Women of Europe Award – Germany Europe’s future in sight – the winners of the Foreword “Women of Europe Awards” The “Women of Europe Award” has become an insti- tution. Those who have received it shape and expe- rience European politics on a daily basis and are an inspiration to many others – including me. I am particularly pleased German and European that this year, a few weeks at the same time, and to before the European do so with pride and con- elections, the “Woman of viction. She succeeded The “Women of Europe” network with the 2018 winner, Düzen Tekkal (4th Europe” award is going to in creating the “Europe from left) and Federal Minister Julia Klöckner, who paid tribute to her. a woman who has demon- Union of Saxony”, thereby strated great commitment establishing a central Holders of the “Women “Women of Europe Award” over several decades – location for pro-European of Europe Award” know in different countries with Katharina Wolf. She works forces in Saxony to come what they want what they local European move- in a region where Pegida together. In her more than are fighting for. They build ments – the commitment first emerged, and where 30 years of commitment bridges, provide a human of the “Women of Europe” anti-European sentiment to Europe, Katharina Wolf face for the concept of has an impact on Europe as looms large. However, she has consistently managed Europe and put equality a whole. has not let this intimidate to bring Europe to the local into action. Daring and cou- her and has used her mes- level, where it is some- rageous, they never give Curious? www.netzwerk- sage to demonstrate that times barely visible and up. They operate across ebd.de/aktivitaeten/ it is possible to be Saxon, yet rooted in daily life. This borders. preis-frauen-europas pursuit of democracy at the local level is an inspi- They are justly honoured A big thank-you to every- rational example for the when the awards are one who makes this project whole of Europe. presented. However, possible. their network reaches far beyond the award cere- Professor Gudrun Schmidt- mony – a summer meeting Kärner, president of the Richard N. Kühnel, at the Bayreuth Festival, Women of Europe Award representative of the a music- and poetry-filled Sabine Overkämping, European Commission in “Salon d’Automne”, the member of the EBD board Germany reinvigoration of the of management 2 3 Woman of Europe 2019: Katharina Wolf Europa-Union Sachsen e.V. But the official in the Saxon was elected as the “Young State Ministry for Economic Female Lawyers’” represen- Affairs, Labour and Trans- tative on the DJB’s federal port did not stop there – to- board of management, and gether with her fellow cam- in 1994 she was nominated paigners, she founded the to the Association’s newly “Europa-Union Sachsen e.V.” founded Commission for (Europe Union of Saxony) European Policy. In March in March 2015. She now 2000, Katharina Wolf was chairs the newest State As- one of the founding mem- sociation within Germany’s bers of the “European largest citizens’ movement Women Lawyers’ Associa- for Europe. tion”. That’s not what patriotic “Europe doesn’t just hap- Europeans look like!” pen in Brussels. It happens Photo: Lena Burandt anywhere where people Katharina Wolf’s work in are involved in actively Explaining Europe and particular on Saxony – a dif- this field dates back to shaping the idea of what making it a tangible reality ficult setting for European 1988, when she joined the Europe means,” says the – that is probably the most politics. In 2014, when the “Deutscher Juristinnenbund lawyer, who works to pro- important groundwork authoritarian Pegida move- e.v.” (German Women Law- mote Europe in a region needed for European un- ment went on the march in yers Association or DJB) and where some areas still need derstanding. But this work Dresden (where she works), set up the first Kassel re- someone to speak up for is rarely in the spotlight; the using its acronym to reclaim gional group. In later years European integration and many hours of voluntary the word “Europe”, Kath- she was also involved in es- education about Europe. work don’t often receive arina Wolf was incensed. tablishing the DJB’s regional recognition. 