- RT/ MAnER peed POsL F.No.29-57/20 16-Estt./RTl Government of India Directorate of Extension Mini try of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Department of Agriculture Cooperation & Fanners Welfare Krishi Vi tar Bhavan IASRI Campu , Pu a, New Delhi -110012. Date<A the 1~·July 2016 To, Shri hyarn/al Yadav, The Indian Express, B-US Sector-IO Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar-20130 I, Uttar Pradesh. ub:-Supply of information under the Right to Information Act. 2005, application from Shri Shyamlal Yadav. Sir, I am to refer to your R I application received on dated 27.05.2016 through Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Fanners Welfares Ministry Agriculture & Fanners Welfare, Govt. of India, New Delhi seeking infonnation on the subject cited above under the RTI Act, 2005. As far as the Directorate of E tension, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Fanners Welfare, Government of India is concerned the infonnation is nc/osed at annexure. 2. It is to mention that the First Appeal, jf any, against th reply of CPIO may be made to the Fir t Appellate Authority within 30 days of receipt of this reply. The particular of the First Appellate Authority are a follows: H. P.S. Armorikar, Dir ctOT (ET), Department of agriculture, cooperation & farmers welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Fanners Welfare, Room No. 203, Krishi VISTAR Shavan, IA RI CAMPUS, PUSA, New Delhi-II 0012. 011-25843404 and e-mail [email protected] Yours raithfully, tn, r""~ ~..r p ..1";t-I?-t~ (Dr. Ramesh C~and) Joint Director (Extn.)& Central Public Infonnation fficer rc agwaJ70 ,:>gmail. 'om (Pb.Oll-2584 3787 and e-mailld=rcsagwaJ70 .gmail.com) Copy to: I. Sh. Vijay Rajm han Director (Extn.) & CPIO Extension Division, Department of Agriculture. Cooperation & armers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & armers Welfare Room No.ISS A. Krishi Bhavan, ew Delhi with reference to their letter 0.9-112016-Extn.lRTI (V.II) dated 20 June, 2016. mt. Rita Gadho k, Section Officer (RTI), Deptt. rAgri., CooperaLion & Fanners Welfare. \Y1. r. Technical Director (NIC), Department of Agriculture, ooperation & Farmers-Welfare. Mini try of Agriculture & Fanners Welfare, Room No.349, Krishi Bhavan, New Dt:lhi with the request Lo upload the RTf r ply. Annexure Sr. Quarry Reply No. 1. Detail f vacancy po ition in the central government in each As far as Directorate of Exten ion IS Group (A,B,C,D,E) for each category ( CST, aBC, General, concerned the delai I of vacallt post are Di"yang). I need this inn rmation as per any format of your as under: . convenience. A=6 B=13 C=49 No backlog vacanci for SC, T, aBC and Divyan~. "_. T0tal number of consultants working in the central government As far as Dire torate of E:ten ion I I concerned, one consultant is \Vorkin 1 III this Directorate. '1 -) . Copy of all letter the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) ha Doe not pertainto th i Dire torat . \0\ ritten to DoPT regarding the app intment of re erved category candidates in different Groups to file up the acancles reserved for those groups 4. Details of reservation policy being followed III th As far as Directorate of Extension I~ appointment in the government. concerned Specified guid lines of DoP&T i' being followed If1 thl' appointments of the consultants/contractual appointments. 5. Detail of steps the DoPT ha taken to ensure that representation Does Not pertain to thi Directorate. of each Group IS made in all appointments of re~ LJ la r/consuItants/contractua I. - 6. Please clarify hether the government departments have tarted Does Not pertain to thi Direct rate. rCl.:ruitment of consultants and appointments n COil tTactual ba is Just to av id the re ervati n policie framed by the I government time to time. .