Official Publication of the Polish Roman Catholic Union of America - The Oldest Polish American Fraternal Since 1873 No. 5 - Vol. CXXIV May 1, 2010 - 1 maja 2010 Happy ANNOUNCEMENT Mother’s The PRCUA Task Force, established at the 59th Quadrennial Convention, has announced that the FINAL DRAFT of Day the updated PRCUA Constitution and By-Laws, as directed by the Convention Delegates, will be available for viewing and in mid-May. All who wish to review the FINAL DRAFT can sign up to be notified May when it is published on the PRCUA website. To sign up to view a downloadable PDF, please visit the All PRCUA Task Force web page at: Those without a computer can call Mothers the Home Office at 1-800-772-8632 to be listed to receive the FINAL DRAFT via Be U.S. Mail when it becomes available. Please forward questions or comments regarding the FINAL DRAFT Blessed to the Task Force by email to:
[email protected] or send them by U.S. mail to: Christopher Ozog PRCUA Task Force Secretary 30247 Groveland Madison Heights, MI 48071 - PRCUA TASK FORCE PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT CHICAGO, IL PRCUA Offers Condolences on Polish President’s Death Adalbert Cemetery in Niles, IL - all of whom worked closely Message from the President with Poles in the United States of America. National President Wallace M. Ozog, the Executive Throughout history, Poland has demonstrated incredible Committee, Board of Directors and members of the Polish resilience in times of adversity; surely it will continue to do so Roman Catholic Union of America (PRCUA) extend their now, in light of this terrible calamity.