Index to Natalia 1-20

Volume numbers appear in bold type


Alan Patan: often admired. sometimes Bizley, William H. (Bill) criticized. usually misunderstood [Natal All aboard for Howick! 7:24-27 Society lecture]. by Colin Gardner. John William Bews - a commemorative 18: 19-29 note. 14: 17-21 The Albany connection: Natal and the eastern - the missing Cape I SO years ago. by Colin de B. decades. 17:25-48 Webb. 4:5-7 The political career of Mr Reid's 'Ten The Angl iean Diocese of Natal: a saga of Wheeler'. 19:43-49 division and healing. by lan D. Darby. The Rail conversations. 20:50-61 11:43-66 A remarkable survey: the Natal scene at Union. 13:22-2B Architccts versus Catholics: thc Emmanuel Cathedral controversy. by Peter Spiller. B1endulf, Susan 15:89-94 Rabies in Natal. 20:43-49 All aboard for Howick!. by W. H. (Bill) Bizley. Bourbon, M. 7:24-27 Deux ans aNatal. [translated from the French by Fleur Webb]. 18:6-18: 19:6-22; Anon. 20:7-23 Thomas George Vernon Inman. 1905-1989 [obituary replinted from The Bishops Bozas. A. News/ell",.]. 19:50-51 The Natal Provincial Council 1910-1986. 16:45-50 Ballard. Charles The histmieal image of King Cetshwayo of Brain, Jov B. Zululand. 13:2l)-42 Health and disease in white settlers in On a tough missionary post in Zululand colonial Natal. 15:64-77 [editorial note]. 9:7-1l); 10:7-15 Mariannhill centenary: a look at the early Barnes. P. years. 12:58-70 The great tlood of 1856. 14:33-41 Paul Canon Sykes. 1903-1983 [obituaryl. 17:6~-72 Barrett. A.M. 125 years - the arrival of Natal's Indians in Willium George McConkev. 1898-1987 pictures. 15: I X-35 [obituary( 17:77-78' Brann, R.W. The battle of Ivuna (or Ndunu Hill). bv John P.e. The oldest houses in Pietermaritzburg, by Laband. 10: 16-22 . R. F. Haswell and R. W. Brann. Baudert. H.M. 13:67-75 Index to Prof. A. F. Huttersley's Porlrail of(l A brief history of the farm Bosch Hoek. by cily. 5:53-58 Maryna Fraser. 15:95-99 Bayer. Adolf Joseph Wilhelm Brooks, S. Discovering the Natal tlora. 4:42-48 The Natal Society Museum (1851-1904): Benlon. John A. potentialities "and problems. 18:59-69 isandhlwana and the passing of a Brother Nivard Streicher: architect of Mariann­ proconsul. 8:38-45 hill. 1884-1922. by Robel1 Brusse. Beyond school: some developments in higher 15:78-88 education in ill the InOs and the Brown, R.A. intlucllce of Mabel Palmcr. by Sylvia Maps of Natal and Zulllland. 1824-1910. Vietzcn. 14:48-58 2:34-36 Bird. John Natal mission stations (excluding Zulllland) Natal. 11146-1851 [rcprintl. 1:7-22 [list of names I. 3:50-51 ~

Natalia 21 (1991) Copyright © Natal Society Foundation 2010 Index 97

Brown, P. A contemporary document: Durban. Feb. 1879 Henry Selby Msimang [obituary]. [instructions given by R. Jameson regard­ 12:71-73 ing the defence of his house in the event Brownell. F.G. of a Zulu attack]. 8:71 Heraldry in Natal [Natal Society lecture]. Cope, A.T. 17: 15-24 Harry Camp Lugg [obituaryJ. 9:43-46 Brusse, R. A curiosity of Natal settler literature ..., Brother Nivard Streicher: architect of by John Clark. 6:2R-33 Mariannhill. 1884-1922. 15:7R-S8 Dale, George Burnett, B. B. Natal Training College. 1909-1987 Alphaeus Hamilton Zulu. 1905-1988 [obituary]. 17:85-87 [obituary]. 18:93-96 Daly, Michael J.C. Calpin, G.H. Alexander Milne. 1899-1987 The centenary of Pietellllaritzburg [obituary]. 17:80-82 [reprint].' 17:9-14 ' Allan Carlyle Mitchell [obituaryJ. 14:103-105 Candy, George Darbv, lan D. Italians in Pietermaritzburg. 18:70-79 The Anglican Diocese of Natal: a saga of Captain AlIen·F. Gardiner. by Elizabeth division and healing. 11:43-66 Gardiner. 4:28-41 Praying for rain: a selmon preached by Captain Alien Francis Gardiner: first missionary Bishop Colenso [editorial note]. 13:8 to the Zulu, by Colin de B. Webb. 3:5-7 Deane, John The centenary of Pictermaritzburg [reprint]. by Solomon Levinson [obituary J. 14: 105-1 06 G. H. Calpin. 17:9-14 The defence of Ekowe. by W. N. L10yd Chettv, Sam [reprint]. 5: 15-28 Inierview with Mr Sam Chetty. by Moray Deux ans 11 Natal [Two years in Natal], by Comrie. 15: 10-17 M. Bourbon. translated from the French Christopher, A.J. by FleurWebb. 18:6-18: 19:6-22; The Natal Land and Colonization Company in 20:7-23 colonial times. 4:49-54 Dick King: a modest hero, by Jacqueline A. Kalley. 16:39-44 Clance~', P.A. A one-time Mecca for ornithologists. Discovering the Natal flora, by Adol f Joseph 5:29-35 ' Wilhelm Bayer. 4:42-48 Clark, John Dominy, Graham Alexander Petrie [obituary]. 10:48-50 George Tatham, 1929-1986 [obituary]. Colenso's greatest sermon. 6: 12-14 16:79-80 A curiosity' of Natal settler literature: Yiator, Pietennaritzburg's imperial postscript: Fort by John Coventry. 6:28-3.'. Napierfrom 1910 to 1925. 19:30-42 The histnrian of Victorian Natal: Alan The New Republicans: a centennial re­ Frederick Hattersley. 6:58-61 appraisal of the 'Nieuwe Republiek' (1884-1888). 14:87-97 Colens(), John William. Bishop ofNatal Ekukanyeni in 1857. 13: 14-21 Duff. Thomas Praying for rain: a sermon preached by First impressions of Natal. by a Perthshire Bishop Colenso [reprint]. 13:7-13 ploughman [reprint]. 7:8-23 What uoth the Lord require of us? A sermon The Duke's people, by Jean Nourse. 5:39-41: preached in the Cathedral church of SI. 6:40-41 Peter. Maritzburg. Wednesday. March 12. Durban's court-house: its opening and early 1879 [reprint]. 6: 15-23 years, by Peter Spillcr. 14:42-1 The Colenso cases: a perspective of law in nine­ The early African press in Natal [reprint]. teenth century Natal. by P. R. Spiller. 16:6-11 13:76-84 Early 'Varsity days (by a foundation student). by Colenso's greatest sermon [editorial note]. by S.E. Lamond. 14:13-16 John Clark. 6: 12-14 The embossed postage stamps of Natal. 1857­ Colonial Coalopolis: the establishment and 1869. by E.C. Wright. 7:28-33 growth of Dundee. by Sheila Hcndcrson. Ekukanyeni in 1857. by John William Colen so. 12:14-26 13:14-21 Commercial coal-mining in Natal: a centennial Emery, Frank appraisal. by W. R. (Bill) Guest. The Revd John David Jenkins (1828-76). 18:41-58 Canon of the Cathedral of Natal [Natal Commons, Hector Society lecture]. 14:22-32 Norman Wynne Bowden [obituary]. Soldiers' letters from the First Anglo-Boer 14:98-100 War.1880-8\. 11:16-26 Comrie, M. Soldiers' letters from the Zulu war: a source Interview with Mr Sam Chetty. 15:10-17 of historico-geographical value. 8:54-60 98 Index

