Baptist Missionary Magazine
DAY MISSIONS i THE tB R A R V BAPTIST MISSIONARY MAGAZINE. Vol. 16. June, 1836. No. 6. &mertcati baptist ïîoarîr of jForefgti J&tsßtoHS. TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL MEETING. H artford, Con., April 27, 1836. I Resolved, That ministers of the Gos pel present, who are not members of The Board met, at JO o’clock, A. M., the Board, be invited to take a seat, and at the meeting-house of the First Bap participate in the deliberations. tist Church.—Present, The following brethren reported their Rev. D aniel S h a r p , D. D., First Vice President. n am es: Rev. N a th a n iel K exdricic, D. D., Sec Henry Archibald, Jacob H. Brouner, John ond Vice President. Cookson, D. D. Piait, F. A. Willard, J.H . Rev. F rancis W a vlakd, Jr., D. D., Baker, Horace Seaver, Sidney S. Carter, Fourth Vice President. B. Cooke, A. Gates, B. Manning, C. O. Rev. W illiam T. B k a stlv , D .D ., Sixth Kimball, I. T. Hinton, D. Ives, M. Bolles, Vice President. John Paine, G. Phippen, Gibbon Williams, Rev. B asil M anly, Seventh Vice Presi J. M. Graves, Erastus Denison, S. S. Cut dent. ting, F. Bestor, H. Wooster, S. S. Nelson, Rev. Lucius B o lles, D. D., Correspond Frederick Wightman, William Bentley, B. ing Secretary. Stow, R. H. Neale. J ames D. K n o w les, Recording Secre tary. The Annual Report was then read by H eman L incoln, Esq., Treasurer. the Secretary. L evi F a r w e l l , Esq., Assistant Treas’r.
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