The Natal Who's
82 NATAL WHO'S WHO. GUTRIDGE, Michael ters Towers ; co-Examiner with Prof. Roby Fletcher, Henry, Market Ac M.A., Adelaide, etc. Holds degrees in Philosophy and countant; b. Dec, 1869, Divinity. Originated educational work associated with in Maritzburg ; s. of his name in Durban. At by election in 1905 contested J. T. Gutridge; m., Durban Borough against Mr. M. Evans : in 1900 elected April, 1902. Ruth Jack as direct Labour member for Durban, and polled 2.224 son, Maritzburg; 2 chil votes, or 000 above highest number polled at the pre dren. Add., 327, Bulwer vious general election. In polities is an avowed State St., Maritzburg. Vice- Socialist of the Richard Scddtui type. Wields a facile President Maritz burg pen; is said by one section of the I'ress to he the 'best- Dist. Football Associa read and most brainy man in Durban*' : by another to tion. be "the gl'bbcHt-tongucd demagogue in S.A." Opinion of himself is: "Man am 1 grown, man's work must I do." Hobbies : Poultry and roses. HALL, Edmund John; b. 5th Nov., 1876, in Maritzburg; s. of Alfred Hall ; m.". 20th Jan., 1904, E. M. Reed ; 1 HACKLAND, David Arthur, Civil Servant, Harding; child. Ed u c. Boys' b. 19th Aug., 1883, at Richmond, Natal; e.s. of J. R. L. Model School, Maritz Hackland, of Richmond. Educ. Richmond. Hobby : burg. Hobbies : Sports Sport generally. Won silver cup for shooting, Harding; in general. Played in best shot 1905. Clubs : Harding C.C., L.T.C., G.C., and Junior Intertown (Asso R.A.
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