. rayon threads and fibres cut from rayon in yarn in the name of American Viscose Corporation, Filed the 14th day of November, 1944. a corporation of the State of Delaware, U.S.A., of Delaware Trust Building, Wilmington, Del• aware, U.S.A. MOVIETONE The applicants undertake not to use the cross device in red on a white background. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Filed the 1st day of November, 1944. Mark Application No. 6847 is c/o Reinhold Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv.

. .xxx :'.,;׳•־•

No. 6862 in Class 5,' in respect of an anti­ CflOWN parasitic and antipruritic in the name of Win- throp Products, Inc., a coVporation of the state of Delaware, of 350, 'Hudson Street, New York, N.Y., United States of America, manufacturers.

Filed the 22nd day of November, 1944.


The address for service in Palestine of Trade The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6833 is c/o Cohen Zedek Mark Application No. 6862 is c/o S. Horowitz and Spisbach, P.O.Box 1169, Tel Aviv. and Co. Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem.

.xxxi'• ׳ .

No. 6865 in Class 33, in respect of wines, spirits and liqueurs, in the name of Société Co• operative Vigneronne des Grandes Caves Richon-Le-Zion and Zicron-Jacob Ltd. of Rishon Lezion, manufacturers.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word RICHON and the numerals 1882.

In use upon goods covered by the specification other than grand vin wines, the mark will be varied by the substitution of the name of such goods for the words "Grand Vin". 56 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1422—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 5th July, 1945

Filed the 26th day of November, 1944.

XXXII. No. 6866 in Class 33, in respect of wines, spirits and liqueurs, in the name of Societe Cooperative Vigneronne des Grandes Caves Richon-Le-Zion and Zicron-Jacob Ltd., of Rishon Lezion, manu­ facturers. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "Richon" and the numerals 1882. In use upon goods covered by the specification other than "Grand Vin" wines, the mark will be varied by the substitution of the name of such goods for the words 'Grand Vin7.

Filed the 26th day of November, 1944. t ,

XXXIII. XXXIV. No. 6874 in Class 33, in respect of wines, spi­ No. 6876 in Class 11, in respect of cooking rits and lequeurs, in the name of Societe Co­ apparatus heating apparatus and burners, ac­ operative Vigneronne des Grandes CaVes Ri­ cessories and spare parts thereof included in chon-Le-Zion and Zicron-Jacob Ltd., of Rishon class 11, in the name of "Pleese" Metal Works Lezion, manufacturers. . Ltd., of 9, ^Barsilai Street, Tel Aviv, manu­ : ־" . .Registration of this trade mark shall give no facturers right to the exclusive use of the numerals 1882. Registration of this trade mark shall give no-

״ Filed the 7th day of December, 1944. right to the exclusive use of the letters "P .״D״ and

Filed the 7th day of December, 1944. 5th July, 1945 57

XXXV. Filed the 26th day of December, 1944. No. 6887 in "Class 5, in respect of a prepara• tion for killing rodents, in the name of Dr. A. W. Müller of 32!, Arlosoroff Street, Haifa, VADISAN manufacturer. XLI. Filed the 11th day of December, 1944. No. 6911 in Class 5, in respect of pharma• ceutical, veterinary and sanitary substances; MURAN children's and invalid's foods; plasters, material for bandaging; material for stopping XXXVI. teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; preparations No. 6888 in Class 5, in respect of an insec- for killing weeds and destroying vermin, in the ticidál preparation, in the name of Dr. A. W.• name of May and Baker Limited, a British Müller of 32, Arlosoroff Street, Haifa, manu• Company of Dagenham, Essex, England, man• ufacturing chemists. * facturer. Filed the 11th day of December, 1944. Filed the 30th day of December, 1944. PHOSPHAN

XXXVII.. No. 6897, in Class 23, in respect of yarns and threads, in the name of Imperial Chemical In• dustries Limited, a British Company, of Wex- ham Road, Slough, Buckinghamshire, England, manufacturers. Filed the 24th day of December, 1944. ARDIL The address for service in Palestine of Trade The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6897 is c./o S. Horowitz Mark Application No. 6911 is c/o Cohen Zedek and Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. and Spisbach, P.O.Box 1169, Tel Aviv.

XLII. : XXXVIII: ; No. 6918 in Class 5, in respect of calcium No. 6898 in Class 25, in respect of articles of cresolsulfonates syrup, in the name of Winthrop clothing of all kinds, in the name of Imperial Products Inc., a corporation of the State of Chemical Industries Limited, a British Com• ; Delaware, of 350, Hudson Street, New York pany, of Wexham Road, Slough, Buckingham• | City, United States of America, manufacturers. shire, England, manufacturers. Filed the 5th day of January, 1945. Filed the 24th day of December, 1944. ARDIL GRESIROP ־ . ׳ ' ׳ . • i The address for service in Palestine of Trade The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6898 is c/o S. Horowitz Mark Application No. 6918 is c/o S. Horowitz and Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. and Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. | XLI II. XXXIX. No. 6925 in Class 5, in respect of preparations No. 6906 in Class 5, in respect of pharma• for the destruction of ticks, lice, mange, and the ceutical preparation for human use in the eradication of skin diseases on animals, in the treatment of kidney, cardiac and vascular name of Cooper, McDougall and Robertson diseases, in the name of "Assia" Chemical Limited, a British Company of Chemical Laboratories Ltd., of Tel Aviv, Petah Tiqva Works, Ravens Lane, Berkhamsted, Hertford­ Road, manufacturers of pharmaceutical pre• shire, England, manufacturers. parations. Filed the 9th day of January, 1945. Filed the 26th day of December, 1944. | TIXOL SALADAR | The address for service in Palestine of Trade ; Mark Application No. 6925 is c/o A. E. Mul- ford, P. O. Box 544, Jerusalem. .. . ,- . .XL ׳ " •.־':,־ -.. No. 6908 in Class 5, in respect of a pharma­ XLIV. ceutical preparation'for human use as an anti­ NQ. 6940 in Class 3, in respect of perfumery, spasmodic and against nausea sea-sickness, lipstick, lip salvo (not medicated) toilet rouge, travel sickness, in the ñamé of "Assia" Chemic• toilet oatmeal, toilet creams, toilet lotions, < al Laboratories Xtd., of. Tel Aviv—Petah-Tiqva toilet oils, toilet essences, toilet preparations Road, manufacturers of pharmaceutical pre• for the hair, toilet preparations for the teeth parations. and for artificial dentures, toilet powders, toilet 58 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1422—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 5th July, 1945

Number of Date of waters, toilet preparations for the eyebrows and Name of Proprietor(s) Trade Mark Advertisement eyelashes, soaps, manicure toilet prepara­ tions, mouth-washes (Toilet articles not medic­ 6619 Winthrop Products Inc. 1.2.1945 ated), perfumed sachets, depilatory prepara­ 6709 Winthrop Products Inc. 1.2.1945 tions and bath salts (not medicated) for toilet 6736 Koray Limited 1.2.1945 purposes, in the name of F. W. Hampshire 6548 Gerber Products Company 1.2.1945 Company of 6693 United Drug Houses Ltd. 1.2.1945 •־ and Co. Limited, a British Sunnydale Works, Sinfin Lane, Derby, 6699 Pro-phylactic Brush Company 1.2.1945 England, manufacturing chemists. 6717 The Kiwi Polish Company Pro­ Filed the 20th day of January, 1945. prietary Limited 1.2.1945 6752 Kestos Limited 1.2.1945 POMEROY 6154 Kamal and Shaka'a 2.3.1945 6494 Farquharson Bros. Limited 1.2.1945 6518 Bethlehem Genuine Arak manu­ The address for service in Palestine of Trade facturing Co. Mark Application No. 6940, is c/o Richardson 1.2.1945 and Co., P.O.Box 300, Jaffa. 6519 Bethlehem Genuine Arak Manu­ facturing Co. 1.2.1945 XLV. 6610 Sterensori and Son Ltd.- 1.2.1945 1 No. 6943 in Class 14, in respect of pyrophorie 6724 Dunlop Ruber Company Limited 1.2.1945 lighters of precious metals and their alloys, or 6737 Lennard Lee-Narvill and Co. coated or plated with precious metals in the Limited 1.2.1945 name of Alfred Dunhill Limited, a British 6723 Zori Pharmaceutical and Chem­ Company, of 30, Duke Street, St. James's ical Products Manufacturing- 1.2.1945 ׳ London, W. S. 1^ England, manufacturers. Company Limited 6664 Socony Vacuum Oil Co. Inc. 4.1.1945 Filed the 28th day of January, 1945. 6311 Teva Middle East Pharma­ ceutical and Chemical Works DUNHILL Co. Ltd. 2.3.1945 6599 Hadagan Ltd. 1.2.1945 The address for service in Palestine of Trade 6444 Chemical Products Corporation Mark Application No. 6943, is c/o Dr. Rein- Ltd. 1.2.1945 hold Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. 6395 E. R. Squibb and Sons 1.2.1945 6396 E. R. Squibb and Sons 1.2.1945 TRADE MARKS REGISTERED DURING THE 6397 E. R. Squibb and .Sons 1.2.1945 MONTH OF MAY, 1945. 6398 E. R. Squibb and Sons 1.2.1945 6399 E. R. Squibb and Sons 1.2.1945 Number of Date of Name of Proprietor(s) 6401 E. R. Squibb and Sons 1.2.1945 Trade Mark Advertisement 6689 Papyrus Ltd. 4.1.1945 REGISTRATIONS RENEWED. 6644 "Palnet" Palestine and Near Number of v East Trading Ltd. 4.1.1945 Name of Proprietor(s) Trade Mark 6569 S. Friedmann Ltd. 1.2.1945 6570 S. Friedmann Ltd. 1.2.1945 783 Pond's Extract Company, Limited 6572 S. Friedmann Ltd. 1.2.1945 775 Grands Moulins de Palestine Limited 6595 Winthrop Products Inc. 1.2.1945 780 I.C.I. (General Chemicals) Limited 6617 Winthrop Products Inc. 1.2.1945 781 Pond's Extract Company, Limited 6618 Winthrop Products Inc. 1.2.1945 812 Ewart and Son Ltd.


Number of Number and date of Gazette in which removal of Trade Name of Proprietor(s) Trade Mark Mark was advertised

602 Société Anonyme Parfums Cheramy No. 1363 of 5.10.1944 648 Parfumerie Houbigant Société Anonyme 1389 of 1. 2.1945 650 Parfumerie Houbigant Société Anonyme 1389 of 1. 2.1945 649 Parfumerie Houbigant Société Anonyme 1389 of 1. 2.1945 655 Société Anonyme Parfums Cheramy 1389 of 1. 2.1945 732 Jacob Anzarut and Company 1406 of 3. 5.1945

Number of Renewal fees have not been .paid in respect of Name of Proprietors Trade Mark the following Trade Marks :

786 Edward Joy and Sons, Limited Number of Name of Proprietors. Trade Mark 787 The Extra Hard Cotton Twist Spin• ners, Association , 772 I. G. Farbenindustrie A. G. 788 The Ohio Oil Company 779 Buckley and Bremand, Limited Société Anonyme des Fabriques des 782 Hudson Motor Car Company Bonnets Tures • 784 Holeproof Hosiery Company 776 "Noam"' Levinstein-Shulman and 785 Maspero Freres Ltd. Mirenburg Bros. 5th July, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1422—SUPPLEMENT NO. 3. 59

The following trade marks have been re­ Name of Proprietors moved from the Register through non-payment of the renewal fees : 766 Mannesmannrohren—Werke Number of 767 Mannesmannrohren—Werke Name of Patentee Trade Mark 768 Mannesmannrohren—Werke 769 Mannesmannrolu en—Werke 764 Mannesmannrohren—Werke 771 "Suomen Osuuskauppojen Keskus- •—~~־ ־ ".Mannesmannrohren—Werke kunta R.L 765


Number of \ , c • * Trade Mark Namer of Former n Proprietors Name of Present Proprietors

775 Les Grand Moulins de Palestine Grands Moulins de Palestine Limited, of 5, Ahad Haanv Street, Haifa 2403 Haj Tahir Eff. El Masri Haj Taher El Masri and Co., Ltd., of Cinema Street, Nablus 3782 Mamduh son of Abdul Latif son of Hassan Nabulsi Nablus 4540 Mamduh son of Abdul Latif son of bdullati: Hassan Nabulsi Nablus 4645 Mamduh son of Abdul Latif son of bdullati: Hassan Nabulsi Nablus


Number of Name of Proprietors Nature of Change Trade Mark 780 United Alkali Company Limited Name changed to: I.C.I. (General Chemicals) Limited Address changed to: Wexham Road, Slough, Buckinghamshire, England Address for service changed to : S. Horowitz and Co., Mizpah House, Jeru­ salem - 781 Pond's Extract Company, Limited Address for service changed to: A. E. Mulford, P.O.Box 544, Jerusalem. 783 Pond's Extract Company, Limited A. E. Mulford, P.O.Box 544, Jerusalem. 812 Ewart and Son Ltd. Address for service changed to: Reinhold Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv.

CORRIGENDUM. Trade Mark Application No. 6875 in class 6 in the name of "Pleese" Metal Worke Ltd., ad­ vertised in Palestine Gazette No. 1415 of 7.6.1945: The mark is as follows and not as published:


PATENTS AND DESIGNS ORDINANCE! Patent Application No. 2581. Teodoro En­ rique Gutierrez, of Avenida Roque Saenz Pena Notice is hereby given that persons interested No. 788, Buenos Aires, Argentine. in opposing, the granting of patents on the applications referred to below may, at any time Title of Invention: "Improvements in en­ within two months from the date of this velopes". Gazette, give notice to the Begistrar of Patents Date of Application: 9th March, 1944. and Designs, Office of the Administrator General, P. O. Box 1254, Jerusalem, in the Patent Application No. 2657. Michael Weiss- prescribed manner of such opposition. brem of Carmel Avenue, Haifa. 60 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1422—SUPPLEMENT NO. 3. 5th July, 1945

Improved Process for Patent Application No. 2894, Herbert'• ׳ :Title of Invention the Manufacture of concentrated aqueous Sul- Nussbaum,of 8, Bialik Street, Tel Aviv and furous Acid". Ernst Ettisch, of Ettisch House, Sikhron Meir near Benei Beraq. Date of Application ; 18th May, 1944. Title of Invention: "Process of preparing niouldable plastic masses". Patent Application No. 2G91. Joseph Reich Date of Application: 25th January, 1945. .t, Tel Aviv״of 13, 11 a ml jam 8tn Title of Invention: "Process for the utili­ zation of Dental Metal Waste". \ Patent Application No. 2816. Eliezer Meir- son of 9, Jehoshua Thon Street, Tel Aviv. Date of Application^: 26th June, 1944. Title of Invention: "Improvements in easy chairs". . Patent Application No. 2709. Zvi Blau, of 41, Ben Yehuda Street, Haifa. Date of Application: 3rd November, 1944. Title of Invention : "Improvements in ox- Tenting,to hair curling devices". PATENTS SEALED;, Date of Application : 16th July, 1944. Number of Date of Name of Patentee Advertisement Patent Application No. 2740. Max .Epstein Patent •of 32, Rabbi Akiba Street, Geulah, Haifa. 2449 Theodor Hoffmann 12.4.1945 Title of Invention: "Improvements in and relating to structural metalsections". 2507 David Buchman ' 12.4.1945 Date of Application: 14th August, 1944. 2525 David Buchman 12.4.1945 , 2528 Samuel Baruch Levin 12.4.1945

Patent Application No. 2812. Rudolf Bloch 2451 Abraham Arnold Klein 3.8.1944 of 7, Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem, Kurt Gold- 2574 Fritz Oppenheimer . 12.4.1945 schmidt, of 144, Hayarkon Street, Tel Aviv, 2643 David Neumann 12.4.1945 Paul Goldschmidt, of 29, King George Avenue, 2694 Iedidia Gorochov ; 12.4.1945 Jerusalem, Isaac Schnerb of 26, Arlosoroff Street, Jerusalem, and Palestine Potash Ltd., 2710 Edward Deodato 12.4.1945 of Potash House, King George Avenue, Jeru­ 2748 Felix Bergmann 12.4.1945 salem. 2763 Victor Rossetto 12.4.1945 Title of Invention: "Improvements in or re­ 2795 Berti Kamel Takla 12.4.1945 lating to the bleaching of cellulose fibres". 2809 Abraham Arnold Klein 12.4.1945 Date of Application : 31st October, 1944. The following patents have been removed Patent Application No.: 2859. Desider Quitt, from the Register through non-payment of the of 42, Rabbi Kook Street, Tel Aviv. renewal fees: Title of Invention: "Improved support for Number of exhibiting articles in show windows and the Name of Patentee (s) Patent like". Date of Application: 30th December, 1944: 1101 Jacob Balsam 1321 N. V. De Bat aäfsehe. Petroleum ,..'"־ Patent Application No. 2888. Isaac Vinokor Maatschappij Benno Lustig 1856״ .of 93, Arlozoroff Street, Haifa . 1858 Azriel Har-Zion (Benzinberg) Title of Invention : "Sieve or grid for kitchen 1860 Moshe Gutbir or the like sinks". 1870 Leopold Fernbach Date of Application : 20th January, 1945. 1863 Menachem Loffelholz


Number of Name of Patentee Name of Licensee Patent

2431 Emeric Stern Cooperative "Hamgaper" beHaifa Ltd. of, Industrial Centre, Haifa Bay. Supplement jßa. 3 ta C&e palestme <$a*ette 13a \m ofzvto August, ms.


ess for service in Palestine of Trade״TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE. Tha add Mark Application No. 6421 is c/o Reinhold The following applications for the registra• Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. tion of the trade marks referred to therein are hereby advertised in 'accordance- with the provisions of the Trade Marks Ordinance. II. Any person may, within three months from No. 6442 in Class 5, in respect of a medical the dnte of this Gazette, file with tie Reg'strar preparation for treatment of venereal dis^ares, of Trade Marks, Office of the Administrator in the name of Evans Sons Lescher and Webb General, P.O. Box 1254, Jerusalem, a notice «.f Ltd., a British company, of Speke, Liverpool, opposition to the registration of any trade England, manufacturers. mark referred to in any application hereunder. Filed the 4th day of February, 1944. Such notice shall be given in writing in the prescribed manner and shall include a state• ment of the grounds cf opposition. A copy of such notice of opposition shall be served upon the applicant for registration. EVARSAN

Fonmal opposition should not be lodged until after notice has been given by letter io the applicant for registration, so as to afford The address for service in Palestine of Trade him an opportunity of withdrawing his mark Mark Application No. 6442 is c/o J. Sussmann, before the expense of preparing the notice of P.O.Box 627, Tel Aviv. opposition is incurred. Failing such notice to the applicant, an opponent may be disallowed his costs. III.

APPLICATIONS ACCORDING TO THE FOURTH No. 6539 in Class 34, in respect of cigarettes, in the name of Baddour Limited, of Nazareth SCHEDULE TO THE TRADE MARKS RULES, 1940. Road, Haifa, tobacco manufacturers.

I. Filed the 3rd day of May, 1944. ct of textile״

Filed the 6th day of January, 1944.


..-,.•־ .iv -׳•••־••-׳,.'•

No. 6602 in Class 3, in respect cf face cream in the name of Cherif and Nassib Inayet, a re­ gistered Syrian partnership, of S'anjakdar Street, Damascus, Syria, pharmacists.

Filed the 25th day of May, 1944. ' 62 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1429—SUPPLEMENT NO. 3. 2nd August, 1945

The address for service in'Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6602 is c/o A. WeinshalL t Kingsway, Barclays Building, Haifa.

In use upon goods covered by the specification No. 6616 in Class 5, in respect of a,pharma­ other than beer, the mark will be varied by ceutical preparation for human use being a the substitution of the name of such goods for remedy against intestinal troubles, an intest­ the word "beer". • inal disinfectant, a laxative and pursitive, in The mark for which registration is sought is the name of Society of Chemical Industry in restricted to the colours green, black, white Basle, a company organized under the laws of and gold, as shown in the representation affixed the Swiss Confederation of 141, Klybeckstrasse, to the application form. Basle, Switzerland, manufacturing chemists. Filed the 13th day of September, 1944. , Filed the 15th day of June, 1944.

•DV «־ b .״ CARBANTRENE CO N TE NTS'. 66 CLS The address for service In Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6616 is c/o Cohen Zedek & Spisbach, P.O.Box 1169, Tel Aviv.

k VI. No. 6708 in Cla?s 21, in respect of small dom­ ,um, tin׳estic utensils and containers (alum'n iron or enamelled), in the name of "Palalum" Palestine Aluminium and other Metal Products Factory Ltd., of Ramat Gan near Tel Aviv, manufacturers. Filed the 20th day of August, 1944.


VIII. VII. No. 6785 in Class 5, in^respect of a pharma­ No. 6732 in Class 32, in respect of beer, ale ceutical preparation for various applications, and porter; mineral and aerated waters; malt in the name of Winthrop Products Inc», a cor­ beer; beverages of various kinds containing a poration of the State of Delaware, of 350 small percentage of alcohol, in the name of Hudson Street, New York City, N.Y., U.S.A., Palestine Brewery Limited, of Rishon le Zion, manufacturers. brewers. Filed the 10th day of October, 1944. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "De Luxe". GEST ANON '2nd August, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1429—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 63

The address for service in Palestine of Trade Filed the 13th day of October, 1944. Mark Application No. 6785 is c/o S. Horowitz & Co., Mizpah House,-Jaffa'Road, Jerusalem.

IX. ; '

No. 6801 in Class ,32, in respect of ginger ale, in the name of Canada Dry Ginger Ale, In­ corporated, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, U.S.A., of No. 100, East 42nd Street, Borough of Manhattan, City, County and State of New York, U.S.A., ׳ .manufacturers

Registration of this mark shall give.no right to the exclusive use of the words "CANADA" The address for service in Palestine of Trade and "DRY" both together and separately and Mark Application No. 6801 is c/o A. E. Mul- to the words "The champagne of ginger ales". ford, P.O.Box 544, Jerusalem.

