Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics

Itinera Tiberi

Version 1.0

March 2009

Edward Champlin

Princeton University

Abstract: Intended as a guide for quick reference, this paper tabulates all of the known movements of the princeps from birth to death.

© Edward [email protected]


Itinera Tiberi

[] = [age before November 16th of that year]

S = Suetonius, Tiberius; D = Cassius Dio; T = , Annales; VP = Velleius Paterculus


42 Palatine: born S 5, D 57. 18. 2, Fer Cum., FAnt., AFA 16 Nov.

40 Praeneste after L. Antonius capitulates at , parents flee to [1] Sicily Achaia S 4. 2-3, 6. 1-3, VP 2. 75. 3 Sparta S 6. 1

39 Rome returns after amnesty, S 4.3 [2]

38 Rome mother marries Octavian, VP 2. 94. 1, FVerul 17 Jan. [3]

32 Rome Rostra: age 9 (33/32) eulogizes father, S 6. 4 [9]

29 Rome in Octavian’s Actium triumph, 13-15 Aug. [12] astici ludi, Circus: Troy games, S 6. 5, D 51. 22. 4

27 Rome toga virilis, FPraen. 24 Apr. [14] [Torelli 1982: 85, argues for 23 Apr.]

26 Spain military tribune, Cantabrian War (or not till 25), S 9. 1 [15]

25 Spain military tribune, Cantabrian War, S 9. 1, S 42. 1 [16]

24 Rome right to stand for office 5 years early; elected quaestor, D 53. 28. 3 [17] T 3. 29. 1, S 8; ?AP 9. 219 (Diodorus)

23 Rome quaestor, VP 2. 94. 1, and cura annonae VP 2. 94. 1, S. 8, ?AP 9. [18] Ostia 219 (Diodorus) [quaestor consulis: Badian 1974] Rome prosecutes Fannius Caepio S 8 investigates prisons S 8 3

22 [19]

21 [20]

20 Macedonia leads army (to East), S 14. 3; omen at Philippi, cf. D 54. 9. 6 [21] Thrace Epp. 1. 3. 3 Syria Armenia restores King Tigranes, receives standards, S 9. 1, D. 54. 9. 4-5, T 2. 3. 2, Horace Epp. 1. 12. 26-27, VP 2. 94. 4, 104. 4, 122. 1, RG 27. 2, 17. 1. 54, AP 16. 61 (Crinagoras); Jerome Chron. 165d H Rhodes on return journey from Armenia, S 11. 1; studies oratory, omen of donkey, Plutarch fr. 182, cf. Quintilian 3. 1. 17, Suda Theodorus [Levick 1976: 16-17] Ilium AP 9. 219 (Diodorus)

19 Gallia Comata governor 1 year, S. 9. 1 [or 16] [22] ornamenta praetoria Oct.

18 Gallia Comata governor 1 year, S 9. 1 [or 15] [23]

17 [24]

16 Rome praetor, D 54. 19. 6, S 9. 3 [25] gives gladiatorial games with brother Drusus for dedication of Temple of Quirinus, D. 54. 19. 5 29 June [see 19]

15 [see 18] [26] Raeti and Vindelici D 54. 22, Strabo 4. 6. 9, 7. 1. 5, S 9. 2, Horace C 4. 4, 14, VP 2. 95. 1, 104. 4, 122. 1, AP 16. 61 (Crinagoras); Jerome Chron. 166h H

14 (son Drusus born? [Sumner 1967 for year, Swan 2004], FerCum [27] 7 Oct.)

