Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs (Administration Section) F.No. 28(2)/2016-17-Admn Dated: 30.09.2018 Information under Section 25 of the Right to Information Act, for the quarter ending on 30.09.2018 in respect of this Ministry is as under:- (a) the number of requests made to each public authority; 187 (b) the number of decisions where applicants were not entitled to access the documents pursuant to Nil the requests, the provisions of this Act under which these decisions were made and the number of times such provisions were invoked; (c) the number of appeals referred to the Central Information Commission or State Information Nil Commission, as the case may be, for review, the nature of the appeals and the outcome of the appeals; (d) particulars of any disciplinary action taken against any officer in respect of the administration of this Nil Act; (e) the amount of charges collected by each public authority under this Act; Rs. 200/- (f) any facts which indicate an effort by the public authorities to administer and implement the spirit and All important and updated information intention of this Act; relating to the Ministry is available on the website. (g) recommendations for reform, including recommendations in respect of the particular public -------- authorities, for the development, improvement, modernization, reform or amendment to this Act or other legislation or common law or any other matter relevant for operational sing the right to access information. This has the approval of Head of Department. (Manish Gupta) Under Secretary (Admn) - (011) 23034467 Copy for information and necessary action to:- 1. Technical Director, NIC for uploading the RTI Quarterly information on the website of Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs. 2. Hindi Anubhag for translate into Hindi please. From-I Quarter ending 30th September, 2018 Name of the Public Authority: Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs Name of CPIOs 1. Shri A.K. Jha, Under Secretary, 12/11, Jam Nagar House, New Delhi. 2. Shri A.B. Acharya, Under Secretary,94, Parliament House, New Delhi 3. Shri Mukesh Kumar, Under Secretary, 94, Parliament House, New Delhi. 4. Shri P.K.Haldar, Under Secretary, 102-B, Parliament House, New Delhi. 5. Shri S.S. Patra, Under Secretary, 90, Parliament House, New Delhi. 6. Shri Rajan, Under Secretary, 102-A, Parliament House, New Delhi. 7. Shri Anil Kumar, Under Secretary, 90, Parliament House, New Delhi. S..N Name of the Applicant Date of Details of compliance/rejection The Amoun First Appellate Authority:- Receipt of request relev t ant of Details of Decision in First RTI Charge Appeal secti s on, Colle if cted reque in st rejec ted Officer Order No Date Offi Date The Reg. ce relevant No. of orde RTI online r No sections RTI , If request rejected 1 Ms.KavyaKohli 26.06.2018 Reply to applicant 23.07. Vide No. 28(1)/2017- 18 Admn 2 Sh. JanmejaySona 09.07.2018 Transferred to M/o 16.07. Law and Justice, 18 Legislative Department Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 3 Sh. M S Rajesh 18.7.2018 Transferred to LSS & 20.07. RSS 17 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 4 Sh. InderlalArya 12.07.2018 Transferred to PMO 20.7.1 20 Office 8 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 5 Sh. InderlalArya 12.07.2018 Transferred to 20.7.1 20 Ministry of MHA 8 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 6 Sh. InderlalArya 12.07.2018 Transferred to LSS 19.07. 30 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- 18 Admn 7 Sh. JanmejaySona 09.07.2018 Transferred to LSS 11.07. Vide No. 28(1)/2017- 18 Admn 8 Sh. SatyapalArora 12.07.2018 Reply to applicant 18.07. Vide No. 28(1)/2017- 18 Admn 9 Sh. Ankur Sharma 13.07.2018 Reply to applicant 17.07. Vide No. 28(1)/2017- 18 Admn 10 Sh. Harbhajan Singh 09.07.2018 Return to applicant 16.07. Vide No. 28(1)/2017- 18 Admn 11 Sh. A. R. Shashi Kumar 09.07.2018 Reply to applicant 13.07. Vide No. 28(1)/2017- 18 Admn 12 Adv Pranit Jadhav 09.07.2018 Transferred to, DOPT 11.07. Vide No. 28(1)/2017- 18 Admn 13 Sh. PremMoraes 09.07.2018 Transferred to 26.07. Ministry of MHA 18 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 14 Sh. JanmejaySona 23.07.2018 Transferred to LSS 26.07. Vide No. 28(1)/2017- 18 Admn 15 Sh. Mukesh Kumar 26.07.2018 Transferred to LSS & 26.07. RSS 18 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn. 16 Sh. Mukesh Jain 06.07.2018 Transferred to 13.07. 10 Ministry of 18 Statistics & Program Imple. Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 17 Sh. M. Gurulingam 28.6.2018 Transferred to 09.07. 