School Noticeboard

Edition 35: Thursday 29 June 2017 Inside this issue (click on links below):

From the Director 2 Urgent review of Fire Risk Assessments 3 Prevent Risk Assessment 3 Physical Chastisement: Clarification on Reporting and Consent 3 Use of Egress Switch: Secure Emails 4 SnapMaps: the new app within Snapchat 5 REMINDER: Fair Access Protocol 6 Non-material value assets available at Baverstock 6 Message from Save Our Schools 7 Never Such Innocence is coming to Birmingham: Friday 22 September 2017 8 Consultation on Birmingham’s Strategy for SEND and Inclusion: closes 31 July 9 School and Governor Support 2017/18 Governor Training Programme 9 REMINDER: EYSFF Summer Term 2017 Data Collection 10 VAT on Adult Meals 10 Education Infrastructure Termly Bulletin (June 2017) 11 Disability Access Fund: Summer Term Claim for Schools Academies and PVIs 11 Educational Visits Guidance: Advice from Safety Services 12 Educational Visits: Compliance with BCC Policy and Training 12 Birmingham Careers Service 13 Schools Financial Services Budget Management Training 14 iPeace Project 14 The Successful Head Teacher: Essential Business Skills 15 Health Education Service resource giveaway 15 Waverley TSA NQT Programme September 2017 16 Olevi Outstanding Teacher Programme (OTP) 16 The Building Blocks of Nursery Maths: Friday 8 September 2017 17 Link2ICT Customer Satisfaction Survey 2017 17 Link2ICT training courses 18 Making SMART plans for your school 19


From the Director

Dear Colleagues

This week I would to start by flagging up some remarkable work from Deykin Avenue that the pupils produced in response to the recent terrorist attacks. The pupils from this quintessentially multi-cultural school want to share their messages of love and unity via the medium of their artwork. We know that all schools in Birmingham share these values and I see brilliant examples constantly on Twitter. Meanwhile, nearby at Holte , colleagues have been working with the University of Cambridge for the last three years to embed a culture of restorative justice in the school. Having met the student mentors from a range of year groups, you can see just how deeply this influences values and actions across the school. You can read about this work and collaboration with Lozells later in this week’s Noticeboard . All of this work is the long-term best form of safeguarding when young people feel in control of their lives and able to influence each other’s behaviours for the good.

Down the road in Westminster, the Queen’s Speech was vague about the future of school funding. Looks like the new funding formula is off the table but that does not lessen the funding crisis that our schools are facing today. Now that election purdah is over, I am happy to promote the local Save Our Schools campaign that you will see below . To use the old NUT slogan, “education cuts never heal” and we must all keep up the campaign for real term guarantees, rather than cash guarantees, for education funding in the city.

In September, Birmingham will be hosting a major event run by Never Such Innocence to launch their 2017/18 Poetry and Art competition inspired by events of the First World War. All schools are invited to participate and it’s really important that English city schools are represented in an international movement that has been dominated by schools from the shires to date. You can read more later in this week’s Noticeboard.

Out and about this week it was a pleasure to attend the highly impressive South Network Art Exhibition 2017 held at the Birmingham City University School of Art. South Network comprises 15 secondary schools of all stripes, including this year Lindsworth and Joseph Chamberlain College, who showcase their art annually. There’s something about the display that is more immediate and compelling than much “adult” art and the students tell many social stories told via the medium of art. Long may this continue in a school culture where the arts are under threat….unless HMCI Amanda Spielman is riding to the rescue as OfSTED rediscovers that there is something called the curriculum ( her speech is worth reading here ).

Finally, you will see below a very important note from Education Infrastructure regarding fire risk assessments. Following the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower, we have been asked by the DfE to provide an update on our school estate so all schools need to urgently check they have an up to date assessment. Please make sure that you do this as soon as possible.

Best wishes




Urgent review of Fire Risk Assessments

You are required to ensure that your Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) is up to date and covers all buildings on your site including residential provision and BSS house.

In light of the recent tragic event at Grenfell Tower all Local Authorities have been asked by the to provide an update on their school estate.

We are asking all our schools to check as a matter of urgency that you have an up to date FRA i.e. it has been reviewed within the past twelve months. You are asked to carry out this check by no later than 10 July 2017. If your FRA is now due or shortly will be due for a review then please make arrangements to carry out the necessary review and bring up to date as a matter of priority.

Please also ensure that priority recommendations are implemented and works carried out in order to ensure compliance.

We will be auditing schools in relation to all key statutory compliance items which will include your FRA and actions. In addition to this we will be writing to you in the new term to request completion of the Mandatory Annual Declaration of Compliance. This will include declaration relating to your FRA and recommended remedial works.

