Eighth Series, Vol. XXVIII; No. 49 Monday, May 11, 1987 Vaisakha 21. J 909 (Saka} LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Eighth Session (Eighth Lok Sabha) ( Yol. XXViii eontain.r NoJ. 41 IO 50) LO.K SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Prlr� · R.6, 6.00 CONTENTS [Eighth Lok Sabha, Eighth Series, Vol. XXVIII, Eighth Session, 198711909 (Saka)] No. 49, Monday, May 11, 1987/Vaisakha 21, 1909 (Saka) COLUMNS Papers laid on the Table 1~13J 194-195 Motor Vehicles Bill-Introduced 13-14 Matters Under Rule 377 14-22 (i) Need to open an office of Commissioner of Income-Tax at Thane or bring Thane area under the JUrisdiction of Income-Tax Commlsslofler, Bombay Shrr S.G Gholap 14 (Ii) Need to set up a Unanl Research Institute at Bhopal Shrr K N. Pradhan 15 (ill) Need to give financial assIstance to U P Government for formation of Ferozabad as a separate distriCt. Shri Ganga Ram 16 (IV) Need to set up Thermal Power Project at Rajakkampangalam m Kanyakumarr distriCt, Tamil Nadu. Shn N. Dennis 16 (~) Need to give adequate frnanclal assistance to the Government of Uttar Pradesh to provide relief to the farmers whose crops have been destroyed by heavy rams, hall storms etc Shn Raj Kumar Ral 17 • The Sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (I) (II) COLUMNS (VI) Need to develop Araku Valley and other places of tounst attraction In Vlzag dlstnct of Andhra Pradesh Shn Gopal Knshna Thota 18 (VII) Need to formulate a total water management plan for flood control and drainage of I\Aahananda basin In Bihar Shn Syed Shahabuddln 19 (VIII) Need to take steps to re-open Co-operatlve Sugar Factory at Gaunbldanur In Karnataka Shn V Knshna Rao 20 (IX) Need to set up a Bench of Orissa High Court at Sambalpur In Onssa Shn Snballav Panlgrahl 20 (X) Need to set up new propellant Factory In Warangal City of Andhra Pradesh to remove backwardness of thiS area Shn C Janga Reddy 21 (XI) Need to set up the proposed FrUit Research and Development Institute In hilly region of Uttar Pradesh like Aenlkhet, Doondgln, Jalana or Champawat Shn Hansh Rawat 22 SuspenSion of ProvIso to Rule 66 22-23 Goa, Daman and D,u Reorganisation Bill and Constitution (Fifty Seventh Amendment) 8111- 23-115 Motion to conslder- Shn C Madhav Reddl 24 Shn Shantaram Na,k 27 Dr Sduh,r Roy 30 Shn Eduardo Falelro 31 (III) COLUMNS Prof. Madhu Dandavate 35 Shri Sharad Olghe 38 Shri P. Kolandalvelu 39 Shrt Manoran)an Bhakta 40 Shri Vijay Kumar Yadav 41 Shn C.K. Jaffar Shanef 42 Shn PIYus Tlraky 43 Shri Haroobhai Mehta 44 Shri C. Janga Reddy 45 Shn U.H. Patel 48 Shn N.V.N. Somu 49 Shn Anoopchand Shah 50 Shn Balwant Singh Ramoowalla 51 Shri Asutosh Law ... 52 Shrimati O.K. Bhandari 53 Shnmati Usha Choudhari 54 Shn P. Shanmugam 55 S. Buta Singh 57 Shri Rajiv Gandhi 62 Goa, Daman and Diu Reorganisation Bill 62 Clauses 2 to 72 and 1 62 Motion to pass, as amended- 65 S. Buta Singh 65 Prof. N.G. Ranga 65 (IV) COLUMNS Constitution (Fifty-Seventh Amendment) Bill Clauses 2 and 1 Motion to pass, as amended- S. Buta Singh 90 Statement of Arunachal Pradesh (Amendment) BiII- 115--124 !\>totion to consider- S. Buta Singh 115 Shri G.G. Swell 117 Shri P.K_ Thungon 121 Clauses 2 and 1 Motion to pass- S. Buta Singh 124 Khadi and Village Industries Commission (Amendment) Bill 124-176 !\>totion to consider, as passed by Rajya Sabha- Shri C. Janga Reddy 125 Shri N. Dennis 129 Shri K.R. Natarajan 133 Shri Chintamani Jena 135 Shri Virdhi Chander Jain 138 Shri Manvendra Singh 141 Shri Salahuddin 144 Shri K.S_ Rao 145 Dr. Phulrenu Guha 150 Shri Keyur Bhushan 151 Shrimati Jayantl Patnaik 153 COLUMNS Shri M. Arunachalam 156 Clauses 2 to 17 and 1 170 Motion to pass- Shri M. Arunachalam 176 Discussion fa: Situation arising ouf of the escalation of violence in Sri Lanka 181-194. 