Supplement fl)o. 2.


Gbe !Palestine (5a3ette fl3o, 435 of 10» Hpril, 1934.



IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him by Council, 1925, as amended־Article 10 (2) of the Palestinian Citizenship Order-in by Article 2 (2) of the Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, and with approval of the Secretary of State, the High Commissioner has annulled with effect from the thirteenth day of April, 1934, the certificates of Palestinian Citizenship issued to the undermentioned persons on the ground that they have been for a period of not less than three years since their grant ordinarily resident out of Palestine:—


By His Excellency's Command, S. MOODY 13th April, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary* (1/252/34) (1/117/34) (I/73/34) (1/39/34)



IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him by Article 10 (1) of the Palestinian Citizenship Order in Council, 1925, as amended by Article 2(1) of the Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, and — 298 — with the approval of the Secretary of State, the High Commissioner has revoked, with effect from the thirteenth day of April, 1934, the certificates of natur­ alization granted to the undermentiond persons on the ground that they have been for a period of not less than three years since their grant ordinarily resident out of Palestine. AND IT IS FURTHER NOTIFIED, that in exercise of the powers vested in him in-Council, as amended by Article 3 of the־by Article 11 (1) of the said Order Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, the High Commissioner has ordered that the wives and minor children, if any, of the said persons shall cease to be Palestinian citizens as from the date hereof:




ABRAHAM ITZGHAK LISSNER. By His Excellency's Command, S. MOODY 13th April, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (1/72/34) (1/1388/33) (1/1236/33,



IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon him by Article 19 of the Palestinian Citizenship Order-in-Council 1925, the High Commissioner has made the following regulations: Citation. 1. These regulations may be cited as the Palestine Citizenship Regulations 1934.

Interprétation. 2. In these regulations the term "principal regulations" shall mean the regulations made by the High Commissioner under the Palestinian Citizenship Order-in-Council, 1925, and published in the Gazette of the 16th September, 1925.

Form of 3. The form of application for naturalisation as a Palestinian application for naturalization as citizen prescribed by regulation 6 of the principal regulations a Palestinian shall be deleted and the following form shall be substituted Citizen. therefor :— {Article 7 of -Order). — 299 —


Extract from Article 22 of the Palestinian PALESTINIAN CITIZENSHIP ORDER, 1925. Citizenship Order, 1925, "If any person Application for a Certificate of Naturalisation. knowingly makes any false representation or (ARTICLE 7 OF THE ORDER.) any statement false in \ • •!־ a materia] particular he shall• be liable I (a). on conviction to imprisonment with or without hard labour for any term not ex­ ceeding three months." of (&)-

(a) surname, to be being above the as?e of eighteen years (and (if a woman) ' . . ^ ״ ^ ^ . . ^ written first followed by other names in UIIIH 8X1*1 ed or divorced) hereby apply for naturalisation as a su?name0tthas "been Palestinian citizen and declare that if granted naturalisation changed and registered, I intend to reside permanently in Palestine. I undertake on o L C TVT ± v A• J. I ״ , . the old name should be given in brackets, receipt of a Certificate oi Naturalisation to surrender any (6) Fun postal address, passport or laissez-passer that may be held by me, and to take an oath of allegiance to the Government of Palestine or a solemn affirmation or declaration in lieu thereof. I further declare that the following particulars regarding myself are corect: 1. Place and date of birth Three photographs of applicant and of his 2. Father's name wife, if he is married, should be furnished. 3. "Whether single, married, widowed or divorced. 4. Nationality (1) present (2) at birth 5. Occupation 6. Periods and places of residence in Palestine.

*If applicable. *7. Wife's name Maiden name Place and date of birth Nationality before marriage.

Date of Place of Place of c) In capital letters. *8. Children's names (c) Sex birth birth . residence — 300 —

9. I am personally known to the two undermentioned residents of Palestine who are prepared to support my application :

(d) Full names and / tf\ addresses. V ' '

{Signature of applicant).

I am satisfied that the applicant can converse in the language. Made and subscribed before me this day of. 193

{Signature) Title

By His Excellency's Command,

S. MOODY 13th April, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (1/471/34



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 14 of the Education Ordinance, 1933, the High Commissioner-in-Council has made the following regulations:—

Citation. l. These regulations may be cited as the Education Regulations, 1934, and the Education Regulations, 1933, dated the tenth day of No. 354. April, 1933, and published in the Gazette of the 20th April, 1933 (hereinafter called the principal regulations) and these regulations may together be cited as the Education Regulations, 1933-1934.

School 2. The School Attendance Return shall be in the form set. Attendance Return. out in the schedule to these regulations. — 301 —

Form Ed/19a SCHEDULE. Term ' (Revised, January 1931) GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE. *Strike out the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. words that do not apply. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE RETURN.

This Form should be completed at the end of each Term and sent to The Director of Education, P.O.Box 404, .

Day Month Year a. Period covered by the return From (Give inclusive dates according to the Gregorian Calendar) To b. Name of School: _

Sub-District Town or Village c. Address of School: Quarter Street No. of house or Name of landlord d. Name of Proprietor: e. Name of Manager: f. Grade of School: Pre-elementary, Elementary, Secondary, Higher. (Uuderline the appropriate designations)

g. Type of School: Kindergarten (method ), Preparatory, Kuttab, 'Ilmiya, (Underline appropriate designation) Heder, Talmud Tora, Yeshiva, Theological Seminary, Technical, Agricultural, Commercial, Teachers' Training College, Music, Conti• nuation ( ), Evening ( ). State speciality, if any State speciality, if any h. Teaching Staff:

Number of lessons Number of given a week Category of Teachers Teachers Total Average (i) Principal or Head Teacher

1 Men (ii) Full-time J ' Women I Men (iii) Part-time { ( Women


i. Length of Vacation and Days of Schooling. (The Third Term return should show the duration of the long summer vacation)

Ordinary Vacation No. of No. of ordinary Total Number of Term special weekly days days on which From To Total holidays of rest School was open (State date) (State date) days First Second Third

j. Language or languages through which instruction is imparted; if different languages are used in different Classes, this must be shown :

N.B. Form Ed/20a, obtainable at the Department of Education, contains instructions how to complete the School Attendance Return, and should be read by all Heads of Schools. Heads of Schools are also advised to acquaint themselves with the meaning of the words "Proprietor", "Manager" and "Local Education Authority" as defined in the Education Ordinance, 1933. — 302 -

Registration and Attendance of Pupils

Number Grade Number of Average age of Number Class Total Average of of regis­ registered pupils of attend­ attend­ Classes sections tered school ance ance in class pupils sessions Boys Girls 1st Kindergarten year

״ ״ Kinder­ 2nd garten ״ 3rd

Total Kindergarten

1st class Elementary

2nd j!

