Women of Europe Award – Germany Europe’s future in sight – the winners of the Foreword “Women of Europe Awards”

The “Women of Europe Award” has become an insti- tution. Those who have received it shape and expe- rience European politics on a daily basis and are an inspiration to many others – including me.

I am particularly pleased German and European that this year, a few weeks at the same time, and to before the European do so with pride and con- elections, the “Woman of viction. She succeeded The “Women of Europe” network with the 2018 winner, Düzen Tekkal (4th Europe” award is going to in creating the “Europe from left) and Federal Minister Julia Klöckner, who paid tribute to her. a woman who has demon- Union of Saxony”, thereby strated great commitment establishing a central Holders of the “Women “Women of Europe Award” over several decades – location for pro-European of Europe Award” know in different countries with Katharina Wolf. She works forces in Saxony to come what they want what they local European move- in a region where together. In her more than are fighting for. They build ments – the commitment first emerged, and where 30 years of commitment bridges, provide a human of the “Women of Europe” anti-European sentiment to Europe, Katharina Wolf face for the concept of has an impact on Europe as looms large. However, she has consistently managed Europe and put equality a whole. has not let this intimidate to bring Europe to the local into action. Daring and cou- her and has used her mes- level, where it is some- rageous, they never give Curious? www.netzwerk- sage to demonstrate that times barely visible and up. They operate across ebd.de/aktivitaeten/ it is possible to be Saxon, yet rooted in daily life. This borders. preis-frauen-europas pursuit of democracy at the local level is an inspi- They are justly honoured A big thank-you to every- rational example for the when the awards are one who makes this project whole of Europe. presented. However, possible. their network reaches far beyond the award cere- Professor Gudrun Schmidt- mony – a summer meeting Kärner, president of the Richard N. Kühnel, at the Bayreuth Festival, Women of Europe Award representative of the a music- and poetry-filled Sabine Overkämping, European Commission in “Salon d’Automne”, the member of the EBD board Germany reinvigoration of the of management

2 3 Woman of Europe 2019: Katharina Wolf Europa-Union Sachsen e.V.

But the official in the Saxon was elected as the “Young State Ministry for Economic Female Lawyers’” represen- Affairs, Labour and Trans- tative on the DJB’s federal port did not stop there – to- board of management, and gether with her fellow cam- in 1994 she was nominated paigners, she founded the to the Association’s newly “Europa-Union Sachsen e.V.” founded Commission for (Europe Union of Saxony) European Policy. In March in March 2015. She now 2000, Katharina Wolf was chairs the newest State As- one of the founding mem- sociation within Germany’s bers of the “European largest citizens’ movement Women Lawyers’ Associa- for Europe. tion”.

That’s not what patriotic “Europe doesn’t just hap- Europeans look like!” pen in Brussels. It happens

Photo: Lena Burandt anywhere where people Katharina Wolf’s work in are involved in actively Explaining Europe and particular on Saxony – a dif- this field dates back to shaping the idea of what making it a tangible reality ficult setting for European 1988, when she joined the Europe means,” says the – that is probably the most politics. In 2014, when the “Deutscher Juristinnenbund lawyer, who works to pro- important groundwork authoritarian Pegida move- e.v.” (German Women Law- mote Europe in a region needed for European un- ment went on the march in yers Association or DJB) and where some areas still need derstanding. But this work Dresden (where she works), set up the first Kassel re- someone to speak up for is rarely in the spotlight; the using its acronym to reclaim gional group. In later years European integration and many hours of voluntary the word “Europe”, Kath- she was also involved in es- education about Europe. work don’t often receive arina Wolf was incensed. tablishing the DJB’s regional recognition. 2019’s Woman “That’s not what patriotic group in Dresden and the The Women of Europe of Europe Katharina Wolf Europeans look like!” was Saxony State Association. Award for 2019 goes to has been laying this ground- her response. This was the Her commitment to Europe Katharina Wolf, for her use work for decades, quietly slogan on her placard at a was always closely linked of civic methods in defence and always keeping her counter-demonstration in with this – early on she of European values. goal in mind. She focuses in the winter of 2014/2015. www.europa-union-sachsen.de 4 5 Düzen Tekkal Adriana Lettrari Hawar.help. e.V. Netzwerk 3te Generation Ostdeutschland

provides women who were What role does the former once imprisoned by IS with a division of Europe play in path back into society. the lives of the “children of

