Paris Resilience Strategy
Paris Resilience Strategy FLUCTUAT NEC MERGITUR Front page : Bernard Pedretti/ Mairie de Paris Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris “Fluctuat nec Mergitur”, which translates to “Beaten by the waves but not sunk”, proudly announces our motto. Made official in 1853 by the Baron Haussmann, it had been used by Parisians since the 16th century. Its origins lie in the river’s history, dating back to antiquity! Urban resilience is therefore not a new trend: it is an integral part of urban discourse. The concept was, however, somewhat forgotten at the end of the 20th century, as our societies were convinced that technical solutions would be able to overcome the risks faced by our cities. Today we are confronted with new and great challenges, which affect current and future generations. Climate change, air pollution, growing inequalities, terror threats, persistent water insecurity, the migrant crisis – all these challenges bring cities to the front line. DR/Mairie de Paris Far from inducing anxiety, urban resilience offers solutions to better prepare and adapt cities, their populations, businesses and infrastructures to these I would like to express my sincere thanks to all the challenges. It also provides opportunities to create institutional, business, academic and associated new activities and jobs while improving citizens’ partners, as well as to the municipal teams, for their quality of life. contribution to this very ambitious work, which has only just begun. I also warmly thank Michael Governance, which is our ability to organise ourselves Berkowitz and 100 Resilient Cities – Pioneered by collectively with all stakeholders and to create new the Rockefeller Foundation (100RC), who have partnerships, particularly beyond the municipality, is enlightened, guided and supported us in this key to the resilience of Paris.
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