<< ״ 3rd

Elem­ 4th >> ent­ <( ״ ary 5th

<< ״ 6th

7th ?»

Total Elementary Grade

I class Secondary

II J> Second­ III ary >y > )

IV >> )>

V >» >)

Total Secondary Grade

Higher or Special

Total Higher or Special

Grand Total

N.B. Form Ed/20a, obtainable at the Department of Education, on how to complete the School Attendance Return, should be read. Distribution of Pupils by Age and Class B = boys; G = girls

Under Over Grade A e 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 Total \ g 3 20 of Class \ , Glasses 1 Sex B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G Boys Girls Total

Kindergarten, 1st year of attendance >) 2nd ,, ,, t Kindergarten >> 3rd ,, ,, ,, • Total Kindergarten st class elementary1 2J ״ ״ nd

\ 3״ ״ Elemen­ rd ״ ״ tary(!) 4th ״ ״ 5th 6J ״ ״ th ״ ״ 7th Total Elementary Section ! 1st class secondary ״ ״ Und Secondary(1) ״ and Ulrd Higher ״ or Special IVth !: ״ ״ vth Higher or Special Classes \ Total Secondary and/or Higher arid Special Grand Total | (!) Important. One line is allowed above for each elementary or secondary class, but on this should be written both the total uumber of pupils of a given age in the class and also the number of pupils who repeat the class included 8 in that total.*: If for instance in a given class there are 8 pupils of age 11-12 of whom two are passing their second year in the s-ame class, this will be written in the form /2 in the proper square. If possible the repeaters should be written in red ink. This does not apply to the kindergarten and preparatory classes, for which a separate line is provided for each year of attendance. — 304 — a. Number of pupils according religion: b. Number of Christian pupils by sects:

Religion Boys Girls Total Sect Boys Girls Total

Muslim Druze Bahai ) Arabs

0iers״ Christian j Jewish


־:In the Hebrew form the order will be Jewish Muslim etc. c. Fees. Day pupils Boarding pupils Full No. of pupils Full No. of pupils Grade yearly yearly paying in receipt paying paying paying paying in receipt paying fees reduced of scholar­ fees reduced of scholar­ LP. full fees fees ships no fees L.P. full fees fees ships no fees




Higher or Special

Total d. * Financial Statement for year beginning and ending (To be rendered only in the Return for the First Term in respect of the preceding school year.)

Receipts L.P. Expenditure L.P.

Government grant Teaching staff, salaries Menial staff, salaries Local Education Authority Technical instruction Fees Rent and/or Maintenance Other sources:— School furniture ..־-.:-....;-::_;״ -..-materials ..״.

(a) funds raised in Palestine Boarding section Capital expenditure on buildings (b) funds received from abroad.. Other expenses

Total Total e. Remarks by the Principal or Head Teacher. (Reasons should be given here for abnormalities in his Return.) Date Signature Principal or Head Teacher. * The completion of para 4d. by non-assisted Schools is optional.

By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 5th April, 1934. Chief Secretary. (E/18/34) - 305 —



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 19 of the Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1926, the High Commissioner has made the following Rules:

1. These Rules may be cited as the Animal Quarantine Citation. (Amendment) Rules (No. 3), 1934, and the Animal Quarantine Rules, 1931 (hereafter referred to as the Principal Rules), the Gazette 16.4.31. Animal Quarantine (Amendment) Ruies, 1931, the Animal Gazette 1.6.31. Quarantine (Amendment) Rules, 1932, the Animal Quarantine Gazette 8.12.32. (Amendment) Rules, 1933, the Animal Quarantine (Amendment) Gazette 1.6.33. Rules (No. 2), 1933, the Animal Quarantine (Amendment) Rules, Gazette 23.11.33. 1934, and these Rules may together be cited as the Animal Gazette 21.2.34. Quarantine Rules, 1931-1934. Gazette 22.3.34.

2. The principal rules shall be amended by the addition of Addition of new the following paragraph after paragraph S (as enacted in Rule gchedSe^o10 3 of the Animal Quarantine (Amendment) Rules (No. 2), 1933) Animal Quaran- of the schedule thereto:— tine Rules, 1931.

"T. HUNGARY. (1) Cattle for breeding purposes may be imported from Hungary with a permit from the Chief Veterinary Officer who may refuse to grant or, when granted suspend or revoke any permit issued.

(2) Every shipment of such cattle shall be accompanied by the following certificates :

(a) A certificate signed by a duly authorised Government Veterinary Officer of the district to the effect:—

(i) that no cases of foot-and-mouth disease, cattle plague or pleuro-pneumonia have occurred on, or within a radius of twenty kilometres of, the premises on which the cattle have been kept for the three months immediately preceding their movement to the port of shipment, and that such cattle, together with all other stock on the premises, have been examined by him within twenty-four hours immediately preceding their movement to the port of shipment and found free from such diseases, and