Ethnomusicology and its relationship to some Haddon, Gordon W. aspects of music in Cetshwayo's time, by The incident of the Bra:ilia and the Rev. Pessa Weinberg. 8:61-6R Pieter Ham. 7:38-42 'The fate of the natives': Black Durban and Hale, Frederick African ideology. by Maynard Swanson. The 1882 Norwegian emit!ration to Natal. 14:59-68 12:35-44 ~ ~ Farrer, June Hallowes, Kenneth 8., Bishop Suffragall of Ursula Evelyn Mabel Judd: a tribute, by June Nalai Farrer and Jcnnifer Whitelaw. 6:9-11 A new cathedral-centre for Pieter­ 'The father of Natal botany': John Medley Wood, maritzburg. 1:31-34 by Rudolf G. Strcy. 7:43-45 Hanks, John Feist, Helen (translator) Institute of Natural Resources: Natal takes a On a tough missionary post in Zululand: the lead with computer aids to optimum land life experiences of the missionary use planning. 9:20-29 Friedrich Volker. 9:7-19: 10:7-15 Haswell, Rober! F. First impressions of Natal. by Thomas Duff Indian townscape features in Pietermaritz­ [reprint]. 7:8-23 burg. 15:57-63 First lists of Natal artists. 1824-1910 (and The oldest houses in Pietermaritz­ supplementary lists). by Jennifer A. burg. 13:67-75 Verbeek. 1:38: 2:3R: 3:58 The Voortrekker dorps of Natal. 10:23-33 FitzPatrick. Natal and the unification of South Havemann, B. Administrator ofNatal Africa. by W. R. (Bill) Guest. 11:67-56 Speech at the opening of the Hall of Natal Fraser, Marvna History at the Natal Museum on 8th Nov. A brief history of the falm Bosch [[od:. 1972. 3:36-39 15:95-99 Health and disease in white settlers in colonial Friedlander, F. Natal. by Joy B. Brain. 15:64-77 Robel1 El!iott Stevenson [obituary]. 14:100-103 Henderson, Sheila Colonial Coalopolis: The establishment and Frost. T.n. growth of Dundee. 12:14-26 Frank Emery. 1930-1957 [obituary]. Douglas Mitchell. 1896-1988: A personal 17:83-84 memoir. 19:64-69 Harry Lundie. 1903-1989 [obituary]. 20:62-64 Her Majesty's loyal and devoted Trekker leader: Petrus Lafras Uys. by Ian S. Uys. Fuggle, Frank A. George Selwyn Moberly [obituary]. 18:30-40 IS: 102-105 Heraldry in Natal, by F.G. Brownell [Natal Gadsden. R.J. Society lectureJ. 17:15-24 Francis Farewell. 4:8-13 Herrmann, Louis Gardiner, Alien Francis Nathaniel Isaacs. 4: 19-21 Natal journal for 1838. 3:9-12 Hillcrest and its contribution to Natal education. Gardiner, Elizabeth by Robin Lamplough. 17:55-64 Captain Alien F. Gardiner: a memoir by his HiIlebrand, Melanie wife. written for his grandson. 4:28-41 Mary Stainbank. sculptress of Natal. Gardner, Colin, O. 17:73-76 Alan Paton: often admired. sometimes criti­ The historian of Victorian Natal: Alan Fredcrick cized. usually misunderstood [Natal Hattersley [obituary J. by John Clark. Society lecture]. 18: 19-29 6:58-61 Mark Fiennes Prestwich [obituary]. IS: 100-­ The historical image of King Cetshwayo of Zulu­ 102 land: a centennial comment, by Charles 'Natal literature': a scrap of history and a Ballard. 13:29-42 glance at some poems. 13:43-66 History of the wattle industry in Natal, by S.P. Gordon. Ruth E. Sherry. 3:40-44 Henry Ogle. 4:23-24 John Ross. 4:26-27 Hooper, Anthony S.c. Special collections of the Natal Society Gordon-Gray, K.D. Library. 10:41-44 Adolf Joseph Wilhelm Bayer: a man of Natal [obituary]. 9:36-38 Hosking, G.A. Reginald Alfred Banks [obituary]. 10:45-46 The great flood of 1856, by Pamela Barnes. 14:33-41 A house for Harry: An architect looks at the Guest, W. R. (Bill) former residence of Harry Escombe. by Commercial coal-mining in Natal: a centen­ Brian T. Kearney. 2:21-23 nial appraisal. 18:41-58 Humphreys, William Clayton FitzPatrick. Natal and the unification of South The Journal of William Clayton Humphreys: Africa 11:67-56 Port Natal to the Zulu Country August­ The meaning of Majuba for Natal. 11:27-28 October 1851. 19:23-29 Index 99

Hurley, Denis Leverton, Basil J.T. Father Denis Howard St. George OMI. 1902­ James Saunders King. 4: 18 1989 [obituary). 19:52-55 John Cane. 4:22 Images of the Natal Drakensberg. by John Thomas Halstead. 4:25 Pickles. 11:29--42 Lieutenant Joseph Nourse. by Jean In search of Mr Botha: an investigation inro a Nourse. 2:24-26 Natal place name. by Robin W. Lines of power: the High Commissioner, the Lamplough. 12:27-34 telegraph and the war of 1879, by Colin The incident of the Bra:ilia and the Rev. Pieter de B. Webb. 8:31-37 Ham. by Gordon W. Haddon. 7:38-42 Lioyd, W.N. Indian townscape features in Pietennaritzburg. by The defence of Ekowe [reprint). 5: 15-28 Robert F. Haswell. 15:57-63 The locllst invasion of Zulu land 1933-1937, by Anthony Minnaar. 20:30-42 The indi"enous forests of colonial Natal and iululand. by Donal P. McCracken. Lofthouse, Martha (Patty) 16: 19-38 Letters from Natal. 11:7-15 Institute of Natural Resources ... by John Macquarrie, J. W. Hanks. 9:20-29 Dr Ernst Gideon Malherbe [obituary). 13:85-87 Interview with Mr Sam Chetty. by Moray Comrie. 15: 10-17 'Make haste my Lord'. [letter to the Protector of Indian Immigrants), by S. John. 15:7-9 Isandhlwana and the passing of a proconsul. by John A. Benyon. 8:38-45 Maps of Natal and Zululand. by R. A. Brown. 2:34-36 Italians in Pietermaritzburg. by George Candy. 18:70-79 Mariannhill centenary: a look at the early years. by Joy B. Brain. 12:58-70 James, Neville Francis Napier Broome [obituary]. Martin, Bruno 10:47-48 The opening of the railway line between Dur· ban and Pietermari tzburg - 100 years Jameson, R. ago. 10:34--40 A contemporary document. 8:71 Mary Stain bank, sculptress of Natal. by Melanie John, S. Hillebrand. 17:73-76 . Make haste my Lord' [letter to the Protector of Indian Immigrants]. 15:7-9 Mathews, A.S. George Maurice Jex Sweeney [obituary). The Journal of William Clayton Humphreys: Pon 11:59 Natal to the Zulu Country August-October 1851. by Humphreys. William McCracken, Donal P. Clayton. 19:23-29 The indigenous forests of colonial Natal and Zululand. 16: 19-38 Judd, Ursula Evelyn Mabel The origins of the Natal Society. 2:30-33; The meaning of Majuba for Natal. by W. R. (Bill) 3:45-49: 4:55-60: 5:42-52: 6:24-27 Guest. 11:27-28 Previous homes of the Natal Society Meintjes, Sheila Library. 5:36-38 The early African press in Natal [editorial KalJey, Jacqueline A. note). 16:6-7 Dick King: a modest hero. 16:39-44 Merret, Christopher Kearnev, Brian T. William Stanger and the early years of car­ A house for Harry: An architect looks at the tography in Natal. 1845-1854. 9:30-35 former residence of Harry Escombe. Mesthrie, Uma Shashikant 2:21-23 Reducing the Indian population to a 'manage­ Sense or fashion! Victorian architecture in able compass': a study of the South Durban. 14:69-86 African assisted emigration scheme of Laband, John P.C. 1927. 15:36-56 c The Battle of Ivuna (or Ndunu Hill). Sushi la Gandhi, 1907-1938: guardian of 10:16-22 Gandhian traditions in So~th Africa Labuschagne, J. Andre [obituary). 19:55-63 The oldest houses in Pietermaritzburg Milton, J.R.L. reconsidered. 16:51-78 Exton Mabbutt Burchcll. 1917-1982 Lamond, S. E. [obituary). 12:76-78 Early 'Varsity days (by a foundation Minnaar, Anthony student). 14:13-16 The locllst invasion of Zululand 1933­ Lamplough, Robin W. 1937. 20:30-42 Hillcrest and its contribution to Natal Mkize, Ernest H.B. education. 17:55-64 Daphnc Duduzilc Tshabalala [obituary]. In search of Mr Botha: an investigation into a 13:87-89 Natal place name. 12:27-34 Mtshali, Mabongi Letters from Natal. by Manha (Patty) The Revd Victor Vivian SiphQ Africander, Lofthouse. 11 :7-15 1930-1990 [obituary). 20:65-66 100 Index

Natal. 1R46-1 R51 by John Bird [reprint]. Pickles, J. 1:7-22 Images of the Natal Drakensberg. 11:29-42 Natal journal for 1838. by Alien Francis Pietelll1aritzburg - the missing decades. by Gardiner. 3:9-12 William H. (Bill) Bizley. 17:25-48 Natal Land and Colonization Company in colo­ Pietermaritzburg's imperial postscript: FOI1 nial times, by A. J. Christopher. Napierfrom 1910to 1925. by Graham 4:49-54 Dominy. 19:30-42 'Natal literature': a scrap of history and a glance Pistorius, R. A. at some poems, by Colin Gardner. Town and regional planning in Natal. 13:43-66 3:27-31 Natal mission stations [list]. by R.A. Brown. Player, fan 3:50-51 Portrait of my friend. Magqubu Ntombela, The Natal Provincial Council 1910-1986. by 7:34-37 A. Bozas. 16:45-50 Wilderness and the environment. 2:27-'29 The Natal Society Museum (1851-1904): poten­ The political career of Mr Reid's 'Ten Wheeler', tialities and problems. by Shirley Brooks. by William H. (Bill) Bizley. 19:43-49 18:59-69 Pollock, N.C. The native question. by Francis William Perception of landscape in Natal: the geogra­ Reitz. 2:10-14 pher's point of view. 1:26-30 The native question [reply to F. W. ReitzJ, by Sir Portrait ofa city: index compiled by H.M. Theophilus Shepstone. 2: :4-20 Baudert. 5:53-58 A new cathedral-centre for Pietcrmarilzburg. bv Portrait of my friend. Magqubu Ntombela. by Ian Kenneth B. Hallowes. 1:31-34 ' ~ Player. 7:34-37 The New Republicans: a centennial reappraisal of Pre-Shakan age-group fOlll1ation among the the 'Nieuwe Rcpubliek' (1884-1 RRR). by northern Nguni, by John B. Wrighl. Graham Dominy. 14:87 8:22-30 A note on the centenary of a famous Natal school Previous homes of the Natal Society Library. by [Hilton College], by Neville Nuttall. Ursula Evelyn Mabel Judd. 5:36-38 3:32-35 Pridmore, Julie Nourse, Jean The journal of William Clayton Humphreys: The Duke's people. 5:39-41 Port Natal to the Zulu Country [editorial Lieutenant Joseph Nourse: early Natal pioneer note]. 19:23-29 and port captain. 2:24-26 'Putting the Playhouse together again' [Natal Nuttall, Neville Society lecture]. by Gordon Small. A note on the centenary of a famous Natal 16:12-18 school [Hilton College]. 3:32-35 Rabies in Natal. by Susan Blendulf. 20:43-49 Old days at N. U.c. (by a foundat ion professor). Rail, Gerhardus 'Horace' by Alexander Petrie. 14:7-12 The Rail conversations: a Natal politician's The oldest houses in Pietennaritzburg. bv R. W. story as told to William H. (Bill) Bizley. Brann and RobeI1 F. Has':;cll~ 13:67-75 20:50-61 The oldest houses in Pietermaritzburg recon­ A rare piece of Afrieana [Thomas Duff's First sidered. by J. Andrc Labusch~gne. impressions ofNatal], by Shelagh P. M. 16:51-78 Spencer. 7:7 On a tough missionary post in Zululand: the life Reducing the Indian population to a 'manageabk experiences of the missionary Friedrich compass': a study uf the South African Volker. by Dorothea Volker translated by assisted emigration scheme of 1927. by Helen Feist. 9:7-19; 10:7-15 Uma Shashikant Mesthrie. 15:36-56 A one-time Mecca for ornithologists. by Reid, Pamela P. A. Clancey. 5:29-35 Harry Lundie. 1903-1989 [obituary]. 20:65 The opening of the railway line between Durban Mrs E. E. M. Russell [obituary]. 11:57-58 and Pietelll1aritzburg - 100 years ago, by Bruno Martin. 10:34-40 Reitz, Francis WiIliarn The native question. 2: 10-14 The origins of the Natal Society, by Ursula Evelyn Mabe! Judd. 2:30-33; 3:45-49; Reitz, Shepstone and native policy. by Colin de 4:55-60; 5:42-52; 6:24-27 B. Webb. 2:7-9 Perception of landscape in Natal: the geogra­ A remarkable survey: the Natal scene at Union, pher's point of view. by N.C. Pollock. by William H. (Bill) Bizley. 13:22-28 1:26-30 The Revd John David Jenkins (lR2R-76), Canon Perthshire Ploughman ,pseud.) of the Cathedral of Natal [Natal Society See Duff. Thomas lecture], by Frank Emery. 14:22-32 Petrie. Alexander Ripley, S. H. Old days at N.U.C. (by a foundation George Maurice Jex Sweeney [obituary]. professor), 14:7-j 2 11:60 Index 101

