DOUBLE S STAMPS 4 O’Clock This Morning
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‘V . ■ ■■ V ...... MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1 9 « PAOB TWENTY A ren g e Dally Net Pren Ron Th«, Weather , iiattri :D(ntna HfValb Fer tbe Week Ended ■ / Feiwbaet of 8. W eitber B o r W MarrhS, lS6t Sea\y Snovr WaralBfl fUiow^ John Mather Chapter, Order o f - Gregory Frey, eon of Mr. ‘ and Now Many Woor strong wlnda oontinnlM toftlalit,. DeMcdayv will install oAcers to Mm. Stephen Freif, 140 Summit Miss Cyr Honor< 13,549 tapering off to flnnlee Wedneaday. About Town St.; has been named to thfr dean's night at 7:30 at the Masonic Tetn- FALSE TEETH Meonber 4tf the Audit Aoonmabitioit 6 or mere hicllMa. ple^ The public is imited. list at| Proviijnce College, Provi- . At BHdal P Low tonight near Mutchectcr Emblem Club; will denjce, R.I., where he is a fresh- With Moro Comfort Baraan of Cbvolatlptt Mancheater—~A City of Village Charm meet Wednesday at:S p.m. ut the David H. Custer, .fireman, I ’SN, mgu, majoring In. raathentatlcs. He' ’ ■ .... K Of C Hall to elect officers for Two bridal .showers given rASTEETH. a plMsant alkaline son o f Mr. and Mrs. Harrj' A, Cus is a 1961 gfaduate of Manchester (non-sclil) powder, bolds false tsetb ir the coming year. 'Members are re High School. recently for Miss Claire Cyr } X mJnty'To tnd talk in m ge minded to hring articles for a rum ter, 159 Hilliard St., is serving comfort, just sprtnkl# a UMla VOL. LXXXI, NO. 131 fFOURTEEN PAUES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1962 (CUaelfled Adrerttslng nn Page 12) PRICE FIVE aboard the amphibious assault of Vvest Hartford, fUui' Paul t e e t h oil TOUT p is t* ! mage sale'. Hostesses for a social kooey. pssty taste or feallns. Chwka ship, USS Princeton, operating as Manchester GrangA will meet. J. Rossetto of Man< hour will be Mrs- RolUe Thomp- Wednesday at 8 p.m: in Orange "piste odor” (dentuxis breath). Get a Unit of the Seventh Fleet in the , A showter was given/Feb. 28 it E^STEETH St sny drug counter. , eon, Mrs. Prancls Sullivan and Hall. First and second degrees Mrs, John OaglancHo. Western Pacific. The ship and the home of Mr.^ Rojfisetto's par crew visited Hong Kong duHng will he conferred. ents. Mr,, and Mrs. Joseph Rotiset- Membws of Mystic Review, the Chinese New Year celebrations to. 58 Delmont St., Manchester, -by Woman’s 'Bencftl Association, will In January. The Mothers Club of Second Mrs. Charles E. Lindsey, 152 Tan meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Congregational Church will hold ner- St.. - sister of the bridegroom- When yoi;r dbetur aska wlure lOOF Hall.i Members are reminded Tlie monthly meeting of the Its second annual Gourmet Supper to-be, and Mrs. Robert Dabate. 16 yon want your prescription flU- to bring articles for a cup auction. British- Americ|ui Club iviU be tomorrow' at 7 p.ifi. in Fellowship Irving St., aunt of the bridegrodm- rd . any - - • HAtXMARK Mrs. William Tuller. Mrs. Ray held tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the club Hall at the church'. After the sup to-'be. PHARMACY. Free delivery* mond Gamble and Mrs. Joseph house, Maple St. per. Mrs. Rita Betko will present > .Ml 9-2861 a demonstration In water colors. About 40 friends and relatives Goulet will be in charge of refresh ,1 attended. Decorations were pink ments. , • The Fellowcraft Club of Man and white and Miss Cyr sat be chester Lodge of-Masons will'meet Army P\'t. Steven T. Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. FVank T. Rob neath a pink umbrella decorated The tjleWoIf Art Guild will hold at 7:30 tonight in the Masonic with flowers and ivy to open her Temple. After the business meet erts. 43 S. Main. St, rCcemtly pdr- a and work meeting tlcipated in Exercise Long Thnist gifts. Wetocsday at .10 am. at Mott's ing, a film, about old New Eng A Jack and Jtll shower was land, will be shown. II, a month-long field training ma Community Hail. neuver ip Germany. Pvt. Roberts, given last night for the couple at VI/// 18, « .art, smlitfraiice'driver ip the the FY'ench Social Club in Hart Hose and t»dder Co. No>l of the The ArmyrNavy' Auxiliary will ford by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ouel-, sponsor a card party tonight at 8 .165th Medical Company In Baum- Town Fire Department will bold,a holder. Germany, - He attended lette of Hartford, brother-in-law mmithly meeting tomorrow at > at the clubhouse on Main St. Tlie Manchester High School, entered and sister of the bride-elect, and p.m, at the hose house, Pine St, auxlliaiw will meet Wednesday at Mr. and Mrs. Andy Daigle of Hart CIA DeClares|Situation Still Critical 8 p.