Surgical Instruments
STANDARD SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Section ''C'' Eye Ear Nasal Dermal Oral Tonsil Tracheal Laryngeal Esophageal Stomach Intestinal Gall Bladder ST ANDARD SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS C-10 C-30 C-40 - 3 Condensing Lenses, Illuminators, Ophthalmoscopes and Retinoscopes ·c- . <...onden ing Len~. 2 inches. hard rubber rim, 13 dtoptar. ·c ond n mg Len . double. 1:3 and dioptar. ·c- 1 ond n 'ng Len • \\ith metal rim and handle. ·c Dr . Berger's upc ''ith met I hea band. ·c- 9 Dr. Bez:ger's upe with \\ebbiog head band. C-10 Ocular Transilluminator. E .S.I.Co. ·c-11 Ophthalmoscope. Loring's, 1 len . "C-12 Oph halmoscope, loring's, lectrical, with mtrror, in ca . •c-13 Ophthalmoscope, Morton 's, lectrical. with mtrror. on battery hand! . · C- 14 Retinoscope ?o.lirror. r lain or conca c. 11 mch . regtlar hand! . ·c-1s Retinoscope Mtrror, r lain or conca e, 1Y2 inchc , folding handle ·c-1 R tino ope firror, Thor ington's, % inch. •C- 17 Retino · ope ftrror, T h or ington's, % inch, with folding cover ·c-1 Retinoscope, lectrical, on battery handle, in case. •C-19 Retinoscope and Ophthalmoscope, electrical, on battery handle, in case. ·c-20 Ashe tos Chimney, with iris dtaphragm. Eyelid Retractors C-30 Desrna rre's, 4 izes. ·c-a Fish er 's, lid hook, double. latest model. C-3 Fi h er 's, fen trated. flexibl for shaping. C-37 Fisher 's, solid, fl xiblc for haping. C- Fish er 's, for lov r ltd. C 0 Ziegler's, one size. P A CE 170 STANDARD SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS ( ,)() .
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