Roadside memories: the reminiscences of Durban's court-house: its opening and early A. E. Smith of Thornvi lie. 12:7-13 years. 14:42-7 Robbins. David Stevn, Richard Douglas Livingstone. Natal poet? 17:49-54 'William George McConkey [obituary]. Robinson, P. S. 17:79 Planning and planners. issues to be Strey, Rudolf G. addressed in the NatallKwaZulu 'The father of Natal botany': John Medley region. 18:80-90 Wood. 7:43-45 Russell, George Swanson, Maynard The wreck of the Mille/"va. 20:24-29 'The fate of the natives': Black Durban and Saving the Queen's colour. by Jennifer A. African ideology. 14:59-68 Verbeek. 8:46-53 Swinny, George H. Schreiner, G. D. L. A Zulu boy's recollections of the Zulu war Professor Karl Nathanson [obituary]. [reprint]. 8:6-21 12:73-76 Town and regional planning in Natal, by R. A. Sellers, John M. Pistorius. 3:27-31 Oliver Davies. 1905-1986 [obituary]. Two years in Natal, by M. Bourbon, translated 16:81-84 from the French bv Fleur Webb. Sense or fashion! Victorian architecture in 18:6-18; 19:6-22; 20:7-23 Durban. by Brian Kearney. 14:69-86 Uys, lan S. Shepstone, Sir Theophilus Her Majesty's loyal and devoted Trekker The native question (reply to F. W. Reitz). leader: Petrus Lafras U ys. 18:30-40 2:14-20 The Umsindusi: a 'third rate stream'?, by Trcvor Replies to critics of his native policy Wills 12:45-57 [reprint]. 3:7, 13-26 Van Heyningen, Christina Sherry, S.P. H. W. D. Manson. poet and playwJight, and History of the wattle industry in Natal. his connections with Natal. 1:23-25 3:40-44 Verbeek, Jennifer A. Slater, R.G. A first list of Natal artists, 1824-1910, and Neville Nuttall [obituary]. 13:90-91 supplementary lists. 1:38; 2:38: 3:58 Small, Gordon Saving the Queen's colour. 8:46-53 'Pulling the Playhouse together again' [Natal Vermeulen, H.J. Society lecture]. 16:12-18 Christoffel (Stoffel) 10hannes Michael Nie­ Smith, A.E. naber 1918-1988 [obituary]. 18:96-98 Roadside memories: the reminiscences of Vietzen, Sylvia A. E. Smith of Thornville. 12:7-13 Beyond school: some developments in higher Soldiers' letters from the First Anglo-Boer War, education in Durban in the 1920s and tile 1880-8\. by Frank Emery. 11:16-26 influence of Mabcl Pallllcr. 14:48-58 Soldiers' letters from the Zulu war. by Frank Volker, Dorothea Emery. 8:54-60 On a tough missionary post in Zulu land: the Special collections of the Natal Society Library, life expericnccs of the missionary by Anthony S. C. Hooper. 10:41-44 Friedrich Yolker. according to the notes Spencer, Brian of his wife. 9:7-19; 10:7::'15 John Clark. 1909-1987 [obituary]. The Voortrekker dorps of Natal, by Robert F. 18:91-92 Haswell. 10:23-33 Spencer. Brian alld Spencer. Shelagh P. M. Webb, Colin de B. Charles Theodore Binns [obituary]. 8:69-70 Tile Albany connection: Natal and the eastern Spencer. Shelagh P.M. Cape 150 years ago. 4:5-7 George Russell's account of the wreck of the Captain Alien Francis Gardiner: first mission­ Minerl'a [editorial note]. 20:24-29 ary to the Zulu. 3:5-7 Lofthouse letters from Natal [editorial Deux ans i\ Natal [editorial note]. 18:6-7; note]. 11:7-15 19:6; 20:7-8 A rare piece of Africana [Thomas Duff's Edgar Harry Brookes [obituary]. 9:39-42 Firsl ill1pressiolls of !Volal] [editorial John Bird. 1:5-6 note]. 7:7 Lines of power: the high Commissioner, the Roadside memories: the reminiscences of telegraph and the war of 1879. 8:31-37 A. E. Smith of Thornville [editorial Reitz, Shepstone and native policy [editorial note]. 12:7-13 note]. 2:7-9 Spiller. Peter A Zulu bOY's recollections of the Zulu war Architects versus Catholics: the Emmanuel [editorial nllle]. 8:6-7 Cathedral controversy. 15:89-94 Webb, Fleur (translator) The Colenso cases: a perspective of law in Two years in Natal [Deux ans it Natal] by M. nineteenth century Natal. 13:76-84 Bourbon. 18:6-18: 19:6-22: 20:7-23 102 Index

Weinberg. Pessa Wright, E. C. Ethnomusicology and its relationship to some The embossed postage stamps of Natal, aspects of music in Cetshwayo's 1857-1869. 7:28-33, iIIus. time. 8:61-68 Wright, John B. 'What doth the Lord require of us?': a sermon Henry Francis Fynn. 4:14-17 preached ... by John William Colenso, Pre-Shakan age-group formation among the Bishop of Natal [reprint]. 6: 15-23 northern Nguni. 8:22-30 Whitelaw. Jennifer A Zulu boy's recollections of the Zulu war, by Ursula Evelyn Mabel Judd: a tribute, by June GeOl'ge H. Swinny [replint]. 8:8-21 Farrer and Jennifer Whitelaw. 125 years - the anival of Natal's Indians in 6:9-11 pictures, by Joy B. Brain. 15: 18-35 Wilderness and the environment, by lan The 1882 Norwegian emigration to Natal, by Player. 2:27-29 Frederick Hale. 12:35-44 Wills, Trevor The Umsindusi: a 'third rate stream'? 12:45-57 SUBJECT INDEX Adams. Alfred 5:61 Banks, Reginald Alfred [obituary] 10:45-46 Adams Mission 11:61 Barter, Charles 2:31-32 Addison, Richard H. 10:16-22 Battles Africander. Rei'. Victor Vivian Sipho 20:65-66 Inyezane,1879 5:5-6: 15-16 Isandhlwana,1879 5:15-16: 8:6-21, 46-53, Alan Paton Literary Competition 12:84 72-73 Albany settlement 4:5-7: 5:59-60: 8:59-60 Ivuna, 1888 10:16-22 American Board Mission 11:69 Majuba, 1881 11:27-28 Ammunition boxes Ndunu Hill see Battle of Ivuna Role in battle of Isandhlwana 8:72-73 Bayer, Adolf Joseph Wilhelm [obituary] Anglican church 11:43-46: 13:103-104 9:36-38 Anglo-Boer War, 1880-81 11: 16-26; Baynes, Joseph 7:25 11:27-28 Bayview [Harry Escombe's Durban house] 2:21­ Anglo-Zulu war 8 23 Ammunition boxes 8:72-73 Beale. Alexander 6:5-7 Anists 3:57 Beaulieu-on-the-lIIovo (Richmond) 5:39-41 Causes 8:31-37 Death of Melvill and Coghill 8:46-53 Bews. John WilJiam 14: 17-21 Maps 8:74-75 Bhojpuri language 15: 107-1 08 Missionary support for 9:7-8 Binns, Charles Theodore [obituary] 8:69-70 Role of Sir Bartle Frere 8:31-45 Binns. Si,. Henry 7:24 Soldier's letters 8:54-60 Zulu boy's recollections 8:8-21 Bird, Chlistopher (Kit) 13:93-94 See also Battles Bird. John 1:5-6, 5:50: 6:24 Angus. F.T. 3:41 Bleek. Wilhelm Heinrich Immanuel 5:63-64 Angus, G. 3:41 Bosch Hoek 15:95-99 Archaeologv in Natal and Zululand 4:63-64; Boshof. Jacobus Nicolaas 5:50 6:36-37 Botha. Cornelius 12:27: 13:94-95 Archbell. Rei'. James 2:31 Botha's Hill 12:27-34 Architects 15:78-88, 89-94: 16:92-93 Bowden, Norman Wynne 14:98-100 Architecture Brookes. Edgar Harry [obituary] 9:39-42 Conservation and restoration 2:21-23: Broome, Francis Napier [obituary] 10:47-48 6:38-39: 8:73-74; 9:52-53: 10:54-56; 11:61-64: 12:84-85, 87: 14:69-86 Brown. John Roland 15: 106-107 Armstrong. George Shearer 7:24 Brown, R.A. 3:8 Artists of Natal Bryant. Alfred Thomas Catalogue 1:38: 2:38: 3:58: 4:66-67 Discussion of his works 8:22-30 See al.~) Names of individual artists Buccleuch, WaIter Francis, 5th Duke of Astronomy in Natal 6:45-47: 7:53: 12:79-81 5:39-41 Ayres, Thomas H. 5:32 Buchanan, David Dale 3:47: 4:55, 56, 59; Babanango 5:7-9. 13.42,52 Archaeological exploration 6:36-37 Burchell, Exton Mabbutt (1917-82) 12;76-78 Badges. emblems and insignia 20:73-74 Bushman paintings see Rock paintings Baines, Thomas 10:62-63 Busby. Ralph 8:57 Baldwin. William Charles 4:65 Byrne settlers 19:76: 20:76-77 index 103

