'tuto pis nuown n'jrawn 119(371 n^i no^a rn>»n tin Ji>y>nyjn (foi. 39b) npiN niin^ rn .nopw? it nn ni>p jw'yi» ON jiuqd i* HD rn>p 0N"| -p'y iWN-in iwion ro>N rpyuyji n^piQ N>n\£i rDNbrp-bs >ai PD>N rijppia Mishnah 1: The Sabbatical remits any loan1, with or without a document2. Store credit is not remitted; if it is transformed into a loan it is remitted. Rebbi Jehudah says, any preceding one is remitted3. Wages of a hired hand are not remitted; if they are transformed into a loan they are remitted; Rebbi Yose says, for any work that stops in the Sabbatical they are remitted; if it does not stop they are not remitted4. 1 The end of the Sabbatical year. document is an error of the scribe; the 2 In Talmudic tradition, there are existence of a lien may always be three kinds of loan by document. If assumed.) Since the lien (known as there is no surety given in the "alienation of property") is not document, the status of the loan is the specified, the lender can foreclose on same as that of a loan given in front of such a loan only by lengthy court two witnesses, without a written proceedings. If the loan is documented document. The standard loan contract and given as a mortgage on a specific establishes a lien by the creditor on all parcel of real estate, in the theory of real estate the borrower may have. the Yerushalmi it is a loan on a pledge (Some tannaitic authorities hold that and not remitted, as stated in Mishnah the absence of such a lien from a 2. HALAKHAH1 631 3 R. Jehudah holds that any new work has to stop because of the Sab- credit given by a store to a customer batical or only during the Sabbatical. automatically transforms any previous The hired hand cannot be a day-worker credit into a loan. because the wages of a person hired 4 It is to be discussed whether the for the day must be paid that same day. by niboD ">\?y;i .'ID JIO^J? rpy>i\pn :N nsbn JMnriN: ia irapn nioN .ojtp^iip Nn> n>i listen JiinnN ia l?nv >nip hrniy Nm -pn» >a-pi d>cdd .iniN v^iV wn riD^nn in "pin?!? UN^ >;>?>? NO^P niro o'P?} Halakhah 1: "The Sabbatical remits any loan, etc." 5We can understand if it is without a document. With a document it should be treated similar to a loan on a pledge6 and not be remitted. Rebbi Johanan said, explain it for a document from which alienation of property is missing, following Rebbi Meir7. A case came before Rebbi Johanan of a document without alienation of property and he instructed that it was remitted. Because we are interpreting the Mishnah, should we act on this8? 5 In the Babli, Gittin 37a, Rav and witnesses but without any written Samuel explain the Mishnah that "with document, but a loan on a correct a document" means a document with document, with the alienation clause, is the alienation clause, "without a always like a loan on a pledge and document" means either a document never remitted. The opinion of Rav without the alienation clause or an oral and Samuel is accepted as practice in loan. R. Johanan and R. Simeon ben the Babli; the reports there on the Laqish explain "with a document" as a positions of Rav and R. Johanan are not loan with a document without the totally in accordance with the alienation clause, and "without a docu- Yerushalmi. ment" as a loan executed before 6 A loan on a pledge is not 632 SHEVI'IT CHAPTER TEN remitted in the Sabbatical, as stated in proven by a valid document, and will Mishnah 2. even allow the lender to foreclose real 7 He states in Mishnah Baba estate if the borrower does not pay, we Mezi'a 1:6 that a document without an cannot consider the Mishnah here alienation clause cannot be foreclosed practice to be followed. The same in court. argument is quoted in the Babli, Gittin 8 Since we reject R. Meir's opin- 37a, referring to a case brought by R. ion and hold that the court will force Assi before R. Johanan. the borrower to pay for every loan >-n vnyr? ù>n yp->i? to nh yp-ip to iw? an dw? Na ion^ .2-0 >3*17 njtin x>ipt)i? yjrjj? to to>3K .optfjp ì3>n in" un to irv? Hfy mm vj?")