40 Ministry of Railways, 18 LSS & RSS Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 18 Muktesh Chandrakant 02.06.2018 Transferred to LSS & 04.06. Kulkarni RSS 18 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 19 Snehal Suke 02.06.2018 Transferred to LSS 04.06. &RSS Vide No. 18 28(1)/2017-Admn 20 Santhosh K R 04.06.2018 Transferred to 04.06. Ministry of MHA 18 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 21 Arpit Shrivastava 08.06.2018 Transferred to DOPT 08.06. Vide No. 28(1)/2017- 18 Admn 22 Vodela Suresh Babu 10.06.2018 Transferred to 15.06. Ministry of MHA 18 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 23 Vishal VinodTibrewala 13.06.2018 Transferred to 15.06. Ministry of MHA Vide 18 No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 24 Vishal Vinod Tibrewala 13.06.2018 Transferred to 15.06. Ministry of MHA Vide 18 No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 25 Anshuman Awasthi 14.06.2018 Transferred to LSS & 15.06. RSS Vide No. 18 28(1)/2017-Admn 26 Sushil Kumar 15.06.2018 Transferred to Deptt. 15.06. of School Education & 18 Literacy, M/o HRD Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 27 Priyadarsan Pradhan 19.06.2018 Transferred to LSS & 21.06. RSS Vide No. 18 28(1)/2017-Admn 28 Ashish Yadav 20.06.2018 Transferred to MHA 21.06. Vide No. 28(1)/2017- 18 Admn 29 Suraj Nagori 02.07.2018 Transferred to LSS & 09.07. RSS Vide No. 18 28(1)/2017-Admn 30 AshishYadav 05.07.2018 Transferred to A. B. 10.07. Acharaya Vide No. 18 28(1)/2017-Admn 31 Rajesh Kumar Sola 06.07.2018 Transferred to LSS 09.07. Vide No. 28(1)/2017- 18 Admn 32 AdarshYadav 08.07.2018 Transferred to M/o 09.07. Statistics & 18 Programme Implementation Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 33 Manjunatha B V 10.07.2018 Transferred to 10.07. Department of 18 Pensions & Pensioners welfare Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 34 Ravichandran C 10.07.2018 Transferred to M/o 10.07. Statistics & 18 Programme Implementation Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 35 Harsh Aaryan 10.07.2018 Transferred to MHA 11.07. Vide No. 28(1)/2017- 18 Admn 36 HimanshuVerma 11.07.2018 Transferred to DOPT 12.07. Vide No. 28(1)/2017- 18 Admn 37 Mathew Thomas 14.07.2018 Transferred to M/o 25.07. Statistics & 18 Programme Implementation Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 38 Hirendhar Lakshmanan 16.07.2018 Transferred to A.B. 25.07. Acharaya Vide No. 18 28(1)/2017-Admn 39 Anshuman 18.07.2018 Transferred to M/o 25.07. Statistics & 18 Programme Imple/ LSS & RSS Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 40 Avinash 19.07.2018 Transferred to LSS 25.07. Vide No. 28(1)/2017- 18 Admn 41 Janane Magesh 19.07.2018 Transferred to LSS & 25.07. RSS 18 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 42 Amit Kumar Singh 21.07.2018 Transferred to A.B. 02.08. Acharya 18 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 43 Nikhil M Babu 01.06.2018 Transferred to 04.06. Ministry of MHA 18 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 44 Nikhil M Babu 01.06.2018 Transferred to 04.06. Ministry of MHA 18 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 45 Kamlesh Kumar Saini 05.06.2018 Transferred to 07.06. Department of 18 Expenditure, Dept. Of Revenue & M/o Home Affairs Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 46 Suyash Chopra 05.06.2018 Transferred to LSS& 07.06. RSS 18 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 47 Dhruv Grover 05.06.2018 Transferred to A.B. 07.06. Acharya 18 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 48 Dhruv Grover 05.06.2018 Transferred to A.B. 07.06. Acharya 18 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 49 AnuruddhPratap Singh 11.06.2018 Transferred to 15.06. Department of Legal 18 Affairs Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 50 Seshubabu 13.06.2018 Transferred to 15.06. Ministry of Social 18 Justice & Empowerment Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 51 M Krishna Rao 14.06.2018 Transferred to 15.06. Ministry of MHA 18 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 52 Narender Kumar Advcocate 14.06.2018 Transferred to 15.06. Ministry of MHA 18 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 53 Dr.Satendra Singh 15.06.2018 Transferred to RSS 15.06. Vide No. 28(1)/2017- 18 Admn 54 Dr.Satendra Singh 15.06.2018 Transferred to RSS 15.06. Vide No. 28(1)/2017- 18 Admn 55 Vishal VinodTibrewala 15.06.2018 Transferred to A.B. 18.06. Acharya 18 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 56 Vishal VinodTibrewala 18.06.2018 Transferred to A.B. 21.06. Acharya 18 Vide No. 28(1)/2017- Admn 57 Gaurav 25.06.2018 Transferred to A.B.