195-202 Shri Brajamohan Mohanty 181 Shri N. V.N. Somu 191 Shri Syed Shahabuddin 195 LOK SABHA DEBATES 1 2 LOK SABHA Mr Speaker. Sir. 16 persons were killed In Punjab yesterday The police In the State IS Monday, May 11, 1987lValsakha 21,1909 being pressunsed so much that It IS not In a (Saka) posItion to work Impartially The Lok Sabha met at EIAven of the (InterruptIons) Clock MR SPEAKER When a gentleman IS speaking. why do you speak In the [MR SPEAKER In the Chair] middle? (InterruptIons) [English] (InterruptIons) SHRI SOM NATH CHATTERJEE (Bol- MR SPEAKER I have now heard you pur) Please allow us one by one (Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR SPEAKER Do not do thiS What Will MR SPEAKER One minute Let us hear be the use of dOing so? MamataJI first (InterruptIOns) -- PROF MADHU DANDAVATE [EnglIsh] (RaJapur) Please allow her first so that we would have peace In the House (Interru- MR SPEAKER Nothing goes on ptIons) record KUMARI MAMA T A BANERJEE (Jadav- (InterruptIOns) _. pur) According to the newspapers today, [TranslatIon] sixteen persons have been killed In Punjab Why IS the State Government not dOing MR SPEAKER What are you dOing? anything? I request Shn Buta Singh. our What IS the use of It? Home MInister. to do something to save Punjab (InterruptIOns) (Interruptions) .* MR SPEAKER I have gIven the floor to MR SPEAKER How you are awaken Shn Shyamlal Yadav tl"\tjay? [ Translation) (InterruptIons) SHRJ SHYAM LAl Y ADAV (Varanasl) MR SPEAKER There IS a limit to every- •• Not recorded 3 MAY 11, 1987 4 thing. I have heard the same thing from the in the pocket, but in the reply. two Members and you have also repeated it. If some other person says the same (Interruptions) thing, "it does not become more meaning- ful. Why do you not realise this? For God's MR. SPEAKER: Neither you allow us to sake, please realise it. If it serves your pru- hear nor you say anything. Now tell me; pose, then do it positIvely. what can I do? 50 persons speak at a time; it is not possible to hear in such a situation, (Interruptions) Rai Saheb. One person wanted to speak, I allowed him to speak. He has expressed MR. SPEAKER: How to make the youth his views. Mamataji has also expressed her congress understand? views and you also have repeated it. Now what more can I do? (Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: You do not -know even as to what I am saying? I have said that two MR. SPEAKER: You may please resume of your Members have already said the same your seat. I have got your views conveyed. thing. If 20 persons say the same thing, it does not become more meaningful. (Interruptions) (Interruptions) SHRI SHAMINDER SINGH (Faridkot): Mr. Speaker, Sir, the Punjab problem will MR. SPEAKER: I have heard it. The not be solved by writing a letter or making Hoome Minister is also sitting here. He has a telephone call by the Minister of Home also heard it. Now what do you want? Affairs. Why some immediate action is riot being taken? (Interruptions) ** Our leaders like Shri Prakash Singh [English] Badal and Shri Tohra have been lodged in jail like ordinary prisoners. Why are they MR. SPEAKER. Nothing goes on record. not being kept at some good place like a rest house as political prisoners. l Translation] (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I have heard two Members. If anyone else wants to say something, he may do so. THe Home Minis- [English) ter is sitting here. He has also heard you. SHRI P. KOLANDAIVELU (Gobichetty- (Interruptions) palayam): Sir, we strongly condemn the press statement... (Interruptions) We MR. SPEAKER: Then what can I do? express our strong feelings against the You may please tell. press statement of Mr. Dlssanayake, Land Development Minister of Sri Lanka (Interruptions) stating ..... MR. SPEAKER: I have nothing in my MR. SPEAKER: We are discussing it pocket. today. SHRI