(li) that the cattle have been consigned to the port of shipment in a vehicle or vehicles which have been — 300 —

cleansed and disinfected under his supervision, and the fodder and/or Jitter used for the cattle during their transport to the port of shipment has/have been obtained in Hungary from localities certified to have been free from foot-and-mouth disease for the period of three months immediately preceding the date on which such fodder and/or litter was/were obtained. (b) A certificate signed by a duly authorised Veterinary Officer at the port of shipment to the effect:— (i) that such cattle have been detained in quarantine enclosures at the port of shipment for fourteen days immediately preceding the date ol their shipment to Palestine, and that during that period they have not been in contact with any other animals, and (ii) that such cattle have been examined by him within twenty-four hours of the date of shipment and have been found free from foot-and-mouth disease, cattle plague, or bovine pleuro-pneumonia, and (iii) that the cattle have been tested for tuberculosis and bovine contagious abortion and found free from such diseases, and (iv) that the fodder and/or litter used for the cattle while in quarantine and taken on board for use during the voyage, has/have been obtained in Hungary from localities certified to have been free from foot- and-mouth disease for the period of three months immediately preceding the date on which such fodder and/or litter was/were obtained. (c) A certificate signed by the nearest British Consul authenticating the signature of the Goverment Veterinary Officer inserted on the. certificates required under sub- rules 2 (a) and (b) hereof. 3. The certificates required by sub-rules (2) (a) and (2) (b) respectively of this paragraph shall state the pedigree numbers of the cattle, and the certificate required by the latter sub-rule shall, in addition to such pedigree numbers, state the dates on which the tests referred to in (iii) of that sub-rule have been applied. 4. The cattle on arrival in Palestine shall be detained in quarantine for a period of forty-eight hours and, in case of female cattle, they shall be strictly isolated on premises approved by the Chief Veterinary Officer and tested for bovine contagious abortion after an interval of thirty days from the date on which the test was made in Hungary. Any animal which gives a positive reaction shall be slaughtered or otherwise dealt with as the Chief Veterinary Officer directs. 5. Cattle, sheep and goats for the purpose of slaughter in, quarantine may be imported from Hungary. - 307 —

6. No shipment of such cattle, sheep and or goats destined for Palestine will be allowed to land in Palestine until production by the consignee of the following certificates, that is to say:— (a) A certificate signed by a duly authorised Government Veterinary Officer at the port of shipment certifying:— (i) that such cattle, sheep and/or goats have been detained in quarantine enclosures at the port of shipment for fourteen days immediately preceding the date of their shipment to Palestine and that during such period they have not been in contact with any other animals, and (ii) that no case of foot-and-mouth disease, cattle plague, contagious bovine pleuro-pneumonia or any other infectious or contagious disease of cattle, sheep and/ or goats has occurred among such cattle, sheep and/or goats during the period of their detention in quarantine, and (iii) that such cattle, sheep and/or goats have been examined by him within twenty-four hours of their embarkation and that on such examination no animal was found to be affected with foot-and-mouth disease, cattle plague, contagious bovine pleuro-pneumonia or any other infectious or contagious disease of cattle, sheep and/or goats, and (iv) that the fodder fed to such cattle, sheep and/or goats while in quarantine and taken on board for consumption by the animals during the voyage, and/ or litter used by such animals while in quarantine and taken on board for the use of the animals during the voyage, has/have been obtained from localities certified to have been free from foot-and-mouth disease for the period of three months immediately preceding the date such fodder and/or litter was/ were obtained. (b) A certificate signed by the nearest British Consul authenticating the signature of the Government Veterinary Officer inserted on the certificate required under sub-rule 6 (a) hereof. (c) A certificate signed by the master of the vessel to the effect that any cattle, sheep and/or goats on board the vessel or which have been on board the vessel during the course of the voyage and destined for any country other than Palestine have undergone such quarantine formalities at the port of shipment and otherwise as would have entitled them, had they been destined for Palestine, to land therein." By His Excellency's Command, J. HATHORN HALL 7th April, 1934. Chief Secretary* (A/30/34) . — 308 —



No. 36 of 1921. WHEREAS by section 25 of the Trade Marks Ordinance, 1921, and sections 24 and 26 of the Trade Marks Ordinance, 1921, as enacted in sections 2, 3 and 4 respectively of the Trade No• 12 of 1930. Marks (Amendment) Ordinance, 1930, it is provided as follows :—

"24. (1) If at any time Palestine shall become a party to an international arrangement for the mutual protection of Trade Marks, then any person who has applied for protection for a Trade Mark in a State which is a party to such an arrangement, or his legal representative or assignee, shall be entitled to registration of his Trade Mark under this Ordinance in priority to other applicants, and the registration shall have the same date as the ־: date of registration in such State

Provided that:—

(a) the application is made within six months from application for protection in such State;

(b) nothing in this section shall entitle the proprietor of the Trade Mark to recover damages for infringement happening prior to the date on which the Trade Mark is registered in Palestine.

(2) The registration of a Trade Mark shall not be invalidated by reason only of the use of the Trade Mark in Palestine during the period of six months within which the application must be made.

25. The application for registration of a Trade Mark under section 24 shall be made in the same manner as an ordinary application under this Ordinance:

Provided that any Trade Mark the registration of which has been duly applied for in the country of origin may, if such Trade Mark is not contrary to public policy, be registered under the Ordinance.

26. The provisions of sections 24, 25, 25A and 26, shall apply only to a case of a State with respect to which an in-Council declares them־Order of the High Commissioner to be applicable." — 309 —

AND WHEREAS His Majesty has acceded on behalf of the Administration of Palestine to the Internationa] Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property which was signed at the Hague on the sixth day of November. 4925: Now, THEREFORE, the High Commissioner-in-Council, in the exercise of the powers conferred upon him by section 26 hereinbefore recited, is pleased to declare and order, and it is hereby declared and ordered, as follows:— 1. This Order may be cited as the Trade Marks (Industrial Citation. Property Convention) Order, 4934. 2. The provisions of section 25 of the Trade Marks Ordinance, Application of f ^ 4921״ ,and sections 24 and 26 of the Trade Marks Ordinance ,4924 4924, as enacted in sections 2,3 and 4 respectively of the Trade ^!!0respect to Marks (Amendment) Ordinance, 4930, shall apply with respect certain States. - to the States set out in the schedule hereto. 3. This Order shall come into operation on the tenth dav of Commencement. April, 4934. SCHEDULE. Austria Japan Belgium Liechtenstein Brazil Latvia Bulgaria Luxembourg Cuba Mexico Czechoslovakia Netherlands (with the Nether­ lands East Indies, Surinam and Dantzig, Free City of Curacao) Denmark (with the Faroe Islands) Norway Dominican Republic Poland Esthonia Portugal (with the Azores and Finland Madeira) France (with Algeria, Tunis, Roumania Morocco (French Zone), the Spain (with Morocco (Spanish French Colonies, Syria and Zone)) the Lebanon) Sweden Germany Switzerland Greece Turkey Hungary United States of America Italy (with Erithrea, the Aegean Islands and Libya) Yugoslavia. S. MOODY 40th April, 4934. Clerk to the Executive Council (C/152/33). — 310 —



