Index of Names
Index of Names Note: The names of authors of general histories of philosophy or comparable works, are in italics. The numbers in italics refer to the pages on which authors are specifically examined. The first name, or names, of authors of contemporary literature are abbreviated to the initial letter, or letters. A Agricola (Bauer), Georg, 103, 111 Aarsleff, H., 138–140, 417 Agricola, Rudolph (Roelof Huysman), 815 Abbadie, Jacques, 69, 103, 113 Agrippa (Sceptic philosopher), 884 Abel, 296 Agrippa von Nettesheim, Heinrich Cornelius, Abelard. See Peter Abelard 510 Abicht, Joh. Heinrich, xxvii, 693, 793, 840 Ahokas, M., 77 Abraham (Patriarch), 125, 191, 217, 218, 354 Ahriman, 124, 228 Abramson, K., 386 Aikin, John, 438 Achenwal, Gottfried, 561 Akbar, H., 951 Achillini, Alessandro, 891 Albertan-Coppola, S., 42, 45, 136 Acosta, Cristoforo, 509 Albertus Magnus, St., 87, 91, 104, 107, 192, Adam, 191, 217, 240, 241, 296, 316, 321, 217, 220, 230, 287, 321, 331, 339, 345, 344–346, 510 363, 367, 368, 509, 603, 610, 629, 633, Addison, Joseph, 461 654, 668, 802, 862, 864, 888 Adelung, Joh. Christoph, xxvi, 169, 497, 505, Albinus of Smyrna, 884 515, 516, 521, 525–528, 533, 590, Albrecht, M., 699, 766 592–619, 621, 637, 651 Albrecht, N., 549 Adickes, Erich, xxv, 548, 638, 693, 704, 742, Alcuin of York, 107, 331, 616 753, 765, 838, 839 Aldobrandini, Tommaso, 324 Adler, H., 551 Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 65, 104, 509, 510 Aeneas of Gaza, 654 Aléa, L., 81 Aenesidemus of Knossos, 862, 864, 869, 871, Alengry, F., 174, 184 884, 885. See also Schulze, Gottlob Alexander I (Czar of Russia), 562, 788 Ernst Alexander of Hales, 331 Aesop, 104, 409 Alexander the Great, 53, 75, 152, 171, 367, Agasse, Henri, 35, 166, 193 579, 653, 909, 956 Agatopisto Cromaziano.
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