13 Rome consul, D 54. 25. 1-2, S 9. 3 [28] in charge of ludi votivi for ’ return, D 54. 27. 1, with colleague P. Quinctilius Varus, ILS 88


12 Rome divorces Vipsania, betrothed to Julia, D 54. 31. 2, S 7. 2-3, VP 2. [29] 96. 2 summer (between 19/24 March [death of Agrippa, D 54. 28. 3] and campaign [to Pannonia, D 54. 31. 2-3]: Sumner 1967) from 30th year, takes care of own health, without doctors, S 67. 4 Pannonii, Breuci, Dalmatae S 9. 2, D. 54. 31. 1-4, VP 2. 96

11 Rome marries Julia D 54. 35. 4, VP 2. 96. 1, S 7. 2-3 12 Feb. [30] Pannonii, Breuci, Dalmatae S 9. 2

10 Pannonii, Breuci, Dalmatae S 9. 2, Per. 141, RG 30. 1 [31] Rome with Augustus and brother Drusus, D 54. 36. 4 late in year

9 Rome ovatio over Pannonii: S 9. 2, VP 2. 96. 3, D 55. 2. 4; Jerome [32] Chron. 167f H (10 BC) [Taylor 1937 and Syme 1979 assign a fragment of the FP, dated 16 Jan., to this ovation; vs. Swan 2004] Ticinum meets Augustus, VM 5. 5. 3; hears news brother Drusus ill across rushes to join at deathbed in camp, VM 5. 5. 3, Plin. 7. 84; Cons. Liv. 89-94 walks with corpse to Moguntiacum? army’s winter quarters, D 55. 2. 1, cf. 1. 2 [Swan 2004], and via Ticinum where Augustus meets the cortège, T 3. 5. 1 (winter), to Rome Livy Per. 142, S 7. 3, Cons. Liv. 171-177, Seneca Ad Polybium 15. 5, S 7. 3, Claud. 1. 3, D 55. 2. 1; in Italy, proceeds with Augustus, T 3. 5. 1, and Livia, Seneca Marc. 3. 1-2 winter Forum: delivers eulogy in Forum, D 55. 2. 2 Campus Martius: Drusus cremated, buried in Mausoleum, D, S Claud., Livy Per., Cons.Liv. (as above)

8 moves and Sigambri to Gaul, S 9. 2, D. 55. 6. 1ff., S. Aug [33] 21. 1, VP 2. 97. 4; cf. T 12. 39. 3 imperator, Jerome Chron. 167k H

7 Rome triumph over Germans, S 9. 2, VP 2. 97. 4, D 55. 8. 2, F 1. [34] 647, cf. Am. 1. 14. 45-50 1 Jan. consul II, D 55. 3. 1-3, VP 2. 97. 4 : convenes senate outside pomerium, and assigns self task of repairing Temple of Concord, D 55. 8. 1-2 1 Jan. Porticus Liviae: dedicates with Livia, D 55. 8. 2 Capitol: banquet for senate, D 55. 8. 2 in charge of ludi votivi for Augustus’ return, ILS 95 Germany goes because of disturbance, D 55. 8. 3

6 Rome tribunicia potestas for five years, D. 55. 9. 4, F 26 June [35] (triumph de Raetis Vindelicis Armeniis et Pannoniis [!], Jerome Chron. 168b H) 5

Ostia leaves wife and son in Rome; sails to East via Rhodes S 10. 2, 11. 1, D. 55. 9. 4-8, VP 2. 99 Paros compels sale of statue of Hestia for Temple of Concord, D 55. 9. 6

5 Rhodes [36]

4 Rhodes [37]

3 Rhodes [38]

2 Rhodes (divorced from Julia by Augustus, S 11. 4, Pliny NH 21. 9) [39] (Julia banished to Pandateria, T 1. 53. 1, S Aug. 65. 1, VP 2. 100. 5, D 55. 10. 14; Jerome Chron. 168e H (5 BC) end of year)

1 Rhodes tribunicia potestas expires; named legatus Augusti 25 June [40] Samos meets C. Caesar, S 12. 2, VP 2. 101. 1, D 55. 10. 19 [Chios, but IGRR 4. 959 / MDAI(R) 49 (1924) 43, T as euergetes of Samos t.p. 5, 2/1 BC: Swan 2004]