No. 33 of 4924. WHEREAS by section 54 of the Patents and Designs Ordinance, No. 43 of 4930. 4924, as enacted in section 2 of the Patents and Designs (Amendment) Ordinance, 4930, it is provided as follows:—

"54. (4) If at any time Palestine shall become a party to an international arrangement for the mutual protection of Patents or Designs, then any person who has applied for protection for a Patent or Design in any State which is a party to such arrangement, or his legal representative or assignee, shall be entitled to a Patent for his invention or to registration of his Design under this Ordinance in priority to other applicants, and the Patent or registration shall have the same date as the date of the Patent or registration in such State:

Provided that: (a) an application is made in the case of a patent within twelve months, and in the case of a Design within six months from the application for protection in such State;

(b) nothing in this section shall entitle the patentee or the proprietor of a Design to recover damages for infringement happening prior to the actual date on which his application' is accepted or his Design is registered in Palestine.

(2) The Patent for an invention or the registration of a Design shall not be invalidated: —

(a) In the case of a Patent by reason only of the publication of a description or use of the invention, or

(b) in the case of a Design, by reason only of the exhibition or use of, or the publication of a description or representation of the Design in Palestine during the period specified in this section as that within which the application may be made in Palestine.

(3) The application for the grant of a Patent or the regis­ tration of a Design under this section shall be made in the same manner as an ordinary application under this Ordinance. — 311 —

(4) Subject to the provisions hereof, the rights of a patentee shall not be deemed to be infringed:—

(a) by the use on board of a foreign vessel of the patented invention in the body of the vessel or in the machinery, tackle, apparatus, or other accessories thereof, if the vessel comes into the territorial waters of Palestine temporarily or accidentally only, and the invention is used exclusively for the actual needs of the vessel;

(b) by the use of the patented invention in the cons• truction or working of a foreign aircraft or land vehicle, or of the accessories thereof, if the aircraft or land vehicle comes into Palestine temporarily or accidentally only.

For the purposes of this provision, vessels and aircraft shall be deemed to be vessels and aircraft of the country in which they are registered, and land vehicles shall be deemed to be vehicles of the country within which the owners are ordinarily resident.

(5) The provisions of this section shall apply only in the case of a State with respect to which an Order of the High Commissioner-in-Council declares them to be applicable."

AND WHEREAS His Majesty has acceded on behalf of the Administration of Palestine to the International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property which was signed at the Hague on the sixth day of November, 1925:

Now, THEREFORE, the High Commissioner-in-Council in the exercise of the powers conferred upon him by sub-section (5) of the section hereinbefore recited, is pleased to declare and order, and it is hereby declared and ordered, as follows:—

1. This Order may be cited as the Patents and Designs Citation. (Industrial Property Convention) Order, 1934.

2. The provisions of sub-sections (1), (2) and (3) of section 51 Application of of the Patents and Designs Ordinance, 1924, shall apply with section 51 of No. respect to the States set out in the first schedule hereto and 33 of 1924 with respect to certain the provisions of sub-section (4) of section 51 of the said States. Ordinance shall apply with respect to the vessels, aircraft and land vehicles of the States set out in the second schedule hereto.

3. This Order shall come into operation on the tenth day Commencement, of April, 1934. FIRST SCHEDULE. Austria Japan Belgium Liechtenstein Brazil Latvia Bulgaria Luxembourg Cuba Mexico Czechoslovakia Netherlands (with the Nether• lands East Indies, Surinam Dantzig, Free City of and Curacao) Denmark (with the Faroe Islands) Norway Dominican Republic Poland Esthonia Portugal (with the Azores and Finland Madeira) France (with Algeria, Tunis, Roumania Morocco (French Zone), the Spain (with Morocco (Spanish French Colonies, Syria and Zone)) the Lebanon). Sweden Germany Switzerland Greece Turkey Hungary United States of America Italy (with Erithrea, the Aegean Islands and Libya) Yugoslavia SECOND SCHEDULE. Austria Liechtenstein Belgium Mexico Brazil Netherlands (with the Nether• lands East Indies, Surinam Czechoslovakia and Curacao) France (with Algeria, Tunis, Poland Morocco (French Zone), the Portugal (with the Azores and French Colonies, Syria and Madeira) the Lebanon) Spain (with Morocco (Spanish Germany Zone)) Hungary Switzerland Italy (with Erithrea, the Aegean Turkey Islands and Libya) United States of America Yugoslavia S. MOODY 10th April, 1934. Clerk to the Executive Council. (C/l 52/33) — 313 —



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 12 of the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, the High Commissioner has ordered as follows:—

1. This Order may be cited as the Gaza (Electoral Divisions) Citation. Order, No. 1 of 1934.

2. The Municipal area of Gaza shall be divided into four Division of electoral divisions in accordance with the boundaries set out mun,clPal arfJ of ,i I!! , . rs i Gaza into electoral in the schedule to this Order. divisions. 3. Four Councillors shall be elected by each of Daraj and Number of Zeitun Divisions to represent each of such divisions and two Councillors, councillors shall be elected by each of Turkman and Tuffah Judaideh divisions to represent each of such divisions.

