‘V . ■ ■■ V ...... MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1 9 « PAOB TWENTY A ren g e Dally Net Pren Ron Th«, Weather , iiattri :D(ntna HfValb Fer tbe Week Ended ■ / Feiwbaet of 8. W eitber B o r W MarrhS, lS6t Sea\y Snovr WaralBfl fUiow^ John Mather Chapter, Order o f - Gregory Frey, eon of Mr. ‘ and Now Many Woor strong wlnda oontinnlM toftlalit,. DeMcdayv will install oAcers to­ Mm. Stephen Freif, 140 Summit Miss Cyr Honor< 13,549 tapering off to flnnlee Wedneaday. About Town St.; has been named to thfr dean's night at 7:30 at the Masonic Tetn- FALSE TEETH Meonber 4tf the Audit Aoonmabitioit 6 or mere hicllMa. ple^ The public is imited. list at| Proviijnce College, Provi- . At BHdal P Low tonight near Mutchectcr Emblem Club; will denjce, R.I., where he is a fresh- With Moro Comfort Baraan of Cbvolatlptt Mancheater—~A City of Village Charm meet Wednesday at:S p.m. ut the David H. Custer, .fireman, I ’SN, mgu, majoring In. raathentatlcs. He' ’ ■ .... K Of C Hall to elect officers for Two bridal .showers given rASTEETH. a plMsant alkaline son o f Mr. and Mrs. Harrj' A, Cus­ is a 1961 gfaduate of Manchester (non-sclil) powder, bolds false tsetb ir the coming year. 'Members are re­ High School. recently for Miss Claire Cyr } X mJnty'To tnd talk in m ge minded to hring articles for a rum­ ter, 159 Hilliard St., is serving comfort, just sprtnkl# a UMla VOL. LXXXI, NO. 131 fFOURTEEN PAUES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 1962 (CUaelfled Adrerttslng nn Page 12) PRICE FIVE aboard the amphibious assault of Vvest Hartford, fUui' Paul t e e t h oil TOUT p is t* ! mage sale'. Hostesses for a social kooey. pssty taste or feallns. Chwka ship, USS Princeton, operating as Manchester GrangA will meet. J. Rossetto of Man< hour will be Mrs- RolUe Thomp- Wednesday at 8 p.m: in Orange "piste odor” (dentuxis breath). Get a Unit of the Seventh Fleet in the , A showter was given/Feb. 28 it E^STEETH St sny drug counter. , eon, Mrs. Prancls Sullivan and Hall. First and second degrees Mrs, John OaglancHo. Western Pacific. The ship and the home of Mr.^ Rojfisetto's par­ crew visited Hong Kong duHng will he conferred. ents. Mr,, and Mrs. Joseph Rotiset- Membws of Mystic Review, the Chinese New Year celebrations to. 58 Delmont St., Manchester, -by Woman’s 'Bencftl Association, will In January. The Mothers Club of Second Mrs. Charles E. Lindsey, 152 Tan­ meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Congregational Church will hold ner- St.. - sister of the bridegroom- When yoi;r dbetur aska wlure lOOF Hall.i Members are reminded Tlie monthly meeting of the Its second annual Gourmet Supper to-be, and Mrs. Robert Dabate. 16 yon want your prescription flU- to bring articles for a cup auction. British- Americ|ui Club iviU be tomorrow' at 7 p.ifi. in Fellowship Irving St., aunt of the bridegrodm- rd . any - - • HAtXMARK Mrs. William Tuller. Mrs. Ray­ held tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the club­ Hall at the church'. After the sup­ to-'be. PHARMACY. Free delivery* mond Gamble and Mrs. Joseph house, Maple St. per. Mrs. Rita Betko will present > .Ml 9-2861 a demonstration In water colors. About 40 friends and relatives Goulet will be in charge of refresh­ ,1 attended. Decorations were pink ments. , • The Fellowcraft Club of Man­ and white and Miss Cyr sat be­ chester Lodge of-Masons will'meet Army P\'t. Steven T. Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. FVank T. Rob­ neath a pink umbrella decorated The tjleWoIf Art Guild will hold at 7:30 tonight in the Masonic with flowers and ivy to open her Temple. After the business meet­ erts. 43 S. Main. St, rCcemtly pdr- a and work meeting tlcipated in Exercise Long Thnist gifts. Wetocsday at .10 am. at Mott's ing, a film, about old New Eng­ A Jack and Jtll shower was land, will be shown. II, a month-long field training ma­ Community Hail. neuver ip Germany. Pvt. Roberts, given last night for the couple at VI/// 18, « .art, smlitfraiice'driver ip the the FY'ench Social Club in Hart­ Hose and t»dder Co. No>l of the The ArmyrNavy' Auxiliary will ford by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ouel-, sponsor a card party tonight at 8 .165th Medical Company In Baum- Town Fire Department will bold,a holder. Germany, - He attended lette of Hartford, brother-in-law mmithly meeting tomorrow at > at the clubhouse on Main St. Tlie Manchester High School, entered and sister of the bride-elect, and p.m, at the hose house, Pine St, auxlliaiw will meet Wednesday at Mr. and Mrs. Andy Daigle of Hart­ CIA DeClares|Situation Still Critical 8 p.