ARTEC IT Solutions Grows in Bad Nauheim, Germany

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ARTEC IT Solutions Grows in Bad Nauheim, Germany PRESS RELEASE New data center: ARTEC IT Solutions grows in Bad Nauheim, Germany Manufacturer of data management and data security solutions lays the foundation stone for five-story Office building with space for 120 employees Karben, 06.06.2019 – ARTEC IT Solutions (, leading manufacturer of data management and data security solu- tions, is laying the foundation for further growth and is expanding in the region. The Karben-based IT company has commissioned the construction of an ultra-modern office building and data center with well over 9,000 m³ of enclosed space in the city of Bad Nauheim. At the official ground-breaking ceremony on June 6, 2019, ARTEC was joined by representatives of the city of Bad Nauheim, which included mayor Klaus Kreß and the head of the municipal real estate office Wilhelm Jöckel. Project Volume of About 9 Million Euros With five floors and a total area of over 3,000 m², workplaces for up to 120 internal and external employees, as well as additional conference, event, and fitness rooms will be created in the „Auf dem Hohenstein“ business park. The new ARTEC building will complement the existing location in Karben. Construction is expected to take about two years. The project is worth around nine million Euros. Green Energy and Climate-Friendly Building Employee-friendly working conditions are ensured by premises designed in accordance with the latest research, taking into account factors such as sound insulation, air conditioning, and air exchangers for a continuous supply of fresh air. Special attention is also being paid to energy efficiency. An energy mix of alternative, climate-friendly sources is planned. EN.160915 - Copyright © 2019 - ARTEC IT Solutions AG. All rights reserved. VSTOR®, EMA® Enterprise Managed Archive®, EMA® E-Mail Archive Appliance®, ANA® Automated Network Administrator®, CMP® Continuous Mail Protection®, Mail to Archive®, Print to Archive®, Scan to Archive®, Voice to Archive®, File to Archive®, ediscovery®, Four-Eye-Principle® and firegate® are registered trademarks of ARTEC IT Solutions AG. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Copying, reproduction, or duplication either completely, or in part is not permitted without prior written authorization by ARTEC IT Solutions AG. Subject to change without prior notice. PRESS RELEASE Geographical Redundancy: Distance Between Sites Provides Additional Data Security The integrated data center will be secured by special technological measures including appropriate fire protection solutions and was planned according to the latest ISO standards. Access control with biometric identification prevents unauthorized access. A particular advantage is the distance of around 20 kilometers to the Karben site. Even in the event of serious local events such as floods or major fires, this geographical redundancy will provide failover availa- bility for data and applications. „The new building in Bad Nauheim is the largest investment in our company‘s history to date,“ says Jerry J. Artishdad, CEO of ARTEC IT Solutions AG. „The project reflects our strong growth course. The impor- tance of cloud solutions for companies of all sizes and in all industries is currently growing steadily worldwide. With this additional location, we are perfectly positioned to provide our customers with proven ARTEC data security technologies in a fail-safe manner and can guarantee the best possible protection for data through our own ARTEC cloud. Defen- ding against cyber-attacks will also be even more strongly in the focus of the future two ARTEC Trusted Cloud datacenters. With this strategy, we also ensure that the sensitive data of our customers in the cloud does not have to be in the hands of a few large corporations,“ says Artishdad, explaining the decision to create his company’s own redun- dant data center. In addition, „soft“ location factors also played a role in the decision for the spa town in the Wetterau district of Hesse, as the ARTEC CEO reports: „The decisive factor for Bad Nauheim was ultimately also the high attractiveness of the town itself, which is an important aspect when competing for highly qualified employees.