by Karey Kirkpatrick & Chris Poché

current revisions by Jay Scherick & David Ronn Weinstock


Aug. 16 2013 c smurf III 12 EXT. SMURF VILLAGE - DAY (SHORTLY AFTER SMURFS 2 ENDS) A big banner reads “Welcome Vexy and Hackus!” Like an Amish barn raising, the entire village of Smurfs is busy building TWO NEW MUSHROOMS for the new arrivals. NARRATOR (O.S.) For years and years it was just Papa and his 99 Smurfs. Then came to make it an even 100. And now, two new Smurfs, rescued from the evil clutches of , have joined the fold. The CAMERA finds NARRATOR SMURF walking through the village. NARRATOR The whole village has gathered to build them homes of their own - except me of course - because I’m the “vocal talent”. He passes by the construction site of Vexy’s new mushroom. VEXY is there with BRAINY - who stands underneath the overhang holding BLUEPRINTS. VEXY I get that it’s supposed to look like a mushroom, Brainy - but isn’t that too much overhang? BRAINYWeinstock Nonsense. According to my calculations, there’s more than enough structural buttressing here to support... WHAM! - the overhang drops, CRASHING on Brainy - covering him in a pile Marcof rubble. VEXY (calling into rubble) I’m sorry. I can’t hear you from under all that “buttressing”. OVER BY HACKUS’ MUSHROOM - HANDY is discussing design with Hackus. HANDY So what’re you thinkin’, Hackus? Shitake style? Or more of a traditional Portobello? scherick & ronn 2.

Hackus has no idea. Just then JOKEY comes up and offers his hand to shake. JOKEY Welcome to the village, Hackus. HACKUS shakes and - BZZZT - JOY BUZZER!! The shock ripples through his body. Jokey LAUGHS HYSTERICALLY. Hackus is confused. Reflexively he GRABS Jokey by the neck. Jokey’s EYES BUG OUT. Gutsy rushes over. GUTSY Easy, Hackus - that’s just Jokey smurfin’ one of his pranks. You know -- it’s funny. Hackus takes Jokey’s hand with the buzzer and places it on JOKEY’S FOREHEAD. The current ripples through Jokey’s entire body - giving him a ridiculous “HIGH-VOLTAGE” FACE. HACKUS Ohhhhh... Is Funny! Ha Ha Ha! OVER BY VEXY’S NEW MUSHROOM - Vexy is with Smurfette, still trying to figure everything out. VEXY So you guys all live here, in the same village? SMURFETTE Yeah, except Weinstockfor Stinky Smurf, who lives way over there. WHIP PAN TO A MUSHROOM WAY UP ON A HILL - STINKY SMURF stands at the door - a VISIBLE CLOUD OF STINK surrounds him. He lifts his arm to wave, takes a whiff of his armpit, and... WHAM! - passes out cold. MarcSMURFETTE It’s really the best place for him. Baker PUSHES A CART through the construction hub-bub. BAKER Snack cart! Coming through! Cupcakes for everyone! GREEDY I’ll take seven! To start! Greedy approaches. Baker stops him. scherick & ronn 3.

BAKER Whoa-whoa-whoa! Stay right there, Greedy. Handy made me a new delivery system so nobody has to stop working to do their snacking. Baker PRESSES A BUTTON and a mechanical swinging arm gently LOBS A CUPCAKE right to Greedy - who catches it. COOL! All start calling for cupcakes. ALL THE SMURFS I’ll take one!/Me too!/Over here! Baker lobs them over to the Smurfs. What an invention! Clumsy is fascinated. He comes over for a closer look. CLUMSY That’s smurftastic. How does it... Just then Clumsy TRIPS and... CRASHES INTO Baker’s cart - SLAMMING DOWN a gear lever past the RED LINE. Uh-oh. BAKER Take cover!! Suddenly the cupcake arm GOES CRAZY - FIRING CUPCAKES like a GATLING GUN - SHOOTING them in EVERY DIRECTION. Cupcakes are WHIZZING through the air - EXPLODING into walls, trees, Smurfs! Smurfs are diving for cover! It’s mayhem! A cupcake slams Vanity rightWeinstock in the chest - taking him out. VANITY I’m hit! I’m hit! Smurf down! Incredibly handsome Smurf down! The cupcakes are coming fast and furious. CRAZY sounds the alarm with his horn mouth until - GLOP! - a cupcake CLOGS IT. Greedy seesMarc this and gets an ides. GREEDY Hey machine! (pointing at his open mouth) Over here! The machine fires - BAAM! - and hits him in the crotch - “Ooof!” - he doubles over in pain. A number of Smurfs huddle behind a low wall for cover. Gutsy looks over at Grouchy. GUTSY We gotta stop that thing. scherick & ronn 4.

GROUCHY We? You’re hilarious. GUTSY You know, ya’d be a lot happier if ya stopped ya’r belly-aching and did something for a change. GROUCHY Wanna bet? Gutsy shakes his head, then goes it alone. He JUMPS over the wall and immediately - WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! - is PUMMELLED by a dozen cupcakes. He tumbles backwards, covered in frosting. Grouchy stares down at him. GROUCHY You’re right. You look a lot happier. The machine kicks out a few more cupcakes, then finally it stops. Papa peers out from behind a tree and surveys the damage. There’s CAKE AND FROSTING EVERYWHERE. PAPA Ooo-kay, that’s enough for today. Everyone to their clean-up stations. Any questions? Vexy raises her hand. VEXYWeinstock Yeah, I’ve got one. Why exactly do you guys live in “mushrooms”. And why are all the original Smurfs boys? And why can only Papa do magic? And how come you don’t wear shirts? And... MarcGROUCHY Holy Smurf, that’s a lot of questions for one question. SMURFETTE Of course she’s got questions. She hasn’t heard the story! Narrator fights his way through the crowd. NARRATOR SMURF Did somebody say “The Story!?” scherick & ronn 5.

All the Smurfs get excited and shout - “Yes, The Story! The Story!” They gather around Narrator. Papa LOOKS VERY UNEASY. We don’t yet know why. PAPA (trying to shut it down) Now, now. I don’t think we have to go through the whole... All the Smurfs object. SMURFS Please, Papa!/You never want to hear it!/Why can’t we?! PAPA (searching) Well, because... because... CLUMSY C’mon. Let’s clean up really fast so we can hear the story! All the Smurfs CHEER, and start frantically cleaning. Handy has a “Zamboni” type vehicle that sucks up the mess. Clumsy gets sucked up into it. Papa just stands there looking very unhappy. He clearly doesn’t like “The Story”. GARGAMEL (O.S.) The story... the story... Weinstock CUT TO: ANGLE ON Gargamel shuffling despondently down a cobblestoned street. GARGAMEL It’s always the same old story. PULL BACK MarcTO REVEAL he’s in...

EXT. OLD BRUGES - AFTERNOON Azreal trots beside Gargamel through the town. They pass “The Apple Store” (which sells apples) “The Gap” (which fixes gaps between teeth) a “Nail Salon” (which sells nails), “Target” (which sells archery targets), Wall-mart (which sells 13th Century wall scaling equipment - ladders, ropes) etc. scherick & ronn 6.

GARGAMEL A hundred times I’ve pursued the Smurfs for their essence and a hundred times I’ve failed. It’s enough to make a wizard want to hang up his robe. Azrael MEOWS. GARGAMEL No I’m not having an existential crisis, you flabby tabby. I’m simply questioning the meaning of my life. Azrael ROLLS HIS EYES. Just then Gargamel stops. He stares at a SIGN in a store window. It reads... GARGAMEL “Track Your Family Curse”? Below is a smaller sign that says “Have You Been Cursed? 6 out of 10 Brugesians Have! Find Out Here.” Azrael MEOWS. GARGAMEL I am not cursed, you flea-ridden ferret. If I were cursed, how would you explain all the other things that work so well in my life? Like... and... or the time... Azrael raises an eyebrow,Weinstock “Go on...” GARGAMEL Out of my way! This could be the answer to all my problems! Gargamel RUSHESMarc for the door. INT. FAMILY CURSE STORE - CONTINUOUS The proprietor, BALDRICK, a hunchbacked bear of a man, stands behind the counter speaking with a CUSTOMER who is obviously cursed - SWARMED by his own personal CLOUD OF LOCUSTS. Gargamel pushes the Cursed Man aside. GARGAMEL Go home you whining, sissy-pants. It’s a few gnats. You’re fine! Gargamel addresses Baldrick. scherick & ronn 7.

GARGAMEL You there! Curse-monger. I am... BALDRICK Ha! I know who you are. Everyone in the curse business knows who you are. Azrael gives Gargamel an “I told you so” look. GARGAMEL So you mean I am actually... cursed? BALDRICK And then some. The Gamel Family Curse is what we in the trade call... Baldrick pulls down from his bookshelf the thickest, dustiest of all his tomes - and SLAMS IT on the counter. BALDRICK ...a real DOOZY. The title of the book is “Curse of the Gamels”. He opens it. BALDRICK It goes back more than 500 years... EXT. SMURF VILLAGE - EVENINGWeinstock The Smurfs have finished cleaning and are gathered around the Narrator as he reads to them from “Pop-Up Book Volume I” the story of how the Smurfs came to be. Papa stands in the back, still looking uneasy. (NOTE: the two stories - Gargamel’s and the Smurfs’ - are being told concurrently. We will cut back and forth between them.) MarcNARRATOR SMURF It was more than 500 years ago. Papa was just a young Smurf... The Smurfs listen with rapt attention, imagining what it must have been like. We DISSOLVE TO: FLASHBACK - 500 Years Ago - AS THEY IMAGINE IT Papa crests a hill looking like a hero. The CAMERA CIRCLES him dramatically. He looks just like the Papa we know - only younger, fitter, more muscular. scherick & ronn 8.

SMURFS (V.O.) He was awesome./ And strong./ And handsome./ And brave... VEXY (V.O.) Hang on, hang on. RECORD SCRATCH - jars us back to Smurf Village. VEXY (to Papa) You’re over 500 years old? Papa shrugs. VEXY You look good for your age. VANITY He exfoliates. I taught him. NARRATOR SMURF Ahem. As I was narrating... BACK INTO FLASHBACK - in a medieval style Smurf village. NARRATOR SMURF (V.O.) Papa and the Smurfs of yore inhabited the peaceful farming community of Smurfborough. Surrounding the village are many small fields with rows of plants and vegetables. WeinstockSmurfs till the soil. Papa is HARVESTING MUSHROOMS. THUNDER RUMBLES IN THE DISTANCE. NARRATOR SMURF (V.O.) But a great darkness was coming. Viking invaders from the North!!! BACK ON OUR SMURFS. Even though they’ve heard it a hundred times all Marcthe Smurfs cower at the mention of the Vikings. Panicky falls to his knees, DIGS A HOLE in the dirt, JAMS HIS HEAD into it, and fills it back in. NARRATOR SMURF They had already conquered much of Europe. Now a band of them rode in search of the great wizard Merlin who - after leaving Camelot - had settled in these lands years ago. GARGAMEL (V.O.) Wait a minute! Vikings? Merlin? CROSS CUT WITH: scherick & ronn 9.

THE CURSE STORE - Baldrick is telling Gargamel and Azrael about the curse. GARGAMEL What does this have to do with me? BALDRICK Everything. You see the Vikings were led by your great, great ancestor... Baldrick points to a drawing in the book. It shows a medieval sorcerer who looks like a handsome Gargamel - with a magnificent, flowing mane of THICK LUSTROUS HAIR. BALDRICK ambitious sorcerer named... Aargamel the Coiffed. The CAMERA TIGHTENS on the picture as we DISSOLVE INTO A FLASHBACK. Just like in the Papa shot, the CAMERA flies around Aargamel dramatically as he calls out grandiosely to the universe... AARGAMEL Behold... my hair! The CAMERA KEEPS SPINNING until we see Aargamel’s Wife appear behind him - a sharp-tongued woman who doesn’t suffer fools. AARGAMEL’S WIFE Who are you talking to? You’re alone on top Weinstockof a hill. Aargamel turns and sees his wife. AARGAMEL (embarrassed) I was just... I was only... (then, giving up) MarcNever mind. I’ll come down now. AARGAMEL’S WIFE Good. Because your delightful business partners are getting a tad restless. Aargamel’s wife points down the hill at a VIKING CAMPSITE below. The Vikings have gathered in a circle around two of their own. The two, with their horned helmets on, lower their heads and CHARGE EACH OTHER LIKE RAMS. WHAM! They knock each other out. Aargamel sighs, and heads back down. scherick & ronn 10.

BALDRICK (V.O.) Aargamel and a band of Vikings had formed an unholy alliance. They were searching for the mystical Hawthorn tree where Merlin lived. Their plan was to steal Merlin’s magical Amulet so they could use its power to dominate the rest of the known world. BACK ON Gargamel listening to the tale. GARGAMEL Ah, stealing magic. World domination. Now that sounds more like our family. So, did they get it? Gargamel points to a picture of the BLUE AMULET in the book. BALDRICK No. You see... CROSS CUT BACK TO: THE SMURFS - still listening to the story. NARRATOR SMURF ...Merlin knew the Vikings were coming. The huge, hollowed, mystical HAWTHORN TREE. Inside we see Merlin holding a shimmeringWeinstock BLUE-JEWELED AMULET. NARRATOR SMURF (V.O.) Just before they arrived, he gave his magical Amulet to the one he trusted the most, his apprentice - Marca young Smurf named... All the Smurfs call out... SMURFS Papa! Papa, Papa!! Papa!!! The Smurfs SHOUT and WHISTLE. Gutsy PUNCHES Grouchy in the shoulder with excitement. Grouchy punches him back, pissed. Meanwhile Papa stands behind the crowd. He STILL LOOKS VERY UNCOMFORTABLE. NARRATOR SMURF Yes! Papa! scherick & ronn 11.

BACK IN THE FLASHBACK - the young Papa sprints off with the Amulet like a superhero. NARRATOR SMURF (V.O.) Following Merlin’s instructions, Papa raced with the Amulet through the hills until finally he reached Solstice Ridge... SOLSTICE RIDGE - a plateau with a Stonehenge-like formation atop it. NARRATOR SMURF (V.O.) ... where - just as Merlin said it would - the blue moon eclipsed the sun... A BLUE SOLAR ECLIPSE burns in the sky. NARRATOR SMURF The light of the eclipse was absorbed by the sparkling Amulet - which then transferred all of Merlin’s magic into Papa himself. Young Papa holds the Amulet up high as BLUE ENERGY from the eclipse STRIKES THE SHIMMERING AMULET causing it and Young Papa to radiate. We hear the Smurfs CHEERING - then Gargamel’s voice cuts through... GARGAMEL (V.O.) (outraged)Weinstock Hold on! So my ancestor was about to acquire Merlin’s magic... CROSS CUT BACK TO: Gargamel with Baldrick... MarcGARGAMEL ...and he was thwarted by a Smurrrfff?! BALDRICK Precisely. And Aargamel was irate... BACK AT SOLSTICE RIDGE Aargamel arrives - just in time to see Papa receiving the magic from the stone. BALDRICK (V.O.) But just as the power was leaving the Amulet and entering the Smurf.. scherick & ronn 12.

Aargamel raises his wand. BALDRICK (V.O.) ...some doltish idiot bumped into him... An OFF CAMERA “somebody” bumps into Aargamel - sending his wand flying end over end. It fires - and shoots the curse RIGHT BACK AT HIM! BALDRICK (V.O.) ...causing the spell to fire back at Aargamel, cursing not just him but the entire House of Gamel for all eternity. BACK IN the curse shop. GARGAMEL So that’s the cause of my ill fortune. You see, Azrael! It’s not my fault. The blame belongs to that pathetic, hair-laden ancestor of mine - Aargamel - who blighted our entire lineage! The book is open to an old hand-drawn MAP OF THE AREA showing among other things the ancient location of Merlin’s Tree. Gargamel TEARS IT from the book and marches for the door. GARGAMEL Come Azrael. Weinstock We have an historic mess to clean up! CROSS CUT BACK TO: SMURF VILLAGE. The Smurfs are still gathered round listening to the story. Vexy is awed by this tale. MarcVEXY So that’s how Papa got his magic? NARRATOR SMURF Yes, but it came at a great cost... GUTSY (to Vexy) This is the sad part, lass. NARRATOR SMURF In searching for the Amulet, the ruthless Vikings had attacked Smurfborough... scherick & ronn 13.

DISSOLVE TO Smurfborough - now empty and desolate. Papa arrives and sees the devastation. He can’t believe his eyes. NARRATOR SMURF (V.O.) By the time Papa got there, it was too late. CUT TO THE LISTENING SMURFS -- panning across them; somber, mournful. Brainy calls out... BRAINY If Papa had gotten there in time, he’d have stopped them for sure. Right, Papa? They all look back at Papa. He now looks extremely unhappy. This is the exact part of the story he was dreading. His face looks pained! PAPA Aaah... yes. Of course. Papa looks down at the ground, avoiding the eyes of others. Smurfette notices Papa’s discomfort and looks concerned. VEXY Wait. So if all the Smurfs were gone, where did all of you come from? VANITY Papa found the Podlings! Hoo-wah! And thus I wasWeinstock born! Narrator shoots Vanity a dirty look. VANITY Sorry. You tell it. BACK IN THE PAST -- Young Papa, at a river’s edge, finds a LARGE FLOWERMarc hidden behind some twigs. From the flower hangs a cluster of SOFT BLUE PODLINGS that look like seed pods. NARRATOR SMURF (V.O.) Indeed, a single Smurf Flower, with its tiny unhatched boy Smurfs... Young Papa smiles, holds up the cluster. Inside the podlings - backlit by the sun, we see silhouettes of tiny Smurflings, like little tadpoles. NARRATOR SMURF (V.O.) The last remaining Smurfs on earth. Somehow they had been saved from the destruction. scherick & ronn 14.