־X ־ No. 6804 in Class 32, in respect of non-alcholic beverages of all kindi, in the name of Ca­ nada Drv Ginger Ale, Incorporated, a corporation organized under tin laws of the State of Dela­ ware, of No. 100, East 42nd Street, Borough of Manhattan, City, County and State of New York, U.S.A.,'manufacturers. \ Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "CA­ NADA" and "DRY" either together-or separately. The mark for which registration is sought is restricted to the colours shown in thé represent• ation affixed to the application form. Filed the 13th day of October, 1944.

The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6804 is c/o A. E. Mulford, P.O.Box 544, Jerusalem. ,!


No. 6805 in Class 32, in respect of a cola beverage, in the name of Canada Dry Ginger Ale, Incorporated, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, U.S.A., of 100, East 42nd Street, Borough of County and State of New ׳ ,Manhattan, City York, U.S.A., manufacturers.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "CANADA" and "DRY" either together or separately. ;

Filed the 13th day of October, 1944.

•XII. No. 6864 in Class 33, in respect of wines, spirits and liqueurs, in the name of Societe Cooper­ ative Vigneronne des Grandes Caves Richon-Le-Z ion & Zicron Jacob Ltd., of Rishon le Zion, manufacturers. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of any of the letter ' press appearing on the mark. 64 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1429—SUPPLEMENT NO. 3. 2nd August, 1945

In use upon goods covered by the specification ether than a liqueur, the mark will be varied by the'substitution of the name of such goods for the word 'Liqueur'. Filed the 26th day of November, 1944.

XIII. Filed the 7th day of December, 1944. No. 6867 in Class 33, in respect of wines, spirits and liqueurs, in the name of Soeiefce Cooperative Vigneronne dss Grandes Caves Richon-Le-Zion & Zicron Jacob Ltd., of Rishon le Zion, manufacture s. Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word 'Zicron' and .׳the letters 'S. C. V XV. In use upon goods covered by the specific­ d־No. 6909 in Class 11, in respect of oil fir ation other than Vin Blanc Fin, the mark heating and cooking appliances, gas fired heat­ will be varied by the substitution of the name ing and cooking appliances, draft regulators of such goods for the words 'Vin Blanc Fin'. and fuel control valves, parts and accessories thereof included in Class 11, in the name of ׳ .Filed the 23th day of November, 1944 Motor Wheel Corporation, a corporation of the State of Michigan, of 735 East Saginaw Street, City of Lansing, State of Michigan, U.S.A., manufacturers. POIÏMMJX Filed the 28th day of December, 1944. UO-THEifM The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6909 is c/o-S. Horowitz & Co., P.O.Box 393, Jerusalem.

' XVI; VIN BLANC FIN No. 6913 in Class 34, in respect of ash-trays 0OMAIN6 ZICRON made from plastic material, in tha name of PRODUCE Of PALESTINE B;uno Rabinowitz, of 76, Arlosoroff Street, Haifa, manufacturer. Registration of this trade mark shall give no 80TTLGD BY ־right to the exclusive use of the letter n CARM6L ORi€NTAL }. ! • - I Filed the 2nd day of January, 1944. XIV. h s n ׳ n • No. 6877 in Class 21, in respect of small HA K L I T © domestic utensils and containers (not of preci• ous metal, nor coated therewith); instruments for cleaning •purposes; steelwool, in the name Of "Pleese" Metal Works Ltd., of 9, Barzilai Street, Tel Aviv, manufacturers.

Registration of this trade mark shall giv(» no right to the exclusive use of the letters P MADE IN PALESTINE and B• 2nd August, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1429—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 65

XVII. anticatarrhalicum, in the name of Jacob Scom- orovschi, of 44, Nahmani Street, Tel Aviv, No. 6916 in Class 25, in respect of articles manufacturer. of clothing in the name of Aled Ltd., of Tel Ephraim near Tel Aviv, manufacturers and Filed the 15th day of January, 1945. traders. Filed the 3rd day of January, 1945.


" XX.

No. 6944 in Class 1, in respect of chemical products used in industry, science, photo• graphy, agriculture, horticulture,; forestry, XVIII. manures (natural and artificial),/fire. extin• No. 6917 in Class 5, in respect of a bacteri• guishing compositions, tempering substances cide and fungicide for human use, in the name and chemical preparations for soldering, che• of Palestine Pharmaceutical Products Limited, mical substances for pteserving foodstuffs, of Rehovot, manufacturers. tanning substances, adhesive substances used in industry, in the name of Dr. Gerngross & Filed the 5th day of January, 1945'. Rieger Ltd., of 22, Allenby Rôad, Tel Aviv, manufacturers and dealers. MEROPHEN Filed the 30th day of January, 1945.

XIX. No. 6935 in Class 5, in respect of a pharma• Urcût 6>


No. 6977 in Class 5, in respect of medicinal and chemical preparations for the prevention and cure of diseases, in the name of Henry K. Wampole and Company, Incorporated, a corpor• ation organized under the laws of the Commonwealth o*f Pennsylvania, of 440 Fairmount Avenue, City and County of Philadelphia, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, U.S.A-.> manufacturers.

Filed the 15th day of February, 1945.

The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6977 is c/o A. E. Mulford, P O.Box 544, Jerusalem. 66 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1429—SUPPLEMENT NO. 3. 2nd August, 1945

XXII. XXVI. No. 6989 in Class 33, in respect of wines, in No. 6993 in Class 33, in respect of wines, in the name of Vine Products, Limited, a British the name of Vine Products, Limited, a Biitish company, of V. P. Wine y, A7 il Hers Boad, company,, of V. P. Winery, .Villiers Road, s, Surrey, England, wine Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, England, wine־Kingston-on-Tham .importers and producers ׳ .importers and producers Registration of this trade mark shall give no Filed the 18th day of February, 1945. right to the exclusive use of the letters V and P either together or separately. Filed the 18th day of February, 1945. GREEN POINT The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6993 is c/o Richardson & Co., P.O.Box 300, Jaffa.

XXVII. No. 6994 in Class 33, in respect of wines, in the name of Vine Products, Limited, a British company, of V. P. Winery, Villiers Road, Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, England, wine importers and producers. Filed the 18th day of February, 1945. WHITE POINT The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6994 is c/o Richardson The address for service in Palestine of Trade & Co., P.O.Box 300, Jaffa. Mark Application No. 6989 is c/o Richardson & Co., P.O.Box 300, Jaffa. XXVIII. XXIII. No. 7007 in Class 5, in respect of a pharma­ ceutical preparation for human use being a No. 6990 in Class 33, in respect of wines, in sedative, in the name of "Assia" Chemical the name of Vine Products, Limited, a Brit:sh Laboratories Ltd., of Tel Aviv—Petah Tiqva company, of V. P. Winery, Villiers Road, Road, manufacturers of pharmaceutical pre­ Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, England, wine parations.

importers and producers. ft Filed the 26th day of February, 1945. Filed the 18th day of February, 1945. TRIBRON RED POINT The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6990 is c/o Richardson TRADE MARKS REGISTERED DURING THE

& Co., P.O.Box 300, Jaffa. ; MONTH OF JUNE, 1945.

XXIV. Number of Date of Name of Proprietors No. 6991 in Class 33, in respect of wineskin Trade Mark Advertisement the name of Vine Products, Limited, a British company, of V. P. Winery, Villiers Road, 6392 L. E. Waterman Company 1.3.1945 Kingston-on-Thames, Surrey, England, wine 6508 Fada Radio & Electric Co. importers and producers. Inc. 1.3.1945 6760 J. R. Geigy A. G. 1.3.1945 Filed the 18th day of February, 1945. 6822 The British Un'ted Shoe Machinery Company Limit: d 1.3.1945 AMBER POINT 6824 B. B. Chemical Company Limited * 1.3.1945 The address for service in Palestine of Trade 6811 Stevenson & Son Ltd. 1.3.1915 Mark Application No. 6991 is c/o Richardson 6755 Plough Inc. trading as The & Co., P.O.Box 300, Jaffa. S't. Joseph's Laboratories 1.3.1945 XXV. 6622 Nathan Rosenberg and Herbert Rosenberg trading No. 6992 in Class 33, in respect of wines, as N. Rosenberg 1.3.1945 spirits and liqueurs, in the name of Vine Pro­ 6565 Palestine Pharmaceutical ducts, Limited, a British company, of V. P. Products Ltd. 1.3.1945 Winery, Villiers Road, Kingston-on-Thames, 6812 Durex Abrasives Limited 1 3.1945 Surrey, England, wine importers and pro­ 6814 Durex Abrasives Limited 1.31945 ducers. 6633 M. Hillinger Limited 1.3.1945 Filed the 18th day of February, 1945. 6767 Shaerf & Meltzer Company Limited 1.3.1945 6712 Neca The Near East Chemical V0TRIX & Pharmaceutical Industries The address for service in Palestine of Trade I td. 1.3 1945 Mark Application No. 6992 is c/o Richardson 6609 Stevenson & Son Ltd. 1.3.-1945 & Co., P.O.Box 300, Jaffa. 6697 Par par Ltd. 1.2.1945 2nd August, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1429—SUPPLEMENT NO. 3. 67

REGISTRATIONS RENEWED. The following trade marks have been removed from the Register through non-payment of %h.o

Number of Name f Proprietorg. Trade Mark ' • ' renewal fees:

773 American Cyanamid Company. Number of ' ,» ' , , Name of n Proprietors » 796 The Portland Cement Company Tradew Mark J r "Nesher" Ltd. 797 W. B. Cartwright Limited - 772 I. G. Farbenindustrie A. G. 779 Buckley & Brennand Ltd. Renewal fees have not been paid in respect 782 Hudson Motor Car Company of the following trade marks: 784 Holeproof Hosiery Company Number of ^ f Proprietors 785 Maspero Freres. Limited 11 Trade Mark 786 Edward Joy & Sons Ltd. 790 Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (Egypt) 787 The Extra Hard Cotton Twist Ltd. • Spinners Association 792 De Roubaix Oedenkoven & Cie 788 The Ohio Oil Company 793 De Roubaix Oedenkoven & Cie 789 Societe Anonyme des Fabriques des 794 De Roubaix Oedenkoven & Cie Bonnets Turcs ,


Number of Name of Former Proprietors Name of Present Proprietors Trade Mark 1148 The Kolynos Company Whitehall Pharmacal Company of 22 East 40th Street, New York, N. Y., United States of America 1548 Boyle-Midway Inc. (a corporation Boyle-Midway Inc. (a corporation organized organized under the laws of the State under the laws of the State of Delaware) of of New Jersey) , 22 East 40th Street, New York, N. Y., United States of America. The Bisodol Company Whitehall Pharmacal Company of 22, East 40th Street,' New York, N. Y., United States of America. . Palalumr 'Palalum' Palestine •Aluminium and other Metal Products Ltd. of Ramat-Gan near Tel ׳ • .Aviv CHANGES IN PARTICULARS REGISTERED.

Name of Proprietors Nature of Change

722• Bovril Ltd. , Address for Service changed to : c/o Richardson & Co., P.O.Box 300, Jaffa. 732 \ Jacob Ahzarut & Company Address for Service changed to : c/o Comptoir Pharmaceutique du Levant, P.O.Box 1902, Tel Aviv. 5692 Nicola Hanhan, Jabra el Far and Name changed to : S&ukri Rizek Nicola Hanhan and Jabra el Far t NOTICE. r The following trade mark has been cancelled at the request cf the registered proprietors: Number of \ ~ Name of Proprietors Trade Mark \ 6109 Abie Chemical Laboratories Limited

CORRIGENDA. ... י . ירי - י•1/ י - י \ Trade Mark Application No. 6711 in the name of Neca The Near East Chemical & Pharma- ceutical Industrie^ Ltd.,* advertised in Palestine Gazette No. 1422 of the 5th July, 1945: The mark is as fc!110ws and not as published : THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1429—-SUPPLEMENT No. 8. 2nd August, 1945

• .II •־•••••".•- Trade Mark Application No. 6714 in the name of Neca The Near East Chemical & Pharma­ ceutical Industiks Ltd., advertised in Palestine Gazette No. 1422 of the 5th July, 1945: The mark is as follows and not as published:

III. Gazette No. 1422 of the 5th July, 1945, is hereby ׳ .Trade Mark Application No. 6875 in the cancelled name of "Pleese" Metal Works Ltd., advertised IV. in Palestine Gazette No. 1415 of the 7th June, Trade Mark Application No. 6876 in the 1945: name of "Pleese" Metal Works Ltd., advertised The mark is. as follows and not as published: in Palestine Gazette No. 1422 of the 5th July, 1945: The mark is as follows and not as published:

in Palestine־ The corrigendum published


PATENTS AND DESIGNS ORDINANCE. Patent Application No. 2725. Shlf^o Horo- ?trcct -Tel ׳ Notice is hereby given that persons interested d.nker of 21, Shlomo Hamelech F •JJ '־;־ ' .in opposing the granting of patents on the Aviv applications referred to below may, at any time Title of Invention: "Improved /diaper". within two months from the date of this Date of Application : 1st August, jl944.. Gazette^ give notice to the Registrar of Patents and Designs, Office of the Administrator Patent Application No. 2728. Claus Ascher General, P. O. Box 1254, Jerusalem, in the of Jaffa Automobile Club, Bat Yam near Jaffa. Title of Invention: "Potato preserve and ־ .prescribed manner of such opposition manner of making it". / Patent Application• No. 2372. Mordekhii Date of Application : 4th August, 19.44.: Perez Mardikas o| 10, Meor-Zion Street, Tel Aviv. Patent Application No. 2'733. Steven Gott­ Title of Invention: "Improvements in or lieb and The Portland Cerrient Co. "Nesher" relating to bobbin winders". Ltd., both of Nesher-Yagur,> near Haifa. Date of Application : 17th June, 1943. Title of Invention : "/J-n improved . method of, and shaft kiln for, purning, calcining or. Patent Application No. 2642. Benno Rosner sintering granulated or br'^netted materials". of House Rosenberg, Bialik Street, Ramat Gan. Date of Application: 10tP August, 1944. Title of Invention: "Device for baking on open flame burners". Patent Application Np'• 2741. Menahen Mut- ••• . .e> Herzha״Date of Application: 11th May, 1944. chnik of Mutchnik Eou Title of Inven •'1°n '• '•'Grinding.., stones and Patent Application No. 2696. Ladislaw Vil- processW th^w manufacture". tnos Farkas, Mendel Lew in and Ozjasz S'chacht- D/ate of Application: 17th August, 1944. 3r, all three of the Hebrew University, Jeru­ (Patent Application No. 2743. B. G. (London/.. • . .' '-••'.. . .־ .salem Title of Invention: "Method of dyeing eel-- ', Larited (trading. as The Dulci Company) of lulosic matter". . Tower Road, Pound Lane, Willesden, London, Date of Application: 2nd July, 1944. i N W. 10, England, and Claud Spencer Harris 2nd August, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1429—SUPPLEMENT No. 3.

the Title of Invention: "Manufacture of ־of 28, ,Cheltenham Road* Cirencester, in country of Gloucester, England. 2-Amino-4:6—Dimethoxypyrimidine".. Title of Invention: "Improvements in or Date of Application : 24th January, 1945. relating to roller boxes for lathes". Convention Date : 27th January, 1944. Date of Application : 19th August, 1944. (United Kingdom) Convention Date : 16th April, 1943. (United Kingdom) Patent Application No. 2895. Herbert Nuss- baum of 8, Bialik Street, Tel Aviv, and Ernst Patent Application No. 2774. John Henry Ettisch of Ettisch House, Zikhron Meir near Wiggins of 100 West Monroe Street, Chi .ago, Benei Beraq. State of Illinois, United States of America. Title of Invention: "Process of preparing Title of Invention : "Gas storage apparatus". mouldable plastic massss by the condensation Date of Application : 19th September, 1944. of phenols or amines with tannins". Dat"evof Application: 25th January, 1945. Patent Application No. 2780. David Ricardo of German Colony, Jaffa. Patent Application No. !2901. Szymon Eljasz Title of Invention: "A feeder for the supply Rand of 16, Wcisel Street, Tel Aviv. of molten glass to glassware machinery". Title of Invention: "Improvements in or Date of Application : 27th September, 1944. relating to the manufacture of nails". Date of Application: 31st January, 1945. Patent Application No. 2785. Alb:rt Green of The Beacon, Valentia Road, Hoylake, Cheshire, England. • Patent Application No. 2977. Anglo-Iranian Title of Invention : "Improvements in or Oil Company Limited of Britannic House, relating to edible farinaceous or cereal pro­ Finsbury Circus, London, E.C. 2, England ducts and to preparations for addition there- and Stan worth Wills Adey of P.O.Box 1, .Chertsey Road, Sunbury-cn-1 names, England ' •• ׳ to". .• . . : V . Date of Application : 3rd October, 1944. Title of Invention: "Improvements relating to the production of saturated hydrocarbons". Patent Application No. 2808. Benjamin Co­ Date of Application : 14th March, 1945. hen of A (behind Edison: Cinema), Jerusalem. : . United Kingdom Date: 8th March, 1940. ׳ (No. 540,449) Title of Invention: "An electric lighter, for; domestic purposes". Date of Application•: 27th October, 1944. • PATENTS SEALED.

Number of Patent Application No. 2836. Aaron Riemer Patent Name of Patentee(,) A^nLtent of 14, Eorokhov Street, Tel Aviv. Title of Invention: "Improvements in and 2245 Universal Oii Products relating to window structures'*. Company 3.5.1945 Alfred Mendel 3.5.1945 ׳ Date of Application : 2nd December, 1944. 2430 2506 David Rapoport 3.5.1945 ,Patent Application No. 2839. Michael Ostro- 2511 Metal Buttons Ltd. et al. 12.4,1945 Abraham Revisorsky 4.1.1945 2538 .׳ wiak of 89, Eerea Road, Durban, Natal, Union of South Africa. 2540 Simon Diskin 3.5.1945 Title of Invention: "Improvements in the 2552 Josef Szapiro 1.3.1945 manufacture of cellular materials". 2582 Armin Krausz 1.3.1945 Date of Application : 3rd December, 1944. 2625 Armin Krausz 1.31945 Armin Krausz 1.3 1945 ־ 2627 Patent Application No. 2850. Martin Loewen- 2636 Boleslaw Houchman 1.3.1945 berg of 29, Berdichewsky Street, Tel Aviv, and 2645 'Levy Shochat 1.2.1945 Egon Strauss of 48, Yona •Hanavi Street, Tel 2067 Friedrich Bilski 3.5.1945 Willy Mosberg 3.5.1945 2674 ׳ .Aviv Title of Invention : "Improved sofa conver­ 2676 Boleslaw Houchman 1.3.1945 tible into a bed". 2682 Soltes Vilem Timod 3 5 1945 Date of Application : 17th December, 1944'. 2698 Samson Turecki 12.4.1945 2714 " Society of Chemical Industry , Patent Application No. 2868. Raymond Bliss in Basle et al. 3.5.1945 Richards of Winnington Hall, Northwhich, 2727 . Jacob Mouchly 12.4.1945 Cheshire, England. 2729 Harry Goldman 3.5.1915 Title of Invention : "Improvements in or 2736 Zew William Weltsch 12.4.1945 relating to polymers of ethylene". 2739 Ben Zion Huliansky 3.5.1945 Date of Application : 4th January, 1945. ' 2745 Chaim Bernât Irom and another 3.5.1945 Patent Application No. 2875. Pascu Mayer 2772 Nataniel Fischler andf of 17, Efraim Road, Kiryxt Bialik near Haifa. another 3.5.1945 Title of Invention: "An improved electric 2777 Spyro Nicolas Spyridpn 3.5.1945 Walter Heimann 3.5.1945 2779 ׳ ."kettle Date of Application: 11th January, 1945. 2781 Zeev Mirenberg 3.5.1945 , 2783 Ladislaw Viimos Farkas and Patent 'Application No. 2891. Imperial Che­ another , 3.5.1945 mical Industries Limited of Millbank, London, 2789 David Ricardo 3.5.1945 S. W. l, England. - 2804 Shimon Shwarzovsky 3.5.1945 70 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1429—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 2nd August, 1945

Number of Date of , Name of Patentce(s) UNITFD KINGDOM PATENT Pafent Advertisement REGISTERED IN PALESTINE 2809 Arnold Klein 12.4.1945 2822 Bernard Goldmann 3 5 1945 Number of Date of Name of Patentee 2840 Alexander Kohn 3.5.1945 Paient Advertisement 2852 Abraham Teicher and another 3.5.1945 2825 Kurt Brauer 12.4.1945


Number of Names of Former Proprietors Names of Present Proprietors Patent

,Frishman Street ׳ ,Ferdinand Feldberg, Ephraim Ferdinand Felberg, of 14 1369 Arber and Arie Babkoff Tel Aviv, Kero-Gas Limitfd of 11, Jaffa-Tel Aviv Road, Tel Aviv, and Shlomo Jaffse of 17, Ben-Zion Boulevard, Tel Aviv.

Number of Name of Patenlee(s) The following patents have been removed Patent from the Register through non-payment of the renewal fee: 1878 Shimon Nahmani 1884 Abraham Yuster Number of Name of Patentee(s) Patent NOTICE. The renewal fee in respect of Patent No. 722, Federick Henry Smith in the name of Bobuslav Ruml has been paid '׳ 287. 1128 N.V. De Bataafsche Petroleum under Ssction 7(2)(&) of the Patents, Designs, Maatschappij , Copyright and Trade Marks (Emergency) Or­ dinance, 1939, and the patent has been restore•! 1332 Ewald Hoyer to thg Register. This patent has been removed 1872 Avner Levy from the list of patents removed from the re­ Julius Grun gister, published in Palestine Gazette No. 1252 ־••־ 1874 1875 • Meir Dunsky of the 25th February, 1943. )upplement i5o. 3 ta cï)e paleötme ®alette ißo. 1 w of etïj September, 1945.


TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE. railway tracks; chains except driving The following applications for the registra• chains for vehicles; locksmiths' work, in the tion of the trade marks referred to therein are name of American Brake Shoe Company, a hereby advertised in accordance with- the corporation under the laws of the State of provisions of the Trade Marks Ordinance. Delaware, of 230 Park Avenue, City of New York, State of New York, U.S.A., manufact­ Any person may, within three months from urers. the date of this Gazette, file with the Registrar of Trade Marks, Office of the Administrator Filed the 30th day of April, 1944. General, P.O. Box 1254, Jerusalem, a notice of opposition to the registration of any trade mark referred to in any application hereunder. Such notice shall be given in writing in the prescribed manner and shall include a state• ment of the grounds of opposition. A copy of such "notice of opposition shall be served 1 upon the applicant for registration. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6532 is c/o S. Horowitz Formal opposition should not be lodged & Co., P.O.Box 393, .Jerusalem. until after notice has been given by letter to the applicant for registration, so as to, afford IV. him an opportunity of withdrawing his mark No. 6555 in Class 5, in respect of medicines before the expense of preparing the notice of for human use; medical and surgical plasters, opposition is incurred. Failing such notice to bandages and dressings, and material for the applicant, an opponent may be disallowed bandaging, in the name of Cuxson, Gcrrard his costs. & Co., Limited, a British company of 26, Fountain Lane, Oldbury, Worcestershire, APPLICATIONS ACCORDING TO THE FOURTH England,, manufacturing chemists. SCHEDULE TO THE TRADE MARKS RULES, 1940. Filed the 11th day of May, 1944. •... •I. No. 6528 in Class 17, in respect of fan belts, radiator hose made partly of rubber in the SAN0ID name of American Brake Shoe Company a t The address for service in Palestine of Trade corporation under the laws, of the State of Mark Application No. 6555 is c/o Richardson Delaware, of 230 Park Avenue, City of New & Co., P.O.Box 300, Jaffa. York, U.S.A.,. manufacturers. Filed the 26th day of April, 1944. V. No. 6625 in Class 8, in respect of razors and razor blades, in ,the name of Standard Safety Razor Company, a United States of America partnership, of 41 East 57th Street New York, United States of America, manufacturers. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words The address for service in Palestine of Trade "Emblem of Quality" and "Primera Calidad" Mark Application No; 6528 is c/o S. Horowitz and to the letters S S and R, either together ׳...'- < *Co., P.O.Box 393, Jerusalem. or separately & II. Filed the 29th day of June, 1944. No. 6529 in Class 7, in respect of machine and machine tools; motors (except for ve• hicles); machine couplings and belting (except for vehicles) in the name of American Brake Shoe Company, a corporation under the laws of the State of Delaware, of 230, Park Avenue, City of New York, U.S.A., manufacturers. Filed the 26th day of April, 1944.


The address for service in.Palestine of Trade ׳ Mark Application No, 6529 is c/o S. Horowitz & Co., P.O.Box 393, Jerusalem. III. No. 6532 in Class 6, in respect of unwrought and partly wrought common metals and their alloys; rails and other metallic materials for

— 71, — THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO, 1437—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 6th September, 1945 ־72

The address for service in Palestine of Trade Filed the 4th day of December, 1944. Mark Application No. 6625 is c/o Reinhold Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. CO 0 h VI. No. 6720 in Glass 5, in respect of a pharma­ ceutical preparation for the treatment of The address for service in Palestine of Trade syphilis, in the name of E.R. Squibb & Sons, Mark Application No. 6872 is c/o S. Horowitz a corporation organized and existing under & Co., P.O.Box 393, Jerusalem. the laws of the State of New York, United States of America; of 743 Fifth Avenue, New York Cityj U.|S.A., manufacturers. No. 6886 in Class 14, in respect of diamonds Filed the 28th day of August, 1944. (except diamonds for cutting implements) in the name of the First Jerusalem Diamond Cut- ting Factory Ltd., of Diskin Orphanage Build- CLORARSEN ing, Jerusalem, diamond cutters and polishers. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Registration of this trade mark shall give Mark Application No. 6720 is c/o S. Shlouger, no right to the exclusive use of the device of ״יהלומי ירושלים״ Yehuda Halevi Street, Tel Aviv. a diamond and to the words ,8 and "Jerusalem Diamonds" either together or \ / VII. separately. No. 6766 in Class 2, in respect of paints, Filed the 10th day of December, 1944. varnishes, lacquers, preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood, colouring matters, dyestuffs, mordants, resins, metals in foil and powder for painters and decorators, in the name of M. Hillinger Limited, of 8, Koresh Street, Tel Aviv, manufacturers. Filed the 8th day of October, 1944.

n n 3


VIII. XL No, 6826 in Class 1, in respect of chemical No. 6914 in Class 21, in respect of table- products and adhesive substances used in in­ serving utensils; containers for soap, lipsticks dustry, in the name of B.B. Chemical Company and ointments; shaving bowls; all being goods Limited, a British company, of Ulverscroft made from plastic materials, in the name of Works, Ulverscroft Road, Leicester, England, Bruno Rabinowitz, of 76, Arlosoroff Street, manufacturers. Haifa, manufacturer of plastics-made goods. Registration of this trade mark shall give Registration of this trade mark shall give no ״n״ no right to the exclusive use of the word right to the exclusive use of the letter "Boston" and the letters and abbreviation B. B. and Co. both together and separately. Filed the 2nd day of January, 1945. מכלית • .Filed the 25th day of October, 1944 HAKLIT •


XII. The address for service in Palestine of Trade in respect of articles ,17׳ Mark Application No. 6826 is c/o Reinhold No. 6919 in Class Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. made from gutta percha, india rubber, balata and substitutes, articles made from these sub- IX. stances and not included in other classes; ma- terials for packing, stopping or insulating; No. 6872 in Class 5, in respect of anaesthetics asbestos, mica and their products; hose pipes and hypodermic injections, •in the name of (non-metallic) in the name of Coop. "Hamga- Winthrop Products, Inc., a corporation of the per" be Haifa Ltd., of House Hamgaper, State of Delaware, of 350, Hudson Street, Haifa Acre Road, Haifa Bay, manufacturers ׳ .New York, United States of America, manu­ and dealers facturers. Registration of this trade mark shall give Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word no right to the exclusive use of the words Hamgaper", and" , ״המגפר״ ."COOK" 6th September, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1437—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 73

Filed the 6th day of January, 1945. Filed the 6th day of January, 1945.

א ב י ל ם טיק


, XV. No. 6924 in Class 5, in respect of insect- icidal and insectifugal preparations, in the name of George Szekely formerly of House Nass, Har Shalom, Benei Beraq, and now of Ben-Zion Boulevard, Tel Aviv, manufacturer and dealer. .

Filed the 8th day of January, 1945.

XIII. VAPIN . \ XVI. • No. 6920 in Class 24, in respect of elastic fabrics in the name of Ebilastic & Bat Yitshak No. 6928 in Class 14, in respect of precious of 43, Mohliver Street, Tel Aviv, producers and metals and their alloys and goods in precious merchants. metals or coated therewith; jewellery, in the name of "Michsaf" Palestine Silver and Metal Filed *the 6th day of January, 1945. Works Ltd., of Agrobank Quarter, Tel Aviv, manufacturers. ,

Filed-the 9th day of January, 1945. אב י ל ס ט י ק


• XIV. :~ No. 6921 in Class 25, in respect of elastic articles of wear in the name Ebilastic & Bat Yitshak, of 43, Mohliver :Street, Tel Aviv, producers and merchants.

XVII. ••• No. 6936 in Class 33, in respect of arak, in the name of Bethlehem.Genuine Arak Mfg. Co., of

׳ Bethlehem, distillers. s Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the numerals 50 and o • The mark for which registration is sought is restricted to the colours black and white, as shown in the representation affixed to the application form. Filed the 15th day of January, 1945.

50 0• uTUI ^ >3jP


DISTILLERY Sahury & Handel Bethlehem 74 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1437—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 6th September, 1945

XVIII. XXII. No. 6941 in Class 34, in respect of cigarettes, No. 6952 in Class 16, in respect of articles of in the name of The Palestine Cigarette Com­ stationery, in the name of Benedikt Kaess, of pany Limited of Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, 37, Jaffa—Tel Aviv Road, Tel Aviv, manu­ Jerusalem, manufacturers. facturer. . Registration of this trade mark shall give Filed the 4th day of February, 1945. no right to the exclusive use of the word "SUPERFINE'•' Filed the 21st day of January, 1945.

XXIII. No. 6956 in Class 5, in respect of pharma­ ceutical preparation for human use as an in­ ternal disinfectant, in the name of Abie Chem­ ical Laboratories Limited of 27, Montefiore Street, Tel Aviv, manufacturers. Filed the 9th day of February, 1945. ABIGUANIL XXIV. No. 6967 in Class 30, in respect of tahirieh, halawah, in the name of Amin El Haddad & Bros., of Nablus, manufacturers and dealers.

XIX. 4 Filed the 14th day of February, 1945. No. 6946 in Class 16, in respect of all kinds of paint, varnish and artists' brushes, in the name of Ludwig Magnus trading as Ludwig Magnus "Luma" Brush Factory of New Busi­ ness Centre, Hagalil Street, Tel Aviv, brush manufacturer. Filed the 1st day of February, 1945.

־ ;.,־ . .XXV No. 6968 in Class 5, in respect of a fungicide and insecticide to control diseases on grapes No. 6947 in Class 16, in respect of all kinds and vegetables as well as red spider and mites of paint, varnish and artists' brushes, in the on fruit trees and citrus, in the name of J. name of Ludwig Magnus trading as Ludwig Green & Co. (Palestine) Ltd., of 6, Beth Ha- Magnus "Luma" Brush Factory of New Busi­ shoeva Lane, Tel Aviv, merchants. ness Centre, Hagalil Street, Tel Aviv, brush Filed the 14th day of February, 1945. manufacturer. , Filed the 1st day of February, 1945. SOL-WETT XXVI. No. 6969 in Class 5, in respect of an insecti­ cide to control aphids and other soft body in­ sects on fruit trees, vegetables and flowers,; in XXI. the name of J. Green & Co. (Palestine) Ltd., of 6, Beth Hashoeva Lane, Tel Aviv, merchants. No. 6951 in Class 3, in respect of Nablus soap, in the name of Aaref and Aahed El Filed the 14th day of February, 1945. Chakaa, of Nablus, soap manufacturers. Filed the 3rd day of February, 1945. APHICIDE XXVII. No. 6970 in Class 5, in respect* of a fungicide and insecticide to control diseases on grapes and vegetables as well as red spider and mites on fruit trees and citrus, in the name of J. Green & Co. (Palestine) Ltd., of 6, Beth Ha­ shoeva Lane, Tel Aviv, merchants. Filed the 14th day of February, 1945. SULCOL VAh September". 1045 75

XXVIII. XXXII. No. 6980 in Class 5, in respect of a pharma• No. 7002 in Class 9, in respect of scientific, ceutical préparation for human use contain• nautical, surveying and electrical apparatus ing silver and ephedrin, in the name of Moshe and instruments (including wireless), photo­ Cholodny, trading as Galma Pharmaceutical graphic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, and Chemical Factory of 15, Lilienblum measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), Street, Tel Aviv, manufacturer. life-saving and teaching apparatus and in­ struments; coin or counter freed apparatus; ׳ .Filed the 16th day of February, 1945 talking machines; cash registers; calculating machines; fire extinguishing apparatus, in COLLYDRIN the name of General Aniline & Film Corpor­ ation, a corporation of the State of Delaware, of 230, Park Avenue, City and State of New XXIX. York,' United States of America, manu­ No. 6999 in Class 1, in respect of chemical facturers. products used in industry, science, photo­ graphy, agriculture, horticulture, forestry; Filed the 23rd day of Februarv 1945. manures (natural and artificial) ;fire extin­ guishing compositions ; tempering substances ANTARA and chemical preparations for soldering ; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; The address for service in Palestine of Trade tanning substances; adhesive substances used Mark Application No. 7002 is c/o Cohen Zedek in industry, in the name of General Aniline & & Spisbach, P.O.Box 1169, Tel Aviv. Film Corporation, a corporation of the State of Delaware, of 230, Park Avenue, City and XXXIII. State of New York, United States of America, No. 7003 in Class 16, in respect of paper and manufacturers. paper articles, cardboard and cardboard art­ icles, printed matter, newspapers and period­ Filed the 23rd day of Febi-uary, 1945. icals, books; book-binding material, photo­ graphs, stationery, adhesive materials (sta­ AN TARA tionery), artist's materials, paint, brushes; typewriters and office requisites (other than furniture); instructional and teaching mate­ The address for service in Palestine of Trade rial (other' than apparatus): playing cards Mark Application No. 6999 is c/o Cohen Zedek (printers') type and cliches (stereotype), in & Spisbach, P.O.Box 1169, Tel Aviv. the name of General Aniline

Number of Date of XXXVI. Name of Proprietors Trade Mark Advertisement No. 7015 in Class 1, in respect of chemical products used in industry, agriculture, 6481 Conrad Razor Blade Co. horticulture, forestry'; manures ; chemical sub­ Inc. ... 12.4.1945 stances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning sub­ 6520 Don Juan Inc. 12.4.1945 stances, in the name of Imperial Chemical In­ 6538 American Brake Shoe Com­ dustries Limited, a British company, of pany 12.4.1945 Wexham Road, Slough, Buckinghamshire, 6553 California Texas Oil Com­ England, manufacturers. pany Limited 12.4.1945 6581 Filed the 12th day of March. 1945. California Texas Oil Com­ 12.4.1945 •׳-'•'. pany Limited 6612 Winthrop Products Inc. 12.4.1945 GAMMEXANE 6662 San-Nap-Pak Manufactur­ The address for service in Palestine of Trade ing Company Inc. 12.4.1945 Mark Application No. 7015 is c/o S. Horowitz 6738 Winthrop Products Inc. 12.4.1945 & Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. 6739 Winthrop Products Inc. 12.4.1945 6740 Winthrop Products Inc. 12.4.1945 XXXVII. 6741 Winthrop Products Inc. 12.4.1945 No. 7016 in Class 5, in respect of pharma­ 6742 Winthrop Products Inc. 12.4.1945 ceutical, veterinary and sanitary substances; 6743 Winthrop Products Inc. 12.4.1945 insecticides; preparations for destroying 6746 Winthrop Products Inc. 12.4.1945 vermin, in the name of Imperial Chemical In­ 6749 Winthrop Products Inc. 12.4.1945 dustries Limited, a British company, of Wex­ 6750 Winthrop Products Inc. 12.4.1945 6751 ham Road, Slough, Buckinghamshire, Eng­ Winthrop Products Inc. 12.4.1945 6806 12.4.1945 land, manufacturers. Alfred C. Anawati 6807 12.4.1945 Filed the 12th day of March, 1945. Alfred C. Anawati 6849 12.4.1945 Winthrop Products Inc. 0858 Farnsworth Television & Radio Corporation 12.4.1945 The address for service in Palestine of Trade 6859 Farnsworth Television à

v 12.4.1945 Mark Application No. 7016 is c/o S. Horowitz Radio Corporation 6860 & Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. Farnsworth Television & 12.4.1945 Radio Corporation XXXVIII 6456 12.4.1945 Powell Duffryn Limited 6457 12.4.1945 No.- 7019 in Class 30, in respect of tea; tea J. R. Geigy A.G. G458 12.4.1945 extracts, products or preparations, or ad­ j. R. Geigy A.G. 6459 12.4.1945 ־.mixtures thereof, in powder or other form, J. R. Geigy A.G 6460 12.4.1945 in the name of Nestle's Milk Products, In­ J. R. Geigy A.G. 666G corporated, a corporation organized and ex­ American Porcelain Tooth 12.4.1945 isting under and by virtue of the laws of the Company Ltd. State of New York, United States of America, 6722 Evans Sons Lescher, and of 155, East 44th Street, New York City, 12.4.1945 Webb Ltd. United States of America, manufacturers. 685] "Assia" Chemical Labora­ 12.4.1945 Filed the 17th day of March, 1945. tories Ltd. 6853 "Assia" Chemical Labora­ 12.4.1945 tories Ltd. 6830 12.4.1945 Sales Affiliates Limited 6841 12.4.1945 Creamota Limited The address for. service in Palestine of Trade 6692 Alex Zadek trading as Mark Application No. 7019 is c/o Richardson 12.4.1945 "Tucky" & Co., P.O.Box 300, Jaffa. 6756 "Dvora" Textile Manufac­ 1.3.1945 XXXIX turing Co. Ltd. 0813 12.4.1945 ,Durex Abrasives Limited No. 7026 in Class 9, in respect of adding and 6816 Durex Abrasives Limited •12.4.1945 calculating machines, in the name of Felt and G817 Durex Abrasives-Limited 12.4.1945 Tarrant Manufacturing Co., a corporation Durex Abrasives Limited organized under the-laws of the State of Il­ 6818 12.4.1945 F. W. Hampshire & Co. linois, of 1735 North Paulina Street, Chicago, 6863 Illinois, United States of America, manu­ Limited 12.4.1945 facturers. 6637 Godefroy Manufacturing Company •12.4.1945 Filed the 25th day of March, 1945. G700 Pond's Extract Company Ltd. 12:4.1945 COMPTOMETER 6701 Pond's Extract Company The address for service in Palestine of Trade Ltd. 12.4.1945 Mark Application No. 7026 is R. Cohn, P.O. 6799 Jacqmar Limited 12.4.1945 Box 4060, Tel Aviv. 6838 Trimz Company Inc. 12.4.1945 0839 Trimz Company Inc. 12.4.1945 TRADE MARKS REGISTERED DURING THE MONTH OF JULY, 1945. 6820 Clinical Products Limited 12.4.1945 6627 "Maica" 12.4.1945 Number of Date of Name of Proprietors 6651 Society of Chemical . In­ Trade Mark Advertisement dustry in Basle 12.4.1945 6510 Hifzi Said Kana'n and 6657 Society of Chemical In­ brothers 1.2.1945 dustry in Basle 12.4.1945 6th September, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1437—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 77

Number of REGISTRATIONS RENEWED. Name of Proprietors Trade Mark Number of Name of Proprietors Trade Mark 800 The Chiswick Polish Company (Over• seas) Limited 777 Cadbury Brothers Limited 804 Levinstein & Shulman 778 jGadbury Brothers Limited 815 The "Solo" Czechoslovak' United 798 W. J. Rendel Ltd. Match and Chemical Works Ltd. 801 Aktiebolaget Elektrolux 808 Allcock Manufacturing Company 802 E. Griffiths Hughes, Limited 803 E. Griffiths Hughes, Limited . 805 Pepsodent, Ltd. The following trade marks have been removed 807 Allcock Manufacturing Co. from the Register through non-payment of the 809 Allcock Manufacturing Co. renewal fees: 810 Allcock Manufacturing Co. Number of Name of Proprietors 811 Allcock Manufacturing Co. Trade Mark 816 Allcock Manufacturing Co. Renewal fees have not been paid in respect 776 . "Noam" Levinstein-Shulman & of the following trade marks: Mirenburg Bros. 790 Anglo Iranian Oil Company (Egypt) Number of Name of Proprietors Ltd. Trade Mark 792 De Roubaix Oedenkoven & Cie 799 The Chiswick Polish Company (Over• 793 De Roubaix Oedenkoven & Cie seas) Limited ' . 794 De Roubaix Oedenkoven & Cie


Number of Name of Proprietors Nature of Change Trade Mark 777 Cadbury Brothers, Limited Address for Service changed to: Richardson & Co., P.O.Box 300, Jaffa. 778 Cadbury Brothers, Limited Address for Service changed to: Richardson & Co., P.O.Box 300, Jaffa.

TRADE MARK RESTORED TO THE REGISTER. II. Trade Mark No. 618 in Class 43, in the name Trade Mark Application No. 7007, in the of John Haig & Company Limited (Removal name of "Assia" Chemical Laboratories Ltd., advertised in Palestine Gazette No. 1377 of advertised in Palestine Gazette No. 1429 of 2nd 7.12.1944). August, 1945: The mark is as under CORRIGENDA. I. Trade Mark Application No. 6913, in the name of Bruno Rabinowitz, advertised in Pales• TRIBROM tine Gazette No. 1429 of 2nd August, 1945: The date of Application is 2nd day of Jan• uary, 1945, and not as published. and not as published.


PATENTS AND DESIGNS ORDINANCE. of 8, Sea Road, Mount Carmel, Haifa, and Karl Kleinberger of 10, Hayarden Street, Tel Notice is hereby given that persons interested Aviv. in opposing the granting of patents on the applications referred to below may, at any time Title of Invention: "Sound-on-film repro• within two months from the date of this ducing instrument for use with radio receiv• Gazette, give notice to the Registrar of Patents ing sets". and. Designs, Office of the Administrator Date of Application: 2nd April, 1944. General, P. O. Box 1254, Jerusalem, in the prescribed manner of such opposition. Patent Application No. 2655. Israel Sieg- man and Zvi Grodzensky, both of Alliance Patent Application No. 2233. Universal Oil Building, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. Products Company of 310, South Michigan Title of Invention: "Metal sections for the Avenue, Chicago, State of Illinois, United manufacture of door frames and window States of America. frames and casements". ~- r Title of Invention: "Process for the cata- Date of Application: 17th May, 1944. lytic dehydrogenation of hydrocarbons". Patent Application No. 2656. Benno Lustig Date of Application: 17th February, 1943. and Fritz Lustig of Shekhunat Borokhov. Convention Date : 17th November, 1941 Title of Invention: "An oscillating irri• (U.S.A.) gator". / Patent Application No. 2596. Emanuel Horn Date of Application: 17th May, 1944. 78 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1437—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 6th September, 1945

Patent Application No. 2665. Boleslaw Title of Invention: "Improvements in or Houchman of No. 7, Joseph Israels Street, Tel relating to building slabs". Aviv. Date of Application: 19th October, 1944. Title of Invention: "Improved method of melting cast iron and cupola for carrying out Patent Application No. 2811. Szalom Koren- such method". blit of 102, Nahalat Binyamin Street, Tel Aviv. Date of Application: 25th May, 1944. Title of Invention: "Improvements in beds". Date of Application: 30th October, 1944. Patent Application No. •2673. Carl Sulman of 33, Ramban Road, Jerusalem. Patent Application No. 2814. Alexander Title of Invention: "Improvements in or Kohn of Rosenfeld House, Herzlia. relating to vaulted roofs". Title of Invention: "Improvements in or Date of Application: 11th September, 1944. relating to the manufacture of hollow rubber articles". Patent Application No. 2692. Menachem Date of Application: 1st November, 1944. Novenstern of 53, Chlenov Street, Tel Aviv. Application for Patent of Addition to Patent Title of Invention: "Improvements in or No. 2465. relating to electric hand-pressing irons".