More information is included in the termly bulletin later in this week’s Noticeboard.

CONTACT: Education Infrastructure TEL: 0121 303 8847 EMAIL: [email protected]

Prevent Risk Assessment

A Prevent Risk Assessment can be found on the School Safeguarding website at https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/downloads/download/773/the_prevent_duty

This risk assessment is designed to support schools to monitor and review policy and practice around the Prevent Duty. It is imperative that colleagues in schools understand that Prevent sits firmly within safeguarding, just like any other safeguarding issue. However, the school has full responsibility to comply with the statutory guidance as stated within the Prevent Duty. The risk assessment can be used as a supportive tool to monitor the school’s compliance. It would be highly recommended that the risk assessment is reviewed annually.

CONTACT: Ayisha Ali, Curriculum Lead, Education Resilience Team EMAIL: [email protected] TEL: 0121 303 2627

Physical Chastisement: Clarification on

Reporting and Consent

There has been an increase in referrals from schools into CASS surrounding physical chastisement. A number of these have resulted in a strategy discussion and Section 47 intervention. After close monitoring of these referrals, it has become apparent that there has been 4

significant delay between the disclosure and referral, which has ultimately put children at risk or at further risk.

If a child discloses any form of physical chastisement, please contact CASS immediately on 303 1888. They will be able to advise DSLs on the best course of action, with regard to referral and seeking consent.

If a child discloses chastisement/abuse from parents/carers that • Alleges an implement is being used. (eg belt, shoe, broom handle) and/or • Leaves physical, prominent marks that can be seen.

DO NOT disclose or discuss the issue with the parent/carer, but contact CASS via telephone immediately. In this case, consent to refer or discussion with parents/carers could place children at further risk. When you speak to CASS, it is vital that you give clear, precise details about any physical marks or injuries, and provide as much context as possible.

DSLs are reminded that children should not be kept back and held in school, unless specifically instructed by Children’s Services. If a school hasn’t been notified of a Section 47 being the outcome of a strategy discussion by the end of the school day, then police and social workers will visit children and families at their address. Children are only to be detained at school if they have specifically been requested to by CASS/MASH.

Thank you for your continued support and co-operation with this. Should you have any queries regarding education’s contribution to CASS, please do not hesitate to make contact.

CONTACT: Jon Needham, Education Safeguarding EMAIL: [email protected]

Use of Egress Switch: Secure Emails

Headteachers/Principals and Designated Safeguarding Leads are reminded that all sensitive information from Birmingham City Council departments sent electronically is sent through a system called Egress Switch. It allows confidential information to be sent in a safe and secure way.

Staff based in CASS and MASH, including the Education Officers, use email to send information to schools (such as decisions made following referrals and Domestic Abuse incident notifications) This ensures a timely and efficient delivery, and allows schools to keep children’s safeguarding records up to date.

Following a recent review, it has become apparent that in some cases the Egress Switch email packages are not being opened up by the recipient. This means that messages and important safeguarding notifications are not being accessed and read.

It is of vital importance that Designated Safeguarding Leads register for an Egress Switch account, if they have not done so already. This only takes a few minutes and registration only needs to be undertaken once. Please visit the web link in order to create your account. Ensure that you register your school email address and not a personal one.

The Education Officers will be working throughout the Summer Holiday and will send any information about incidents and referrals for children that may come in during this period to 5

Designated Safeguarding Leads via email. This will be of huge benefit to schools, who will be able to be updated about any potential incidents very quickly, upon their return in September.

It is really important then that DSLs ensure that before school closes for the Summer period that they have: • Opened an Egress Switch account, which is linked to their school email account. • Once registered, checked through their school email inboxes, junk and trash folders, to access any emails that are un-accessed and unopened.

We are committed to the continuous improvement of communicating and sharing information with schools, so it is of the utmost importance that staff are accessing and using this system, otherwise crucial information is missed, and further safeguarding risks could therefore materialize. Thank you for your immediate support and co-operation with this.

WEB LINK: https://switch.egress.com/ui/registration/accountcreate.aspx CONTACT: Emma-Louise Hodgson, Education Officer EMAIL: [email protected]

SnapMaps: the new app within Snapchat

It seems like each week there is another app raising a safeguarding concern. Last week Snapchat, used regularly by many children and young people, launched a new feature called SnapMaps which allows users to see the exact location of their contacts. This feature also allows others to accurately pinpoint where you are.

Although safeguarding staff don't use these apps on a regular basis, if we are to protect children, we need to have at least a working knowledge of the risks and you may also want to bring the risks to the attention of your pupils, parents & staff.

