publiez* atïtftont^

NO. 1346 THURSDAY, 13TH JULY, 1944 621

CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES • • Notice regarding Import and Export Licensing - - - - 623 , Government Agent attached to the British Legation in Beirut — Appointment of - 623 Leave of Government Officers—Approval of - - - 623 Appointments, etc. 623 Call Day ------624 ־ Notice regarding Payment by an Advocate of Annual Practising Fees - . 624 ־ Medical Licence cancelled - - - - 624 Post Office Savings Bank Deposit Books lost - - - 624 State Domains to be let by Auction - - - - - 624 Sale of State Domain - 625 Sale of State Domain—Extension of - - - - - 626 Claims for Mutilated Currency Notes ----- 626 Adjudication of Contracts - 626 ־ ־ - ־ Citation Orders - - 627 Notice to Claimants ------633 ־ - - Notices of the Execution Offices, and 633 RETURNS Persons changing their Names - - - - - 634 Sale of Unclaimed Goods - 635 Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - 635 NOTICES REGARDING COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES, BANKRUPTCIES, INCORPORATION OF COMPANIES, REGISTRATION OF PARTNERSHIPS, ETC. - 635 CORRIGENDA ------651 SUPPLEMENT No. 2. 1the following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette: — Notice under the Defence (Billeting and Accommodation Committees) Rules, 1943, ap- i,<; pointing certain Persons to constitute a Panel for District for the Purposes of Rule 3 of the Rules - - - - - 653 ־.; Notice under the Immigration Ordinance, 1941, appointing certain Officers as Immigra­ tion Officers for the Purpose of the Ordinance - 653 Vesting Order No. 141, under the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, vesting certain Property in the Custodian of Enemy Property - - - 653 Vesting Orders Nos. 142 and 143, under the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, 1939, revoking Vesting Orders Nos. 57 and 91 dated 27th May, 1942, and 20th May, 1943, respectively, in so far as they concern the Property of certain Persons - - 654 .Notice under the Press Ordinance, regarding a Change in a Permit for Publication of a Newspaper ------654 Notices of Requisition of Lands by Competent Authorities, under the Defence Regula­ tions, 1939 ------655 Notice under the Import, Export and Customs Powers (Defence) Ordinance, 1939, re­ garding the Seizure and Forfeiture to the Government of Palestine of Goods imported contrary to the Licensing of Imports Order, 1939 - 666 Notice of Posting of Schedules of Claims to Land in Kirad el Ghannama and Kirad el Baqqara Villages, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - - 666 Notice under the Rabies Ordinance, 1934, cancelling a Notice whereby certain Localities in the Sub-Districts of Gaza and , and the Jaffa Sub-District, were declared to Hae infected with Rabies - - - - 667

{Continued) PRICE: 75 MILS. CONTENTS Page (Continued) Notice under the Rabies Ordinance, 1934, declaring certain Localities in the Sub-District of Gaza to be infected with Rabies - - - - 667 Defence (Lighting Restrictions) Order, 1944, under the Defence Regulations, 1939 - 667 Notice under the Defence (Military Commanders) Regulations, 1938, appointing a Military Commander for the Area comprising Haifa, Galilee and Samaria Districts - 668 Defence (Control of Engineering, Building and Hardware Material) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations, 1944, under the Emergency Powers (Colonial Defence) Order in Council, 1939, and the Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939 - - 669 Food Control (Wheaten Flour) Order, 1944, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 - 670 Food Control (Points Restriction) (Amendment) Rules, 1944, under the Food Control Ordinance, 1942 ------671 13th July, 1944 623 NOTICE. IMPORT AND EXPORT LICENSING. It is hereby notified for information that paragraph 4(c) of the Notice on Import and Export Licensing published in Palestine Gazette No. 1301 of the 18th November, 1943, at page 1046, which provides for a declaration (Form IM. IB) to accompany the application form in the case of imports from the United States, is deleted with effect from the 1st July, 1944.

NOTICE. As a measure towards promoting and facilitating trade between Palestine and Syria and the Lebanon, the Palestine Government, with the agreement of His Majesty's Minister in Beirut, has appointed a Government Agent attached to the British Legation who will act as the re• presentative of Government in Syria and the Lebanon in all matters pertaining to trade and industry. MR. K. H. JOLY, O.B.E., Principal Transport Liaison Officer, who has had extensive business experience in Beirut, has been appointed Agent and has now assumed his duties. He will con• tinue to be in charge of the Transport Liaison Organisation. The address of the Agency is : — Rue Khalil Pacha, P.O. Box 863, Beirut. Telephone No. 8628, Beirut.

LEAVE. The High Commissioner has approved the leave of the following officers, and they have proceeded on leave : — Vacation leave Name Appointment and Department granted exclusive of travelling time Days MR. A. N. LAW, M.C. District Commissioner, Haifa District 61 MR. A.P. MITCHELL Director of Surveys 61 MR. J. B. GRIFFIN, K.C. Solicitor General, Legal Department 61 MR. D. A. FINLAYSON Deputy Director, Department of Customs, Excise and Trade 61 MR. A. B. ASHBOURNE Commissioner for Civil Defence 92 MR. J. H. ILIFFE Control Officer, Food Control 61 MR. H. W. BEGBIE Executive Engineer, Public Works Department 61 MR. S. G. WHITE Assistant Auditor 61 MR. E. M. V. JAMES Superintendent, Police and Prisons 61 DR. J. E. HARDY Chief Plant Protection Officer, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 61 MR. J. M. BERNCASTLE Senior Land Officer, Department of Land Settlement 61 MR. A. C. EATTELL Deputy Superintendent, Police and Prisons 61 MR. R. C. CATLING Acting Deputy Superintendent, Police and Prisons 61 MR. C. W. BRIDGEN Superintendent of Stores, Palestine Railways 61 MR. W. F. L. BATE Senior Accountant, Palestine Railways 61 MR. W. G. FORREST Assistant District Food Controller 61 MR. R. T. KERR Telegraph and Signal Inspector, Palestine Railways 61 MR. A. CAMPBELL Assistant Superintendent, Police and Prisons 61 MR. R. L. HUME Assistant Architect, Public Works Department 61 MR. W. J. LYNCH Chief Clerk, Food Control 61 MR. F. C. MATTHEWS Acting Assistant Superintendent, Police and Prisons 61 MR. D. MCDOUGALL Acting Assistant Superintendent, Police and Prisons 61 MISS S. BRITTAN Nursing Sister, Department of Health 61 MR. R. T. JONES British Inspector, Police and Prisons 61 MR. L. HENFREY British Inspector Police and Prisons 61 MR. A. L. PARKER British Inspector Police and Prisons 61 MR. H. E. GOULD British Inspector Police and Prisons 61 MR. T. M. PATTLE British Inspector Police and Prisons 61 MR. A. WATSON British Inspector Police and Prisons 61 MR. A. H. BLASH British Inspector Police and Prisons 61 MR. A. V. HILL British Inspector Police and Prisons 61 MR. G. M. CULLEN British Inspector Police and Prisons 61 MR. F. H. R. JOHNSTON British Inspector Police and Prisons 61 APPOINTMENTS, ETC. Advisory Councils, in addition to his substan• APPOINTMENTS. tive duties, with effect from the 10th July, 1944. The High Commissioner has appointed: — MR. D. W. GUMBLEY, C.B.E., I.S.O., Director MR. A. G. DALGLEISH, Assistant Secretary, of Civil Aviation, to be Director of Bond Secretariat, to be Clerk to the Executive and Issues, in addition to his substantive duties. 624 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 13th July, 1944 MR. K. H. JOLY, O.B.E., Principal Tran• His Honour the Chief Justice has fixed Mon• sport Liaison Officer, Food Control, to be Pal• day, the 7th August, 1944, as the next regular estine Government Agent, Beirut, with effect "Call Day". from the 1st July, 1944. The "Call" will be taken by His Honour in MR. R. J. C. BROADHURST, Deputy Superin• open Court at 9.30 a.m. tendent, Police and Prisons, to be Superintend• Robes will be worn. ent (Supernumerary), with effect from the 24th 7th July, 1944. L. A. W. OEE March, 1944. (Gaz/o/40) Chief Registrar. MR. W. T. H. MULFORD, Deputy Controller of Light Industries, to act as Controller of NOTICE. Light Industries, with effect from the 8th July, Notice is hereby given that Mohammad 1944, until further order. Hassan Eff. Budeiri, advocate, Jerusalem, has MR. W. HOUGH to act as Deputy Controller paid his annual practising fees in respect of of Light Industries, with effect from the 1st Moslem Religious Courts, after the period pre• July, 1944, until further order. scribed by Rule 3 of the Advocates Rules, 1943, i.e. after the 31st of January, 1944. MR. T. A. SALEH, Accountant, Palestine Railways, to act as Senior Accountant, with M. COTEAN effect from the 2nd July, 1944, until further 11th July, 1944. Assistant Registrar, Supreme Court, order. (Gaz/5/40) Officer in Charge Roll of Advocates. MR. B. HOLDER, Assistant Postmaster, De• partment of Posts and Telegraphs, to act as NOTICE. Assistant Controller of Posts, with effect from DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. the 4th July, 1944, until further order. Licence No. DR.2991 dated the 15th Janu• ary, 1940, to practise medicine granted to Leon TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENTS. Kornic has been cancelled on account of the The appointment of MR. G. T. FARLEY, As• death of the holder. sistant Secretary, Secretariat, as Clerk to the Executive and Advisory Councils terminated 4th July, 1944. W. K. BIGGEB with effect from the 10th July, 1944. (Gaz/23/40) for Acting Director, Medical Services. The appointment of MR. L. T. STEVENSON, Assistant District Commissioner, Samaria Dis• NOTICE. trict, terminated with effect from the 6th July, DEPARTMENT OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS. 1944, on reversion to Nigeria. PALESTINE POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK DEPOSIT The appointment of MR. J. B. PERRY-ROBIN• BOOKS LOST. SON, Assistant Public Information Officer, ter• The following deposit books are reported to minated with effect from the 10th July, 1944. have been lost : —

CORRIGENDUM. Office Number Name of Depositor The appointment of MR. P. A. CHALLONER, Palestine Railways, published in Palestine Jerusalem 2301 Mrs. Gertrud Briger Gazette No. 1344 of the 29th June, 1944, as Haifa 878 Mr. Shmuel Stimler "Locomotive Engineer" should read "Locomo• tive Engineer for Special Duty". As the books are valueless to any person other than their owners, the finders are hereby NOTICE. requested to return them to the Postmaster CALL DAY. General (Savings Bank), General Post Office, It is notified for general information that Jerusalem. NOTICES. STATE DOMAINS TO BE LET BY AUCTION. I. Notice is hereby given that the following State properties will be let by public auction: — Govern• Term No. of Description Block Parcel Area Location ment of Property No. No. Ds. AÍ2 Property Share From To

GP/3/3(5) Tuwayil, Beit Hanun Land In whole 598 25 20.147 1.10.41 30.9.47 village GP/3/3(6) Tuwayil, Beit Hanun Land In whole 598 27 29.510 1.10.44 30.9.47 village GP/3/3(7) Tuwayil, Beit Hanun Land In whole 598 40 40.886 1.10.44 30.9.47 village GP/3/3(10) Tuwayil, Beit Hanun Land In whole 598 18 2.386 1.10.44 30.9.47 village GP/3/3(ll) Tuwayil, Beit Hanun Land In whole 598 7 10.505 1.10.44 30.9.47 village GP/3/3ÇL2) Tuwayil, Beit Hanun Land In whole 598 6 77.365 1.10.44 30.9.47 village

The outbidding list will be open at the District Offices, Gaza, from 9 a-m• on Thursday, the 13th July, 1944, to 12 noon on Saturday, the 12th August, 1944, unless extended. Particulars of the conditions of the tenancy can be obtained on application from the District Offices, Gaza Sub-District• 6th July, 1944. M. C. BENNETT (Gaz/1/40) Director of Land Settlement. 13th July, 1944 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 625

II. Notice is hereby given that the following State properties willbe let by public auction: —

Govern• Term No. of Description Block Parcel Area Location ment of Property No. No. Ds. Mi. Property share From To

D/Hcb/8A Ard el Tuff el Gharbi, Plain land In whole — — 2500.— 1.10.44 30.9.47 Yalta village D/Heb/8B Khallet el Jukeir, Plain land In whole — — 3000.— 1.10.41 30.9.47 Yatta village 3500.— 1.10.44 30.9.47 D/Heb/8(J Ard Wad el Zare', Plain land In whole — — Yatta village D/Heb/8D Ard Umm 'Amoud, Plain land In whole — — 4500.— 1.10.44 30.9.47 Yatta village D/Heb/8E Ard Moghtat el Banat, Plain land In whole — — 3600.— 1.10.44 30.9.47 Yatta village D/Heb/8F Ard Sh'oub el Hujjaj, Plain land In whole 4000.— 1.10.44 30.9.47 Sukan el Sumsum & Khallct-Kui'an, Yatta village D/Heb/8G Ard el Birkeh & el Plain land In whole — — 4000.— 1.10.44 30.9.47 Wad, Yatta village D/Heb/8H Ard Um el Heitan, Plain land In whole — — 4600.— 1.10.44 30.9.47 Yatta village D/Heb/8I Ard Kouase Khalil and Plain land In whole 2161.— 1.10.44 30.9.47 el Hudeibeh, Yatta village r D/Heb/8J Ard V\ ad Abu Khad- Plain land In whole — — 4000.— 1.10.44 30.9.47 dabeh, Yatta village , D/Heb/8K Ard Amaret Humeida, Plain land In whole — — 3000.— 1.10.44 30.9.47 Yatta village T D/Heb./8L Ard W ad Abu Ayadch, Plain land In whole — 3000.— 1.10.44 30.9.47 Yatta village — The outbidding list will be open at the District Offices, Hebron, from 9 a.m. on Thursday, the 13th July, 1944, to 12 noon on Saturday, the 12th August, 1944, unless extended. Particulars of the conditions of the tenancy can be obtained on application from the District Offices, Hebron Sub-District. 6th July, 1944 M. C. BENNETT (Gaz/1/40) Director of Land Settlement. III. Notice is hereby given that the following State properties will be let by public auction: —

Govern• No. of Dcscriydion Block Parcel Area Term Location ment Property of Property No. No. Ds. Mi Share From To

D/Tul/27 Ard Maris Jouleh, Plain land In whole — — 5.575 1.10.44 30.9.47 Deir el Ghusun village li/Tul/2(l) Ard es Sarsour, Zeita Plain land In whole 4 100 12.842 1.10.44 30.9.47 village E/Tul/2(2) Ard el 'Arida', Zeita Plain land In whole 4 144 23.326 1.30.44 30.9.47 village GP/5/54(4) Ma'barot Plain land In whole 8360 16 1.564 1.10.44 30.9.47

The outbidding list will be open at the District Offices, Tulkarm, from 9 a.m. on Thursday, the 13th July, 1944, to 12 noon on Saturday, the 12th August, 1944, unless extended. Particulars of the conditions of the tenancy can be obtained on application from the District Offices, Tulkarm Sub-District. 7th July, 1944. M. G. BENNETT (Gaz/1/40) Director of Land Settlement. NOTICE. SALE OF STATE DOMAIN. The Government property described hereunder is hereby offered for sale by auction : — Govern• State Domain Deed Block Parcel Area Village Locality ment Description No. No. No. No. Duns.MZ. Share

D/Saf/24 Safad Al Wata 412/38 18 34 In whole —.91 Land with building

The outbidding list will be open at the District Offices, Safad, for a period of one month from 9 a.m. on Thursday, the 13th July, 1944, until 12 noon on Saturday, the 12th August, 1944, unless extended by notice. 626 13th July, 1944 All registration and stamp fees shall be paid by the purchaser. The bid is made subject to the conditions of sale, the terms of which the bidder is deemed to accept. Other particulars may be obtained from the District Officer, Safari, and the Director of Land Settlement, Jerusalem.

