AAIS2020AATI cson Under the Tuscan Sun Tucson, AZ March 26-28, 2020 This event was made possible also thanks to the generous contributions of the University of Arizona College of Humanities, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, School of International Languages Literatures and Culture, Poetry Center, Second Language Acquisition & Teaching Program, Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy, Confluence Center, Department of French and Italian, Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Department of Classics and Religious Studies, Department of Public and Applied Humanities, Department of Russian and Slavic & German Department, and from the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Los Angeles. For more information, please contact Prof. Beppe Cavatorta (
[email protected]), or visit the conference webpage at https://aaisaati2020.uark.edu/ Thursday, March 26, 2020 9AM – 5PM Registration – LOCATION Workshops – Session One 9:15 – 10:45AM 1. AP Italian – Facilitated by Beppe Cavatorta, University of Arizona, Silvia Giorgini- Althoen, Wayne State University, & Antonietta Di Pietro, Miami Dade County Public Schools 2. Mentorship – Facilitated by Monica Seger, William and Mary and Michael Lettieri, University of Toronto Workshops – Session Two 11:00AM – 12:30PM 1. Dissertating 101 – Anthony Julian Tamburri, John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, Queens College/CUNY, Ryan Calabretta-Sajder, University of Arkansas, Cosetta Gaudenzi, The University of Memphis 2. Diversity and Inclusion – Co-facilitated and Co-sponsored by AAIS Queer Studies Caucus and Women’s Studies Caucus and the AATI Gender and Women’s Studies Collective. 12:30-2:00PM – LUNCH Career Diversity and Professional Development Facilitated by Brain DeGrazia, Modern Language Association Lunch Provided (please RSVP – LINK COMING SOON) 2:45 – 4:15PM (8) ARISTOTLE IN THE EARLY MODERN ITALIAN LITERATURE Organizer & Chair: Eva Del Soldato, University of Pennsylvania 1.