Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs (Administration Section) F.No. 28(2)/2016-17-Admn Dated: 31.03.2018 Information under Section 25 of the Right to Information Act, for the quarter ending on 31.03.2018 in respect of this Ministry is as under:- (a) the number of requests made to each public authority; 218 (b) the number of decisions where applicants were not entitled to access the documents pursuant to Nil the requests, the provisions of this Act under which these decisions were made and the number of times such provisions were invoked; (c) the number of appeals referred to the Central Information Commission or State Information Nil Commission, as the case may be, for review, the nature of the appeals and the outcome of the appeals; (d) particulars of any disciplinary action taken against any officer in respect of the administration of this Nil Act; (e) the amount of charges collected by each public authority under this Act; Rs. 30/- (f) any facts which indicate an effort by the public authorities to administer and implement the spirit and All important and updated information relating to intention of this Act; the Ministry is available on the website. (g) recommendations for reform, including recommendations in respect of the particular public -------- authorities, for the development, improvement, modernization, reform or amendment to this Act or other legislation or common law or any other matter relevant for operational sing the right to access information. This has the approval of Head of Department. (A.B. Acharya) Under Secretary (Admn) - (011) 23034732 Copy for information and necessary action to:- 1. Technical Director, NIC for uploading the RTI Quarterly information on the website of Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs. 2. Hindi Anubhag for translate into Hindi please. From-I Quarter ending 31.03.2018 Name of the Public Authority: Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs Name of CPIOs 1.Shri A.K. Jha, Under Secretary, 12/11, Jam Nagar House, New Delhi. 2. Shri A.B. Acharya, Under Secretary,94, Parliament House, New Delhi 3. Shri Mukesh Kumar, Under Secretary, 94, Parliament House, New Delhi. 4. Shri P.K.Haldar, Under Secretary, 102-B, Parliament House, New Delhi. 5. Shri S.S. Patra, Under Secretary, 90, Parliament House, New Delhi. 6. Shri Rajan, Under Secretary, 102-A, Parliament House, New Delhi. 7. Shri Anil Kumar, Under Secretary, 90, Parliament House, New Delhi. S..N Name of the Applicant Date of Details of compliance/rejection of request The Amount First Appellate Authority:- Receipt relevant of RTI Charges Details of Decision in First Appeal section, Collected if in request rejected Officer Order No Date Office Date The Reg. No. of order relevant online RTI No RTI sections, if request rejected 1 Shri Abhijit Singh, Gram Beeur, Received Transferred to LSS & RSS. 1.1.2018 post-Hussainabad, Zila-Balia, Uttar on Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn Pradesh-277219 28.12.17 2 Shri BM Bhatnagar, A 34 Swamy Online Transferred to LSS & RSS. 1.1.2018 MOPAF/R/2 Residency,Makarpura, Vadadara- Received Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 018/90001 390014 On 28.12.17 3 Shri Ranjan Kumar, Deputy Secretary Received Returned to the applicant. 3.1.2018 & CPIO (RTI), Sanchar Bhawan, 20, on Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001. 25.12.17 4 श्री अजहर अली, ग्राम और डाकघर-दमला, Received on Returned to the applicant. 3.1.2018 वाया –कमरौल, जजला-मधुबनी, जबहार 12.12.17 Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 5 Shri Suresh Mohan Mukhija, B-306, Online Recd. Transferred to LSS & RSS & 3.1.2018 MOPAF/R/2 New Generation Extn. Apartments, on Cabinet Secretariat 018/80003 DMohali,Zirakpur,Dist.Mohali-160104 28.12.17 Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 6 Shri Abhik Jana, Sreekhanda Online Transferred to Department 3.1.2018 MOPAF/R/ 2018/50001 Koltola, Near BSNL telephone Received on of Personnel Training. exchange, P.O.-Panchopta-700152 28.12.17 Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 7 श्री सचिदानंद सहाय,शिव मंददर, नालापर, Received on Transferred to Cabinet 4.1.2018 दक्षिण शिवपरु ी, हजारीवाग, झारख赍ड़- 28.12.17 Secretariat. 825301 Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 8 Shri Himanshu, flat no.10E, SI Online Transferred to Department 4.1.2018 MOPAF/R/ property,Sreekariyam, Received on of Revenue. 2018/80004 Thiruvananthpuram-695017 04.1.2018 Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 9 Shri Somaya Jain, B-67,10-B Online Transferred to National 4.1.2018 MOPAF/R/ Scheme, Near Career point Received on Insurance Company Limited. 