SMURFS (V.O.) That’s us!! That’s us!! STILL IN THE PAST - Young Papa - carrying his knapsack - crests a hill and looks down into a valley. TIME DISSOLVE to Papa hammering a roof shingle into place. Pull back to see... A Village of Mushroom shaped houses. SMURF VILLAGE! NARRATOR SMURF (V.O.) So, Papa and the 99 new Smurfs came to live here... BACK TO PRESENT DAY Smurf Village. NARRATOR SMURF ...where we all remain to this day. Now, who wants to hear it again? All the Smurfs SHOOT THEIR HANDS INTO THE AIR. Even Panicky, with his head still buried, raises a hand. Smurfette looks over towards Papa... but HE’S GONE. Off in the distance she sees him HEADING INTO HIS MUSHROOM. Why does he always get so weird when we tell the story? Concerned, Smurfette gets up and follows after him.

EXT. PAPA’S MUSHROOM - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS Smurfette walks over to Papa’s mushroom and is about to knock when she sees Papa through the window. INSIDE Papa moves some bottlesWeinstock and potions on a shelf revealing... a little chest (which we saw in Smurfs 2)! He touches it tenderly, then removes its sole possession - an OLD PAISLEY HEAD SCARF. Smurfette STARES. What is this secret treasure? Slowly Papa unfolds the scarf and gently removes... a PENCIL DRAWING. It’s of a BEAUTIFUL SMURF GIRL. This picture means everythingMarc to Papa. Smurfette GASPS. Hearing something, Papa turns. Smurfette QUICKLY DUCKS DOWN out of sight. She sits on the ground - mouth agape - trying to take this all in. Who is this mysterious girl Smurf? Does Papa have a secret love? CUT TO:

EXT. GARGAMEL’S HOVEL - PORCH - MORNING It’s the next morning. Gargamel, holding Le Wanda, is out on his porch with Azreal. scherick & ronn 15.

GARGAMEL Behold Azrael. Our final drops of Smurf essence. Just enough to create one last portal. Azrael is on the floor pawing at the SMARTPHONE he brought back from Paris. He MEOWS. GARGAMEL What does that mean, “You get no bars here”? Azrael gestures at the phone and MEOWS again. GARGAMEL No, we’re not going back to Paris. I don’t care if you need to update your Facebook status to “miserable”. The only thing that matters now is that we UNDO THIS CURSE! Gargamel SNATCHES the Smartphone from Azrael and shoves it into the POCKET OF HIS ROBE. GARGAMEL If we go back in time, I can CHANGE HISTORY! I can prevent my idiot ancestor from cursing us all AND capture Merlin’s magic for myself! Then I’ll return here and be the most powerful wizard in all creation. AndWeinstock you will still be nothing but a self-licking, rodent- chasing, thumbless doggy-toy. Of course, that last part’s not relevant, but it was fun saying it. Azrael ROLLS HIS EYES. Gargamel walks over to an ENORMOUS CAULDRON proppedMarc up over a bed of GLOWING EMBERS. GARGAMEL This time I will create the portal in... (re: cauldron) ...our fancy hot tub. Gargamel ZAPS the water in the cauldron. It swirls with magical energy until... a PORTAL APPEARS! Gargamel picks Azrael up by the tail and climbs the steps. GARGAMEL Now onward, to the past! Gargamel, with Azrael in hand, DIVES into the portal. MEOW! scherick & ronn 16.

EXT. VIKING CAMPSITE - 500 YEARS AGO - DAY Aargamel and his Wife have come down from the hill (where we saw them during Baldrick’s telling of the curse). As Aargamel returns to the camp, he’s met by the impossibly short Viking King, GUDRIK THE TINY, who walks along with him. GUDRIK THE TINY Did you spot Merlin’s tree from the hilltop? AARGAMEL No. GUDRIK THE TINY But you swore... Aargamel stops. AARGAMEL Patience, King Gudrik. For as sure as my silken locks glisten in the noon day sun... AARGAMEL’S WIFE (rolling eyes, to self) Always with the hair. AARGAMEL ...I shall find Merlin. And with the help of your army I will take his magic Amulet - and become the most POWERFULWeinstock WIZARD IN ALL CREATION! And as your reward, I will help you become ruler of the whole world - both continents! GUDRIK THE TINY Well I want my reward NOW! Now! MarcNow! Now! King Gudrik slams the ground with his mace like an impetuous child. The Vikings all join in screaming “NOW!” “NOW!” “VOLVO! VOLVO!” King Gudrik puts up a hand, silencing them. GUDRIK THE TINY (back to Aargamel) You obviously have no idea where to find this Merlin. So I will ask the Gods for a sign. Tiny King Gudrik lifts his arms to the heavens and screams... scherick & ronn 17.

GUDRIK THE TINY Oh great Gods of Valhalla...!!! AARGAMEL King Gudrik, I realize you have your quaint traditions, but this is the modern age and nobody really believes that... Suddenly A HOLE OPENS in the sky and... WHOOSH! - Gargamel and Azrael come falling through. WHAM! - they land right on top of Aargamel, FLATTENING HIM. The Vikings stare in shock. Clearly their prayers have never worked this well before. King Gudrik approaches Gargamel cautiously. GUDRIK THE TINY Have the Gods sent you to help us find Merlin? Gargamel looks around and takes in the situation. GARGAMEL Ahhhh... yes. Gudrik shoots Aargamel a look. “Ha! Guess you were wrong.” The CAMERA PANS over and we see the Smartphone has fallen out of Gargamel’s pocket and is hidden behind a rock.

EXT. SMURF VILLAGE - PRESENTWeinstock DAY It’s the next morning. The Smurfs are back to building the mushrooms. Smurfette walks with Papa. SMURFETTE You know Papa, we always come to you with our problems. But if Marcthere’s ever something you need to talk about... like a secret... from your past... PAPA There’s nothing I need to talk about, dear. Suddenly the entire Village - all the mushrooms and all the Smurfs - everything except Papa - FADES LIKE A LIGHT BULB that’s lost it’s electricity for a moment - THEN RETURNS. All the Smurfs are shaken by the experience. Smurfette looks at Papa. scherick & ronn 18.

SMURFETTE What was that? PAPA (concerned) A disturbance in the Smurf. A powerful one. Papa turns and hurries to his mushroom.

INT. PAPA’S MUSHROOM - MOMENTS LATER Papa is creating some magic in his cauldron. A worried bunch of Smurfs stand behind him as he conjures A VISION in the smoke. The Smurfs gasp at what they see. It’s... PAPA Gargamel! IN THE VISION - Gargamel and Azrael are SURROUNDED BY VIKINGS inside a large tent. VANITY (re: Vikings, helmets, etc.) Looks like he’s in an opera. PAPA No Vanity... Papa “swipes” the vision with his hand. The smoke reforms showing Gargamel’s hovel. Papa zooms in on the porch where he sees... the PORTAL - Weinstockstill open! PAPA (soul-wrenching dread) ...he’s gone back in time. INT. KING MarcGUDRIK’S TENT - 500 YEARS AGO - DAY Gargamel stands in the large, spacious tent barking orders at the Vikings. GARGAMEL Saddle the horses! Sharpen your helmets! Make haste, you nitwits! We must get the Amulet from Merlin before the Smurfs do! GUDRIK THE TINY Smurfs? What Smurfs? scherick & ronn 19.

GARGAMEL Just do as I say! I’m from the Gods, aren’t I? Gargamel raises his arms like a deity and yells “Bhagawagawa!” Terrified, the superstitious Vikings run out of the tent. Aargamel and his wife just stand there in disbelief. Aargamel’s wife whispers to Aargamel. AARGAMEL’S WIFE Apparently you’ve been replaced by an even bigger idiot. AARGAMEL We’ll see about that. Aargamel approaches Gargamel. AARGAMEL Listen to me, you bucktoothed buffoon. I know you’re not from the Gods. They’d never send someone with such bad hair. Who are you? GARGAMEL I am Gargamel the Great, a wizard of incomparable wit and power. AARGAMEL’S WIFE Gar-gamel? AsWeinstock in the Gamel family? (to Aargamel) Don’t tell me he’s related to you. GARGAMEL Indeed. You are my great, great, great... Azrael MEOWS.Marc GARGAMEL Really? Fifteen more? Never mind. (back to Aargamel) The point is - you are an incompetent, vainglorious imbecile and I’ve come back here to prevent you from cursing our entire bloodline. scherick & ronn 20.

AARGAMEL Cursing my bloodline? That’s ridiculous. I am the most gifted wizard in all the land. GARGAMEL Gifted wizard? Or wifted gizzard?! AARGAMEL That doesn’t even make sense. GARGAMEL It doesn’t need to because it’s a hiiiiilarious reversal of consonants! Now, come Azrael. We have a future to rescue! Gargamel strides for the exit, but on his way out, gets CAUGHT IN THE TENT FLAP. He FIGHTS WITH THE FLAP, finally wins, and strides out triumphantly. Aargamel’s wife turns to Aargamel. AARGAMEL’S WIFE If you can’t outwit this one, you deserve whatever you get.

INT. PAPA’S MUSHROOM - PRESENT DAY Papa is rushing - gathering supplies and packing them into his knapsack - including A SHIRT WE’VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE. The Smurfs surround him,Weinstock anxious. PAPA Gargamel has smurfed back in time to the day Merlin gave me the Amulet. HE’S TRYING TO GET IT BEFORE I DO. MarcVANITY But if he gets Merlin’s magic instead of you, that means you’ll never rescue the podlings and... Vanity STARES AT HIMSELF in the mirror. VANITY Oh, no. PAPA That’s right, Vanity. All of you will cease to exist. Suddenly - BAAM! - Panicky falls to the ground, out cold. scherick & ronn 21.

HEFTY Aaaaand there goes Panicky. Again, all of the Smurfs (except Papa) dim like a fading light bulb - then return. PAPA It’s already begun to happen. I have to get to Gargamel’s portal before it closes. Papa exits his mushroom. The anxious Smurfs follow. BRAINY But Papa, according to my calculations, you going back in time could also have dangerous repercussions in the smurf-time continuum. Changing history is... PAPA I’m not going to change history, Brainy. I’m just going to keep Gargamel from changing it. GUTSY Well, I’m smurfing with ya! SMURFETTE Me too. Many other Smurfs join inWeinstock “I’m going too!”, “We’re with you, Papa!” Papa stops and wheels around. PAPA No! No one is coming with me. It’s... it’s far too dangerous. SMURFETTE MarcBut Papa... PAPA (snapping) I said no! This is not a smurfocracy! YOU’LL ALL STAY HERE! AND THAT’S FINAL!!! Papa storms off into the woods. The Smurfs just stand there. They’ve never seen Papa scream like that. Scared, Hackus has WRAPPED HIMSELF in the fallen “Welcome” banner. He peeks out like a kid from under blankets. HACKUS Whoa. Scary Santa. scherick & ronn 22.

Smurfette looks very worried. SMURFETTE Guys, listen to me. There’s something Papa’s not telling us. Look how he’s acting. And you know how he always hates to hear the story? Something happened back then. BRAINY Papa doesn’t keep secrets. SMURFETTE All I know is he needs our help. I can just feel it. CLUMSY But Papa said we can’t go with him. BRAINY And we have to do what Papa says. SMURFETTE We won’t go with him. We’ll wait a few seconds and then go after him. He didn’t say anything about that. BRAINY That’s smurfantics, and you know it! Weinstock VANITY I’m with you, Smurfette. Paris changed me. I feel cooped up here in provincial Smurf Village. A little voice inside me is saying “Go Vanity. See. Smell. Taste. MarcExperience...” GROUCHY Does the little voice ever say “Shut up”? VEXY We’re wasting time, Smurfette. If Papa needs us, we should hurry. GUTSY Let’s do this. Gutsy grabs his satchel. He, Smurfette, and Vexy turn and run towards the woods. scherick & ronn 23.

VANITY Wait for me! New and exotic experiences are calling! Vanity runs after them. Several other Smurfs like Handy and Hefty also join in. Still wrapped in the banner, Hackus realizes he’s being left behind. HACKUS Hey! Hackus go too! Hackus takes off after the others. Grouchy crosses his arms - not budging. GROUCHY Not me. I’m staying right... Just then the trailing end of Hackus’ banner WRAPS AROUND GROUCHY’S ANKLE and YANKS HIS FEET out from under him. “WHOOAA!” Grouchy gets DRAGGED ALONG on the ground and into the woods by the runaway freight train that is Hackus. GROUCHY Hey! Stop! I’m attached to you! Hackus isn’t stopping for anything.

EXT. GARGAMEL’S HOVEL - PORCH - DAY Papa has reached the portal. He climbs up on to the edge, takes a deep breath... thenWeinstock leaps in.

EXT. VIKING CAMPSITE (PORTAL EXIT) - 500 YEARS AGO - DAY The Vikings are gone. The campsite is empty. Suddenly - WHOMPF! - Papa comes falling out of a cloud and lands in a PILE OF STRAW. He jumps out, looks around, and starts running forMarc Smurfborough.

EXT. WOODS OUTSIDE OF SMURF VILLAGE - CONTINUOUS Smurfette runs through the woods with Gutsy, Vexy and the others right behind her. Brainy chases after them... BRAINY Stop! You’re not allowed to smurf outside the... WOOMF! - Smurfette bursts through the invisible shield. scherick & ronn 24.

BRAINY ...shield. The others break through the shield as well - WOOMF! WOOMF! BRAINY YOU GUYS ARE BREAKING THE RULES! I ABSOLUTELY INSIST THAT YOU...! He steps into a puddle. SPLASH! Muddy water covers his glasses and - WHAM! - he slams into a tree.

EXT. GARGAMEL’S HOVEL - SAME TIME Smurfette charges into Gargamel’s hovel. She runs up the stairs and out onto the porch. Suddenly she stops. She stares into the giant, SWIRLING PORTAL. The others catch up with her. They stop too. It’s intimidating. VEXY I’ll go first. Vexy takes a deep breath and is just about to jump in when Brainy comes charging out onto the porch - HIS GLASSES STILL COVERED IN MUD. BRAINY Wait! Stop! No! I am not letting any Smurf go through that por.... WHOAAAAA! Weinstock Brainy trips and goes SAILING RIGHT... INTO THE PORTAL! He disappears into the vortex. GUTSY Ya know what that was? Ironic. (then) Brainy taught me that word - which Marcis also ironic. Smurfette notices the whirlpool shrinking - getting smaller and smaller as it closes in on itself. SMURFETTE The portal’s closing. Hurry. Smurfette jumps in. WHOOSH! Followed by Vanity - WHOOSH! And then Gutsy - WHOOSH! The portal is closing quickly now. Vexy and the others are just about to follow when... HACKUS Hackus come! Hackus come! scherick & ronn 25.

Hackus, with the banner still wrapped around him, comes rushing for the portal. Completely out of control, he leaps for the swirling water, but badly misjudges it - jumping too far. He SLAMS INTO Vexy and the others on THE FAR EDGE of the tub - KNOCKING THEM OFF the tub and FALLING ONTO THE GROUND on top of them. HACKUS Hackus missed. The dangling end of the banner, however - with Grouchy still attached - gets pulled along behind him - but doesn’t have enough momentum to clear the tub. Grouchy sees he’s heading straight for the rapidly closing portal... GROUCHY No! I don’t want to... WHOOSH! Grouchy drops head first into the portal and disappears just as it closes behind him.

EXT. VIKING CAMPSITE (PORTAL EXIT) - 500 YEARS AGO - DAY WHOMPF! WHOMPF! WHOMPF! - the Smurfs come falling out of a cloud - Brainy, Smurfette, Gutsy and Vanity. They fall into the straw. Then WHOMPF! - Grouchy comes through. He falls from the cloud with the banner still attached to his leg then - THRUMP! - the banner goes taut. Grouchy stops mid-air, DANGLING FROM THE CLOUD by the banner. GROUCHYWeinstock Hey, I’m stuck! Somebody do something! Just then the banner SNAPS and Grouchy PLUMMETS. He misses the straw pile and LANDS HARD on the ground. THUD! GROUCHY MarcSo far... worst trip ever. GUTSY Oy! Would ya quit your gripin’?! You’re like an old woman. GROUCHY Says the Smurf in the dress. Meanwhile Brainy is crawling around searching for his glasses. He finally finds them and puts them on. THE LENSES ARE BADLY CRACKED. BRAINY Hey, my glasses are broken. scherick & ronn 26.

Smurfette spots something in the area Brainy was rummaging... SMURFETTE Brainy, look what you found. It’s the SMARTPHONE that fell out of Gargamel’s pocket. Smurfette picks it up. BRAINY (unable to see) What? What did I find? SMURFETTE Azrael’s phone. He had this in Paris. GUTSY That means Papa’s vision was spot on. Gargamel is here. SMURFETTE C’mon. We’ve gotta find Papa. I bet he’s gone to Smurfborough to meet up with his younger self. GROUCHY There’s a mind-smurf for you. VANITY I’d love to meet my younger self. Show him how handsome he’s going to be later in life.Weinstock They all head off for Smurfborough. BRAINY I guarantee you, even 500 years younger, Papa is still gonna be the smartest, most responsible, down-to- Marcearth Smurf in the entire village! SMASH CUT TO: A CLOSE UP of a Smurfborough Smurf - with mischievous eyes and a roguish smile - as he tries to fly a squawking, flapping, FULL SIZE STORK who has NO INTEREST in being flown. This is YOUNG PAPA - or as he is known here - PIETER. PIETER C’mon, Stork! We can do this! You and me! Up in the air! PULL BACK to reveal we are in the farming village of SMURFBOROUGH - filled with regular (non-mushroom) houses. scherick & ronn 27.

