The European Association of Consultants to and about Not-For-Profit Organisations




Prof Dr Dr hc Gesine Schwan Co-Founder and President, HUMBOLDT-VIADRINA Governance Platform, Germany

Born 1943 in Berlin, 1971 Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the Free University Berlin, 1977 – 1999 Professor of Political Science - particularly of Political Theory and Philosophy, 1985 to 1987 President of the German Association of Political Science (DVPW), 1993 to 1995 Dean of the Department of Political Science at the Free University Berlin, October 1999 to September 2008 President of the European University Viadrina in (Oder), 1977 to 1984 and again since 1996 Member of the “Commission for Fundamental Values”, from 2002 to 2009 Co-Chairwomen of the German- Polish Forum, since 2002 Member of the Board of Trustees of the German Institute of Poland (Deutsches Polen-Institut), since 2004 Member of the Commission of SPD, 2004 Candidate for the Presidency of the Federal Republic of Germany (nominated by SPD and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen), from January 2005 to September 2009 Coordinator of the Federal Government for German-Polish Relations and cross-border Civil Society Cooperation with the Republic of Poland, 2008 - 2009 Candidate for the Presidency of the Federal Republic of Germany (nominated by SPD), joint founder and president until 2014 of the HUMBOLDT- VIADRINA School of Governance.

Becky Gilbert Independent Consultant, Germany

Becky Ann Gilbert, CFRE, is an internationally-recognized expert and trainer in the areas of fundraising, institutional advancement, and non-profit management. She has over 20 years of experience in leadership roles with organizations such as ASSIST American Secondary Schools for International Scholars and Teachers, the Berlin-based ESMT European School of Management and Technology and House of World Cultures, the Deutsches Museum in Munich, and the National Endowment for the Arts in Washington DC. She is a member of the Board of Directors at CFRE International, Head of Educational Fundraising at the German Fundraising Association, and Chair of the European Fundraising Association’s Certification Committee. 2

Matthias Nowak Head of Refugee Work in Berlin, Order of Malta, Germany

Matthias Nowak has been head of PR and Media for the Order of Malta in North and since May 2012. With the beginning of the refugee crisis in Berlin, he additionally took over the responsibility for the refugee camps in Berlin. Before his work for the Order of Malta he worked for more than 20 years for radio and TV stations all over Germany and Europe.

Prof Dr Jürgen Schlaeger CBE FEA Senior Professor, Centre for British Studies (Berlin), Germany

Born near Berlin (1940); school in the GDR and then West Germany; studied in Würzburg and Cologne English, Russian and History, then, as Michael Wills Scholar English at Oxford. B.A. 1965; Ph D. 1970 at Konstanz University, M.A. (Oxon.) 1973; Habilitation 1975; Prof. of English and Comparative Literature, Konstanz 1976-1995; Director of the Centre for British Studies, Humboldt-University 1995-2008; Senior Professor 2011-; Dean of Literaturwissenschaft in Konstanz, Pro-Rektor; Chairman of the German Association of University Professors of English, Chairman of the Shakespeare-Prize Jury 1999 - 2006; Member of, then Chairman of the Board of the Alfred Toepfer Foundation in Hamburg 2007 - 2015 etc.etc.

Dorothea Schermer Lawyer, Fundraising and Management Consultant, Germany

For more than 20 years, Dorothea Schermer has worked in fundraising for nonprofit organisations that implement regional and global projects. Since 2008 she has advised organisations in the areas of strategy, campaign planning and legacy fundraising. Funding acquisition and organisational development are also part of her repertoire.


Dr Christoph Steegmans Deputy Director-General for Civic Engagement Policy, Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, Germany

After studying constitutional, social and economic history, political science and constitutional law with a master's degree and PhD on "The financial consequences of the Rhineland and Ruhr occupation 1918-1930" Dr. Christoph Steegmans first started his career in 1999 as press officer with the Free Democratic Party (FDP), where he became deputy spokesman in 2001, and in 2006 spokesman and head of the FDP parliamentary group’s press office. From 2009 on he was Deputy Government Spokesman and Vice Head of the Press and Information Office of the Federal Government (Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung). In 2011 he moved to the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend – BMFSFJ) as Head of Press and Information Unit. Since 2014 he works as Deputy Director-General for Civic Engagement Policy with the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.

Dr Rupert Graf Strachwitz Freelance Researcher, Consultant, Writer and Lecturer on Civil Society and Philanthropy Issues, Germany

Ph. D., born in 1947, has been involved with not-for-profit organizations for well over 30 years – as a volunteer, staff member, board member, consultant, and researcher, and lecturer. Since 1989, he has been managing director of Maecenata Management, a consultancy that specializes in foundations and associations, corporate citizenship and philanthropy, and since 1997, he has also been the director of the Maecenata Institute for Philanthropy and Civil Society, Berlin.

He studied Political Science, History, and History of Art at Colgate University, Hamilton, NY, USA, and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Munich, Germany. He graduated as an M.A. in 1974 with a thesis on The Levellers, a 17th century English citizens' action group. After serving at World Headquarters of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (an international catholic disaster relief and medical aid organization) in Rome for two years, he became regional director for the Order of Malta Relief Service in Bavaria. Subsequently, he held a position in public life while serving on the board of a number of foundations as well as other NGOs, including German Caritas, where he was Vice-President in 1984/85. After becoming an independent consultant in 1989, he became increasingly involved with Third Sector research and chaired the German advisory committee of the Johns Hopkins Comparative Nonprofit Sector Project from 1995–2000. 4

Today, while still acting as a consultant, his main focus is on research and public policy to do with civil society and philanthropy. From 1999 to 2002, he served as member of the German Federal Parliament Commission on Civic Action. He chaired the European Policy Working Group of Europa Nostra (from 2004–2010), and sat on the board of the Fondazione Cariplo, Milan/Italy (from 2000–2007), and a number of other nongovernmental organizations at home and abroad.

Hanna Surmatz Senior Legal Affairs Officer, European Foundation Centre, Belgium

Hanna Surmatz has been the Legal Counsel for foundation law at the European Foundation Centre AISBL (EFC) in Brussels since May 2004. Her main responsibilities include monitoring and mapping/analysis of relevant national and European developments that affect foundations’/funders operating environment; co-ordination of benchmarking exercises; and facilitating information exchange and analysis on foundation law matters through publications and events. Between 2001 and 2004 she was employed by the Association of German Foundations ( Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen) in Berlin, where she also worked on foundation law and European matters. She studied law at the Westfälische Wilhelms-University Münster, Germany and in Poitiers, France. She currently also serves on the board of the European Center for Not for Profit Law (ECNL).