May 19, 2015 Dear All: The next few weeks will be busy ones for me due to work obligations so the e‐blast may not be so regular, but I’ll do my best. I trust you were able to make it out to the Baltimore Streetcar Museum and take part in a day of fun, comrade, and riding the Trolleys and bringing back days of yesteryears. We wish to thank the Baltimore Streetcar Museum for again welcoming the WB&A to their wonderful museum. I hope you will visit often and tell others. Our next get together is Sunday, June 7 from 9‐12 at our semi‐annual Membership and swap meet at the Macon Lodge. I hope you will be able to attend and hear what the Board has been doing over the last six months and where we are going in the next six months. Due to a variety of activities taking place the weekend of our meeting, we are moving our next “How To” Session which will be on scenery! We will be providing more details soon, so watch for the information or reach out to Nada
[email protected] if you’d like more information or would like to present on this subject. Paul Pullen, Editor of the Trolley is calling for your stories and hopes you’ll write something to share with the membership for the next Trolley. Paul would love to hear from you, please contact him at
[email protected] The WB&A and its members are lucky in that we have many friends and Tiny Tim’s Toys & Trains is offering a Limited Edition Williams 40399 Norfolk and Western 4‐8‐4 Steam Engine & Tender #611 “j” Spirit of Roanoke with Customer Color and Letter to the WB&A – check out the flyer.