Caldecott. Alphonso T. 5:51: 6:24 Dudley. L.E. 13:92-93 Campbell. George Gordon [obituary] 7:49-50 Duff, Thomas 7:7.8-23 Camphcll. Margaret Roach (Killie) 11:65 Dundee (Natal) 7:51-52: 12: 14-26: Campbell. ReI'. William 5:50: 6:24. 27 17:91-92 Cane. John 4:8. 22. 23. 24 Dunn, John 9:9-19: 10:8 Cane family Dunn. Robert 2:37 Relation to Fynn family 5:59: 10:62 Durban Carnarvon. Herbert Henry Howard Molyneux. Africans in 14:59-68 4th Earl of 8:31-33. 38 Architecture 14:69-86 Cartography in Portugal 16:87 Bay 15: 106 Cal10graphy of Natal Bayview [Harry Escombe's house] During Anglo-Zulu war 8:74-75 12:21-23 History 9:30-35 Botanic Gardens 11:74 Scc als(I Maps of Natal Chelsea Houses 16:91-92 Conservation 2:21-23.6:38-39; 10:54-56 Cato Manor House 6:38-39 Courthouse 14:42-47 Cedara Agricultural College 14: 113 Description 1:7; 4:6; 6:30: 7:11-17 Cemeteries and graves 13: 100: 14: I1I Emmanuel Cathedral 15:89-94 Cetshwayo. kaMpande 8: 18-21: 9: 12-19; First railway commemorated 15:109-112 10: I 0-11; 13:29-42 Higher education 14:48-58 Chelmsford. Frederic Augustus Thesiger. 2nd Library 5:45-46 Baron 5:6. 17-18: 8:39. 48 Maritime Museum 18:75 Museum 17:94 Cinnabar 18: 104-107 Ornithology 5:29-35 Clark. John 18:91-92 Port 2:24-26 Clark. Margery 18: I 0 1-103 Unidentified post 16:101 Cloete. Henry 2:30. 31: 3:46-48; 4:43. 55-57; Voortrekker planning of 10:28-29. map 5:11 Walking tours 16:90-91 Durban Art Gallerv 14: 114 Cloete. Peter Laurens or Lawrence [Lourens in Durban Girls' High School 12:87 text] 4:56-57 Education Coal-mining 18:41-58 Cedara Agricultural College 14:113 See als,7 Dundee Higher 14:48-58 Coghill. Nevill J. A. 8:46-53 Secondary 17:55-64 Colenso. John William. Bishop ofNatal See a/so Mariannhill Monastery and other Church schism 13: 104 mission stations Colenso cases 13:76-1'14 Ekowe see Eshowe EkuKanyeni Mission Station 13: 14-21 Ekukanyeni Mission Station 13:14-21. 100 What doth the Lord rC4uirc of us"? 6: 12-14: 9:47 Ekuhlengeni Mission Station 9:9; 10:8-15 Confcderation scheme 8:31-3.'. 38-45 Elephants 11:74 Conservation see Architecture: Conservation and Ellis. Henry Vaughan 3:33 restoration: Nature conservation; Ellis, Owen 8:56 Pietermaritzburg: Conservation Emery. Frank [obituary] 17:83-84 Coventry. John 6:28-33 Emlalazi Mission Station 9:8-19 Curling. Lt. 8:50 Empangeni, Meaning of name 17:98-99 Dabulalll

Frere. Sir Henry Bartle Edward 8:31-45 Italians in Pietermaritzburg 16:95-100; Fynn. Henry Francis 4: 10. 11. 14-17.23; 18:70-79 " 10:62-63 Ivuna see Battle of Ivuna Fynn family 5:59-60 Jameson. Roben 8:71 Gandhi. Mohandas K. 13:98-99 Jardine, Joseph 6:45 Gandhi. Sushila [obituary] 19:55-63 Jenkins. Canon John David (1828-76) Gardiner. Allen Francis 3:5-7.9-12: 4:23, 28­ 14:22-32 41: 20:69 Jigger fleas 20:77 Gelder. Betsy 11:68-69 Johnston. Charles 5:50-51: 6:24. 26 Genealogical Society 12:82-83; 14: III JUdd, Ursula Evelyn Mabel [obituary] 6:9-11 German settlers 11:69-70 Keate. Roben. Governor of Natal 17:90 Genard. William T. 4:45-46 Kendall and Strachan 17:93 Gordge. Henry 5:33 Keppel-Jones. Al1hur 16:90 Gonion. Stephen B. 4:58-59 Killie Campbell Africana Library Graaff-Reinet 10:24 Oral history programme 9:48-49 Register of researchers 20:73 Grahamstown 5:46; 10:24-26 Killie Camp bell Bursary Fund 6:34-35 Grant. William 3:20-26 King, James Saunders 4: 10. 12. 13. 18, 19, 20 Graves see Cemeteries and graves King, Richard 16:39-44 Greathead. Mary Milner 12:82-83 Kirkman, Thomas 7:26-27 Green. Rev. James 4:59: 5:40. 42. 43. 46 Knight-Bruce, Bishop Wyndam 12:81-82 Grey's Hospital 14: 113 Krauss, F.c.c. 4:43; 5:30-31 Gueizenius. Wilhelm 4:43: 5:30-31 Kwa Mondi Mission Station 5:5-6 Halstead. Thomas 4:20. 25 Lady Usher Literary Award 17:94-95; Ham. Rev. Pieter 7:38-42 18;114-115 Hambanati Mission Station 3:9-11; 4:31-33 Landscape perception 1;26-30 Harford. H. C. 8:51 Langalibalelc uprising, 1873 3:55 Hartlaub. K.J. G. 5:32 'The last outpost' (television Hattersley. Alan Frederick documentary) 10:57-58 Eightieth birthday tribute 3:52-53 Law. lawyers etc. 13:76-84; 14:42-47 Hattersley Road 13: 101 Level1on, Basil J. T. 10:6 Obituary 6:58-61 Portrail {!f a city: index 5:53-58 Levinsohn, Solomon [obituary 1 14: 105-1 06 Health and disease 15:64-77 Lindley, Rev. Daniel 3;46,47 Heraldry in Natal 17: 15-24 Lines, John 8;56-57 Hermannsburg Mission 9:7-19: 10:7-15 Literature in Natal 13;43-66 See also Livingstone, Douglas; Poetry and Hicks-Beach. Sir Michael 8:33-37.42-43 poets Higginson. W. 8:50-52 Livingstone, Douglas 17:49-54 Hillcrest 17:55-64 Lloyd, William Whitelocke 8:57 Hilton College 3:32-35 Locusts 20:30-42 History and historiography 11:75 Longmarket Girls' School 20;74-75 Hoffmann. John Philip 5:51: 6:24. 27 Lucas, Gould AI1hur 3:33 Holley. James Hunt 3:40-41 Lugg, Harry Camp [obituary] 9:43-46 Horses Lundie, Harry [obituary 20:62-64 Breeding for military purposes 6:45 J McDonald, Hugh 5:9. 14: 6:30 Howell. James Michiel 2:31: 3:45-47: 5:49, 51. 52: 6:26. 27 McIntyre, Kenneth H. C. [obituary] 7:50-51 Hursthouse. William 3:47: 4:56-58 McKen. Mark J. 4;44.46.47: 5:32-33 Humphreys. William Clayton 19:23-29 McKenzie, John W. 3:19-20 Indians in Natal 15:7-9.10-17.18-35.36-56 Maclean, Charles Rawden see Ross. John Bhojpuri language 15: 107-109 Macleroy, George 5:46,49.50; 6:24, 27 in Pietermaritzburg 15:57-63 Mandlakazi Inkan)'iso Yase Natal (African War with Usuthu. 1888 10:16-22 . newspaper) 16:6-11 Manson, Harley William Daniel 1:23-25 Institute of Natural Resources 9:20-29 Maps of Natal 2:34-36.38: 4:66: 5:68; 6:37; Inyezane see Battle of Inyezane 7:47-48; 8:74-75; 10:25: 16:20 1saacs. Nathaniel 4: 12. 19-21. 26 Maritzburg College 18: 103-104 1sandhlwana see Battle of Isandhlwana Marks, Shula 6;7-8 105

