cover def. 25-09-2001 14:23 Pagina 1 BirdLife in Europe In Europe, the BirdLife International Partnership works in more than 40 countries. Important Bird Areas ALBANIA and potential Ramsar Sites ANDORRA AUSTRIA BELARUS in Europe BELGIUM BULGARIA CROATIA CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK ESTONIA FAROE ISLANDS FINLAND FRANCE GERMANY GIBRALTAR GREECE HUNGARY ICELAND IRELAND ISRAEL ITALY LATVIA LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG MACEDONIA MALTA NETHERLANDS NORWAY POLAND PORTUGAL ROMANIA RUSSIA SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA SPAIN SWEDEN SWITZERLAND TURKEY UKRAINE UK The European IBA Programme is coordinated by the European Division of BirdLife International. For further information please contact: BirdLife International, Droevendaalsesteeg 3a, PO Box 127, 6700 AC Wageningen, The Netherlands Telephone: +31 317 47 88 31, Fax: +31 317 47 88 44, Email:
[email protected], Internet: This report has been produced with the support of: Printed on environmentally friendly paper What is BirdLife International? BirdLife International is a Partnership of non-governmental conservation organisations with a special focus on birds. The BirdLife Partnership works together on shared priorities, policies and programmes of conservation action, exchanging skills, achievements and information, and so growing in ability, authority and influence. Each Partner represents a unique geographic area or territory (most often a country). In addition to Partners, BirdLife has Representatives and a flexible system of Working Groups (including some bird Specialist Groups shared with Wetlands International and/or the Species Survival Commission (SSC) of the World Conservation Union (IUCN)), each with specific roles and responsibilities. I What is the purpose of BirdLife International? – Mission Statement The BirdLife International Partnership strives to conserve birds, their habitats and global biodiversity, working with people towards sustainability in the use of natural resources.