Statistical Abstract of Israel 1987
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STATISTICAL ABSTRACT OF ISRAEL 1987 No 38 '.! \ CENTRAL BUREAU OF STATISTICS CHAPTER II. POPULATION It is also assumed that the annual migration balance classification by type was changed — between urban of Jews will be 5.000 persons per year — 15.000 categories or from rural to urban — because then immigrants minus a net addition ol lli.OOOresidents population growth exceeded 2.000 lesidenls. In NATIONAL POPULATION As regards the Jewish population, the results ol to those who staj abroad. table 11/9. in which there arecombinationsol demo ESTIMATES the 1961 Census were very close to the current esti In all projections, there was the same hypothesis graphic characteristics, the type of locality is Ihe mates and consequently, served as the basis of the of fertility among Christians, i.e..a stable rate ol 2 2 permanent one. i.e.. as defined in ihe census. In all DEFINITIONS estinues. The 1972 results were adjusted to the cur children per woman throughout the said period It other tables die type <>\ localit) is ihe current one De jure population includes residents and poten rent estimates, because of deficiencies in the number was also assumed, thai the migration balance "I Urban localities include all localities whose popu tial immigrants living permanently in the country of children. The results of the 198.1 census were by Non-Jews will be zero Ino immigrants and no net lation number 2.000 inhabitants and over and are and permanent residents absent from the country 42,520 persons lower than the current estimates addition to residents slaving abioad). classified by size for less Ulan one year at the lime of the estimate. Alter evaluation of the results. 21.000 persons were As for mortalil). it was assumed that till Ihe cud Rural localities includeull localities with a popula The components of change in the population are added to the population. Consequently, there is a of the projection period length ol life will increase tion of up to 2.000 (even il not agricultural). 1 ocali- as follows: Natural increase (births less deaths) and discontinuity between the estimates tor end 1982 to 75.9 years loi males and 79 4 lor females ul .ill nes with a population ol 2.00(1-10.000 are uol migration balance, immigrants and potential immi and the beginning ol 1983. population group. included among uiban localities (at present theie aie no Jewish localities in [his group). grants, tourists who changed their status to immi As lor non-Jews, results of the 1961 Census For mole details, see "Population Projections in Rural localities are sub-divided as lollows: grants or potential immigrants, persons entering for exceeded current estimates by about 4.000 persons Israel till 2010" in Momhl) bulletin uf Statist!, \ — Moshav is a tuial locality, organized as coopera reunion of families, returning potential immigrants, (especially Moslems), and the 1972 Census results Supplement no. 40, litX1 permanent residents returning to Israel after a stay were lower by 5,000 (especially Christians) In the tive, where ihe purchase of agricultural equipment ai\ii the marketing ol produce aie collective, but for more than 12 months abroad and immigrating 1983 Census, results were by about 10.000 persons GEOGRAPHICAL lower as regards the Moslem population. After eva consumption and most oi the producimn are citizens (see also Chapter 111 — Vital Statistics). Of DISTRIBUTION OF THE all the above said, residents staying abroad more luating the results, 5,000 persons were added to the private; than 12 months, potential Immigrants who went said population. Consequently, there are disconti POPULATION collectve moshav is a rural locality . where in addi- abroad and visitors to Jordan who did not return are nuities between estimates for the end ol 1960 and the lion lo the cooperative characteristics ol Ihe subtracted. beginning of 1961, the end of 1971 and the beginning DEFINITIONS moshav, the production is collective ^n<i only con Locality is a pcnnanenlly inhabited place iulld- sumption is private. Population group and religion. Tables include, as a of 1972, and the end ol 1982 and the beginning ol ling the following three requirements: aibbuz is a ruial locality where both production rule, the breakdown of the population according to 1983. a. It is inhabited by 20 or more permanent residents and consumption arc collective: Jews, Moslems, Christians, Druze and other. Estimates of age distribution, when presented in (until the 1961 Census--- 10 or more lesidenls): institutional locality is an institution which has the conjunction with other characteristics, arc made When such a breakdown is impossible because of b. it has its own administration; characteristics of a locality and is not uieluded in the once a