Zones Infectées Au 30 Août 1984 for Criteria Used in Compiling This List, See No

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Zones Infectées Au 30 Août 1984 for Criteria Used in Compiling This List, See No Wkly Epidem Rec No. 3$ - 31 August 19&4 - 271 - Relevé èpidém hebd. : N? 35 - 31 août 1984 Infected Areas as on 30 August 1984 — Zones infectées au 30 août 1984 For criteria used in compiling this list, see No. 12, page 92 - Les critères appliques pour la compilation de cctïe liste sont publiés dans le N° 12, page 92. X Newly reported areas - Nouvelles zones PLAGUE - PESTE GHANA Deona District Samut Songkhram Province Africa — Afrique Central Region Etawah District Samut Songkhram Dismct Gonda District Saraburi Province MADAGASCAR Eastern Region Greater Accra (excL PA) Region Gorakhpur District Muak Lek District Antananarivo Province Volta Region Kanpur District Satun Province Antananarivo- Ville Western Region Lucknow Distnct Lnngu Dismct 3* * Arrondissement IVORY COAST - CÔTE D’IVOIRE Mathura District Saura Distnct Arivonunamo S. Prèf Muzapur Distnct Thung Wa District Manalalondo District Département de l'Ouest Moradabad Distnct T rang Province Ramvohitra S Préf Man S Prefecture Muzzaiarnagar District Kan tang Distnci Antananarivo 1 KENYA Pratapgarh Distnct Trang District Suavinandriana S. Prèf Nyanza Province Saharanpur Pijftnct Wang Wiset sub-District Ampefy District Kisumu Distnct Unnao District Van Ta Khao Distnct Ankaranana District South Nyanza District Varanasi Distnct VIET NAM Aniaoetibe District W est B engal S ta te Western Province Btnh Tn Thiêo Province Fiunaranlsua province Busia Distnci Calcutta Corporation Ambatofinandrahana S P rè f Hai Phong Province INDONESIA - INDONÉSIE Ambondromisotra District LIBERIA - LIBÉRIA Ho Chi Minb Ville Soavma District X Grand Bassa County Jakarta Autonomous Capital Area Muih Hai Province Ambohtmahasoa S Prèf Montserrado County Jakarta Barat (West) Municipality Phù Khanh Province Ambohimahasoa District MOZAMBIQUE Jakarta Pusat (Genual) Municipality Quang Ninh Province Ambositra S. Pref (excL Krmayoran airport) Tien Giang Province Maputo Province Jakarta Timur (East) Municipality Ambovombre Centre Maputo City Oceania - Priante Andina District (excL Halim Perdana Kusuma airport) Sofala Province Aceh Autonomous Area TRUST TERRITORY OF THE AnjmnananfühiTanq District Bcira City Aceh Barat Regency PACIFIC ISLANDS AnJujana District Dondo District Tsarasaotra District Aceh Be&ar Regency TERRITOIRES SOUS TUTELLE NIGER Fandriana S. Pref Aceh Tenggara Regency DES ÎLES DU PACIFIQUE Tsarazaza District i Niamey Département Aceh Timur Regency T ru k S ta te ' NIGEIUA - NIGERIA Aceh Utara (P) Regency Ta n z a n ia , u n it e d r e p . o f Banda Aceh Municipality Kaduna Slate TANZANIE. RÉP.-UNIE DE Pidie Regency Funtua Local Government Area Tanga Region Jawa Barat Province YELLOW FEVER - FIÈVRE JAUNE Lusboto Distnct RWANDA Ciiebon Regency A frica- Afrique ZAÏRE - ZAÏRE Kibuye Région Purwakarta Regency BURKINA FASO* Haui-Zaîrc Province SOUTH AFRICA Serang Regency Sumedang Regency Bagré AFRIQUE DU SUD Bittou Jawa Tengah Province America - Amériqne SWAZILAND Boussé BOLIVIA - BOLIVIE Pemalang Regency South East Area Semarang Municipality Comy-Yanga Fada N’Gourma Cercle La Pas Department Semarang Regency TANZANIA, UNITED REP. OF ' Houndè Franz Tamayo Province Jaw a Turner Province TANZANIE, RÉP.