13th July, 1944. M. C. BENNETT (Gaz/1/40) Director of Land Settlement.

Number NOTICE. Value Name of Claimant of Note SALE OF STATE DOMAIN BY AUCTION. M.127295/ LP.l Mohanied Eff. Turin, Haifa It is hereby notified that the sale by auction J.858950 * of State Domain GP/13/2(13)—Parcel 7 of N.517912 LP.l Mr. Hans Levy, Haifa Block 18038, El , notice of which was C.480388 LP.5 Mrs. Halima Allan, Jeru• published in Palestine Gazette No. 1337 dated salem 25th May, 1944, is extended for a further period L.448777 LP.l \ Mr. Kamel M. Shalabi, of one month ending 12th August, 1944. P.402810 LP.l ) Jaffa B.748804 500 Mils Mr. Shukri Said, Jerusalem 13th July, 1944. M. C. BENNETT H.952771 LP.l Mr. Ezzat Isa Ghurani, (Gaz/1/40) Director of Land Settlement. Beit Jala B.062186 LP.5 Klinger's Bank, Safad P.607936/ LP.l General Manager, The PALESTINE CUEEENCY NOTES. B.412562 Agricultural Mortgage Co. of Palestine Ltd., Payment of the value of the following mutilated Jerusalem. currency notes has been claimed by the persons named. Any other person wishing to submit a claim in respect 27th June, 1944. C. F WOLFE of any of these notes should communicate with the (Gaz/14/40) Currency Officer. Currency Officer, Jerusalem.


Tenders Board Description of Service Name of Contractor District Engineer, Labour required in paving, asphalting and Messrs. Mohd. Shaheen Samaria District sundry other works and labour and mater• and Bros, of ials required in painting works at the new Jerusalem. Police Building in course of construction at Tubas. Labour required in paving, asphalting, plaster• ing and other sundry works and labour and materials required in painting works at the new Police Building in course of construction at Silat edh Dhahr. Assistant District Supply, delivery and stacking of 110 m3 gauge Messrs. Turk Bros, of Engineer, Gaza hard Mizzi Yahudi chippings, and distribu• Beersheba. Sub-District tion as required along Beersheba Arterial Road. Supply, delivery and stacking of 410 m3 gauge Mr. Hilmi Abu Sha' hard Mizzi Yahudi chippings as required on ban of Gaza. arterial roads within Gaza municipal bound• ary. Supply, delivery and stacking of 120 m3 gauge Mr. Shank Mushtaha hard Mizzi Yahudi chipping stones to Kms. of Beersheba. 84-90 of Jerusalem—Gaza Road. District Engineer, Supply and delivery of building sand stones Messrs. Roads and Haifa District. to the Acre Sea Walls. Building Contractors Co. of Haifa,


The contracts for the supply of forage for police animals for the period 1st July to 31st Decem• ber, 1944, have been awarded as shown hereunder and at the rates quoted : — Formations Awarded to Jerusalem District E. Kronfel Gaza District Mohd. Taher Karaman Samaria District Zuhdi Malhas Haifa District S. Morris Galilee District Abdul Halim Sa'adi, Saleh Darwish and Nassouni Sa'adi Lydda District Murad Dajani & Boudeiri. 13th •July, 1944 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 627


Jerusalem Lydda Gaza Samaria Haifa Galilee District District District District District District Article Per Kilo­ Per Kilo­ Per Kilo­ Per Kilo­ Per Kilo­ Per Kilo­ .־ gramme gramme gramme gramme gramme gramme Mils Mils Mils Mils Mils Mils

Barley (Crushed) 30J 30J 31.1 !31 32 81 Tibben 5* 7 7.2 ! H 6 4& ״Bran 13J 14 13.6 Il3ï 14 13 Hay 13J 15 12.6 il5£ 15 15 Salt 10 13 9 ! 9 10 10 Linseed 30 30 45 145 50 30 Bedding per horse per day 5 5 3i ' 5 6 5

ADJUDICATION OF CONTRACT. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such The contract for the supply of coal and wood order will be made as to the Court seems right. fuel to the Palestine Police and Prisons dur­ Dated this 5th day of July, 1944. ing the six months ending 31st December, 1944, E. S. KHOUEY has been awarded to Mr. M. Houminer of (Gaz/39/40) Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. Jerusalem at the following prices, delivered free in quantities of not less than 1,000 kgs. II. into the stores of any divisional police head­ IN THE DISTRICT COUET OF JEEUSALEM. quarters, etc., within seven days of the date of Slice- (Appl•) No. 134/44• posting or delivery by hand of the requisi­ In the matter of the succession to Easa tion:— £P.MHs Hanna Hazboun of Bethlehem, deceased. (a) Coal, household, Indian (screened) Petitioner: Hanna Easa Hazboun of Beth­ per 1,000 kgs. 8.750 lehem. (b) Wood, fuel per 1,000 kgs. 5.390 Let all persons take notice that Hanna Easa Hazboun of Bethlehem has applied to the Dis­ (Gaz/42/40) trict Court of Jerusalem for an order declaring the succession to Easa Hanna Hazboun of ADJUDICATION OF CONTRACTS. Bethlehem, deceased, and that the said applica­ tion will be heard at the said Court on the The contracts for the supply of the under­ 25th day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. mentioned items to the Department of Health All persons claiming any interest must ap­ have been awarded to Messrs. Paamon Ltd. pear at the said place and time, otherwise and Messrs. T.K.F. Ltd. such order will be made as to the Court seems right. Period of Dated this 10th day of July, 1944. Article Contractor contract

lantity letres j E. S. KHOUEY

Price per Price per (Gaz/39/40) Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. 10 0 metres 10 0 metres £P. III. Cloth, striped 2000 40.706 Paamon IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HAIFA. Ltd. 8 weeks P.E. No. 70/44. Paamon Ticking 2000 36.972 In the matter of the succession to Asher Ltd. 8 weeks Cloth,piquee 2000 42.323 T.K.F. Ltd. 10 weeks Bodankin of Haifa, deceased. Calico, un­ Petitioner: Mushka Bodankin of Haifa. bleached 5000 28.096 T.K.F. Ltd. 10 weeks Let all persons take notice that Mushka Bo­ Calico, dankin has applied to the District Court of bleached 5000 25.826 T.K.F. Ltd. 10 weeks Haifa for an order declaring the succession to Asher Bodankin of Haifa, deceased, and that J. L. FLETCHER the said application will be heard at the Dis­ (Gaz/64/42) Controller of Light Industries. trict Court of Haifa on the 24th day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF SUCCESSION. All persons claiming any interest must ap­ I. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such : IN THE DISTRICT COUET OP JERUSALEM. order will be made as to the Court seems right. Succession (Appl.) No. 133/44. Dated this 3rd day of July, 1944. : In the matter of Rivka Ende of Jerusalem, D. H. YOUSEF deceased. (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, District Court, Haifa. '• Petitioner: Mr. Avigdor Ende, through his attorneys A. Eden and H. Bachrach, advocates, IV. Jerusalem. IN THE DISTRICT COUET' OF HAIFA. Let all persons take notice that Mr. Avigdor File Prob. 71/44. Ende has applied to the District Court of In the matter of the succession to Abba- Jerusalem for an order declaring the succession Moshe Brovarnik (known also as Moshe Bro- to Rivka Ende of Jerusalem, deceased, and that varnik and as Moshe Barburnik) of Haifa, the said application will be heard at the Dis- deceased. trich Court of Jerusalem on the 25th day of Let all persons take notice that Mr. Benya- July, 1944, at 9 a.m. min Brovarnik of Haifa has applied to the All persons claiming any interest must ap­ District Court of Haifa for an order declaring- 13th July, 1944

the succession to Abba-Moshe Brovarnik (known such order will be made as to the Court seems also as Moshe Brovarnik and as Moshe Bar- right. burnik) of Haifa, deceased, and that the said Dated this 27th day of June, 1944. application will be heard at the District Court of Haifa on Monday, the 24th day of July, B. SHITREET 1944, at 9 a.m. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. All persons claiming any interest must ap• VIII• pear at the said place and time, otherwise such IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. order will be made as to the Court seems right. Probate No. 176/44. Dated this 3rd day of July, 1944. In the matter of the succession to Leiba Jappu of , deceased. D. H. YOUSEF Petitioner: Rase (Raya) Jappu of Rehovot, (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, District Court, Haifa. represented by Moses L. Muller, advocate of V. Tel Aviv. IN THE DISTRICT- COURT OF HAIFA. Let all persons take notice that Rase (Raya) P.P. No. 72/44. Jappu of Rehovot has applied to the District In the matter of the late Antone Isaac Geda' Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession to Leiba Jappu of Rehovot, of Haifa, and deceased, and that the said application will In the matter of Kamal Antone Geda' of be heard at the District Court of Tel Aviv on .a.m 9־ Haifa—Petitioner. the 16th day of July, 1944, at Let all persons take notice that Kamal An• All persons claiming any interest must ap­ tone Geda' of Haifa has applied to the Dis• pear at the said place and time, otherwise such trict Court of Haifa for an order declaring order will be made as to the Court seems right. the succession to Antone Isaac Geda' of Haifa, Dated this 26th day of June, 1944. deceased, and that the said application will be heard at the District Court of Haifa on Tues• B. SHITREET day, the 25th day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. All persons claiming any interest must ap• IX. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. order will be made as to the Court seems right. Prob. 179/44. Dated this 3rd day of July, 1944. In the matter of Menachem Mendel Frau- D. H. YOUSEF man of Tel Aviv, deceased. (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, District Court, Haifa. Petitioner: Necha Frauman of Tel Aviv, represented by Dr. V. Gruenwald and Dr. I. VI. Zundelewicz, advocates of 29, Yavneh Street, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HAIFA. Tel Aviv- P. P. 73/44. Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Necha In the matter of the succession to Michel Frauman has applied to the District Court of (Michael) Issa Mansour of Haifa, deceased. Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession to Menachem Menclel Frauman of Tel Aviv, Petitioner : Mrs. Nabiha Mansour, née deceased, and that the said application will be >Saad, of Haifa. heard at the District Court of Tel Aviv on the Let all persons take notice that Nabiha Man• 17th day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. sour, née Saad, of Haifa has applied to the District Court of Haifa for an order declaring All persons claiming any interest must ap­ the succession, to Michel (Michael) Issa Man• pear at the said place and time, otherwise such sour of Haifa, deceased, and that the said ap• order will be made as to the Court seems right. plication will be heard at the District Court Dated this 27th day of June, 1944. of Haifa on Thursday, the 27th day of July, B. SHITREET 1944, at 9 a.m. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. All persons claiming any interest must ap• pear at the said place and time, otherwise such X- order will be made as to the Court seems right. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Dated this 4th day of July, 1944. Prob. 181/44. In the matter of succession to Katia Chosidow D. H. YOUSEF of Tel Aviv, deceased. .Registrar, District Court, Haifa. Petitioner: Sima Rapaport of Tel Aviv ־ (Gaz/37/40) VII. Let all persons take notice that Sima Rapa­ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. port has applied to the District Court of Tel Pr. Case No. 145/44. Aviv for an order declaring the succession to In the matter of lluvin Nachumi, formerly the miri immovable property of Katia Chosi­ Ruvin Krecmeris, of Tel Aviv, deceased. dow, deceased, and that the said application will be heard at the said Court on the 17th Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Tova day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. Nachumi has applied to the District Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession All persons claiming any interest must ap­ to Ruvin Nachumi, deceased, and that the said pear at the said place and time, otherwise such application will be heard at the same District order will be made as to the Court seems right. Court on the 17th day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. Dated this 28th day of June, 1944. All persons claiming any interest must ap­ B. SHITREET pear at the said place and time, otherwise (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. 13th July, 1944 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 629 XL Petitioner: Murray M. Friedman. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OE TEL AVIV. Let all persons take notice that Murray M. Pr. 187/44. Friedman of Tel Aviv has applied to the Dis• In the matter of Hersz Wolf Nachtygal trict Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring (alias Tsvi Zeev Nachtygal) of Tel Aviv, de• the succession to the miri immovable property ceased. of Haya Friedman, of Ramat Gan, deceased, Petitioner: Marja Sara Nachtygal of Tel and that the said application will be heard Aviv, represented by Dr. V. Gruenwald and at this Court on the 18th day of July, 1944, at Dr. I. Zundelewicz, advocates of 29, Yavneh 9 a.m. Street, Tel Aviv. All persons claiming any interest in the Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Marja said estate must appear at the said place and Sara Nachtygal has applied to the District time, otherwise such order will be made as to Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the the Court seems right. succession to Hersz Wolf Nachtygal of Tel Dated this 29th day of June, 1944. Aviv, deceased, and that the said application will be heard at the District Court of Tel Aviv B. SHITREET (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. on the 17th day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. All persons claiming, any interest must ap• XV. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. order will be made as to the Court seems right. Estate File No. 194/44. Dated this 28th day of June, 1944. In the matter of Leib Sadovsky of Tel Aviv, ! B. SHITREET deceased. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. . Petitioner: Dr. Nahum Sadovsky of Tel Aviv, through Dr. F. Reuss, advocate, of 116, XII. Allenby Road, Tel Aviv. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OE TEL AVIV. Let all persons take notice that Dr. Nahum Probate File No. 188/44. Sadovsky of Tel Aviv has applied to the Dis• In the matter of Jacob Velidnitzky of Tel trict Court of Tel Aviv for an order declaring Aviv, deceased. | the succession to the miri immovable property Petitioner : Frieda j Fischman, represented of Leib Sadovsky of Tel Aviv, deceased, and by O. Rotenstreich and H. Dvorin, advocates, that the said application will be heard at this Tel Aviv. I Court on the 23rd day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Frieda All persons claiming any interest must ap• Fischman has applied to the District Court pear in the said place and time, otherwise such of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succes• order will be made as to the Court seems right. sion to Jacob Velidnitzky of Tel Aviv, deceased, Dated this 29th day of June, 1944. and that the said application will be heard at the District Court of Tel Aviv on the 18th day B. SHITREET (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. ! All persons claiming any interest must ap• XVI. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. order will be made as to the Court seems right. Pr. No. 197/44. Dated this 28th day of June, 1944. In the matter of Samuel Baumwohl, deceased J B. SHITREET Petitioner : Mrs. Ryfka Baumwohl, Tel Aviv, (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. through Dr. M. Silberg, advocate, 15, Yavneh XIII. Street, Tel Aviv. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Ryfka ! File No. 192/44. Baumwohl has applied to the District Court of In the matter of the' succession to Hassan Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession Moosa known also as Hassan Moshe Abiani to Samuel Baumwohl, deceased, and that the and as Moshe Yefet, late of Tel Aviv, deceased. said application will be heard at this Court oh the 23rd day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. Petitioner: Ben Sion Hassan of Tel Aviv. All persons claiming any interest must ap• Let all persons take notice that Ben Sion pear at the said place and time, otherwise such Hassan has applied to the District Court of order will be made as to the Court seems right. Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession to Hassan Moosa known also as Hassan Moshe Dated this 29th day of June, 1944. Abiani and as Moshe Yefet, deceased, and that B. SHITREET . the said application will be heard at this Court (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. on the 18th day of July, 1944, at 9 a-m. XVII. All persons claiming any interest must ap• IN THÉ DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such Probate Case No. 198/44. order will be made as to the Court seems right. In the matter of Dora Friedman of 67, Dated this 28th day of June, 1944. Ahad Haam Street, Tel Aviv, deceased. I B. SHITREET Petitioner : Bendet Friedman of 67, Ahad (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Haam Street, Tel Aviv, represented by I. Gor- nitzky, A. Polonsky and R. Nochimovsky, ad• XIV• vocates. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Let all persons take notice that Mr. Bendet \Probate File No. 193/44. Friedman has applied to the District Court In the matter of the succession to Haya of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the suc• Friedman of Ramat Gan, deceased. cession to Dora Friedman, deceased, and that 630 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 13th July, 1944 the said application will be heard at the said All persons claiming any interest must ap• Court on the 23rd day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such All persons claiming any interest must ap• order will be made as to the Court seems right. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such Dated this 29th day of June, 1944. order will be made as to the Court seems B. SHITEEET right. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Dated this 29th day of June, 1944. XXI. B. SHITEEBT IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Probate File No. 203/44. XVIII. In the matter of Sara Klien of Tel Aviv, IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. deceased. Pr. No. 200/44. Petitioner: Joseph Klien of Tel Aviv. In the matter of the succession to Nathan Let all persons take notice that Joseph Klien Ellis, also known as Nusim or Nusin Elis of has applied to the District Court of Tel Aviv Tel Aviv, deceased. for an order declaring the succession to Sara Applicant : Shlomo Ellis, through his at• Klien of Tel Aviv, deceased, and that the said torney I. Chazanovitch, advocate, Tel Aviv. application will be heard at this Court on the 17th day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. Let all persons take notice that Shlomo Ellis of Tel Aviv has applied to the District Court All persons claiming any interest must ap• of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the suc• pear at the said place and time, otherwise such cession to Nathan Ellis, also known as Nusim order will be made as to the Court seems right. or Nusin Elis, of Tel Aviv, deceased, and that Dated this 29th day of June, 1944. the said application will be heard at the Dis• B. SHITEEET trict Court of Tel Aviv on the 23rd day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m• (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. All persons claiming any interest must ap• XXII. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. Estate Case No. 204/44. Dated this 29th day of June, 1944. In the matter of the Succession Ordinance, and B. SHITEEET (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. In the matter of the estate of Yehoshua Hanna Ravnizky of 80, Achad-Haam Street, XIX• Tel Aviv, deceased. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. Petitioner:, Eliahu. Ravnizky, 80, Achad- Probate No. 201/44, Haam Street, Tel Aviv. In the matter of the succession to Ida Loewen- Let all persons take notice that Mr. Eliahu stein, late of 51, Shivtei Street, Tel Ravnizky has applied to the District Court of Aviv, deceased. Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession Petitioner : Gertrud Frieda Kaufmann (née to Yehoshua Hanna Ravnizky of 80, Achad- Loewenstein) of 5, Shalag Street, Tel Aviv, re• Haam Street, Tel Aviv, deceased, and that the presented by Dr. II. Kitzinger and E. J. Alroy, said application will be heard at the District advocates. Court of Tel Aviv on the 24th day of July, Let all persons take notice that Mrs. Ger• 1944, at 9 a.m. trud Frieda Kaufmann (née Loewenstein) has All persons claiming any interest must ap• applied to the District Court of Tel Aviv for pear at the said place and time, otherwise an order declaring the succession to Ida such order will be made as to the Court seems Loewenstein of Tel Aviv, deceased, and that right, the said application will be heard on the 24th B. SHITEEET day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. All persons claiming any interest must ap• XXIII• pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right. IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. Probate File No. 205/44. Dated this 29th day of June, 1944. In the matter of Salomon Melamed of Tel B. SHITEEET Aviv, deceased. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Petitioner: Yeta Melamed of Tel Aviv. XX• Let all persons take notice that Yeta Me• lamed has applied to the District Court of IN THE DISTEICT COUET OF TEL AVIV. Prob. 202/44. Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succession to Salomon Melamed of Tel Aviv, deceased, In the matter of Jacob (Ya'aqov) Segal of and that the said application will be heard Nahalat Yits-haq, deceased. at this Court on the 17th day of July, 1944, Petitioner : Chaya Segal of Nahalat Yits-haq. at 9 a.m. Let all persons take notice that Chaya Segal All persons claiming any interest must ap• has applied to the District Court of Tel Aviv pear at the said place and time, otherwise such for an order declaring the succession to Jacob order will be made as to the Court seems right. (Ya'aqov) Segal of Nahalat Yits-haq, deceased, Dated this 29th day of June, 1944. and that the said application will be heard at the District Court of Tel Aviv on the 17th B. SHITEEET day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. 13th July, 1944 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 631