SCHEDULE I. Daraj Division. From Saqiet el-Daraj, against Saqiet Qarqash, eastward to the house of Hassan Salim Abu Sha'ban, then to the shop of Sheikh Yusit 'Abdel Mun'im. Thence in an easterly direction to the Mosque of Aibaki, to Shari' el-Hadara, to Hadara, to Hakurat Fahmi Eff. Husseini and then to Gharbiyyeh's house (on both sides). From Gharbiyyeh's house southward passing by the Police garden, the old municipal water reservoir, to the Municipal Offices. Thence eastward to the office of Rushdi Eff. Shawa, thence westward to the house of the heirs of Muhammad Eff. Surani, to the houses of Madani, to Hakurat Jamil Elf. Shawa, to Suk Abu Ramadan, to the Mosque of 'Umar (Qisaria excluded) then to el-Tujar, then to the potteries (north side only). Thence southward to־Suk Saqiet Frass and to Ziqaq Shahabra. Thence following a northern direction, passing by the houses of Jarusha to the sea road, and then passing by Barzak's house, Saqiet el- to Saqiet el-Daraj (east only).

II. Zeitun Division. From the Municipal Hospital eastward to the Municipal Public Park, then to Tujar (south side only), then to the Mosque of 'Umar, thence through־Suk el Qisaria (both sides included) to Farah Hotel, thence to the houses of Khalil Eff. and Musa Eff. Surani, then continuing in a eastern direction to the Government Bo\s' School and playing yard. Thence southward along Gaza— Khan Yunis road to the old pillars (west side only). Thence northward to Saqiet Hussein (east side only). Thence westward through Shari' Saqiet Hussein, then northward passing by the cemetery of Sheikh Sha'ban to the sea road. Thence eastward to the Municipal Hospital. — 314 —

III. Turkman Division.

From Jirjawi's shop along Gaza—Khan Yunis road, eastward to the level crossing, through Shari' Shawa to Diwan Shawa, thence northward to Hakurat Shawa (on both sides). Thence eastward to the end of the ziqaq leading to Suq el-Tujar—from Hakurat Shawa to Suq el-Tujar on both sides. Thence through Suq el Tujar southward from Sijaieh Mosque to Ahmad el-Mzaini's shop. Thence eastward to Ziqaq Bsaisso, thence northward to Sheikh 'Umar Bsaisso's house (excluded), thence southward to Shari' Khulayyil, thence east­ ward to the end of Saqiet Khulayyil up to Hosh Khulayyil—from Sija'ieh Mosque to Khulayyil on both sides—from Hosh Khulayyil southward, passing by Diwan Hillis to Hosh Dahdah Farah. Thence passing by Birqit el-Hara to Hosh Yusif Sayegh (excluded). Thence westward passing by the animal market to Hosh Samin. Thence southward to Saqiet el-Jurn (included), then to the level crossing, to Birqit el-Bassala, to Hakurat el-Madbak. Thence northward along Khan Yunis—Gaza road to Yaziji's house, to Jirjawi's shop, the commencing point. (From Hosh Khulayyil to Jirgawi's shop on the right hand side only).

IV. Tuffah Judaidah Division.

From Saqiet Sheikh Nabak to Hakurat 'Abdel Shaft. Thence eastward to Saqiet 'Ubayya, to the level crossing, thence southward to Zaharna's house, thence eastward to the middle of Tnflah cemetery, thence in a southern direction to Hakurat Mushtaha, then to Ziqaq Saqiet Judaidah, thence following an eastern direction to the limit of the houses of Judaidah Quarter, thence southward through the narrow street to the cemetery of 'Abul Kass. Thence in a western direction through Shari' Sahmud to Ziqaq Bsaisso. Thence south­ ward to Sheikh 'Umar Bsaisso's house (included), from Bsaisso's house in a northern direction to Shari' Sahmud, thence westward to Suq el-Tujar and then following a southern direction to Sija'ieh Mosque. (From the beginning of Shari' Sahmud to Sija'ieh Mosque on both sides). Thence from Sija'ieh Mosque in a south-western direction to Ziqaq el-Furun, to Dar el-Farran to Dar el-Ashram, thence in northern and western directions (zig-zag) to Hammam Abu Khadra (on the east only), then from Hammam Abu Khadra to the level crossing, then to Zummo's flour mill (on both sides). Thence westward to the National School, thence in a northern direction passing by Surani's houses to the houses of ,Arif el-Aff and Gharbiyyeh, thence in a northern direction pas­ sing by Hakurat el-Ma'arif and Hakurat el-Wazir to the Mosque of Ibn Sultan. Thence westward through Ziqaqa Jami' Ibn Sultan to Hakurat Ass'ad Shawa, to Hadara. Thence in a northern direction fo the Mosque of Aibaki, thence in a western direction to Saqiet Nabak, the commencing point.

By His Excellency's Command,

S. MOODV ׳16th April, 1934. Acting Chief Seevetaly (G/39/34) — 315 —



WHEREAS a scheme known as the Parcellation Scheme of Ragheb Bey Nashashibi's land— Quarter—within the Town Planning Area of Jeru­ salem, was provisionally approved by the Central Town Planning Commission on the 8th August, 1933, and a notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was published in the Palestine Gazette, No. 390, of the 21st September, 1933:

AND WHEREAS no objections to the scheme have been lodged and the Central Town Planning Commission have applied to the High Commissioner for authority to put the scheme in force:

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the High Commissioner and signed by him:

Now, therefore, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 17 of the Town Planning Ordinances, 1921-1929, that the High Commissioner has approved the scheme and the plans, and has ordered that the scheme shall come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette, and notice is hereby given that the scheme and plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

By His Excellency's Command, S. MOODY .Acting Chief Secretary .1934׳ ,13th April (S 62/34)



WHEREAS a scheme known as the Parcellation Schemes of HakhamshWilli's land—Katamon Quarter—within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, was provisionally approved by the Central Town Planning Commission on the 8th August, 1933, and a notice of the deposit ol the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was published in the Palestine Gazette, No. 390, of the 21st September, 1933:

AND WHEREAS no objections to the scheme have been lodged and the Central Town Planning Commission have applied to the High Commissioner for authority to put the scheme into force: — 34 G —