PIETER C’mon, it’s easy! You won’t even know I’m here! Across the field, an attractive SMURF GIRL is watching Pieter, laughing at his antics. She’s wearing a PAISLEY HEAD SCARF and is absolutely beautiful. We realize this is the girl in Papa’s secret drawing! Her name is SIGRID. The pissed off Stork finally THROWS Pieter off. He TUMBLES across the ground, landing at the feet of SEVERAL DISAPPROVING OLDER SMURFS. We see all the other Smurfs are very proper and conservative, dressed in shirts, jackets, hats, etc. DISAPPROVING SMURF #1 Pieter, Smurfs don’t ride birds. DISAPPROVING SMURF #2 If Mother Nature wanted us to fly, she’d have given us wings. PIETER She did! They’re on the storks! Pieter gets up and sprints for the Stork. He LEAPS onto its back! The Stork runs and... TAKES OFF! Pieter holds on! PIETER Woo-hoo! I'm flying! For a moment he is ACTUALLYWeinstock FLYING... until the Stork JERKS mid-air - throwing Pieter. He DANGLES from the Stork’s neck. The imbalance causes the bird to BANK OUT OF CONTROL and WHAM! - SLAM into a carefully arranged STACK OF CRAB APPLES - OBLITERATING IT. Sigrid winces and hurries over as the Stork flies away. There’s noMarc movement in the pile of apples. SIGRID Pieter! Are you okay?! Pieter POPS UP out of the jumbled fruit. PIETER Did you see that, Sigrid? I was flying there! For about 2 seconds.

SIGRID (laughing) Oh, I saw. And I think you better stick to mushroom farming. (then, pointing) (MORE) scherick & ronn 28. SIGRID (CONT'D) I’m pretty sure Elder Smurf would agree. Sigrid indicates the VILLAGE ELDER across the square in his RED HAT. He’s standing with his arms crossed, scowling. PIETER You know, I can always tell how much fun I’m having by how mad he’s getting. Pieter calls over to Elder Smurf. PIETER Sorry, Elder Smurf! I’ll totally fix the apple stack! You can count on me! (then, thumbs up) Good eldering! Elder Smurf shakes his head and returns to his cottage. PIETER Boy, that is one tightly wound Smurf. Sigrid laughs. SIGRID (playfully) Do you think it’s possible that you’re the oneWeinstockwinding him up? PIETER Who me? Pieter jumps to his feet. PIETER MarcHow ‘bout I wind you up? He grabs Sigrid in A HUG AND SPINS HER AROUND AND AROUND. Sigrid squeals with laughter until finally Pieter loses his balance and they both tumble onto the grass. They lie next to each other - still dizzy - looking at the clear sky. PIETER Look, you can see the moon today. It’s so... blue.

Sigrid takes Pieter’s hand. These two are very close. A couple. But there’s something missing. We can tell Sigrid wants to be even closer. scherick & ronn 29.

SIGRID So, guess what? Heronimous Smurf just said he’d draw a portrait of us. He’s the best artist in the whole village. PIETER What d’ya want a portrait for? SIGRID It’d be nice to have a picture of the two of us, together. Don’t you think? Just then, Pieter spots an OLD WIZENED HUMAN with a long white beard wearing a cobalt blue robe. PIETER Hey look, there’s Merlin! Pieter jumps to his feet, excited. PIETER Tell you what. Why don’t you have Heronimous start by drawing you, and he can draw me in later. Pieter hurries off to Merlin. Sigrid smiles, but looks sad. This was not exactly the romantic portrait she had in mind.

EXT. SMURFBOROUGH - DAYWeinstock Pieter approaches Merlin. We can tell immediately that Merlin is someone he cares deeply about. Around Merlin’s neck is a magnificent AMULET - with a sparkling blue jewel at it’s center. PIETER MarcMerlin, you didn’t tell me you were coming today. MERLIN Thought I’d drop by and see how you were getting on with that new potion I showed you. PIETER It’s going great. I’ve got it brewing right now in the shed... Pieter heads for THE SHED only to see... THICK, DARK SMOKE BILLOWING from the windows. He stops. Merlin looks at him. scherick & ronn 30.

MERLIN Did you add the wind from the flap of a butterfly’s wing? PIETER Um... there aren’t that many butterflies around right now, so I went with a ladybug. MERLIN Well then, we might want to keep our distance. PIETER Why? Just then - BOOM! - the SHED EXPLODES - pieces flying everywhere. The entire town turns and stares at Pieter and the destroyed shed. Among them is... the Town Elder. PIETER Sorry Elder Smurf! I’ll totally rebuild the shed. I promise. Right after I fix the apple pile. (then) Good eldering. Elder Smurf shakes his head again. Pieter looks at Merlin, embarrassed. Merlin smiles.Weinstock MERLIN You’re a good apprentice, Pieter, but always remember this... Merlin takes off his iconic blue wizard hat. MERLIN MarcWhen it’s a butterfly that’s called for, it’s a butterfly you should use... Merlin picks a caterpillar off a tree leaf. MERLIN ...even if you don’t have one. Merlin drops the caterpillar into his hat.

MERLIN Transverum. scherick & ronn 31.

The blue jewel in Merlin’s Amulet GLOWS and incredibly... a BUTTERFLY FLIES OUT of Merlin’s hat. Pieter lights up. PIETER Whoa! A transformation spell. MERLIN Transmutation. It brings forth the hidden truth of any object. PIETER Can my hat do that? MERLIN Does your hat have snazzy stars and moons on it? PIETER No. MERLIN Then I guess you’re out of luck. Merlin smiles playfully and puts his hat back on. MERLIN Come by my tree at noon. There are a few other things I need to show you. PIETER Noon? But myWeinstock lesson is always at four. MERLIN Yes, I know... Merlin gazes up at the approaching storm clouds. MarcMERLIN ..but things are going to be different this time. Pieter looks at him. He’s being even more mysterious than usual. Merlin starts to leave, then... MERLIN Oh, and Pieter. Keep trying with those storks. They might come in handy some day. Merlin walks away, a twinkle in his eye. scherick & ronn 32.

EXT. ROAD THROUGH THE WOODS - DAY Smurfette and the others are hurrying down a country road. VANITY I don’t want to complain, but this place just doesn’t have the same... ambiance as Paris. The shopping, the mirrors, the... Vanity’s foot squishes into something. He looks down. It’s a still moist cow patty. VANITY ...pooper-scoopers. SMURFETTE C’mon, guys. We have to... Just then they hear HORSES APPROACHING. GUTSY Hide. Gutsy shoves them quickly off the road and into the bushes. As the horses approach, we see Gargamel riding on the lead horse. Azreal sits in front of him, in a MINI BABY SADDLE. King Gudrik, Aargamel and the Vikings - also on horseback - are following them. Gargamel is holding the Weinstockmap he tore from Baldrick’s book. He calls back to the others to quell their impatience. GARGAMEL We’ll be at Merlin’s shortly! We’re making excellent progress! Azrael reaches with his paw and turns the map in Gargamel’s hands 90 degrees.Marc Suddenly it all makes sense. GARGAMEL Oh. I knew that. (then, yelling to Vikings) THE GODS SAY THIS WAY! Aargamel scowls to his wife. AARGAMEL This is ridiculous. We going in circles. King Gudrik, on his helmeted SHETLAND PONY, calls to his men. scherick & ronn 33.

GUDRIK THE TINY This way, Vikings!! VOLVO!!! The Vikings shout “VIKING!” “VIKING!” “VOLVO!” “VOLVO!” and bang each other’s helmets with their swords - then ride off. Once they’re gone, the Smurfs come out of hiding - panicked! GUTSY Gargamel is leading the Vikings! He’s takin’ ‘em to Merlin’s! BRAINY If they get the magic first, all of Smurfdom will cease to exist! SMURFETTE We have to tell Papa! The Smurfs sprint down the road.

EXT. SMURFBOROUGH - DAY Papa has put on the shirt be brought so as not to stand out. He wanders in the village of his childhood - the memories flooding through him. PAPA Oh my Smurf... I’m... (his voice cracks) ...I’m home. Weinstock A gang of YOUNG SMURFLINGS runs by pushing a wheel with a stick. Their LAUGHTER fills the air. Papa smiles. That was him. PAPA MarcIt’s like it was just yesterday. Just then, Papa turns and sees... SIGRID - way down by the river, tending to the podlings. The sight of her steals his breath. PAPA Sigrid...


Sigrid is humming as she gently cares for the podling plant - we see it has two flowering pods - not just one like the story suggested. Papa approaches, his knees weak. scherick & ronn 34.

PAPA (to himself, re: Sigrid) Beautiful beyond words. Sigrid hears him and turns. Papa freezes. Sigrid assumes he was talking about the podlings. SIGRID Aren’t they? Come look. Swirling in emotion, Papa steps closer to her. Sigrid pauses and looks at him... SIGRID Do we know each other? You seem... familiar. Papa’s heart soars. He tries not to show it. PAPA I probably just remind you of someone. Sigrid stares at him. It’s almost too much for Papa to take. He turns his gaze to the podlings. So does Sigrid. SIGRID (re: the two pods) These are the girl podlings. And those are the boys. They’re almost ready. Weinstock Papa stares in wonder. Inside that pod are the 99 Smurfs he raised from birth. He reaches out to touch them... SIGRID Oh no, don’t. Papa stops.MarcThe tiny podlings are reacting in fear. SIGRID Until they’re off the vine, I’m the only one who can touch them. Their whole tiny lives - all they’ve known is me. A stranger would be too great a shock for them. Papa smiles. “A stranger.”

PAPA You know, when I was younger, I never really took notice of them. (then, pointedly) (MORE) scherick & ronn 35. PAPA (CONT'D) So many things I didn’t take proper notice of. SIGRID Well, now you’re getting a second chance. PAPA I suppose I am. SIGRID Here. I made up a song to calm them. Sigrid begins to sing a lullaby. It’s the La-la song - more haunting and beautiful than we’ve ever heard it. Papa watches, mesmerized.

EXT. SMURFBOROUGH - DAY Smurfette and the others enter the town. They look around at all the “regular” houses and conservatively dressed Smurfs in their shirts and jackets and bonnets, etc. SMURFETTE This is Smurfborough? GROUCHY Where are all the mushrooms? VANITYWeinstock And why are they all dressed up? GUTSY Never mind all that. Just find Papa. Brainy approachesMarc a Smurfborough Smurf. BRAINY Excuse me. I’m wondering if you’ve seen . He’s... SMURFBOROUGH SMURF (re: glasses) Oh my Smurf! What happened to your eyes?

The Smurfborough Smurf backs away, alarmed. Brainy follows. scherick & ronn 36.

BRAINY Oh. These are glasses. They haven’t been invented for you yet, but they help you... WHAM! - Brainy steps into a pothole and falls on his face. BRAINY ...see. Our Smurfs approach a few other Smurfborough Smurfs. SMURFS Excuse me... But the Smurfborough Smurfs are all so proper. They’re put off by these “modern” Smurfs. They whisper to each other... SMURFBOROUGH SMURFS Why aren’t they wearing shirts? / That one’s got a flower in his hair. / Look at his dress! ...and steer away from our group - keeping their distance. GUTSY Seems in olden days, Smurfs were right UP-TIGHT. Just then Smurfette spots... SMURFETTEWeinstock Look, some Smurflings. Kids know everything. The Smurfs head over to the young Smurfs who are playing. The girls have stretched out two ropes on the ground - jumping from one side to the other. The boys beat on a homemade drum - slowly - setting a rhythm for their jumps. It doesn’tMarc look very fun. SMURFETTE Hey guys. We’re looking for... GIRL SMURFLING #1 An old Smurf with a white beard? BRAINY Smurf-zactly! Where did he go?

BOY SMURFLING #1 Can’t tell you. We’re not supposed to talk to strangers. scherick & ronn 37.

VANITY But... BOY SMURFLING #2 We just said we can’t talk to you! GIRL SMURFLING #2 Now shhh. We’re playing jump rope. The Smurflings continue with their rather lame, old-fashioned game. Smurfette gets an idea. SMURFETTE (to other Smurfs) If we make friends, then we won’t be strangers. Smurfette walks up to the Smurflings. SMURFETTE Hey guys, wanna see how they jump rope in New York? The Smurflings look at her, “New what?” SMURFETTE Here, swing it like this. Smurfette shows two of the girl Smurflings how to swing the ropes “double dutch” style. At the same time, Gutsy walks over to the boy SmurflingWeinstock on the drum. GUTSY Mind if I ‘ave a go there, lad? Gutsy starts laying out a ridiculous beat - like one of those street performers with the plastic buckets. By now the girl Smurflings have got the ROPES SWINGING FAST. MarcSMURFETTE 1... 2... 1, 2, 3, 4... Smurfette jumps in. Her feet are like a locamotive - she’s flipping - she’s spinning... free-styling through the ropes as they buzz around her. Holy Smurf! This is not your parents Double Dutch. This is INSANE. The Smurflings can’t believe their eyes. They’ve never seen anything like this. So cool! From inside the ropes, Smurfette yells to Brainy. SMURFETTE Brainy! Music! scherick & ronn 38.

BRAINY Right! Brainy reaches into Gutsy’s bag and hits a button on the SMARTPHONE. A HIP-HOP TRACK from Azrael’s playlist kicks in. The Smurflings look around. What’s that awesome sound?! Vanity is feeling it too, his body begging to move. He can’t stand on the sidelines another moment. VANITY I’m coming in!!! Vanity jumps into the ropes with Smurfette. The two Smurfs bust out some incredible tandem moves while they rap along... SMURFETTE/VANITY She said “Hel-lo”. Hair was yel-low. Come jump next to me Ya fine fellow. The Smurflings are ecstatic, loving it. They start to clap in rhythm. Even some of the adult Smurfborough Smurfs have come over and crowd around, drawn in by the music and dance. Only Grouchy stands, arms folded, miserable. Gutsy (who’s relinquished drumming duties to the boy Smurflings) approaches Grouchy. GUTSY Ya know, ya wouldn’tWeinstock be such a sour- Smurf if ya’d just stop complaining and “go-fer-it”’ once n’ a while. Gutsy SHOVES Grouchy into the spinning ropes. Smurfette and Vanity jump out as Grouchy instinctively starts to shuffle. Hey, he’s actually not bad. MarcSMURFETTE Go Grouchy! Gutsy jumps in with Grouchy and goes full-on Riverdance. The crowd is going crazy. Even Grouchy is starting to enjoy it. GROUCHY This “goin’-fer-it” is kinda fun. Smurfette turns to one of the Smurflings.

SMURFETTE Now, where did you say the old Smurf with the beard went? scherick & ronn 39.

EXT. RIVER - PODLING AREA - DAY Way down at the river, out of earshot, Sigrid finishes her lullaby. Papa watches, more in love than ever. PAPA So you’re the one who taught them that song. SIGRID Taught who? Just then Pieter comes over. PIETER Hey Sigrid. I’ve got to go early to Merliii... Pieter notices Papa staring at him weirdly and stops. Papa can’t believe his eyes. It’s his younger self. PIETER (to Sigrid) Who’s the old guy and why is he staring at me like that? PAPA (shaking it off) I’m sorry, I was just... recalling something. PIETERWeinstock Good. Still recalling things. I know that can be difficult at your age. Just then the Smurfs come heading down the hill - “Papa! Papa!” followed by all the Smurflings. MarcPAPA What?! No! (to Smurfs, angry) What are you doing here? I said I wanted to come alone! BRAINY I told them, Papa. But they wouldn’t lis...

Gutsy and Grouchy PUNT Brainy. He goes sailing. GUTSY Nobody likes a blue-noser. scherick & ronn 40.

Smurfette steps forward. SMURFETTE Papa, you would never leave me if I needed you. And I know there’s something... PAPA No! You don’t know me. There are things you don’t know. Now you all have to go back... GUTSY But the Vikings are on their way to Merlin’s. PAPA What? That’s impossible! That’s too early! VANITY Gargamel was leading them! Brainy comes running back in, his glasses even more cracked and bent than before. He stops right IN FRONT OF GROUCHY. BRAINY Papa, This is what I was trying to tell you. Now that Gargamel is here, everything has changed. You can’t count on anything being the same. Weinstock GROUCHY I’m Grouchy, you blind boob. BRAINY Oh. Papa takesMarc all this in, fear written on his face. Sigrid doesn’t understand what’s going on. Papa turns to Pieter. PAPA Pieter, quickly. We must get you to Merlin’s. PIETER What?!

The Smurfs can’t believe it. They stare, SHOCKED. SMURFETTE (sotto, re: Pieter) That’s young Papa? scherick & ronn 41.