XXIV• ian over the minors Yehezkel and Shmuel, IN THE'DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. children of Zussia Pinski, deceased. File No. 206/44. In virtue of an order of the District Court In the matter of the succession to Jacob of Haifa, bearing this date, I do hereby cite Melier, deceased. all and all manner of persons to appear in the Petitioner: Rachel Meiler, nee Melzer, said Court on or before the 24th day of July, Kefar Sava. 1944, at 9 a.m., and show cause, if any they have, why Shejna (Yaffa) Pinski of Haifa Let all persons take notice that Rachel Melier should not be appointed sole guardian over the of Kefar Sava has applied to the District Court minors Yehezkel and Shmuel Pinski, as, in de• of Tel Aviv for an order declaring the succes• fault thereof, the Court will proceed to grant sion to Jacob Melier, deceased, and that the the same accordingly. said application wil be heard in the said Court on the 18th day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m. Dated this 25th day of July, 1944. All persons claiming any interest must ap• D. II. YOUSEF pear at the said place and time, otherwise such (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, District Court, Haifa, order will be given as to the Court seems right. III. Dated this 29th day of June, 1944. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HAIFA. B. SHITREET Civil Case No. 130/44; (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. In the matter of the appointment of guard• ians over Yair Polani and Rachel Polani, the CITATION FOR AN ORDER OF ADMINISTRATION• minor children of Isaac (Itzhaq) Polani, de• IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. ceased. Probate File No. 180/44. Petitioner : Chaja Polani, née Rosenbaum, In the matter of Zeev (or Wulf) Traub through Messrs. D. Bar Rav Hay and D. Erd- (known also as Benjamin Zeev Traub), de• stein, advocates of Haifa• ceased. In virtue of an order of the District Court of Petitioner: Rachel Traub, through her at• Haifa, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite torney Dr. A. Shaony, advocate of Tel Aviv. all and all manner of persons to appear in the In virtue of an order of the District Court said Court on Tuesday, the 25th day of July, of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby 1944, at 9 a.m., and show cause, if any they cite all and all manner of persons to appear have, why an order of guardianship should not in the said Court in ten days from the date of be issued appointing Mrs. Chaja Polani and publication hereof, and show cause, if any they Mr. Selig Rosenbaum to be joint guardians have, why an order of administration of all over the persons}and property of Yair Polani and singular the movable property, rights, and Rachel Polani, the minor children of Isaac credits and mulk immovable property and miri (Itzhaq) Polani j deceased, as, in default immovable property of Zeev (or Wulf) Traub thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the (known also as Benjamin Zeev Traub), de• same accordingly. ceased, should not be granted unto Rachel Dated this 5th |day of July, 1944. Traub, as, in default thereof, the Court will D. H. YOUSEF proceed to grant the same accordingly. (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, District Court, Haifa. Dated this 27th day of June, 1944. ; iv. . B. SHITREET IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HAIFA. (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. Civil No. 133/44. In the matter of the appointment of a guard• CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF GUARDIANSHIP. ian over the minor children of Jundi Abdul I. Malek of Haifa. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HAIFA. Civil No. 127/44. Let all persons take notice, that Jundi Abdul Malek of Haifa has applied to this Court for In the matter of the appointment of guard• an order appointing him guardian over his ians over the persons and property of the min• three minor children, namely, Farah, Ya'coub ors Aida, Mary, George and Widad Michel and Mariam, and that the said application Mansour. will be heard at the District Court of Haifa By virtue of an order of the District Court of on Friday, the 28th day of July, 1944, at 9 a.m.' Haifa, bearing date this day, I do hereby cite All persons who may wish to oppose this ap• all and all manner of persons to appear in the plication must appear at the said place and said Court on or before the 26th day of July, time, otherwise such order will be made as to 1944, at 9 a.m., and show cause, if any they the Court seems right. have, why Nabiha Mansour (née Saad) should Dated this 8th day of July, 1944• not be appointed sole guardian over the per• sons and property of the minors Aida, Mary, D. H. YOUSEF George and Widad Michel Mansour, as, in de• (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, District Court, Haifa. - - ׳ '•fault thereof, the Court will proceed to grant v the same accordingly. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. Dated this 3rd day of July, 1944. Probate No. 177/44. D. H. YOUSEF In the matter of the appointment of a guard­ (Gaz/37/40) Registrar, District Court, Haifa. ian over the minor Taube Jappu. II. Petitioner: Rase (Raya) Jappu, represented IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HAIFA. by Moses L. Muller, advocate, Tel Aviv. Civil Case No. 129/44. In virtue of an order of the District Court In the matter of the appointment of a guard• of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby 032 13th July, 1944 cite all and all manner of persons to appear default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant in the said Court in ten days from the date of the same accordingly. publication hereof, and show cause, if any they Dated this 29th day of June, 1944. have, why an order appointing Mrs. Ease (Raya) Jappu as guardian over the person and B. SHITREET property of the minor Taube Jappu should (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. not be made, as, in default thereof, such order will be made as to the Court seems right. CITATION FOR AN ORDER OF ADOPTION. Dated this 26th day of June, 1944. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JERUSALEM. B. SHITBEET Adoption (Application) No• 131/44, (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. In the matter of the application for adoption of the minor found by the Police on the 4th VI. April, 1943, on the border of Jaffa—Tel Aviv IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. in Hayarkon Street, opposite the "Zohar" fac• Pr. No. 191/44. tory, submitted by Rosa Ginzberg and Dr. R. In the matter of the appointment of a guard• Ossorguine, advocates, Jerusalem, attorneys ian over the minor Eitan Tec. for applicants. Petitioner: Mrs. Tec, through Dr. In virtue of an order of the District Court M. Silberg, advocate, Tel Aviv. of Jerusalem, bearing date • this day, I do hereby cite all and all manner of persons to In virtue of an order of the District Court appear in the said Court in fifteen days from of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby the date of publication hereof, and show cause, cite all and all manner of persons to appear if any they have, why an order approving the in the said Court in ten days from the date of publication hereof, and show cause, if any adoption of the male minor known as foundling they have, why an order appointing Mrs. No. 1, found by the police on the 4th April, Geula Tec as guardian over the person and 1943, on the border of Jaffa—Tel Aviv, in property of the minor Eitan Tec should not be Hayarkon Street, opposite the "Zohar" fac• made, as, in default thereof, such order will tory, as asked therein, should not be granted be made as to the Court seems right. by the Court, as, in default thereof, the Court will proceed to grant the same accordingly- Dated this 28th day of June, 1944. Dated this 4th day of July, 1944. B. SHITREE^ E. S. KEOURY Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. (Gaz/18/40) (Gaz/39/40) Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. VII. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. CITATIONS FOR ORDERS OF PROBATE- Pr. No. 196/44. I. In the matter of the appointment of a guard• IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JERUSALEM. ian over the minor Zephania Baumwohl. Probate (Appl.) No. 132/44. Petitioner: Mrs. Ryfka Baumwohl, through In the matter of the will of Simche Freund, Dr. M. Silberg, advocate, Tel Aviv. deceased. In virtue of an order of the District Court Petitioners: Mrs. Mirel (also known as of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby Mina) Freund and Zwi Freund, through their cite all and all manner of persons to appear in attorneys Dr. Alexander J. Amdur and Dr. the said Court in ten days from the date of B. Shereshewsky, advocates of Jerusalem. publication hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why an order appointing Mrs. Ryfka In virtue of an order of the District Court Baumwohl as guardian over the person and of Jerusalem, bearing date this day, I do here• property of the minor Zephania Baumwohl by cite all and all manner of persons to ap• should not be made, as, in default thereof, such pear in the said Court in ten days from date order will be made as to the Court seems right. of publication hereof, and to show cause, if any they have, why the last will of Simche Dated this 29th day of June, 1944. Freund, deceased, should not be proved, ap• B. SHITREET proved and registered, and probate thereof (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. granted to Mrs. Mirel (also known as Mina) Freund and Zwi Freund, named therein, as, VIII. is default thereof, the Court will proceed to IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. grant the same accordingly. Probate File No. 207/44. Dated this 4th day of July, 1944. In the matter of guardianship over the E. S. KHOURY minors Lea and Shlomith Meller. (Gaz/39/40) Registrar, District Court, Jerusalem. Petitioner : Rachel Meller née Melzer. II. In virtue of an order of the District Court IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby Prob. 189/1944. cite all and all manner of persons to appear In the matter of S'hmouel Ratkevitch, de• in the said Court within ten days from the ceased. date of publication hereof, and show cause, if any they have, why Mrs. Rachel Meller, née In virtue of an order of the District Court Melzer and Mr. Zeev Melzer, both of Kefar of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby Sava, should not be appointed guardians over cite all and all manner of persons to appear in the persons and property of the minors Lea the said Court in ten days from the date of Meller and Shlomith Meller, in accordance publication hereof, and show cause, if any with the petition filed in the said Court, as, in they have, why the last will of Shmouel Rat- 13th July, 1944 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 633 kevitch, deceased, should not be proved, ap• Be it known that an order was issued for the proved and registered, and probate thereof sale of the rights of the judgment debtor as granted to Bina Ratkevitch, named therein, shown in the Schedule hereunder in accordance and to Mr. Jacob Giler, as, in default thereof, with the terms which may be seen within the the Court will proceed to grant the same ac• file. cordingly. The bidding will take place in this office B. SHITREET within 30 days from the date of publication (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. hereof daily from 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. with the exception of official holidays, and the crier's fees will be borne by the purchaser and should CITATION TOR AN ORDER OK ADMINISTRATION be paid together with the price into the Execu• WITH THE WILL ANNEXED. tion Office. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. SCHEDULE. Probate Case No. 185/44. 1. Locality: El Mukheizin village, Ramie In the matter of administration with the will Sub-District. annexed of the property of the late Theobald 2• Registered owner: Madhat Ibn Derwish El Scholem of Tel Aviv, deceased. Wiheidy. Petitioner: Hedwig Scholem of Tel Aviv, Area represented by Mr. Yitshaq Hacohen, advocate Block Parcel Share out of of 116, Allenby Road, Tel Aviv. Dum. Ms. In virtue of an order of the District Court 4315 2 1 16 176 634 of Tel Aviv, bearing date this day, I do hereby 4313 3 1 16 225 866 cite all and all manner of persons to appear in 4313 1 1 16 122 533 the said Court in ten days from the date of 4311 4 1 16 43 474 publication hereof, and show cause, if any they 4311 3 1 16 355 833 have, why an order of administration with the 4304 13 1 16 42 593 will annexed of all and singular the movable 4304 10 1 16 161 648 property, rights and credits of the late 4300 30 1 16 41 199 Theobald Scholem should not be granted unto 4300 29 1 16 18 978 Mrs. Hedwig Scholem of Tel Aviv, as, in de• 4300 20 1 16 28 138 fault thereof, the Court will proceed to grant 4300 4 1 16 234 395 the same accordingly. 4300 2 1 16 248 040 Dated this 28th day of June, 1944. Remarks in Report of taking possession, B. SHITREET Some of the parcels are adjoining each other (Gaz/18/40) Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. and some of them are separated by valleys. There is no plantation at all. It is subject to winter and summer cultivation. Some of the NOTICE TO CLAIMANTS. lands of the judgment debtor are situated In the matter of No. 149 British Constable within the Masha' lands of the village. J. MacNamara, deceased. Estimated value (each dumun was estimated as being Masha' and in proportion to the small Notice is hereby given that all persons in share of the judgment debtor which is 1 out of Palestine having any claim against the estate 16) : £P.10—. of the abovenamed deceased are required on or before the 12th August, 1944, to give notice in For further particulars the report of taking writing to Mr• Theodore Krikorian, Paymaster possession can be perused. of the Palestine Police Force, the Administra• tor appointed by order of the District Court W. SALAMEH of Jerusalem dated the 4th July, 1944, of their Registrar, District Court, Jaffa. names and addresses and descriptions and II. particulars of their claims, and that the said Administrator will distribute any of the as• IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEL AVIV. sets of the estate in Palestine which may come Execution File No. 14438/37. into his hands without regard to the claims of FIRST NOTIFICATION OF SALE OF IMMOVABLE any person which are not received on or before PROPERTY. that date• The property described hereunder of Dov 9th July, 1944. T. KRIKORIAN Kantarovitz, the mortgagor, is offered for sale (Gaz/42/40) Administrator of the Estate. in satisfaction of a mortgage-debt of £P.30O together with costs and interest owing to Mr. Shlomo Eliahu Reuven, the first mortgagee, EXECUTION NOTICES. through his attorney S. Gratch, advocate, Tel I. Aviv. The sale will be held at the Execution IN THE DISTRICT COURT OE JAFFA. Office, Tel Aviv, during 30 days from date of Execution File No. 142/44. publication hereof. Bids will be accepted on every Tuesday, between the hours of 10 a.m. NOTICE OF SALE. and 12 noon, after depositing 10% of the value Between: — of the property. Hassan Eff. Hag Shukri Jaber (Merchant) through his attorney Fayez Eff. Kanafany, SCHEDULE. Jaffa— Judgment-Creditor. 1. Locality: Ramatayim settlement. and 2. Glass of property : Miri. Madhat Derwish El Wiheidy, whose where• 3. Description : Agricultural land, of which abouts are unknown— Judgment-Debtor. at least 14 dunums are an entirely neglected . 634 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 13th July, 1944