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed have been produced to the High Commissioner and signed by him:

Now, therefore, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 47 of the Town Planning Ordinances, 4921-1929, that the High Commissioner has approved the scheme and the plans and has ordered that the scheme shall come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette and notice is hereby given that the scheme and plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

By His Excellency's Command, S. MOODY 13th April, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (Z/481/33) ,



WHEREAS a scheme known as the Parcellation Scheme of Kaflenn and Bedrossian's land—Baq'a Quarter—within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, was provisionally approved by the Central Town Planning Commission on the 8th August, 1933, and a notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was published in the Palestine Gazette, No. 390, of the 21st September, 1933:

AND WHEREAS no objections to the scheme have been lodged and the Central Town Planning Commission have applied to the High Commissioner for authority to put the scheme in force:

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the High Commissioner and signed by him: Now, therefore, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 17 of the Town Planning Ordinances, 1921-1929, that the High Commissioner has approved the scheme and the plans and has ordered that the scheme shall come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette and notice is hereby given that the scheme and plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

By His Excellency's Command, S. MOODY 13th April, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary.. (Z/l79/33) — 317 —



WHEREAS a scheme known as the Parcellation Scheme of Valero Brothers' to land—Mahane Yehuda—within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem, was provisionally approved by the Central Town Planning Commission on the 8th August, 1933, and a notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, was published in the Palestine Gazette, No. 390, of the 21st September, 1933:

AND WHEREAS no objections to the scheme have been lodged and the Central Town Planning Commission have applied to the High Commissioner for authority to put the scheme in force:

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the High Commissioner and signed by him:

Now, therefore, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 17 of the Town Planning Ordinances, 1921-1929, that the High Commissioner has approved the scheme and the plans and has ordered that the scheme shall come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette and notice is hereby given that the scheme and plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem.

By His Excellency's Command,

S. MOODY 16th April, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (Z/l 78/33)



WHEREAS a scheme known as the Scheme No. 13— and Rabbi 'Aqiva Street Connection, within the Town Planning Area of , was provisionally approved by the Central Town Planning Commission on the 5th July, 1932, and a notice of the deposit of the scheme at the Municipal Offices, Jaffa, was published in Official Gazette, No. 311, of the 16th July, 1932:

AND WHEREAS no objections to the scheme have been lodged and the Central Town Planning Commission have applied to the High Commissioner for authority to put the scheme in force: — 318 —

AND WHEREAS the scheme with the plans annexed has been produced to the High Commissioner and signed by him:

Now, therefore, it is hereby notified in accordance with section 17 of the Town Planning Ordinances, 1921-1929, that the High Commissioner has approved the scheme and the plans and has ordered that the scheme shall come into force fifteen days after the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette and notice is hereby given that the scheme and plans have been deposited and are open for inspection at the Municipal Offices, Jaffa.

By His Excellency's Command,

S. MOODY 14th April, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (Z/28/32)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with section 13 of the Town Planning Ordinances, 1921-1929, that certain Town Planning Schemes within the Town Planning Area of Haifa and as detailed in the schedule hereto have been provisionally approved by the Central Town Planning Commission and deposited together with the relative plans at the Municipal Offices, Haifa, "where they may be inspected by any person interested between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m.

Any person interested as owner or otherwise in the land affected by the schemes may lodge an objection thereto at the Municipal Offices, Haifa, within two months of the date of the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette.


1. A scheme known as the Parcellation Scheme Wadi Abu Risheh, No. 126, of Mr. Philippe Mayer.

Boundaries:— North: by the Wadi Abu Risheh South: by the Western Carmel Access Road. East: by the Western Carmel Town Planning Scheme No. 2, the Carmelite lands, and the land of Mr. P. Mayer. West: by a road from Haifa to Wadi Abu el Siah. — 319 —

2. A scheme known as the Parcellation Scheme of the Jewish National Fund Industrial Area, No. 140.

Boundaries:— North: by a road. South: by Fuwara Channel. East: by the road to Shefa 'Amr. West: by the Iraq Petroleum Company's wayleave.

G. R. P. WITTS 9th April, 1934. Secretary, Central Town Planning Commission. (Z/67/34)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN in accordance with section 13 of the Town Planning Ordinances, 1921-1929, that certain Town Planning Schemes within the Town Planning Area of Jerusalem and as detailed in the schedule hereto, have been provisionally approved by the Central Town Planning Commission and deposited, together with the relative plans, at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, where they may be inspected by any person interested, between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m.

Any person interested as owner or otherwise in the land affected by the schemes, may lodge an objection thereto at the Municipal Offices, Jerusalem, within two months of the date of the publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette.


1. A scheme known as the Parcellation Scheme of Hilmi Pasha's (Ex Kamel Bey Husseini's) land at Quarter.

Boundaries:— North: by the properties of Tewfic Eff. Murad and Fahmr Eff. Nashashibi. East: by the property of Said Eff. Husseini. South: by the road to Tur. West: by the properties of Ismail Bey Husseini and Assaf Eff. Nashashibi. — 320 —

2. A scheme known as the Parcellation Scheme of Salamurji's land at Katamon.

Boundaries :— North: by the Katamon Road. East: by the property of the Greek Orthodox Convent. South: by a road. West: by a road.

3. A scheme known as the Parcellation Scheme of Mr. Haski's land at Yegia' Kapayim Quarter.

Boundaries :— North: by the property of Messrs. Hsein Tssa and Company. East: by the Yegia Kapayim Quarter. South: by the property of Mr. Yacob Haski. West: by the property of Messrs. 'Ali Hassan and Company.

G. R. P. WITTS 9th April, 1934. Secretary, Central Toiun Planning Commission. (Z/64/34)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 3 of the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1933, the High Commissioner has ordered that a settlement of the rights in land and registration thereof shall be effected in the area included within the boundaries of the village of Beit Qad in the Jenin Sub- District and that, after a period of thirty days from the date of the publication of this order, the demarcation of parcels and presentation of claims may begin within the boundaries of the village of Beit Qad.