1 Rhodes [41]

2 Rhodes omens of return, S 14. 4, D 55. 11. 1-3, AP 9. 287 (Apollonides) [42] Rome returns, S 13. 2, 14. 1, D. 55. 10a. 10, VP 2.103. 1 shortly before 20 Aug. (Kienast) (L. Caesar dies at Massilia, FAntMin. 20 Aug.) introduces son Drusus to Forum, S 15. 1 moves from Pompeiana Domus, Carinae, to Horti Maecenatiani, Esquilias, S 15.1

3 (Julia moved to Rhegium, S Aug. 65. 3, D 55. 13. 1, cf. T 1. 53. 1) [43]

4 Rome (C. Caesar dies at Limyra, FVerul. 21? Feb.) [44] adopted by Augustus, adopts nephew , FA, VP 2. 103. 3, AFA 38 and tribunicia potestas for ten years, D 55. 13. 2, S 16. 1 (5 years) 26 June Germany Canninefates, Attuarii, Bructeri, , S 16. 1, D 55. 13. 2, VP 2. 103. 5, 104. 2 – 105 summer 6

Rome VP 2. 105. 3 Dec.

5 Rome VP 2. 105. 3 Jan.-Mar. [45] Germany Cauchi, Langobardi, S 16. 1, D 55. 28. 5-7, VP 2. 106-107 Rome VP 2. 107. 3 (?Germanicus marries Agrippina)

6 Rome VP 2. 107. 3 [46] dedicates Altar of the Numen of Augustus, FP (?) 17 Jan. (Germanicus and produce gladiatorial games in memory of their father Drusus, D 55. 27. 3) dedicates Temple of Castor and Pollux in name of self and Drusus, Ovid, F 1.705ff., D 55. 27. 4, FP, S 20; CIL VI. 39188 27 Jan. levies troops with Augustus, EJ2 368 Germany VP 2. 108-110. 2, S 16. 1, D 55. 28. 5-7, 29. 1, 122. 2 Patavium oracle of Geryon and fons Aponi, en route to Illyricum, S 14. 3 Pannonia VP 2. 110. 4 – 112. 2, S 16. 1, D 55. 30. 1, 4 Rome S 16. 2, D 55. 27. 5 winter

7 Pannonia S 16. 1, D 55. 32. 3-4, VP 2. 112. 3-6, 113 - 114. 3 Siscia [47] (reduces Dalmatians and Sarmatians, Jerome Chron. 170f H) Rome S 16. 2, D 55. 27. 5 winter

8 Pannonia Bathinus River, S 16. 1 [48] surrender of Bato, VP 2. 114. 4-5, FAnt 3 Aug. Rome S 16. 2, D 55. 27. 5 winter

9 Rome meets Augustus outside, addresses people in Saepta, D 56. 1 [49] [Syme 1979] spring Dalmatia Perustae, Desidiates, VP 115. 1 –5, S 16. 1, D 56. 12-16. 4 Rome postpones triumph because of Varus disaster, enters city, mounts tribunal in Saepta with Augustus between consuls, saluted by people, visits temples, S 17,VP 2. 120. 1 [Syme 1979] late in year

10 Rome dedicates Temple of Concord in name of self and Drusus, FP, [50] FVerul, Ovid 1. 637-650, D 56. 25. 1 (cf. 55. 8. 2), S 20 16 Jan. Germany S 18-20. 1, D 56. 22. 2b, 23. 3, 24. 6, VP 2. 120. 1-2

11 Germany S 18-20. 1, invades D 56. 25. 2-3, celebrates Augustus’ birthday, [51] VP 2. 121. 1, 122. 2 23 Sept. Gaul Vienne, VP 2. 121. 1

12 Germany S 18-20. 1 7

[52] Rome triumph ex Pannonis Delmatisque, FP (AD 11/13), S 20. 1,VP 2. 115. 1, 121. 2, D 56. 17. 2, cf. ILS 3320, Ovid Pont. 2. 1, 2 23 Oct. Capitol, banquet S 20 (Germanicus cos.)

