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Management Analysis Journal 9 (1) (2020) Management Analysis Journal 9 (1) (2020) Management Analysis Journal The Analysis of Electronic Word of Mouth, Destination Image, and Visiting Decision on Satisfaction Muhammad Arif Kurniawan, Ida Maftukhah Management Department, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia Article Information Abstract Article History: The purpose of this study was to find out the influence of electronic word of mouth Received January 2020 and destination image on satisfaction through the visiting decision to the visitors Approved February 2020 of Banjarejo Tourism Village. The population in this study were all visitors of the Published March 2020 Banjarejo Tourism Village. The total of samples was 120 respondents with inciden- Keywords: tal sampling techniques through a Likert scale questionnaire. The data collection Electronic Word of method used a questionnaire. Data analysis used classical assumption test and hy- Mouth, pothesis test (t-test and path analysis) with SPSS 25 statistical version. The results Destination Image, showed that electronic word of mouth had a positive influence and significant on Visiting Decision, Visitor visitor satisfaction, destination image had a positive influence and significant on Satisfaction, Banjarejo. visitor satisfaction, visiting decision had a positive influence and significant on visi- tor satisfaction, and the visiting decision mediated the influence of electronic word of mouth and destination image on visitor satisfaction. INTRODUCTION will affect the choice of destination, and con- sumption of products and services (Kozak & Indonesia has great tourism potential and Rimmington, 2000). can be an attraction for domestic and foreign Satisfaction is one of the important factors tourist visits (Priatmoko, 2017). This great poten- expected by consumers in purchasing a product tial should be well managed to compete at the lo- or service (Farida, 2014). By giving satisfaction cal and international levels. The ability of an area to customer, customer tends to be loyal, and even to manage its tourism objects will provide a large invites others to use products or services that have advantage for the area concerned (Putra, 2017). given satisfaction to them (Permana, 2013). The- The tourism business can increase income from refore, the tourism places’ manager needs to try both local and foreign tourists (Purnama 2014). to give satisfaction to every tourism place visitors The tourism business has now been growing, so they can compete with other tourist destina- accompanied by competition between managers tions.There are many variables that can influence of tourist destinations which are increasingly visitor satisfaction, one of them is the electronic stringent and competing to increase the number word of mouth (EWOM) variable. Hennig-Thu- of tourist visits (Putri te al., 2012). One of the rau te al. (2004) explained what is the electronic important factors that can make a tourist desti- word of mouth (EWOM), it is a positive and ne- nation competitive is visitor satisfaction. Visitor gative statement made by potential, actual, or for- satisfaction is very important for the company’s mer customers about a product or company that success in marketing a destination because this is available made to many people and institutions © 2019 Universitas Negeri Semarang Correspondence Address: e-ISSN 2252-6552 L2 Building, 1st Floor, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Semarang Jalan Taman Siswa, Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang, 50229 E-mail: [email protected] Muhammad Arif Kurniawan & Ida Maftukhah/ Management Analysist Journal 9 (1) 2020 through the internet. EWOM is digitalization of that electronic word of mouth had no significant traditional WOM, if WOM is delivered directly influence on visiting decision. from one party to another, so the delivery of the Besides studies on electronic word of electronic word of mouth requires intermediary mouth on visiting decision that have differences, media through electronic media (Humaira & Wi- studies on destination image of visiting decision bowo, 2016). The more often and positive WOM also had different results. Study conducted by Za- consumers do on social media, it shows the gre- kia and Farida (2016) in the Kudus Colo tourism ater level of consumer satisfaction in a tourism place proved that destination image variables place. (Putra, 2017). had a significant influence on visiting decision. Besides electronic word of mouth, another So the study conducted by Hania (2016) on Batu variable that can affect visitor satisfaction is desti- City tourists, it showed that there was a positive nation image. Etchner (2003) explained what is a influence between destination image on the deci- destination