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Yes! has its game on in the industry

March 10, 2020

Since Glenmont, NY-based New York Apple Sales’ launch of its new Yes! Apples’ branding initiative at the 2019 Produce Marketing Fresh Summit in Anaheim, CA, last October, the new and exciting consumer brand continues to spread the news about its extensive line of premium quality apple varieties being offered under the attractive and eye-catching new banner.

Vice President of Marketing Jim Allen told The Produce News that the initiative is moving forward at breakneck speed to let retailers and consumers know that the Yes! Apples banner is not only a great consumer selling tool, but it also steps up to help resolve the confusion many consumers today face in making their apple-purchasing decisions because of the numerous varieties on the market.

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Yes! Apples boxes now on retailers’ shelves.“Everyone has a favorite, or a few favorite, apple varieties,” said Allen. “Many are proprietary and so are sold only under their brand names. New York Apple Sales sells New York State proprietary varieties; SnapDragon and RubyFrost. And we sell the KORU and EverCrisp varieties, which are also grown in places outside of New York.”

“Still, there remains a large number of popular apple varieties that have previously been sold under company names or brands,” he continued.

“Yes! Apples brings a fresh, new brand and logo to produce departments that consumers can rely on, and still have their favorite varieties.”

New York Apple Sales’ Yes! Apples brand includes always popular varieties such as , , , McIntosh, Pink Lady, , Smitten, SweeTango, EverCrisp, RubyFrost and others.

Allen said the new brand is the result of extensive consumer research, market analysis, customer focus groups and survey panels to help identify the best messaging to influence consumer decisions.

He pointed out that at a consumer event following the PMA Fresh Summit last year in California, visitors flocked to the NYAS’ booth to check out the excitement.

“The answer was clear,” noted Allen. “YES! Apples is a fresh look with a contemporary design that fits well into the buying habits and preferences of today’s consumers. Everyone, including millennials, react to product messaging that addresses their interests and typically includes a reason to purchase.”

In its new brand messaging, NYAS calls out that its family business has been involved in the apple business since 1919. And the company has been owned and operated by women since 1999.

It has established decades of history and roots in New York state, and is looked upon as a leading supplier, which is attested to by its many long-time and dedicated growing partners in New York and far beyond, including offshore producers.

The Yes! Apple brand initiative, however, emphasizes locally grown.

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“The Yes! Apple brand affirms fresh, local and juicy,” said Allen.

“The new name is being used on packaging and in promotional materials. New York Apple Sales is the exclusive distributor of Yes! Apples.”


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