?? to td»? Rebbi Jeremiah said, it is only if he has no real estate9. Hence, if he has real estate it is not remitted. Rebbi Yose said, even if he has real estate it is remitted10. Rebbi Yose parallels Rav, since Rebbi Abba said in the name of Rav if he singled out real estate it is remitted11. They said only "if he singled out"; therefore, if he did not single out it is not remitted. 9 Since the alienation of property expressions "singled out" and "did not clause refers only to real estate, such a single out" must be switched: "Rebbi clause in a contract with a landless Yose parallels Rav, since Rebbi Abba borrower is devoid of meaning and said in the name of Rav if he did not without legal consequences. single out real estate it is remitted. 10 He takes the Mishnah to apply They said only 'if he did not single out'; to all borrowings (except mortgaging a therefore, if he singled out it is not well-defined piece of real estate), remitted." Everybody agrees that a following Samuel and Rav in the Babli; mortgage written on a well-defined cf. Note 5. piece of real estate is no longer a debt 11 While this text appears in both owed by the borrower but a lien on the mss., in this and the next sentences the land. HALAKHAH1 633 The statement ascribed to Rav here admits irrevocable mortgages for parallels a baraita in Babli Gittin 37a which the lender obtains the right to and in content, but not in the form- all yield of the land for a fixed period, ulation, a Tosephta (8:6, speaking about usually 20 years, after which the parcel a document of hypotheke, mortgage, cf. reverts to the original owner without Note 22). {The treatment of mortgages repayment of the capital. In the Yeru- in Yerushalmi and Babli cannot be shalmi, all mortgages are redeemable.) directly compared since the Babli ->Nyj>? 12naia wpo run DN irpoi ^bij") rny "ny^D Njnnr) .N»ari in? n^b nin N^n -»on .naia o>pa? AN"! n^a!? iniri ipv >a-> yto -»joy ."imywia o>pD?o N£N n|}ri .71^0 NlJN liv*)>3 n1? Nn> N> Tti "HON N>V>a NJJ>)n)0 .VTa}>WO JTJPN .rooo n^n naia ro>N mo n!?n liy-pa -p ntv n^ rb -»on on i?aN T 7 • TT T T V • T ? ' T •• T " X T "T T "I "If somebody established a lien on a field for his wife but then went and sold it, if she wishes she collects from this field or she collects from any other property.13" Rebbi Hila said, Rebbi Eleazar instructed following this baraita. The colleagues asked: Should she not collect only from the properties that are under the lien? Rebbi Yose said to them, there are unencumbered properties14 and you say, those under the lien? The baraita [applies] if he did not say15 you shall be paid only from this. But when he said, you shall be paid only from this, she may collect only from this16. 12 Reading of the Rome ms., contract and covers the payments due missing in the Leyden ms. The word the wife in case of dissolution of the makes the text much clearer but it marriage either by divorce or by the might be an intrusion of Babylonian husband's death. A parallel baraita in style. the Babli (Gittin 41a) gives the option 13 The lien is part of the marriage both to the wife and to any lienholder, 634 SHEVI'IT CHAPTER TEN both of whom have the choice of either cannot be expected to be willing to go going after unincumbered property of through lengthy and complicated court the husband or debtor or to choose the proceedings. more complicated procedure of 14 Which the wife can take with a foreclosing the property from the minimum of legal steps. buyer, letting the buyer then sue the 15 In all these statements, "to say" seller to recover his damages. In the means "to write into the appropriate Babli, Rabban Simeon ben Gamliel document." declares the original sale invalid if the 16 The piece of real estate on lienholder is the wife since women which she holds the lien. »an ttyd>? NHN .mTD>?n r^m Vvnrfc rrjty laywjpn .inn?n> ion niw Kin i>? >pi> >a*n ri>>"n rm:»p nj>N ion >31 DON .^h*^ niiDjp van ,nnnin> ii>N ni^» ,!?i3>!? yi*^ ID V^P rpjrin >117 >i2N yjv If somebody established a lien for another person on his field and then went and sold it; Rebbi Aha said, it is temporarily sold17. Rebbi Yose said, even temporarily it is not sold18. The strength of Rebbi Yose is from the following: He may induce his ox to flee; he cannot induce his field to flee19.
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