GROUCHY (looking back and forth) I know 500 years is a long time, but... frankly, I don’t see it. Sigrid steps up to Pieter. SIGRID Pieter! You should do what he says. Sigrid looks into Papa’s eyes - as if some part of her, on some level, recognizes him. SIGRID I don’t know why, but... I trust him. Papa smiles at Sigrid - “Thank you.” PAPA Alright, we’ve got to hurry. Pieter, you go straight to Merlin’s. The rest of us will try and slow down the Vikings. PIETER Vikings? What Vikings? PAPA There’s no time to explain. C’mon! We’ll take theWeinstock short cut through the brambles. Just watch out for the dragonflies. Papa MOVES SOME BUSHES revealing... a small, SMURF-SIZED path through the forest. Along it are ROWS AND ROWS of ROUND, BROWN HIVES. Vanity perks up. MarcVANITY Oh, some local fauna. How exciting! Like a curious child, Vanity POKES one. A DRAGONFLY COMES OUT and breathes a BLAST OF FIRE at his face and singes his nose. The Smurfs recoil, surprised. VANITY Sweet Smurf in heaven. They’re literally dragonflies! (then, checking mirror) Did he get my eyebrows? I look hideous without eyebrows. scherick & ronn 42.

PAPA Everyone keep moving! Papa hustles them down the path - but Pieter just stands there, confused. PIETER Wait! How do you know my secret short cut? PAPA Will you just run please! Papa grabs Pieter. They all run down the path.

EXT. ROAD TO MERLIN’S - DAY Gargamel continues to lead the Vikings on horseback. On a hilltop in the distance, he spots an ENORMOUS, MAGICAL LOOKING TREE. GARGAMEL Look! The Hawthorn tree! We’re almost there! Gargamel STARTS TO GALLOP. Further back, Aargamel’s wife rides alongside Aargamel. AARGAMEL’S WIFE You realize this buffoon plans to steal Merlin’s Amulet right out from under you?Weinstock AARGAMEL Quiet woman. I’m trying to think. AARGAMEL’S WIFE Don’t hurt yourself. Up ahead, MarcGargamel sees a crude wooden sign that reads “QUICKEST WAY TO MERLIN’S!” The arrow points off the road down a small path. GARGAMEL Aha! A short cut! Follow me! Gargamel spurs his horse and GALLOPS down the path. The Vikings GALLOP behind him. Azrael MEOWS. GARGAMEL What are you talking about? It was a clearly marked sign. Not everything is a trick or a... scherick & ronn 43.

WHOMP!!! - Gargamel GALLOPS RIGHT INTO A LOW HANGING BRANCH - AND GETS CLOTHESLINED - knocking him off his horse. We see he’s entered a forest of low hanging branches. The Vikings gallop in right behind him and - WHOMP! WHOMP! WHOMP! - all GET CLOTHESLINED OFF THEIR HORSES TOO! Within seconds the ground is littered with fallen Vikings as their riderless horses wander about. From under a pile of Vikings, Azrael stares daggers at Gargamel - “I told you so.” BACK AT THE SIGN - Papa and the other Smurfs come out of the bushes. Brainy is still holding the dripping fern leaf he used to paint the fake sign. BRAINY It just goes to show, don’t believe everything you read. Gutsy flips the sign over - back to it’s original message - “LOW BRANCHES - Do Not Enter On Horseback!” PAPA C’mon, we have to hurry. The Smurfs climb up the ravine, back to the road. Papa HOLDS OUT HIS HAND to help Sigrid up. SIGRID Thank you. She TAKES PAPA’S HAND andWeinstock climbs up. Papa STARES AT THEIR HANDS - TOUCHING. There’s no way for her to know it, but THIS IS THE FIRST TIME THEY’VE TOUCHED IN OVER 500 YEARS, AND IT’S ALMOST MORE THAN PAPA CAN BEAR. BACK IN THE FOREST - Aargamel and his Wife stare at the fallen Vikings. Only Tiny King Gudrik was not knocked from his tiny pony.Marc AARGAMEL’S WIFE This is our chance. She heads over to the King. AARGAMEL’S WIFE (innocent, sweet) King Gudrik, that wizard who led us into this malicious forest - I just wonder which of your gods sent him? scherick & ronn 44.

GUDRIK THE TINY You mean... maybe he was sent by Loki - the trickster! Aargamel’s Wife “gasps”! AARGAMEL’S WIFE What a brilliant King you are! Pure genius! I’m awed! GUDRIK THE TINY Yes. We must fling him before Loki strikes again! (calling to his men) ASSEMBLE THE CATAPULT! Aargamel Wife shoots Aargamel a look - “See how it’s done?” CUT TO: A PARCHMENT OF INSTRUCTIONS - it’s a clear precursor to IKEA instructions with their iconic, wordless illustrations. Three Vikings scratch their heads trying to figure it out - then one of them pulls out... THE ALLEN WRENCH. Eureka! CUT TO: THE HUGE ASSEMBLED CATAPULT. Gargamel and Azrael have been forced into the bucket. GARGAMEL Wait! You can’tWeinstock do this. I was sent from the Gods! GUDRIK THE TINY Well, we’re sending you back! AARGAMEL MarcTa-ta. A Viking pulls the pin and - WHOOSH! - the catapult arm FLIES FORWARD! Gargamel and Azrael are LAUNCHED INTO THE SKY!! GARGAMEL & AZRAEL AAAHHHHHHHHH!/MEOOOOOOOWWW! They FLY HUNDREDS OF FEET THROUGH THE AIR screaming, until finally, they start to plummet back towards the ground. Just before they hit, Azrael GRABS HOLD OF A TREE BRANCH. MEOW! Gargamel tries to do the same, but misses and sails right by - WHAM! - he SLAMS into a huge boulder. GARGAMEL Ow. scherick & ronn 45.

He slides down the face of the rock. From up in the tree Azrael LAUGHS HYSTERICALLY. BACK AT THE CATAPULT - Aargamel, once again in charge, points up the hill to MERLIN’S TREE as he calls to the Vikings. AARGAMEL Now! Follow me, my horny friends - and the Amulet is ours! Volvo! The Vikings CHEER “Volvo!” Volvo!” - bashing each other on the helmet with their swords. Aargamel leaps heroically onto his horse... and misses, flopping right onto the other side. His wife rolls her eyes. It’s just so embarrassing. CUT TO: ANGLE ON A STONE - it’s a small and almost perfectly round dull grey stone; PULL BACK TO REVEAL we are in...

EXT. MERLIN’S GLADE - DAY Unearthly beautiful. In the center is the mystical HAWTHORN TREE. There are storks everywhere. Merlin kneels. He removes his AMULET and holds it over the stone. Just then Pieter comes running in. PIETER Merlin! Merlin...! Merlin holds up a hand motioningWeinstock “Wait!” Pieter goes silent. Merlin gently blows on the Amulet. Suddenly - WOOSH! - a BLUE BEAM OF ENERGY shoots from the Amulet into the stone... then after a moment, stops. Pieter stands there awed. Merlin turns to him, looking a little drained - but still has a smile for Pieter, as always. MarcMERLIN Hello, Pieter. The pent-up words tumble out of Pieter. PIETER Merlin, there are Vikings coming! And weird shirtless Smurfs who... MERLIN Yes. I know. PIETER You do? scherick & ronn 46.

Merlin stands up and heads INSIDE THE TREE - into a vast spacious room. Pieter follows. PIETER (confused) Where’s your hat? I’ve never seen you without your hat. MERLIN Hmmm. I must’ve misplaced it. Keep an eye out for it, will you? Merlin winks at him, then splashes some water on his face. Pieter is lost. What’s happening? Merlin turns and takes Pieter’s tiny hand and holds it while he speaks. MERLIN Pieter, the time we’ve spent together has been one of my life’s greatest treasures. I’m as proud of you as your own father would have been. PIETER Merlin, you’re acting really weird - even for you. MERLIN Listen carefully - because I won’t have time to explain twice. Merlin lets go of Pieter’sWeinstock hand. MERLIN The dark ages are upon us - and they will only worsen before they get better. Merlin liftsMarc the stone. MERLIN The magic in this stone will be like a beacon through these troubled times - keeping alive the hopes and aspirations of all good creatures. Eventually it will lead them all back to the light. But until then...

Merlin offers the stone to Pieter. Pieter stares at it. PIETER Me? You want me to keep the magic? scherick & ronn 47.

MERLIN Not just keep the magic. Become the magic. PIETER What? No! It’s your magic. MERLIN I have fulfilled my role, Pieter. Now it’s your turn. PIETER But it’s too much... I can’t. MERLIN Yes you can. You only see the Smurf you are. I see the Smurf you will be. Just then - CRASH!!! Viking horses burst into the glade. Merlin SHOVES Pieter back into the tree. He TUMBLES INSIDE. Only the tiny KING is low enough to SPOT HIM. In the glade, the Vikings SURROUND MERLIN, their swords drawn. Aargamel steps forward. AARGAMEL Ah Merlin, at long last, the two great wizards of our time meet. MERLIN Two? Really?Weinstock Where’s the other? AARGAMEL I was talking about me! MERLIN Oh. How awkward. Aargamel’sMarc wife ROLLS HER EYES at yet another embarrassment. AARGAMEL Nevermind. Hand me the Amulet and perhaps I will spare your life. Just then, behind Aargamel, Merlin sees PAPA AND THE OTHER SMURFS ARRIVE. They join Pieter who is watching from the tree. Merlin smiles and turns back to Aargamel, even though HE’S REALLY SPEAKING TO PAPA. MERLIN Ah, there you are my old friend. So good to see you again. scherick & ronn 48.

AARGAMEL What are you talking about? I’m not your friend! Merlin begins to SPEAK IN RHYME. MERLIN Listen to my words as I hide them in rhyme, For everything on your journey will be different this time. AARGAMEL What? MERLIN You can’t do it alone. You must work together. This time around, you must learn from each other. AARGAMEL What are you babbling about, you old fool?! I’m not alone! Can’t you see I’m surrounded by Vikings?! All the Vikings holler “Vikings!” and “Volvo! Volvo!!!” as they bang each other with swords and butt helmeted heads. AARGAMEL Stop it! StopWeinstock it!!! Merlin continues. MERLIN Oh, and one last thing. To make it shine, You’ll need to look in the eye of a Marclong-toothed swine. AARGAMEL I’m not looking for a swine, you idiot! I looking for your Amulet! NOW TELL ME - WHERE IS IT?!!! AARGAMEL’S WIFE (fed up) It’s hanging around his neck! AARGAMEL That’s not an amulet! That’s a necklace! Aargamel’s wife ROLLS HER EYES. Aargamel gets it. scherick & ronn 49.

AARGAMEL Which... as everyone knows - is the same thing as an amulet! Aargamel YANKS off the Amulet, then draws his sword... ON PIETER - watching from the tree, HORRIFIED. He’s about to charge out and help Merlin but Papa and Gutsy hold him back. PAPA Pieter, no! There’s nothing you can do. ON MERLIN - The tip of Aargamel’s swords press against his chest. A smile plays across his face. AARGAMEL I no longer need you alive, and yet you don’t seem afraid. MERLIN Because my work is done. Aargamel SWINGS HIS SWORD. As soon as the blade reaches Merlin’s robe... WHOOSH! - Merlin EXPLODES into a CYCLONE OF LEAVES that TWISTS AND CURLS up into the canopy of the woods. It spirals skyward over the trees - and then it disappears... and MERLIN IS GONE FOREVER. ON PIETER - struggling with every ounce in his body to break free. It’s LIKE HE’S JUST LOST HIS FATHER. Tears of grief stream down his face. HeWeinstock wants to charge out there - but the Smurfs won’t let him go. ON PAPA - holding Pieter back, but also holding back his own feelings - reliving this profound memory. BACK ON Aargamel. He turns to the Vikings and raises the Amulet. Marc AARGAMEL I’ve done it! The world is ours. Let there be wine and women for all! A ROAR goes up from the Vikings. Aargamel’s wife turns and GLARES AT HIM. AARGAMEL I mean, wine for all, and women for you guys! Because I am so... happily married... already. scherick & ronn 50.

The Vikings mount their horses and GALLOP AWAY - followed by Aargamel and his wife. Finally Papa and the Smurfs let go of Pieter. He rushes after the horses - but they are quickly out of reach. Pieter watches Aargamel disappear, sadness and RAGE FLOODING THROUGH HIM. PIETER Aargamel!! Papa approaches. PAPA Pieter, please... Pieter moves away. Sigrid tries to calm him. SIGRID Pieter, listen to him. PIETER No! That old man doesn’t know anything about me! PAPA Oh really? I know you’re left handed, except when you write. You’re allergic to radishes, hate water in your ears, and you have a birthmark on your leg shaped like a cashew. ShallWeinstock I go on?! Pieter stares, shocked. How did he know all that? PAPA Pieter, I also know all you feel right now is anger and the desire for revenge. But you have to Marccontrol your feelings. It’s time to grow up, and grow up quickly. Papa points up at the moon in the sky. PAPA You see that moon? It’s moving towards the sun. In a few hours it’ll cover it completely. And if we don’t get you and Merlin’s magic to Solstice Ridge before then - it’ll be too late... FOR ALL OF US! scherick & ronn 51.

SMURFETTE But Papa, how are we going to get the Amulet back? VANITY (freaking out) This is not what happened in the story! Brainy yells at a Stork, very agitated. BRAINY I told you! Everything’s changed! We’re literally re-writing history here! This could be catasmurfic! GROUCHY Brainy, you’re ranting to a stork. BRAINY (embarrassed) Oh. PAPA Smurfs, you heard Merlin. He said “It’s going to be different this time.” We just have to figure it out. GUTSY But we don’t Weinstockeven ‘ave the Amulet! PIETER (O.S.) The magic’s not in the Amulet. Everyone turns and looks at Pieter. He looks much calmer. He’s holding the stone from before. PIETER MarcMerlin hid it in this stone before you came. Papa takes the stone from Pieter. PIETER Somehow Merlin knew about the Vikings. And he knew... (to Papa) ...about you.

Just then there’s a LOUD CRACKING sound from the massive tree around them! scherick & ronn 52.

VANITY Okay. What was that? Papa is examining the dull grey stone. PAPA But this stone won’t work. It needs to shine - like the Amulet did - or it won’t absorb the light of the eclipse. SMURFETTE Merlin said to “make it shine” we need to “look in the eye of a long toothed swine”. Just then there’s another LOUD CRACK! - suddenly ALL THE STORKS TAKE OFF IN A FLURRY and fly away. Vanity is especially nervous. VANITY I don’t mean to be an alarmist, but is anyone else concerned about the incredibly loud cracking sounds? No one answers. They’re all thinking about the riddle. SIGRID A wild boar has long tusks, and it’s a swine. GUTSYWeinstock So to make that rock shiny, we’ve gotta look into the eye of a boar? PIETER The only boars around here are up at Boar’s Run. C’mon! Pieter startsMarc off. Papa stops him. PAPA Hold on, Pieter. That’s quite a ways. Let’s think this through. PIETER I just did. Pieter locks eyes with Papa.

PIETER Merlin told us to “work together” old man - or did you forget that part? scherick & ronn 53.

Just then CRRAAAAACCCCKKKK! - the huge Hawthorne Tree SPLITS DOWN THE MIDDLE. VANITY Smurf for your lives!!! The Smurfs BOLT - running out of the glade just as the TREE COMES CRASHING DOWN in a huge implosion. Pieter looks back. Without it’s master, the massive tree could no longer stand. Pieter turns and starts to walk for Boars Run. Without a better plan, Papa has no choice but to follow.

EXT. ROAD LEADING TO A TOWN - DAY Gargamel and Azreal have stopped a PLOWMAN and his ox to get directions. GARGAMEL What’s the quickest way to Solstice Ridge?! PLOWMAN It’s just round the tar bog, then up the hill. Won’t take ya very long by oxen. GARGAMEL I don’t have an oxen. Lend me yours and I’llWeinstock give you my cat. Gargamel points to Azrael who SHOOTS HIM A NASTY LOOK. PLOWMAN Don’t want your cat. Everybody knows a cat’s just the true form of a witch. The PlowmanMarc “HISSES” at Azrael as he walks off. Gargamel and Azrael looks utterly befuddled - “A witch?!” Just then Gargamel spots Aargamel and the Vikings at a roadside tavern up ahead. He grits his teeth. GARGAMEL Azrael, look! The horn-headed heathens!

EXT. MEDIEVAL THEME RESTAURANT - HOOTERS - DAY It’s medieval Hooters, so all the waitresses are dressed up as... OWLS. scherick & ronn 54.

The Vikings are outside on the front patio, celebrating with ale and wine. Aargamel stands on top of a table in the center of them all, holding the Amulet. AARGAMEL Listen here, my unwashed friends - the brawn to my beautifully-haired brain! With this Amulet, I am about to become the greatest sorcerer in all history! GARGAMEL (O.S.) That is, if you weren’t a blithering idiot! They all turn and see Gargamel standing there. AARGAMEL You again? How perfect. For my first Amulet-powered super spell, I will turn you into a mucus-covered sea slug! Aargamel holds the Amulet high as he points his wand at Gargamel and... AARGAMEL A-la-ka-slug! Gargamel COWERS. Nothing happens. Aargamel tries again. AARGAMELWeinstock A-la-ka-slime! A-la-ka-snail! A- la-ka-PLEEEASE-DO-SOMETHING! AARGAMEL’S WIFE (shaking her head) Another proud moment in my Marcmarriage. Gargamel rises up from his cowering - realizing he’s fine. GARGAMEL Ha! The Amulet has been stripped of it’s power. Just as I thought. Which means Merlin tricked you and gave the real magic to the Smurrrrfs - who are probably heading to Solstice Ridge this very minute. AARGAMEL’S WIFE Oh, and I suppose “the Gods” told you all that. scherick & ronn 55.