RAJ KUMAR RAI (Ghosi): It is not SHRI P. KOLANDAIVELU: Sir, The •• Not recorded 5 VAISAKHA 21,1909 (SAKA) 6 Government of Tamil Nadu have created a Information about It fund (Interruptions) [Engltsh] MR SPEAKER KolandalveluJI, It IS com- Ing up for discussion today But you can ask the Home Minister He can respond SHRI P KOLANDAIVELU We have to pass a resolution condemmng the attitude SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE (801- and character of that Mlmster (pur) Sir, Home MInister IS here MR SPEAKER We are discussing the (InterruptIOns) same subject today PROF MADHU DANDAVATE SHRI P KOLANDAIVELU Sir, he IS (RaJapur) Sir you were kind enough to Insulting not only Tamil Nadu, but the admit my MotIon regarding Article 78 of whole of India the Constitution The Parliamentary Affairs Mlntster says that we Will try our SHRI NV N SOMU (Madras North) He best to accommodate It today Itself IS adding Insult to Injury MR SPREAKER That you can MR SPEAKER I am allowing that diS- deCide cussion today Itself Don't worry I (InterruptIons) SHRI N V N SOMU Let the MInister pre- PROF MADHU DANDAVATE You use vail upon him He IS adding Insult to Injury your good offices Our good offiCes are completely destroyed (Interruptions) [Translation] MR SPEAKER I can only ask you MR SPEAKER We Will have diSCUSSion ( Interruptions) on It Now please Sit down MR SPEAKER The first thing IS that I (InterruptIOns) could admit It and I have admitted It MR SPEAKER You please Sit down (Interruptions) have allowed him to speak MR SPEAKER Now It IS for the BUSI- (InterruptIOns) ness AdVISOry Committee or the House to decide [Engltsh) PROF MADHU DANDAVATE Where IS MR SPEAKER Let us have a diSCUS- the Busmess AdVISOry Committee? Sion, then we Will see ( Interruptions) SHRI AMAL DATTA (Diamond Har- bour) Of course we are concerned about PROF MADHU DANDAVATE SIr, the happenings In Punjab but we are more really It IS a betrayal of the promise gIVen to concerned about the Press Reports about us the Cabinet deciSion to Impose President s rule In PubJab [ Trans/atlon] [Translation] MR SPEAKER Do not worry Whatever MR SPEAKER I have not received any I can do, I Will do 7 MAY 11,1987 8 [English) Jammu Division of the J&K State.
USAF Counterproliferation Center CPC Outreach Journal #1005
Issue No. 1005, 01 June 2012 Articles & Other Documents: Featured Article: U.S. General: As Long as Russia, China Have Nukes, So Will America 1. U.N. Report: Iran Gaining Ground with Controversial Uranium Plant 2. Iran Has Enough Uranium for Five Nuclear Weapons, Claims US Thinktank 3. Iran Plans to Build Two New Nuclear Power Plants 4. AEOI Head: Iran Not Convinced by IAEA to Allow Parchin Site's Visit 5. Iran Delays Launch of Observation Satellite 6. Enrichment 'Not a Step towards a Bomb': Ahmadinejad 7. Iran Produces Software to Detect and Neutralize Flame Virus 8. Russia to Build Second Reactor for Iran - Rosatom 9. Dennis Ross: Saudi King Vowed to Obtain Nuclear Bomb after Iran 10. Syria: West May Be Forced to Seize Bashar al-Assad's Toxic Gas Stockpile 11. Iran Clean-Up Won’t Hamper IAEA’s Bomb Hunt at Parchin 12. US Denies Reports it Parachuted Soldiers into North Korea 13. N.Korea Puts Nuclear Arms in Constitution 14. U.S. to 'Never' Accept N. Korea as Nuclear State: State Dept. 15. Experts Wary of Pakistan Nuke Claims 16. Pak's N-arsenal Deterred India from Carrying Out Attacks: Nawaz Sharif 17. Pakistan Test-Fires Nuclear Capable Short-Range Missile 18. India Declined to Sell Nuclear Technology to Iran, Iraq and Libya 19. Pakistan Test-Fires Nuclear-Capable Hatf-VIII Cruise Missile 20. Borey Submarine Contract Signed - Shipbuilding Corp. 21. Russian Ballistic Missiles to Cover Tracks 22. U.S. General: As Long as Russia, China Have Nukes, So Will America 23. NATO Airstrike Kills al-Qaida's No.