There are three possible privacy settings: • Ghost mode, where only you can see your position; • My Friends mode, where any contact can see your location; and • Select Friends mode, just those who you choose can see you

Snapchat released the update saying ‘We’ve built a whole new way to explore the world! See what’s happening, find your friends, and get inspired to go on an adventure!’ You will be able to see exactly where your Snapchat friends are hanging out and what they are doing there if they have shared it as a story. If you pinch the screen, your location will be shown.’

Whilst this sounds an exciting enhancement it does allow people to track you and this means that anyone that you are linked to on Snapchat could locate exactly where you are, which building you are in and exact whereabouts within the building. Whilst this has some use it can also be misused, especially as young people may not be as discerning about which friends they allow access.

Childnet have produced a fact sheet that may help that is available at http://www.childnet.com/blog/introducing-snap-maps-the-new-location-sharing-feature-in-snapchat

CONTACT: Jon Needham, Education Safeguarding EMAIL: [email protected]


REMINDER: Fair Access Protocol

A reminder that the draft Fair Access protocol is available for your review on the Council’s BeHeard website. The Protocol and a consultation questionnaire can be accessed from the link below

Please submit your responses through the BeHeard website at https://www.birminghambeheard.org.uk/people-1/56f80512 .

We very much look forward to receiving your feedback, comments and suggestions.

WEB LINK: https://www.birminghambeheard.org.uk/people-1/56f80512 CONTACT: June Maw, Interim Admissions Strategic Support Emma Leaman, Assistant Director Education Infrastructure and Early Years EMAIL: [email protected]

Non-material value assets available at Baverstock Academy

You will be aware from last week’s Noticeboard that Baverstock Academy Trust has placed assets of material value for sale by Auction.

A significant range of assets deemed to have little or no material value exist in the school and the Academy is proposing to make these available to schools in two batches; firstly mainly text books, sport equipment and secondly other resources including loose furniture .

Priority will be given to those schools who have supported the Academy and the Council by taking students from Baverstock through the recent co-ordinated admissions. There will be two separate “windows” for schools to view and take away these materials;

Phase 1: mainly text books, sports equipment, classroom resources July 11 th 10 -12pm and 2pm-4pm Schools & providers that have taken Baverstock pupils July 12 th 10 -12pm and 2pm-4pm All schools

Phase 2: mainly loose furniture

July 20 th 10 am-4pm Schools & providers that have taken Baverstock pupils July 21st 10 am-4pm All schools

Schools that have taken more than five pupils from Baverstock will be given an early bird pass for a 9 am start!

In the event that the bulk of materials have been taken on day one of the proposed windows, a notice will be posted on the Baverstock Academy website http://www.baverstock.bham.sch.uk/ advising schools so that colleagues do not make a wasted journey.

Please be aware that staff at the Academy are working under extreme pressure moving towards full closure at the end of this term; the Academy is not in a position to provide full details of everything likely to be available.


All schools wishing to take materials from the Academy must organise transportation to take those materials away with them from the school site at the time they visit the school. There is no opportunity for the Academy to retain the items in storage.

Message from Save Our Schools Birmingham

Dear Birmingham Head Teachers,

I am writing to you as the organiser of a group called Save Our Schools Birmingham. We have been inspired by the passion of the local community, and in fact the whole country, in speaking out about the disastrous education funding cuts. We are a group of parents, teachers and community members working directly alongside the founder group Save Our Schools based in Brighton - https://www.facebook.com/SaveOurSchoolsUK/ We’d love to capitalise on the current momentum, and unity between schools and parents, to keep the pressure up and focus on doing all we can to reverse the cuts.

SCHOOL FAIRS • We are asking parents and school staff to work together and hold an SOS stall at their school fair. • On the stall we would provide information about specific cuts to your school, a petition to sign, letters to MP’s and badges for children to buy. • Also we would launch an SOS competition for the children – asking them to design a Save Our Schools slogan/rhyme/song/poem/placard! Winners, to be judged by you, will be invited to tea and cake at the Council House by our local MPs (subject to their approval!).

MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE • We are asking that children write a message to the Prime Minister, saying what they love about their school and would therefore hate to see lost in funding cuts. • These will be written on to sheets of paper which will be rolled up and placed in the end of small plastic bottles, or larger bottles for each key stage or even an enormous water cooler bottle for the whole school! • Each message will be photocopied and collated into a folder for each school. This same action is taking place in Brighton and Manchester. The Brighton organisers have an appointment at midday on 6th July at Downing St to hand in our dossier of messages. • Outside Downing Street, SOS campaigners from Brighton, Birmingham and Manchester will present the messages in the plastic bottles, which we will then carry from Downing St to Trafalgar Square and float in the fountains there. Steve Coogan will be attending and speaking to the press, alongside an SOS speaker. We already have interest from local media in covering this event. The deadline for completed messages would be Tuesday 4 th July and one of our representatives will be able to collect on this day.