Marquard. John David 3:47: 4:56-59: 5:43. 45. Natal Society Library 5:36-38 47 Librarians: A. Beale 6:5-7: G. Challinor Mariannhill Monastery 12:58-70: 15:78-88 5:37; C. Cock 5:46; J. Hiscock 5:46; A. S. C. Hooper 10:6: U. E. M. Judd 5:6: McConkey. William George [obituary] 6:9-11; J. Meek 5:37: 6:28; 17:77-79 . S. S. Wallis 10:6; Mechanics Maga:ine alld Liferm}, Journal 5:62 New buildin" 5'6' Melvill, Teignmouth 8:46-53 Special colle~tion's' 10:41-44 Methven. William Cathcart 16:92-93 Natal Society of Arts 15:109 Mgungundhlovu (Dinganc's capital) Natal Training College 17:85-87: 18:72 Excavation of 4:64: 6:37 Natal University College 14:7-12. 13-16; 20:68-71 Midmar Historical Village 14: 114 National Monuments Council 11:65: 12:85-86; Millar. A.D. 5:34 13:102-103: 14:112; 15:115-117: Millar. Harold M. 5:34 16:101-102; 17:99-100; 18:117-118; Milne. The Hon. Justice Alexander 19:80-81 [obituary] 17:80-82 Natural resources of Natal Mitchell, Alan Carlyle [obituary] 14: 103-105 Preservation 9:20-29 See also Kature conservation Mission stations of Natal (List) 3:50-51 See alsl! Names of individual mission stations Nature conservation 2:27-29; 7:34-37; 9:20-29 Missionary activity in Zululand 9:7-19: Ndunu Hill see Battle of Ivuna 10:7-15 See also Names of individual mission stations Neison. Edmund N. see Nevill, Edmund N. Mitchell, Douglas [obituary] 19:64-69 Nevill. Edmund N. 6:46; 7:53 Moberly. George Selwyn [obituary] 14: 102­ New Republic 14:87 105 Newnham. William Orde 3:33,35 Moffal. RobeI1. Jnr. 5:51 Nguni. Northern Age-group formation 8:22-30 Moodie. Donald 3:47.48: 4:59: 5:50: 6:24. 27 Nienaber. Christaffel Johannes Michael (Stoffel) Moreland. John 5:49. 51, 52: 6:24 [obituary] 18:96-98 MOITis. Donald R. 6:8: 7 Nicnaber, Gabriel Stephanus (Gawie) 6:7 Morris. George 8:56 Norwegian settlers 12:35-44 Msimang. Henry Selby [obituary] 12:71-73 Nourse. Joseph 2:24-26: 7:40 MUITay. Sir Thomas Keir 7:25 Nqeto kaKhondlo 4:8 Murchic House (Durban) 6:38 Ntombela. Maqubu 7:34-37 Music 8:61-68 Nuttall. Neville [obituary] 13:90-91 Natal O·Brien. W.J. (special collection in Natal Description 1:7-22: 5:7-14: 6:28-33' Society Library) 10:41-42 7:8-23: 11:7-15: 13:22-28 -. Ocrder. Frans David 2:38: 6:37-38 Natal Colony Ogle. Henry 4:23-24 History 11:47-56: 18:6-18: 19:6-22. Oral history 6:35-36; 9:48-49 23-29: 20:7-23 Ornithology of Natal 5:29-35: 11:75 Natal Carbincers Ono. P.A.R. 5:50; 6:27 125th anniversary 10:56-57 Overfishing 9:22-23 Natal Historical Documents Project 6:34 Overpark 10:53-54: 11:61 Natal Land and Colonization Company 4:49-54 Ox-waggons 1:9-10 Natal Mechanics Institute 5:62 Paarl 10:24 Natal Midlands Bird Club 18:107 Palmer. Mabel 14:48-58 Natal Museum Palframan, Thomas 17:88-90 Ernest Warren Hall 13:104 Parish registers. Presbyterian 15: 111 Hall of Natal History 3:36-39 History. (1851-1904) 18:59-69 Patan. Alan 18: 19-29: 19:71; 20:67-68 Natal Observatory 6:45-47: 7:53 Pearson. C.K. 5:5-6. 15-28 Petersen. Johan Lodewyk 4:9. 11 Natal Playhouse 16: 12-18 Petrie. Alexander [obituary] 10:48-50 Natal Provincial Council 16:45-50 Building 19:77-79 Photographic collections Documentation and care 12:83 Natal Reading Society 3:48--49 Pietclwaritzburg Natal Society Cathedral church of the Holy Nativity History to 1851 2:30-33: 3:45-49; 4:55-60: 1:31-34; 6:41-43 5:42-52; 6:24-27 Centenary publication 17:9-14 106 Index

Conservation 9:52-53: 10:53: 13: 101; Sand worms 20:77 14:107-108; 15;114-115; 17:93; Schools 20:75 18:1 \3-114 See also Names of individual schools and Description. I R46-1 R51 I:R-9; 2:30-33 mission stations. Government House 3;37-39; 12;87 SchrOder. Rev. H. 13: 101-102 Hotels. taverns etc 9:53-56 Indian townscape features 15;57-63 Scott. D. B. 5:50; 6:24 Lanes 12:84 Seebohm, H. 5:33 Leighton Street 12:85 Seneque, Clement 14: 107 Oldest houses 13:67-75; 16:51-78 Public transport 15; 10-17 Settlers in Natal, 1824-1857 V00l1rekker planning of 10:26-28 in 1920s Biographical Register 3:53-54; 10:61 and IlJ30s 17:25--lR; 18:99-100 Shaka. kaSenzangakhona 4; 11-13. 15. 18, 20, See a/so Natal Society; Natal Society Library 22, 23, 25~ Pietermaritzburg Choral Society 20:71 Shelley. George Ernst 5:33 Pietelmaritzburg Philharmonic Society Shepstone. Sir Theophilus 1: 17-18; 2;8-9; 15:117-118 3:47; 4:56, 59; 5:7. 50 Pieternlaritzburg Ramblers' Club 11:71-73 Ships Planning in NatallKwaZulu 18:80-90 Actea 10:35, 39 Plant. Roben W. 4:45 Active, H.M.S. 5:16.24 Ama:on 6:28 Playhouse see Natal Playhouse Amphion, H.M.S. 4:9 Poetry and poets 19:7lJ-XO; 20;67-68 Antelope 4: 10. I I See a/so Livingstone. Douglas Barracouta 4:9 Pollution 18:76-77 Brazilia 7:38-42 P0I1 St. Johns 15: 114 British Tar 6:30. 33 Portuguese explorers 18; 112 California 5: 10. 14 Cockburn 4:9 Postage stamps 7:28-33 Comet 4:24 Prestwich. Mark Fiennes [obituary] 15:100-102 Conquering Hero 7:23,49 Prisoners-of-war Diana 5:13,14 World War II 16:95-100; 18:72-75 Douglas 6:31 Queen's Tavern (Durban) 10:54-56 Dreadnought 7;23 Elizabeth alld Susan 4: 12, 13 Rabies in Natal 20:43-49 Fawn. H.M.S. 2:24-26 Radebe. Joshua 20:71 Frances Charlotte 4:9 Railways of Natal 6:43-44 Haidee 6:60 Alfred County railway 18:107-108 Hannah 7:16 Durban to Pietermaritzburg line 10:34-40 Henry Tanner 7:23 Durban - Point line 15:109-113; 18:111 Helicon 2:24. 25 Howick line 7:24-27 fna 7:8.23 Narrow gauge closure 16:93-94 iulia 4: I 0, 11. 23 Shongeni Dam line 18: I 08-111 Kate 5:13. 14 'Ten Wheeler' 19:43-49 Lady Bma 5:39 Rail. Gerhardus 'Horace' 20:50-61 Lel'en 4:9 Ramblers' Club see Pietermaritzburg Ramblers' Louisa 5:7.9. 12. 13 Club. Macedon 5:13 Maranon 6:29 Regimental colour Margaret .5:8. 13 Signiticance of 8:47-48 Mary 2:24; 3:11; 4: Reid. Pamela 17:5-6 Ma:eppa 4:43; 5:30 Reitz. Francis William 2:7-8 Minen'(l 20:24-29 Reus. Cornelius 7:38-40 Nancl' 5:7. 13 Natai. R.M.S. 4:45 Richards. ReI'. John 3:47. 4R; 4:55-57 Northampton 5:59 Richmond (Natal) 5;39-41; 6:40-41 Orange Grove 4:5. 9 Road traffic 12:7-13 Phantom 3:53 Robel1son. Thomas 5:51; 6:24 Pilot 5:8. 13 Richard Mount 5:7 Robinson. George Eyre 5:51; 6:24 Salisbury 4:10,18 Robinson. Sir John 7:26 Skerne 4:30 Rock paintings 4:62-64 Souffren 5:8 Southampton. H.M.S. 2:24 Ross. John (Charles Rawden Maclean) 4;26-27, Sovereign 7:12 photo of statue Thunderbolt. H.M.S. 5:13. 14 Russell. Eleanor Ethel Mariella [obituary) Tral'ers Spaight 5:13. 14 11:57-58 Sihayo kaXonga (Sirayo) Sanderson. John 4;44-45 British attack on 8: 10. 14. 19.49, 52 Index 107