GARGAMEL I’m not from the Gods you hog- breathed hag. I was only using that as a clever ruse. I am actually from... THE FUTURE! AARGAMEL The future? This man’s deranged! GUDRIK THE TINY At Merlin’s tree I did see a Smurf! (re: Gargamel) This wizard from the future speaks the truth! From now on - WE FOLLOW HIM! VOLVO!!! All the Vikings RAISE THEIR SWORDS and CHEER. “Volvo!” “Volvo” - bashing their helmets with their swords. Aargamel can’t believe it. Gargamel steps up to him. GARGAMEL Did you hear that my great, great Grand-loser? Looks like I’m in charge again.

EXT. HILLSIDE - DAY Our group of Smurfs trudge up a hillside path. The valley is laid out below them. You can see for miles. Papa LOOKS UP AT THE MOON APPROACHING WeinstockTHE SUN. PAPA We’re moving too slow. Up ahead, Papa sees a herd of goats grazing in a meadow. PAPA Gutsy, Brainy, Vanity - see if you Marccan find us a couple of goats to ride - speed us along. GROUCHY Wait. I’m coming too. GUTSY Atta boy, Grouchy. “Goin-fer-it”. Gutsy WHACKS HIM on the back. Grouchy WHACKS HIM BACK. The boys head off. Papa looks out over the valley - at a SMALL VILLAGE IN THE DISTANCE. He thinks for a moment, then opens his knapsack and starts to unpack some MAGICAL INGREDIENTS. scherick & ronn 56.

SMURFETTE Papa, what are you doing? PAPA (pointing) That’s Smurfborough. I’m going to protect it from the Vikings. SMURFETTE But, I thought you said you weren’t going to change... PAPA I know what I said! SIGRID (O.S.) Is our village in danger? Papa turns and sees Sigrid. She looks concerned. He takes her hand. PAPA Don’t worry, Sigrid. I promise, I won’t let anything bad happen again. SIGRID Again? PAPA (covering) I mean... ever.Weinstock Sigrid smiles. She trusts this old man - even if she doesn’t quite understand what he’s talking about. Smurfette watches Papa. What’s he doing? He just told Sigrid that nothing bad will happen. But in the story... Meanwhile,Marc Papa turns to Pieter. PAPA Pieter, come help me with this invisibility shield. PIETER A what shield? PAPA Invisibility. Merlin taught you this spell. PIETER No he didn’t. scherick & ronn 57.

Suddenly Papa remembers Merlin’s words.... PAPA (to himself, remembering) Right. “It’s going to be different this time. You’ll have to work together.” (then, to Pieter) Alright. Come quickly. I’ll teach it to you. You might find this comes in handy someday.

EXT. MEADOW - DAY Gutsy, Grouchy, Brainy, and Vanity walk across the meadow towards the herd of goats. GUTSY I’m proud of ya, Grouchy. Instead of complaining, you’re “goin’-fer it”. But now it’s time to take ya to the next level. Time to unleash yer inner Highlander. GROUCHY My what? GUTSY Every Smurf has an inner Highlander! It’s where he gits ‘is courage! AndWeinstock strength! Those are things you don’t find... (tapping head) ...up here. Or... (tapping chest) here. You find ‘em HERE! Gutsy LIFTS UP the FRONT OF HIS KILT (we don’t see anything) The other MarcSmurfs’ WHIP THEIR HEADS AWAY! VANITY Oh, no he didn’t. Oh, no he didn’t! BRAINY I’m so lucky I’m blind. GUTSY C’mon, Grouchy. It’s time fer yer inner Highlander to tame some goats. Gutsy pulls Grouchy over to the goats. The other two follow. scherick & ronn 58.

GUTSY Here’s the plan. We find the meanest, nastiest goat in the herd - and show ‘im who’s boss. Then they’ll all fall in line. VANITY Why can’t we just find a few nice ones and ask for a lift? GUTSY Ain’t no such thing as a nice goat. Brainy has already found a goat, and is STANDING BEHIND IT, looking under its tail. BRAINY I disagree. This one appears to be very cordial. He’s got a very welcoming face. GUTSY That’s not his face, Brainy. A FEMALE GOAT with big full lips and batty eyelashes approaches Vanity. VANITY This one seems friendly. The goat walks right up to Vanity and starts to NUZZLE him, PURRING like a kitten. Weinstock VANITY Maybe a little too friendly. Just then the goat STICKS OUT HER TONGUE and LOVINGLY LICKS Vanity all over! Vanity backs away. MarcVANITY Hey! Hey! I don’t like being licked. Personal space! Personal space! Vanity tries to run away. The Amorous Goat trots after him, smitten. Meanwhile, Grouchy spots a real ORNERY LOOKING GOAT approaching them. GROUCHY There, Gutsy. That one looks like the baddest of the bunch. scherick & ronn 59.

GUTSY Sure does. And here he comes. Now just stand your ground and look mean ‘til ‘e cowers. Grouchy and Gutsy PUT ON “MEAN FACES”. The Goat stops... and starts scraping the ground with its hoof like a bull. GUTSY If he scrapes - we scrape! Grouchy and Gutsy SCRAPE THE GROUND with their feet. The Goat SNORTS at them, angrily. GUTSY Snort! Grouchy and Gutsy SNORT BACK. The Goat stares, confused. GUTSY There! I think we got ‘im! Suddenly, the Goat ROARS and CHARGES - horns down! GUTSY Alright, new plan. Run!!! Gutsy, Grouchy and Brainy turn and run! EXT. VALLEY ROAD - DAY Weinstock Smurfette and Sigrid stand back as Papa works with Pieter. They’ve made a potion in a makeshift bowl and now a small CLOUD OF MAGICAL SMOKE is beginning to form over it. PAPA Good. Now make it rise and we’ll Marcfloat it over Smurfborough. Papa turns to prepare another ingredient. Pieter CONCENTRATES on the cloud - but it doesn’t rise. PIETER I can’t. Papa turns back and immediately sees the problem. PAPA Remember, Merlin said true magic can only come from a pure heart. Papa uses his magic to RAISE THE SMOKE. scherick & ronn 60.

PAPA Right now your thoughts are elsewhere. Look. Papa sweeps his hand over Pieter’s head - wafting the energy of his thoughts into the magical cloud. Suddenly the cloud takes a shape - it’s the FACE OF AARGAMEL. Immediately Pieter tenses. PAPA It’s okay. Just breathe. Focus on something... or someone you love. Papa looks over at Sigrid who is watching intently. PAPA (to Pieter) Anger can’t survive in the face of love. Pieter stares at the face of Aargamel. His hatred for this man burns inside him. PIETER I can’t do it. Pieter KNOCKS the potion over - SCATTERING THE IMAGE. He gets up and storms away. Sigrid goes after him. Smurfette looks over at Papa who is frustrated. He can’t reach his younger self. Weinstock EXT. MEADOW - DAY Gutsy, Grouchy and Brainy are being chased by the mean Goat. They’re doing everything they can to avoid it’s snapping teeth and lunging horns. MarcGUTSY Keep ziggin’ and zaggin’, lads! GROUCHY What about our inner Highlanders?! GUTSY They’re ziggin’ and zaggin’ too! Just then, Vanity - who is still being chased by the amorous Goat - joins them. The group is now being chased by two goats. scherick & ronn 61.

BRAINY Vanity, where have you been? This goat’s trying to kill us! VANITY This one kissed me... and she has a beard! Just then the mean Goat LUNGES UPWARD with his head, SNARING the Smurfs and sending them FLYING THROUGH THE AIR. Gutsy calls out... GUTSY Deploy Smurf-chutes. The Smurfs lift their hats, catch air, and gently start to float down. VANITY At least now we’re out of harm’s way. GROUCHY Look again, Flower Face. Grouchy motions downward... to the FULL HERD OF GOATS DIRECTLY BELOW THEM. BRAINY Oh, no. The Smurfs land in the centerWeinstock of the herd, startling the Goats who immediately CHARGE AT THEM. The Smurfs TAKE OFF! - running for all they’re worth as the herd chases after them!

INT. WOODS - DAY Sigrid finds Pieter standing in the woods, a jumble of swirling emotions.Marc SIGRID You have to come back. PIETER You don’t know what it’s like, Sigrid. I was an orphan. Merlin took me under his beard. And now he’s gone - forever. (seething) That Aargamel took him. scherick & ronn 62.

SIGRID I understand, Pieter. There’s nothing more painful than when you love someone... and they’re not there. Pieter is too caught up in his own feelings to see that Sigrid is not just talking about him. She looks up at THE MOON WHICH IS INCHING EVER CLOSER TO THE SUN. SIGRID C’mon. We’re running out of time. Sigrid takes his hand and leads Pieter back.

EXT. VALLEY - DAY Smurfette watches as Papa FLOATS the MAGICAL SMOKE out over the valley. It stretches over the town of Smurfborough and then... WHOOSH! - the TOWN DISAPPEARS FROM SIGHT. PAPA There. It’ll only last a couple of days, but that should be enough. Smurfette looks uneasy. SMURFETTE Papa, are you sure you should be doing this? Weinstock PAPA I didn’t plan to come back, Smurfette. Gargamel dragged me back. But now that I’m here, I can’t leave without at least trying to fix the worst mistake of my Marclife. SMURFETTE Mistake? What mistake?

Papa looks away. This is hard for him. PAPA This is why I wanted to come alone. I didn’t want you and the others to find out about Smurfborough. SMURFETTE But Smurfborough wasn’t your fault. You got there too late. scherick & ronn 63.

Papa has been holding on to this so long. Finally, he decides to share the truth with the Smurf he’s closest to. PAPA No Smurfette. I got there in time. Smurfette stares, shocked. FLASHBACK - we see Pieter (Young Papa) heading down a ridge trail carrying the Amulet. PAPA (V.O.) I was on my way to Solstice Ridge - still aching over what had happened to Merlin - when I saw the Vikings riding for the village. In the distance Pieter sees the Vikings riding towards Smurfborough. Oh no! He quickly hides the Amulet in some bushes, then turns and starts to run - taking a short cut. SMURFBOROUGH - Pieter arrives on the high ground overlooking the village. Pieter sees the Vikings riding towards him. Then he spots the GIANT WATER DAM off to the side - and gets an idea! PAPA (V.O.) I could have stopped them. They had to cross the dry gorge. All I had to do was open the dam and the flood would have washed them all the way to theWeinstock sea. Just then Pieter sees Aargamel - riding at the front of the Vikings. PAPA (V.O.) But then I saw Aargamel - the man who had taken Merlin from me - and Marcmy anger consumed me. Pieter grabs a low branch, and swings himself up, LANDING ON Aargamel. Pieter starts POUNDING ON HIS HEAD. But a small Smurf is nothing to Aargamel who GRABS HIM and TOSSES HIM to the ground. The Vikings ride unimpeded into the village. PAPA (V.O.) I had wasted my chance. If it hadn’t been for my anger, I could have saved the village. BACK TO Papa and Smurfette. We can see the pain in Papa’s face. scherick & ronn 64.

PAPA For 500 years I’ve carried this... this shame and regret. And that’s not even the worst part. SMURFETTE Sigrid? Papa nods. His voice quivers as he reveals his most painful truth. PAPA I loved her with all my heart, Smurfette, but... you see now what I was like. Young. Immature. Too confused by my own feelings to worry about those of another. And then suddenly she was gone... FLASHBACK - Smurfborough is in ruins. Pieter (Young Papa) walks along the river bank. He sees Sigrid’s PAISLEY SCARF. PAPA (V.O.) It was too late. Pieter picks up the scarf. When he does, he sees the Podling hidden underneath some twigs and stones. The scarf was a clue, left by Sigrid, so someone would find them. BACK TO PAPA and Smurfette. PAPAWeinstock She left this world thinking I didn’t care. I never even told her “I love you”. SIGRID (O.S.) Who? Papa turns.Marc Sigrid and Pieter are returning from the woods. SIGRID That’s so sad. Who did you not tell you loved? Papa stares at the girl he was just talking about. PAPA Oh, um... just...

Papa can’t find any words. Just then we hear a SCREAM... GUTSY (O.S.) STAMPEDE!!! scherick & ronn 65.

Everyone turns and sees... a herd of Goats charging down the road - RIGHT AT THEM - with Gutsy, Brainy and Vanity riding on top of them. Grouchy is standing on one goat’s back, holding on to it’s mane, waving the other hand in the air like a rodeo star. GROUCHY Woo-hoo!!! Look at me! I’m a Highlander!!! Papa and the others all start to run, but the herd is quickly upon them. They too get tossed up into the air and land on the backs/necks/rumps of various Goats. They hold on for dear life as the stampede continues. PAPA Hold on, Smurfs! Vanity is plastered on the face of the Amorous Goat, trying to reason with her. VANITY I know I’m handsome, but honestly - we have nothing in common. I hate garbage! The stampede goes down an embankment and makes a sharp turn. The Smurfs TUMBLE OFF THEIR BACKS and ROLL TO A STOP as the Goats charge off. The Smurfs look up and see they are at the open gates of Bruges. Inside the wallsWeinstock are a number of shops. Among them is a tavern. Its sign reads “EYE OF THE BOAR TAVERN”. PAPA “To make it shine, look in the eye of a long-toothed swine.” SMURFETTE MarcThe “Eye of the Boar Tavern”. SIGRID Pieter, isn’t that the place Merlin goes for his morning tea? VANITY You know, he could’ve just said it. I almost got deflowered by a goat.

Papa looks over at Pieter. Pieter looks away - he doesn’t like being wrong. scherick & ronn 66.

EXT. ROAD - DAY Once again Gargamel - with Azreal in his baby saddle - is leading the Vikings as they GALLOP TOWARDS SOLSTICE RIDGE. GARGAMEL (calling back to Vikings) This way to Solstice Ridge! We’ll intercept the Smurfs and steal back the magic! Azrael MEOWS. GARGAMEL Yes, I know the Plowman said “go around the tar bog”? But we’re in a rush and clearly nowhere near a... Suddenly Gargamel’s horse charges into a BLACK, THICK, OOZING BOG. All the Viking’s horses follow in after him. The horses are INSTANTLY STUCK - up to their haunches. GARGAMEL ...tar bog. The King is covered in tar and VERY ANGRY. Aargamel’s Wife looks over at the King and RAISES HER EYEBROW. GUDRIK THE TINY (calling to men) FLING HIM! Weinstock SMASH CUT TO: Once again GARGAMEL AND AZRAEL have been put in the basket of the catapult. Aargamel stands there smugly. AARGAMEL MarcToodle-loo. WHOOOOP! - Gargamel and Azrael are LAUNCHED into the sky. They go sailing through the air, up over the town of Bruges. As he flies, Gargamel looks down and sees... IN THE TOWN BELOW - the Smurfs, heading for the Tavern. GARGAMEL Smurrrrfffs! I knew it. I bet they have Merlin’s... WHAM! - he SLAMS INTO THE UPPER TRUNK OF A TREE and falls - whacking branches all the way down to the ground. scherick & ronn 67.

GARGAMEL (weakly) ...magic.

EXT. BRUGES - DAY In the city, Vikings are everywhere. They have conquered the town and taken it over. The few townspeople who are brave enough to be outside are scurrying quickly back to their homes. The Smurfs walk towards the Tavern. PIETER This whole town’s been overrun by Vikings. SMURFETTE Look at the people. They’re scared to death. PAPA Yes. The dark ages are coming. (then) C’mon, Smurfs. Our answer is their answer. And it’s in the Tavern. They head into the Tavern.

INT. EYE OF THE BOAR TAVERN - CONTINUOUS The Smurfs enter and stopWeinstock in their tracks. The place is packed with rowdy Vikings - pushing, shoving, carousing. They’ve got one of the locals against the wall with a dart board around his neck serving as the target. VANITY Not exactly “Gay Pari-ee”, is it? A HUGE TOOTHLESSMarc VIKING spots them and heads over, angry and brutish. HUGE VIKING What’s the matter? Can’t you read? (point to sign) “Vikings only! No Belgians! And especially NO SMURFS!” With a swipe of his huge booted foot he sends the whole group of Smurfs tumbling out the door. scherick & ronn 68.

EXT. EYE OF THE BOAR TAVERN - CONTINUOUS The Smurfs lay in the gutter. GROUCHY Can someone help me get the pants out of my butt? Brainy pops up angry and faces an OLD KEROSENE LAMP POST. BRAINY Grouchy, I don’t think you appreciate the seriousness of our situation. The Smurf-time continuum has been drastically altered. If we can’t get in that tavern and figure out how to make that stone shiny - we will all CEASE TO EXIST! GROUCHY Lamp post. BRAINY Darn it! Sigrid looks at Papa, concerned SIGRID (to Papa, re: Brainy) What’s he talkingWeinstock about? PAPA He just means... GUTSY We’ve got to get past those stinkin’ barbarians. MarcSMURFETTE (light bulb) And I know how we can do it!

INT. EYE OF THE BOAR TAVERN - DAY The door to the Tavern is KICKED OPEN and the Smurfs enter. They stand shoulder to shoulder, cracking necks and knuckles - looking tough. The same HUGE TOOTHLESS VIKING from before approaches. HUGE VIKING Who do you think you are, comin’ back in here?! scherick & ronn 69.