13 Rome dedicates statue of Augustan Justice, FP 8 Jan. [53] Temple of Apollo, Roman Library: meets Alexandrian embassy with Augustus, son Drusus, and council, POxy 2435 first half of year tribunicia potestas and imperium proconsulare aequum for 10 years 26 June Germany with Germanicus on Rhine, Ovid Pont. 3. 4, cf. T 2. 26. 3 [Syme 1979]

14 Rome conducts census with Augustus, S 97. 1, RG 8. 4, FO; Jerome [54] Chron. 171a H (AD 12) c. 11 May Astura? with Augustus en route to Campania?, S Aug. 97. Capri S Aug. 98. 4 (implied) Naples S Aug. 98. 5 Beneventum leaves Augustus, VP 2. 123. 1, S Aug. 97. 3, 98. 5 Illyricum recalled on road to Illyricum by Augustus’ illness, S 21. 1, S Aug. 98. 5, D 56. 31. 1; or just after entering Illyricum, T 1 5. 3 at Augustus’ deathbed?, S 21, Aug. 98. 5, D 57. 2. 1, 3. 5, T 1. 5 . 3, VP 2. 123. 2 19 Aug. Italy passes through coloniae and municipia with Augustus’ body: probably , , , , Urbana, , Minturnae, Formiae, Fundi, Tarracina, Tres Tabernae, Aricia, Bovillae, Rome [Levick 1976: 68ff.] c. 20 Aug. – c. 2 Sept. Rome Temple of Divus Julius: eulogizes Augustus, S, D 56. 34. 4-41. 9 named Augustus ? 17 Sept. imperium proconsulare for life; refuses title pater patriae Senate: S 23, 24, 70. 3, D 56. 31. 3 – 33. 6, 57. 2. 2, 5-6, T 1. 7. 3- 8. 5, 11-15, 52. 2-3 elections, VP 2. 124. 3 stays for two years, S 38 Forum and tribunal: D 57.7. 2, T 1. 6. 5 (death of former wife Julia, Rhegium, T 1. 53. 2, D 57. 18. 1a after 19 Aug.)

15 Rome stays for two years after accession, S 38 [55] Pontifex Maximus, FP, FVat, ILS 154 10 Mar. Senate: trial, T 1. 74. 4; actors, T 1. 77. 3 Forum and tribunal: T 1. 75. 1 8

Palatine, Temple of Apollo: presides over Fratres Arvales, AFA 3 [Scheid 1998: 9] 1 June Circus: ludi circenses for Augustus’ birthday 23 Sept. (son Drusus cos.)

16 Rome stays for two years after accession, S 38 [56] Senate: D 57. 15. 3; trial of Libo, T 2. 29. 2 (Sept: 2. 32. 2), VP 2. 129. 2; silent at debate, T 2. 35. 1-2; debate on elections, T 2. 36. 1-4; meeting at Palatine, T 37. 1- 38. 5 Palatine: T 2. 34. 3, senate meets T 2.37. 2; interrogates and executes Clemens, T 2. 40. 2-3 Forum: T 2. 34. 3, dedication of arch near for recovery of Varus’ standards, T 2. 41. 1 Horti Caesaris: dedication of Temple of Fors Fortuna, T 2. 41. 1 Bovillae dedication of sanctuary of Julii and image of Augustus, T 2. 41. 1

17 Rome triumph of Germanicus ex , T 2. 41. 2- 42. 1, S Cal. 1. 1, [57] D 59. 15. 2,VP 2. 129. 2, et al., Oros. 7. 4. 1; Jerome Chron. 171h H (de Parthis[!]); KalAmit, FO 26 May Senate: on Archelaus and Germanicus, T 2. 43. 1; trial of Appuleia, T 2. 50. 1-3 : dedicates Liber, Libera, and Ceres nearby, T. 2. 49. 1 Circus Maximus: dedicates Flora, T 2. 49. 1 : dedicates Janus, T 2. 49. 1, FAmit. 18 Oct. (Germanicus dedicates Spes, T 2. 49. 2)