Simon van der Stel Foundation 10:52-53 Usuthu Sinclair. Charles Ross 5:51: 6:27 War with Mandlakazi. 1888 10:16-22 Slocum. Joshua 19:73-74 Utrecht 10:31 Smellekamp. Johan Arnold 5:51: 7:38-40 Uys, Petrus Lafras 18:30-40 Smith. Andrew 5:30 Vanderplank. Charles 3:40 Smith. Sir Harry 1:16-17 Vanderplank. John 3:40 Smith. Margery (born Clark) 18:101-103 Vause. Richard 2:37-38 Smith-Dorrien. Horace 8:50 Via/or 6:28-33 Soldier settlements 17:94 Victoriana 14:114 Soldier" s letters Violence 18:80 In Anglo-Boer War 11:16-26 Volker, Friedrich 9:7-19; 10:7-15 In An£do-Zulu war 8:54-60 Voortrekkers 1:7-8. 12-15: 18:30-40 Spencer. Shelagh P. M. 17:7 Town planning 10:23-33 Spienkop Museum 11:66 Vryheid 14;87-97 Sprigg. Sir John Gordon 8:42. 44 Wahlberg. Johan August 5:30-31 St. Saviour's. Randjiesfontein 15: 108-109 Walker, Arthur 3:47-48; 4:56; 5:9-11,14,50, St. Thomas·s. Durban 20:68-69 52; 6:26-27 Stainbank. Mary 4:27: 17:73-76 Walmsley, J. 5:50 Stanger. Dr William 3:47; 4:44. 59; 5:43; Wattle industry in Natal 3:40-44 9:30-35 Webb, Colin de B. 6:5 Stevenson. Robert Elliotl. [obituary] 14:100-103 Weenen 10:29-30 Stirling engine 6:44 Wilderness Leadership School 2:28-29; 7:34-37 Strachan and Co. (Umzimkulu) 7:47 Willow fountain 10:61-62 Streicher. Brother Nivard 15:78-88 Wilson. R. B. 5:34 Stuart. James 6:35-36 Sutherland. Dr Peter Cormac 4:46: 6:6 Wilson. William Robert 13: I05 Sutton. Sir George 3:41. 42 Window Zulu words for 9:51-52 Sweeney. George Maurice Jex [obituary] Wolseley . .';ir Garnet 8:39-42.45.47 11:59.60 Sykes. Paul Carton [obituary] 17:65-72 Women's Institutes Area annals 5:65 Talana Museum 14:112; 16:88-90 Wood, John Medley 3:40; 4:46-48; 7:43-45 Tatham. George [obituary] 16:79-80 Woodgate. Edward 8:59-60 Tatham Art Gallery 14: 107. 114; 20:72 Woodward, Rev. J. D. S. 5:33 Telegraphic link to 8:31. 36 Woodward, Rev. R. B. 5:33 Thukela (Tugela) basin Archaelogical exploration 4:63-64 Yellow-wood 9:56 Toohey. Daniel Charles 5:51 Yonge, Cecil Audley Sacheverell 7:25 Torry. Dr John Cooper 5:51; 6:24 York (Natal) Church of SI. John the Evanaelist 7:46 Town and regional planning in Natal 3:27-31 Zaloumis. Dr Oliver (Nolly) 1~:74 Town planning Voortrekker period 10:23-33 Zibhebhu kaMpitha War against the Usuthu 10;16-22 Town trails 10:51-52 Zietsman. lohan Philip 3:45; 5:51, 52 Trade tokens 7:46-47 Zietsman. Paul Hermanus 2:31: 3:45. 46: 6:27 Tsetse flies 18:115-117 Zulu. Alphaeus Hamilton [obituary] 18:93-96 Tshabala. Daphne Duduzile [obituary] 13:87-89 Zulu artifacts Tulbagh 10:23-24 In USA museum 17:93-94 Twentieth Regiment. Second Battalion. Zulu Dawn (film) 10:57 11:70-71 Zulu history and traditions 6:35-36; 8:22-30; Twentv-fourth Reaiment 9:48-49 At-Isandhlwan~ 8:46-53 Zulu music 8:61-68 Umfolozi Game Reserve Zululand Archaelogical exploration 6:37 Locust invasion 20:30-42 Umzindusi River 12:45-57; Maps 8:74-75; 14:93 Unitication of South Africa 11:56-67 Zulu war see Anglo-Zu1u war 108 Index

ILLUSTRATlONS In some cases illustrations have been entered under standard subject headings in preference to the caption where this would facilitate retrieval. For example, an early photograph of a sailing ship is entered under Ships and shipwrecks and not under its caption 'Brig on the waters',

No page numbers are given in references to the first 10 issues where illustrations appeared on unnumbered plates,

Acutt, Ernest 17:58 West Street 14:39 Africander, Rev, Victor Henry Sipho 20:65 View from Berea ridge 1851 11:9 View from Moreland's office 14:34 Banks, Reginald Alfred 10 Victorian buildings 14:70-72, 74-76, Bayer, Adolf Joseph Wilhelm 9 78-79,81-82,84-86 Beale, Alexander 6: cover Em bossed postage stamps as used in Victorian Bews, John William 14: 18, 19 Natal 7 Binns, Charles Theodore 8 Emery, Frank 17:84 Bird, Christopher 1 Farewell, Francis George 4 FitzPatrick Sir Percy II :51 Bird, John 1 Flags, standards etc. 17:16,18,20,21. 24 Birds Buffspotted fluff tail 5 Forests 16:22 Natal nightjar 5 Fon Napier 19: cover; 33, 36, 40 Boston sawmill, 1857 16:26 Frere, Sir Banle 8 Botha, Louis and Annie (born Emmett) 14:88 Fynn, Henry Francis 4 Bowden, Norman Wynne 14:99 Gandhi, Sushila 19:57 Brookes, Edgar Harry 9 Gandhi's home at Phoenix 19:60,62 Broome, Francis Napier 10 Gardiner, Alien Francis 3: cover 4 Buccleuch, Waiter Francis, 5th Duke of 5 Gillitt, William 17:57 Burchell. Exton Mabbutt 12:77 Haidee 6 Handley, Mr and Mrs Han), Pybus and Bushman paintings 6 family 12:25 Cathedral of the Holy Nativity 11:46 Hallowes, Kenneth B .. Bishop Suffragan of Cetshwayo kaMpande 13:37 Natal 1 Champion, A. W. 14:63 Ham, Rev. Pieter 7 Clark, John 18:92 Hartlaub, K.J.O. 5 Cloete, Henry 3 Hattersley, Alan Frederick 6 Coal and coalmining 18:46 Hillcrest 17:59,62 Colenso, John William, Bishop of Natal 6: 13: Hindu temple 15: cover cover Hooper, Anthony S. C. 10 Corset, c. 1891 6 Housing 18:87 Dabulamanzi kaMpandc 8: cover Inchanga Viaduct, 1880 10 Davies, Oliver 16:83 Indians in Natal 15:29-35 Dick Addison, Commandant Mansel Reserve Inman, Thomas George Vemon 19:50 Territory Carbineers, c. 1886 10 Italians in Pietern1aritzburg 18:74 Dinuzulu kaCetshwayo 10; 14:89, 90 Jcnkins, Canon John David 14:23, 25 Drakensberg 11 :34, 39,42 and cover King, Richard (Dick) 16:41 Dudley, L.E. 13:92 Judd, Ursula Evelyn Mabel 6 Dundee 7: 12:22, 18 A lady's bedroom, c. 1887 (Natal Museum) 3 Durban Lamond, S.E. 14:14 Bayside 1900 14: cover Bayview house 2 'Last sleep of the brave', by A. de Ncuville 8 Bluff and Point 1850 7: cover Levinsohn, Solomon 14:106 British immigrants landing 14:36 Locust invasion of Zululand 20:32. 35. 39 Coal-loading plant 18:46 Longmarket Girls' School 20:75 Coun House 14:43 Customs housc 11: 13 Lugg, Harry Camp 9 Farewell's encampmcnt, Pon Natal. 1824 Lundie, Harry 20:62 4: cover Majuba battlefield 11:27 Marine Hotel 13:25 Verandah houses 11:62-64 Malhcrbe. Ernst Gideon 13:86 West Street 1851 11:76 Manson, Harley William Daniel Index 109

Manannhill Monastery 11:59,60,65,67,69; Star and Garter Hotel 9 12: cover Town Hall 13:24 Maritzburg College 7 Trams and tramlines 17:29,30 Marks. Shula 6 Umsindusi river 12:47-49.51. 53. 55 View from f0l1 Napier. 1851 13:70 Mm·loth. H. W. R. 14: 19 12 pounder gun from H.M.S. FGlVIl 2 Mason's Mill 12:55 Player, lan 7 McConkey. William George 17:77 The Playhouse see Natal Playhouse Milne, Alexander 17:81 Punch Minerl'G 20:26 Selection of cartoons from 4 Mitchell. Alan Carlyle 14: I 04 Railways Mitchell. Douglas 19:64 Advert for opening of main line ... Durban Monuments and graves 19:40 to Pietermaritzburg. Dec 1880 7 Morris. Donald R. 6; 7 Arrival of inauGural tl~ain at Pietermaritzburu station, I D~c. 1880 10 <0 Msimang. Henry Selby 12:71 Donnybrook to Ixopo line 16:94 Natal Museum 3: 7: 18:61. 66 GMA Garratt steam locomotive 7 Natal Playhouse 16: 13, 14. 15 Inchanga Viaduct, 1880 and 1892 10 Natal Provincial Council Buildings 16: cover N.G.R. passenger carnage. I X78 10: cover N.G.R. train, 1877 7 Natal Training College 17: cover Reid's 'Ten Wheeler' 19:45 Nathanson. Karl 12:75 Shongweni line 18: 109, 110 Nienaber, C. J. M. 18:96 Sweetwaters Station 13:28 Nienaber, G. S. 6 Rail. Gerhardus lHorace) 20:55 Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church, Reitz. Francis William 2 Marburg 12:40 Richmond Nourse, Joseph 2 Early school 5 Early settler's cottage 5 Ntombela, Magqubu 7 St Mary's Church 5 NUllall. Neville 13:90 Russell, Mrs E.E. M. 11:58 Palmer. Mabel (born Atkinson) 13:50, 53 Ross, John (photograph of statue) 4 Pascoe, Mary Aire (born Ritchie) 12: 17 Sannyasi, Swam; Bhawani Dayal 15:38 Paton, Alan 18: cover: 21 'Saving the Queen's Colour', by A. de Neuville 8 Petne, Alexander 10; 14:8 Sawing 16:30 Pietermaritzburg Scon's Theatre 13:26 Alexandra Park 13:23 Sculpture 17:75,76 Brid"es 12:47-49 Black Horse Bar 9 Shepstone. Sir Thcophilus 2 Botanical Gardens 17:33 Ships and shipwrecks 6; 20:26 Cathedral of the Holy Nativity 11:46 Smith, Marjoric (born Clark) 18: 103 Christie's Cafe-de-Iuxe 17:43 Smoking scene Church Street 1880s 1 Natal Museum 3 Church Street 1933 17:26 South Staffordshire regiment 19: cover City and P0l1 Hotel 9 Clothing factory and workers 17:44 Spioenkop Museum 11:67 Colonial Office Buildings 1 SI. George, Father Denis Howard 19:53 Commercial Road. 1914 19:31 SI. Saviour's Cathedral. Pietermantzburg, Crown Hotel 9 c. 1870 1 ~ Government House 17: cover Stanger, William 3; 9: cover Horse Shoe Hotel 17:28 Italian Church 16:99: 18:74 Stevenson, Robel1 Elliott 14: 101 Maritzburg College 7 Sweeney. George Maurice Jex 11:59 McFarlane's hat shop 17:35 Sykes, Paul Carton 17:70 Natal Colonial Parliament Buildings Tatham, George 16:80 16: cover ~ Natal Museum 7: 18:61. 66 Tshaba1ala. Daphne Duduzile 13:88 Natal Society Library 5 Umsindusi River 12:47-49.51-53,55 Norfolk Hotel 17:28 Uys, Jacobus 18:34 Oldest houses 13:71-74; 16:57, 60-73 Plough Hotel 9 Uysklip 18:36 Prince of Wales Hotel 9 Veld conservation Rinko Bio-Vaudeville 17:41 African haal showing poor veld management SI. Saviour's Cathedral. (' 1870 and consequent erosion 9 Seot!"s Theatre 13:26 Result of winter veld burning 9 Sowden and Stoddarts 17:36 Severe case of soil erosion 9 Spires. turrets etc. 13:96-97 Typical river scene 9 110 Index

