Academic Festivities
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ACADEMIC FESTIVITIES A GUIDE FOR PARTICIPANTS TO THE DOCTORAL CONFERMENT CEREMONY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN FINLAND, JOENSUU CAMPUS IN 2019 FOREWORD BY THE MASTER OF CEREMONIES ESTEEMED DOCTORS! It is my honour and pleasure to serve as the tial noise is becoming increasingly difficult. Master of Ceremonies for the third Doctor- Faced with complex questions, it is tempt- al Conferment Ceremony at the University ing to seek answers that are simple and easy of Eastern Finland. The Conferment Cere- – and often misleading. Now more than mony celebrates the value and significance ever, individuals must stand up to defend of academic education. The traditions of scientific knowledge. conferment and the festivities are rooted in the Middle Ages, and they have in many It is now time to celebrate the great aca- respects remained unchanged for centuries. demic journey that each of you new doctors have made over the course of your disser- The 2019 Conferment Ceremony will be- tations. The three-day festivities are held stow honorary doctorates to 12 scholars or in honour of the achievements of the new socially distinguished persons and confer honorary doctors and promovendi. doctoral degrees to 89 doctors from three faculties. This guide contains information and in- structions on the upcoming academic cele- Scientific knowledge, the most reliable form bration. A very warm welcome to the Doc- of information founded on evidence and toral Conferment Ceremony! research, finds itself hard-pressed in the rapidly changing modern world. Never be- fore has information been available so easily JARKKO J. SAARINEN and in such great amounts, but identifying Associate Professor reliable facts from the midst of exponen- Master of Ceremonies PROGRAMME THURSDAY, 6 JUNE 2019 Programme for Honorary Doctors 11.00 Press conference, VR-LAB / Joensuu Hall, Science Park, Länsikatu 15 (3rd floor) 12.00 Lunch hosted by the Rector, Restaurant Puisto, Länsikatu 15, building 3 A 14.00 Planting of commemorative trees by honorary doctors, Conferment Park Programme common to all participants begins in the Carelia Building 17.00 The information desk is opened and the reception of doctoral hats begins, downstairs lobby 17.30 Opening of the exhibition on the doctoral conferment tradition, upstairs lobby 18.00 Conferment Ceremony Concert, Carelia Hall 19.30 Hat fitting and refreshments, downstairs lobby 20.15 Rehearsal of the Conferment Ceremony, Carelia Hall / Programme for companions, upstairs lobby 21.30 Evening party and buffet, downstairs lobby FRIDAY, 7 JUNE 2019 11.30 Meeting for the procession to the Doctoral Conferment Ceremony, lobby of the university library 12.00 Doctoral Conferment Ceremony, Carelia Hall Coffee served to the Conferment procession, Restaurant Aura 15.15 Meeting for the procession in front of the Carelia Building, by the city-side end of the building (in the event of rain, in the lobby of the Carelia 15.30 Procession from the university to the Evangelical Lutheran Church via Yliopistokatu, Koskikatu and Kirkkokatu (in the event of rain, by bus transport) 16.00 Conferment Ceremony Service, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Joensuu 19.00 Reception for the banquet begins, Restaurant Riverside, Sokos Hotel Kimmel 19.30 Banquet and Ball, Restaurant Riverside and Joensuu cabinet 24.00 Late-night snack and address to the rising sun, Restaurant Riverside SATURDAY, 8 AUGUST 2019 10.15 Meeting at the Joensuu passenger harbour 10.30 Conferment cruise aboard M/S Queen R departs 12.00 Lunch at Restaurant Utran Uittotupa 13.45 Cruise returns to the passenger harbour 14.30 End of festivities OFFICIALS OF THE DOCTORAL CONFERMENT CEREMONY CONFERRERS OF DEGREES Professor Marjatta Palander (Philosophical Faculty, Head Conferrer of Degrees) Professor Markku Hauta-Kasari (Faculty of Science and Forestry) Professor Matti Tolvanen (Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies) MASTER OF CEREMONIES Associate Professor Jarkko J. Saarinen HEAD MARSHAL Senior Lecturer Mirjami Ikonen MARSHALS 18 students from various faculties CONFERMENT CEREMONY GLOSSARY MASTER OF CEREMONIES HONORARY DOCTOR The Master of Ceremonies is responsible for Doctor honoris causa (h.c.). A Finnish or ensuring that the ceremony is conducted in foreign scholar or a socially distinguished accordance with academic rules. The pre- person whom the university’s faculty wishes vious day’s rehearsal for the promovendi is to honour by conferring an honorary doc- led by the Master of Ceremonies. torate. The title of Honorary Doctor is the highest honour the university can award to someone. OFFICIALS prepare a conferment book that includes The Conferrers of Degrees, the Master of information on the conferment ceremony, Ceremonies and the Head Marshal are offi- the programme and promovendi, with pho- cials in the conferment ceremony. tographs included. PARNASSUS CONFERMENT CEREMONY SERVICE Parnassus refers to the front part of the hall After the Doctoral Conferment Ceremony, where the ceremony is held and where the new doctors arrive for a Conferment Cere- promovendi