Date of Application: 27th June, 1944. Patent Application No. 2833. Ignacy Rieger of 19, Balfour Street, Tel Aviv, and Marer & Patent Application No. 2732. Julius Win- Pollak of 51, Mizrahi B. Street, Tel Aviv. kelsberg of 58, Mountain Road, Haifa, and Title of Invention: "A built-up track for Jacob Bar of 24, Hillel Street, Haifa. use in bowling games". Title of Invention: "Improved method of Date of Application: 28th November, 1944. and means for firing shaft furnaces and kilns". ' Patent Application No. 2837. Leo Kasre- Date of Application : 9th August, 1944. liovitsch of 5a, Magid Street, Tel Aviv. Title of Invention : "An improved method Patent Application No. 2747. Shmuel Har- and machine for wrapping fruit". rari of Hamekasher Street, Mullner House, c/o Shakier, Ramat Gan. Date of Application: 2nd December, 1944. Title of Invention: "A new advertising Patent Application No. 2845. Isaac Vinokor ׳ • ' .device". of 93, Arlozorov Street, Haifa Date of Application: 22nd August, 1944. Title of Invention: "Improvements in car­ Patent Application No. 2755. Friedrich Rap- buretors for internal combustion engines". paport of No. 6, Bialik Street, Tel Aviv, and Date of Application: 14th December, 1944. Zori Pharmaceutical and Chemical Products Manufacturing Company Limited of 9, Hagra Patent Application No. 2847. Joseph Szulim Street, Tel Aviv. Hermelin of 58, Bar-Kochba Street, Tel Aviv, and Jonathan Shlaien of 71, Yehuda Halevi Title of Invention: "Solutions of water- Street, Tel Aviv. insoluble drugs for injection into the human and animal body". . Title of Invention: "Improvements in and relating to reinforcements for concrete floors Date of Application: 29th August, 1944. and roofs". Patent Application No. 2756. Aryeh Wisler Date of Application: 15th December, 1944. of 16, Shmaryahu Levin Street, Tel Aviv. Patent Application No. 2858. Moshe Gold­ Title of Invention: "Improvements in berg of House Weinstein, Ibn Shaprut Street, window shutters". , Jerusalem, and Yoseph Shkolnic of Date of Application: 30th August,, 1944. 60, Wolfson Street, Tel Aviv. Title of Invention: "Flushing cistern". Patent Application No. 2769. ' Ernest Katz of 126, Ben Yehuda Street, Tel Aviv. Date of Application: 30th December, 1944. Title of Invention;,. "Improvements in and ׳ Patent Application No. 2863. Isac Haver of relating to door handles''. 38, Zevulun Street, Tel Aviv. Date of Application: 18th September, 1944. Title of Invention: "Improvements in or re­ lating to perambulators". Patent Application No. 2775. William Terence Hewett Mulford of 9, Princess Mary Date of Application: 31st December, 1944. * Avenue, Jerusalem. Title of Invention: "Improvements in the Patent Application No. 2864. Isac Haver of 38, Zevulun Street, Tel Aviv. manufacture of wax matches". Date of Application: 22nd September, 1944. Title of Invention: "Improvements in or re­ lating to perambulators". Patent Application No. 2794. Dan Egozi of Date of Application: 31st December, 1944. Gindi House, Nehama Street, Rishon le Zion. Title of Invention: "A warp stop motion". Patent Application No. 2896. Isaac Vinokor Date of Application: 15th October, 1944. of 93, Arlozoroff Street, Haifa. Title of Invention: "Improvements in Patent Application No. 2800. Jacob Mouchly ashtrays". of Mouchly Quarter, Mt. Carmel, Haifa. Date of Application : 28th January, 1945. 6th September, 1945 ,THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1437—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 79

Number of Date.of Patent Application No. 2910. Shmuel Toker Name of Patentee(s) Advertisement of 11, Brande Street, Petah Tiqva. Patent Title of Invention: "Improvements in or re­ 2524 J. Herskovics , 7.6.1945 lating to plastering, tiles or the like". 2526 K. Darchinsky 7.6.1945 Date of Application: 9th February, 1945. 2559 N. Geimanas 3.5.1945 Patent Application No. 2918. Elias Supnik 2567 J. Kaufmann 7.12.1944 of 74, Dizengoff Street, Tel Aviv. I 2644 A. Geller 7.6.1945 Title of Invention: "Improvements in and 2652 D. Pariser 12.4.1945 relating to sockets or receptacles to be fitted on I 2666 Ciba Limited formerly known flexible conductors". as Society of Chemical In­ Date of- Application : 16th February, 1945. dustry in Basle 7.6.1945 2675 Sh. Agnon 7.6.1945 Patent Application No. 2995. Jacob Mouchly 2678 Gerson Rabinovic 7.6.1945 of Mouchly Quarter, Mt. Carmel, Haifa. 2719 J. M. Wirgin and H. Ler­ Title of Invention: "Improvements in or re­ chenthal 7.6.1945 lating to lavatory seats". 2721 N. Testi 7.6.1945 Date of Application: , 28th March, 1945. 2753 E. Rodeh and Hamisrad Lebinyan Bakfar Ltd. 7.6.1945 Patent Application No. 2998. St. Helens M. Wajsman 7.6.1945 Cable & Rubber Company Limited of St. 2768 Helens Works, Slough, Buckinghamshire, 2793 E. Goodall Malthouse 7.6.1945 England. 2813 E. A. Jackson and Kay and Title of Invention: "Improvements in ex­ Lee Limited 7.6.1945 trusion machines for non-metallic plastic 2818 Sh. Shwarzovsky 7.6.1945 materials". -2834 Ch. B. Lichtman 7.6.1945 Date of Application: 4th April, 1945. 2861 S. Gottfeld 7.6.1945 2873 Convention Date: 12th April, 1944. Ch. Blischfeld : 7.6.1945 2893 (United Kingdom). British Insulated Cables Limited 7.6.1945 2988 J. R. Geigy A. G. 7.6.1945 PATENTS SEALED. UNITED KINGDOM PATENT REGISTERED. Number of Date of Name of Patentee(s) Patent Advertisement Number of Date of Name of Patentee Patent Advertisement 2294 A. A. Klein 3.8.1944 2354 J. S. Hermelin 7.12.1944 2427 Claude Bonnaire 1.3.1945


Number of Names of Former Proprietors Names of Present Proprietors Patent

2350 Friedrich Deutsch and Felix Daniel Sieff Research Institute of Rehovoth Bergmann 2354 Joseph Szulim Hermelin Joseph, Szulim Hermelin of 58, Barkochba Street, Tel Aviv. Ramet Limited of 108, Allenby Road, Tel Aviv.


Number of Name of Patentee Name of Licensee Patent

2146 Meyer Gurevitz Guenter Guttmann of 7, Shivtei Israel Street, Tel Aviv.

DESIGNS REGISTERED. Application No. 326 in Class 11, in the name Application No. 315 in Class 1, in the name of Pauline Zmigrod of Hadar Hacarmel, 5, of Samuel Strasser of 23, Bialik Street, Tel Nordau Street, Haifa. Aviv. • Date of Application : 23rd June, 1945. Date of Application : 22nd April, 1945. Application No. 319 in Class 10, in the name Application No. 317 in Class 1, in the name of Eugen Wilbushewich, trading as "Haifa Chafez Chaim Street, Wire Works", of Nazareth Road, behind Shell־ ,of Eliahu Brull of 2a Petah Tiqva. Bridge, Haifa. Date of Application : 26th April, 1945. Date of Application: 7th May, 1945.

Supplement jßo. s to C|)e ipalestme ®alette l3o. 1444 of 4tfj ®ctofcer, 1945.


TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE. Filed the 15th day of May, 1944. The following applications for the registra• tion of the trade marks referred to therein are hereby advertised in accordance with the pro• visions of the Trade Marks Ordinance. Any person may, within three months from the date of this Gazette, file with the Registrar of Trade Marks, Office of the Administrator General, P.O. Box 1254, Jerusalem, a notice of opposition to the registration of any trade mark referred to in any application hereunder. Such notice shall be given in writing in the prescribed manner and shall include a state• ment of the grounds of opposition. A copy of such notice of opposition shall be served upon the applicant for registration. Formal opposition should not be lodged until after notice has been given by letter to the applicant for registration, so as, to afford him an opportunity of withdrawing his mark before the expense of preparing the notice of III. opposition is incurred. Failing such notice to No. 6728 in Class 16, in respect of periodical the, applicant, an opponent may be disallowed printed publications, in the name of I. T. his costs. Publications Limited, a British company of 167, Strand, London, W.O. 2, England, business publishers. " APPLICATIONS ACCORDING TO THE FOURTH SCHEDULE TO THE TRADE MARKS RULES, 1940. Filed the 11th day of September, 1944. I. INTERNATIONAL TEXTILES No. 6566 in. Class 3, in respect of common household soap of the Nablus type, in the name The address for service in Palestine of Trade of Haj Taher Al-Masri & Co. Ltd. of Nablus, Mark Application No. 6728 is c/o Reinhold manufacturers. Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. Registration of this trade mark shall give ho IV. right to the exclusive use of the device of a No. 6802 in Class 32, in respect of carbonated crescent and the words and water, in the name of• Canada Dry Ginger Ale, either separately or together. Incorporated, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, U.S.A., of Filed the 15th day of May, 1944. 100, East 42nd Street, Borough of Manhattan City, County and State of New York, U.S.A., manufacturers.' Registration of this mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of any of the letter press appearing on the mark.

Filed the 13th day of October, 1944.


II. CANADA DRY 6567 in Class 3, in respect of common house• WATER hold soap of the Nablus type, in the name of "PIN-POINT CARBONATION" Haj Taher Al-Masri & Co. Ltd. of Nablus, manufacturers. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the device of a The address for service in Palestine of Trade crescent and of the words ^L• I' and ¿ ¿~ either r Mark Application No. 6802 is c/o A.E. Mul- separately or together. ford, P.O. Box 544, Jerusalem.

— 81 — 82 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1444—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 4th October, 1945

The address for service in Palestine of Trade No. 6810 in Class 3,|in respect of sachets for Mark Application No. 6883 is c/o Reinhold use in waving the hair, in the name of Sales Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. Affiliates Limited, a British company, of Els- IX. tree Way, Boreham Wood, Hertfordshire, Eng­ land, manufacturers• j No. 6884 in Class 5, in respect of ,prepara­ tions containing various vitamins and minerals Filed the 17th day of October, 1944. for medicinal, corrective arid nutritional pur­ poses, in the name of U.S. Vitamin Corpora­ LUSTRON tion, a corporation organized under the laws The address for service in Palestine of Trade of the State of Delaware, U.S.A., of 250, East Mark Application No. 6810 is c/o Reinhold 43rd Street, New York, N.Y., U.S.A., manu­ Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, TJel Aviv- facturers. Registration of this trade mark shall give no VI. right to the exclusive use of the letters V and I No. 6856 in Class 16} in respect of pens, pen­ alone or to the Roman numeral VI. cils, ink, desk sets, in [the name of The Parker Filed the 10th day of December, 1944. Pen Company, a corporation duly organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, of Corner Court> and Division Streets, Janesville, VI-SYNERAL Wisconsin, U.S.A!, manufacturers. The address for service in Palestine of Trade I Mark Application No. 6884 is c/o Reinhold . ׳ Registration of this trade mark shall give Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. nb right to the exclusive use of the representa­ tion of a pen clip. I X. Filed the 20th day of! November, 1944. No. 6915 in Class 9, in respect of parts of electrical apparatus, made from plastics mater­ ial, in the name of Bruno Rabinowitz, of 76, Arlosoroff Street, Haifa, manufacturer of plastics-made goods. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter n. Filed the 2nd day of January, 1945. b 3 n ׳ n • HAKLIT •

The address for service in Palestine of Trade MADE IN PALESTINE Mark Application No. i6856 is c/o Cohen Zedek & Spisbach, P.O. Box ;1169, Tel Aviv. XI. VII. . 1 No. 6927 in !Class, 8, in respect of cutlery, • • ׳ • .׳ No. :6857 in Class 16,! in respect of pens, pen• . forks and spoons, in the name of "Michsaf" cils, ink, desk sets, in ^he name of The Parker Palestine Silver and Metal Works Ltd., of Pen Company, a corporation duly organized Agrobank Quarter, Tel Aviv, manufacturers. under the laws of the! State of Wisconsin, of Filed the 9th day of-January, 1945. Corner Court and Division Streets, Janesville, Wisconsin, U.S.A., manufacturers. Filed the 20th day of November, 1944. PARKER The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6857 is c/o Cohen Zedek & Spisbach, P.O.Box 1169, Tel Aviv. VIII. No. 6883 in Class 5, in respect of liver con­ centrate and iron preparation with vitamins, in the name of U.S. Vitamin Corporation, a XII. corporation organized !under the laws of the State of Delaware, of ¡250, East 43rd Street, No. 6930 in Class 14, in respect of precious New York, N.Y., U.S.A., manufacturers. metals and their alloys and goods in precious metals or coated therewith; jewellery, in the Registration of this trade mark shall give no name of "Michsaf" Palestine Silver and Metal right to the exclusive use of the letters V and I Works Ltd. of Agrobank Quarter, Tel Aviv, alone or to the Roman numeral VI. manufacturers. Filed the 10th day of | December, 1944. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words ,,תוצרת הארץ״ VI-LITRON 4th October, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1444—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 83

Filed the 9th day of January, 1945. XIII. No. 6948 in Class 25, in respect of sahdles, shoes, house shoes and boots, in the name of Aaron (Arthur) Member, of 6, Merhavya Street, Tel Aviv, manufacturer and dealer.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "Sani- ״30*00״' .tas" and

v Filed the 2nd day of February, 1945.

....׳•:•"' , .xiv ' •• ' - No. 6949 in Class 24, in respect of textile materials, in the name of Saadi Ezrati and Sons, of 34, Nahalat Binyamin Street, Tel Aviv, tvholesale and retail merchants. Filed the 3rd day of February, 1945. „EZRATEX"

' xv. No. 6950 in Class 25, in respect of clothing, in the name of Saadi Ezrati and Sons, of 34, Nahalat Binyamin Street, Tel Aviv, wholesale and retail merchants.

Filed the 3rd day of February,v 1945. ״optn?y״ "EZRATEX„

.XVI. Filed the 13th day of February, 1945 ־ .־• ־ /. ­in respect of a pharma ׳,No- 6959 in Class 5

ceutical preparation for the4 treatment of liver and* gall bladder diseases and disturbances as HETOXIN POWDER well as jaundice and faulty digestion, in the name of The Maltine Company, a corporation The address for service in Palestine of Trade of the State of New York, of 745, Fifth Avenue, Mark Application No. 6960 is c/o S. Horowitz New York, N.Y., U.S.A., manufacturers and & Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. distributors. XVIII. Filed the 13th day of February, 1945. No. 6963 in Class 5, in respect of a thyroid extract, in the name of The Maltine Company, DEPANCOL a corporation of the State of New York, of The address for service in Palestine of Trade 745, Fifth Avenue, NeW York, N.Y., U.S.A., "Mark Application No. 6959 is c/o S. Horowitz manufacturers and distributors. & Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. Filed the 13th day of February, 1945. v : XVII. , No. 6960 in Class 5, in respect of an anti­ septic powder for treatment of skin diseases PROLOID and irritations, in the name of The Maltine Company, a corporation of the State of New The address for service in Palestine of ,Trade York, of 745, Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y., Mark Application Noi 6963 is c/o S. Horowitz U.S.A.,. manufacturers and distributors. & Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. 8-1 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 144a—SUPPLEMENT NO. 3. 4th October, 1945


, THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 1945. No. 6964 in Class 5, in respect of a pharma­ ceutical preparation for the treatment of Number of Name of Pro let r(s) Date of asthma, hay fever and allied diseases, in the Trade Mark J r P orw Advertisement name of The Maltine Company, a corporation of the State of New York, of 745,'Fifth Avenue, 6474 Zoltan Blumenthal trading New York, N.Y., U.S.A., manufacturers and as Blumenthal's Gloves 4.1.1945 distributors. 6623 Zamir Company 1.2.1945 Filed the 13th day of February, 1945. 6615 "Chemica" Limited 4.1.1945 6295 Husni El Habal 3.5.1945 TEDRAL 6598 Rothman's Limited 3.5.1945 6854 "Assia" Chemical Labora­ The address for service in Palestine of Trade tories Ltd. 3.5.1945 Mark Application No. 6964 is c/o S. Horowitz 6855 "Assia" Chemical Labora­ & Co '., P.O. Box 393, Jerusalem. tories Ltd. 3.5.1945 6583 Dr. Ing. Raudnitz & Holzer XX. ' Bros. The Palestine Scale No. 6996 in Class 30, in respect of toffees, Works Ltd. 3.5.1945 chocolates and sweetmeats, in the name of Ed­ 6733 Baddour Limited 3.5.1945 ward Sharp & Sons, Limited, a British com­ pany of Kreemy Works, St. Peter's Street, REGISTRATIONS RENEWED. Maidstone, Kent, England, manufacturing confectioners. Number of Name of Proprietors Registration •of this trade mark shall give no Trade Mark right to the exclusive use of the words "Sharp's" and "Super-Kreem". 806 Spillers Limited. 817 Duckworth & Co., (Essences) Limited. In use upon goods covered by the specifica­ 818 Duckworth & Co. (Essences) Limited. tion other than toffee, the mark will be .varied 819 Duckworth & Co., (Essences) Limited. by the substitution of the name of such goods .Duckworth & Co., (Essences) Limited 820׳ for the word "toffee". 821 Duckworth & Co., (Essences) Limited. Filed the 21st day of February, 1945. 822 . Duckworth & Co., (Essences) Limited. 823 Brooke Bond Ceylon Limited 824 Brooke Bond Ceylon Limited. 825 Mordecai Sh. Teperberg.

Renewal fees have not been paid in respect of the following trade marks: SHARPS! [SUPER-KREEM Number of SHARPS . Ñame of Proprietors TOFFEE T SUPER-KREEM Trade Mark TOFFEE 4f>iaJb fox ¿Udf 830 N.V. Phoenix Brewery 831 J.H. Henckels The address for service in Palestine of Trade 832 Socony Vacuum Oil Company Incor• Mark Application No. 6996 is c/o A.E. Mulford, porated P.O. Box 544, Jerusalem. 833 Standard Oil Company of New York 834 Socony Vacuum Oil Company In• XXI.. . corporated No. 7021 in Class 16, in respect of cheques 835 Socony Vacuum Oil Company In• and advertisement paper, in the name of the corporated Arab Bank Ltd., of Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem. 836 Standard Oil Company of New York Filed the 19th day of March, 1945. 837 Göedecke & Co. Chemische Fabrik & Export Aktiengesellschaft.