By His Excellency's Command,

S. MOODY 12th April, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary, (L/91/34) - 321 -



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 4 of the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1933, the High Commissioner has appointed MR. ISAAC NEWTON CAMP to be a Settlement Officer for the purpose of the settlement of the area included within the boundaries of the village of Beit Qad in the Jenin Sub- District.

By His Excellency's Command,

S. MOODY 12th April, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (L/91/34)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 4 of the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1933, the High Commissioner has appointed MR. CECIL PUSEY to be an additional Settlement Officer for the purpose of the settlement of the area included within the boundaries of the village of Beit Qad in the Jenin Sub-District.

By His Excellency's Command,

S. MOODY 12th April, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (L/91/34)



THE PUBLIC IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the description of the lands of Rami Zeita in the notices published on page 7 of Supplement No. 2 to Palestine — 322 —

Gazette, No. 412, dated the 4th January, 1934, and on page 228 of Supplement No. 2 to Palestine Gazette, No. 427, dated the 15th March, 1934, is amended as follows:—

"The lands shown provisionally in the Registration Blocks Nos. 7714— 7731 and locally known as Rami Zeita and Ard al Hamra Zeita in the Sub-District of Tulkarm, but excluding the lands of Kefar Brandeis otherwise known as Khor Wasa'."

A. ABRAMSON 9th April, 1934. Commissioner of Lands. (L/3/34)



THE PUBLIC IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that the settlement of rights to land in the village scheduled hereunder will commence on or about the dates stated in the schedule. Any person claiming an interest in the lands of the said village or in the lands of adjoining villages which abut on the boundaries of the village mentioned in the schedule hereunder should act in the manner prescribed in the Land Settlement Ordinances, 1928-1933.

The notices issued under the Ordinances may be inspected at the following places:—

Office of the Settlement Officer of the Area. Office of the District Commissioner. Office of the District Officer of the Sub-District. In the village.

Settlement Officer of Approximate Village Sub-District District the Area date of {Office at) commencement

Muqeibila (excluding on area). Jenin Northern Haifa 20.4.34־the built

A. ABRAMSON 5th April, 1934. Commissioner of Lands. (L/3/34) — 323 —




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Revision Committee having duly recorded its valuation of properties in the undermentioned blocks situated in the undermentioned quarters of the Urban Area ot Haifa, the supplementary valuation lists have been deposited for inspection at the office of the District Officer, Haifa, on the 9th April, 1934.

2. Objections may be lodged in writing (on the form obtainable from the District Offices) with the Revision Committee at the District Offices, Haifa, within a period of thirty days from the date of publication of this notice in the Palestine Gazette.

No. of No. of Block Ñame of Quarter Block Ñame of Quarter

38 El Burj 63 Hadar Hacarmel 54 Hadar Hacarmel 64 Hadar Hacarmel 55 Hadar Hacarmel 65 Hadar Hacarmel 58 Wadi el Ñusnas 66 Hadar Hacarmel 59 Wadi el Ñusnas 79 Nevé Sha'anan 60 Mafkhara 80 Nevé Sha'anan 61 Hadar Hacarmel 82 Nevé Sha'anan 62 Hadar Hacarmel 85 Nevé Sha'anan

Dated this 6th day of April, 1934.

E. KEITH-ROACH District Commissione)*, Northern District* (L/68/31) — 324 -




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Assessment Committees having duly recorded their valuations of the properties situated in the blocks detailed herebelow, which have become assessable since the publication of the first valuation lists, the valuation lists of the said properties have been deposited for inspection at the office of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem.

Block Block Quarter No. Quarter No.

1 Baq'a T 30 I o Baq'a II 37 Mamilla II 3 Baq'a III 38 "A" 4 Baq'a IV 39 Sha'arei Hessed 5 Baq'a V 40 Al 6 Katamon I 41 Nahalat Tsadoq 7 Katamon II 42 Ratisbonne 8 Greek Colony 43 Betsalel 9 Nam am ra 44 Shevet Tsedeq 10 Dajaniya 45 Nahalat Tsiyon 11 German Colony I 46 12 German Colony II 47 Knesset 13 Wa'ariya (Upper Baq'a) I 48 Sukat Shalom 14 Wa'ariya (Upper Baq'a) II 49 Ben Yehuda Street 15 Wa'ariya (Upper Baq'a) III 50 Jaffa Road 16 Wa'ariya (Upper Baq'a) IV 51 17 Railway Station 52 Russian Compound 18 I 53 19 Abu Tor 11 54 Musrara 20 Shamma'a 55 Bab El 'A mud 21 Talbiva 1 56 Bab El Zahra 22 II 57 Wad El Joz 23 Kiryat Shemuel 58 American Colony 24 Musallaba 59 Saad As'id 25 Rehavia "B" 60 Batei Hahungarim 26 Karm El Ruhban 61 Abyssinian Quarter 27 Nicoforiya I 62 Abyssinian Quarter 28 Nicoforiya II 63 Mea She'arim 29 Nicoforiya III 64 Batei Warshaw 30 Montefiore (Yemin-Moshe) 65 Sheikh Okasha 31 Joret El Unab 66 32 Nebi Dawud 67 Ahva 33 Joret El Ñusnas 68 Yegia Kapayim 34 St. Louis Way (Jaffa Road) I 69 Kerem 35 St. Louis Way (Jaffa Road) II 70 Ruhama Block Block No. Quarter No. Quarter

71 Mahane Yehuda 98 Jabal Mudawwara 72 Sha'arei Tsedeq 99 Karm El Karmi 73 Beit Ya'aqov 100 Joret El Ghazala 74 Agrippa's Way 101 Joret El Ghazala 75 102 El Emeina 76 Abul Bassal 103 El Karamin 77 Khallat El Maghar 104 Mahanyaim 78 Schneller Lands 105 79 Schneller Lands 106 Sanhedria 80 Schneller Lands 107 Lunatic Asylum 81 108 Sha'arei Rahamim 82 Abraham's Vineyard 109 Nahalat Ahim 83 Geula 110 Wad El Joz 84 Bukharaliya 111 Wad El Joz 85 Bukharaliya 112 86 113 Talpiot 87 Beit Yisrael 114 Talpiot 88 Batei MiJner 115 Talpiot 89 St. George's 116 Talpiot 90 Zibenburgen 117 Talpiot 91 Zibenburgen 118 Talpiot 92 Nahalat Shim'on 119 Talpiot 93 Shim'on Hatsaddiq 120 Talpiot 94 Scheikh Jarrah 121 Katamon 95 Scheikh Jarrah 122 Katamon 96 Scheikh Jarrah 123 Katamon 97 Jabal Mudawwara

Objections' may be lodged in writing (on the form obtainable from District Offices) with the Assessment Committee within a period of thirty days from this date.

