Supplement fl)o. 2. to Gbe !Palestine (5a3ette fl3o, 435 of 10» Hpril, 1934. PALESTINIAN CITIZENSHIP ORDER-IN-COUNCIL. 1925. ANNULMENT OF CERTIFICATES OF CITIZENSHIP. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him by Council, 1925, as amended־Article 10 (2) of the Palestinian Citizenship Order-in by Article 2 (2) of the Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, and with approval of the Secretary of State, the High Commissioner has annulled with effect from the thirteenth day of April, 1934, the certificates of Palestinian Citizenship issued to the undermentioned persons on the ground that they have been for a period of not less than three years since their grant ordinarily resident out of Palestine:— BENYAMIN GIMEL MORDECHAI GOLDFARB RAFAEL HORANI, formerly RAIGORODKI ZALMAN ZCHARIAHU, formerly YEHOSHUA LEVIN. By His Excellency's Command, S. MOODY 13th April, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary* (1/252/34) (1/117/34) (I/73/34) (1/39/34) PALESTINIAN CITIZENSHIP ORDER-IN-COUNCIL, 1925. RE\OCATION OF CERTIFICATES OF NATURALISATION. IT IS HEREBY NOTIFIED that, in exercise of the powers vested in him by Article 10 (1) of the Palestinian Citizenship Order in Council, 1925, as amended by Article 2(1) of the Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, and — 298 — with the approval of the Secretary of State, the High Commissioner has revoked, with effect from the thirteenth day of April, 1934, the certificates of natur­ alization granted to the undermentiond persons on the ground that they have been for a period of not less than three years since their grant ordinarily resident out of Palestine. AND IT IS FURTHER NOTIFIED, that in exercise of the powers vested in him in-Council, as amended by Article 3 of the־by Article 11 (1) of the said Order Palestinian Citizenship (Amendment) Order, 1931, the High Commissioner has ordered that the wives and minor children, if any, of the said persons shall cease to be Palestinian citizens as from the date hereof: LAZAR FUTRITZKY ZEV (WOLF) KIBEL DAVID BLACHSTEIN ABRAHAM ITZGHAK LISSNER. By His Excellency's Command, S. MOODY 13th April, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (1/72/34) (1/1388/33) (1/1236/33, PALESTINIAN CITIZENSHIP ORDER-IN-COUNCL, 1925. REGULATIONS MADE BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER UNDER ARTICLE 19. IN EXERCISE of the powers conferred upon him by Article 19 of the Palestinian Citizenship Order-in-Council 1925, the High Commissioner has made the following regulations: Citation. 1. These regulations may be cited as the Palestine Citizenship Regulations 1934. Interprétation. 2. In these regulations the term "principal regulations" shall mean the regulations made by the High Commissioner under the Palestinian Citizenship Order-in-Council, 1925, and published in the Gazette of the 16th September, 1925. Form of 3. The form of application for naturalisation as a Palestinian application for naturalization as citizen prescribed by regulation 6 of the principal regulations a Palestinian shall be deleted and the following form shall be substituted Citizen. therefor :— {Article 7 of -Order). — 299 — WARNING. GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE Extract from Article 22 of the Palestinian PALESTINIAN CITIZENSHIP ORDER, 1925. Citizenship Order, 1925, "If any person Application for a Certificate of Naturalisation. knowingly makes any false representation or (ARTICLE 7 OF THE ORDER.) any statement false in \ • •!־ a materia] particular he shall• be liable I (a). on conviction to imprisonment with or without hard labour for any term not ex­ ceeding three months." of (&)- (a) surname, to be being above the as?e of eighteen years (and (if a woman) ' . ^ ״ ^ ^ . ^ written first followed by other names in UIIIH 8X1*1 ed or divorced) hereby apply for naturalisation as a su?name0tthas "been Palestinian citizen and declare that if granted naturalisation changed and registered, I intend to reside permanently in Palestine. I undertake on o L C TVT ± v A• J. I ״ , . the old name should be given in brackets, receipt of a Certificate oi Naturalisation to surrender any (6) Fun postal address, passport or laissez-passer that may be held by me, and to take an oath of allegiance to the Government of Palestine or a solemn affirmation or declaration in lieu thereof. I further declare that the following particulars regarding myself are corect: 1. Place and date of birth Three photographs of applicant and of his 2. Father's name wife, if he is married, should be furnished. 3. "Whether single, married, widowed or divorced. 