Please let us know if you are interested in taking part in these events. You may have parents at school who are already prepared to help organise the summer fair stall.

Many thanks,

Kate Taylor, on behalf of the Save Our Schools team. [email protected]


Never Such Innocence is coming to Birmingham: Friday 22 September 2017

Birmingham schools are invited to join us for this very special event.

We are excited to announce our upcoming Roadshow event, to promote our First World War inspired children’s competition, which will be taking place at Birmingham Council House Banqueting Suite on Friday 22 nd September from 1.30-3pm .

The event will be hosted by Birmingham City Council and our Guest of Honour shall be the Chief of the Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Hillier. We would be delighted to welcome a group of children to attend the event with their teachers.

The format of the event is quite simple, our Founder & Chief Executive, Lady Lucy French, talks about Never Such Innocence (what we’re all about, how to get involved and the legacy of the project) and a representative from the RAF will talk about the war in the air and the Commonwealth War Graves Commission speaks briefly about the Commission.

They will highlight where local graves are to encourage children to visit them, pay their respects, and use the visit to inform their competition entries. During the presentation we will also have children read poetry inspired by the First World War – either a poem they have written themselves, a winning entry from a previous competition, or a poem from the Great War period. It would be wonderful if some of your children might take part in this. After the presentation we will have a tea and coffee reception at which time we are on hand to speak to the children and teachers in attendance and answer any questions. The local great and the good, members of the military and local education organisations will also be in attendance. We find that children really enjoy our Roadshows and they are helpful for teachers in understanding the project more.

Our fourth and final competition the 2017-18 Poetry and Art Competition will open for entries at the start of the new school year in September 2017. The competition is open to all children aged 9- 16, and we welcome poetry and song entries in all languages (existing categories include English, Gaelic and Welsh), and art in any medium. If there are any special educational needs you would like the judges to be aware of, please state this in the space provided on the entry form. The competition is completely free to enter .

Each child receives a personalised Certificate of Commendation for entering (so we ask you not to filter entries before submitting!), there are prizes up for grabs for pupils and their schools (up to £400!), and winners will be invited to a special awards ceremony. Previous ceremonies have been held at the House of Lords and The Guards’ Chapel with winners receiving their prizes from the Vice-Chief of Defence Staff, General Sir Gordon Messenger.

CONTACT: Lady Lucy French EMAIL: [email protected]


Consultation on Birmingham’s Strategy for SEND and Inclusion: closes 31 July

Easy Read version available from 3rd July

The Inclusion Commission has approved the draft strategy for SEND and inclusion in Birmingham. It outlines the three priorities for action and the direction of travel we will take over the next three years. The draft strategy and consultation documents are available on Birmingham City Council’s consultation portal, through the link below. An Easy Read version of the consultation document will be available from 3 rd July to support consultation with any of your students. https://www.birminghambeheard.org.uk/people-1/send-inclusion/

Please share these documents and think about facilitating consultation with your staff, parents and students. If you do undertake any consultation with young people, please also share a copy of our poster which can be downloaded from the link above, to encourage parents or carers to also take part in the consultation.

Parent Carer Consultation Events – 5th, 6th & 13th July (venues confirmed below)

Three events are being arranged in the North, South and City Centre areas of Birmingham for parents to find out more and give their feedback on the draft strategy. These events will be attended by Jill Crosbie, Assistant Director for SEND Services at Birmingham City Council, and the Parent Carer Forum. Parents should book via [email protected] , and confirm any special requirements or accessibility requests.

North Area: Wednesday 5 th July Time: 10:30-12:30 Venue: Wilson Stuart School, Perry Common Road, B23 7AT

South Area: Thursday 6 th July Time: 11am – 1pm Venue: All Saints Centre (Marjorie Allen Room), 2 Vicarage Road, B14 7RA

City Centre: Thursday 13 th July Time: 6pm – 8pm Venue: Birmingham City Council Offices, 10 Woodcock Street, Aston B7 4BL

CONTACT: [email protected]

School and Governor Support 2017/18

Governor Training Programme

School and Governor Support has published its 2017/18 Governor Training Programme on www.birmingham.gov.uk/governor-training


The programme has been given a new look and continues to offer the full range of core and specialist subjects that are essential effective governance. New courses in the 2017/18 programme include an introduction to strategic governance, using data to drive school performance and building effective partnerships. Courses are linked to the DfE Governor Competency Framework and the course descriptions refer the competences that you are most likely to develop through attending the course.