Tekkal knows diversity is 1989? more than just an empty German reunification” of phrase. It means a lived ex- This is the question that perience of democracy that has been bothering Adriana

2018 allows for a range of opin- Lettrari since 2009. She 2016 Photo: Markus Tedeskino Photo: ions and protects minorities. founded the “Netzwerk 3te Generation Ostdeutsch- When the so-called Islamic “There’s no way to do land” (Third Generation between two worlds. They State committed genocide it that doesn’t involve Network) to know that everything can against the Yazidis living in women,” says Düzen Tek- investigate how experiences change suddenly and are northern Iraq in 2014, Düzen of German reunification can able to play their part in Tekkal made a documentary no society can develop in represent an opportunity. bringing about change – film – “HÀWAR – Meine Reise akal. positive “I firmly way believe if it sup that- they have the ability to in den Genozid” (“HÀWAR – presses women’s poten- The communication and transform. The network My Journey into Genocide”) tial.” political scientist was born engages in international – in order to expose the in 1979, in Neustrelitz, and dialogue on this and other atrocities. In 2016, the polit- At the heart of integration is grew up in Rostock. After topics. ical scientist and war corre- the ability to reconcile diver- spending her childhood spondent published a book sity. And this can only hap- behind the Iron Curtain and With its memorandum en- entitled “Deutschland ist pen when different cultures, her youth in the reunified titled “Wir fangen einfach bedroht – Warum wir unsere religions and people of many Germany, Lettrari, like her an” (“Let’s just get started”), Werte verteidigen müssen” different backgrounds are contemporaries in neigh- the “Generation of German (“Germany is under threat – able to talk, live and shape bouring eastern European Unity” makes the case for a why we must defend our val- society together. These are states, was “socialised pluralistic attitude towards ues”). She founded the HA- Düzen Tekkal’s values – val- twice” – they learned two solving current, and also WAR.help association and, ues that represent Europe’s cultural languages and pan-European, issues about working with the Ministry for diversity. are able to bridge the gap the future. Development, launched the “Back To Life” project, which www.hawar.help www.netzwerk.dritte-generation-ost.de

6 7 Linn Selle Daniela Topp-Burghardt Junge Europäische Föderalisten e.V. Ring Europäischer Frauen e.V.

time, and ensured the issue “Europe is not just a conti- gained attention through- nent. Europe is a vision.” out Germany. Bringing together women The political science gradu- from all over Europe and ate was an active member using dialogue to fos- of the “Junge Europäische ter a sense of community – Föderalisten e.V.” (Young this is the idea that has

2014 European Federalists) fed- driven Daniela Topp- 2013 eral board of management Burghardt, chairwoman for many years, among of the “Ring Europäischer Sparking young people’s other things serving as Frauen e.V.” (European changes of views and ideas interest in Europe deputy federal chairwoman Women’s Circle), for more with local parliamentari- and federal secretary. The than a decade. Topp- ans and representatives Charisma and a clever native Westphalian ex- Burghardt, who has a de- of women’s associations choice of political methods plains the reason behind gree in economics, explains provide a forum in which – Linn Selle’s involvement in her voluntary work: “We her conviction: “An in-depth to consider commonalities the 2014 European election young people have a special knowledge of what we have such as economic, cultural, campaign demonstrated connection with Europe – in common leads to a sense educational and social sys- that these two things can completely unlike even the of shared identity; by rec- tems. move the masses, as the generation before us. That’s ognising our differences we saying goes. When German why I want to take a stand can develop understanding There’s one thing in particu- broadcasters ARD and ZDF and make my voice heard, or learn from each other.” lar that links the women of only wanted to let the Eu- so that one day we can live She set up the not-for-profit Europe, something that the ropean leading candidates in a real European commu- association in Cologne in native Frankfurter encoun- (“Spitzenkandidaten”) de- nity.” Since last year she has 2003. As well as organising ters over and over again – bate on the niche channel been president of the Euro- a wide range of talks and the struggle for equal rights Phoenix, Selle used an pean Movement Germany, roadshows, the association in politics, economics and online petition to mobilise and the youngest-ever also runs annual trips to society. “We owe it to the almost 30,000 supporters holder of that office. countries around Europe younger generations to im- within a very short space of to meet others – open ex- prove this situation.”