2018/50002 Institute, Gopalpura Bypas-302018 04.1.2018 Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 10 Shri Gobinath, 219 Kalil nagar, vm Online Recd Transferred to LSS & RSS. 12.1.18 MOPAF/R/ Road, perambalur-621212 on 5.1.2018 Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 2018/50003 11 Smt. Krutika Jaiswal, Wc 25 Online Recd Transferred to LSS & RSS. 12.1.18 MOPAF/R/ Kaillash hostel,IIT Delhi, Hauz khas, on 6.1.2018 Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 2018/50006 Pin-110016. 12 Shri Omkar Gujar U, No. 23, Online Recd Transferred to Department 12.1.18 MOPAF/R/ Elumalai Street, West Tambaram on 8.1.2018 of Revenue. 2018/50005 Chennai-600045 Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 13 Shri BM Bhatnagar, A 34 Swamy Online Recd Transferred to LSS & RSS. 12.1.18 MOPAF/R/ Residency, Makarpura, Vadodara, on Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 2018/90004 Pin-390014 12.1.2018 14 Smt.Binda K, No.262, 9th Cross, Online Recd Transferred to LSS & RSS. 15.1.18 MOPAF/R/2 Tatanagar, Kodigehalli, Bangalore- on Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 018/50009 560092 12.1.2018 15 MR Narendra Singhvi, Singhvi House, Online Returned to the applicant 15.1.18 MOPAF/R/ First floor, 66-K saheliyon ki Bari, Near Received on Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 2018/50008 Gardens and Fountains, Udaipur- 14.1.2018 313001, Rajasthan. 16 Shri Sushil Singhal, HIG-423, New Recd on Transferred to Ministry of 15.1.18 Housing Board Colony, Shandol, 11.1.2018 Home Affairs & RSS. Pin-484001 Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 17 Shri Arvind Akhilesh Singh “9237” Recd on Transferred to Department of 15.1.18 Choti Gol, Phansi Yard, Central 4.1.2018 Pensions & Pensioners Welfare. Prison, Nagpur. Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 18 श्रीमती अ셍चना वमाच, एफ-501, राजथान Online Recd Transferred to M/o Personnel 15.1.18 अपा셍चमᴂ셍, सेक्셍र-4,प्ला셍 संख्या -36, on Public Grievances & Pension, 11.1.2018 DOPT. द्वारका, नई दद쥍ली -110075 Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 19 श्री सूरजपाल ससंह पावन, एम-5/2, अजंता Recd on Transferred to Lok Sabha 15.1.18 काम्पप्लेक्स, इन्द्रपुरी, भोपाल,मध्य प्रदेश- 11.1.2018 Secretariat. 462022 Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 20 Shri Subhash Chander Kulria, 1013 Online Recd Transferred to LSS & RSS. 5.2.18 MOPAF/R/2 Street No.1 Subhash colony Begu on Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 018/90005 Road, Sirsa-125055 16.1.2018 21 Shri Gaurav Shukla, J 583 world Online R on Transferred to LSS & US (C) 6.2.18 MOPAF/R/2 bank colonybarra Kanpur-208027 6.2.2018 / US (YP). 018/50023/ Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 60002 22 Shri Mukul Sharma, House No. 420, Online Recd Returned to the applicant 5.2.18 Ist floor, Sector 23A, Gurugramm, on Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn Pin-122017. 2.2.2018 23 Shri Ravi Kumar, S/o Shri Prem Kumar, Received Returned to the applicant 5.2.18 Plot No. 153, Cabin No.5, Industrial on Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn Area, Phase-2, Chandigarh 2.2.2018 24 Shri Praveen Kumar S, 17, Indra Online Recd Reply sent to the applicant. 5.2.18 Gandhi Street(East),S.N. Palayam, on Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu-641007 19.1.2018 25 Shri Rama Khan, Rajosi, Dunga ji Recd on Transferred to Chief Secretary 5.2.18 ka, Badiya, Pin-305401 12.1.2018 MP & Defence. Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 26 Shri Bharanitharan B, 120,Elango Online Recd Transferred to LSS & RSS/ M/o 6.2.18 MOPAF/R/ Nagar, Nadayanur(post)kjrur- on Tribal/UPSC/ Deptt. Health & 2018/80019 639117 5.2.2018 Family Welfare/ Deptt. Revenue /Ministry of Home Affairs Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 27 Shri Anufer Panickarukudy House, Online Recd Transferred to Department of 6.2.18 MOPAF/R/ Chaithanya Nagar, parappuram , on Health & Family Welfare 2018/50027 Perumbavoor, Ernakulam 683542 5.2.2018 Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 28 Dr. Nutan Thakur, 5/426, viram Online Recd Transferred to S.S.Patra US (Leg ) 6.2.18 MOPAF/R/ khand, gomti nagar, lucknow- on /(C)/US(R)/US(L-II & Gen)/ 2018/50025 226010 3.2.2018 US (A&P and IMP-I)/US (ME) Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 29 Dr. Nutan Thakur, 5/426, viram Online Recd Transferred to S.S.Patra US (Leg ) 6.2.18 MOPAF/R/ khand, gomti nagar, lucknow- on /(C)/US(R)/US(L-II & Gen)/ 2018/50026 226010 3.2.2018 US (A&P and IMP-I)/US (ME) Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 30 Shri Kranthi Poturaju, Door No:20- Online Recd Transferred to LSS & RSS. 6.2.18 MOPAF/R/ 6-225, C/O, T.Pavan Nilayam, on Vide No. 28(1)/2017-Admn 2018/50024 Shanthi Nagar, Near Lotus 2.2.2018 Landmark,Vijaywada-520003 31 Smt.