^fi>.mr a kitchen social after a the Army in June 1961 and com State News and Hartford Rd. pleted basic training at Ford Ord, ford. Threatens husineas''se,ssion at the Members srS reminded to bring ar Calif. Mias Cyr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferguson, 78 For- Mrs. J. William C.vr, 47 Lexington 112 p u « Lived T i d e s fist St., and .Mrs. Warren How ticles for tha social. Refreahments Roundup will be sciwed. Mancheateri Lodge of Masmia Rd.. West Hartford, and Mr. land, 49 Constance Dr., were ad Rossetto will be married April 28 mitted to memberslilp at a meet will meet tolnorrow at 7:30 p.m. Up to Contract Northeast •Anderson Shea, VJiV, will at the Maa<]lnlc Temple. The en at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, ing of the Cosmopolitan Club Fri West Hartford. day afternoon in the Federation meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the tered apprentice degree will be post home for the nomi'naUon and conferred with Junior Warden Carl Milford Man, 69, WASHINGTON (AP) — Room at Center Congregational The Central Intelligence Church, Miss Millicent Jones pre election of officers. t5.''Hultgren presiding. There will Held, Charged Hammer Coa8Hl^e\Shoreline sented slides and commentary on be a social hour and refreshments. Agency reported today tliat native wild flowers. Tea was The executive board of the Guild U2 pilot Francis Gary Powers jof Our Lady of St. Bartholomew’A _ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS served by the hospitality commit Blackmail lived up to the terms of hi.a By THE ASvSOCIATED PRESS .»-.:ut Turnpike and broke a window tee of which Mis. C. H. Ferguson ’ pari.Mi will 'meet tomorrow at 1 T 't« fid » lr m a store on Bsst Main St The populous East, relative p.m. at the rcctorv. 741 F„ Middle » V I A 1 I I I H. LEGLERC . ,.TT.TTr,^r~r. n, « employment and his obliga- Gusty winds whipped high Is chairman, with Mrs. N. B. Along the .shdre. rain and high ly unscathed by winter this - Thrall as I Tpke. , FUNERAL HOME DANBURY (AP)-Harold ti,,'ks an American. tides ashore in Connecticut wind.s were reported But, in Sniacks Gar, Pole E. Bassett, 69, Milford, has | The House Armed Services Gom today and forced scores of Hartford, snow started to fajl be year, was hit by a late season I Regina D'ltaha Society will ^FUNERAL been arrested on charges of mittee made public the report On I'esidents to leave their homes. fore noon. .storm of great fury today. It ; meet a,l the Ithlian American Club John Olek-tlw looks over his framed VFW hat, one of several A Manchester truck driver failed / ■ p l o l y q i yat gifts presented him Saturday at a testimonial marking his re MORIARTY blackmailing merchants in pilot whose plane Several famille.s were evacuated Tlie storm warning.*! forced esn- staggered a vast region, bor i tonight at 7:30. In an attempt to stop his runaw^v^j ^ X Rnflval came down deep within the Soviet tirement after 11 years of service to the Department of Con SERVICE Danbury and Bethel. union in May m o. In Fairfield fand- .Norwalk. One cellallon of .semi-final games In dered on the south by Ala Personal Notices truck Saturday as it rolled downbui ‘ ^ •» TB'Vl 'Wr family left Its home In Old Green-' the Connecticut Interscholasllc I .Mias Judith H. Rhode.a, daugh- necticut VFW. Adrian Grobsmtth, wearing the hat o f national He was picked -up ln_ Stratford on an exhaustive invesli- bama and threatened New across Henderson Rd. and rnu^ed' K m r w V l / convention director, was guest speaker, and Joseph Jelsovsky,. WALTER N. BROTHERS wich. All State Civil Defense areal I ter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Rhode.s. ; into a parked car. / T X ▼▼ LECLERC yesterday, on a Circuit Court war gallon by the CIA' and sn advisory England, with a pummeling M.-vnehester po-sl oommandcr, was a co-chairman of the event. rant charging him with five counts nffirea were plar<(d on a atandby (Unntlnued on Page Seven) In IVlemariam [ 1.5 Plymouth Lane, and a [ Harold A. Fyler. 44, ot -^2 N, _ _ Director board, the report cleared Powers alert. , | as it swirled northeastward. Tn lovins mv husbanit. man at Bryn MawT College, par (Herald photo by Pinto.) 301 CENTER ST. of blackmail and one pf obtaining- of yielding under pressure to tell Capt. Jof! M. .Nichols, who papuf'd awai-- ! School .St„ driver of a traptor truck About 1.50 friends’ and relatives. lAiwland Mreets in many areas: - The scene-along the aeahoard:.