www.jef.de www.r-e-f.eu

8 9 Jasmina Prpić Irina Gruschewaja Anwältinnen ohne Grenzen e.V. Den Kindern von Tschernobyl

much human rights de- pend on enforcement by about Chernobyl and for the courts. civilThe fightsociety against in dictatorial silence Belarus In 2007, together with eleven female colleagues 1986 – the year of the from Germany and a num- Chernobyl nuclear disas- ber of other countries, Jas- ter. In Belarus, it meant 2011 2012 mina Prpić LL.M. founded silence from the state the “Anwältinnen ohne and efforts to play down Grenzen e.V” association the impact. Professor of “If human rights are to be (Women Lawyers Without German studies Irina Grus- far beyond trips for chil- enforced, the legal system Borders). She has been its chewaja was not willing to dren – youth work, help for must defend them.” chairwoman ever since. accept this and, together girls in prison who are in The association is currently with her husband, set danger of dropping out of Jasmina Prpić was born in involved in setting up a up the “Den Kindern von society because of petty Banja Luka, in Bosnia and network of local female Tschernobyl” (For the offences, help for old peo- Herzegovina. The lawyer lawyers in the countries its Children of Chernobyl) ini- ple who were uprooted and feminist came to Ger- members come from, and tiative. from their homes near many as a war refugee uses legal means to fight Chernobyl and moved to in 1992. One part of her for the promotion and en- “The future of the world faceless prefabricated ac- career involved spending forcement of human rights lies in international civic commodation – people no- three years in Kosovo, for women, as well as for co-operation.” one else cares about. working with potential wit- the abolition of all types of nesses to crimes of rape unequal treatment or dis- Hundreds of thousands Irina Gruschewaja’s sense to enable them to come to crimination, both at home of Chernobyl children of civic duty links many the Hague Tribunal, and and abroad. This is a cause from different generations thousands of people in the providing them with legal that Jasmina Prpić has de- come to western Europe east and west alike. Her support. While there she voted more than half her on holiday, mostly to Ger- life’s work uniquely bridges realised how much women life to, with persistence and many. Today the initiative the divide between people. and women’s organisations creativity. includes projects ranging need legal help – and how www.bag-tschernobyl.net www.anwaeltinnen-ohne-grenzen.de 10 11 Necla Kelek Inge Bell Social scientist and publicist Journalist

men in Germany and Eu- rope, sometimes putting forward provocative de- defencelessThe fight against women human and mands. girlstrafficking in the andBalkans abuse of

Necla Kelek was born Look and act – this is Inge in 1957 in Istanbul and Bell’s motto. During her came to Germany at the time as a foreign corre- 2007 2008 age of ten. She studied spondent for broadcaster economics and sociology ARD, the Slavicist and his- at university, graduating torian of eastern Europe Integration and self-de- with a thesis on Islam in saw a great deal of suffer- The media entrepreneur termination for Muslim daily life. Kelek won the ing as she spent months and human rights activist women Geschwister-Scholl prize travelling in (south-)east- supports and oversees for her 2005 bestseller, ern Europe, filming and this and other aid projects, In 21st century Europe, a “Die fremde Braut” (“The carrying out research. It for example for disabled Muslim woman’s freedom Foreign Bride”). From wasn’t enough for her just people, with a keen eye to determine for herself 2005 to 2009 she was a to report on it. For Inge and unrivalled dedication. how she lives her life is permanent member of the Bell, the logical conse- Today, as an expert, au- still not something that German Islam Conference quence was to start up hu- thor, lecturer and public can be taken for granted. and sits on the senate of manitarian aid projects to speaker, Inge Bell is just as Necla Kelek fights against the “Deutsche Nation- eliminate social injustices. devoted to fighting human the oppression of these alstiftung” charity (German One such project offered rights abuses. In 2012, the women and pushes for- National Foundation). protected accommodation, German president Joachim ward the conversation mental health support and Gauck awarded her the Or- about cultural and political Necla Kelek lives in , vocational training to un- der of Merit of the Federal aspects of the integration where she works as a free- derage girls who had been Republic of Germany. of Muslim women and lance author. forced into prostitution.