Development of Regional Politics in India: a Study of Coalition of Political Partib in Uhar Pradesh
DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL POLITICS IN INDIA: A STUDY OF COALITION OF POLITICAL PARTIB IN UHAR PRADESH ABSTRACT THB8IS SUBMITTED FOR THE AWARD OF THE DEGREE OF fioctor of ^IHloKoplip IN POLITICAL SaENCE BY TABRBZ AbAM Un<l«r tht SupMvMon of PBOP. N. SUBSAHNANYAN DEPARTMENT Of POLITICAL SCIENCE ALIGARH MUSLIM UNIVERSITY ALI6ARH (INDIA) The thesis "Development of Regional Politics in India : A Study of Coalition of Political Parties in Uttar Pradesh" is an attempt to analyse the multifarious dimensions, actions and interactions of the politics of regionalism in India and the coalition politics in Uttar Pradesh. The study in general tries to comprehend regional awareness and consciousness in its content and form in the Indian sub-continent, with a special study of coalition politics in UP., which of late has presented a picture of chaos, conflict and crise-cross, syndrome of democracy. Regionalism is a manifestation of socio-economic and cultural forces in a large setup. It is a psychic phenomenon where a particular part faces a psyche of relative deprivation. It also involves a quest for identity projecting one's own language, religion and culture. In the economic context, it is a search for an intermediate control system between the centre and the peripheries for gains in the national arena. The study begins with the analysis of conceptual aspect of regionalism in India. It also traces its historical roots and examine the role played by Indian National Congress. The phenomenon of regionalism is a pre-independence problem which has got many manifestation after independence. It is also asserted that regionalism is a complex amalgam of geo-cultural, economic, historical and psychic factors.
Conflict Between India and Pakistan Roots of Modern Conflict
Conflict between India and Pakistan Roots of Modern Conflict Conflict between India and Pakistan Peter Lyon Conflict in Afghanistan Ludwig W. Adamec and Frank A. Clements Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia John B. Allcock, Marko Milivojevic, and John J. Horton, editors Conflict in Korea James E. Hoare and Susan Pares Conflict in Northern Ireland Sydney Elliott and W. D. Flackes Conflict between India and Pakistan An Encyclopedia Peter Lyon Santa Barbara, California Denver, Colorado Oxford, England Copyright 2008 by ABC-CLIO, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, without prior permission in writing from the publishers. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Lyon, Peter, 1934– Conflict between India and Pakistan : an encyclopedia / Peter Lyon. p. cm. — (Roots of modern conflict) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-57607-712-2 (hard copy : alk. paper) ISBN 978-1-57607-713-9 (ebook) 1. India—Foreign relations—Pakistan—Encyclopedias. 2. Pakistan-Foreign relations— India—Encyclopedias. 3. India—Politics and government—Encyclopedias. 4. Pakistan— Politics and government—Encyclopedias. I. Title. DS450.P18L86 2008 954.04-dc22 2008022193 12 11 10 9 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Production Editor: Anna A. Moore Production Manager: Don Schmidt Media Editor: Jason Kniser Media Resources Manager: Caroline Price File Management Coordinator: Paula Gerard This book is also available on the World Wide Web as an eBook.