Program_Cover_Classic2019_Rv2.qxp_Program 11/4/19 5:18 PM Page 1 EABHAL L IVEIN CONCERT ! SATURDAY EVENING, NOV. 16 2019 Balmoral School, Pittsburgh Session Our 2019 Instructors were Andrew Carlisle, Bruce Gandy, Jimmy Bell, Gordon Bell, Richmond Johnston, Colin Bell, George Balderose and others. The Balmoral School of Piping and Drumming 2020 SUMMER SCHEDULE: PITTSBURGH JULY 5-10, EAST STROUDSBURG JULY 12-17 2020 Guest Instructors To Be Announced By Jan. 1 2019 BALMORAL Immerse yourself for a week on one of CLASSIC our beautiful campuses with some of the best pipers and pipe band drummers in the world. Receive intensive personal instruction, workshops, music sessions, presentations on piping and drumming topics, while making friendships that can last a lifetime. For More Information Contact: FRIDAY EVENING, NOV. 15 SATURDAY, N OV. 16 Balmoral School of Piping and Drumming BAGAD NEW YORK US J UNIOR SOLO PIPING & 1414 Pennsylvania Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15233 (412) 323-2707 DRUMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS SUNDAY, NOV. 17
[email protected] PIPING WORKSHOP - IAN DUNCAN America’s annual bagpiping celebration BALMORAL CLASSICWWW.BALMORALCLASSIC 2019.ORG FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Celtic culture celebration kicks off at 7:30pm with performances by renowned pipers and drummers, our judges for the next day’s Championships. At 9:00pm we are joined by Bagad New York for Breton music and dance. Dances will be taught, no partner necessary. Co-sponsored with BalFolk Pittsburgh. 7:30-11:00pm | Tickets: $5 | Wyndham Pittsburgh University Center(WPUC), 100 Lytton Ave, Pittsburgh SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 United States Junior Solo Bagpiping & Snare Drumming Championships. Piping contest in Frick Fine Arts Auditorium; Drumming contest in Carnegie Lecture Hall 8:30am-4:30pm | Free | Frick Fine Arts Auditorium (FFA) & Carnegie Lecture Hall (CLH), Pittsburgh/Oakland SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 Concert: Acclaimed Scottish band, Eabhal, to be joined by Scottish and Irish dancers.