School and Governor Support also offer bespoke governance development and consultancy that is tailored to your GB’s circumstances. Services include: training for the whole GB; governor training provided for local networks or groups of schools and external reviews of governance – delivery model tailored to circumstances.

We think it’s a strong programme and look forward to receiving your feedback on it. We also look forward to seeing you at our courses and events in 2017/18.

CONTACT: Stephen Edmonds, School and Governor Support EMAIL: [email protected]

EYSFF Summer Term 2017 Data Collection

This is a reminder to schools that the deadline for the EYSFF Summer Term 2017 data collection was Friday 16 June 2017. Those schools who have not submitted their data now do so, as a matter of urgency.

Any failure to supply this data will impact upon a school’s funding. It is the schools responsibility to adhere to the deadlines set. Schools can access the return from the following link: https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/downloads/file/6964/early_years_single_funding_formula_data_co llection_schedule_may_2017_schedule

CONTACT: Justin Pinkney, Finance EMAIL: [email protected] TEL: 0121 675 9302

VAT on Adult Meals

Please be aware that Income from Adult Meals (excluding cold take away food) is liable to VAT at 20%. When posting this income into Voyager, Tax Code AR should be used. Schools that have not accounted for VAT on this income need to correct this, going back four years to June 2013 in order to comply with HM Revenue and Customs requirements.

Please see the attached link and return on how to do this: https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/info/20124/working_in_schools/788/budgets_for_schools_in_birmi ngham/4

Please submit your Return as per instructions by 14 July 2017 .

HMRC are aware that not all schools have been compliant with this and will be checking both that the historical transactions have been corrected and schools are being fully compliant from this point.


Please contact the following if you have any queries with this:

VAT Team 0121 303 2691 Leigh Nash, Business Analyst VAT [email protected] Janet Morritt, Tax Advisor [email protected] Ruth Hill, Tax Advisor [email protected]

Education Infrastructure Termly Bulletin (June 2017)

The bulletin provides you with important information about management of school buildings and site, including training available to support you. It also provides a number of reminders relating to Health and Safety and statutory requirements.

The content of this bulletin includes: 1. Fire Safety 2. Building Work Over the Summer 3. Maintaining a Safe Building 4. Managing Building Works 5. Asbestos Management Plan 6. School House - Important Information

Training Dates: 7. Mandatory Duty Holder Training 8. Asbestos Management Training

The bulletin can be downloaded from the Education Infrastructure website: www.birminghameducationsupportservices.co.uk/Article/39312

For further guidance and advice on anything contained in this Bulletin, please speak to your Asset Management Officer, email [email protected] or call 0121 303 8847.

Disability Access Fund: Summer Term Claim for Schools Academies and PVIs

The Government is committed to promoting equality and inclusion for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) by removing barriers which prevent children from accessing their Early Education Entitlement (EEE). To ensure that children are able to access and get the best from their EEE, from April 2017 the government introduced a new funding measure for early year’s providers, the Disability Access Fund (DAF). DAF aims to support three and four year olds with disabilities or SEN before reception class.

The DAF summer term claim process has now been agreed. The LA is implementing a single claim procedure for Academies, Schools and Private, Voluntary and Independent providers. To support claims the Local Authority has developed a DAF parental declaration form, a DAF guidance document and a DAF summer term claim form. These are available on EYMIS (links below). Please note DAF is not payable for children in reception classes.


DAF parental declaration form: https://www.ted- birmingham.org.uk/cc_guidance_show_file?file_id=9bd224

DAF guidance document: https://www.ted- birmingham.org.uk/cc_guidance_show_file?file_id=c41bbd

Providers claiming £615 for each eligible child should complete and return the claim form available on EYMIS at https://www.ted-birmingham.org.uk/cc_guidance_show_file?file_id=e70767.

Please submit the completed claim form by 7 July 2017 to [email protected]

Educational Visits Guidance: Advice from Safety Services

In light of recent events and incidents, practical advice specifically concerning issues and considerations related to Visits to Theme Parks and Attractions; Visits to Major Cities and Visits Abroad (including a sample risk assessment) is available on the Safety Services website at http://www.birminghameducationsupportservices.co.uk

Notifications for Adventurous Activities, (including Duke of Edinburgh award) and overseas visits should be sent to BCC Education Safety Services, at least one month prior to departure.

CONTACT: Lisa Field, Safety Services EMAIL: [email protected]

Educational Visits: Compliance with BCC Policy and Training

Maintained Schools and those taking out an SLA with Education Safety Services must comply with BCC Policy and Guidance for Educational Visits and Learning Outside the Classroom 2017. In the Guidance, there is a requirement to have an Education Visit Coordinator (EVC) that has a current qualification in place. EVC’s are required to revalidate every three years. EVC Courses are for staff that has responsibility for co-ordinating, facilitating and overseeing of all visits in the school, academy, youth group or other educational establishment. An EVC would normally monitor, check and approve all visits.

2017 EVC Full Course Dates (1 Day Course) are: • 12th July • 13th September • 18th October • 16th November

EVC Revalidation is for experienced EVC’s who need to revalidate their qualification after 3 years. Next scheduled Revalidation Training Courses (9.00 am – 12.30 pm) are: • 11th October • 20th November


All the above courses are held on the ground floor at 10 Woodcock Street, Aston, Birmingham, B7 4BG.

Educational Visit Leader (EVL) courses are available for teachers and/or leaders who are leading or assisting with specific visits within their schools, academies or other educational establishments. Specific onsite training courses are available to schools. Please contact Education Safety Services or Advisers for information on costs and programmes.

To book a course, please visit the Birmingham Education Support Services (link below) website at http://www.birminghameducationsupportservices.co.uk/ .

CONTACT: Lisa Field, Safety Services EMAIL: [email protected]

Birmingham Careers Service: Getting the Best Careers Information, Advice and Guidance for your Students

Birmingham Careers Service is the perfect local choice for schools, academies and colleges wanting the best for their students. Buying our Matrix awarded quality service ensures you will be meeting your statutory responsibilities to provide independent, impartial careers information, advice and guidance (CIAG) for your students from Year 8 upwards. Our advisers are all trained and professionally-qualified to Level 6, have DBS clearance and benefit from continuous professional development.

Our service gives you full flexibility to buy the CIAG provision you require to meet the needs of your students. For further information please go to http://www.birminghamcareersservice.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/2017-18-brochure.pdf

Highlights for the 2017/18 academic year include: • Flexible pricing structure giving you a service tailored to your needs • Discounts available for “bulk buy” • Tracking & follow up service that includes completion of your September Guarantee and Annual Participation returns and production of a Destination Report • Specifically tailored Career Action Plans that link directly to Education, Health & Care Plans for students with special education needs If you want to find out more – talk to us!

CONTACT: Sian Powell (Contracts & Trading Manager) TEL: 0121 675 6128 EMAIL: [email protected]


Schools Financial Services Budget Management Training

Schools Financial Services are once again offering the Budget Management Training Course to school based staff. This Course receives very positive feedback from its participants and may be suitable if: • You are a new Head Teacher or aspiring to become a Head Teacher • Your role includes the analysis of school resources • You are responsible for budget planning and the management of the budget • Budget monitoring is an area that is a major part of your brief • You are part of the NPQH programme or are a keen Deputy Head Teacher • You are a newly appointed Finance Officer, Bursar or School Business Manager • You are a school based member of staff in need of some refresher training • You are just interested in school finance

The training is specifically tailored for Birmingham schools and will cover: • Introduction to Fair Funding and School Finances • Budget Planning

• Budget Monitoring and Financial Management including the role of the Governing Body, Value for Money, Schools Financial Value Standard and Financial Regulations and Procedures

Experienced staff from Schools Financial Services deliver this training in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, where all questions are welcomed.

Places are available on the following dates at a cost of £495 per delegate

23 rd & 24 th November 2017 Calderfields Golf Club, Aldridge Road, Walsall WS4 2JS 7th & 8th December 2017 mac Birmingham, Cannon Hill Park B12 9QH

For further information or to book a place on one of the courses please contact Pat Wilson on 0121 675 9857 or [email protected] iPeace Project

As Colin mentioned above, have worked collaboratively with Dr Hilary Cremin and the University of Cambridge to embed a culture of restorative approaches to conflict through the 'iPeace project' within the school and local community. Full details of this project are detailed as a case study in "Positive Peace in Schools: Tackling Conflict and Creating a Culture of Peace in the Classroom - Cremin and Bevington".

Holte School and Lozells Primary School are currently part of a research project funded by Cambridge University, Makerere University, Uganda and the Alborada Fund exploring how schools can use 'restorative approaches' to support young people who have experienced terror, war and trauma, including those seeking asylum. This project will include educational professionals from Uganda, including secondary school teachers from Kiryandongo refugee camp and academics from Cambridge University.


If you would like to find out more about the 'iPeace project' at Holte School, or the research project on how to support students who have experienced significant conflict contact Mr L Farmer, Assistant Headteacher ( [email protected] ).

The Successful Head Teacher: Essential Business Skills

Leadership and management in schools today is more than leading and managing teaching, learning and outcomes - aspects most new leaders are well-versed in. Often it is the business of headship which causes the most challenge. Fundamentals such as employment law, financial management and estates management can leave a new Head teacher with more questions than answers, as for many it is new territory.

Whilst preparation for headship courses have great value, it is only at the point of being a new Head that the reality and enormity of this role emerges.

We are therefore delighted to offer our new two-year programme, ‘ The Successful Head Teacher: Essential Business Skills’ to be launched in readiness for a September 2017 start, which will skillfully guide those new to post, or those who are in the process of applying for their first Headship, through this unique journey, exploring six key components – People, Finance, Legal, Estates Management, Materials and Resources, Health and Safety.

Face-to-face training will be led by key experts in their field as well as partnership input from the Institute of Leadership and Management to help ensure new Head teachers have the necessary business acumen and confidence to be exceptional leaders.

The annual cost for this input is £1800, a small price to pay for a comprehensive package designed to make a real difference.

To find out more, please contact [email protected]

Health Education Service resource giveaway

For many years the Health Education Service has provided a resource library to support our subscribing schools deliver effective PSHE, SRE, drug ed, and emotional health support. In addition to the videos, teaching materials and pupil books, this has included popular items such as the plastic food, puppets, contraceptive kits, and games. The service has ended the subscription model and is now looking for new homes for many of the materials, models, and teaching packs that have been available. We will be opening up our training centre on July 11th,12th and 13th, 8.00am-5.00pm for any school to come and collect, free of charge, any of the resources that they would like.

We particularly welcome MATS and clusters of schools who may be able to share their new materials across a group of schools.

Everything will be offered on a first come, first served basis. So come along and stock up at this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Some of the resources available included are shown on the following link: http://servicesforeducation.co.uk/index.php/pictures-of-items-on-offer-to-schools2.html 16

Waverley TSA NQT Programme September 2017

Waverley TSA is providing a programme of six sessions to support NQTs through their statutory induction year. This programme is aimed at NQTs of all phases, supporting them to meet the teachers’ standards and to improve the quality of their day-to-day teaching and outcomes for the learners that they teach.

The programme is jointly delivered by experienced, outstanding senior leaders from the primary and secondary phases with expertise in teaching and learning.

The programme is run from September to December. The course costs £200 per person or £40 per session per person. For session details, please see below.

DATE TIME TOPIC 21 September 2017 4pm – 5.30pm What makes a lesson successful? 5 October 2017 4pm – 5.30pm Behaviour management techniques 19 October 2017 4pm – 5.30pm Supporting pupils with SEND 9 November 2017 4pm – 5.30pm Differentiating learning 23 November 2017 4pm – 5.30pm Monitoring progress in a lesson 7 December 2017 4pm – 5.30pm Quality marking and feedback

WEB LINK: http://www.waverley.bham.sch.uk/about-us/teaching-school/Secondary-NQT- Programme-1 CONTACT: James Abley, Waverley Teaching School Alliance EMAIL: [email protected] TEL: 0121 566 6600 ext 31062

Olevi Outstanding Teacher Programme (OTP)

Waverley TSA is offering participants the chance to undertake the widely recognized Outstanding Teacher Programme (OTP), accredited by OLEVI. This programme is aimed at good and outstanding primary and secondary teachers to enable them to become consistently and sustainably outstanding. The programme aims to: • Provide in-depth coaching to deepen teachers understanding of outstanding practice • Introduce new knowledge and skills, focusing on outstanding teaching and learning • Enable participants to use DR ICE ® effectively • Provide strong input on progression against the professional standards of excellence

The programme is delivered by experienced, outstanding senior leaders with expertise in teaching and learning. The programme lasts for 10 weekly sessions. 2 full days, 5 1/2 days and 3 in school practice sessions. Please see web link for details of the sessions. The course costs £440 per person.

WEB LINK: http://www.waverley.bham.sch.uk/about-us/teaching-school/Establish- CPD/OTP CONTACT: James Abley, Waverley Teaching School Alliance EMAIL: [email protected] TEL: 0121 566 6600 ext 31062 17

The Building Blocks of Nursery Maths: Friday 8 September 2017

Supporting educators in delivering mathematics within the Early Years environment. Trainer: Elaine Bennett, Early Years maths guru and founder of ‘Keeping Early Years Unique’ campaign

Course outline Mathematical learning is like a building, made up of many blocks, which connect together and form a strong structure. Without the firmest of foundations underpinning it (i.e. those secured in the Early Years) this structure will crumble, in other words there will be gaps in children’s mathematical understanding. This 1 day course will explore just what it is we need to be doing in the Early Years to set children on the right path in mathematical learning.

The aims of the course: • To explore and identify the ‘building blocks’ (key concepts) that young children need to have in order to become successful and confident mathematicians • To develop practitioner subject knowledge of early maths and what progression looks like in the EYFS • To consider the role of assessment: What are our observations of children’s mathematical learning telling us and how can we assess maths accurately? • To develop practitioner’s confidence in recognising the common misconceptions young children can develop in mathematics and how to overcome these • To explore some simple activities to support children operating at varying levels mathematically that support progression in learning • To consider how low cost/no cost, everyday items can be used to inspire mathematical learning

Date: Friday 8 September 2017 Time: 9.15am -3.30pm Cost: £85

CONTACT: Lisa Killelay EMAIL: [email protected] (please title your email ‘Nursery Maths’) TEL: 0121 422 0453

Link2ICT Customer Satisfaction Survey 2017: Win a FREE consultancy

So that we can offer you an even better service and experience for the next academic year, Link2ICT is collecting your views and feedback on how we performed over the last 12 months.

We actively review your feedback to constantly improve our delivery and provide you with the best possible service, but we cannot do this without your help!


Typically, our survey takes about 5 minutes to complete but to show our appreciation for your time, all completed submissions will be entered into a prize draw to win a consultancy of your choice , for up to four members of staff.

WEB LINK: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/link2ict2017 CONTACT: Link2ICT EMAIL: [email protected] TEL: 0121 303 5100

Link2ICT training courses

Online Safety in the Primary Curriculum: 19 July 2017 The computing curriculum has Online Safety as an explicit strand of work at all Key Stages and in delivering this, Ofsted expect schools to provide: “A progressive curriculum that is flexible, relevant and engages pupils’ interest; that is used to promote Safeguarding through teaching pupils how to stay safe, how to protect themselves from harm and how to take responsibility for their own and others’ safety.”

This half day training course will examine the requirements of the Safeguarding elements of the curriculum at Key Stages 1 and 2 and link this to a range of resources allowing staff to plan an appropriate scheme of work for their school.

Course Aims: • To provide an understanding of the requirements for Foundation, Key Stage1 and Key Stage 2 • Provide a range of resources to support each of these areas • Implement a Framework for developing a scheme of work for the school

Prices slashed by nearly 16% … was £149 now £125 p/person.

WEB LINK: http://www.link2ict.org/training-courses-internal/26-safeguarding/420- online-safety-in-the-primary-curriculum CONTACT: Link2ICT EMAIL: [email protected] TEL: 0121 303 5100

Online Safety for DSL: 12 July 2017 This comprehensive whole day course explores issues, guidance and responsibilities for online safety in schools to ensure they meet the requirements of the latest “Keeping Children Safe in Education” guidance.

As a child protection lead, are you aware of your online safety responsibilities, following the update to Keeping Children Safe in Education?

Course Aims: This course will help you understand the online safety risks involved for young people, along with looking at strategies and best practice for managing this in schools. The areas to be covered in this session, include: 19

• Reviewing government policy and guidance: • Risks and issues to young people • Review Online Safety curriculum and whole school strategies • Self-review and benchmarking tools to assess your schools provision • Risks and issues for adults working with young people

Course outcome: At the end of the session you will: • Keeping up to date with the training required to comply with “Keeping Children Safe in Education” • Having an awareness of the issues affecting young people • Having the confidence to deliver an effective online safety strategy for your school

Prices slashed by nearly 18% … was £195 now £159 p/person.

WEB LINK: http://www.link2ict.org/training-courses-internal/26-safeguarding/444- online-safety-for-designated-safeguarding-leads-and-child-protection-leaders CONTACT: Link2ICT EMAIL: [email protected] TEL: 0121 303 5100

Making SMART plans for your school

We often talk about using mobile devices to inspire and excite teaching and learning, but what if you could still do that with stationary devices? Better still, what if you could do that with devices you already have in your classroom?

SMART technology delivers that option with the revolutionary SMART Board and SMART Learning Suite, so using any of their solutions would be a SMART choice.

Link2ICT has partnered with SMART Technologies to do what we do best... provide schools with quality IT products and services at a low cost.

Right now, schools can get £100 off SMART Boards* when ordered through Link2ICT. These interactive panels are the centre of your classroom activity. They each come with iQ technology that allows you to connect other devices, manage your lesson content and create a cohesive educational experience.

If you are new to SMART Boards, you would like a refresher, or simply want to find out more on how to get the best out of these devices, we can also offer training.

Make a SMART decision for your school today and contact your account manager to take advantage of these amazing offers!

WEB LINK: http://createsend.com/t/d-E1EF3DD498B9E04B CONTACT: Link2ICT EMAIL: [email protected] TEL: 0121 303 5100