^fi>.mr a kitchen social after a the Army in June 1961 and com­ State News and Hartford Rd. pleted basic training at Ford Ord, ford. Threatens husineas''se,ssion at the clubhou.se. Members srS reminded to bring ar­ Calif. Mias Cyr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ferguson, 78 For- Mrs. J. William C.vr, 47 Lexington 112 p u « Lived T i d e s fist St., and .Mrs. Warren How­ ticles for tha social. Refreahments Roundup will be sciwed. Mancheateri Lodge of Masmia Rd.. West Hartford, and Mr. land, 49 Constance Dr., were ad­ Rossetto will be married April 28 mitted to memberslilp at a meet­ will meet tolnorrow at 7:30 p.m. Up to Contract Northeast •Anderson Shea Po.il, VJiV, will at the Maa<]lnlc Temple. The en­ at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, ing of the Cosmopolitan Club Fri­ West Hartford. day afternoon in the Federation meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the tered apprentice degree will be post home for the nomi'naUon and conferred with Junior Warden Carl Milford Man, 69, WASHINGTON (AP) — Room at Center Congregational The Central Intelligence Church, Miss Millicent Jones pre­ election of officers. t5.''Hultgren presiding. There will Held, Charged Hammer Coa8Hl^e\Shoreline sented slides and commentary on be a social hour and refreshments. Agency reported today tliat native wild flowers. Tea was The executive board of the Guild U2 pilot Francis Gary Powers jof Our Lady of St. Bartholomew’A _ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS served by the hospitality commit­ Blackmail lived up to the terms of hi.a By THE ASvSOCIATED PRESS .»-.:ut Turnpike and broke a window tee of which Mis. C. H. Ferguson ’ pari.Mi will 'meet tomorrow at 1 T 't« fid » lr m a store on Bsst Main St The populous East, relative­ p.m. at the rcctorv. 741 F„ Middle » V I A 1 I I I H. LEGLERC . ,.TT.TTr,^r~r. n, « employment and his obliga- Gusty winds whipped high Is chairman, with Mrs. N. B. Along the .shdre. rain and high ly unscathed by winter this - Thrall as hoste.ss. I Tpke. , FUNERAL HOME DANBURY (AP)-Harold ti,,'ks an American. tides ashore in Connecticut wind.s were reported But, in Sniacks Gar, Pole E. Bassett, 69, Milford, has | The House Armed Services Gom­ today and forced scores of Hartford, snow started to fajl be­ year, was hit by a late season I Regina D'ltaha Society will ^FUNERAL been arrested on charges of mittee made public the report On I'esidents to leave their homes. fore noon. .storm of great fury today. It ; meet a,l the Ithlian American Club John Olek-tlw looks over his framed VFW hat, one of several A Manchester truck driver failed / ■ p l o l y q i yat gifts presented him Saturday at a testimonial marking his re­ MORIARTY blackmailing merchants in pilot whose plane Several famille.s were evacuated Tlie storm warning.*! forced esn- staggered a vast region, bor­ i tonight at 7:30. In an attempt to stop his runaw^v^j ^ X Rnflval came down deep within the Soviet tirement after 11 years of service to the Department of Con­ SERVICE Danbury and Bethel. union in May m o. In Fairfield fand- .Norwalk. One cellallon of .semi-final games In dered on the south by Ala­ Personal Notices truck Saturday as it rolled downbui ‘ ^ •» TB'Vl 'Wr family left Its home In Old Green-' the Connecticut Interscholasllc I .Mias Judith H. Rhode.a, daugh- necticut VFW. Adrian Grobsmtth, wearing the hat o f national He was picked -up ln_ Stratford Ba.se(l on an exhaustive invesli- bama and threatened New across Henderson Rd. and rnu^ed' K m r w V l / convention director, was guest speaker, and Joseph Jelsovsky,. WALTER N. BROTHERS wich. All State Civil Defense areal I ter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Rhode.s. ; into a parked car. / T X ▼▼ LECLERC yesterday, on a Circuit Court war­ gallon by the CIA' and sn advisory England, with a pummeling M.-vnehester po-sl oommandcr, was a co-chairman of the event. rant charging him with five counts nffirea were plar<(d on a atandby (Unntlnued on Page Seven) In IVlemariam [ 1.5 Plymouth Lane, and a fre.sh- [ Harold A. Fyler. 44, ot -^2 N, _ _ Director board, the report cleared Powers alert. , | as it swirled northeastward. Tn lovins mv husbanit. man at Bryn MawT College, par­ (Herald photo by Pinto.) 301 CENTER ST. of blackmail and one pf obtaining- of yielding under pressure to tell Capt. Jof! M. .Nichols, who papuf'd awai-- ! School .St„ driver of a traptor truck About 1.50 friends’ and relatives. lAiwland Mreets in many areas: - The scene-along the aeahoard:.
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