Smurfette steps forward. SMURFETTE I’ll tell you who we are. We’re your worst nightmare... She holds up AZRAEL’S CELLPHONE. SMURFETTE ...Smurfs with a Smartphone. All the Vikings look at each other... AND THEN LAUGH. HUGE VIKING Ya here that, boys! The tiny little Smurf is gonna hurt us with that little black box! The Vikings laugh even harder. The Huge Viking lifts his foot to stomp down on Smurfette. HUGE VIKING ‘Course, that’s gonna be hard when you’re as flat as a...... FLASH!! - Smurfette SNAPS A PICTURE of him. The Viking FREEZES - completely thrown off by this. HUGE VIKING What was that?! SMURFETTEWeinstock I just stole your soul. Smurfette SHOWS HIM THE SCREEN on the phone. It’s a PICTURE of the Huge Viking - foot raised. The Viking’s EYES GO WIDE. HUGE VIKING MarcHey! Let me out of there! SMURFETTE What d’ya think, Gutsy? Should we let him out? Smurfette TOSSES THE PHONE to Gutsy. GUTSY Sure. Right after I’ve turned ‘im into a ghost.

Gutsy taps the screen and the image TURNS TO A “NEGATIVE” - making the Viking LOOK LIKE A GHOUL. scherick & ronn 70.

Suddenly the ANIMAL HEADS mounted on the walls (Smurfs inside) SPEAK - “A Ghost!”, “A Goul!”, “A Specter!!!” The Huge Viking is TERRIFIED! He freaks out... HUGE VIKING I’M A GHOST!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! ...and RUNS OUT OF THE TAVERN SCREAMING. By now all the other Vikings are a little uneasy. One SCAR- FACED VIKING turns to the Smurfs. SCAR-FACED VIKING I don’t know how you Smurfs did that, but I promise ya this. It’s gonna be the last thing you ever do. Now Grouchy’s got the phone - holding it up. GROUCHY Last thing? That’s funny ‘cause what you just did - I’m gonna put you in this little box and make you do it over and over again. Grouchy taps the screen and a VIDEO PLAYBACK of what the Viking just said appears - LOOPING OVER AND OVER AGAIN... VIDEO OF SCAR-FACED VIKING ...It’s gonnaWeinstockbe the last thing you ever do!... (loop) It’s gonna be the last thing you ever do! The Scar-Faced Viking stares, HORRIFIED. SCAR-FACED VIKING Stop it! Let me out! Please! MarcPretty please! I’m sorry! GROUCHY Too bad. Looks like you’re stuck doing that for all eternity. Gutsy puts an arm around Grouchy’s shoulder. GUTSY That’s what happens when ya’ mess with a Highlander. The Scar-Faced Viking is losing it - STARTING TO CRY. A mean, RED-BEARDED VIKING has had enough. scherick & ronn 71.

RED-BEARDED VIKING Okay, you Smurfs win. Let Ivar out of there! Brainy grabs the phone. BRAINY Fine, I’ll let him out... IF any of you can tell me what’s wrong with this picture. Brainy taps an icon and holds up the phone. The screen shows a placid scene of a meadow with flowers and butterflies and bunnies. All the Vikings lean in to look. THE VIKINGS It’s a meadow. / There’s nothing wrong. BRAINY Look carefully... All the Vikings lean in even closer to look. VANITY Closer... closer... They lean in even more until... SCREEEEEEE! a SKELETON pops on the screen WAILING like a BANSHEE. It’s one of those POP- UP SCARE APPS. The Vikings LOSE THEIR FREAKIN’ MINDS! VIKINGSWeinstock AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Suddenly ALL THE CANDLES GO OUT and the SHUTTERS SLAM SHUT (Smurfs) as the place goes COMPLETELY DARK. Smurfette hits a button and the FLASH on the smartphone STARTS TO STROBE as demonic HEAVY-METAL MUSIC BLARES from the speaker! This is ALLMarc TOO MUCH for the Vikings to take. They SCATTER in every direction, CRASHING into each other, JUMPING out windows. They can’t get out of the Tavern fast enough. SMURFETTE And that, my friends, is how you clear out a tavern full of Vikings! The Smurfs HIGH-FIVE and congratulate each other. Gutsy and Grouchy head butt each other - Highlander style.

Sigrid and Pieter just stare, blown away by technology that won’t exist for 1200 years. scherick & ronn 72.

SIGRID How did you...? SMURFETTE (holding up phone) Let’s just say we’ve come across some interesting things in our travels. Suddenly, Pieter spots something. PIETER Oh my Smurf, look! Pieter leaps up onto a bookshelf and picks up... PAPA Merlin’s hat?! Pieter hops down with the WIZARD’S BLUE HAT. PIETER He left it here for us. PAPA (confused) I don’t understand. PIETER The transmutation spell! Papa doesn’t know what he’sWeinstock talking about. PIETER You don’t know this one? Suddenly the tables have turned - and Pieter’s loving it. PIETER MarcC’mere. I’ll teach you. It might come in handy someday. Pieter takes the stone from Papa and places it into the hat. PIETER “Transverum”. There’s a BLAST OF ENERGY and slowly... the stone floats up out of the hat - but now... IT’S IRIDESCENT AND SHIMMERING BLUE. The Smurfs stare at it. PAPA Brilliant Pieter! Now it can absorb the light of the eclipse! scherick & ronn 73.

Pieter smiles, proud of himself. Papa picks up the stone. PAPA Let’s go!

EXT. BRUGES - SAME TIME Papa and the others hurry from the Tavern with the now glistening stone. PAPA We’ve got to get to Solstice Ridge. The eclipse is about to... A man steps in front of them. GARGAMEL (O.S.) Hold it right there, you time- traveling trolls. The Smurfs look up and see... SMURFS Gargamel! GARGAMEL I know you have Merlin’s magic. Now give it to me! Pieter is playing catch Weinstockup. He turns to Gutsy. PIETER Gar-gamel? Is he related to Aargamel. GUTSY Aye, he’s our sworn enemy! Papa decidesMarc to try and out-fox Gargamel. PAPA We don’t have Merlin’s magic, Gargamel. Look for yourself. BRAINY (joining in) Yeah, we don’t even know where it is. scherick & ronn 74.

VANITY (also joining in) It’s most certainly not hidden in that shiny blue stone. That I can guarantee you! All the Smurfs look at Vanity. VANITY What? I said it’s not in the stone! GARGAMEL I’ll take that. Gargamel lunges for the stone as Papa tries to pull it away. The stone is jarred loose and goes sailing, into the air... SMURFETTE Oh, no. ...up and over - the HIGH FORTIFIED WALL of the TOWN’S CENTRAL ARMORY - and disappears on the other side! PIETER It went into the Viking’s garrison! Gargamel hurries over to the Garrison and calls up to the VIKING SENTRIES standing atop the wall with a cross-bows. GARGAMEL You there, bowmen!Weinstock Open these gates immediately or I’ll...! The Sentries FIRE SEVERAL ARROWS that spear the earth between Gargamel’s feet. GARGAMEL Never mind. Wrong garrison. MarcThanks anyway. Gargamel hurries back to the Smurfs. GARGAMEL Now look what you’ve done. I’ll never get my magic! SMURFETTE Your magic? Merlin gave it to Pieter. scherick & ronn 75.

GARGAMEL Yes, but it was supposed to be in the Amulet which my relative stole - fair and square! Pieter is RED WITH ANGER. PIETER Speaking of “your relative” - this is for him! WHAM! - Pieter kicks Gargamel in the shin. OWWW! Gargamel SWATS at him. The other Smurfs rush in - KICKING and SHOUTING. It’s BEDLAM until... PAPA Enough! Everyone stops and turns. PAPA We don’t have time for squabbling. We have to get the magic back! VANITY How? We’ll never get past that wall. BRAINY (O.S.) Unless we take it down. Everyone looks over at BrainyWeinstock who is standing in front of a CLOSED, BOARDED-UP SHOP. He’s right up close and squinting to read A HUGE SIGN... BRAINY That says “Apothecary”, right? GUTSY MarcYeah. So? BRAINY Well, technically it hasn’t been invented yet, but according to my calculations, inside that shop we could find enough sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate to make... PAPA Brainy! That’s ingenious! The Smurfs run up to the Apothecary, but it’s locked and boarded up tight. scherick & ronn 76.

SMURFETTE But Papa, it’s all locked up. Papa thinks for a moment, then... turns to Gargamel. PAPA Listen to me, Gargamel. We both want that magic - which means we’ve got to get inside that shop. And as far as I can see, the only way in is through that gap. Papa points up to a SMALL SLIT in the wall. GARGAMEL That pathetic little hole? It’s far too small for me to fit. PAPA And far too high for us to reach. All the Smurfs look at Papa - NOT BELIEVING their ears. SMURFETTE Papa, are you suggesting we work... SMURFS Together? GARGAMEL Together? Weinstock AZRAEL Mrreow-gether? Grouchy grabs his head and makes the “Head Exploding” hand gesture. Everyone is in shock. Papa turns to Gargamel. PAPA Marc(to Gargamel) You help us get the stone and we’ll share the magic with you... The Smurfs object “Papa!” “No!” “Never!” PAPA (cutting them off) ...ONLY! - if you swear to never bother the Smurfs again.

Pieter turns to Papa, AGHAST. scherick & ronn 77.

PIETER Are you crazy, old man! He’s your enemy! You don’t make deals with your enemies! PAPA Merlin said, “work together”. PIETER This is not what he meant! PAPA Listen to me Pieter. This is what I’ve been trying to teach you. Sometimes you’ve got to put your feelings aside so you can do what’s necessary. That’s what it means to “grow up”. Papa turns to Gargamel. Gargamel extends his hand. GARGAMEL You have a deal, Papa Smurf. PAPA (shaking hands) Good. Let’s go! SMASH CUT TO: MONTAGE WITH MUSIC: GARGAMELWeinstock AND THE SMURFS WORK TOGETHER. GARGAMEL LEANS AGAINST the Apothecary. The Smurfs have climbed to the top of his head, each standing atop the other - making a Smurf ladder. Pieter is at the very top. The tiny opening is TO HIS RIGHT - out of reach. PIETER MarcTo the right! GARGAMEL Certainly. Gargamel LURCHES BACK toward the wall, causing the tower of Smurfs to SLAM into the stones. WHAM! SMURFS Owww!

GARGAMEL Sorry. Gargamel does it again. WHAM! scherick & ronn 78.

GUTSY You’re doing that on purpose, ya great greasy goon! GARGAMEL (oozing deceit) I would never. Pieter GRABS THE BOTTOM of the opening and CLIMBS IN. CUT TO - THE FRONT IRON GATE of the Apothecary has been raised about FIFTEEN INCHES off the ground. The Smurfs and Azrael hurry under, followed by Gargamel, who drops to his belly and scootches commando style. Halfway through, he GETS STUCK. GARGAMEL Higher! Inside the Apothecary, Pieter stands on a lever. PIETER Certainly! Pieter JUMPS on the lever. The gate RISES. But then he JUMPS OFF. THE GATE DROPS. The bottom spikes of the gate STAB GARGAMEL IN THE BUTT. POINK! GARGAMEL Ow! PIETERWeinstock Sorry. Gutsy and Grouchy JUMP UP AND DOWN on the lever - raising and lowering the gate AGAIN AND AGAIN. GARGAMEL Ow - ow - ow! You’re doing that on Marcpurpose! GUTSY/GROUCHY We would never! Gutsy and Grouchy high-five and head butt each other. CUT TO - INSIDE THE APOTHECARY - Gargamel and the Smurfs scour the shelves for the ingredients. Sigrid spots Pieter, watching Gargamel angrily, STILL FUMING over Papa’s decision. PIETER Merlin didn’t say anything about sharing the magic. scherick & ronn 79.

SIGRID It’s okay, Pieter. Papa knows what he’s doing. It’s you I’m worried about. Sigrid reaches out to touch Pieter, but Pieter steps away, out of reach. PIETER You shouldn’t be here. It’s not safe. You should go back to the village. Pieter turns and walks off to help the others. Sigrid stands there alone - another failed attempt to connect with the Smurf she loves. From a distance, PAPA HAS BEEN WATCHING. CUT TO - IN THE APOTHECARY - The Smurfs and Gargamel are busily working together. They sit around what looks like a LARGE BUTTER CHURN. Gutsy and Grouchy cling to the end of the horizontal handle - giving it weight. The other Smurfs stand in a circle - cheerfully batting them around - thereby mixing the powders in the churn. As they whip around, Gutsy and Grouchy yell... GUTSY/GROUCHY (loving it) Faster! Faster! Gargamel watches, confused. GARGAMELWeinstock This is work. Why do you seem to enjoy it so? SMURFETTE With the right attitude you can turn almost any kind of work into Marcfun. Try it. Gargamel steps up and WHACKS Gutsy and Grouchy who HOOT WITH JOY as they go even faster. GARGAMEL How strangely pleasing... CUT TO - MOMENTS LATER - the Smurfs are sifting the mixed powder through a screen - singing the La-la song as they do. The CAMERA PANS OVER to Gargamel who is also sifting, humming along happily. GARGAMEL La-la-la-la-la... scherick & ronn 80.

Azrael looks at him. GARGAMEL What? Once it’s in your head, it’s very hard to get out. CUT TO - MOMENTS LATER - Gargamel, like an excited kid as the powder is being poured into a barrel. BRAINY I hope I remembered the correct proportions. Gargamel has a small pile of powder in his hand. He strikes a flint to test it and - BOOM! - it BLOWS up in his face. GARGAMEL (face covered in soot) You did. Gargamel COUGHS OUT some black smoke. Azrael laughs. ANGLE ON PAPA who is standing on a shelf next to a glass jar. It is filled with shiny DRAGON EGGS of VARIOUS COLORS. Papa sees the gunpowder is almost ready. He looks around. Where’s Sigrid? END OF MONTAGE INT. APOTHECARY - SECONDWeinstock FLOOR ROOM - AFTERNOON A private room upstairs above the shop. Sigrid is AT THE WINDOW, Papa enters and sees her. PAPA There you are. Sigrid pointsMarc out the window. SIGRID The moon is touching the sun. Papa looks. Indeed, the ECLIPSE HAS STARTED. PAPA Then we only have an hour at best. SIGRID I’m going back to Smurfborough. Papa looks surprised. scherick & ronn 81.

SIGRID I need to check on the podlings and... I’m not really needed here. Papa sees what’s happening. He walks over to her. PAPA You know Sigrid, he loves you. Sigrid’s heart leaps. She stares at Papa. How she wishes his words were true. SIGRID What makes you say that? PAPA Because I know. (then) Do you remember - you heard me talking about my past? How I never told someone what she meant to me. Well, I was just like Pieter - young and scared of my own feelings. And in so many ways, you are just like that girl. I know what Pieter is going through right now. I promise you Sigrid, he loves you more than you could ever imagine. If his heart could speak to you, it would say never leave me. You are my entire world. Stay with me, and WeinstockI will love you for 500 years - and then 500 more. Sigrid is blown away by Papa’s words. She’s speechless. PAPA (suddenly self-conscious) Or, you know... something like Marcthat. Sigrid laughs. SIGRID I don’t know if I believe your words, Papa Smurf. But your eyes - your eyes I trust. They’re so... familiar.

Sigrid studies Papa, trying to put it together when Smurfette enters. SMURFETTE Papa, it’s ready! scherick & ronn 82.

PAPA (to Sigrid) Come on. Papa heads for the stairs. Sigrid hesitates.

INT. APOTHECARY - CONTINUOUS All the gun powder is in a barrel on a wheeled dolly. Gargamel is talking to the Smurfs. GARGAMEL It’s very confusing. You see, part of me despises all of you. But the other part is actually... enjoying the camaraderie. I’m very conflicted. (shudders) Alright. It passed. Just then Papa and Smurfette come running in. PAPA Okay, Gargamel. Give us exactly three minutes... then fire it up! Papa hands Gargamel the flint-striker. EXT. BRUGES - AFTERNOONWeinstock The Viking Sentries stand atop the wall. They see the Smurfs pulling the wheeled barrel with ropes towards the garrison. There’s a hole in the barrel, so as it moves, it leaves a steady STREAM OF BLACK POWDER behind it. Papa and Smurfette ride on top of the barrel - directing the others. Suddenly Smurfette spots something. MarcSMURFETTE (pointing) Papa, where’s Sigrid going? Papa looks over and sees Sigrid hurrying out through the town gates. She’s leaving, heading back to Smurfborough. PAPA Oh, no...

Before he can react, the barrel stops outside the garrison walls. All the TOWNSPEOPLE WATCH curiously from their windows as one of the Viking Sentries calls down from atop the wall. scherick & ronn 83.

VIKING SENTRY #1 You there! Smurfs! What do you think you’re doing? VANITY Oh, nothing to worry about. We’re just going to blow up your wall. VIKING SENTRY #2 (laughing) Oh, really? With your... (re: trail of powder) sand? BRAINY Actually, it’s called gunpowder. VIKING SENTRY #1 Never heard of it. GUTSY You will, Boy-o! The Smurfs see the flame zipping up the trail of gunpowder like a speed fuse. GUTSY We just invented it! The Smurfs RUN and DIVE for cover as the flame reaches the barrel and... KA-BOOM!!!! - the MASSIVE EXPLOSION OBLITERATES THE WALL. Weinstock From their windows, the Townspeople see what’s happening. They let out a CHEER and come RUSHING OUTSIDE with rolling pins, shovels, and all sorts of improvised weapons. Seizing the moment the Townspeople storm through the open wall, into the garrison. The Vikings - caught off-guard and severely outnumberedMarc by the townspeople - turn and flee for their lives. The TOWN HAS BEEN LIBERATED! The Smurfs, joined by Gargamel, also rush into the garrison. They look around for the shiny stone until... PAPA I’ve got it! They all look over. Papa’s holding up the SHINY BLUE STONE.