18 Rome cos. III with Germanicus cos. II, FAntMin, T 2. 53. 1, 3. 31. 1 [58] 1-31 Jan.

19 Rome Senate: complains of Germanicus in Alexandria, S 52. 2, T 2. 59. [59] 2; new Vestal, T. 2. 86 (Germanicus dies at Antioch 10 Oct.) eulogizes Germanicus to Senate, Tab.Siar. 16 Dec.

20 Rome Senate: trial of Piso et al., T. 3 12. 1 – 19. 1; trial of Lepida, T. 3. [60] 22; restoration of Silanus, T 3. 24; acceleration of honors for grandson , T 3. 29. 1-2 (absent from funeral of Germanicus, T 3. 1-4) ovation of son Drusus ex Illyrico, FO, T 3. 19.3 28 May (death of former wife Vipsania, T 3. 19. 3 early June) Forum: grandson Nero enters, T 3. 29. 3; toga virilis, congiarium FO 7 June twin grandsons Ti. Gemellus and Germanicus born?, I.It.13,1. 216; T 2. 84. 1 (boasts about grandsons in Senate: T dates to 19) 9

granddaughter Julia marries grandson Nero, T 3. 29. 3

21 Rome cos. IV with son Drusus cos. II, S 26. 2, T 3. 31. 1, D. 57. 20. 1 [61] 1 Jan.-31 Mar. Campania embarks on peregrinatio suburbana, T 3. 31. 2, 47. 3 early in year

22 Campania Rome (son Drusus tribunicia potestas, T 3. 56, 59; cf. Jerome Chron. 172e H (consortem regni facit) ?Mar./Apr.) (Livia dedicates statue, from self and Tiberius, to Divus Augustus Pater near Theater of Marcellus, before Tiberius’ return, T 3. 64. 1, FP 23 Apr.) returns to Rome because Livia ill, T 3. 64. 1 [vs. Bellemore 2003, arguing that Tiberius returned in 21, not 22] Senate: trial of C. Silanus, T. 3. 66. 1 – 69. 6; various business, T 3. 70. 2 – 72. 4

23 Rome Drusus dies, funeral 14 Sept., T 4. 8f., S 39. 1, 62. 1, D 57. 22. 1-4; [63] FOpp, FAnt; Jerome Chron. 172f H 14 Sept. Senate accelerates honors for grandson Drusus, T. 4. 4. 1; eulogy of son Drusus, D 57.23. 4, 4a, T 4. 8. 2 - 9. 1; actors, T 4. 14. 3; flamen Dialis, T 4. 16 Forum: toga virilis for grandson Drusus, T 4. 4. 1; eulogizes son Drusus from Rostra, T 4. 12. 1, Seneca Ad Marciam 14. 2 grandson Germanicus dies, T 4. 15. 1, VP 2. 130.3

24 Rome Senate: honors, T 4. 17. 2; trial of C. Silius, T 4. 19. 2 [64] House of Plautius Silvanus: T 4. 22. 2

25 Rome Senate: at trials, D 57. 24. 8; T 4. 34. 2, 41 1-3; refuses honors, T [65] 4. 37. 1 – 38. 4

26 Rome Senate: temple in Asia, T 4. 55. 1 – 56. 3 [66] Campania leaves Rome, never to return, S 39, T 4. 57. 1, D 57. 12. 6, 58. 1. 1; cf. ILS 206 (Claudius refers to his uncle’s apsentia ) Tarracina escapes death at Spelunca, S 39, T 4. 59. 1-4 Capua dedicates Capitolium, S 39, T 4. 57. 1, 67. 1 Nola dedicates Temple of Augustus, S 39, T 4. 57. 1

