

Gare do Interchange Station and Connection with Railways - Case Study 15th December 2011 – , Liliana Magalhães, José Viegas, Rosário Macário (IST) 1/


Gare do Oriente Intermodal Terminal: • 10 km from Lisbon city centre • Modes of Transport: • train: urban, regional, long distance and international • subway • bus: urban, regional, long distance and international • taxi • 4 km away from • Other features: • Retail; • Services (banks, post, etc) • Demand: 75 millions passengers in 2008


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Introduction (II)

• Linha do Norte rail link: • Length: aprox. 350 km • Conventional double track. • Train services: • Conventional train • Tilting train • Serves the largest cities: Lisbon, Porto, Coimbra, Aveiro, Vila Nova de Gaia, etc. • Traffic: aprox. 2.0 millions passenger/year


Gap in the Business Model

Problems with Links – Low Quality Link • Low integration of the train service with the other public transport services in other station besides Gare do Oriente: • Few bus services in the stations and not coordinated with train schedule

• No adequate public transport solutions from railway stations to small cities • Passengers need to build there travel chain leg by leg (multimodality). • Passengers forced to go to Gare do Oriente even when are geographically closer to other stations (such as: Vila Franca de Xira), because of the lack of suitable land-based connections.

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New Business Model

• Proposal: introduction of Flexible road-transport service • Adaptive destinations (pre-determined destinations, but with the possibility to add or remove any others); • Transport service outsourced to taxi (possibility to have dedicated service in high demand corridors) • Reservation: • During rail journey ticket reservation • On-board train • Tickets valid for both rail and taxi rides • Integrated rail-road service, linking passengers to the nearest station (Vila Franca de Xira)

Analysis of Viability (I) – Potential Market

Survey at Gare do Oriente to long distance customers • Conducted in 2 week days (Wednesday and Friday) • Between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. (total of 7 trains per day) • Goal was the identification of the origin location of the passengers to these services along the day, thus allowing subsequent estimation of the potential for those new bus services from other stations. Results • Total number of surveyed: 1653.

Activity before travel Afternoon Between peak hours Morning Night Total Home 97 196 185 106 584 Leisure or shopping 42 96 47 48 233 Other 18 31 6 4 59 Work or study 205 233 56 283 777 Total 362 556 294 441 1,653

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Analysis of Viability (III) – Spatial Distribution

Analysis of Viability (III) – Spatial Distribution (II)

Municipality No. surveys with origin in Closest North-Line Station that municipality Cascais 36 Oriente Loures 118 Oriente 18 Municipalities Mafra 9 Oriente/Vila Franca de Xira Oeiras 63 Oriente 16 closer to 2 closer to Vila Franca de 12 Vila Franca de Xira Xira Odivelas 29 Oriente Alcochete 8 Oriente Almada 18 Oriente Barreiro 4 Oriente Montijo 15 Oriente Palmela 5 Oriente Oriente Seixal 6 Oriente Sesimbra 2 Oriente Vila Franca de Xira Setúbal 28 Oriente Amadora 71 Oriente Lisboa 1055 Oriente Sintra 115 Oriente Moita 10 Oriente

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Last Remarks & Added Value to HERMES Project

• Very low potential demand - does not justify the introduction of a flexible transport service. • Market has reached an equilibrium point, in which passenger adapted to the available offer of transport services, as the large majority of passengers does not return home before going to the . • Despite the low quality of the transport services, the market is not demanding further improvements • Initial hypothesis was not confirmed • Case study feeds the Prototype Business Model Prototype related with issues on the links: • Low quality service for a few locations although the general provision is good


Gare do Oriente Interchange Station and Connection with Linha do Norte Railways - Case Study 15th December 2011 – Lisbon, Portugal Liliana Magalhães, José Viegas, Rosário Macário (IST)