12 13 Magdalena Baur † Gesine Schwan europafels e.V. Dialogue between Germany and Poland

She set up an extensive “Trust, the foundation network linking educa- on which friendship tional institutions in var- between Germany ious countries, in order and Poland is built, to implement the idea of can only grow out of “learning from each other” personal encounters at a practical level. This between people.” involves bringing people

2006 into direct contact with In keeping with this 2005 each other as part of in- motto, professor Gesine ternational seminars and Schwan has been work- A European network for projects, providing teach- ing to establish and ex- structures and continues transnational initiatives ers, and the people that pand cultural exchanges to support ongoing dia- supporting innovative train them, with ideas and and contact at the civil logue today. Her goal is schools help to make European society level, primarily to bring people together co-operation in the field of between young people and make a difference. Even as a schoolgirl Mag- education a reality. in Germany and Poland, dalena Baur, who was born for more than 30 years. Gesine Schwan was pres- in Upper Silesia (Poland), The europafels association ident of the European was convinced of the need (european association Gesine Schwan was University Viadrina in for European states to for education, lifelong an early supporter an der Oder move closer together. As learning and studies) was of the “Solidarność” from 1999 until 2008. a teacher, she organised founded at Magdalena (Solidarity) trade union She was a co-founder of European projects, school Baur’s instigation and sup- movement in Poland, has the Humboldt-Viadrina exchange programmes ports transnational initia- helped a wide range of School of Governance and supported related ini- tives aimed at developing German-Polish initiatives and was its president tiatives. The protection of schools. to establish contacts and from 2010 until 2014. and support for minorities are a particular area of fo- www.gesine-schwan.de cus for her.


14 15 María del Rosario Hickmann Regina Hellwig-Schmid More than 25 years of voluntary work for Visual artist/curator German-Spanish cultural exchange

As a way of thinking about Dr. María Rosario Hick- war and peace, she organ- mann came to Kiel in 1976 ised the “pax danubiana when she got married, – Flaschenpost für den and since then she has Frieden” initiative (“pax been involved in cultural danubiana – a message exchanges between in a bottle for peace”), in Germany and Spain. which 1,856 artists in ten

2004 countries on the banks of In 1977 she founded a 2003 the Danube entrusted a women’s group to help personal message of peace Spanish “guest worker” Building bridges with art to the river on 23 Septem- families integrate. Then, the ideal place to learn and culture ber 2000. in 1980, she set up lan- Spanish and experi- guage courses at the ence Spanish culture. Since 1992, Regina Hell- In 2001 she set up the first “Deutsch-Iberoameri- Alongside her work as a wig-Schmid has worked International Danube Con- kanischen Gesellschaft” lecturer at Kiel Universi- to promote international ference on Art and Culture (German-Ibero-American ty’s Institute of Romance understanding in a unique in Regensburg, which was Society) which was sub- Studies, she has also pub- way – using art and her skill followed by further con- sequently at the heart of lished the German-Spanish at bringing people together. ferences in the Danube her masterpiece in 1991 cultural journal “Solera” Acting as a catalyst and region. One example of her – the “Institut für Span- since 2002. In 1997 she facilitator of ideas, she is many projects was “donu- ische Sprache und Kultur” was awarded the Spanish the driving force behind in- menta”. Running from 2003 (Institute for Spanish Order of Merit “Lazo de ternational projects dealing to 2012, it reached its peak Language and Culture”) in Dama de Isabel la Católica” with cultural, scientific and with “14 x 14 Survey of the Kiel. The institute rapidly for her outstanding com- artistic co-operation in the Danube Region. Positions developed into a centre mitment to voluntary Danube region. in Contemporary Art”. for German-Spanish com- work, and in 2000 she munication. For Spaniards, received the Medal of www.donumenta.de it’s a “home away from Merit from the Federal www.regina-hellwig-schmid.de home”; for Germans, it’s Republic of Germany.


16 17 Ludmilla Irmscher & Cathrin Schauer-Kelpin Philomena Franz KARO e.V., Plauen Remembrance of the Holocaust