27 Campania dislikes towns and people there, T 4. 67. 1; leaves Piso in charge of [67] Rome, Seneca, Epp. 83. 14-15 Capri settles there, T 4. 67. 1-2, cf. S 39 mainland after Fidenae disaster, T 4. 62-63, 67. 1, S 40-41

28 Capri 10

[68] Campania receives visitors in proximo Campaniae [Surrentum?: Rogers 1945-46]; personally betroths Agrippina, daughter of Germanicus, to Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus (later married in Rome), T 4. 74. 3- 75

29 Capri (death of mother Livia / Julia Augusta, T 5. 1. 1, D 58. 2. 1, VP 2. [69] 130. 5) avoids Livia’s funeral because of attractive life on Capri, T 5. 2. 1 (grandson Nero adjudged enemy by Senate, relegated to Pontia, T 5. 3-5, S Cal. 7) (former daughter-in-law Agrippina relegated to Pandateria, T. 5.3- 5, S 53) marriage of grandson Drusus to Aemilia Lepida? [T 6. 40. 3: wedding recorded by T, i.e., in lost part of book 5, after 5. 6 (A.D. 29) and before fall of Drusus (30)]

30 Capri sends Drusus to Rome, D 58. 3. 8 [70] (Drusus adjudged enemy by Senate, S 54. 2, Cal. 7) sends to Rome, D 58. 4. 9

31 Capri cos. V with Sejanus, S 65. 1, D 57. 20. 2, 58. 6. 2 1Jan. - 9 May [71] (grandson Nero starved to death on Pontia, S 54. 2, Cal. 7, D 58. 8. 4) summons grandson Gaius, S Cal. 10.1, cf. T. 6. 20. 1 after 31 Aug. Antonia informs of Sejanus’ plot, Jos. AJ 18. 181-182 sends Macro to Rome with letter, D 58. 9. 2, Juv. 10. 71-72, 92-94 awaits news of Sejanus’ fall, S 65. 2 Oct. next nine months in “Villa Iovis”; refuses to meet embassy from Senate, D 58. 13. 2 Oct.-Dec.

32 Capri after Sejanus’ fall, nine months in “Villa Iovis”, S 65. 2, vs. T 6. 1. [72] 1-2 Jan.-July Campania T 6. 1. 1, by ship to Rome Rome Horti Caesaris near Naumachia, S 72. 1, T 6. 1. 1

33 Rome 4th milestone, marriage of daughters of Germanicus: Julia Drusilla [73] to L. Cassius Longinus; Julia Livilla to M. Vinicius T 6. 15. 1, D 58. 21. 1 and of Julia, daughter of son Drusus, to C. Rubellius Blandus, T 6. 27. 1, D 58. 21. 1 near, but never visits city or senate, “deviis plerumque itineribus ambiens patriam et declinans”, T 6. 15. 3 Antium marriage of Germanicus’ son Gaius to Junia Claudilla, T 6. 20. 1 [vs. S Cal. 12. 1 (before 18 Oct. 31); vs. D 58. 25. 2 (35): Wardle 1994 ad loc.] 11

(grandson Drusus starved to death in Palatium, Rome, T 6. 23. 2 – 24. 3, S 54. 2, D 58. 22. 4-5) (former daughter-in-law Agrippina starved to death on Pandateria, T 6. 25. 1-3, D 58. 22. 4-5 18 Oct.) Capri at deathbed of Cocceius Nerva, T 6. 26. 1

34 Capri [74] Alba, Tusculum stays in area early in year, D 58. 24. 1

35 Capri [75] Rome just outside city, T 6. 39. 2, cf. D 58. 25. 2

36 Capri Herod Agrippa at court, Jos. AJ 18 . 161-179 [76] Tusculum Jos. AJ 18. 179, 183-204 [late summer: Rogers 1945-46)

37 Rome 7th milestone, Via Appia, S 72. 2 [77] ?Antium ludi (after 26 June 36), ILS 160 (Antium) Astura ill, S 72. 2 Circeii castrenses ludi, S 72. 2 Misenum dies, S 72. 3, 73, 74, 75. 3 Cal. 13, D 58. 28. 1, T 6. 50, Eutropius 7. 11, FO; Jerome Chron. 177b H (vs. Josephus AJ 18. 205-224: ill on return to Capri and dies there) 16 Mar.