are awarded their degrees. The mony Service in procession. Conferrer’s podium and the promovendis’ seats are placed in this area. The name par- CONFERMENT CRUISE nassus comes from the Greek Mount Par- On the day following the conferment cere- nassus, home to the god of the light Apollo mony, the promovendi will attend an infor- and the Muses in Greek mythology. mal cruise on the lake. PRIMUS DOCTOR OR PRIMA DOCTOR CONFERMENT BALL The young doctor whose degree is con- The conferment banquet will be followed ferred as first in the ceremony. The primus by a ball with traditional ballroom dances. or prima has demonstrated excellent scien- The pairs have rehearsed the dances with tific merit in his or her doctoral dissertation. guidance from professional teachers. After The primus or prima will answer a question the ball, participants will gather to listen to posed by the supervising professor and an address to the rising sun. New doctors thereby demonstrate the academic exper- will be wearing their doctoral hats. tise of the young doctors. DOCTORAL CONFERMENT COMMITTEE DOCTORAL CONFERMENT CEREMONY A committee comprising representatives The main event of the conferment festivities of various faculties, responsible for the where the new doctors receive their doctor- planning and execution of the official pro- al hats and diplomas. gramme. The Doctoral Conferment Commit- tee elects the Master of Ceremonies. BANQUET On the evening of the conferment ceremo- CONFERRER OF DEGREES ny day, a banquet will be held with a pro- A distinguished professor elected by the gramme of speeches and music. New doc- faculty acts as the conferrer of degrees. He tors will be wearing their doctoral hats. or she confers the doctoral degrees on the promovendi. Conferment involves placing of CONFERMENT BOOK the doctoral hat on the promovendi’s head The Doctoral Conferment Committee will and presenting them with the diploma. PROMOVENDI ULTIMUS DOCTOR OR ULTIMA DOCTOR All doctors to be conferred a degree are A young doctor with excellent achievement, called promovendi. whose degree is conferred as the last in the conferment ceremony. At the end of the DOCTORS’ COMMITTEE ceremony, after the conferrer of degrees has A group comprising young doctors from the spoken the final words, the Ultimus Doctor various faculties. The doctors’ committee will give a address to the invited guests. participates in the planning of the joint pro- gramme of the conferment festivities, with HEAD MARSHAL the exception of the doctoral conferment The head marshal is a doctor who received ceremony. The doctors’ committee will se- his or her degree in the previous confer- lect the Primus or Prima Doctor and the Ulti- ment ceremony, leading the marshals who mus or Ultima Doctor. assist in the conferment ceremony. DRESS CODE The dress code of the doctoral conferment ceremony is very specific, and all participants are expected to follow the instructions. All participants should read the instructions carefully when preparing for the festivities. The dress code is available on the conferment ceremony website: Decorations should be worn in Friday’s doctoral conferment ceremony, in the conferment ceremony service and in the banquet and ball. Only officials may wear a doctoral sword and they should take it off during the conferment service. Clerical costumes and military suits may also be worn in the doctoral conferment ceremony, but a national costume does not qualify for academic festivities. The doctoral hat is mandatory only for conferred doctors on the day of the conferment cere- mony on Friday, both at the day and evening events. Large decorations should be worn only at the day and evening events of the day of the con- ferment ceremony on Friday (no handkerchief is worn with decorations). Dress code for the University of Eastern Finland Doctoral Conferment Ceremony: Thursday’s Friday: Friday evening: Saturday’s evening events Conferment Banquet and cruise and Ceremony, Procession ball lunch and Service Promovendi, Dark suit. Black, Tailcoat, black vest, Tailcoat, white Tidy casual men navy or dark grey. white bow tie, no vest, white bow wear, possi- handkerchief, black tie, handkerchief, ble student socks and shoes (no black shoes, cap. patent leather), white doctoral hat. gloves, doctoral hat No gloves or (placed on during the wristwatch. Conferment Ceremony). No wristwatches, flashy jewellery, fur accesso- ries or handbags. Promovendi, Dress, jacket and Black, full-length dress Black, full-length Tidy casual women dress pants or skirt, with closed neckline evening dress, wear, pos- or pant suit. Free (dress or jacket and black shoes, sible student choice of colour. skirt) with long sleeves, doctoral hat. cap. black gloves, black Open neckline socks or pantyhose, and short or no black shoes and sleeves are per- doctoral hat (placed on mitted. Jewellery during the Conferment and small hand Ceremony). No wrist- bags permitted. watches, flashy jewel- lery, fur accessories or handbags. Promovendis’ Dress, jacket and Black dress of any Non-black full- Tidy casual companions, dress pants or skirt, length with closed length evening wear, possi- women / or pant suit.