-UNIE DE Koupela BRAZIL - BRÉSIL Surabaya Municipality Arusha Region Manga Cercle Bahia State Arusha Distnct Kalimantan Tengah Province M atjalfnah fianlo Hulu Regency Riachào do Jacuipe Mumapio Coasi Region Ouaigaye Subdivision - Banto Utara Regency Santa Luz Murucipio Bagamayo Dtstnci Tenkodogo Cercle Semnha Municipio Gunung Mas Regency Dor es Salaam Region GAMBU-GAMBIE Ceara Siate X Dar es Salaam Distnct Kotawaringm Timur Regency Guaraciaba do None Municipio Jringa Region Kalimantan Timur Province Upper River Division Ipu Municipio innga District Samannda Mumqpality GHANA Ipuejras Municipio Kigoma Region Maluku Province Northern Region Ambon (P) Municipality Pacou Municipio Kigoma Distnct Bole Distnct Palmacia Municipio Kilimanjaro Region Maluku Tengah Regency West Gonja Distnct Minas Gerais Stale Moshi Distnct Maluku Tenggara Regency Coronel Muna Municipio Maluku Utara Regency (excL port) NIGERIA - NIGÉRIA Mwanga Distnct Kaduna Suie Rubelita Municipio Tanga Region Nusaienggara Barat Province Lombok Barat Regency Lagos Suie ECUADOR - ÉQUATEUR Handera Distnct Lushoto Distnct Lombok Tengah Regency SUDAN - SOUDAN Chimborazo Province Lombok Timur Regency Alau&j Canton Tanga Distnct Territory South o f 12* N. Nusaienggara Timur Province Temtoire situé au sud du 12* N PERU - PÉROU ZAÏRE-ZAÏRE Belu Regency ZAÏRE-ZAÏRE Cajainarca Department Kivu Province Flores Timur Regency Chota Province Shaba Province Sulawesi Tenggara Province Temtory North of 10* S. San Miguel Province Buton Regency Territoire situe au nord du 10* S. X San Gregono District Asia - Asie Kolaka Regency X San Miguel District Muna Regency * Formerly Upper Volta — INDU - INDE Ptura Department Sumatera Selatan Province Anciennement Haute Volta Ayabaca Province Andhra Pradesh State Ogan Komenng llir Regency Hyderabad Distnct X Paimas District MALAYSU - MALAISIE Delhi Territory America - Amérique Huancabamba Province Peninsular Malaysia Huancabamba District Karnataka (Mysore) State BOLIVIA - BOLIVIE Bangalore District Kedah State Fuira Province Beni Department Bellary District Kuala Muda H. District X Las Lomas District Baliivian Province Bidar Distnct Sabah Itenez Province Asia - Asie Chikmagalur Distnct Kota Kinabalu Dismct Cochabamba Department VIET NAM Chi trad urga Distnct Koiar Distnct PHILIPPINES Carrasco Province Dac Lac Province Chaparc Province Mandya Distnct Aldan Province Gta-Ui-CôngTum Province La Paz Department Mysore Distnct Cebu Province Làm Dông Province Larecaja Province Pbu Khanh Province South Kanara Distnct Coiabaio Province X Munilo Province Maharashtra State Davao City N or Yungas Province Akola District Iloilo Province Qurnuni Province CHOLERA - CHOLÉRA Amravau District Laguna Province Sud Yungas Province Africa - Afrique Aurangabad District Manila Metro Santa Cruz Department Nagpur District Mtsamia Oriental Province BENIN - BÉNIN Andrès Ibafiez Province Ratnagin Distnct Mountain Province Cordillera Province Atlantique Province Palawan Province Sangh Distnct Florida Province BURUNDI Thana Distnct Quezon Province Gutierrez Province Bujumbura Province Wharda Distnct Samar Province Ichiio Province Bujumbura Arrondissement Tamil Nadu State Sulu Province BRAZIL - BRÉSIL