Appealing for humanity and tolerance among the younger generation

Philomena Franz comes from a Sinti family that has lived in Germany for centuries. In 1943 she was 2001 2002 arrested and deported to the Auschwitz extermina- tion camp. She has experi- Since 1994, KARO has been enced hatred, humiliation, Her message: “We sur- working in the border re- terrain agony and fear. Many vivors bear the scars. gion between Germany In the most difficult members of her family did But my life has taught and the Czech Republic In 2004, what was once a not survive the Holocaust. me one thing – When we against forced prostitution, social project became the hate, we lose. When we human trafficking and the not-for-profit association When we hate, we love, we become rich.” sexual exploitation of chil- KARO e.V. In 2008, Ludmilla lose. When we love, dren. Ludmilla Irmscher Irmscher stepped down. we become rich. Philomena Franz en- and Cathrin Schauer-Kelpin Cathrin Schauer-Kelpin courages her readers provide vital assistance to continues to spread the She has written about and listeners to face the affected children, young word about the unthink- her experiences in a book unknown and learn to people and women. able, gives victims a voice entitled “Zwischen Liebe understand it. She fights Alongside the provision of and challenges people to und Hass” (“Between Love for reconciliation and psycho-social and medical take responsibility for their and Hate”) and gives read- understanding, and in so care, building relationships actions and their fellow hu- ings and talks at schools. many ways spreads the and establishing a trusted man beings. She ventures message that tolerance network of contacts on into the most difficult ter- must come from the heart. both sides of the border rain, where our society has are at the heart of their only a limited number of work. solutions to offer.


18 19 Dagmar Schipanski Gudrun Schmidt-Kärner Shaping the scientific landscape in the Eu- Building bridges between western ropean context and eastern Europe

Between 1999 and 2004, Working on projects be- in her role as Thuringia’s tween northern Germany Minister for Science, Re- and the Kaliningrad Re- search and the Arts, she gion/Russia helped Thuringian univer- sities expand their various Professor Gudrun Schmidt- relationships with partner Kärner is concerned with institutions in central and promoting understanding

2000 eastern Europe. From of the different living situa- 1999 2004 to 2009 she was the tions and ways of thinking president of Thuringia’s that can be found in west- Professor Dagmar Schi- state parliament. In this ern and eastern Europe. work, solidarity and indi- panski has been involved capacity she worked hard vidual responsibility for with many international to promote relationships She was behind the found- shaping communities. This bodies, such as the UNE- with partner parliaments ing of the “Hanse-Büro” helps them to learn the SCO World Commission throughout Europe. Be- (Hanse Office) in 1992, and importance of these fun- on the Ethics of Scientific tween 2011 and 2013 Dag- today’s “Schleswig-Hol- damental European values Knowledge and Technol- mar Schipanski was the stein Informationsbüro” in human interaction. ogy and the International principal of the European (Schleswig-Holstein In- Scientific Advisory Com- “Studienkolleg” in Berlin. formation Office). The As well as mentoring for- mittee of the United Na- association she founded mer interns, who today tions University in Tokyo. (“Förderverein für Ka- are successful business- liningrad/Russland” or people, Gudrun Schmidt- www.dagmar-schipanski.de Kaliningrad/Russia De- Kärner also works to velopment Association) promote the integration works with young people of disadvantaged young to promote voluntary people into society.


20 21 Sister Lea Ackermann Sissy Thammer SOLWODI e.V. – Solidarity with “A stage where the world’s youth can re- women in distress hearse”

victim to violence and ex- Committed to in- ploitation, whether they ternational have entered the country cultural exchange as migrant workers or through marriage, or as a Dr. h. c. Sissy Thammer result of forced prostitu- has headed the Bayreuth tion and human trafficking. Young Artists’ Festival since 1986 and has put 1998 The aim is to use education into practice her vision of 1997 and training to help the a broader understanding women achieve financial of the word “Europe” from Initiative for the victims independence and thereby the outset. For her, Europe is an arts event that offers open up new perspectives is not “east” or “west”, a nurturing environment forced prostitution on life for them, or to use Muslim, atheist, Jewish for young artists, provides of human trafficking and contacts with NGOs in the or Christian, but rather a training and social work, In 1985, Sr. Lea Ackermann women’s countries of ori- system of values based on and promotes interna- founded SOLWODI e.V. – an gin to support their future culture, art and music. tional understanding. All abbreviation for “Solidarity reintegration in that coun- these things make it a with women in distress” – try, for those women who It is in this spirit that she cultural event that is Euro- in Mombasa, Kenya. Ger- want it. creates a unique place for pean in its scale and reach, many now also has 16 ad- intercultural learning in imbued with passion and vice centres which provide Solwodi is a human rights Bayreuth every August – a a spirit of sustainability. seven safe apartments, as organisation whose clear place to experiment with well as with psycho-social goal is to achieve dignity new developments in Sissy Thammer, interna- counselling and advice on for women within German the world of art, a place tional youth worker, arts legal matters and mento- society and in a united Eu- for active and commit- manager and lecturer, is ring services. The assis- rope. In 2014, Sr. Lea Ack- ted peace-building. the holder of prestigious tance on offer is also avail- ermann was awarded the awards from the Federal able to women from other Augsburg Peace Prize for The Bayreuth Young Republic of Germany and countries who have fallen her work in this field. Artists’ Festival is a unique the Free State of Bavaria. blend of many things – it www.solwodi.de www.vorsicht-Leidenschaft.de