The following trade marks have been removed from the Register through non-payment of the renewal fees:

Number of Name of Proprietors Trade Mark

799 The Chiswick Polish Company (Over• seas) Limited. 800 The Chiswick Polish Company (Over• seas) Limited. 804 Levinstein & Shulman. 808 Allcock Manufacturing Company. 815 The "Solo'? Czechoslovak United Match and Chemical Works Ltd.

i 4th October, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1444—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 85


Number of Name of Proprietors Nature of Change Trade Mark

5948 Musterole Fine Products Company Address changed to': Limited. Brook House, Park Lane, London, W. 1, England.


PATENTS AND DESIGNS ORDINANCE. Patent Application No. 2707. Heinrich Freund of , near Talpioth, Jerusalem. Notice is hereby given that persons interested in opposing the granting of patents on the Title of Invention: "Means for protecting applications referred to below may, at any time ordinary door locks against picking". within two months from the date of this Date of Application : 13th' July, 1944. Gazette, give notice to the Registrar of Patents and Designs, Office of the Administrator Gene• Patent Application No. 2749., Bezalel ral, P.O.Box 1254, Jerusalem, in the prescribed Charles Niedzwiedz of 152, Ben Yehuda Street, manner of such opposition. Tel Aviv. Title of Invention: "Improvements in and Patent Application No. 1948. Charles Weiz- relating to fermentation processes". mann of 77, Great Russell Street, London, Date of Application: 24th August, 1944. W.C. 1, England. Title of Invention:/ "Improvements in and Patent Application No. 2765. Max: Sulzba- relating to fermentation processes". cher of 168, Haverstock Hill, London; N.W. 3, England. Date of Application: 13th September, 1941. Convention Date: 24th May, 1941. Title of Invention : "Improvements in and (United Kingdom). relating to the separation of fermentation products". Patent Application No. 2500. »Felix Sach- Date of Application : 11th September, 1944. nowski of Drexler House, Smilanski Street, Convention Date : 27th July, 1944. Natanya• ! (United Kingdom). Title of Invention: "Improvements in or relating to work holders for use in diamond Patent Application No. 2766. Theodor cutting or polishing apparatus". Arnold of Binyamina. "• Date of Application: , 16th December, 1943. Title of Invention: "Improvements in or relating to construction of frames for road vehicles". " . , Patent Application No. 2607. Abraham Yuster of Sha'arei Pinna, Jerusalem. " Date of Application: 12th September, 1944. Title of Invention: "An improved safety Patent Application No. 2841. Heinz Michael device for pressure fed oil stoves". Schoengut of 36, Hasharon Street, c/o Jacob- Date of Application : 15th April, 1944. son, Bat Galim, Haifa. Title of Invention: "Improvements in or Patent Application No. 2668. Dominique relating to electric toy motors". Pozzetti Gregoric of 139, Ben Yehuda Street, Date of Application: 3rd December, 1944. Tel Aviv. Title of Invention: "Improvements in or Patent Application No. 2851. Chaim Szczy- relating to fishing methods and apparatus". pior of 7, 'Ovadia: Street, Florentin Quarter, Date of Application:' 26th May, 1944. Jaffa. Title of Invention : "Improvements in beds". Patent Application No. 2689. De Trey Date of Application: 23rd December, 1944. Frères Société Anonyme of Nurenbergstrasse 19, Zurich, Switzerland. Patent Application No. 2889. Coloman Title of Invention: "Improvements in or Zelter of Nahalat Ahim Quarter, Jerusalem. relating to a process for the manufacture of thermo-setting synthetic resins". Title of Invention: "Improvements in or relating to doorlocks". , Date of Application : 21st June, 1944. Convention Date : 16th June, 1943. Date of Application: 22nd< January, 1945. (Switzerland). Patent Application No. 2911 v Fajwusz Patent Application No. 2699. Ciba Limited Reichert of 1, Arnon Street, Tel Aviv. (formerly Society of Chemical Industry in Title of Invention: "Improvements in or Basle) of 141, Klybeckstrasse, Basle, Switzer• relating to covers for manholes, sewers or the land. like". Title of Invention : 'Disinfecting prepara- Date of Application: 9th February, 1945. tions". Dateof Application: 10th July, 1944. Patent Application No. 2929. J.R. Geigy Convention Date : 30th July, 1943. AG. of Schwarzwaldallee 215, Basle, Switzer• (Switzerland). land. 86 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1444—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 4th October, 1945

Title of Invention: "Insecticidal composi­ PATENTS SEALED. tions". Number of Date of Name of Patentee(s) Date of Application: 22nd February, 1945. Patent Advertisement Convention Date: 7th January, 1944. (Switzerland). 2575 Maximilian Offner 7.6.1945 2581 Teodoro Enrique Gutierrez 5.7.1945 2630 Sabsa Sudit ,7.6.1945 Patent Application No. 2940. Eliakim 2631 Sabsa Sudit 7.6.1945. Auerbach^ of 5, Prophets Street, Haifa. 2649 Adolf Tritt 3.5.1945 Title of Invention: "Improvements in or 2657 Michael Weissbrem 5.7.1945 relating to windows". 2691 Joseph Reich 5.7.1945 ׳ Date of Application: 25th February, 1945. 2709 Zvi Blau 5.7.1945 2724 Jocob Mouchly 7.6.1945 2812 Rudolf Bloch and' others 5.7.1945 Patent Application No. 2941. Eliakim 2816 Eliezer Meirson 5.7.1945 Auerbach of 5, Prophets Street, Haifa. 2832 Maximilian Offner 7.6.1945 Title of Invention: "Improvements in or 2859 Desider Quitt 5.7.1945 ׳' . . relating to chimney or the like cowls". 2888 Isaac Vinokor 5.7.1945 2894 Herbert Nussbaum and Ernst Date of Application: 25th February, 1945. Ettisch 5.7.1945

Patent Application No. 2942. Eliakim UNITED KINGDOM PATENT Auerbach of 5, Prophets Street, Haifa. REGISTERED IN PALESTINE.

׳ Title of Invention: "Improvements in or Number of Date of Name of Patentee relating to eye shades". Patent Advertisement

Date of Application: 25th February, 1945. 2542 Adolf Sommerfeld 7.6.1945

The following patents \have been removed Patent Application No. 2962. Isaac Katz of 26, Barzilai Street, Haifa. from the Register through non-payment of the renewal fees: — Title• of Invention: "Improvements in or Number of relating to gas valves". Name of Patentee(s) Patent Date of Application: 4th March, 1945. 294 William Stanley Bauer 300 Francis Floyd Johnston Patent Application No. 2975. George Szek- 1132 ely of 92, Ben Zion Boulevard, Tel Aviv. 1138 Leopold Fernbach and Gershon Kaplan Title of Invention: "Electromagnetically 1149 N.V. De Bataafsche Petroleum Maat- driven compressor". schappij Date of Application: 10th March, 1945. 1845 Haim Rabinovitz and Moshe Rabino- vitz 1893 Benno Lustig Patent Application No. 2980. Milton John 1900 Nachum Labkowsky Roedel of 12 Hurst Road, Deerhurst, Wilmin­ 1903 Siegmund Schwarz and Anton Daskal gton, Delaware, U.S.A. 1904 Azriel Hausdorff Title of Invention: "Improvements in or relating to the coating of metal articles". NOTICE. Date of Application: 19th March, 1945. The renewal fee in respect of Patent No. 706, in the name of Compagnie Internationale des Patent Application No. 3050• Michael Ostro- Pieux Armes, Frankignoul, S.A. has been paid wiak of 89, Berea Road, Durban, Natal, Union under section 7(2)(6) of the Patents, Designs, of South Africa. Copyright and Trade Marks (Emergency) Ordinance, 1939, and the patent has been. re­ Title of Invention: "Improvements in. the stored to the Register. This patent has been manufacture of cellular materials". removed from the list of patents removed from Date of Application: 3rd December, 1944. the Register, published in Palestine Gazette No. Divided out of Patent Application No. *2839. 1311 of 6.1.1944. Supplement Bo. 3 to Ci)e Palestine ®alette Bo. uwofnt jßobem&er, 1940.


TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE. The address for service in Palestine of Trade The following applications for the registra• Mark Application No. 6763 is c/o Reinhold Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. tion of the trade marks referred to therein are hereby advertised in accordance with the pro• III. visions of the Trade Marks Ordinance. No. 6764 in Class 16, in respect of periodical­ Any person may, within three months from ly printed publications, in the name of Time, the date of this Gazette, file with the Registrar Incorporated, a corporation under the laws of of Trade Marks, Office of the Administrator the State of New York, U.S.A., of 9, Rockefel­ General, P.O. Box 1254, Jerusalem, a notice of ler Plaza, City and State of New York, U.S.A., opposition to the registration of any trade publishers. mark referred to in any application hereunder. Filed the 2nd day of October, 1944. Such notice shall be given in writing in the prescribed manner and shall include a state• ment of the grounds of opposition. A copy of such notice of opposition shall be served upon the applicant for registration. Formal opposition should not be lodged until after notice has been given by letter to the applicant for registration, so as to afford him an opportunity of withdrawing his mark before the expense of preparing the notice of opposition is Incurred. Failing such notice to the applicant, an opponent may be disallowed his costs. ' APPLICATIONS ACCORDING TO THE FOURTH SCHEDULE TO THE TRADE MARKS RULES, 1940. • I. No. 6443 in, Class 5, in respect of pharma• ceutical, veterinary and sanitary substances, in the name of Evans Sons Lescher and Webb Ltd., a British company, of Speke in the City of Liverpool, England, manufacturers. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Filed the 4th day of February, 1944. Mark Application No. 6764 is c/o Reinhold STREPTOCIDE Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. The address for service in Palestine of Trade IV. Mark Application No. 6443 is c/o J. S'uss- No. 6771 in Class 5, in respect of a tonic pre­ mann, P.O.Box 627, Tel Aviv. paration, in the name of Winthrop Products ,Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware '׳ .II ׳ ^ : No, 6763 in Class 16, in respect of periodical­ of 350 Hudson Street, New York, N.Y., U.S.A.,, ly printed publications, in the name of Time, manufacturers. Incorporated, a corporation under the laws of Filed the 10th day of October, 1944- the State of New York, of 9, Rockefeller Plaza, City and State of New York, U.S.A., publish­ ALBATON •'.•׳ ' .ers 'Filed the 2nd day of October, 1944. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6771 is c/o S. Horowitz & Co., Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. ; v. No. 6773 in Class 5, in respect of a, veterin­ ary chemotherapeutic product, in the name of Winthrop Products Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware of 350 Hudson Street, New York, N.Y., U.S.A., manufacturers. Filed the 10th day of October, 1944. ANDELELLA The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6773 is c/.o S. Horowitz & Co., P.O.Box 393, Jerusalem. ,

־. .VI No. 6777 in Class 5, in respect of a veterin­ ary antispasmodic product, in the name of

_ 8.7 — THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1448—SUPPLEMENT NO. 3. 1st November, 1945

Winthrop Products Inc., a corporation of the frigeration, in the name of "Frigor" and Chem­ State of Delaware, of 350 Hudson Street, Mew icals Limited, of 6, Alfassi Street, Jerusalem, York, N.Y., U.S.A., manufacturers. manufacturers. Filed the 10th day of October, 1944: Filed the 27th day of October, 1944. RIGOR"

The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6777 is c/o S'.• Horowitz & Co., P.O.Box 393, Jerusalem. XI. No. 6837 in Class 14, in respect of precious -vii. stones and jewellery, in the name of Diamon . :•:־ •• trade Financing Limited, of Industrial Centre, No. 6794 in Class 5, in respect of a tonic, in Natanya, manufacturers and dealers in dia­ the name of Winthrop Products Inc., a corpora­ monds. tion of the State of Delaware, of 350 Hudson Street, New York, N.Y., U.S.A., manufac­ Registration of this trade mark shall give turers. no right to the exclusive use of the device of a diamond. , Filed the 10th day of October, 1944. Filed the 3rd day of November, 1944.

The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6794 is c/o S- Horowitz & Co., P.O.Box 393, Jerusalem.

VIII. No. 6797 in Class 5, in respect of an anal­ gesic, in the name of Winthrop Products Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware, of 350, Hudson Street, New York, N.Y., U.S.A., manu­ ׳. .facturers Filed the 10th day of October, 1944. XII. No- 6871 in Class 33, in respect of whisky, in the name of Macdonald & Muir Limited, a British company, of Queen's Dock, Commercial The address for service in Palestine of Trade Street, Leith, Scotland, distillers, blenders and Mark" Application No. 6797 is c/o S. Horowitz exporters. & Co., P.O.Box 393, Jerusalem. In use upon whisky other than Grand Li­ queur Scotch Whisky, the mark will be varied IX. by the substitution of a description of such No. 6798 in Class 14, in respect of watches, whisky for the words "Grand Liqueur" and clocks and parts thereof, in the name of Meyer "Scotch". & Studeli A. G. Uhrenfobrik Solothurn, a Filed the 3rd day of December, 1944. Swiss company, of 510 and 259 Weissenstein- strasse, Solothurn, Switzerland, watch manu­ 1־ .facturers Filed the 11th day of October, 1944.


X. No. 6828 in Class 1, in respect of chemical L. product (marketed in liquid and solid form) being a cooling medium used in ice and ice­ The address for service in Palestine of Trade cream factories, cold storage plants, freezing Mark Application No. 6871 is c/o Richardson works and breweries, for ice making and• re­ & Co., P.O.Box 300, Jaffa.


No. 6893 in Class 34, in respect of cigarettes, in the name of The Arab Union Cigarette & Tobacco Co. Ltd., of 21, Stanton Street, Haifa, manufacturers of and dealers in cigarette and ־ ־ ׳ ׳ ׳ .tobacco 1st November, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 144&-^SUPPW3MENT No..3. 89

Filed the 16th day of December, 1944.

XIV. The address for service in Palestine of Trade No. 6929 in Class 8, in respect of cutlery, Mark Application No. 6938 is c/o Richardson forks' and spoons, in the name of "Michsaf" & Co., P.O.Box,300, Jaffa. . •

Palestine Silver and Metal Works !,Ltd., of r . .XVI ' . •'׳ :': ' .Agrobank Quarter, Tel Aviv, manufacturers- Registration of this' trade mark shall give No. 6942 in Class 6, in respect of rolled and no right to the exclusive use of the words cast building materials and locksmiths' work, in the name of D. Zapnik •&' L. Feingold, of .״תוצרת ד&רץ״ Filed the 9th day of January, 1945. 26, Perez Street, Tel Aviv, manufacturers. - Registration of this trade mark shall give letters ־no right to the exclusive use •> of the and word D.nK' X " ! Filed the 25th day of January, 1945.

XVII. No. 6957 in Class 3, in respect of household and toilet soap of the Nablus type, in the name of Mamdouh Abdullatif Hassan el Nabulsi, of Yasmine Quarter, Nablus, manufacturer of soap. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a device of a crescent. Filed the 9th day of February, 1945. -

•• XV. • -. No. 6938 in Class 9, in respect of radio transmitters and receivers, loud speakers, sound amplifiers, radio receiving s^ts used in combination with phonographs; phonograph record electric pickup attachments; accessories and component parts of the above in the name of The Hallicrafters Co., a U.S'.A. company, XVIII. of 2611 South Indiana Avenue, City of Chicago, No. 6958 in Class 3, in respect of household State of Illinois, US. A., manufacturers- and toilet soap of the Nablus type, in the name Filed the 18th day of January, 1945. of Mamdouh Abdullatif Hassan el Nabulsi, of Yasmine Quarter, Nablus, manufacturer of HALLICRAFTERS soap. 90 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE N 1st November, 1945

Registration of this trade mark shall give no Registration of this trade mark shall give right to the exclusive use of a device cf a no right to the exclusive use of the words "Re­ crescent. nowned The World Over". Filed the 9th day of February, 1945. In use upon cycles, the mark will be varied by the substitution of the word "Cycles" for, the words "Cycle fitments". Filed the 11th day of March, 1945.

XIX. No. 7014 in Class 12, in respect of cycles and component parts thereof not included in other classes; carrier brackets for cycles, and cycle bells, in the name of J. A. Phillips &; Company Limited, a British company, of Credenda The address for service in Palestine,of Trade Works, Smethwick, near Birmingham, England, Mark Application No. 7014 is c/o Reinhold manufacturers. Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. ,

XX. No. 7020 in Class 3, in respect of starch for laundry purposes, in the name of Reckitt & Colman Limited, a British company, of Dansom Lane, Kingston-upon-Hull, England, manu­ , ׳ .facturers Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of any of the letter­ press appearing on the mark except as far as it consists of the word "Reckitt's". Filed the 18th day of March, 1945.


The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 7020 is c/o A. E. Mul- ford, P.O.Box 544, Jerusalem.

XXI. XXII. No. 7036 in Class 5, in respect of a pharma­ No. 7038 in Class 5, in respect of a pharma­ ceutical consisting of zinc phosphide, strych­ ceutical consisting of trimethyl-betahydroxe- nine methyl arsenate and yohimbine hydro­ thyl ammonium hydroxide, in the name of chloride, in the name of Winthrop Products Winthrop Products Inc., a corporation of the Inc., a corporation of the State of Delaware, of State of Delaware, of 350 Hudson Street, New 350 Hudson Street, New York City, U.S.A., York City, U.S.A., manufacturers. manufacturers. Filed the 3rd day of April, 1945. Filed the 3rd day of April; 1945. COLMORAL HONATILE The address for service in Palestine of Trade The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 7036 is c/o S. Horowitz Mark Application No. 7038 is c/o S. Horowitz & Co., P.O.Box 393, Jerusalem. & Co., P.O.Box 393, Jerusalem. GAZETTE No. 1448—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 91 ׳ 1st• November, 1945 THE PALESTINE

XXIII. Filed the 13th day of April, 1945. No. 7043 in Class 23, in respect cf knitting wools and knitting yarns, in the name of Anglo- Continental Wool Company Limited, a British company of 19, Salem Street, Bradford, Eng­ land, manufacturers- Filed the 6th day of April, 1945.

. . • XXVII. 1 No. 7059 in Class 2,! in respect of paints, varnishes (other than insulating varnish), enamels (in the nature of paint), painters' colours, distempers, japans, lacquers, paint and varnish driers, wood preservatives, wood stains, anti-corrosive and anti-fouling composi­ tions, and anti-corrosive oils, in the name of Griffiths Bros. & Co., London, Limited, a British company of 29, Macks Road, Bermond- sey, London, S. E., England, paint, colour and varnish manufacturers.

The address for service in Palestine of Trade Filed the 16th day of April, 1945. Mark Application No. 7043 is c/o A. E. Mul- ford, P.O.Box 544, Jerusalem,

.xxiv , ־,.: -׳ ..<;.- 7.: No. 7047 in Class 23,. in respect of knitting wools, in the name of Sidney Whittaker Lim­ ited,, a British company of Manor Buildings, Manor Row, Bradford, Yorkshire, England, manufacturers. Filed the 10th day of April, 1945. MIRABEL

The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 7047 is c/o A. E, Mul- ford, P.O.Box 544, Jerusalem, ARMOUR BRAND

XXV. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 7059 is c/o A. E. Mul- No. 7054 in Class 32, in respect of beer, ale ford, P.O.Box 544, Jerusalem. and porter; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; syrups and other J XXVIII. preparations for making beverages, in the name of S. A. Brasseries de la Me use, a com­ No. 7062 in Class 8, in respect of hand tools pany organized under the laws of France, of and instruments, in the name of Tools & Tech- 9, Boulevard Malesherbes, Paris, France, manu- nical Supply Ltd.,\ of New Business Centre, facturers and traders. Haifa, manufacturers of and dealers in tools and technical instruments. Filed the 12th day of April, 1945. Filed the 18th day of April, 1945.

MAFEX ־8־ '.. -.. XXIX, i No. '7063 in Class 32, in respect of beer, ale and porter; mineral and aerated waters; be- verages of various kinds containing a small The address for service in Palestine of Trade percentage of alcohol; malt beer, in the name Mark ' Application No. 7054 is c/o Reinhold of Palestine Brewery Ltd., of Rishon le Zion, Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. brewers. . XXVI. Filed the 21st day of April, 1945. No. 7057 in Class 25, in respect of ready made articles of clothing, in the name of "Na- EAGLE delit" Nadel Brothers, of, 34, Jaffa-Tel Aviv- נשר .Road, Tel Aviv, manufacturers and dealers THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1448—SUPPLÉMENT No. 3. 1st November, 1945 יי XXX.-• Filed the 30th day of April, 1945. . No, 7065 in Class 20, in respect of furniture, in the name of Shimon Shvarzovsky trading ,Aliya Street, Tel Aviv י ,Oneg", of• 33'.׳ as manufacturer. .Filed the 23rd day of April, 1945 ׳ עוגן •;"


.xxxi ־;' No. 7073 in Class 16, in respect of stationery, adhesive materials (stationery) and office re- quisites (other than furniture), in the name of Max Strauss trading as Wire Ware Factory, of Kfar Ata near Haifa, manufacturer and dealer. Registration of this trade mark shall give" ho right to the exclusive use of the letters ש. מ״ S, M. and Filed the 26th day of April, 1945. LE P1D ODE NE RON

XXXIV. No. 7080 in Class 21, in respect of brushes , (other than paint brushes), brush-making ma­ terials, in the name of Addis Limited, a British company,, of Ware Road, Hertford, England, ;.־ - .manufacturers Filed the 2nd day of May, 1945. •

WISDOM The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 7080 is c/o Reinhold Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel.Aviv.

xxxv. No. 7090 in Class 11, in respect of electric , water heating apparatus and parts thereof, in the name of Louis Paul Haussauer, of Sadia Works, Rowdell Road, Northolt, Greenford, Middlesex, England, manufacturer. Filed the 13th day of May, 1945. XXXII. , No. 7074 in Class 1, in respect of thermo­ setting or thermoplastic materials, being chem­ SADIA ical substances for industrial purposes, in the name of Kodak (Egypt) S. A., an Egyptian company, of Kodak House, 20, Sharia Adly The address for service in Palestine of Trade Pasha, Cairo, Egypt, merchants. Mark Application No. 7090 is c/o Cohen Zedek & Spisbach, P.O.Box 1169 Tel Aviv. Filed the 26th day of April, 1945. r XXXVI. No. 7103 in Class 5, in respect of an anti­ TENITE anemic vitamin preparation, in the name of Winthrop Products Inc., a corporation of the The address for service in Palestine of Trade State of Delaware, of 350 Hudson Street, New Mark Application No. 7074 is c/o Reinhold York City, U.S.A., manufacturers. Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. Filed the 21st day of May, 1945.