J. E. F. CAMPBELL 31st March, 1934. District Commissioner, Jerusalem District. (L/5/34) — 326 -



With reference to the notices which appeared in the Gazette Extraordinary of the 10th October, 1930. the Gazette of the 16th December, 1931, the Gazette, of the 10th November, 1932, and the Gazette of the 27th July, 1933, the following supplementary list of articles wholly manufactured in Palestine, which fall under paragraphs (c) and (d) of Article 4 of the Palestine-Syria Customs Agreement, 1929, is published for information, in accordance with the terms of that Article, together with the names and addresses of the manufacturers.


Jaffa "Red Star", Morris Starrels and Sons, 76, Knitted Goods Herzl Street, Tel Aviv.

Haifa "Vienna Knitting Factory", Shapiro Street, Knitted Goods Hadar Hacarmel Haifa.


Samuel Mendel and Dezider Spitszer, 26, Caps and hats Rambam Street, Tel Aviv.

"Nesher", Mordechai Salamanovitz and Berets Shalom Radzner, 21, Haqishon Street, Tel Aviv.


Jerusalem Samuel Havilio P.O.B. 308, Jerusalem Chocolates, Jams, sweetmeats, halawa, confectionery, etc.

"Eden" Confectionery Works, Ets Hayim Bonbons, candies and jams Quarter, Jerusalem. — 327 —


Jaffa "Magen", Jacob Goldman, Eliezer Street, Iron safes and office cupboards Neve Shalom, Jaffa.

Haifa The "Haifa Metal Works" Factory—Haifa Lamp hangers, furniture of steel, Bay, Dr. Herbert Pardo, Richard Pardo and iron and Simon Levi fas, New Khayat Building, Kings Way, P.O.B. 542, Haifa.


Jaffa "Lego", Zusman Lemelshtrich, Montefiore Sprayers, burners for primus Settlement (near Tel Aviv). stoves, squeezing machines for oranges, taps for orange groves

"The Hadarol Company", Salomon, Levin Insecticides for citrus trees and Elstein and Dr. B. Arinstein, P.O.B. 81, Tel Aviv.

"Palalum", H. Helman, S. Safogo, M. Aluminium products and other Shomer, Ramat Gan (near Tel Aviv). metals

־de־Orient Chemical WTorks, Dr. Samuel Ariel, Toilet soap and powder, eau Ramat Gan (near Tel Aviv). cologne, perfumery lotions, tooth­ paste and chemical toilet articles


M. Kahansky. near Rutenberg Co., Tanning factory P.O.B. 180, Haifa.

"Barak", Chemical Works, Dahud Nahmi Boot polish, wax for manufacture House, Jaffa Road, P.O.B. 604, Haifa. of boot polish, grease for leather,, cleaning materials, etc.,

Salsana Co., c/o Alfred Salzman Co. Ltd., Bath salts from the Dead Sea Upper Baq'a, P.O.B. 430, Jerusalem.

M. Pikövsky, Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem. Zincograph blocks.

S. MOODY 16th April, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (C/393/31 - 328



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. J. 41, has been granted on the 29th day of March, 1934, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Jerusalem District, to MR. BENZION BEN-AHARON residing at Ben-Yehuda Street, Jerusalem, to publish once a week at the printing press situated at Storrs Avenue, Jerusalem, a newspaper in the Hebrew language entitled "Bama'arakha", treating of political and economical subjects and under the editorship of MR. BENZION BEN-AHARON.

S. MOODY .Acting Chief Secretary .1934׳ ,lc2th April (K/38/31)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a permit, No. S. 78, has been granted on the 28th day of March, 1934, under the hand of the District Commissioner, Southern District, to MESSRS. JACOB LEVITSKY AND ELIAHU MARIANOVSKY, residing at Tel Aviv, to keep a printing press situated at 7, Hatagranim Street, and known as the "Bezalel" Printing Press.

J. HATHORN HALL 9th April, 1934. Chief Secretary. (K/64/33)



IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by paragraph (p)

No. 23 of 1929. 0f section 14 of the Road Transport Ordinance, 1929, the High Commissioner has made the following regulations:—

These regulations may be cited as the Road Transport .1־ .Citation (Tel Aviv Municipal Area) Regulations, 1934. — 329 —

2.—(1) No motor vehicle shall in the municipal area ol Tel Prohibition. and the ,1934־ ,Aviv, between the twenty-second day of April thirty-first day of May, 1934, proceed: —

(a) in a northernly direction along that section of Eliezer Ben Yehuda Street situated between its junction with David Frishman Street and the Levant Fair, or

(b) in a southernly direction along that section of street No. 187. situated between its junction with David Frishman Street and the Levant Fair.

(2) No car or carriage shall in the municipal area of Tel Aviv between the twenty-second day of April, 1934, and the thirty- first day of May, 1934, proceed: —

(a) along that section of Eliezer Ben Yehuda Street between its junction with David Frishman Street and the Levant Fair.

(b) on the street known as Street No. 187. between its junction with David Frishman Street and the Levant Fair.

(3) No vehicle shall, between the twenty-second day oi April, 1934, and the thirty-first day of May, 1934, proceed across that section of the Auja River which forms the northern boundary of the Tel Aviv municipal area.

By His Excellency's Command,

S. MOODY 19th April, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary.