New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud
bIII I li!!!!!^ HillmmNi''! * OCT J 9 1903 BM 500 .R6 : THE HISTORY OF THE TALMUD jFrom tbe Uime of Hts iformation, about 200 B. C,f up to tbe present XTime DIVIDED INTO TWO VOLUMES VOLUME I. — ITS DEVELOPMENT AND THE PERSECUTIONS SINCE ITS BIRTH UP TO DATE, INCLUDING ALL RELIGIOUS DISPUTES AND BRIEF BIOGRAPHIES OF THE SEPARATED SECTS VOLUME II. — THE HISTORICAL AND LITERARY INTRODUCTION TO THE NEV/ EDITION: ETHICS, METHOD, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS CRITICISM, ETC. BY -^ MICHAEL L. RODKINSON Volume II. (XX.) NEW YORK NEW TALMUD PUBLISHING COMPANY 1117 Simpson Street Copyright, 1903, by MICHAEL L. RODKINSON CONTENTS OF VOLUME II. PART I. CHAPTER I. The Combination of the Gemara, the Sophrim, and the eshcalath, also briefly noticed about mishna, to- sephta, Mechilta, Siphra and Siphre .... I CHAPTER n. The Five Generations of the Tanaim, with their Char- acteristics and Biographical Sketches ... 6 CHAPTER ni. The Amoraim or Expounders of the Mishna. The Six Generations of the Amoraim, the Palestinian as well AS the Babylonian, and also That of Sura, Pum- BADITHA AND NaHARDEA, WITH ThEIR CHARACTERISTICS AND Biographical Sketches .... 22 CHAPTER IV. The Classification of Halakha and Hagada in the Con- tents OF THE Gemara. Compilation of the Palestinian Talmud and That of the Babylonian and the Two Gemaras Compared with Each Other ... 38 CHAPTER V. Apocryphal Appendices to the Talmud and Commentaries. The Necessity for Commentaries Exclusively on the Mishna 44 CHAPTER VI. Epitomes, Codifications, Manuscripts and Printed Edi- tions of the Talmud. Introductory. Epitomes, Codes, Collections of the Hagadic Portions of the Talmud, Manuscripts, and the both Talmuds in Print.
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