CAMEROON - CAMEROUN Chmgleput Distnct Zamboanga del Norte Province Province Littoral Madras Corporation Amazonas State THAILAND - THAÏLANDE Joào Figueiredo Municipio Mungo Département Madurai Distnct North Arcot Distnct Krabi Province Manaus Municipio Ekora-Nkam Arrondissement Pudukkottai Distnci Ko Lama District Maraâ Municipio Melong Arrondissement Province Nord Salem Dismct Nakhon Raidmtma. Province Nova OUnda do Noue Municipio South Arcot Distnct Nakhon Ratchasima Distnct Teie Municipio Benoue Departement Thanjavur District Phi mai Distnct Urucara Municipio Garoua Arrondissement Tiruchirapaili Distnct Nonihabun Province Maranhâo State Province Ouesi Tirunelvdii Distnct Nonthabun District Grajau Municipio Haut-Nkam Département Uttar Pradesh State Pak Kret Distnct Lago da Pedra Municipio Balang Arrondissement Agra Distnct Ranong Province Mato Grosso State EQUATORIAL GUINEA Aligarh Distnci Ranong Distnct Anlômo Joàp Municipio GUINEE ÉQUATORIALE Allahabad Dismct Samut Sakhon Province Campo Grande Municipio Fernando Poo Provinu Bara fiaola Dismct Samut Sakhon District Cuiabé Municipio Wkly Epidem. R eç. No. 35 - 31 August 1984 - 272 - Relevé èpidèm. hebd. : N° 35 - 31 août 1984 Jardim Municipio C asanare Intendencia J.C Castillo District Lamas Province Sidrolându Muiuapto Yopal Municipio P. Luyando District San José de Sisa Distnct Teraaos Municipio Cesar D epartm ent D A Robles District Mariscal Caceres Province Para S ta te Valledupar Municipio Jurun Department Juanjui Distnct Alenquer Municipio Cundmamarca Department S a tip o Province Tocache Distnct Altamin Municipio Maya Municipio Covinali District San Martin Province Araguaia Municipio Meta Intendencia Mazaman Distnct Tarapoto District Faro Mumapto Cabuyaro Municipio Satipo Distnct Tingo de Ponasa Distnct Monte Alegre M uwapio La Pnmavera Municipio L oreto D epartm ent U cayalt D epartm ent Prainha Municipio San Carlos de Cuaioa Municipio Alto Amazonas Province Atalaya Province Sâo rV>ming^>K do CtpH» Villavicçncio Municipio Morona District Raymonds Distnct Sen. Jose Porfino Municipio Santander Department Loreto Province Xinguara Municipality Riiraramnnp» Mnnirip n Tigre Distnct Rondoma State ECUADOR - ÉQUATEUR Macal Castilla Province Cacoal Muwapio Xaquerana District Roraima Territory Pastaza Province Curaçay Pansfa M adré d e D ios D epartm ent Ganmpo Mutum Mumdpio Manu Province FERU-PÉROU Madré de Dus Distnct COLOMBU - COLOMBIE Cuzco Department Tambopata Province Arauca Iniendenaa Huanuco Department Tambopata Distnct Saravena Municipio H uam alies Province San Martin Department Caqueté Iniendenaa Monson District Huailaga Province Belen de los Andaquies Municipio Leoncio Prado Province Bellavista District San Vicente del Caguan Municipio P Abad District San Pedro District NOTE ON GEOGRAPHICAL AREAS NOTE SUR LES UNITÉS GÉOGRAPHIQUES The form of presentation in the Weekly Epidemiological Record Il ne faudrait pas conclure de la présentation adoptée dans le Relevé does not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the World épidémiologique hebdomadaire que l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé Health Organization of the status or boundaries of the territories as admet ou reconnaît officiellement le statut
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