XXXIII. No. 7078 in Class 3, in respect of hair grow­ VIOCOPLEX ing and hair preserving preparations, in the The address for service in Palestine of Trade name of George Bellous, of 6, Levontin Street, Mark Application No. 7103 is c/o S. Horowitz - Haifa, merchant and manufacturer. & Co. P.O.Box 393, Jerusalem.- Ist Ntwmber, ,1945 THE* PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1448—SUPPLEMENT NO. 3. 93

Number of Date of (Name of Proprietor(s ־ .XXXVII Trade Mark Advertisement No. 7115 in Class 1, in respect of chemical substances used in manufactures, in the name 6677 Camden Chemical Company, 7.6.1945 ..••׳.־ of B. Laporte Limited, a British company, of Limited Kingsway, Luton, Bedfordshire, England, 6684 Camden Chemical Company, 7.6.1945 .׳ •:•••־ . manufacturers. Limited 6695 Palestine Brewery Ltd. 7.6.1945 Filed the 27th day of May, 1945. 6696 Palestine Brewery Ltd. - 7.6! 1945 6702 Palestine Brewery Ltd. 7.6.1945 7.6.1945 .׳• .Palestine Brewery Ltd .6703 6704 Palestine Brewery Ltd." 7.6.1945 6718 Wenzel Proprietary Limited 7.6.1945 6719 Wenzel Proprietary Limited 7.6.1945 6730 Palestine Brewery Ltd. 7.6.1945 6734 Ward, Blenkinsop & Com­

pany Limited." A 7.6.1945 6753 Palestine Brewery Ltd. 7.6.1945 6829 Winthrop Products Inc. _ 7.6.1945 6869 Julius Mollerich 7.6.1945 6875 "Pleese" Metal Works Ltd- 7.6.1945 6901 Nurit Co. Ltd. 7.6.1945 6902 Nurit Co. Ltd. 7.6.1945 6912 Southalls (Birmingham) Limited The address for service in Palestine of Trade 7.6.1945 Mark Application No. 7115 is c/o Reinhold 6835 Great Lakes Steel Corpora­ Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv:. tion 7,6.1945 6892 Napoleon Fountain Pen XXXVIII. . Works Limited 7.6.1945 6894 Nathan Rosenberg & Her­ No. 7116 in Class 5, in. respect of eye reme­ bert Rosenberg trading as dies, in the name of The Murine Company N. Rosenberg . Inc., a corporation duly organized under the 7.6.1945 6907 "Assia" Chemical Labora­ laws of the State of Illinois,, of No. 660—678 tories Ltd. North Wabash Avenue, Chicago, State of Illi­ 7.6.1945 6667 Mahmud Sultan trading nois, U.S.A., manufacturers of eye remedies. Sultan Textile Works 7.6.1945 ־as Filed'the 28th day of May, 1945. 6885 Max Hurley 7.6.1945 6707 Mojud Hosiery Co. Inc. 7.6.1945 6597 Rothman's Limited 7.6.1945 6403 Karaman, Dick & Salti Ltd. 7-6.1945 6710 Neca The Near; East.Chemical VRML & Pharmaceutical Industries

Ltd. ..,.i.. 7.6.1945 6721 Neca The Near East Chemical & Pharmaceutical Industries' Ltd. The address for service in Palestine of Trade 7.6.1945 Mark Application No. 7116 is c/o Cohen Zedek & Spisbach, P.O.Box 1169; Tel Aviv. REGISTRATIONS RENEWED.

Number of Name ! of Proprietors TRADE MARKS REGISTERED DURING THE Trade Mark MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1945. 814 George Louisidis & Fils _ ׳ Date of 840 Stanco Incorporated <-״'•/• *״• ״ ׳ • <, Number of Trade Mark Name of P'°Pnetor^ Advertisement 842 Stanco Incorporated

6716• Chemical Products Corpora­ Renewa l fees have not been paid in respect of־ tion Ltd. 12.4.1945 ־ : David Dern trading as the following trade marks 6754 David Dern Tricot Number of Interlock and Elastic Factory Name of Proprietors Trade Mark: • "Carmel Tricot" 12.4-1945 6808 Taasiyah Chemit Tel Aviv 838 Fritz Schulz Jun Aktiengesellschaft Ltd. 12.4.1945 Fritz Schulz,Jun Aktiengesellschaft 6338 Imperial Chemical Industries 839 Compagnie de la Source Perrier ־Limited , 7.6.1945 843 6339 ImperiaLChemical Industries 844 The American Chicle Company Limited . . - 7.6.1945 845 The American Chicle Company 6340 Imperial Chemical Industries 847 Naamlooze Vonnootschap Voor Den & Limited 7.6.1945 Verkoop Van Zinkwit G. Rocour ־ . 6439 Evans Sons Lescher and Webb Cie Ltd. - 7.6.1945 6588 Winthrop Products Inc. 7.6.1945 Aciéries Du, Comte Georges De 6679 Camden Chemical Company, Thum A Ravne ' Limited . 7.6.1945 850 Mannesmannrohren-Werke r m. THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1448—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 1st November, 1945

The following trade marks have been removed from the register through non-payment of the renewal fees: HIGHEST Number of AWARDS Name of Proprietors For Purit?, Safety Trade Mark and Efficacy 830 N. V. Phoenix Brewery 831 J. H. Henckels 832 Socony Vacuum Oil Company Incor­ porated 833 Standard Oil Company of New York m 834 Socony Vacuum Oil Co. Inc. GRAND PRIX 835 Socony Vacuum Oil Co. Inc. GOLDMEDAL ,836 Standard Oil Company of New York PARIS. !810 ]t>fr>3 l-IOBTWINO CODOH tViTufi׳Goedecke & Company Chemische Fab­ V 837 rik and Export Aktiengesellschaft


Leave has been granted under section 24 of the Trade Marks Ordinance, 1938, to Veno Drug SMALL SIZE Prepared fry ' - Co. Ltd., of Veno Buildings, Chester Road, VENO DRUG Co. Ltd. Manufacturing Cheraiiti, Manchester, England, the proprietors of Trade MANCHESTER. Enf. Mark No. 4935 to alter their mark to the following form:


Number oj Name p ietor{s) Nature of Change Trade Mark

1 825 Mordecai Sh. Teperberg Address changed to : Mahne Yehudah, Jerusalem. 921 General Motors Corporation Address for service changed to : Cohen Zedek & Spisbach, P.O.Box 1169, Tel Aviv. 922 General Motors Corporation Address for service changed to : Cohen Zedek & Spisbach, P.O.Box 1169, Tel Aviv.


Number of Name of Former Proprietor(s) Name of Present Proprietors Trade Mark 476 Haj Mohammad Nimer Hassan el Mohamed 'Nimer Hassan Nabulsi Ltd. of Nabulsi & Sons Ltd. Nablus.. 5268 Near East Chemical Agency Neca The Near East Chemical and Pharmaceu­ tical Industries Limited of 154, Hayarkon Street, Tel Aviv. ; 5648 David Lieberman Palestine Pharmaceutical Products Ltd- of Rehovot•


PATENTS AND DESIGNS ORDINANCE. Patent Application No. 2366. Paul Peillon of 31, El Asbagh, Cairo, Egypt, Neguib Sarruf Notice is hereby given that persons interested Bey of 8, Ahmud Pacha Street, Cairo, Egypt, in opposing the granting of patents on the and Leon Castro of ,37, Malaka Farida, Cairo, applications referred to below may, at any time Egypt• . . • •r within two months from the date of this Title of Invention: "Improvements in or Gazette, give notice to the Registrar of Patents and Designs, Office of the Administrator Gene­ relating to electric underwater welding". , ral, P.O.Box 1254, Jerusalem, in the prescribed Date of Application : 10th June, 1943. manner of such opposition. Patent Application No. 2479. Standard Oil Development Company of Linden, State of Patent Application No. 2360. Josef Hilbl New Jersey, United States of America. Spira cf Hotel Paris, East End Avenue and Title of. Invention : "Improvement in con­ 97th Street, New York, New York, United tinuous isomerization process". States of America. Date of Application : 16th November, 1943. Title of Invention: "Dop for grinding, cut­ Convention Date : 20th November, 1942. ting or polishing pavilion facets of gems"• (U.S.A.) . " i Date Of Application : 3rd June, 1943. Patent Application No. 2588. Ciba Ltd. for- 1st• November, 1945 THE PALESTIXE GAZETTE NO. 1448—SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 95

merly Society of Chemical Industry in Basle Title of Invention : "Aminoalkylindenes and of 141, Klybeckstrasse,.Basle, Switzerland. process of making same". Title of Invention: "Quinolyihydrqxyalky- Date of Application : 2nd October, 1944. lammonium compounds and process of pre• Convention Date : 20th August, 1943. paring same". (Switzerland) Date of Application : 19th March, 1944. Convention Date : 30th July, 1943. Patent Application! No. 2790. The Pre-S'tres- (Switzerland) sed Concrete Company Limited and Karl Walter Mautner, both of 36—38, Victoria Street, Patent Application No. 2622. Max Kassel• London, S. W. 1, England. man of 32, Ben Zion Boulevard, Tel Aviv. Title of Invention: "Improvements in the Title of Invention: "Process for the manu• design and manufacture of pre-sjtres-ed con­ facture of cellular concreté or the like building crete structures subjected to bending moments material". in two opposite directions and to shear especial­ Date of Application : 23rd April, 1944. ly railway sleepers or the like". \ Date of Application!: 11th October, 1944. Patent Application No. 2693. Ciba Ltd. for• Convention Date : 22nd September, 1943. merly Society of Chemical Industry in Basle (United Kingdom) u of 141, Klybeckstrasse, Basle, *Switzerland. Title of Invention : "Process for the manu• Patent Application No. 2792. Josef Hillel facture of cyclic amines". Spira of Hotel Paris, Westend Aveni^e rnd Date of Application : 29th June, 1944. 97th Street, New York, N.Y., United States Convention Date: 25th June, 1943. of America. (Switzerland) • Title of Invention: "Gem grinding device".. Date of Application : 13th October, 1944. Patent Application No. 2697. Standard Oil Convention Date : 6th October, .1943 Development Company of Linden, State of (U.S.A.) - ; New Jersey, United States of America. Title of Invention : "Improvement in isome- Patent Application No. 2797. Chicago Bridge rization process". & Iron Company, of 1305, West 105th Street, Date of Application : 3rd July, 1944. City of Chicago, State of Illinois, United States Convention Daté : 11th September, 1942. of America. (U.S'.A.) Title of Invention: "Improvements in or relating to storage vessels". Patent Application No. 2701. Chaim Jakob Date of Application :; 18th October, 1944. Neuman of 4, Henley Court, Watford Way, Convention Date : 6th October, 1943• London, N. W. 4, England." (U.S.A.) ! Title of Invention: "Means for effecting a No- 2802. Leopold Adler ׳ temporary coupling between fluid delivery Patent Application means and fluid receiving means". of 25, Ibn-Ezra Street, Jerusalem. Date of Application: 10th July, 1944. Title of Invention:, "Carrier for feeding loaves of bread to bakers' ovens". Patent Application No. 2706. Edward Deo- Date of Application i' 23rd October, 1944. dato of 5, Avenue Sidi-Gaber, Ramleh, Alexan• —i־ .i dria, Egypt. Patent Application No. 2805. Otto Gerngrcss Title of Invention: "Improvements in or of Hirschberg House, JYahalom Street, Ramat relating to pumps". Gan, and Herbert Loewenstein of 120, Dizen- Date of Application: 13th July, 1944. goff Street, Tel Aviv. j: . Title of Invention: "The manufacture from Patent Application No. 2761. Josef Hillel citrus fruit peel of jmouldable masses and Spira of Hotel Paris, Westend Avenue and 97th boards and other moulded articles". Street, New York, New York^ United States Date of Application: 25th October, 1944. of America. Title of Invention: "Bezel dop and grind• Patent Application No. 2806.^Otto Gerngross ing device". of Hirschberg House, JYahalom Street, Ramat Gan, and Herbert Loewenstein of 120, Dizen- Date of Application: 7th September, 1944. ׳ •, \ goff Street, Tel Aviv. | Convention Date : 1st September, 1943. Titfe of Invention:: j "The manufacture from (U.S.A.) citrus fruit peel of mouldable masses and boards and other moulded articles". Patent Application No. 2771. Leopold Zwil- Date of Application:! 25th October, 1944. linger of 57, Nahalat Binyamin Street, Tel Aviv. Patent Application No. 2853. Gunther Fried- Title of Invention: "Improvements in or lander of Bayit Wegan, near Jerusalem, and relating to typewriters". , Teva Middle East Pharmaceutical & Chemical Date of Application : 18th September, 1944. Works Co- Ltd. of Bayit Wegan, near Jeru­

: ׳ ׳ '..׳,'.. salem. . . M j

Patent Application No. 2784. Ciba Limit-d, Title of Invention: ; "Therapeutically active formerly Society of Chemical Industry in Basle, heterocyclic compounds of the sulfanil amide ׳. ., ; ."j•f 141 , Klybeckstrasse, Basle•, Switzerland. series 1st November, 1945 ׳-.THE PALESTINE GAZETTE Nb. 1448—SUPPLEMENT No. 3

Date ôf Application : 24th December, 1944. Title of Invention: "Process for the manu• Application for Patent of Addition to Patent facture of dithiocarbamic acid esters". .Date of •Application : 25th February, 1945 • ־ . • .No.'1862 Convention Date: 4th January, 1944. Patent Application No] 2855. Yehuda Ben (Switzerland) , .. Yisraél Gutbir of Beth Markovitz, Nahalat Gannim. • ' , Patent Application No. 2937. Ciba Limited, Title of Invention : "Improved flushing formerly known as Society, of Chemical Indus• .*valve". ... try in Basle, of 141, Klybeckstrasse, "Basle, Date of Application : 27th December, 1944. Switerzland. Title of Invention: "Culture media for mold fungi and process for the manufacture Patent Application N0. 2872. Michel N. Yar- deny of 475, Fifth Avenue, New York. 17, N.Y-, of antibacterial substances". U.S.A. . Date of Application : 25th February, 1945. Title of Invention :"Electric control ap• Convention Date : 13th January, 1944. (Switzerland) ־: ."paratus Date of Application : 7th January, 1945. Patent Application No. 2938. Ciba Limited, Patent Application No. 2884. Artur Striem formerly known as Society of Chemical Indus• of 17a, Herzl Street, Haifa, and Rudolf Pick try in Basle, of 141, Klybeckstrasse, Basle, of 3, Daniel Street, Haifa. Switzerland. Title of Invention : ' "Improvements in or re­ Title of Invention : "2—(N-Aryl-N-Aralkyl- lating to folding beds" . Aminoalkyl) imidazolines". Date of Application : 12th January, 1945. Date of Application : 25th February, 1945. N Convention Date : 23rd March, 1944. Patent Application No. 2892. Jacob Etkes of (Switzerland) 13, Bank Street, Haifa. Title of Invention : "A circuit breaker for Patent Application No. 2939. Ciba Limited, signalling purposes". formerly known as Society of Chemical Indus• Date of Application : 24th January, 1945. try in Basle, of 141, Klybeckstrasse, Basle, Switzerland. Patent Application No. 2909. Joseph Spis- Title of Invention: "Process for the manu• bach of 122, Allenby Road, Tel Aviv. facture of tertiary arylamines". Title of Invention: "Improvements in the" Date of Application : 25th February, 1945! manufacture of paper tapers for wax matches". Convention Date: 31st March, 1944. Daté of Application : 8th February, 1945. (Switzerland)

Patent Application No. 2923. Theodor Linde- Patent Application No. 2943. Isaac Shimkin mann of 42, Craven Hill Gardens, London, W.2, of 12, Achad Ha'am Street, Haifa. England, Hatim Attari of 19, Berkeley Street, London, W.l,'England, and Harry Lindemanri Title of Invention: "Improvements in or re• of 81, Westbourne Court, Orsett Terrace, Lon• lating to electric cooking pots". don, W.2-, England. Date of Application : 25th February, 1945. Title of Invention: "Improvements in or re• lating to fuels for internal combustion engines". Patent Application No. 2947. J. R. Geigy Date of Application: 19th February, 1945. A. G•• of Schwarzwaldallee 215, Basle, Switzer• •'׳••'/׳' , - • .land Convention Date : 29th March, 1944. (United Kingdom) Title of Invention: "Insecticidal composi­ .•׳״.׳ ."tions Patent Application No. 2926. Patented Date of Application : 27th February, 1945. Diamond Incorporated of 270 Broadway, New Convention Date: 13th October, 1943. York, N.Y., U.S.A. (Switzerland) Title of Invention : "Brilliant type diamond and method of cutting the same". Patent Application No. 2948. J. R. Geigy Date of Application : 20th February, 1945. A. G. of Schwarzwaldallee 215, Basle, Switzer­ Convention Date : 21st July, 1944. land. (U.S.A.) Title of Invention: "Acylated p-aminoben- zene sulphonamides and a process of making Patent Application No. 2930. J. R. Geigy A. same". G. of Schwarzwaldallee 215, Basle, Switzer• Date of Application : 27th February, 1945. land. Convention Date : 5th November, 1943. ־. (Title of Invention : "Insecticidal composi• (Switzerland tions and a process for making same". Date of Application : 22nd February, 1945. Patent Application No. 2949. J .R. Geigy Convention Date: 14th January, 1944. A. G. of Schwarzwaldallee 215, Basle, Switzer­ (Switzerland) ' land. Title of Invention: "Process for the manu­ Patent Application No. 2935. Ciba Limited, facture of p-aminobenzene sulphon-trimethyla- formerly Society of Chemical Industry in Basle crylic acid anides, and p-aminobenzene sulphon- of 141, Klybeckstrasse, Basle, Switzerland. trimethylacrylic acid amides obtained thereby". 1st November, 1945 97

Date of Application :. 27th February, 1945. Finsbury Circus, London, E. C. 2, England, Convention Date : 12th November, 1943. Eric William Musther Fawcett and Eric Syl­ (Switzerland) vester Narracott, both of P.O.Box No. 1, Chert- sey Road:, Sunbury-on-Thames, Middlesex, Patent Application No. 2953. J. R. Geigy England. A. G. of Schwarzwaldallee 215, Basle, Switzer­ Title of Invention: ! "Improvements relating land. to the production of isoparaffins". Title of Invention : /'Insecticidal composi­ Date of Application : 2nd June, 1945. •United Kingdom Date : 8th March, 1940 , •. ־ •"tions Date of Application : 27th February, 1945. (No. 541,106). Convention Date : 26th January, 1944. (Switzerland) Patent Application No. 3073. Ivan Orsini of 5A, Rue Henri Naus Bey, Cairo, Egypt. ­Marie Abouav Title of Invention : "Improvements in or re .2956׳ .Patent Application No of 14, Herzlia Street, Haifa, and Haim Dayan lating to bricks blocks and like building ele­ of 11, Herzl Street, Tel Aviv. ments". Title of Invention: "Improvements in men's Date of Application: 15th June, 1945. shirts and collars". United Kingdom Date: 2nd June, 1942. Date of Application: 27.th February, 1945. (No. 564,891).

Patent Application No. 2972. Simcha KosOw- Patent Application No. 3122• Josef Hillel sky of 28, Emile Zola Street, Tel Aviv. Spira of Hotel Paris, Westend Avenue at 97th Title of Invention: "A remedy for restoring Street, New York, New York, United States virile potency". of America. Date of Application : 9th March, 1945. Title of Invention : "Bezel dop for cutting, grinding or polishing the facets of the bezel Patent Application No. 2983. Ladislav Freund part of a gem". of Ramot Hashavim. Date of Application : 3rd June, 1943. Title of Invention: "An improved gasifying • —1— _ ;, . • • burner". \ y Patent Application ' No. 3123. Josef Hillel Date of Application : 21st March, 1945. Spira of Hotel Paris, Westend Avenue, at 97th Street, New York, New York, U.S.A. Patent Application No. 2991. Nathan Wulkan Title of Invention: I "Machine for cutting, of 6, Chovevei Zion Street, Petah Tiqva. grinding or polishing the facets on gems". Title of Invention: "Improvements in or re­ lating to syphonic flushing cisterns". Date of Application: 23rd June, 1943. Date of Application: 22nd March, 1945.

PATENTS SEALED. Patent Application No. 3004. Moszek Wolf Kleiner of 14, Lilienblum Street, Tel Aviv. Number of Date of Name of Patentee(s) Title of ,Invention :' "Electric kettle". Patent Advertisement Date of Application : 11th April, 1945. 2372 Mordekhai Peretz Mardikas 2.8.1945 2696 Ladislaw Vilmos Farkas, Patent Application No. ¿013• Harry Rattner Mendel Lewin and Ozjasz Schachter 2.8.1945 ׳ .of Matmid Street, Ramat Gan Title of Invention: "Sidewalks or the like 2733 Steven Gottlieb and The paving units". Portland Cement Co. Date of Application ; 20th April, 1945. "Nesher" Ltd. 2.8.1945 2740 Max Epstein: 5.7.1945 2741 Men ahem Mutch nik 2.8.1945 Patent Application No. 3037. F. J. Stokes 2743 B. G. (London) Limited Machine Company of Olney Post Office, in the City of Philadelphia, State' of Pennsylvania, (trading as The Dulci Com­ United States of America. pany) and Claud Spencer Harris ,2.8-1945 Title of Invention: "Method of and appa­ 2774 John Henry Wiggins 2.8.1945 ratus for desiccating liquid or semi-solid 2780 David Ricardo 2.8.1945 materials".. 2836 Aaron Riemer 2.8.1945 Date of Application: 13th May, 1945. 2839 Michael Ostrbwiak 2.8.1945 United Kingdom Date: 24th May, 1940. 2850 Martin Loewenberg and (No. 562,470)! Egon Strauss 2.8.1945 2868 Raymond Bliss Richards 2.8-1945 Patent Application No. 3043. Nachum Scharff 2875 Pascu Mayer 2.8.1945 of 18, Bialik Street, Tel Aviv. 2885 Anglo-Iranian .Oil Company Limited, Albert Ernest Title of Invention: "Improvements in or re­ Dunstan and Stanley Birch 7.6.1945 lating to flat roofs". 2891 Imperial Chemical Industries Date of Application: 21st May, 1945. Limited 2.8.1945 2895 Herbert Nussbaum and Ernst : Patent Application No. 3059. Anglo-Iranian Ettisch1. • .! 2.81945 Oil Company Limited of Britannic House, 2901 Szymon Eljasz Rand 2.8-1945 SUPPLEMENT No. 3. 1st November, 1945—1448־ .THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO 98

NOTICE. of disclaimer and explanation, particularly in view of specification No. 2705 which is of prior ';״ ; ."The renewal fees in respect of Patents Nos. date to this patent 1315, 1316, 1317 in the name of N.V. Organon, have been paid under section 7(2) of the Particulars of the proposed amendment may Patents, Designs, Copyright'and Trade Marks be obtained by inspection of the specification (Emergency) Ordinance, 1939, and the patents left under Patents Rule No. 49 at the Office have been restored to the Register. These pa­ of the Administrator General, Registrar of tents have been removed from the list of patents Patents, Mizpah House, Jaffa Road, Jerusalem. removed from the Register, published in Pales­ Any person or persons may, within one tine Gazette No. 1122 of 14.8.41. Patent of Ad­ month from the date of this Gazette, give notice dition No. 1318 to Patent No. 1317, advertised of opposition to the amendment to the Regis­ as removed from the Register in Palestine trar, in the prescribed manner. Gazette No. 1164 of 22.1.42, has also been re­ stored- , DESIGNS REGISTERED. implication No. 324 in Class 3, in the name NOTICE. of Arie Aronberg, Beth ..Blumenthal, Achva Quarter, Jerusalem. Notice is hereby given that Society of Che­ Date of Application : 1st June, 1945. mical Industry in Basle, of 141 Klybeckstrasse, Basle, Switzerland, seek leave to amend, the specification of Patent No. 2149, granted to Application No. 325 in Class 4, in the name them for "Process for the manufacture of sul- of Ezechiel Schneider of Arlosoroff Street, phanilamido polyalkyl pyrimidines", alleging Ramat Gan. as the reason: "The Amendments are by way Date of Application : 11th June, 1945. supplement Jßo. s to Cire palesttne ®alette Jßo. \m of atj) £>ecembet, 1945.


