Royal Army ·Medical Corps
J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-13-04-23 on 1 October 1909. Downloaded from JOURNAL- 011' THE ROYAL ARMY ·MEDICAL CORPS. (torps 1Rews. OOTOBER, 1909. ARMY MEDICAL SERYICE. Colonel John G. Harwood retires on retired pay, dated September 15, 190.9. He entered the Service March 6, 1880.; became Surgeon-Major Army Medical Staff, March 6, 1892; Lieutenant-Colonel Royal Arniy Medical Oorps, March 6, 1900. ; Lieutenant-Colonel, Protected by copyright. ~ith increased pay .under Art~ 365 Pay Warrant, October 4, 190.2; Colonel, June 29, 190.6. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. ESTABLISHMENTS. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL COLLEGE. Major William S. Harrison, M.B., R.A.M.C., from an Assistant Professor to be a Professor, vice Lieutenant-Colonel R. J. S. Simpson, C.M.G., M.B., R.A.M.C., dated . August 22, 190.9. Captain James C. Kennedy, M.B., R.A.M.C., to be an Assistant Professor, vice Major W. S. Harrison, M.B., dated August 22, 190.9. ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Lieutenant-Colonel Reynolds P. Hetherington, half-pay list, is placed on retired pay, dated September 1, 190.9. He entered the Service February 5, 18iH; became Surgeon Major Army Medical Staff, February 5, 1893; Lieutenant-Oolonel Royal Army Medical Corps, February 5, 190.1; Lieutenant-Colonel, with increased pay under Art. 358, Pay Warrant, July 18, 190.6; placed on temporary half-pay on accoul1t of ill-health, April 19, 190.7. His War Services are as follows: Egyptian Expedition, 1882. Medal, bronze star.
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