orange grove, the rest being arable land. On 7. Area: 20 dunums and 985 sq• metres• the eastern part facing the road there is a 8. Other incumbrances: A second mortgage wooden barrack containing 2| rooms and a for £P. 1,142 in favour of the Jewish National small kitchen. Fund. 4. Shares : In whole. 9• Value assessed: £P.3,497.750 mils. 5. Particulars of registration : Block 6456, parcel 12. B. SHITEEET Registrar, District Court, Tel Aviv. 6. Boundaries : Settled land.


PERSONS CHANGING THEIR NAMES. The following changes of names have been registered at the office of the Commissioner for Migration and Statistics.

Old Name New Name Nationality A ddress Surname Other names Súmame OtJicr names

Abu Oss Salim Yaqub Abu Shaaban Salim Yaqub Palestinian Jaffa Agababa Natan Avisar Natán Palestinian Jerusalem Agababa Shoshana Avisar Shoshana Palestinian Jerusalem Agababa Yosef Avisar Yosef Palestinian Jerusalem Bagdady Aharon Aharon Palestinian Tiberias Benedeck Joan Ben Israel Han an Palestinian Ma'agan Benedeck Sali Ben Israel Sali Palestinian Ma'agan Blajsztern Zejlik Bluvstein Zejlik Palestinian Tel Aviv Blajsztern Etla Bluvstein Adina Palestinian Tel Aviv Blajsztern Derora Bluvstein Derora Palestinian Tel Aviv Blajsztern Malka Bluvstein Malka Palestinian Tel Aviv Chut-Fudim Isaac Hout Isaac Palestinian Tel Aviv Chut-Fudim Ester Hout Ester Palestinian Tel Aviv Chut-Fudim Avizohar Hout Avizohar Palestinian Tel Aviv Chut-Fudim Tsipora Hout Tsippora Palestinian Tel Aviv Deutsch Yohanan Hadani Yohanan Palestinian Rishon le Zion Deutsch Bath Shua Hadani Bat-Shua Palestinian Rishon le Zion Deutsch Carmi Hadani Carmi Palestinian Rishon le Zion Dziura Abram Mende] Beer i Menahem Palestinian Tel Aviv Dziura Tauba Beeri Tova Palestinian Tel Aviv Dziura Moshe Zeev Beeri Moshe Zeev Palestinian Tel Aviv Feldman Itic Feldman Yits-haq Palestinian Qiryat Bialik Fisz Hersz Fisz Tsevi Palestinian Hulata Goldmann Edit Zehavi Dita Palestinian Ma'agan Gorbaty Mordko Asby Mordekhai Palestinian Qiryat 'Amal Gorbaty Basia Asby Batya Palestinian Qiryat 'Amal If land Matityahu Peled Matityahu Palestinian Jerusalem Kathein Felix Kathein Zeev Palestinian Haifa Lichtszajn Hersz Lichtshein Zwi Palestinian Tel Aviv Lubarsky Pessia Lubarsky Penina Palestinian Afiqim Mizrahi Yacob Yehoshua Yaaqov Palestinian Tiberias Qaraman Sabriya Fadl Qaraman Nahla Fadl Palestinian Haifa Ramadan Yusef Haim Ramati Yosef Hayint Palestinian Jerusalem Ramadan Toorkia Rama ti Rivqa Palestinian Jerusalem Ramadan Yehuda Ramati Yehuda Palestinian Jerusalem Alexander Alexander Ramadan Elhanan Zvi Ramati Elhanan Tsevi Palestinian Jerusalem Rosenthal Rahel Yashuvi Rahel Palestinian Tel Aviv Salinger Gideon Shlomo Nettler Gidon Palestinian Haifa Stutzer Salomon Stutzer Charles Palestinian Tel Aviv Salomon Tobi Samuel Tovi Shemuel Palestinian Jerusalem Vasermanis Fissels Maimón Naftali Palestinian M.E.F. Wodak Kurt Maimón Tsevi Yaaqov Palestinian M.E.F. THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 635

NOTICES. I. The following unclaimed goods lying in the Customs Stores, Haifa, will be sold if not cleared within one week of the date of this notice.

Name of Date of Description Steamer, etc. arrival Consignee Whence

Transferred from 20.1.44 34 tablets Dagenan H. Haj Shahin : Eas En Naqura 20 tablets Quinine Transferred from 22.1.44 3 Yale locks Eas En Naqura Transferred from 22.1.-14 1 carton artificial flowers Eas En Naqura Transferred from 3.2.44 1 rubber sheet Y. Masin Eas En Naqura Transferred from 14.3.44 3 "Primus" heads Eas En Naqura 10 bulbs 10 tail lamps 5 cork washers 3 tins paint 1 set gaskets 1 box thread 1 box iron plates Transferred from 18.3.44 10 ampoules calcium "Sandoz" A. Karam Eas En Naqura

II. The following unclaimed goods lying in the stores of the Goetz & David Bonded Warehouse, Tel Aviv, will be sold if not cleared within one week of the date of this notice.

Name of Date of Description Consignee Steamer, etc. arrival Whence

Derindje 328/39 13.4.39 1 case removal goods Kurt Friedberg, c/o Hamburg "E.F." 1969 Express Service, Tel Aviv Lechistan 405/39 11.5.30 1 package personal effects Dr. Lichtenstein, c/o Danzig "Lechistan" 741 Express Service, Tel Aviv Brook 474/39 5.6.39 1 package personal effects F. Eibenshutz, c/o Sil• Trieste 1 "Eiben schütz" berstein O.T. Co., 'Tel Aviv Athen 579/39 11.7.39 2 cases personal effects "Baby Home", Jeru• Hamburg "P.A." 1/2 salem, c/o Express Service Bncaresti 641/39 6.8.39 3 packages personal effects S. Menzel, c/o Bratislava "H.M." 10260 10263/64 Paloff, Tel Aviv

QUARANTINE AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES 2. Weekly Report of Infectious Diseases in Palestine. SUMMARY. Cerebro- For week ending midnight 8.7.44 Relap• spinn I 1. Quarantine Restrictions. Place Typhus sing Date Menin• The following restrictions are at present in force:- Fever notified gitis Date A gainst Port restrictions Tel Aviv 4 2 30.6.44 enforced Kefar Marmo- 1 30.6.44 rek, Ramie Plague Arrivals from Ismailia and S/D District by air, land and Petah Tiqva 1 sea routes 17.4.44 30.6.44 Jerusalem 4 1 Cholera Arrivals from Calcutta by 4.7.44 Haifa air route- 9.9.36 2 5.7.44 Tira, 1 Smallpox Arrivals from Calcutta by 5.7.44 Haifa S/D air route 19.2.38 Jaffa 3a Smallpox Arrivals from Iraq by 6.7.44 land and air routes 11.11.40 Smallpox Arrivals from Bombay by a) One case imported from Hamama, Gaza Sub-District, air route 9.9.40 and one from Arab Sutaria. Smallpox Arrivals from Iran by land and air routes 1.7.42 Smallpox Arrivals from Syria and COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ORDINANCE. the Lebanon by land, air and sea routes 22.11.42 NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF COOPERATIVE Smallpox Arrivals from Turkey by SOCIETIES. land, air and sea routes 13.5.43 The particulars given below correspond with Smallpox Arrivals from Delhi by air route 7.6.43 the following headings : — Smallpox Arrivals from Egypt by 1. Name of Society. land, air and sea routes 26.5.43 2. Registered Office. 636

3. Date of Registration. 1. IgudMishkei 'Ofot Lirviyah Aguda Shetufit 4 Class of Society. Limited. 2. Tel Aviv. 1. Jam'iyyat Al-Majdal Az-Zira'iyyah At-Ta- 3. 22nd June, 1944. 'awuniyya Al-Mahdoudat Al-Mas'ouliyya. 4. Central agricultural marketing society. 2. Majdal. 3. 9th June, 1944. 1. Kibutzei Hashomer Hatzair Aguda Shetufit 4. General agricultural society. Mercazit Limited. 2. Merhavya. 1 Jam'iyyat Hamama Az-Zira'iyyah At-Ta- 3. 22nd June, 1944. 'awuniyya Al-Mahdoudat Al-Mas'ouliyya. 4. Central general agricultural society. 2. Hamama Village 3. 9th June, 1944. 1. Nahalatenu Aguda Shetufit Le Shikun be 4. General agricultural society. Tel Aviv Limited. 2. Tel Aviv. 1. Jam'iyyat Al-Masmiya Az-Zira'iyyah At- 3. 22nd June, 1944. Ta'awuniyya Al-Mahdoudat Al-Mas'ouliyya. 1. Housing society. 2. Al-Masmiya Village 3. 9th June, 1944. 7th July, 1944. 4. General agricultural society. COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES ORDINANCE. 1. Jam'iyyat At-Tabreed Az-Zira'iyyah At- NOTICE OF INTENDED AMALGAMATION UNDER Ta'awuniyya Bi Tulkarm Al-Mahdoudat Al- Mas'ouliyya. SECTION 13. 2. Tulkarm. Notice is hereby given that the three societies 3. 10th June, 1944. named below intend to amalgamate as a single 4. General agricultural society. society on 13th October, 1944: (1) Giv'at Hen Moshav Ovdim Lehityashvut 1. Hauman Aguda Shetufit shel Melatshim Shetufit Limited. Ve-Zagagim 'Ivrim be Yerushalayim Limited. (2) Agudat Mayim Shetufit Giv'at Hen Lim­ 2. Jerusalem. ited. 3. 12th June, 1944. 4. Miscellaneous society. (3) Aguda Zarchanit Yazranit Shetufit Givat Hen Limited. 1. Jam'iyyat Tamween Ummal An-Ni'ana At- Dissenting members and objecting creditors Ta'awuniyya Al-Mahdoudat Al-Mas'ouliyya. may act in accordance with the provisions of 2. An Niana. subsection 2 of the above section. 3. 14th June, 1944. 13th July, 1944. A. F. NAYTON 4. Consumers' society. (Gaz/2/40) Registrar of Cooperative Societies.

1. Jam'iyyat Tamween Ummal Sarafand Al- Amar At-Ta'awuniyya Al-Mahdoudat Al-Mas'­ BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. ouliyya. RECEIVING ORDER, FIRST MEETING AND PUBLIC 2. Sarafand ALAmar. EXAMINATION. 3. 19th June, 1944. Debtor's Name : Isaac Zalel. 4. Consumers' society. Address: 9, Safad Street, Haifa, Description : Real estate agent. .Shivat Ahim Aguda Shetufit Le Shikun be Court: District Court, Haifa ״ .1 Tel Aviv Limited. Number of Mafter : 96/44. 2. Tel Aviv. Date of Filing Petition: 31st May, 1944. 3. 19th June, 1944. Date of Public Examination : 31st May, 1944. 4. Housing society. Whether Debtor's or Creditor's Petition : Debtor's. 1. Nahala Aguda Shetufit Le Shikun be Tel | Date of First Meeting: 6th July, 1944. Aviv Limited. ; Hour : 11 a.m. 2. Tel Aviv. : Place: District Court, Haifa. 3. 19th June, 1944. i Dale of Public Examination : 23rd July, 1944. 4. Housing society. I Hour : 9 a.m. I Place: District Court, Haifa. 1. Korati Aguda Shetufit Le Shikun be Tel Aviv Limited. I H. KANTEOVITCH 2. Tel Aviv. | (Gaz/33/40) Administrator General. Official Receiver. 3. 19th June, 1944. 4. Housing society. BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, 1936. 1. Neve Ahim Aguda Shetufit Le Shikun be APPOINTMENT OF A NEW TRUSTEE UNDER A Tel Aviv Limited. SCHEME OF ARRANGEMENT. 2. Tel Aviv. Debtor's Name: David Flasher. 3. 19th June, 1944. Address : Nahalat Yits-haq, Jerusalem. 4. Housing society. Description: Landowner. Court: District Court of Jerusalem. 1. Pinat Meir Aguda Shetufit Le Shikun be Number of Matter : 118/40. Tel Aviv Limited. New Trustee's Name instead of Aharon Maltz, 2. Tel Aviv. deceased: Mr. Abraham Friedman c/o 3. 19th June, 1944. Hachshara Ltd., 26, , 4. Housing society. Tel Aviv. lâth July, 1Ô44 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 637 Date of Order of Court of his Appointment as registered at the Land Registry as Parcel 28, Trustee: 22nd June, 1944. Block 6918, of an area of 424-92 square metres. H. KANTEOVITCH 4. £P.10,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P. (Gaz/33/40) Administrator General. Official Receiver. 10.—each. (File No. P.C./2156).

NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF 1. Alisa Corner Ltd. COMPANIES UNDER THE COMPANIES 2. 15th May, 1944. ORDINANCE. 3. To acquire by purchase or otherwise, and develop and turn into account, a plot of land The particulars given below correspond with and any building thereon situated at Ramat- the following headings : — Gan and known as Plot 430, Block 6127. 1. Name of the Company. 4. £P. 1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P. 2. Date of Incorporation, 1—each. (File No. P.C./2157). 3. Object of the Company. 4. Share Capital. 1. Netz Limited. 1. Palestine Brewery Staff Provident Fund 2. 15th May, 1944. Ltd. 3. To acquire all the rights and interest of 2. 5th May, 1944. Yeshayahu Kanfi of Haifa, in the property 3. To establish and maintain a provident fund known as Plot 49, Block 88 (Haifa Harbour, for providing retiring benefits, pensions, an• Reclaimed Area Estates), and develop and turn nuities, sickness and/or disability benefits and same into account. other benefits to members of the staff of the 4. £P. 15,000.— divided into 1,500 shares of £P. Palestine Brewery Ltd., Rishon le Zion, and 10.—each. (File No. P.C./2158) any company of which the Palestine Brewery Ltd. holds not less than 50% of the capital or 1. "Li-Ko" Ltd. some other form of controlling interest and 2. 16th May, 1944. which the directors of Palestine Brewery Ltd. 3. To carry on, either alone or in partnership declare to be a subsidiary company, and as with others, the business of restaurant keep• under the Articles of Association shall be ers, refreshment-room proprietors, confection• eligible for membership. ers, dairy room proprietors, grocers, and ice, 4. Limited by guarantee. (File No. 1411) tobacco, cigar and cigarette merchants and any other business connected therewith. 1. "Emunim" Ltd. 4. £P.1,000.— divided into 1,000 ordinary 2. 5th May, 1944. shares of £P.l.—each. (File No. P.C./2159). 3. To carry on the business of an investment and trust company in all or any of its bran• 1. Bait Sheinkin, 8, Ltd. ches. 2. 17th May, 1944. 4. £P. 1,000.—divided into 2,000 ordinary shares 3. To acquire and obtain transfer and develop of £P.0.500 mils each. (File No. 1412). and turn into account the following pro• perty, the total area of which does not exceed NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF 2 dunums: — PRIVATE COMPANIES UNDER THE 1) Plot of land with a building thereon COMPANIES ORDINANCE. known as 8, Sheinkin Street, Tel Aviv, regis• The particulars given below correspond uith tered as Parcel 78, Block 6933. the following headings : — 2) Plot of land with a building thereon, known as 8a, Sheinkin Street, Tel Aviv, regis• 1. Name of the Company. tered as Parcel 79, Block 6933. 2. Date of Incorporation. 4. £P. 1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P. 3. Object of the Company. 1—each (File No. P.C./2160). 4. Share Capital.

.״אריגי אפנה״ הברה לתעשית טקסטיל בע״מ .Levinson Brothers Engineers" Ltd. 1" .1 2. 14th May, 1944. 2. 17th May, 1944. 3. To carry on the business of dealers, import• 3. To establish and manage in Palestine fac- ers, exporters, manufacturers, constructors, torics for the manufacture of all kinds of text- builders, hirers, lessors, repairers, cleaners, ile goods and deal generally in textile goods stores, garages and warehouse-keepers and of and articles. all kinds of automobiles, tractors, motor-cars, 4. £P. 1,998.— divided into 1,998 ordinary shares motor-cycles, carriages, vans, tracks, chassis, of £P.l.-^ach. (File No. P.C./2161). bodies, tyres, electrical appliances, lamps, cab• les, X-ray equipments, measuring and testing 1. "Elda" Limited. instruments, aeroplanes and any other convey• 2. 17th May, 1944. ances and vehicles of all kind; agricultural, 3. To acquire by purchase or otherwise, and electric, engineering and other machinery, develop and turn into account, the following engines, motors, dynamos, equipment, imple• property: — ments, utensils, spare parts and any other 1) Parcel 276, Block 6205, situated in Tel- things and articles connected therewith. Binyamin, of an area of 710 square metres. 4. £P.5,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P. 2) Parcel 58, Block 6109, Sarona, of an area 5—each. (File No. P.C./2155) of 426 square metres. 4. £P. 1,000 — divided into 1,000 shares of £P. 1. Nachlat Benyamin 15 Ltd. 1.—each. (File No. P.C./2162). 2. 15th May, 1944. 3. To acquire by purchase or otherwise and de• 1. Chelouche Bros. Ltd. velop and turn into account the property situa• 2. 17th May, 1944. ted at 15, Street, Tel Aviv, 3. To carry on business, in Palestine and 638 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 13th July, 1944

| abroad, as importers and exporters, traders, j execute all kinds of financial, commercial, merchants, agents, commission agents, ship­ j trading and other operations. pers, carriers and general dealers in all kinds | 4, £P.1,000.— divided into 100 ordinary shares of merchandise, products and commodities. | of £P.10.— each. (File No. P.C./2171). 4. £P.5,000.— divided into 5,000 shares of £P. 1.—each. (File No. P.C./2163). 1. The Arab Iron Importers Co. Ltd. 2. 25th May, 1944. 1. Dinar Limited. 3. To purchase and sell, or otherwise deal in, 2. 17th May, 1944. | iron of all kind, which the Government of Pal- 3. To act as agents for the investment, loan, j o^stine or any of the competent Departments payment, transmission and collection of money, may have at its disposal for distribution and and for the purchase, sale, improvement, deve­ resale. lopment and management of property, includ­ 4. £P.20,000.— divided into 20,000 shares of ing business concerns and undertakings, and £P.l — each. (File No. P.C./2172). generally to transact and undertake all kinds of agency business, whether agricultural, com­ 1. Motor Service Ltd. .financial. 2. 26th May, 1944 ־mercial ot 4. £P.1,000.— divided into 100 "A" shares and 3. To carry on the business of importers, ex­ 900 "B" shares of £P.l.— each porters, transporters, manufacturers, construc­ (File No. P.O./2164). tors, builders, hirers, lessors, repairers, clean­ ers, storers, and warehousemen of all kinds of 1. The Palestine Bran Importers Association I spare parts, accessories, tyres, engines, Ltd. | machines, bodies, goods, materials, apparatus, 2• 18th May, 1944. implements, utensils, oils, chemicals, supplies, 3. To carry on the business of importers of, and appliances, equipment and conveniences for general dealers in, bran, fodder and corn, and automobiles, motor vehicles, boats, aeroplanes, any other articles connected therewith. hydroplanes, ships and any other means of 4. £P.9,996.— divided into 9,996 ordinary communication, tractors, agricultural machin- ; shares of £P.l—each. (File No. P.C./2165) cry, implements and tools, and to build, found, establish, keep, equip and maintain service stations, garages, factories and workshops. 1. Zichzach Chemical Works Ltd. 4. £P.5,000.— divided into 100 preference shares 2. 19th May, 1944. 3. To carry on the business of manufacturers, and 4,900 ordinary shares of £P.l.— each. (File No. P.C./2174). importers and exporters of, and dealers in, chemical, pharmaceutical, medicinal, industr­ ial, cosmetic and other preparations and artic­ 1. Eng. M. Wlodawski and E. Kermer Ltd. les, components, oils, paints, pigments, soaps, 2. 26th May, 1944. drugs, agricultural plant-protection and pest- 3. To carry on the business of iron founders, control products, powders and similar articles. mechanical engineers and manufacturers of 4. £P.2,000.— divided into 8 founders' shares agricultural implements and other machinery, and 192 ordinary shares of £P.10.—each. tool-makers, brass-founders, metal workers, (File No. P.C./2160). boiler-makers, millwrights, mechanists, iron and steel converters, smiths, wood workers, builders, painters, metallurgists, electrical and 1. Mero Ltd. water supply engineers, gas makers, printers, 2. 19th May, 1944. carriers, merchants, and to buy, sell, manu- 3. To acquire and take over as a going concern fatcure, repair, convert, alter, let on hire and from Mr. Jacob Zcnftman the business car­ ! deal in, machinery, implements, rolling stock ried on at 21, Miqve Yisrael Street, Tel Aviv, j and hardware of all kind, and any other and carry on the business of managers of fac­ | business conveniently carried out in connection tories and workshops for metal works of all i therewith. kinds, and manufacture all kinds of tins, cylin­ 4. £P.3,200.— divided into 3,200 ordinary ders, spools and any other kind of metal utensils, and mount and weld all kind of ! shares of £P.L— each. (File No. P.C./2175). metal articles. 4. £P.1,000.— divided into 1,000 shares of £P. j 1. Levant Service Cinemas Ltd. L—

1. Allam Robinson, 11, Gaza Road, 1. Paul Kramer, 11, Kishon Street, Haifa. Quarter, Jerusalem. Sally Lind, Epstein Werner Kramer, 19, Bezalel Street, Haifa. House, Gaza Road, Rehavia Quarter, Jeru­ 2. P. Kramer. salem. 3. Either partner separately. 2. Robinson and Lind. 4. From the 1st December, 1943, for an unlim­ 3. Both partners jointly. ited period. 4. From the 1st May, 1944, for a period of 4 5. Traders in scrap metals and smelters years with an automatic annual renewal, if not thereof. (File No. 6163). terminated. I 5 Manufacture and sale of, ' and generally 1. Morritz Hauser, 11, Peretz Street, Tel Aviv. dealing in, all kinds of cosmetics, perfumes and Friedrich Hauser, Herman Cohen Street, Tel other similar preparations. (File No. 6157). Aviv. 2. "Hauser" and Co., Tel Aviv. 1 Haim Shildkrot, 58, Nahmani Street, Tel 3. Mr. Morritz Hauser only. Aviv. Adolf Neulinger, 20, Gottlieb Street, 4. From the 10th April, 1944, for an unlimited Tel Aviv. period; • to be dissolved by a three months' 2. Shildkrot and Neulinger. notice. 3. Any one of the partners separately• 5. Knitting factory. (File No. 6164). 4. From the 15th April, 1944, for a period of one year. 1. Joseph Stuciner, Givatayim. Ishaiahu 5. Commission business, expertise and trade in Kleiner, Givatayim. diamonds and precious stones. (File No. 6158). 2. "Hossen" Partnership Factory of Cement, Mosaic and Building Materials, I. Stuciner 1. Dov Berger, 11, Neve Shaanan, Tel Aviv. and I. Kleiner. Zvi Szum, 40, Borochov Street, Tel Aviv. 3. The signature of both partners jointly shall 2. Berger and Szum. bind the firm in all business without exception. 3. Both partners jointly under the seal of the 4. From the 1st April, 1944, for an unlimited partnership. period, provided that each partner is entitled 4. From the 1st April, 1944, for a period of to ask for dissolution of the partnership by one year. In case no notice is given by one giving a previous 6 months' notice. partner to the other one month before the 5. Factory of cement, mosaic and building end of one year for dissolution of the part­ materials. (File No. 6165). nership, the same will be automatically extend­ ed for one year, and so on every year. 1. Zipora Steinovitz, Migrash Hapoel, Jeru­ 5. Shoe factory. (File No. 6159). salem. Isaac Eidlitz, New Beth Israel Quar­ ter, Jerusalem. 1. Said Elias Iwes, Damascus Gate, Jeru­ 2. Laundry "Hadar", Jerusalem. salem• Kamal Ali Saideh, Damascus Gate, 3. Both partners jointly. 642 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 13th July, 1944