TRADE MARKS ORDINANCE. Filed the 10th day'of December, 1944. The following applications for the registra• tion of the trade marks referred to therein are POLYB hereby advertised in accordance with the pro• visions of the Trade Marks Ordinance. i The address for service in Palestine of Trade .c/o, Dr. Rein־ Any person may, - within three months from I Mark Application No. 6882 is the date of this Gazette, file with the Registrar ! hold Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv. of • Trade Marks, Office of the, Administrator I ' General, P.O. Box 1254, Jerusalem, a notice of [ No. 6904 in Class 11, in respect of flushing opposition to the registration of any trade apparatus for waterclosets and water taps^ in mark referred to in any application hereunder. i | the name of "Kour" Zhori-Miler Bros, of 58, * Such notice shall be given in writing in the Emck Izrael Street, Tel Aviv, factory of metal prescribed, manner and shall include a state• i | works. ment of the, grounds of opposition. A copy of such notice of opposition shall be served Filed the 26th day of December, 1944. upon .the applicant for registration. i : Formal opposition should not be lodged until after notice has been given by letter to the applicant for registration, so as to afford him an opportunity, of withdrawing his mark before the expense of preparing the notice of opposition is incurred. 'Failing such notice to the applicant, ah opponent may be disallowed •'••••׳. • ׳ ׳ .his costs .••••׳־ - ,;:.iv ;• • • . APPLICATIONS ACCORDING TO THE FOURTH No. 6932 in Class 30, in respect of compounds for making desserts, puddings, ice cream con­ SCHEDULE TO THE TRADE MARKS RULES, 1940." fectionery; gelatine, gelatine crystals, - gelatine ­I. • . desserts," in the name uf General Foods. Cor ,• ׳ ׳.׳ •• - No. 6842 in Class 3, in respect of perfumery poration, a corporation organized under the and cosmetics, in the. name of Aron Gelbard laws of the State of Delaware, of 250 Park ,of America ׳ and Feige Rifke Gelbard, trading as Gilvo Avenue, New York, United States ׳׳•:. .Chemical Manufacturing Coy.^ (Gelbard), an manufacturers .day •of January 1945.־Australian partnership, of 360, Little Bourke Filed the llfch Street, Melbourne, Australia, manufacturers. Registration of this trade mark shall give JELL-0 no right to the exclusive use of the words "Eau De Cologne" and the abbreviation and numer­ als "No,• 7777".• • , . ' ' The address for' service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6932. is c/o Dr. Rein- . Filed the 11th day of November. 1944. hold Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv.

..־"V; • •'' '' v , ־ • No. 6955 in Class 29, in respect of •milk and dairy products of all kinds,, in the name of Eliezer Lyahovsky, trading as "Hasharon", of 25, Aliyah Street, Tel Aviv, merchant. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the device of a •cow. Filed the 6th day of February, 1945. - • -

The address for service in Palestine of Trade !c/o Dr. Rein- ms׳ Mark Application No. 6842 is hold Cohn, P.O.Box 4060, Tel Aviv.

II. No.: 6882 in Class,'5, in respect of vitamin preparations, in the name of U.S. Vitamin .. ׳. ,־ , ; .Corporation, a corporation organized under • vi the laws of the State of• Delaware, of 250 East No. 6972 in Class 5, in respect of a cholago- 43rd Street, New York, N.Y., United States of gue and biliary stimulant, in the name , of, America, manufacturers. Henry K. Wampole and Company, Incorpora- J'1 " M - 1 l«H«—. I I» II III»III.-.. I! II

100 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1459—SUPPLEMENT NO. 3. 6th December, 1945

ted, a corporation, organized under the laws Filed the 15th day of February, 1945! of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, of 440, Fairmount Avenue, City and County of Philadelphia, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, United States of America, manufacturers. Filed the 15th day of February, 1945.

The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6972 is c/o A. E. Mul. ford, P.CBox 544, Jerusalem.

VII. No. 6974 in Class 5, in respect of a prepara­ The address for service in Palestine of Trade, -treatment of diarrhoea and irrit­ Mark Application No. 6978 is c/o A. E. Mul ׳ tion for the ated conditions of the gastro-intestinal tract, ford, P.O. Box 544, Jerusalem. in the name of Henry K. Wampole and Com­ pany, Incorporated, a corporation organized X. under the laws of the Commonwealth of Penn­ No. 7022 in Class 3, in respect of polishing sylvania, of 440, Fairmount Avenue, City and preparations, in the name of The Chiswick County of Philadelphia, Commonwealth of Palish Company (Overseas) Limited, a British Pennsylvania, United States of America, company, of Burlington Lane, Chiswick, Lon­ .don, W.4, manufacturers ...--־• .manufacturers Filed the 15th day -of February, 1945. Registration of this mark shall give no right , to the exclusive use of the letters 'C' and 'B' either together or separately.

r Filed the 21st day of March, 1945.

The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 6974 is c/o A. E. Mul- ford, P.O.Box 544, Jerusalem.

VIII. No. 6976 in Class 5, in respe'ct of cough mix­ ture, in the name of Henry K. Wampole and Company, Incorporated, a corporation organ­ ized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, of 440, Fairmount Avenue, City and County of Philadelphia, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, United States of America, manuf acturers*. Filed the 15th day of February, 1945. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 7022 is c/o Richardson & Co., P.O.Box 300, Jaffa.

XI. No. 7023 in Class 3, in respect of polishing preparations, in the name of The Chiswick ! The address for service in Palestine of Trade Polish Company (Overseas) Limited, a British Mark Application No. 6976 is c/o A. E. Mul- company, of Burlington Lane, Chiswick, Lon­ ford, P.O.Box 544, Jerusalem. don, W.4,. manufacturers. Filed the 21st day of March, 1945. I IX. No. 6978 in Class 5, in respect of pharma- MANSION 1 ceutical preparations of cod liver, in the name of Henry K. Wampole and Company, Incor­ porated, a corporation organized under the The address for service in Palestine of Trade. laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Mark Application No. 7023 is c/o Richardson of 440, Fairmount Avenue, City and County of & Co., P.O. Box 300, Jaffa. Philadelphia, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ;United States of America, manufacturers. XII. :! The mark for which registration is sought No. 7027 in Class 16, in respect of stationery, is restricted to the colours green, red, blue-3— in the name of The "Katab" (Palestine Foun­ : yellow and' maroon as shown in the representa­ tain Pen) Manufacturing Company, Ltd., of tion affixed to the application form. 28, Levontin Street, Tel Aviv, manufacturers. ôth December, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1459—SUPPLEMENT NO.' 3. 101

Registration of this trade mark shall give Filed the 10th day of April, 1945. no right to the exclusive use of the letter "K". Filed the 25th day of March, 1945.-

I : XVI. I No. 7046 in Class 5, in respect of pharma• ceutical, veterinary and sanitary substances, disinfectants, preparations for killing weeds XIII. and destroying vermin, in the name of Messrs. No. 7029 in Glass 28, in respect of model air• Syntarol Co. Limited, of 2, Sea Road, Mt. craft, land vehicles and watercraft being in Carmel, Haifa, manufacturers of and dealers the nature of toys and playthings, in the name in chemical articles. - of International Model Aircraft Limited, a Registration of this trade mark shall give no British company, of Tri-Ang Works, Morden ,right to the exclusive use of the letter "S". Road, Merton, London S.W. 19,, manufacturers. The mark for which registration is sought is Filed the 26th day of March, 1945. restricted to the colours yellow, brown and white as shown in the representation affixed to the application form. PENGUIN Filed the 10th day of April, 1945. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 7029 is c/o Cohen Zedek & Spisbach, P.O. Box 1169, Tel Aviv.

XIV. No. 7044 in Class 1,. in respect of chemical products used in industry, science, photography, agriculture, horticulture, forestry, manures (natural and artificial), chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs, tanning substances, XVII. adhesive substances used in industry, in the name of Messrs. Syntarol Co. Limited, of 2, No. 7056 in Class 25, in respect of boots, shoes Sea Road, Mt. Carmel, Haifa, manufacturers oi all kinds, sandals and slippers, in the name

Tel׳ ,of and dealers in chemical articles. of Josef Nussbaumsof 99, Allenby Road Aviv,1 manufacturer and trader. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter "S". Filed the 12th day of April, 1945. The mark for which registration is sought is restricted to the colours yellow, brown and white as. shown in the representation affixed to the application form. Filed the 10th day of April, 1945.

XVIII. ( No. 7058 in Class 25, in respect of rubber soles and heels, in the name of Palestine Rubber and ... XV. Plastic Industries, Limited, of Silicate Road, Haifa Bay, manufacturers. No. 7045 in Class 3, in respect of cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations, Filed the 13th day of April, 1945. soaps, perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions, dentifrices, in the name of Messrs. Syntarol Co. Limited, of 2, Sea Road, Mt. MATTA Carmel, Haifa, manufacturers of and dealers in chemical articles. XIX. Registration of this trade mark shall give no No. 7060 in Class 17, in respect of insulating right to the exclusive use of the letter "S". varnishes and insulating oils; engine packing,( The mark for which registration is sought is in the name of Griffiths Bros. & Co., London, restricted to !the colours yellow, brown and Limited, a British company, of 29, Macks Road, white as shown in the representation affixed to Bermondsey, London, S.E., England, .paint, the application form. colour and varnish manufacturers. NO. 1459—SUPPLEMENT NO. 3. December, 1945 ־ÏTK־THR PALESTUSK 'GA7.K• 102

Filed the 16th day of April, 1945. Filed the 11th day of May, 1945. : PATONISED The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 7086 is c/o Henry Heald & Co., P.O. Box 607, Haifa.

" XXIV. No. 7091 in Class 16, in respect of fountain pens; fountain pen parts; pencils; pencil parts; pencil leads; erasers; combination fountain pens and pencils• and parts thereof, in the name of David Kahn, Inc., a corpora­ tion under the laws of the State of New Jer­ sey, of Grand Avenue and Savoye •Street, North Bergen, New Jersey, United States of . ARMOUR BRAND America, manufacturers. > ' Filed the 14th day of May, 1945. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 7060 is c/o A.E. MuL ford, P.O. Box 544, Jerusalem. ZENITH The address for service in Palestine of Trade ..׳'-׳׳,. .XX Mark Application No. 7091 is c/o S. Horowitz No. 7061 in Class 20, in respect of furniture, k Co., P.O. Box 393, Jerusalem, sleeping bags, bedding except bed clothing, beds, < • ־•' • '.bedsteads, bolsters, cabinets, chairs, furniture ' • • XXV frames, furniture seats, couches, cupboards, No. 7095 in. Class'32, in •respect of beer, ale esses, pailasses־cushions, ,lockers, chests, matti and porter; mineral and aerated waters and stools, . pillows, rattan reed and reed articles, other non alcoholic drinks; syrups and other bed rests, head rests, screens, sofas, in the name preparations for making beverages, •in the name of William Rhodes Limited, a British company, of J. Tabori, trading as Tabori Mineral Water. of Carlton Cross Mills, Leeds 2, England, Factory of Pardess Hanna, • manufacturer and manufacturers. - .''־־'• ״ .dealer Filed the 18th day of April, 1945. • Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to. the exclusive use of the letter "V". S0MNUS Filed the 16th day of May, 1945. The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark. Application No. 7061 is c/o Cohen Zedek V k Spisbach, P.O. Box 1169, Tel Aviv. DAY .XX1 .. . •;''••;'׳';• ; XXVI. ; No.• 7084 in Class 23, in respect of yarns of No. 7096 in Class 1, in respect of lubricating wool, worsted and hair, in the name of Patons oil extracts used •as:— (a) Plasticizers and ex­ & Baldwins, Ltd., a British company, of Clark tenders for natural rubber, synthetic ••rubber Bridge Mills, Halifax, Yorkshire, .England, and various synthetic resins, particularly poly­ worsted and woollen spinners. • vinyl chloride '(b) core oils either alone or. with Filed the 11th day of May, 1945. other materials which are normally used in the preparation of cores (c) extenders and com­ PATONISED pounding ingredients in paints and ink, in the name of The Shell Company of Palestine Li­ The address for service in Palestine of Trade mited, a British company, of St; Helen's Court, Mark Application No. 7084 Is'c/o Henry Heald Great St. ..Helen's, London, E.C. 3, •England, & Co., P.O. Box 607, Haifa, manufacturers.

: : . • •• XXII. . Filed the 17th day of May, 1945; No. 7085 in Class 24, in respect of cloths and stuffs of wool, worsted or hair, in the name of DUTREX Patons & Baldwins, Ltd., a British company, The address for service in Palestine of Trade of Clark Bridge Mills, Halifax, Yorkshire, Mark Application No. 7096 is c/o A. E. Mul- England, worsted and woollen spinners. ford, P.O. Box 544, Jerusalem. Filed the 11th day of May, 1945. : XXVII. PATONISED No. 7104 in Class 34, in respect of cigarettes, cigars and tobacco, in the name of J. Tabori, .The address for service in Palestine of Trade trading as Tabori Mineral Water Factory of Mark Application No. 7085 is c/o.Henry Heald Pardess Hanna, manufacturer and dealer.' k Co., P.O. Box 607, Haifa. Registration of this trade mark shall give no XXIII. right to the exclusive use of the letter (rV". No. 7086 in Class 25, in respect of articles of Filed the ,21th day of May, 1945. clothing, in the name of Patons k Baldwins, Ltd., a British company of Clark, Bridge Mills, V Halifax, Yorkshire, England, Worsted and wool­ len spinners. DAY 103 6th December, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1459—SUPPLEMENT NO. 3. The address •if or service in Palestine of Trade XXVIII. Mali Application No. 7155 is «-:/o A. E. Mul- w!l of medicated ford ׳׳׳••״ ׳Flo' Boxfi44? JerusaIem r idTEui•1 in Class Virrm for human use in XXXII. So th e uke 0 *^L^JL^^^ + Ttl No. 7158 in Class 24, * ™?^ *y^ ־ 1 ied Laboratories Ltd,, I niece goods, in the name of William״preparj I l«l ^A f !40 Park Lane, London, i & Limited, a British company, of India״ ,ÜÄKAotme^ 0£ 1 and mercha Se'^Whitworth Street, Manchester Eng­ • ״״^S land textile manufacturers and merchants. te and , «ve» i,ngl ' V v & May, 1945. Filed the 27th day of June, 1945.

The address for service in Palestine of Trade Mark Application No. 7105 is c/o A. E. Mul- ford, P.O. Box 544, Jerusalem. XXIX.

No. 7123 in Class 3, in respect of toilet pre­ The address for service in Palestine of Trade parations (not medicated), in the name of Mark Application No. 7158 is c/o Reinhold Redex Proprietaries Limited, a British Com­ Cohn, P.O. Box 4060, Tel Aviv. pany, of 140, Park Lane, London, W.l, Eng­ land, manufacturers and merchants. TRADE MARKS REGISTERED DURING THE Filed the 31st day of May, 1945. MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1945.

Number of Date of Name of Proprietor(s) Trade Mark Advertisement 6635 May & Baker Limited 7.6.1945 6834 American Viscose Corpora­ tion 7.6.1945 6873 Triangle Mechanical Labor­ atories , • 7.6.1945, 6744 Winthrop Products Inc. 5,7.1945 6747 Winthrop Products Inc. 5.7.1945. 6772 Winthrop Products Inc. 5.7.1945 6774 Winthrop Products Inc. 5.7.1945 6775 Winthrop Products Inc. 5.7.1945 6779 Winthrop Products Inc. 5.7.1945 6781 Winthrop Products Inc. 5.7.1945 6783 Winthrop Products Inc. 5.7.1945 The address for service in Palestine of Trade 6786 Winthrop Products Inc. 5.7.1945 Mark Application No. 7123 is c/o A. E. Mul- 6789 Winthrop Products Inc. 5.7.1945 ford, P.O. Box 544, Jerusalem. 6790 Winthrop Products Inc. 5.7J945 6792 Winthrop Products Inc. 5.7.1945 XXX. 6793 Winthrop Products Inc. 5.7.1945 . No. 7154 in Class 11, in respect of refriger­ 6897 Imperial Chemical Indus­ ־־..׳.. ators and parts thereof, in the name of Admir­ tries Limited 5.7.1945 al Corporation, a corporation under the laws 6898 Imperial Chemical Indus­ of the State of Delaware, of 3, 800 West Cort­ tries Limited 5.-7.1945 land Street, Chicago III, United States of 6918 Winthrop Products Inc. 5.7.1945 America, manufacturers. 6628 Lehn & Fink Products Cor­ Filed the 25th day of June, 1945. poration 1.3.1945 6629 Lehn & Fink Products Cor­ poration 1.3.1945 6630 Lehn & Fink Products Cor­ poration 1.3.1945 6670 National Biscuit Company 5.7.1945 6671 National Biscuit Company 5.7.1945 6682 Camden Chemical Company Limited 5.7.1945 6729 Palestine Brewery Ltd. 5.7.1945 6731 Palestine Brewery Ltd. 5.7.1945 The address for service in Palestine of Trade 6735 Ward Blenkinsop & Com­ Mark Application No. 7154 is c/o S. Horowitz pany Limited 5.7.1945 & Co., P.O. Box 393, Jerusalem. 6821 George Tucker Eyelet Com­ pany Limited 5.7.1945 XXXI. 6823 The British United Shoe No. 7155 in Class 14, in respect of watches Machinery Company Ltd. 5.7.1945 and clocks, in the name of Lawrence Seder & 6825 B. B. Chemical Company 1 Co. Limited, a British company, of 92 Regent Limited 5.7.1945 Street, London, W.l, England, manufacturers. 6846 Movietonews Inc. * 5.7.1945 6847 Movietonews Inc. •5.7.1945 Filed the 25th day of June, 1945. 6865 Societe Corporation Vigne- ronne des Grandes Caves Richon-le.Zion & Zicron AG G U RI ST Jacob Ltd. 5.7.1945 104

Number of 6th December, 19 . Jacob Ltd. Pour irmpT^Miete 5.7.1945 4n 6876 ^/Q Des pl•? ־־־- Pleese" Metal Works Ltd. Georges Claude" 5.7.1945 5208 10 6906 "Assia" Chemical Labor• "L'Air Liquide" /?ocu. * ™des Pour L'Fxpioitation Des i-. atories Ltd. 5.7.1945. 6908 Georges Claude '.'Assia" Chemical Labor• 5210 atories Ltd. Palestine Edible Products Ltd. •5.7.1945 5212 Palestine Edible Products• Ltd. 6940 F. W. .Hampshire & Co., 5218 Vulcan Foundries Ltd. Limited 5.7.1945 5223 "L'Air Liquide" Société Anonyme Alfred Dunhill Limited :־ 6943 5.7.1945 Pour L'Etude & L'Exploitation des ׳ Neca The Near East Chemi• Procèdes Georges Claude 6711 cal & Pharmaceutical In• 5226 Hepworth & Grandage Limited dustries Ltd. 5.7.1945 6714 Neca The Near East Chemi• Renewal fees have not been paid in respect of cal & Pharmaceutical In• the following trade marks :—• dustries Ltd. 5.7.1945 6844 . Les Parfums Mirandes & Number of Name of Proprietors Astoria Beauty Laborato• Trade Mark ries (Bene Vitta and Com• 854 pany) 7.6.1945 Gabriel and Jos. Sedlmayr 856 Chrysler Sales Corporation 6845 Les. Parfums Mirandes & 862 Astoria Beauty Laborato• Societa Anónima Commercio Cementi Portland ries (Rene Vitta and Com• 863 pany) 7.6.1945 Societa Anónima Commercia Cementi Portland A. W. Miiller 5.7,1945 v % 864 Societa Anónima Commercia Cementi 6887• A. W. Miiller 5.7.1945 Portland Cooper, McDongall & Robert• 6925 865 Societa Anónima Commercia Cementi son Limited 5.7.1945 Portland The Delta Manufacturing 6690 866 Compagnie de La Source Perrier Company 5.7.1945 867 Compagnie de La Source Perrier 5.7.1945 6815 Durex Abrasives Limited 868 Société Anonyme Etablissements Roc- 6833 American Viscose Corpora• ca, Tassy & de Roux 5.7.1945 tion 869 Société Anonyme Etablissements Pas- 6891: Comptone Company 7.6.1945 tival 5211 I. G. Farbenindustrie A. G. REGISTRATIONS RENEWED. The following trade marks have been removed Number of Name of Proprietors from the register through non-payment of the Trade Mark renewal fees: —

230 C. J. Van Houten & Zoon N. V. Number of Name of Proprietors 232 C. J. Van Houten & Zoon N. V. Trade Mark 852 Baddour Limited •838 Fritz Schulz jun. Aktiengesellschaft 859 Spinney's Limited 839 Fritz Schulz jun. Aktiengesellschaft 860 The Arab Union Cigarette & Tobacco ׳ Compagnie de la Source Perrier 843 Co. Ltd. 844 The American Chicle Company 861 The Arab Union Cigarette & Tobacco 845 The American Chicle Company Co. Ltd, . Naamlooze Vennootschap Voor Den 853 The Dunlop Rubber Company, Limited Verkoop 857 Reekitt & Colman Limited Aciéries Du Comte Georges De Thurn 873 Aktiebolaget B. A. Hjorth & Co. A Ravne 876 John Dewar & Sons, Limited 850 Mannesmannrohren-Werke .877 The Wellcome Foundation, Limited


Number of ' Name of Former Proprietors Name of Present Proprietors Trade Mark The Studebaker Corporation (a Delaware Cor• 1072 The Studebaker Corporation (a New . Jersey Corporation) poration) of 631, South Main Street, South Bend, Indiana, U.S.A. Sterling Products International Incorporated, 2456 The Centaur Company Limited of 120, Astor Street, Newark, New Jersey, .' ׳ .U.S.A 2532 The Centaur Company Limited Sterling Products International Incorporated, of 120, Astor Street, Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A. SUPPLEMENT NO. 3; 105 —1459־ .6th' December, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE .NO Number of Name of Former Proprietors Trade Mafk Name of Present Proprietors 6373. Kvutsat Ahim Cooperative Society Palestine Asphalt Works Company Ltd.,. of 39, Montefiore Street, Tel Aviv • '•׳ .Ltd 6516 Kvutsat Ahim Cooperative Society Palestine Asphalt Works Company Ltd., of 39, Ltd. Montefiore Street, Tel Aviv


Number of Name of Proprietors Nature of Change Trade Mark 5210 Palestine Edible Products Ltd. Address for Service changed to: M. Smoira, Assicurazioni General! Building, ,:,.׳..׳• Jerusalem . ׳׳• : Palestine Edible Products Ltd. Address for Service changed to 5212 M. Smoira, Assicurazioni General! Building,

Jerusalem s .