22 23 Christine Grotensohn AKIK – Aktionskomitee Kind Monika Hauser im Krankenhaus medica mondiale e.V.

commodation for one par- Supporting traumatised ent in hospitals. She also women and girls in war supported the integration zones and crisis areas of parents into daily hospi- tal life. The news of mass rapes in the former Yugoslavia She played a major part in in 1993 led gynaecologist the “Charta für Kinder im Dr. Monika Hauser to

1996 Krankenhaus” (Charter for work with female doc- 1995 Children in Hospital) that tors, psychologists and was drafted during the nurses in Bosnia to found AKIK represents the first European Conference Medica Zenica – a centre on life again, through psy- rights of children and of AKIK Initiatives in 1988, for medical and psycho- chosocial support, legal their parents before, and today enjoys support social therapy for women advice and also political during and after hospital throughout Europe from traumatised by war in the human rights work. treatment for children professional associations, Bosnian city of Zenica. and young people. paediatricians and the medica mondiale oper- World Health Organisation. Her work in this field ex- ates internationally and As the mother of one such panded to include the is part of a transnational child, Christine Groten- In 1993, Christine Groten- foundation of further proj- network opposing vio- sohn was involved with sohn played a decisive role ects in Kosovo, Albania, lence against women. the “Aktionskomitee Kind in the establishment of Liberia and Afghanistan. In 2008, Monika Hauser im Krankenhaus” (Action the European Association As well as providing medi- received the Alternative Committee for Children for Children in Hospital cal care, medica mondiale Nobel Prize for her work. in Hospital, or AKIK) from (EACH), which works to helps to give traumatised 1977 onwards, and made implement the rights of women a new perspective it her goal to see the in- hospitalised children in troduction of unrestricted Europe. www.medicamondiale.org visiting hours and free ac-


24 25 Irina, Princess Susanne Tiemann zu Sayn-Wittgenstein Promoting the interests of freelance profes- For Poland’s integration into Europe sionals at the European level

Supporters of the Catholic Professor Susanne Tie- University of Lublin), she mann is concerned with has been promoting Ger- giving a broad range of man-Polish dialogue since professionals an under- 1987, through exchange standing of what European programmes between unification means and the German and Polish univer- opportunities it brings. sities. With the “Verein für

1994 deutsch-polnische Man- Between 1987 and 1994 1993 agerfortbildung” (Associ- she represented the ation for German-Polish “Bundesverband der A commitment to Ger- Manager Training) she has Freien Berufe” (German Susanne Tiemann was also man-Polish demonstrated her commit- Association of Liberal president of the “Bund der understanding ment to economic co-op- Professionals) on the Eu- Steuerzahler” (German eration between Germany ropean Union’s Economic Taxpayers’ Association) Recognising that educa- and Poland since 1990. and Social Committee. and president of the Eu- tion and training are key She was president of that ropean Secretariat for the starting points for the Since 1983, Princess zu committee from 1992 Liberal Professions (SE- integration of Poland into Sayn-Wittgenstein has also to 1994. Working on a PLIS) in Brussels. She was a Europe, Irina, Princess been involved in the social voluntary basis, she de- professor of management zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, sector as co-founder and veloped, among other science at the Catholic Uni- supports initiatives in the chairwoman of the “Mal- things, a “Europäische versity of Applied Sciences field of student exchange teser-Johanniter-Johanne- Charta der Freiberuflich- in North Rhine-Westphalia programmes, training and shaus” (Maltese Knights keit” (European Charter and an honorary profes- further education. of St. John of Jerusalem for Liberal Professionals). sor of social law at the Care Centre), which runs a University of Bonn. From As chairwoman of the group of long-term homes 1994 to 2002 she was a “Verein der Freunde und for people suffering from member of the Bunde- Förderer der Katholischen mental illness. stag, the lower house of Universität Lublin e.V.” the German parliament. (Association of Friends and