GARGAMEL And I took it! scherick & ronn 84.

Gargamel SNATCHES THE STONE away from Papa. The Smurfs look shocked. SMURFETTE But Gargamel, you swore... GARGAMEL Oh please. I’m an evil wizard. What did you expect? (then) So long Smurrrrfs! Gargamel LAUGHS as he walks away with the stone. Pieter GLARES at Papa. PIETER (angry) I told you not to trust him!!! You made a deal with your enemy and he double-crossed you!!! PAPA Pieter, please. Papa picks up his knapsack. In the rubble underneath it something is slightly glimmering. Papa picks it up and blows the dust off it. It’s THE STONE! PAPA This isn’t my first rodeo. The Smurfs stare, amazed.Weinstock SMURFETTE But Papa, if that’s the stone, then what did you give... PAPA They had dragon eggs in the MarcApothecary. Even a nice shiny blue one. The Smurfs stare at Papa, deeply impressed. Papa turns to Pieter. PAPA You see Pieter, when you feel your emotions rising... Don’t lose your head, use your head. Papa hands Pieter the stone - it’s his now. Papa then looks at the moon - now COVERING AN EIGHTH OF THE SUN. scherick & ronn 85.

PAPA C’mon. The eclipse is moving fast. Pieter just stands there for a moment, thinking. Maybe PAPA’S MESSAGE IS FINALLY STARTING TO SINK IN. The TOWNSPEOPLE ARE CELEBRATING THEIR NEWLY WON FREEDOM - hugging each other and cheering for their liberators “SMURFS! SMURFS! SMURFS!” - as the Smurfs hurry out the town gates. They’re heroes!

EXT. TAR BOG - AFTERNOON The frustrated Vikings are finally getting the last of their horses out of the tar pit. Gargamel comes running up, bloated with pride holding the shiny blue “stone”. GARGAMEL Behold, you dome-headed dimwits! ! Aargamel can’t believe he’s back?!! AARGAMEL Oh, come on!!! This fool is harder to get rid of than the plague. GARGAMEL I, Gargamel the Great, have found Merlin’s magic - hidden in this stone - and have single-handedly wrested it fromWeinstock the evil, treacherous Smurrrrfs. Azrael MEOWS. GARGAMEL Shut up. You did nothing. (to Vikings) MarcNow, to Solstice Ridge where I will harness the power of... Gargamel holds the “stone” up high for maximum dramatic effect. Suddenly it STARTS TO CRACK. GARGAMEL Uh-oh. That’s not good. From out of the “stone” a BABY DRAGON’s head appears. It SCREECHES and WHOMP! - clamps down on Gargamel’s nose! scherick & ronn 86.

GARGAMEL AHH-YEEEE! SMASH CUT TO: ONCE AGAIN GARGAMEL is in the basket of the catapult. He screams at Aargamel. GARGAMEL No! I will not be flung again. You can try, but I will hold on to this catapult and not let go. You understand, I WILL NOT LET... WHOOP! - the catapult is sprung. Gargamel holds on and WHAAMMM! - the catapult arm SLAMS HIM STRAIGHT DOWN into the ground. From under the smashed basket... GARGAMEL (in obvious pain) Okay, it’s much worse when you don’t let go. Aargamel turns to the Vikings and shouts. AARGAMEL If the Smurfs have Merlin’s magic, we must lay waste to their village and take it back! Volvo!!! All the Vikings shout “Volvo!” “Volvo!” as they slam their swords against each other’sWeinstock helmets.

EXT. HILLTOP - LATE AFTERNOON The Smurfs are hurrying uphill in single file along a narrow path. Pieter is up ahead, leading the way. Papa reaches the crest of a hill and stops. He points at the next taller hill up ahead. Marc PAPA That’s Solstice Ridge. Gutsy points. The SUN IS ONE QUARTER ECLIPSED. GUTSY We’re gonna make it!

Vanity pulls out his mirror and stares in it adoringly. scherick & ronn 87.

VANITY (into mirror) Did you hear that, my love? You’re going to make it. Something catches Smurfette’s eye down in the valley below. Smoke? No... horses. The Vikings are riding! SMURFETTE Papa, look! The Vikings! They’re heading... (realizing) ...towards Smurfborough. Papa reaches into his knapsack and pulls out a spyglass. PAPA It’s okay. They’ll never find it. Just to be safe, Papa takes a look. Suddenly he FREEZES. PAPA (horrified) Oh, no! No!!! Papa lowers the glass and looks up at the sky. SMURFETTE Papa, what is it?! PAPA The eclipse. Weinstock Somehow the sunlight - refracting off the blue moon. It’s passing through the shield! (his worst nightmare) SMURFBOROUGH IS VISIBLE!!! Smurfette grabs the spyglass. Sure enough, she sees... a BLUE FLICKERINGMarc OUTLINE OF SMURFBOROUGH. PAPA Get Pieter to the Ridge! I’ll meet you as soon as I can. Papa TAKES OFF down the hill. Pieter, now a good 20 yards ahead, turns around and sees Papa SPRINTING AWAY. PIETER Where’s Papa going? SMURFETTE Back to Smurfborough. But he said we have to... scherick & ronn 88.

Just then Pieter sees the Vikings heading for Smurfborough! PIETER Sigrid! Pieter DROPS THE STONE and TAKES OFF AFTER PAPA. SMURFETTE Pieter, wait!! Gutsy grabs the stone and the Smurfs run after Pieter.

EXT. WOODED PATH - LATE AFTERNOON Papa RUNS with all his might. Through the trees he can see the VIKINGS GALLOPING on the much larger road. Papa RACES DOWN a smurf-sized short cut, TUMBLES DOWN a hill, and keeps running. THE CAMERA PANS AND FINDS Gargamel - walking through the woods, more or less recovered from being pile-driven by the catapult. GARGAMEL I give up, Azrael. Even when I go back in time before the curse, I still lose. The Smurfs are probably up on Solstice Ridge right now with... Suddenly PIETER SPRINTS BY. Gargamel rubs his eyes. Did he just see a Smurf run by?Weinstock He jumps to his feet... just in time to see the five other Smurfs running right at him, with Gutsy carrying... GARGAMEL ...the STONE!

EXT. SMURFBOROUGHMarc - LATE AFTERNOON Papa comes running out of the woods and into the village. Sigrid spots him and comes hurrying over. SIGRID Papa?! What are you doing here? Just then Sigrid sees the Vikings in the distance. They are riding through the valley towards Smurfborough. PAPA What I should’ve done 500 years ago. scherick & ronn 89.

Papa looks ACROSS THE VILLAGE at the GIANT DAM. He takes off - running for it. Slowly the village is becoming aware of the impending attack. Smurfs start to run in every direction. Papa is just ABOUT TO REACH THE DAM when a FIRE BALL - hurled from a Viking catapult - CRASHES into a tree above him - EXPLODING IT. Papa tumbles down a hill and a fallen branch lands on top of him - PINNING HIM DOWN! Papa struggles to get free, but he can’t. His legs are stuck, and the Vikings are getting closer!! PAPA No!!! Just then Papa sees... PIETER ARRIVING AT THE VILLAGE, out of breath from running. Pieter looks around, taking in the panicked Smurfs and the Vikings galloping towards them. Papa yells to him. PAPA The dam, Pieter! The dam! But with all the noise and commotion, Pieter is well beyond earshot. HE CAN’T HEAR PAPA! The Vikings are nearing the town. Towards the front of the pack, Pieter SPOTS AARGAMEL - the man who took Merlin. Immediately, his face flushes with rage. PIETER (to himself)Weinstock Aargamel. STILL PINNED DOWN, Papa watches history repeating itself in front of him. The scene is virtually identical to the flashback he told to Smurfette. Pieter IS ABOUT TO MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE PAPA MADE 500 YEARS AGO - and Papa is HELPLESS TO STOP HIM.Marc PAPA No! No! Not again! FILLED WITH ANGER, Pieter is just about to rush at Aargamel when suddenly... Papa’s words from before echo inside him... PIETER (remembering) Don’t lose your head, Pieter. Use your head. Pieter stops. He turns away from Aargamel - and then he sees it... THE DAM! That’s it! He runs for it. scherick & ronn 90.

ON PAPA - watching him run. PAPA Yes, Pieter! Yes!! The Dam! The Vikings cross the dry gorge, about to enter Smurfborough. Pieter reaches the DAM CRANK just in time and PULLS THE LEVER - WHOOSH!!! - releasing A DELUGE OF WATER! IN THE GORGE Aargamel turns and sees a TSUNAMI OF WHITE WATER heading right for them. AARGAMEL WATCH OOOUUUU.... It’s too late. The LIQUID ONSLAUGHT CRASHES into the Vikings. The TORRENT UPENDS THE HORSES, TUMBLES THE VIKINGS and AARGAMEL end over end, and WASHES THEM AWAY in one fell, watery swoop. There’s a moment of frozen disbelief - nothing but the sound of rushing water. The village can’t believe the attack has been stopped. Papa’s PANT LEG TEARS, and he is finally able to free his legs. He gets to his feet and RUNS OVER to Pieter. PAPA Pieter! You did it! You did it! Sigrid COMES RUNNING OVER too. She throws her arms around Pieter. Weinstock SIGRID You saved the village! You’re a hero! Pieter looks around. The entire village SWARMS him - CHEERING, APPLAUDING, THANKING HIM - even the Village Elder! They push MarcPapa and Sigrid to the side. Papa watches with a huge smile on his face. This is an incredible moment for him. It’s like his nightmare has been erased from time. SIGRID (to Papa) Now I know why your eyes are so familiar. Papa looks over at Sigrid. She points to where his pants have torn away, revealing a birthmark on his leg - SHAPED EXACTLY LIKE A CASHEW. scherick & ronn 91.

SIGRID You’re Pieter. Papa doesn’t know what to say. SIGRID But... how? PAPA Sigrid, I didn’t come from a different place. I came from a different time. Sigrid looks so confused. Papa takes her hand tenderly. PAPA The last time I was here, it didn’t end like this. I lost the whole village. I lost you. I was the only one left. Me and the podlings you hid. Without you there’d be no more Smurfs in the world. Sigrid stares at him, piecing it all together. SIGRID So, if you’re Pieter, then... I’m the girl from your past. PAPA Yes. Weinstock It’s a beautiful moment, so pure... until... SMURFBOROUGH SMURF #1 They’re coming back!! They turn and see... Aargamel and the Vikings, soaking wet, but undeterred, riding back towards Smurfborough. Papa stares in Marchorror. PAPA (complete shock) Oh, no. The water wasn’t enough. The village immediately plunges back into panic mode. Smurfs run every which way. Pieter runs over to Papa. PIETER What do we do? PAPA (at a complete loss) I don’t know. (MORE) scherick & ronn 92. PAPA (CONT'D) All my life I thought if I’d just opened the dam... The Vikings ride into the village. Sigrid looks down at the podlings. Out in the open. Completely vulnerable. SIGRID I have to hide the podlings. PAPA No! Sigrid, you’ll be killed! Papa grabs her hand to keep her from leaving. SIGRID I’m the only one who can do this. It’s my destiny - to save them. You said so yourself. Papa looks down at the podlings. He knows she’s right. But his heart is breaking. SIGRID It’s okay. That’s your family down there. Pieter stands there - overwhelmed - confused by what they’re saying. PIETER What are you Weinstocktalking about? Sigrid turns to him. SIGRID I have to do this, Pieter. And you need to stay with Papa. Get that stone to the Ridge. Promise me - no matter what happens - you’ll do Marcthat. PIETER But... SIGRID Pieter, please. Promise me. Something in her eyes says - you have to trust me. And deep down in his heart, Pieter does. Reluctantly HE NODS. Sigrid smiles. SIGRID Thank you. scherick & ronn 93.

Gently she kisses him and then... turns and RUNS FOR THE PODLINGS. Pieter CALLS OUT... PIETER Wait! Sigrid stops. She turns back and looks at Pieter. Pieter falters - HE DOESN’T KNOW WHAT TO SAY. Papa yells at him. PAPA Tell her! Tell her what you feel!!! Pieter looks at her - for the first time his heart wide open. PIETER (to Sigrid) I love you. Sigrid smiles. These are the words she’s been longing to hear since she first laid eyes on him. SIGRID I know. I love you, too... Sigrid looks over at Papa. SIGRID ...forever. She then turns around and races for the podlings. A Viking sees her. Weinstock VIKING SMMMUURRRRF! He gallops after her. Papa and Pieter run, leap off a boulder, and land on the Viking’s back. They pound on the man, causingMarc him to steer him off course - away from Sigrid. By this time Sigrid has reached the podlings. Gently she PULLS THEM OFF THE VINES. SIGRID It’s okay, my loves. It’s me. To calm them, she SINGS THE LA-LA SONG as she hurries down the river bank. But a fallen branch - kicked up by a horse - hits her - knocking her to the ground... ONE OF THE PODS TUMBLES INTO THE RIVER and floats away with the current. SIGRID The girls! scherick & ronn 94.

HOOVES approach. Sigrid gets up and grabs the remaining Pod. She quickly hides it under a cluster of rocks and twigs - PLACING HER SCARF NEARBY TO MARK THE SPOT. The Viking on horseback closes in. He’s almost upon her! Both Papa and Pieter watch in horror until... A GREAT SWIRL OF LEAVES rises from the ground. Like a tornado it envelopes Sigrid. She DISSOLVES INTO THE LEAVES, just as Merlin did, and is swept up into the sky. The cyclone ROARS through Smurfborough, growing larger with each Smurf who magically becomes part of it. A HUGE TORNADO OF GRACE... and then... nothing. The storm is gone. The Smurfs of Smurfborough are gone. The Vikings stand frozen in shock at what just happened. PAPA (to himself) Thank you, Merlin. Thank you. Pieter stands there devastated - only now realizing what he’s just lost. Papa looks up at the sun. IT’S ALMOST COMPLETELY COVERED BY THE MOON. He hurries over to Pieter. PAPA Where’s the stone? PIETER (still inWeinstock shock) Smurfette. PAPA Come on. Or all this will be for nothing. Papa hustlesMarc Pieter back towards the path - staying behind the huts so the Vikings don’t spot them. Just then Smurfette and the others come running down the path towards them. SMURFETTE Papa, Papa, Gargamel ambushed... Smurfette sees the EMPTY VILLAGE and the Vikings gathered in it’s center. She GASPS. SMURFETTE (shocked) What happened? scherick & ronn 95.

PAPA I was wrong. The dam didn’t stop them. The Smurfs stand there in disbelief - all the Smurfborough Smurfs are gone. Brainy can’t understand. BRAINY (beyond comprehension) But you got here in time. And... you’re Papa. Just then, down below, a VIKING SENTRY rides into the village. He yells to the others... VIKING SENTRY I just saw the bald wizard heading for the Ridge! He has the magic stone!! Papa hears this and is shocked. He turns to Smurfette. PAPA Gargamel?! SMURFETTE He ambushed us, Papa. Aargamel calls to the Vikings. AARGAMEL To the Ridge!Weinstock The Vikings GALLOP OFF. All the Smurfs turn to Papa. GROUCHY Now whatta we do? VANITY MarcThere’s no way we can get to the Ridge before Gargamel or the Vikings! GUTSY (pointing at sky) The sun’s almost gone! SMURFETTE (despairing) Papa... is it... over? scherick & ronn 96.

PAPA (resolute) I didn’t come 500 years back in time to watch my family disappear into oblivion. Papa spots a large flock of STORKS - just like the one Pieter was trying to fly in the opening scenes. PAPA We take to the air! Papa strides towards the Storks. PIETER Papa, you can’t fly those. I’ve been trying for years. PAPA Smurfs don’t bend other creatures to their will. We open our hearts and ask. Papa reaches out and touches a Stork. PAPA Isn’t that right, my friend? The Stork agreeably squats down. Papa jumps on his back... PAPA Let’s fly!! Weinstock ...and takes off. Pieter approaches one. PIETER Um... excuse me, Stork, but would you mind... The Stork Marctucks his head between Pieter’s legs and FLIPS HIM onto his back... PIETER Whoooooooaaaaa! and then... TAKES OFF! The other Smurfs run for the other Storks. Smurfette CALLS TO THEM. SMURFETTE Wait! Guys! I have an idea! scherick & ronn 97.

EXT. ROAD TO SOLSTICE RIDGE - LATE AFTERNOON Gargamel and Azrael approach Solstice Ridge with the stone. Gargamel is so happy he’s literally skipping down the path, skipping and singing. GARGAMEL We did it, Azrael. Solstice Ridge is right there. The sun still has a few minutes of light. And most importantly... Gargamel holds up the stone GARGAMEL I... HAVE... THE... Just then SWOOP! - a STORK FLIES BY Gargamel’s hand and WOOSH! - the stone is gone! GARGAMEL ...WORST LUCK EVER!!! Gargamel looks up and sees Papa Smurf, riding the Stork, holding his stone. PAPA Thanks for bringing the stone up for us, Gargamel! Papa looks back at Pieter who’s flying his own Stork. PAPAWeinstock Time to finish this, Pieter! Back on the ground, Gargamel is going BALLISTIC, running after them, waving his fists. GARGAMEL Come back here! It’s my stone! MarcMine! Enough already with the thwarting me!!! Just then, from behind Gargamel, Aargamel and the Vikings COME GALLOPING UP. AARGAMEL Step aside you follicly-challenged simpleton. The stone is mine. A Viking WHIRLS A SLINGSHOT and... WHACK! - hits Papa - knocking him off his Stork! The STONE DROPS OUT OF HIS HAND as Papa PLUMMETS TO THE GROUND - landing HARD. scherick & ronn 98.