4, From the 10th April, 1944, for a period of 1. Herta Freund, 25, Keith Roach Avenue, one year; to be continued from year to year if Mount Carmel, Haifa. Zalman Joffe, 17, not determined by any partner by a four Geula Street, Hadar Hacarmel, Haifa. Aron months' previous notice in writing by registered Witztum, 17, Geula Street, Hadar Hacarmel, letter. Haifa. 5. Laundry. (File No. 6166). 2. "Lime Works Haifa". 3. The joint signature of either Herta Freund; 1. Uriel Kaplan, 102, Rothschild Boulevard, or her representative Baroukh Kerzman, and Tel Aviv. Leopold Muenzer, 84, Rothschild Zalman Joffe or Aron Witztum. Boulevard, Tel Aviv. Leiser Shtroch, 4, Nes 4. From the 15th April, 1944, for a period of Tsiyona Street, Tel Aviv. two years, provided that the partnership shall 2. "Shtroch's Leather Goods Factory". from time to time be extended for an ad­ 3. Two put of the three partners. ditional year unless a two months' dissolution 4. From the 9th May, 1944, for a period of notice in writing be served by any of the three years, at the end of which period Messrs. partners. Muenzer and Kaplan may renew the terms of 5. Construction of quarries and lime kilns, the partnership for additional 3 years after manufacture and sale of lime and stone and sending a written notice to this effect to Mr. carrying out of all works connected with pro­ Shtroch, and so on. duction and distribution of lime. 5. Manufacture and sale of leather or similar (File No. 6173). goods. (File No. 6167). 1. Fritz Knopfelmacher, 2, Gottlieb Street, Tel 1. Lazar Rosenthal, 9, Eliyahu Street, Tel Aviv. Aviv. Filip Deutsch, 162, Hayarkon Street, Eugen Fleischer, 10, King Koresh Street, Tel Tel Aviv. Aviv. Irwin Breuckheimer, Ramat Gan, 2. "Pharma" Pharmaceutical Sugar and Sweet- Plumer Street, Front House, near Tel Aviv. stuffs. 2. "Centro Export". 3. Each of the partners alone. 3. Mr. Lazar Rosenthal with one of the two 4. From the 15th April, 1944, for a period of other partners. three years. If no notice is given three months 4. From the 1st May, 1944, for a period of one before the expiration of this period, the part­ year. nership is prolonged for an indefinite period. 5. Exporters and general merchants. 5. Manufacture of, and dealing in, phar­ (File No. 6168). maceuticals, sugar and sweetstuffs. (File No. 6174). 1. Dov Wolkovicky, 7, Marcolet Street, Tel Aviv. Hans Wolfe, 37, Sirkin Street, Tel Aviv. Mordechai Buchman, 19, Avoda Street, Tel 1. Ephraim Cohen, 37, Nachmani Street, Tel Aviv. Aviv. Shmuel Cohen, Street, Petah Tiqva. Zvi Akrabi, Montefiore Street, 2. Wol-Co. Petah Tiqva. Nairn Akerib, 106, Herzl Street, 3 All partners jointly, but transactions not Tel Aviv. exceeding £P.50.— (with the exception of bills, 2. Partnership Kolnoa Hadar Petach Tikva. notes, I.O.U's) by each partner alone. 3. The joint signature of Ephraim Cohen and 4. From the 21st April, 1944, for a period of Zvi Akrabi shall bind the partnership. 10 years but may be prolonged for periods of 4. From the 5th April, 1944, for an unlimited further five years. period. 5. Manufacture of, and trade in, lighters. 5. To carry on business of cinematographic (File No. 6169). shows and to lease and let on hire halls and 1. Abraham Sak, 26, Meah Shearim Street, performances and to permit the premises to be Jerusalem. Samuel Sak, 6, Ben Yehuda used for such other purposes as may be ex­ Street, Jerusalem. pedient. (File No. 6175). 2. Cafe Alaska. 3. Both partners jointly and severally. 1 Abraham Shonfeld, 5, Tiomkin Street, Tel 4. From the 1st April, 1944, for an unlimited Aviv. Bezalel Levinson, 6, Hachalutzim period. Street, Tel Aviv. 5. Coffee house and tea room. (File No. 6170). 2. "Atid" Graphical and Printing Works. 3. From the 11th April, 1944, for a period of 1. The Traders and Shippers Ltd., 43, Kings- one year, provided that any of the partners may way, Haifa. Adolf Lovenzon, 8, Mahanayim dissolve the partnership after the first six Street, Mount Carmel, Haifa. months by giving a 30 days' notice. If con­ 2. Helwan. tinued after a year, the partnership will con­ 3. The Traders and Shippers Ltd. tinue for an indefinite term and any partner 4. From the 30th March, 1944, for an un­ has the right to dissolve it on giving a 3 months' limited period. notice. 5. Owning and/or exploiting a vessel. 4. Both partners jointly, provided that any (File No. 6171). partner has the right to receive orders, to re­ ceive money and to sign receipts for the part­ 1 The Traders and Shippers Ltd., 43, Kings- nership. way Haifa. The Mercantile Flotilla Ltd., 43, 5 Carrying on of graphical and printing Kingsway, Haifa. works. (File No. 6176). 2. Trader. 3. The Traders and Shippers Ltd. 1. Ibrahim Asa'ad Khalaf, Nuzha Quarter, 4. From the 30th March, 1944, for a unlimited Jaffa. Gharib Nasrallah, Nuzha Quarter, period. Jaffa. 5. Owning and/or exploiting the S/V "Trader" 2. Khalaf Hotel Co. -•• ־ .No. J.S. 70. (File No. 6172). i 3. Ibrahim Asa'ad Khalaf only 13th July, 1944 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 643 4. From the 1st May, 1944, for an unlimited Street, Haifa. Michel T. Majdalani, 3, Yebna period. Street, Haifa. 5. Keeping hotels, restaurants, bars and places 2. Tewfik and Mitri Majdalani. of entertainment. (File No. 6177). 3. Mitri Elias Majdalani or Charles Tewfik Majdalani severally. 1. Eugen Broido, 26, Nordau Street, Haifa. 4. From the 1st May, 1944, for an unlimited Moshe Weiss, 86, Hashoftim Street, Qiryat period. Any partner may withdraw at any Motzkin. Frantisek Schwartz, 27, Sirkin time by giving a six months' notice in writing Street, Haifa. Francz Koffler, 56, King George to the other partners. Avenue, Haifa. 5. Dealing in building materials, importers, ex­ 2. M. M. Massa Mahir, Transport Office. porters, commission agents, property owners 3. The signatures of all the partners shall bind and investors. (File No. 6183). the firm• 4. From the 20th April, 1944, for an unlimited 1. Nasrallah T. Majdalani, 3, Yebna Street, period. After the 19th August, 1944, every Haifa. Charles T. Majdalani, 3, Yebna Street, partner may give a month's notice of dissolu­ Haifa. Michel T. Majdalani, 3, Yebna Street, tion. Haifa. 5. Transport. (File No. 6178). 2. Nasrallah T. Majdalani and Brothers. 3. Nasrallah Tewfik Majdalani alone. 1. Noe Jurgrau, 19, Zamenhoff Street, Tel 4. From the 1st May, 1944, for an unlimited Aviv. Abraham David Nagel, 4, Rosenbaum period. Any partner may withdraw by giving Street, Tel Aviv. a six months' notice in writing. 2 "Perfumery Jurgrau". 5. Wholesale and retail drapers and outfitters, 3• Mr. Noe Jurgrau alone. importers, exporters and commission agents. 4 From the 3rd May, 1944, for a period of 3 (File No. 6184). years; to be automatically extended from three years to a furter period of three years, 1. Shlomo Loewy, 20, Shlesinger Street, Tel if no partner informs the other at least three Aviv. Abraham Teicher, 36, Neve Shaanan months before the expiration of the above term Street, Tel Aviv. of his request to dissolve the partnership. 2. Loewy and Teicher. 5. Merchants and dealers, by wholesale and/or 3. For undertakings up to £P.150.— each part­ retail, in perfumery and/or drugs, merchan­ ner separately. In any other case the signa­ dises on own account and/or as commission ture of both partners is required in order to agents. (File No. 6179). bind the partnership. 4. From the 1st May, 1944, for an unlimited 1. Zeev Argaman, 22, Jerusalem Street, Haifa. period. Abraham D. Herman, 4, Geula Street, Haifa. 5. Factory of envelopes and paper articles. 2. Zeev Argaman and Co- (File No. 6185) 3. Each partner severally. 4. From the 1st April, 1944, for an unlimited 1. George Sabbagha, Zarrifeh Street, Jaffa. period; the partnership may be dissolved by a Antoine Azar, Zarrifeh Street, Jaffa. Fouad three months' notice by any partner. Uz'or, Zarrifeh Street, Jaffa. 5. Advocate's office. (File No. 6180). 2. Jaffa Trading Films Agency. .tners jointly־Any two of the three pai •3 1. Israel S. Amram, 12, Rothschild Boulevard, 4, From the 1st May, 1944, for a period of 2 Tel Aviv. Moise A. Nahum, Yarkon Hotel, Tel years. Aviv. 5 Trading in films. (File No. 6186) 2 General Trading Co. Amram and Nahum. 3. Both partners jointly. 1. Leon Zeidel, 4, Rosenbaum Street, Tel Aviv. 4. From the 15th March, 1944, for a period of Rachel Zeidel, 4, Rosenbaum Street, Tel Aviv. one year; to be automatically extended every Alexander Zeidel, 4, Rosenbaum Street, Tel year if no written notice for dissolution of the Aviv. partnership is sent by one of the partners two 2. Zeidel's Agency. months in advance before the expiry of the 3. Leon Zeidel or Rachel Zeidel alone. Alexan­ original or extended term. der Zeidel jointly with any one of the other 5. Importers, exporters, traders, commission partners. and insurance agents; navigation. 4. From the 30th April, 1944, for an unlimited (File No. 6181). period. 5. All kinds of business, insurance, trade, in­ 1. Dr. Gustav Maier, 6, Idelsohn Street, Tel dustry, agency, import and export. Aviv. Gunter Gutmann, 7, Shivtei Israel (File No. 6187) Street, Tel Aviv. Heinrich Salter, 45, Shivtei Israel Street, Tel Aviv. 1. Zacki Halewa, Tiberias. Moshe Himmo, Ti­ 2. "Preciosa". berias. 3. Gunter Gutmann jointly with either Dr. 2. Cafe and Restaurant "Hermon". Gustav Maier or Heinrich Salter. 3• Zacki Halewa arid Moshe Himmo. 4. From the 1st April, 1944, for an unlimited 4. From the 10th May, 1944, till the end of period; dissolution—upon a three months' the 30th day after the signing of the treaty of notice not before the end of 1944. peace of the present war. 5• Dealing in jewellery, antiquities, objects of 5. Cafe and restaurant. (File No. 6188) art and second-hand articles. (File No. 6182). 1. Isidor Rader, 10, Seaforth Road, Bat Galim, 1. Mitri Elias Majdalani, 5, Daniel Street, Haifa. Elimelech Jekel, 14, Shderoth Street, Haifa. Nasrallah T. Majdalani, 3, Yebna Bat Galim, Haifa. Street, Haifa. Charles T. Majdalani, •3, Yebna 2. Café "Tamara". 644 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 13th July, 1944 3. Both partners jointly. 1. Hassan Khulki Dajani, Souk el Isa'af, Jaffa. 4. From the 18th April, 1944, for an unlimited Bashir Muheish, Souk el Balabseh, Jaffa. 'led period ; to be continued unxtil termination Bayazied, Souk el Isa'af, Jaffa. notice for an important reason is given. 2. Dajani & Co. 5. Coffee house. (File No. 6189) 3. Hassan Khulki Dajani with any of the other two partners. 1. Friedrich Glasner, Pardes Hanna. Arnold 4. From the 1st April, 1944, for a period of Glasner, Pardes Hanna. Paltiel Glasner, 8, one year ; liable for renewal on all parties Radak Street, Jerusalem. Hanna Glasner, Par­ agreement. des Hanna, 5. Dealing in all kinds of textiles. 2. Glasner Bros. (File No. 6195) 3. Friedrich Glasner and Arnold Glasner jointly and severally• 1. Benyamin Liber, Natanya. Salomon Kami- 4. From the 1st April, 1944, for an indefinite niecki, Natanya. time; any partner may determine the partner­ 2. Cafe "Teavon". ship at the 31st of March in any year by giv­ 3. Both partners jointly. ing a 6 months' notice. 4• From the 1st April, 1944, for an unlimited 5. Transport. (File No. 6190) period. 5 Cafe, restaurant and bar. (File No. 6196) 1. Julius Levisohn, 17, Nordau Street, Haifa. Max Levisohn, 29, Gaza Road, Jerusalem. 1. Salomon Horowitz, 13, Levontin Street, Tel Fanny Levisohn, 29, Gaza Road, Jerusalem. Aviv. Moshe Levac, 1, Tiberias Street, Tel 2. Haarnak J. Levisohn. Aviv. 3• Julius Levisohn alone. 2. S. Horowitz & M. Levac. 4. From the 1st April, 1944, for an undefined 3. Both partners jointly. period. The partnership may, however, be de­ 4. From the 1st May, 1944, for an unlimited termined at the end of every calendar year by period. Each partner may terminate the part­ not less than a six months' previous notice nership by a three months' notice to the other in writing to be given either by Julius Levi­ partner. sohn to Max and Fanny Levisohn, or by Max 5. General merchants, importers, exporters and Fanny Levisohn to Julius Levisohn. and representatives. (File No. 6197) 5. Manufacture of, and trade by wholesale and retail in, leather goods and gifts. 1. Josef H. Fisch, 62, Ussishkin Street, Jeru­ (File No. 6191) salem. Leo Hirsch, 4, Ovadiyah Street, Jeru­ salem. Schmaryahu Appelberg, 17, Hoshea 1. Jacques Klecki, 3, Hashoftim Street, Qiryat Street, Jerusalem. Motzkin. Yusuf Durok, 11, Shoshanat Hacar- 2• L. Hirsch & Co. "Furs". mel Street, Mount Carmel, Haifa. 3. Mr. Josef H. Fisch jointly with one of 2. Eng. Klecki & Durok. the other partners. 3. Both partners jointly; receipts and contracts 4. From the 25th April, 1944, for the period of involving liability not exceeding £P.10.— are one year; to be continued from year to year valid if signed by one partner only. if no notice in writing is given by any of the 4. From the 12th May, 1944, for a period of partners one month before the end of the term. two years and thereafter extending from year 5. Import, export and manufacture of, and to year unless notice is given at least 3 months dealing in, furs and skins. (File No. 6198). before expiration. 5. Operation of entertainment machines; trade 1. Helena Alter Janovitz, 16, Vine Street, in, and repairs of, radios. (File No. 6192) Haifa. Moshe Bak, 19, Yalag Street, Haifa. 2• Adam Haifa. 1. Kiriako Kiriazi & Sons, 'Ajami Quarter, 3. Both partners together. Jaffa, Yanni Petarakis, King George Avenue, 4. From the 16th March, 1944, for an unlimited Jaffa. Christo Manco Sarkis, King George period. Avenue, Jaffa. 5. Sewing for dresses, for ladies and gentlemen. 2• Nicolao Fishing Company. (File No. 6199) 3. Any one of the partners of the general part­ nership Kiriako Kiriazi & Sons jointly with 1. George Faris, Mamillah Road, Jerusalem. Christo Manco Sarkis. Faiz Easa Haddad, Mamillah Road, Jeru­ 4. From the 1st May, 1944, for an unlimited salem. Gabriel Saikaly, Qatamon, Jerusalem. period; to be dissolved by giving a three Amin Samaan Moussalli, Mamillah Road, Jeru­ months' notice in writing to each of the other salem. Ibrahim Amin Moussalli, Mamillah partners. Road, Jerusalem• 5. To own motor launches and carry out the 2. The Eastern Fur Co. Proprietors: Amin fishing of all kinds of fish and sea animals; Moussalli and Partners. marketting and sale of, and trade in, fish 3. Mr. Gabriel Saikaly jointly with any one and any other business on which the company of Messrs. Amin Samaan Moussalli or Ibrahim may from time to time decide. (File No. 6193) Amin Moussalli. 4. From the 25th April, 1944, for a period of .years־Moshe Itzkovitz, 13, Tabor Street, Haifa• three .1 Menachem Hofshi, 18, Nordau Street, Haifa. 5. Furs. (File No. 6200) 2. Ofnat Haifa. 3 Both partners jointly. 1. Shmuel Nissan Cohen, 34, Ibn Gavirol 4. From the 1st March, 1944, for a period of Street, Shekhunat Shapira. Nissan Cohen, 34, three years. Ibn Gavirol Street, S'hekhunat Shapira. Reu- 5. Men clothes shop. (File No. 6194). ven Cohen, 34, Ibn Gavirol Street, Shekhunat Shapira. 13th July, 1944 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 645 2. Shmuel Nissan Cohen. ! 4. From the 22nd May, 1944, for an unlimited 3. Shmuel Nissan Cohen. j period, until the majority of the partners de• 4. From the 1st April, 1944, for an unlimited j cides to dissolve it. period; may be terminated by a 2 months' j 5• Printing press. (File No. 6207) notice served by one partner on the other two partners. 1. Robert Marcus, 3, Ben Zakay Street, Tel 5. Dealers in textile goods. (File No. 6201) Aviv. Mrs. Hanna Marcus, 3, Ben Zakay Street, Tel Aviv. Salomon Herzfeld, 3, Ben 1. Moshe Sturman, 8, Reiness Street, Tel Aviv. Zakay Street, Tel Aviv. Kurt Stein, 48, Alien- Israel Sheinberg, 52, Gordon Street, Tel Aviv. by Road, Tel Aviv. 2. M. Sturman and I. Sheinberg. 2. Robert Marcus. 3. Each partner severally or both partners 3. The signature of Mr. Robert Marcus alone jointly. or of any other two partners shall bind the 4. From the 1st April, 1944, for an unlimited partnership. period. The partnership shall be dissolved by 4. From the 20th April, 1944, for an unlimited one month's notice in writing sent from one period. Any partner may determine the part• partner to the other. nership by a three months' notice in writing 5. Building material and marble works. at the end of each quarter of a year. (File No. 6202) 5. Assessors, surveyors and trustees, motor• car and traffic experts, technical and econom• 1. Mr. Willi Meier, 51, Herzl Street, Haifa. ic advisers. (File No. 6208) Mrs. Laura Meier, 51, Herzl Street, Haifa. Mrs. Lieselotte Meier, 51, Herzl Street, Haifa, 1. Haj Abdel Rahman El Nouri El Nabulsi, 2. Willi Meier. Wad El Joz, Jerusalem. Badie El Bashtawi El 3. Willi Meier alone. Nabulsi, , Jerusalem. 4. From the 1st May, 1914, for an unlimited 2. Haj Abdel Rahman El Nouri El Nabulsi & period. Badie El Bashtawi El Nabulsi. 5. Curtains and upholstery. (File No. 6203) 3. Both partners jointly and severally. 4• From the 23rd April, 1944, for an unlimited 1. Israel Feinstein, 2, Sirkin Street, Tel Aviv. period. (Hersh) Zwi Bojar, 6, Spinoza Street, Tel 5. Dealing in manufactured goods. Aviv• (File No. 6209) 2. Feinstein and Bojar. 3. Mr. Israel Feinstein alone. 1. Dr. Walter Stern, 30, King George Avenue, 4 From the 1st May, 1944, for an unlimited Jerusalem. Meshek Ayelet Hashahar, Kvutzat period; each party is entitled to dissolve the Poalim Lehityashvut Shitufit Coop. Soc. Ltd. partnership by a notice sent by a registered 2. Mad Hashkaa, Mifal Leyizur Makhshirim letter which will come in force two months Limdidat Retivut Baqarqa. after the posting. 3. Meshek Ayelet Hashahar, Kvutzat Poalim 5. Weaving factory. (File No. 6204) Lehityashvut Shitufit Coop. Soc. Ltd• alone ex• cept for purposes of borrowing money for 1. Ignatz Halasz, Natanya. David George which both partners sign jointly. Halasz, Natanya. 4. From the 17th May, 1944, for an unlimited 2. Ignatz Halasz & Son. period. 3. Every partner alone is entitled to sign in 5. Manufacture of an instrument for measur• name of the partnership. ing the wetness of the soil and the exploita• 4. From the 20th April, 1944, for an unlimited tion of patents in this respect. (File No. 6210) period. 5. To carry on the business of buyers, sellers, agents, importers and exporters in all branches 1. Arzi Moshe, 42, Yona Hanavy Street, Tel of diamonds. To bring into the business of Aviv. Heubauer Abraham, 42, Yona Hanavy the partnership all profits received by Mr. Ig• Street, Tel Aviv. natz Halasz as shareholder of Even Chen Co. 2 Zorchey Habakbuk. Ltd. or from other companies. (File No. 6205) 3. Both partners jointly and severally. 4. From the 15th May, 1944, for an unlimited 1. Josef Hirschthal, 5, 'Ein Vered Street, Tel period. Aviv. Moshe Hirschthal, 9, Yosef Yizraels 5. Trade in bottles and accessories. Street, Tel Aviv. (File No. 6211) 2. "Diva"—Hirschthal. 3. Each partner severally. 1. Wolf Henenfeld, 22, Berdichevsky Street, 4. From the 15th April, 1944, for an unlimited Tel Aviv. Lejb Munitz, 61, Rothschild Boule• period. Each partner may. give a three vard, Tel Aviv. months' notice of dissolution by registered let• 2. W. Henenfeld & Co. ter. 3. Both partners jointly. 5• Factory of corsets and brassiers. 4. From the 1st March, 1944, for a period of 2 (File No. 6206) years, but if by the 31st January, 1946, no party informs the other party of the termina• 1. Eliahu Turjeman, Zikhron Yosef, Jeru• tion of the partnership, the term of the part• salem. Jacob Haimoff, Queen Melisande Road, nership is automatically extended for one Jerusalem. Abraham Cohen, Mahane Yehuda, further year, and so from year to year. Jerusalem. Abraham Atiya, Zikhron Tuvia, 5. Manufacture of, and wholesale trade in, Jerusalem. men's, ladies' and childrens' underwear, in• 2. "Moriah Printing Press". cluding blouses, shirts and pyjamas. 3. Eliahu Turjeman and Abraham Atiya (File No. 6212) jointly. 646_ THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. M 13th July, 1944 1. Yehazkiel Sternberg, II, Hebron Street, Tei ; of David Gutgold and either Zvi Ginzburg or Aviv. S'hlomo Wittels, 19, Sirkin Street, Tel j Moshe Zlotopolsky shall bind the partnership Aviv. I 4, From the 15th May, 1944, until the 31st 2. Sternberg and Wittels- | May, 1946. Unless one partner gives notice of 3. Both partners shall conduct the affairs of | Ids intention to determine the partnership at the business, and the signature of each partner ' least two months prior to the term for which on behalf of the partnership shall bind the ; the partnership is entered into, the term of same. i the partnership is automatically extended for 4. From the 1st May, 1944, for an unlimited | another two years, and so on. period. No partner has the right to withdraw I 5. Spooling and/or weaving and/or knitting from the above partnership or cancel it prior | all kinds of yarns. (File No. 6219) to the lapse of one year's time from the date of its registration. 5. Manufacture of linen and wearing apparel. j STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR- (File No. 6213) | TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— BALABAN &; HAUSER. 1 Isaac Fuxon, 97, Achad Ha'am Street, Tel A. Change in the term or character of the Aviv. Asher Fuxon, 97, Achad Ha'am Street, partnership : Previous term : One year as from Tel Aviv. the 1st June, 1941. New term: For an unlimit• 2• "Hamshazer". ed period, and to continue unless one of the 3. Each partner severally. partners sends a six months' previous notice 4. From the 9th May, 1944, for an unlimited of his intention to dissolve the partnership. period. (File No. 3826) Date of Change: 1.6.42. 5. Twisting and winding factory. (File No. 6214) STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:•— CAFE CORSO. 1. David Bialik, 14, Arnon Street, Tel Aviv. A. Change in the firm name: Previous name: Aharon Bialik, 14, Arnon Street, Tel Aviv. Cafe Corso. New name : Cafe Diana. 2. David Bialik & Son. B. Change in the partners or in the name or 3 Both partners jointly. surname of any partner: Moshe Friedman, 4. From the 25th April, 1944, for an unlimited 32, Pevzner Street, Haifa, joined the partner• period. ship. 5. Leather merchants. (File No. 6215) C. Change of person or persons authorised to 1. Mr. Paul Buchmann, 23, Sirkin Street, sign on behalf of the partnership: Moshe Haifa. Mrs. Sara Tossy Waller, 6, Ibn Ezra Friedman and Mendl Feierstein (the represent- Street, Haifa. j ative of the partner Luba Feierstein) will sign 2 Buchmann & Waller. jointly on behalf of the partnership. 3• Both partners jointly. (File No. 5709) Date of Change: 27.3.44. 4. From the 1st May, 1944, for a period of one year; to be automatically extended, if no 2 STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• months' previous notice in writing is given. TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP : — LEVANON ICE 5. Bar and restaurant. (File No. 6216)• CREAM FACTORY. Change in the partners or in the name or sur- 1. Shlomo Dobry, 11, Brenner Street, Tel Aviv. name of any partner : Moshe Barer, Tel Aviv, Abraham Richter, 18, Beer Tuvya Street, Tel | left the partnership. Aviv. David Dobry, 11, Brenner Street, Tel j (File No. 6092) Date of Change: 6.4.44. Aviv. 2. Dobry and Richter. 3. Mr. Shlomo Dobry and Mr. Abraham Rich• | STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR- ter jointly only. •; TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— CINEMA ESTER. 4. From the 1st April, 1944, for an unlimited ! Change in the term or character of the partner- period; may be dissolved by a three months' I ship. Previous term: From the 1st January, previous notice. 1941, to the 31st December, 1943. New term : 5. Sale, manufacture and repair of fountain For an unlimited period. pens. (File No. 6217) (File No. 3709) Date of Change: 31.12.43. 1. Lanzet Joseph, 120, Achad Ha'am Street, Tel Aviv. Megyesi Shmuel, Hertseliya. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• 2• "Banana Centre". TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP : — SYNDICAT 3. Both partners jointly and severally. NATIONAL D'ASSURANCES. 4 From the 15th April, 1944, for an unlimited Change in the general nature of the business : period. General nature of business as previously car• 5. Dealing in bananas, as well as in fruits ried on : To carry on all kinds of insurance generally. (File No. 6218) business. General nature of business as now ! carried on : To carry on all kinds of insur- 1, David Gutgold, 70, Hakishon Street, Tel j ance business and to acquire by purchase or Aviv. Zwi Ginzburg, 14, Zamenhoff Street, Tel i otherwise, let, exchange, mortgage, manage, Aviv. Moshe Zlotopolsky, 61, Herzl Street, Tel I sell and transfer the building plot situated in Aviv. ! Eishon le Zibn and registered in the Land Re- 2. Zwi Ginzburg & Co. ! gistry, Tel Aviv, in Block No. 3928, Parcel No. 3 The three general partners David Gutgold, ! 127. Zvi Ginzburg and Moshe Zlotopolsky are au• thorised to administer the affairs of the part• j (File No. 1605) Date of Change: 10-3.44. nership and to manage it. The joint signature THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 647

STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• General nature of business as previously car• TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— VIDIA ME• ried on: Trading and commission. General CHANICAL WORKSHOP CO.. nature of business as now carried on: Whole• A. Change in the partners or in the name or sale and retail grocers, cereal merchants, surname of any partner : Outgoing partners : general traders, importers, exporters, com• Kurt Faibis and Izydor Rosenthal. New coming mission agents, property owners, financiers, partners: David Galevski and Mrs. Miriam investors and share holders either jointly or Galevski of 3, Brandeis Street, Mt. Carmel, severally. Haifa. (File No. 3998). Date of Change: 1.5.44. B. Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership : The joint STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• signature of David Galevski or Miriam Galev• TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— "JOSEPH SH. ski, with George Barkos or Mo she Kushnir, PILO". shall bind the partnership. A. Change in the firm name : Previous name : .(File No. 5885) Date of Change: 1.5.44• "Joseph Sh. Pilo". New Name: "Joseph Sh. Pilo and Co.". STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• B. Change in the partners or in the name or TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— "GARAGE UNI• surname of any partner : Mr. Shmuel Machil VERSAL". of 20, Mizrahi Street, Tel Aviv, joined the A. Change in the partners or in the name or partnership. surname of any partner : Mr. Arnold Leopold C. Change of person or persons authorised to Khoutorovsky left the partnership. sign on behalf of the partnership : The sign• B. Change of person or persons authorised to ature of at least two partners will be required sign on behalf of the partnership : Mr. Falik on contracts, bills and cheques; the signature Gurban and Zalems Friedlenders jointly. of one partner will be sufficient on the letters (File No. 5879) Date of Change: 2.4.44. of the partnership. (File No. 5943). Date of Change: 22-4.44, STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— TRANSPORT STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• OFFICE "HEGEH". TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— "ISRAEL WINO A. Change in the partners or in the name or GRAD AND SON". surname of any partner: Moshe Aharon Tai A. Change in the firm name: Previous name : and Mordechai Lauterman left the partner• "Israel Winograd and Son". New name: ship. "Israel Winograd". B. Change of person or persons authorised to B. Change in the partners or in the name or sign on behalf of the partnership : Any two surname of any partner : Pinchas Winograd of the following partners jointly: Israel left the partnership and Chana Winograd, 14, Moretzky, Jacob Rollof and Paul Fischel. Levontin Street, Tel Aviv joined it. (File No. 3585). Date of Change: 1.5.44. C. Change of person or persons authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership : Only Mr. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• Israel Winograd is entitled to sign on behalf TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— MOR. of the partnership. A. Change in the principal place of business : (File No. 1897). Date of Change : 14.3.44. Previous place: Tel Aviv. New place: Rishon le Zion. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• B. Change in the partners or in the name or TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— "CAFE RAMAT- surname of any partner: Heinrich Goldmann GAN". left the partnership. A. Change in the partners or in the name or C. Change of person or persons authorised to surname of any partner: Victor Taussig left sign on behalf of the partnership : Each of the partnership and Irma Taussig, Beth the two partners Shlomo Sherf and Mrs. Barner, Bialik Street, Ramat Gan, joined it. Erna Sherf, alone. B. Change of person or persons authorised to (File No. 5502). Date of Change: 1.5.44. sign on behalf of the partnership : Both part• ners severally. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• (File No. 4303). Date of Change: 10.4.44. TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— "CEMER" TEX• TILE INDUSTRY. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• A. Change in the partners or in the name or TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— "HAMESHEK"— surname of any partner: Abraham Selzer WHOLESALE AND COMMISSION OF FRUITS AND and Salo Selzer left the partnership, and VEGETABLES. Adolf Ebner of 75, Ben Yehuda Street, Tel Change in the partners or in the name or Aviv, joined it. surname of any partner: Benzion Ereza left B. Change of person or persons authorised to the partnership. sign on behalf of the partnership: Jakob (File No. 5794). Date of Change: 15.4.44. Salomonowicz and Adolf Ebner are entitled jointly to sign on behalf of the partnership. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• (File No. 3990). Date of Change: 20.4.44. TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:—^ RAMALLAH ARAK COMPANY. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• A. Change in the partners or in the name or TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP : — GABRIEL AND surname of any partner : Outgoing partners : MICHEL TOUMA OF HAIFA. Hanna Siman Khalaf, Nicolas El Dudum, Change in the general nature of the business: Ibrahim Salem, George Assad Khalaf and 048 TPIE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 13th July, 1944

Hanna Jaber. Newcoming partners: Naif STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• Istephan El Haj, Haifa, and Loutfi Issa Freij, TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— ABRAHAM AND Mamillah Road, Jerusalem. MOSHY EZRAH LEVY. B. Change of person or persons authorised to Change in the term or character of . the sign on behalf of the partnership: Naif partnership: Previous term: For 2 years Istephan El Haj alone. from the 1st April, 1942. New term: For an (File No. 500). Date of Change: 25.5.44. unlimited period. (File No. 4612). Date of Change: 1.4.44. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— AIIIM NAGAR. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• A. Change in the partners or in the name, or TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— M. GOTLIB AND surname of any partner: Israel Nclik, 31, M. BROCLAWSKI. Aliya Street, Tel Aviv, joined the partnership. Change in the term or character of the part• B. Change of person or persons authorised to nership : Previous term : For one year as sign on behalf of the partnership : The signa• from 1st January, ]942. New term: Till the ture of the partner Jeno Dunkel jointly with 1st January, 1945. that of any of the other partners shall bind the (File No. 4389). Date of Change: 4.5.44. partnership. (File No. 2245). Date of Change: 26.3.41. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— RUDOLF GLE- STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• SINGER AND CO. HAIFA. TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP : — ABRAHAM Change in the partners or in the name or sur• SKLARSKY. name of any partner: Jehuda Nagler and A. Change in the partners or in the name or liana Fuchs left the partnership on the 1st surname of any partner: Besa Sklarsky left May, 1944, and all assets and liabilities, rights and Wolf Benjamin Wassermann, 50, Hovevei and obligations were transferred upon the re• Zion Street, Tel Aviv, joined the partnership. maining partners Messrs. Rudolf Glesinger B. Change in the term or character of the part• and Mordhay Geltner, who constitute the above partnership. nership. Previous term: For an unlimited period. New

STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• LEVIN-BRANITZKY. TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— ABOUSSOUAN Notice is hereby given that the above part• AND NASSAR. nership, notice of which was published in the Change in the term or character of the part• Palestine Gazette No. 1142 of the 20th Novem• nership : Previous term: Five years from ber, 1941, has been dissolved as from the 7th Oc• 1st May, 1939. New term: Five years from tober, 1942, and that all assets and liabilities 1st May, 1944. of the partnership have been taken over by Mr. {File No. 3251). Date of Change: 1.5.44. Benyamin Branitzky. (File No. 4064). VI. STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— KVUZATH PALESTINE FRUIT CENTRE LEHR AND TURKUS. HASHMALAIM MENEEA. Notice is hereby given that the above part• A. Change in the partners or in the name or nership, notice of which was published in the surname of any partner: Arie Oldak left the Palestine Gazette No. 1237 of the 10th Decem• partnership. ber, 1942, has been dissolved as from the 1st B. Change of person or persons authorised to May, 1944- (File No. 5020). sign on behalf of the partnership : Both part• VII. ners jointly are authorised to sign on behalf of the partnership. EIN HASHEMEN. (File No. 3186). Date of Change: 19.3.44. Notice is hereby given- that the above part• nership, notice of which was published in the STATEMENT OF NATURE OF CHANGES IN THE PAR• Palestine Gazette No. 1156 of the 25th Decem• TICULARS OF THE PARTNERSHIP:— SEGINER AND ber, 1941, has been dissolved as from the 1st Co. January, 1943, and that all assets and liabilities Change in the term or character of the part• have been taken over by Mr. Avigdor Diachov- nership : Previous term: From the 20th sky. (File No. 4142). January, 1942, to the 31st November, 1943. VIII. New term: For an unlimited period. (File No. 4432). Date of Change: 31.11.43. S. HOLLAND AND HARISH AGRICULTURAL COOP. Soc. LTD. NOTICES. Notice is hereby given that the above part• nership, notice of which was published in the I. Palestine Gazette No- 1175 of the 5th July, 1942, TEWFIK AND MITRI MAJDALANI. has been dissolved as from the 30th June, 1942. Notice is hereby given that the above part• (File No. ;4393). nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 261 of the 16th June, IX. 1930, has been dissolved as from the 2nd March, G. REBZINSKY AND CO. FACTORY OF MEAT AND 1944, owing to the death of Tewfik Nasrallah BONE MEAL. Majdalani and the affairs of the said partner• ship have been duly liquidated, and that the Notice is hereby given that the above part• assets and liabilities were taken over by a new nership, notice of which was published in the firm established simultaneously under the above Palestine Gazette No. 1273 of the 24th June, name. (File No. 521). 1943, has been dissolved as from the 15th March, II. 1944, and that all assets and liabilities have been taken over by Mr. G. Rebzinsky. DROR THREAD FACTORY. (File No. 5387). Notice is hereby given that the above part• nership, notice of which was published in the X. Palestine Gazette No. 1165 of the 25th Decem• S- B. FRENKEL AND SONS. ber, 1941, has been dissolved as from the 15th March, 1944, by mutual consent of all part• Notice is hereby given that the above part• ners- (File No. 4216). nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 398 of the 26th October, I in. 1933, has been dissolved as from the 17th Feb• SALON' BEN YEHUDA. ruary, 1944, owing to the death of the partner Notice is hereby given that the above part• Mr. Simha Bonim Frankel. (File No. 1546). 650 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 13th July, 1944

XL XIX. "PLSINGER AND FUCHS" IRON METAL AND RAW CAFE BAR "EDEN" KUNDSTADT AND FLEISCHER. PRODUCTS TRADE COMPANY TEL AVIV JAFFA. — Notice is hereby given that the above part• Notice is hereby given that the above part• nership, notice of which was published in the nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1084 of the 20th March,, Palestine Gazette No. 962 of the 9th Novem• 1941, has been dissolved as from the 2nd April, ber, 1939, has been dissolved as from the 28th 1944, and that all assets and liabilities have February, 1944, by the death of the partner Mr. been taken by Mr. Josef Kundstadt. Fritz Pesinger. (File No. 3366). (File No. 3758).

XII. XX. RAKOVITCH AND SALCMAN TRADING AND MANU• JAFFA—TEL AVIV LOCAL EGG TRADERS FACTURING Co. ASSOCIATION. Notice is hereby given that the above part• Notice is hereby given that the above part• nership, notice of which was published in the nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1167 of the 12th Feb• Palestine Gazette No. 1276 of the 15th July, ruary, 1942, has been dissolved as from the 28th 1943, has been dissolved as from the 5th April, February, 1944, by the death of Mr. Barouch 1944. (File No. 5460). Salcman. (File No. 4306). XXI. XIII. DANON BROTHERS. BETH HAROSHET LEMAATAFOT DOAR LOWY AND KUHL. Notice is hereby given that the above part• Notice is hereby given that the above part• nership, notice of which was published in the nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1007 of the 9th May, Palestine Gazette No. 493 of the 7th February, 1940, has been dissolved as from the 12th May, 1935, has been dissolved as from the 30th April, 1944. (File No. 3519). 1944, and that Mr. Shlomo Lowy has been ap• XXII. pointed liquidator. (File No. 2106). DAR EL THAKAFEH ARAB SECONDARY SCHOOL. XIV. Notice is hereby given that the above part• HELLA. nership, notice of which was published in the Notice is hereby given that the above part• Palestine Gazette No. 1175 of the 5th March, nership, notice of which was published in the 1942, has been dissolved as from the 29th Palestine Gazette No. 1318 of the 17th Feb• January, 1944, and that all assets and liabili ruary, 1944, has been dissolved as from the 16th ties have been taken over by Mr. Shane Ansari. April, 1944, and that all assets and liabilities (File No. 4441). have been taken over by Mrs. Hella Freund- lich. (File No. 5924). XXIII. ERLANGER AND MOYAL. XV. AKA CANDLE FACTORY. Notice is hereby given that the above part• nership, notice of which was published in the Notice is hereby given that the above part• Palestine Gazette No. 1058 of the 21st Novem• nership, notice of which was published in the ber, 1940, has been dissolved as from the 25th Palestine Gazette No. 993 of the 14th March, October, 1942. (File No. 3636). 1940, has been dissolved as from the 26th Feb• ruary, 1941. (File No. 3463). XXIV.

XVI. BUILDERS AND BUILDING CONTRACTORS, YOCHEMNU. BATH GALIM. Notice is hereby given that the above part• Notice is hereby given that the above part• nership, notice of which was published in the nership, notice of which was published in the Palestine Gazette No. 1302 of the 25th Novem• Palestine Gazette No. 512 of the 16th May, ber, 1943, has been dissolved as from the 3rd 1935, has been dissolved as from the 1st April, May, 1944. (File No. 5729). 1944, by mutual consent of all partners. (File No. 792). XVII.

HYDROPHIL. NOTICES. Notice is hereby given that the above part• The following notices are published at the risk of the nership, notice of which was published in the advertisers and their publication does not imply any Palestine Gazette No. 1331 of the 27th April, certificate as to correctness or authority. 1944, has been dissolved as from the 2nd April, I. 1944. (File No. 6048). ESHED IGRA COOPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD. XVIII. Notice is hereby given that at the general KAGAN AND CO. meeting held on the 4th March, 1944, Mr. Zvi Notice is hereby given that the above part• Hershenhartz, Mr. Shalom Bornstein and Mr• nership, notice of which was published in the Shmuel Samergon have been elected members Palestine Gazette No. 1273 of the 24th June, of the Managing Committee. 1943, has been dissolved as from the 18th Feb• The joint signatures of Mr. Zvi Hershen• ruary, 1944, and that all assets and liabilities hartz and of either Mr. Shalom Bornstein or have been taken over my Mr. Boris Kagan. Mr. Shmuel Samergon shall bind the coopera• (File No. 5393). tive society in all respects. 13th July, 1944 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 651 Mr. Zvi Hershenhartz's signature shall be cluding all manner of transactions before Land sufficient for acknowledging receipts of money Registrars. and drawing and endorsing of cheques on be• half of the cooperative society. I VII- NVEH OVED LTD. II. . (Workers' Rural Housing Company). SABA LAND COMPANY LIMITED. Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the Notice is hereby given that at the general Articles of Association of the company, the fol• meeting of the said company, held on the 12th lowing gentlemen are directors of the com• day of June, 1944, we, Joseph Reuven Mor- pany:— dechai and Itzhak David Ben David resigned 1. Nata Harpas, 2. Dov Shafrir, 3. Abraham our membership in the said company and Zabarski, 4. Levi Shkolnik, 5. Yehuda Horin, transferred all our rights and shares in it to 6. Alexander Prag, 7. Pinhas Koslovski, 8. Zvi Mr. Arieh Wissler and Mrs. Adella j Wissler Shreiber. and that we have no more rights whatsoever The joint signatures of any two of the four in the said company and that at the said meet• first named directors shall bind the company ing Mr. Arieh Wissler was elected as Director in all financial business. of the said company, and he alone is authorised to sign on behalf of the company all kinds of VIII. documents and certificates, to appear at the THE PALESTINE CIGARETTE CO. LTD. Land Registry and to do all other acts oh behalf Notice is hereby given that at the last ordin• of the said company. ary general annual meeting of the company held on the 6th day of August, 1943, it was re• Joseph Reuven Mordechai Itzhaq David Ben David solved to re-elect the following Directors of the Arieh Wissler Adella Wissler company to hold office until the next general annual meeting: III• J Mr. Isaiah Braude, Mizpah Building, Jeru• THE NORTHERN FRONTIER TRANSPORT COMPANY salem. LIMITED, ACRE, PALESTINE. Mr. Eddie Gibbons, Bialik Street, Ramat Notice is hereby given that the above com• Gan. pany has elected, at its general meeting held The signatures of both Directors who will on the 26th May, 1944, the following persons sign jointly shall bind the company. as members of the Board of Directors of the company for the year 1944/45 : — IX, 1. Michail Jabbour—Manager. A. SINIAVER AND CO. ENGINEERS LIMITED. 2. Mahmoud Laz—Member. Notice is hereby given that the directors of 3. Ahmad Shallun—Member. the above company are: — 4. TJthman Fuad—Member- Mr. Anator Reifmann 5. Michail Naser—Treasurer. Mr. Efraim Schenkel. The Manager, Michail Jabbour, and The joint signatures of the abovementioned Mahmoud Laz were authorised to sign on be• directors, or the joint signatures of any one half of the company. of the above directors together with that of Mr. George Eff. As'ad Khadr was elected as the Ichak Sarnacky, shall be binding upon the auditor of the company for the said year. company.

IV. CORRIGENDA. CENTURY TRADING COMPANY LTD. I. Notice is hereby given that the directors of Palestine Gazette No. 1331 of the 27th April, the abovementioned company are: 1944, page 416, left column, notice with regard 1. Mr. Walter Schwarz; to the changes which occurred in the partner• 2. Mr. Herman Safir. ship :— "Lapid" Fire Clay Products and Tiles. The signature of each director alone shall The address of Karl Deutsch should read bind the company. "55, Nahalat Binyamin Street, Tel Aviv", and not as published. (File No. 5727). V. "ELOT" LIMITED. II. Notice is hereby given that Mr. Otto Loev Palestine Gazette No. 1334 of the 11th May, has been appointed as managing director of 1944, page 461, left column, notice with regard the company in accordance with its Articles of to the registration of the partnership : — Association. His signature shall be sufficient Shlomo Elkayam, Dr. Jacob Kost, Ozer Gold• to bind the company in all its affairs. berg, Moshe Hochman—Advocates. VI. For "Ozar Goldberg" appearing in para• graphs 1 and 2 of the notice read "Ozer Gold• NATAL PALESTINE ASSOCIATION LIMITED. berg". (File No. 6143). Notice is hereby given that the following are the directors of the company: — Ill- H. Moss-Morris Palestine Gazette No. 1344 of the 29th June, J. M. Gering 1944, page 597, right column, notice regarding A. Rubens Comptoir Commercial D'Orient Ltd. For L. Braude (alternate director). "Joseph D. Isaacs" appearing in second line The joint signature of any two of the above- of paragraph 1 of that notice read "Joseph D. mentioned directors or alternate directors shall Isaac". be binding on the company for all purposes in• 652 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE No. 1346. 13th July, 1944

NOTICE. j Orders with regard to the administration of the estate SUBSCRIPTION EATES. j of deceased persons or probate of wills, and any orders issued under the Companies Ordinance, or in accordance The Palestine Gazette may be purchased, at current j with any other Ordinance or Order of the Court, and prices, through all booksellers and news-agents in | notices of registration and dissolution of partnerships Palestine or from the Government Printing and Sta• | will not be inserted unless passed fo rpublication by the tionery Office, P.O.B. 293, Jerusalem. The subscription i Court or Eegistrar. rates are as follows: — I Half-yearly Yearly ' Notices of dissolution of partnerships will not be £P.Mils £P.Mils j accepted unless signed by the partners named therein Palestine 1.800 3.000 i or by their legal representatives. Abroad 2.625 4.500 The signature or representative character of a signa• Applications accompanied by remittances (Cash, tory must be verified by a declaration made by an Postal or Money Orders, only) should be made • to the advocate. Government Printer, P.O.B, 293, Jerusalem. A notice of dissolution of partnership not signed by ADVERTISEMENTS. all the partners or by their legal representatives must The following are the authorised publication rates for be accompanied by a sworn declaration made by an notices and advertisements in the Palestine Gazette: — advocate to the effect that the notice is given in pur- | suance of the terms of the partnership .to which it £P.Mlls I relates. For every J of a column or part thereof 938 | Exceeding \ and not exceeding £ column 1.875 j The following notices and advertisements will be Exceeding J and not exceeding | column 2.813 j published in the. Gazette at the risk of the advertisers ! and will not imply any certificate as to correctness or Exceeding § and not exceeding 1 column 3.750 | authority: All notices and advertisements must be prepaid. ; Notices from Liquidators of Companies, etc.

It is notified for general information that notices Notices concerning meetings, appointments of :)Di• intended for publication in the Palestine Gazette should rectors, redemption of bonds and kindred matters :from be addressed, together with the appropriate publication Companies or Cooperative Societies. fees, direct to the Government Printer, P.O.B. 293, No notice or advertisement concerning a Company or Jerusalem. ! Cooperative Society, other than a notice published by Notices of registration of Companies, Cooperative | Order of the Court or of the Eegistrar, will be inserted Societies, Trade Marks and Patents will not be accepted unless it is accompanied by a declaration of an advocate for publication unless submitted through the appropriate that to the best of his knowledge the statement made in Eegistrar. the notice or advertisement is true. :