Uncertain Date or Place

BC c. 27/20 Rome Forum: gladiatorial games for father Amphitheater (Tauri): ditto for grandfather S 7. 1 (after toga virilis, before marriage [Lindsay])

26? Spain? defends King Archelaus before Augustus, S 8 [Levick 1971; c. 18 Bowersock 1965: 157-161)

25? Spain? defends Tralliani and Thessali before Augustus, S 8 (Levick; 19 Bowersock)

24? Rome Senate: pleads for Laodicea, Thyatira, Chios after earthquake of 27 (Levick) c. 20/19 marries Vipsania: S 7. 2 (Lindsay 1995; 15 Kienast)


10? Aquileia son by Julia dies, S 7. 3

6/AD 2 Rhodes S 32. 2, 56, 59. 1, 62. 1, D 55. 11. 1-3, 57. 11. 1-2, 17. 4, T 1. 4. 4, 2. 42. 2, 3. 48. 1, 4. 15. 1, 57. 2, 6. 10. 2, 20. 2 – 21. 3, 51. 2; VP 2. 99; schol. Juvenal 6. 576; Manilius 4. 763-766; Quintilian 3. 1. 17; EJ 77b; ? AP 9. 178 (Antiphilus) Thespiae? winner of chariot race, SEG 22 (1967) 385 (if attended)

AD 1 or before Olympia? winner of chariot race, Syll.3 782 (if attended)


4/6 or 11/12 Germany Bagacum Nerviorum, adventus, ILS 8898 (Bagacum) Gaul Bononia, ILS 9463 (Aezani) a. 14 Rome Senate, S. 28-32, 42. 2, 71, T. 3. 65. 3, Plutarch Mor. 60 C-D Temple of Augustus, S 47, Cal. 21, T 1. 10. 8, 6. 45. 1, Pliny 35. 28, VP 2. 130. 1; Nicias’ Hyacinth there, Pliny 35. 131 Theater of Pompey, S 47, Cal. 21, Claud. 11. 3, T 3. 72. 2, 6. 45. 1, D. 60. 6. 8, Seneca Ad Marciam 22. 4-5, VP 2. 130. 1 Palatine: Apoxyomenos in cubiculum, Pliny 34. 62; Archigallus, Pliny 35. 70; salutatio, S 32. 2 establishes Praetoria, S 37 a. 16 Antium after first two years in Rome as princeps, visits only propinqua oppida, and no further than Antium a. 26 Rome passes extreme old age nearby in countryside or on shore, often encamping at City walls, T 4. 58. 3

26/29 saw Livia once after leaving Rome, S 51. 2 a. 26 Capri S 42-44, 60, 62. 2, 73, 74, Cal. 10. 1-12. 3, Vit. 3, D. 52. 43. 2, 57. 12. 6, 58. 5. 1, T 6. 10. 2; Pliny NH 3. 82; Plutarch Mor. 602 E; Aurelius Victor 2. 2; Ausonius, Caesares; Claudian In Eutropium 2. 61; Julian Caesares 310 A

? gifts given by Pompeia to Tiberius as infant in Sicily, kept and exhibited, S 6. 3

? Pannonia Frontinus Strat. 2. 15

? Praeneste recovers from illness in territory, Gellius 16. 13. 5; cf. S 63. 1

? Misenum on way to Naples, Phaedrus 2. 5 13

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