Seeing Papa on the ground, Pieter DIVES DOWN and LEAPS OFF his Stork. PIETER Papa, Papa, are you alright? Papa gets to his feet, but HIS LEG IS BADLY HURT from the fall. He can barely stand. PAPA Where’s the stone?! They look over and see the stone... it has landed 100 feet away. Before they can go after it, it is picked up... by Aargamel. AARGAMEL At last! BACK ON PAPA AND Pieter - Papa can’t believe it. Aargamel has the stone. And he’s surrounded by armed Vikings. Papa looks at the sun. ONLY A SLIVER REMAINS. PAPA Oh, no. All looks lost, until... we hear music - FLIGHT OF THE VALKYRIES. Papa looks up and see - a FLOCK OF STORKS - flying towards them like a squadron of warplanes. PAPA My Smurfs! Weinstock On the lead bird we see Smurfette, the music coming from the SMARTPHONE. Behind her are the other Smurfs. They are each holding a round, brownish object, and heading straight for the Vikings. Each of the Storks is also holding a similar object in its talons. SMURFETTE MarcReady... Aim... SMURF ‘EM!!! The Smurfs HURL THEIR OBJECTS at the Vikings. The Storks LET THEIR PAYLOADS DROP as well. The objects HIT the Vikings and BURST OPEN. Flying out of them come hundreds of... PAPA (watching) Dragonflies!! The brown objects were HIVES!!! - the ones from Papa’s shortcut. The angry Dragonflies ATTACK the Vikings - spitting FIRE AT THEM! The Vikings run in every direction. scherick & ronn 99.

VIKINGS Ahhhh! BACK UP ON THE STORKS - Gutsy calls out to all the Smurfs! GUTSY Now let’s show these Vikings what happens when you mess with SMURFS!! All the Smurfs LEAP OFF their Storks like Airborne Rangers - and land on the Vikings, KICKING and PUNCHING them. BACK ON PAPA - he tries to run in and help, but his leg is badly hurt - he can barely walk. He turns to Pieter. PAPA Get the stone! Pieter RUNS for the Vikings. BACK ON THE VIKINGS - Vanity is running around with his mirror WHACKING Vikings in the shins! Grouchy leaps from Viking to Viking - kicking them in the ear, punching them in the eye. He’s a one-Smurf juggernaut!! GROUCHY (yelling to Gutsy) My “Inner Highlander” just went “Outer Highlander”! GUTSY You’re really earning your plaids, brother! Weinstock The two high-five and headbutt each other. ON SMURFETTE - she sees Aargamel HOLDING THE STONE. SMURFETTE MarcThere it is! She leaps off a Viking’s thigh and - IN SLO MOTION - sails past his face. As she does, she holds up the SMARTPHONE out and - FLASH! - blinds him with the flash. Utterly surprised, Aargamel DROPS THE STONE to cover his eyes. ON Pieter - he sees THE STONE FALL. He rolls between several Viking legs and... CATCHES IT! PIETER Got it! Pieter runs with the stone, zig-zagging between legs and feet. As he does, he catches a glimpse of the sun. scherick & ronn 100.

Only the SMALLEST RAY OF LIGHT IS ESCAPING. There’s no time to run to the top of the Ridge with his little legs. Just then a Viking falls from his horse. Pieter CALLS TO THE HORSE. PIETER Hey there, horse! Could you smurf me a lift?! The horse lowers its head and Pieter RUNS UP ITS NECK. YES!! ON PAPA - he sees a HORSE COME GALLOPING OUT OF THE FRAY. IT’S PIETER! He’s holding the horse’s mane with one hand and the stone with the other. PAPA Go Pieter! Go! BACK ON THE VIKINGS - Aargamel sees Pieter riding off with the stone. AARGAMEL After him!!! Aargamel and the Vikings chase after Pieter. Pieter gets to the Stonehenge-like formation, jumps off the horse, and climbs up the rocks. Vikings hurl swords and javelins at him. They bounce off the rocks inches from him. THE SMURFS join Papa. TheyWeinstock look up at the sun. It’s practically gone. It’s gonna be close! Pieter - gets to the top of the tallest rock. He holds the stone high overhead JUST AS THE MOON MOVES ENTIRELY IN FRONT OF THE SUN. EVERYTHING GOES DARK. There’s a moment of ABSOLUTE STILLNESS as everyone waits to see what’sMarc going to happen. But nothing does. SMURFETTE He was too late. Just then BOOM!!! - the SKY EXPLODES in BRILLIANT BLUE LIGHT as a magical beam of energy shoots down from the moon and strikes the stone! THE VIKINGS watch in amazement as the crust of Merlin’s Stone melts away, revealing A BRIGHT BLUE GEMSTONE of pure magic. From it RADIATES A SPHERE OF BLUE ENERGY. Aargamel is BESIDE HIMSELF! scherick & ronn 101.

AARGAMEL No! Thief! THAT WAS MINE!!! In a FIT OF RAGE, Aargamel PULLS OUT HIS WAND and... AARGAMEL May you be plagued with misery and misfortune for a thousand generations... Gargamel realizes what’s happening. GARGAMEL Oh, no! The Curse!! Gargamel sees SEVERAL VIKINGS STANDING NEAR AARGAMEL. GARGAMEL All doltish idiots stay away!! Gargamel LEAPS for the nearby Vikings hoping to push them away from Aargamel - BUT MISSES and KNOCKS INTO Aargamel himself just as Aargamel’s finishing... AARGAMEL ...and may all in your bloodline be forever linked to something truly intolerable!!!! The wand gets KNOCKED out of Aargamel’s hand. IN SLO-MOTION it flies - end over end - ENTERING THE SPHERE OF BLUE ENERGY - and... ZZZAP! Super-fueled by the BLUE ENERGY - the WAND FIRES! - STRAIGHT BACK ATWeinstock AARGAMEL, HITTING HIM AND HIS WIFE! WHA-BOOM!!! When the smoke clears, we see Aargamel - his robes tattered, his nose and teeth completely DEFORMED, and worst of all... HIS BEAUTIFUL, PRIZED HAIR HAS BEEN ENTIRELY BURNED OFF THE TOP OF HIS HEAD. MarcAARGAMEL My hair! My hair!!! Aargamel turns to his wife to share his horror, but she’s nowhere in sight. AARGAMEL (looking for her) Azraella? Where are you? Azraella? Are you dead? ON GARGAMEL AND AZRAEL - their eyes GO WIDE. scherick & ronn 102.

GARGAMEL Azraella?? Her name is Azraella?? (looking at Azrael) No! It can’t be!! But it can! FROM A PILE OF CLOTHES crawls... a very angry ORANGE CAT that looks JUST LIKE AZRAEL. AARGAMEL Azraella? Is that you? She MEOWS angrily. Aargamel gasps. AARGAMEL What? This is your true form?? You’re a witch!?? (then) Ohhhhh. That does explain a lot. ON GARGAMEL - he turns to Azrael. GARGAMEL Indeed it does. “Forever linked to something intolerable.” So that’s why I can’t quit you! Azrael MEOWS. GARGAMEL What do you mean it was my fault? I was clearly trying to stop the doltish idiot.Weinstock Azrael MEOWS. GARGAMEL Oh, I’m the doltish idiot?! Me? Furious, Azrael... CHOMPS down on Gargamel’s foot! MarcGARGAMEL AHHHHH!!!! Meanwhile, the SPHERE OF BLUE ENERGY starts to contract. Papa knows what’s about to happen next. PAPA Behind this rock, Smurfs! And hold on! The Smurfs take cover behind a boulder as the BLUE LIGHT COALESCES around Pieter and then... KABOOM! - EXPLODES - TEARING THE SHIRT RIGHT OFF PIETER’S BACK. scherick & ronn 103.

THE SHOCKWAVE OF PURE ENERGY SHOOTS OUT - BLASTING THE VIKINGS, AARGAMEL, GARGAMEL, AND EVERYONE ELSE - RIGHT OFF THE MOUNTAIN. The Smurfs poke their heads up from behind the boulder. Everyone is gone - except for Pieter who stands atop the rock, SHIRTLESS, his HANDS ON HIS HIPS - like a SUPERHERO. Grouchy looks back and forth between Pieter and Papa. GROUCHY Okay, now I see the resemblance. CUT TO:

EXT. SMURFBOROUGH - SUNSET The eclipse has passed. The sun is setting. Pieter stands in the garden outside Sigrid’s cottage - STILL SHIRTLESS. On a painter’s easel is the PENCIL DRAWING OF SIGRID - the one Papa has kept all these years. Sigrid must have just finished sitting for it when the Vikings came. Pieter takes the drawing and folds it up. He’ll keep it for the rest of his life. PAPA AND SMURFETTE stand together overlooking Smurfborough - now empty and desolate. Papa’s trying to understand what happened. PAPAWeinstock All this time I thought I could have saved the village. That I was responsible. SMURFETTE Don't you see, Papa? That's the thought that changed you. That's Marcthe thought that made you become responsible. Made you... our Papa. Papa looks at her. SMURFETTE What we think are mistakes are often the very things that shape us. The things that make us who we are. That's how we grow. Papa smiles. PAPA How did you get so wise? scherick & ronn 104.

SMURFETTE I had a pretty good teacher. Papa’s eyes glisten with tears. He hugs his precious daughter. DOWN BY THE RIVER - the other Smurfs are searching the tall grass for something. Brainy looks MISERABLE AND CONFUSED as he stares at the remains of the once thriving village. BRAINY (at a complete loss) I don’t understand. He always... fixes everything. Gutsy is next to him. GUTSY Ya know Brainy, Papa is carin’ and wise, n’ we love him ‘cause ‘e’s our Papa. But ‘e’s also just a Smurf - like the rest of us. Brainy stares at Gutsy trying to comprehend this thought. Further down the river bank Vanity calls out... VANITY Found it! He holds up Sigrid’s PAISLEY SCARF. Underneath it is the POD full of BOY SMURFLINGS sheWeinstock hid from the Vikings. CUT TO: THE RIVER - All the Smurfs are around Papa as he lowers the flower into the water. PAPA They’ll be safe here. Until it’s Marctime. Just then, from out of the water comes the ETHEREAL, SPIRIT FORM of MERLIN. The Smurfs ALL GASP and take a step back. Larger than life, Merlin peers down upon the Smurfs. MERLIN Pieter. Papa. You’ve done well. Working together.

PAPA This was all your doing, wasn’t it Merlin? Bringing me back here. scherick & ronn 105.

MERLIN You had to come back and see for yourself. It was the only way you would ever let it go. But now that’s over. Now you are truly free. Papa looks at Merlin - his eyes welling with tears. No words could ever be enough. MERLIN As for you Pieter, Papa has given you a great gift. In one day he has taught you what took him many painful years to learn. Now you won’t have to endure what he did. Pieter and Papa share a look. They have helped each other. PIETER (to Merlin) What about Sigrid? And the others? MERLIN They’re with me. Unharmed. PIETER Will I... will I see her again? MERLIN That day may come. But for now, you have muchWeinstock work to do. It’s time to begin anew. Make a fresh start. Build your own village. PIETER Build? But I’m just a mushroom farmer. MarcMERLIN Then build what you know. But build many, because when these podlings hatch, the storks will bring them to you. PIETER All of them? But... I can’t take care of them all.

MERLIN Oh, but you can. Remember, I don’t just see the Smurf you are... (looking at Papa) ...I see the Smurf you will be. scherick & ronn 106.

Pieter looks at Papa, confused. He turns back to Merlin, only to see the APPARITION DISAPPEARING. PIETER Merlin, no! Don’t leave me. Merlin smiles at Pieter beneficently as he fades... and fades... and then IS GONE. Pieter is devastated. Papa puts a comforting arm around him. PAPA He’s right, Pieter. You’re going to be fine. You’ll have a family - a big one. You’ll devote your entire life to taking care of them. And then, one day, you’ll realize they’re also taking care of you. Papa looks over at Smurfette. She smiles - loving her Papa more than ever. Papa turns back to Pieter. Papa removes the shirt he’s been wearing since Smurfborough. PAPA Here Pieter, take my shirt. I don’t wear them much anymore. Pieter declines, looking down at his bare-chested self. PIETER No thanks. I kinda like the way this feels. Weinstock Papa smiles. PAPA Well, then at least take this. Papa places his red Elder’s cap on Pieter’s head. MarcPIETER It’s too big. PAPA You’ll grow into it. (then) Oh, and one last thing. When your Smurfs do come, it’ll serve you well to give ‘em names that are easy to remember.

PIETER You mean like Vanity, and Gutsy, and Grouchy? scherick & ronn 107.

PAPA Exactly. Papa smiles. The boy’s finally got it. Suddenly the SKY BEGINS TO SWIRL. Everything begins to SPIN. PIETER What’s happening? PAPA All that was amiss has been put back in it’s place. We don’t belong here anymore, and so we’re being pulled back... All the blue Smurfs get pulled towards the COSMIC VORTEX. SMURFS Good-bye, Pieter. They wave farewell to Pieter as they are PULLED BACK THROUGH TIME... into another dimension. Pieter stands there waving good-bye. One lone Smurf ready to start again.

EXT. MEADOW - SUNSET Gargamel is walking through the fields with Azrael. GARGAMEL I’m a failure, Azrael. Nobody loves me. NOBODY!Weinstock Just then Gargamel stops. Standing in front of him is the AMOROUS GOAT, coyly batting her eyes and making a big kissy- face. She STICKS OUT HER TONGUE and LICKS Gargamel all over his face! GARGAMEL MarcHey! Hey! Get off me. That’s disgusting. You have goat-breath. Just then the SKY STARTS TO SWIRL. Gargamel and Azrael are PULLED up INTO THE VORTEX. GARGAMEL Thank heavens, I’m saved. The Amorous Goat thinks for a beat, then... LEAPS UP into the VORTEX. GARGAMEL (FROM INSIDE VORTEX) No! No! I’m not interested! Get your nose out of there!!! scherick & ronn 108.

EXT. SMURF VILLAGE - DAY All the Smurfs are gathered, anxiously waiting. Suddenly Papa and the other Smurfs come falling out of the sky. They deploy their “Smurfchutes” and glide gently down. “They’re back!” “Here they come!” “Papa, what happened?!” Papa lands and turns to the others. PAPA My beloved Smurfs, I’m happy to announce that our Village is once again safe - and all is well in the uni-smurf! The Smurfs CHEER! Hearing all the commotion, Stinky Smurf comes out of his mushroom up on the hill. Panicky YELLS UP TO HIM. PANICKY We’re gonna live! STINKY Woo-hoo!!! Stinky THROWS HIS ARMS IN THE AIR triumphantly... gets a DOUBLE WHIFF and... WHAM! - passes out cold! A bunch of Smurf gather around Papa. SMURFS Papa, you didWeinstock it!/Of course he did!/ Papa’s amazing!/He’s perfect! Brainy steps from his mushroom holding A NEW PAIR OF GLASSES. BRAINY Actually, Papa’s not perfect. He’s a Smurf just like us - doing his Marcbest. Brainy takes off his old cracked glasses and PUTS ON HIS NEW CLEAN ONES. He looks at Papa lovingly. BRAINY But we love him. And he loves us. And that’s what makes him such a great Papa. I can see that now. Papa smiles at Brainy. Just then THE CAMERA SWINGS OVER TO VEXY standing up on the stage. VEXY I think this calls for a smurf-ebration! scherick & ronn 109.

Vexy points to the band. Music pumps. The Smurfs hurry over and start to dance. We see Grouchy RIVER DANCING with Gutsy. THEY BOTH ARE WEARING PLAID KILTS. Smurfette looks around for Papa. Where is he? Just then she sees him HEADING INTO HIS MUSHROOM. She walks over and peaks in through the window. INSIDE PAPA’S MUSHROOM - From his secret hiding place, Papa takes out the SCARF-WRAPPED DRAWING OF SIGRID. Then from his knapsack he pulls out... MERLIN’S BLUE HAT. Carefully, Papa drops the drawing into the hat and whispers... PAPA Transverum. ...the spell he learned from Pieter. Papa removes the picture from the hat and looks at it. A la Harry Potter, the picture of Sigrid is now animated, “alive”. Sigrid SMILES AT PAPA - joy shining in her eyes. Papa smiles back. PAPA I love you. SIGRID (IN THE PICTURE) I know. Watching from the window, Smurfette smiles. She turns and heads back to the party. Vexy is SINGING. ALL THE SMURFS ARE DANCING, GOING CRAZY. Smurfette joins in with Weinstockher brothers and sister. It’s bedlam. One big happy family. ROLL CREDITS

CODA - AFTER CREDITS Back at theMarc river near where Smurfborough was, a couple of STORKS are at the water’s edge, picking around for food. One of the storks pulls at some plant roots - causing a small mudslide - revealing underneath... THE OTHER SMURF FLOWER!!! The storks look to each other, stunned. One pulls the flower out, dips it in the water to clean it. In the shallow water ONE OF THE NINETY-NINE PODS vibrates, then OPENS. Inside we see an adorable, big eyed, teensy- weensy... BABY - FEMALE - SMURFLING. BABY SMURFLING Tee hee.