Vryheid 1886 14:94 Woodward, Rev. R. B. 5 Wahlberg. Johan August 5 Yellow-wood fireplace Water-collecting 18:88 Natal Museum 3 Water trough 7 York (Nata!) Church of St. John the Evangelist 7 Webb. Colin de B. 6 Zibhebhu kaMpitha 10 Weenen 10 Zulu, Alphaeus Bishop 18:94 Wolseley. Sir Garnet 8 'Zulu procession before Dingane' 4 Wood. John Medley 7 Woodward. ReI'. J.D.S. 5

MAPS No page numbers are given in references to the first \0 issues where maps appeared on unnumbered plates. Coalfields of Natal 18:42 Natal Land and Colonization Company Development in Natal 3 Land holdings 4 Distribution of Natal forests 16:20 Pietermaritzburg street plans 10:27; 13:68; 16:56,58 Durban, 1845 10:28 Plan of fort at Ekowe 5 Durban harbour 14:38 Sketch of the road from Fort Tenedos to Early spread of the Afrikaner dorp 10:25 Ekowe 5 Fort Napier 16:86 Umsindusi river 12:52 Ivuna (Ndunu Hill). Battle of 10 Weenen, 1843 10:29 Main railway line. Durban to Pietermaritzburg 10 Zululand, divided by British and 14:93

BOOKS REVIEWED OR NOTED Akhurst, John Bhana, Surendra A field guide to the Natal Drakensberg. by A documentary history of Indian South Pat and David Irwin and John Akhurst. Africans, edited by Surendra Bhana and 11:83-84 Bridglal Pachai. 14: 119-120 Anderson, John Gandhi's editor: the letters of M. H. Nazar, William Anderson (1790-1873) and his 1902-1903, edited by Surendra Bhana descendants. 15: 126 and James D. Hunt. 19:88 Setting down roots: Indian migrants in South Bailev, Harold Africa, edited by Surendra Bhana and Joy P[etelmaIitzburg and the Natal midlands. Brain. 20:87-88 6:39 Bourquin, S. (trans.) BaIlard, C. C. Paulina Dlamini: servant of two kings, John Dunn: the white chief of compiled by H. Filter and translated by Zululand. 15:123-124 S. Bourquin. 17:\01-\05 The Anglo-Zulu war: new perspectives, edited by A. H. Duminy and C. C. Ballard. Brain, Joy 11:81-83 Catholic beginnings in Natal and beyond. 6:54-55 Bassett, Brian (ed.) Catholics in Natal, Vo!.II, 1886­ The buildings of Pietermaritzburg. Vo!. I 1925. 12:90-92 16:112-113 Christian Indians in Natal. 1860-1911: an Bee, David historical and statistical study. 13: 115 The victims [novel]. 3:66 Setting down roots: Indian migrants in South Africa, edited by Surendra Bhana and Joy Beeton, D.R. Brain. 20:87-88 Dictionary of English usage in Southern Africa by Ridley Beeton and Helen Breitenbach, J.J. Domer. 6:56-57 South Africa in the modern world. 1910­ 1970. 5:67-68 Behrmann, Adolf and Behrmann, lan The Behnnann family from Ocean Lodge, Brookes, E.H. and Webb, Colin de B. 1883 to 1983. 15: 126 A history of Natal, by E. H. Brookes and Benyon, John A., (ed.) Colin de B. Webb [second edition]. Constitutional change in South 18:123-124 Africa. 8:83-85 Brownlee, Charles Proconsul and paramountcy in South Africa. Reminiscences of kafir life and history 11:77:79 [reprint]. 7:63-64 111

Bvrom. James Cyrus, D. p" . Dragon's wrath: Drakensberg climbs, acci· Bird atlas of Natal by Digby Cyrus and Nigcl dents and rescues, by R. O. Pearse and Robson. 10:73-75 James Byrom. 16: 113 Davev. Arthur (ed.) Cetshwayo kaMpande The defence of Ladysmith and Mafeking: A Zulu king speaks. , .: edited by C. de B. accounts of two sieges, 1899 to 1900, Webb and J. B. Wright. 9:62-63 being the South Africa War experiences of William Thwaites, Stewart Binny, Chadwick, G, A. Alfred Doun and Samuel Cawood. 13: 116 The Zulu war and the Colonv of Natal. bv Davies, Marjory G. A. Chadwick and E. Hobson. . cS. Twin trails: the story of the Fynn and Southey 9:63~65 families. 5:60 Champion, A. W,G, Dictionary of South African biography; Vol. 11. The Views of Mahlathi: the writings of 7:61-62 A. W. G. Champion. a black South African Dower. William edited by Maynard Swanson. 13: 112~ The early annals of Kokstad and Griqualand 114 East [reprint]. 8:82-83 Chapman, Michael (cd.) Du Boisson. Louis Voorslag 1-3 [reprint] edited by Colin The white man cometh. 17: 108 Gardner and Michael Chapman. 15: 11<,1-121 Duckworth, J, Grey's Hospital. Pietermaritzburg: a comme· Child, Daphne (ed.) morative brochure, 1855-1985. 15: 125 A merchant family in early Natal. .. 9:67 Portrait of a pioneer: letters of Sidney Turner. Duffield, Ernie Through my binoculars. 12:98 11:85 The Zulu war journal of Col. Henry Duminy, A. H. (ed.) Harford. 8:80-81 The Anglo-Zulu War: new perspectives, edited by A. H. Duminy and C. C. Ballard. Christison. Grant 11:81-83 Loyal little Natal. 16: 112 Natal and Zululand from earliest times to Churchill, Winston Spencer 1910: a new history, edited by Andrew to Ladysmith via Pretoria [facsimile Duminy and Bill Guest. 20:85-86 reprint]. 12:99 Downe. David Cilliers, B, Isandlwana and all that. 11:86 Genealogce van die Afrikancr familics in Edgecombe, Ruth (cd.) Natal. 16: 110 Bringing forth light: five tracts on Bishop Clammer, David Colenso's Zulu mission. 12:94-95 The last Zulu warrior. 8:79-80 Emerv, Frank Clark.John The rcd soldier: letters from the Zulu Natal settler agent. 3:66 war. 8:81-82 Clark. Sonia, (ed.) The 24th regiment at Isandhlwana. 10:75 Invasion of Zululand, 1879. 10:75 Everson, Gordon R. Zululand at war, 1879. 14:122-124 The South Africa 1853 medal. 10:76 Clifford-Vaughan, F, MeA, Fev, Venn International pressures and political change in . Valley of the eland. 15: 126 South Africa. 8:S5-86 Fiasconaro, Gregorio Coleman, Terry I'd do it again. 16:95-101 Passage to America. 3:66-67 Filter, H. (eomp.) Colenbrander, A.B, (comp.) Paulina Dlamini: servant of two kings. The Natal Colenbranders (Addendum to thc compiled by H. Filter and translated by S. Bourquin. 17:101-105 Pigcaud Papers). 16: 112 Frame, Richard Cope. Jack For hearth and home: the story of Maritzburg Student of Zend [novel], 3:66 College, 1863-1988, by Simon Haw and Cortesao. Armando and Richard Frame. 19:84-85 Texeira da Mota, Avelino Frost, T.B. Portugaliae Monumenta Cartographica. 6 A brief history of Government house and vols. 16:87 Natal Training College. 9:66 Coulson. Charmian Fuze, Magema M. Beaulieu-on-lIIovo, Richmond, Natal: its The black people and whence they came: people and history. 17:105-107 translated into English by H. C. Lugg. Crealock, John North 10:64-67 The road to Ulundi. 8:78 Gardner, Colin O. (ed.) Currey, R,N. Voorslag 1-3 [reprint] edited by Colin Vinnicombe's trek: son of Natal, stepson of Gardner and Michael Chapman. Transvaal. 1854-1932. 19:88-89 15:119-121. 112 index

Gibson, .Ianet M. Head, Bessie Wild Ilowers of Natal (coastal region). 5:61 Maru. Gun. Philip When rainclouds gather [novel]. 3:66 The road to Isandhlwana. 9:65-66 Herd, Norman Cordon. Ruth E. The bent pine. 6:57-58 Killie's Africa. 13: 107-108 Alive. Alive-O. 15: 127 Honour without riches. 9:67 Hillerman, H.G. Natal's Royal Show. 14: 125-126 Die geschichte Neu-Hannovers ZU[11 125­ Petticoat pioneers: women of jahrigen gemeindejubilaum. 13: liS distinction. 18: 124-125 HilIiard, Olive The place of the elephant. 11 :80-81 Flowers of the Natal Drakensberg. 20:90 Victorian Pietermaritzburg [paintings by Matt Grasses and sedges. rushes and restiads of the Louwrens. text by Ruth Gordon]. Natal Drakensberg. 17: 110 14:126-126 Trees and shrubs of die Natal Drakensberg. 16: I08-109 Gray. Stephen John Ross: the true story [novel]. Hodson, Arnold W. 18: 122-123 Trekking the great thirst [reprint]. 7:58 Guardian of the light: tributes to Archbishop [Hoime, Norman] Denis Hurley OMi on the golden jubilee The silver wreath. 10:75-76 of his priestly ordination. 1939-1989. Hopkins, H.E. (Paddv) 20:79-82 The South African 'connection of the Hulctt family. 12:

