Eighth Seri~., Vol. LI, No.8 Thursday, July 17. 1989 Sravana 5. 1911 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Fourteenth Session (Eigbtb Lok Sabba) _.,_ 1 ff .... J. v1 -l.L \;- .... ( Vol. Ll contains Nos. 1 to 10) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price IRs. 6.00 [O&tOIMAL 8NGUm ...OCM>ltiOl IlICWDD 1M BlIousB V.... AJ1D OaIolNAl. HlNDt PaOCDDINOIlMCLt1DD 1M HINDI VIUIOM 'WJI.L • 1'UATID AI ADTIIOJllTATMI ARD I10T .... Tti., ATIOlf m.....J CONTENTS [ Eighth Series, Vol. LI, Fourteenth Session, 198911911 (Saka)1 No.8, Thursday. July 27, 1989/Sravana 5,1911 (Saka) CoLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions: 2-26 Starred Questions Nos. 141,142,145,146,149,151 and 157 Written Answers to Questions: 26-297 Starred Questions Nos.: 143, 144, 147, 148, 150. 153 27--40 155,159 and 160 Unstarred Questions Nos. 1446 to 1454, 1456 to 1458, 40-295 1460to 1467, 1469, 1470, 1472,1414,1476 to 1478, 1480 to 1488, 1492, 1494 to 1497,1500,1501,1503,1505 to 1512, 1514 to 1528,1531,1532, 1534to 1542, 1544, 1546, 1550 to 1559, 1562 to 1564, 1567, 1568,1570,1572,1575,1576, 1581,1585 to 1593. 1596 to 1603, 1605to 1607, 1610to 1617,1623 and 1625 to 1627. Vacation of Seats by Members 297-302 Papers Laid on the Table 303-304 Committee on Public Undertakings 304 Sixty-second Report - Presented Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance 305--352 Situation arising out of spoilage of furnace oil due to collusion of two ships on the high seas Shri Harish Rawat 305 308-310 "The Sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (ii) CoLUMNS Shri Z.R. Ansari 305-308 316-321 Shri Sharad Dighe 31D-312 Shri Chintamam Jena 313--314 Dr. G.S. Aajhans 314--316 Matters Under Rule 377 322-329 (i) Demand for a 'Yarn Centre' at Nagpur to 322-323 let handloom weavers In that region get adequate quantity of yarn at reasonable rates Shri Banwan Lal Purohit (ii) Dem~nd for a radio station at Aska in Ghumsar 323 sub-division of Orissa Shri Somnath Aath (iii) Demand for providing the U.P. Governmert with 324 necessary funds for re-routlng the National Highway No.2 near Ferozabad. Shri Ganga Ram (iv) Demand for setting up a low power T.V. 324-325 Transmitter at Paradeep (Ortssa) Shri Lakshman Mallick (v) Demand for utilising the surplus water of 325 tlie Krishna river in drought prone areas of Kolar, Bangalore, Tumkur, Chitradurga and Sellary districts. Shri V. Krishna Rao (vi) Demand tor a Television Centre at Puri 325-326 in Orissa Shri Brajamohan Mohanty (iii) CoLUMNS (vii) Demand for ban on setting up slaughter 326 machines for slaughtering the milch cattle Shri Shankarlal (viii) Demand for financial assIstance to Himachal 326-327 Pradesh Government to enable into give subsidy to fruit producers and support prices for the produce in the State Shri K.D. Sultanpuri (ix) Demand for providing permanent settlement 327-328 and avocatIon for earning hving to the Banjara tribal. Shri Uttam Rathod (x) Demand for allocatiorl of more funds to Kerala 328 State under the 'Jawanar Rozgar Yoj<1na. Shri K. Mohandas (xi) Demand for dams at the originating places of 328-329 the KOSI, the Kamla Balan and the Bagmati rivers to control floods in North Bihar. Shri Ram Bhagat Paswan Small Industries Development Bank of India Bill 329-362 Motion to consider Shri Eduardo Faleiro 329-333 Shri Shantaram Naik 333-337 Shri R. Jeevarathinam 337-339 Shri Ram Bhagat Paswan 339-341 Shri Somnath Rath 341-344 Kumari Mamata Banerjee 344-347 Prof. Saifuddin Soz 347-352 (iv) CoLUMNS Shri Dharam Pal Singh Malik 353-358 Shri K. S. Rao 358-362 Discussion Under Rule 193 362-400 Statement Made by the Prime Minister in the House on 28th April'1989 regarding Jawahar Rozgar Yojana. Dr. Phulrenu Guha 362-365 Shri Shankar Pal 365-368 Shri Girdhari Lal Vyas 368-371 Shri Ramswaroop Ram 371-375 Shri K. D. Suha'npuri 375-378 Shri Vijay N, Patil 378-380 Shri Keyur Shushan 380-384 Shri Sharad Dighe 384-386 Shri Syed Shahabuddin 386-392 Shri Virdhi Chander Jain 392-396 Shri Sriballav Panigrahi 396-400 Resignation by Member 401 Business Advisory Committee 402 Seventy-third Report - Presented LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA [Eng/ish] h is against all democratic norms.. [ Trans/ation] Thursday, July 27, 19891Sravana 5, 1911 (Saka) SHRI BHAJAN LAL: One has to spe. according to the norms. It is not so that if Shri Fotedar wants us to hold our tongue, w. shall oblige him. The Lok Sabha met at three minutes past Eleven of the Clock SHRI BALKAVI BAIRAGI: Mr. Speaker, Sir, a person sitting between Shri Bhajan lal [MR. SPEAKER in the Chait] and Shri Fotedar cannot maintain a stony silence; he has to laugh ... , [Trans/ation] MR. SPEAKER: Really? MR. SPEAKER: What is the matter? SHRI BHAJAN LAL: But here it is Ra SHRI P.AJESH PILOT: He seems to be jesh Pilot. unusually happy. MR. SPEAKER: Is that so? ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS SHRI RAJESH PILOT: If one sits next to Shri Fotedar and grins constantly, he says [Eng/ish] that he is very happy. Widening of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar MR. SPEAKER: I hope no Ruling is Section of National Highway No.5 required in this matter? *141. SHRIMATI JAYANTI PATNAIK: SHRI RAJESH PILOT: Shri BhaJan Lal Will the Minister of SURFACE TRANSPORT needs a ruling so that he remains quiet. be pleased to state: MR. SPEAKER: No, I cannot stop any (a) the target date set for the completion one from speaking in democracy. of the widening work of Cuttack-Bhubanes war section of National Highway No.5; SHRI BHAJAN LAL: We come to the House to speak and not to remain silent. (b) whether the widening work has not MR. SPEAKER: I have also said the made much progress; same that I cannot prevent people from speaking in democracy. (c) if so, the reasons therefor; 3 Oral Answers JULY 27, 1989 Oral Answers 4 (d) whether Government propose to There are water pipelines, telephone lines, increase the allocation during 1989-90 for electrical lines, etc. and it has taken long early completion of the project; and time to get those deared. (e) if so, the details thereof? Another factor which I personally know is that maybe the hon. Chief Minister of that THE MINISTER OF STATE OF THE State is zealous of the popularity of the local MINISTRY OF SURFACE TRANSPORT member from that ptace as he is not cooper (SHRI RAJESH PILOT): (a) to (c). Of the ating to that extent which is expected from 24.60 Km.length, work in 2.8 Kms. has since the State Government. I have no other been sanctioned and completed but for a comments to make except to say that the small stretch of service Jane, which is World Bank Mission visited the site and targetted for completion by December, 1989. agreed it to be included in the next Plan and It is too early to give an indication about the also whatevE'r delay is there we will cover it widening of the remaining stretch. up in the next Plan and this will be completed at the earliest. (d) and (e). Does not arise. SHRIMATI JAYANTI PATNAIK: Mr. SHRIMATI JAYANTI PATNAIK: Sir, Speaker, Sir, you must come to our rescue. when we have so much fa~h on the young We know that whatever amount is sanc Minister for Surface Transport, we are really tioned the engineers there are prompt enough disappointed to get such a reply. If you see to complete the work. Further much of the part (a) of the Question, that is, the target land belongs to the Government and very date set for the completion of the widening little belongs to the private people so the work of Cuttack-Bhubaneswar section', he acquisition of land should not create much has stated that work in 2.8 Kms. stretch has difficulty. Weare very much concerned about since been sanctioned and completed. He the congestion of the national highway. It is has also replied that it is too early to give an very much accident prone highway. So I indication about the widening of the remain want to know the detailed estimate of the ing stretch. land acquisition and the removal of service ·utility lines and whether they have been For part (b) of the Question also, we are sanctioned and, if not, when they will be not told anything. But, in a way, I feel that he . sanctioned. has admitted that the progress has not been much. SHRI RAJESH PILOT: The estimates for the land acquisition have come from the Sir, however, the World Bank Mission State Government. It is with the Ministry. We visited the s~e on 18.3.1989, What is their will react to the proposal very soon. It is a opinion? Did the Mission want the project to congested area that is why we have thought be extended further, that is, from 24 km to 27 of 4 lines highway. The traffic is very high on thus including the second Mahanadi bridge. this sector and before coming to the House J!urther when the final project will be ready to I assured the hon. Member that 'whatever be presented to the World Bank Mission and slow progress on behalf of the State Govern when the approval will be obtained? r would ment or our Department has been there we also like to know whether this project will be will make it up in the coming Plan.