26 27 Csilla Freifrau von Boeselager † Gundi Gompf † Founder of the Hungarian Kinder lernen europäische Sprachen e.V. Charity Service of the Order of Malta

was appointed professor Through the Charity of English Language Teach- Service of the Order of ing and Literature at the Malta, Csilla Freifrau von University of Frankfurt am Boeselager organised the Main in 1976, a position transport of relief from which she held until her Germany to Hungary, retirement in 2005. providing particular assis- tance to hospitals, retire-

1992 In 1989 Gundi Gompf ment homes and homes 1991 founded the not-for-profit for disabled people. association “Kinder lernen A contribution to inter- europäische Sprachen e.V” In 1989, shortly before Up until her untimely national understanding (Children Learn European German reunification, death in 1994, Csilla Languages”, in order to she used the organisation Freifrau von Boeselager, Europe bring about reform of for- she founded to imple- holder of the European and the unification of eign language teaching in ment a dramatic relief Human Rights Prize, From 1969 onwards, Pro- terms of education policy. operation – she took in helped to promote inter- fessor Gundi Gomp was She believed that moving thousands of GDR citi- national understanding scientific adviser to the the point at which foreign zens, in a hastily organ- through her involvement “Englisch ab 3. Grund- languages are first taught ised camp in Budapest. in numerous cross-border schuljahr” (“English from into primary schools was humanitarian initiatives, the 3rd year of primary of the utmost importance with the help of more education”) pilot project in order to give children than 9,000 volunteers. in Hesse. In 1970, Hesse’s better professional oppor- then education minister tunities and achieve better charged her with devel- understanding within oping new university European business. Gundi courses that dealt with Gompf died in the autumn foreign language learning of 2013. in primary schools. She


28 29 About the “Women of Europe Award”

Strong women for a united space a way to connect Europe – since 1991, the with each other, enable European Movement them to network with EBD Germany (EBD) has been member organisations and conferring the “Women strengthen volunteering of Europe Award” on structures in civil society. women who make a special commitment The winner is se- to the further integra- lected each year by tion of Europe, and have a panel made up shown courage, creativ- of the award’s president, ity and persistence in two members of EBD’s On 28 November 2018, in of abortion law. Axelle board of management, conjunction with the Euro- Lemaire, France’s former two former holders of the pean Women’s Lobby (EWL), Minister for Digital Affairs, award and representatives the European Movement who currently works for – both female and male International (EMI) organ- Roland Berger, received – of the EBD’s member ised its “Women of Europe the “Woman in Business” organisations. The EBD Awards” for the third time award for her efforts as a appeals to its member or- in a row, recognising the businesswoman to push ganisations and partners achievements of women in forward the digital trans- to publicise the call for four categories. EU Com- formation in France and A symbolic honour: The “Women entries for the “Women missioner Marianne Thys- Europe. Sigrid Friis Pro- of Europe” receive a brooch spe- cially made for them. of Europe Award” within sen received the “Woman schowski, who works to their networks and submit in Power” award for her po- improve young people’s their voluntary work. their own nominations. litical leadership in the field understanding of the EU The symbolic awarding of of social justice in Europe. in Denmark, received the this accolade – the winner The president of “Women Awards also went to the “Woman in Youth Activ- receives a brooch specially of Europe” is professor women behind the “To- ism” award. This year the made for her and joins an Gudrun Schmidt-Kärner; gether for Yes” campaign seven-person panel was active network of recipi- her deputies are Sissy in Ireland, which in 2018 headed by EMI president ents of the award – aims Thammer, the 1997 winner, secured the liberalisation and MEP Eva Maydell. to give European women and Adriana Lettrari, who who are active in the civic received the award in 2016. www.europeanmovement.eu/women-of-europe/

30 31 Supported by:

Vertretung in Deutschland

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Europäische Bewegung Deutschland e.V. Sophienstraße 28/29 10178 Berlin T +49 (0)30 3036201-22 F +49 (0)30 3036201-19 [email protected] www.netzwerk-ebd.de

You can contact the Women of Europe Award’s network of award winners, candidates and supporters by email at: [email protected]

Further information can be found at: www.netzwerk-ebd.de/aktivitaeten/preis-frauen-europas