2019’s Woman “That’s not what patriotic group in Dresden and the The Women of Europe of Europe Katharina Wolf Europeans look like!” was Saxony State Association. Award for 2019 goes to has been laying this ground- her response. This was the Her commitment to Europe Katharina Wolf, for her use work for decades, quietly slogan on her placard at a was always closely linked of civic methods in defence and always keeping her counter-demonstration in with this – early on she of European values. goal in mind. She focuses in the winter of 2014/2015. www.europa-union-sachsen.de 4 5 Düzen Tekkal Adriana Lettrari Hawar.help. e.V. Netzwerk 3te Generation Ostdeutschland provides women who were What role does the former once imprisoned by IS with a division of Europe play in path back into society. the lives of the “children of Tekkal knows diversity is 1989? more than just an empty German reunification” of phrase. It means a lived ex- This is the question that perience of democracy that has been bothering Adriana 2018 allows for a range of opin- Lettrari since 2009. She 2016 Photo: Markus Tedeskino Photo: ions and protects minorities. founded the “Netzwerk 3te Generation Ostdeutsch- When the so-called Islamic “There’s no way to do land” (Third Generation between two worlds. They State committed genocide it that doesn’t involve East Germany Network) to know that everything can against the Yazidis living in women,” says Düzen Tek- investigate how experiences change suddenly and are northern Iraq in 2014, Düzen of German reunification can able to play their part in Tekkal made a documentary no society can develop in represent an opportunity. bringing about change – film – “HÀWAR – Meine Reise akal. positive “I firmly way believe if it sup that- they have the ability to in den Genozid” (“HÀWAR – presses women’s poten- The communication and transform. The network My Journey into Genocide”) tial.” political scientist was born engages in international – in order to expose the in 1979, in Neustrelitz, and dialogue on this and other atrocities. In 2016, the polit- At the heart of integration is grew up in Rostock. After topics. ical scientist and war corre- the ability to reconcile diver- spending her childhood spondent published a book sity. And this can only hap- behind the Iron Curtain and With its memorandum en- entitled “Deutschland ist pen when different cultures, her youth in the reunified titled “Wir fangen einfach bedroht – Warum wir unsere religions and people of many Germany, Lettrari, like her an” (“Let’s just get started”), Werte verteidigen müssen” different backgrounds are contemporaries in neigh- the “Generation of German (“Germany is under threat – able to talk, live and shape bouring eastern European Unity” makes the case for a why we must defend our val- society together. These are states, was “socialised pluralistic attitude towards ues”). She founded the HA- Düzen Tekkal’s values – val- twice” – they learned two solving current, and also WAR.help association and, ues that represent Europe’s cultural languages and pan-European, issues about working with the Ministry for diversity. are able to bridge the gap the future. Development, launched the “Back To Life” project, which www.hawar.help www.netzwerk.dritte-generation-ost.de 6 7 Linn Selle Daniela Topp-Burghardt Junge Europäische Föderalisten e.V. Ring Europäischer Frauen e.V. time, and ensured the issue “Europe is not just a conti- gained attention through- nent. Europe is a vision.” out Germany. Bringing together women The political science gradu- from all over Europe and ate was an active member using dialogue to fos- of the “Junge Europäische ter a sense of community – Föderalisten e.V.” (Young this is the idea that has 2014 European Federalists) fed- driven Daniela Topp- 2013 eral board of management Burghardt, chairwoman for many years, among of the “Ring Europäischer Sparking young people’s other things serving as Frauen e.V.” (European changes of views and ideas interest in Europe deputy federal chairwoman Women’s Circle), for more with local parliamentari- and federal secretary. The than a decade. Topp- ans and representatives Charisma and a clever native Westphalian ex- Burghardt, who has a de- of women’s associations choice of political methods plains the reason behind gree in economics, explains provide a forum in which – Linn Selle’s involvement in her voluntary work: “We her conviction: “An in-depth to consider commonalities the 2014 European election young people have a special knowledge of what we have such as economic, cultural, campaign demonstrated connection with Europe – in common leads to a sense educational and social sys- that these two things can completely unlike even the of shared identity; by rec- tems. move the masses, as the generation before us. That’s ognising our differences we saying goes. When German why I want to take a stand can develop understanding There’s one thing in particu- broadcasters ARD and ZDF and make my voice heard, or learn from each other.” lar that links the women of only wanted to let the Eu- so that one day we can live She set up the not-for-profit Europe, something that the ropean leading candidates in a real European commu- association in Cologne in native Frankfurter encoun- (“Spitzenkandidaten”) de- nity.” Since last year she has 2003.
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