image, it is the perception of potential sion to visit Batu City. While study conducted by tourists towards a destination. The better image Suwarduki, et al (2016) on the active followers of of tourism can increase tourist satisfaction (Sang- the Instagram account Indtravel who had visited kaeng et al., 2015). tourist destinations in Indonesia showed that the There are suspected factors that can me- destination image had no significant influence on diate between electronic word of mouth and visiting decision. destination image of visitor satisfaction, one of Previous studies on electronic word of them is the visitng decision. The visiting deci- mouth with visitor satisfaction also had a gap in sion is the process by which a visitor evaluates research results. Study conducted by Putra (2017) and selects one alternative needed based on cer- on Yogyakarta Special Region tourists showed tain considerations (Aprilia, 2015). According to that electronic word of mouth had a significant Hasan and Setiyaningtiyas (2015) the electronic influence on satisfaction. However, study con- word of mouth that develops on social media can ducted by Paludi (2016) at the Betawi Cultural influence tourist visiting decision. Destination Village (PBB) of Setu Babakan South Jakarta image also has a role in influencing tourist visi- showed that the electronic word of mouth variab- ting decision, according to Hanif et al. (2016), he le showed a negative influence and not significant said that the destination image in general has an on visitor satisfaction. important role that influences the perception of So the study related to the destination ima- individuals in choosing tourist destinations. Then ge and its relationship with visitor satisfaction the tourists visiting decisions can influence the vi- conducted by several previous researchers whose sitor satisfaction as said by Ardiani and Murwati- results were different. Study on destination image ningsih (2017), she said that the visiting decision with visitor satisfaction conducted by Alqurneh et to utilize the tourism place is an event that leads al. (2002) on Jordanian dead sea visitors showed visitors to achieve satisfaction. Pitana (2005) also that destination image had a significant influence explained that the traveling decision is basically a on visitor satisfaction. So the study conducted by "purchase" decision, which is to spend money to Hanif et al., (2016) on Batu City tourists showed get satisfaction. that destination image had a significant influence Some of previous studies that examined on visitor satisfaction. While study conducted by the visiting decision and visitor satisfaction as- Sundari (2015) on Samosir Regency tourists sho- sociated with the EWOM factor and destination wed that the destination image had no significant image having different results. Previous study on influence on visitor satisfaction. electronic word of mouth with a visiting decisi- According to researchers, one of the inter- on conducted by (Widyanto et al., 2017). with a esting objects to study is Banjarejo Tourism Villa- case study of visitors to Hawai Waterpark Ma- ge. Banjarejo Tourism Village is located in Gabus lang with the results of electronic word of mouth District, Grobogan Regency. Banjarejo Tourism was significantly influence the visitng decision Village has a Fossil House, Ganesha Sleeping Park at Hawai Waterpark Malang. The same result , Medang Site, and Buran Londo. According to was also shown in a study conducted by Muly- researchers from the Yogyakarta Archaeological ati (2018) to tourists in Bukit Tinggi, it indicated Center, Sugeng Riyanto, there are at least four ci- that electronic word of mouth had a significant vilization eras that have been existing in the Ban- influence on visiting decision. While study con- jarejo region based on objects that had been found ducted by Suwarduki et al. (2016) on active follo- by citizens, namely the ancient era, the Megalithic wers of the Instagram account Indtravel who had era, the Hindu-Buddhist era, and the early entry visited tourist destinations in Indonesia showed of Islam. Having a site from four different civiliza- 73 Muhammad Arif Kurniawan & Ida Maftukhah/ Management Analysist Journal 9 (1) 2020 tions is unique in Banjarejo Tourism Village. The Hypothesis Development uniqueness of a tourism place is an indicator of The Relation of Electronic Word of Mouth the destination image (Qu et al., 2011). with Visitor Satisfaction The Banjarejo Tourism Village's manager EWOM is the digitalization of traditional also tries continuously to promote on social me- WOM. If WOM is delivered directly from one dia, which is Instagram using the @desawisata- party to another, the delivery of the electronic banjarejo account by uploading photos and videos
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