“ „With ARTEC, we are very proud to have gained such an innovative and internationally operating IT company for Bad Nauheim,“ says Mayor Klaus Kreß, pleased with the decision in favor of Bad Nauheim. EN.160915 - Copyright © 2019 - ARTEC IT Solutions AG. All rights reserved. VSTOR®, EMA® Enterprise Managed Archive®, EMA® E-Mail Archive Appliance®, ANA® Automated Network Administrator®, CMP® Continuous Mail Protection®, Mail to Archive®, Print to Archive®, Scan to Archive®, Voice to Archive®, File to Archive®, ediscovery®, Four-Eye-Principle® and firegate® are registered trademarks of ARTEC IT Solutions AG. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Copying, reproduction, or duplication either completely, or in part is not permitted without prior written authorization by ARTEC IT Solutions AG. Subject to change without prior notice. PRESS RELEASE The new ARTEC building at a glance y Address: Auf dem Hohenstein 3, 61231 Bad Nauheim, Germany y Total area: 3,000 m² on 5 floors y Constructed space: Over 9,000 m³ y Estimated construction time: approx. 2 years y Project volume: 9 million euros EN.160915 - Copyright © 2019 - ARTEC IT Solutions AG. All rights reserved. VSTOR®, EMA® Enterprise Managed Archive®, EMA® E-Mail Archive Appliance®, ANA® Automated Network Administrator®, CMP® Continuous Mail Protection®, Mail to Archive®, Print to Archive®, Scan to Archive®, Voice to Archive®, File to Archive®, ediscovery®, Four-Eye-Principle® and firegate® are registered trademarks of ARTEC IT Solutions AG. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Copying, reproduction, or duplication either completely, or in part is not permitted without prior written authorization by ARTEC IT Solutions AG. Subject to change without prior notice. PRESS RELEASE About ARTEC IT Solutions: ARTEC IT Solutions is a leading manufacturer of comprehensive data management solutions from the collection, efficient use and secure storage to the legally compliant archiving of relevant company data. The focus is on maximum data security - unreachable for cyber attacks. In addition to the modular information management system EMA® , the high-performance mass storage VSTOR® and firegate® VPN for secure connection of cloud services round off the range of services optimally. Since its foundation in 1995, the company has been developing special software, hard- ware and integrated appliance solutions that ensure integrated and optimized business processes. ARTEC‘s solutions are characterized by maximum security, simple implementa- tion and application in the company as well as an attractive price-performance ratio. Due to the modular structure of EMA®, a tailor-made information management for all relevant data can be individually implemented depending on the company situation. From stored files, e-mails, the daily digitized inbox and outbox, scan and print, to tele- phone recordings and instant messaging – all data is securely stored and available at the click of a mouse across all sources. With this carefully coordinated product portfolio, ARTEC covers the entire spectrum of digital information management – from long-term and legally compliant storage to optimization of backup and restore processes and efficient use of productive data. Depending on individual requirements, this enables the implemen- tation of centralized or decentralized information management using existing resources and without changes to the infrastructure. All solutions are both on premise and cloud-based and can be easily integrated into existing business applications and portal solutions using ARTEC SMART Integration Tools. ARTEC is headquartered in Germany and has further branches in the USA and East Asia. As a manufacturer of modern and high-quality software solutions, ARTEC works together with qualified sales partners worldwide. Further information is available at: Contact: ARTEC IT Solutions AG Robert-Bosch-Str. 38 61184 Karben Contact Person: Christiane Totok Manager Marketing & Communications EMEA Phone : +49-(0)6039-9154-7414 E-mail: [email protected] Press Contact: Felix Hansel Phone : +49-(0)6039-9154-7428 E-mail: [email protected] EN.160915 - Copyright © 2019 - ARTEC IT Solutions AG. All rights reserved. VSTOR®, EMA® Enterprise Managed Archive®, EMA® E-Mail Archive Appliance®, ANA® Automated Network Administrator®, CMP® Continuous Mail Protection®, Mail to Archive®, Print to Archive®, Scan to Archive®, Voice to Archive®, File to Archive®, ediscovery®, Four-Eye-Principle® and firegate® are registered trademarks of ARTEC IT Solutions AG. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Copying, reproduction, or duplication either completely, or in part is not permitted without prior written authorization by ARTEC IT Solutions AG. Subject to change without prior notice..
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