year. availability or scarcity of data, population is broken c. it is not olliciall) included in anolhei locality. administrative boundaries ot another locality; down by "Jews" and "Non-Jews — thereof: The estimate of age composition, lor the end ol a Localities are dividcei into ,/t wish and iion-JeiMsh. other rural locality A localit) numbering less than Moslems". given year, is based on the estimate by age for the according to the majority in the population ol ihe 2,000 lesidenls and is not included in other types ol The age of a person is the number of whole years end of the preceding year, after moving up all ages locality. In most localities, there is a large;, localities. Ihe) include also: at the estimation dale. by one year. To this base, the births, and imilligrams either of Jews oi ol lion-Jews. communal locality: A loealii) organized as a by age of the year estimated, are added. and dcailis Country oforigin ol born abroad — the country of There are seven uibaii localities, defined as cooperative society, in which the extent ol and the migration balance are subtracted. U) adding birth, and of Israel born — father's countryofbirth. "mixed", with a large majoiil) of Jews, bul with a cooperation is determined b) its members. the balance of additions and subtractions to the considerable numbei ol non-Jews: Jerusalem, lei rural center A rural hv.dit) which provides base, the estimate of age groups for the end ol the METHOD OF COMPUTATION AND SOURCES Aviv-Yafo. Haifa. Akko. Ramla, 1 od. Ma'aloi- services and/or contains industrial establish year is obtained. Basis of the population estimates. I he estimates Tarshiha. Since the I9»j Cenus the number ol ihe ments for a number ot localities in the vicinity until the Census of 22 V 1961 relate to the defacto Projection of population. Ihe projections are mixed localities increased to eight, when Na^ciat Bedouin tribes: Ihe Bedouin iiiainl) in ihe Negev population and based on the Registration of Popu based on the population ol end 1985 and the lllit was also added and in 1985 the rural Ideality and Galilee, who do not live in localities. lation of 8 XI 1948, and from the 1961 Census on, expected developments till 2010 Neve Shalom »ai added. These localities were Lmng outside localities: Population — mil the estimates relate to the dejure population. From The three projections published here dillei from included among both Jewish and non-Jewish loe a li Bedouin — dispersed in small groups living e>uiside 1972 through 1982, estimates are based on the Cen each other in the hypotheses of the total fertility (see lies, but in the total localities they were included the boundaries of an) localit). Ihe places whetc sus of Population and Housing which was con introduction to Chapter 111) and the migration only once. such people live do not have the characteristics ol a ducted in 1972. As ol 1983, estimates are based on balance. Israeli localities in Judea, Samaria and (iaza Ana. locality (as defined above). the results of the census which was held in that year. The "low projection" assumes a decrease in the are included in ihe list ol localities — their popula Districtandsub-diitru I were delined according to All estimates include, besides the dejure popula fertility ofJews from 2.8 to 2 1 for 2005-2010 and ol tion included — detailed by t)pe ol locality. the official administrative division at the tune ol the tion (see definition above), temporary residents and Moslems and Druze — from 5.5 to 2 5. It is also 5.0 Type oflocalit} (nen classification;: after the I9ft3 1983 census. In 1982. the Golan Sub-district was tourists who were present in Israel at the time of the assumed, that Ihe annual migration balance will be census, definitions were changed and tables in this added and included in the Northern District. Census and stayed here more than one year —5,000 persons for Jews (10.000 immigrants minus Abstract are presented according to the new classifi Natural region. Within the frame oi the olheial continuously. ., a net addition of 15,000 residents to those who stay cation (the dillcTcnces were presented in detail in division into ISsub-districls.a more detailed subdi Publication No 3 of ihe Census series — see hsl vision was made into 45 natural legions Each natu As of 1967, the population includes the residents abroad for long periods). — > \.\ below). ral region is pari ol one sub-district or, in some of East Jerusalem and as of 1969, potential immi The medium projections assume a stable total*"3 Current ami permanent type of locality since ihe cases, is identical with a whole sub-district or grants. In 1982, the Druze and Moslem population fertility of 2.8 among Jews through 2010 and a 1983 Census, there are many localities for which ihe district. of the Golan was added decrease among Moslems and Druze from 5.5 to 3.5.