4. Nationality (1) present (2) at birth 5. Occupation 6. Periods and places of residence in Palestine. *If applicable. *7. Wife's name Maiden name Place and date of birth Nationality before marriage. Date of Place of Place of c) In capital letters. *8. Children's names (c) Sex birth birth . residence — 300 — 9. I am personally known to the two undermentioned residents of Palestine who are prepared to support my application : (d) Full names and / tf\ addresses. V ' ' {Signature of applicant). I am satisfied that the applicant can converse in the language. Made and subscribed before me this day of. 193 {Signature) Title By His Excellency's Command, S. MOODY 13th April, 1934. Acting Chief Secretary. (1/471/34 EDUCATION ORDINANCE, 1933. REGULATIONS MADE BY THE HIGH COMMISSIONER-IN-COUNCIL UNDER SECTION 14. IN EXERCISE of the powers vested in him by section 14 of the Education Ordinance, 1933, the High Commissioner-in-Council has made the following regulations:— Citation. l. These regulations may be cited as the Education Regulations, 1934, and the Education Regulations, 1933, dated the tenth day of No. 354. April, 1933, and published in the Gazette of the 20th April, 1933 (hereinafter called the principal regulations) and these regulations may together be cited as the Education Regulations, 1933-1934. School 2. The School Attendance Return shall be in the form set. Attendance Return. out in the schedule to these regulations. — 301 — Form Ed/19a SCHEDULE. Term ' (Revised, January 1931) GOVERNMENT OF PALESTINE. *Strike out the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. words that do not apply. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE RETURN. This Form should be completed at the end of each Term and sent to The Director of Education, P.O.Box 404, Jerusalem. Day Month Year a. Period covered by the return From (Give inclusive dates according to the Gregorian Calendar) To b. Name of School: _ Sub-District Town or Village c. Address of School: Quarter Street No. of house or Name of landlord d. Name of Proprietor: e. Name of Manager: f. Grade of School: Pre-elementary, Elementary, Secondary, Higher. (Uuderline the appropriate designations) g. Type of School: Kindergarten (method ), Preparatory, Kuttab, 'Ilmiya, (Underline appropriate designation) Heder, Talmud Tora, Yeshiva, Theological Seminary, Technical, Agricultural, Commercial, Teachers' Training College, Music, Conti• nuation ( ), Evening ( ). State speciality, if any State speciality, if any h. Teaching Staff: Number of lessons Number of given a week Category of Teachers Teachers Total Average (i) Principal or Head Teacher 1 Men (ii) Full-time J ' Women I Men (iii) Part-time { ( Women Total i. Length of Vacation and Days of Schooling. (The Third Term return should show the duration of the long summer vacation) Ordinary Vacation No. of No. of ordinary Total Number of Term special weekly days days on which From To Total holidays of rest School was open (State date) (State date) days First Second Third j. Language or languages through which instruction is imparted; if different languages are used in different Classes, this must be shown : N.B. Form Ed/20a, obtainable at the Department of Education, contains instructions how to complete the School Attendance Return, and should be read by all Heads of Schools. Heads of Schools are also advised to acquaint themselves with the meaning of the words "Proprietor", "Manager" and "Local Education Authority" as defined in the Education Ordinance, 1933. — 302 - Registration and Attendance of Pupils Number Grade Number of Average age of Number Class Total Average of of regis­ registered pupils of attend­ attend­ Classes sections tered school ance ance in class pupils sessions Boys Girls 1st Kindergarten year ״ ״ Kinder­ 2nd garten ״ 3rd Total Kindergarten 1st class Elementary 2nd j! << ״ 3rd Elem­ 4th >> ent­ <( ״ ary 5th << ״ 6th 7th ?» Total Elementary Grade I class Secondary II J> Second­ III ary >y > ) IV >> )> V >» >) Total Secondary Grade Higher or Special Total Higher or Special Grand Total N.B. Form Ed/20a, obtainable at the Department of Education, on how to complete the School Attendance Return, should be read. Distribution of Pupils by Age and Class B = boys; G = girls Under Over Grade A e 3-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 17-18 18-19 19-20 Total \ g 3 20 of Class \ , Glasses 1 Sex B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G B G Boys Girls Total Kindergarten, 1st year of attendance >) 2nd ,, ,, t Kindergarten >> 3rd ,, ,, ,, • Total Kindergarten st class elementary1 2J ״ ״ nd \ 3״ ״ Elemen­ rd ״ ״ tary(!) 4th ״ ״ 5th 6J ״ ״ th ״ ״ 7th Total Elementary Section ! 1st class secondary ״ ״ Und Secondary(1) ״ and Ulrd Higher ״ or Special IVth !: ״ ״ vth Higher or Special Classes \ Total Secondary and/or Higher arid Special Grand Total | (!) Important. One line is allowed above for each elementary or secondary class, but on this should be written both the total uumber of pupils of a given age in the class and also the number of pupils who repeat the class included 8 in that total.*: If for instance in a given class there are 8 pupils of age 11-12 of whom two are passing their second year in the s-ame class, this will be written in the form /2 in the proper square.
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