Diana Stanciu – curriculum vitae – list of publications – April 2020 Diana Stanciu Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of Bucharest (Dimitrie Brandza 1, 060102, Bucharest, Romania) Gerda Henkel Senior Research Fellow, Berlin Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities https://icub.unibuc.ro/user/diana+stanciu/ https://icub.unibuc.ro/research/research-seminars/consciousness-and-cognition/ http://www.phil-hum-ren.uni-muenchen.de/php/Stanciu
[email protected] Curriculum vitae Education Teacher Training College ‘Carol I’, Cîmpulung (Psychology, Pedagogy), 1982-1986 BA University of Bucharest (Philology), 1991 BA University of Bucharest (Philosophy), 1995 MA Central European University, Budapest (Medieval Studies), 1998 PhD University of Bucharest (Philosophy), 2004 PhD KU Leuven (Philosophy), 2012 COLLEGE DISERTATION The Impact of Personality on the Education Process 1ST BA DISERTATION Theatrical Illusion in Shakespeare's ‘The Tempest’ and Pirandello's ‘The Giants of the Mountains’ 2ND BA DISERTATION English Aesthetics in the 18th Century MA THESIS: The Ninth-Century Debate on Predestination and its Political Relevance 1st DOCTORAL DISERTATION, PHILOSOPHY Shaftesbury’s ‘Characteristics’ – A ‘Socratic’ Programme of the Eighteenth Century 2nd DOCTORAL DISERTATION, PHILOSOPHY The Reception of Aristotle in the Augustinian Context of Seventeenth-century Louvain Employment History 1 Diana Stanciu – curriculum vitae – list of publications – April 2020 Academic (research and teaching) responsibilities Teaching Assistant,