King Cctshwayo kaMpande. by John Laband Mikula, Paul and John Wright. 13: 116 Traditional Hindu temples in South Africa by Pietermaritzburg 1838-1988: a new portrait Paul Mikula. Brian Kearney and Rodncy of an African city. edited by John Laband Harbcr. 12:96-97 and Robell Haswell. 19:82-83 Miller, Y,onne War comes to the Umvoti. by John Laband ACUlls in Africa. 9:67 and Paul Thompson. 11:86 Dear old Durban bv Yvonne Miller and LIII1Ii'm. Mav 1974 (Natal commemoration Barbara Stone.' 16: I I I number). 4:62 Moodie, D.F.e. Leverton, B..I.T. (ed.) Moodie's Zulu War. with an introduction by John Laband. 19:87 Records of Natal. Volume I 1823-August 1828.16:111 Moran, S. The first hundred years [of Durban Girls' Liason Committee for the Preservation of Histo· High School]. 12:87 rical Amenities. First listing of the impor­ talll places and buildings in Durban. NL.O.N. (Natal education dept. magazine). 1974. 6:38 3:56; 4:61-62 Nicholson, John Duggleby Edwin Liebenberg. Doyle P. The Nicholson famIly tree. 17: 109 The Drakensberg of Natal. 3:64 Nkabinde, A.e. Loudon, J.B. Isichazamazwi. I. 13: I 14 White fanners and black labourers. 2:47 l\'orenius, Connie Louwrens, Matt l3estemor Schramm: her storY and her descen­ Victorian Pietennaritzburg [paintings by Matt dants I X43-1979. 11:68 Louwrens. with text bv Ruth GOI·don]. Norgaard. Sofie 14:126-127 . A Norwegian family in South Africa. 9:67 Lynskey, Rory Nuttall, Neville They built a city. 13: 110-112 Lift up your healls: the story of Hilton I\lcClure, .lames College. 2:-+7 The caterpillar cop [novell. 3:66 Oberholster, J.J. The steam pig [novel]. 2:48 Historical monuments of South Africa. 3:65 .\lcMenernv. Nickic Pager, Harald Chaka and the slave girl. 3:66 Ndedema. 2:47 Malherbe. E.G. Paton, Alan Neyer a dull moment. 11:86 Towards the mountain. 11:86 Manson, A. Pcarse, R.O. The Hlubi-chicfdom in Zululand-Natal: a Dra"on's wrath: Drakensbero climbs acci­ history by John Wright and Andrew dents and rescues by R. 0. Pearse' and Manson. 13: 106-107 James Byrom. 16:113 Joseph Baynes: Pioneer. 13: 109 Mare. Gerhardus An appetite ['or power: Buthelezi:'; Inkatha Picton-Seymour, D. and the politics of 'Ioyal resistance' by Victorian buildings in South Africa. Gerhardus Marc and Georgina Hamilton. 7:58-60 ~ 18:119-122 ~ Phillips. John Margaret Alme, Sislcr. SS.1D Agricultural and related development of the What the world counts weakness: a centennial Tugela basin and its intluent surrounds history of the Society of St John the [Natal Town and Regional Planning Com­ Divine. Natal. 17: i07 mission: Report 19]. 3:64 Robbins, David Marks, Shula Inside the last outpost. 15:121-123 The ambiguities of dependence in South Africa: dass, nationalism and the state in Sanderson, John twentieth century Natal. 16:103-107 .\1emoranda of a trading tri p into the Orange River (Sovereignty) Free State. and the Maxwell, John country of the Tr;nsvaal boers [reprint]. Reminiscences of the Zulu war. 10:75 12:9X Mazel. A.D. Saunders, Katharinc Pcople making history: the last ten thousand Flower paintings of Katharinc Saunders. years of hunter-gatherer communities in 10:72-73 the TI1llkela basin. 19:89-90 Schreiner. Olive Meineke, E.N. Thoughts on South Africa. [reprint]. Municipal engineering in Pietcnnaritzburg: 7:62-63 the first hundred years by E. 01. 'YIeineke Scotnev, Pearl and G.M. SUlllmers. 13:116 LioilS River Division Agricultural Society. Mikula. Maggie If:S4-1984. by Pearl Scotney and Olarles The Adams story, 11:68 Scoll-Shaw. 14: 125-126 114 Index

Sellers, John (ed.) A field guide to the war in Zululand and the Enterprise and exploitation: aspects of the defence of Natal. 1879. by John Laband social and economic history of Natal, and Paul Thompson. 13: 114 edited by Bill Guest and John Sellers. Natalians first: separatism in South Africa, 16:107 1909-1961. 20:86-87 Skota, T. D. Mweli (compiler) War comes to the Umvoti. by John Laband The African yearly register: being an iIIus· and Paul Thompson. 11:86 trated national biographical dictionary Turner, Sidney (Who's who) of black folks in Africa. Portrait of a pioneer: letters. edited by 1931. 9:49-50 Daphne Child. 11:85 Smail,J.L. Tyrrell, Barbara Those restless years. 2:46 Suspicion in my name. 2:47 Speirs, Eustace Fairlie Van Niekerk, Barend Menfolk: the Speirs family. 13: 114 Durban at your feet. 10:70-71 Speirs, Waiter A. Verbeek, Jennifer A. Ox-wagon to space travel. 16:112 Natal art before Union. 4:66-67 Spencer, S.O'B. Victorian and Edwardian Natal. compileq by British settlers in Natal. 1824-1857: a biogra­ 1ennifer and Alistair Verbeek. 12:95-96 phical register. 12:89-90: 14:127: Webb's guide to the ofticial records of the 15: 127: 20:89 : an expanded and revised Spiller, Peter edition together with indexes, compiled A history of the District and Supreme Courts by Jennifer Verbeek. Mary Nathanson and of Natal, 1846-1910. 16:109-110 Elaine Peel. 14: 120-122 St. George, Howard (ed.) Vietzen, Sylvia Failure and vindication: the unedited journal A history of education for European girls in of Bishop Allard. OMI. indexed and fully Natal, 1837-1902. 2:48: second edition. annotated by Howard St. George. 11:85-87 12:90-93 Vinnicombe, Patricia Stavt, Don People of the eland: rock paintings of the 'Where on earth? 2:46 Drakensberg Bushmen as a reflection of Steyn, M. T. (Chairman) their life and thought. 6:53-54 Report of the committee of enquiry into the WaIten, E. V. possible incorporation of East Griqualand Terror and resistance: a study of political into Natal (1977). 7:60 violence. 2:46 Stone, Barbara Webb, Colin de B. Dear old Durban. by Yvonne Miller and A history of Natal. by E. H. Brookes and Barbara Stone. 16: III C. de B. Webb [second edition]. Strutt, Daphne H. 18:123-124 Fashion in South Africa. 1652-1900. The James Stuart archive of recorded oral 6:55-56 evidence relating to the history of the Stuart, Esme Zulu and neighbouring peoples. edited I remember. 15: 126 and translated by Colin de B. Webb and Swanson, M. W. (ed.) John Wright. Vol. I. 8:78; Vol. 4. The views of Mahlathi: writings of A. W. G. 17:109 Champion. a black South African. A Zulu king speaks: statements made by 13: 112-114 Cetshwayo kaMpande on the history and customs of his people. edited by C. de B. Switzer, L.E. Webb and J.B. Wright. 9:62-63 Problems of an African mission in a white dominated multi-racial society [unpub­ Webb, Mary lished thesis]. 2:48 Precious stone: the life and works of Mary Stainbank. 17: 109 Tabler, E.C. Pioneers of Natal and south-eastern Welsh, David Africa. 7:60-61 The roots of segregation. 2:46 Taylor, Virginia Wild Life Protection and Conservation Two families of lie de France: a story of the Society. Natal branch. Proposals for the Roliillards and de Chazals. Book l. Pietermatitzburg green belt. 3:64 16:111 Wilks, Terry Thompson, P.S. One hundred golden years: a history of the The Buffalo border 1879: the Anglo-Zulu war Natal Building Society. 1882-1982. in northern Natal by John Laband and 12:99 Paul Thompson, with Sheila Henderson. Willcox, A.R. 14:118-119 The building of the Berg: the geology of the A field guide to the War in Zululand. 1879, Drakensberg of the Natal. 20:88-89 by John Laband and Paul Thompson. Shipwreck and survival on the south-east 9:5S-61 coast of Africa. 15: 125 Index lIS

Wolselev, Sir Garnet Zulu and neighbouring peoples. edited The South African diaries ...; Vol. I. and translated by Colin de B. Webb and 1875. 2:46 John Wrigh1. Vol.l 8:78; Vo\. 4. Woodlev. Valerie 17:109 On the high !lats of Natal: earliest pioneers in King Cetshwayo kaMpande, by John Laband the Hightlats/lxopo area of southern and John Wri~h1. 13: 116 Natal. 14: 128 A Zulu king speaL: statements made by Cctshwayo kaMpande on the history Wright. John B. and customs of his people, edited by Bushman raiders of the Drakensber!,:. I X40­ C. de B. Wcbb and J.B. Wright. uno. 2:47 ~ 9:62-63 The Hlubi chicfdom in Zululand-Natal: a history by John Wright and Andrew Young, Amy Manson. 13: I Ob-I 07 Blaikie of Aberdecn. 2:48 The James Stuart archive of' recorded oral Henderson herita~e. bv Peter Hathorn and evidence relating to the history of the Amy Young. ~ 3:(;6