Number of Name of Proprietors Trade Mark 230 C. J. Van Houten & Zoon N.T. 232 C. J. Van Houten & Zoon N. V.


PATENTS AND DESIGNS ORDINANCE. Patent Application No. 2787. Nachum PerlJ mann of 38, Montefiore Street, Tel Aviv, Hein- Notice is hereby given that persons interested rich Lowy of 36, Montefiore Street, Tel Aviv, in opposing the granting ,of patents on the and David Spitzler of 31, Sheinkin Street, applications referred to below may, at any time • : ׳.••׳<••• Tel Aviv.. 1 within two months from the date of this Gazette, give notice to the Registrar of Patents Title of Invention: "Improvements •in or and Designs, Office of the Administrator Gene­ relating, to kerosene stoves". •, ral, P.O.Box 1254, Jerusalem, in the prescribed Date of Application: 8th .October, 1944. manner of such opposition.. . Patent Application' ,No. 2798. Chicago' Bridge. & Iron Company of 1305 West. 105th Patent'Application No. 2688. Max Ka'ssel- Street, City of Chicago, State of Illinois, man of 32, Ben Zion Boulevard, Tel Aviv. United States of America. Title of Invention : "An improved roof con­ Title of Invention: "Improvements in or struction". , relating to pressure vessels or: containers". Date of Application : '21st June, 1944. Date of Application: 18th October, 1944. Convention Date: 7th October, 1943. Patent Applicatipn No. 2731. Alexis George (U.S.A.) r Pincus of 457 Hamilton Street, Southbridge, State: of Massachusetts, United States of Patent Application !No. ; 2817. Abraham America. , ; Krinizi of Yahalom Street, Ramat G an. Title of Invention: "Glass composition and , Title of Invention: "An improved door". method of making same". , Date of Application: . 3rd November, 1944. Date of Application: 6th• August, 1944. Patent Application No. 2828. Bernard Myers Patent Application No. 2742. Leib Edelman of 474 Cowley Road, Oxford, England.

of 22,( Ferdinand Lassale Street, Tel Aviv. Title of Invention : "Improvements in or ־ ., ."Title• of Invention: "Improved electrical relating to'chairs switches". Date of Application : 22nd November, 1944. . Date of Application: 19th August, 1944. Convention Date : - 7th September, 1943. (U.K.) , Patent Application No. 2758. Jeno Halasz of 3, Ben Yehuda Street, Haifa. Patent Application No. 2827. Abraham !Da­ Title of Invention: "Improvements in and vid Tchorz of Alliance •Building, Agrippas relating to variable pitch marine propellers". Way, Jerusalem, and Jacob Szczupak of 7, •!•״׳. .Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv .Date of Application: 4th September, 1944 ••׳. Title of Invention : "Improvements in or ׳!׳."relating to metal windows Patent Application No. 2770. Ernest Katz Date of Application : •20th November, ' 1944. of 126, Ben Yehuda Street, Tel Aviv. Title of Invention: "Improvements in and Patent Application No. 2831. Naftali Stern- relating ,to sheet metal shutters". • feld of Bethv Lichtenstein, Jabotinsky Street, Date of Application: 18th September, 1944. Benei Beraq. 106 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1459—SUPPLEMENT NO. 3. 6th December, 1945

Title of Invention: "Improved grid to be Patent Application No! 2966. Ernst Robert mounted in the furnace of domestic geysers". Drucker of 48, Rav Kook Street, Qiryat Motz- Date of Application: 24th November, 1944. kin near Haifa, and Neo Chemical Industries Ltd. of Sauer House, Qiryat Bialik "C" hear Patent Application No. 2846. Abram Haifa. Krysztal of' House Wagner, Ahuza, Haifa. Title of Invention: "Improvements in or Title of Invention: "Improvements in or relating to the manufacture of hydrochloric relating to• pre-compressed concrete beams". acid". Date of Application: 14th December, 1944. Date of Application: 7th March, 1945.

Patent Application No. 2862. Isac Haver of Patent Application No. 2970. Max Land- 38, Zevulun Street, Tel Aviv. shut of 62, Arlosoroff Street, Haifa, Jacob Neustadt of 5, Hapoel Street, Haifa, and Title of Invention: "Improvements in or Samuel Pistiner of 15, Stanton Street, Haifa. relating to perambulators". Title of Invention: "Improvements in ar­ Date of Application: 1st January, 1945. magnesium oxychloride ׳ ticles made from cement". Patent Application No. 2897. Maximilian Offner of 7, Aaron Road, Rehavia-Jerusalem. Date of Application: 9th March, 1945. Title of Invention": "Improvements in or Patent Application No. 2971. Adolf Roth- relating to high-frequency diathermy ap­ stein of 11, Shderoth Hen, Tel Aviv. paratus". Title of Invention: "Improvements in or Date of Application: 6th March, 1944. relating to the packing of stuffing boxes". Divided out of Patent Application No. 2575. Date of Application: 9th March, 1945. Patent Application No. 2906. Jacob Har Patent Application No. 2973. Chaim Sura- Zion (Benzinberg) of 42, Montefiore Street, vitz of Admath Shapir-Klein No. 1, Jaffa. •• • , i Tel Aviv. Title of Invention: "Improvements in slid­ Title of Invention: "Improvements in ing windows". . ' . ' ׳ ."cupolas Date of Application: 9th March, 1945. Date of Application: 5th February, 1945. Patent Application No. 2981. Schering & Patent Application No. 2907. Jacob Har Glatz, Inc., of 113 West 18th Street,, City and Zion (Benzinberg) of 42, Montefiore Street, State of New' York, U.S.A. Tel Aviv. Title of Invention: "Improvements in or Title of Invention: "Improvements in relating to metering types of dispensing cupolas". apparatus". Date of Application: 5th February, 1945. Date of Application: 19th March, 1945. Patent Application No. 2919. Boots Pure Convention Date: 15th March, 1944' Drug Company Limited of 37, Station Street, | (U.S.A.) Nottingham, England. ! Patent Application No. 2990. Julius Perl of • Title of Invention: "Improvements in and j 19, Haifa Road, Qiryat Bialik, Haifa .Bay. relating to the preparation of sulphonamides". Title of Invention: "An improved build­ Date of Application: 16th February, 1945. ing method". Convention Date: 10th November, 1943. Date of Application: 22nd March, 1945. (U.K.) . Patent Application No. 3008. Marcel Eiben- Patent Application No. 2921. Remus Sapira of 26, Levinski Street, Tel Aviv. schiitz of 5, King George Avenue, Jerusalem. Title of Invention: "Burglar alarm". Title of Invention: "An improved bottle stopper". , Date of Application: 16th April, 1945. Date of Application: 16th February, 1945. Patent Application No. 3009. Ladislaw• Freund of Ramoth Hashavim. Patent Application No. 2925. Zeev Wieseltier of 22, Shlomo Hamelech Street, Tel Aviv. Title of Invention: "Improvements in or relating to water-heaters". Title of Invention: "Coin freed device for dispensing liquids". . Date of Application: 16th April, 1945. Date of Application: 19th February, 1945. Patent Application No. 3010. Robert Henry Patent Application No. 2932. Ischak Zac of Farmer Boot and James Anderson Milroy, both 67, Shlomo. Hamelech Street, Tel Aviv, and of 52, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C.3, Israel Bialy of 44, Raines Street, Tel Aviv. England. Title of Invention: "Improvements in or Title of Invention: "Improvements in or relating to concrete beams". relating to arc welding electrodes". Date of Application: 2nd March, 1945. Date of Application: 18th April, 1945.

Patent Application No. 2946. Zeev Wieseltier Patent Application No. 3016. Moshe Rubin of 22, Shlomo Hamelech Street, Tel Aviv. , of 38, Zevulun Street, Tel Aviv. Title of Invention: "Lawn or crop sprin­ Title of Invention: "Improvements in the kler". manufacture of sliding clasp fasteners". Date of Application: 26th February, 1945. Date of Application: 22nd April, 1945. 6th December, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE NO. 1459—SUPPLEMENT NO. 3. 107

Number of Patent Application No. 3044. Imperial Che­ Name of Patentee(s) Patent mical Industries Limited, of Millbank, Lon­ don, S.W.I, England. 1185 Harry Cohen . Title of Invention: "Improvements in or 1191 Israel Avramski and Joseph Ben-Uri relating to the isolation of an isomeric form 1196 Jaques Cyrus Morrell of benzine hexachloride". 1225, Carl Wallis Von Helmolt (Adminis• Date of Application: - 21st May, 1945. trator of the estate of the late Hans Convention Date: 18th May, 1944. Tropsch) Epeda-Werke Rudolf Platte (U.K.) 1393 1916 Stanislaw Heydel 1918 Israel. Mitz Patent Application No. 3069. Abraham 1919 Robert Wittenberg Leser of 3, Kinnereth Street, Haifa. 1921 Abraham Yuster Title of Invention: "Improvements in or 1922 Kurt Brauer and others relating to liquid-fuel 5 stoves with wick 1930 Richard Lichtenstern burners". 1931 Moshe Plotkin Date of Application: 10th June, 1945. 1936 Abraham Krupp and Jacob Fisch- mann Patent Application No. 3125. David.Izhaky 1938 Abraham Goodman of "D" Street, Qiryat Hayim, Haifa Bay. 1951 Max Goitein 1965 Joseph Mazza Title of Invention: "Improvements in or relating to the manufacture of building LICENCE RECORDED IN THE REGISTER. blocks". Number of Date of Application: 30th September, 1944. Name of Licensees Patent Divided out of Patent Application No. 2782. 2166 Nitrophos Ltd. of 27, Hagalil Street, Tel Aviv ' PATENTS SEALED. CORRIGENDUM. Number of Date of Name of Patentee (s) Patent Advertisement Patent No. 2885 in the names of Anglo Iran• ian Oil Company Limited, Albert Ernest Dun- •Herzl Urkin 7.6.1945 stan and Stanley Francis Birch should be de 2550׳ 2656 Benno Lustig and Fritz leted from the list of PATENTS SEALED advertised Lustig 6.9.1945 in Palestine Gazette No. 1448 of 1st November, 2673 Carl Sulman 6.9.1945 1945. / : 2665 Boleslaw Houchman 6.9.1945 2756 Aryeh Wisler 6.9.1945 DESIGNS REGISTERED. 2794 Dan Egozi 6.9.1945 Application No. 312 in Class 3,; in the name 2800 Jacob Mouchly 6.9.1945 of Shimon Shwarzovsky of 13, Aliyah Street, 2814 Alexander Kohn 6.9.1945 Tel Aviv. • , 2863 Isac Häver 6.9.1945 Date of Application: 6th April, 1945. 2864 Isac Häver 6.9.1945 2910 Shmuel Toker 6.9.1945 Application No. 320 in Class 1, in the name 2995 Jacob Mouchly 6.9.1945 of Shliomo Barger of Beth Shneiderman, 2642 Benno Rosner 2.8.1945 Givatayim. 2692 Menahem Novenstern 6.9.1945 Date of Application: ,13th May, 1945. 2747 Shmuel Harrari 6.9.1945 2769 Ernest Katz 6.9.1945 Application No. 327 in Class 10, in the name 2785 Albert Green 2.8.1945 of Palestine Rubber and Plastic Industries 2808 Benjamin Cohen 2.8.1945 Limited of Silicate Road, Haifa Bay. , 2811 Szalom Korenblit 6.9.1945 Date of Application : 27th June, 1945. 2833 Ignacy Rieger and Marer & Pollak 6.9.1945 Application No. 328 in Class 10, in the name 2845 Isaac Vinokor 6.9.1945 of Palestine Rubber and Plastic Industries 2858 " Moshe Goldberg and Yoseph Limited of Silicate Road, Haifa Bay. Shkolnic - 6.9.1945 Date of Application: 27th June, 1945. 2896 . Isaac Vinokor 6.9.1945 2918 Elias Zupnik 6.9.1945 Application No. 329 in Class 3, in the name of Leonard Steiner of 37, Kew Foot Road, UNITED KINGDOM PATENTS REGISTERED Richmond, Surrey, England. IN PALESTINE. Date of Application: 15th July, 1945.

Number of Date of Application No. 331 in Class 3, in the name . Name of Patentees Patent Advertisement of Dr. Ezechiel Schneider of Arlosoroff Street, Ramat Gan. 2977 Anglo Iranian Oil Company Date of Application: 10th September, 1945. Limited 2.8.1945 2998 St. Helens Cable & Rubber Application No. 333 in Class 10, in the name Company Limited 6.9.1945 of Palestine Rubber and Plastic Industries 2885 Anglo Iranian Oil Company Limited. 1 Limited 7.6.1945 Date of Application: 1st October, 1945.

The following Patents have been removed Application No. 335 in Class 3, in the name from the Register through non-payment of the of Isac Haver •of 38, Zevulun Street, Tel Aviv. renewal fees :— - Date of Application : 9th October, 1945.

August, 1945 THE PALESTINE GAZETTEJJo.JMKL ., «ft made by the District Commission. So far no such rules have been made and it has been the practice for District Commissions to fix two months as the period for lodging objections to an •outline-or de­ tailed scheme and six weeks as the period for lodging objections to parcellation schemes, those periods being the periods which must elapse before the District Commission may in the case of an outline scheme apply to the High Commissioner for authority to put the scheme into ־ -force and in the case of a detailed or parcellation scheme grant author ity to put the scheme into force. It is considered preferable to fix in the Ordinance the period within which objections must be lodged to a scheme, and therefore section 15(1) provides that objections to an outline scheme or detailed scheme must be lodged within two months of the date of the publication in the Gazette of the notice of deposit or within such extended period as the District Commission may in any particular case or class of case determine, and section 19(3) contains a similar provision with regard to objections to parcellation schemes, the -|§£pPS only difference being that the period for lodging objections is six weeks instead of two months. In view of the fact that no rules have been made fixing the period for lodging objections, section 42(2) validates the said practice adopted by the District Commissions. (8) Section 20 is designed to give effect to the recommendation of the Section 20. Expert Committee on Compensation and Betterment set up in the United Kingdom under the chairmanship of Mr. Justice Uthwatt that there should be power to place a "life" on "non-conforming7' buildings and uses with a view to securing conformity, without compensation, at the expiration of that "life" in any particular case, and that if the planning authority considers it necessary to enforce conformity before the expiration of that "life" any compensation payable shall be assessed by reference to the remainder of the "life" still outstanding. (See paragraphs 240-251 of the final report of the said Committee). (9) The provisions regarding the procedure on expropriation have Section 25. been re-drafted in order to bring them into line with the provisions of the Land (Acquisition for Public Purposes) Ordinance, 1943. (10) Doubts have arisen as to whether, where there is a building on Section 27(2). any land constituting not more than one quarter part of the area of the plot of any owner which is expropriated under the Town Planning Ordinance, compensation is payable for both the building and the land upon which the said building stands. It is, therefore, declared, for the avoidance of doubt, that in such a case compensation shall be paid for the building but not for the land upon which the building stands. (11) It has been found in practice almost impossible to assess and Section 32(3). collect Betterment Tax and, therefore, it has been decided to empower Local Commissions with the consent of the District Commission to raise money to pay for planning by means of the imposition of a general or particular planning rate, or both. A general planning rate may be imposed to meet the expenses in­ curred, or td be incurred, by the Local Commission in preparing and executing all schemes in the area within which it is imposed, and any other expenses incurred, or to be incurred, by the Local Commission in connection therewith and will be levied upon all owners of land in that &tjja£g••'.. A particular planning rate may be imposed to meet the expenses incurred, or to be incurred, by the Local Commission under or in con­ nection with any scheme on any of the works or matters specified in section 32(3), and such rate will be levied upon all owners of property affected thereby. (12) It has been the practice for a Local Commission to certify on Section 40. a plan fit any immovable property, for land registration purposes only, jnH that a division thereof into two or more parcels conforms with the provisions prescribing the minimum areas of parcels and of other pro­ visions in respect of such immovable property contained in any author­ ised scheme, copies of which have been deposited at the office of the Local Commission in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance. This section expressly confers such power upon a Local Commission and provides further that the issue of such a certificate shall not pre­ clude the Local Commission from refusing to grant a building permit in respect of any immovable property if a parcellation scheme relating to that property has not been put into force. (13) Experience has shown that while it may be desirable theoretically Section 41. to provide that matters of substance should be the subject matter of by- law£ and matters of procedure should be the subject matter of rules, it is often difficult to decide whether any given matter is a matter of substance or a matter of procedure, and it is often desired GAZETTE No. ?31 13th August, 1945

convenieiigt::t. l|n provide for and matters of procedure in tl same instrument. It has, therefore, been "decided that the distil on between by-laws and rules should not be retained am, that the !strict Commission should be empowered, with the app!c\al of the rh Commissioner, to make for all or any of the planning areas #: n the district, rules, for the purpose of carrying into effect the pre ions of the Ordinance, and, in particular, but without prejudice to i generality of the foregoing power, to make rules in res ject of all any of the matters set out in this section. The list of matters in respect of which a District Com­ mission may make rules a•! set out in this section includes all the matters in respect of which it is expected that it will be desired that view to obtaining ־ ,a District Commission should make rules, and as much uniformity as possible, rules have be out in the First Schedule to this Ordinance, which will be ii ; until varied or revoked by any rules made under this section.

Section 42(1). (14) The validation effected by this subsection is considered necessary in view of the fact that certain by-laws and rules and certain provi­ sions in schemes were not validly made under the existing law, although they would have been validly made had this Ordinance been in force at the time when tbey were made, and it is considered undesirable to revoke or annul them and make them afresh under this Ordinance.

Section 43(2) (15) The by-laws and rules specified in these subsections are being and (3). revoked as their provisions have been in© ith modifications in the rules set out in the First Schedul 5 Ordinance. There remain a few by-laws and rules which hav< n revoked, but their provisions will be incorporated in the a! e schemes and they will thereafter be revoked.

First Schedule. (16) The rul» set out in the First Sen based on the Model By-laws made y the Central Town Pla mraission under the Town Plannin Ordinance. 1921, and put the Gazettfï&^Jffjgç of the 1st November, 1925. at pages 5S0-* ended by the Model By-laws made by the sait Commission i shed in the Gazette No. 261 of the 16th June 1930, at page and in the Gazette No. 429 of the 22nd Marcl 1934, at page h said by-laws have been applied with modifit tions to the 1 ning areas of Acre, Haifa, Jaffa, Jerusalem, Nablus and e modifications have been made in the light of the experi rince the Model By- laws were first published bout ii) years ago. The provisions regard• ing permits and fees are as.•i on the existing provisions contained in by-laws, but the fees have een increased. Bule 144 (17) This rule provides xpressly that where a Local Commission is a municipal council, the ees shall be paid into the municipal fund, where it is the Council o a Local Council the fees shall be paid into the Local Council fund and where it is neit i Municipal Council nor the Council of a Local Council, the fe< ill be paid into the general revenue of Palestine. In order, however, to encourage Local Councils and Village Councils to render assistance in the supervision and control of buildings within the area of their jurisdiction, District Commissioner is empowered to direct that where the Local Ccmmission is neither a Municipal Council nor the Council of a Local Council, the fees shall be credited >r in whole or in part to the fund of the Local Council or Vil! Council rendering such assistance. Second Schedule. (IS) A list of the town planning area eady declared Is set out in this Schedule for ease of reference, only area in Palestine which has not yet been declared a town planning area is the municipal area of Safad.- On the 1st April, 1945, the Department of Town Planning, which until then formed part of the At artment, became a separate department, a id its perso: el and scope of activities are being increased so that it will be able lequately to cope with a large increase in planning ano building act ity, which is expected as soon as the present restiictions are removed The present time is, therefore, considered to be an appropriate time for the consolidation and amend• ment of the law of town and country planning and building.

J. B. GRIFFIN Acting Attorney General.